welcome to the 14th meeting of the year today is August 5th 2024 alista can you please read the in comp chapter 2317 meeting noce speci meeting to Justice building 6 Main Street has been in the on July 1024 building of the United States of America the stands one nation God indivisible silence may be seated since our last council meeting one of our councilmen John fost has stepped down so since then three names have been brought to the council and we will be uh making a nomination for one of those three names the three names are Matt Nick and James uh so do we have a nomination for like to make a motion to nominate Matt asz second motion has been made by councilman by seconded by councilwoman ball other nominations res yes yes yes congratulations hi say your name I mat Sanz do Solly swear do solemnly swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same and to the governments established from the United States to the same and to the governments established in the United States in the state in this state in this state under authority of The People Under The Authority of the people that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of all the duties of a bur sou council member a b sou council member to the best of my abilities the best of my congratulations thank you take your seat like congratulations councilman sis you would like to say a few words uh yeah I would just like to say that I'm I'm grateful for the opportunity um born and raised in sou River my wife Jill and I have chosen to raise our three daughters Molly Ella and Maddie here um I'm very respectful and appreciative of the history and tradition of our town but I also want to be a part of planning as we move forward revitalization and progress um I've been a big part of the youth in the town for a long time mainly through Athletics and coaching but I want to be up here now to make a different difference as I've been saying and I plan to speak for the people and do what's right for the burrow and put them first every day so thank you Lissa executive session 2024 249 so everyone understands we are going to go into executive session after we we return we will proceed with the rest of our agenda so Lista res9 May opion ccum and matter contract negotiations fur may make a motion to go to close second motion by councilman Kinski seconded by councilwoman B yes yes yes yes yes byoun all in favor we have nothing for proclamations we are going to go into agenda sessions first session is going to be about speed bumps or in say speed humps um Mr deputy chief got the mic mayor MERS of council and pres I apologize that I don't have my hoer shirt on tonight I was told late by councilman SE that that was um so with regards to speed PPS in 2023 the state of New Jersey advised your jersey statute and annotated 3949 excuse me Ford 89 9 81 and 811 which Define and govern traffic cing measures inclusive of the use of Steed humps the state defined is steed hump as one of several traffic humming measures for which the forces a vertical acceleration to discourage speeding for purposes of this chapter speed HS means all vertical speed deflectors including the not limited to speed tables raise crosswalks raise intersections and modified speed HS and this is the part that impacts the burrow furthermore the state of New Jersey has transferred the authority of the approval and construction of speed humps to the local municipality for one and two-way roads with a speed limit of 35 miles per hour and with fewer than 3,000 Vehicles travel daily this legislation does not extend to Middle six County Roads such as route 535 Main Street 677 Avenue 527 over turn so um pretty much everyone in the room is aware of the fact that speeding in town pretty much everywhere I would say in in the United States um is an issue um speed humps uh we have not looked into what the impact is going to be with regards to liability if it causes a motor vehicle accident the liability on the BR we would have no idea so let's say we implement the use of a speed hump there's a motor vehicle accident because the B put that in is out of liability to come back we do not know how that's going to impact Mr sorz and his clows in the winter time we don't know how it's going to impact fire trucks Etc um I can tell you that um the roads that we're probably all thinking of such as cam Avenue leonardine Avenue those would probably be good locations for these but again there's got to be much more done looking at these things uh we would have to conduct studies um depending on what the pleasure of the mayor and Ro council is where you want to Target these um they probably will slow down speeding Vehicles obviously because you're going to have to break if this lower uh car you're going to like a Corvette or something like that you're going to wipe out the suspension so I don't know if that's a liability to the burrow iide to answer that question we have to we would have to perform studies we can see other traffic coming measures are P um I know what we're looking at right now legislation moving forward evening I believe for Virginia Street part of that legislation is inclusive of pain and that pain is psychologically slows Vehicles down as traveling down the roadway which is why we're looking at putting the W on line the state law requires you to stay to the far as right as practicable so technically on every street there's a WL line that you can't pass on residential roadways but we're going to implement this measure we as a community are going to be implementing this measure specifically on Virginia Street um psychologically slow down it's going to make the lane smaller so people should run SL I don't know what else you wanted me to as far as well I'm KN we had this conversation to what2 is passing this is something that the council will have to speak among each other in regards of what streets would we want to go after as well as speaking to our counselor to see what kind of legalities we are looking at so we can move forward with certain streets in our town I know this is a major problem especially when it comes on to Speeders people radic unfortunately you got police officers and it's going to happen in every single part of the Town there's going to be Speeders we're trying to reduce the impact by putting up as many questions as we can we will speak Among Us and see what we can get through this yeah this is this is new as of last year so know a lot of communities have put those in I don't know how that approval was done um but this is actually new law new legislation has changed so Falls lit well I appreciate it any questions for deputy chief thank you thank you any questions from the audience you can hold back until um until public comment our next is going to be on dispensaries now in the last past two meetings we have brought up the concept of dispensaries unfortunately due to quite a few questions among the council as well as the residents uh there were there were quite a few um I guess you could say we were not sure in what direction we wanted to go with now last past meeting we spoke about how the referendum uh died last year in regards of having a dispensary in our town the number last year was 1337 that all said no and sorry said no 1126 actually said yes he basically missed it by 200 what I learned is with the people that said no rightfully so were you saying no to exactly what is it about what kind of security do you have where is it going to be located uh the impact it's going to have on the residence is there going to be any unwanted element I understand believe me I understand that but in regards of the word yes once again what were you saying yes to were you saying yes to the word knowledge were you saying yes to the tax impact that could come to your town were be saying yes to what you thought could come and actually benefit the town unfortunately we can never give this answer the proper way but what I did was I reached out to the state to talk to them about it and what I learned was in 2020 they actually had a referendum to the whole entire State surprisingly South River when they voted no was two [Music] 2,158 that same year that same referendum they voted yes 3,758 they won by 1600 point now that referendum was very well spoken it covered every possible Avenue from dispensaries to manufacturing to cultivating to transporting to you name anything to do with the Cannabis industry the referendum from last year unfortunately wasn't self-explanatory and I don't blame the people for saying no since then I've spoken to quite a few professionals and I've had one actually come here today to give us a education on what dispensaries are whether it's a good thing or if it's a bad thing to say that the council knows more about it and at that same time What the residents should really know about it so there's quite a few facts that I learned in the last past two months one of them was 80% of what's actually sold at these refer at these dispensaries are all edible stuff very very educational including the age women averaging from 55 to 75 years old wasn't I was surprised to hear this well I rather leave it to the professional F speak about it so Mr I come to the mic just a [Music] smalll everyone on the day let me have your name St of course thank you my name is Mark good evening everyone I'm an attorney and I'm here to present on of the company that ised to um place a dispensary cannabis dispensary in town just going to highlight basically what we put in our it's when I first saw the state regulations on this the state was very clear but yet cautious when they wanted to when the people spoke that they wanted cannabis to be legal and it's in townships and what they were