pledge please I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you please be seated okay good evening welcome to the South River Board of Education regular meeting Monday June 17 2024 on in compliance with the open public meeting act chapter 231 laws of 1975 of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting of the South River Board of Education was provided in the following manner on January 17th 2024 the notice was delivered to the office of the South River burough Clerk and posted at the Board of Education administration building on January 17th 2024 the notice was faxed mailed to the following newspapers The Star Ledger home news on January 17th 2024 the notice was posted at the South River burrow clerk's office Mr Rosa would you please call the role Mr basac here Mr buson here Mrs Bush Mrs Bush has been excused Mrs burn here Mrs L here Mr neelson here Mrs Sadowski here Mrs Young ya here Mrs orbanic here miss Emanuel bizer she may join us later have a quum thank you okay so moving on to our agenda the first item on tonight's agenda we have the minutes um Mr Rosa yes so for tonight we have uh special meeting minutes on May 20th the pre-meeting minutes of May 20th and the regular uh meeting minutes of May 23rd board members what is your pleasure on the minutes move the reading of the minutes motion by Mr Nelson second second by Miss L any questions or comments on the minutes all in favor I thank you moving on we have our use of facilities Mr Rosa what do we have so for tonight we have number 1585 High School boys varsity basketball number 1586 South River booster club number 1587 South River booster club number 1588 uh Middle School Outdoor Classroom memorial service number 1589 southw Recreational department number 1590 borrow of South River and number 1591 South L booster club board member what are your what is your pleasure on the use of facilities move the use of facilities in accordance with board policies motion by Mr neelson second second by Miss Sadowski uh any questions or comments on the use of facilities I do Madam president um I attended the June 8th ceremony Middle School outdoor ceremony with Dr zercher it was very moving it was very nice to see that the family put um so much attention on how the staff treated them um how the wrestling coach was so loved by the student and how he came of his own time to spend time with the family it was greatly appreciated from every member of that family what the teachers the staff anybody who was anybody within this District reached out to them believe me it was greatly appreciated um they they really know that our teachers don't just see this as a job that they do love and care for these students and uh it was great to see it's a shame it had to be seen but uh your work ladies and gentlemen does not go unnoticed and I want to thank you for that that's all I have okay thank you that was for you of facilities number 1588 so we have a motion we have a second all in favor I thank you uh next item on our agenda is 2.3 the financial report M low thank you be it resolved that the Board of Education hereby certifies that it is in receipt of the financial report which indicates that no major account has been overexpanded and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year the finance committee recommends that the reports of the board secretary and The Treasure of school monies for April 2024 be approved and ISO move we have a motion by m l second second by Miss Sadowski any questions or comments on the financial report all in favor I motion carries thank you uh at this time we are going to change the order of business slightly we are going to go to number five under President of the board where we have some recognitions for many attendees in the audience tonight uh we're going to be starting by presenting those recognitions our board members have the honors of doing that and we will start with Mr Ray basan Miss Amanda Johnson [Applause] come resolution whereas Amanda Johnson has served the students of South River School District as a dedicated school psychologist and whereas Amanda Johnson's use of effective instruction techniques and methods were outstanding and whereas Amanda Johnson's establishment of productive Community climate and rapport with students demonstrates inspirational leadership and whereas Amanda Johnson has developed feelings of self-worth and love of learning in students by her honesty and commitment to the psychologic psychologically profession and resolv the South River Board of Education at its public meeting on June 17 2024 wishes to recognize Amanda Johnson for selection to the 2024 Governor's Educational Services professional of the Year program representing the elementary school and be it further resolved that the South River Board of Education at its public meeting of June 17 2024 wishes to have these sentiments spread upon the minutes of this meeting and a copy of this resolution be presented to Amanda Johnson Johnny Rosa board secretary Cynthia urbanic President [Applause] congratulations then we also have the state of New Jersey Department of Education 2023 2024 Governor's educator of the Year program awarded this certificate of recognition to Amanda Johnson in honor of her contributions of being an outstanding educator in the New Jersey Public Schools congratulations [Applause] congratulations Excuse Me Miss Johnson I'm sorry the floor is yours if you'd like to say anything okay um so I just want to say um you know I was thinking about this last night as Miss Robinson and I were talking um I'm really truly um grateful and thankful for my time here um what really makes this um school so special is honestly the people I work with um and I lucky to come here um every single day and I'm very very thankful um to be here and to have gotten something like this is really really very special and I don't take it lightly so thank you so much to for everybody for being here um and I really love South River [Applause] I also have two more and unfortunately these two ladies couldn't be here tonight uh resolution whereas Margaret roselli served the students of South River School District from 2001 to 2023 and whereas Margaret roselli served as high school secretary high school guidance secretary site worker ticket taker crowd control staff and collector of high school revenues and distinguished herself by enthusiastic Devotion to her professionalism by accepting all responsibilities assigned to her and whereas Margaret Roselli's service to the school district was marked by her honesty integrity and commitment now therefore be it resolved that this resolution be adopted spread upon the minutes of the June 17 2024 public meeting and that a copy of the same be presented to Margaret roselli signed by Johnny Rosa board secretary Cynthia orbanic President congratulations and then next one next resolution whereas Deborah shimansky served the students of South River School District from 2024 to 2023 and whereas Deborah shamansky served as Elementary School secretary Middle School secretary bookkeeper secretary business office and distinguish herself by her enthusiastic Devotion to her professionalism by accepting all responsibilities assigned to her and whereas Deborah shamansky service to the school district was marked by her honesty integrity and commitment now therefore be it resolved that this resolution be adopted spread upon the minutes of the June 17 20124 public meeting and that a copy of the same be presented to Deborah shamansky signed by Johnny Rosa board secretary Cynthia orbanic President [Applause] congratulations next resolution is for anti Wiman uh resolution whereas Anthony wman served the students of South River School District from 2000 to 2024 and whereas atie wman served as high school