One Nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you good evening and welcome to the South rer Board of Education regular meeting of Thursday February 29th 2024 in compliance with the open public meeting act chapter 231 laws of 1975 of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting of the South River Board of Education was provided in the following manner on January 17th 2024 the notice was delivered to the office of the saff rera clerk and posted at the Board of Education administration building on January 17th 2024 the notice was fast mailed to the following newspapers home News Tribune the star Legend on January 17th 2024 the notice was posted at the South River burough clerk's office Mr Rosa would you please call the roll Mr B here Mr budson here Mr Bush Mrs Bush has been excused Mr burn Mrs burn has been excused Mrs L here Mr neelon here Mrs S here ya here here Sarah is not with us tonight thank you we have a quarum okay looking at the agenda the first item on the agenda under board secretary Mr Rosa are our minutes so no items from on okay is there a motion moove the motion of reading of the minutes motion by vice president neelson is there a second second second by Miss L any questions all in favor I thank you motion carries use of facilities Mr R no additional items for our Monday uh Monday meeting thank you board members what is your pleasure on the use of facilities move the use of facilities in accordance with board policies motion by vice president neelson second second by Mrs Sadowski any questions on the use of facilities seeing none all in favor I thank you motion carries uh financial report Miss L thank you be it resolv that the Board of Education hereby certifies that it is in the seat of the financial report which indicates that no major account has been overexpanded and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's Financial Obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year the finance committee recommends that the reports of the boards secretary Treasure of school monies for November 2023 be approved and I so move we have a motion by Miss L for a second by Mr basac any questions on the financial reports all in favor I thank you motion carries at this time we're going to turn our meeting over to our superintendent of schools for her report Dr zurer yes thank you Mr um a couple of things on my report this evening we have um confirmed number and conf confirmed number nine for your review and approval also I'm adding uh moving forward to my monthly report I am adding the report from our private and culture Department um that was attached for the board to review as well as for the public um I'm culture Specialists I've been doing a lot of work related to social emotional and I'd like to highlight that moving F each month um other items on my um I included a little bit of information about what each of our schools are doing to honor Black History Month a lot of different curriculum based activities um a lot of school based activities to really highlight the um the the wethy accomplishments of um African-Americans throughout history and we're just honored and so so glad to be able to have this opportunity during the month of February um i' would like to announce for our high school this is really exciting news we are now deemed as a New Jersey school of character for we have been applying for this honor for the last few years and finally this year uh our application was was approved and honored we have an opportunity to now compete at the national level for this type of award as well we will be doing probably next school year not this school year but it's a great honor and um we're just so so glad that the high school team came together to show everything that they've been doing to be designated as a school C uh I'd also like to um just really talk about um a professional development initiative that we have had across the district this is an initiative led by our curriculum supervisor Disney um what she's been doing is she's been working with a lot of our teachers uh and buers Graduate School of Education to provide what's called uh rapid training this is training uh for early literacy and it really targets uh upper grade students who still lack those early reading skills and how to address them so a lot of our teachers have been participating in this professional development and this has been a great asset and uh we've been taking a lot of inform to the classroom for implementation in my report I included just a little reminder about our snow days we had three built in we used all three uh that means that we are in school on April 8th and May 24th and on May 28th our curriculum this shift our curriculum Fair now uh to that uh May 24 we also have our day of service coming up that's going to be in June we're already getting ready for that I encourage the public to send us any ideas that they have just as a reminder what we do for Day of Service every single student in our district engages in service activity on this one day of service and so we're looking for community members um members of the public if they have ideas for service activities that we can engage our students in we are open to hearing those our teachers right now are collecting these ideas and they're putting together the calendar of events for our day of service and I want to just remind parents we do have spring standardized testing taking place our students are just right now our elll students are finishing up their elll access testing but we do have additional spring testing coming up please make sure you're on the website please make sure you know when those testing and soes Report thank you for a very comprehensive report Dr zurer um board members what is your pleasure on the superintendent report motion by Mr basac second by vice president neelson there any questions or comments on the report all in favor I motion carries thank you the hivs will be under our's consent resolution uh at this time we are going to open up the meeting to the public and