cautious about was the regulation part and that is to make it safe um accessible but safe safe in the sense of safe for the patrons safe for the community no one wants to involve police most towns have are maxed out in their police protection police are expensive to towns uh so particularly what was on people's minds especially the state senate and legis and assembly was that we don't want to burden our police departments at all so what they did was they made the transactions and the facilities so safe they're actually self-contained little safety places as it were let me give you an example dispensary is you can only go in one way and you can only come out one way you are when you first enter you're in a a Lobby type area where you are checked your credentials are checked you have to be 21 to come in it's not like a bar where there's a restaurant attached where miners can come in and some of the Mander towards the bar area not the same you have to be 21 you have to prove you're 21 the people that work at the dispensaries have to be certified by the state they need to have a CLE a clean record they have to be vetted by the state the state has to renew licenses every single year they audit places randomly so far we haven't had many problems throughout the state but what you need to know is that it's when people come in to purchase they already know what they want they have ordered online or by a telephone call and they are directed to a place and then they exit place the dispens meaning we know they are present in the dispensary a total we're taking this of eight minutes 8 minutes as the mayor said he's correct with the stats the people that are purchasing are 55275 people are purchasing mostly Edibles and they purchase them for stress relief for Cal for meditation believe it or not the strains that have been developed by manufacturers are extremely impressive when it comes to non-drug related anti xanx type of treatments people are using them and they've been successful so far that's what we see so the facility itself is targeted for a non high volume as far as traffic for of your town it is mostly in industrial places uh by Statute you will be receiving 2% of revenue from the place which goes directly to the township the area where it is the deliveries come in one way and the trucks leave the same way they come in it's extremely regimented it's extremely organized and it's very very safe there are security guards in most places the state has required it first some places have decided they don't really need them because people are coming in purchasing and leaving um there are various products that are offered like I said different types of aims different types of pleasure now can't drive and use product it's a a DWI it's actually called a DUI driving under the influence you can't absorb the substance and drive you cannot be under the influence at all so you can't if you decide to smoke which most people don't you can't smoke it like a cigarette out of your window as you driveing that's against the law you cannot consume these products in a public place so for instance unlike other places where you can have a sample of something try it to see if you like it no no not permitting you can purchase something take it home consume it and decide if you want to take it we've had very few problems health problems reported by people throughout the state um no overdoses no um no no nothing reported as to uh people misusing products again you're talking about mostly a mature part of the population this is not the 1960s or 70s where people are buying stuff and they're smoking and they're getting high on the street or something it's it's totally different think of the time when we first this we first approved after prohibition alcohol it has to be certified it has to be a certain quality the contents are scrutinized of each product when you buy something from a dispensary you're getting a exactly precisely what you buy and it's it's actually pretty phenomenal because it comes from a natural substance and many natural substances assay to be a per particular Purity but these products have that Purity it's absolutely amazing the the amount you can buy is limited by Statute um you can have in your possession at any time where they're private or public more than 6 ounces you uh the the packages when you come out of the store the packages are sealed they're childproof there they're sealed and only to be used like I said in the private setting so privacy of your home the privacy of um a friend's home you cannot give it to someone else unless there's a carve out in the Statue unless you you give them a gift if you give a gift you cannot take money for it so I cannot give for instance an eighth of an ounce which is mostly what people buy to the mayor and the mayor said oh thank you let me give you the I can't take it not allowed so the the industry is so regulated and so tight that it's nearly impossible to cause a problem and I think the reason they started this way with the purity of the product the VAR the variations um or the diversity of the product from stress relieve to calming to um just relaxing is because people wanted to have a place that they can relax and de-stress can't take it at work has to be again in your home or a private place otherwise it's unlawful all of these safeguards are start with the dispensary and that's what we're here to educate um anyone who has questions about the the length the bread the the depth of what we're doing doing here but think of it as a specialty store if anyone has ever been in an Apple store or a Verizon store it's kind of set up like that whereas U you have products separated where you can't try them but you can look at them and their descriptions and then everything else is behind glass let's very briefly and then I'll turn to our pres accountant the the products are like I said sealed and safe but the money that comes in is cash or debit card the cash comes in there's enough cash to perform a transaction now remember they know exactly what the transactions are because either the orders have already come in through the telephone or online or there's only so much you can buy so there's cash available to change give someone change the rest of the cash goes right down into a which would be a a basement area and into a safe were there and of course the debit cards are electronic that transactions pretty seamless so if anyone has any questions on me happy to answer that um mayor otherwise I turn everything over to our friends my turn yes good evening everyone mayor council Nicholas lucarell run accountant office is located in toal Jers accountant are very boring people we deal and we talk in numbers but I promise you I'm not going to be boring tonight we're going to talk a lot about percentages and how much money you earned in this industry how much money that this industry generates in state newy and by the way it's good to be back in South my family own operated business it's good to see everybody with that being said let's have fun with the first number this number is not things this is a number that we're going to entertain because it's entertaining we all hear and talk about money the money that I always hear and talk about on a regular basis is something called a trillion not really but let's wrap our arms around trillion anyone here can you embrace the trillion I know that if I have to write a check I got to write one does everybody know how zeros are behind that no it takes a while to figure it out it's 12 I got WR one and 12 zeros that's a lot of zeros that's a lot of let's digress let me reel this in how much know is the state of New Jersey going to generate this year by selling count well December 2023 the monitoring system by the way any time I refer to monitoring system or their regulatory systems their C related they projected in December 23 that New Jersey will sell over1 billion in C Here We Go Again count with a number let's write another check your arm I one and I 90 I'm starting reg how much money is generated to our town it's 2% of the gross not after expenses ladies gentl not after weay rent not it's 2% of the top another accounting problem what's 2% of the billion it's 20 million let's write another check a two and now I got to put 7 Z I ran that I'm tired of talking about percentages the question is how much money generate South Mr James is the owner of highing cus it's a licensed New Jersey Corporation when I speak to you today I do not speak to you upon hearside my firm has incorporated over seven dispensaries already in the state I have a labeling company I also incorporate a Manufacturing Company also incorporate a growth incorporation when I talk to you it's not about here actually seen I can't tell you who I seen or what I seen and I could test the fact that the first quarter of 24 they exceeded the projected by 38% 38% projection more sales than they predicted before the question is how do I get into this town how do I make this town better how do I make this town Pros Mr James ask that to me that's why you me tonight he says Nick how do I show this town how do I tell these Town people that I'm coming here to do a good thing I said it's not that easy first you don't want to rent you don't want to lease if you want to show this town you're serious you better tighten your shoes you better buy something in doing so I highly recommend that he goes and he looks at high industrial areas why did I say that because in the canvus industry The Lion Share if 90% or greater is located I ladies and gentlemen I don't know about you I don't want to disension right next door neighbor I want to off the beaten path or somewhere where I have to