##VIDEO ID:0KXzc8plTwU## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all in cas hi need to go the meeting of the south hunon regional board of education is called to order adequate notice as required by the open public meetings Act was provided on December 6th 2023 by posting the notice with the respective clerks in the city of Lambertville bur of Stockton and Township of West H as at and advertised in the Hun County Democrat and Trenton Times newspaper [Music] Jennifer Bachelor here Martha Dennis here Gina pet Brian Keys here Kevin kovaleski here Micha Strauss here R Todd Marino here Jim Gall so before we start the meeting we first have to um accept the resignation we receive the resignation of Megan War um board member from um city of Lambertville and um she's she was on the board for seven years seven years um and we're very grateful for all the work that she did on this board so in order to accept the resignation I need a motion second yes I'll say I I any n um all right then we will move on to the PTO mention one thing real quick um just again I wanted to reinforce and thank Megan for all of her service to our board for seven years um I did want to say the position is still open so um it closes on September 6th so for anyone who's interested uh in the public you can uh you see obviously on the agenda the requirements but you can uh email a resume and a letter of interest to Andrew Harris and then we will be interviewing the candidates at our September 22nd Board of Education meeting in public uh as we've done in the past and then the board we go into executive session come out and then make a decision of who that individual would be I will also make the point that um Megan was 19 when she ran and and took the board seat so um it was really pretty impressive she graduated from South and then almost immediately ran for school board so he is South hun and thr through meeting 23rd right 23rd sorry I said 22 wow I'm thinking Monday Night Football so I'm like oh my God the Eagles play Monday nights so I'm like but how they play the 16th all we're good we're good we're good we're good how we got that want to P scared me so I don't have anything I've been flying by the seat of my pants all day um Jessica hardigan um South Hunter and Regional PTO now um today we did um we worked with the district and did all of the orientation events and that was really cool it was really cool to see all the kids come together and the new buildings and the elementary school is spectacular so you guys all did a very wonderful job um so we did snacks for the prek at both ice cream social for the kids at the elementary school and then we did read as Italian ice for um the fifth and sixth graders and then tomorrow we'll be putting on the teachers luncheon for all the staff so yeah it's it's exciting it's coming together we finally got our st5 form like took forever and ever they sent it to the wrong address they never changed the name it was a whole thing so that's exciting we can finally change all of our banking information this week and get the ball rolling um we still need people to come forward to be in the positions in the building so if you know of anyone at this point it's going to be like tapping people to do it or asking begging people to to do it so um the elementary school is looking okay but the middle school and high school definitely we need we need people to help so anyone knows we'd greatly appreciate it but we're we're working towards that and hopefully we can hold elections like the first week of school and and get things moving in the right direction but so far so good thank you I just want to give a big shout out to Jess because you know obviously reorganizing like we are and then taking we hit hard the PTO in the beginning of the year and she has not said no yet she might be regretting that but um she literally like she said been running all day long and then feeding all of our staff tomorrow and then obviously also playing a huge role in the barbecue it's coming up for our seventh and ninth grade students and parents so we really appreciate it I know you know literally Jess was organizing this from Disney and when she was on vacation with her own family so uh thank you so much we do truly appreciate it hi everyone uh I'm Kate M from laf tonight um we've had a busier than usual summer um so it's been great um the board some of the board members and our new president Megan cus have met with Mr souo with Miss lenen um with Miss gonz and did um just some discussion of objectives uh that are mutually desired and and hopefully achievable um if we can all find the right um Pathways to accomplish those goals we we really want to do our best this year to Aid the curriculum for the benefit of the students particularly in the areas where our district could really use that boost um in September with um the assistance of Mr souo um Megan and I will meet with the fifth and sixth grade teachers and then the seven to 12 teachers to see if we can help them understand our grant rating process um a little bit better to answer any questions to try to increase awareness uh for any new staff that may have joined the district um and also to just encourage a dialogue to add to Clarity for both sides so that they understand um our mission clearly and so that we can support them and um help them achieve the curriculum um outcomes that they that everybody desires we also have been planning golf day uh as we do every summer so um now our lawn signs are being put out including today um but it's Monday September 30th is the traditional outing um with a 7:30 breakfast and a 9:00 a. start and then we have a group lesson this year for the first time at 11:30 followed by lunch um and so that'll hopefully help some people who are newer to the to the sport um come and join us and it certainly it's always just a friendly outing we also have our familyfriendly outing which is Sunday September 29 that's um 3:00 welcome and some