uh call me order uh salute to the flag to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation indivisible with and Justice in accordance to terms of the Sunshine Law adequate notice of this meeting was posted in all school buildings the administration building and sent to the Bur clerk's office public library and three newspapers and tap into online on December 14th 2023 please be advised there is no smoking on school grinds inside or outside at any time please silence all electronic devices in pursuance of District policy number 0167 each statement made by participant shall be limited in 3 minutes duration and no participant may speak more than once on the same topic we will start with reading the official election results P peni had 2,413 votes uh Jim G and ois had 2,469 votes Keith both had 2399 votes and there were 157 right in totals I would like to announce the newly elected and returning board members keep both Jim gianakis and p [Applause] feni uh we will now administer the O office [Music] [Music] my glasses you sure do you want mine J J do you want mine you I'll share I'm not going to all rightly swear or do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States do swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey the constition of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and the state and to the government establish of the United States and the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I I do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications doly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of a member of a board of education prescrib by law for the office of member of the Board of Education and that I am not disqualified as a voter and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to rs19 4-1 rs9 41 nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in njsa 18 col 12-1 listed in NJ 181 and that and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability congratulations yeah all right we have a roll call Mr both yes sir here Mr Caso here Mr Chatman here Mr farella here Mr gakis here Mrs Miller Mr Pender Mr peni here Mr cleberg here I will now uh open up the floor for nominations for board president Mr G I'd like to nominate P for president second second see man I uh would like to close the nominations for board president uh roll call please uh Mr both yes Mr C yes Mr Chapman yes Mr Fel yes Mr gakis Mrs Miller yes Mr P yes Mr cleberg yes and we will now vote on H the board president of Mr peni Mr both yes Mr Casio yes Mr Chapman yes Mr fella yes Mr gakis yes Mrs Miller yes Mr peni yes Mr cber yes congratulations Mr thank you [Music] thank you everyone um I'd like to open the floor for nominations for vice president nominations please Doug I'd like to nominate Thomas Michael Casio second that there you go second second the others all right let have a roll call please no others Mr both yes Mr Casio yes Mr Chapman yes Mr farel yes Mr gak yes Mrs Miller Mr cleberg yes Mr P yes hey moving on agenda additions or deletions at this time I know uh Doug you had something that's on the agenda uh I do so it's become very apparent that we've become very um effective and efficient at running our committee meetings and getting uh all of our work done uh before our committee of the whole meetings which and so I would like to propose that we go to one meeting night uh per month as opposed to two doesn't make a lot of sense to me for us to come here for 15 minutes on the evening of the committee of the whole I think that uh we can accomplish everything by having uh both of those meetings on one night which we already do like five times a year already and they' been run pretty well um any discussion on that um the only thing that I would like to ask is that normally we get the regular agenda then like a week in advance can we get still get the regular agenda not like a couple of days before so that if we have questions then because C is where we would normally get our information and our questions for those of us who may not be sitting on those committees or whatever um if we could get them a little bit in advance so that we can call either Alex or nine to get suggest too to make sure everybody checks their emails periodically and also because was also concern about that with personnel as far as Norine being able to hire in between meetings we do have a procedure in place now I did check with the attorneys which we can keep that procedure which allows her to do that and I ask n if she does that we just need to know when she's doing it to give any board men opportunity to call if she has a question Personnel on him before that meeting so otherwise it be run the same way yeah and but there are still going to be occasion for two meetings on the same night right well we're going to yeah we're still going to do what we've been doing because we still have to go to exact you still have student hearings you still have things like my only concern is if we have a policy or something it take 3 months to pass a policy you know if we if we don't I don't I don't know what it is on a policy we don't have to do it like take us 3 months to do policy I think it's short the time period I don't know what the exact time period is 3 months second dep what thec we we we'll go we'll go you know as we go along Justice made because I know that for example that certain months with the budget you're going to have to have two meetings anyway so just a consensus everybody I also to um to respond to um Mr ganakas um er James Gan that got junior junior um I I guess P you still want to have it so the F it will still be two meetings any evening so you know if we need to vote on a you know a policy you know yeah yeah I just think you know we drag we drag a lot of people here we drag the administrators here we're in and out of here in 12 minutes A lot of times and you know it's just I think we can be more efficient everybody good with that yep okay that being said then we're going to have to pull the uh meeting dates item off the agenda um also um since we'll probably get the meeting dates for the next agenda do we want to combine the January now tonight and pick a date just for the January meeting yeah you would better do that yeah yeah okay so well I think we could probably do it just by saying that we're just going to have the meetings on the night of the regular meetings right I just well I want to do is make sure that um that um Alex got to look out of the make sure about the budget part we need we need the two or we don't need the budg has to be aded you know so do that we can we make a change for January's meeting and then January's meeting right um the mar I already checked that the March 20th meeting is the last day to adopt the tenative budget so that is good um in May I believe it's May 7th the budget has to be adopted by so we we have May 1st and May 15th that might be the only month that there needs to be in May or we just keep May 1st is the form Mee right do on May 1 you have to do the Personnel though you can do it in May on May first no you have to we have to um no we have the other person be notified by the 15th by the 15th so we do two in May and two in March was fine it was just it's just may for the in January P which one do you want to keep I'll just keep whatever the regular meeting is 17 17 17 so are we just amending it now or are we going to wait till the next uh next week to next week we're not here well maybe we should just vote on having the both meetings on the 17th and then have a new document for that meeting for the rest of the year okay okay with well I'm good with that that's that's what I thought I way to make sure about the dates you know and it'll also give you time if we send it out to everybody look at it before the meeting that right where y very good so we got I guess I need a motion to just pull administrative pull pull that it you can pull it okay we'll just pull it um one Mr sorry um I'd also like to uh suggest that um while we're uh you're going to start establishing committees that I'd like to have an athletic and Student Activities Committee at into the uh uh committees you had you had mentioned that before absolutely y yep thank that one and I know there's also going to be an ad hoc committee for the Hall of Fame and it's going to be ad hoc because the function of the that committee will be until the rules and everything are formed so it's not going to be an ongoing committee all right and all the committee uh um I'll get the Committees out next week to everyone um and if you don't like a committee you're on you can let me know it can be pulled off um only all right all right so without the meeting on the 10th then the Committees will be cleared up on the 17th it'll be cleared on the 17th I mean once actually once those once the I'll get it out this week once it's out this week whoever is the chair of thee can start do a meeting right away it's not like we have to approve the committee um committe have yeah and I'll get that out of no get it out this week yeah today's Tuesday yeah I'll get it out this week okay so nine we don't have to do anything so all we're let oh wait sorry public comments on agenda items on okay seeing none then we have uh see Roman numeral 10 and Roman numeral 11 have a move second discussion just make sure everybody signs their code of ethics and and reads it and know what it says all right and and you got to get hand that in that copy that's that you have roll call Mr V yes Mr Chatman yes Mr pel yes Mr Jin Mrs Miller yes Mr cleberg yes Mr Casio yes Mr P yes public comments on anything any see n board member comments I I just wanted to welcome back uh Keith Jim and P um we've worked well in the past we look forward to working well in the future and uh we have good school district here thanks to the work of everybody on this board of administration so let's uh keep up the good work and have a great 2024 thank you thank you any Bo M comments very good see none have a motion toour so move second all in favor I all oppos you are stay meetings adjourned