this government meeting is brought to you by eastw works and our local cable subscribers all right we starting here we go there we go we're live okay call to order the meeting the uh regular monthly meeting of the Southampton school committee this is uh a regular meeting it is being broadcast four out of five members present we'll start with uh routine matters approval of the minutes of February 14th [Applause] 2024 oh did um under budget so under four budget the second paragraph um it refers to j o Conor his name is actually Jay Sullivan thank [Music] you [Applause] there's nothing else is there a motion to approve them as amended so moved made by Dylan seconded by seconded Margaret all in favor I opposed so moved public comment any member of the public can speak on any item that's not on the agenda and if you can just state your name and your relationship to Norris yep um do would you guys like a copy of anything that I'm going to be reading or sure yep if you have just because it'll be a little long calendar um my name is Alice Baker um I have a son Avery Harrington show second grader and we live at 3 East Street and my spouse Stephie Cho is here also this evening um so I'm here this evening I just wanted to make uh the situation aware um just if I could just there's a couple rules you got to okay the only uh employee by name that you can mention in a public session is the superintendent thank you I notice so when you get to that name just say employee okay you you can't mention them by May if they haven't been given notice to be here okay y but that okay and I apologize I didn't get your name Alice Baker bad e e c k e r thank you all right um so just starting off my name is Alice Baker my spouse Stephie Cho we live at uh with our eight-year-old son at um who's a North School student a Herington show at uh 3 East Street um we're here to discuss a situation that occurred last week on Wednesday March 6th 2024 at the 3:30 pickle ball weekly gathering this is a um Southampton school committee approved activity organized by one of the um um what am I supposed to call them an employee employee okay um at the school we um request revisions to be made to the process and policies regarding the rental of nor school facilities to outside organizations these revisions are necessary to prevent similar incidents from happening again in the future um at about 3:10 I picked up Avery at dismissal as I do every day and then later arrived to play at pickle ball which starts at 3:30 on on this occasion as on many wday Wednesdays in the past two years Avery Sat by the wall closest to the outside door in the gym waiting for Stephie to come pick them up she's a teacher in hoolio uh during these times he listens to podcasts on my phone and watches pickle ball games um an employee um had never informed us that children should not be in attendance during the pickle ball I did this last year it was never any issue um around 3:45 as pickle ball game started to play um a ball rolled toward Avery and he picked it up and he looked around to find who to throw the ball to a man from the farthest Court which was behind me screamed at Avery um and you know I mean I could copy the way he screamed but it was loud and aggressive just give him the ball like his you know whatever at that point the um the person that needed the ball had been approaching Avery and um I was calling to him to try to tell him like who to throw it to um when this was happened I was playing on the Center Court I paused and turned and looked at the man who had was screaming at Avery um the employee was on the same court as this man I'm not sure if he addressed him at that time after the incident I went to the other side to the gym and I spoke with Avery and I asked him if he heard the man yelling at him he said yes I asked him how did it make him feel he said sad I told him you should not listen to him and if anyone ever speaks to you like that then you should get mommy or Mama the two women I was playing with on the center court at that time later asked me if I spoke to the man who screamed at Avery and I said no because it wouldn't be pretty um I have um I have heard this man who yelled at Avery he was inappropriate language that day and in the past at nor school and at Kona Park on Wednesday the employee did ask the man um to make sure the music he played did not have and the print out is there so those words were said out loud Stephie um arrived at the gym around 4:10 and picked Avery up and brought him home I finished my game and then left pickle ball when I arrived home I explained what happened to Stephy Avery's other mom and Brian his older brother we asked Avery to describe the way the man sounded when he heard him his words were loud unfriendly and mean he said he felt confused because he knew the ball did not belong to the farthest Court where the man was he continued to tell us it made him feel sad mad and frustrated those were the words he used um I spoke to an employee the following morning and briefly explained what happened I requested a meeting for both Stephie and myself and said that we would be happy to have the other employee attend as well she stated that she um would speak with the other employee Stephie and I uh met at 12:30 back at noris school um and we were explained that um the conversation with the other employee could not be um shared with us at that time I'm kind of AD living here she um did say the employee heard the man yell at Avery um we discussed the event that occurred in more detail it was explained to us that activities are run by groups who uh rent space in the school building and the uh Southampton school committee approves these groups through an application process she gave an example of the collaborative uh Education Services who runs the afterschool program where Nora school students end their day this brings our concern of how situations are handled when there's inappropriate or or and or unsafe Behavior by an outside group using the school building and grounds um we asked for a copy of the policy which we read and um and uh asked about who was who signs off on the application as Educators ourselves we understand that outside organizations are running their own programs but it is undeniable deniably the responsibility of the school committee to make every effort in knowing who is in our build school buildings with children regardless of the time of day um according to the Southampton rules and regulations concerning the use of school building and ground Southampton school committee's policy for rental the building grounds were last revised on March 25th 2009 aside from the amendment delet in the nut safe protocols 4G after reading the policy of the rules and regulations changes are deemed necessary and advisable this is in our strong opinion rules and regulations um stated that no control over the behavior of outside groups according to the rules and regulations the school committee does have the power to revoke for any reason um we feel that the word reason needs to be described maybe in more detail um and that's just a copy of How It's written on the policy uh rules and regulation 4D needs to define the word pres preservation of order um in our opinion there was uh 24 people playing and um if a situation like this where an adult could aggressively um that they don't even know when there's a parent present there address a uh 8-year-old child that way um you know the the word preservation of order I mean what this person obviously felt was fully in order but it was not in order to me um and um this is an example we found that further describes um you know inappropriate behavior found to be offensive this is in Springfield's um policy as it's written to be offensive vulgar violent or lewd May uh result in the immediate cancellation so I'm thinking since 2009 there's been really no reason probably to take a look a closer look at the policy but we're asking you as a school committee to start taking a look at it because something did happen um and to follow up in our pickle ball Community here in town um one of the gentlemen that um is very involved in it um told me he followed up on Thursday with this gentleman and um had a lengthy conversation because um you know we're we're thinking about now stating some rules on the pickle ball ball courts and that and what's considered offensive language what isn't who's welcome in Southampton if they're willing to follow those rules and um he did SP