German teacher high school psychologist teacher World Language te teacher leader German club advisor German Honor Society advisor curriculum writer and distinguished herself by her enthusiam Devotion to the profession by accepting all responsibilities assigned to her and whereas Auntie wman served to the the district was marked by her honesty integrity and commitment now therefore be resolved that the South Board of Education hereby recognizes this retirement and this resolution be adopted and spread upon the minutes of the June 17 2024 public meeting and a copy the same be presented to Anthony wman signed Johnny Rose of board secretary and Cindy urbanic president [Applause] thank you unfortunately the person that I have to present to cannot make it as well resolution whereas Jean verz served the students of the South River School District from 1997 to 2024 and whereas Jean verz served as high school guidance counselor TurnKey presenter anti-bullying Specialists alternative program staff member 21st century Community Learning Center Program instructor take a step club advisor and distinguished herself by her enthusiastic Devotion to her profession by accepting all responsibilities assigned to her and whereas Jean VZ service to the school district was marked by her honesty integrity and commitment now therefore be it resolved that this resolution be adopted spread upon the minutes of the June 177 20 24 public meeting and that a copy of the same be presented to Jean VZ signed Johnny Rosa board secretary and Cynthia urbanic [Applause] president that so I'm gonna start with Mr Michael [Applause] leor miked a baseball shirt resolution whereas Michael lore has served the students of South River School District as a dedic ated teacher and whereas Michael Lor's use of effective instruction techniques and methods were outstanding and whereas Michael leora's establishment of productive classroom climate and rapport with students demonstrates inspirational leadership and whereas Michael leore has developed feelings of self-worth and love of learning in students by his honesty and commitment to the teaching profession and resolved the South River Board of Education at its public meeting of June 17th 2024 wish to recognize Michael leor for selection to the 2024 Governor's educator of the Year program representing the high school and be it further resolved that the South River Board of Education at its public meeting of June 17th 2024 wishes to have these sentiments spread upon the minutes of this meeting and that a copy of this resolution be presented to Michael leapor signed board secretary Johnny Rosa Cynthia urbanic president [Applause] the state of New Jersey Department of Education 2324 Governor's educator of the Year program awarded this certificate of recognition to Michael aore in honor of the contributions of being an outstanding educator in a New Jersey public school I'd like to add that the day that he earned this I sent him a text and I said congrats and he responded I'd like to share this with my whole department and then I responded back that's exactly what I expected from somebody who's a coach and understands the team ethic but to take one for the team and appreciate being an individual so I congratulate you uh I'm humbled I appreciate that Liz uh and that's exactly what I said when I first learned about this uh it's not too often that a fizzed teacher gets teacher a year um if you ever watch you know we're in the gym we're playing games um I I I love what I do um I've been doing it for 30 years everyone's asking me when I'm ready to retire and I'm not so I'm ready I got a lot of energy and I'm going to keep going as long as I can um I think I'm one of the only teachers left in this District that has taught at every school in South River starting with Campbell to the Old Middle School um to the new Elementary back here at the high school I don't think I taught at the primary but I've been there um uh I appreciate um living in this town I appreciate teaching here um and I also what I said at my uh sports awards to the Board of Ed and Dr Zurcher I appreciate what you guys have been doing these past couple years in support of sports uh getting us a new field um I asked for a new pitching machine we got it new uniforms for our Middle School we're getting a new weight room so it might not seem like people appreciate what you do but I I see it as a um a citizen of this town and um an employee of the board of EDS so I I really do appreciate that thank [Applause] you Miss suin [Applause] both my boys had the pleasure of having Miss sutfin as their counselor my oldest will be turning 24 and she still asks about him resolution whereas Don Marie suin has served the students of the South River School District as a dedicated guidance counselor and whereas Don Marie suman's use of effective instruction techniques and methods were outstanding and whereas Don Marie suman's establishment of productive Community climate and rapport with Stud students demonstrates inspirational leadership and whereas Don Marie Suman has developed feelings of selfworth and love of learning in students by her honesty and commitment to the counseling profession and resolved the South River Board of Education at its public meeting of June 17th 2024 wishes to recognize Don Marie sutfin for selection to the 2024 Governor's Educational Services professional of the Year program representing the middle school and be it further resolved that the South River Board of Education at its public meeting of June 17 2024 wishes to have these sentiments spread upon the minutes of this meeting and that a copy of this resolution be presented to Don Marie suen signed Johnny Rosa board secretary Cynthia a urbanic president the state of New Jersey Department of Education 2023 24 Governor's educator of the Year program awarded this certificate of recognition to Dawn suin in honor of the contributions of being an outstanding educator in a New Jersey public school thank you I can okay but thank you thank you everybody thank [Applause] you one more Rebecca jope yes we didn't plan this but it looks like we match resolution whereas Rebecca job has served the students of the South River School District as a dedicated teacher and whereas Rebecca job's use of effective instruction techniques and methods were outstanding and whereas Rebecca job's establishment of productive classroom climate and rapport with students demonstrates inspirational leadership and whereas Rebecca job has developed feelings of selfworth and love of learning in students by her honesty and commitment to the teaching profession and resolved the board of education at its public meeting of June 17th 2024 wishes to rec recogniz Rebecca job for selection to the 2024 Governor's educator of the Year program representing the middle school and be it further resolved at the South River Board of Education at its public meeting of June 17 2024 wishes to have these sentiments spread upon the minutes of this meeting and that a copy of this resolution be presented to Rebecca job sign Johnny Rosa board secretary Cynthia urbanic president the state of New Jersey Department of Education 2324 Governor's educator of the Year program Awards this certificate of recognition to Rebecca job in honor of her in honor of the contributions of being an outstanding educator in a New Jersey public [Applause] school did Miss Joe want to say anything and my final one is for Miss Greta P who both my children uh were able to have her as their Spanish teacher whereas Greta P served the students of the South River School District from 2004 to 2024 and whereas Greta Pi served as high school Spanish teacher and curriculum writer and distinguished herself by her enthusiastic Devotion to her profession by accepting