this government meeting is brought to you by eastw works and our local cable subscribers so at this time I'll open up the June 26th Thomas Southampton planning board meeting members present Mark darnold Steven Johnson Dan LV Val and myself Paul demon uh we are joined by eastampton media televising this and on the agenda tonight is anr submitted by Jane Rothchild at 133 Cold Spring Road and I will put up the plan on a parcel that she is just adding a piece to hopefully I can share this screen and not screw things up okay so Jane you're representing yourself here tonight and not your engineering firm I take it well I was expecting Mike schaer to be here so he may he had told me he was going to be in actually wait just a minute there someone else needs to be admitted so perhaps that's him just scroll down here yes okay Mr Shaker you here yes I am can you hear me okay yes um I just put the plan up we have just opened the meeting yeah I can actually share my screen oh you got yourself I'm sorry yeah I have it up already so if you want to uh go ahead and it appears you're just uh taking like a High shaped piece out of a lot and adding it to the existing so go ahead that's correct sir that's exactly what we're doing so I'm moving my mouse and that's not helping so but um yeah so we're taking lot a and we're basically taking a portion of 15 Cold Spring Road and uh basically adding it to 13 coold Spring Road there's a fence there you kind of see just to the uh uh where the two trees are there you can kind of see the two trees there's actually a fence so we're trying to get that on the property as well uh and that was kind of our our go-to if you will as far as trying to capture that and bring that over to the lot 13 or house number 13 so that's really all we're doing uh just taking that pie shaped uh triangular wedge and taking it from lot 15 and not affecting the buildability of that lot and moving it over to lot 13 and that's that's it in a nutshell okay any questions from the board no it looks straightforward I agree Mark no I think it looks straightforward okay Stephen um when was the plan submitted and can we review the form a please what would you like to review on the form a they have the applicant information which is Jane Rothchild at 13 Cold Spring Road surveyor okay Paul Paul never mind we'll we'll take this up later is what would you like to know what would you like to know on the form a Stephen it's the adjoining lot the donor lot built and if so where is the house and where's the driveway no there's nothing on that's a vacant lot right now there's nothing there uh the only house on either of these Lots both both of which are owned by the applicant is uh 13 coold Spring Road the lot that you were the building and the driveway that you see there now on the other property there's a basically a pond uh and that's it Jane is online too she can also speak if she would like the applicant sorry that answer your question Stephen I'm fine with this part of the hearing we'll take up agenda and materials um a little bit later yes we will um any other questions from the board can we just see what note four is since this is C note 4 just want read real quick sure you scroll over building yeah that's lot a obviously maneuvering what does the Note say can you refer to that please Mr schaer yeah basically it's basically saying the the tiny wedge that we're taking out you can't build on it it's all being made part of Lot 19 in other words it's not a buildable lot it's just some land being brought from one and given to the other uh and it doesn't affect the two the two basic lots that are buildable which is currently lot 13 which has a house on it now and lot 15 which could potentially in the future you know have a home build on it but it's vacant right now yeah it's just good to double check we uh we looked over everything and that makes a lot of sense so glad glad you're doing that ready don't look at it any other questions are you ready for a motion if there are no other questions I am ready for a motion I move that this matter be tabled until our next meeting two weeks from today or what reason lack of notice lack of notice explain please I've got a motion on the table we have a motion to table this um all uh those in favor of tabling this say I needs the second sir those who would like to second that please second the motion there is no second so we proceed with a regular motion to approve or endorse this anr I move that we uh endorse this anr or cman roll Roth child project second second motion made by Mark and second by Dan all in favor Mark I danan I Stephen I abstain all yes 301 the motion to uh endorse this plan is accepted and I will get the sign copies over to your office tomorrow that's at three Fairy Street I'm sorry no it's um Jane you're picking these up yeah I'm sorry I'm looking at the uh the next anr we have which is for Northeast survey so you're picking yours up and I have to deliver the next one okay so I will sign these and get them over to the clerk's office so you can pick them up tomorrow sometime about midm morning thank you very much right thank you thank you Mr Shay all right have a good day bye bye let's see the next one I'm just putting up now to share is the next item on the agenda it's another anr submitted by Edward Hamill of 155 Glendale Road property address is 156 blundale Road and the surveyor and the engineering of Northeast surveys out of East Hampton uh could not be here