speak to the man in person after playing pickle ball with him on Thursday morning and then asked by his good friend who was there do you think that he um understood the message to him and he said I'm not sure that he did because his uh final thing as he walked away from was uh what the F everybody effing swears so um I think it's time that we probably look at the policy and say okay who are we letting come into a school facility where there are children possibly around um my son was with me because I play pickle ball and I was asked do you think that he should be there and my answer to that after days of thinking that I don't care if he was supposed to be there or not this man addressed him a aggressively and screamed at him he has never been spoken to like that before and so I think it's time that we take a a closer look at our policies and how they're written to um be sure that this doesn't happen to Children again there okay thank you for bring this to us so we well so normally we would bring this up under other business later on but but in the event you don't want to stay through the whole agenda to get to that piece I think the um two two two paths are going here one is our our building principal is is dealing with this internally as parents have brought it to her but separately the request for the the review it's 2009 so I you know I would suggest we take this up and let legal share what legal the feedback the current version the suggested Springfield language and have them report back through the superintendent on what their recommendations are may I ask a question absolutely um so the example from Springfield is discusses that it results in the cancellation of the event and is that is that the appropriate recourse so I would I would just want us to think about that um as opposed to talking to the you know the person who the applicant and making sure that there is appropriate handling of I that part is happening under the principal's investigation how she's so I'm just wondering how to address that because this particular issue shouldn't result in the pickle ball organization not being able to participate because they have a bad actor can I can I come back yeah yep um and we're not suggesting that it go right to that change we just started to look at other school districts in the area and we're just asking you to take a look at it and say because it is very vague and very open and just you know um what what are we what are we saying is okay to do like is that okay to accept that is that okay that I have to accept that this stranger addressed my child this way I mean not a coach in this town not a not a teacher not a anybody not I don't even think I don't think he's from this town so do we have to accept this so what we did is we said well what are other areas doing that's what you know question about the recourse right right yeah I mean that would be up to you to decide what that would be but all we did was just pull out an example of what other people put in there and it might be miror adding something in that mirrors our progress of how we would handle student issue during school hours I mean I something just food for thought as we I would think the language would be should be and the uh Behavior should be mirrored to as a schools in session but you look posed to pontificate I was just wow hot heisty tonight I I was going to suggest maybe we should go see if there's an masc suggested policy on buildings and ground use and if that's something that my guess is that's where this came from cuz it's K there is I would guess I think we should probably I me I think this is definitely an agenda item we should address and you know just keeping in mind as Dem Margaret said we got to look at I think that the careful thing to look at is you know what happened to Avery was unacceptable there's no doubt about that I I think we're all would agree to that I just think the question we need to be addressing is what is the role of the school committee specifically in handing individual Behavior versus Grant ing Authority now my personal feelings on on on most of these issues would be when we're granting Authority and set policies that behaviors that would result in inappropriate termination we're here to Grant or not Grant Authority for a group to go in so it my greedy would be if we're granting pickle ball or any organization to go in there take whatever it is even if it's a you know let's say a heavy metal Rock concert wanted to go in there at 11:00 on a Friday night during the summer um we wouldn't incase the individual behavior of an individual in the the concert but if someone acted out we would go to the event organizers and say why is this happening and what is you know what is the recourse from that so I think there just got to be that I wonder if there's any you know looking at that I agree the policy should be update need to be looked at I there's no doubt about it should be reviewed and almost like a code of conduct get attached to the second page that you know using this we expect this is a type of behavior that is acceptable acceptable for your participants and if you if your participants don't obey by it everyone's gone yeah that's what I was going to suggest is perhaps there's a Code of Conduct that could be attached so that if there's a violation again it's a question of Are We policing individual um behaviors or is it the organization going to that person and addressing it in in some way and then if they fail to do that it escal fail to do that it escalates yeah MC handles it very differently so it'll be interesting when we have our discussion yeah so is there a motion to refer policy KF to the superintendent to work with resources to report back yeah okay so what is the policy KF KF all right so I move that the um superintendent take policy KF and work on it with Council in light of this situation that's been brought to our attention motion made by uh Kim is there a second second by Margaret any discussion hearing none all in favor I opposed hearing none that'll probably be um it might be on the next month's agenda but then it would definitely be on the month after that when it comes back with the revisions thank you did you want to talk public before I close public okay circulation of warrants um sorry excuse me can I have your name please yeah stey s t e p y Jo C CH thank you all right we don't have any circulations of warrants here I did receive a warrant electronically today for 45,000 from February um that I signed off on y any any announce okay perfect any announcements or correspondence um the only I did as chair I did receive correspondence that I'm not at Liberty to discuss but there will be an executive session forthcoming to share with the other committee members okay all righty then put that on the record principal's report okay uh should be in your packet principal's report for March 13th we had a half day on Friday March 8th for professional development um teachers met in vertical teams so preschool met with first grade and then there was opportunity for first to meet with second and all the way up to sixth grade um to discuss curriculum Gap when transitioning students to the next grade so what teachers find students might be lacking when they come to the next grade level and we will review these findings this week during our grade level meetings which are Thursday and Friday grade three students will be visiting stor and Village Museum in the next few weeks I know one grade three classroom went today they had a great time um they participate in Living Museum experience and learn about life and colonial times they visit different buildings including the meeting house the blacksmith shop family home and more they will participate and learn about different activities that children colonial times would have done grades five and six will travel to Hampshire Regional to see the preview of the musical Mary Poppins on March 19th kindergarten students will explore Force motion and stability at Roots Gymnastics Center on March 25th students will later share their experience and participate in a writing activity about their visit when they get back to class um the grade six quiddit tournament will be held on Tuesday April 9th staff will play against the students that evening and our mcast testing um which first is Ela and then math um begins on Tuesday March 26th with grade six going first a schedule for all testing went home to parents our enrollment is steady