indivisible andice for Chapman yes sir Mella Mr gakis yes Mrs Miller yes Mr here Mr cber here Mr Casio Mr here in accordance with terms of the Sunshine Law adequate notices meeting was Post in old school buildings the administration building bur clerk's office Public Library three newspapers and tap into on January 8 2024 please be advised there's no smoking on school grounds inside or outside at any time please silence all electronic devices in pursuance of District policy number 0167 each statement made by participant shall be limited to three minutes duration and no participant speak more once in the same thank you very much moving on right to the report thank you Mr P we're going to change the the um the order here that you see listed underneath the uh the superintendent report in the agenda we're first going to ask Mr pascola to join um us up here at the podium Mr pascolo will be reading off the names of the students who are being acknowledged for uh the award of the Seal of by literacy this evening the Seal of biliteracy uh will be given to the several students here who have earned the Seal of by literacy from the state of New Jersey Department of Education the seal is awarded by the New Jersey Department of Education in recognition of students who have studied and attained Proficiency in at least one language in addition to English by high school graduation Mr thank you Dr tany and the board of education for recognizing our outstanding students this evening uh we were fortunate to have a number of students in the SE by literacy as Dr Dany just explained um I am going to announce all the students and those that are here please make your way forward to be recognized by the Board of Education we had one student who earn the SE of bi literacy naissa and then the remainder of our students earn that in Spanish Adan Salazar Jennifer Morales Jasmine pasta Aras Emily savalos Carla Marin Edwin palasio Kayla corales Laura ladino uh F Sophia Len rookie Lui Nicholas Ruiz Jasmine Guzman Kayla Jer Ariel catalone K Co and Aaron valz everybody you guys would know recognized by the state also shows up on their transcript alls them their in the culmination of a lot of hard work congratulations wec proud [Applause] you conat you could said anythingg [Music] this is an exciting night to look the crowd that we have here miss schief can I ask you to step up the C Podium um we also have two additional uh student presentations one from Franklin Elementary School and one from real devel this evening we're going to start with our first presentation with the students from uh from Franklin Elementary and scoi if they'll tell us a little bit about what we're going to be watching thank you Dr py good evening everyone first congratulations to our students by literacy um wanted to introduce on behalf of Franklin School a snapshot of our performing art activi that we have at our school um our performing arts program is instrumental and that's pun intended instrumental in developing our students social emotional and interpersonal skills and also helps them build their ability to better handle constructive criticism and improve their academic achievements I'm naturally very proud of our entire School Community however I'm especially thrilled to share tonight the accomplishment of the teachers and their students this evening our first performance will be introduced by Miss McKenna Blair FR School's first year instrumental and general music teacher [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good evening everyone before we play our selections for you this evening I would like to take a moment to introduce these special students here with me tonight so the central New Jersey music educators Association hosts an elementary honors band day every year where the select group of top elementary school band students from Central Jersey come together to perform those students are nominated by their music teacher then selected to participate based on their skill level I'm very happy to announce that that all four students here of me tonight were selected to participate in this Ensemble and this is a very exciting opportunity for them so on flute we have Katie Kowski Adam cin Dylan Wilson and on bariton we have amilio Garcia we will be playing two short selections called London Bridge and doodle Al day thank you [Applause] you [Music] [Music] f [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] f [Music] and thank you to our PJ Nea honors Elementary F students for our performance this evening I'd like to invite up Miss Jessica Vasquez she's Miss student teacher from Kan University and she's going to introduce our kindergarten ala [Applause] Brown hello and welcome everyone my name is Miss Basquez and these are my S Sprouts we will go down the line to introduce their names so first we have lker [Applause] the mission of this program is to empower young minds to movement creativity and connection while learning the fundamentals of Latin dance our Sprouts are encouraged to discover their unique creative selves in a positive atmosphere that combines dance music and art and we have been learning a s routine that we would love to show [Music] [Applause] this [Music] [Music] [Applause] scarl now we're going to switch do this one all right we're ready [Music] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 s [Music] [Music] here we go we go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [Music] [Applause] very ready we go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [Applause] thank you to Andi great job [Applause] everybody you were so good that fantastic FAS [Applause] we still have another amazing performance or presentation from another one of our elementary schools Mr ask Mr CIO to join you Mr CIO please join me all right everybody hello my name is Sam here on the about first want