let me do this before s Ys at me yep we're working welcome to the mayor and council meeting of the South River burough council meeting number 17 today November 13 2023 this meeting is hereby call to order Madame clerk can you give us the statement of notice of publication in compliance with chapter 231 of public law of 1975 notice of this meeting to be held and the criminal justice building 61 Main Street South River has been published in the home News Tribune on January 6 2023 posted on the municipal building bulletin board the burough website in the front door of the Criminal Justice building at 61 Main Street South River may have the roll call Mayor krenzel here councilwoman Ballas here councilman gindy here councilman grensky here councilwoman mea here councilman olera here council president Cula here please stand for the salute of the flag I pled aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please remain standing for a moment of silence please in your thoughts and prayers remember all those that have defended our country whether they be police army military thank you please be seated we're going to due to various changes in the agenda we had to move our executive session up but before we do that we are going to have the oath of office for Jonathan Torres who is our uh going to be our new uh police officer so we're going to start with that first Chief would you like to address US yeah uh mayor uh bur Council on behalf of the deputy chief McKenna and entire uh police department I'd like to thank you for having this ceremony here again this evening uh we haven't had a swearing in ceremony for our police officers or for our uh newly promoted officers since before coid uh I know we've been doing a ceremonious uh oath of office uh on the side where the mayor comes in and we do it in front of the families um but for years uh even before I was the chief we would do it in front of the council so this way everyone can get to know our officers and our newly promoted officers so I thank you for bringing this back I know the fire department we were talking in our public safety meeting that they were going to bring it back as well so I appreciate it I know my my officers appreciate it and I know the town will will get to see the officers and the kind of caliber of people that we're promoting uh in our ranks of the police department so today I I stand before you um Mr Torres what as you all know through retirements uh we have a shortage in the in the police department and I just spoke during the public safety meeting that this might have been the first time since I was the chief um it's far and few between where we're actually at full staff but sometimes that doesn't work out so we're a little still a little short staff but today it's a good day because you guys are going to be appointing and swearing in a new police officer so I I bring before you Jonathan Torres uh he resides in New Brunswick born and raised um he graduated from the Atlanta County Police Academy on September 28th right how was that those okay one thing about where he went um he was an alternate route candidate so it means that he paid his own way through he wasn't hired by any Police Department he wasn't getting paid no health insurance while he was there so if he gets hurt while he's there he's out of luck so but uh he persevered he got his way through um he graduated and today I stand here before you recommending him for the position of police officer so [Laughter] everyone wants to take a picture with the [Music] mayor sweare s the constitution constition of state and aliance established in the United States fa partially partially and justly andly perform all the duties South River Police [Applause] Officer [Applause] if you want you can say a few words con [Laughter] spe [Laughter] congratulations you guys hear me yeah I didn't have a speech plan but uh just want to say I'm very grateful for the police department and the mayor and councel for giving me the opportunity to serve the burough South River uh it wasn't an easy process being Al in the route uh paying myself to the academy driving 2 hours to Atlanta County and back uh it wasn't the easiest but uh God gave me the strength U my family supported me through everything so I'm just glad to be here thank [Applause] you that was the first time anybody ever took us up on a on a speech but but again thank you uh Jonathan take your family out to dinner now we're good thank you thank you all okay you are welcome of course to stay for the rest of the meeting but uh if you want to you can leave worry on was very nice I'm going to make uh just ask for one other thing is there anybody here to speak on the Virginia Street matter there is going to be some body okay then what we're going to do is before we go into close we're going to take that to discuss that first and uh that'll be that agenda session because we are going to go into executive session before uh voting and there's other things to be done and I don't want you just to uh sit up here and uh wait so um why don't you come on up and uh let us know what your thoughts are on this uh the proposals that were uh made here here please give your name and address I got lure us a little bit my name is Ronald Luke Lou qu I live at 85 D Street uh the first thing is congratulations to on congratulations on the election first thing uh second thing is after talking with Jim Hutchinson across the street neighbor everything is very good first thing I would like to say is thank you you all right I got one kind of request is it possible we can rename the street after the lady that passed away I just think that would be a beautiful thing cuz she's helping us get better even after she passed away I just think it would be it would be good that's really all I have um is there anything I can do to help please knock on the door we need help knock on the door okay we help each other that's about all I have thank you thank you um obri okay is there anyone else wishes okay we will return to this then uh under our agenda session but right now we are going to go into our closed um session so I'd ask Madam clerk if you can uh read us into that resolution 2023 314 whereas Section 8 of chapter 231 Public Law 1975 permits the exclusion of the general public from a meeting of the governing body under certain circumstances and