good evening welcome to the March 25th 8th meeting of the Year Alysa can you please read the statement of notice publication in compliance with chapter 231 of public law of 1975 notice of this meeting to be held at the criminal justice building 61 Main Street South River has been published in the home News Tribune on January 5th 2024 posted on the municipal building bulletin board the burough website the front door of the Criminal Justice building at 61 Main Street South River can we stand up for uh sorry roll call please mayor gindy here councilwoman Ballas councilman Cula here councilman desian here councilman grensky here councilman krenzel here council president olera here please stand for the salute the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please stay standing first it may be seated we have no proclamations what's going on with the link fine uh we're going to talk about the agenda session there is three uh for uh first reading uh first one was 2020 20 244 which uh Jason if you could uh brief on us no one not Recreation fees oh sorry so what we did with the uh 20244 um we're just looking ahead to next season for our wck fees we made some changes with cheerleading and the rec department is taking over Pop Warner football so we just wanted to ensure that we Encompass the fees in our fee schedule in order to be compliant with uh the uh the ordinances that we have on all right thank you uh next one is going to be 20245 which is on handicap parking Alber Street um a special person with handicap accessible requested it uh so we are uh going to move on it 20246 uh special events Andrea could you brief on that sure uh 20246 it's a ordinance to amend your special events permit uh it does two things the amendment the first one is it includes an exception to your special events permit for flag raisings if there's a flag raising provided that there's no uh ceremony after which would need a special events permit then they are going to be exempt from obtaining the special events permit the Second Amendment uh it it actually allows the department heads that are reviewing the permit applications to request a a meeting with the department head that so that uh person submitting the permit may have to meet with the department head to discuss the event so we can work out all the Kinks beforehand and it and it provide some time periods in there thank you uh we're going to move to our second reading 202 2413 Alysa ordinance 20 2413 an ordinance of the burrow of South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending chapter 350 of the burough code of the burough of South River entitled zoning make a motion wave the full reading second motion by Council Manola seconded by councilwoman Ballas all in favor I I um Mr Mayor before you open this up to public comment um During the period in which after first reading we received a request a recommendation from code enforcement to amend the ordinance to and and I believe Council has been provided with a copy of the amendment but uh for everybody to be aware that the copy of the amendment is to prohibit all types of school buses other than the van type and that came as a recommendation for your code enforcement if that's um if that's an amendment that you guys want to make we would need a motion on the amendment and then a vote on it Council if you agree then I would like a motion on the amendment I make a motion second motion by councilman cian seconded by councilman siola councilwoman ballis yes councilman sea yes counc counc deian yes councilman grensky yes councilman krenzel yes council president Olivera yes all in favor so we're going to be moving this to a first reading then no yes so yes so that would convert this into first reading so we would just need a a motion for the first reading mayor I move that Council pass ordinance 2024-the only and that the clerk be authorized to publish the same as required by law with a second reading and public hearing to be held on April 8th at 7 p.m. by video conference via Zoom or in the council chambers of the Criminal Justice building located at 61 Main Street South Riv New Jersey second uh motion by council president Olivera seconded by councilman krinsky councilman ballis yes councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman grensky yes councilman krenzel yes council president Oliva yes thank you Alyssa we're going to continue with the first reading of 20244 ordinance 20244 an ordinance of the burough of South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending the burrow code of the burough of South River so as to amend chapter 155 entitled fees mayor I move that Council pass ordinance 202 24-14 on its first reading by title only and that the clerk be authorized to publish the same as required by law with a second reading and public hearing and be held on April 8th 7 p.m. by video conference via Zoom or in the council chambers of the Criminal Justice building located at 61 Main Street in South River second motion by councilman council president Olivera seconded by councilwoman Ballas Ballas yes councilman Cula yes councilman dimian yes councilman grensky yes councilman krenzel yes council president Olivera yes 20245 ordinance 20245 an ordinance to amend the code of the burough South River chapter 183 entitled vehicles and traffic by amending section 193 31.1 schedule 2A handicap parking thereof mayor I move that Council pass ordinance 2024-the only and that the clerk be authorized uh to publish the same as required by law with a second reading and public hearing to be held on April 8th at 7 p.m. by video conference via Zoom or in the council chambers of the Criminal Justice building located at 61 Main Street South New Jersey second count uh motion by council president Olivera seconded by councilman krushinski Council balis yes councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman grensky yes councilman krenzel yes council president olera yes Alissa 20246 ordinance 