see look iorry that's it I'm relaxed I don't need a g we're waiting on they're on your person have to I got she okay call to order um adequate meaning of the South Hunter regional board of education has called to order adequate notice as required by the open public meetings Act was provided on December the 5th 2022 by posting the notice with the respective of the city of Lille B of Stockton and Township of West danwell and advertised on December the 8 2022 in the Hun County Democrat in the Tren time here here here here here here for flages the stands Nation indivisible okay um you have any PTO PTA or LEF reports this evening on up yeah hello everyone hello um I'm Kate merensky I'm here on behalf of laf um not much news we gave at all the awards at the last board meeting um we are very pleased to do so and I think the kids will have some really exciting things to report back to in the fall um about how they spent their summer so we we look forward to hearing about their Adventures um we're turning our attention to our second biggest uh fundraiser of the year which is our golf day um it will be Monday September 30th that that's a little unusual usually we are the first Monday in October but uh that was not going to work out for the uh for her and Glenn this year and we are going to bring back for the second time our familyfriendly nine-hole tournament on Sunday evening we're hoping the Ramblers have a buy that week so if anyone can pull those strings that'd be great um because we'd like to get more interest but the small group of kids that we had last year really enjoyed it and um the course was really good about it they made a really nice experience for everyone and our last bit of new news is that the communication board which the laf granted for uh to be installed outside of the new elementary school is in the final stages I think of manufacturing and is about to be installed we saw some um mockups of it it looks fantastic it provides um a board for communication where there's a language barrier or communication barrier um and has all types of relevant Communications uh that might want to find an outdoor space between kids and parents um adults and adults um and it was brought to us by I believe it was the then Lambertville Elementary School um special uh special education teacher um so it was great Grant and we were pleased to fund it and um I think when building is ready that'll be installed on the playground that's it excellent thanks can I ask a quick question yes whole for is that for is that like a under 18 thing or is that in fact you have to have a you need an adult to drive the cart so right if you want to come and play we would love to have you okay good yeah look forward to hearing more great yeah yeah it's noncompetitive so even if you're Dolf course I'm comp to okay um any other uh P or PPA reports not we move on our correspondence we have several items correspondence that are posted online with the US um with that we'll go to approval of minutes so I need an approve my motion to approve the minutes of our our meeting from May 20 by mon thank you second second by Kevin thank you any discussion on those mes all in favor anyone oppose we also have we also need a motion to approve the executive session at the same time Megan thank you a second please second thank you any discussion on the executive no discussion all in favor I anyone opposed okay uh with that we come to the superintendent update just a few SL slides I have as we we wrap up the year so it was a great graduation for the class of 2024 we beat the heat um I know a lot of graduations were last week and it was a rough week with weather so uh it was been awesome ceremony he W up moving it to the morning um and uh it a great job kids did a great job everyone that was there did a great job so we wish our class 2024 well in their future endeavors um I just want to remind everyone one climate survey so I've been sending out different reminders there is a link which I'll send this out tomorrow to everyone like I always do um but it is the deadline it will close on June 30th it's been open for about a month so uh if you have not have the opportunity to fill off the clim survey please do so keeping in mind it's for staff parents and community members as well as uh students so if you have a child as well who hasn't filled it out grades three and above they more than welcome to do it as well and then we'll be sharing the results summaries of the results of that um hopefully at if not our August meeting definitely in September um I sent this out right at the end of the year I know there's a lot of questions obviously with a lot of changes going into 2425 so there is a link here for it I'm not going to open up and go through everything but there were a few things that I just wanted to highlight um some key dates that are coming up so you know a lot of questions about when will I find out my child's teacher or when we'll schedule be available so that will happen on August 14th it will be via encourse we'll share more information about that as we get closer we will be having an open house for the South H Regional Elementary School on August 15th we'll have morning evening tours where folks anyone will be welcome uh community members whoever would like to come and see the building as we unveil it after our renovation is completed um one thing that's new this year I've been communicating with kindergarten uh parents but if you are aware of any folks that are have a child that's going into kindergarten spread the word we're starting a kindergarten camp this year we've never done this before um it will be August 19th to the 22nd from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. it is free for any of our kindergarteners that are coming in um our teachers one in the audience right now will be facilitating Camp our three kindergarten teachers for next year um there is a link to sign up so um there is a registration just so we have an idea if have any will have we will also be providing transportation for anyone who uh would normally get Transportation during the the school year so again we'll continue to kind of put that out there but if you know of anyone who has kindergart or make sure they sign up it's a great way to have orientation into the new building and you know obviously into the kindergarten experience thoughts information will be available in EN course on August 23rd for folks that will be getting Transportation we'll be having preschool orientation so Monday August 26 from 9:00 to 10 10:30 will be for our students who