yeah yeah there pH you hello hi 7 shall we sure uh this meeting of the South Hunter Regional Board of Education is called to order adequate notice as required by the open public meetings act uh was provided on December the 6 2023 by posting the notice with the respective Clerks of the city of lville B of stock and in Township of West Amwell and advertised in the Hun County Democrat and the Trent Times newspaper please stand for the flag salute to the flag of the United States of America to the rep stands one nation under God indivisible Justice for All roll call please Dennis here here ran ke here here here here War hereon here H here uh it appears we have a special we do we have for this evening we do so we have some of our Coral singers are GNA be here I'm gonna turn it over to Mr Alam may we have fcy Douglas Randy Stover and N flath um and we will be singing the Star single Banner for you all [Music] right T bright [Music] star [Music] [Music] the FL [Music] for the of [Music] the thank you so much that was awesome I think I just found out who's doing graduation not only that we'll get you out for some baseball games Okay um with that I guess we're ready to play ball our thank you wonderful Andrew um we have the uh next up is PTO PTA laf reports do we have any I have one for Jess hardigan I'm read for the PTO so this is for West Amwell PTO our next kids night out that was scheduled for Friday February 9th has been cancelled due to a scheduling conflict please visit the shrsd calendar to view all the upcoming events we will be back in March the PTO and PTA created a survey that went out districtwide if you have not filled it out please do so we really want to hear what parents and staff members have to say about the future of the parent organizations in our district we still have not been able to fill our open PTO board seat if you would like to join us or know of someone who would be a good fit please reach out to the PTO and submit your name or your nomination and due to inclement weather our January meeting has been rescheduled to this Wednesday January 24th at 7:30 in the US tanell Library okay very good um did you see the PTA just s another email that that couldn't make it okay so she sent the PTA oh here it is all right yes okay round two PTA um registration is open for after school en the after school enrichment program classes include chess circus coding drama Pokemon drawing club soccer and yoga register at LPS and the program begins February 5th mark your calendars the Valentine's Day dance is Friday February 2nd more details to come thank you to everyone who supported the Christmas tree pickup fundraiser the sixth grade raised over $2,800 for the class trip the sixth grade is sponsoring a fundraiser this Sunday a joint event with the Acy and Del arcade adults can watch New Jersey the movie the film directed by St Steve troski at the acony and kids can play at the arcade it's this Sunday febru or I'm thinking that's January 25th from 2:30 to 4:15 the next PTA meeting is Tuesday February 13th at 5:00 pm thank you for yes thanks for calling that out um nothing from La no okay uh with that um M Reed you have a student report for us so the middle school student council recently did a clothing drive for Fisherman's Mark in which they donated five large bags of winter clothing um the GSA went to the Philadelphia Flyers PR game where the members got to ride the Zamboni and got a shout out's website the South hunon literary magazine is currently in the process of getting supions and putting together the annual publication um and Ness practice has started and students look forward to the events later in the year very good questions from okay um let's see with that we will go to um approval of minutes and I will ask for a resolution to approve the minutes of our uh regular and executive uh meeting from December the 18th thank you Ronnie um can I have a second please second second Brian thank you very much any discussion on the minutes let's vote all in favor anyone oppose anyone abstain uh very good um so now we are at our super okay thank you so there's three things that I want to talk about this evening three very important things first I want to provide a school construction update reconfiguration update and then talk about our new strategic plan that we worked very hard on um for in the spring last year that we're ready to unveil this evening so let's first start out with an update on construction um I have very positive news to share about our 58 building uh we as you know have been waiting on some D permits so on January 10th 2024 we received the water quality management or the wqmp approval from the DP and with that we also received a letter from the D on January 18th authorizing the township to release the construction permit so that we can be begin building the school so we submitted everything last week we were told it is acceptable and we should have the building permit within the next day or so to actually start construction so that is very exciting um we expect to have the building permit like I said by the end of this week and then once we have that we will develop a new completion schedule for the building we are still in the process of obtaining the treatment works approval where the tww and the New Jersey pollutant discharge elimination system or the N gypsies as we call it permits from the D but we're able to start construction and literally you know get the building up while that's happening we will be using that for quite some time throughout the construction so again I know we've been waiting on some different things is working a lot on the site and now you know we can actually start building the building which is very exciting hopefully the weather will cooperate obviously the last week has not but just some updates so you can see these are some aerial shots from the most recent um you know pictures about a week ago I do want to point out what you do see down here is part of the parking lot and this is actually the parent drop off so there was confusion if this was the Bus drop off if you look at the diagram basically what you see here is the yellow um and then the Bus drop off or Bus Loop is all in here but that hasn't been built yet so just kind of wanted to clarify that um and then