travel to I do not want anybody in my backyard in dist in the in the dispensary but that being said I looked into your high industrial area now I'm thinking on behalf of the town what's the best way to show the support of town I found I looked at buildings that had an enormous tax liabilities I looked at buildings that haven't paid real estate tax one building that I located which Council has pictures of is a large building that building owes in excess of $189,000 in real estate tax Mr James who's hiding behind that door is willing to write a check of closing to make sure that we the people get $189,000 he wants to be a part of with that being said that building is prox 4,000 5,000 square ft Corporate America came to our state two years ago they set a precedent what dispensaries look like I don't know if any of you have gone to Big corporate dispensaries it's a wow you walk into a staging area you give your driver's license you prove they they pass the W make sure you're not caring G you then walk through the next door which is the actual dispensary you went through the building at this door but the dispensary is to a double door when you open those doors up it's like wow amazing the the way that they're showing you what the product consist of the way that they're advertising the product yes it is true a line share of all their orders come the majority of their sales come when you walk in the door I just want a new one B Saturday Iain to do it I do to get paid else went the store in Boon introduced myself soon as I walked in the door police officer how are you w ID driver's license car walk I walked in a h had an art I'm not talking about advertisement I'm talking about art on the wall I open the double doors and what did I say p 4,000 sare ft I can't believe this place beautiful lines computers to the side for people that want to read about the product laptops and tablets for people that want to order on site section in the back that had a blood tender and a counsel person to C you on what you might need what you like to use an amazing produ now when I'm in there I was set on the assignment to buy three different things this got was a flower it was a vape and it was a gumy that was my son my assignment was to spend $200 cash I walked in I priced everything out and about $196 good I got to St check out gentleman said first time here yes 20% discount and why are you buing that I said well it say it's how calm do you want to get I understand I just want to go to sleep at night but I don't want to wake up in the middle of night go to bathroom walk to the wall he goes that's the wrong stuff you want this by the way that's 25% discount as you walk into the grand stores yes they make their money on wine but they make their wine and Sh Revenue when they get you in there common sense when when you go to support our local stores you go to buy bread go to some dely meat great place you know the guy you're always there you love it but I needed milk I get eggs I got to go store the dispensers are no different than any other stores they draw you in because that's where the specials are that's where they're advertising new products that's how they generate income a store of that size in the heavy industry area that I located on the downside first year little over 6 million that's $120,000 your paid to the most important you're hiring approximately 20 people which we love to keep in town because theable and it makes common sense for us as business owners to do so also we're not asking you to appr improve your education system there's no education system here there's no expenses here we will I speak on behalf of P count when I say we P count we will supply our own law our own law enforcement the average revenue on your taxes on your house to this town according to your 2020 2020 survey is $7,500 per house3 which only 29% comes to you good people boring it's $2,100 that's all that comes down to us right here all the rest goes education law enfor all good things but that's what we get $2,000 high acem in in reality just built 60 brand new homes for you and PID for them only fill in full for the rest of the time that they're here you will receive a minimum of 120,000 a year I have stores you look on the websites this public information they're doing over 12 million a year that's A4 million that's not out the real I gave Council pictures of two properties that I located at the other property I located at was considered like a light industry I believe that's a classification Light Industry zones any kind of business caus some problems from what I understand theer I located to theer oldridge turn I apologize it's a smaller story now in this industry there's dispensaries and then there's boutiques dispensaries I can tell you from what I've seen personally teque dispensaries do not generate the kind of income not even close to the big dispens not even close the building that was rendered here given to council is maybe 800 F feet in the first floor it doesn't work you need a 10 by 15 staging here I'm left with 5 I got five six people employed what am I going three people in the store you're not going to make no money we need to have something this town of a large size to create a great volume to generate revenue for you the state of New Jersey is going to pick up 6.625 another number okay that's on sales tax for us the people here we're interested in 2% so the question is is going to write this a check or not that's the question that's up to you we're able to do so and we're able to do it now I appreciate your time by the way is there any questions no and I don't want to ask anybody if they but if you have not it's not illegal to walk in okay show your ID go see what it consists of one last C you're not going to believe this you might ha to point your finger retired Federal AG Homeland Security narcotics customers that's me look who I'm representing to that because I know for a fact when you smoke or eat marijuana there's no violent crying people you know you want to do is sit the couch you you going to do he going to go to 7eleven E too many twizzles okay what you going to need a whole Bowl ice cream you're not going to go out to hurt people this is not something that's going to hurt us this is something that's going to generate income for you thank you for your time you sir thank everybody for your time anybody a question yes where are you where so hello John what was the uh business that your family owned here buiness my family own here was a salon on the old brid Jo toi was doing 25 years had a great run sold it to a doctor that building something happened to the doctor so new person I I'm to go the building got tired the guy didn't pay taxes the parking lot looks like I it needs a lot of love how's that be okay overo red inside the build is totally destroyed and I don't know if the heat and hot water's on it's like 2x4s but it was something to look at in the two different areas and I didn't want to miss any of the scope so that when you have a chance to digest what I'm saying hopefully you understand what I'm saying and by the way my business card number have a question please pick up the phone call once again what I'm telling you is not here say I'm telling you I see it I do this for a living right I have nine places operating right now and there's times where I look at the numbers and I do it for a living and I can't believe that they're making 35 to $50,000 on Saturday on a Saturday and one day and it's true thank you thank you sir any questions we're going to go into first reading of [Music] them by7 that's the ordinance for the Virginia Street stop stop signs um and the recommendations for Virginia Street uh 2024 38 that is just a sales enforcement of property H Street development it was previously authorized but they expanded it um we needed to do another ordinance um 202 2439 is an ordinance to adopt amendments through uh the lower Main Street Redevelopment plan this affects uh what's I guess commonly known as the LA in property thank [Music] you we're going to go into second reading 2024 31 please wait before reading motion by council president kenzel second by Council d favor discussion i' like to open it up to the public give you 10 minutes say your name and your address going once first call second call 44 I think on a second reading no time Li go um all right so this is an ordinance to do away with the zoning board we combine everything into one land use board correct correct so I guess my first pro first question is what what type of problem are you trying to address is there a problem with having a zoning board and planning board I'm actually trying to consolidate the planning board and the zoning board most of our townships around here under 20,000 people are starting to do this why is a One-Stop shop when it comes down to a developer compy contractor a homeowner that wants to do something instead of them jumping around between different boards they're right there in front of everybody talking to them not only that they're actually saving money as well as the town saving money instead of having two different boards planning board and Zoning Board pay for double mayor sorry planner lawyer engineer everybody's sitting in one room basically trying to consolidate and make it easier for everybody to get everything done proper now you think about this logically well let me just touch on a couple of things are we having a problem with people jumping between the boards like going to the plan board should be in Z to The Zing oops I mean it's my experience and my understanding that down [Music] Gordon Street 48 Washington they do a really good job of directing the people where to go I mean