morning I alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you okay one second there we go all right good evening and welcome to the South River Board of Education regular meeting of Monday March 18th in compliance with the open public meeting act chapter 231 laws of 1975 of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting of the South River Board of Education was provided in the following manner on January 17th 2024 the notice was delivered to the office of the South River bough Clerk and posted at the Board of Education administration building on January 17th 2024 the notice was F mailed to the following newspapers home News Tribune The Star Ledger on January 17 2024 the notice was posted at the South River burough clerk's office Mr Rosa would you please call the rooll Mr basac Mr basac has been excused Mr buson here this bush here this burn here this is L here Mr neelon here this saski Mrs sadasi has been excused M young here Mrs herb here uel B Emanuel B sorry have thank you okay going to our agenda the first item of business under our board secretary Mr Rosa we have some minutes there have been no changes from our Thursday prev thank you board members what is your pleasure on the minutes move the reading of the minutes there's a motion by vice president neelson is there a second second second by Mrs well are there any questions or comments all in favor I thank you okay our next item on the agenda is our use of facilities Mr Rosa what do we have so there's been no changes from our Thursday uhe meeting thank you is there a motion on the use of facilities neelson move the use of facilities in accordance with board policies motion by vice president neelson is there a second second second from Mrs Young ya are there any questions on those use of facilities all in favor I thank you at this time we're going to go to our financial report Mrs La thank you be it resolved that the Board of Education hereby certifies that is in receipt of a financial report which indicates that no major account has been overextended and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's Financial Obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year the finance committee recommends that the reports of the board secretary and the treasur of school monies for december23 be approved and I so move a motion by Mrs L second second by Mrs Bush there any questions or comments on the financial reports all in favor thank you at this time we're going to turn the meeting over to our superintendent of schools Dr Sylvia zurer thank you president oranic um I want to point out that the board does have um a motion to approve confir number 10 and in regards to my superintendence report for this month I'd like to start with um our budget we have um been really working this month um really for the last several months on the creation of the school year 2425 budget um the budget that has been developed identifies and addresses needs in the following areas students programs instruction and academic Improvement construction fac and maintenance and Staffing and professional development each area of that budget addresses essential needs of the school district including but not limited to new textbooks PR books at the high school for replacement security um throughout the district building repairs and maintenance new teachers new security staff climate culture Specialists seal staff Mental Health Services the public hearing on this budget is going to be on April 2th so the board will um approve the preliminary budget this evening um and then we will be sending it on to the county for approval as required the next item on uh my report is by the Early Learning Center you may have seen that there is some activity in the area that is designated for the construction of the Early Learning Center we begin with some site work including removal of trees basic clearing um in preparation for the installation of the foundation for the new building the materials for the Interiors have been selected and ordered um and our prek teachers and staff had an opportunity to actually see the drawings and the plans for the building um and we had a a thorough discussion with them on what the transition will look like since it's going to be um quite a heavy lift from now until until August uh we also met with borrow officials to review the plans and uh security fire and traffic in regards to the Early Learning Center you know there there still seems to be a lot of feedback on this initiative and and prek as a whole and I just wanted to mention um at this board meeting some of those comments and some of that feedback has been that prek is not mandatory it's not needed it's just something that we want and and to that I have to agree um we want early childhood for our children just like we want many other things that are not required but that we find are important and essential for our kids for example um we're not required to have kindergarten but we certainly want kindergarten and we want full day kindergarten we had that for year we were one of the first districts to recognize the importance of that and put that in place um we want the flooding programs and extracurricular activities that's a lot is not required in any way but we can't picture our school district not having those programs and our students not having the opportunity to participate in those are comms summer programs enrichment programs um supplemental academic support programs all of those are things that we want AP courses for our students not required but we want them because we want those opportunities for our kids technology uh there so so many things that list can keep on going and going and I just want to say that um as your superintendent and in working with this board we don't want the minimum for our kids we want every opportunity and we want the most that we can possibly give them and prek and pre and early childhood education Falls in that list so Early Learning Center is moving along nicely and we're looking forward to opening up in September this month I also had the opportunity to meet with County officials srpd uh and our director of security to begin a discussion on updating our reunification plan this is a critical aspect of crisis response um and making sure that we have a reunification plan is essential um so we are working on that plan it does take a lot of coordination with the burrow with the county um but we are pretty far along in that regard our next step is to do some training for our staff um and then to also um partner with certain um vendors and with certain partner districts for some mems of understanding so you will see some of that coming your way um on upcoming board agendas but that is working its way nicely as well my next item is on the Seal of my literacy we've been doing this program for quite some time um and it is an opportunity for students to demonstrate Proficiency in a