whereas the mayor and Council of the burough of South River are of the opinion such circumstances presently exist now therefore being and it is hereby resolved by the mayor and Council of the burough South River in the county and middle sex of the state of New Jersey that the public be excluded upon the here and after specific subject matter and that such subject matter to be so discussed is as follows litigation and Personnel be a further resolve that such record of the above discussion will be made public when confidentiality is no longer required your pleasure on the resolution move the motion second resolution has been made by Mr gindy seconded by Mrs Ballas roll call councilwoman Ballas councilman gindy yes councilman grensky yes Council Amira yes councilman olera yes council president Cula yes okay we shall return motion by Mr d seconded by Mr suul all in favor I all against the eyes have it welcome back we are going to continue we're reconvened to the public session the agenda we've already sworn in Jonathan Torres we now move on to the agenda session uh the first two matters are from councilwoman Mera um take it away so I asked to just bring up the environmental commission uh I know a while back we combined the environmental commission with The chatry Advisory Board along with the green team there was a few things that we spoke about in our last meeting uh that I just wanted to bring up to see if uh we could alter this for the future um one of them is the membership so we have on our membership uh that we appoint uh two non-voting junior members but it says chosen from South River High School we thought it would be fair to do South River residence because some kids don't go to South River High School they might go to a private school so we wanted to make that an option um open to all the kids locally uh I had this brought up these were just discussions that we had had and um involved with uh you know cha Tre Green Team um environmental commission and I know our chair is here so I'm sure he'll bring up some more stuff later but I just wanted to put this on the table so you guys could look at it um see if we could change a few things and um go forward with having more volunteers cuz I don't think we should um cut any volunteers from our the projects and the things that we do so that was one of the things I wanted to bring up to you guys uh another thing that's on here after when we started discussing was that we have a $25 fee application for people who want to uh put in an application to remove trees yeah I don't think we actually do that uh I don't think anybody submits money with their application does anybody want to confirm that okay so that is also in this so I don't know if you guys want to remove that or if you want to only put it for applications that people actually do remove their trees cuz sometimes we get applications of people that want to remove trees that really aren't in our jurisdiction anyway when it's on private property we don't remove them for them so that's um another thing um I didn't see I know because we have all three committees put together in one um and we're only doing the same amount of memberships I don't know if we want to include here that we have more volunteers on separate committees like green team um separate even though we all meet together but also members of the board um and it's also been difficult to figure out what our list is of our terms of everyone I don't know if we've updated that or if we figured that out mayor but um yeah just things I wanted to bring up and get everybody's input on it along with our environmental chair all right we'll wait for our comments from our environmental chair and uh see what is said good things that you looked at so what is your vacant property ordinance discussion so we discussed this at La at the last meeting um did anybody else look into this did anybody read the vacant property ordinance anybody well well our vacant property ordinance has um the fees that come are entailed in this for vacant properties along with a A list of things that we need to do in order to one make sure we know the owner make sure it's maintained make sure that there's no squatters make sure that um the purpose of the vacant property is for it to not be vacant we want people most motivated to sell or lease their property so that these things don't continue to become empty correct um the list I got was a very short list and the issue I had was that that's not the whole list of vacant properties in town our vacant property or ordinance also includes commercial buildings as well we had not one commercial building in it um Mr Zena sent me a list of all of the fees that we have received since 2019 2019 be being the biggest year that we did receive fees not one commercial property was also on that list so I bring this up again because it is an ordinance that we have we should be enforcing or sending letters or receiving a registration fee and an annual fee if these properties continue to become vacant yet it hasn't been done since 2019 Mr May if I may just one thing about I did look at the vacant property ordinance um and just a comment on that is that these properties don't just need to be vacant to be registered on the list the definition of vacant is they have to be vacant and not maintained or unsafe so yes your list will generally be shorter if the definition is that they're vacant and they have to be either either not maintained the outside or or determined to be unsafe now with that being said that the council obviously can amend their ordinance to make it whatever it wants it to be but that's how the ordinance is drafted right now wasn't it also that it should like if it was vacant for instance a commercial property that it would have to be actively seeking um for occupancy uh in order to not be deemed vacant I mean that could be a a provision of not to be deemed vacant but it's a and so it needs to be vacant and either unsafe or not maintained so yes if if it's actively seeking buyers that may take it out of the vacant category is that what you're asking correct correct okay then yes okay and and Mr Mayor if I may add um that came under the purview of the code enforcement officer and he just got overwhelmed but the regulations have now changed the burrow can enter into a third- party agency at no cost to