games 4:00 start and there's a group lesson for that one as well that's at four um and those lessons are both very very um low price it's a group lesson and we hope everybody will enjoy that um we are seeking Community Support still um we have family sponsorships we have three levels of corporate or business sponsorship and we're really trying to get signs on all 18 holes and of course we have our contest and our Premier sponsorships available too um so we want to call out to the community um and I would Echo what J said um we are a small community and um Jess Needs Board positions those are very important to do everything but I think both organizations need volunteers to help us get everything done and the more our communities involved I think the more we can get done for the kids so for those who are listening at home we hope that you know we'll see them as we event throughout throughout the year thank you thanks yeah so I am going to address correspondence that we the board received it's on the agenda I'm not going to go through it um you can look at it on your own but I was concerned because the information that was shared in the correspondence related to the referendum is not accurate so I just wanted to provide some clarification on it uh first and foremost understand that you know the board Andrew and I nobody makes decisions in a vacuum right throughout this entire process with the referendum we make decisions and we we're constantly Consulting with our auditor our bond counsel and obviously we have strict guidelines that we follow from the state of New Jersey with a budget manual that we have to read each and every year so we're just not making these decisions on on a win in reference to types of things related to the referendum so I just want to clarify um first of all you know those will recall that when we received our referendum bonds and our funding in the amount of 33,41 12,000 we invested that money uh in what's called an NJ arm and that stands for New Jersey asset and rebate Management program so it's specifically for investing for local entities so local governments or school districts and the theory behind that is is obviously over the time period for our referendum projects we would be paying out our contractors for both jobs but but during that time we could put the money in an investment account and obviously earn interest on that money and that's exactly what we did um throughout the time the current balance in the NJ arm account is actually 2,427 441 45 cents and the board has not used a penny of that for anything related to projects so again I want to say that again the board has not used a penny of any of the interest that we've gained during this time for any projects it's still on the account I also want to clarify what that money can be used for because there were some misconceptions as well in our correspondence there's two things that that money can be used for it can either be used to pay down Debt Service so in essence our mortgage right a referendum debt or the money can be labeled as miscellaneous Revenue to our budget and then eventually transferred into a capital reserve account to be used for other projects the board has not decided one way or another what they're going to do with those funds and it will be something that they'll be discussing in the near future but again no decisions have been made on what happens with that interest both of these have also been confirmed options with our auditor and our bond counsel again this morning um with two phone calls in a zoom that Andrew and I did so as I mentioned before we're not doing these making these decisions in isolation um it was also concerns about the roof that was replaced at the new South H elementary school as well as the hbac system for the gym and the maker space there were no referendum funds that were used for either one of those projects and they were not part of the referendum um each project qualified which which is called a with a rod Grant all right and a rod Grant stands for regular oper operating District Grant from the New Jersey school Development Authority and what that means is we were able to get 40% back for each one of those projects so whatever the total cost for the roof was we were able to get 40% from the state to apply towards that and then whatever the cost was for the hbac we were able to get 40% as well from the state for that but again no referendum funds were used for either one of those projects so I just wanted to clarify that so everyone has a full understanding exactly how the process works thank you for that um you don't okay that's for the public um now we need we'll have an approval of the minutes and this Voice vote without a motion motion to have a to approve the minutes from last Your Voice vote as well um so say I any exensions all right we approve both of them at the same time we did not have executive session last time that was that oh we all right so it is the busy time of the year as we get close to the start of the school year the first thing I just want to reemphasize to everyone hopefully if you have not downloaded the parents Square app I'm asking that you do that um as of this morning we had about 27% of our parents who've downloaded the app um hopefully you realized over the last couple weeks that is going to be a main source of communication for a lot of information that's coming from the district the advantage of having the app is that you'll have everything in one place meaning you'll be able to scroll and see every communication that's come out in a variety of different ways and who it's come from so these are the QR codes whether you know Android or iOS so and we'll continue to kind of push this at our back to school nights because obviously we'll be using this program for a while for communication and it'll be really really important eventually there'll be other features that we introduce that will allow even one-on-one communication with our teaching