I've been on his zoning board eight years I don't think I've ever had one applicant that came up and said you know am I supposed to be that so is there really a problem with that I mean do we have any sort of like you know for a fact like we've got five people this year that were confused and bounc back and forth we have had a couple I wanted to go if there's a problem it's more about consolidating making it easier for developers as well as home owners yeah developers uh construction workers people that want to come to FL our boards and actually do something it's a One-Stop shop onstop shop so it's still going to be we're not changing the ordinances right the zoning laws or how about we're going to reduce the fees to come to this onetop shop no how about right now you need like 16 copies of plans and everything we going to reduce that how about helping them out with ESC fees how about helping them out with escro fees how about how about helping a town with but I mean I don't see how combining the boards is going to change any we're still still going to have application professionals to get together and have a meeting with the developers and then it's a complete doesn't sense if you wanted to streamline to complete this portion seems like that could be eliminated let the professional passw developer in the applic complete application what stop there so not we're not reducing amount of there's still going to be a completeness hearing and then a hear you have oneop shot I'm gonna ask you a question I have to ask you this question you don't have no time limit so here's my question here's my question why does it bother you so much I just uh like what is the real reason it seems rushed it's not R it's a ref not all right all right let me just say it was never brought up in The Zing board no there I got three more meeting three more months I'll come to the zoning board it' be too late after today it goes on a referendum today but today go on ref no all right but today is got to be the that's correct but if we miss it today it's not getting on that's correct I mean that's is that why the meeting was changed for tonight correct I mean normal meeting was next we right we have a special meeting because you got to hit that meeting one day again s we voted advertised if we did it next week it's probably not going to happen so this was kind of rushed through so that type of stuff if you followed me over the years that sort of stuff always kind of gives me that why are you russing how is the EDC the economic development commission what is your recommendation never brought it up never brought it up never brought it up to the economic development commission never brought it up at the zoning board I watched a couple zoning Bo plan meetings I don't think it was ever discussed there yet we're doing we have a special meeting tonight in order to get this thing so that right there to me is a r you know the ordinance says that you considered the feasibility of joint board and it's the best interest of the bur when was that when did Council discuss that and say this is going to be great and it's in the best interest because I looked at the agendas and the only time this was on was on last month's agenda it wasn't on June's agenda May's agenda April's agenda March's agenda so when you ask why am I against this I just kind of question it's got something that seems to be working right so why change it because there is a z there is a thing nowadays where developers have been complaining you can see this on the internet I've had some blowback from some decisions on his own where they're like oh you know the regulations regulations and my God I can't build this huge apartment because you want me to put in parking and oh the meetings I got to go through you guys would just eliminate this stuff we could develop the heck out of that so and that's not Just sh read about it every so I just kind of wonder you know we' fall for some bad sales pitches in the past when it comes to zone right we rezoned Water Street residential now we got commercial properties coming into Old factories they all need variances it's residential somehow we're talked into making old commercial buildings residential couple other zoning things like that around town too so I'm just a little bit hesitant a little bit worried that you know maybe we're ping for a sales pit maybe it's not right for why the rush we could do it next year we can talk to the Z board talk it can be discussed at a meeting so those that's kind of my the watch why do what's wrong with z i mean we can point their few developments downtown Z board approved the tropical development for apartments there a lot of weird weird things about it but it's been proved where is it is it the zoning board's problem that it's not done no there are other projects where the zoning board and planning board has approved stuff and we're still waiting it's 10 years later is that the zoning board's problem no it's not so why are we getting rid of this I mean you're looking at me kind of smiling I'm smiling because I've been on the planning board since 1999 now you're talking about developers so I'll give you an example with the consent hopefully with the whole entire Council we're going to be looking at the first we development approv well first reading today now what bothers me about this is that this is something that has flopped between zoning board and planning board so if we actually had one s one solid board such as L use we probably weren't been flopping back and forth for the last past six or seven years well that sounds like hold on so this is where my problem is now right now you're rotating around zoning door you keep talking about the zoning board you don't talk about the planning board you talk about the zoning board so I understand your feeling towards your board and rightfully so you have every right to protect it okay but what whatever may be I'm trying to consolidate and make it easier for everybody in this now well see that that was my first thing it's like how is it easier because you're coming to one board I understand your argument I'm coming to one I'll give you an example right let's just say this there one board that you people to without the advice the counil right now Z board you need a counil b get the zoning board planning board you do it alone and that's the way to do language board is going to you're going to point the people alone that's another and it's not just you let's just face there's no sunset this is forever when you're going it's going to be a different and we're going to be stuck with it we're kind of rushing through something that's going to be forever I me of course you could probably BR his own but so right now I think it's kind of a nice balance you got the planning boarded by you with a certain group of people and you once a month they come up to plan then you got a different group of people that has appointments by the mayor council they got a different aspect with different thoughts on who to put on it and there's a nice balance there and I've seen this balance I mean I give you two real world examples you got the zoning board which came up with the downtown Redevelopment area by asking the people in town about it I don't think the people in town really dive into it and I don't blame it families careers I don't have so I like so plan board and people in town said no drive-throughs in that so when proident wanted to put a drive-thru in the bank and says no you want to do that but a different group of people appointed by a different group of people they're look at and say you know what that wouldn't be that b planing board people in town master plan said no dog rumors downtown dog RoR come came from the Z board different group of people apped by a different group of people and said you know what I don't think a dog do that b down so you know that's what's going on now group of people kind of looking at different stuff both those examples I I guess I would kind of wonder if the land use board said no drive-throughs why would they say okay you can have Drive I don't think they would I think they would stick with dri why if the land said no dog why would they turn around say oh but you have proba he said no at least it's something we should be discussing besides kind of rushing this through without talking so that's where I'm at so there's not going to be any reduction with Tre there's not going to be any reduction in paper we'll probably work on trying to get e but as do to work on it but there's not any ordinance in the pl there's no reduction p [Music] um you know you say as far as saving money how much did we spend on wages and salaries only2 it was 1585 $96 that's a lot of money and that I mean it just makes sense that if you have two boards meeting twice a month you're one board you're probably going to me board twice a month I'm not going to anybody here on the spot but if you guys are looking at like twice as many meetings you're not using it you know if you're like hey 12 meetings twice this much 24 meetings ah same am do we're not really going to sa I totally understand why you're done with this and I appreciate your help thank you it's unlit for so question have been any any been any I have a question if I wanted to paint if I wanted to go I wanted to build a I wanted to put a a door on my closet a wooden door and I want to paint it so I'm going to go to the lumber store I'm going to buy the door correct and I'm going to go to the the paint store and buy the paint correct buy paint at the or I could come to Trion buy one whole entire thing because it's one stop shot I the point is everything would be sitting there so you understand how I