20246 an ordinance of the burough of South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending the burough code of the burough of South River so as to amend chapter 288a entitled special events mayor I move that Council pass ordinance 202 24-16 on its first reading by title only and that the clerk be authorized to publish the same as required by law with a second reading in public hearing to be held on April 8th at 7:00 p.m. by video conference via Zoom or in the council chambers of the Criminal Justice building located at 61 Main Street South orb New Jersey second um motion by council president Olivera second by councilman zian Council balis councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman kensky yes councilman krenzel yes council president Ola yes thank you we're going to go into reports Bruce thank you Mr Mayor good evening every one the 2023 local aid program and the 2024 we're combining them into one contract U working away on them and we'll be doing our best to get that out to bid for you as soon as possible the 2023 Local transportation projects Grant as well as the 2024 version of that they've been submitted but nothing's come out of the state that I have heard yet uh substation maintenance is they're continuing working on it um the batteries and switch house three are all very old and in need of replacement so we'll be doing a change order on that and no no new news on the storm water Grant application they're just we're working away on that all right anything for Bruce Bruce I had a question about the road program could the police department uh parking lot be in include in that yes yes it's up to you as the governing body if you want me to I'll meet with the chief Mr lensy whomever you designate we'll walk it figure out what you want and then roll it into it Jim John opinion a good idea all right it's our money all right talk to uh the chief whenever you got a chance all right thank you Joe just one item uh your bill is you have an amended resolution uh the invoice for the one cheer and dance finals came in $420 less uh because a few participants backed out this weekend so we want to approve it with the correct amount so that's the only change that's it h anything for uh sorry anything for uh Joe [Music] yes anything for AG are we making out the pots uh potholes okay thank you Chief we are currently operating approximately 95 per year I want to thank lensy as well as for allowing apparatus schol evening thank you Chief T again just a reminder on Thursday April 25th at 6m we'll be holding our very first Neighborhood Watch program B off meeting uh the flyers for the program are on our social media as well as the B website as well as the website so if you can if you're interested in joining participating in neighborhood watch please go on go on to those sites and register for the meeting uh there's no location yet because we're trying to you know figure out how many people are actually interested so far we only have 15 people that's like I said Thursday April 25th is the day we're going to have the vces uh another note uh we are looking to hire still um crossing guards so if anybody is interested in consider fulltime you're only really working hours interested in becoming a school crossing guard please stop at B Hall pick up an application and the police department is also hiring for uh special law enforcement class one class one officers are the ones that you see enforcement we work on weekends they do par control they work up at the schools for those they don't carry guns but they do go to training you know anybody that uh is Young that looking for field of Criminal Justice for anybody that's older that's retired that wants to get involved please stop by police department or you can go on and get an application just for you Chief anything for the chief Andrea I have nothing tonight May thank you Alysa nothing tonight art just a couple things Mr Mayor um the RFP for the water B replacement engineering is out it is um back on the 27th and have a recommendation for the council at the next meeting uh the other issue is we have two sewer main Brakes in town one on division 3 one on Oldbridge Turnpike we're still working on the logistics of traffic and the type of repairs so the public should just keep their eyes open for nixel because there's going to be Street closur and it's not going to be for one day it's going to be more than one day it's all I have anything for it all can you just uh talk a little bit how we are reaching out to our Representatives um about trying to obtain grant money for the water line yes the um D McDonald The Specialist system for special projects has sent out letters to all our uh federally uh elected officials giving them um a overview of the water projects and asking for federal funding thank you AR excellent thank you uh started off with uh John krenzel basically you heard the uh reports as to what's been going on as far as the DPW is concerned the potholes are being worked on you got the shred event the two sore breaks uh that's going to take quite a while to fix and it is going to be quite costly so not only is it going to be inconvenient but it's going to hit us in the pocketbook and we're waiting for more grants uh for the roads that we've planned for 2024 we've already received uh the grants there it's over a million dollars uh so when people say we don't go for Grants yes we do we go for lots of Grants and we get lots of money but there's lots of roads that still need to be worked on and we are slowly getting to them all so that's my report thank you councilman kinsky thank you mayor um first off I'd like to remind everybody Office on Aging will be closed this Friday in observance of uh Good Friday and the burrow offices will also be closed um with that that's all I really have right now thank you mayor thank you councilman dimian um we had the uh first public budget meeting this past Saturday and a reminder that there's