are attending preschool at new elementary school and then 11 to 12:30 for our students who are attending preschool at West anall next year we'll be having an ice cream social and kind of find your classroom so you know at this point by August 26 students will know who their classroom teacher is for our elementary school so they'll have a chance to come in parents as well again walk the building find the room that their teacher is going to be in and and check it out we'll be doing the same for our fifth and sixth graders um who will be at West anwell so we'll break the ice and then find your classroom these will both be uh PTO sponsored events so they'll be sponsoring refreshments and other things that are going on there that will be on Monday August 26th as well but in the evening from 5:30 to 6:30 we did try to if you notice we know parents might have students at multiple levels so we know taking off work can be challenging we tried to organize everything in one day so parent has a prescore and then maybe let's say a fifth grader um OB obviously they're only taking off work maybe one day instead of two or three during summer seventh grade orientation we'll have two times August 14th at 4M and August 19th at 1 pm we'll be providing more information to our incoming seventh graders as we get closer and then um on we're doing something new this year so on Wednesday September 4th which will be the second day of school from 5 to 7 p.m. here at the high school we're going to have a seventh and Ninth Grade barbecue for our students and our parents um from 5: to 6 we'll be eating and barbecue it will be fun our staff will be here as well and then from 6:00 to 7 parents will be going with um folks from the administration to learn about the academic program you're going to be hearing a lot about dual enrollment which is a huge push this year um and then our students will have the opportunity to visit club sports activities kind of an activity Fair where they go from table to table our club advisers will be here and really to find out what is of interest to them and hopefully they hit the ground running where you know they can sign up for different things participate in the fall season depending upon what that activity is so we're really excited about that that's going to be sponsored by our new District PTO as well um so they're planning on that behind the scenes I know this is a big question for parents especially for the elementary school um this was in the FAQ but we will have before and after care options the YMCA will be housed at the new Elementary School lamberville Academy is still an option as well and as you know if you participated in the past they come and and pick the kids up and walk them down to the academy um so there's a lot of different options for students who are at West andwell School whether it's our preschoolers or our fifth and sixth graders if they are going to be participating in these programs we will transport them as well traditionally if you look at numbers we find talking to lamberville Academy in the Y most of the kids that participate are preschool through four grade um not as much in fifth and sixth but there are links here so I know folks you know want to get this set up as quickly as possible um you can click on the links and register and then have a spot the good news is this will um solidify and guarantee that everyone has after care in the past lamberville Academy has had the tendency to fill up and then not have spots for folks so we wanted to make sure that we had the YMCA as well and that way there's no issues with any parent who needs after care for care having those resources um and then this is something that's really important as well I just want to reiterate we'll reiterate as we get closer to to the school year we spent a lot of time administratively and even as a board um really analyzing what we ask parents to buy especially at the prek 6 level and we came to the conclusion that it's a lot right if you have two or three students and you know you're spending 75 or $85 on supplies or a supply get um we understand what everything else what our activity fee that we charge for activities it can add up pretty quickly so what we're saying to families is really for the fall for grades prek to six we're looking for students to have a backpack maybe headphones a reusable water bottle and whatever going to use for our launch and besides that we're going to provide everything else so whether it's index cards or poits or whatever it may be um writing inent whatever we're going to have that we've been working with our teachers and working on developing grade level supply list that we will have the ability to help um take that burden off parents which I know it can be difficult um 712 teachers will communicate Supply needs as they've done in the past at the start of the year and um you know we'll go from there as far as Supply the prek 6 um it'll be a little bit different than been in the past um and then the last thing I want to mention we will be going through a website transition so probably you know talking to Mr saell you know either afternoon this Friday definitely by Monday when you click on our website um it's going to look different than it's looked in the past um we're going to be sharing more information about that as we move forward we are moving to a platform called parent Square it will control all all of our websites the three schools the district website as well as parent communication there's a lot of different features with it um you know parents won't really see a difference on their side but from our side um you know different nuances that we'll be learning over the summer as far as communication to parents so I just wanted to make you aware if you click on our websites um it will look a little different we'll be building out the content over the summer and obviously they'll be ready to launch um for the upcoming school year uh which we're really excited about we're hoping uh board school and Community Committee have been working on this over the last several months giving feedback as far as access and easily to be able to navigate and having important information that's available the nice thing about par Square it is really mobile so we know parents and students for that matter everything's on your phone so this has a nice mobile app appearance to it so you'll be able to access it as an app and then be able to scroll through just like you would other social media sites or whatever it may be which right now what we use School messenger does not allow