of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all call please Mr Gold here Mr Chapman here Mr carel Mr ganus here Mrs Miller Mr peder here Mr cleberg here Mr Casio Mr F here in accordance with the term of the sunsh law an was posted in old school buildings the administration building bur clerk's office Public Library three newspapers and tap on January 8th 20124 please be advised there is no smoking on school grounds inside or outside at any time please silence all electronic devices pursuant to District policy number 0167 each statement made by a participant shall be limited to 3 minutes duration and no participant when speak more than once on the same topic thank you um we're just going to change it up we're going to hold off on the public budget hearing till after we have um the superintendent report thank thank you Mr P as you can tell we have an awful lot of students and parents here from Kennedy School and I mentioned uh Dr heidik is on his way and stuck in some traffic so we're just going to rearrange our uh our presentations I'm going to ask I'm going to ask uh Mr Yi if he would uh go on up to the Podium Mr Yi is going to be presenting our uh Wellness uh report for the year thank you Dr teny good evening everyone uh the main objective of the 2324 Wellness committee was to create a cohesive group of consistent participants to Des a new school building in the district together we aim to implement all aspects of the healthy school programs throughout the year uh the South l committee heal green meetings during these sessions we discuss the district school service program health and physical education programs and the existing wellness policy our initial step involve reviewing the content of our turn policy which accur reflects the essential work we consider part of our mission to assess our schools compliance with policy requirements we utilize the state mandated wellness policy assessment tool to conduct an annual Wellness survey the assessment results for each School along with the related documents regarding development policy will be accessible on our accessible on our website under the parent section uh looking ahead our committee aims to straighten collaboration with stakeholders including students parents teachers and Community Partners we advocate for increased physical education requirements healthier meal options and Mental Health Resources as part of the holistic approach to Wellness in summary we will continue to continue our work as a wellness committee emphasizing Student Wellness in terms of nutrition physical activity and overall health additionally we plan to expand our Focus to include mental health and involved staff parents and families in our mission if anyone is interested in participating in the wellness committee please feel free to contact me my contact information is available under the district Wellness section on the district website thank you thank you Mr I appreciate that um we also have listed in our uh in our agenda tonight a number of athletes who uh who are doing all of their their winter sports and their recognition they are not here tonight because we are fortunate enough that our athletes many of them are multisports uh athletes so they're out doing uh either practice or participating in the game but we wanted to acknowledge them within the uh the agenda itself so it'll be posted for all of the uh the South fful public to to see it at this point I would turn it over to Kennedy School oh he's here but right when he comes in we'll give him his hands for you John Dr do you need just a moment just a minute I'll set up the computer and we'll be ready okay that's right we'll just mat would you help careful this [Music] the same color all right without further Ado Dr he there you go Dr heid will be introducing all of his amazing students from Kennedy School that'll be talking about some past activities and an amazing exciting upcoming Activity thank you so much doc uh Dr sty members of the board uh it's a privilege tonight and thank you for your patience I know our our young students have uh waited a long time uh they practice a lot uh and they're very prepared so without further Ado I'm going to uh introduce three very powerful women in our school these are our executive boards to are in Council uh Joel RIS if you can come on up Leo Klo and tell Betsy so these three have the task of leing leading our school as our members of the board uh they lead our school and they are our true test of leadership they want to tell you about some of the things that we accomplished one activity that uh we're looking forward to presenting this year and then I'm going to come back on and represent or talk about some other very important students in our school take it away Joella good evening Dr tany and all members of the Board of Education my name is joelis I'm a fourth grader at Kennedy School and the student council president at Kennedy School we learn many amazing things from our awesome teachers tonight our school wants to share some of the highlights from our school year and show you how proud We Are to attend our school and be a part of our wonderful Community before we get started I will read our Kennedy School motto I come to Kennedy School to learn I believe that I can be a good student I'll work hard each day to do my best I can learn I will learn and most importantly I will treat others as I wish to be treated this motto is read every day during our morning announcements it is important that all students understand this motto because it helps us to remember that we must always be respectful to others and that we are supported by amazing staff that helps us learn each day throughout each day students are the main focus at Kenedy School besides learning to read write and do math our teachers help us to be successful and prepared in a global and diverse Society tonight some of the students