another one coming up on Saturday April 20th um at 8: a.m. in this room and the shade tree committee is looking for volunteers this Saturday for the rain Garden at the high school from 9:00 a. till noon that's all I have mayor thank you councilwoman Bas uh just a couple things from the library the friends of the library will be holding their book and bake sale starting on Monday April 1st the hours will be Monday 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Tuesday 12:00 p.m. to 7: p.m. Wednesday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Thursday 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. they're also holding an eclipse party on Monday April 8 at 3 p.m. you can come and view uh the eclipse at the library they're going to be having some solar themed crafts and snacks and if you want you can pick up glasses for the eclipse if you want to view it from your own home so they'll be giving them out then uh the Board of Health I'd like to thank um the members of the Board of Health and Dr buos for their participation and our past rabies clinic in total 143 dogs um were vaccinated 103 from South River and 40 from out of town and 28 cats in total 20 from South River and eight from out of town so it was very well attended and that's and tomorrow I will have my library board meeting and Wednesday Cultural Arts so I'll have a report on them for next time thank you councilman siol the only thing I have is our EDC um we couldn't meet last week so we're going to be meeting this Wednesday the 27th 700 p.m. at the senior building excellent that's it council president so parks and wreck Flag Football registration is open online through midnight tonight um if you'd like to register after midnight tonight you can do so up until Wednesday in person uh on Wednesday from 5:30 to 7: p.m. we will be doing player evaluations with the site to be determined I'm happy to report that right now um as of this morning at 11: last time I spoke to Terry we had 86 uh participants registered for flag football uh softball we're still looking for a couple of uh players so if you have a daughter that's interested in softball please let us know we're more than happy to get them registered and tumbling and stunting clinics are now open for cheerleading so again if you have anyone that's interested in stunting or uh tumbling please uh register online or you can stop by 55 re Street uh as councilman dimian mentioned we had our first public forum on Saturday the weather wasn't so kind to us it was really bad outside but again if you have the opportunity April 20th we will be meeting again uh at 8: a.m. in the council chambers just to discuss what's in the budget uh why we came to the conclusions we came to and if anyone has any questions we're happy to answer them that's all I have mayor thank you I will hold my comments to later I will be opening it up to the public you have 10 minutes state your name and your address hello Richard burn 11 betet place I do uh want to thank the council for the resolution 144 uh supportive Vision zero um it's just you know such incidents are infrequent in this town but still you know zero is the best uh option on fatal accidents and such and I just wanted to add about the eclipse on April 8th um it's a total eclipse from Texas running through Maine but here in South River it's going to be an 82% partial eclipse and it is unsafe to look directly at the Sun during any phase of a partial eclipse and that the library is uh got a supply of safe solar viewer glasses that you can use that you could safely watch the Crescent Sun um um I I went to the South Carolina the one in 2017 and it's a Once in lifetime thing to see the total but uh yeah partially you definitely need uh eye protection and giving them out if thank you thank you anyone else for public Lisa 11 set place I have a question actually for art do we have any updates on the lights on the bridge because they're still out out County hasn't put anything to me sent me any emails called me or anything anyone Joe can you can you put the M yeah we'll bring you the mic Mr all right thank you you get the special microphone good evening everyone Mado 30 daily Street South River but anyway um just want to thank the police for their response for my little accident they were really quick my handicap aring thank you she very appreciate um I'll let you know the lights you're talking about the lights of the approaches Bridge correct correct yeah yes they're not County no they're not County our County no they're not who are they J JC P okay that's the county has a contract with I believe yeah I think I sent over the information to out of work a couple months so my mind is not really that sharp about what I did or didn't notice the the elevator is not working today is try to keep me out um I wanted to point out something to I know you guys are doing a lot of work all Ro now you realize of course that many of the roads we're doing here are having four and six inment which it's supposed to be replaced I suggest and has been in the past and it remains any other or the utilities owned by private concerns have those taken care of at the same time that road is finished and we never have to worry about doing anything to it for the next 10 15 20 years otherwise taxpayers money even though it's a Grandy tax money have to water well right now we're putting out a plan which he already put out the rfps are out for the engineering part of it they're due this week a recommendation for the council for appointing the engineer for the project at the next meeting is this for the entire town or just for certain sections it's about for a thousand feet not the entire town okay um the reason why I asked is couple times before meeting I suggested strongly that we have a public meeting inviting the residents into one last shot and let Council know about where really bad water problems are in the town do that be done well we have a Target area from the