uh at 479 that's the same number as last month however we had a couple shifts but it ended up being the same so we didn't lose anyone any questions nope okay uh superintendent report sure most of you have heard what I'm going to say so I'll try to make that brief um well commissioner has resigned and his last day will be March 15th and he's done a lot he's mostly known for all of this um decisions related to covid and masking and when we're going to return as well as the new mcast Civics test that's coming out um in the business office we have numerous updates so uh Teresa Turner is our new accounts payable person and we've had quite a few overdue invoices come to my attention in the last month and together with Donna Lawrence they both have done a great job of getting us caught up to speed uh so we're almost there they thought it might take until April 1st to get caught up uh but I think that they will um exceed those expectations so Rachel cadella has been working with somebody who's been hired as a short-term temp uh her name is Kim and payroll I have yet to meet her um I think she works remotely so ra Rachel cadel has been training her um however we did just hire somebody for the payroll specialist um who will start April first um I I announced the name but I'm not sure if this person has told their employer yet so I'd rather not say U but this person has previous experience with payroll um so in the future we're going to be having the position split between payroll and benefits and then HR and benefits uh Rachel Emerson will do the uh HR benefits part we'll have both job descriptions approved by the all districts committee sometime in April um but she's been busy working the last month on getting everybody caught up with mtrs um various leave issues grievances so she's been a huge help um so I appreciate that um we do have the business manager maner and the assistant business administrator posted on a few different locations um School spring Mas um the Massachusetts Municipal Association and the most recently on handshake was it which is the UMass job posting board I have not checked it today but five or six people have already applied for both of the positions combined and we are interviewing somebody who has an MBA and is a certified accountant for the assistant business manager job on Tuesday um and it's a I think he's a former he's a former alumni of the high school as well uh so fingers crossed that uh that works out uh so Mary Jan rickon the assistant superintended I we have taken all the responsibilities for HR the daily payroll things and really securing Staffing for 25 so for next year Staffing we do have secured Camy Lena who is currently our treasur she has agreed to she does not want to be our business administrator but she would happily be a mentor and a guide um and do on the job training for anybody we hire for business administrator or assistant business administrator um and although she's kind of pricey um she thinks in the beginning it'll just be one day a week and then it'll tap her off to um a couple of hours a week and we do have to pay for um uh for mileage as well and mass mifen has agreed that they will um if the school committees agree for the entire FY 25 school budget school year um finish off end of year reports for 24 and and and get the books all set and assist throughout the whole school year for FY 25 um I think it also depends on who you hire for a business administrator and assistant business administrator um I did ask her to send me the current contract so we can look at the wording and see because I don't want you to be um it's a hefty price tag so I just want to make sure we have everything that we need in place there um Mary Jane and Nicole have been working with academic discoveries about our prek programming and I think they did go over some general uh audit recommendations with them um that I haven't discussed with them yet but they will be interviewing parents and setting up focus groups um to get some further uh data points uh before they come up with specific recommendations uh spring mcast uh we just updated the uh District student handbook we put all the laws we we already had one but there were some things that were missing um so all the schools will use the same handbook and there will be a link for each specific school um but a lot of the policies are the same across the board so we just thought we would um streamline that process and be a little bit more uh collaborative in that so everybody had a hand in that and uh we did submit that for tiered Focus monitoring and we'll probably bring it to your attention um in April and May and that's the that's pretty much it we've just been doing central office budget things any questions okay uh chair's report I think everybody's up to speed but we're just continuing the all district committee is continuing to work on the situation in central office primary focus at least from my point of view is the budget and I know there's ongoing work about the potential revisions or or language of the district discussion as we move forward and it's just it's very fluid changing every day I'm assuming nobody has any questions on that so many questions reach update oh nothing's happened up there quick meeting 25 30 minutes in and out no you know nothing no heavy lifting if you take the budget stuff out of our meetings there are no meetings yeah well that's that's exactly it I'd say the I mean I can't even keep that how many meetings have we had since we last met here two three four some I would say it's primarily around the issues of budget and budget related budget and budget accessories yes I think would be would the yes the primary discussion the continue policy review up at the high school um you know one of the things that we've talked about is is oh there's been discussion on the superintendent search that has taken up a good amount of time up at the as well which for discussions to go back to ABC um you know I do have a qu a question um please that I don't know the answer to but I got asked Can you can you provide any update on um closure or finalizing of the contract but do Union contract just to the extent public you know what stage well that I'm thinking let me I would say negotiations are ongoing I don't have any sort of set okay can't say anything further no we're currently in mediation that's it in mediation that's it yep um our next session is the end of this month um I was never mind it's not not it's not an update I think I I can't keep everything am I missing anything major I mean that's kind of been the vast majority of the okay good PTO PTO met last night um and it was actually pretty cool because there were several um teacher requests staff requests for funding and they've done such an oh jeez such a great job of um fundraising that they can they can really approve anything that people need which is incredibly cool that they're able to to support the school that way uh the big thing that they have coming up is that um they need to recruit new people and so the the April meeting is would normally be April 9th but that's quitch night so they move their meeting to April 8th and this is going to be kind of a special meeting it's going to be um it's an opportunity sort of a meet and greet so they're hoping that people who are interested in um becoming involved with PTO will come to that meeting they're going to put out a little spread there's going to be a door prize for new people who show up um they are looking for people to volunteer to do different um events and things like that but they also need a chair a co-chair a secretary and atlarge members so anybody watching at home feel free April 8th to go to the Norris PTO meeting they'd be happy to have you that's all I got okay um and then just the um just for informational purposes so the the cameras work on which Mike is picking up the voice got it so um School counsel so we had a a great meeting we're continuing work on the school Improvement plan coming up with very um actionable items and ways to make sure that we're strategically proceeding so it was very positive it was very good next meeting March 25th okay and we are going to pass on collaborative and then select board update again it's the same story so uh request for Capital committee is meeting next Thursday I know Norris has some requests in there um take that up uh finance and is meeting Tuesday night and Thursday night Thursday night's a joint session um there's