this government meeting is brought to you by eastw works and our local cable subscribers car all right good evening everybody let's open up the 705 uh planning board meeting for the town of Southampton um everybody here is present um except Paul demon he's off today so I'll be handling the chair position first on agenda we have uh an an anr for ok Conor land um Ryan I'm yeah I represent OK Conor you like to come up and give us a little discussion of what what we're looking at and um there's four lots that I'm looking you introduce yourself please uh sorry Ryan Giller her 75 Russellville Road uh manager of ok Conor Lumber and Timber LLC there are four lots that I'm looking to break out of uh that parcel along Brickyard Road between the corner well it's not the corner it's between house number 127 and the back of I think 304 College Highway um I've already been through the process to pull it out of 61 so this is my next step to a anr these four Lots so this is map 34 parcel 148 Zone residential there are at one two it's four four Lots so ones I identified as lot two three lot three lot four lot five um appears like each of them are about 50 50,000 is 47 is the first one um 47614 s fo is the first one looks like there's over 140 ft of Frontage second lot you have about 51,000 Square ft with 140 ft of Frontage uh the third one which is known as Lot 4 we have 140 exact with 52,000 Square ft lock 5 SAR start 140 ft exact with approximately 52,000 Square ft so I have another site plan here is it ch's considered opinion that these four Lots meet the dimensional requirements for 81p approval that is an endorsement of an approval not required plan for these four Lots is that your judgment that is my judgment that these are in accordance with our minimum Dimension question of the applicant just trying to find my paperwork here I had the some additional discussions here um open up to the board to see if there's any questions yeah this may be a bad case of deja vu it could be all in my imagination did you not come before us for approval of two lots previously on the same not on the same street no not on the same street thank you no um looking at Mass mapper there was recently two other Frontage lots of somewhat smaller Dimension owned by a Cordon LLC of Holio correct you acquired those and correct that's all incorporated into this so those lots were merged into they were two they were for the record they were two Parcels that were combined to be one lot they were not two lots combined to be one they were two Parcels they were non-conforming each of them was non-conform forming square footage or Frontage I forget exactly what it was but they were not two building Lots they were two Parcels that equaled one building lot and I did purchase those two Parcels I'm sure you did but one of these Lots is similar but not quite or is it exactly what you acquired two merg into one square footage wise no no no yeah every single square foot did you change the lot line layout from what you had acquired yeah I made it more uniform to the rest of the neighborhood my question then is for the land record um how do we know that those two prior lots are extinguished with the that's what we're doing with this so the recording which you do this recording will right negates suedes right the engine the surveyor the surveyor I'm sorry took that reconfigured the lot lines in those two Parcels will never exist again it is just these four New Lots right and um I know that when we last took this up uh although Deja Vu is not serving me well um the uh neighbors or towns folk were interested in your plans for the larger part you're not under any obligation to address that but if you care to I know that that was of particular interest I'm here to talk about the four an anr Lots that's what I thought you were I have no other questions Mr chair okay anybody in the board I have no questions this is pretty straightforward nothing to nothing to add okay um open up to the public any questions okay actually I'd like to ask a question why would you ask such a question on that when I'm here for something kind of it's like apples and oranges this is a curiosity that's why I acknowledge that you have no obligation to address it but I'm echoing what I heard last time you were before us for an anr of a larger parcel okay I think that's only responsible to the citizens that we serve fair enough I'm just you know you asked the question I like to ask and I acknowledge that you have no obligation to address it and I understand thank you you're welcome all right like to make a ask someone's going to make a motion to endorse um I make a motion that we endorse the four anr Lots um presented to us here tonight second we have a motion to endorse the anr plans for these four lots and uh second in can I get a um vote i i i i 4 Z right so I believe Paul kept the myars yeah so he's going to sign those um so I think what he had said is things back from vacation which is fine with me I'll just get all that stuff do you need he mentioned something to me the other day about uh lot numbers do do you need those oh yeah he talked about house numbers how do you guys do that I guess is all right usually does that we back it down from the number that you referenced as your butter to the C7 is believe it is so it' be 125 3 yeah one he will usually ask ask person count backwards good 127 is the is the house F this from r0 that a bus lot that's on the soing minimum Frontage Allowed by zoning so we