staff and the ability for our teachers to communicate um so that will kind of be rolled out over the fall probably more in like closer to November but in the meantime if you've not downloaded the app um you know please do that and then obviously you have the ability to set preferences and all kinds of different things on the app as far as when you want to receive things how you want to receive things the language that you want to receive things in so we'll continue to push that and my My Hope Is that by our September meeting that number will be a lot higher than 27% so some important dates they're coming up our staff returns tomorrow so tomorrow Wednesday and Thursday are three very busy days that Jane Ellen uh Lenard our director of curriculum SE instruction has spent a lot of time planning with the administrative team uh we're going to start out all together in the auditorium as we've started last year where we have all staff there and we'll be you know recognizing some staff for a variety of different things uh we will be introducing all of our new staff and then we have have a keynote speaker coming in for most of the morning that all staff will see so we're really excited about um everything that we have professional development wise over the next three days the first day of school is on SE Tuesday September 3rd and just a reminder for our elementary school and then our 56 uh we are you know calling it uh Middle School on location right using the West anwell School the times will be the same so arrival start time is 8:30 a.m. and then dismissal time will be 3:20 p.m. and then for our high school um 7 through2 7:55 to 2:45 PM late buses will start on Tuesday September 3rd so if you have children that are participating especially right now in After School athletics and then obviously we'll once we get rolling our clubs will start up um but they will start as early as the 3 and they will at be at 5:15 right in the Horseshoe um on on the side of the building with the eagle so our can take advantage of that we're excited about this so this is something new that we're doing this year seventh and Ninth Grade families and I know Jason Miller our athletic director sent out probably a week or so ago um a Google sign up form for parents to register for this but the goal of this will be from 5 to 6 we want all of our seventh and ninth grade students along with their families to come out and enjoy some food which the PTO is helping to organize we're going to be able to eat inside and outside depending upon the weather and then from 6:00 to 7 our students are going to kind of be going down to the gym area and we're going to have an activity Fair where they're going to have tables set up and all the clubs and different opportunities um our Athletics especially winter and spring since Fall's already started folks will be down there advisers we're hoping some of our students that are part of some of the organizations will be with us as well and the goal for that hour is to really learn about all the different opportunities that our students have to get involved in a variety of different things after school and while they're doing that we'll be taking the parents into the auditorium and principal mcnight and um Miss Lennon will be providing information about some important academic news specifically a big piece will be about the dual enrollment program obviously information's going out we're going to have a dual enrollment night which you'll hear later in our curriculum minutes um a zoom for parents but we really are pushing hard this incredible program that we're rolling out for students to be a to get college credits with their High School courses and then there'll be some other things related to the high school as well so again if you haven't signed up yet and you have a seventh grader or ninth grader please do so just so we can get a handle on the amount of food and we're really looking forward to making that an annual tradition this year we're doing seventh and nth next year probably will evolve into just ninth grade obviously our 5A building is online and we're really excited about that and then our back to school night so for 712 on Tuesday September 17th for our new elementary school on Wednesday September 18th um and that will include the preschool two classes that are at the elementary school and then on Thursday September 19th our fifth and sixth graders and then the three preschool classrooms that are at West hell school will have back to school T night so just kind of put those on your calendar obviously they're on the district calendar and we'll continue to remind you as we get closer just a couple things I want to throw out there so you know kudos to Amanda Brown who took over as our director of or coordinator of Transportation uh July 1st she's done a great job all summer organizing everything for all of our runs I know she's been answering a lot of questions from parents over the last couple days since Transportation information was posted in on course on Friday but you know I'll just again you know stress be patient um you know in the first week our drivers are getting used to the runs some of the times when you saw them might have been longer than you would have hoped for meaning length of time your child will be on the bus but a lot of that is just an estimate to give us a little bit of wiggle room in the beginning number one to get our routes down number two to see how many kids are actually going to be on the bus because even though we have stops for everyone it doesn't necessarily mean everyone's going to be taking the bus so obviously for those that don't then that speeds up where we're not waiting for folks um to get on the bus so just kind of be patient with that and just a reminder you know students should really be at the bus stop 10 minutes before their time um in the morning and then for some reason if you know if your bus time is you know 7:15 and it's 7:16 don't leave and go home