a tenative Place holder there for the school for the north budget we'll talk about that I guess probably next um and we're just plugging away the so the um actually on the select board update because I I don't believe I shared it with the other committees yet it'll be part of Friday's update is last night as select board member I asked for a specific detail list from the town accountant of what are the outstanding items as they relate to the schools to closing our books I got that this morning I forwarded it on to uh Deana and Mary Jane and um copied the other chairs as well as our town accountant and Town Administrator suggesting that they do the same thing so that we can I think I believe central office knows what they think they owe us and hopefully they reconcile the two and everybody has things but in the event that we have things on our list that we're waiting for that no one's even thought of yet we can try and get on the same page and then I just suggested for the other towns that they do the same thing instead of waiting so that we can compile a list of things that just need to be done and plug away with them so ours ours are pretty much all Grant in the revolving accounts with in the revolving accounts until 22's closed aren't going to self- populate and carry forward um so but I'll I'll share all that data with you guys if you're interested uh under budget we uh I received an email this afternoon from our business administrator that did he um for personal reasons is unable to attend tonight we don't have any further update other than what we received last month right which was um I would say maybe 10% accurate there a lot of you know 2% assumptions there but so we need the data on there so my it's kind of leading into the discussion on a potential outcome if we fill the proposal budget so there's two things there the whether whether we we have to have something to put up to the voters and this is separate from whether it it it fails in the two towns and how we go through the 12-day extension and all that or the 15-day extension is ultimately I guess worst case scenario is is what would happen is we'd get a 112th budget which is decided by the commissioner of education and it's the expiring budget with their adjustments correct so I would Envision if the if make a number it's X if the contractual wages increased by X that that's going to be on that line item right and then there probably there's going to be some other it's going to be out of our control on what these numbers are going to be yeah um so to me that's not a uh favorable outcome that being said um we have a bylaw for Southampton that says the budget has to be submitted no later than April 1st so if we work backwards from that um we could meet on April 1st if needed to be and so assume we are meeting on April 1st which is a Monday and three out of the five of us would be up at Hampshire Regional for our meeting on the 1 yes well let's forget the fact that it's my birthday and I shouldn't even be here oh my goodness John I'm on every calendar April fools the your mom got the right day I held out for three weeks now see who now we're going off track here um but let's just use that date right we got to B we'd have to have our final vote on that Friday March 29th which is Good Friday because that's Easter weekend and have to have the final vote in order in order to meet on the 1 we have we have to hold a public hearing and vote on that ahead of time okay I suppose possibly we could do it on the same day but in my mind it would be Friday 29th would be the public hearing which Kimberly has clarified requires 7day public notice so now we're back to next Friday we have to have our final budget voted on here so we can publish and make available to the public well the making it available to the public so the date and time of the public hearing has to be 7 days ahead right 48 Hours the budget has to be available 48 hours before the public hearing right so theoretically we could we could publish on March 22nd saying that we are having this public hearing on March 29th and we'd have to have the document available to People by March 27th right but before we do all any of that we need a budget so so do other than other than um Alisa what you reported last month have have you do you have any further Advanced budgets other than what we were given no okay so we're in a conundrum and um the only thing I can think of and I'm open to suggestions is we create our own budget which is not going to be easy to do because we don't necessarily have access to all the data that we need but we know what the contracts are we know what their current rates where their steps are we can mathematically calculate out very easily the wages for all staff I would argue that 70% of the budget it would be yes we know the busing is going up by 5% because we signed that cont you know we know certain things that we can put in there um maybe we hold the books flat at 40,000 and as it start to fill in these things but we come up with something the um but there's not really a lot of time and every day next week I have a night meeting so I do have 8:00 a.m. till noon on Tuesday open if we want to invade principal Pluto's office with our laptops and build a budget by lunch 19th not a vacation day right I have an oncology too I could do that what do you guys think I would like to help I unfortunately have a doctor's appointment that morning so um I'm out of pocket I can help we can start that and then if we have an overflow so then my question is I can be there for like an hour okay um um so then but we still have to have a meeting to the flip side of that is I'm not in really in favor of meeting on Good Friday well a I'm not in favor of meeting on Fridays but the fact that it's good Friday it's a holiday weekend I mean so then I would back us up to Thursdays but I'm sure we all finance and sorry select board are meeting that night at 6 so John I think we did have March 27th at Wednesday at 5:30 reserved for Norris but that would be the public here that would have to be the public which means 7 days prior that the 20th we'd have to have our budget done right no we' on the 20th we'd have to publish the public hearing notice for the 27th and we'd have to have the budget done by the 25th oh it's you're saying so we can we could pick a date without actually having our first meeting to approve the budget okay you want do that right that's correct and the key thing is to get it available to post it and then have it available the 7-Day posting and the 48 hour ahead of time the document being there meeting thees does Wednesday the 27th right now work for everybody to have the public hearing the public hearing I think so I don't know y I would imagine it's going to be an hour yeah you know what I don't know anymore past practice was nobody came question anything so March 27th at 6 is is what we're thinking yeah okay yep so then if we go backwards we could be if we're going to meet on Tuesday the 19th we issue publication on the 20th I mean we have the 20th 21st 22nd but if we got a publish on 20th we got to get our notice in probably in the next two days yeah so we email Rachel so we could we even meet on Monday the 25th that would be Monday the no Monday the 25th is the superintendent search committee selection right I look at my calendar at home too yeah can we meet on the 20th I got a meeting I got a person meeting at 600 but that's fairly quick I got Personnel at 600 that should be all right so I could I could be 6:30 6:30 I do me probably S I could do so March 20th at 7:00 would be our meeting so that's a week from a week from today to look at a budget do we right which means we're going to on Tuesday we're going to create well is that is that a public meeting is that a meeting meeting that would be a that would be a special school committee meeting solely for the budget okay and then the 27th is the public hearing will be the public hearing and we're going to develop a budget on Tuesday morning or try to between Tuesday morning and well I can start working on it in advance I mean espe if I can get did you get any no I didn't okay so I can reach out to the town Treasurer I guess and try that way and see give give a list of all Norris employees and what they're currently being paid and then and it it should tie to the contracts somebody can validate it afterwards I did get an email from Mickey he he knows that that's a priority he indicates he's going to work