just some other aerial shots that you'll see you know again this is the building pad where the schools basically going to go so you'll be beginning to see a lot more folks on site and a lot of Masons hopefully as they begin to build the foundation and put the building up and then for the pre4 building we continue to make excellent progress on the new addition and the renovations and we are on schedule as I've said many times before we put the roof on the contractor put the roof on the new addition and right now it's watertight so before we actually had some of the most recent water rainstorms and then the snow we had actually already had that water tight um and now we're working on the existing building so we're replacing the roof on the entire existing building so if you've been by there lately you'll see see Folks up on the roof and a lot of different material in front of the school um the storefront windows for the addition will be arriving soon so the hope would be that we would completely enclose the addition um interior work continues um there's new configuration with classrooms offices and then we are finalizing our furniture and Technology orders which more than likely will place in February and March um and our Target completion date has not changed June of 2024 all along so some pictures this is as of this morning you'll notice with the new addition they've enclosed the areas where the windows are going so it's kind of all enclosed inside um with plastic but everything on the outside's ready pretty much for you know the the outside siding that will be going on the building so this is all the roofing material that you can see the flags that are up here already on the existing building as they begin working on replacing that roof this is all the roof contractor materials and then this is inside the addition so you'll see everything is framed out electrical is run plumbing is run they were running some HVAC when I was there this morning um but we're making a lot of great progress for that two not entire new piece of the building in front then you can see this is in the existing building um this is drywall that's being installed this is just one example this is a new space this is actually for our new music room so there's a lot of drywall throughout all the glass has been removed up top uh and they continue to make great progress as we move them all so it is exciting um you know to start talking about the home stretch of this particular project as we move along so a lot of you know great news in the last week for both buildings as far as construction is concerned so then when we talk about reconfiguration in the meeting in December I talked about that the plan for September of 2024 is that all students in grades K4 in the district for the 2024 2025 school year will'll attend the south hundon regional elementary school so hopefully that's not new news to everyone because that was announced last week this is new news though that all of our fifth and sixth grade students in the district will attend the West dwell school for 2425 while the middle school is being completed so um you know we obviously will be providing transportation to all students whether you're coming from lamberville Stockon or west anwell uh and you know we'll see once we have a completed schedule for the middle school now that we have our building permits kind of where we land but that will be the plan to start the year and then all seventh and eighth graders in the district will attend the high school with the same configuration that we're doing now while the middle school is being completed so no difference and we've done no you know no differences that we've done in the past with seventh and eighth grade a couple other things preschool so we will have five preschool classes for 2425 so right now as you know we've been building each year this year we have four we will expand to five and kind of see where we go from there we will have two classes of preschool that will be housed at the south hunon regional Elementary School and we have three classes of preschool that will be housed at the West anwell school and we will be installing a preschool playground at the West anwell school and we will be using our preschool expansion Aid money in order to be able to do that so there's an area that we've identified Andrew and I were actually there this morning with a vendor kind of taking a look at where the space would be and what that's going to look like and that project will be completed in summer of 2024 3K 4 and 56 will have the same start and end times to their school day for next year so they'll be following the same schedule um and the YMCA will be providing before and after care at the prek4 school all right so that's a little bit different in the past if we do have any fifth or sixth graders that require after school programming we will transport them down to the prek4 building to take advantage of the YMCA program if they need so I wanted to put that out there as well uh we've been talking a lot about transition activities what can we do with our students from now until the end of the year and then really through the summer to bring them together as much as we possibly can before they arrive in school on the first day in September so we've talked about combined school grade level trips in the spring of 2024 so right now we're hoping that our first and second grade will be traveling to the Philadelphia Zoo together so westan will and LPS we're working on plans for grades three four and five we actually been doing some investigation of sending our fifth and sixth graders that will be going to West andwell next year to Camp Fairview in September the last week in September so there's been a lot of discussions about where do we go with Camp Fairview because obviously it's an end of a six-year experience but with a 58 building does that still work we thought for next year it would be a great way to bring our fifth and sixth graders together to kick off the year uh right in the end of September so we were fortunate to already reach out they do have a week available where they can accommodate both grade levels at the same time so we were locking that in and then we will continue to flush out the details moving forward we're looking at things