all responsibilities assigned to her and whereas Greta P's service to the school district was marked by her honesty integrity and commitment now there for be it resolved that the South River Board of Education hereby recognizes this retirement and this resolution be adopted spread upon the minutes of the June 177 2024 public meeting and that a copy of same be presented to Greta pick sign Johnny Rosa board secretary and Cynthia urbanic president works come on Miss Rocky that's what my boys tell me Miss [Applause] Rocky I'll hold these if you would care to sign okay okay there you go resolution whereas Raquel rerio has served the students of South River School District as a dedicated American Sign Language par professional and whereas Rico rocky rocky riario's use of effective instruction technique and methods were outstanding and whereas Rocky riario's establishment of productive Community climate and Report with students demonstrates inspirational leadership and whereas Rocky rerio has developed feelings of self-worth and love of learning in students by her honesty and commitment to the American Sign Language paraprofessional profession and be it resolved the South River Board of Education at its public meeting of June 17th 2024 wishes to recognize Rocky rerio for selection of the 2024 Governor's Educational Service professional of the Year program representing the high school school and be it further resolved that the South River Board of Education at its public meeting of June 17th 2024 wishes to have these sentiments spread upon the minutes of this meeting and that a copy of this resolution be presented to Rocky rerio Johnny Rosa board secretary Cynthia urbanic president I'm sorry if I was reading too fast here for you minute okay the state of New Jersey Department of Education 2023 24 Governor's educator of the Year program awarded this certificate of recognition to Rocky rerio in honor of the contributions of being an outstanding educator in a New Jersey Public School Kevin deer acting Commissioner of education and from my family we can't thank you enough for all of you done my boys will see you in asl4 yes thank you very much oh my goodness oh my goodness um well first I just want you to know I did not just come from a funeral I I the majority of my clothes of after 23 years of interpreting or black that's what interpreters wear and um when I first started uh to interpret my uh goal was to bring this as a World Language and you did that here at South River and I can't thank you all so much for that because it's a big deal the community does not um is not seen you know and it's always a struggle and um As an interpreter you're out there and you're interpreting and you know you're more of a machine you facilitate communication between the people that are in that moment and that's it but when you taught the language it's kind of like dropping a pedal in a pedal a a p um what is it called a pebble in the in a lake and it Ripples and now all these kids are going to be able to at least do something in in any situation and conversation something simple where it's always been such a struggle for the de community so I can't thank you enough for giving me this opportunity I can't believe I'm going to cry and um thank you all so so much um and you know thank you for letting us go to Kats and back School for the Deaf that was so huge that was so huge that was on my bucket list of my career so thank you for that can I give you hug now she does have one of the largest extra curricul ular classes that we have they filled the stage when they had um one of the senior nights come on down Kelly [Applause] Robinson cute Okay resolution whereas Kelly Robinson has served the students of the South River School District as a dedicated teacher and whereas Kelly Robinson's use of effective instruction techniques and methods were outstanding and whereas Kelly Robinson's establishment of productive classroom climate and Report with students demonstrates inspirational leadership ship and whereas Kelly Robinson has developed feelings of selfworth and love of learning in students by her honesty and commitment to the teaching profession and resolved the South River Board of Education at its public meeting of June 17th 2024 wishes to recognize Kelly Robinson for selection to the 2024 Governor's educator of the Year program representing the elementary school and be it further resolved that the South Board of Education at its public meeting of June 77 2024 wishes to have these sentiments spread upon the minutes of this meeting and that a copy of this resolution be presented to Kelly Robinson sign Johnny Rosa board secretary and Cynthia orbanic president state of New Jersey Department of Education for the 2023 2024 Governor's educator of the Year program awarded this certificate of recognition to Kelly Robinson and honor of the contributions of being an outstanding educator in a New Jersey Public School congratulations thank hello um I feel extremely honored to have received this award and um I really thank everyone I thank like all of the board Dr Zurcher for all of your support it's not as Mr leor said it's not unnoticed what is done for the kids even if they don't directly see it um all the great administrators I work with so many amazing co-workers that I just felt like when I won this award I was like just thought about how hard everyone around me works and really how much they care about the kids and that's like one of the best things about this place I actually grew up in South River so did my mom so did my grandpa so coming back here and being able being able to give back um really really means a lot to me I had wonderful teachers growing up M leor was one of them not to call you out um but uh I'm really just so so grateful for this and the students make it and the co-workers just make this like the best job in the world so thank you so much thank [Applause] you Ruby mangion [Applause] Okay resolution whereas rubby Gil Manon has served the students of the southa school district as a dedicated teacher and whereas rubel Manion use of of effective instruction techniques and methods were outstanding and whereas rubel manon's establishment of productive classroom climate in Report with with students demonstrates inspirational leadership and whereas Ruby Gil mangion has developed feelings of self-worth and love of learning in students by her honesty and commitment to the teaching profession and resolved the South Board of Education at its public meeting of June 17 2024 wishes to recognize Ruby rubby gel Manion for selection to the 2024 Governor's educator of the Year program representing the primary school and be further resolved that at at the south of Board of Education hereby recognizes this achievement and this resolution be adopted spread among upon the minutes of the June 17 2024 meeting and that a copy of this resolution be presented to rubil manio assigned Johnny Rosa board secretary and Cynthia orbanic president and I have one more uh the state of New Jersey Department of Education for the 2023 2024 Governor's educator of the Year program awarded the certificate of recognition to rubby Gil Manion in honor of the contributions of being an outstanding educator in a New Jersey Public School [Applause] congratulations so the day that I found out I got called to the principal's office and I said to myself I'm a good girl what happened what's going on um so I walk in I'm thinking oh maybe she just wants to discuss something about the PTA um walk in and Dr liberman tells me that I was given the award and I was brought to tears teaching has always been um a passion of mine and I I absolutely absolutely just love teaching my little ones um and I'm so grateful to have found a home in south over uh this is my