call order the meeting of the southan regional board of education is called to order adequate notice as required by the public meetings Act was provided on December 5th 2022 by posting the notice with the respective Clerks of the city of lamberville or stock in the township of West am and advertised on December the 8th 2022 2023 when the huning county Democrat FR newspaper roll call here Mar Dennis here here R here here here Meg Warner here Ronnie to Marino here here stand for the of the United States of America the Republic for which it stands one nation indivisible liy Justice for okay next up uh GTO PTA LF updates so Mr Dicky you're up good evening everyone Tom dicki representing the LEF today uh quick updates golf day coming up September 30th at Haron Glenn again looking forward to seeing all of you there and the whole Community um we are also doing for the second year family day which is a n hole event on the 29th so for any you have kids that are aspiring doors or just want to walk around on a nice day come on out um the only other update we have it's been a quiet summer we did approve a grant uh for late August when the teachers are back for in service for some official Math training other than that Qui and we'll see you all on the thank you hi guys H Jessica hardigan um South hun Regional School District PTO um it we we don't have a lot to report outside of um we've filed all the necessary forms to change the name we're just waiting on the state it takes it's been taking a while so we're hoping that um we can move forward soon because we need that document to change all of our banking information um and once we have that document we can move forward with everything but the new bylaws are written they're done they've been approved by our board um insurance has been changed over membership toolkit has been changed over Etc so we're moving in in the right direction and we're just busy planning all of the orientation events and all the back to school events and we're just working on that and submitting donation forms and that's pretty much it thank you thank you um let's see any correspondence um so that brings us to approval of minutes um I get a motion to approve items a b the minutes of last month's meeting so Brian thank you second please second second by Martha thank you any discussion on those minutes uh we can we can vote all in favor anyone abstaining next up um we have two reports tonight so L you're first yes so we'll be's going to be coming up and doing our presentation of the New Jersey graduation ficiency assessment where we know it as the njpa and then also access for our English language learn good evening members of the board and the public so it's very exciting to begin reporting um this will be the first report of our academic achievement and um we saw the achievement scores go in the right direction so we are excited to um wait for the njsla scores which hopefully will'll get sometime by the the end of the summer um or certainly by the end of July we'll start to um look at the data and publish the reports and then the information will be going home the individual school reports so with that I'm going to go ahead and um just go through a little bit of the overview of the demographics of the district as of June 17th uh you'll see this is posted to the board agenda so you can review it on your own time this is just a demographic of our overall subgroups um so you can see how the state breaks it down and then these subgroups are broken down individually by their score categories as well as overall scores so the NJ um GPA is a the proficiency so the statute requires the State graduation Prof proficiency excuse me is assessment is administered for all 11th grade students um it is designed designed to measure the extent which students are graduation ready in English and language arts the Readiness is reported separately in each component meaning the ELA component is separated from the math component um the ELA component is aligned to the 10th grade standard so we um this is given in March um but the um proposal is or the assumption is that the students met all of the grade level standards by the end of their 10th grade um and then you'll see the mathematics component is aligned to the algebra um common course or com uh can you flip that turn oh sorry and geometry standards so um just so you know by the end of 10th grade the state expects our students to be proficient in Algebra 1 and geometry and then there's multiple Pathways for those students who don't meet this um the state requirement they can retake it um they can also in the summer or the fall and then some of our students choose to do another pathway which is um there's a variety of different substitute tests um or they can complete a portfolio appeal and when they complete a portfolio they work with a specific teacher for most of the year and then the teacher submits the portfolio score to the state the state reviews it so so the state does provide as I said three different Pathways um some of those other comp competency tests are SATs or at acct scores um but it is all laid out on the State website so there are two performance levels um that you'll see when the scores come up not graduation ready and those are scores that fall between 650 and 724 and graduation um ready 725 and 850 and again the same scoring for both Ela and math so here's where the good news comes in um this is a comparison for our students um that are graduation ready in the district as compared to the state so you can see we are above the state average which is excellent in um both English and math um we only when you look at our district have 12% um who are not ready and then 42% in math so these scores again just give us information for planning for next year um and we did know uh a lot of this information going in based on last year's results and this year's results and you know as you've heard me speak um over the 10 minutes months I've been here all about our focus on our achievement scores so here's just some comparisons um from last year to this year you can see that um certainly a few less students took the test we're only at 65 um and again those State numbers are very similar but you can see just the comparison between um the last year's 2023 and 2024 results and that was math and this is that was Ela and this is math so this is a little bit hard to see um I apologize um but the bar graphs what you see are all students uh versus economically disadvantaged students students with disabilities and Hispanic students when you look at this um on your own screen or if you go back and review it after the meeting you would see that