from Kennedy School are here to speak about some events we are proud of at Kennedy School here Leah to tell us about two R events good evening my name is Leah KW as a fourth grader and the Kennedy School vice president of the student council I am honored to be here tonight to speak to you on behalf of our school similar to what Joel said our school staff definitely makes us focus on learning every day I personally cannot think of a better place to learn and grow than Kennedy School outside of the classroom we have been been given the opportunity to see how our support for the community can change lives one of these ways was when our school participated in the middle sex County food pantry Drive our school decided that because we are an elementary school we would help the pantry by asking the students to donate unopened cereal in the end the school was able to donate over 600 boxes of cereal to The Pantry we lined up these boxes outside and did a schoolwide domino event it was a it was great to see y work have such a large response the serial boxes line the entire sidewalk at the back of the school another fundraiser that we are very proud of and the last fret for the past three weeks the students of Kennedy School have raised over $2,600 for the leukemia and lymia Society this is a very important fundraiser for our school because we have staff members parents and even students who have battled cancer and we want toward them in today's world success goes beyond personal gain actually like donating cereal to the food pantry and raising money for the leukemia and lomia Society to show how much Kennedy School students are making a difference in the world by helping those in our local community facing food insecurity and supporting research for a global Health concern we contribute to a more just and Healthy Grow these actions demonstrate an an understanding of what is taught at Kennedy School relating to the well-being of others at this time I would like to introduce Taylor who will tell you about an important event coming up that we are planning at Kennedy School and we want you all to attend hello everybody my name is Taylor vety I am also a fourth grade student at keny school as a secretary of the student council one of my responsibilities is to find ways to help our school learn more about each other and its Rich diversity hi did you know that our school is a real mix of cultures we have classmates from all over the world there are even some students with backgrounds from more than one place in our school we have a super diverse group I think it's really cool to learn about different cultures and traditions for my classmates it makes Kennedy School a fun and interesting place to be last year we began a tradition at Kennedy School to learn about various cultures throughout the school year thanks to our great teacher our school hosted a multicultural night for our school Community we had over 40 tables set up with various artifacts and food from around the world there was even live performances it was a huge success and we thank Mr Pender and Mr CES for being part of this event this year we are planning a bigger and even better event please mark your calendars for our second annual Kennedy School multic coal night which will take place on Friday May 31st from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. let's hope we get good weather like we did last year this year's event already includes 15 different nationalities free performances and great music from all over the world at this time I would like to bring back to the podium our school leader Dr Haida to close out our part of this meeting okay so you can see why these are wonderful uh represent representations of our school they speak speak very well they do a lot of great things and some of the stuff that they just talked about they actually organize and Leed so including our multiculture night that's coming up um so I want to just uh add to this uh part of the presentation by uh recognizing some very important uh kids that just went out of their way uh after school with their principal Believe It or Not uh to learn a little bit more about math uh and it's called the noetic uh learning math contest which I introduced uh last year to our school uh this year we had the opportunity to have not just one team uh but we had two um and I want to just talk about some of these some of the reasons why um we think this is important at keny school uh the notic math contest uh is a semiannual so it is it does take place a couple times across the country uh our school district has participated all uh participated in it in it one time and it's in our uh spring semester um it's all about problem solving so everybody knows problem solving is the way of life uh we problem solve every day and our kids get that knowledge not only in math but when we work out some of the uh math problems we talk about life and how do we solve some of the problems that uh they're faced with in their ordinary lives uh problem solving helps students to become better mathematicians better thinkers therefore better equipped for advanced stem learning Mr fosco is looking forward to that when we get him up to this high school so we want to start a very young um the goal of the contest is to develop students problem solving skills to encourage their interest in math and to inspire them to excel in all parts of life tonight I have the opportunity to recognize uh some individuals up here third grade team we had 14 students and out of those 14 students we have our top scorer who's going to receive a a medal tonight and that is going to be Noah Fernandez so Noah if you can come on up Fern is his first year because this is our first time that he's able to compete with us uh he scored the top score in our in our um in our competition with a score of a 60 which is wonderful so in a minute you're going to shake your's