I think my 13th 14th year teaching so I'm I'm just so grateful to be here and I'm honored to be receiving Teacher of the [Applause] Year Amanda w [Applause] resolution whereas Amanda wance has served the the students of the South River School District as a dedicated guidance counselor and whereas Amanda W's effective instruction techniques and methods were outstanding and whereas Amanda W's establishment of productive Community climate in Report with students demonstrates inspirational leadership and whereas Amanda Wentz has developed feelings of selfworth and love of learning in students by her honesty and commitment to the counseling profession and resolved the South Board of Education at his public meeting of June 17 2024 wishes to recognize Amanda wance for his selection to the 2024 Governor's Educational Services professional of the Year program representing the primary school and be it further resolved the Seth Board of Education at its public meeting of June 17th 2024 wishes to have these sentiments spread upon the minutes of this meeting and that a copy of this resolution be presented to Amanda wz sign Johnny Rosa board secretary Cynthia orbanic president [Applause] and I One More the state of New Jersey Department of Education for the 2023 2024 Governor's educator of the Year program awarded the certificate of recognition to Amanda wance in honor of her contributions of being an outstanding educator in New Jersey Public Schools I was totally not prepared to make a speech right now um so I'm very very grateful for this um this is only my second year at South River so I was very honored to be here and get this award um it's really nice to go to school every day and really love your job and it doesn't even feel like a job I love the kids that I work with the all the staff and everyone is absolutely wonderful so thank you so [Applause] much unfortunately the next three recipients could not be here tonight so resolution whereas Christine brasno served the students of the South River High South River School District from 1994 to 2023 and whereas Christine brasno served as high school secretary site worker bowling coach softball coach basketball coach soccer coach and track coach and distinguished herself by her enthusiastic Dev Devotion to her profession by accepting all responsibilities assigned to her and whereas Christine brno's service to the school district was marked by her honesty integrity and commitment now therefore be resolved that this resolution be adopted spread upon the minutes of the June 17 2024 public meeting and that a copy of the same be presented to Christine brasno signed Johnny Rosa board secretary Cynthia urbanic president [Applause] resolution whereas Valerie alott served the students of South River School District from 2007 to 2024 and whereas Valerie Alcott served as high school science teacher National Honor Society adviser Earth Club advisor High School science teacher leader summer remediation program staff member academic remediation and enrichment staff professional development presenter mentor and curriculum writer and distinguished herself by her enthusiastic Devotion to her profession by accepting all responsibilities assigned to her and whereas Valerie alcott's service to the school district was marked by her honesty integrity and commitment now therefore be it resolved that the South River Board of Education hereby recognize this retirement and this resolution be adopted spread upon the minutes of the June 17 2024 public meeting and that a copy of the same be presented to Valerie Alcott signed Johnny Rosa board secretary Cynthia urbanic [Applause] president resolution whereas Kevin kidney served the students of the South River School District from 2005 to 2024 and whereas Kevin kidney served as Elementary School principal Primary School principal High School principal Acting Superintendent School Improvement panel staff member and Senior trip chaperone and distinguished himself by his enthusiastic Devotion to his profession by accepting all responsibilities assigned to him and whereas Kevin kidney's service to the school district was marked by his honesty integrity and commitment now therefore be it resolved that the South River Board of Education hereby recognizes this retirement and this resolution be adopted spread upon the minutes of the June 17 2024 public meeting and that a copy of the same be presented to Kevin kidney signed Johnny Rosa board secretary and Cynthia urbanic [Applause] president I'd like to call my dear friend Deborah NE palatano to the stage [Applause] the day Deb told me she was going to retire I begged her to stay and she said no so that's why she is with us tonight whereas Deborah NEP palatano served the students of the South River District from 1999 to 2024 and whereas Deborah NEP palatano served as confidential secretary to the superintendent clerk typist substitute caller breakfast Aid substitute and Adopt a Family advisor and distinguished herself by her enthusiastic Devotion to her profession by accepting all responsibilities assigned to her and then some and whereas Deborah napolitano's service to the school district was marked by her honesty integrity and commitment now therefore be it resolved that this resolution be adopted spread upon the minutes of the June 17 202 for public meeting and that a copy of the same be presented to Deborah napalitano signed by Johnny Rosa board secretary and Cynthia orbanic board [Applause] president thank you I wasn't prepared to say anything um so this is off the cuff thank you so much um I want to thank the board uh for employing me for 25 years uh it's been a wonderful Journey for me I've worked with many wonderful administrators and board members and staff members and and administrative assistants and made some some dear friends and I do miss it a little bit but retirement is great and um I thank you thank you so much [Applause] thank okay I do have one more resolution tonight um for a member who's not here whereas Emmanuel bizer served as student represent ative to the South River Board of Education from September 2023 to June 2024 and whereas Emanuel bisera served her fellow students effectively and diligently by her contribution to the student Community by her participation in the Board of Education meetings and her High interest in the educational welfare of the South River Public School students and whereas the South River Board of Education recognizes Emmanuel bis's outstanding dedication to her duties as student representative to the Board of Education through her demonstrated leadership qualities and wishes her the best in all of her future endeavors and now therefore be it resolved that the South River Board of Education hereby recognizes this service and this resolution be adopted spread upon the minutes of the June 17 2024 meeting and that a copy of this resolution be presented to Emmanuel bisera signed by Johnny Rosa board secretary and Cynthia orbanic board president okay thank you very much uh congratulations to all the recipients of the awards and congratulations to all of our retirees I know you will find something to do in retirement uh and we wish you well and we wish you the best and to those of you who are staying and received Awards thank you for your service thank you for putting in the time and effort that it took to receive that Governor's award uh at this time the board is going to continue with its regular meeting we are going to briefly pause though to allow you to exit the meeting if you so choose you're invited to stay it's an exciting meeting no it's not but um if you would like to leave nobody is going to be offended so thank you very much now we're back to just Richard now we're back to just Richard e uh continuing on with our regular meeting