this evening he had another meeting to attend but again uh I don't think it's too confusing of what's Happening here because I think some of the board members already know what this uh property entails this parcel um I believe Stephen can chime in on this because he was with open space on this this I believe but this is the vineyard property up on Glendale Road and there's some arrangement for him to uh is it donating it to the town for conservation um going forward in perpetuity and what he's doing here is he's uh taking out one parcel lot two for I'm assuming his Homestead where there's a barn and such and they're conveying yes yes sir do you know this yes or are you spec this is what go ahead I I believe that there is no residence on the proposed new lot to this is not a donation to the town um although it is CR itical uh to the mountain Waters project and the purpose of this is in fact to move forward with the purchase of an agricultural easement and perhaps with Federal funding as noted in the note for lot one right so the the greater portion of the lot which in my view extends off the right hand side of the page to the e therefore doesn't show the whole property that would be conserved with a purchased easement the town is a small uh partner with the state and federal government in the purchase of a Perpetual agricultural easement on lot one as the note says the 29 ACR plus lot two would be excluded because it's already built with Barns and impervious surface and septic and therefore is ineligible for an easement with the ASAP program that's what I know um I believe the residence is on the opposite side of the road I thought there was a a house there as well but it says barn but I I could have sworn there were a small house there but perhaps not but in any event that's what they're doing they're carving that part out um to probably comply with the uh land going forward correct to be clear that lot two will be unaffected by the Perpetual easement lot one only will be affected correct if that's what you meant then I agree correct question is the the frontage total uh 192 feet plus 52 feet is that what that is indicating the lot two the the total Frontage on lot two is 245 feet and com and the combined total of lot one is like 355 on one side and 350 361 on the other so there's okay great plenty of Frontage there because the frontage in that area is 175 and lot two is 2405 again I think this one is uh pretty straightforward I I have no questions yeah just a a point of clarification um Lot number one or Lot number two I'm sorry is or even Lot number one is non-conforming lot because it doesn't uh comply well the new lot two uh Lot number one doesn't comply with the uh zoning regulation because of front yard setbacks but it's existing non-conforming lot but the proposed Lot number two uh complies with the side yard setback so it is not more non-conforming so therefore if a my understanding is still a legal lot to be formed with a form uh format yeah and it's got the 60,000 square feet too so right and complies with the side yard setbacks even though the front yard setback is not conforming but is an existing non-conforming use so it should be it in my opinion is in compliance with the um the zoning regulations before a thank you thank you for clarifying that Mark if there aren't any other questions do I have a motion um I'll make a motion that we move to approve the um the uh flet for the ham project at believe it's 125 Co Spring Road um as submitted 150 uh no 156 Glendale 156 Glendale I correct stand corrected I would second the motion to endorse this approval not required plan uh as mentioned on Lendale Road any other further discussion motion made and seconded all in favor Mark I Stephen abstain Dan I myself I so it's 301 all right that's it on an anrs next on the agenda since our last formal meeting as we had a cancellation in between three building permits have come in and they were all under the 40,000 square foot storm waterer threshold one of them was from Tyler Bole and the address is 16 gun Road Extension another one was for eigor zaval lunov for8 Quigley Road which was a subdivision that we had approved years ago and then the last one was for Tom bakus at 31 white Lo Road and that was anr that we obtained couple of months ago or a month ago up on white LW so three building permits question on that last one on the meeting notice is something about a withdrawn solar application for white loaf road yeah no that's no that's not the one you're talking about no that's that's for a solar the these are building permits I see I see the boil and the Z1 and then the C Hopkins on lead mine so I'm just trying to corate which one is the third one yeah that's the those are building permits oh Dan that's a different uh agenda item oh okay sorry so I'm looking for approval that I signed off on these under the storm water for three building permits I have a motion all right I guess I'll make a motion that we approve the three uh building permits that were just listed motion has been made do I have a second I'll second motion made in second any other further discussion I think that ahe I think that what we're doing is ratifying the chair's action already taken all right that was not the form of the motion yeah it wasn't exactly clear what we're doing there so thank you we are ratifying the chair's sign off on some number of building permits an action which he has already taken based on his analysis that