prove my point so let the referendum vote for that doesn't listen you're smiling so you know that this is the same it's not going to be a onetop shop the onetop shop is called 48 Washington Street you go to 48 Washington Street and they direct you where to go right you me thank you it's unlimited so there have there been any forign problems on the planning board the only hasn't last year you had two meetings you were canceled correct excuse me last year you had two meetings that were canceled correct last year yeah it's okay I looked into it I don't expect you to remember that which meeting you were one in December and one in the middle of the summer I looked into it it's okay it's happened so happened once twice it doesn't matter and let the people vote so let me ask you this if the people vote no it's over you can't do it that's it can there's to they know what you're going to do wow that was a nonbinding well that's what this ISS they say no they say no let the people go all right so all right so those my concerns just rush nobody was there was no discussion anywhere no board notc not board not public working fine I don't agree with the uh you need a onetop shop the onetop Shop's called 48 48 Washington Street you guys out there as far as I can see I mean maybe you're saying they're a bunch of goof offs they don't know what's going on people bouncing around I don't see that I see that they're professional and everybody I talk to everybody's really nice down there and directed properly so I kind of think you know what's the rush why are we rushing I mean I know it's the it's the trendy thing let's make it easy for developers I mean it's pretty easy for developers now right I mean you're introducing anointments to allow a change that Redevelopment plan that's not in front of any zoning board plan that seem pretty easy breezy I I think the last thing we want to do is just the rubber stamp all right things are easy but let's just rubber stamp stuff I think we should El from the public good evening Richard burn 11 place um I recall when they adopted The Joint land use board law it was to solve a specific problem in smaller municipalities where you had trouble finding enough volunteers to populate two boards so um they adopted the law many smaller towns adopted it and then there were larger towns that expressed an interest in doing and so the legislature came back amended the law that says that larger than 15,000 you have to uh put a referendum at the public so now it's a non-binding referendum which means that if it passes if the referendum passes the burrow is not obligated to actually implement the board should you decide that time not but um I'd like to thank you Mr Mayor for bringing up that point about bouncing applications between the boards and as a member of the planning board we got two applications that I remember that were zoning applications and ended up having a site plan and the other one had a subdivision and that requires it to go to the planning board and then there was one that we got and had to C or D variance which must go to the zoning board so yes thank you for reminding me about uh one of the good reasons to to pass this the the concern I have is that the zoning board is generally busier than the planning board and that if we make it one board now we're going to have to double the meetings for that one board so um you know personally um you kind of sold me on a point with the with the balancing applications so anyone else from the what happens to current people that are in like I have somebody that's currently going through oh no we wouldn't I mean we would make sure there's no applications before we decid but sometimes everything 90% of your applications usually end right around October maybe November the latest that way they ended in December because once you jump to the following year yeah see anyone else from the public first call second call make a motion close public motion from Council second by Council all in favor what is your pleasure motion by councilman Sia second by Council yes yes yes this 2024 [Music] 32 reading by ccent second by Council public hearing anyone first call second call motion public second motion by councilman second by councilman Kinski all faor discussion when is your pleasure the ordinance motion by council president Cel second by Council yes yes yes yes yes24 [Music] 333 the full reading motion by council president second by coun th all in favor open the flo to public first call second call motion by Council second second by counc favor discussion the motion to adopt motion by Council second by counc yes yes obain yes yes yes Lista 2024 3444 motion read second motion by counc to the first call this the park L yes you park yes yes absolutely problem people parking at not during the day at night even during the day parking problem out there really I there's no part you think it might have something to do with some of the development that's been approved that parking I you know we've got like a lot of downtown stuff could with the parking just there's parking problem parking parking in the parking lot not for business no I mean they shouldn't just you know how to be kept there jump the gun on stuff and didn't really think it through now we're kind of reing netive externalities but just anyone else from the public first call second call motion close public second motion by counc moot seconded by Council Kinski all in fav Council discussion motion Council yes yes yes list 20435 the reading motion by council president kenel second by Council woman B all in favor public hearing first call second call motion public oh 37 35 jump sorry first call second call councila second by councilwoman ball all in favor Council discussion move the ordinance motion by council president second by Council Yesa [Music] 20437 mayor I move that the council pass ordinance 2024 37 on its first reading by title only the cour be authorized to publish the same as required by law with a second reading of public hearing to be held on September the 9th 2024 by video conference via Zoom R the council chambers of the Criminal Justice building 61 Main Street South Jersy motion by councilman second by councilwoman bounc yes yes yes yes yes yes 20438 mayor I move that the council pass ordinance 20 24-38 on its first reading by Ty L the CL be authorized to publish the same as required by law with a second reading in public hearing to be held at 7 p.m on September the 9th 2024 by video conference via Zoom or in the council chambers of the Criminal Justice building 61 Main Street South River New Jersey motion by [Music] Council yes yes Alissa 2024 3949 am mayor moveed the council pass ordinance 202 24-39 its first reading by title only the clerk be authorized to publish the same as required by law with a second reading and public hearing to be held on September 9th 20124 by video conference via Zoom we in the council chambers of the Criminal Justice building 61 Main Street South New Jersey second motion by councilman Sia second by councilwoman yes yes yes yes yes opening up to reports Bruce thank you first item for 20232 cont2 also you thank you Jo two items number one you have a resolution for the purchase of turnout gear on state contract you through a firefighter Grant received and another resolution hiring a part-time employee in office that's itk per Public Works page yes we are now providing online scheduling for bulk uh you can go to the website or recycle coach on app on your phone you go to the uh Recycling and garbage you click on that that will take you to another page you hit both pickup fill out the information submit it and you'll get a confirmation email so we're trying to make things easier residents still have a you know issue or any problems they could call we'll help them through it and you could still call for both also and one other thing uh Monday September 2nd will be closed there'll be no yard on that thing it's on anything forage uh just so everyone is aware uh between the Department of Public Works and uh Traffic Safety we have been going around town and I know a lot of people have been bringing up a discussion about this where we've been yellowing out a lot of Curves a lot of Corners doing a lot of walkways it's more about safety than anything else especially when it comes down to you coming around the bend people think that it's safe to park on that bend and you don't see the blind spot that's coming down the road especially when it comes down so to all the residents this is for your safety this is why Department of Public Works and traffic safety is doing this as we speak and they're going to continue doing just that b thank you and thank your staff depy Chief I'm getting there I do have um I was remiss and giving you as well as the council the laws so I do have this with regards to traffic huming specifically the speed hums for you review um the second thing is is I will Echo what you said it's exactly what we're looking to do is to increase the safety in town um one of the things is when you're approaching an intersection the ability to visually see left and right whether it be a pedoc cyclist a pedestrian um a lot of these motorized vehicles are out there now we don't want to have any fatalities so where it may be a little bit inconvenient uh to park where you're used to be able to park but probably not really because it's going to be near a stop sign um our Target is to keep people alive so I think that we got to give a little bit maybe walk a little bit further to make sure that we don't have any additional fatalities out there I'd like to thank also the Public Works they're very quick to respond and help us out with this endeavor