the burrow and there would be a different fee schedule and the burrow would get a percentage of the fees so we are now considering that there are a couple of companies that are going to be uh at the league of municipalities uh Joe is going to try to get a feel of what they're want to do and that might be the best way to do it they would maintain the list they would maintain the property checking the properties making sure the fees got corrected it's just got to be too much on the code enforcement officer okay all right good points Council anything else okay moving on to the traffic study we heard from the gentleman who came forward concerning that um you've all had a chance to review it are there any comments um otherwise uh I think that the recommendations uh should be put into place I don't think it's um too cold as to put in the striping uh so we'll turn that over to the business administrator and the head of DPW uh to begin putting that work into effect okay hearing none then we shall proceed perfect go you know as far as renaming the street um as I understand that is a pain in the neck that it takes months and revolves the county the state every everybody else but there may be a way of doing it and something which we could consider is the way that uh Cal does it or that even that we have done it drew right in other words do it uh putting it a name like we've done it with batco way spitelli uh Drew Pearson way you know that's something that uh can be considered and uh will'll be looked at uh uh in the coming uh weeks so moving on from the agenda session uh first reading by title only ordinance 2023-2024 28 an ordinance of the burrow of South River County of middlex state of New Jersey amending the burrow code of the burrow of South River so as to amend chapter 258 entitled Property Maintenance your pleasure on the ordinance mayor I move to the council pass ordinance 20 23-28 on its first reading by title only and the clerk be authorized to publish the same as required by law with a second reading and public hearing to be held at 700 p.m. on December the 4th 2023 by video conference via Zoom or in the council chambers at a criminal justice building at 61 Main Street South River New Jersey second motion by the council president Mr siula seconded by Mrs Ballas roll call councilwoman Ballas councilman gindy yes councilman kensky yes councilwoman Mira yes councilman Olivera yes council president Cula yes we'll revisit this on December 4th moving to 2023-2024 29 an ordinance of the burough of South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending the burrow code of the burough of South River so as to create chapter 261 which shall be entitled Redevelopment your pleasure on the ordinance mayor I move that the ordinance pass or Council pass ordinance number 2023290019 onlyon and the clerk be authorized to publish the same as required by law with a second reading and public hearing to be held at 7:00 p.m. on December the 4th 2023 by video conference via Zoom oring the council chambers of the Criminal Justice building 61 Main Street South River New Jersey second ordinance moved by Mr sua seconded by Mr gindy roll call councilwoman Ballas councilman gindy yes councilman kensky councila yes councilman olera yes council president Cula yes revisit this on December the 4th 2023-2024 D30 and ordinance of the burough South River County of middle SEC state of New Jersey amending the burrow code of the burrow South River so as to amend chapter 155 entitled fees okay pleasure on the ordinance mayor I move that the council pass ordinance 2023-the by title only and the clerk be authorized to publish the same is required by law with a second reading and public hearing to be held at 700 p.m. on December the 4th 2023 by video conference via Zoom or in the criminal justice building at 61 Main Street South River New Jersey second motion by Mr sua seconded by Mr gindy roll call Council Ballas councilman gindy yes councilman grensky yes Council mea yes councilman olera yes council president Cula yes we'll revisit this on December the 4th moving on to reports thank you for waiting Mr cotch I know you're anxious to get to Atlantic City no rush I'm not going directly there that's for sure good evening everyone uh so the 2023 local aid program we are working on that design uh the uh 2023 local Aid Transportation Grant we're still waiting for an announcement on that but the 2024 local aid program you received uh a grant in the amount of 66 ,000 9 $ 66,9 180 uh so you can proceed with that at whenever you would like the 2024 Local transportation projects Grant which is a followup to the 231 applications are being accepted for that and the applications can be submitted up to June 30th of next year so if there are any other projects that you would like to file for let us know we'll give you a proposal for putting the application together and submit it the electrical substation maintenance I just received the contracts from the contractor today when I returned from our time down in uh Atlantic City I will process them and schedule a preconstruction meeting the D storm water assistance grant program I'm told they've done all the surface locations by GPS I think we're under budget and therefore we will start on some of the work over the winter if the weather cooperates uh for the direction of flow so that that was good it's it's going quicker than we thought so it may not be as expensive and I think I mentioned at a prior meeting but at a seminar I was at the D indicated that there was a possibility of another offering of of grant money to assist towns with executing this required survey work so should possibly be more fund next funds next year very good any questions comments for the engineer I do Bruce yes I had mentioned the handicap ramps by fites were you able to take a look at that uh I had Dell go out and look at them and Mr lensy and I spoke about them and we are discussing we you know what would be the most cost effective way to do that for the bur okay and then my other one was um did we ever move forward or think about how we're going to fix the drainage problem at fit yes I met with Mr lensy on that I came our our survey crew was doing some other work and again came in under budget so I asked them to go out and Survey that's Southside right are coming down the drainage on souths