there's um it's very difficult to see on the screen right there but our numbers the N equals those are just those are the counts of the students so students with disability even though it looks like um we went down uh it is the difference between seven students and 12 students so again because we're such a small difference uh District our bar graph can move quite quite a lot um just because the number of students that was Ela this is math and again it's all students economically disadvantaged students with disabilities and Hispanic students again the students with disabilities even though we went down we went from four students to three students so it is a much a very small pool of numbers um and sometimes uh or most of the time being a small District helps um but sometimes in situations where we're talking about one student score um it can reflect uh it looks very different visually so do we know the students who have shown their ready or excuse me do we know the students who have not shown their read Readiness and what do we do for them so there's a link there and it goes into a lot of detail about what those alternative pathways are I won't need to I don't need to go into it this evening um but you can see as I described the three different Pathways um and once we've gotten these results then I work with the school counselors and um we create a path for those specific students and again as I said they're assigned a teacher who works with them on the portfolio and they only have to create a portfolio in math or Ela it's not necessarily both um and those portfolios are a collection of different assignments it's not really a portfolio like an art portfolio um that you might think of but it's a collection of different artifacts of achievement from Reading assessments and tests and and um math assessments and different tests this is um you might have heard called it the weda access before we refer to it now in the state of New Jersey just as the access because that is the test weda is the company like Pearson who creates it um and this is a little bit of information about the access it's given annually to our multilingual Learners it's given also in March um so what we actually this year with the assessment calendar as it was the test ran back to back and so next year we will move um the access earlier in March and then move the NJ GPA a little bit later so those students in 11th grade aren't taking a test back to back um there are four domains reading listening writing and speaking and just so you know our ESL curriculum is aligned to each one of those different domains so if a student is receiving Services because they have been identified as a multilingual learner they when they meet with their ESL teacher these are specifically what they focus on um and then the results are provided uh by the domain and the composite score and you will see that there are six levels and um to exit or to be considered um you do not considered into the ESL program you need a 4.5 um composite to exit the program so this is the 23 versus the 24 results um and again this has to do with a lot of flux with the population um this year alone I know at one Elementary School we got four new multilingual Learners after January so those students come in at varying levels of um English Pro efficiency and so it really doesn't what we're looking at in these scores again you're looking at very very small numbers and it's very difficult to read those numbers on level five the bridging but we're talking about three students at 5.1% and we're talking about two students at 4.6% um but we have assessments throughout the year that help prepare our students we've actually put into place um two programs um online programs that measure proficiency and then help the students not only prepare for the access but also to build that stamina very similar to what we did with um njsla preparation so I work closely with the high school and middle school ESL teacher um to assess students and then give them the opportunities to get online during whether they have a class that's scheduled specifically for ESL students or whether they are integr into another class a math class or an English class um often times with the ESL teacher co- teing with the general education teacher um these are just some of the conclusions uh we did better as a district than we have in previous years so that's excellent um we're better than the state average we're better in the content areas the U multi- learner population is too small to report on the NJ GPA or by grade level so that's why some of our subgroup scores um the bar graph as I said look very you know looks drastic or it looks like we went down where we're really talking about one student um access for L's results show some movement between grade levels which is evidence of our students growth so again we're moving in the right direction we know with the reconfiguration and we know with um different things that we're doing to put into place that are standards Bas and allowing that access for all of our L's multilingual Learners ESL students to access that grade level curriculum it gives them the opportunity to for us to really understand you know what is it and how fast can they progress through the program so this is how we utilize the data very similar to our njsla um we look and identify Trends in programming so that's something I've already started to do with the principles this summer um we're looking at teacher using resources and materials that are guide spe or geared specifically to those six or those domains that we were talking about and then measuring their progress along the same type of measurement um of those six levels and again we provide professional development all of our ESL teachers go to an annual conference um that specifically is geared for ESL teachers and so they're always coming back with great ideas to share um for professional development um we are going to spend some time at our new teacher orientation with a training or an overview session on how to differentiate and meet the needs of our multilingual Learners in our classrooms so that teachers can feel prepared for small group instruction and differentiation just as we would with anything um and the oh go ahead and that's fine and then here are some of the next steps and again um the next steps and interventions and strategies that we're putting in into place to support our multilingual Learners look very similar you've seen many of these because many of the programs the curriculum have resources and materials that are aligned um to multilingual learner strategies and structures classroom learning targets that we know