wait you know at least 10 minutes especially in the beginning and it will probably take a week or so before we really get things down um and again if you have any questions you could always reach out to Amanda she'll get back to you as soon as possible and uh we'll work through any challenges that we have so School construction update so you know the last two weeks have been awesome I mean we had the ribbon cutting on August 15th for the new elementary school we had an open house on Thursday last week from 1 to 7 that was packed pretty much the entire time and then we had another open house that was packed Saturday from 9 to 12 um principal konit and I were there on Saturday there was people coming out the entire time up till till about 12:30 so we had community members all kinds of folks it was really exciting and then today you know we had your find your find your classroom for of our elementary kids and then some ice cream that goes along with it and it was just truly exciting I couldn't be happier on where we are with the building we've gotten nothing but positive responses from folks the way the building turned out um we have a couple things still left we have a new sign for out front which I'm hoping will be installed by the end of this week by the time school starts we're still working through some punch list items with our contractor we still have to do striping in the new Elementary logo on the gym floor which I'm hoping will be done by next Tuesday and then I also want to mention that um and I actually sent something out to all of our elementary parents about this earlier this morning just an update because I know it came up in some of our walkthroughs for the open houses about you know what about the paving for the city lot at the elementary school so um what I do want to let you know is that um first of all the lot is owned by the city we've been working with them it was always part of our project it will continue to be part of our project but there is permitting that we have to go through in order for that to happen that lot requires perious Paving so if you've been at the elementary school you saw the pervious concrete out in front of the building that's what it will look like in essence um in that parking lot there has to be drainage and piping that goes underneath the lot and then eventually it'll be paved over top so we've been working with DNR um delare River Canal commission for those approvals but we're not there yet um we're hoping that we'll have that sometime in the fall and then because of the timing of the project and because will probably take about two weeks to pay based on our estimates from our Engineers more than likely it will probably happen in the summer because trying to shut that lot down for two weeks during the school year would be a big inconvenience you know not only to the school district but also to the community at large so it's still on the radar it's still happening I just want to put that out there because I know folks um have asked about it and when we do pave that lot we will also stripe it with with parking spots so as you know if you've parked in that lot sometimes it's not um you know economic iCal the way people Park and it's not exactly you know maximizing parking there but when we have lines and Stripes we'll be able to maximize it much better so I just wanted to kind of put that on the radar and then as far as the Middle School we're making excellent progress um over the last several weeks there's been a lot of Steel that's been erected on the site so you see this is the gym and then you kind of just see the site at large and you can see you know a lot of different things with steel and then the sealing beans that are going throughout so we're really excited about the progress that we make and we're continuing to look at a Target completion date of March 31st of 2025 so the good news is that gives us plenty of time you know obviously the elementary school it was tight right we finished you know in July but you know trying to turn everything around by the school year it was pretty tight we hopefully we'll have a little bit more time um to work through some things with the building before we have to actually use it so everything is is moving really really well on that project and then the last thing I want to mention and we mention this at our last meeting is that preschool will be a Hot Topic in the fall as far as facility planning for TW 2025 26 and Beyond um I had mentioned at our last meeting that we're going to be holding three Community input sessions uh so I wanted to give the dates here these are actually the zoom links that have already been set so they'll all be via Zoom they'll be recorded and the goal of these meetings is that Andrew and I um and Dr Nay Smith who in charge of our preschool program will be presenting to the community different options to consider um with those options the educational pros and cons as well as the fiscal impact and we're looking for impact from the community to kind of see where we go and based on that information it will go back to the board and then the board's going to have to do some decision making later in the fall early winter as far as how we're going to plan accordingly over the next several years and what the preschool program is going to look like so I'll be sending these out reminding parents they'll be on our um calendar that's available on our websites um but I kind of just wanted to put them out there again so everyone keeps it in the back of their mind and can save the dates as we get closer especially to September 24th that is my up is there any questions from the board on anything I share before did they they smooth out that parking lot yes they fill the Hol that's I thought when iove just a quick comment as having witnessed this Sprint to the Finish um I I want to just say thankk you to both you and to our teachers who having visited both for the ribbon cutting and then also with my kids