I got it all right good afternoon to the meeting number five February 12 2024 um Alyssa please do the proing in compliance with chapter 231 of public law of 1975 notice of this meeting to be held at the criminal justice building 61 Main Street South River has been published in the home News Tribune on January 5th 2024 posted on the municipal building bulletin board the burough website the front door of the Criminal Justice building at 61 Main Street South River Roll Call mayor gindy here councilwoman Ballas councilman Cula here councilman desian here councilman kensky here councilman krenzel here council president Ola here please rise forther salute to Flagg to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which stands one nation under God indivisible Li and justice for all stay standing for a moment silence thank you maybe CA we do have a presentation today uh Chief uh Chief U Igan at the last council meeting we spoke briefly about a crime watch uh if you could please uh after good evening everyone and uh I won't hold it against you you're about to say Chief I was really was I was thinking at the last council meeting we spoke about uh how police officers throughout this country not only in in the state are asked to do more with less people so now more than ever the burough South our police department needs the community's help to make your neighborhood safer so today I bring before you officer Stone uh she's assigned to our special operations unit she's our community policing officer she's going to be talking a little bit about our neighborhood watch program uh it's good that she's here today because not only is she talking about like how the neighborhood watch program brings the community together but it's also good to tie a face with the program so without further Ado thank you Chief good evening everyone mayor council my name is offer Stone I'm currently assigned to the Department's community policing Division and part of my job is to find ways to bridge the gap between our community and law enforcement many moons ago the burrow had imp implemented the neighborhood watch program and from my understanding it was successful they were able to catch a burglar from one of the residents being watchful over the street that she lived on uh this was I'm not sure what year this was many moons ago um but we have some new Fresh Faces in the department myself included and our our division's always looking um for new ways like I said to build that relationship with our community so a neighborhood watch is exactly what it sounds like it's a group of people living in the same area who want to make their neighborhood safer by working together with local law enforcement um there's many ways that this program will benefit the community it will allow neighbors to get to know one another and watch out for each other which improves neighborhood security and safety and um at these meetings we are looking to host them quarterly with the public it will be open to all residents of South River it will be hosted by two officers at least mainly from my division we'll also bring on officers from the detective Bureau and we're going to talk about the current crime trends as everybody knows we've had a rash of these catalytic converter thefts in town we probably handled at least 30 reports alone over the last 10 months I would say so we're going to educate our residents in obviously the current crime Trends we're also going to have trainings what to look for home safe assessments um things that they could do to protect their own home and to keep out obviously a watchful eye for their neighbors and their neighbors kids um also with that there will be a small C cost incurred at these meetings everyone loves Refreshments we want people to come to these meetings um I have it planned out for you I have a copy that Chief also has a copy if you'd like to see it um in addition to these meetings we're looking to also post signs we have 15 locations that we've determined to place these signs throughout the community also I have here listed for you you could take a look at another just additional small cost per sign and these signs are nationally recognized it lets people know that are coming into town residents that are committing crimes that we have community members that are going to Be watchful and they are going to be reporting anything suspicious to the police department any questions questions whatsoever so I have a total estimated cost just for like I said the meetings that we're going to be hosting quarterly um the signage that we'd like to post and without this program uh it will not function without the residents participation so where will the meetings be held out we are looking to host them right here in the courtroom as long as the um Court schedule is clear they won't have court that evening I've already spoken with on the court administrator she has no problem with us hosting the meetings here if we get a large response where this room will be congested another location will be determined prior to that meeting and we will be posting obviously um on social media okay I'm sure we could even post it on 35 like officer Stone said I mean it's it's Community Driven so we need the involvement of all that live live in this in this town so there are seven right up here um you should all be here you know uh we can tackle issues such as I hear people are coming up here because it is speeding you know there's a marer that everyone thinks that there's we have 32 cops and we're all working at one time no that's not the case you know we have speeding issues we have catalytic fur thefts we have the issue going on Main Street right now we we have people parking the wrong way on the street we have people parking on a curve you know those are just the small little things that we have that we try to take care of but we need the community's help to make this town safer and if we don't get that then you know it's we can complain all day long but if you're not involved it's not going to solve a problem anybody any questions good J thank you nice work yes please nice work came up uh agenda session we're going to be talking about all first readings now first good night all right for first reading we have uh we have three first readings one on record one on board of commissions and the other one on vehicles and traffic uh the records something that uh council president and myself have been working on we are looking to expand the list uh from six to 10 record uh the reason being is as you know most of our issues now are involving a lot of uh 18 wheelers uh trailers box trucks and most of these um record or most of these towing companies that happen to be on the list as we speak today are not capable of actually pulling this so we wanted to um um raise the uh number to 10 giving you know a higher stake with uh record to uh be part of our list Board of commissions I believe that is uh Andrea is that yours uh the board of commissions that is just to repeal