States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible with Li and justice for all Mr V here Mr V here Mr Chapman here Mr parella here Mr gakis Mr Miller Mr Pender Mr here Mr CIO here Mr F here in accordance to the terms of the Sunshine Law adequate notice of this meeting was posted in old school buildings the administration building bur clerk's office Public Library four newspapers to tap into on January 6 2023 please be advised there's no smoking on school grounds inside or outside at any time please silence all electronic devices and pursu to District policy number 0167 each statement made by participant shall be three minutes duration and no participant may speak more than once on the same topic thank you very much um moving right along to the superintendent report thank you Mr thank you Mr peni uh this evening we'll be hearing from our student representative Katherine fiper junior class president Katherine will be giving us all the great news from the high school ready oh you're over there last time I good evening thank you Dr tany Miss Melisa and members of the Board of Education my name is Catherine fiper and I'm the junior class president here at SPS I've been class president of my grade for the past 4 years I recently just finished my field hockey season and my competition cheer season is about to start as we prepare for this season's competitions and continue our success from last year I'm in a few clubs here at SPS one being passionately picked where for the whole month of October we raised the money for breast cancer re research yesterday I along with other members of Heroes and Cool Kids went to our first training at the Grand Mar key we were able to communicate with students from many different schools talk about our personal stories that helped us learn resilience learn how to apply what we learned into future lessons for the gr schoolers and ultimately be an inspiration for the younger students to look up to trust and get guidance from this Friday members the members of student leadership and I will be going to K University and be given the opportunity to listen to speakers and learn how to take leadership and and apply it to our student body tomorrow November 16th a few of our students will also be going to Kane University to attend the historically back college and university instant decision college fair the students have pre-applied to a few of the 48 schools in attendance and will be meeting the admission Representatives at Fair they will also receive instant decisions if they are accepted or not based on their applications student leadership is also beginning to plan for Tiger 24 trying to get all students from elementary to high school involved this year's tiger 4 volleyball tournament will be held on Saturday December 2nd in the high school gym the schedule for that day is as follows from 3 to 5 there will be children's activities such as face painting scavenger hunt crafts freeze dance and the cost will be $5 per family at 6:00 doors open for the tournament at 7:00 the Volleyball Tournament begins but this tournament is for SPS students only all money rais will be donated to those in need in the South lanfield Community okay marking period 1 just ended and we're starting off marking Period 2 strong this week we had our spirit week with different dress of days being twin day Jersey day and more today we had our annual Powderpuff game the sophomores won 26 26 to 12 in the Puppy Bowl and the Juniors won 27 to 20 in the actual game we broke our losing record to conclude our spirit week we're having our pet Valley this Friday and I know many students are looking forward to it we have performances from our Mar marching band recognition of senior athletes and competitive games between each class like scooter races free throws and tug of war here at sphs the past month students were given the opportunity for many in school college visits and instant decision instant decision days today William Patterson was at our school and I was able to attend and I personally enjoyed like talking to someone who's been to the school and had experience and getting information that you can't like get online students are able to see requests and get information for college visitant on their Navan account the counseling office is hosting a financial aid night for parents tonight at 7.m in the auditorium next week also starts our winter sports as our athletes continue to push themselves to win and achieve their goals the class of 2025 has had many fundraisers we recently had a virtud HW fundraiser today is our Angelina's fundraiser and we'll be having an apparel and chipotle fundraiser in December the other classes clubs and teams have also been having many fundraisers as well I along with the rest of my students here at SPS are looking forward to the new markting period and the many days off we're going to have this month and next month thank you thank you cther um I think we might have to rethink this because uh how am I supposed to follow like cther and and the last two students that we have right we got to bring back great job that's the only time we get here tonight thank you um we have several wonderful happenings uh throughout our school this month Kennedy School will be celebrating uh the United States veterans by hosting an assembly on Friday November 17th for all of our students families uh who have served and our currently serving our country kened school is also bringing awareness to World Peace by wearing blue on Friday character