at the new elementary school and watching everyone working and bringing in family and friends to work it's really just extraordinary and it it's very much appreciated so that when we open on September 3D they everybody's going to be ready and excited about that building yeah I said this at the um ribbon cutting and I'll repeat it you know that building is great as it is it's about the people that are going to be inside of it um and the wonderful things are going to do with our kids and then the other thing is and I reiterated this at at the Riven cutting about you know our facility staff who this has been a tough summer and Technology Vince as well who been around somewhere um there's a lot of moving parts that make all that happen and they've you know many of them have worked seven days a week literally since the end of the school year so uh you know huge kudos to them and thank you and you know I think they'll just kind of read the side relief When September 3rd comes around try to settle back into their normal schedule because it's going to lo I did want to add one thing and in your discussion about the parking lot I know that we work with go hunon as the main group in hunon county that does pedestrian safety and you had a video regarding pick up and drop off I think that's important to yeah and so and I'll continue I'll warn you ahead of time you're going to get a text message on Labor Day on the day before school was already scheduled the go but just a reminder that video is really really important to watch because we have changed drop off procedures and pickup procedures we've separated parents from buses um for safety reasons and as um you know we we just talked about Ryan Fischer from go Hunter and came out on site several times uh and really took a look at the site made recommendations and approved everything we're doing as far as you know the safety of it for our kids and for our parents and for our students that are taking the bus so if you haven't um again I'll encourage we really want kids to take the bus you know you you recall probably folks that have been paying attention to our meetings we've had Parents several times over the last year talk about um living across the other side of 179 and up to this point we had never provided transportation for those students in theory because it was within two miles of you know the old LPs school but we are now so we are providing Transportation because to me expecting anyone to walk across 179 even what AC cross the walk is ludicrous so Amanda did a great job looking at that early on when she took over and we are being able to provide that transportation for those folks so use it because the less cars that we have on the site the smoother things will go so obviously if your child has access to the bus and that's really for all of our schools here as well as well as at West an well like if you have a bus take it and you know reduce the amount of traffic that will be on all three sites so thanks for reminding all right we will open the first period of public comment anyone has anything to say I ask that you come to the podium state your name and your municipality and keep your questions to under three minutes no questions com anything on there is [Music] no all right um then I will close the the first period of public comments and we will move on to the committee the committee meeting so buildings grounds Transportation finance and safety I'll be uh so Mr suo provided some general updates about future projects that will be discussed the upcoming board retreat he also provided similar updates to what he just his uh superintendent update about the status of construction at the South Elementary and South Hunter Middle School um we discussed the RFP process for adding solar panels to all three um bu uh District buildings the Elementary School uh the pure middle school and then the high school um we reviewed contracts there's a number of contracts for out of District placements this month those contracts are confidential remain in the business office uh other contracts to highlight easy routing which is a routing software which we just discussed um for some additional work needed at the elementary school and efficiency which is used to help schedule colle classes at the high school um additionally we discussed going Transportation agreements with Delaware Valley Regional uh doing Township and public schools that are for approval uh memorandum of understanding um or to support stem instruction um approval of funds transfer to cover instruction payments 0 change order for the Middle School New Jersey arm interest updates we talked about all the routes uh for this year for Transportation uh that bus inspections were complete um we continue to look at the feasibility of the clean School Bus grant that we were awarded for more information coming at the September committee meeting uh we discussed the we need the district to purchase a new van or SUV that was budgeted for in this year's budget we discussed the elementary school kitchen passing inspection the installation of bus cameras in our new bus 25 and the plan to purchase two-way radios for the buses to improve communication with the drivers and increase safety I understand we need a motion to approve items a through six six a through S second there any discussion could we maybe um run through a little bit of the background on uh the solar panels and what precipita will be to add the solar building so what we originally um I think we looking to build the buildings the discussion time with the board was to add solar panels to offset some of the costs um the electricity cost and things like that um so we' just continued to look at that and you know see we put it on pause originally because of delay of Middle School um because most companies want to do all three projects at the same time um so that's why we're just still in the initial phases of figuring out the RFP and then going there with the hope that