don't need to account for more than that would be next to 127 so what Lot number that be so that's lot five so that in theory would be 125 125 there we go and then 123 than you the number four right number three is1 number two is 119 so what's what's what's lot three 121 yes is that what we said 121 yeah yes number three and then 119 for lot two okay are you good with that r with what the numbers yeah yeah fine we can't give you even numbers I'm sorry no I don't it's as long as Paul's back what sometime next week I think or week or so I don't he keeps his own councel okay okay so I'll let Paul know about these and he'll sign off the marlars and um he'll notify you to get those recorded thank you much you're welcome good congratulations okay all right next on agenda we're going to have a public um hearing for what's that address Le Mine Road sure I got this you're opening a hearing for number 49 Li Mine Road it's number 48 I'm sorry put my glasses on I still can't read that's what I was trying to find um 48 Lead Mine Road for ground mounted solar under provision so our zoning Bala right so I'm going to read the um notice of public hearing there you go to start with that pursuant to mgl chapter 40 the Southampton planning board will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday evening July 17th 700 p.m. at Town Hall first floor 210 College Highway Southampton to consider the applicability of Trinity solar for constant Hopkins for residential solar installation located at 48 leadmine road map I guess it's I-16 parcel 18 this is to conform to solar bylaw section at Town Clerk to 10 college Highway okay is there uh somebody representing uh the owner at U or Trinity at at 48 Lead Mine Road if you can introduce yourself and who you work for hi uh sorry my name is uh Robin Wagner um I'm the signer of the cover letter for that application I work for Trinity solar um as a ground Mount specialist and I'm here to answer any questions that anybody may have uh regarding this project can you tell us a little about what the project inails here's a plan sure um it's a a 14 panel uh small ground Mount um situated towards the rear of the house meets setbacks um pretty straightforward you want to say it down oh I'm going to get this yeah me too that's about it um it's just it's one of the smallest systems we've built so it's you know for us it's this feels like a really straightforward project um aside from the permit are there any issues in our zoning bylaw from which you are seeking relief nope no I think we've met every everything um actually in the cover letter I did mention that um the how the the the land the way that it's laid out itself has tree cover pretty much along almost all the property lines so we were seeking to not have to cover anymore with vegetation um it's going to be very not I from the road or from anybody else's property line thank you I got that from your letter thank you for the record so you're as you mentioned just to clarify you're placing it behind the house um it's there's vegetation existing vegetation that's going to suffice from what I'm seeing here that's what I'm hearing yeah that's correct that's our that's our position I mean obviously if you disagree we'll do our due diligence um the lot is of pre in non-conforming lot it's a little bit smaller so when you meet the setbacks for the solar um you're even a little bit more constrained the sight lines from leadmine Road I looked at today are pretty narrow alongside the house given the existing uh vegetated lot line and I think um reading the plan the array is going to be um twice the distance that the house is from the road yeah slightly downgrade and more or less behind the house so I would be okay with this relaxation of the vegetative buffer we typically from a just just some past um uh treatment in terms of the vegetation we typically would promote that if ever if we ever allowed it on the front side of a parcel that typically when we would push for that requirement um but given like you said this is all way back it's not really an issue it's downgrade from the house downgrade from the road yeah it's pretty well hidden yeah so just looking at the uh checklist here of things um you did some apply a plan with property lines um cessor map information as well as existing features you identified proposed um owner as or they installer um to give us the proponent information you did provide us with the with your information that for being an agent um I do see a list of ab Butters that was sent out it was my question Mr by Paul um do I approve notice mailing well we have a Butter's list and the mailings are I think the back of that packet should have the um certified the copies of the certified letter receipts and we did get a we did pay for a copy of the Butter's list from the assessor's office and there should be a copy of that in there as well at least I emailed it to Paul um so it might not be if that's the copy that was originally sent before the abutters list was um before we mailed the letters then we might not have it but um I see like a green striped paper back there so I'm wondering if that's it Noe that's your folder I can probably pull those uh receipts up on my phone and um pass my phone to you uh but I emailed uh Paul the uh the receipts and a copy of the letter that we sent out well I trust this was done since Paul had provided me with a checklist of things that he had also reviewed um so Paul did verify that there was proof of