the municipal Alliance all right then the last one is the vehicles and traffic uh on Blue Acres the issue we have today is we have several blue Acre Properties in town and unfortunately a lot of residents a lot of commercial a lot of people feel that they could park on these on these uh properties uh thinking it's okay blue Acres belongs to the D and their exact uh instructions is that we are to tow and ticket and get the TR uh cars off their property to for us to do that we have to pass an ordinance for of that of that nature uh so we will be talking about it uh after first reading next next month next meeting for the second reading anybody likes to speak on it you're more than welcome too we will now be going into second reading Melissa ordinance 2024 D1 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cat bank for calendar year 2024 what is your motion weave the for reading second motion by councilman uh kenzel second by council president [Music] Oliva any questions motion public we have to open it to the public I'm sorry I'm opening it to the public anyone us to UHA bur 11 betet place I would just like to say as a member of the environment Al commission for the South River um we've had this conversation many times about the blue Acres property we appreciate all your efforts this is just on the uh this is just for um no that's okay you threw me you'll get time shortly anyone else on public on on ordinance 2024 D1 did you close the public I motion to close the public thank you so moved second councilman krenzel motion second by uh council president Aliva move the uh ordinance second motion made made by councilman siola uh seconded by councilwoman Ballas councilwoman Ballas yes councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman grensky yes councilman krenzel yes council president olera yes all in favor move Alysa 202 24-2 ordinance 202 24-29 100,000 therefore and authorizing the issuant of $199,000 bonds and notes to finance a portion of the cost thereof authorized in and by the burough of South River in the county of middle sex New Jersey make a motion wave a full reading second motion uh by uh councilman siola councilman council president um alera second anybody from the public Richard burn 11 betet place um I know in Prior years we had limited our uh road infrastructure upgrades to just what the NJ doot grants were and uh it just it warns my heart to see that now we're we're actually pulling burrow funds in to supplement that and these are welcome uh upgrades to our road infrastructure and I I thank you for taking this action anyone else from public first call second call third call make a motion to close councilman siola motion second by councilman krenzel I have a motion second um motion by councilwoman Ballas seconded by councilwoman siola councilwoman Ballas councilman Cula yes councilman dimian yes councilman krenzel yes councilman grensky yes council president Olivera yes Alyssa 2024 D3 ordinance 202 24-3 an ordinance of the burough of South River County of middlex state of New Jersey amending the burough code of the burough of South River so as to amend chapter 258 entitled Property Maintenance wave the full reading second a motion by councilman uh krenzel seconded by councilwoman Ballas mayor there is an amendment to this ordinance yes was U so I would like to open it up to discussion if possible so be second so with this ordinance um one of the things that was brought up and Council M frz I don't know if you'd like to um discuss it being that this is something you brought up but when it snows and a vehicle is not able to park in a driveway we do not want to penalize residents for parking in front of their lawn so the amendment uh to this reading would be to allow during snow emergencies um to allow the vehicles to be parked in the front Mark so with that I would like to make a motion to have this on for first reading or correct we would needed a motion to accept the amendment and then it would convert this to First reading and second reading would be next next meeting so we would need a motion what's your motion for conver well be before that just if I may it occurred to me do we want to just limit it to snow emergency or have any emergency flooding like a flood would it be better just to leave it we know that it'll most likely be an event of a snow emergency but suppose that there was any Ty other type of emergency I can't think of one right off the top of my head Mr grensky said flooding um should we just remove the word snow I don't know your thoughts abouted yeah I was just gonna uh suggest we change the wording to say except in the event of a burough declared emergency yes declared yeah okay and then we would then we would remove the chapter 193 vehicles and traffic article that provision I will send you a revised um but and then if that is acceptable we'll need a motion to accept um the amendment and then uh it will convert this to First reading we'll need a motion for first reading and it'll go on for second reading next meeting I'll make that motion to first the first motion uh concerning concerning the amendment second all right councilman krenzel for the amendment on first re uh first motion sorry on second motion uh by uh council president alera that's on the amendment Council and balis yes councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman grensky yes councilman krenzel yes council president Ola yes okay now we need a motion you know the magic words mayor I move that Council pass ordinance 202 24-3 on its first reading by title only and that the clerk be authorized to publish the same as required by law with a second reading and public hearing will be held on February 26 7 P.M by video conference via Zoom or in the council chambers of the Criminal Justice building located at 61 Main Street South River New Jersey you'll have a second second motion by uh councilman uh council president alera seconded by councilman uh siola councilman ballis yes yes councilman desian yes councilman kensy yes councilman krenzel yes council president olera yes well Leta 20202 uh 2024 and-4 ordinance 202 24-4 an ordinance of the burough of South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending the B code of the burough of South River so as to amend chapter 193 entitled vehicles and traffic make a motion wave to full reading second motion by councilman siola councilwoman Bas second anybody from the public first call second call third call make a motion to close public second discussion discussion well we know we just closed it now I me sorry now we have to move the ordinance sorry you just threw me off I so move the ordinance Z motion by uh councilman uh krenzel second it by council president Aliva councilwoman ballis yes councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman grensky yes councilman kenzel yes council president Ola yes thank you we are going to first reading Alyssa 202 24-5 ordinance 202 24-5 an ordinance of the burough of