like ice cream socials you know by grade level or by school movie Nights for students and parents we're talking about having a kindergarten Camp so something we would do before the school year where Kinder gardeners get an opportunity to get accustomed to the new building and spend some time hopefully with their teachers before the school year even starts and kind of get into the routine of what that's all about we've talked about the possibility of doing a Spring Carnival again with our parents and our students bringing folks together from our communities we will have tours during the summer of the new prek4 building keeping in mind when we have students that typically register especially for kindergarten part of the registration process has always been you register and then we'll reach out to you in Spring have you take it to the building well obviously we won't be able to do that because it's still under construction so we will be allocating time during summer for families to come in and bring their child in and take a tour of the building and then as Jessica said in our update tonight we're really looking at how does the District parent teacher organization support all this and support all this transition so just to put a plug in um I know we sent it out a couple times we only had about nine or 10 responses the first go around I just looked at it this evening before our meeting I think we're up to 30 which is great so we're really looking for input from our community um we've had a lot of discussions about developing a district PTO one PTO for the district and then having kind of different tentacles that come off of that to support each building and for the first time establishing a PTO at the high school which we've never had before so if you didn't get a chance I did send that out again I think on Friday last week take a look at it and uh fill out that survey because your input's extremely important and then we'll be organizing and working with the PTO to organize what that structure is going to look like before the end of the year and they've already you know offered a lot of support to some of these transition activities which would be great all right so that is obviously our construction update and then our reconfiguration update and then I also want to share our new strategic plan and specifically our process I'm going to give a lot of information and then I'm going to give you information that I'll be sending out to the community it's already posted on our website so the first thing we started with when we had our strategic planning sessions last spring was our mission statement so and this didn't change so again this kind of grounded us from night one to kind of take a look at this and really think about how do what type of experiences are we going to provide to our students to help prepare to achieve this mission statement so I thought that was important to share and then from there um the process was facilitated by New Jersey school boards Association and Glen Thorton who we all hopefully know well that's on a lot of work as a field rep for school boards and did a great job facilitating our three sessions uh we had three planning sessions on March 28th we had one in this room and our focus on that session and for that evening was really identifying our strengths our challenge and the opportunities for our students in the district and then on April 18th we met at LPS and we really focused on the vision for the future what do we want our district to look like in five years and the type of experiences for our students and then on May 10th we met at West anwell and we talked about really goals and objectives we've had a lot of theoretical conversation how do we really narrow this down the goals of objectives and then after the goals and the objectives we really got to develop an action plan that we're going to be following over the next several years so with that we came up with five goals that we were going to focus on and then specific goal statements for each so goal number one focused on the student learning experience and the statement was to create academically rigorous programs that address the whole child and are inclusive to all to maximize Student Success so that students develop a love of learning and then within that we developed objectives so you'll see our first objective was really to take a look at how can we expand our curriculum offerings and incorporate student interest and choice and really look at Partnerships specifically we talk about dual enrollment we've been spending a lot of time on that already about when students get to the high school there are so many different opportunities for our kids now to come out of high school with almost a year of college under their belt based on our dual enrollment programming so we've been really looking to expand that and we're continuing to expand that we're going to have more information for parents and our program of studies and have a p page on our website dedicated just to our inal en vment program integrate technology enhance our learning experience and then really make sure and this really goes hand inand with our reconfiguration that cohesion across grade levels and curriculum the ability to have all of our second grade teachers all of our third grade teachers all of our first grade teachers in the same building working right next to each other collaborating planning sharing strategies that is a powerful piece for the overall consistency and direction of of the district so that's important for goal number two we talked about Community engagement establish and maintain a lasting collaborative relationship between the district and its community in order to enrich and engage learning experiences for both students and community members so objectives identify barriers to engagement for each student population to get involved in different activities take a look at Service Learning and mentorships an extracurricular career exploration streamline Communications which we started to do already as far as our district calendar and platforms and then make every event an opportunity to Foster enthusiasm within the community all right we've talked a lot about too within this and you'll see within the action plan of really trying to generate