on the Western Front on the river you ready Mrs hegar ready goad oh my God you got to call the meeting order I'll call the meeting in order you knew it I'm going to do it okay do it go theya have notice publication chapter 231 1975 in competance with the chapter 231 of public law of 1975 notice of this meeting is to be held at the criminal justice building 61 Main Street South River has been published in the home News Tribune on January 5th 2024 posted on the municipal building Bolton board the Bor website and the front door of the Criminal Justice building at 61 Main Street of South River Roll call Mrs hagger mayor gindy here councilman ballis here councilman Cula here councilman desian here councilman grensky here councilman krenzel here council president Ola here please stand for the salute to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all moment of silence please be seated we have any nothing for proclamations uh agenda session uh we're going to go to the reports uh Ruth thanks really no change in my report given the holidays between the last meeting and this one but if you like I'll just go through it quickly the 2023 local aid program uh that's we're designing that um 2023 local Aid we applied for that we haven't heard from them 20 2024 local aid program was awarded and we submitted a proposal 2024 Local transportation projects grants if you do want to submit the deadlines June 30th substation we processed all the paperwork and the contractor Can Begin work and the storm waterer assistance grant we're doing some mapping of the lines uh over the winter time with the money that we were authorized and that is it anything for uh Bruce no all right um guess we'll go to Joe thank you um just one thing in the process of closing out the 2023 records and hopefully next week or so everything will be closed out and then we can start working on 24's budget okay that's it AG uh the only thing I have is that we're working on the burrow calendar and should be back hopefully by the end of the month and we'll be handing them out then it's all have Chief hello everyone uh Happy New Year uh my apologies for not being at the reorg meeting as well you know my wife got me sick over the weekend so I was home the whole entire week spiraled because the Philadelphia Eagles lost so it was just got worse so uh I don't really have anything for the for this meeting uh I know there's there something on there for the agenda for uh Adam de haes being promoted to uh dispatcher supervisor uh he was one of the only ones that were qualified for the position uh so you know anybody has any questions about that position that's on the agenda please let me know but other than that happy New Year and uh hopefully it's a good New Year hopefully it's a good year I'm sorry crossing guards crossing guards yes uh if anybody wants a part-time job uh please reach out to the police department uh we have applications here we are in need of crossing guards uh our crossing guards um they're very unique they have um a contract which allows them for time off um uh sick days uh so when we when they call out sick or they take a vacation time it causes our police officers uh we pull from the RO and they actually work those posts so we can get more part-time crossing guards to come in uh and fill those posts it would be greatly beneficial for the police department thank you Chief first assistant chief Billy Smith thank you thank you you have anything I have nothing tonight mayor art I have nothing mayor thank you all right we'll start at the end uh councilman krenzel planning to have a meeting shortly in the near future with the uh committee on utilities and also with the cable television Advisory Board councilman kinsky thank you mayor um a few things The Office on Aging has a few items uh about Ring doorbells a food party that's a creation contest and a bingo uh please check the website for details on these events thank you uh council president uh Rec programs are winter programs are underway uh wrestling has had their first matches is basketball has had their first uh game already and this past weekend our U14 and UA cheerleaders uh participated in the first competition of the year with the u8 getting second place and the U14 getting third place overall it was a great experience they're going to continue to compete um and we have more matches so we're going to try to publicize any home games that we may have in case if any of the residents would like to attend uh but just please please take a look at parks and re's Facebook page that's all I have councilman thean um I look forward to attending the meanings of the Committees I'm assigned to throughout the year so we're really looking forward to all this counil woman I just have one thing um in our consent resolutions later we're going to be again waving the pet licensing late fees uh through April 1st and so far the information I got the rabies clinic will be held March 6 16 at the DPW building and I'll let you know further information as it goes along thank you councilman siola um once I get everybody on the appointments that I'm in charge of the liaison um I'll be scheduling meetings with each one that's it all right and I have uh nothing for now I'll talk about it during my comments um anybody from the public 10 minutes please come up state your name and your address I make a motion