this is for agenda items only for the public to address there will be a public uh portion later on in the meeting for any other items that may be of uh concern or interest to the Board of Education that the public May address so if you would like to address any agenda items please come to the microphone state your name and address and please keep your comments to a 10minute time limit and that would be on First Call On Second call and on third call this portion of the public session is closed and moving on for our consent resolution Mr Rosa yes the South River Board of Education by means of a consent resolution adopt various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time whereas the below listed resolutions are hereby adopted by the set Board of Education in hold as it the same were individually acted upon those are under the superintendent report 3.2 through um sorry superintendent of schools 3.2 through 3.3 Finance 8.1 through 8.38 construction 9.1 through 9.4 Human Resources 12.1 to 12.23 and safety and risk management 13.1 to 13.2 thank you board members what is your pleasure on the consent resolution move the consent resolution motion by vice president neelson second second by Mrs Sadowski are there any questions or comments on any of the items under the consent resolution any need to be read separate or any of St CHS Mr Rosa would you please call the role Mr B yes Mr butson yes Mr La yes Mr neelon yes Mr Sadowski yes young ya yes Mrs yes motion pass thank you we're going to now go to our committee reports the first being Athletics Mr bud I don't on the agenda for this month okay thank you madam president if I make sure um two of our wrestlers from uh um District 20 we got uh two my own Sons horen Thomas um he took fourth and as did Philipe gradl but um usually the top three are the ones that go on to the region five district phelip was lucky enough I guess you could say that one of the individuals who finished ahead of him was injured in the match and uh couldn't proceed so phelipe actually moved up to the regions region five but in the draw he got the number two seed in the stum his weight class um didn't Fair too well but I just want to congratulate those individuals and the rest of the South wrestling team it was an art season it's a tough sport um Mr Russo's uh trying as best he can to keep the kids going and uh you know hopefully the the future will look bright because we are our rep program's got a lot of kids in it and they're doing fairly well from what I'm seeing that's all I have thank you um if there's nothing else under Athletics and extracurricular would you please continue with the buildings and grounds there's nothing new to report from Mr B but as you can see um outside the uh flags are up so we're getting ready to start the uh new school so social media will be a buzz if you want the truth come here if you want false advertisement go to social media that's all I have for Madam president thank you very much uh for our finance Miss love I have additions to report this evening I will start with 8.27 addition approved 2324 nonpublic security Aid purchase for daru Aron 8.28 addition approved contract Leah Raa DBA smiling speech bilingual child study team evaluation services for the 23 24 school year 8.29 addition approved contract T-Mobile USA Inc hotspot devices and services provide over the 23 24 and the 2425 school years 8.30 addition approved contract uran rafield Inc Jacob jabit convention center field trip transportation service provided for the 23 24 school year 8.31 addition approved proposals Ben schaer recreation in E NJ Co-op 20212 playground and trike track services provider for the 2324 school year and that's on the primary school early learning Early Learning Center no but we also have a tri this is for the Early Learning Center it's the simar trying to make the association uh 8.32 addition approv submit accept New Jersey schools Development Authority grant for fiscal year 2024 8.33 addition approved contract PL Tunes inba 107 productions for the Middle School graduation live streaming services provider for the 23 24 school year 834 addition approv pH LLC equipment and installation for the high school weight room 8.35 addition approved Magic Touch Construction Company drainage for the high school Courtyard uh project 8.36 addition approved by Design Landscapes Inc preparation for synthetic tur for the high school Courtyard project 8.37 addition approved JM synthetic grass surfacing LLC Synthetic Turf for the high school Courtyard project and 8.38 addition approved gwe contractor LLC installation labor for the Synthetic Turf for the high school Courtyard project I'm just making sure that people are very clear where the word Turf is being associated in terms of the district and where our finances are going yes and that is all that I have for this evening thank you Miss Li would you please continue with the instruction absolutely so while there are no new items I would like to do a little mini summary of Dr triano's uh report where he mentioned how uh the teachers and uh Administration have been working together to focus uh on creating elective and AP courses offered at the high school uh he mentioned specifically American Sign Language 4 uh thereby creating a four-year language sequence in Sign Language also expanding the number of variety of AP courses available through AP environmental which the committee has reviewed the textbooks this evening uh and AC computer science and additional courses including a two course sequencing dance that were added along with a revision to creative writing and this past October the New Jersey um State decided to adopt all new standards uh in terms of revision for language arts and math which means that all of that those curriculum guides will need to be updated and he mentioned that the goal is for September 1st as the state mandate mentions and that's all I have okay may add one thing uh he also put in there for the wall of fame so if anybody is um interested and hears uh any uh in terms of