National L out is everybody's wondering what we're doing with that tomorrow the chief uh really enjoys this event really enjoys being involved in the community and he's hoping that the weather's going to cooperate this tomorrow so he's kind of holding off I know that there's been neighboring municipalities that have canceled unfortunately um we've had vendors calling us all day long and we don't want to pull the pen on this yet we trying to wait until tomorrow um at which point in time um we would put out a nixel to advise the community whether or not we're going to be buing this event and final thing with regards to traffic SE public roadways are exactly public vs so in front of resident's house that is not your own private parking spot and for some odd reason people feel that when they decide to deploy traffic control devices without the authority to do so specifically a road cone in front of their house to save their spot that is illegal you a resident does not have the authority to implement a traffic control device so what we're going to ask and we put this out on nixel is for the residents to cooperate with us and understand that it is a public road so if there's a vehicle parked in front of your house I realize if you feel suspicious that's what we are please call us we'll come out there we'll check it out but if your neighbor decides to park there every day and you don't like that your neighbor parking there I get that that might upset you there's nothing illegal with that what is illegal is when people decide to put garbage cans out when they're not supposed to be out when they Implement literally Road cones and try to save these sparking spots of their own we get complaints from the other neighbors because why can't I park through those roader you guys put those there and we're finding this to be more and more um so what we're asking for is the cooperation of the Town pull your cones up because we don't want to have to move forward and take law enforcement that's the last thing we want to do so we're just advising you that it's not your own private parking spot you don't have the authority to put it cor if there is a traffic related issue a parking related issue if it's a neighbor problem PA us that's what we're there for chief tenan always says call call call call call I'm going to reiterate that we don't live where you live we don't know your exact area around your house as well as you do we know the town but we might not know that car has been there um please call us please call us so that we can respond and we can help out and address your concerns possibly we can explain what the law is possibly we'll have to tow a car out of the way maybe it's a neighbor issue maybe we have to direct you to code enforcement but call us we're kind of like the The Hub on the wheel and we'll get you to the right spot um the other thing is is you have to reported uh I have reported 24 hours a day seven days a week I just comes in on my um my bro issued cell phone and there are some things on there where I I think the residents want immediate action um but it's not viewed by everyone in the town if it's an emergency reported is not for an emergency so if it's a domestic dispute if it's some sort of a crime in progress don't get on your computer and report it to the Bur and the computer and expect the police to show up that's not going to happen Okay that's for when you would want anyone from the Bro to respond on Monday through Friday General working hours 8 to 4 okay so I just wanted to put that out to the community please use the Forum it works well we address things I know we work um with the the burrow administrator to to and also Mr sores to get things done but again that's not an emergency form if you need to please there right now 9112 381 question yes ma'am I know you put all the up there when are they so one of the things I'm seeing them get tossed they should be picked up I actually directed Traffic Safety Division pick them up if they haven't been picked up yet I'll have a conversation yeah I know that they that's David I don't know what that is where is it it's like a cone with a stick in it when you're making the turn from David go up Arington right the footb field entrance I don't know who put that there but that's I think that's still there um one of the things we did is obviously people don't want to ride drive into Road cones or park on top of them so we put them there to assist with um during the school year yeah but that they're there I I don't have an answer for there yeah I don't have an answer for you other than direct direct be picked up if they fail to do that we'll get on it tomorrow probably use it for um the other things that we're looking into into is some of these nonp parking areas in town I the city of New Brunswick has if you've seen they kind of like C about three and half four feet tall that are installed you're going have to work with Mr SARS to see how this is going to work out with the city of Brunswick they they love them um but I don't know how that's going to impact what they do so some of the things that we want to do to help control traffic there's unintended outcomes when we Implement these devices that we may not know so there's a lot of research that has to be conducted obviously an expense is an issue too and then everybody's going to want so once we implement it somewhere the whole town is going to want these so we have to be very selective for we we look at putting these devices thank you mayor thank you thank youa mayor thank you couple of updates on the projects the repair on the wng street sewer have been completed road is repaired water Bain project on morning side should be done either by the end of this week or beginning of next week the pumping station is in full operation the um New chemical treatment in the water treatment plant is in the testing phase we intend to as soon as the testing proves positive to get it in possibly by the end of the month and the last is we purchased the replacement for The Pedestrian Crossings at um W way and way that Avenue 10 weeks delivery as soon as we get them in the electric department is going to install that um on resolutions 255 we're hiring a perdm to cover the building department U see the previous Secretary retired the cover when the present secretary out of vacation SI time or whatever uh 257 warning a contract um that's the morning side project 258 is the resolution authorizing the turnout gear as witha talked on a grant and 259 um the uh State Police office of emergency management has uh completely changed their emergency action plan format um the last one we were able to do when the code enforcement officer with the part-time employee she's now a full-time code enforcement officer I don't have the time as the OM coordinator to do what so we hiring a consultant to do the report for us that's it anything for counc um couple things just I like to thank again the DPW with a great job they do around town servicing the roads sanitation everything our electric Department by far um they're always out doing maintenance on our lines as you can see from other towns that have lost power over the last month or so and um our electric guys have been right on top of all of it and they're doing a fantastic job I just want to thank them again for all the help they did at the summit Firehouse [Music] to thank you for the cleaning ofs and all to the other is the South F Bank is still um contining their annual school supply drive through August 17th uh most needed items are pretty much what you would kid to school with pencils binders filler paper spiral notebooks composition pads uh scissors blue blue sticks crayons these will be distributed through the um food rank to the needy families in town the drop off locations are Corpus chy Church and the bin located by the entrance to the church Holy Trinity Episcopal Church the drop off office in the church office and the South River food bank has a bucket located outside the doorway during their whisted drop off times Tuesday 8:30 A.M to 10: a.m. and then again Tuesday night 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday is 9 to 12 and Saturday is that's all thank you councilman the board ofed update new preschool and the new athletic field are in progress there will be a second neighborhood watch meeting sometime in the fall more information will follow when we know more about that but there will be one the shade tree will be handling out anti-littering campaign signs at their table tomorrow night at National 9 out Rec committee fall and baseball soft all teams travel practices will start August 19th please refer to Civic wreck for days and ages the full 2024 statistics competitive cheerleading 66 participants registered 33 will participate in local competitions 33 will participate in local and travel competition the locations are Ocean City Maryland Atlantic City New Jersey Tampa Florida Pop Warner football and cheer reading 91 participants registered 27 will participate in cheer program 17 participants in under nine 19 participants in under 11 12 participants in under 13 and 16 participants in flag football and tomorrow is uh I mean not tomorrow I'm sorry the fireworks in luel show that's why we're wearing shirts just wasn't a coincidence that we all did um to support the August 16th at 6 PM theout show and fireworks um there'll be local vendors the fireworks will start around 900 p.m. and it should be a fun time for the bur so anyone again that's August 16th at 6 PM for L our fireworks and that's all I have Council kinsky thank you mayor uh well The Office on Aging uh some of the people have been asking me about the water meter replacement some