us to do that it's not really mobile friendly so that is all I have any questions from the board remember I have a question yeah so for and just like really point of clarification for parents for parents who have students in fifth or sixth which website they go to Middle School the middle school and even seven and eight we're really going to start moving in that direction even though we're split between two buildings but it's important to kind of start separating those two so they go to the Middle School yep thank you any other questions on mr's report okay so uh that brings us to the first period of public comment um this is an opportunity for you folks if you have something you would like to bring for the board um please just come up to the podium uh let us know your name the community you're from and um we ask that you try to keep your uh remarks to about three minutes and um we may be able to answer them if there a short answer otherwise we will get back and take them under consideration and get back to you is there anybody who would like to bring something before the board this evening hi I'm Kate merensky from West Samwell I just had a question about um inservice days and I was wondering if you might be able to tell us how they're used and if there is budgeting for the development programs that um the teachers spend their time on on those days uh you're used in a lot of different ways I can talk to you a little bit about August 27th 28th and 29th that will be coming up um Miss Lenin is actually planning them but just to kind of give you a quick overview uh we will be roll out on course classroom this year which will replace Google Classroom the positive of that is now that parents will have access to all their students assignments in advance rather than seeing them after fact in the grade book um so we'll be roll out that out grades 5 through 12 we're rolling out a new Ela curriculum which is going to be wit and wisdom which you've heard about in previous meetings so we've had training already on that but there'll be some refresher training that goes along with that as well that we're looking at um we'll be doing some training with our par professionals on um and some other sta with CPR certifications um and our bus drivers as well we're going to incorporate that uh we will be providing some classroom time so keeping in mind that we do have a large staff that's moving into a brand new building we are going to allocate a good amount of time on one particular day for them to get set up in their classroom and kind of um you know be able to get set for our students um we always meet with staff as an opening to start the school year all together in our Auditorium and we started a new tradition last year where we're celebrating our staff for years of service and recognition along with kind of laying out our vision for the school year and our goal um so that's kind of just a brief overview we'll have a formal document by probably the end of July the DL we'll have Shar there'll be a lot of different workshops and different things related to different peral areas and quite honestly you have folks doing a lot of different things we have some time where they're all together but most of the time they're split up the Elementary Middle School base High School base we're going to also build in I'm working with G on on bringing in presenter to talk a little bit about classroom management social emotional some of the things our kids come to school with each and every day and how we manage that a lot of so just so follow when you talk about um working on curriculum and I guess Department specific is there some professional development that goes on on some of these days maybe at the not the beginning of the year it makes good sense that you're kind of getting ready on new systems and things like that as lot of sounds like a lot of training but is there professional development that goes on in any of these learning to be curricul that is is that what well I it's I'm actually looking for the definition from you so if learning new curriculum is that all the teachers of the same grade are going to be teaching the same curriculum I wouldn't that doesn't sound like professional development to me that sounds like you know here's what we're GNA do for the year but maybe it there's a lot of different instructional strategies andess strategies that you know how how is the your lesson design you talk a lot about small construction what does that look like in your classroom okay how do we take that Drive what we're going to do from day to-day eaching that's part of that that's a hug part of what we're doing at the district okay that will absolutely play a ro those probably in our November first day as well thanks appreciate it hello uh my name is Andrea little I'm from West dwell I uh spoke in March uh April to the board March April March um regarding a resolution that you were going to approve about the preschool uh I spoke in detail about some information I had shared to all of you and then came back the following month and shared it to you in April by email to the board but you don't have a correspondence with the email uh and I shared the details of the information and the data of what was presented to the board back um when preschool was discussed I was not here at the May meeting I'm maybe hoping that tonight you can discuss because you had mentioned that you'll share you know people have questions you maybe can't answer them at that given time maybe tonight we can have that conversation since it's been since March uh that I've presented these questions on our district went out to the state discussed that we were interested in the preschool program um funding up to maximum 90 students um which we know that's six classrooms um this was all done right before the referendum referendum took place with a school with two preschool classrooms in it not six classrooms um were we thinking it's a halfday preschool program were we thinking at that time that it was a full day preschool program but the numbers don't add up um and now we have a prek through um fourth grade school that cannot house all of our prek potential students um and that still is really not resolved and discussed to the community so I'd like for the board to be able to say did you go back and read it by chance if you haven't when can we have this discussion um I don't think that this needs to wait until September when preschoolers are now going to be split into two buildings when the whole point of part of the redistricting was to consolidate having