we have our superintendent report Dr zercher yes thank you Mrs oranic uh I'd like to begin today with item 3.2 which is the student safety data report for period 1 so this is all of the activity between September 1 2023 and December 31 2023 and this will be presented by um our director of student services who is also our District's Hib specialist and that will be Mr Matt Crouch good evening um thank you for introduction Dr zercher this is going to be a brief presentation that outlines the public schools District's report um for the sa student safety data reporting through September 20 September 1st 2023 through December 31st 2023 we're going to look at all the schools and then we're going to look at some of the programs that we've been running so overall throughout the entire District hip trainings we've had 21 inside of reporting period one and as far as hi programs go we had 28 uh programs going uh at the primary school we had zero incidents we had three Hib trainings and we had eight Hib programs in the elementary school we had one incident we had seven incidents re leading to removal we had five alleged hibs we had four trainings and we had three hip programs moving moving forward to the middle school we had nine incidents with one other leading to removal zero alleged five trainings and four programs that were run and in the high school we had 12 incidents six incidents that led to removal we had two alleged hibs we had four trainings and we had six programs during this reporting period during this program during this window of time we've been running the tools of the mind which is part of our prek curriculum that deals with social emotional learning we've had been using the Masonic model inrs program and we've also been using responsive classroom we have brought in effective School Solutions as well as Rucker's Behavioral Health to offer emot social emotional health as well as psychological assistance to students in need and then we also have car Solus which is an amazing program that gives people access to the help that they may need regardless of their insurance status so no matter what they can get the services that they need via this program that we brought in we have a therapy dog program that we've been running for the past year or two uh one of the most exciting things that we did is we decided to run a test to let students self judge themselves on where they were in their social emotional learning skills we call it the rasa junor um and it has brought us some very interesting data that we're going to use to instruct us moving forward to create programs to better serve our students needs we have had an attendance letter Campaign which has been been exceptionally successful where we're sending home all kinds of postcards and really nice things to the families to recognize the good things that are going on inside of a person's life that you don't really hear you know you get good grades but this is one of those ways we can say hey look this is something really nice that you've done or how you've assisted the community we have had our district Equity goals committee meeting and we're working moving forward to try and plan for the years ahead as well as in this s year itself and last but not least we have our uh elll student ambassador program which has been incredibly successful in helping our newcomers feel integrated and join into the community so that they can this then reach those resources through people who have gone through similar experiences to themselves if you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to me uh my email is up here and this will be posted on the district website thank you very much any questions all right well thank you very much I appreciate your time La thank you thank you Mr [Applause] P okay next I'd like to continue with my regular monthly report I'd like to begin by really um thanking the board um for your flexibility in adjusting our calendar to allow for a wellness day it was a very very well received Day by both students um and and staff we received a ton of wonderful feedback we know we're going to do it again uh for this coming school year uh but really thank you to the planning committee for the wellness day each school had its own planning committee and um and Mr Crouch uh who just presented who uh is our director of student services I'd also like to thank Mr George Scott he did a wonderful presentation for staff um and also for our parent Community he was again very welled D and I think it was a much needed day to sit back and really think about our self-care and different strategies to um to really prioritize um Wellness I'd like to remind the public we put this in the eam um that we have a new app a new mobile app that is reflective of the information on our website um we gave out some information and it's also included here in this superintendent report with a link for how to download the app um but I think it's a very useful tool I know people are on the go and on their mobile devices these days so it's a great way to be a able to access District information wherever you are um just a quick tip if you're looking to make sure you're on the right app it's the one with our interlocking Sr logo we have new hours beginning in September and we want to make sure that our parents are aware of the new bell schedule for now all five schools uh which includes our ELC which is coming along very nicely as well uh so please pay attention to these hours and on our district uh website after July 1 we will be posting the general bell schedule but also the early release as well as delayed opening schedules um there as well under each of our schools a lot of summer programs uh please be sure we have that posted on the front page of our website it's not too late please if you're interested in joining one of our programs something uh new to this year is the AP Academy to help students really get prepared for the upcoming AP courses that they are registered for please take the opportunity for those as well as our 21st century program um that's going to be running this summer as well a lot of summer projects that we are looking forward to we are getting ready to close the school year but certainly have already and for months um since we approved the budget been preparing for the upcoming school year that's why you will notice our budget um or our budget items are reflected in this month's um Finance agenda which has many items on it um but this is how we are preparing we want to make sure that we have everything board approved and in place so that we can begin this work right away and um I'd also like to recognize the fact that that each of our schools um are going to be engaging in different activities in celebration of juneth which is this month as well and um and really just focusing on the concept of diversity acceptance and really how um how juneth came to be the history behind juneth itself we also have had so many events in the district our um senior Awards night our sports awards nights um we've had uh our trip our seniors went on a trip our eighth graders we have had dances our fifth graders just had a dance uh Funday Funday have been a huge success and I really can't thank our PT enough for all that they have been contributing to all of these events we've had um just a really great end to the school year in terms of involvement and opportunities for our students and with that I will close my superintendent report for the month open up to any questions or comments you gonna say something I was um I uh I like to see that um you know there the three Rs aren't just being taught in our school district and for you those of you who are listening are not old enough there used to be a saying that the three Rs were Reading Writing arithmetic