you by the time all the buildings are completed then we'll be able to for the pr I just wanted to um kind of touch on the the at the meeting night when we when it came up and I was like oh we already have solar panel so I wanted to make sure that that was um addressed because anybody else would have the same question and what we had talked about field yeah we don't we don't own the solar field so these would be not necessar owned by the district there would be District uh depending on the way that we went whether we went with a purchasing agreement or went with owning solar panel they would be the districts and there would be saving you mentioned like savings yeah again I don't want to put numbers out there because again those numbers change quickly but um based on initial discussions it looked like significant savings compared to what were the current agreement that we have with our power purchasing agreement and then obviously much bigger savings than what we get from JC now um the initial projections is that the panels wouldn't cover all of our electricity needs um but they were and anywhere in the range of 60 to 70% no other discussion move on personel we need to sorry all right so that's a roll call us uh starting with Jennifer B yes Martha Dennis yes J machete yes Brian PS yes Kevin kovaleski yes Micha St yes all right now pres I'm going to do Personnel so at our Personnel meeting we talked about just where we are with current Staffing and you'll notice on the agenda we have some final hires to kind of finish out the year um one position that we do have open right now um unfortunately lost one of our instructional coaches uh Melissa Campbell who was a great addition to us two years ago Melissa got hired as an administrator actually uh in the mam School District she's now going to be their supervisor of Science and Math so we do have that position posted uh and we will be looking to fill that um hopefully in the next couple weeks um and then we spent a lot of time just looking at uh La last week we had our new teacher training orientation so for all of our new folks it was four full days Monday to Thursday um where they got a variety of different um professional development uh and they also had some time to do a lot of team building as well which we thought was really really important for our new staff so thanks to Jane Elm for organizing an excellent week and then we also took a look at our PD for this week as I mentioned before that will start tomorrow morning right we need a motion to approve items A and B so moved need a discussion no discussion call starting with Martha Dennis yes sh yes Brian kees yes Kevin kovaleski yes Michael stra Yes Bachelor yes R to yes all right next is curriculum and technology so the curriculum and Technology committee met on August 14th at 6m um the technology update Tony already covered in superintendent updates on cour has been La launched the initial remail went out several weeks ago proing parents to register followed by a couple email subsequent email after that for reminders so of now Haring teachers student schedules and bus information is available on on course and as Tony also said a new communication platform and is also is also launched of have two things to approve tonight 2024 2025 mentoring plan and some curriculum I the our teachers spent a lot of time this summer developing curriculum um on their own and as part of this with their preparation perhaps within the next year my understanding is these could be involved with the dual enrollment of that opportunity for speci students um so I can go through the rest of go back and just say what for approval I guess okay um so the dual enrollment program parent meeting will be sun M will be September 9th right 7M it'll be a virtual meeting and I believe you said in your update that that'll be email be going out that and moving forward for you know for transparency Jan Allen the director of curriculum will presenting quarterly this quarterly updates quarterly presentation on student assessment data we'll also receive monthly curriculum updates and also be curriculum focus group for parents and a curriculum counsel for teachers so in addition to the 2024 2025 mentoring plan that we'll up approval tonight the following curricular are also AAL be the photography and graphic design 3d studio art AP Advanced 2D photography and digital images and outside those three art will be anatomy andthus and that's all I think so you have a motion to approve motion to approve a right any discussion on that so these will be brand new classes that we don't currently offer those no an physiology I think is a re up update correct oh ofes starting with Gina paset yes FR ke yes de kovaleski yes Michael Strauss yes bennifer Bachelor yes Martha Denis yes Ronnie Tom yes we met the policy committee met on August 7th Thea Zoom we have three items for the first read policy 5530 includ Suicide Prevention which adds additional training requirements focusing on additional staff members we did discuss the current training uh the district provides training to alls down annually but there's also training that includes for new joiners if they missed the annual training so everybody is covered we also discussed that the district has a Continuum of Care including staff on site who can make assessments you can access the mobile Response Unit via perform care for further assessments and recommendations and a protocol will return to school which includes helping families locate providers if they're having any difficulty with that and this is a mandated change the second item in first read is policy 8420 on E and crisis situations this is focused on making sure that student with spe students with special needs are integrated as much as possible into the emergency and crisis drills and it requires that there be a written plan detailing any modifications in their or their I um I can confirm that we're doing that today already but mandated change