language other than English and to have a certain award um regarding that proficiency placed on their high school diploma which is wonderful for colleges to see um future employers to see so this year we had 28 students I'm sorry 29 students who opted to take this test and 28 students obtained the necessary score to have of by literacy that's a great percentage it's our largest percentage and we've had um Arabic we had one student tested Spen 16 Portuguese 11 um so this is very exciting we're so glad that the number is growing and that our um students our multilingual students are taking this opportunity our curriculum fair is scheduled now for Friday May 24th we had a change of that date due to our snow names um but during this community members will be able to visit student work displays our art show departments clubs we have scheduled performances um from our course Department band drama uh and we will be sending information on that very shortly and we are also bringing back the ever popular Star Lab to um the weeks prior to curricular Fair as well as the curricular Fair itself a lot of Summer opportunities for 2024 many of the summer opportuni that were funded in the past through um Co relief funds through those ESS grants um those funds have now expir so we were trying to be creative about um really continuing to offer these opportunities to our students and and parents um so we're doing a lot of those offerings through our 21st century program um this is really one of the ways that we can use Ram funding to continue the programs that we have in place Without Really taxing our local budget so we are continuing our academic Support Program uh through 21st century we also have an advanced placement academy uh we have credit recovery we have an English as a Second Language Academy um really a lot of opportunities and our extended school year so please be on the lookout we always do a dedicated tab on our district website for summer opportunities so I encourage our to really take a look at that and um make the most of what we offer and with that concludes my report thank you thank you uh is there a motion for the superintendent report neon move the superintendent report is read There is a motion by vice president nson is there a second second second by Mrs burn are there any questions or comments on the superintendence report I I comment she took the words right out of my mouth with this is a walk for District all those other programs that we wanted we now have um you know as long as we can give the residents a better education and started earlier everywhere around the world when studies are conducted it shows the starting education earlier with preschool is a great thing for some reason the people in this town fighted and I'll keep my comments on why that is to myself but it's a want and we wanted it and we went out and got it thank than you talk resch thank you I'd also like to comment on the Early Learning Center um you brought back a memory from many years ago when you mentioned about going from half day kindergarten to full day remember that they fought us we want both Mr neelson and I were on the board maybe Mr busen when that was being discussed uh to go to full day we had the place very filled with parents who were in favor of that and when that was passed and we did go to full day kindergarten we were applauded for that effort I think this Early Learning Center should receive the same respect and gratitude that going from half day kindergarten to full day kindergarten did so many years ago uh that is my comment on it I I recall that they have boed at that board meeting the parents did and it was just wonderful to know that we were delivering something that they wanted and now is almost standard in every District that you go to so those are all the comments that I have if anyone else has any comments if not we have a motion we have a second all in favor I okay thank you uh at this time we are going to open up the meeting for visitors and the public May address agenda items only there will be a public portion later on in this meeting for other matters that may be of concern to the Board of Education if you do come up please state your name and address and please keep your comments to a 10-minute time limit on agenda items only on First Call On Second call and on third call this public portion is closed we are going to move on to our consent resolution which at this time I will let our secretary Mr Rosel so the soft River Board of Education by means of a consent resolution various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature for one time whereas the below listed resolutions are hereby adopted by the board by the said Board of Education and whole as the same acted upon and those are superintendent schools 3.2 the finance 8.2 through 8.16 an instruction 9.1 through 9.2 the policy and legislation 11.1 through 11.4 the human resources 12.1 through 12.16 and under safety and risk management 13.1 through 13.3 thank you board members your pleasure on the consent resolution the consent resolution this isban first I need toate 132 okay and we have a motion by vice president neelson is there a second second second by Mrs L on the consent resolution you please oh are there any questions comments or any other exensions does anything to be read separate to side 8.1 would you please call the RO Mr Bon yes this bush yes Mrs burn yes this L yes Mr neelon yes this young yes Mr yes motion pass thank you um now at this time we're going to hear from our committee reports for athletics and extracurricular Mr bu okay thank you uh buildings and grounds Mr neelson nothing report tonight mad thank you under Finance Miss L I would like to read record addition negotiation School add appr SCH change and then are ready for me to 81 81 approve tentative 2425 budget for submission to the executive County Supreme Court we have a motion by Mrs second second by Mr busen any comments or questions please call the RO Mr buson yes Mrs Bush yes Mr burn yes this L yes Mr neelson yes this young ya yes Mrs abat yes motion pass thank you our next committee report under instruction please so we have still the two from last week however if you were to look at 9.1 there were three additional field trips added so we have grand High University but for them their great best trip and just wanted to thank you uh under negotiations as reported on Thursday we did have a negotiations meeting uh Mr Porton updated us that we have been making progress with the sraa so we are moving in a forward Direction and our next meeting is scheduled for early April anything else to add okay on the policy and legislation Mrs BR we have four additions for this evening 11.1 addition approved first reading revised policy number 41511 42511 personal is illness and injury health and hardship 11.2 addition approved first reading 51311 harassment intimidation and bullying 11.3 addition