to open thank motion open second all in favor I thank you anybody make a motion to close hold on I'm Sher garrettson I'm at 153 cam Avenue all right I'm sorry I missed the swearing in last week um probably the last one I'll see before my husband and I retire and move away the people those who showed up to vote have spoken and congratulations to those of you who have been in trusted with your offices now you represent all of us those who voted for you those who didn't I wanted to talk about Party politics which in our country has become a lot like high school football in high school you're blindly loyal to your team because well it's fun and it's just a harmless rivalry and a way to express your pride in your school and assuming everyone plays fairly it it just becomes about winning you know there's something very simple and sort of pure about it you win or you lose and you prepare for the next game then you graduate and you move on to the grown-up world where there's much more at stake People's Health livelihoods the safety of their homes and schools there are facts to be reckoned with things get complicated sometimes there's no choice that doesn't involve compromise or that clearly benefits everyone I've lived here 25 years a much shorter time than most if not all of you I raised two children in this town and I have happy memories and some strong attachments here longtime residents have told me about the sweetness of the old days hanging out on Main Street after school the various immigrant groups that have established themselves here and gave South River its flavor literally shout out to the good restaurants in town people care about each other here and can be incredibly generous in helping those in need but these days south river is known for other things too bitter Party politics pushing through projects that haven't been thoroughly thought through and end up costing more to fix than they would have cost to do right in the first place there's at least a perception that we leave on the table millions of dollars of grants that could be used to improve the town for all because we don't want to take them from an entity like the county that is governed by the other party I've even heard firsthand accounts of ordinances being unevenly enforced even in a punitive way according to whether you're liked by or affiliated with the governing party I've heard that the way things are set up make it discouraging for business investment that would help the town have a more sustainable economy this year's national election promises to be particularly fraught I'm hoping that all of you in our tiny buau less than 2 m Square will model a different way to govern this year that there will be respect in the way you talk and listen to each other to your political Rivals and your constituents who may have different ideas about and issues with the way things have always been done let's lean into due diligence and talk to similar towns who have successfully dealt with the challenges we Face let's consult with our commissions and let them bring lived experience and up-to-date facts to the table before we make big Investments because politics isn't a team sport the stakes are too high for blind loyalty the fact is we're all on the same team nobody runs for burough Council thinking yay I'll get elected then I'm going to wreck This Town everybody wants what's good for the town let's make sure we play the long game and make carefully considered decisions that bring home a win for the entire town both sides in the recent election campaigned on the idea that South River can and will be better let's start with how we talk to and about each other and how we make decisions together thank you thank you anyone else from the public going once going twice motion make a motion to close second all in favor thank you uh maral appointments that's pretty much all on me so uh Mrs Hager can you do the consent resolution please whereas resolution 20241 authorizes The Bu Council to utilize a consent agenda to adopt various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time therefore being it is hereby resolved that the below listed resolutions are hereby adopted by the buau council and whole as if the same were individually acted upon make a motion that we read uh resolution 23 separately please been pulled I was that was pulled ped it's pulled yeah oh okay sorry about that it's not on here that was pulled okay okay so bear with me guys consent resolutions 20241 to 202 2470 10 authorize the burrow clerk to administer all 20 24 legal games of chance licenses 11 approve njlm conference attendance 12 cash management plan 13 signatories on financial documents 14 interest on delinquent taxes 15 authorized execution of njde sanitary sewer extension applications 16 appoint burrow auditor 17 appoint public defender 18 appoint special tax counsel 19 19 appoint Bond Council 20 appoint employment labor Council 21 appoint electric engineer 22 appoint Insurance risk manager 24 appoint Information Technology Services 25 appoint Precision analytical Services 26 appoint Agra environmental and laboratory services 27 appoint middle sex County transportation Coordinating Committee representative mayor design 28 appoint public safety compliance officer 29 appoint middle sex County Municipal joint Insurance Fund Representatives 30 appoint Central Jersey