they don't meet the threshold for the storm water bylaw chair am I correct Mr chair oh yes absolutely absolutely and this Authority was uh granted uh by to the chair whoever the chair may be several years ago so we would not hang up building permits uh in the course of the weeks that we might meet uh and uh sometimes have canc meetings or only one meeting in the summer so to um keep the process moving and that that was granted me to uh documented in the policies it's documented in the minutes of the meeting that it took place years ago yes yeah okay well just be clear what in fact we're doing it's um good backing up the action you've taken I think I had made this uh clear um quite a while ago too uh when you were brought on board and being that that was a policy that a procedure that was uh taken by the board years ago I've seen you follow this pattern before yes so do we have a u now that we have a motion to R ify my decision to approve building permits that was made by Dan and seconded by Mark do I have a vote to uh go for with that all in favor Mark I danan I Stephen I will abstain and myself I'll vote Yes so 301 thank you next on the agenda Dan that you were confused with um I received an application that was filed with the clerk for a u residential solar application for um Constance Hopkins at 48 leadmine road so that is in the works um I am scheduling that hearing for July 17th and the legal notices will be posted and the abutter notifications will go out but that's just to give you an idea that that is on the horizon for July 17th it is a special permit we'll need four people um if if you're not available um please let me know I'll be around I should be here and the next one um Dan was a if you'll recall the last time we met physically was there a very incomplete solar application for white loaf Road yep and that was submitted by Sunrun installations for a Denise Harman um 97 strong it was strong Road actually I guess and as you recall that they wanted to put the solar uh the solar field on a on an a budding lot that she owned so they asked it for a continuance and um then our meeting was cancelled but they then I heard from them and they withdrew it and um they're going back to the drawing board so that is off the table right now next on the agenda I have to uh I have two warrants Richard Harris submitted his U service bill for from April to to uh June a quarterly bill it was 649 29 a portion of that which will be paid out of ARA funds and the balance out of our revolving fund so need a motion to approve Richard's Services uh for the amount of 64929 motion to approve Richard Harris's Services uh for the amount stated second motion was made by Dan SEC who had the second you make it up was it Stephen or Mark Stephen motion made and seconded all in favor Mark hi Dan hi Stephen hi myself I four o approved then finally a warrant for uh submitted by myself for $68 for stamps for postage going forward hopefully that'll last me the next six months so $68 for Paul demon do I have a motion make a motion to approve the uh warrant for the stamps for the amount that was stated I have a second I will second that motion made in second all in favor Mark I danan I Stephen I I so all right uh let's see we have uh reports of committees anything happening on any of the various committies you may sit on that you'd like to share um I think I we we may know that housing authority is looking to um have a meeting with us to to look at the um 40R districting so want to schedule that sometime over the next couple months sooner if possible yeah yeah there seemed to be some scheduling problems here with Richard and various other parties so I'll get together with Sierra and see if I can set something up and and uh coordinate it with with Richard as well anything else Public Safety or Everyone Knows by now I don't know it passed the ballot by 60% in favor yes um there was about a 25% turnout of registered voters which for a single question ballot um off cycle impressed me favorably I'm still distressed with the state of our democracy but uh a lot of people came out and expressed themselves and um we still have some education and engagement uh to do because um there's a significant portion of the Town that's a little negative about spending money and um so I think we need to engage them and help create the value that they expect so mark thank you for your leadership on the Public Safety Committee and you're welcome thank you it your your expertise helps in these situations a lot another meeting tomorrow night hopefully we proceed well actually you might have visit her watch out do you have anything else to add to that Mark no no we're just excited about the next phase which I think is going to be a as Stephen said it's a lot of U education Outreach that we have to work on might even call it planning yeah okay very good other um other business we want to address Stephen um yes but I looking at the plan of the land uh I just want to mention that the sewer feasibility study uh was approved for funding and now the vote's gone through um I'm sure that that work will kick into gear with Tai and bond yeah on other business uh Mr chair um do you have the ability to share your screen again and if so could you pull up my T no town of South Hampton planning board page uh I don't know if I have the ability to do that to be honest with you we showed those plans pretty skillfully yeah but now I've got to find where the town of