with you and um I think Mary Mary Jane and have it to us on Monday when he comes back all right can I see clarification for a second so March 20th we're going to post for the hearing that's the following Wednesday and also that evening you're going to have a special meeting um to view the budget and that's at 6: p.m. that one's at 7 that one's at 7 okay because I've got um Williamsburg school committee in the 20th is the thing that has to go in The Gazette like that's the public hearing notice has to go in on the 20th for the 27th yep got it there's no reason why it could go sooner it could go sooner but no later than yeah right now so the 20th is at 7 so the 20th is at 7 and the 27th is at 6 or am I missing that that's correct okay the 20th is at 7 p.m. D yes when you say you publish it to the be Public public hearings when you when you use that oh like you say you have to publish the budget the budget has to be we have to publish the notice that we're going to have the public hearing oh that is Goen paper and then a physical paper right and of General circulation and then a actual copy of the budget has to be available 48 hours before for public inspection should any member of the public want to look at it and where would the public look at it's usually in the superintendent's office okay yeah you could come on the 20th and learn all about it no no no I'm so I was just curious because a lot of things are said like this is the public hearing for it and like you guys talk about stuff in this packet that's here but like unless you're me you never see this and you never know about it right except this part so I just curious of when you say it's posted for the public like what do that mean or how does one go about to find that for people that don't know yeah that's all well the and and the notice in the newspaper will specify the locations that you can get a copy or access the document so youve got to give that to central office to be sure they have that language yes yeah yep so March 19th we're in Alisa's office to work on the budget and what time are we doing that what time works for you 8:30 9:00 whatever when is arrival time for students this 8:35 8:35 all right so yeah why don't we do 9 so all that's done so 9:00 on the 19th the 19th I have a meeting but I'll cancel I'll not go to that meeting age does that need to be posted as well now well it depends on how many of us are there right I'll gladly not come if that I think's just going to be two of us and Margaret is just going to pop in and sure turn on Okay I'll probably pop in then go out then pop back in yeah okay so then get crunch numbers ahead of time too if you need so 4 4:20 we're going to do 7:00 p.m. 4 yeah 4 5 3:20 is it 7 oh I'm right in April 3 3 and 327 is at 6:00 p.m. 32 yeah and then so actually 321 is when finance and Sight board will meet so I'll notify Chris to add the school to the budget hearing so the town can have its budget hearing uh wait a minute what we're meeting on the 20th to do to pass the preliminary budget right it's not the public hearing for the budget to speak but let them see it at that point if they have any feedback they can certainly give it to us but oh okay so does that mean we have to go to a meeting on the 21st too or are you handling that as in your many hats that you wear I don't have a problem running point on that but if anyone's lonely and wants to get out I'm not sure I'm that lonely well okay I don't know how to answer that all right so that that'll be our game plan I mean if if there's um I'm pretty sure Mickey shared with us last time is all in Excel so I I'll just start building off of his and then and John for the 27th do you want to post it as hearing and vote public hearing yeah public hearing and vote okay so it needs date time location it's almost a copy and paste from the linguage right yeah it's just datetime and location and does it have to do we need does the public notice have to say where they can get a copy of it ahead of time well actually it says 48 Hours either at the office of superintendent of schools or at a place so designated by said committee so I would yeah I would specify and there where it's available yeah I mean and for ease of town residence we can put it we can give a town a copy to the town clerk all right why don't we do that but but I'm just saying like that all that line fastic yeah J so de can can you just ask Rachel to share with me the the draft before she sends it to the paper sure thanks okay so our public meetings the 27th at 7 6 6:00 sorry so that means 48 would be 6 o' okay that's fine I CU town hall closed on Friday so if our 48 Hours hit Friday we can't put it here we'd have to put it but it doesn't I think we're good as long as it's yeah we're good glad to thought that anything else on budgets can't wait to see what you come up neither can we you SCH put it right in there line item John's regionalization fund put it right there I like the way you think Kim I know you do that's why I'm here I was going to add that to my regional update I I brought up regionalization at the last regional meeting and I got groans from across the room not from that cuz you bring it up every other meeting well you know it was it was more of the reference to our our buddy here that I've been saying something for three years and now finally more people are coming on board okay uh new business reconsideration fiscal year 25 academic calendar which was accepted on February 15 2024 so so I put I put this on here after obviously after our meeting but um I then heard from one member of the committee who remain nameless and it wasn't me who said that potentially taking a step back they they may rethink it so it's there if we want to do something with it it's there if we don't but we have to make that correction though because we bet Martin Luther King Junior Day on the wrong yeah there there are errors on it so yeah so we're talking about calendar right y so she gave you the wrong one but I just emailed everybody the correct one the only change is on January instead of January 13th and the 14th being in Blue uh being a holiday professional development it's going to be the 20th is the holiday we were off by a week unfortunately for Martin Luther King day and uh the 21st will be a PD day let me see if this matches on the right side it does not so we will fix it over here to so that's 20th and I'll fix it on the right hand side okay so that's January 20th and 21 and the 17 is not in molded okay so one question that I have now that I didn't have then is and maybe I'm just imagining this but first day of school is list say September 3rd right and it says first day for students but that's not all students right don't they come before or after right preschool comes a week later a week later okay so do we need to say first day preschool on the 9th just to make it really clear for parents who are looking at it yes we could add that just over and usually they start on the Tuesday after Labor Day but maybe now they start on the 9th yeah I think it'd probably be a good idea right whatever the date is if it's not the third to plug it in there yeah so indicate first days K through six and then nine whatever day is first day for preschool I get that definitely needs to go on there or do we say the 10 for students whatever date you guys decide on would but we have to approve it so 7th September 7th School 9 we're considering the nth you say nth okay I'll make that pink too do it on Monday make it a full week yeah without objection from building principle yeah September 9th are we St are we staying with the third as the start so I was I think the one who may have said I had some thoughts in then reconsidering this and then I went back after looked at the dates again and it looked my original thought was to look ret proactively and see what had been done in previous years I did not do that far back at all but I decided to look proactively in what future years that bring for us I think regardless of what the high school contract says we're going to be hovering around that Labor Day start time for at least a couple more years um we are next year we're in almost the exact same circumstance if we're tied to that 28th date for the high school and um we're also then in 2026 looking at a similar situation um I don't love the idea of starting later on and then the potential of running into late June especially with the juneth holiday now being on the calendar MH um but I do also