Health Insurance Fund Commissioners 31 appoint Board of Health members 32 appoint Cultural Arts and Heritage commission member 33 resolution amending Council liaison appointments 34 authorizing the submission for the middle sex County enhanced recycling Grant 35 appoint zoning Board of adjustment members 36 appoint watershed management area 9 representative 37 appoint middlex County urban forestry advisory committee representative 38 appoint Public Power Association of New Jersey representative 39 authorize power purchase and sale agreements 40 appoint middlex County Solid Waste advisory commit committee representative 41 appoint 2024 school crossing guards 42 appoint special Law Enforcement Officers class one 43 appoint special Law Enforcement Officers class 3 44 appoint local emergency planning committee 45 appoint recycling coordinator 46 appoint South River free public library Board of trustee members 47 appoint fire police for South River fire department 48 appoint member to Economic Development commission 49 appointing continuity operations group as a professional consultant 50 appoint members to Parks and Recreation Advisory Board 51 appoint cable television Advisory Board member 52 appoint Agro environmental and laboratory services for water treatment plant engineer non-electrical 53 appoint CME Associates for water treatment plant engineer non-electrical 54 appoint CDM Smith for water treatment plant engineer non- electrical 55 authorize certain utility refunds 56 authorizing the requisition of funds for payment to the custodian of school monies 57 resolution authorizing Sergeant John Kenny to serve as acting Lieutenant 58 authorized pet licensing late fee waiver 59 authorized continued membership of the middle sex County Joint Insurance Fund 60 property tax refund for a total disabled veteran 61 authorizing the purchase of rock salt 62 awarding contract for 2024 janitorial services 63 awarding contract contract for 2024 electric utility department materials 64 awarding contract for 2024 motor vehicle parts and supplies 65 awarding contract for 2024 Public Works function and utility maintenance 66 authorizing appointment of Adam dehes as head dispatcher dispatch supervisor 67 appoint members to the municipal Alliance 68 authorize the bills and claims list 69 appoint instrumentation Automation and computer system of the water utility 70 appoint planning board member Council what's your pleasure make a motion to approve the consent resolutions second second motion by uh councilman siola seconded by councilwoman Ballas councilwoman Ballas yes councilman Cula yes the exstension of number 68 numbers 23-2 976 23- 0049 and 23-33 councilman desian yes councilman grensky yes councilman krenzel yes council president Ola yes council is there anybody anything for new business not yet uh we're going to start off governing body comments uh councilman siola uh like you said before wait for the new uh committees to get started and just want to wish everybody uh happy and healthy the new year uh Council yeah the same happy New Year and I I look forward to working with all the commissions that I have been appointed to and that's all councilman yes as the new member up here I look forward to the year ahead councilman uh krenzel just wish everybody a happy healthy and prosperous New Year councilman Kinski same thing to a happy New Year to everyone and I'd like to thank all of our uh Public Service workers that helped the community uh council president uh just happy New Year to everyone I'm sure everyone uh knows there's a new covid strain going around be safe unfortunately my entire family got it we're coming out uh finally we're good that's why I'm wearing a mask but just wash your hands be safe out there it is going around and I just hope that everyone is uh um doing well and as you mentioned we look forward to working with everyone and hopefully getting you know South River on a better track and making sure that we're moving in a direction that can prosper the town thank you um I know we all received this on our mailboxes we had a Anonymous letter that came through uh the person was not happy with code enforcement but what they didn't know is Code Enforcement was that Tom dropa which was our previous code enforcement left us back in September October and we filled that seat sometime in November December uh since then she's been doing a remarkable job of picking up on all the issues in town it's not easy considering that she just walked into this position but whoever gave us this letter I like to address it so if you can at least give me an address to where this issue is I'll be more than happy to come out to you I've already had two people email me with issues in the past week week and a half and I've gone straight to their house uh Mrs Garrison I totally agree with what you are saying we are not here to uh bicker back and forth we are here to work with the town uh we have a long job ahead of us and believe me when I tell you we're going to move this town in a way that has never been moved uh as of for everyone else thank you for coming to the council meeting I wish you all a happy and healthy New Year can I get an adjournment make a motion for adjournment councilman second I second thank you councilman siola and Council councilman dimian motion all right meeting's adjourned everyone's in favor I I sorry