hands like you just St right up here okay and in fourth grade we had 19 students and if you remember last year we had 24 students in third grade compete so these are the same students most of them uh that came back for a second year here and we have the same team winner uh as we recognized last year and that's Arab Patel so come on up [Applause] here so our first two-time winner AR we're very proud of you AR had a score of a 70 uh on his stest so he did a wonderful job and he was one of the leaders of our group so stay on up here and we had the privilege this year of having having three students in our fourth grade recognized uh nationally as a top 50% uh scorer in the entire country and when I say that there's over 30,000 uh students that compete in this contest uh and we wait patiently I know the students can uh a test for this we wait until everybody takes their test so we can see how we score we had three students uh they're all going to receive uh purple ribbons that say noetic math contest National honorable mention uh for 2024 so those students uh first come on up here Ben [Applause] wallac our second student isy SAS and our third student again our top scorer in fourth grade was AR Rob Patel [Applause] and last but not least we have one of our instructors uh and she's our very own student council vice president this is Leah kurlo so we want to recognize her too uh Leah spent um every day after school as much time as the rest of the kids helping me uh help them and as a as a leader of our school I think that's great to recognize tonight um to a group of leaders in our district um Leah helped not only solve the problems with the kids but also help uh explain the problems at the students level and I thought she did a wonderful job so let's give her a round of applause so that concludes our presentation we wanted just to give you a a a short snapshot of what we do every day outside the realm of our classrooms to give back to our community and recognize the students that are very important to all of us in this room so let's give him one more round of applause [Applause] conratulations all the that participated will be receiving certificat we're going have a small little celebration after school so all the students 194 cic I did want to say something because we always they always flow out we don't have a chance to to talk about the students and you guys don't get to hear us but I have to tell tell you guys that your presentation up there tonight was phenomenal you could tell that you guys practice there's no doubt about it and one of the things that as somebody who speaks for a living I will tell you I was I was so impressed with the fact that you didn't say uh you didn't say um you never stop you never stammered you guys put the effort in and practicing your enunciation was spoton I can't comp lient you guys enough for the presentation that you guys did tonight I hope you're as proud of you as we are that's for sure and congratulations to the math kids that's phenomenal you know you guys did a great [Applause] job thanks great job I'm not going to try out do Doug okay he's good great job he's very impressive you up there and be able to to say what you did in front of us in front of everyone and and just a terrific job great job Kevin also and all the faculty thank you thank you yeah okay so at this time I need a motion to open the 2425 budget public hearing so move second you can stay for this is very exciting we'll talkar thank you good night good night night good night good night [Music] okay good evening thank you Dr Miss Melissa and Board of Ed members my name is Katherine fer and I'm the junior class president here at sphs recently my time has been sent spent with the SPs track team throwing discus I actually just got back from the GMC relays a few of my classmates and I on behalf of the student leadership participated in a beach cleanup at manaan with a program clean ocean action which was really fun and rewarding now on to information about the students this past Thursday April 25th was the spring concert we congratulate the students and staff who contributed to an evening of song and music on Saturday South lingfield High School's jazz band competing competed in the Tia region Jazz championships the members received an outstanding achievement and placed third furthermore the trumpet section received the best trumpet section award and soloist Brook Ridley won an outstanding soloist award for her performance of atlast on Sunday the SPs Winter Guard team won first at the Tia Winter Guard region championship which is a testament to the team's hard work and the Creative Vision of the head adviser Alexandre CCO NJ njsla testing began yesterday April 30th and will end on May 3rd students in 9th grade will be taking the appropriate Ela math courses 113 students will be tested on the appropriate science courses the sophomores and Son seniors are lucky they have a week of delayed openings next week the week of May 6 a AP testing will begin and continue through May 17th go look to all the AP students I personally will be taking the AP World History exam and the AP Psychology exam tiger Farms will be open again on Wednesday May 8th all staff members of the all staff and members of the community are welcome to stop by as they will have seasonal flowers spring decorations B goods and more for sale just in time for Brother's Day cultural heritage day will be May 21st and we will run an all bell schedule this day on behalf of the jersey and history Club is a day where students can bring in food artifacts and put on performances from their culture i along with the rest of the students really enjoy the day to learn and try new things Day of Service is scheduled for Friday May 24th South lco has many things planned for students such as corn holes spikeball and basketball tournaments a color run walkon and more all of which raises