notification so I don't have that copy but he did tell me that was the case here in this in this in this notification like to open it up to the board if there's any questions I just checked against the the bylaw I didn't notice anything to comment on so I'm good I'm done yeah I'm one question on your cou letter you mentioned that the uh the Homer agrees to the abandonment and decommissioning requirements I'm not really sure oh you know what I I apologize I forgot you guys had those requirements as well um cuz I'm working on I'm working on this exact thing in another town but um yeah uh if it's in the the yeah the cover letter the abandonment and the commission requirements do you guys also have um I uh I I left my packet at home um do you guys also have the financial shity requirement um I don't think that you do uh I'm working on one that does so uh but abandoning and decommissioning we also um reimbursement of removal shall be obtained from the financial shity post by the applicant as part of the special permit Insurance the owner of the operator shall notify the planning board by certified mail and the proposed date of discontinuation so there's mention of the financial shity you mention yeah so when I emailed um the initial application to Paul um I I asked him about about that as well um so that's what what I put in my cover letter that I don't have in front of me um if it's a fin there's a financial shity or abandonment and decommissioning for us um it makes sense for a large solar field but for a 14 Panel System um an abandon and and decommissioning plan that requires us to pay an engineer to come up with a plan and then also you know account for inflation 20 years from now and also put up front a financial shity um which I asked in the email who would that be payable to and just because I I wasn't even sure and I didn't really get a response about that either it just it feels like a lot for just 14 solar panels behind someone's house I would agree we're putting in a large burden on on the the applicant here for something that I mean maybe if it was something of substantial size and and a power that we would we would want to require but in this case um I mean it's pretty tiny yeah so and since we're on the subject of it and other towns that have similar kinds of public hearings also have um you know proof of access ways requirements um you know emergency maintenance plans uh that sort of thing so we typically would ask to wave those as well um it's just in the homeowner's backyard and it's just that small system so I'm sorry before jumping around just to keep on this topic yes indeed Dan did you is that is that for the for small scale uh application or you reading it under the other ones by any chance just just to be certain cuz I don't believe in the past we've held that good question as a requirement for a less than 10 true um yeah I apologize cuz Hardwick doesn't make such distinctions so I'm it's all swirling around in my head right now it's like I have another one in Hardwick to go to I I don't think that's a my recollection we didn't have that as a requirement for small scale solar it's on you damn otherwise yeah this is tough to find on the phone but I I can't see given the scope of this project I think we'd be we'd be making we'd make it we'd be making it extremely difficult for people to get solar installed on these properties where we want to be encouraging solar installations as a town I do I did come in here with some pretty high confidence that that wasn't a requirement so I do think that um you guys do make the distinction between small medium and large which is great because uh lots of towns only do small or large commercial um and you guys actually put in a medium there but we are under the threshold for medium as well um it's it's a very small system is it required first of all I know um Mr chair I'm concerned that we don't have enough information and uh without prejudice and rather encouraging the applicant because we want to do the right thing um I'd like to table this until our next meeting when we can get verification of notification of re Butters but also whether or not a security Bond I mean I got the notification the thing cross that one off yeah if the applicant is Seeking a waiver charity and has not included that in the cover letter obviously we you really can't just give them a bonus or Mulligan or whatever it is I'm a little hesitant to want to suggest us tabling it I think okay Mr chair then we need a definitive reading of our BW let's look at that thank you H section H cu the applicant did not seek a waiver that be section H for those size we're in Southampton New York right obviously is that the rich one okay yeah it looks like section H applies for medium and large let's see what size that is I believe on the actual planning board application it should have greater than 16 Kow medium scale yeah we're we're less than 10 there you go so that we don't yeah that doesn't apply I'm sympathetic but we don't know where the hell we are so just to clarify Dan you said that it's 16 uh uh KW is the cut off for the for the requirement for decommissioning insurity medium and large yes medium and large are defined so so we're not there we're clearly so I so this not apply yep okay um in terms of uh the notified of Butters Dan you said you found it yeah it's on a on a scan I can show you if you'd like but yeah we've got 1 2 3 four five uh Butters notified with the certified mail receipts oh here's