are successful with all students um some of the programs also most of them have a a Spanish component um most of our students um minus one um their first language at is spoken at home is Spanish so a lot of that is taken into consideration as I look at the programs we choose and making sure again as I've said that all students have access just like we look at programs that can meet the needs of our gifted Learners and our special education students we want to make sure that all of our subgroup populations have access and can be successful I think that's it but I'll be happy to answer any questions that anyone has about the NJ GPA or the access for L's actually I do have a question and then we'll open up to the board but question and and a comment on the new jerse GPA um the math score the 57.6% and while that is higher than the state average um you mentioned and I want to make sure I'm understanding what's the group that was being tested was that the the the group is that are those scores from the students who graduated this year or are those scores from this year's 11th grade those are from this year's 11th grade okay because this year's because we take the um NJ GPA in March we get the scores uh much sooner than the the njsla which we take in May so and obviously with those scores of math we know we thank the laf for approving um the grant we um this year I will spend some time looking at our math curriculum and make sure sure that there's a lot of um alignment we're looking at standards we're looking at all the things that we did um we spent a lot of time this year looking at the elementary um so that's really our Focus this year now the reason I asked about the cohort was because up until maybe two years ago we did Algebra 1 Algebra 2 geometry and so our students were at a disadvantage if you have to have geometry you need to have algebra one in geometry and then 10th grade that put us at a disadvantage which is why we switch those I just wasn't sure whether that was an that was reflected in that number yes certainly are the the pathway is something that um we have looked we're looking at and addressing because we want to make sure that our students are set up for success and um that they're not it's not a they're not taking what they're going to be tested on at the same time if you're taking a assessment in March you certainly have not um been exposed or mastered all of the expectations right um comment I was going to make was just that the English in 2022 is we did the review of the English language the you know the the elll program and and so it's nice to see that you know that you know I feel like all of those systemic reviews have done that money well spent and so it does seem like that as reflected in you know improvements of scores absolutely does anyone else on the board have a question is state any best practices the different the difference between the scores of laa and the scores of that pretty dramatic on the state level as well are they providing any best practices uh or providing any analysis of their data that we can use and leverage our program absolutely absolutely and those um are oftentimes um specific reports that we can get and we can run um and when we get the njsla they're called the evidence reports and the summar so we can actually see see how our students um perform by standard and um and math not only has standards but they also have practices so we can break it down that much further so the work that um I've been doing with Miss mcnight this summer is actually looking at how um the Big Ideas Math curriculum aligns with the standards and making sure that our teachers understand the importance of the um the Continuum of the curriculum often times um if it's not an expectation to follow it specifically some a teacher may say oh you know I really want to do geometry at the end of the year because you know I know that it's really important that we get through these alra one Concepts so we're making sure that all of our curriculum is aligned and I'm working with the teachers it'll be the focus of their professional learning communities and their after school meetings to make sure that the program we have in place which is um highly respected and does receive uh marks uh I think they're green marks on Ed reports um we want to make sure that the teachers understand and know how to teach and the the concepts and the skills the way that the state is going to assess the kids and that's mainly the shift oop excuse me the shift in the thinking thank you Gina um on the page of the presentation where you had the uh the charts that showed the different subgroups and then the first one was all students and the rates of uh those who are graduation ready all students is just that all students yes so do you have the um the numbers for students who don't fall into the the subgroups like who are not economically disadvantaged Hispanic or have disabilities you know saying like that was one yes yes yes I can pull that data out um typically the state asks us to report on those subgroups so that we can it's oftentimes tied to our Title One grant money um and so when we break down those subgroups that then gives lets the state know that we have this many students so we might need some extra support and some extra money we apply um for the in the title one Grant it also gives us the opportunity with other grants that the state provides there's a specific grant for our multilingual Learners So based on the number of our multilingual Learners based on their assessment scores then we can let the state know and they can say oh okay so you have this amount of money you could use it for training for your teachers you can use it for supplies you can use it for resources um and so we spend a lot of time once once we get those scores but in terms of breaking out the students that are do not fall in those subgroups you can um I can get that information too you could actually add it up and then subtract it from the whole number because that's the whole thing but I'll go ahead and put that together for you yeah it just carries if you had it it's all important to thank absolutely any other questions I have sort of a general question is that I don't know if you will be able to answer up but it just kind of got me thinking students that we have to send out of District because of um we're not able to provide what they need do those students get measured and assessed and stuff too yeah do we have do I mean since we're we we pay right so do we get are they factored into this number y oh okay unless and sometimes you'll hear when we get to the achievement report we talk about the LM okay which is an