have concerns that as a district deviating not just because the high school situation I mean we have different PD days we have different half days there but more the issue of it is 3 days and we'd be looking for exceptions from school buses two to three days to that would cause Transportation issues from the from the bus company I think and you know and potentially if we don't have snow days it puts us out again the situation we are this year which is the kids are going to be out Wick it early yeah so you know after we've used all our snow days there two two only had two two last day school is like June 14th right now yeah there's some happy kids happy kids not so happy Parents yeah um yeah get out sooner some not so happy Parents some happy Parents some not so happy Parents am I allowed to comment on this because it's it's on the agenda yes so I guess I guess my point was I was the one who initially said maybe we need to reconsider this after more thought I don't see deviating from the rest of the district as a wise decision but that just my thought okay oh Jennifer Johnson three children in the school um so I actually talked to a bunch of parents about this because I think it's odd because it has been that they've all started before Labor Day since my kids have been at that school and my daughter's in fifth grade now um and a lot of the parents also have kids at high school and their point was I know a lot of they asked me like what your reasons were for not wanting to change it to how it previously was and how this teachers said they would prefer it to be and I said that your answers were that you were concerned about older kids babysitting younger kids and that whole dilemma and a lot of them pointed out for their high school kids for the majority of them that play a sport they're all in sports and in Captain's practices and in all those things that week anyway so the likelihood of a lot of people still being on vacation is not so much the case um they also said that it's not your job to worry about their children's babysitting issues and that's their issue to worry about um I think that if someone leads the pack forward that yes maybe the high school can't change their contract and they have to start when they have to start but all the other elementary schools could say great you do that and then like West Hampton wanted to change it I don't know what their situation was then all of the elementary schools could be that they start the 3 days like they did before the four days and then the 5 days if that's not how it wants to be and you all want to be there then is there a benefit to taking those 5 days that we never use out of the bus contract like is that some sort of like money thing that they get for those 5 days to be able to switch around things for us and if we're not using them is that a way to save money somewhere and add it to somewhere else like why do we have it if we're not using it and why are we afraid to use it if we have it so on that particular point the contract allows us up to 5day variation without incurring additional cost right but is that like if you just take that out there's no reduction in cost okay okay so we go to day six I mean we could do 10 days but days six through 10 we would there's a formula in there we pay there was a payment that has to be made correct um so I I don't know that's just my two cents on that um I know a lot of people when I said hey this is the proposed and voted on um calendar and they were like why the why are we starting that late like what's the deal and I understand that it's going to be that way for the next few years but like it doesn't has have to be for these kids like it can and I I don't think June 14th is honestly really like that early and heaven forbid it is only March and there's always usually at least one more snow day to kill us between here in April um so there's my thoughts de have the other elementary schools already approved their calendars well first I want to say we um we absolutely recognize your concerns and the principles and I kind of debated back and forth do we have to start on the same day I think we would have to pay for an extra day of busing and while you know we would hear we would hear parents advocating for it one way or the other um and I think when we gave this to unions this is what they had preferred but right it is a sticky key thing at the elementary levels uh Chesterfield Goan has approved approved which one did Williamsburg Williamsburg and I think West Hampton saw it a couple months ago but I'm not I can't remember right now they might have approved it last night I can't remember but I I thought the um I thought the Southampton teachers union was in favor of backing this up yeah right and they also wanted if I recall correctly if we couldn't back it up with kids then teachers would work that Friday well that's not work Thursday and then have Friday off that's my next question because traditionally that holiday weekend you get the Monday off which we have why why are we coming in on a Thursday and not not the Friday are you talking about August 29th yeah uh well so at the high school their contract States they start on that Wednesday the 28th and they have two professional development days oh all right so can I does the contract say that's the start date or it says they can't start before that that date or prior prior to that so they can start on that dat or could do the 29th or could do the 30th right it doesn't have to be the 28th of August right okay and then we thought geez should we have students come on the third 30th and then we thought okay well one day and then it's a long weekend does that does that make sense so I felt our hands were tied either either way so whatever you'd like to do is is fine do you have the bus contract language there so you're 100% sure this no I no I stopped looking for it but well because that's the only reason I would hesitate is because I would just like verification that that's actually in the contract because for so many years it was we have to do it this way because of the bus contract and well you would have to pay extra days District well because the bus my memory says the busing contract says that we can have an alternate schedule up to 5 days from the high school before additional cost is incurred on us i' have to look that up right I do worry though that it because the if you do have to pay it's quite expensive but that is a good question well I mean I'm okay if we can verify that that language actually exists is my that's my concern see I can so I'm I'm hearing two I mean I don't think we can even think about my thing is I don't even want to consider making the a very a a start date that's different than the high school until we know right there's a finan start dat for students or start date for teachers that's where I think we have two different discussions going well right right so start I mean I think families are concerned about start date for students yes and that's what the concern is that has come to us and so cuz and it's students that are on the buses the teachers are getting there themselves so I just feel like it's important to know that that actually exists and so the concern for the parents is the temperature in the building is that the primary concern for going later in June that that top floor in that building is miserable that is true and now is that also a problem in August because of heat in August yeah but it's a much shorter window and you're only having like 2 or 3 days and their thought is like you have 2 or 3 days where you get all the stupid paperwork type stuff done and you have the next week you have four days that you get like your routine stuff done and by the week of school you've got a full week and you're hitting the ground running starting with full academics kind of a thing I think that that was generally was the heat was definitely part of it that's the conversations I heard but again just what Jen said it it's that whole I think a lot of the elementary school students or the parents felt that that 3 four five day ramp up was a more beneficial way to start transition sure thank you and um having the kids there on Thursday and Friday lets them get all that energy in out of it so then on Tuesday they start work versus now it'll be Tuesday Wednesday well I think the other concerned with when you went to the juneth with juneth there if you had a very heavy snow winter um are you bumping up around I