money for different charities the junior class runs the basketball games in Spring Lake and raise money for the Ronald McDonald House the senior prom will be held on Thursday May 30th from 600 to 10: p.m. at the Grand Marquee in Oldbridge tickets were on sale this past week the seniors are excited to wind out for the school year lastly I don't want to make any Junior parents sad but the class of 2025 has senior portraits in the building with flors for talk to be in gym from the 19th to the 21st and the 24th and 25th with appointment starting at 8:00 a.m. and the last appointment at 11:30 information was sent to parents or Guardians directly from laur's photography studio there's a lot going on for students here at SPS for the next 2 months but I know I can speak for my classmates want I say we cannot wait for summer to come thank you how you doing the Reay um I think we got second I'm pretty sure but I threw E3 it's like move on to the budget can I have a motion to open public hearing so move second Mr Bo here Mr Chapman yes Mr fella yes Mr gakis here yes s Mr Pender yes Mr cber yes Mr C yes Mr P yes thank you Mr pan this evening we are going to be presenting the uh school year 2024 2025 uh school budget it's taken a very long time to put this budget together uh taking in all the information from our uh Administration uh our curriculum directors uh Miss Mesa as as our assistant superintendent of curriculum and of course from the Board of Education that wanted to prioritize uh many of the items that are in our budget so we wanted to make sure that we are focused always on what's best for the students I know that you uh are aware that we had lost some funding this year we created the best budget that we could based on the uh the shore fall that we had and reallocation of projects that we have planned fore and click listed up there our list of Board of Education members and our mission statement which is very important to us as a district we have allocated our district funds the following way for facility projects technology instructional programs special services school security equipment and Personnel Athletics and extracurricular transportation and capital projects these are all the things that we need to make our school district run efficiently and effectively for our students our district priorities and a priority of our board was to maintain our class sizes at the elementary level the Middle School level high school as well as add an additional English as a second language teacher into our um into our budget although we do have a number that are currently in our school budget as our population continues to grow we have to address that by adding additional uh teacher in that area we have increased course offerings at how cville high school and we're maintaining all of the current instructional programs that currently exist in our um curriculum we're maintaining our support programs including our academic tutoring and our summer credit recovery and in addition to that we'll be maintaining our student enrichment programs with our summer programs that'll be listed shortly our district priorities also include um funding mental health personnel and programming in order to fully support our students we're continuing with our mental health support programs our natured heart approach with the dreams Grant and our Comming room monitoring staff will all be included uh in our funding we're also increasing our course offerings at South cenfield High School which include fundamentals of mathematics for the trades essential for college mathematics AP Human Geography Rhythm and language and the marching band expansion we are also expanding through phase two our district preschool program our preschool teachers we're hiring a number of uh new hires for our preschool teachers for our classroom we're also adding an additional art teacher an additional physical education teacher we're also hiring a number of preschool par professionals as well as a number number of Dy a to support the preschool program our preschool expansion uh at Roosevelt Annex Building will include renovations to the new wing of the administration building which includes renovating six existing classrooms that are down the hallways uh in our administration building uh with an addition of two new classrooms being built in the gymnasium all of the bathrooms will be updated we'll have an updated hbac system for replacing the fire alarm system in that um in the preschool program in Roosevelt we're up upgrading our security system replacing the LED lighting we have a roof project going on and we are uh rebuilding the facade of the building the facilities projects also include another roof project that's at the Roosevelt Elementary School we'll be doing District PR uh Paving throughout the district so we're repaving the Riley Annex teacher parking lot that was not paved we're pulling it up and and Paving we are doing various sidewalks Replacements and the Middle School kitchen project the front service counter area in addition we are also doing District painting in rille preschool Annex the interior classrooms the hallways the gymnasium and then various classrooms throughout the district we're also doing general maintenance throughout the districts which includes as Festus removal in multiple buildings General Building Maintenance LED replacement projects throughout the district HVAC maintenance throughout the district and we are maintaining all of our athletic fields throughout the district our technology projects include a number of um projects that we're working on we're increasing the security cameras at the Roosevelt preschool and and we're expanding security camera coverage in the existing school buildings we are improving our Network infrastructure by replacing switches in the entire district and wireless throughout the entire District we're upgrading the Rosevelt preschool