our our student learning be together progressively um and we're already starting new brand new students in separate buildings so were we always thinking it was a full day program was it considered a half day program are we moving them to West anwell to keep West dwell open for the year to help like the states going to fund the building is that part of the reason even though we are part of the state and we are part of the funding because we are taxpayers so I ask that if not tonight when will you publicly be discussing preschool soon as um s the new year starts and I think families deserve to know if I had a preschooler I'd want to know why they're in two different buildings so thank you very much um that's all I have to say tonight I'll just share that we have a plan for next year and that's not changing so we'll have three at West and two at new new elementary school um just a couple weeks ago I'm not sure if you saw it it talked a little bit about the future and that we will be having information meetings September and October the boarded excuse me no it's just I'm saying the time was up so it wasn't speaking I know but he answered your question in three minutes was up though we got to stick for three minutes okay I was thank you there will be thank you very hi I'm Diane Pott I live in West Amell Township and uh I'm here to comment on the uh contract for Mr swazo for your salary I thank you for all of your hard work and I want to thank the board members for the time they invest in the community um my understanding is there's a 5.8% raise the first year is that correct oh I'm sorry okay thank you so much uh the 5.8% if that is if I if I understand correctly seems to be too exorbitant um particularly at this time where so many people are having a hard time with grocery prices gas prices um and also just in general the direction of how the education is proceeding it seems like we have less local students than we used to uh also the fact that um uh salaries compared to other superintendant and also a key thing to me is the standardized scores we want our children to be competitive in an international marketplace you know you know Reading Writing math and those scores have not been going in the right direction so that's my comment is that the 5.8% should come down thank you very much there will be another oppat so tonight's meeting is a little different this is the final meeting of the 2022 of school year um so we have a long list of administrative items that [Music] we which basically our SCH District schol years I schol year we have to approve the entire and then I'll make that motion second any discussion for um item n just since I don't I'm not familiar with this stuff from prior is that is that the same does that list of it's the uh Co-op the list of uh is there any changes or anything different there that would have been years past or is it added anything no changes right so it would be we have to we have to reapo those every year okay simply administrative okay we have we have to we have to show that we improved our participation got so we do look for co-ops co-ops are organizations that allow you can do Cooperative purchasing which allows you sometimes to get things under a certain threshold of say $50,000 or whatever it is that um can be cheaper if you buy it through one of these organizations and so we actively use those and uh and seek those opportunities and how listed here 18 different co-ops that we uh that we use for purchasing Jim just you know for anyone in the public who's wondering why we're doing this today I know School Board elections used to be in June um when which used to coincide with our fiscal year which starts July 1 um the fiscal year hasn't moved but the elections have moved in November to save money on elections um so that's why we do it in June so that you know we don't run out of money starting July one making our approvals at this meeting thank you anybody else um any other any other comment and I just I had one other question on the Professional Services thing the it the um item says uh Professional Services it's like such as attorneys District Architects medical is that but do does that um piece cover like consultants and stuff too or is it only what's listed there like so typically depends sorry we used that cons so something had out b or is it something that falls under service law okay okay we're on those and related to that I would note that our P practice has always been that every few years you want to look at all of your contracts right so maybe get new vids for multiple people so we have an auditor right we have a contract with an auditor who audits our budgets every year and we that person has changed over the years we have had different Architects over the years we have you know you you look for you know um you're always looking to to make sure that you're not getting you're not overpaying for those those Professional Services but you also like to have conf people that you trust in any other questions want a yes yes yes Excuse me yes yes yes yes yes yes um buildings grounds Transportation um Mr War so we did need um you'll see long list of vendor contracts once again those are just approvals for the following school year um our vendor list if it looks a little long that's why um and those are all of our contracts um you know for any of the technology we use I know that Brown and Brown which is our auditor on there um our what health heal sorry yes ST sve which handles our policies um there's items for bids and we're accepting the purchase of goods so um you know I highlight that try to highlight that often but um Mr albaner you know has consistently found items in our district that we no longer need that we could still make a profit on selling on municibid um so you'll see that we're U you know accepting sales for uh almost $4,000 those $4,000 that comes back into our pocket for other items um there's a resolution to approve um our legal services that is uh porio bronberg Newman that's the board's attorney um and uh we've used them for for quite a long time um I suppose they're very happy with their services uh and uh you'll also see we're accepting a bid for um poft that's the updates to uh the district so well room project um and that was our lowest and only only bid as well SCH for the high school building um we're also accepting some grant funding so you'll see we're getting a rebate of $800,000 from the EPA for uh our clean uh School Bus uh part the clean School Bus program um see there's um a few uh change orders at the construction sites um