relationships careerwise with community members to help share their experiences and how it relates directly to the content that our students are learning in classrooms and how we can kind of build capacity for that because we have so much value in our community whether it's folks that are parents in our community or folks that just live in our community but based on their careers have a lot to offer so that's something we're going to be focusing on moving forward and then really this has been a theme advertise and celebrate our student achievements so we know from our climate survey we know from feedback that we got from parents last year felt like it was a little bit heavier on the athletic side as far as how we're celebrating students we tried to make a conscious effort especially with our news BS to really focus on different aspects of all different different areas of curriculum whether it's art or music or students of the month or whatever it may be to really get out a lot of information focusing on celebrating our students health and wellness for students and staff so to ensure all staff students and stakeholders feel safe and supported within the learning environment so create a strong feeling of connectedness a sense of belonging to their school Community an awareness of the resources of support that we have available to students and families in an effort to thwart the negative impacts of stress and mental illness as we know that is a huge thing in our society right now we're no different within our school community that mental health is a top priority building opportunities within the schedule for both students and staff to connect specialize and prepare and then strengthen existing curriculum to drive student achievement and staff confidence and then four obviously with all the changes in reconfiguration and construction facilities Logistics and utilization and transition so to prepare and support our student staff and Community for the upcoming and ongoing building transitions to our sustainable stateof art facilities that Foster safe and secure learning environment so when we talk about objectives really you know as we transition to these new configurations really looking at how we can support students academically socially and emotionally assisting and providing access to All Families creating and communicating opportunities for Community utilization of grounds and Facilities so something we've talked about in our finance committee is now that we're going to have these new facilities how can we really get the message out there and even look at our building Rental process to utilize things like you know the cafeteria space at our 58 building which is going to be an amazing meeting space or the library in our new prek4 building or all the different things obviously we're going to have new gyms to come online there's a lot of opportunity for Community use groups to meet and I know meeting space is a challenge in every Community how can we kind of get that message out there and really encourage them to take advantage of utilizing our spaces in the evenings or on weekends and then providing staff with resources and support throughout the transition so with all the moves and kind of everything that's going on it's really important that we support our staff you know as as we move into our new configuration and then finally Communications and that's this has been a big theme over the last year or so within the district but to further develop and refine multifaceted multi-level communication plan so when we talk about objectives one of the things that came out was rebranding with short you know slogan you've probably seen whether it's been Facebook even within my signature with my email hash srsd together um really trying to to focus on that obviously diverse communities and really connecting there's Pockets within our community that we really want to focus on what is the best way to connect with them communicate whether it's email focus groups text messaging all kinds of different things you really want to be looking at that explore ways connect and this is a biggie with our non-parent community members who expand our brand this has been a challenge right whether we're using you know lamberville matters to get things out there or the West HW well Facebook page or whatever it may be trying to engage our community that doesn't have students in school the best that we possibly can so that's something that's been a high priority for us and then we're really looking at you know we just talked about this in school and Community two weeks ago like the creation of a school app podcast public TV channel we are looking at a new program that we're investigating called parents Square um that is more of a comprehensive communication vehicle um that we're going to kind of vet out we've been starting to vet it out in our technology committee we're going to vet it out um within school and community and it does have one of the feature sets of T nice is it does have a feature set for our folks who are community members and they can kind of decide what type of communication they want to get about different events so I think that's a great way again to connect with some folks who maybe aren't in tune to the day-to-day activities of the district but want to be in tuned on some level and then our referendum work so as I give updates typically every other Monday whether if it's a board meeting I'll give the update at the board meeting and then send out a slide deck if it's not typically I'm posting every other Monday to our Facebook and Instagram Pages an update with pictures of what's going on at prek4 and what's going on at 58 but again that's another important vehicle that we've been trying of stress you know with our community about if you follow us on there you're going to get a lot of information of what's been going on and I've also tried to really focus on um you know if you remember way back when we put out an email list of folks who lived in the community near the prek4 building and near the 58 and they wanted updates so I've been trying to do my best to provide updates to them as frequently as possible here's what's coming we're going to be working on the roof you're going to see a lot of materials delivered there's going