alternative assessment based on if a student's disability doesn't allow them to take the test but that's a really low number okay the majority of them that are at a different part taking in it those count towards our for okay so some of the kids tested are not using curriculum that's from somewhere else and there is another um we only had one student this year um in our in our multilingual learner population because there is something called an alternate access which is for student who um very similar to The dlm Who based on their special education classification and their disability then they're given an alternate they still are scored in the six in the four domains and the six levels um but they do have an alternate test and that actually is not online um the kindergartener test the kindergarten test as well is not online um but as I say we have some supports in place um for students to be able to practice the first time they're taking online test isn't with the access any other questions for the're good thank you um so now we'll move to the superintendent report all right so it's July and I know usually people think there's not a lot going on but there's a lot going on um it's a busy time for us so I just wanted to kind of give some updates and reminders um we hadent this out at the end of the year it's posted on our website but um just a reminder a lot of you know conversations about when will we find out you know when you know teachers and little information about who's my home room teacher who's my SK you know how do I get my schedule August 14th is the magic date we'll be providing all that information in EN course but I do want to share at the bottom the bullet that if you remember last year when we rolled out on course we had an annual registration process where parents had to go in and complete all the necessary you know verify their information then complete all the necessary forms you know the publicity release the acceptable use all that technology all those different things so that same thing will happen again so you'll be getting communication on August 1 about how to do all that um if you did it last year it won't be any real difference um it will all be done in encourse but what we're saying to parents and I will remind you a lot about this through text messaging and emails is if it's not done by the 14th within those two weeks then obviously when your child goes in they're going to get a popup to look up their schedule to say o annual registration hasn't been done so that's when they'll be getting on you to say you need to get this done ASAP so I can find out who my teacher is so we'll do constant reminders but that's really a good help for us just to get all those documents ahead of time everything stored in EN course and then we're ready to go for the school year um the other thing I want to mention is and you've heard me talk about a new system that we're going to which we're excited about called parents Square um so in the August 1 communication about encourse and the annual registration there'll also be information in there about par parent Square specifically it's going to be replacing School messenger which is the service that we've used in the past for when like let's say I email you or I send you a text message or I even call you like on the snow day um this is going to replace all that the advantage is there's a mobile app that is you know very similar to kind of Facebook social media so it's it's hope hopefully going to be a game Cher for you to be easily to be able to find things on one scroll on your phone obviously there's you know you can go to a URL and there's a website and all those different things but I figure that most folks will have it on their phone so things like Mass notifications and Urgent alerts um there's good and right now this is honestly just touching the surface there's a lot of other features that we'll be rolling out throughout the year which I think parents will find extremely beneficial but we're going to start out kind of minimal and then SP so Mass notifications so you know communication for me or your building principles if there's urgent alerts like lockdowns emergency situations all that stuff will come through um there's a mobile app for IOS and Android you'll receive messages via phone email text or app notifications so when you download the app it will be very similar like Facebook where if something's posted on the app you're going to get a notification and you'll know to go in there and take a look to see whether it applies it also has the ability to communicate you can set it up and preferred language you could also set it up when you want to receive it some parents don't like getting emails during the day you know unless obviously it's an emergency email but they don't like getting the numerous emails during the day because they're at work they don't want to be bothered they could set it up where they get a digest at 6 6 pm at night so when they're home boom boom boom whatever came in through the day will be in one place you can kind of look through it and decide what's important and what's not you totally will have the ability to set your preferences how you want it set you want to get everything right away instantaneously you want to get it into Digest anything it's emergency related will go through immediately even if you set it up for a digest it will be overridden by that and you'll get it immediately um we've also navigated the parent Square for all of our websites so if you haven't looked at our websites lately you'll notice they were launched July 1 they look a lot different um like I said there's a lot of other pieces there's two-way communication that we're going to be introducing there's the ability to volunteer for things and sign up parent conferences all different pieces that will kind of slowly roll out throughout the year which we hope that you'll find very useful instead of searching my email go to the website trying to find going the different Avenues so more to come on that in that communication um bus assignments so Friday August 23rd so if your child um is eligible to get transportation services we'll provide information for you to be able to log in on Source again and you'll be able to find out the bus number pickup time the parttime as far as when they're going to get home in the afternoon and then where the stops are located you'll have on that information I want to put a plugin for kindergarten Camp so if you know of anyone right now you know I think we have about 31 people signed up for K Camp um we have 53 kindergarteners coming in next year so if you know folks out there I've been texting