more six it should be eight or nine I believe you have one two three four five 42 Lead Mine 57 Lead Mine maybe that says 43 Lead Mine 44 Lead Mine 50 Lead Mine 44 Lead Mine 54 Lead Mine 49 Lead Mine 45 Lead Mine 23 County Road no sorry 234 County Road it's a four so Mr chair um I move that we approve this application for a small scale ground mounted residential solar array with a waver of or no requirement for any vegetative screening nor any shity bond all right let's hold off on that I like the enthusiasm we need to close the meeting first all right can I get a motion to close the meeting motion to close the meeting you get a chance what about the public do we get to speak ask any questions at this um yeah absolutely you do thank you uh I cancel that cancel cancel that motion thank you the board has no more questions open to the public both of us were a little too excited to get this moving hi everybody my name is Jeff tund I live at 50 Le Mine Road I'm the property right next to to the 48 um how far away is that from the property line give this gentleman a coule 38 ft mm 38 ft which property line 50 to 48 which one's that here on can you say see which one that is 50 is the one I guess it be on up you're right here so you're 38 ft because um I don't think we even have any Stakes at the grounds uh for this property between 48 and 50 I'm not aware of any and because the the people that own 48 also used to own 50 when I bought the property I could find no markers for the property lines so this has been prepared by a professional Lan ofer they identified a l iron pin found on the opposite side of your lot so south side of uh lent mine and knowing that this is stamp Heap show dimensions he carried a um property line or a rideway line that is approximately 139 ft he identified a point here he carried it projected it to a known distance that's recorded I don't know what that distance oh it's 386 it's bearing some distances without monuments you're correct they didn't put any markings in or anything they that do it is it correct that the applicant has state location of the array yeah I saw that yeah I saw that I saw that okay and our by loss say it has to be 35 ft from a sidey yard so it's 38 right and all all access to this is going to be through property the property yeah yeah we wouldn't expect neigh to provide access personally you know it's not my property and I'm I'm not happy looking out I'm not going to be happy looking on my deck and looking at a solar panel it's a beautiful area back there with a lot of wild light lines but it's their property they got to do what they got to do as long as it's the required distance away from M it'll be angled to the South as well you won't get reflection your direction would there be any U cutting of any trees or anything like that no we did not we asked them to cut trees for for this I apologize I thought you guys were the applicant no go ahead go ahead um I'm Gerald Palmer I live at 54 uh which is the property one Beyond Jeff um and my wife Beth Honeyman is the owner of the and her sister M um my only question is uh the applicant uh made a comment about the ab budding vegetation which I couldn't hear I would appreciate if you could just ask it again so that I can understand I I don't know what that means so um the surveyor that we paid to survey the property marked out where the trees are um so you can see there's there's a lot of tree coverage around the property yes so in terms of visibility from the road uh we do not believe that it would be visible from the road and you know we hope that it could gave enough cover also for Neighbors you you say that you see the stakes from your porch de deck so you know um in terms of vegetation requirements I don't know um I would have to see the map to see if you're on the North side or the east side but the the ray itself will be facing south right so that looks the picture to be away from now we're worry about the glay coming in from from the panels yeah and the panels are black too so they don't really have um the kind of glare that you would expect from a solar field because they're black so so yeah and then if they're facing south I think that it would be you would see the back of the area not you know approximately the angle put yeah 30° in a small array can you give us the dimensions of the array itself yeah so like the engineering specs should be in here um the ones by um isn't it is it in here 23 by1 our neighbor has answered as yeah so they surveyor yeah went off of our Stakes that that's yeah that that makes sense the height of it uh usually um raise that size um Peak at about 9 ft yeah these are the engineering steps um it's in inches but you can see um pels are and um just so I understand the bu because I'm not familiar with the Sol there's no requirement for Rob buting Property Owners to maintain line of sun to the panels right so if this vegitation continues to grow we don't have to that's nothing that i' I've actually ever seen in in bws doing this for a while so I don't it would yeah we would wave that ask for that requirement to be wave too because we would feel that would be very unfair to neighbors to be responsible for that anyway and my last question is actually irrelevant just it doesn't apply okay I was going to ask about the abandonment thing all right but that doesn't apply to this um okay I thank you good questions may' have any more questions question okay can I get a motion to close the public hearing motion