Annex cabling and their door access security and we're upgrading the building access control system in addition we are switching over to the one sync system which is an automate uh an automated staff accounts for computer access from the HR System so it eliminates a manual input and class link installation which is a single dashboard for district applications and a multiactor authentication for students our instructional uh our instructional programs we are expanding the Recruitment and Retention efforts for our faculty and staff we are planning district recruitment events and Partnerships with local colleges and universities to uh recruit and retain the best possible teachers we can for our district we're designed student programming in response to uh identified academic and social and emotional needs they will also be funded we have a number of instructional programs that are connected to curriculum including uh curriculum writing we will be rewriting curriculum and updating into the standards for K12 uh K12 social studies intro to computer science and computer science fundamentals of math for the trades and math electives and essential for college math as well as race culture and gender and Rhythm and language we will also be um working on social studies uh K5 Social Studies Weekly our world history in grade six our history licenses are updated in grade seven and 8 they're upgraded again in 9 through 12 AP government and law AP Human Geography AP Psychology music we're doing sound Innovations with smart music counceling department will have a new program called score which will replace navian uh mathematics will be having our um our resources for grade six fundamentals for math for the trades Essentials for college math pre-calculus and calculus English will be uh using resources in Rhythm and language business AP macro and microeconomics and computer science intro to AP Computer Science in addition to all of that funds will be allocated to provide training based upon the district's professional development needs assessment survey and the district goals our district initiatives and ongoing topics include data analysis and data driven instruction targeted subject and grade level specific content addressing diverse Learners in the classroom multi-tiered system of support instructional uh technology using AI and cultural Consciousness um and responsive classroom these are all things that we're focused on moving over to our special services department we are maintaining all instructional programs PR prek through grade 12 and including transition we are maintaining our step program for autism in our autism classes we're expanding with one additional class to Roosevelt Elementary School expanding from five Elementary classes to six we're establishing an lld severe program at Franklin Elementary School we're continuing to expand vocation living experiences for students in the high school and for the 18 through 21 year old transition Academy we will also be increasing the number of trained and certified staff for the multisensory reading in all of our schools we'll continue training programs to Foster students seamless transition to adult adulthood so the person centered approach and we are doing audio enhance enhancements from Epic Systems which we will be enhancing 22 classrooms for our uh students that are um may have some difficulty hearing we're also um projecting increases in our special services department based on our out of District tuition and transportation for the 2024 2025 school years projected for our outer district tuitions and transportation to be approximately $4.7 million this includes an estimate 5% increase for out of District tuition and a 15% increase for out of District transportation we will continue to expand programs in the district to meet the needs of students by maintaining a full spectrum of educational program options for our students going to list up here I won't read them all um our number of special uh education programs that we have that are available in the district so m m I'm going ask you just switch to our funded programs special services funded through local funds as well as the Ida grant grant funds uh defay tuition costs and related supplies where local funds support programs tuitions and transportation our local funds continue to support special services programs tuitions and transportations as necessary to service students in the South PLO School District We are continuing to maintain our uh Security in our schools that is one of our main focuses to make sure that our students are always safe and secure when they're here with us we will be maintaining our districtwide school resource officers our sro's districtwide we have a total of three they responsible for our on-site security we are increasing our district Leos by one so they will be six preschool Elementary uh SOS joining us in September we are also doing interior door access controls we're updating the door access control systems to work with existing camera systems and vape sensors and the preschool Annex uh Security will have a new security vestibule built inside there in addition to all the things that we're doing uh for our students here we're also making sure that our students have a well-rounded education by uh maintaining our Athletics and our extracurriculars our athletic budget supports 61 athletic programs currently a total of 1,195 students participate in both the middle school and the high school uh program many of these students are multisport athletes our district funds are allocated for the following our coaches salaries are Clos to the officials as for the state and Conference recommendations our yearly dues our rental fees and entry fees purchasing of new equipment equipment maintenance equipment repair and the replacement of um equipment we also use our funds for safety as the as we maintain and repair the