all right welcome to the uh 12th meeting today is June 10th 2024 this is the council meeting um Alysa can you read off the uh public statement in compliance with chapter 231 of public law of 1975 notice of this meeting to be held at the criminal justice building 61 Main Street South River has been published in the home News Tribune on January 5th 2024 posted on the municipal building bulletin board the burough website the front door of the Criminal Justice building at 61 Street South River Roll call Mayor gindy here councilwoman Ballas here councilman Cula here councilman desian here councilman Frost here councilman grensky here council president krenzel here please stand for to salute to the flag to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please stay standing you may be seated we have no proclamations uh agenda session I had the dispensary brought back up uh for multiple reasons uh I know that back in November the referendum knocked it down but due to the referend I'm knocking it down I decided to look into it more uh in regards of how it could benefit the town and and what it has been doing to surrounding towns the amount of Revenue tax revenue that brings into this brings into any Township uh is an extensive amount of money extensive amount of uh um uh bill which for example let's get Highland Park uh I I wish Joe was here because Joe knew more of the details but uh Joe and I have been looking at some of the numbers from some of the towns Highland Park alone brought in 3.1 million and was just the first quarter so I feel that this is something we should revisit now I know that the uh the questions were arising about what the dispensaries are about where are they going to go how are they going to affect the township uh are they going to be is it something you're going to smell is there going to be security uh I had the opportunity to go through quite a few dispensaries uh getting more information about it the security just on dispensaries is and I hate to say it like this it's harder to get into than getting into a police department you have to go through two different types of uh uh security uh doors you have to show ID the ID has to show you whether you're capable of having it it also tells you how much you're allowed to buy uh once you have bought the um the Cannabis at that point you have to leave you're not allow to smoke it outside it's isolated uh as of for location this was another a concern of a lot of uh uh residents um when I use the word out of sight out of mind I had the opportunity to speak to most of the council out of sight out of mind means it's sitting outside of the outskirts of our town you don't drive by it unless you're going out of your way to go there that's pretty much what it sums up to um as of for the smell there is no smell it's all packaged um I mean you guys could everybody here could Phil in if you like to uh talk more about it I feel that this is something that we should be moving forward on it any comments got no problem Mr comment no I I agree I think um I think if we put it out of town well not out of but in town but like on the outskirts say you know end over Turnpike or uh I don't know even if we could get it in the industrial Zone um correct me if I'm wrong but it's not allowed in residential zones for sure correct schools within schools churches bars are included as well barks you know what with distance of work okay Parks I mean I I read everything that you gave me here and the amount of Revenue it could bring in is just staging it's incredible I would have never thought that it could bring in so much money just for one it's listen we're only going to license we're only going to put out two licenses MH so we're really going to monitor it um when it comes down to if we do move forward on it we are going to really look at the applications uh between myself art and Joe um even council president to see if somebody's worthy of enough to actually have it in our town look at their credentials but this is this is just the beginning I mean would they need a police background check and everything yes they do okay yeah all the steps are very all the step are based on federal am it's just a thought I mean you tell me if everybody feels that this is something we can move on I'll sit down with Andrea and we'll talk more about having it put up as an ordinance I have no problem I have no problems with it no problem well I've also been talking to everyone I've never smoked tobacco and definitely uh not marijuana I really don't believe in smoking marijuana or tobacco um I'm not in favor of dispensaries I went along with having the factory here but I just don't think it would be good for us but I am in the minority and I know I'm in the minority um I know it brings in a boatload of money I think that sometime in the not too distant future it's going to go the way of tobacco right now tobacco is under attack it's terrible it's horrible well I think that in a few years the same thing is going to happen to marijuana but uh that's my opinion so uh I'm not going to be helping you decide who's going to be uh coming into South River but the council uh does seem to be in favor of it and so um if you're going to go ahead I wish you the best of luck do we have a consensus m y and may to draw up the thing how many dispensaries would you want to give licenses to I will do that five 10 two maximum two two two okay one in each corner of the town mayor what do you think the competition might be with neighboring towns East Brunswick doesn't have anything right now cille doesn't have anything South Amboy is thinking about it uh per Amboy has it Woodbridge has it matou has it Highland Park has it and new Bruns and new BR we're considered between two towns all right Andre speak to you tomorrow okay all right we're going to go into second reading Alissa 22421 ordinance 202 2421 an ordinance of the burough of South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 319 of the Township Code entitled tree removal and Woodland management thank make a motion W the full reading second all in favor Mr Mayor if I may um for uh this ordinance I am going to request that Council make an amendment it's a it's not a material change to the ordinance but it is necessary uh it is to one uh it is to 3194 B2 and it is to remove the words other than a resident it was inadvertently included in here um that's not in the D regulations so if that's acceptable to council if we could have a motion to accept that Amendment motion second motion by councilwoman bis second by Council kiny councilman balis yes councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman Frost yes councilman grensky yes council president krenzel yes all right we're going to open it up to the public hearing 10 minutes state your name hello bur 11 place um I just have a question I know you talking about the dispensary are we talking about just marijuana are you talking about y anyone else hi matalina Rivera um unfortunately I'm back on the same issue about 180 182 this is only about the ordinances it's only about thee I'll let you know when public comes up thank anyone for the ordinance 2024 21 make a motion to close public second second motion by councilman krinsky seconded by counc woman Dallas all in favor uh Council discussion can I get a motion move the uh ordinance second motion by councilman uh siola seconded by councilwoman Ballas councilman Ballas yes councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman Frost yes councilman grensky yes council president krenzel yes I want to I want to strike something on this one um just so you're all aware the reason we moved on this is because this a DP required uh ordinance um I know there's been quite a few questions that came up during our planning board meeting uh especially on the cost of the trees so with that said I'd like to see we could put a