South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending the burough code the burough of South River so as to amend chapter 34 344 entitled records Mr Mayor before we have a motion on this one I just realized that the uh ordinance that's in your packet was not the revised ordinance uh the revised ordinance also provides a revision to 34417 um that revised ordinance adds a letter G which is the power to require removal of vehicles it allows the police department to remove vehicles from Blue Acres property um that is the ordinance that should be on first reading so it should have two sections 34417 and uh 34418 I just wanted to make sure that that was clear for everyone that what you're voting on is the amended ordinance right for first reading so be it mayor I move that Council pass ordinance 20245 on its first reading by title only and that the clerk be authorized to publish the same as required by law with a second reading and public hearing to be held on February 26 7 p.m. by video conference via Zoom or in the council chambers of the Criminal Justice building located at 61 Main Street South rer New Jersey have a second Council council president Olivera motioned uh second it by councilman Kinski councilwoman ballis yes councilman Cula yes councilman dimian yes councilman kensky yes councilman krenzel yes council president Olivera yes Alissa 20246 ordinance 202 24-6 an ordinance of the burough South River County of middlex state of New Jersey amending the burrow code of the burough of South River so as to amend chapter 22 entitled boards commissions and authorities mayor I move that Council pass ordinance 202 24-6 on its first reading by title only and that the clerk be authorized to publish the same as required by law with a second reading and public hearing to be held on February 26 7M by video conference via Zoom or in the council chambers of the Criminal Justice building located at 61 Main Street in South River New Jersey second motion made by council president olera seconded by councilwoman Ballas councilwoman Ballas yes councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman grensky yes councilman kenzel yes council president olera yes Lissa 202 24-7 ordinance 202 24-7 an ordinance of the burough of South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending the burough code of the burough of South River so as to amend chapter 193 entitled vehicles and traffic mayor I move that Council pass ordinance 20247 on its first reading by title only and that the clerk be authorized to publish the same as required by law with a second reading and public hearing to be held on February 26 7 p.m. by video conference via Zoom or in the council chambers of the Criminal Justice building located at 61 Main Street in South River New Jersey second motion by council president olera seconded by councilman krinski yes councilman Ballas yes councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman kensky yes councilman krenzel yes council president Olivera yes thank you we're going to move to reports Bruce thank you Mr Mayor good evening everyone the 2023 local aid program Grant we are working on that design the 2023 Local transportation projects Grant we made an application but I haven't I don't know of anybody who's heard back from the do regarding that yet the 2024 local aid program that's a resolution on your agenda tonight the 202 for local Aid Transportation projects that has a deadline of June 30 if you should want to make an application the electrical substation the contractor is doing some testing on the batteries and various relays and the storm water assistance grant program our survey department is uh doing some of the locations in the winter while they're able to and that is it thank you any questions go just two items on the agenda number one uh resolution to purchase two police vehicles through the Educational Service Commission of New Jersey Co-op uh this is in the this is in the 2024 budget and the second resolution is applying for uh local Recreation Grant so if you remember at the special meeting we applied for 75% of the gri CI all inclusive playground if we're lucky this will be the additional money so we can maybe fund the whole entire playground so we need the resolution approved first to send down and hopefully we get it that's it uh Joe last year County was uh supposedly allocating $75,000 or $70,000 towards DA's Pond did we ever receive that just got notification last week that we got it we got it yes thank you so we're going to put it in the 2024 budget as a grant excellent Chief uh just a couple things just uh just with officer Stone just uh I implore everyone to get involved in a neighborhood watch program we're going to be putting that out on social media soon so whenever we have our first meeting hopefully we'll get a big interest from the community Community um and the other two things I have is one we're still hiring for a school crossing guard so if anybody's interested in the position as a full-time parttime crossing guard please come down to the B Hall and ask for an application and also we are still looking for a part-time dispatcher uh that is opened up until end of end of the month and that's it thank you any questions h yes uh next Monday president day will be closed there'll be no yard waste pickup and we're ready for tomorrow that's all I got thank you fire chief mayor and counsel we are currently sitting at roughly average of 50 calls per the year that's combination of all January's alarms and up to now in February um all apparatuses this point in time um or in service and responding um I do want you to make not note of to you as well as the burough of South River residents um come springtime come warmer weather they may see us out there um on Main Street around the uh Industrial Area the warehouses we're going to start doing what's called pre-planning different um structures so we have an understanding of the layout of the structure where different um fire department connections are what pretty much will dictate our strategy and tactics thank you thank you councilman KZ oh I forgot about Alyssa I always forgot about Alyssa I know I'm sorry let's go to Alissa first I don't I don't have anything Anda I don't have anything tonight Mr Mayor business ministrator yeah thank you mayor just a couple of things uh last week we had a pre-bid meeting for the chemical changes Water Treatment Plant we had four contractors at that meeting so Thursday of the bid so we expect a good um number for that and the pumping station was pushed back a week they will start repairing that uh next week and the last thing is number 107 on your resolutions is the borrow is applying for a um uh afg FEMA grant for um radios for the fire department excellent any questions now councilman kenzel as you heard we are all set for the storm whatever we're going to get at this point in time Monday night they're not sure how many inches it's definitely going to be something plowable so again uh get your cars off of the roads so that