close public he hearing all in favor I I I okay have any meetings over not yet we've got to vote lot of process oh be right there can I get a motion for the approval of um the small uh panel uh ground mounted 14 panel system at 48 leadmon Road um before I finish that sentence I I don't believe we have any conditions that we were going to propose can I get a motion to approve the uh small array at uh or the small panel at um 48 Lead Mine Road um I'd like to move that we approve the application for a ground mounted solar system at 48 Lead Mine Road as proposed uh with no requirement for additional vegetative screening can I get a second second all those in favor I I motion has been approved all right thank you yeah thank you thank you for questions nice to see you man than yeah thank you this and you didn't take a picture of that do why don't you take this uh you know what you can take take this you too thanks for coming exciting uh no it's important to hear from the neighbors keep us honest nothing this no com all right um can we open up to other business yeah so I think an important topic for us to talk about as the planning board is the acquisitional land on College Highway and I I I would think that the planning of how the town should best utilize that site should come from the planning board right so I think that the planning board should start talking about either employ playing a contract group to help gather the talent's input on how to best shape that project but I think it's I think it's on us to to start that conversation move it forward I concur um you with been other discussions regarding that and then the bigger question that I have had is who um you know railroads or not railroads with the controls and decides uh how how how the process works not necessarily the I hope we've got the railroad out of this determin the best uh entity to shepher this process yeah I I think that it is within the select board's purview with the support of the Town Administrator to select a consultant because the um breadth of interest you know uh cross as many departments and committees um that said you know Dan's point is right on if we're talking about land planning why not what what is the role of planning board um my my feeling what what I've tried to do is ensure that people get accurate information there's been such a as I listen to people ask questions and raise concern concerns they clearly don't have enough facts in front of them to to work on as we get over that hurdle we need to empower especially our boards and committees but the general citizenry to imagine how these multiple public goods could be achieved let me drop back we got the property because it was the first priority for the public safety building and I think we need to ensure that although they had an original plan to acquire about 5 Acres that they were given an opportunity to take a fresh look at it with professional planner whether that really optimizes the utility for public safety building second the senior center had a property in mind and didn't prove developable for them they are at least conditionally on board to join the party but they have even less idea about where on the property they might ideally like to land there is I'm delighted to say significant interest in housing options on this property and that it has become the focus for our 40R resoning efforts um in addition to or instead of ahead of the earlier proposal up around Red Rocks and big white so I think we really need to move forward with evaluating the 4dr application at least for this property perhaps for the college Highway Corridor or whatever size is appropriate for that program and that is part of the fundamental foundation for the land planning what is the zoning if we're going to pursue 40R and there's been great desire to do that because well Richard Harris expounded on how it has benefited South Hadley which adopted 4dr they're moving forward with some medium high density affordable housing and they received two or three different tranches of ongoing estate funding annually so I'm not here to in any way represent that I know about 40R headlines mixed use development so we can step back from oh the frontage is only 700 plus feet and the commercial district is 330 ft deep if it's rezoned then we have quite quite a different offering for an affordable housing partner and for the way we mix Municipal uses with small scale commercial uses because I everyone has a appetite to explore what kind of commercial development might fit with Municipal interests and you know does that sound complicated I'll tell you it is fairly comp complicated the land is pretty I've even said too developable because it's it's so porous that that is a limitation for on-site septic so the whole thing tees up around rezoning and Sewer if we have reasonable path forward on the resoning that helps leverage public investment for infrastructure zoning roads site development even site planning um so I think 40 RS our first hardle Richard Harris would be an impartial and experienced personally professionally experienced person to guide us in understanding this to me it's a highly convoluted law um with a variety of incentives where the town has many opportunities to shape what that program looks like well that's great that's like a really complex piece of software you have to learn how to get the value out of it so how do we understand what the resoning might open up in terms of land planning flexibility