complaints that we had and from the hydraulic modeling that was done by kleinfelder that's the first section that's going to be tackled on Street daily Street unfortunately not everybody comes to the council and files a complaint they like to go as you know on Facebook and every place else to give their complaints um reason why I suggest that meeting to give them one last shot because if you don't you know what's going to happen people not taking care of the problems are and it's going to be over and over because we don't want that so if we're going to be doing it would be a good idea Tove the public at least give them one more chance to come forward and problem water that may not have to be well when we appoint the engineer and he comes up with the first um areas to go to the ibank for funding will'll make that public and they can come to a public meeting and they weren't included they can let us know a th000 feet doesn't get you a lot of South River it gets you a pretty good area of the target areas the problem is even if you do the thousand feet there's still other thousands of feet to be replaced that will still give you some discoloration when there's a fire or a hydrant flushing uh we are moving forward we've awarded the contract for the chemical change we're going to be doing a reverse flushing program first once we do that one of the chemicals does coat the pipes to reduce the flaking when there is a situation like a fire or hide and flushing we believe that will reduce the amount of brown water it's not going to be zero until the whole town is completed and that could be years I won't be here maybe you will I might be um the other question is last year we had lot about the W and now I get I see the notice that during months last year think it was July and August or something like that we had problem being not being in the system um and that our plan was taken offline which cut down we weren't utilizing that getting the water for East Brunswick do we have to pay anything in for that because supposed to get certain amount we get 850,000 anything over that we paid extra for it would have been good to know about that because all the time that we spoke about it at Council meetings I was under the impression that our system is still operating and that was a little in July and August our system was operating it's later on when we shut down to do repairs that we were getting from East Bruner we didn't want to shut our system down in July and August when it's the peak system season people use the most amount of water so it wasn't shut down at that time those adjustments for I explained at the last meeting those the adjustments to the chemicals were made immediately after we found it the testing a lot of it was due to heat and dissipation of chlorine through the system from East Brunswick and from our own um as you can see the D didn't send us the notice to even notice the public till December from July and August yeah that was that was surprising I exp something goes wrong the exped didn't tell you right away but it takes months to find out and if you read the notice that was posted and we'll be going out in the bills for the next uh billing period they said what can you do their answer is nothing it has been corrected and that's it say nothing for you to worry about people know exactly what the problem is let them decide whether they want to be worried about it or not this summer is the most difficult time to treat the water with the dissipation from the heat with the chlorine as I said we try to keep the Apple Avenue tank which is half a million gallon tank filled recommendation is really to keep it at a half so there's more space for the heat to IP ation we can't do that the amount of water that we use from April 15th to September 15th sometimes over a million gallons um a day noticed in the prior 1978 report drawings couple more tanks besides the other than that right now I get back than you anyone else from the public F once Julie ma 189 Main Street um a few months ago I had requested a um traffic study for whad Avenue did we receive that yet back in December when we I had heard that it was finished and I had to reach out to the um person in charge of it I did leave a message and I didn't get an answer back um due to the I assumed that maybe he was away because it was the end of the year um but with the accident that just happened this weekend on White Avenue I think it's very important for us to look at especially those busy roads where accidents like that can happen um the vision zero that Mr Burns spoke about earlier um is great we did do that resolution in 2022 is it an annual thing that we do we're redoing it because they did not get the funding but they applied for with that resolution okay they were applying for new funding so we gave them a new res resolution okay because we did it in 202 2022 but not in 2023 so they applied to the federal government and they got the KN okay along with vision zero and those grants they do the Safe Streets for all I know the county reached out to try to get some funding too for simple things like crosswalks and stop signs and stuff like that so if we can once we send that resolution maybe try to request to see what simple things that the county or the state can help us with for Safe Streets um I saw in today's meeting you have your agenda for your human relations commission however you only appointed four people do we know what other members will be on the human relations commission there was three existing to begin with which ones were existing that's a good question um you want to know by off the top of your head Alysa would you no I would have one was Anita ch Arena no she wasn't even on last year Andra nope not even no I'll tell you right now which council member will be in charge of the human relations we be having a first meeting this year well they would have to call it yeah they're gonna have to call it I thought Council calls