side I have a plan with me that I went over with Mr lensky uh I have to put together a cost estimate for it but we would essentially lower the storm sewer line between two manholes that runs under the sidewalk it's at a very steep grade if we flatten it I think we could get a pipe to come into the upper end of the park above the basketball court and probably do some good in intercepting that water that's coming through there and get it into the storm sewer I think it'll be considerably less than the cost estimate I put together when we were coming up Union and all the way across it may not be as effective over on the Tot Lot area or the playground area but it may help because if we can intercept it up the top there I can't guarantee how effective it will be but I do believe it will be considerably less expensive so Mr lensy asked me to put together a proposal for that which I will do and I will submit that to the Barrow thank you anyone else no thank you sir thank you you wish to go you can that's you got a busy days next few days so Mr Zena thank you may a resolution renewing out dental coverage for 2024 had no increase another resolution for suspension of parking meters from Thanksgiving through December another resolution for a purchase of a rolloff truck the and and finally there's a resolution for various police equipment over State contract uh since the amount is over the state contract amount resolution is required okay anything for Joe no fire chief anything to report uh good evening uh we're going to be as we've done in the past we're going to be uh helping out at for Thanksgiving at St Peter and polls in the back with the Ladies Auxiliary um if anybody would like to come help out you're more than welcome please we could use all the help we can get also we are going to be um as we have done in the past Santa Claus Sunday will be the the Saturday before Before Christmas um we will be starting to putting it out I mean the Sunday before Christmas I'm sorry the Sunday before Christmas it'll be we'll probably start collecting gifts the weekend before that so that we have you know it's not crazy on that actual day that we go out but we will probably right after Thanksgiving start putting stuff on social media um we are going to be partnering with the police department this year we'll have the Grinch um um he said it's going to be funny so you know look for for everything to go with that but uh other than that right now is that going to be on the 17th or the 24th 17th the 17th no yeah not the 24th the weekend before the 17th of December yes uh we'll probably start somewhere around noon time maybe a little earlier dep depending on the demand that you know we get from the presence and everything like that um but other than that right now we're everything is status quote I don't want to use the qword I always get in trouble with that word but all right everybody have a Happy Thanksgiving thank you I have a quick question mayor do we did we find out about the fire on Herman Street investigation they're still investigating it's actually in the his insurance from what I understand it's his insurance company's dealing with it it's out of actually everybody's hands it's under investigation okay okay anyone else no then head of our DPW yes mayor we're going to be closed next Thursday and Friday for the holiday so that's the 23rd and 24th there will be no bulk pick up that Friday and also if your garbage gets picked up on Thursday it'll now be picked up on Wednesday so put it out on Tuesday night the information will be in the calendar Facebook the website and we'll also be sending nixel out that's all I have mayor very good anything for age no I have a quick question Adriano um what uh how come the fitties TP a lot like uh the playground with taped off did something happen to the equipment at f50s just fixed it the company they just came out fix oh okay cuz I saw tape around it and I didn't know okay my other question was I don't know if the um calendar has it but is there like a uh the dates of when they do the leaf pickups of the people people that put it out on the side of the street cuz a few people have asked me about that yeah it's in there we we alternate sides okay so we don't have the ex they call up and they're like oh what you know what time what day you're coming we just do the entire section okay every other week so it's north side Southside North Side okay okay thank you what else no chief there U the thing couple things I have was uh if anybody's interested in a part-time position we had a cring guard that uh resigned today so uh we're always out looking for people to join the ranks with the crossing guard um we when we don't have the crossing guard uh out there we usually have our police officers out there so it takes away from their patrol function so if we can get more people to uh sign up uh the better it would be uh also on November 1st Wednesday we had uh two assessments here from the New Jersey State Association of chiefs of police doing our assessment to make sure that we file the best practices uh as deemed by the state Chief's office uh for the last three years we were told uh that we've made sure that we we were following these procedures so we were advised that uh at the commission Hearing in March or April they're going to uh recommend that we be re accredited for the fourth time uh lastly um the Grinch costume it's a me in my distance the person that's going to be wearing it liks all that's it it's on me very good anything for the chief I have a quick question Chief do we know the status of the Whitehead traffic study no we no we we don't know I don't know the status um I can tell you that the equipment that we utilized for a Virginia Street study uh that was loaned To Us by a company out in Albany and that's been uh returned uh probably about 6 weeks ago uh maybe even longer than that so I'm I'm trying to reach out to that company again see if they'll loan it to me um we'll find out okay CU I have seen more patrolling at least in the way head area and I know you guys had like the speedometer out there I don't know if that helps it's different okay but that was it very good congratulations to our clerk well done with the election well run thank you so and thank you for all those that also helped with that because I know there was a lot of work