multi-use not a strict commercial versus res presential demarcation and then we're going to need professional guidance and I've given uh 10 administrator and chair of the select board three references that I know about but you know I'm I'm the newest newcomer so I invite you all to do the same or us as a board because it would be kind of odd if the planning board wasn't present in this process planning um just step back I'm not saying we're going to figure it all out tonight I kind of just want to introduce the the concept because I think that part of our a role for a town or city or municipality is is we do a great job at at at reviewing proposals that people want to do to their property but also the you know the town planning part of it what do we want to do to help grow the town in different ways and and if we look at what other towns would do they have someone on full-time staff I'm not saying we would need that type of full-time service but I I I I start to think that if we had somebody who is working in that in that area to focus on not only approvals and looking at our bylaws but also looking at how we want to shape our town going forward um and I think this College Highway project is a good good way to uh to start building relationship with somebody who could fill that role um that that we would be providing a better service to the so if I'm hearing you accurately um the impetus is to get going with the physical planning on these 54 acres and make sure that we can carry forward in support of the public safety building Council on Aging all other interest and parties and that there's this emergent need for a staff person shared maybe among the land related permitting authorities yeah for the amount amount that this town needs for planning purposes that is probably would be joint with a conservation agent sure right a land resource so what I'm hearing is you want to have the board support the idea of a site planning study by a professional to review potential of that site it's not really our vote it's not really our s it's the select board sites under their purview correct right right but it truly if you have ideas about firms and there's not some sort of conflict your firms is Richard Harris excluded out of uh uh I have no idea I would think he'd be a good candidate um so as I described it to ten administrator and slug board chair um I think that there's a funny dichotomy of public facilitation um whether it's our getting our boards and committees to gel around an idea and or some amount of wide openen public information Shing facilitation but it also has to manifest in a survey plan uh a lotting plan if you will preliminary lot plan that will then be tested out by each of the proponents to make sure that the Geotech and the this and the that their own building program in fact proves out and I have no idea what then the transfer and dedication process would be for each of the individual Lots but you know if if if we who understand plans don't step up and say yeah we'll help our colleagues mark up a plan and express their ideas then um like Dan I don't know we should all resign mark this is more like a um yeah I mean careful this is what you know Bel town does all the time other communities firms I'm familiar with do this Al again mention word before is the design shet shet and uh essentially you wound up with a a blank slate and everybody comes in with throw their ideas on there multiply layers of Concepts and then you sort of Whittle that down as to what makes the most sense and with input from each of the interested parties uh but you know again it's getting this started and then how we get a r and that's that's sort of my concern I think once it gets going I think people will be excited about it they all have their input to it um so it's just a case of establishing the vehicle to to get that roll that's right it's a great idea so I guess I I kind of ask a question because you guys have a lot of experience talking with talents that are probably around our size how do they what do you see for best practices for managing that type this type of thing do they usually just form like a small group to address the specific problem and that group will get disbanded afterwards or do they try to establish and is is a better practice to try to establish uh a relationship with some type of planning organization that can help support uh guiding a longer term Vision in the town I think that's the part I I kind of want to understand is some in what in our role here in what we do with the planning board you think we're covering all the bases we should as a planning board for the guided growth and direction of the use of our of our land in town you know in so I guess I look at you guys from all your experience with other towns and you know are we on the right track or would would you say maybe we could better do it better by with a different structure or what you know how much money do you want to spend I mean I think that's the question like what would you need what do other towns need they probably don't have like a full-time person right they probably have some here here's an idea and I don't know if this is 100% the direction of town would want to take but I think having a um listening session or having somebody and let's let's say we want to do this on a cheap let's say we have a defined amount of dollars let's say someone says hey we got we got five grand someone lays out the the parcel that we're looking at somebody um