committee together uh maybe John Frost since here part of the commit part of the um planning board uh if you could meet with the environmental commission uh where we could talk about the prices of the trees moving forward so we could maybe revisit this in the future okay amen um we're going to move out to the next uh ordinance 2024 22 Alissa ordinance 2024 22 an ordinance of the burough South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 350 of the Township Code entitled zoning motion away full reading second all in favor hi uh Mr Mayor on this one I just wanted to uh address Council and let them know there was a planning board recommendation uh they agreed with uh the council's proposed changes which are required by the D ordinance uh and I just wanted to remind everyone that they did put in there that they would like uh Council to consider increasing their fees but also um this is a d regulation so I would urge you urge you to pass it in the form considered by the planning board I'm going to open up to the public 10 minutes St your name Richard burn us in place uh environmental and shry chair that's uh correct we noted that the uh the I guess the wrong ordinance got copied and pasted so the the fee schedule that was before which is the 250 150 and 50 um over the the wording that was proposed with this ordinance so that's we made that recommendation and I brought that up in the planard as well so that's that's yes thank you thank you anyone else from the public first call second call motion close motion by councilman krinsky second by councilman fola all in favor I Council discussion I have a motion motion toop second by councilman Kinski second by councilman dimian councilman ballis yes councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman Frost yes councilman grensky yes council president krenzel yes Alissa 2024 23 ordinance 202 2423 an ordinance of the burrow of South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 258 of the bur code entitled Property Maintenance make a motion wave to full reading second motion by councilman uhola second by councilwoman Bas all in favor I I Mr Mayor this is just to remind everybody that all this is the Department of Community Affairs caches and standards sent us an email that said we can't use the word certificate of ocupy anymore we have to change it to residential resale certificate oh this is what just changing the title title of the certificate they get when they we do the inspection to sell the house hope opening it to the public first call second call I have a motion motion to close public second motion by councilman siola second by councilman Frost all in favor Council discussion I have a motion second motion by councilwoman ball second by councilman dimian councilwoman ball yes councilman Cula yes councilman deian yes councilman Frost yes councilman kensky yes council president krenzel yes Alissa 2024 24 ordinance 20242 24 an ordinance of the burrow South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 155 of the burrow code entitled fees motion away the full reading second motion by councilman siola second by councilwoman bis all in favor I public just to inform everybody again this is a fee schedule for nonprofit and for-profit organizations to use borrow buildings like to open up to the public first call second call do I have a motion motion to close public second motion by councilman siola second seconded by councilman dimian all in favor I I Council discussion do I have a motion motion to accept second motion by councilman krinsky second by councilman siola councilwoman Ballas yes councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman Frost yes councilman grensky yes council president krenzel yes Alyssa 20242 ordinance 20242 and ordinance of the burrow of South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 289 of the burrow code entitled streets and sidewalks motion wave the full reading second motion by councilman siola seconded by councilman krinski all in favor I I I'm opening up U yeah I'm opening up to public hearing is this one this one's for portable basketball hoops it it tells you they should not be placed on corners of burough property they have to be within um left in the street they can't be 50 feet from a corner they can't be in the right away can they have to be taken in at night so they're not blocking traffic on the streets right can't block the a lot of basketball courts basketball courts but lot of basketball hoops and stands are being left out in the street wind comes along blows it over goes on to somebody else's car car and then you got yourself an issue so they just have to make sure they drag it back in when they're not using it I don't know I had one I got stolen so I don't know uh oh uh oh here he comes Jim hutch in 38 Virginia Street again just to to push a little bit further who's enforcing this code Code Enforcement okay so oh someone would have to call report them right because if it's at night and they're still out there obviously you know code enforcement isn't going to be around after 4:30 at night but what this does too is if they don't pull it in and there's damage to any person's property or to the barrel the person's responsible for it okay that you know protects whatever damage they do not only that but snow plowing everything else that is exactly this is just covering everybody you know take care of your properties it's quality of life issue I agree thank you thank cut your addess yeah anyone else from public motion to close public second councilman siola motion second by councilman councilwoman Bas all in favor opening up to the council discussion do I have a motion motion second motion by councilwoman Ballas second by councilman dimian councilwoman Ballas yes councilman Cula yes councilman zian yes councilman Frost yes councilman grensky yes council president krenzel yes Lista 2024 26 ordinance 202 2426 Bond ordinance providing for various Capital Improvements and the acquisition of various Capital Equipment appropriating $3 million therefore and authorizing the issuance of $1,448 th000 bonds and notes to finance a portion of the cost thereof authorized in and by the burrow of South River in the county of middle sex New Jersey motion to we full reading second motion by counc motion by councilman Kola second by councilwoman valis all in favor hi mayor just to remind you this Bond ordinance is for roads specifically Franklin elesy and alborn possible purchase of a fire truck sewer improvements roof repairs and a carport for the Office on Aging buses like to open it up to the public not to be a Debbie Downer Melina River again um I know you guys know these ordinance and and everything but just a tiny little blurb like um Mr Lind uh L my apologies is doing would be great because sometimes we sit there with the numbers you guys know what it is but most of us don't yet I I agree thank you anyone else from the public first call second call motion to close public second motion by councilman krinsky second by councilman zian all in favor I I Council discussion I I have a motion motion to adopt motion by councilman siola second second by councilman Zan councilman Ballas yes councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman Frost yes councilman grensky yes council president krenzel yes list of 2024 27 ordinance 202 2427 an ordinance of the burrow South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending the burrow code of the burrow of South River so as to amend chapter 246 entitled parks and playgrounds motion wave to full reading second motion by councilman siola seconded by councilwoman bis all in favor I can you explain mayor basically what this is about is a sister one to the one we discussed before about the use of municipal buildings anyone to know regulations for what they can and cannot do in a municipal covers the parks and playgrounds