items that we just discussed we do reconditioning and replacement of helmets and Equipment safety checks and Repair on the gymnastics equipment San uh sanitation of the wrestling mats and their equipment um concussion testing and our swim swim coach certification in addition to our Athletics we also do extracurricular and clubs that are supported by the District budget extracurricular activities and clubs budgeted for the 2425 school year include our elementary student council and safety control three of which we still are here tonight our grand school funds our literary magazine the advisers and the assistant the chess club the student council the academic Bowl in the drama club middle school has National Junior Honor Society uh maker Space Odyssey of the Mind the school newspaper the science club the chorus the yearbook the drama club the student castle and the seventh and eighth grade uh advisers the extracurricular in the high school are probably too many to name but they're listed up there we have a number of extracurricular activities and clubs that are maintained for the 2425 school year we have not eliminated any club due to budget we may have eliminated um a number of them due to lack of participation but they're replaced with other ones that are uh requested by the students so just take a look we have a number of up there our extracurriculars uh are funded as for the agreement between the South Playfield Board of Education and the South Playfield education ass Association there are 79 C positions in our Budget Transportation also includes for the 2425 school year as we discussed uh they're projected out a District transportation cost with an increase of 15% as the cost of our added District routes continue to increase the exact number required for the coming school year is yet to be determined but please note that our district will be returning a number of routes back to our local District budget our capital projects include the roof replacement at the Leonard Tobias administration at Roosevelt preschool Annex and the Roosevelt uh School proper they've already started the funds for these uh projects well the plans started the funds for these project will be a combination of local funds and the regular operating District Rod grants the South clanfield School District was awarded a rod Grant to offset the roof construction cost and we have been approved to receive 40% of the projected cost I'm going to pass over the rest of this presentation to Mr benan our business administrator to go through the numbers thank you thank you Dr tcy uh the total operating budget is uh for the upcoming year will be 7552 4,49 the general fund tax levy increase for next year is 2.7 million and our total general fund tax levy is 56.6 million included in the budget is a 10% increase for our health cost as is projected by our insurance broker and as Dr tany mentioned we are doing some maintenance uh for next year and we are anticipating to withdraw $400,000 from our maintenance Reserve to cover that and as everyone knows um we lost $3,569 185 uh in state aid included in our budget the special ed uh costs are increasing and I'm projected to increase 10% for next year we have an average daily enrollment of 3523 students we have 661 current full-time employees and the estimated cost per pable for next year is 19,1 188 this is just a chart that breaks up our total budget our total budget is $83,200 INE taxes and health benefits make up 67% of our budget that's just about 2/3 so next year's tax increase the total tax levy increase is 2,699 729 that will be an average tax increase of $29 which compared to last year was $19 this increase is based on the average assessed homes value of1 24710 and included in our budget is $200,000 for tax relief this is year four the final year of the district's four-year tax relief plan um I just wanted to cover some areas that were affected by the decrease in state a funding we had to a reallocation of funds for relocating the guidance Department area at Southfield High School for the creation of new classrooms the Middle School full kitchen renovation was scaled back we had to redesign and downscale new classrooms at the Roosevelt preschool Annex we transition to state required Transportation mileage we have a delay in purchasing maintenance and buildings of grounds equipment we have a delay in purchasing a new 54 passenger bus we are reallocating fund balance and we are adding Bank cap to the budget for next year and please note bill a 4161 is is currently pending this bill is intended to provide relief to districts who lost state aid in the coming school year the South dfield School District lost $3,569 185 depending on the outcome of this bill the final numbers for our school budget are subject to change thank you thank you Mr vanan um I just wanted to say as we uh finish up presenting the budget I really do want to thank our Board of Education who was who were adamant in making sure that any change that we had to make to the budget that we had prepared prior to learning that we had uh we had lost our state aid uh we were instructed to not touch our any program that would affect our students so um just so that you know that the top priority of the the board here was to make sure that the loss that we had of our state aid would not be felt by our students so I think that delaying our projects um it's not something that we wanted to do uh it's something that we had to do but these students will not be feeling that thank you uh at this time are there any public comments on the budget see none in board M yeah I just I just want to say thank you to the superintendent her assistant superintendent their office the business office all the principal and everybody who put in time into this budget because if it is a very difficult procedure and being cut the money we were cut made it that much harder so I just want to