um that we do have all these programs that are in here for the mental health and well-being of our students and Mr Crouch his staff can't thank you enough you know it's need in today's world and it's a it's a tough road to hold but you and your staff thank you very much for all these programs Dr zercher for finding them implementing them to the board so that we can Implement them you know like I said June 8th U it really you people do make an impact on your students and thank you and that's all I have for that Dr Zer thank you also on this agenda you have hi number 19 20 and 21 for your review and so concludes my report thank you thank you Dr zercher board members what is your pleasure on the superintendent report move the superintendent report is read we have a motion is there a second second by Miss burn any other questions or comments all in favor I thank you motion passes at this time the board is now going to open up its meeting to the public for the public to address agenda items only there will be a public session later on in the meeting so that the public May address any other items that they feel warrant the board's attention uh if anyone wishes to come and speak for agenda items please come to the microphone state your name and address and please keep your comments to a 10minute time limit and that would be on first call second call and third call we're going to close this public session and we're going to move on to our committee reports with our first committee being Athletics and extracurricular there's one item on the agenda it's the uh schedule for summer Athletics and that's all I have thank you Madam president I just want to um I don't know if it slipped but um Julius Rosado was named to Middle sex County uh hitter of the Year this year Julius is doing great he's a junior he'll be back with us again next year um he's going to attend R University and also Travis Benny our ice hockey coach was given the coach of the year honor which um I I said was our third year as our ice hockey team's been out there right and we got Coach of the Year we're moving forward it's good to see that's all I have for that thank you our next committee is buildings and grounds Mr neelson um have you seen Mr bl's report in the monthly report we also have a 7.1 addition approved disposal of CA cafeteria equipment and that's all I have Madam president thank you under Finance M L I only have 58 items this evening so I will start 8. one approve award Early Learning Center addition addition to the board office bid number 25-01 feros Enterprises LLC 8.2 approve the 2324 anticipated contracts to be renewed awarded or to expire during the school year PL 2015 chapter 47 8.3 approved transfer of 232 fouryear Surplus to capital reserve maintenance Reserve 8.4 cancellation of District's outstanding checks 8.5 approve cancellation of outstanding checks from the high school student activity account 8.6 approve appoint Cooperative pricing system from the Monmouth ocean Educational Services Commission 8.7 approve intent to collaborate contract Monmouth ocean Educational Services Commission for the 2425 school year A8 May approve appoint 2024 sl22 7 Risk Management Group for New Jersey schools Insurance Group 8.9 the 2425 riskmanagement insurance rates programs New Jersey school Insurance Group 810 the 2425 student accidents insurance rates Health special risk Inc 8.11 renew approved contract the 2425 Professional Services labor negotiator Kenny gross kovat and Parton 8.12 renew approv contract 2425 Legal Services Board attorney Kenny gross kovat and Parton 813 approved contract Eastern Armored Services Inc armored car services for the 2425 school year 814 approved contract asset Works USA Inc inventory software services for the 2425 and the 2526 school years 815 approved contract Johnson Controls fire protection LP fire alarm and inspection services for the 2324 and the 2425 school years 816 approved contract Advocate monitoring for custodial services provider 2425 school year 817 approved Contract mashos Trucking LLC USDA Commodities transportation services 2425 school year 818 approved contract weather Works LLC weather prediction services provider the 2425 school year 819 approved contract 2425 legal services for special education attorney methfessel and wble Esquires 820 approved contract behavior therapy Associates PA board certified behavior analyst services provider for the 2425 school year 821 approved contract RT educational Consulting LLC Portuguese psychological assessment services provider 2425 school year 822 approved contract Selena AR matush Portuguese educational evaluations services provider for the 2425 school year 823 approve contract Learning Tree Multicultural multilingual evaluation Consulting Inc bilingual child study team evaluation services provider 2425 school year 824 approved contract recers University Behavior Healthcare mental health services provider for the 2425 school year 825 approve contract Anna T fera bilingual Portuguese speech language assessment services provider for the 2425 school year 826 approved contracts for biata home healthcare Inc one to1 nursing Services 2425 827 approved contract biata Home healthc Care Inc substitute nursing services for the 2425 School year 828 approved Contract soient Health LLC special education services 2425 school year 829 approved contract Marilyn a kubich MD LLC pediatric neurology consultation services provider 2425 school year 8.30 approv contract Hercules achievement LLC Varsity yearbook oriflame high school yearbook services provider 2425 school year 831 approved contract University of Delaware for dual enrollment program for the 2425 school year 832 approved Northeastern interior Services LLC via bid number hc- se-20 painting services for the primary school 833 approve Northeastern interior Services LLC painting Services Elementary School 834 approve Rich Tree Servicing via state number number contract 18- DPP 00 645 tree removal services near the concession stand 835 approved contract MTB electric um LLC via the Educational Services Commission of New Jersey Co-op electrical services Elementary Middle School light lighting 836 approved Digital Data Systems firewall renewal for the 2425 school year 837 approved digital River antivirus renewal for the 2425 school year 838 approved Dell naspo computer equipment PA New Jersey Chromebooks and accessories purchase for the 2425 school year 839 approved Genesis student information system renewal 2425 school year 840 cdwg light speed content filter renewal 2425 school year 841 approved Contract Office Solutions Inc at access controls and Camera Services High School wait room 842 approve contract Daner LLC via New Jersey state contract Furniture installation labor high school guidance office 43 44 45 are usual tax request tax requisition line item transfers 846 addition award Security Services bid number 2503 Aros security 847 847 addition approve award C custodial Services RFP 25-4 aramar Management Services limited partnership 848 addition approved the gpie group via the New Jersey State Co-Op contract Educational Services Commission flooring services for the primary school 849 addition approved similar flooring Services elementary and middle schools 850 addition approved budget transfer withdrawal from maintenance Reserve in the amount of 995,000 to Capital outlay 8 51 addition approved the Gillespie group flooring services for the high school room number 103 852 addition approv the gesy group for flooring services for the high school guidance office 853 addition approve Ward Corporation via the educational data Cooperative contract for the high school music Furniture 854 addition approve efficiency packing and delivery moving company Elementary primary school and Early Learning Center 