researches what the zoning uh requirements are and things of that sort what's the maximum we can get and then that's something that could be presented at a public charet that uh you can solicit feedback you can hear what people are saying you can give people Post-its to to say do this do that do this and um give them some Sharpies and go from there um now the next step let's say overwhelming everybody is in support of a 40R or or something similar you can issue an RFP that um will solicit developers to come up with the plan that matches your group's vision and you can issue a date saying okay two months from now or I don't know what the appropriate times or something Rich can maybe provide some uh feedback on on the on the actual timing um and then the select board or a designated committee can actually rule on the best uh proposal and favor of of of the Town one of the benefits of doing it in that manner is you basically punt the um study and the evaluation and all the technical work to a developer that's going to do the work so you might say you're looking specifically for a 40R how do we optimize this okay um however I I'm just going to just just throw out the super obvious things developer going to look at this and like how am I going to spend this much effort putting together a plan for something that in the eyes of a developer doesn't have doesn't have funding for the the sewer so you got to maximize your potential for development yet you don't have uh an opportunity to to make this a reality right because you're now chasing water pumping water how many miles uh into into East Hampton if you can get get it there hopefully draining sewer not water uh to East Hampton to an existing Main in the greenway great water yes yes great water well it's it's it's the whole mix I didn't want to confuse it with um public drinking water because we have we have our own of course I was both our own plus a reciprocal Arrangement and that stuff does have to get pumped up from the well where it's extracted to provide the head that right well that's that's a different story right it's a different story and I just want to make sure we're talking about sewer which was a first ever for this municipality though it's been studed so yeah I think we would need some um reassurances that we were in the mass Works program for infrastructure development and Aid in developing the sewer line before we would be able to get um a definitive contract RFP going with a developer who would do either housing or mixed use the developer would not necessarily attend to our particular needs for Public Safety or a senior center but I think for that well that would be a blockout that would be a carve out that that they need to recognize and respect pie of the planet yeah right that's part of however I the more I think about this there's there's a lot of hurdles we need to First address yeah frankly make a list no no no because listen no no let let me finish what's what what we need is a professional and I frankly think that someone should pay for Rich Harris to show up to a select board meeting to identify what he's experienced in South Hadley in terms of the steps that someone's going to take in order to solicit these things cuz frankly I want if I'm if I'm I'm going to spend you know $20,000 of my own money as a developer to submit an RFP to the town I want to know for sure this is not a waste of time yeah mhm MH but we need to somehow get there and someone need to tell us what that road map is to fish our way through this so let me um reel back a little bit for some number of years the housing authorities been interested in pursuing 40R zoning with the town's acquisition of this property we have refocus and renewed interest in 40 hour zoning I have asked our dear chair to organize uh presentation by Richard Harris in fact uh for a joint meeting of the planning board and Housing Authority I'm afraid there's a little bit of this going on I won't even say the words but um it's high time that we do exactly what you suggest and your suggestion that we include the select board is absolutely ideal because we need they are the funding mechanism yeah well sure we're not going to fund it right no we don't have a budget um the select board doesn't clearly have a budget either but we have a me and so someone's got to fund it yeah yeah but but what moves what what moves the executive body pressure up I I understand but it's it's a sign to be honest with you this is at least the more I think about this this is probably just for us to even to even put something out to a developer you you're you're you're at least I don't know 25 Grand I just I would imagine two times set yeah yeah yeah yeah you know I think uh my Sugg First Step that you would need to go have on your Hardware was to do a land use study it's essentially look at a property do an evaluation of slopes Wetland setbacks Etc and then once you have that criteria established well that's well great for ball field but that's too steep over there that's high ground water and um you know have a land you study and then maps and S like you do a color according to map these all areas are you know Superior for this this is not Sur PR for that and then I think like you said sort of carve out there got to be three four places that are ideal and I think probably the senior center and the public safety building are probably two of the think effect the town s had their eyes on when they when they went to purchase his property