I've been emailing inv bothering them I'll probably do a phone call I'm thinking this week um because we're really trying to nail down the registration by the end of July just for our teachers so our kindergarten teachers are running kindergarten Camp one's in the audience right now um Monday August 19th through the 22nd at the new elementary school will be from 8:30 to 11:30 like I said we'll be providing transportation for students to you know get Transportation during the school year so it's just a great way to get a leg up before all the other kids come in to kind of really one get used to the building if they're in it for the first time and two just the routines of the teacher and navigating all that you know riding the bus all those different things before the school year starts um and then these are just the reminders about all our orientation program Z's been coming up um in the month of August we'll continue to remind folks as we get closer with more details we have all of our things that are set up this document the Q&A is on the website so it's available for folks to get um it's also once we start getting in the parents Square August 1 it's on there as well so a lot of different things will be happening as far as orientation programs for our students um I've said this before but just a lot of options for before and after care so again you know depending upon what your level of interest is YMCA which will be at the elementary school lamberville academy um kids that will be at the West Amal school next year will also have access and transportation so um you know there are the links for you to be able to register so you're all set you know for upcoming school year uh this is something new that just went out recently so if you remember in the spring we talked about high impact tutoring and we were fortunate enough to receive grant money for that so when we kind of looked at our balances at the end of the year we realized we had some money left over so our plan was to use it for some after school tutoring services in September in October however we were contacted by the state about 10 days ago saying you need to use it by August 30th or we take it back so we came up sat down talked about some ideas what's something we could put out quickly to help support students so we decided that we're going to have a jump start and then moving to the middle school programs it'll be geared for our riseing fifth six and seventh grade students um fifth and sixth it's a great way to bring our kids together again before the school year starts obviously because we're bringing both schools together so it's going to take place August 5th through Thursday August 8th 8:30 to 11:30 at the West Samwell school um the seventh grade moving up is going to be taking place the following week the 12th to the 15th um from 8:30 to 11:30 again we're looking at Transportation if folks need it um and then each day there'll be a variety of different activities a lot of focus on team building and kids getting to know each other and focus on academics as well and then social emotional learning um so there is a registration form as you know I always send this out the next day to everyone which I will there is a Google form just so we know who's signing up and then also who we need to provide transportation for so I know summers are busy and I know this went out late we didn't really have a choice we wanted to make sure we could do something that would be useful for our students and obviously we had to do before the end of um August so we got it out there as quickly as we could um just construction so again a lot of things happening just update our contractor started today ref finishing the Tazo floors I was over there it was going great they were coming up really really nice we anticipated completion of about s to 10 days for that process um Furniture was installed you know over the last couple weeks on August 5th and 6th our technology vendor is going to come back and do the installations in the gym and the maker space um there's Pro ctors and different things that are going in there um and then August 7th our foring Co contractor will be returning just to finish right now the gym floor still needs to be done which will be done in a day or two the hallway around the gym and then there's some other transition areas that just need to be completed so there'll be finishing that up on the 7th 8th and 9th we have letters for the outside gym wall that are coming that will say South Hunter Regional Elementary School should be arriving by next week and then they'll be installed we just got our outdoor signage so we're posting the parking lot in front of the school as well as the one in front of the gym to let folks know between 7 and 4:30 that it's for South hun Regional employees only just so we reserve our our parking um security cameras we're just waiting on internet and we're right now um waiting on Comcast so you know how that goes we've been working with them for two months to try to get them out they're saying it will be done by the end of July just to put in their switch and change everything over and as soon as we have internet then they'll come and hook up all of our cameras both inside and outside um we're working on we've ordered a new outdoor sign South H Regional Elementary School sign hoping to have it installed by the first day of school um and then we also ordered security planners so in front of the building if you're in the parking lot um facing the classrooms we ordered um about 76 inch long security big heavy planners that will go all the way down their sidewalk so in essence acting as Ballard if you're familiar with that concept um but a little bit more aesthetically pleasing than b going down the front of the school so we're excited about that as well um we have a ribbon cutting scheduled for August 15th in the morning um right before we start kindergarten Camp the following week and then as soon as the floor is done which I should have a better idea right at the end of July we will be setting open house dates and there'll be multiple so not just one we'll probably do one on a weekend and one during a week in the afternoon and in the evening and it will be just open for anyone anyone that wants to come in parents kids Community Meers members whoever wand and I will be there just facilitating and you can tour the building doing classrooms um you know and really get a feel to see the transformation which is pretty amazing um compared to what it looked like this time last year so more to come on that you've been seeing hopefully the pictures on Facebook but things are really coming along with the 58 