done beforehand to get things ready so the pole workers three chairs to them thank you Mr alera anything from the legal side I have nothing tonight okay Mr ba thank you mayor um on resolution 318 um the emergency repair at the the Pump Station you're aware we're waiting we were waiting almost two years for the pumps to repair that station well when the pumps finally came in they went and looked the station and all the electrical equipment had been damaged by the weather and everything so we have to replace all the electrical equipment so that we can put the pumps in that's what that uh resolution is for um 320 Cedar Fairmont Health cultivating got their state approval so we just had to give a letter of recommendation for them to start their manufacturing of cannabis uh 322 appointment to building department our building subcode is going in for knee surgery so he has gotten someone to cover his place while he is out and the last thing I had is uh by sometime this week we will have completed and on the bill list tonight was a check for the D to put in our application for the permanent change in chemicals that's it very good anything for uh I have a question but I don't know if it goes to our or our lawyer what is the status of our recodification that so the first part is completed through the burough departments it is currently at my office looking at the legality of um not the administrative code portion but the the actual um General legislation and when it's done at my office it goes back to all of your department heads um to look and answer my questions um and then we put it into one big ordinance and we presented to council so like halfway done yeah approximately okay approximately a little bit further than that very good um you want to uh start all with our well first of all we have public no our reports okay after 12 years I think I don't understand this how this works okay anyway your report um well I had my last meeting with the environmental commission but I'll let um the chairman speak on behalf of them um library is doing great they had their book sale last week by the friends of the library uh they've got a lot of stuff going on until the end of the year if you have time please stop by uh that's all I have for now Mr Mayor thanks okay very good Mr grensky thank you mayor um you Office on Aging um will be closed tomorrow at 2:30 and also on November 23rd and 24th closed for Thanksgiving um the monthly mingle is going to be this Friday uh it is a prepaid event and uh I'm not sure if you could still sign up if there's space available what you'd have to do is call the office on Aging to find out they also have a fix up winter prep program for seniors and uh an application is at the office and you could find out about various things uh closing up your uh hfac changing the filters checking your smoke alarms um cleaning your gutters and everything but more information is available at the office on agent to find out about these Services um let's see the Christmas Bingle is going to be at the riar on December 6th it cost is $15 and the sign up is at the Office on Aging from November 2nd to no to Wednesday November 22nd okay with that that's also oh I'm sorry sorry they have a tacky Christmas tree decoration on November 30th at the Office on Aging 2 they said to wear your tackiest Christmas clothing to help decorate the office with that that's all I have mayor thank you very good councilman ala uh so parks and wreck on December 1st we have our Christmas tree lighting ceremony that will be held at Del Pond so please come out they have a wonderful surprise for I know our police Chiefs uh I'm sorry our fire chiefs left but residents will be in for quite the surprise that night um and we have wrestling and basketball signups that are currently happening um if you're interested please uh visit Civic recre or you can stop by 55 Reed Street and Terry or Jessica will be more than happy to help you out and that's all I have thank you Mr CA anything to report yes a couple things excuse me just make a few announcements on um Summit Firehouse is holding their poinsetta and wreath engrave blanket uh sales um started tonight you can go on tonight the 15th 17th 20 22nd and 24th uh checks will be accepted uh from and they'll be also be there on Saturday from 11: a.m. to 1 p.m. so if anybody is interested please go up and support the fire department and uh the grave blankets can also be found on online I believe the app um the application form also um fire department is also looking for Cadets and Junior Firefighters um applications are available you can email um k h r zi G south rerf fire.org or a cell phone number is 732 735 5120 zero Cadets are 14 and 15 year old Junior Firefighters are 16 and 17 and at 18 years old you can join the as a regular member and they'll send you to the academy members are needed so please um consider on joining the fire department for moms and dads we also have applications for you anybody interested in joining as a regular member um please call the Station at 732256 7 9217 and that's all I have right now thank okay thank you Mrs Ballas yeah I just have one thing um the South River food back is continuing its 2023 holiday food drive as I mentioned last meeting um they're looking for special needed holiday food uh mashed potatoes anything that somebody can pick up and make their own um holiday meal uh donations can be dropped off at either the South River Food Bank 98 Jackson Street South River or the South River Public Public Library 55 applebe Avenue the food bank hours are 10 a.m. to 12:00 noon every Wednesday and the first two Saturdays of the month if anybody has any special needs from the food bank they can call them at 732 238 3020 that's it okay thank you Mr giny I have nothing to report okay now we go to public comments please come forward give your name and address and you have 10 minutes to speak good evening Richard burn 11 beset place um as your environmental commission chair um happy to report that we planted eight trees uh paid for out of the tree replacement fund uh that makes a total of 10 this year um and hopefully we'll you know build on that uh success uh next year as well um uh just a comment about the $25 application fee the fee was added to to the shade tree section of the code but it was never added to the fee ordinance so your