and the parks yeah parks and playgrounds no no drugs no guns no parties opening up to the public no first call second call motion to close motion by councilman siola second second by councilman zian all in favor all right opening up to council discussion do we have a motion motion to adopt second motion by councilman krinsky second by councilman siola Council Ballas yes councilman siola yes Council desian yes councilman Frost yes councilman grensky yes council president krenzel yes Alissa 22428 ordinance 202 2428 an ordinance of the burrow of South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending the burough code of the burrow of South River so as to amend chapter 1893 entitled vehicles and traffic motion AWA to full reading second motion by councilman siola seconded by councilman krinsky all in favor I mayor remind you this one is this is designating the parking lot behind the police station as police parking only opening up to the public first call second call motion to close motion to close oh hold on my apologies um I have a question in regards to that isn't um aren't there apartments above the one of those buildings or am I incorrect in um information that I was given in regards to that because I've looked around and stuff and someone was saying that they can't park you know get parking um in one of those areas that they have to go for this par for this par for this area police station that's why I was asking for clarification cuz I'm a little like I'm still getting my my legs up so I will you know make fa PA this is for just 61 Main Street okay cool thank you um anyone else from the public first call second call motion close public motion by councilman kashinsky second by councilman siola all in favor I I coun discussion I have a motion motion second motion by councilwoman Bas second by councilman desian councilwoman Bas councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman Frost yes Council M grensky yes council president krenzel yes thank you we're going to go into reports uh Joe is not here today art I have his report um on your consent resolutions 208 uh is authorizing the contract renewal with Ops solve that is only through the end of the year we will be going up for bid in September for 2025 um possibly to uh continue it offs solve or get a new vendor the next one is the chapter 159 um special Revenue uh that's the money for grants that we got after the budget was adopted there a clean Community grant for 37,5 7792 to a recreation grant for Kowski Park of another 79,000 which will allow us to use that Grant towards our down payment for the $750,000 grant that we got for the all inclusive our 25% and the third one uh we were able to obtain a grant from the midi County Board of Health for swimming lessons for second graders ages 5 to 7 uh in an agreement which you'll also see is here with the YMCA for their facility in miltown for the summer and that's for South River resid only all the parents will have to do is provide transportation I just want to clarify it's for South $16,000 Grant all right it's only for South River residents correct only for South River residents correct and going on there we are joining down at the end um where is it the 220 we're joining the mammoth ocean Educational Services Commission Co-op uh we have a vendor that we use um the price is better if we go to Mammoth County it doesn't cost us anything to join and then we don't have to go out for bid for the cameras for the parks programs that we're starting to do and last but not least the uh Bill list there the decrease in the core and Main uh progress payment for the meter installations okay thank you anything for a uh art Joe no all right age July pick up it will be that week and anything for AG mayor a quick one ra uh graffiti on our some of our public property I've noticed a lot on the back of stop signs and some of our you know those little silver boxes we have sticking up all over like namely uh the end of William Street and brickplant road I think there's a water thing there transform boxes trans I don't know what's there but you know it's a silver box but it's just Litter with graffiti and I've noticed a lot on the back of stop signs is that something maybe like I know our guys are all over town could they could you address that maybe and just get some silver paint and have at it would be really great thank you where was the first one St I don't recall where it was I just saw but there's graffiti on public buildings all over town maybe I don't know is that something that's zoning that's code enforcement well I mean but do we have anything that says you need to cover that up code enforcement yeah there is is that property mainly you're talking maybe about the Elks building the old Elks building there's graffiti everywhere that's tagged bad you have to the own everywhere I see it everywhere on all the bu buildings all over Willet Lane you know Willet Lane a little skinny one there's metal garage doors that just covered cover it's it's everywhere around town I mean I don't know I take notice of that stuff you know but I mean do we then have you put it on your radar you'll see it have to get in touch with the owners and they have to clean it up code enforcement code enforcement code enforcement goes goes down that's it thanks H AG thank you guys for a uh a fabulous job with um pot uh sorry um Pooles seeing them being covered doing a good job thank you I know there is uh Bruce thanks the uh 2023 and 2024 roadway Improvement projects are being sent to the do they have 30 days to review it then we can pick a bid date so within 60 days I would hope to be able to have a a letter to you to make an award 2025 local aid program we're submitting an application for that for you the 2023 Local transportation projects Grant you received a grant of $575,000 and we submitted a proposal for that 2024 Local transportation Grant is still open until June 30th if you want us to submit some roads to that we can uh we have submitted a proposal for that to you and the substation maintenance there are some problems with Transformer t6s tap changer it's not operating um we were going to change the oil in T4 I spoke with Mr lensky about it we're going to get this fixed first figure out where we stand financially then if we do a change order to get back to T4 we will but everybody's concerned about getting T6 fixed before the weather gets really warm so the Transformer can function as it is supposed to so we're going to make that change and then we'll sort out the details with the change order until they take it apart we don't know what the cost will be I just wanted to put it on the record so everybody knew when it comes in thank you that's it really nothing no change in the stormw assistance grant so that is it anything for just the time frame on Leonard Dean because I keep getting asked yep so that's in the 2023 program and that's my hope is within 60 days you can make an award thank you uh Chief first thank you for adting now since the developer next door F in his lot we have people stop on Main Street our Park Lot itates atmosphere especially we have an arrest and thank you for doing that secondly uh on resolution we have the appointment of two uh dispatchers to fulltime Alexandra and and Kelly uh both have been in train for the last couple weeks and they're there uh to replace uh two fulltime anything for the chief chief how you doing with crossing guards I know it's getting close to the end of the school year but still an all we're always looking for help crossing guards especially around this time um we can never have enough uh our crossing guards are unique they have a contractual they have agreement and this time when the weather gets really nice out there a lot of them like to take off issu so we can always use any people as we can get especially with the school building a new school