Southampton website is don't know how to do that all right uh let me go there uh town of Southampton government planning board and on this web page which is our public face um they're half a dozen or more bullet items under contact SL meetings planning board is elected voluntary Town board we have no office Embers please inquire at the building department paren zoning officer for further information regarding your project or development public meetings are every 1 and third Wednesdays at 7 pm July and August the 3D Wednesday please make your inquiries to our email or call and finally agenda items and applic ations filed with the town clerk must be submitted Wednesdays prior to the meeting by 400 p.m. additionally electronic files are to be submitted to the board email I just like to call our Collective attention to what we promise and um I know that the chair has an unusually heavy load especially with a Building Commissioner who's not everything to all people uh but if we follow this procedure it would be straightforward for you to forward on all the electronically provided supporting documents so that we could be informed participants in the meeting now you you referring to the uh form a I'm assuming that you didn't receive for the 2A in RS I I rather am pulling back to look at how we operate generally and I think that we ought to keep our own rules so I'd like to be current on what our rules are and um looking across planning boards in many different towns um there is a general consensus the boards how to adopt procedures that would further detail this sort of thing and I believe we did something about public participation but but that should be a paragraph within and it should um be more explicit and in writing rather than just on a web page that the materials Ser to be provided electronically by 4M on Wednesday otherwise they'd miss the deadline for that meeting I am an elected official and I will not participate without the proper information and we've got ourish rules let me the published rules say they submit it electronically um unless the this board wants to initiate this right now going forward I don't have a problem with it but I have not had a problem in the past when um I've sent plans ahead of time maybe it was not um the full anr application because the anr application States the name and address of the applicant and U the engineer and on the second PL page they check off the box that said it's not a subdivision and it um meets the fontage requirement for that District now I can I can submit all that but the plan is what we we actually View and that's what we actually act on um so if this board would like me to send every piece of U information that I have ahead of time rather than in a meeting which most of the time in a meeting I would give you a packet that had this information but in the past I never had to provide it before it was always provided at the meeting and I'm assuming maybe because that's something that's provided to you by the select board from the town administrator's office and you're used to that on that board well it I I would rather say that it is common among boards it is a common expectation if this board is an exception even to its own published rules I strongly suggest that we get back with the program I don't I don't see where the published rules state that I should provide the agenda in ahead of time for you and or the specific items I you didn't you didn't write read that from that page Steve but I will ask the other members here mark would you prefer and Dan chime in on this would you prefer me to provide every piece of material that we are going to deal with the night of a meeting ahead of time I guess what's the what's the burden to do that is it is it a big ask or is it easy if it's it's a big ask if if the chair is only getting paper late it's a small ask if he's getting electronic files from the applicant sometimes I do and sometimes I don't then they get postponed I'm sorry I'll let others speak but I I'll be happy to if that if that's what this board requires from going forward because it hasn't been a practice in the past uh and there was no complaints in the pass but if that is something you want to um initiate going forward then then I will do so at my um my pay rate so do is there anything Mr chair is there anything that could um mitigate that burden and facilitate this uh easy exchange of information no not not not unless they they hire someone staff to uh assist this department which is not in the offing right now so okay do you want to make a motion on that Stephen I moov that henceforth the planning board follow all of its previously published procedures including that electronic submissions are received by Wednesday prior to the scheduled meeting at 4 pm otherwise they will be deemed um not timely and postpone to a later meeting that's the motion but I thought your motion was to provide the members with the the uh material but but that is a terrible terrible burden on you Paul if you don't enforce the first rule I haven't I haven't had any trouble with receiving things very very few times has someone come late to the party with with something after a Thursday I post the agendas on Thursday going in fact I have until Monday 48 hours before the meeting to to post something if it comes in it's the difference between the legal requirements of public meeting notice and informed participation by people who like you are volunteering their time and