that also is being implemented and then lastly the policy uh 846 B7 and the related regulation for firearms uh weapons and Firearms this is not as a result of any sort of a change on the legislative level but it is additional detail related to this area regarding student possession and use of firearms in the school and the protocol associated with that and Gand change so those are the items for the first read any questions on those read on the second read uh going back over policy 5750 on Equitable education opportunity just as a reminder um this is just really a movement it's a the school curricula will cover Multicultural education and content any references to African-American history and the Holocaust have not been removed but theyve just been moved to a different section for policy 5755 equity and educational programs and services this was aqualish so that's just being removed policy 2260 equity and school classroom practices this was a reallocation of information to different sections and the related regulation was just a change in the C of the complaint procedure the last item for our second read is policy 24 31.4 and the related regulation uh as to prevention and treatment of sports related confessions and head injuries which we talked a little bit about at our last meeting that has been Rewritten to aign to new guidance and we did uh the superintendent reached out to check on our approach to concussions we do have a training program we track the concussions that occur every year um and uh also use video cameras in the gym to make sure that we're recording these items for training purposes than otherwise so I'd like to move those items for second read to further discussion okay move on to school and Community oh so sorry starting with Brian yes de kovaleski yes Michael St yes Jennifer B yes marthy Dennis yes B yes Ronnie to all right school and Community met on August 20th we discussed what we keep talking about the um parents Square roll out um at that point we had 25% so that was a week ago so we've only had 2% in the past week we'd like to bring that number up um and as a reminder parent square is really intended to replace messenger messenger how you just didn't have the capabilities that parents Square does um we talked about how convenient parentsquare square has already Pro proven to be where just finding um information is just significantly simpler um and again the goal is for that to replace other communication tools once people become more familiar with it we talked about start of year Communications again things that that Tony went through um and the open houses and I again I attended um the one the the open house on Thursday and it's just absolutely amazing and classrooms look fantastic especially those kindergarten classrooms um because the kindergarten Camp was alreadying so it's really just um a wonderful thing to see and people have expressed a lot of enthusiasm so and then we talked about all of the events that are happening to welcome back students and all the work that the PTO is doing the lunch for the teachers and also um because the kids the schools all have new logos um um there's items that will be provided to some of the kids that to celebrate those new schools the new logos and the PTO has put together a a website for um people to purchase items with the new school logos um been a lot of discussion about that the the little Eagle is and how everybody wants wants something with that on um and then at the high school this year there will also be a school store run by students as a part of the special education program and there that'll be after school where kids can buy snacks before Sports and clubs um and then there will also be items there for sale with the School logo only and we talked about how this year as another piece of the welcome um back is that um the camp Fair viiew trip which normally is in October has been poed up to September to give the fifth and sixth and Fifth and both fifth and sixth grade classes will be going to give more of an opportunity for that social interaction and month at our board meeting I'm hoping we'll take a minute to look at the school store um from everyone whoever's here in attendance um and then the board as well and then there is also someone and I won't share to yet that I would like to recognize for some of the things they've given us for the full store above and beyond so my hope is to have that individual at the board meeting as well great nothing to move this SCH Comm um we have the procedural acceptance of the harassment intimidation and bullying report and the fire drills and safe and safety drills neither of those require a vote no vote tonight so we will open the uh second period of public comment and come to the podium State municipality okay we have one online one online Andrea little West Amwell welcome to the new school year in less than one year the West Amwell element will be vacant what steps are the administration team taking now to prepare for evaluation and sale of the property including the house as a realtor been retained what is the process in place and when can the public expect to hear the development of the sale from the administration the sale was said to be a give back to the community to mitigate the tax burden of the referendum to the taxpayers there hasn't been anything done as far as other than when we originally had an evaluation of the building which was probably about three years ago before we started the referendum process but obviously there'll be conversations in the in the coming months and uh you know eventually the board's going to have to make a decision on you know the future of that building still need it for another year yeah it's still here for year it's still here for a whole another year at least so I will end the second period of public comment we have no need to go into executive session so may I have a motion to adjourn have a great night great start of the school again that's it