the plows can come by um I know that the buau administrator has written to jcpnl concerning the lights on the bridge uh that belongs to uh jcpnl I see them out there nothing seems to be done if nothing is done in two weeks perhaps uh the governing body can send a uh letter out to them coming from the mayor and the council saying please do something like your job like them you know because it is dangerous coming down there I come down there every night and uh it is a problem and it's going to be a problem is you know when we change the time so that's what I would uh recommend so that could be discussed at your next agenda meeting Mr Mayor that's all I have councilman krinsky thank you mayor uh few things on The Office on Aging uh this Friday they will be closed in honor of President's Day um they have two more meetings for Elder Law and estate planning on the 21st and the 28th um you should call the office on Aging to it's RSVP so you should call the office on Aging to reserve yourself a seat also the middlex County Office on Aging and Disability service is the senior fraud prevention conference on Friday February 16th from 10:30 to 1 at the East brunett Community Arts Center on Cranberry Road and uh registration is closes on February 14th of this week at 4M what you have to do is contact uh well it's an email contact it's tinyurl.com senior fraud 2024 to reserve your reservation if not you have any questions you should call 732 745 3017 and that's for Alicia Ryder and that's all I have mayor thank you thank you council president so for Parks and Recreation uh all of our winter sports are going very well we're wrapping up with wrestling basketball and our competitive cheerleading for spring 2024 registration we have volleyball flag football t-ball U6 u8 baseball u8 and U10 softball we will be offering tennis lessons at the high school uh facility we will also be doing Zumba and yoga so we have a ton of options coming up uh volleyball is also open to adults so again we're trying to Encompass every age group as possible uh please visit Civic Rec and they'll you'll be able to get additional information on that uh from a budget committee standpoint we had our first budget meeting uh last week uh we'll be meeting again the week of the uh 19th I believe yep 19th which is next week so our anticipated budget timeline for this year we're looking to introduce our budget on March 11th uh and adopt the budget on April 22nd what we're going to do in between that we haven't done in a while but I'm really excited we're going to do uh two public hearings on the budget so I'm shooting for Saturday March 23rd and Saturday April 20th uh just need to confirm the dates with our burrow auditor um and once we have that we'll be able to finalize and publicize the budget presentations um and this is where the residents will be able to come out ask questions we want you guys there we want you guys asking questions um so again more details to follow when it comes to that and that's all I have mayor thank you councilman Dian thank you mayor um the environmental commission committee update several members met with the seral environmental commission last week to discuss collaborative efforts they are looking to pursue they are going to partner with seral and South Amboy for a regional green fair to be held in the fall at Ken Park in cille they are also going to participate in the Kennedy Park Cleanup in April in conjunction with Earth day and I also attended the Oriental um orientation for newly elected um Municipal uh officials which was very good and learn a lot from all the guest speakers that attended there and that's all I have thank you councilwoman Bas yeah I just have one thing um there will be an openhouse reception to say thank you and farewell to our retiring Library director evina herb on Saturday February 24th from 1 to 300 p.m. at the South library at 55 applebe Avenue they invite everyone to come so they want you to join the trustees the friends of the library and all the staff in honoring evina she really did a tremendous job for our library and they really will miss her so that's all I have you councilman uh cila thank you um EDC uh we had our first meeting and um we are in the process of looking for different grants one Grant was found already um was turned over to Dawn our grant writer to see how qualified we are and if we can apply for that so the EDC is trying to work on a grants especially for the Main Street uh Redevelopment and to help out some of the uh business owners down there um to the chief thank you officers we had an issue um last week with people knocking on doors they were not registered with the police department or the burrow the officers came they handled the situation and the people were taken out of town basically so again thank the officers for the quick response and it's biggest thing is protecting our seniors from uh these people knocking on doors so just extend the thank you right now leave my comments to later uh we will be opening the floor to the public you have 10 minutes to speak please state your name and address anybody from public yeah go ahead uh first thing is good evening uh today my name is Ronald Luke I live at 85 darl Street l u qu all right today I'm not a happy camper I got a question when are we going to do what we going to do on on Virginia Street painting signs Etc it's been two and a half three months and nothing has been done all right age where do we stand on that well that's what I want to know okay all right the thing is is we're looking at him like what's going on what's going on all right second thing I am the god guy that every morning paste on Facebook The Lord's Prayer the Pledge of Allegiance and American creed that's me I go on Facebook and I see comments about Speeders lady got hit if I'm not mistaken by the school I don't know if that's true I'm just saying all right next one this is to the police department a young lady a while ago was talking about community all right this happened to me I called the police department for a speeder okay roughly three months ago here come the police officer we're talking he looks me in the eye and said you know this is not an emergency you should not have called 911 we can hand you a ticket her the police officer now my thing is what I got to do wait for somebody to get hit for to be an emergency think about that I'm not saying I did right by calling 911 I give the police officer right for that but I really think we need to figure out how we going to do this and what we going to do cuz me I pity the fool hit my kids I won't be called a police officer I'm going call Undertaker that's the way I feel about that when that lady died on my street I'm telling you it hit never I still don't know the lady his name but it hit me right here I hope that's the way y'all feel about that could have been your mama could have been his mama could have been her mama could have been mine is just the point we need to do something about these Speeders not