there's also um you'll see under here there's a flooring for the elementary school um Tony do you want to H do you want to or sure okay so why don't we why don't we make a motion to both items discuss so I'd like to make a moot or a motion to approve items a through U good move second please second by Mar thank you okay now I can discuss so yeah I can talk a little bit about the change order so as we wrap up the elementary project we're kind of in the final stages hopefully we'll have it wrapped up by the end of July um there are some different change orders that are on here related to that specifically um there was some electrical upgrades we had to utilize and put in and install for the existing water heaters that were uh at our building um so there was painting done we've been down there in the last day or two they're Paving both of the Lots in front of the school um the the hope is uh eventually to pave this the lot next to the school which is owned by the city as well which is part of the project there is some DNR um approvals that we need to go through that we haven't received yet in order to have that happen it's probably not going to be done it will not be done for September but in the interim um we did install a pipe uh in the uh existing lot that we own in front of the school that eventually they'll tap into for that parking lot so that is part of the change order as well um there's some Foundation patching and they did some parging in the front of the building when they tore out the sidewalk so there was some patching some painting need to be done um wall patches uh when we removed the old uh white boards there was asbest that they were attached to the wall for so we did a remediation and there's some additional patching that was required because of that um Luber infills uh so all the areas where we had doors around the building have now been filled and there's now about 18 inches of concrete that's there uh where before there was an exit door uh that's part of this change order that that was implemented as far as the um new hbac system um and then another piece is one of the biggest pieces of the change order is um and I and I I want to show the picture for this one so the flooring um you'll notice that we have areas so all of our doorway openings there were not Ada accessible right they were only 30 in they need to be 36 so now now because they're 36 you know we have a wide space of 6 in um of concrete and then there's some other areas based on the construction where we have gaps like this that need to be filled we looked at a variety of different options for this and what we decid to do is um this is all Tazo which if you know anything about Tazo It Last Forever uh we have it in building here in our hallways so we're doing some patching that area with the existing Tazo to actually match the color of the floor and the hallways and then what we will eventually do is brine that fadoo we will grout it and resurface it and it will last another 50 years um so that's part of the change order for the old school and then for the for the um the new Middle School um there was some carpentry uh where one part of the building where the gym is and the addition for the classrooms meets there was some structural steel enhancements that needed to happen based on our contractor's recommendation that our architect agreed so that was a smaller change order the biggest one is that um based on West andwell fire officials they felt strongly that the reserve tank that we have for the sprinkler system for that building needed to be increased in size um full disclosure our Architects felt like it is a masonary building um that it was adequate but Fire official disagreed so we decided to go with the Fire official which means that we had to increase the size of the tank as well as the footing underneath of it it's going to support the tank so that's the majority of that changes for the middle school are there any other questions on items a building good V yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes uh Personnel committee uh the Personnel committee met on June 20th at 7:30 virtually um at that committee meeting we discussed the Personnel action agenda for this meeting including uh reviewing the superintendent's recommendations for appointments resignations and adjustments and also recommendations for mentors and coaches for the 20123 school year prated and effective January 20 24 to May 2024 the committee also reviewed the superintendent's recommendations for extracurricular sipen appointments for the 2023 2024 and 2024 2025 school years listed as an action item on the board agenda the superintendent recommended that the position of transportation coordinator be added to the board policy 4300 non-represented employees due to the nature of that position additionally Tony advised that the committee advised the committee that is contract as well as the contract for Andrew Parris the school business administrator will be on the agenda for board approval of the June 20th meeting the committee was informed of the current openings in the district which consists currently of high school chemistry teacher high school a teacher a middle school counselor and power Professionals for all three buildings finally there's a discussion item um which was an overview of employees who have left the district over the past five years um so we do have a couple of things to move right yes I'd like to move those okay thank you can I have a second on please second thank you um um short so I just wanted to uh point out too as part of this agenda um the board has been negotiating with our administrative group and they were able to reach a settlement the negotiation team so that is on here for approval which means that Baltimore collector barging agreements that expired June 30th 2024 have now been um resolved set up so first with our bus drivers that we've reached agreement and now with our administrators I just wanted to point that out and I also wanted to mention you know Gan ad mentioned about some of the positions that are open but you'll notice on the agenda um since our meeting we've been able to we have someone on the agenda tonight for chemistry a and account S so right now we're in pretty good shape as far as Staffing goes for the point 425 scho very good and I'll also mention that this evening um as was brought up the board will be voting on new contract for our chief School administrator as well as our business administrator uh the board and particular our excellent negotiations team have invested significant