meetings for human relations for any commission no no commission sets up the meting commission sets up the meetings and they set the they set the time there should be on the resolution or what sets up what day nope at the beginning of the year I get my list Board of Health sends me one cultural art sends me one sends me one and they they set it up for the year y Mrs Brown is the second one no there was three there's three of them two expire at end of this year the one expires next year I'll tell right now hold okay I would have thought that at the beginning of the year each commission has their date that you have to post in the newspaper right to know which meetings or when they are or where they're going to be I would assume as Council Liaisons you would have to know those things or contact the people in charge well considering I just put the board together again U they're going to get themselves organized and they're going to have it listed GL to hear we are in the end of March now thank you better than late than never right anyone else from the public going once going twice going three times make a motion to close public second motion by councilman siola seconded by councilman Kinski all in favor all right uh Alissa can we go into the consent resolutions 2024 137 to 146 whereas resolution 20241 authorizes the brok actually I'm going to stop you for a second I'm sorry for this I wanted to go into maral appointments although this is my ameral appointments we're doing human relations which we're jumping to we have four new members for human relations and I have one for advisory committee on persons in disability at the last council meeting for human relations we wanted an understanding of what basically was about although I gave you a summary on what it is I decided to invite the chairman of the human relations Anita chat if you don't mind coming up here and give us more of a briefing on what human relations is all about and thank you for bringing some of the new members thanks mayor um gundi and thank you past mayor kenel who started the human relation commission with me gave me the opportunity to put the commission uh in place and uh thank you thank you and good evening everyone present here um what is the purpose of human relation commission um frequently people ask so the name itself is self-explanatory human Rel so when I moved in South River 10 years ago you know I said you know we need to bring people together even though we do have art and Heritage Commission in place from years so um this is the commission that every count every city every borrow has and mayor kmza requested me to start it and good to see you here um so uh just uh giving you a little definition here and then I will talk about you know what is our goal in South River what are we looking for uh so um promoting equality and diversity ensuring that uh all individuals have equ uh equal access to Opportunities and services regardless of their race ethnicity religion gender or other characteristics so to do that um when I moved here um I was told that there aren't too many Indians here so there are communities who are in majority in South River and there are communities in South River those are in minority and um uh lot of people in South River do not know I'm glad that uh Mr Pasad and his wife is able to come today and we have W who's from Chinese community and there few are the people I believe shanata couldn't make who is from africanamerican community and myself is from Indian Community so our goal is to all of us get together make it a diverse community of South River and celebrate our cultures Heritage with um art and Heritage commission to begin with when I started the flag raising just for my country I said you know when mayor kinel appointed me we started the application process so people got opportunity to raise their flags and I'm sure all of you are aware of that you know and it was U very humbling experience to see and a lot of people came up to me and said that this is the first time ever in South River we were able to do this there were some questions and answers why do we have to do the application I when I walked in here uh you guys were talking about flag raising I missed uh some of them uh I don't know if there is amendment in that or not the there there is in the special events ordinance we are making an amendment that if you're just simply doing flag reason you don't need to do a special events permit you should still fill out the application but you don't actually need to do the special events permit right so when we started we were not asking for the permit the purpose of uh application was simply so we can assist them so we know when it is if they need the microphone if they need the tables if they need anything I used to bring it from my home uh you know to help uh everybody uh to do their flag raising um with the best of our ability so going forward that was just the beginning flag raising that's not the goal the goal is that all of us come together and uh be proud of being uh part of South River right and uh celebrate and if there is anybody and one of the other goal of human relation commission is is on the definition if anyone feel that there is a discrimination going on as uh um on the basis of race or color or whatever they can come to the human relation commission uh where human relation commission will bring it to the attention of the mayor and the councel and all the policy makers that is another goal of a human relation commission um in short if I'm missing anything you can tell me we welcome every Community to contribute you know and uh share their feelings how they want to make South River a diverse Community I know that it is you know but when uh I came here there is a majority Portuguese here I have we have lot of Spanish but we have some other all the Filipinos are here also I was actually requesting one Filipino uh resident here you know to join U the commission also so we'll