education program is motivating good behavior using tiger bucks to reward students who portray acts of gratitude and positive behavior Franklin School is excited about the recent uh playground updates and wishes to acknowledge the following so this comes from uh Mrs kuui thank you to the Franklin PTO for gifting the black top playground it is absolutely beautiful five square Accord hop scotches a game Circle a solar system themed sensory panel and all that goes along with it so they want us to say thank you to the district and the board of education for all the additional sections of the fence to complete the playground it is absolutely beautiful and they couldn't say enough thank you uh Grant school is inviting local veterans into the school this Friday to speak to the Social Studies classes about Veterans Day and their experiences the middle school held its annual schoolwide Veteran Day assembly on November 8th local veterans from all branches of the Armed Forces attended and were recognized at the ceremony for their willingness to serve and sacrifice for our country's Freedom during November at Riley school um they held their monthly assembly to highlight the students of the month who embodied October's character traits for respect and to launch this month's focus on gratitude the the students will also be participating in two schoolwide assemblies this month the first is focused on working through conflict resolution situations and the second is on environmental assemblies and the illusion maker Riley student council is sponsoring several themed days throughout the month as well as taking time to visit seniors at the Complete Care Nursing Home facility the Riley preschool Annex celebrated World kindness day this past Monday by wearing pink or green students and staff were all challenged to perform a random act of kindness students use the word please and thank you helped a friend by picking something up off the floor that wasn't theirs and the day was full with high fives and fist pumps all throughout the school so that was an amazing amazing thing to say um we'd also like to recognize our AP honors South planville High School was recognized as a bronze with access school for the 2023 AP School honoral recognition program congratulations to our students and our amazing teachers in addition we will have a number of parent Workshop uh sessions that will be information will be sent out shortly the district will be sending out the information to the parent Guardian uh email addresses that are registered with the with the school district as well as it being listed on our school website we have several topics including uh what Katherine mentions tonight's uh fasta for the seniors uh happening at 7 uh assemblies and workshops on substance of use and support for our students and how uh parents might support their uh students that might be struggling with it high school orientation for Rising 8th grade students and the proper use of social media along with a number of other topics that information will be coming out shortly uh beginning next week you'll begin to see some work start at the administration building as we prepare for next year preschool expansion the district will be adding um what looks like between six and eight more classrooms to an already already existing 13 uh School building of our preschool so we have a lot going on we just want to let you know that we see something going on over there we're expanding the program and as a reminder our district is still looking for some positive and wonderful people to come and work in our district we have open teaching positions we have open power professional positions as well as Duty AES if you have somebody or you yourself are interested please visit our district website so that you can apply for one of these positions we'd love to Welcome All qualified candidates into our family here that's it on my presentation but we do have a presentation this evening for Miss Mesa on the HIV self assessment grades I to read a chart I think you both win wait maybe maybe Catherine can sound different sound better uh so every year we conduct a self assessment for our hip grades these include uh programming we offer for students at for staff trainings uh the Personnel that we have our incident reporting procedures investigative procedures um and then also any additional programming we may have our final score can go through 78 uh this will be listed on the district website so I'll just read each school's score which again is a self assessment that the anti-bullying specialist does in Partnership with the building Administration the high school had a score of a 75 the Middle School a 74 gr School a 76 Franklin School 77 Kennedy School 74 Riley School 75 and Roosevelt School 75 although it's fast for me to read this each of our an bullying Specialists has a lot of documentation to back these up so we're very proud of the scores we take them very seriously um and you can find them on our website thanks good well done good great job C that awesome very very good I'm amazed you know how how how well you guys to do really it's fantastic okay um moving on we Have No Agenda additions or deletions public comments on agenda items only which we don't have any items so we'll just move right to public comments on any board member comments okay seeing none executive session res gr oh I'm sorry I'm sorry thank Mr sorry K you crushed it great job really appreciate you com out uh the uh the student reports this year are like St