your authority to collect comes out of that fee ordinance no it can be embedded in in the code and it can either way so how you're supposed to tell who's supposed to collect in a so um personally I I kind of think about it so we're talking about trees that are in the public right away and we're asking residents to pay $25 to ask us to maintain trees that are in the public right away so I don't know does it does it really make sense from that standpoint asking them to pay for technically it's not on their property and as uh uh councilwoman mea said you know like I go out and and the tree is well beyond the public right away it's on private property and we're just going to say no and that they we're not going to take care of the tree but they they can um with their own you know they they can hire a tree service they don't need permission from us if the trees on on private property so um it would make sense to look at where it's appropriate to charge this fee in in certain circumstances uh so um the other thing I wanted to say was I wanted to specifically thank Our member Emily grao for being the lead on the the tree planning uh project she really took the bull by the horns and and got it uh done and uh so I'd like to thank uh thank her personally for that so thank you very good thank you thank you Emily okay yes please come um this is go down yep so uh Emily Grasso 13 Darrow Street um so Richard um I was on the shade tree commission for when we did enact that $25 fee and the the history of it is our finances weren't nearly as um we we didn't really have a lot of money to plant new trees and also what we were finding was that residents were just we were getting flooded with tree removal requests we had like 18 one like in like two months time so um one of the goals was to you know really make residents I I shouldn't say really think about it but you know like it just seemed like everybody in the world would see their neighbors tree cut down and then they'd say well you know maybe I can get rid of my TR anyway so so that's kind of where it came from um I don't know we have to decide as a commission I guess you know when to charge that fee going forward but so that's my comment about that um I would also like to thank age for um keeping three of our new trees watered um the two Elms on Washington and we just planted um sugar maple in honor of um Jack alai in Canon park because he was so instrumental with the um um community garden so that seemed like a good spot to put it so I guess uh we need a resolution to dedicate it sometime next year maybe in honor of Jack come the spring when coming out leaves coming out yeah he he was our liaison I think in 2018 and 19 and he he was just really an excellent um Leah Leah is on for us and I'd also like to say Julie also has been extremely helpful to us and we I appreciate her Insight uh yeah so trees a lot of them are near the school too the school streets we have one on will Cox one on James two on Arlington um and a couple on Lion Street street so yeah the trees are I'd also like to mention the free cycle event that took place on the 21st and 22nd and I would like to recognize Adam Deyes because we had to do a lot of uh social media posting and he was just very responsive and we had to actually cancel it for one weekend and have it move to it he was great so I'd like to recognize him but we had 50 residents participate and um and the feedback I got was very positive and people actually wanted to happen like a couple times a year those people have a lot of stuff to get rid of you know what I mean um and my last thing is um so the commission sent me to the New Jersey tree Federation conference um in October and the knowledge that I gained from that um is going to be very helpful in uh making a plan for planting and maining maintaining the trees that we have in South River like it was a lot of sensible information that I think will make things better going forward because you really should have a plan instead of um you know just kind of reacting to things so so those are my comments so thank you thank you thank you you anyone else on first call second call third call motion close motion close by Mr gindy seconded by Mr Su all in favor I against the eyes have it there are no mayoral appointments that we then move to resolutions Madam clerk whereas resolution 20231 authorizes the bur Council to utilize a consent agenda to adopt various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time now therefore benen is hereby resolved that the below listed resolutions are hereby adopted by the burough Council and whole as if the same were individually acted upon consent resolutions 2023 315 to 2023 331 315 authorizing the purchase of various equipment from Elite vehicle Solutions 316 resolution authorizing renewal of dental coverage contract 317 authorizing conditional appointment of Jonathan Torres as police officer 318 resolution declaring emergency repair for the tile yard Pump Station 319 temporary suspension of parking meters from November 23rd 2023 to December 25th of 2023 320 resolution of local support of suitability of cannabis business to Cedar Fair Mount Health cultivators 321 authorizing the purchase of a rolloff truck with Cambria Automotive Companies Incorporated 322 authorizing appointment in the building department 323 authorizing appointment of 2023 2024 winter Recreation Department employees 324 resolution appointing Cultural Arts and heritance commission members 325 approval of a special events permit for the Mexican committee that was held on October 20th 2023 326 authorized certain utility refunds 327 property tax refund for a total disabled veteran 328 accept October 23rd 2023 regular and executive session minutes 329 authorize the bills and claims list 330 permit a voluntary canning fundraiser to support the South River High School booster club 331 appointment of a code enforcement officer your pleasure on the resolutions move the resolutions move the resolutions have been moved by Mrs Palace seconded by Mr Olivera roll call councilwoman Ballas councilman gindy yes exstension to 328 councilman grensky yes Council M yes councilman olera yes council president Cula yes with an exension of 329 okay the resolutions have been adopted there are know to be read separately then therefore we go on to our governing body comments