say thank you for all that hard work yeah I also wanted to commend Dr tany and her staff and Mr benan and his staff for putting together the budget not only with the constraints of the red reduction in state aid but also with the general rise in cost of everything else and to put together a budget like that that maintains uh all the offerings for the students and still keeps our um District growing both in building construction and programs for the student I think that's just a phenomenal job and I'm sorry you had to be under those constraints and I'm sure you would have done more if you had it but uh thank you for the work that you did I think it's important for the public to know and hear but the Absurd process that it is to develop the school budget the way it works is you need to develop a budget assuming that you're getting a certain amount of money you don't no and your budget needs to be submitted to the county in March you don't find out until March how much state aid you're going to get and then when they turn around and they do something as ludicrous as cut our Aid by three $3.6 million whatever the number was and then you need to turn around and at that point in time adjust your budget that is due in a week on a SE what's the budget $75 million a $75 million budget that now you have to scramble behind the scenes and try to put it all together requires endless you know hours of of commitment by our business office quite frankly probably hours that they shouldn't be required to have to do on their own personal time because of this ludicrous way that they go about providing the school districts with funding and then they come out with this bill where they say we still don't know what the outcome is is going to be where maybe they'll you know uh reimburse some of the school districts that lost money uh but maybe not they're not really sure they were supposed to vote on it last week if I right last week they were supposed to vote on it they voted they're supposed to vote on the ninth now it's the 13th but I was told today I'm not even sure if it'll be right so now go ahead and do your budget we might give you this money back we might not give you this money back go ahead and try and run your household like that let's see anybody do it let a r run a school district with a $75 million budget so uh I urge everybody to reach out to our legislators and you know our representatives and tell them the correct way that they handle uh funding the school districts and you know you can't let a school district know in March that you are cutting their budget by $3.6 million and say good luck to you and by the way we're not the only uh only place that got it a lot of districts got it a lot worse than we did but it doesn't matter you get a cut you get a cut and the only people who who suffer for that at the end of the day are the students thank you thank you uh just for transparency purposes if Bill a 4161 has passed we would get we could get up to 2/3 so about like 2.3 million back correct well possibly it's possible we could also get a lot smaller amount there's we have no idea at this point we're not sure what we what we will get okay if anything can I and also Devon for transparency if we're going to get that money we have to throw more liability on top of the taxpayers dollars it's the facts the only way we're going to get it is a requirement that they give us part of the funds back we have to tax the uh the residents in order to do it so that's what they're you know that's what they're looking to do is they going to say okay you know we'll give you a little bit more money but go ahead and hit your taxpayers more if you want and the other any other questions all right on that note I'd like to I'd like to have a motion to close the uh public hearing so move second call Mr B yes Mr Chapman yes Mr barell yes Mr J yes Mr Pender yes Mr suberg yes Mr Casio yes Mr P yes okay at this time um resolve suu to open public meetings act that the board meets in closed session at this time the confidential matters pertaining to Personnel student matters and attorney client privilege and I think I'm missing part here yeah there it is further resolved that the matters discussed to Clos session shall be made public as soon as the need conf resist second roll call Mr W yes Mr Chapman yes Mr P yes Mr yes Mr pend yes Mr cber yes Mr Casio yes Mr yes okay moving out of exec um we need to add agenda item marks read it's go the curriculum as D okay resolved that the board affirms the finding of Hib case number 26441 SPM 021 5024 her during this evening's executive session and be a further resolved that the family should be provided with a written decision along with information about their right of appeal move second all favor opposed all right uh can I have a motion on approval of PR Boardman same so move second roll call Mr Mo obain I was not here for that meeting Mr Chapman yes Mr Carell yes Mr gakis yes Mr Pender yes Mr cber yes Mr CIO stain also not for the game Mr P yes I have a motion on curriculum a through D so move second discussion call please Mr Bo yes Mr Chapman yes Mr pel yes Mr chak yes Mr pther yes Mr cber yes Mr CIO yes yes um can I have a motion for finance a through KK did I just do I just said I motion a through e on person second a lot of discuss the whole roll call please vote uh yes but abstaining on part C line 426 that is my spouse Mr Chapman yes Mr fella yes Mr ganas yes stay on my family Mr Fender yes Mr tberg yes Mr Caso yes I'm stay my brother Mr P yes now moving to finance a through KK so move second discussion V call please Mr vot yes Mr Chapman yes Mr parel yes Mr chakis yes Mr pedler yes Mr cleberg Mr Casio yes Mr P yes and going through the last page okay any public comments on any item see board member comments on any it need another motion to adance so move move all right post thank you all right com happy Mother's dayes