time this spring doing due diligence and that contract has been vetted and approved by the State Department of Education through the office of the county superintendent of schools um on behalf of the board i' say that since starting at South in July 2020 our superintendent Mr suo has worked diligently to improve the educational experience for our students and we look forward to continuing this essential work over the next five years and I will ask Mr kovaleski is uh heads of our negotiation committee if you want to say some things about the about the details of the content questions in the audience sure there was a question from the audience um you know about a 5.8 there was some misleading information that uh document you see online listing the hunter County Superintendent is not accurate doesn't even have our superintendent accurate information on it most of those people on there are a k through a superintendent our superintendent a k through 12 so there's going to be variations with that um but the document that you're looking at online or that you've seen or were sent is not accurate at all most of those superintendents are making more than that what's on that document right now um based on that document was put out 2021 for the 2223 school year doesn't list 2425 which were about to enter as of July 1 and th during those that time those 11 superintendents could have renegotiated their contracts and if they were in their contract would have raised they were agreed to for that year would have been added to that so that document is kind of worthless because that's not accurate um so his contract which you made reference to is a 5.8% increase that's also not accurate e either so he was you know due to make uh you know approximately I'm going to say approximately because I don't know that number down to the sense and nobody can hold me to it starting July 1st 199 so if you take three % of that it comes out to about 204 533 which is only about a 3% rates which a tiny tiny things after that to make it to even 205 so you were misled on the information you were giving plus all the rest of the superintendents have considerably increased on that uh document also since that was posted in 2021 and that's you know that kind of hurts the board and the district with misinformation being floated around the the town um which I'm glad you came and ask so we can provide you with the accurate information we do not have a current list of updated salaries for the 2425 superintendent of hund and County yeah I will say that so for example the superintendent at hter and Central they are hiring a superintendent they are looking at a starting salary of at least $235,000 maybe more than that that's what's been reported in the present the north Hunan superintendent is in the middle of his contract that contract fired in 2028 he will make over $237,000 this coming year by the end of that contract we'll be making over $250,000 um the uh um you know the contract that we are approving tonight for Mr souo we greatly appreciate him but it does not make him the highest paid superintendent in the county it does not make him the second highest paid superintendent in the county it does not make him the third or the fourth highest superintendent in the county okay um I used the language vetted and approved earlier um I do want to explain that the county there is a county there's a State Department of Education and a county superintendent of education and they are required to look at all of these contracts and to analyze that and see the uh percentage of administrative cost that we are spending and how that matches up to our size as a district and things like that they have done that and they have told us that this is a contract that is a fair contract for our district a fair contract hopefully for all parties District um yeah just just to piggy back up what the Jim said every year you know every time there's a contract for our business administrator or superintendent it has to go to the county superintendent his job is to go through that contract with a fine too fo to make sure there's no irregularities because he Compares that contract to other contracts in hunterton County with districts our size and if there's any regularities or anything like that he kicks it back to us with either questions or say no you can't do this this is too much um with both of those contracts he looked at them very carefully and sent them back to us um with no changes to be made so that means the county superintendent thought that they were a fair contract for the taxpayers most importantly the district the board and also you know Mr Susan thought it was a fair for all parties involved and that's why the county superintend does that type of vetting and has to approve the contract it did come back to us with no changes to be made so he was he assured us that the contract was in line with the other districts our size um and that there was nothing that we were trying to pay him that wasn't you know out of the ordin does anyone on the board have any other questions related to these contracts any of the other personnel Jim I just like to ask the hypothetical we could have offered Tony a 5.8% increase to his contract but that would have been rejected by the county superintendent abely um you know and that has happened in the past with other districts that's happened across the state um you know so we made a fiscally responsible choice and the county superintendent signed off on that choice thank anyone else uh had anything I would like to ask about or discuss related to personel let's go yes yes yes yes yes yes yes wholeheartedly moving on to curriculum and Technology um that was out of time of business yes that's right sorry I want you yeah sure so um our big focus and Jan Miss lenon 's on vacation this week typically would be here but uh we really focused on an information is going to be coming out to parents and and really in the next couple weeks we talked about this in school Community but we really are launching next year a rigorous dual enrollment program what I mean by that is it's the opportunity for our students and our school district to partner with and right now our Partnerships will involve TCNJ Rowan University stockam University William Patterson University as well as R Valley Community College uh you'll see on the agenda tonight there's some uh School enrollment program memorandum of understanding that we're signing to partner with these schools what that means is we really want students as they enter into ninth grade so not 11th and BL play