to say great job to all the uh Sala Sprouts you guys were amazing going home trying it out us here I might not be here tomorrow um so I would really like to um first say thank you uh to all of our students I'm not sure if you know which ones they are but you might know if they come on up and step forward these are our student council members under the fine toage uh Mrs sh and Mrs gria these are the hardest one of the hardest work in student councils uh going out there so they've done a great job this year and we're going to show you a little bit we put together a video it's it's nice and short it's action packed about two of our um activities that we have put together um at at Rosevelt this year one being um our much hyped diversity day as well as read Across America so I'm not going to talk too much long I'm going to let the video to the talk [Music] [Music] hi everybody welcome welcome to Roosevelt School what's happening today well we're having Across America today and it's a pretty big deal here at Rosevelt school I'm sure you've heard about it it's been going on how long's this been going on over 10 years over 10 years so we have a lot of very important people that come into school to read to our students we have counsilman we have Mayors we have Senators we have Board of Education members we have former teachers who have retired we have parents of some of our teachers coming in so you name it we have it we have our high school students they come in they give lessons they do projects for their kids so it's it's a great day here and uh it's a lot of excitement um we have a good time it's one of our our are are probably one of our highlights of the year and the reason for that is at the end of the day what happens did you read across Roosevelt not just read Across America read across rosev exactly right so everybody in the school goes out to the hall and it's dead silent everyone is reading their books uh across Roosevelt and that usually takes about what 15 minutes but we do it for Sil sustain reading it's awesome so if you want to see just what kind of things happen today have a look [Music] see right every I see the pictures like envelopes or dun on it okay one day in class Duncan went to take out his crown and found a stack of letters with his name on okay say it so the reason we're here my favorite book green eggs in ham so I'm going to ask for a little participation is I went to school in a gym gingerbread house who mentioned gingerbread house if he didn't live in the bakery that's right our teacher was Miss piscotty was kind and patient when I arrived each morning she'd wave at me and smile as a muscle shelf he swam faster than his brothers and sisters his name was swimming you see Fish and swimm you see here [Music] go [Music] hello everybody and welcome to our Roosevelt diversity day today it's a big day for us um today we celebrate um the differences that we have in our school and that could be differences in cultures differences in just about everything we celebrate that because uh that's something that we take very seriously um what we do is we have um tables that kids bring in their their um cultural artifacts that they can all look at um we also do a celebration in the cafeteria where Miss Vex a music teacher plays a ginormous part in um every single class sings a song what were some of the songs that sing kindergarten sing for in French and English first grade sing a good morning song second grade sing a Nigerian song called oral Mo third grade what was that song again oral yes about a lime tree they did a great job uh third grade saying de coloris that was a sporis that's one of my favorites yes they did a wonderful job and then fourth grade sang a song in eru called there was a Thirsty Crow and they sing it in eru and they did a wonderful job yeah they did they did um so I mean our day was just outstanding we uh also had dances where these were full-on Productions that for three in three weeks they somehow got these dances done and our teachers even got involved and danced as well so we also concluded the day with a Roosevelt theme song which is Roosevelt's children and the choir learned it they sing it beautifully it was the very first song they learned and hopefully the whole school will know it so rather than hear us talk about it why watch a little bit of it right now and tell us what you think of diversity day [Music] [Music] [Music] spread love tell someone they matter it feels good to be kind it feels good to sprad love it feels good to enjoy life kindness is the key to being happy smile give a hug for high thought [Music] [Music] [Music] here really great [Music] [Music] [Music] press councel everyone who put this uh together for us they're a hardw working grp they did a great job and when you have a great school it's only because you have a great student council body and great leaders of the student council so let's [Applause] one um actually do we have the list the thank damn you don't [Applause] Tommy Bo we are so fortunate here in Southfield our students are the best I'm going to say the best of New Jers the best in the country [Applause] we're not done yet wa there's more we also have one of our wonderful students from the high school who's about to give us uh all of the ins and outs of what's going on in the high school and around the district so I'd like to welcome our student representative uh Sophia viali am I say to Sophia is the president of the class of 2026 a member of The Varsity soccer and lross team and an active member in both the academic team and the humanitarian Club so thank you so much for joining us thank you good evening good evening Dr tany Miss Melissa and members of the Board of Education my name is Sophia V and I'm the sophomore class president here to speak I'm cath High School in the past month there have been