Mr gindy um I want to thank everybody that came out and supported uh myself Jim kushinsky and Hank dimian for the um for um Sean hman Joe Donado and Julie you did a great job on the campaign um look forward to working with you in the future um for Jonathan torus I welcome him uh new police officer I know our police department has been doing a great job for a long long time they continue to do just that so Chief Mark ten nigan uh keep up uh the great job that you're doing and last and final Happy Thanksgiving happy healthy one too thank you Mrs ballis uh yes I'd also like to welcome our new police officer hope to get to know him and he seems like he'll he'll be just fine here and your recommendation and he seems like he's found his his place um I'd like to send I know it's a little after the fact but my condolences to Walter kajic as we lovingly called him boony he affected a lot of us I never had him as a teacher because he taught shop and I didn't have shop um he was a uh intrical part of our football program my two sisters were fortunate to have him as their softball coach they made many county appearances and state appearances and won championships there so to his family um I I send my deepest consol condolences and happy thanks giving one and all that's it okay thank you Mr siola thank you uh first I'd just like to wish a very happy birthday to our burrow attorney Andrea thank you um I want to welcome Jonathan Torres to the police department and to the burrow of South River I look forward to seeing him around with the fire scenes and working together with them and then Happy Thanksgiving everyone thank you Mr alera just to Echo uh everyone's comments so far um congratulations to the candidates at won um for the candidates that weren't able to win this time you know it's not easy to run it's you put your life on the line you know everything gets put on hold they should be applauded just for putting their names in the Hat anyone whether Republican Democrat independent whatever it may be um it really is a sacrifice not only for yourself but to your families um so I just want to applaud everyone that ran this past cycle um in terms of holidays coming up you know just want to wish everyone again a Happy Thanksgiving um I hope to see everyone on December 1st like I said I'm really excited uh Terry and Jessica have something awesome planned and uh hopefully it goes off without a hitch but it's going to be up to age pressure pressure is on age so uh thank you and that's all I have mayor okay thank you and what's on December the 1st December 1st is a tree lighting ceremony okay Mr grensky thank you mayor um first off I'd like to thank all of our Public Safety workers uh our police our fire department uh Robert Wood Johnson um just to keep in mind too that each day we lose what 12 minutes I believe it is and it gets darker and darker um children are going to be around especially on Thanksgiving we had a long uh weekend coming up and everything to be a little bit more vigilant there's a lot more traffic on the roads please let's show some courtesy back and forth we don't need it in the holiday season that's when tempers seem to flare the most uh with that I wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving um thank you all for everyone that came out for Veterans Day and with that that's all I have mayor thank you this Council maror thank you mayor I do want to remind everyone that this week both the primary school and Elementary School have half a days all this this week so that's why you might see some kids out earlier than normal uh the middle school and high school still have full days and everybody has a half a day on Friday so this month's a short month for the public schools uh I want to mention that the South River porches Club is sponsoring and hosting a spaghetti dinner for our South River Rec cheerleaders so if you've got nothing to do on Saturday November 18th please come out to the southa porches Club it's from 4:00 p.m. to 700 p.m. uh if you buy tickets beforehand if you find the link on on Facebook I believe pre-sale tickets are $8 a person and at the door it's 10 so come out and support the South River Rec cheerleaders they're working hard this year I want to mention that we went from having two teams last year to now having five teams this year so our program program is expanding tremendously um we have a great group of kids that are excited to start their season which only starts in January but they still work hard um you know we try our best as a burrow to really cut costs on some things for these wreck programs but um cheerleading is an expensive sport to be in so any bit of help um is welcomed we also had a fundraiser go on that uh if you donated $5 for a slice of pie for your cheerleader um they would get pied in the face but since since the whole team was able to reach their goal now the coaches are getting pied in the face by all these cheerleaders so um I'm hoping well I'm hoping that they live stream it so everybody gets a chance to laugh but these girls are really working hard and they're excited so I appreciate when they have just a little bit of fun and it's not all about the hard work um congratulations to our Police Department with a new member I'm glad to see that um we're expanding our department and also in ways of language as well I'm I'm sure officer Tores also speaks a little bit of Spanish so that's always so helpful in our community um and just happy Veterans Day thank thank you Jimmy for all that you do and I know we have a few uh employees within the bur that are also veterans so we appreciate them not only once in a while but um every day when we um see them so thank you and that's all I have Mr Mayor Happy Thanksgiving for everyone thank you I don't usually talk but today I'm going to be saying a lot of things so everybody hang in there I'm going to start off with something which you're probably all familiar with it is not the critic who counts or the man who points out how the strong man stumbles where the doer of Deeds could have done them better the credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood who strives valant who HS who comes short again and again because there is no effort without error and shortcoming but who does actually strive to do the Deeds who knows great enthusiasms the great devotions who