to be a crane in front of the school you know things along those lines to kind of keep them in the loop as best as I possibly can throughout the construction process so at the end of the day these are really the two big reports um so and these are actually on our website I'll show you in a second but this is the report that was done by school board so it's pretty long it's 39 pages but it does share what we focused on and not only that I think more importantly it also shares who was at each meeting so attendance was taken by Gwen and um you can kind of see all the different participants that participate in each meeting and then how we fles things out and what we actually accomplish at each meeting so that's number one and then most importantly out of everything this is our action point so um and I'm not going to go through each of it because it's 12 pages long each part but I would suggest hopefully the community and like I said um it's on our website under the quick links you'll notice now there's a little area it says strategic plan if you click on it it's going to going to bring you right to the same document this really lays out each goal that we talked about with the objectives and then here's an action plane of different activities and basically it's the activity who's responsible for it what's the timeline the resources are needed and how can we evaluate what are the indicators of success so you'll see this kind of goes on and on and on there's a lot of pieces to it um and this will really be a living document for us as a board to drive our work moving forward this this documents from 2023 to 2028 and also for our administrative team as we look at our goals and our initiatives from year to year obviously we want to continue to go back to this working document and focus on different things each year we're not going to accomplish it all in year one we've kind of phased in some things but the hope would be as we get close to you know 2028 we can go back there to this list and we've check the majority of it all that we've been able to accomplish and it is a living document which means just because we're presenting it this evening it doesn't mean in a year if some things come up that we can't go back to it and take a look at it again and tweak it or add something um that definitely can happen but it does give us a good guide now and a good reference moving forward um in a lot of different areas and and when you look at this there's a lot of work to do right but that's okay um you know I'm excited about the process that we went through the community engagement that we received and now the finished product that we now have here in front of us okay um does the board have any questions or anything you want to say about the Strategic plan wonderful press I thought it really at every stage I thought that it was really quite meaningful and it's always good to have a GU um they' been looking five years out instead of just hting right that day excellent yeah School boards we've worked with them on the last few times we've done strategic plan that do a great job um anyone else uh thought your comments I would just say and we said this in the spring right but how much we appreciate parents Teachers Community non-parent community members everybody who came out and contributed I mean it's the plan is we're trying to represent what you know our community wants to do and we're trying and plan for the next five years so um your input was inviable we think um okay with that uh we're going to move to our period of public comment this will be the first of two times that we will open the meeting up to public comment you may uh ask a question or um make a statement to the board on on any topic that you like um all I ask is that you state your name the town that you're from and the uh um and try and keep your comment to about three minutes just for the sake of uh time um with that uh is there any uh anyone in the audience who would like to make a comment for the board all right I see we do have one online we do have one online and it's from Allison Stern from Lambertville I speaking with you today on behalf of myself and another fourth grade parent why are we reconfiguring the future fifth and sixth graders from the Lambertville City area to the school out of our area it doesn't make sense to move kids living in and around town all the way up to westan well when we can just leave the schools as they are until the schools are completed and the full implementation of the reconfiguration can occur this was never included as a possibility when the proposal was voted for having looked over the previous minutes and agenda I do not see where if the schools were not to be completed in the time allotted then the answer would be to ship the city kids up to West ANW and my mistake Aken where in the previous plans was it voted that the children had had to be reconfigured for the 2425 school year even if schools were not completed why are we rushing to move the West ano kids down to the to the area when the full plans are not completed what Provisions have you made for getting all the kids up to W to the West anul SCH as are going to be after care provided at the school yeah and then you can share whatever you want to share um I mean I think it goes back to what I said before you know when we take a look at our strategic plan and the value of the the reconfiguration it outweighs everything else we we can't afford to wait another year to do that right we we talked about the importance to have all of our teachers together in a grade level the consistency of the educa educational experience for our kids that's really really important and we're only going to truly get that by the reconfiguration and no it wasn't in the the plan to vote on because because at the time we were hoping it would be done on time we didn't anticipate some of the delays that we had to deal with along the way um but the reality is we have a great opportunity to reconfigure and to provide that experience for our pk4 and then also provide a similar experience for our five six even though it's in the west vanwell building it allows us to bring all of our teachers together right so all of our fifth grade all of our sixth grade are going to be working right next to each other