service for the veteran of the town I I also have an empathy for those people that that um uh is time is money and sometimes they need these things uh done in a a timely fashion and when we meet every couple of weeks I kind of uh uh think of them more than the uh splitting hairs with the red tape splitting hairs if you follow established and published policy and then you won't get pushed to make it an hour later an hour a day later and well maybe I'll just bring all that to the meeting I'll tell you what we'll we'll do this and I'll I'll I'll I'll continue uh to monitor it and I'll provide you with the information and upcoming before we adjourn um because we hadn't met uh previous to this we have the election of officers and if you want to change the the U the roles of those involved then that's going to be the opportunity for those of you to do that very shortly coming up and I want to have this motion repeat it and get a approval on it uh move that the planning board follow its existing policy and procedure especially as published on the website ensuring that applicants provide material electronically to The Chair by 4M Wednesday the week prior to the meeting May I comment on that before this seconded or is it appropriate time for comments no after we to do the motion and second we'll have some more discussion who's got a second on that Dan yes no Mark no second gets us to discussion it doesn't decide the matter okay second okay go ahead um motion made and seconded any other further disc discussion Mark uh yes uh going back to Steve's comment regarding what's published on the website it specifically states that the agenda item applications filed with the town clerk must be submitted by Wednesdays prior due to 4m it doesn't state that all this information has to be submitted to the board prior to 4m on the date prior to the hearing no I would suggest that means the chair as well because the balance of that sentence goes on to address submission of electronic documents to chair planning board blah blah BL right it does specific additional electronic files are to be submitted to the board email that is correct um it doesn't specifically state that that I mean I've Work N towns where we had to submit uh you know um you know seven or eight paper copies to the town clerk to be submitted to the board and also to other board members and but the ultimately the planning board wanted to have electronic copies as well to help them distribute it and I don't read this as stating that the electronic files are to be submitted prior to 4m prior to the hearing um board required them so they primarily for ease or distri ution or for modifications or or for reviewing yeah well sometimes what happens uh if I might interject that they'll go in with the plans in the anr which will be stamped by the clerk and then that's put in my mailbox and this is after the fact when they have mailed or emailed me the notice for the agenda with the plan and sometimes I will get the anr that they scan electronically but not all the time but it is filed with the clerk it's it's filed in for a timely fashion but not all the time do I get it electronically so okay but I see tale of another issue but um let's on on this I understand that reasonable people can read it different ways uh where this is going is I see other towns feeling uh the benefit of adopting procedures they're five to 50 pages long believe me they're all sorts but it summarizes very clearly how we do our business and it should take an awful lot of the pressure off of the chair whomever that is because you can refer to the standard practice we don't have to make a First Rate exception a second rate exception or a third rate exception depending on who's coming before us we need to have a uniform consistent public process that is responsive to the public absolutely after all the date on the form a stamped by the town clerk is critical date and that information has never been shared okay that starts a 21-day clock for constructive approval so there is a state requirement that we do our job in a timely manner I am all for that and I think it will be facilitated not impeded by ensuring adherence to electronic submission on that time frame so then what we need to do is agree that that's a good thing that supports our chair and supports the board so the chair can turn that around as appropriate in supporting the agenda items things that are late and deferred um could be on a um a rata list at the end of you know this this should be easy for you Paul but if it comes down to oneoff exceptions it's going to be tortur for all of them you have to remember I'm not the one that complained about it and I hadn't complained about it until you you brought it up I I haven't had an issue with it I would characterize your response to me as a a what a complaint a rather pissy one well I don't have a secretary I I do the best I can but I I have not had any complaints in in this several years that I've been sharing this Stephen you're you're the first one that has brought up how the procedure and so be it it what is fundamentally wrong with the procedure refined but largely reflecting what we already published on the website you're you're split how would that you're splitting hair Steve you're trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill no no no no don't car tell me what the problem tell me what the problem is we should we should just wave should re resign or not um not uh be uh