there we might have to put another Crossing post over there so that's thank you Chief thank you Chief councel I have nothing tonight mayor Melissa I have nothing tonight all do you have anything mayor just a couple things just to keep you and the council aware um the chemical change project is moving well we expect the tanks in this week and it is on schedule the meter replacement project is going I urge the public to call in for their uh meter replacement to make an appointment uh they have replaced about 100 meters already they're U moving very quickly the last thing I have I'm going to change my hat now to your construction official this is not going to sit well it doesn't sit well with me uh April 1st there was a Bill signed by Governor Murphy and one of the things on the bill starting April 1st and I was not aware of this I am today uh we will not be able to take phone inspection requests anymore people will have to come in and fill out paperwork for their requests because this is part of a bill that allowed larger developments that weren't getting their inspections on time to hire a third party agency to do the inspection and then the municipality or whoever it was because not going to affect us um would have to refund part of their permit fees to the developer he has to pay the third party agency so along with that they passed a bill that said they want them to come in public only no more telephone so it could be date stamped for the 72 hours so now no one will be able to call the building department for an inspection they'll have to come in and fill out a form and they can't do it over the Internet because they want it signed oh it doesn't sit well with me I'm sure it doesn't sit well question with some other people I don't make the rules I only enforce them and the gentleman that came down said I will enforce that so when they start complaining we didn't do it Governor the state did it I know John shaken is head already I I don't agree with it the governor's number I appreciate if you'd passed that along I could and this was a bill that was not discussed with the codes Advisory Board which I'm a member of uh with DCA um they just had their people come in and say we want this right because it makes my job as construction official very difficult because at the end they expect me to sign off on something that my people didn't inspect uh I'm not too comfortable with that it won't ever affect us my people do their in in well within the 72 hours we have enough people to cover that we have two building inspectors and electric plumbing and fire so uh but you know some of the other towns uh I guess don't and it's an option now that they gave them so I'm not happy with it but I just wanted to make you aware of it all right thank you that's all I have anything for it all right councilman siola nothing at this time oh really councilman Council one of these days he'll get it right um this Saturday will be South River day on Montgomery Street from 12: to 5: there will be bouncy house Inflatables the Shooting Stars basketball Inflatables petting zoo which the children really seem to enjoy a DJ food vendors lemonade and drink vendors craft vendors fire trucks and some um dancers from different clubs if there's anybody that really wants to get in on this before maybe Thursday you can get in touch with me if you want to put something up there um but again 12:00 to 5: on Montgomery Street Saturday the weather looks like it's going to be very nice and then the South Library invites everyone for juneth a freedom celebration on Wednesday June 9th at 55 applebe Avenue at 1:00 they would like you to come join them to celebrate the day of freedom of African-Americans there will be a visit from the mayor a CH children's costumes the showing of the movie hidden figures raffle basket children's crafts snacks and drinks if you want for more information you go to www.south rer that's it thank you Council z um Board of Ed update congratulations to Cindy urbanic for being on the board of ed committee for 30 years on behalf of the team of the South River School District they thank the South River Board of Health for their generous donation for supplies for the 2023 2024 extended school year program this will allow them to provide the necessary tools and supplies to the students for the educational journey and high school graduation will be on Thursday June 20th at 5:30 the shade tree committee will have a tent at South day this Saturday and people from new the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection will be there to dis discuss anti-ar idling and they will also have a rock painting for the kids and that's it thank you councilman krinsky thank you mayor on The Office on Aging they will be closed at 2:30 this Friday the 14th and on June 28th they apologize for the inconvenience um they also have a um an event coming up the Burger Bar mingle it's a $5 prepaid um you'd have to call up to find out if it's still available and everything for uh reservation uh and also planning ahead too uh there's Clan bake that's coming up with uh the seniors and everything to Bizet pond on Friday July 12th that's something where you'd have to also sign up for ahead of time to and contact The Office on Aging and also I wish well to Stephanie shando who's moving on to miltown and um I believe the Office on Aging will be looking for another part-time help with that that's all I have mayor thank you councilman Frost yes mayor um well I would just like to say uh this past Sunday was uh Joe thyman day here in South River named Arlington Avenue after him thean well thian thyman it vman whatever corre correct um it was really an incredible uh ceremony a lot of people turned out um he had tears in his eyes at the end of the ceremony uh I was really surprised that um how benevolent he's been to the burrow unbeknownst to most of us myself included uh there was a lot of information about him uh our MC was just awesome Mr Jim Hutchinson was the MC uh Drew Pearson was there Kenny Jackson uh Joe's good friend Tom B was there and he spoke it was uh it was just a great great day for South River he put us on the map yes he did he definitely put us on the map for sure so that's all I have thank you thank you council president uh the only thing I'm going to say is uh Mrs ballis had mentioned it uh just to confuse everybody June 19th is going to be the federal holiday for juneth the state holiday is two days days after it New Jersey always celebrates it as the third Friday of the month so the banks will be closed on Wednesday but open on Friday schools as I understand it will be open on the 19th but closed on that Friday so just keep an eye out if you're making plans that day it can be confusing that's all I am thank you I'll hold my comments there's no marial appointments Lissa can we go into no I'm sorry open it up to the public I was actually I was thinking of you the whole time it starts at one hey I'm trying you getting there it's better than having you know someone that's not participating right yes I state your name again please in your address Melina Rivera um as I said earlier press ah 8 North Side Avenue thank you you're welcome north side as I said earlier unfortunately there's still issues at 180 182 184 Whitehead gns Landscaping um it's designated uh D1 right but not not for landscaping it's not that type of a business it's not and also I'm sorry it's a nuisance there's noise and they're racing those freaking trucks all the time there is my father's been in the hospital at least two times because he's constantly blaring the horn okay I'm not the only one it's just I'm the more vocal okay it's a problem um the police Lord love them I appreciate everything they do I really do because they're on point always for my dad but for this problem nothing they go and talk to him on occasion or you know his um girlfriend