in the same hallway that is powerful it's also very important for the director that we're trying to lead our district in we know that student achievement test scores that's all been at the Forefront right we acknowledge that this is part of the plan to help with that so I just feel strongly as a superintendent that although we have some challenges with delays we need to start the reconfiguration process whenever it's available and it will be available for September in some degree could you maybe address the transportation issue yeah so we will be transporting students obviously so if you whether you live in lamberville or Stockton or west anwell for that matter if you're in fifth and sixth grade you'll be getting a bus to the West anwell School um if you're coming from west anwell or Stockton for the prek4 you'll get a bus obviously our the majority of our students in lamberville will walk just like they have done in the past um we will have the after CARE program so at the prek4 building but if you're a fifth or sixth grader and at the end of the day you know your parents are working and you need to have the after CARE program we will transport you from West anwell down to the prek4 and you'll be able to take advantage of the Aftercare which I think goes till 6 o'clock and then you know your parents can pick you up so we're going to provide all of that just like we would you know any other time uh so that is the only online that is the only online I'm going to close the period of public moment and there will be a second one later in the meeting um so we will move to our committee reports but before we do that I feel an editorial insert uh it is halftime South it's up 3816 um with that buildings grounds Transportation finance and safety our new chair let's War let take it away certainly uh won't be as comprehensive as Diana on the first time I'll give it a shot um so we did meet on Thursday um just a couple of highlights you'll see our bills list included um we are pursuing a grant service um for a couple of uh items we're looking uh to bring to the district so we're pursuing u a grant writing uh company to assist us in finding um and also being selected for some grants which include um playground equip equipment at the 5A building uh things like that um you'll see we have a few uh field trips that have been approved uh one of which was an laf grant that was actually written by students that's the Hamilton on Broadway um so of course we thank the laia um for their uh those offerings but also um it's great that the students engaged in that process and uh we're able to get there um we'll see anou and an MOA um on our agenda the memorandum of agreement is part of our if annual is part of our qac process um so when the state uh looks to Kar qac uh score um that being signed by law enforcement um is obviously part of our uh scoring process um you'll see some allocations for um the Elementary School uh there's also a change order at the 58 building the change order um was due to a recommendation that we might want to put our um electrical wiring underground due to um you know wind storms things of that nature just a little bit uh safer um so that addresses that um and you'll see a couple of um Construction payment authorizations those came out of the NJ arm account from interest we earned um so that has um obviously been um quite a successful investment on the district part and with that I will move items a through r a r so move can I have a second please second second by Gina thank you very much uh any discussion on items a through R there are no questions then let's go yes sh yes ke yes yes yes Michael yes yes yes yes uh Personnel committee um miss the new chairman thank you the meeting okay I'll give the update yeah so um you can see from the agenda be pretty late this time of the year so we talked a little bit about the agenda and then really we started to have some conversations just about a NE next big piece for our reconfiguration is Staff All right so really taking a look you know talking about the process we've gone through uh and the fact that we will be having conversations with staff uh towards the end of February beginning of March just as where is everyone going right configuration wise as far as 3K 4 and 58 and things along those lines that was the main part of our conversation we need to make we need a motion for items looking for someone to make a motion to approve items am which are the uh um extra curricular appointments and uh some future uh movements appointments and resignations so move Meg thank you I have a second second second by Brian thank you very much any discussion on uh items i b there no comments that yes yes yes yes M yes yes Michael Dennis yes ronino yes Al yes R and Technology the new committee chairman Mr keys so curriculum and Technology committee met last Thursday January 18th um a few of the technology updates Tony already mentioned in his update um progress is being made at the south regional Elementary School including all wiring being completed overline within the building um evaluation is ongoing to try to save the district money um currently we're comparing vendors for both Wi-Fi and firewall firewall for the district evaluating some platforms including cross link as you said in parent Square we discussed high impact tutoring Grant uh this started this past week it ran last Wednesday and Thursday January 17th and 18th um the goals would be high impact low stress program in celebrating Student Success last week 42 students from grades three to six from both they includes both lamberville Le St participated the small groups between six to eight students um twice a week 45 minutes to an hour after school day um the goal overall goal to improve student performance talked about uh family presentations for grades six and eight they'll be in person and'll be Zoom meetings to help student transition to the next level we go over High School course progression and course selection as well as a college process briefly talk about the gifted and talented review U virtual focus groups on January 17th staff um surveys went out to parents and notification went out that students will be surveyed as well and we Al also discussed planning for March professional development day um on course