approved first reading 51 31.5 vandalism and violence and 11.4 Edition approve first reading 6142 English as a second language Bilal programs and that is all thank you our human resources committee Vice President nson we have four new additions tonight Madam president 1213 addition approved additional 21st century Community Learning Center for stat 2023 2024 student call point 14 addition approval Point Special Education esy coordinator 2425 school year call Point 15 curriculum writing 2024 2025 school year 12.16 addition approved revised job description b-4 a computer technology specialty that's all I have for tonight thank you our safety and risk management is going to be reported on by m thank you there are no items additional items on the agenda thank you would you please continue for community relations there are also no items thank you okay our South River board our school board burough Council Lea is on committe Mr nothing to report tonight mad president for Mr is in the audience it's nice to see him how are you very well see thank you for coming that's all I have tonight mad president thank you our sou River Public Library Lea is on Mr bu on Monday they have adult y for adults Wednesday School Story Time March 28 is a mindful reading and meditation class and your by annual book sale is from April 1st to 4th that's all thank you and now to M bazer our student board representative reports oh okay thank you is there any old or new business to come before the board mention something yes I'd like to send out all wishes to Spring Sports and it's March so it's athletic trainers month I think so I wanted to make sure that I you know as trainer and I know that she works with the teams and our students um and our athletes I should say so I just want to make sure I acknowledge that and um that's all I like that okay any other old new business I um I was lucky enough to attend the lip sync and Mr South River programs that were conducted hilarious uh had a good time my son's group one in the lipn category and I had nothing to do with that he did it all on his own a great job to Mr South River those guys come out here and they put on skits and it was almost canceled this year because they couldn't get enough guys to participate and the few guys that did went around and pulled out some other guys and they only had like a week to put it together and they did a great job um the ASL class actually during the lip sync came up one stage uh it started out with just the ASL teacher and one student lip sync into a song and then she was joined by all the ASL students the stage was pack of students I could believe that we have that many ASL students in our in our district pack there having 56 75 kids up here on the St I saw the video on Facebook and again that was a want we wanted that so you have the students participated in that because we want thank you that's I one more thing too um the the Middle School uh Mr R our Middle School principal is sending out tomorrow to um parents we've had a a leak in the in a hallway at the middle school for quite some time we've been um diagnosing that week but um we know how to repair it but in order to repair it we have to turn off the boiler system the process to turn it off and then restart it is about 4day process and we really can do it with students the elementary and middle school so we're doing it um hopefully over spring break all of the materials come in but in case um large bucket arage camp in the middle of the hallway we're aware we're working on it and um and we just need to wait until the building empty to thanks for that explanation on any other old and new business for the board at this time okay U Mr Parton do you have anything of an attorney to report no nothing to report thank you moving on to the payment of bills this as well the finance committee recomends that all bills presented having been certified by the school bus administrator board secretary is listed there were some updates made on the bills list um there was a that information so every's fine I will go ahead motion by m l second second by Mrs push all in favor motion passes thank you at this time the board is now going to open up the meeting for the reception of visitors and this is for the public to address any comment or item for theard of ation at this time if you would come to the podium state your name and address and please keep your comments to a 10-minute time limit on first call good evening um Richard burn 11 betet place I am a chair of the South River environmental commission shade tree and green team uh you probably all aware of the main Garden that was installed at the school um South um we have just one last uh punch list item to do and that is to plant over 200 native plants and 20 shrubs we've solicited a handful of volunteers but we're also looking for a few more to come help with that task and that will close the project out um we will be uh providing letters of service to uh any students who require documentation of service hours and uh it's going to be uh Saturday on March 30th at 9:30 uh hopefully we'll be done by noon and uh then uh it will be complete and uh very glad we able to collaborate thanks the work Water Resources program see how far now thank you than what will the rain Gard provide a r guard is a landscape feature that does a couple of things um it has various uh plants special soil and mulch that absorbs more water and it also has a sort of a topography feature where it'll collect water so it it it helps percolate the ground um usually it's about an inch worth of rain that it absorbs but the uh the drains are are draining into it so that storm water and rain water mitigation feature and coming down the pipe from the Department of Environmental Protection is going to be storm water regulations and eventually not that the uh Board of Education will be subject to storm water tax but such things would be a mitigating factor in the assessment so each property on storm water utility is created will be assessed based on the amount ofuse coverage and then then there'll be a budget and a tax assess based on those things so um it's it's for your purposes it's just setting a good example public um it's available for people to come look at the the feature in person um we hope to construct more of them around town um I'm even thinking of I have one drain coming off the front of the house and that would be perfect spot thank you Mr bur we'll go ahead and do um morning announcements and add this to those announcements and do a sign up sheet for volunteers to see if we people thank you all right thank you is there anyone else from the public on first call second call third call the public portion is now closed we have no executive session this evening so the next motion for adjournment Yes actually tonight I'm taking my computer second by m b all in favor motion passes this meeting is adjourned thank you