runs over to the officers and he's like oh yeah yeah no it's not a problem this that and the other it's a problem it's a huge problem they also BL block traffic okay it's not all right we either have to wait you know somebody's going to get creamed coming in off of Whitehead you know how traffic is there and you have to wait somebody was leaning on the horn because he had truck on this side truck on that one and then the long one with a um trailer come on it's residential before he wound up on our block this mess was unheard of it was fairly peaceful and like I said before the lady that was dying of cancer was always crying about it because there was no peace there that's unfair we pay our taxes we want what we had before he it's not his home it's Judith Ceno's home okay also they have things in there as a landscaping company that you know is dangerous you know fertilizers and stuff in the garage there's been you know they have the their equipment over onto the other person's property hanging over nobody does anything about that okay he's been going after um the neighbor and she's been a little like shell shocked and everything because this man gets ignorant and he thinks that being aggressive and everything this is how he's going to solve anything no doesn't work um you know the the police have been called repeatedly even by her because he made threats he thinks that by making threats oh and you know saying oh he's going to clean up the garbage in you know on the neighborhood because he rules the roost please no one rules the roost he's wrong he's incorrect he got away with all this on Cav and as far as I have understood I haven't checked yet but of course I'm doing my due diligence as far as I know he's not registered right there at 180 182 184 Whitehead he's still registered in camab why is he still there it's not zoned for that it's unfair for everybody else to wind up having to deal with this nonsense the other thing is okay the amount of garbage that is being and there's pictures okay because he puts out pallets he puts out all kinds of stuff okay there was a truck that was leaking that's a d violation he moved the truck because he heard people talking about it there's pictures of various things this is a huge problem you know and yes I have called the njde before because I'm looking to see where there's going to be some sort of reprieve I don't like being a nuisance myself but the squeaky wheel okay well you're entitled to voice opion yes but because it's been it's been too much going on there and they seem to just skate and it's disgusting you know we've just about had it and you know I've been talking to other residents and they're like well nobody's going to give us any kind of reprieve and I said well then I'll keep coming to the meetings and keep bringing it up I mean and when I wind up saying hey perhaps you know I say I know I call and I call and I call and I've been taking pictures and videoing too and other people have been taking pictures you know so I guess what I'm I'm going to wind up starting to do is upload all this stuff and start sending it to you so you can see exactly some of the stuff that we're dealing with I was going to ask you to send me an email CC art exactly all the issues and we look into this okay very good thank you everything you just said please absolutely thank you very much thank you good afternoon doing everyone evening uh my name is Ronald Luke I live at 85 darl Street I got my hands up because I got several things to say first thing the console needs to know yall did a beautiful job with the play play set at Daily's Pond okay it's a beautiful thing to see the kids with their parents playing enjoying themselves all right the second thing to say what this young man said I came across all of y'all on YouTube with your thasan y it was very nice I it was even my daughter my granddaughter said Grandpa who's that so I had to explain to him that's the mayor that's my neighbor you know and this wenty to school uh okay I'll move on a little bit I need you all to tell me what a single family dwelling is just think about that okay one family all right what happens if a how is purchased they got five six cars there and they're all over the place and what I've been telling everybody to call code enforcement it could be anonymous call and tell me that there's more people sitting in that house we we'll send like can tell you within 150 yards they probably got three houses from where I live at I can tell you that we recently wor out of fire and we found four foures in a two family home all right I don't mind being nice I don't mind being good gracious Let's help people but when you go park your car all over the place which means on the corner of Virginia and darl Street they got cause parked and when you come out from that stop sign you really got to well if it's illegally parked I would tell you to reach out to the police what I would like to see is yeah I'm praying a little bit is a Yellow Block 5 minute parking for the people that use and put mail in the mailbox I live on the the corner where I got the mailbox if there is something five minute parking and and you can come out and you can see all right now I got to get on the bad side okay fingers down for the last one Virginia Street when are we going to fix this street cuz the last time I was here I need to apologize my company's got me flying all over the country it's been a while since I've been here I got a question and that young man right there told me last time I was here they could not do nothing because the weather was getting bad what are we waiting 2026 I recently just brought it up to one of our Council meetings in Virginia I invited Mr Hutchinson to our meeting to move forward on it so right now we're waiting on how many items what are we waiting on that list for Virginia cuz we couldn't do everything in one shot well it's been a while they should have all been here already which we for first reading up and I got a problem with that how long is it going to be what it takes six years to get an ordinance no next me well that's exactly what I'm trying to get at we want to sit on our hands we can sit on our hands and lately probably the fastest car I saw is like 35 38 almost 40 right they had one pass last night woke me up with these pipes I'm like what is this 10:30 almost 11 o'clock at night the street corner is very bad on Virginia Street it needs repairs I got pictures if I can find them with a tip measure going 4 foot down a hole at that corner at that drain there is a definite problem there we need to fix it all right and it's not just my corner it's Jim Corners we need to take care of that uh next we talking about Speeders last week probably Wednesday I'm on my scooter coming down Virginia Street one block up I had to slam One brakes on my motorbike a elderly lady just pull out right in front me and all I could do was slam on the break what and I look at her like she actually look like she tried to ignore me I'm like I'm this far away from a car how can you miss me so it's it's an ongoing issue we need to fix this what I don't want to see is another person get hurt another person die and just like Joel thma got his road I would love to rename that road at for that lady that pass away I think that would be a notable experience for somebody going on there okay um it one I think that's about it if I remember something else I'll stand back up uh thank you all thank you and again it's a beautiful job y'all did for the kids it really is thank you you know it's very well noted all right he did it all right that's from the people that y'all serve uh thank you thanks open age can you take a look at that corner tomorrow please anyone I will be there all you got to do is knock on my door and I'll point it out right on the please knock on the door Mr hson guys need to get a room Jim Hut at 