talk about it I mean put a camera up speed is going 26 the speed limit is 25 ticket why why not the camera then why do we have uh these things we put in the cop call see what the speed is you mean speed speed traps uh radar I mean radar a police off that's behind that re and but the camera is not legal's no there then why do other people do that was a couple years ago other states other states other states all right is New Jersey that's exactly what you just said it's New Jersey New Jersey I think it's time to move I'm going to tell you this welcome to the crime watch I'm going make I'm being honest if that's the way it is it's time to get out of here it's time for this it's time for this town to stand up and we got to do something I agree because these people speeding down the road and that's what oh Chief that's what exactly what happened I heard the car I go outside I see the guy it look like he's racing hey uh please send a police officer over here nine times out of 10 it's somebody from that area mhm res take put him in jail I understand I mean that's way I feel about it I call the police all the time with license plates and they keep their eye up on it he calls all the time just constantly call not my I am a nag tell you what I told police off when the police officer said I said what if I slow down stop him police officer said what if you pull a gun out on you my exact words what if I pull out a big one on him the point I'm trying to make is somebody needs to step up somebody needs to make a statement somebody needs to do something and I'm looking at all of y'all I'm looking at this young man right here I'm looking at them gentlemen look at me that young lady a while ago I might be the first one to sign up because somebody got to protect us somebody's got to do what is right I mean I'm with you I I first things thank you all for listening because I'm I'm not as hospital as I used to be but I'm getting frustrated right here we need to do something the people in South River all over voicing their opinion again is in Facebook far as I'm concerned as hearsay but they wouldn't be doing that if they didn't see a problem all right thank you and thank you very much for listening thank you because we we need to do something all right uh than you Mr good evening again Richard burn 11 beset Place uh last week I posted a picture of the theatrical signing on the bank and posted a tongue and cheek sort of suspicious characters reported in the vicinity of gulan Bank on you know you're from South River now uh I've been kind of community engaging through that since I got here in 2017 and let me tell you not a single one of my other posts came to half of the interest that that post got and I'm like you know wow we're this has really uh drawn uh attention on on to the burrow especially from inside the burrow so as I understand it the the burrow has been very accommodating with the production company and I've already heard stories about the money being spent in this town by them and uh you guys through the police department and Nixle and uh have been very good with the uh communicating the the access disruptions that are result of this uh but but I mean from terms of saying that we are making South River business friendly you have done an outstanding job especially with this project right here so uh hopefully this puts us on the New Jersey cinematography map and gets us more of this work and more of this business and more attention and you know more money coming into vagios and and uh uh dukin Donuts apparently they have a tab now there and yeah so th this this is wonderful and uh keep up the great work um and I'm I'm very proud uh to be part of this town thanks to this um your your reference here so thank you anyone else from public Hill 68th Avenue um just to touch on what this Gent said about the Speeders are right on Yates I'm on the first part of Yates so they are literally just two houses facing the street there's a house on the corner of Yates and Whitehead and there's a house on the corner of Yates and um Jeffrey Speeders constantly the majority of them attend the church at the very end I've even gone to the church because the neighbors that actually just moved had two little kids their two houses not far from me with kids and they speed constantly I stepped out one day kid actually happened to be a friend of my daughters I didn't care doesn't matter and he called my daughter he's like did your mom just like really take a picture of my car and stop me she's like yeah because you were speeding on the street so something does need to be done with the speeding in town I do agree um my second point we have nowhere to park like I said that little piece of stretch we can't fit our cars I have two daughters that drive my parents are there there and myself we have people from around the corner on Whitehead from the multifamilies parking on our street we have one gentleman that I don't know if he buys cars fixes them and resells them but he brings them on to Yates he'll park right next to Jay's the little Plaza he'll work on the cars he'll change tires oil everything until they're gone on the road on the road um and he takes up sometimes three three spots um our neighbors usually in the winter especially now we're getting the snow so tonight we're going to have the whole thing lined up even blocking the driveway just so we can keep our cars and get back in I know I'm my father told me I don't know if it's correct maybe the officers can tell me I put a garbage can on my spot my dad said we're not supposed to I don't know if that's legal or not um it's not no well I just told on myself but I have to say I don't care because when my daughter gets in she goes to seat and Hall at night by the time she gets in or my youngest from work 10:00 she's parking two blocks up South River is not it was what it was when I grew up so I don't trust them to walk that you know if I have to go out and meet her I will but we shouldn't have to because residents around the corner whoever owns those multif family houses don't have enough parking for them it's not my problem you know so we need to I don't know if it's parking permits but when I spoke to someone about that they said then we'd have to pay for the parking permits how about just why do we have to pay and now they're looking at putting another building with like eight town homes or whatever on that little space by the train track where are we going to park well that that area comes with its own parking but my concern besides the parking is the Speeders do you have I mean could you speak to deputy chief he'll take your information down that we can find out the times they there around there we could put put some Patrol out there if you okay um for the speeding I mean is there a certain time think a lot of times it's the church at the end they have a lot of they have a few Services during the week usually the end of the street is full like when you're coming from what is that Southside and you