people are doubtful about it and everything generally the people who come to your residence and everything will have ID and if you look out in the street there will be a van Mark with metertech on which is a private utility company that the township has contracted to replace the water beers um Council said tomorrow is nationville night out we're all looking forward to that of course on the 16th we have our low or end of Summer Event and we have a Carnival Carnival mingle coming up at the end of the month with the office on agent at the Human Services building and it's a $5 fee for to offset whatever you're e and uh and of course this Friday too we also have middle County par East B so just so everyone is aware you have the kids out and everything like that too with that I know you have I have a couple so just to Echo Hank on the Pop Warner football I am involved with pop warner we're specifically looking for players for the 12 and 13 you football team that number is a little light right now so we really need to push the enrollment so if you know anyone wants to go up there and try it out we're up at the high school practice field where the trailer is it says Rams right by Denny Stadium or what used to be uh every night so come on up um I also want to call out one of our residents Julius Rosado uh he's an incredible baseball player in our town he's going to be an incoming senior um he's um he's got a full ride to Ruckers next year he recently participated in the uh PG National Showcase in Arizona and hit a 426 home foot home run with a wood bat which if anyone understands that's that's pretty incredible and he was recently picked to be area code games the top 240 players in the country in high school and he's going to be going and playing and the most important thing represent South River when his name goes up on the screen Hometown South River New Jersey South River High School and I think it's important that we recognize some of the greatness we have right here SOC um councilman Muni said uh we're progressing with the water meters uh call to make an appointment and no you cannot get out of it so uh sooner the better it is painless not to worry they don't go run in through the house uh they change it and they're out like 20 minutes flat uh September I'll be calling a public Public Works and utilities committee meeting to review the plans for the final third of the year that's all I've got for now thank you I have I'll hold mine to the end I'm going to open it to the public you have 10 minutes please say your name and your address good evening Rich burn 11 place um first as chair of the environmental commission green I would like to speak in support of ordinance 37 for the additional stop signs and also any measure that improves Traffic Safety pedestrian safety speed humps everybody on the commission so now let me speak as on my own behalf as insufferable know it all if you recall last year I spoke about the state budget and how our late 18th District legislators stly stand in particular of all the things that the burough of South River needs help with he got us $75,000 for soccer fields repair priorities don't seem right here um some people might say you have to ask for it well nobody asked for 75,000 that was a constituent call help out the details you know I personally know four people who have called office complaining about water problems town and instead of coming to referal counil say hi I I can help you what can we do to help you he referred it to the D who did water test and determin that the discolored water is not dangerous and hence the D is not taking any action so you know I had uh in Hamington we had State Senator Don adgo who when she was running promised to attend no less than two governing body meetings in every town in the district she okay the promise that she showed up more in hand because mother so um I looked at this year state budget and see what 18th legislators did for forid 18th District towns and there was one town that got guess the amount zero guess which town got zero yes the burough South group I'll say these FS to the last because it's very ridiculous but so Edison got and last year it was an election year so they were more free flowing with the money and this year it's a total of 3.7 so next year they're they're getting elected again so the money probably Edison got $250,000 for the Jewish Community Center of mil very where the organization they also got 200,000 for the Thomas Edison Center at n Park very nice little Museum there plus the to I recomend if you time we have water problems and they're getting their Museum and that's a private Foundation that's not owned by state hland park now Highland Park did the best this year they got a million dollars for the South thir Avenue public Plaza Square kind of thing I don't know but yeah a cool million and then in addition to that they got $250,000 for garbage truck replacement remember we we got new a couple years Bond so um next is matachin M got matchen is the West Field of M count right it's not a poor town um they got $500,000 for firet Tru replacement we just ordered another TR we had the bond so 18 came through for touch on that and then they also got $250,000 for the colonial Cemetery restoration repairs I mean we have a cemetery that's funded by a trust fund that was set up was established in 186 something you know these things can run out of money it is a problem throughout the state but so they got that miltown oh they got 200,000 for fire truck replacement okay South planfield uh got two $500,000 for municipal building Capital Improvements which is what they got a million dollars last year now that that's Deon lives in South play so he's he's not it's a republican town but he's taking care of so expected to do that now the the last one was East Brunswick so East Brunswick got $53,000 an OD amount but it's for the United Desi of New Jersey an indianamerican uh Community Association and then here here's the most important thing in midx County district 18 for them to smash the piggy bank and toss the money that East frck is getting $500,000 for Crystal Springs water park improvements that's a revenue generating facility they sell subscriptions to it we need help with this this money for our water problems right so and then I there four that are outside of district 18 that are interesting um the South Amboy business district parking lot acquisition and development oh hey that we could do some parking improvements in this town um the South anoy Veterans Memorial Plaza $50,000 the norc alliance is getting $250,000 for Higher by live to attract people to move into town get jobs live in the town and then Cranberry Township which interestingly Cranberry Township has a higher per capita income than Princeton cranberry is richer than Princeton and they're getting 275,000 for uh The Village Park revitalization to park um and and then the city of Ken here here we go is getting $2.5 million for water main refurbishment initiative something we need this town so um now middle sex counties getting a total of $40 million for Parks and Recreation infrastructure Economic Development projects priority edication infrastructure and just m County Improvement 8.5 million so the county which essentially is supposed to do improvements in the county is getting this big pile of money out so that we have to ask for but so you know I mean I can call sterley Stanley up and say I want this but I I think it carry some more weight next year and we can't start too soon these guys they're R next year like somebody to Corner him in his office and say look we need we need a hand with this why don't you come out to a bur council meeting and talk to us about how you can help you know you have to ask you shouldn't have to ask um I don't know maybe I'll run for assembly next year and then you won't have to ask if I'm so that's you know I remember you you like Bo and cookers we put our water project out to every elected official the only elected official that came back to us was Cory Booker who put $21 million request into the state budget the only one after I this the Christmas tree money is from the property tax relief fund it's a piggy bank They smash each year and just toss money out on their own wins it's not a program not a requirements it's it's just their own pork barrel spending and you know they have underperformed for the F SE thank you anyone else from the public Rich s 104 has anybody from the council invited him to a council meeting or asked him to I haven't done that I have actually spoken to him okay has he got back to you about appearing someone he's several times he said he would come by but he hasn't okay but I have I have spoken to okay so you have talk I know just because you know they're with the county they are I've even gone out with the count okay so you okay so you have reached out just just curious because people say the county doesn't come to town they do probably I've met majority of the whole County myself okay just curious thank you anyone else in the public 38 Virginia Street Mayor and Council um first off congratulations councilman santis welcome to board little good back there where's your Hawai shirt first off uh ordinance 20 2437 about the Virginia Street study um I see the right up on that does that include everything that was part of the study that's going to be put into there into that this is the four-way stopway striping the striping will be done we at the same time okay um and certainly once the study is done as far as speed humps speed bumps Etc um I'm sure everybody in the Virginia Street location would say let's get some speed humps out there on Virginia Street um again once the study