38 Virginia Street um councilwoman thank you for bringing up about South River day again it's this Saturday from 12: to 5: on Montgomery Street also known as Drew Pearson Hall of Fame way got to bring that up and it's between Johnson place and Lexington Avenue uh just a question about that I know as part of the cultural arts uh commission we had talked about possibly parking down at the church did that did any no got granted it did get granted told I spoke to her okay so I'll make the announcement then that if in fact you're coming to South River day and you want to park down at St Marks the big parking lot down there you can park in there for free it's a easy walk then up on Montgomery Street through Pearson Hall of Fame way and you can then take in all of the events that are going to take place there so that's a huge lot you don't have to park on the the side streets and take up again residential parking you have a great opportunity to park there they also Park in the high school lot uh I would I would be concerned about the high school lot because coming out there's really coming out that go around the elementary school out the Johnson Place out the Johnson Place Johnson place you can do that I'm not going to argue with you Mr ba but uh go to St Marks okay uh again come out to South River day everybody again should be a great day um again the Virginia Street study I I'm with Ron um let's get an ordinance on here for first reading second reading and so forth before uh the winter time sets upon us um it's been long enough we got to go forward on that as far as Office on Aging with the clam bake I'm not sure if that was supposed to be announced yet or not because that's the July calendar that's next month yeah yeah but the July calendar doesn't come out until the end of the month so don't call the office on Hing yet please okay I'll call you back um and finally uh thank you councilman for the the uh Kudos there I have to thank everybody for the Joe thieman day it was without question um an incredibly successful event and it really really did cement South River on the map I don't I've been I've mced a lot of events over the years I've never had as much fun I've never enjoyed something so much and probably had as much energy as I had um than that particular he's been offer jobs too it was it was great it really was great to have the three legendary football players and South River re you know just Legends to be there and to speak so eloquently and to again be just dispers with each other and how everything was just woven together it was great adding Tom Barett to it again another Legend of South River and Rich maresi um it it it was just a super super super event I thank everybody who was involved in this and on a personal note Mr Mayor I thank you for allowing me the privilege of being the MC um that was just fabulous um I'm still pumped and to hear Drew Pearson turn to me and say you ought to say that again I like that that was that was great that really was great and then to actually have him say I want you to speak at my funeral I was like wow I like how other other people added to that that let's not make it too soon though all right but uh it was a great event it really really was absolutely fantastic everybody hats off to everybody and again just a thank you on a personal note again Mr Mayor for allowing me to play a small part of that I appreciate it and also I want to thank rich dudis and Tom barah again um they really helped me out with my script they helped me out with a lot of background information and uh we had a lot of laughs on the phone too it was great so hats off great day thank you very much good evening Richard burn 11 betet Place South River um I'd like to say that bill SP was here on Sunday at riar and he did a podcast where he interviewed both our mayor gindy uh ruy and the three football grades who came for the event and you go to the 101.5 YouTube page you can see the whole thing very very uh uh nice to see uh that happen here um now uh talking about the dispensary um you might remember two years ago as the regulatory stuff was getting spun up I came and I spoke that I thought that it would be good for us to have a dispensary here in town um bunch of reasons uh it you know if you really carefully curate the zoning and planning and like I had suggested at that time any B2 business Zone not less than a th000 feet from a residential Zone there's only one that fits that bill that's the triangle at the North End of Oldbridge Turnpike where the strip mall Wawa and what was going to be a self storage which has never been built still going to be a self storage yeah well it's one of those I'll see it their D Wetlands permit expired so they have to get that again and so it it's approve court case and they were successful Mr garosi um um you know but so I I think you know in the warehouse District or I think there's a a way to do this that uh prevents it from being a new and it becomes a big Revenue asset an asset to the town um you know I've personally been to one in lawrenville and one in Woodbridge on Route One and these places are worse than the DMV when it comes to being orderly you have to check in with your driver's license in the vestibule they won't let you pass the front door uh you go in there's lines it's not like you go in a supermarket market and pull things off the shelf and put in the basket you go you speak to a person you order what you want they package it you get a bag that's already sealed and you leave you you can't smoke out front uh right these and the security is guards all over the place these things are dracony regulated by the Cannabis Control Commission so you know I I think that's not a concern and you know there are people who don't support it um in town and you know hey what if we were to dedicate the revenue towards some big ticket item that we have coming up like water infrastructure replacement wow hey we can get a couple of million dollars to offset what is going to end up being weight raised water weights I I'll take that deal um so I I supported it then I would support it now and um I thank you for considering it now um before it becomes pervasive and we've missed the train you know um so uh as to Mr lensy talking about the new part of the builders can hire their own inspectors what could possibly go wrong with that right but so in 2021 the legislature passed a145 the electronic permitting act which requires every single permit issue issuing office in the state of New Jersey to accept online permit applications and online inspection requests now i' I've seen our legislature like really do dumb things so they passed the the you can hire your own contractor uh your own inspector if you don't do your get your inspection within 72 hours they put in there to say that you got to be their in person so you got one law that says you have to accept electronic inspection request and another law that says no you got to have the com in in person that's the outfit you work for um um Let me let me put on my hat and let me say whose name was on that bill car check I I don't know um so yeah I like I I I have I had to work on the electronic permits because that's my job but I I did not know about the and we are prepared for electronic permits absolutely yeah so I thank you thank you good guio 104 which Turnpike I'm up here as tonight tv35 newly manager um I want you to guys to please start pushing the YouTube channel we started over two and a half years ago we are up to 181 subscribers we have 190 videos up there and also the Joe thevan event yesterday since yesterday afternoon has been viewed 215 times so I would like everybody to to start following it with build with build up followers F because it's been a plus for it because everybody's happy that it's on YouTube everybody likes the quality so hope all council members are following it Bruce