855 addition approved Contract Office Solutions Inc access controls and installation services primary middle and high schools 856 addition approve map restaurant supplies via bid number for the cafeteria equipment 857 addition approved contract School specialty via hunon New Jersey Co-op Furniture installation labor High School annex media center and 858 addition approved contract BRZ urgent care for the 24 25 school year and uh may I add a couple of things you know just to make this longer um I just want to be able to explain while there's so many items um that are being read if you carefully review what they're about they cover all our buildings which affects students across the district K through 12 it includes projects that have begun been in process and are wrapping up and it anticipates everything dealing with Safety and Security of our kids for next year um the ability to have uh Furniture moved from one building to the other um making sure we're prepared with mental health services that we just had a huge presentation on uh ensuring that our teachers have the appropriate um not only Furniture but materials and that all falls under this much because if it's not done now there's a likelihood that we will not be ready for things for September so it takes a lot out of Mr Rosa's office and working with Dr zercher and the administrative assist assistance that he has coming together to be able to put everything on so that we can move efficiently through the process in June not in July um because there could be potentials where things might not come in time but it won't be because we didn't do it in time it it's just called life some things come on time and some things don't uh but we do our best so I just want to say thank you uh for being able to put things so comprehensively even to the point of additions done today for the betterment of all the projects that we're doing as a district K through 12 because in essence that's what that that's what it is and um and I just wanted to say thank you and I appreciate the effort that's all I have for this evening very good are there any board members that have any questions on any of the 58 Finance items I mean they were they were cool stuff okay Miss L would you please continue with the instruction I continue hold on I got to take the GL off to actually see all right instruction we have seven items uh 9.1 approve professional development and travel expenses for the 2425 school year 9.2 approve added District placements it's Revis tuition and related services for the extended school year 2024 9.3 approved charter school students tuition for the 2425 school year 9.4 approv out of District preschool students tuition for the 2425 school year 9.5 was to adopt the 2324 revised school calendar which we already did uh the day 9.6 approve the safe return plan for the 2425 school year 9.7 is approved disposal of textbooks and I would like to highlight uh from Dr Tano's report um that uh he was able to meet with teacher leaders um they were able to have a presentation from Dr zercher about resources um they have professional development needs that were discussed and they reflected upon it uh so that there's there was a survey so that they can have a district professional development plan for the upcoming year he mentioned the AP courses uh the dance sequence at the high school and there will be um 130 curriculum guides this year uh that um will require adoption because Ela and math standards have to be in and then next school year we go into what's called New Jersey qap uh which is a review of the district and a huge part of the curriculum concentration piece in terms of points comes from the curriculum and that is all I have for this evening also also in the instruction report is a good listing of the types of postgraduate activities that our students are engaging in I'm as well I have something that um Tony Rano always made a point to make sure that those col es that our students were uh attaining attending in the future were always read out and another thing that Tony always like to bring out is the uh hitia school so $375,500 felt that it was not on the up and up um that it was like a religious school hiding behind this Charter that the uh State put in there so yeah that's that's a nice chunk of money that could be staying in here and uh I promise Tony that every year that I set on a board I'll make sure that I let the public know how much money goes out that door that's $375,500 thank you our next item on the agenda is negotiations and the item that we have is to approve the 2024 to 2028 memorandum of agreement for the collective bargaining agreement with the South River Association of Administrators uh this is pretty important and significant I believe this wraps up all of our contract nego negotiations with our unions for quite a while and we were able to settle this contract before the current one expired which is always a uh good thing the relations between the board and its employees uh speak to that by getting these contracts settled also we are going to be hearing from our policy and legislation from Miss burn thank you I have seven items tonight 11.1 approve superintendent of yes superintendent of schools 2024 2025 employee travel expense 11.2 approve assistant superintendent 2024 2025 employee travel expense 11.3 approve business administrator 2024 2025 employee travel expense 11. for Approved director of special education 2024 2025 employee travel expense 11.5 2023 2024 employee travel reimbursement 11.6 adopt second reading revised policy number 6145 extracurricular activities and 11.7 adopt second reading revised policy number 6145 .1 and 614 5.2 intramural competition inter Scholastic competition and that is all thank you under Human Resources Mr bzac thank you Mr BR 35 items on the agenda item 12.1 approve videographer subv videographer for 2024 2025 school year item 12.2 approve appoint Johnny Rosa qualified purchasing agent public agency compliance officer custodian open public records safety auditor for the 2024 2025 school year item 12.3 approve disability sick maternity Family Leave Nicole Calo high school English teacher 2024 2025 school year item 12.4 approv disability sick Family Leave Julie costantino middle school guidance secretary 2024 2025 school year item 12.5 approve Family Leave Lauren McCarthy middle school math teacher 2024 2025 school year item 12.6 approved revised family lead Brandon Russo 2023 2024 school year item 12.7 approve additional extended school year PR professionals summer of 2024 item 12.8 approve app Point Arlene faran preschool classroom a 2024 2025 school year item 12.9 approve appoint Christina Marsh preschool classroom a 2024 2025 school year item 12.10 approve revised extended school year staff summer of 2024 item 12.11 approved resignation Matthew fatan faden I'm sorry Middle School Ela school teacher 2023 2024 school year item 12.12 approve appoint Justin BR Middle School physical education teacher 20124 2025 school year item 12.13 approve appoint Hannah sad Khan Elementary School teacher 2024 2025 school year item 12.14 approve appoint Michael ker High School Ela teacher 2024 2025 school year item 12.15 approve app Point April April zov primary school teacher 2024 2025 school year item 12.16 approve appoint Amanda lensen high school math teacher 2024 202 five school year item 12.17 approve appoint Grace Grell High School psychology teacher 2024 2025 school year item 12.18 approve athletic coaches 2024 2025 school year item 12.19 approve High School auditorium event staff 2023 2024 school year item 12.20 approve Daniel stora part-time computer maintenance and repair 2024 2025 school year item 12.21 approve appoint mail delivery person 2024 2025 school year item 12.22 approve translators 