building you can get a feel like that the exterior of the building is you know pretty much set we're ready for steel so you'll start seeing that happening um we had our construction meeting there last week every time we meet we now meet on site right in this little trailer right here and then we walk and go around and walk inside the building and go through the entire thing as part of our meeting so um we're we're making great progress obviously it's been hot for the Masons over the last month but uh they're really cranking it out you can you know obviously this is the gym and this is the classroom Wing there's this is a two-story Wing so they're working on the Second Story you can see the stair shafts here for the St well and then there's the elevator and in the front of the building you know you got your science rooms your steam room music room and then Library area front office in here same thing on this side so it's really coming along we're excited making good progress and uh you know we're on schedule it's great I want to talk about preschool because this has come up in a couple of our meetings um so just to kind of rehash so everyone's aware we have three sections of preschool that will be held at West anwell School this year along with our fifth and sixth graders and then two section at the south hunon regional Elementary School um for 2025 and Beyond we anticipate a six section and kind of maxing out around that number for that six section moving forward which means we'd have six sections of preschool on an annual basis so if you remember we talked about having Community input sessions so I've actually selected dates that are now on the calendar that will be holding three Community input sessions for future future facility planning for the preschool at these sessions Andrew and I will present options with educational and fiscal pros and cons and a and a bunch of different options so we're looking at Tuesday September 24th at 7 Tuesday October 8th Monday October 21st they'll all be via Zoom to make it easier and more convenient for parents um they'll all be recorded and they'll all be posted so parents can't attend but want to listen um everything will be on the website so I just wanted to put that out there folks are aware you know that that is coming and uh obviously I'll put out some more formal notifications as we get closer to August so parents hopefully can mark their calendars I checked the District calendars and the building calendars and tried to work around so hopefully there'll be some dates where at least folks can make one or two of the sessions if interested that's all I have any questions from the board or the prechool planning sessions will that be similar to our strategic planning sessions where will have board members there no that will be that will just be Andrew and I if a board member attends they would be attending as a member of the um but obviously the board's welcome to listen to the reporing he would be import will that be more presentation or Q&A So the plan would be um presenting the different options cost implications educational implications and then see seeing what people have to say and then bringing all that back to you guys and then hopefully you know at some point later in the fall it makes the board will make some decisions on where we're going moving forward can I ask a question about the kindergarten Camp are all of the kindergarten teachers going to be there and so the students who attend will be with the teacher cor they'll find out that week before who their teacher is okay and then they'll be with them on that Monday than we'll also have the counselor is going to be there our nurse be there so a variety of different support folks as well is that replace you used to do the thing where you like took the bus to school like just to get your did that replace that yeah I we haven't done that a while since I've been here it's been a while we did used to do it though I remember right and that's the goal to really get them acclimated if they've never ridden a bus before what it's like if they've never been in that building before because obviously we have students comeing to that building to get a week under their bill where everybody else go and it's free too a nice any other questions okay uh with that we will open it up for the um public comment period um so uh if you have uh something you'd like to bring before the board we are here to respectfully listen to your to your comments um just ask that you come to the podium give us your name in the community that you're from and uh try to keep your comment in about three minutes uh does anyone have something they'd like to bring before the court L do we have anyone on one we do have one and it's from uh Shannon Burkhead um and it is about please join the South Hunter Regional Education Association this Wednesday at 6 pm at the lamberville free public library for a craft activity snacks and a summer reading checkin all K5 students register the upcoming school year will receive three summer reading books keep for use in your own home libraries thank you to the district for your support and assistance and making this event possible we look forward to seeing our district families there and I'll send a reminder out about that there is no uh there is no comments I'll close this first period of public comment there will be another opportunity later in the meeting uh for public comment and we'll go to our committee reports we'll start with buildings and grounds what Warner righty so Tony gave us pretty comprehensive update the status of our building and construction really excited to uh see the new elementary school coming to a close there I can't wait to uh see what it looks like inside um you'll see we have um which just become into normal staple we have you know items for auction for sale that um Mr albaner you know works ently on listing um and we discussed in our committee as well that part of that work you know kept report from having to pay for movers to move us back you know into LPS um which was you know huge cost leaving so you know um Mr Al's efforts as always are very much appreciated um you also see the resolution on here for um approving the name changes through the school building which is moment of coalesence of what we've been working on for many years now um just just very exciting and I think it's a very special moment for the community um with that um I'm gonna make a motion to move items a through R thank you Megan back a second please second second by Kevin thank you any discussion on items a through r so I had um question about the Tiny mobile robot yes contract yep um so I was