but ninth grade really evaluate their opportunities to be able to sign up for dual normic credits meaning that not only will they get high school credits towards graduation if they get a Seer vet in the course they will get college credits um towards their college education at a significantly increased cost so for example the s or the cost score go enroll at range anywhere between you know $250 to4 or $500 a course the four or $500 course diretion for credits our goal is uh for kids hopefully when they leave South hon you know to get a year of college under their belt before they leave or maybe even an associates degree if you plan it out properly you will see when we share the information with the community that we have a bunch of courses starting with ninth grade biology which is going to be a dual en nor course um leading all the way up through other courses cyber security English courses science math all kinds of different courses there's a long list so we really want parents and students in Middle School in eighth grade to really start thinking about what their path is and to try to take advantage of that obviously if you take you know a class that maybe like a TCNJ it could be $1,500 to $1,800 for a class where here it's be probably $400 um so there is a huge savings there we know how expensive college can be um we're also working with William Patterson which is going to provide us automatic acceptance for a student if they take one dual enrollment course and get a SE better so if they were to take bio in ninth grade right and they were to get a SE better in BIO they are automatically accepted in the way patters from the University if they decide to go down that road um so again the tons of opportunity that was the majority of our agenda um we're developing an FAQ that we're going to send out in the next couple weeks to provide more information to parents this will will be a big part of our barbecue that I mentioned before for our seventh and our ninth grade parents to really get them start thinking um before the school year even starts and then students will have a time period in the first couple weeks doesn't have to be done before school starts the first couple weeks if they want to decide I want to take the scor I want to also take it as a dual enrollment how to register so that was the majority of our conversation and we're hoping that it will be an exciting educational experience and also save our students and our parents money in the long run for um we do have some items to move items a through D on the motion make a motion to move items a through D second by Michael thank you any discussion on items a through b yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes policy committee we met virtually on June 10th we have four items uh for the first read the first three are related to um these are mandated changes related to uh change in the New Jersey Administrative Code section related to protective categories and expanding that list so those are all being Incorporated those are two policies and a regulation having to do with equal employment equal in equity policies the fourth policy change uh for the first read that you see here is related to what was mentioned in the Personnel committee and that has to do with expanding the list of roles to include our transportation coordinator uh under the um non-representative employees um so that is a fairly straightforward and non-controversial then we have one item that is coming for our second read which we've mentioned previously this is adding language to policy 7523 School District provided technology devices to students to reflect the appropriate and expected use of technology devices and interactive media um if you would indulge me I'm just going to read the paragraph that we were adding and I want to read it because we would like to refer this to the um curriculum committee for further discussion on functional approaches but what we have added is that when District issue technology devices and interactive media are used in the classroom it shall be as an enhancement to traditional teacher-led instruction and their use should be designed to augment student learning and engagement technology and interactive media should not be used to replace traditional learning strategy and tools including but not limited to creative play multi-sensory experiences outdoor accelerations or social interactions teachers will be provided with appropriate training and support to understand how available technology can be used to best service student needs and or excuse me supplement Project B learning based learning while taking into consideration the needs of individual students technology will be used in a way that is planned balanced purposeful and proportional we'd like to put that forward as a second read okay any um any discussion on Poli so the the policy language goes into policy but then there there's followup to curriculum is that how that that what you saying so this is for the second read what I just reviewed what we would like to have happen is to have curriculum take up some functional strategies to achieve the goal of a revised policy okay and what that this policy what was the what's the I can't open that attachment it's a interactive what is the it's actually in the it's the school it's the um technology um the providing technology to students policy no right but in the paragraph that you're talking about the one that you just wrote it it's yeah yeah yeah so we're we're paragra we're talking about um yeah interactive media does that mean like YouTube yeah that's trying to make sure that I was connecting like so you know and be being aware of when would we show a video versus when can we have that experience in the classroom rather than showing the video absolutely absolutely be very thoughtful um about those choices okay yeah thank you there you go using it but you know without we were very sensitive in developing this language not to unduly restrict teachers and what they could use but wanting them to be thoughtful about the use of those tools um and just so everyone knows this is something we discussed over several meetings that bank policy with a lot of input and a lot of great feedback back and forth so this wasn't one meeting and this is multiple meetings that we got to this point there was a lot of discussion any other discuss no I was G ready I'm just ready anybody else discussion much yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes uh school and Community m m there's here um but she did post along oh yes so U we met