and have those you know someone determined those are the two priority areas and remainder of the property how is it best uh utilized to balance between um other uses recreational uh 4B housing Etc but I think unless you have that first plan everybody's going to say yes I want it we going um Zone the entire parcel 4r or uh is is that something we need to do I think people like to have something in their hand if they had a plan with the the boxes on there which shows the different potentials and this red box is really the best place for the singer Center the best place for the um public sa building and we had a remainder to do things with you know let's balance that with but I'm I just s a free sequence of Rarity but that's not my job well I think that uh what you're describing is yes the public safety building committee ought to express what their highest objectives are if they're not going to draw new lines on the plan compared to the 125 that we approved uh College Highway um they don't have to do the technical design but tell us we want more Frontage we want the building closer to the street we want to have the dedicated driveway uh for us it doesn't matter what zoning sidey yard setbacks are we need this kind of circulation around the building I think they're well prepared to describe that the senior center um committee I think has a good building plan and they did a very um preliminary site plan for a corner of this property and they threw up their hands that it wasn't workable okay what is it they're trying to accomplish visibility from the road easy turning access for seniors you know each of the uses can if they can't draw the lot plan they can say what they're trying to accomplish we'd love to look out over ball fields no we'd hate to look out over ball fields I heard we don't want to listen to Sirens okay good Lu with that so you know that's that's what a professional planner does in the shet stage and then you turn into a basic concept plan May color coded so that the public can say oh that's great but why didn't you do this or what's missing so I think that it takes it from the communities articulating what their goals are somebody making this first raft plan maybe the land planner maybe yes but when it when it comes to public facilitation I think we need that expert from at least 5 miles away because it's not me could be this gentleman um I I'd submit it's not our chair it's probably not the planning board chair um it it really needs someone who's very skilled facilitation and then the back office to draw the dimensioned planes it it's not rocket science but I think it's probably closer to $50,000 to get us to the lating plan I I would suggest before you even throw money out there I think no it's a wild ass guest I know I know but I I would suggest there's a listening session with with uh interested parties as well as Rich uh Rich Harris to provide somebody that's it's got to be it's got to be done from the select board so um you know that that's the easiest way to get something done who is the authority to contract with Richard Harris time administrator or only the chair I believe it's to the chair so I think you're absolutely right Richard Harris has a personal professional experience he'd be the first least expensive introduction and yes it needs to be to the select board but um Mr inter chair would you please speak to the chair and see if we can get talk to we'll talk to the chair thank you I you know I I think to have Richard Harris do a joint session for the board housing us other interested you know inside Municipal people to get it launched what is 40R and how does it relate to our challenge here I'm sure Rich will be excited to do that well I he seemed pretty when he gave that's what I mean I'm being being sinced that wasn't that wasn't that wasn't a joke okay good good not at all well thank you for the conversation I think it's great to talk about how the planning board can be involved in this and you sir um this town has two versions of its master plan on the website and we have a master plan implementation committee that meets irregularly but they go through a established uh year byye yeah goal list that's our method for planning as a town and you know given that it's a volunteer structure yep that's what we've got and we should be on top of that um and I found in a quick I am not a a scholar of our master plan but I did in the quick scan find plenty of support for the hands had their eye on this parcel for a variety of reasons for decades yeah I guess that's kind of my question the connection between the master planning committee and the planning board you know I think it connects through Chris and through um Christina madon okay yeah her and other people surely but I know that they've been involved with the implementation well thank you all for the conversation thank you for teeing it up of course uh there's warrants I suggest we pay for the legal notice I would like to move that we uh authorized warrant to the Daily Hampshire Gazette in the amount of $396 74 for the solar hearing notice second we have a motion to authorize for the uh daily Hampshire Gazette for figure of 300 what I'm sorry I don't have that in front of me $396 74 cents uh all in favor i i d that was that was by you seconded right I second yeah all right any uh committee reports I think we covered it I think we covered it we that to that all right toj motion to adjourn hi and so that's really great getting the materal e e