every meeting so far sure has been excellent and uh you guys just keep raising the bar higher and higher and uh great job uh great job in field hockey this year he's certainly an asset team out there know that about it and uh appreciate you coming out Tok you okay to Executive Z any other comments okay uh resolve pursu Fus meeting act that the board meets in close session at this time discuss the confidential matters pertaining to um student matters personnel and an attorney client privilege be further resolved of matters discussed in CL session shall be as soon as the board for conf no long exist [Music] motion okay we're going to the [Music] ex Mr W Mr Chapman yes sir Mr fella here mrak here Mr here Mr Pender here Mr cber here Mr Casio here Mr here I have a motion to approve the agenda move second discussion please both here Mr Chapman yes Mr barell yes Mr Gus Mr Miller yes Mr Pender yes Mr cber Mr CIO yes Mr P not if very good yes and um we're going to move right into uh right into the regular meeting I'm not ading the other one we just go right through the body of it and um and we go right there to comments from the public on proposed resolution the agendas that are yeah I okay out see I have resolution approved board move second discussion R call please Mr both yes Mr Chapman yes Mr pel yes Mr janak Mrs Miller Mr Pender yes On A and B abstaining on C Mr cleberg yes Mr Casio yes Mr pisi yes could I have a motion for curriculum a through I move second discussion R call please Mr both yes Mr Chapman yes Mr Barella yes Mr gakis yes Mrs Miller Mr Pender yes Mr cleberg yes Mr Casio yes Mr P yes Personnel a through D move second discussion R call please Mr both yes Mr Chapman yes Mr carella yes Mr gakis yes Mrs Miller Mr Pender yes MREs yes Mr Casio yes Mr P yes finance a through l so move second discussion call please Mr V yes Mr Chapman yes Mr yes Mr gakis Mr Miller Mr Pender yes Mr cleberg yes Mr CIO yes Mr yes public comments any item see none board member comments I just want to wish everyone an enjoyable and Happy Thanksgiving and hopefully lots of great food um also um our thoughts in deep sympathy to the family of Tommy kazoua Tommy was a 2005 South lanord High School graduate were deeply salon by his s loss and for those of you who don't know his dad was co-owner of sport world and his mom also works for the police department Tommy was really a great kid uh everyone just enjoy the Thanksgiving break if you don't celebrate Thanksgiving have a great time off and stay safe any other member comments Keith yeah um there's a uh there's going to be a blood and platelet Drive December 16th 9 to 3:00 at kenned school you'll see information being put out the schools about that that's supporting a couple seniors doing their Pro any other board member comments okay I'll just finish up wishing everybody a Happy Thanksgiving stay safe drive safe I am just going to end this U section with a statement that I want to read we would like to provide an update on the status of the ethics complaint that certain board members probably did Miss Debbie Bo who was a member of the board at the time as some of you know and November 2021 the group of board members myself Mr Chapman Mr gianakis Mr both Mr Casio Mr cber follow complain against Mrs Bo with the school ethics commission individually we believe that Mrs Bo who was a board member at the time violated the code of ethics for board members when she improperly criticized superintendent for staff members and other board members we also charged M boil with numerous ethics violations for repeatedly attempting to administer the schools when she contacted mus music department staff members directly to have their students play and sing in a community event even though being told ahead of time by the administration that they could not an administ law judge first agreed that Mrs Bo had acted unethically when she acted outside the scope of her board duties bypassed the superintendent and put the staff members in uncomfortable position and most importantly that she took private action that compromised the board's Integrity the judge then recommended that Mr Bo received the censure the highest penalty that could be issued since she was no longer on the board by the time the decision was released at the end of the September the school ethics commission reviewed the case and issued a final decision that agreed with the majority of the judge's findings the ethics commission specifically stated Mrs Bo acted beyond the scope of her duties as a board member the ethics commission also recommend that de Bo receive a censure because it was the most serious penalty possible for a former board member on November 2nd the acting Commission of Education agreed that Miss Bo should be censored we follow this case because we believe that Miss Bo O's action were serious violation of ethical responsibilities or Outsider board duties and has the potential to compromise the board we this did this on our own did not use an attorney and the only District money expended for was for Mrs Bo's offense as required by Statute even so the judge ethics commission and Commissioner of Education obvious agreed with us as a longtime board member Mrs will should have been fully aware of her ethical responsibilities and is unfortunate that it took this proceeding to show that she had no regard for the responsibilities when it comes to her ordination ship and the ethics codes which all of us sign every year thank you motion toj move second all favor thank you to see