see hoping that other communities will also uh you know uh join and uh looking around here also I I would love to see multiculture Community also uh attending the council meeting here you know and any question I I know that majority of you know me Y and I'm thank just so you're aware your Council a u council leison is the same Donna is also the same person for Cultural Arts okay so I already spoke to culture arts in regards of the flag raising so uh this week we have the meeting so you'll be uh visiting them and talking more about that and cult uh culture Our Heritage uh commission know that it is my bucket list to make a multiculture day on a very big level so we will be working together on that and uh look forward thank you so much coming yes that's about the human relation commission I just out of this I am a president of the homeowner association of Heritage Landing um sorry to bring it up but I was sitting over there I said when I go there I'll mention it um four five years ago you know it's I believe related to you you know um they requested the uh Road repair there are lot of part holes on the street of Heritage Landing and uh I think I spoke to that time uh may kenel also and they were we were told that there are other places those are worse than Heritage Landing but please pay attention because people are complaining we will we'll take and they come to me to complain and I tell them go to the council I'll take care of it uh age if you don't mind drive up there in tomorrow I'll take a ride let's take a look out yes thank you thank you and thank you pleasure thank you uh today is a a very um uh big Festival of India uh Festival of Colors anybody knows here I knew that yeah I knew that mayor kinel attended it when I organized it in Kowski Park you you were there yeah okay so we have someone who will talk about it we'll do it we'll talk thank you Anita and what we do on the Festival of Colors do you remember what we do I I don't Mel well you have the colors you throw them up in the air and all that but you also celebrate with the uh there's music Festival it's a celebration of spring yes yes so you know we brought it actually mind okay thank you thank you thank you all right Alysa consent resolutions whereas resolution 20241 authorizes the B Council to utilize a consent agenda to to adopt various resolutions of a routine and noncontroversial nature at one time now therefore be it is hereby resolved the below listed resolutions are hereby adopted by the burrow Council and whole as if the same were individually acted upon consent resolutions 2024 137 to 2024 146 137 appoint Board of Health member 138 authorizing of tax sale assignment 139 authorizing the requisition of funds for payment to the custodian of the school monies 140 authorizing the installation services for e911 solution from Wireless Communications and electronics 141 authorizing the submission for the middle sex County enhanced recycling Grant 142 authorize certain utility refunds 143 authorizing the appointment of Hector Garcia as water sewer laborer 144 resolution and support of vision zero 145 except March 11 2024 regular and executive session minutes 146 authorize the bills and claims list what is your pleasure Council move the resolution second motion by councilman krenzel second by councilman siol councilman Ballas yes councilman CA yes councilman desian yes councilman grensky yes councilman krenzel yes council president Olivera yes thank you we have nothing else for new business we're going to go into governing body uh councilman siola uh yeah just want to again thank um our police fire and DPW and our electric utility uh for great job that they do every day keeping South River safe and uh keeping South River clean and Power on so again gentlemen thank you very much please uh a if you can pass it on to the guys Mark same Chief thank you councilwoman Donna going I'm sorry I wasn't I wasn't sure we were done yet also I was going to say the same as councilman sua did I there was many uh great compliments on Facebook sometimes it does have nice things on it um about about the water and the flooding this past week and you all did a tremendous job I would like to congratulate the rambox team I didn't know what was going on the other night by my house went all the fire trucks and everything but to welcome that team home I know there were very appreciative and I um congratulate Eric Gartner and all the teachers and the advisers that have uh to do with that and other than that happy Easter thank you councilman zian um I had the honor of attending an Interfaith Community dinner with the mayor and our chief of police at the Islamic Center on Thomas Street met wonderful people there and thank them for their Hospitality it was a wonderful time thank you councilman kushinsky thank you mayor uh first off I'd like to also thank all of our burough workers our police fire DPW and Robert Wood for uh taking care of us um just to let you know that all of the burrow offices will be closed this Friday and observance a good Friday uh that includes uh the burrow yard on Saturday um congratulations to the robotics team and there's no bulk pickup this Friday uh with that I wish everyone a very happy Easter thank you councilman kenzel yes in no particular order uh first that's a good thing that you went to the dinner there invited I could not attend but uh it's a good thing to reach out to the Muslim Community their Ramadan uh their blessed uh month is coming to an end on April the 8th so we wish them a blessed uh few weeks that remains in that uh speaking of April 8th thank you Richard burn for reminding us of something that is very very important the April 8th Eclipse please get eye protection uh looking at 10% of the sun will BL BL you and this is going to be more than that about 18% and you will go blind period no if fans or butts you know it's just something that it will happen you stare at the sun you go blind and it does not come