classroom training program and Ela programing overview for grades 3K four that's all I have very good thank you nothing to move in ccul no uh so let's go to policy committee think Martha is giving my update out there I will I'll step the policy committee met last Wednesday January 17th uh recently the New Jersey legislature uh enacted and the government Governor signed into law the working class families and antier act that resulted in revision to a number of State statutes and amendments and the creation of new state stat stes that resulted in the need to change to our policies including the abolishment of policy section 8540 the school nutrition program and 88550 the meal charges an outstanding Food Services Bill those have been Consolidated into new section 8500 under Food Services that was walked through in detail by the superintendent and discussed by the group that covers the free and reduced lunch and breakfast program as well as the meal charge program there was one option that needed to be selected um by the district which was whether or not there would be a meal charge available option A is is no meal charge uh the second option is a mail charge and the details of that program and how it is to be administered and the decision was to go for option b or option two to allow meal charges um and that was a the extent of the discussion okay very good and so you're bringing forward this evening policy fors yes a 8 500 so you're making a motion to I am approve policy 8500 on its first reading I am yes may I have a second on that second Michael thank you for the second any discussion on policy 8500 and of course now I will have some time if we want to go look at that if you're not on the policy committee and you haven't looked at it yet like me um you'll have the opportunity not to do that suggest changes or just ask that you get your changes in to them a week or so before the next meeting so that they have an opportunity to consider them when the policy committee meets um any discussion on that that policy then let's vote pleas yes yes yes M yes yes yes yes yes and last but definitely not least the school Community policy Mr P Marina uh so school and Community met and discussed our committee goals for 2024 um obviously uh communication regarding the transition is top priority for the district so we would be supporting that also the collection of stakeholder feedback um there's a lot of surveys and focus groups uh so the committee will continue to support Tony in the design with you and the action plans that come from those um surveys and focus groups and also to evaluate the implementation of the Strategic plan goals regarding um the have the go numbers but Community engagement and communication uh we also talked a lot about uh transition activities the importance of bringing the kids together for social activities um as many times as we possibly can as we're um planning for the reconfiguration and um Tony shared about the possibility of C Fairview and Philadelphia Zoo um so again it's really talking about how important those unscheduled social not not unscheduled but un um No Agenda social and no stru exactly uh we also talked about press releases and how important they are for reaching Community Beyond families in the district uh so some topics that we discussed were the dual enrollment program the high impact tutoring um program and the prek implementation and growth and we started looking at or discussing parents web for our next meeting inth was it uh actually I think yeah just so the only that the uniqueness right we you have two calendars on there obviously we've had a challenging you know couple weeks with weather and we lost two of our snow days so we're bringing forth a new Revis calendar hopefully we won't need to revise it again um hopefully by every now everyone knows we uh lost the Friday before president's weekend and then the Friday before Memorial Day so we're asking that we approve that and then we'll put it up on the I think we already did put it up on the website actually um and then the second one we're not bringing forward for approval it's just a discussion point we are bringing a draft of the 2425 we would approve it at the February meeting so it gives the board and the community time to take a look at it over the next month so we would only need a motion for B uh actually I think we need a motion for yeah B I'm sorry my new glass looks fail um so make motion revisions to the current years okay uh yes just the we're just just the revisions to the current Year's calendar so moved can I have a second please second second by Megan thank you very much any discussion on that I don't have a question about the calendar but can I just ask a quick question about fair viiew so Fairview is a Sleepaway Camp so you're suggesting sending fifth and sixth graders away for Sleepaway okay I just wanted to make sure I understood that um and then the the calendar is on okay and we don't know we not need a r a Voice vote is appropriate so all in favor of the calendar change I anyone opposed anyone obain very good um moving on um we need a mo do we have a harassment we do and so we need a motion to approve the harassment intimidation B Megan thank you second please second second you thank thank you any discussion on that all in favor I I anyone opposed anyone abstaining anyone abstain thank you um so that brings us to the second period for public comment um just as in the first one if you have something to say we would love to hear it um with that we will open the meeting to public comment is there anyone in the audience who would like to say something see no one I will ask if there's anyone online there is not other no one then I will close the second period of public comment um we do have a need to go into executive session this evening I expect that to be 20 minutes so 15 to 20 minutes uh we do not anticipate taking any action after the executive session but I will need a motion I should I should I need my long distance cles I need a motion to go into executive session at 7:49 PM oh go ahead great motion by Tracy seconded by Megan all in favor anyone opposed all right we are going we're gonna move into the other room in executive sessions no breaks Jim we'll take a no you don't get a break can I wand