yourself are it hopefully I started yes sent her a link yesterday I found stuff on there it was wonderful yes I mean we're going back to 2021 everything's up there it's like every event every sporting event we've been quality is great it's really really good local event everything's up there now so we're making it easier for residents you can view on tb35 Channel or you can just go there watch it as you please so I wish just keep building that channel more because it's been a positive for the St thank you I agree anyone else from the public first call second call close public motion motion by councilman siola seconded by council president krenzel all in favor all right I we're going to start with John Frost let me do the the resolutions first mayor mayor one thing one thing before we do the consent resolution I wanted to make the council aware of uh number 209 uh what's happening there it's a change order on the metering project originally the metering company was going to do inspections of the leadline uh pipes uh coming into the meter the told us it's not acceptable we have to do it from the curb stop all the way in so we are looking to hire a different company to do that so they gave us back $55,200 that they within the contract our contract originally $2 million were all the residential meters of 5/8 inch size there were people that have um larger meters there are industrial meters so this $236,000 it's for the rest of the meters for commercial and a larger residential so we could take the 55,000 into that 236 and it's the change order of 180 that'll give us all the meters for the entire project all right thank you thank you all right consent consent resolutions Alissa whereas resolution 20241 authorizes the B Council to utilize consent agenda to adopt various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time now therefore be it is hereby resolved that the below listed resolutions are hereby adopted by the burough Council and whole as that the same were individually acted upon consent resolutions 2024 206 to 2024 224 206 resolution appointing Alexandra lukanov as full-time dispatcher 207 resolution appointing Kelly Rainey as full-time dispatcher 208 author authorizing the contract renewal for absolve LLC 209 authorizing change order number one for project known as water meter replacement 210 property tax refund 21 appointment of Jennifer Baker As firefighter to the South River fire department 212 granting renewal to an ABC license for the 2022 2023 license year 213 granting renewal to ABC licenses for the 2024 2025 license year 214 approval of a special events permit to the VFW for an event that was held on June 2nd 2024 25 approval of a special events permit to the Portuguese club to be held on June 22nd 2024 216 authorized certain utility refunds 217 resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement with raron Valley YMCA 218 appointment of 2024 Recreation Department employees 219 insertion of any special item of Revenue in the budget 220 authorizing a cooperative pricing agreement 221 accept April 22nd 2024 regular meeting minutes 222 accept May 13th 20124 regular meeting minutes 223 authorize the bills and claims list 224 appointment of Ava Mendes as part-time clerical to the Office on Aging I have a motion motion second motion by councilwoman ball second by councilman Dian Council Ballas yes councilman Cula yes yes with the extension of 211 and on 223 uh be 23- 02952 24- 0142 01501 01529 0 1365 01612 0499 and 01244 councilman desian yes councilman Frost yes councilman grensky yes council president krenzel yes we going to open it up to governing body comments councilman Frost uh really not prepared for a I'm good mayor thanks for asking councilman kashinsky thank you mayor uh first off I'd like to thank our DPW fire department our Police Department especially for the memorial day ceremonies in the town looked exceptionally well um and the traffic regardless of the rain which kind of shortened things up a bit but uh really I appreciate all of the help and everything like that too for remembering the ones that have gone before us um well this weekend we got uh um South River day coming upon us uh and also on this Friday we have uh flag day which is where we entire Flags so if you see a little bit of smoke coming from by the VFW and everything to it's a ceremony because what we do is we dispose of the American flags honorably you don't just throw them in garbage that's a no no please I have a couple of them at the house where do I bring them at you can bring them to the VFW there's a receptacle outside you could deposit them anytime Tom it looks like a mailbox might Mo um with that that's all I have mayor thank you thank you councilman zian um yeah what a great job uh Memorial Day with all the Departments Department of Public Works the police and what a wonderful event yesterday we've been talking about it but honoring Joe fean um uh thank you to our police and Public Work departments in a fantastic job rich duus and uh mayor gindy for their behind the scenes work and everybody else that was involved in organizing the event everything went so smooth so well the speeches were great and what a fabulous job by our MC Jim that's it that's it councilwoman Alice um yeah I attended the Lions Club Italian dinner this past Wednesday that dinner is always fun because you know you're going to see somebody eventually that you either grew up with or you went to school with or they know your mother and they know your brother it's always a success and this one definitely was one as again we all attended Joe thevan day uh Jimmy has should have a new job he can do any you could raise money for anything if you want to go out there and do that you were phenomenal and tremendous it you were right the joking around and just the stories they told about each other it brought back a lot of stuff for anybody who went to South High School cuz you grew up on that you grew up on all their uh when they played college I actually changed into my Notre Dame shirt yesterday uh but you followed Kenny Jackson when he played we followed you we followed Joe it it just brought back such a great feeling in this town um Happy Father's Day happy 4th of July but on another note um a Terry Taylor our uh she works on our Recreation Commission uh to her family I want to send my condolences on the passing from mom B Craig Taylor who actually graduated high school with John and I um she she was a great person back in high school we had a lot of fun but I just want to uh send my condolences I'm sure as well as everybody else here does to her family that's it Council Miss thank you um great job Memorial Day to every all the different departments it was a great turnout and and uh the honor of our vets was perfect um Lions Club dinner was excellent we had a great time there met a lot of people was a lot of fun anybody gets a chance they should definitely participate in that um as everybody's been talking about Joe theeman day um it was fantastic Jimmy as everybody's saying you did a fantastic job as our MC uh we had a great time there um every everybody was there Kenny went to high school I was Kenny was a year after me so I was part of the football team as a statistician taking care of their stats for all the games so it was very interesting to see him back again and go from there uh EDC meeting would be next Wednesday so I should have a report on that for the next meeting here and again happy 4th of July and Happy Father's Day thank you council president okay uh we're talking about people uh passing and are gone uh just to note somebody who did not live in South River but has left his Mark kmen speezy having passed away we send condolences out to the family he will be missed um I've often pushed the many different things that go on in South River uh of course Memorial Day piece of Americana we had it