back so don't be stupid uh congratulations to the rambox team please friend and follow them on Facebook you'll also find out when they do their fundraisers I was able to attend the one at Applebees um great time uh lot of the kids around there uh families friends people from South River uh it's uh an oddball thing to have but it's a great thing to have uh there are kids that are interested in it and it's something that the town can get uh behind and support them so uh congratulations to them and please come out and support them uh again happy holy the Asian Indian celebration of uh spring and and March 31st is uh Easter in our Western churches so happy Easter to all and of course coming up at our next meeting on April April 15th uh don't forget to pay your uh income taxes so actually that's not our meeting it's April 15th it's going to be after that so we consider it an early warning uh because the state and federal government gets very fussy if you don't pay so April 15th good for you good for you we'll see you all on April the 8th that's all have thank you council president yeah once again just want to congratulate the rambox team on a uh Championship win and bringing that home uh age thank you again to the DPW guys for doing everything uh one thing I did want to bring up art uh please send Don a uh huge thank you for everything she's doing um it's very important for us to continue to try to get grants and speaking to Joe and art you know reaching out to our Representatives it's a start I'm a firm believer that you don't get a grant you don't apply for um and I think it's important now that we do have something in the system where we've reached out to them it's important that we continue to follow up and make sure that we uh how do I say this strategically bother them to to make sure they know what we're asking for and how we get it uh the Water problem is a problem it's not going to be solved with hundreds of dollars it's going to be solved with millions of dollars and it's our job as Le uh Council uh representatives to make sure that we can mitigate as much as possible for our burough residents so once again thank you to Art and Joe for everything you guys have done please pass that along to Art uh Dawn um because hopefully we can get something and whether it's a little or a lot um we'll be extremely grateful that's for sure um and then just the ibank um at the next meeting art if you can just explain a little bit more about what the ibank is what it entails um because the ibank is a great resource we have a great team um that is helping us through that process as well Joe and art have been meeting with them so I think it's important that we highlight all the work that's been going on behind the scenes that you guys have been working on to try to solve this issue and again it's not it's not a year fix guys it's it's going to be a time and even when you start replacing pipes there's still going to be old pipes and it's going to transfer so as art mentioned you're going to see a complete fix once the system is uh completely updated but again at the end of the day I feel confident in the Council and making sure that we can accomplish that it's just a matter of getting it done getting a plan in place and following through that plan for years to come we can't take 20 years off 30 years off 40 years off because then that's how we end up in the situation that we're in so thank you to you guys for doing everything you guys are doing behind the scenes that's all I have there thank you well we had our first public budget meeting this last Saturday sadly no one showed up April 20th is going to be your next budget hearing or budget meeting this is open to the public this is for you you get to see what the budget is all about when it comes down to your town please come out voice your opinion see what the budget's about it's easier for you to look at it than for you to hear about it on a council so please at the last council meeting I spoke about a possibility of another film coming to our town they are still working about working on possibility bringing it but but I heard rumor that everybody's running scared that if this does come that your internet is going to go back down just so you're aware the last film that came here had nothing to do with your internet going down period you're hearing this coming right from me there was not involved so I'm telling you that now over the weekend I had uh two different types of cultures I had the opportunity to have dinner at one was the Ramadan the other one was the Portugese Club 51st uh um Landmark I should say when they were founded founded uh I want to thank the Portuguese club uh Pedro lordis for inviting me ram ram Ramadan Muhammad for having us it was such a great time to see the different cultures and how they come together in your own town and it's everywhere you just don't realize it's here this town may be a a small town but we are filled with so many cultures please explore it's out there the pmer public works I can't thank you enough uh I know Saturday was a complete utter mess I was out there with you guys uh seeing manholes popping out of the water out of the ground the police department did a remarkable job with road closure uh Mike uh Simon thanked them for me uh they they were out of control over the weekend did a great job robotics um this is South River they they did something that was remarkable now they're going over spring break to uh Lehi University to compete again if they win they go to the worlds so wish them the best this is your town Easter egg hunt is this Saturday at grasi Park I believe it starts at 8 o'clock uh please come out bring your kids this is for you what time is it at two o'clock I'm sorry two o'clock and last and final happy Easter and enjoy the weekend thank you do I have a motion to close I make a motion to close second motion by dimian uh councilman uh Su my all in favor you messed me up yo he messed me up