take that left and you kind of bear around till the8 um it they have the corners backed up so you can't see around the corner I mean it fine go praise God no problem with that but like slow down on our streets right you know and park in the right spaces Where is the multif family house there are I think there two of them right on whitee head so the first house right there on the corner is not the issue because they have a driveway um and usually they will help us fill up the spots like when it's bad weather it's the few houses after that and the one gentleman I think he's it's the white one if you want next meeting I can come with the the address um for it but he the one that will work on the cars um he's in that building I believe the white building I think there about I believe there's an ordinance you're not supposed to be working on cars on the street yeah it is against the law to work on cars on the street yeah so that's something I would recommend you to call as soon as call emergency number when that's happening okay for the police department okay best thing to do okay I mean I don't want to get anyone also like we need to it's not it's not going to get fixed if the community doesn't Poli Department okay so I will do that call in non-emergency y but um yeah and as far as the parking permits I know you said the parking is taking care of for those buildings already care of but when I was at the meeting they said they're I guess permitted two parking spaces per unit like me I there are three of us myself and my two daughters that's three cars how are they going to monitor that because that's look that little walk from Yates right across the tracks who's going to stop them well which is true you know so my thing is like what can we do about that like how much a parking permit's going to cost like how are we going to how are we going to do that and is there a way that we wouldn't have to foot the bill I mean living there all my life well in that particular address here in town 18 years and I have to fight for a spot in front of my house yeah makes no sense you know my a tell you we just got the lines painted for my parents for the handicap spot because people were parking there even with the sign and I did call the police on that you know but it's like they they don't care Park handicap spot or not you know and then they think I'm the jerk because I I'll put a sign on a car I don't care move you know my you nail right to the Head they don't care yeah they don't so you know we have been fighting a battle with just Jason and I just on parking on Causeway and when I tell you they're in our faces they're in our faces oh but we're standing up to the law enforcement is helping code enforcement is helping okay well I don't know is that illegal for me to put a not on a they could consider harass yeah just call the cops harass in front of my house be careful who you're dealing with well you know what we don't want you getting hurt I know you can hold yourself but call the police department yeah yeah please so that's my own thing and how would I go about requesting how what's the process for getting parking permits is that something we could do we don't we could look into doing that but I mean that's some we don't have that in that neighborhood we do have it downtown has to be approved by the B council Mrs we we'll work on it okay all right okay thank you thank you anyone else from public go ahead s her coill 104 over Turnpike speeding is bad in town the other issue I have is these super loud exhausts they sound like shotguns going by is there a law for the norish debel in them there is a have we have you guys been pulling any them over issuing tickets because just because somebody gets pulled over and gets a ticket for a l I understand mean they're not okay because over Turnpike they sound like shotguns going off I know you guys betr East bronic but it's even coming up new Street the other day cars are starting to fly down new street now one going up car came down almost hit me into that turn curve so it's it's all over town so I know you guys are doing stuff but you know it's we need maybe start putting signs up you know uh slow down you know like print out signs just to put something because I feel if somebody see something that's going to say slow down or something that might snap them out or thing I mean I drive around town I do no more than 20 just in case somebody jumps out in front of me you know because that's one thing I'm afraid of kids in you know in the ground but you got to work on the speeding in town and I know you are trying to work on that now thank you anyone else from public first call second call third call make a motion to close public second councilman uh seala motion seconded by councilman krinsky all in favor appoints all right maral appointments uh planning board environmental and Library Board of Trustees uh they're all my appointments uh consent resolutions Alysa whereas resolution 20241 authorizes the BAU Council to utilize a consent agenda to adopt various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time now therefore being it is hereby resolved that the below listed resolutions are hereby adopted by the burough Council in whole as if the same were individually acted upon consent resolutions 202 2485 to 2024 108 85 authorizing the requisition of funds for payment to the custodian of school Monies 86 resolution authorizing an abandoned vehicle auction 87 authorizing of tax sale assignment 88 awarding a contract to CME Associates for Professional Services 89 approve emergency temporary Municipal budget 90 authorizing the purchase of police vehicles 91 authorizing the tax assessor to file an Assessor's appeal to correct certain errors made of Assessments 92 approving a submission of a Grant application with the New Jersey DCA for a local Recreation Improvement Grant 93 authorized certain utility refunds 94 resolution ratifying the execution of an agreement with 20th television 95 appointment of Joseph ogrady as a junior firefighter 96 appointment of Kayla Litman as a junior firefighter 97 appointment of Hunter J stefins as a junior firefighter 98 appoint health benefits risk manager 99 authorize 224 Public Health Services inter local agreement 100 except January 22nd 2024 regular meeting minutes 101 accept February 1st 2024 special meeting minutes 102 appoint middle sex County urban forestry advisory committee representative 103 appoint Zoning Board of adjustment member 104 resolution declaring emergency repair for fire department ladder Tower 105 authorize the bills and claims list 106 economic division commiss Economic Development commission appointment 107 appointing continuity operations group for Grant Consulting Services 108 authorizing an adjoining municipality benefits agreement with the middle sex County Utilities Authority what is your motion motion second motion by Council woman Ballas seconded by councilman Damian councilman ball yes councilman Cula yes exstension to 104 