2024 2025 school year item 12.23 approved donation of six days employee number 5293 2024 2025 school year item 12.24 approved Middle School summer hours for counselors summer of 2024 item 12.25 approved summered ation and enrichment program staff summer of 2024 item 12.26 approved teacher leaders 2024 2025 school year item 12.27 approved staff transfers 2024 2025 school year item 12.28 approved salaries non-b bargaining unit 2024 2025 school year item 12.29 discuss approved 2024 2025 employment agreement Dr Joseph travisano assistant superintendent contingent upon approval by the executive County Superintendent item 12.30 discuss approved 20124 2025 employment agreement Johnny roses School business administrator board secretary contingent upon approval by the executive County Superintendent item 12.31 approved contract Brian Dy 2024 2025 school year item 12.32 approved contract Camilo AIO 2024 2025 school year item 12.33 approved contract Steven Baga 2024 2025 school year item 12.34 approved contract Kim yoria 2024 2025 school year and item 12.35 addition approve employee wages salaries 12-month employees 2024 2025 school year that's all I thank you are there any questions on any of the human resources items seeing none Miss Sadowski would you give us the safety and risk management report thank you there are three items on the agenda for this evening item 13.1 except the 2023 2024 bust drills item 13.2 approve award in Nan Mobile Medical Transport route to Lake View school for the 2425 school year item 13.3 approved seral Board of Education joint J of the St Thomas aenas High School route number sjst for the 2425 school year and that's all I have thank you thank you uh at this time we are going to have a consent resolution are there any other items on the um committee reports any questions on it Mr Rosa the consent resolution please yes the South River Board of Education by means of a consent resolution adopt various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time and whereas the below listed resolutions are hereby adopted by the said Board of Education and whole as if the same were individually acted upon and those are the superintendent of schools 3.2 to 3.5 the president of the board 5.2 to 5.20 the Athletics and extra curricula 6.1 the buildings and ground 7.1 the finance 8.1 1- 8.58 under instruction 9.1 through 9.7 under uh negotiations 10.1 under policy and legislation 11.1 through 11.7 under the human resources 12.1 to 12.35 and under safety and risk management 13.1 through 13.3 thank you is there a motion on the consent resolution neon for the motion second motion by Mr neelson is there a second second by Mr basac do any board members wish to have any of the items read separately or are there any abstentions on any of the items Mr buson 1228 did you get that number okay and I will be abstaining on finance 8.18 would you please call the rooll Mr basa yes Mr Buon yes Mrs burn yes Mrs L yes Mr neelson yes Mrs Sadowski yes Mrs y Yao yes Mrs urbanic yes motion passes thank you okay moving on to our school Community Relations Committee Miss y ya there are no items on the agenda for this evening but don't forget school ends on Thursday we we have a moving up ceremony for the graders at 10: a.m. and high school graduation at 5:00 that is all okay thank you uh the school board burrow Council Le is on committee Mr neelson Mr dei's in your audience again tonight uh I'd like to thank him he brought up the items which we spoke about at our last month's meeting to the general public um again we have a good dialogue Mr nimian and I which is nice to see we haven't had that in the past it's nice to see to Han come I wish I could make it to your meetings but usually we coincide on that month but uh it's nice to see you again thank you for our recognition I appreciate it that's all I have thanks Mr Z have a good have a good weekend okay our uh PTA leer is on Mrs Sadowski thank you as Dr Zurcher mentioned in her report there are a lot of things happening uh currently at the schools um fund days took place a couple weeks ago um primary school also had a welcome to Summer ice cream social uh that was actually the high school kids and Miss outout helped the kids uh scoop out I SCH cream and decorate not decorate but top their ice cream um Elementary School had their fifth grade fun night last Friday night um I did want to mention that the primary school PTA is seeking two new board members to accommodate the positions that are being um open at the primary as well as the Early Learning Center so if anybody is interested please email PTA um they are also in the um their planning events for the 2425 school year um and that's all I have and I hope everybody has a great summer also I did want to mention too that there's a lot of effort that goes into planning these events that happen with at these schools with the ptas and that cannot happen without volunteers and between the teachers and the parents they're really the ones that make all these events successful and I would just like to thank everybody who is involved and all their hard work and dedication to making sure these kids have fun thank you thank you South River Public Library Lea is on Mr busen the public library is starting their reading program if you came to South River day on Saturday you can pick up the passport if you haven't didn't make that go to the library and pick up the passport and then the passport has all the events for the summer from uh home parties to Harry Potter birthdays and all other stuff so that's all I have okay that's a lot thank you is there any old or new business to come before this board at this time Mr Parton do you have any other report for us just following up on the negotiations report that we have an era of Labor peace coming to us now we we're good with the SR EA through the 2627 school year now we're with the administrators through 2728 and the non-b bargain unit people through 2025 which is as far as we allowed to go it put you way ahead of a lot of school districts and it's another high functioning aspect of this board so it's a very good thing thank you uh now we are going to pay the bills Miss L we must the finance committee recommends that all bills presented having been certified by the school business administrator board secretary be paid as listed and I so move we have a motion by Miss L second second by Mr neelson any any questions or comments on the bill list all in favor thank you uh at this time we are going to now open up the meeting for the reception of visitors and this is so the public May address any concern or comment that they have for the board I when you come to the microphone please state your name and address and please keep your comments to a 10minute time limit and this would be on first call good evening Richard burn 11 betet place I'm uh the chair of the South River environmental commission SL shade tree commission Green Team and I would uh participated in the final planting of the rain garden and I would like to say thanks to the board Dr Zurcher to your facilities people uh for helping us uh you know cooperating and getting all this off the ground with the patience of all the back and forth and the construction and nonsense and uh it it really turned out nice and uh hopefully uh we can present it to the public as the model for I mean you know I want to build one of these at my house now to help reduce the amount of uh water flow so uh thank you okay thank you anyone else from the public on first call second call third call this closes the public portion of this meeting uh we have no executive session at this time a motion for adjournment is in order neon motion by Mr neelson second by Miss burn all in favor all thank you this meeting is adjourned cool Thursday folks THS