don't know what our contract says about the last possible date of teacher it has to be June 30th because it I think that's the state law yeah so we're bumping Now 1 2 3 4 well you're June 25th I mean you go over that though and you're in trouble well if we do this this year we will have to probably do it for the next two years as well according to the calendar at least NE well next year most definitely 2026 is weird because September 1 is a Tuesday which means Labor Day is very late to 7th ah so it creates another weird I mean we could start that week without a problem oh yeah easily but then it's that weird you're still starting in September right um I mean I guess I don't have strong feelings about it either way to me I I think I see the benefits of both of them I mean I agree that there's I think it depends on the bus contract so I agree if if we can get that clarified one way or the other then I could I could be up for changing it oh hold on hold on I'm reading the contract now but it's 101 on P so on I'm only for what it's worth on March 13th 2020 I asked Bobby for Tuesday night's meeting could you tell me tell me what if any impact from a money standpoint would there be if the committee opted Tuesday night to cancel April vacation in light of the twoe closure being announced today Bobby's response yeah our contract allows for days to be added or taken over away so we will be okay financially with the buses if we don't make up the days we will deduct the days from the contract amount if we were to cancel April break that would add those days back in what doesn't really help but that was anoral hey factoy where we were for years shows that I don't delete my emails yeah I was trying to find we've also we've also gotten a new bus contract since then so correct the so issue number one students starting uh I mean we are coming back on Wednesday I mean if clarification be given I think the second clarifying question would be if we are in fact allowed 5 days right as your suspicion is if we move the start date back to August 28th which would be a 3-day deviation in August does that also count as a 3-day Dev deviation in June mean that a six day or is it a 3-day deviation oh that's a good question no it it's days that we have busing that nobody else does but then there's going to be then there's going to be 3 days that everyone else is but that's not that's not out of our allowance it's out of Hampshire regional's allowance so this is I did find something we don't it says school closings not withstanding the school year shall require 180 days of service in the event the school year is longer or shorter than 180 days the annual contract total shall be adjusted by the daily unit cost per vehicle but our days is only 180 days again that doesn't it just it will be 180 different days there something do you want to you want to shoot me the contract uh well I found one this was yeah is it within the last two years signed yeah I'm going to I'm going to send it to you um fingers crossed do you all want it [Music] drive yeah just so depending share with us depending on what we do thanks whether we whether we do something or don't do anything I'll it holds the question about whether or not teachers are going back on Thursday or Friday yeah right now it's Thursday I mean obviously if we back it up and the kids are there teachers are going to be there if we leave students where they are and we tell teachers I guess that's the other thing can we conf could Alisa could you confirm was it the Southampton teachers Union's desire to have their professional development on Friday or stay with the Thurs THS I believe their desire was to have it on Friday I can you know didn't they want to chose they are and that's what the union I don't see th everybody comes Thursday or everybody com I'll check my emails CU I know Elizabeth did write me about that so if if the students come back on the 28th would the p d day or the teacher day be the 27th yes do they right that's what I was wondering the 28th they come back and have their PD it's it's really a meeting with me and then time in the rooms and then Thursday Friday the kids that's what you're thinking oh we were thinking 27th they come back kids come back 28th right or were we thinking yeah that's what I was asking kids come back for 3 days three days no no I think two days two days what two days you want you want Wednesday means coming back to 26 wedes Friday and then they no sorry I I had it right the teachers would come back the 27th students 28th so the students have a 3-day week teachers have a 4-day week [Music] okay that's option one we're not we're not going to vote on any options tonight we're going to get clarification for Wednesday all right so this is going to be on our agenda Wednesday well it seems to me like we everybody wants these issues clarified with Doc which is reasonable oh yeah no I just want have to schedule vacations and all their other stuff can I I found what Elizabeth wrote to me in the beginning of January uh she wrote these are her suggestions starting with students after Labor Day will cause our school year to run far into June if there are any snow days we suggest nor start with students prior to Labor Day we prefer teacher support staff to return on Tuesday or Wednesday August 27th or 28th and for students to begin on Wednesday or Thursday the 28th or 29th we understand this may be different from school from the high school uh if the student start date cannot be changed North teachers would prefer to start on Friday August 30th rather than start on Thursday the 29th with a vacation day following we've never had a built-in vacation day in our schedule before and we don't want to move forward with that practice okay so I guess the 28's always been because of the high school but you you can do whatever you'd like to do well but we we got to make sure there's not a financial impact on the bus side so and whether I'm happy to look at it or two days yeah I'm happy as far as the bus I'm happy to look through it find the language highlight and then share it with everybody ahead of time great thank you but can I question the high school contract says the teachers can't start before the 28th corre they can start on the 28 they can't start no sooner than the 28th so if they had how many professional developments they do they they have two two I think they have two so if they start that Wednesday would be Wednesday Thursday then they they didn't want students come back for one day right that makes sense okay got it I was going to say like if they come back then I didn't real they had two days it would only be one day start that was my other question my other my last question on that was you guys I assume do not do any districtwide PD on the days prior to school I know you've wanted to but there yeah we had wanted to but because everybody does not have two days um no because every every um contract is different in regards recall that was how much oh I Rec rejected at the table last time for okay um can we can we expand the radius of Walkers to like 12 miles for the oh dear God next bring we did that once some pick up next item discussion and vote um school choice set maximum number of available seats Alisa you going to come back with a recommendation yes so I don't think that we should open up any School of Choice slots in grades 1 through six based on our numbers but I do think we should open up School of Choice spots in kindergarten and I would say at this time no more than six but if we use up those spots and students leave or don't come that we think are coming if we could go up to another number that would be okay with me so what what what are we at now 46 or 48 say that again I'm sorry School CH 47 right we're at 47 now with eight departing which drops us to 39 and you're asking for six which brings you up to 45 okay right so would the vote be to set the maximum number of school choice tilon 245 oh say you say you have a fourth grader drop out right go ahead go ahead okay that gives you the six for prek or for K but then if anybody else drops out anywhere else we don't usually do like if someone drops out then we open up a spot no you could put them back into kindergarten but it would be a kindergarten have to drop out not a fourth grade no no we're just saying your your cap is 45 you're recommending six go into kindergarten if everything else stays the same that's all the space you have you're at 45 okay if somebody in fifth