many events that includ the students faculty and Community the spring Sports preseason started on March 14th the regular season on April 1st we wish them continued success for the rest of their Seasons the model United Nations Club recently traveled to Washington DC to participate in the Washington area model un conference hosted by was George Washington University on March 21st deos balarin received an outstanding delegate award and the best verbal commendations was awarded to Riley blian and Aries Chief the students enjoyed their time and experience spent reflecting as individuals and delegations led by Mr Shaw this past weekend the team took a trip to New Brun where they continued their intense debate and delegates Nash Riley and David rley received Awards on March 22nd the drama Club hosted their production of the Disney movie Friday the play featured several original dances set designs and costumes to complete the portrayal of mother Sophia Miller and daughter n as they switch bodies and work together to switch back the drama club has worked very hard for several months to complete their amazing take ony Friday their dedication was shown on April 10th A Day of Service meeting was held with class officers at the high school to continue the discussion of service based activities taking place throughout the community on Friday May 24th the sophomore class will be holding a kick game to raise money for the backpacks for Life charity provide Aid to local veterans in need other activities planned at the high school includ tournament dance Marathon Color Run volleyball corle and the high school will support the following Charities with these events the Southfield Social Service District Special Olympics dance for a cure color blind awareness and among other charities in addition to an event for our senior citizens in in town to attend a morning of Music at the school the third marking period ended on Monday April 15th with students and staff eager to enter the final marking period of the school year congratulations to all members of the student body on being IND inducted into the language honor societies on April 16th other honored students are going to be inducted into the National Honor Society and the National Art Honor Society in the weeks to come the GMC sportsmanship Awards lunch in was held this afternoon to honor seniors Riley CIO and Nolan hook to acknowledge their demonstration of sportsmanship on and off the field athletic director Miss C and principal Mr foso attended this event congratulations to Sabrina Korea and Jose Garcia ponso as they were selected as middx County School Board Association unsung Heros fors for the 2023 2024 school year they will be honored in a banquet on April 18th on April 25th sbhs will be hosting the annual Spring Concert for the musical students to Showcase their hard work and talent that they have been preparing for we wish them all the best and appreciate their commitment NJ SLA testing will take place on April 30th and will end on May 3d students in n9th grade will be taking the appropriate Ela and math courses 11th grade students will be tested on the appropriate science courses some upper classmen will also be testing there will be a delayed opening for all non- testing students AP testing will begin the week of May 6th and continue through May 17th good luck to all the AP students the senior prom will be H held on Thursday May 30th from 6:00 to 10: p.m. at the Grand Marquee in Oldbridge tickets will be on sale Wednesday Thursday and Monday April 24th 25th and 29th after school in the information center an email will be sent to seniors and parents notifying them of these instructions we are excited to share that tiger Farms will be open again on Wednesday May 8th we welcome all staff and members of the community to stop by as they will have seasonal flowers spring decorations baked goods and more for sale just in time for mother said thank you all for the time and opportunity to update you on the successful events at the high school this month I hope you all have a great rest of your month thank you I just have a couple I actually had quite a few reminders but thanks to Sophia check them off my list as you were reading um a reminder to the day for our Day of Service uh it is scheduled for Friday May 24th our students are working very hard on projects that benefit our community if you have the opportunity and ability to help please consider donating to one of the many Charities our students have chosen to partner with uh the information is available on our school website as a reminder to our preschool parents the preschool Lottery registration is now underway the registration period is open for prospective students who are either age three or age four by October 1st 2024 information is on the district website and all registration must be completed online you have until the end of day Wednesday May 1st by 400 p.m. and there are no exceptions if you're interested in having your child be in our preschool program please make sure that you register to be a part of the lottery thank you very much any uh comments yeah I just want to I know they all Scamper out of here but the uh the salsa sprouts and The Ensemble and uh Roosevelt kids absolutely killed it yeah they were fantastic I could never pull off any of that stuff when I was their age it was uh really enjoyable to see K principal to uh Mrs kuchi and Mr via and the teachers and everybody who helps out they did a great job and Sophia you killed it to yeah thank you uh great job Sophia and I just want to isue congratulations to all the student achievements and performances that we saw here tonight all the hard work year paid off and establish the foundation for the future compliment and activities uh in the school and uh in their lives and some of these kids up here will have the