defends himself in a worthy cause who at the best knows in the end the Triumph of high achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid Souls who neither know Victory nor defeat that's called man in the arena that's how it's known as it was not originally called that that's not what theater Roosevelt called it when he first spoke it but it was wildly enthused uh received uh enthusiastically back then when he said it in the early 1900s and is still remembered today uh congratulations to the winners and condolences to those that have fought and lost you know if you look at social media it's like just a big bullhorn for a lot of blow hards um but to really get up here and work and work hard and do your best to try to improve this town and I don't think there's anybody up here who doesn't try to improve this town and make it better and for that we get a lot of bricka bracks for it and uh cat calls um and the sting of defeat uh hurts uh both Julie and I know that so when next time you want to throw something at a person up here ask yourself are you willing to come up here you willing to volunteer how about volunteer forget about up here how about the planning board zoning board environmental commission we've got all these various organizations in town that make this town better before you say something do something and then you can criticize Jonathan Torres welcome aboard I know I'm getting old I've been a lawyer I to Municipal Court I look at some of these police officers and I wonder are they old enough to shoot a gun I mean honestly jeez looks like he just got out of high school but I'm afraid that's an old man's perspective um you know Veterans Day um really a chance for the town to get together a few of us that did um it was a nice nice ceremony it was a nice ceremony uh that we had um of course wishing everybody a Happy Thanksgiving but of course the day before is South River's best kept secret The ecumenical service um it'll be at 700 p.m. at the Reformed Church if for no other reason if you've never been to the Reformed Church on Thomas Street come on in that's one of the nice things about that is you get to visit different churches I remember when people walked into St Mary's some of the Protestant denominations whose churches are usually very plain gassp at it they thought it was a European Cathedral um you know we truly have some beautiful beautiful churches I'm always been impressed with STS Peter and Paul the Orthodox Church that's the one with the onions on the top um you know and it's a chance to come out and meet people it's always the same people that come out not doing anything day before Thanksgiving before you overdose on Turkey come on out next day is Thanksgiving tree lining on December 1st that's that's always a fun thing to uh come out to do and where is that going to be D Pond DA's pond so that'll be there uh as I'm winding down my career here as the as a politician I'm not stopping to practice law I have to keep telling people that I'm not retiring from law just politics um today I just want to look back I'm going to be looking back forward make some comments so at this meeting I just want to look back and I thought about you know what to look back at over the past 12 years what comes to mind well the three big ones first of all sandy um first year in office that's when I discovered being mayor doesn't come with a book there's no place you can just you know apocalypse apocalypse what incredible things um we were ready uh for it uh we had the frost on the pumpkin race we met afterwards we uh figured big storm coming we'll be prepared nobody saw it coming uh two different people one in Cal one and South River both described it it wasn't a wave it was a wall of water that came and pushed everything aside as it came up through the town um I say that we have been blessed and I thank the dear Lord uh I was surrounded by very good people um our electric people who at 7:00 p.m. on the Monday shut down the power in the town so that the Transformers wouldn't blow then the next day getting it together uh having meetings making our plans by Thursday night 830 I know that because I believe I was on the phone to uh Mr Cula here at 8:30 and suddenly in my darkened house the power came back on by Friday 90 to 95 % of the people had power this town has absolutely no idea what it was like because by Friday morning we had light we had heat we could scr around for food gas my office in seral didn't get power back for eight days some parts of the of the seral didn't get power back for three weeks and then it places even more than that we were very blessed with that and but unfortunately we are still affected by Sandy over 100 homes we've loss that's less tax ratables electric water we're still recovering fiscally from that but being South River strong we did recover [Music] it flat go forward coid um me taking what I described on Facebook is the saddest picture I was coming home from work it was 9:00 at night I pulled over over to the side on Fair on Main Street by Ferry Street stood in the middle of the road took a picture of an empty Main Street no cars no people nobody there was just nobody around um frightening afraid and we should have been it killed people here even in South River but it dissipated and happily we survived and we have recovered from that the other big thing was the water and it has been a bane for many many decades in this town but finally the water utility is no longer the Forgotten stepchild elevated to that of the electric uh we have rolled up our sleeves and we're working on it the treatment plant coming back online getting that fixed we're going to do the water meters that project will start and we're looking in to the costs replacing pipes cleaning the pipes having the uh somebody come in to run the place or we're going to be doing it ourselves but there's many different aspects of this and we're going to walk and chew gum at the uh same time and eventually it is going to work and hopefully sooner than later next meeting will be December the 4th and I'll talk to you about the future and what is going to be happening regardless of who sits up here so is there anything else to come before us if not motion motion to close by Mrs ballis seconded by Mr gindy all in favor I all against the eyes have it Happy Thanksgiving December 4th