anyone where they would like to have an nomination and a uh form completed they can go to the district website for nominations for the wall of fame and it is due by June 30th uh of this year now that all I have thank thank you Miss Love Under negotiations we have no new items to report off for policy and legislation Mr busen nothing on the agenda for this month thank you human resources Mr Bas thank you m four addition since Monday evening item 12.20 addition approved intermittent family lead and Marie car Elementary School teacher 2023 2024 School item 12.21 addition approval Point Christian Valentine School principal 2023 2024 and 2024 2025 school year item 12.22 addition approv resignation Julian M Elementary School lead replacement guidance councel and item 12.23 addition grov app Point Robert Goldberg high school special education replacement teacher 2023 2024 thank you safety and risk management uh thank you there are no additional items on tonight's agenda all right and our school community relations Mrs Young there are no ite moving on to our other committee reports uh vice president neelson School Board burrow Council Le is on the committee I have not yet had the U privilege to meet but he's in the audience tonight so uh hopefully we can get together you guys have any questions of us can see what's going on thank you our PTA Le is on thank you so there's a couple of fundraising um opportunities that are going on in the district right now at the primary school they are still selling vir um the orders can be placed online and so March 17th they're also selling personalized peeps than you and the links to order either one of them are be found in or on the pta's Facebook page um there's also a couple of events that are going on next week the district is celebrating um at the primary school students our parents and staff are being invited in to read and activities with kids um primary school is also hosting a reading Bingo contest with weekly prizes throughout the month of March um the elementary school is hosting their schol schol we um so that's going on in the elementary school I also know that they have other events planned in tomorrow know third grade theying day pajamas they get bring towel doing that um there are also planning other events of like teacher appreciation funding moving enough ceremonies because we are now headed into March which is czy half it t thank you thank you our South Riv Public Library Lea is on Mr Goodson the up coming events March 4th is Dr SE magic show at 6 o' March 8 is international women's day have Marvel mie 1:30 in the afternoon wolves are coming into on March 14 with how Woods farm and March is an adult crap for adults sugar scrubs at 6: p.m. that's all I have thank you is there any old or new business to come before the board this evening I have uh something may new business um I've been out recently around town and I've been approached by several parents and they are speaking very highly of our principal leader and what she's doing at the primary school they love her they love the programs that she's initiating they see the children being more involved in what's going on and they really enjoy working with her and all she's doing and I just like you pass that that to parents notice what doing and they appreciate it yes it is wonderful um let's just keep up to good work don't thank you very much that's actually a great introduction to just my comment under Human Resources we did approve the hiring of a new high school I'm sorry Elementary School principal not high school head uh he is here with us in the audience uh waving his hand thank thank you for coming tonight hello everyone wish you the best please may I yes of course evening right I have a good teacher voice promise good evening board members good evening superintendent president um my name is Christian valtin gladin sorry all right there you go uh my name is Christian Valentine gladin I am a uh I'm so excited to begin this next journey of mine I've been in education for over 10 years um I'm an elementary educator at heart that is where I fell in love with teaching um I'm currently L A acting principal in planfield I will be telling them tomorrow uh that I'm leaving but this is such a great opportunity and I am so honored and uh it is a privilege to serve the students the families um and the staff of South River Public School so thank you so much for welcoming me and I cannot wait to get started on this great work that we have ahead so thank you very much thank you thank you and welcome welcome congratulations you like to say something we went through uh an extensive search um to to fill this position um Mr Valentine gladin just really stood out from the rest of the candidates um really for his background his passion um his ability to be able to make connections uh and his instructional background which is really important to us as we move our students forward so we're excited to bring him on um and we see many great things ahead for our elementary school exciting it's a good time for us great thank you thank you very much for finding such good candidates and recommending such great hes is there any other old new business moving on to our attorney's report anything thanks again okay and uh next item is the payment of bills the finance committee recommends that all bills presented having been certified by school business administrator board secretary be paid as l i motion by Mrs second second by vice president neelson any questions on the bills all in favor I bills are paid at this time we are now going to once again open up the meeting to the public and this is so the public can address any concerns or comments they have for the board uh come the mic please state your name and address and please keep your comments to a 10-minute time limit this is on first call second call and third call the public motion is closed there is no executive session is there a motion to adjourn neon vice president neelson motion by Mrs L all in favor I meeting is adjourned thank you yeah