is done we realize what in fact is associated with the outcome of that and I would appreciate if once the stop signs go in we have some uh some officers out there because we might be able to make more money than the dispensaries tickets um just a recommendation um um consent resolution 257 the uh water project um I just have a question on that through your chair I'd like to ask Mr C a question um we had a little discussion outside and my understanding the letter that went to the school I guess it went to the school board or whomever was associated with that that project um part of that was that um according to the maps there was a main there and that your recommendation was to B test a test fit okay I just want to say one thing from a order utility standpoint when you have a project um where you're questioning the utility hookup whether it's electric whether it's water gas Etc um you always want to take a look at your facilities now depending upon the electric delivery system you give it a look head see what's going on and as Mr kot's statement was back to the particular uh firm or whatever it was associated with this on the Water Utility side because water M are below ground you dig what you call a test you verify what the facilities are underneath the ground um from my understanding the test pit was done at the time they were attempting to do the tap that's that's way too late you want to verify that as part of the project up front because when in fact you dig a test pit you say okay there's the main you verify that the main is there then you know what you're dealing with you can verify everything and uh take the project forward so whomever in fact was dealing with this the letter that you provided to them I think they failed miserably on their responsibilities because again the maps said there was a name there now there is no name there and now we have to install a name it's not cheap if a test pit would had been done up front you would have known that and maybe you could scheduled it rather I'm not sure emergency type of thing but I'm sure the school board is pushing for this so that in fact they can get schools open in due time but I think this is a an absolute failure on someone's part first off the M said was there it wasn't second off there was no test bit stuff um that's a colossal failure that's a colossal failure and um I want to find out more about this with all due respect they did flow testing and the flow was adequate okay it was adequate so they assume you know what you say when they absolutely that's why test um again company I work for Middle anybody would came to us and said okay we're putting in a x facility whatever Happ to be first thing we would do is take a test and verify that we had facil that's in the Utility side of things that's common sense so I think somebody or someone or some entity needs to be held responsible for this um as far as tax base and so forth that shouldn't hit the taxpayers of the burrow South River that's J bu um Canabis issue um I appreciate the uh presentation by the gentleman tonight and I certainly understand that we're always looking for some situations certainly um cannabis is something that's it's a Hot Topic I think and the dispensaries are can be a money maker for the towns Etc um I just want to say one thing um whether you like them whether you don't like them there was a referendum and the public loaded no um and I know you cited another referendum but the most recent referendum was no let me say also and I know it's not this body but there was a referendum for the Board of Education that said no and there's construction going on um if there's referendum sent out and we ask for The public's opinion and the public says no you anyway why are we wasting the money on referendums why are we wasting the Public's time I think it's wrong and if my just a quick question Mr C about how many taxpayers do we have in town how many tax bills are sent out 5,000 5,000 I was guessing about 6,000 electric 6,000 okay so I know the statement by the one gentleman was that we could see a 2% savings or 2% revenue soures of $120,000 at 6,000 taxpayers that's 20 bucks a year um I'm not flying to put dispensaries in for maybe 25 bucks a year on high tax bill I can tell you that and uh just one last thing when you look at your tax bill I do appreciate when it shows the breakdown of my taxes it shows Municipal tax school tax county tax just look at that because your school tax is the biggest portion of your bill 15% and again it's I understand we need to have that for everybody but don't have anys have a great evening anyone else from the public twice so first second call motion motion byoun Dallas all right appointments for the plan board counc John Frost I going to be appointing councilman desis first plan [Music] board may just want to mention Zoom there is no application Alissa consent resolutions 2024 [Music] [Music] 223 ass6 cont serves toway 27 contu 2 Department 29 cons services for appoint of Melissa as part aging 261 authorizing execution of contract real estate 262 authorizing the execution of a Redevelopment Brothers PJ LLC 263 authoriz funds 264 resolution amending Council on appointments 265 award contract to ja construction corporated for various pars 266 except July 824 regular ex session minutes 267 author list 268 appointment to the office oning Department 269 authoring toies to a contract Associates dep motion to accept approve I should Council second yes with an abion to 266 yes the exstension to 258 and 267 24- 02184 [Music] 02185 0286 02187 02188 and 0321 yes with an extension to 266 and 267 yes yes yes final covering [Music] body Kinski uh first off I'd like to thank all of our Public Service workers our police DPW especially DPW and also they have it here too about their B pickups uh which please go and visit s website to find out a little bit more about the online scheduling program and in regards if you don't have a computer everything go online you can still call uh just trying to think congratulations to Melissa for her appointment to the office on agent and also happy birthday Mrs SC 101 years old that that's all I have here um yes also thank you to the South police department and the public works for what they do and here pleasure working with you and tomorrow is national night out as long as the weather cooperates but that'll be a fun time yes I'd also like to welcome that to the council I've known him I look forward to working with you and your new ideas and know that we're all here weit we'll see you tomorrow BR bre skirts whatever else you want to do thank you um Matt welcome board look forward to working with you good group you got here so we all work together um just want to wish everybody hopefully a nice night tomorrow night hopefully the weather does hold we have the 16th is our fireworks end of our summer and just want to wish everybody a happy labor day we're not meeting until afterwards that's it president Matt you'll be a good addition here so wel board um I always push good things happening in South River National Night Out fireworks don't forget September 11th is also coming up uh careful Debbie is also coming uh towards the end of this week they don't know at this point today is Monday sometime Friday into Saturday lots of rain wind and pray for the people down south they're really getting hammered uh keep an eye on the weather for this week happy labor day to everybody our next meeting will be September the 9th thank you um welcome councilman desis we had a good beginning to a council meeting I also like to recognize a friend of mine I just met recently mayor Daniel Francisco from Englishtown welcome for being here pleasure thanks for having pleasure to have um milx County Fire Marshals I want to thank them what I learned in the last past month and a half two months is that the state decided back in July 29th 2024 that they were they were not going to pick up the borrow life Hazard registration bill so they did come for and paid it which added to about $1,542 so thank you to the middx county Sher middx County Fire Marshals for doing so uh speed humps was a topic today we are about safe this is a big deal for this town so please understand why we are doing what we are doing we are going to be reaching out to a lot of contractors are actually develop sorry um outfits to find out exactly what this is going to cost us the chief is going to be on top of it I also want to thank Ashna from the Girl Scouts she has done in the last past two weekends a remarkable job at the community garden and rehabilitating it putting up planners and whatnot so she continues to do that every single weekend National out as we have heard good luck hopefully we have it tomorrow night um August 16th as you all know is a l out yes we all well most of us are all wearing shirts um and last I want to also bring this to our attention this is today's council meeting was a very very productive meeting and the reason I say that is we had for the last past 20 years we had a vacant build vacant pie of property it went from Le and Chevrolet to the rooming house to nails and whatever you may be to call it it's been there today we are one step away from putting a shovel on the ground after 10 years there are first week development is going to come to our town with three stories 17 Apartments uh SE arish which is going to be a specialty Market Cafe wine room and more this is just an opening path to South River I can't thank the developers and for that matter the council for supporting us we have one meeting away making a shovel a real with that said want to thank everyone for uh participating and being here and do I have an adour toj by Council