and on 105 23 d2999 coun dimian yes councilman grensky yes councilman kenzel yes council president olera yes thank you we're going to be uh there's nothing for a new business we're going to go into governing body uh governing comments after governing governing comments we're going to go into executive session nothing will be voted upon after we get out we will be closing a or Journey the meeting uh we'll start with councilman uh siola yes um just quick thing um there will be just get it right here there will be a a paper shredding event uh it it's sponsored by the spey malisheski funeral home it'll be held at the malisheski funeral home on Whitehead Avenue on April the 27th between 12:30 and 300 p.m. um there're saying bring bring down the garbage bags worth of documents and uh they will dispose of them properly with no cost and risk- free so again that's sponsored by the spey malisheski funeral homes and that is April 27th from 12:30 to 300 p.m. on Whitehead Avenue and just a Happy Valentine's Day to everybody thank you councilwoman Bas uh yes uh yesterday I attended the uh Nights of Columbus breakfast Council councilman krenzel is there working it was just so good to see the Town come out it's always a great place to go because she sees people that you may not have seen in a bit and it was it was very well attended and I thank them for that um whatever the weather brings tomorrow that's the job you want be a weatherman or woman it rains it snows we don't know uh just be careful especially around the schools whether they have a delayed opening or not make sure your sidewalks are clean in front of your house I know uh the last ice storm and the snowstorm up by the school cuz that's where I live some people did not remove their ice or their snow so there was a little slipping going on so it is a snow Street you have to clean your sidewalks I'm out there as soon as I can get there and um some of the corners were a little icy so might want to check them too there was a little people sliding around so be careful tomorrow and Happy Valentine's Day I hope you all went and got your sweethearts whoever they are a good present and um that's all I have thank you councilman Damian um the only thing I'd like to say is the uh Neighborhood Watch program I think it's a fantastic idea and I want to see that grow really grow um I want to get involv with that a lot thing to be that's it councilman kiny uh thank you mayor uh what I'd like to do is is thank the DPW the police department our fire guys for uh all they do to keep us safe and Robert Wood Johnson um also our electric department for our power outage that seems to be a little bit of a chuckle and everything too with the raccoon and all and I'd just like to tell the residents please make sure that your garbage is secured uh a lot of animals just roam around these neighborhoods and everything like that too and it's an attracted to them so if you have your cans and everything make sure they're covered make sure they're secure so we are not feeding any uh Critters to cause any more blackouts also I'd like to congratulate the uh Junior Firefighters that were assigned and that's pretty much it mayor thank you thank you councilman kenzel yes I'd also like to uh thank everyone who helped during the power failure theirs for about an hour um and it was uh good that everybody got together we were able to work there the entire governing body was down at the Power Station uh psng did get there fairly quickly and we were able to have it restored so uh kudos to everyone there we are constantly uh keeping an eye on things but there are sometimes things happen like Little Critters getting inside that we can't foresee but uh we are prepared as best that we can so that you do have power especially in this time of year uh I was able to attend the uh robotics fundraiser at Applebees on the 28th uh good showing of uh people there uh budget meeting uh on the 7th uh our council president will talk more about that the Nights of Columbus breakfast yesterday was well attended that was good please come to evelina's retirement party if for no other reason to see what the library looks like uh the library is a very good uh library and it is well functioning and we're going to say goodbye to evina but you should also come to see where your taxpayers dollars are going it is quite an institution and you should take advantage of it um let's see anything else yes happy Lincoln's Birthday Happy Valentine's Day happy President's Day thank you that's all thank you council president alera so Mr luk and everyone that spoke thank you guys for coming and expressing concerns um you always have great timing you know uh because one of the things that we had the opportunity to do today is the mayor's advisory committee on Housing and Community Development we met before this meeting and part of the funds that we received we will be buying light up light up stop signs um for four-way intersections hopefully we're going to see how many we can get but part of that the funds that we receive from that Grant will be going toward the stop sign so we're really excited about that as Chief mentioned you know not every police officer is on at times sometimes I believe you guys run a crew of three um and that's just the way it is you know I wish we can hire more officers but budgetarily that's not sorry thanks so I always get yelled at for not talking in the mic um but thank you for what you guys do um I know it's not easy with the hands you're dealt especially individuals calling out sick and whatnot I do believe that having the community involved with this program is going to pay huge dividends and will really benefit the town so I do want to thank you guys for being Innovative um I know it's not a New Concept we're trying to bring something back but I I do think we'll be surprised by the amount of residents that get involved with this there are a number of people that love this community uh everyone loves this community you know so I I really hope to see um residents get involved and hopefully we can help out in any way possible I know we can't write tickets it'd be nice if we each had our own ticket book uh but I know that's not possible but just thank you for everything that you guys do huh uh like for tonight I would make mention that uh if it snows emergency snow parking so if your car is parked on an emergency snow Street and it's and it's parked there my officers will be getting out of their cars and knocking on your door that's just one of the things that police officers do I don't think they people don't realize it takes away from their enforcement of parking and traffic they're out there because people can't don't realize that you're not supposed to park when it snows so we have to go out there as a Cy and tell people reiterate that tonight there suppos it's supposed to snow and if you live on a snow emergency Street if you can move your car off the street so the plows can come by and and plow and curve to curve okay