[Music] of the United States of America and to the repic for which it stands Nation God indivisible with liy and jce Mr both here Mr Chapman pres Mr Panella here Mr gakis here Mrs Miller Mr Pender Mr cleberg here Mr CIO here Mr peni here in accordance with the terms of the Sunshine Law adequate notice of this meeting was posted in old school buildings the administration building B cler's office public library for newspapers and tap into on January 6 2023 please be advised there is no smoking on school grounds inside or outside at any time please silence all electronic devices pursuant to District policy number 0167 each statement made by a participant shall be limited to 3 minutes duration and no participant may speak more than once in the same topic very good thank you moving on board president rep at this time I'll be uh doing a reading of a resolution of censors from the school ethics commission whereas the above caption matter arises from a complaint that was filed with the school ethics Commission on November 24th 2021 by Jim G mockus King both Thomas CIO po peni dou Cham and William cleberg alleging that debie Bo responded violated multiple division of the code of ethics for school board members and whereas at its meeting on March 22nd 2022 the commission adopted a decision granting the motion to dismiss as to the elect violations of njsa 18a 12- 24.1 C njsa 18a 12-24 .1 I and njsa 18 12 24.1 J in count one denying the motion to dismiss as to the alleged violations of njsa 18a 12- 24.1 D and njsa 18a 12- 241e in count one and as to the alleged violations of NJ sa a 18a 12.4.1 c NJ I don't okay then then I'll you stop me right there in the middle of it it's okay it's then d e f i and J and count two of the complaint directing the respond in to following answerers to the remaining allegations and upon the receipt of the answer transmitting the above caption matter to the office of the administrative law for a plenary hearing and whereas the administrative law judge issued an initial decision dated July 17th 2023 and whereas at its meeting on September 26th 2023 and after thoroughly reviewing considering the full record the commission voted to adopt the LJ's conclusion that respond respondent violated e in count one d e i and J and count two to adopt the LJ's conclusion that the respondent did not violate F in Count 2 and reject the LJ's conclusion that the respondent violated D in count one and or c in count two and to adopt the recommendation penalty of censure for the violations and whereas pursuant njsa 18a 1229c the commission's decision was fed to the commissioner of education for final determination of the recommended penalty and whereas the following the issuance of the commissioner's decision either party filed an appeal or exceptions with the commission of education and whereas by De by decision dated November 2nd 2023 the commission of Education concurred with the penalty recommended by the commission for respondents Action in bypassing the chain of command and criticizing and questioning District administrators and whereas D provides that a penalty of censure suspension or removal of resolution shall be adopted the commission's next meeting following the commissioner's imposition of the sanction and the resolution shall be read at the board's next public meeting following adoption by the commission it shall be posted in such places as the board Post Its Public Notices for no less than 30 days and shall be published online on the district website for no less than 30 days and the reading of the resolution shall be memorialized in the board's minute meeting minutes and once approved a copy of the minutes shall be forwarded to the commission and now therefore be a resolve that the commission adopts this resolu olution stating that the respondent is hereby censored as a penalty for having violated the act as set forth within herein and be further resolved that the board is ordered to read this resolution at its next regular scheduled public meeting to post in such places that the board Post Its Public Notices for a period of no less than 30 days and to publish it online on the district's website for no less than 30 days and be a further resolve that the board shall provide the commission with the minutes once a adopted from the meeting at which it reads the within resolution resolution you just we're not voting on it because it was a resolution that we were ordered to read that commission passed okay moving on tonight um no report there's no additions or deletions any public comments on agenda items only seeing none there is one personal item A and B can I have move second discussion roll call please Mr both yes Mr Chapman yes Mr Carell yes Mr Janis yes Mr tberg yes Mr Casio yes Mr P yes any public comments on any item seeing none board member comments uh we have a senior project coming up on December 16th for the blood drive there's 40 slots they'd love to have filled out they got 30 of them filled out so if anyone else we know of anyone that wants to 10 more people to donate blood we spread the word very good everyone else okay seeing none executive session right now we're going to resolve purs to the open Public's meeting act the board meets in Clos session at is time to discuss confidential matters pertaining to personnel and uh the attorney client privilege be the further resolved that the matter discussed in close session shall be made public as soon as the confidential no longer exists move second all in favor opposed and we're going in the exact session I would suspect to be 15 minutes of that and and only action when we come out will be to approve next week's agenda um the J just that um the resolution needs to be sent out tomorrow to to everywhere in location across Al post it on I already got it written out yeah yeah we don't have to wait for the we can send that out tomorrow start sending out tomorrow how does that have to be posted for minimum no minimum 30 days minimum minimum your Max minimum there is no maximum and then the minutes can't go out until we approve them right the minutes the minutes we approve you have to send that with the resolution to Theiss I read okay can I have motion on the agenda for next week move second discussion call Mr both yes Mr Chapman yes Mr parella yes Mr G Mr cleberg yes Mr Casio Mr yes have a motion toour move second second all in favor oppose