excited when I saw the word robot because I thought maybe it meant we were getting like a robotics program or something for students um it was a little surprised with what it actually is um so I was wondering if we could talk a little bit about how that came up like where that came from um I I looked at the website for the company and it looks like it like the first thing on their website is more geared toward like lining roads and stuff um so I was just kind of wondering is this something you like do they support school districts or any you know like were we C call how did we how did we come up with the so it came from Mr Miller he actually athletic director yeah thank you um he looked at three different companies and this one was the best at the best price um and again it was something that also gave collaboration Comm maintenance department again as we expect by email um we are down in p and so this will help sh save time for the employee to pain the fields to be able to put their effort for public We Are One staff and then it also will help that that was um my question was uh are we permanently down that one FTE did we reduce head count or is that a temporary situation right now we'll see once we have the 58 building obviously we're going to have additional square footage and there's requirements from the state you have to follow with custodial coverage but for this year at least okay we're definitely going to be down we're not replacing right because I know that in the resolution we just showed the one annual payment but when you add it all gathers right if we continue if we keep it over multiple years okay so is it like a lease yeah so we have the option to exit Okay um and then I saw in some of the contracts uh we I saw something for um Bond Council Services is that are those just like typical renewals things that we already have doesn't mean we're we're necessarily going to use it got it okay even purchases like what we approved last month with the infrastructure that was done through these purchase that should all be reviewed by B got it going to go issue a bond we look to do something along those lines okay it should preved by Bond counil and make so we we keep someone on routina that right good are there any other questions there are no other questions let go Jennifer Bor I just don't love the idea of spending Mone on that robot so I'm I'm gonna say no Mark Dennis yes yes yes yes Micha yes War yes Ron to Marino yes G yes uh person committee Mr sh sure so the personel committee met on July 17th at 7:30 we met virtually um we discussed and reviewed the superintendent's recommendations for appointments resignations and adjustments and additionally we reviewed recommendations for extracurricular and sement appointments for the 2024 to 2025 school years the committee was informed of the current openings in the district for 2024 to 2025 which currently consists of two par professional Pro positions that's a tongue twister um at the south hundan regional Elementary School all their positions are filled at this time and then the committee also discussed the creation of a new position or potential new position of athletic site supervisor um which would be for the fall winter and spring seasons the athletic State supervisor would supervise after school events one to two days per week Monday through Saturday and compensation would be 2369 for the fall and spring seasons and 2839 for the winter season and it's a little bit more for the winter because of increased um games and activities and then finally Tony Tony noted that the new teacher orientation will take place August 19th through 22nd and that all staff return on August 27 that I'll make a motion okay um yeah we do have to two move to approve A and B yes sorry thank you so so moved and you need a second on that Meg second by Megan thank you any discussion on items A and B I'll just say one thing because I'd be remiss otherwise um so we have a soccer program which we started here about 10 years ago started as a club and then eventually became the Varsity Sport um Ward ingersol from Lambertville has been the coach for the last four years he's done a terrific job but he has had some health issues and had to step down tonight we are the replacement that's on here to be hired is a young man named Davin Garvey who is a southon graduate who was a varsity player at South Hunter and so he is probably the first person to come out of our high school soccer program and become a coach of a of a soccer program so I I just think that's kind of a cool thing it's a great kid and so I'm excited to have um any other discussion on the person how long ago was he here 18 I think he graduated yeah he he he played four years of soccer in college he's got a younger brother who graduated a couple years ago any other discussion then and uh let's vote Mar Dennis yes yes Brian ke yes KES yes M yes Meg War yes B yes Marina yes yes uh curriculum and Technology um Mr ke I'll take um so one of the things we talked about was Jane Ellen's report that she presented this evening um we went through those and obviously you know talk discuss each and every one um we also discussed the technology Vince gave us a pretty good overview of where we are from the district side um specifically at the new elementary school so I think I mentioned that um all the panels the flat panels 75 in panels have been installed in the elementary school in each one of our classroom spaces and some other spaces as well so Vin has been spending a lot of time down there just overseeing all that along with some other things um you know it's been a busy summer with technology in general um and then we talked a lot about do enrollment specifically so I think we mentioned it at our last board meeting um we have an FAQ which scheduled to go out tomorrow to all of our high school parents um I'll emailed and text it I highly suggest and I'll continue to kind of drill this point home we're really entering into an exciting time in the high school where we've partnered with the College of New Jersey Rowan University stock University William Patterson University Ren Valley Community College um did I miss any others is that it Sean Hall University right so you'll see now that there's a whole list of courses that students starting in ninth grade can take to get college credit right and the price per course is a quarter of what it would be if you were actually on the campus so um the Q&A answers a lot of questions about that but really we want to get parents in the middle mid School thinking as they get into e8th grade what's this pathway right because the goal would be that our students could come out of