on 618 um virtually and we had a discussion first about the PTO reorganization and how that is coming along um also how the PTO and parents will be kind of Dipping into these new school buildings uh there was talk of what events would continue um and what traditions and parent involvement would continue including mystery day or mystery readers and field day um so we'll be looking to them obviously to partner in in the future uh we also discussed a new state regulation this is a big leap here um that um we are required now to provide feminine hygiene products to all students in grades five plus in at least 50% of the bathrooms um we are going to be at 100% next year um and it will be addressed over the summer we also um as Tony talked about in curriculum talked about the Jewel enrollment program in the lens of school and community and really how the program can be launched effectively um and expanded over the next few years get parents and students the information that they need um we've already had some Outreach to families but um we'll be continuing on with that we did talk a little bit about timing of that and and moved up some of the timing just based on on some feedback within in the committee um a Committee Member also brought forward a uh communication around uh a program to limit cell phone usage and really trying to Rally parents around um a program called wait until 8th and um we also are going to be looking to Partners within our community to help Implement some of that communication and also start seaing some of that within the kindergarten welcome packets Etc we also talked about the gripper app um so that is going to be a social media design tool um basically like Cana for athletics and um we are going to be instituting two licenses for that um in the next year it'll start with athletic directors and um basically thought on that is that it's a really good tool to enhance visibility for college recruiting for our our athletes and then finally we talked a lot about futur looking strategic plans uh and using High attendance events like the barbecue to get some information out there um some ways to facilitate Community engagement around holidays um we had an initial discussion on creating an Alumni network and um also kind of started seaing some future focus group ideas for parents and community and um we did think that the climate survey that was referenced earlier is going to also help Us in informing very good okay nothing to move there but we do have one other thing to move looking information items um so each month uh we uh have a harassment intimidation buling report of things that happened in the school district over the previous month uh was discussed at last month's meeting in the executive section and so now they're bringing that forward um to uh uh part of the superintendent's recommendation we approve that HIV report um so I will need this The Voice vote I will need a motion to so approve by thank you and second second okay um can't really discuss anything about it in public session but um all in favor there anyone opposed and is anyone obain oneing two Obion so that was passed by 6 Z v um with that we come to the second period of public comment um just like the first one if you have something you'd like to bring before the school board um please come to the podium let us know your your name the community you're from um and we ask you to just try to keep the comments beles does any anyone have anything they'd like to bring before hello Andrea little STW Township I apologize that I took that three minutes and didn't let you finish what you wanted to say to me so you can use that time now um if you had something that you were cut off on um my only point was I think that the community does need and deserve some communication on this sooner than later um I do ask one thing when you are communicating did the school board were they aware of this because I don't see it in any of the minutes so it could have been in a commit like a committee meeting that wasn't published um I'm not seeing anything prior to the application going to the state about the preschool program you know just putting it out there that there was an application showing interest was that brought to a committee was it brought to the president was it who like who was involved in this decision making um again I'm not opposed to a preschool program that's not the point I'd like to just understand the time in action of those events only because of my concern of not having space um of the preschool program now and the future of the program um as well as wanting to understand what's going to happen with the West anwell school and it's for sale because the community as you know is looking at higher costs in general and it's a tough time and we were promised that that building was going to get closed because we don't need to have four buildings for a small district and then last on that because I know hopefully we'll be hearing from you soon on all of that so I do appreciate it um just to clarify I don't know when you're talking about salaries I'm unfamiliar with the conversation uh about your contract congratulations um but just in March there was a publication put out in Democrat having the year of 2022 2023 salaries for superintendence it wasn't 2021 um so was at the 189 so it would be an 8 and a half% no they're all that's inaccurate okay I'm just letting you know that it was published in the newspaper but it's still accurate it's okay it's okay that I'm not stating whether it's accurate or not I'm just letting you know it was in the Democrat so perhaps that's where some information came fromat maybe we'll have to go back absolutely okay thank you very much I appreciate it thank you m did you have anything you wanted to add okay so we so we will we will have those conversations discuss thank you um with that uh we do have the board does have a need to go into the executive session this evening um I anticipate that will take uh maybe hit an hour there will be no action taken after that executive session so um we will leave the room you are welcome to stay but there is if you do not also need to stay if you don't wish to so um we will have five minute recess before we go into that executive session that all asking we have oh sorry were there were there any comments online think no com thank you Gina thank appreciate you c um so I will I will a motion executive session at 806m sove so move by Meg second and second by Kevin thank you all in favor and U and with that we'll have five minute recess and me in our us much