chance many years from now not too many to be in the high school years ago which the high school did Frey Friday back in March it was a wonderful show and it starts with uh kids of this age getting an appreciation and to participate in the Performing work so let's uh keep that going thank you Sophia thank you for your informative information on the high school you did a great job and there was a lot to report on this month you did fantastic and I also want to just say tremendous job by the roselt and Franklin School students the um scrats were so adorable the high school band was wonderful and it was great to hear about the diversity day me plus America at roselt school all of our students did do such a great job we're so very very proud of all of them I just want to Echo everybody saying obviously you guys are here what what a great show they all put out I also want to say that this is absolutely the best part of this job watching those kids fantastic I Echo Dr tany when she says that we do have the best students and as you can see it at the young age and all the way up through our high school students to all the great accolades and achievements that Sophia mentioned great job Sophia and disgu is woming for every anyone else just Echo what everybody else has said um great job it's amazing that here in of people have no problem that's amazing a great job thank you thank you okay at this time um the board will be into executive session res meeting board meets close session at this time confidential mattering to personel and attorney privilege be the further resolve that matters discussed in close session shall be made public as soon as the confidential exist motion second favos okay we go ex we're going to go across the probably only be 15 minutes thank you so much that was great that was so great moving uh moving on um no additions ORS public comments on agenda items only see and I have a motion for motion for um to approve the uh board minutes so move second discussion call please Mr chman yep Mr Barella yes Mr gakis yes Mr Miller yes Mr Pender yes Mr cber yes Mr P yes can I have a motion a through C so move second discussion roll call please Mr ch yes Mr fella yes Mr gakis yes Mrs Miller yes Mr Pender yes Mr cleberg yes Mr P yes and I have motion for policy a move second discussion V call please Mr Chapman yes Mr farell yes Mr JIS yes M Miller yes Mr Pender yes Mr cleberg yes Mr P yes under personel a through e so move discussion discussion um I think that we need to um remove uh 13 because that's a Spring sport Sports away yes okay so we can remove 15 thanks Please Mr chman yes Mr yes Mr JIS yes Miller yes Mr Pender yesberg yes yes finance a through P move second discussion Please Mr ja yes Mr Barella yes Mr jinis yes Mrs Miller yes Mr Pender yes Mr cleberg yes Mr da yes all the comments and just a question as it relates to the fact that we won't have it just press the button press button your address please busting as it relates to the fact that we won't have it Prim for before are we thinking about uh working to eliminate some of the lack of side street parking or anything to address the lack of parking at the schools cuz there's basically nothing there will be additional cars and transportation coming in and out of the elementaries minimally the elementaries any of the the areas that are that are available for parking um it's General Street par any place other than that that's that's homeowners so we would be able to limit them we could speak to the town to see if they would be able to you know do restricted parking but for the most part to create parking around the schools would be taking parking away from residents in that area so that's something that the town would have to consider I will reach out to them but I I can't speak what they would do it because most of the side streets are no parking during SCH right right I will reach out thank you [Music] question comments sure um first and foremost i' would like to extend my deepest heartfelt condolences to the family V check for the loss especially to De jar while I held several administrative positions in our district the one I will remember most fly was the principal of Kennedy School he was always so kind and compassionate to all the students and just talking about read Across America day and during read Across America he told the students if they read a certain number of books he would move his office to the roof of the building well the kids did and he made good on his promise and anyone passing by Kennedy School on that day saw Al sitting at his desk on top of his little Kennedy School for the entire day he um made such a good impression on all the students and the students parents and staff adored him and he will really be missed I'd also like to congratulate Kevin mccan on your serve promotion to gr School principal you had an extensive 25e career so far at South planfield you started out as an elementary school teacher then to athletic director then to assistant principal and now principal wish you continued luck Su uh luck and success in your new position it is well deserved so congratulations to you again and just congratulations to the students who received the Seal of by literacy it's quite an accomplishment and he should be very proud of what they think uh just echoing uh Sharon's comments let's keep the spirit of Mr Czech alive um for all the work that he's done in this District if you knew him you knew that he truly put the students first um again congratulations to coach mccan um you always give everything 150% so we expect nothing but the best from you that's CH that's a challenge very good okay just uh congratulations Kevin good luck uh she'll be there all the time and uh again missing great mances the uh any other comments okay have motion toour so move second all in favor I allos want to ready