tonight and then in terms of I know I don't want to take Mar gindy's Thunder I know he's going to talk about not only the power outage but also the internet so uh I'm going to pass it over to you mayor thank you all right well before I get into that uh earlier in this meeting I called Chief Igan accidentally Chief VI and the reason I did that is he reminded me of when I first got on to the crime watch and chief I just happened to be the guy put me on it and I'll remember that it helped the community I was just a kid I was in high school but uh it helped the whole entire town from what he started and I know it kept on going and died down but here we are bringing it back so uh Danielle Stone will have a lot of support coming from us and I'm sure the residents especially this guy right here electrical um as you all know on February 5th we lost electric for about one hour the whole entire town went down first of all I'm going to thank the police the fire the Department Public Works uh all the Personnel that uh is affiliated with the town that helped uh keep the town safe intersections were uh pretty much locked down fire was already on staff DPW was already going out and uh trying to assess the issue but what you don't know was although we posted what really happened the reality of it is it's better to be transparent than for me to tell you that you lost your power and we're going to get it back it was easier for us to say this is the real reason why you lost your power and unfortunately and I had the opportunity to reach out to psng I know somebody had this quote on or this comment on a social media why can't we just put a cover over it why can't we put some kind of screen PNG outright said there is absolutely no way no how you could put something that could go over you have a live wire a matter of fact the common animal unfortunately that gets caught up on these wires happen to be birds for us it happens to be rodents animals well squirrels last year we lost power twice both times were because of squirrels I'll tell you what I can stand up for our Department of Public Works when it comes down to our electrical department they're topnotch every time we have had an issue has never been in this town has something to do with e either an accident a pole came down natural disasters uh in our case animals but we got on we got on all all possible Avenues to get this thing back up what you don't know is the hour that we spent this is true 35 37 minutes it took South River Electrical Company to come up because he was on call and he lives literally 35 minutes away PS andg was right behind them at 42 minutes they got in there they assessed the issue within 15 minutes you had your electricity on so they did a remarkable job one hour we had office of uh sorry we had the senior facility stopped out just to make sure that the seniors were fine but did we we came together we did a awesome job everybody the police fire everybody and that was the truth and there's going to be more of this to come not saying electricity is going to go out but there's going to be a lot more transparency when it comes down to any kind of issues that happen with this town I want people to know what exactly is happening to your town you have the right you're the taxpayer Comcast February 8th we lost internet for 12 hours a lot of people were blaming it on the film sadly the film has their own network they don't even tie into our facility Comcast unfortunately is the only bidder into our town right now as we speak no one likes to come into our town including Verizon why because it's going to cost Verizon a lot of money just to put up polls the uh accident happened on a corner of or intersection of Route 9 and 35 somewhere in Cel knocking out not only South River and knocked down out several townships and we were one of those townships so I I I want you to understand that we we did everything possible on our end to call to nag and when I spoke to Infinity ex they pretty much said it call them let them know who you are they're going to credit you has nothing to do with the town we are not responsible for your bill I use hot thank you yeah what's oh we're not even not exclusive when it comes down to the uh internet so we are trying to expand we are going to reach out to other uh uh what do you call it internet providers and see what we could possibly do for the future but for now this is where we stand today the film industry um we have one more day of filming hopefully it takes off I know they're expecting bad weather tomorrow they've been here for a approximately almost 2 and 1 half weeks they have done a remarkable job by reaching out to every possible Avenue in this town uh from uh commercial to police to dep Department of Public Works to fire everything they have touched has something to do with them contributing to this town this is what they do this is your film industry and soon enough we'll have that Ordnance in our in our books where we're going to be film ready and yes who knows you might have more films to come and it's going to help this town the revenue is going to be remarkable so please bear with it this is probably the most you've ever seen on Main Street late at night people just standing around watching a bank at 12 12 midnight so I thank the film industry and I definitely thank the burough South River for uh um being open-minded uh tomorrow we are expecting a winter storm please keep your cars off the road I know it's not easy check on your neighbors especially if they're elderly uh remember to keep your uh sidewalks uh clear and for all you every everybody out there Happy Valentine's Day and enjoy your holiday thank you I have nothing else we're going to go into executive huh can you read the executive 202 24-19 whereas Section 8 of chapter 231 Public Law of 1975 permits the exclusion of the General Public from a meeting of the governing body under certain circumstances and whereas the mayor and Council of the burough of South River are of the opinion such circumstances presently exist now therefore beaten is hereby resolved by the mayor and the Council of the burough of South River in the county of middlex the state of New Jersey that the public be excluded upon the here and after specific subject matter and that such subject matter to be so discussed is as follows property acquisition be a further resolve that such record of the above discussion will be made public when confidentiality is no longer required motion motion second motion by uh council president Olivera second it by councilwoman Ballas councilwoman Ballas yes councilman Cula yes councilman desian yes councilman kensky yes councilman krenzel yes council president Ola yes open I have a motion to open motion to open I make a motion to open second motion uh to open was Hank uh councilman Hank seconded by councilman krenzel all in favor I do I have a motion motion to adjourn check it excellent motion by councilman krenzel second by councilman uh siola for adjournment I thank you