uh good call Chief uh shortening the uh parade uh because uh contrary to what the weather channel said which is what I relied upon the rains came early and boy did it rain but we still marched excellent thank you Teresa Hutchinson Cultural Arts and everybody else who puts that together there are things going on in South River talk about the Lions Club spaghetti dinner but also the VFW food truck festival I understand this the first time they had it it was excellent uh Joe thieman uh again it was something to see really and as uh Mrs balis said the way that Joe and Drew are teasing each other going back and forth you could tell it was all the good kidding that was going on it was uh you know oldtime friends getting back together and of course Kenny Jackson was part of the fraternity too because he too played Pro and so he could also relate to them and we all could it was really a great time if you weren't there why not but there are some people who are not there because it was Touch a Truck day also at the other end of town big cranes over there um which is fun it's truly amazing I mean if you ever had a chance to see something like that up close and they actually let you in and sit down and you can touch the thing and it's like wow you know boys with toys but girls can also play so that was fun things that are coming up South River day uh the Portuguese flag raising uh if you've never been to a flag raising the Portuguese put on quite a show there that's coming up pay attention to your calendars these things are happening in South River be a part of it uh July 4th is coming fireworks uh are we having fireworks this year no no we're not having fireworks this year end of the summer August in August we're having them end of the summer yes because does things differently it's also less expensive you can go to miltown cille they're having it uh our next meeting will be July VII and finally to uh Melina Rivera over there yes uh you never have to apologize you are stepping in to a grand old tradition of being a gadfly many people up here on the council despise gadflies but it is an honored tradition because you keep us honest it is the gadfly that will come up here and ask the question that we don't want them to ask and if you're here like a long time like Mr scalla who had no trouble standing up here and saying 15 years ago this is what you did and it failed and now you're bringing it up again 15 years ago nobody was up here 15 years ago he was there and he remembered oh yeah and sure enough he was right and you know you keep us honest so by all means please keep those those flags of discontent flying keep us honest next meeting July 8th happy July 4th Happy Father's Day that's all I have Mr Mayor thank you all right uh question four Continental Drive the house that exploded have we suspended their utilities have we suspended four Continental drives uh utilities Water and Electric they haven't come in know did we suspend it did we shut it down the house worthy um meaning we're not okay making sure have taxes yeah okay just yeah that's it was it was a question that came up yesterday so thank you um Chief no meter to read um I know it's gone it's gone somewhere in the woods um Chief uh I want to thank uh Sergeant Flores lieutenant mclusky and officer Danielle Stone on the Bike Rodeo remarkable job they did a I mean the kids were great they had a great time so please pass it off to them uh Chief also the F 41st law enforcement torch run it was a great turnout I seen quite a few uh departments running through with us so thank them once again uh National Night Out as a reminder I know it's early August 6th uh at St Marks from 5: to 8 um like you heard the flag racing the Portuguese they do it all that's going to be our on June 22nd uh please come out and support the Portuguese also on June 15th which is this Saturday along with all the other events don't forget the lodge is having their ripfest which is going to be from 1: to 5: when is it um Saturday Saturday but the Masons yeah Masons uh Terry I uh my condolences go out to you and your family I know it hasn't been easy I know she's been in and out at a hospital hospital um please if you ever need anything from us the Bor we're always here for you um driving carefully I know it's a hard word to say not too long ago and we're talking not even a week first driving although it wasn't it was minor damage minor injuries a lady with a kid just got hit now it wasn't we don't know what exactly happens to our investigation but when you're in the car look around they're walking in and out of cars they might not even use the crosswalk just look around pay attention that's all I have to say please pay attention um Joe thyman um theeman actually you know what he said he kept say saying it different yesterday too he did so I'm going to tell you he said when you're in my when you're in South River you can call me thasan when you're outside of South River you could call me thyman that's what he said to me I had the privilege of not only speaking to him several times to talk to him about this occasion but my family and his went out to dinner and uh he must have told me so many stories about South River matter of fact he touched on Mr krenzel and like all these old time not I'm not calling you old all these oldtimers from Glenn Burman to tomara it the Goosebumps were com coming up and I I can't tell you the day of the um uh the flag raising I invited his classmates and from Mr Weiss to like I said Glenn Burman these guys showed up they played football with him and he truly had a love for this town he still does have a love for this town to watch his eyes uh I knew that he greatly appreciated that sign um he told me things that just the his is there and to bring three Legends back into your town uh it was it was a big event and I'll tell you between Drew and Kenny Kenny forget it Kenny till today he he spoke to me this morning and he's like all right if he got a sign you're going to get me a sign in a bigger party and I said let me let me get over this one and that gift that I brought to this town with Kenny Jackson really had the chief's name all over it because he's a Philadelphia Eagle I don't want to upset him any more than I was to make Main Street that's that's overdoing it that's right you said you wanted to tick or sheet I'm happy but anyway aort but anyway I want to thank South River this is your town this is for you this is what came out of your town these kids have dreams I said it at the at the uh flag raising Dreams Are Meant to come true you just got to believe in it and they stood in front of you yesterday Happy Father's Day to everybody and enjoy thank you do I have an adjournment no no we got close session oh that's right you're really pushing to like get out of here get out of here you know he's trying to catch up on his sleep yeah he had a busy weekend resolution 2024 225 whereas Section 8 of chapter 231 Public Law of 1975 permits the exclusion of the general public from a meeting of the governing body under certain circumstances and whereas the mayor and counsel of the burough Seth R of the of are of the opinion such circumstances presently exist now therefore be it it is hereby resolved by the mayor and Council of the burough South River and the county of middlex of the state of New Jersey that the public be excluded upon the here andafter specific subject matter and that such subject matter to be so discussed is as follows potential litigation be a further resolve that such record of the above discussion will be made public when confidentiality is no longer required do I have a motion motion second motion by councilwoman Ballas second by councilman siola councilwoman Ballas councilman seola yes councilman aian yes councilman Frost councilman grensky yes council president krenzel yes okay all in favor motion tojn to Second all in favor