high school with at least a full year of college under their belt right maybe in some circumstances if they planted that the right way they could even have an associates degree when they come out right we all know the price of college and we know how it's continually increase each and every year this could be a huge Advantage for our kids so um I just want to put a plugin for it take a look at it there's a long list of all the courses the names that we offer compared to the names that the college calls in the grade requirements which is basically a c or better the price the deadlines um and just really getting parents to start thinking about that uh as they move through so that was the last part of our conversation nothing to move though um just Theus oh okay um that we have each agreement with the universities and colleges you see there okay so I'll need a motion to approve Item B then Mo Martha thank you second thank you Michael any discussion on item I just want to say that um I think another a good thing that we should uh talk about with the dual enrollment is if you look at class sizes at some of those places and having the benefit of taking a class here yes you know uh is is another good thing being in lectur hall with yeah with 200 kids right very good any other questions or comments let's voteing yes Brian ke yeski Yes mik Yes W yes yes Mar yes R yes Jim yes a policy committee Mr yes we have policy committee met on uh July 1 we have five items for a first read four items for a second read all the first read uh the first three the PO there two Poli related procedure these are these are mandatory changes primarily re reorganizations material and non-material changes the last two the policy and the Reg ulation prevention and treatment of supports related confessions and head injuries this is a rewriting of the policy and regulation to align with the provisions of the new guidance uh Rel from the center ofch Disease Control or the their recommendations to reduce the risk um of concussions and the committee did ask for additional information uh related to our statistics when it comes to concussions we did get those yesterday and we talk about those at our next meeting before we come back to the second read I don't think that necessarily means we're going to change anything in the policy or the regulation but it's an area of interest and focus OB we want to make sure we're doing everything we can to um protect our athletes uh so that that's for the first read um should I stop any any questions on that why don't we make the motion and then we'll discuss so and then on the second read we've talked about these previously these are four changes mandatory changes they're related primarily to uh the removal of the list of protected categories and replacing them with an expanded list that is in the New Jersey administrative Cod talk last month put forward second appr excent so take that as your motion second for that motion second second by Jen thank you Mr and uh so any discussion on the policies anyone have questions the concussion thing is certainly something that's evolving I mean that a we only had a policy on that maybe five or six years ago there's also policies related to uh heat acclamation for sports especially in the fall right so the kids come in August they don't get to they don't get to do two a day practices and the coaches withhold water from you I one other way we practice or we don't what we follow and know we we do have tracking there is tracking from year to year not that that's necessarily significant from the standpoint of questions but we're obviously you know I suppose it is because we're looking for keeping the number tight right we want to make sure that we have the appropriated training for our staffs as much as possible that certainly exist as well any other discussion on the policies so the first reads will be available for everybody to look at and if you do have comments or questions please get them tomorrow you know by mid August at least so those can be incorporated into the final versions um let's Brian yes yes Micha yes yes yes Martha Dennis yes yes joh yes yes school and community Todd Marino are you comfortable giving a report I asked Michael to do the report for me so uh we met on July 16th uh virtually and the vast majority of our time was doing um a raw data analysis of our climate survey um really looking at it at top level everybody took uh their key takeaways and some initial discussion of of themes that we saw going across it and then Mr suzo also talked about his takeaways and that will be coming a little bit further down the line with a more formal report in September we also took a look at the dual enrollment uh at mq and um we we are happy that that is moving out a little bit quicker than than originally thought and getting all of that information out there because it is quite significant um and then the final bit of discussion was about the ribbon cut cutting and open house and that plan continues to evolve uh but we did decide instead of having it as one larger event for a single day that we would separate them out and and really give our students and our parents a little bit more time to spend in the building and and have a little more access very good um so our next item up is uh routine information we do need motion to accept the harassment intimidation and bullying report which was discussed in the executive session last month can I have a motion move by Mrs B thank you and a second I'm sorry I was looking down second and a second by Mr St thank you um any discussion I yeah any discussion on the uh report not that we can say anything about it so let's just we a Voice vote all in favor I is anyone abstaining from this okay um we did uh as noted in the agenda we did hold the fire drills and safety drills at all the schools in the month of June as required by the state codes um that brings us to the second period of public comment um again um if you have something you'd like to bring before the board please come up let us know your name the community you're from and um try to keep your comments and around three minutes does anyone to have something they' like to bring before the board seeing no comments in the audience do we have anything online no we want for the Flor okay um then I'm going to uh I will close the second period of public comment for this evening um we have no need to go into an executive session this evening so I will ask for a motion to adjourn course time a long time so move no move by Megan and the second second second by bman thank you all in favor I anyone oppose didn't think so anyone obain okay meeting a j thank you