nominated for chair going forward so we can get somebody that'll straighten this position out well if if you disagree with the established guidelines I don't disagree with it I haven't had a problem with it and I haven't had any members prior to your appointment or election uh complaint about it to be quite Frank it is common practice to provide board members in any sort of an Enterprise with Advanced background on decisions that are to be voted that you know in business in nonprofits in government that's just the norm that's different from your that's different from your motion can we move the motion and go forward and then you can make a motion that you want the board to receive all documentation uh for the upcoming meeting electronically prior to I still wanted to go through the chair that deadline is for submission to the town clerk and electronically to the plan that's the motion this easily be solved by just having that email address forwarded to all members of the board then you would get the electronic copy and you know not extra work well Paul if if no I don't have a problem with that Dan I don't have a problem with it okay great think the easiest way the more motion has been made by Stephen and seconded by Dan do we have any further discussion all in favor Mark Mark Dan no Mark no yes no I'm gonna abstain Stephen yes we have one two and one exstension regard regardless I will uh do my best to send every piece of material necessary provided provided I have to do this for the next meeting if the election doesn't come out that way so that being said we have to get on with the election of officers and the Committees for the fiscal year coming up 2425 which I guess is actually 25 so at this time I'm going to ask for nominations for a chair i' like to nominate Paul demon as chair planning board anyone else like to nominate Mark darnold for chair okay anyone else we have to have a vote all in favor of Mark Stephen Stephen yes Mark Dan no vote for Paul Mark vote for Paul and I won't vote looks like I have chair again any word from Mr FAL let us know how we can support you Paul that's what we're trying to do as painful as it is I'm trying to support you it's not it's not pain that's too strong Vice chair um Paul FAL has been Vice chair um he's the most senior member after myself but I don't know if you would like to change that but now is the time to do so for nominations you know if he would accept it if we nominated him have you had chance to talk with him I'm sure he was he's done it for two terms I you know um he doesn't get to chair that often but it's up to you you folks if you want to nominate someone else for vice chair I'd like to make the motion to nominate Paul for gall for vice chair of the planning board I will second that motion any other nominations for vice chair I'd like Stephen would like to nominate Mark darnold for vice chair of the planing board for 2425 sorry Mark we need you I'm already on three boards I'm you can decline but you will be sad okay so we'll have a vote for Paul foral anyone want to vote for Paul foral V for Paul I'm I'm sorry I wasn't sure if Mark did you accept the nomination no you did not all right then I'll V for Paul I V for Paul Stephen y appreciate it Steve Vice chair um then our recording secretary and Dan I'm assuming you wanted to um I'm awful at it I'm still in delinquent on a couple things so I do not want to be renominated for that position please anyone would like to nominate themselves for taking the minutes afraid I would be much worse I've also done that in the past too so I've worn two hats which if need be that's the way it has to be so anyone interested for secretary like to nominate Paul Damon the secretary anyone else in want to be nominated you only nominated do I do I win by default or do I have to vote vote on it yes we all proove I think you got it man yeah yeah on a Case by casee basis I would do a oneoff okay but really it gets dangerous um now I've got to do see here pvpc is myself [Music] currently Stephen are you no you're not pvpc well I thought I was and and perhaps that comes from the select board I am confused about where serving from I think maybe you are a select board I think I am right now that that may be that I'm the the backup and pvpc has uh welcomed me to the meetings and I know they check membership because they vote and you know there's an example they send out copious amounts of material well before the meeting so we can follow their lead um so I I actually have attended meetings and uh the budget was not that exciting but it was informative and and uh I'm happy to do that it would be better to do it uh properly than freelance so if I'm your alternate and you're good with that I'll take that off your plate so you want to do so you want to be the alternate I'll be the lead pvpc I'll I'll be the lead if you're good with that all in favor hi hi um open space is that you Stephen or no that's me I'm no no it's either I'm at large or I'm select board and changed it's me I'm I'm open space right now I think that's right who is on the community preservation that's me Mark yes exent all in favor hi hi hi hi and what's there one more no pppc open space I guess that was the only one those three committees I think okay other than that I don't have any other agenda items if somebody else wants to um anything else before we adjourn I'll make a motion that we adjourn this meeting second motion made in second all in favor I I for