grade drops and you choose as the principal that kindergarten is a spot is that now that new spot that's your call not ours okay wait I don't think we've ever looked at it that way before yeah John say that again cuz I'm not sure that's talking fast the the maximum number of school choice children you cannot do that I already asked well then why are we voting on a number of seats you have to vote unless I'm hearing you're wrong because I'm trying to write the email you asked you have to Cho school choice seats per grade okay you you cannot do 45 over because it's a lottery system and then how are you going to pick and choose what grade you want that in and it's not Equitable so all right so then I'll make a motion to authorize the principal to open up the lottery for six seats in kindergarten can we can we set any discretion for the principal you could say we say to say well you could say up to a certain number then if she only wants to fill six she just feel right right last year that's what you did I think you did like six and and eight or six and 10 or something um do we have any known siblings we have no siblings It's amazing And we have in my opinion since I've been here a record number of applications for kindergarten already at this time that I've never seen it like this before school choice for school choice school choice applications for kindergarten wow so six is good but it's not not not everybody's going to be happy what's happening lra oh we're going to build a school a pre Center no no I'm just saying with all the with all the difficulties we're having with a budget it's this really the year to enter the the north yes it is every year is a good year to enter I think six is a safe number right now I I would maybe we could go higher at some point but with the census number um and the number of students we know are coming to kindergarten from preschool I would like to say six but up to can we say up to 10 we could say up to 10 and then if the students we think are coming don't end up coming we have that space or not I so do you have a motion or is there I'll I'll withdraw mine so go ahead I move that we authorize up to 10 School of Choice seats for entering kindergarten for school year 2425 with the total number of allotted seats at the discretion of the building principal second did you second uh second it by Kim did you get all that okay discussion hearing none all in favor I opposed so moved um than next is uh approve the salary range for the incoming superintendant the range that has been proposed by the uhu working committee or by the the uh adviser get it going committee uh is a minimum of 175 to a maximum of 195 I'm sure everyone's aware other committees have gone up and down and made adjustments and all that I mean as far as I'm more only one committee has adjusted correct is that Williamsburg correct okay but the the budget the central office budget right now doesn't include a salary that goes that high but there is that contingency in the central office budget that would allow for H it was it was pretty wild last night um they um the the mask Liz leond um with Drew her statement that it was her recommendation for 175 195 and LS were adamant they AR going to go over 180 and there was a lot going on but those are kind of the highlights so oh and then Mickey plugged in 195 into the superintendent salary in the budget so my feeling is for what it's worth is this is the range that was recommended it's a range it's a starting point we won't know until we have a candidate whether we need to go that high I suggest we let the committee have the latitude to do it and that just like our budget one committee has already lowered it and that's fine if three committees lower it to that number we're stuck but if the other committees stay with this proposal range then they lose the vote my understanding well two things number one my understanding is West Hampton has approved 175 to 195 Hampshire Regional has already approved 175 to 195 and I would also ask where exactly in the all district agreements it says what happens when there's a disagreement amongst committees regarding what a solid arrange of oppos it does not it's silent Sil so you go and pass practice so pass practice Yeah so I'm of the opinion to leave leave I mean leave room if it's a superstar give that person the top but I agree leave it as a tool I think I think it's a complicated District you have the head of the school committee me Association school committee saying initially this is an appropriate range so I move that we authorize uh a salary range for the incoming superintendent to be posted of $175,000 to $195,000 and that the appropriate placeholder be made in the budget to support that if awarded seconded by Margaret any discussion hearing none all in favor I I opposed none appointment appoint a member of the superintendent search committee from the norest local school committee who's going to step forward well I nominate Julianne she's not here actually I will tell you too I mean she did communicate with me that her um work schedule is becoming more and more complicated for these meetings and that is also uh she has reached the decision that she is not seeking reelection and will be departing from the board um so although this work will all be done prior to well I don't yeah we don't know that's so okay so she's out so do we delegate to the vice chair we could delegate the vice chair I will I will be murdered will be murdered well what's the time commitment 30 to 50 hours over an 8we period you're wrong yeah my challenges I have some vacation days that cannot be changed and I'm concerned that that overlap overlaps do we I don't know this answer is it safe to assume no none of you are the Hampshire Regional person none of us are it's blenda from Williamsburg okay and does it have to be a school committee member or we appoint our person representing the school committee supposed to I think it probably should be a school committee you were so close to getting the appointment Alisa the plan was you're taking her for looking for I mean we are looking for an elementary they are looking for an elementary Principle as well so it could be Alisa if she so you know if she throws her hat into the ring to serve on the committee mhm yeah I have a conflict with that March 25th date well actually the March 25th date is not going to end up being the orientation date because it's a c for you no no because what was supposed to happen is tomorrow night the search committee was supposed the five members were supposed to the five school committee members were supposed to select the rest of the search committee and then the 25th was going to be the orientation how ever Chesterfield Goan needed tomorrow night for their budget meeting so that went away so now the selection of the search committee is not till the 25th which the only people who have to be there for that are Liz and the five school committee members so do we we if there's an alternate if you don't want to do it John it seems like it's com down between the two of us I can't do I'm away April vacation there's nothing scheduled for April vacation I'm away for work the first 3 days in May May 1st through the 3rd there's stuff planned for that I mean potentially what what if if you know if zoom's an option I'm only going to be in Louisiana so I can at night I could if we or I could be your alternate if we tag team it I I don't have a problem with that but I mean you're the get it going committee you think other committees will object jective there's a primary and a secondary from us there's no rules against it there's no rule against it and I think as long as you two communicate with each other then we'd be able to share the information outside of the executive sessions I mean the only thing that gets tricky is when people are like if you're not if you're not involved with all of the interviews it's hard to have an opinion on candidates if you weren't there for the interview well I think there's a primary person alternate is only to take in more information and provide information from that person and maybe it won't even happen so who's going to be the primary so I I'll be the primary it's just if if there's a work conflict I can't I can't commit to being an I'm assuming it's going to be in the library at Westampton at the high school it's where the past two search meetings have probably unless it's on Zoom right I mean yeah okay so I'm fine with that I'll I'll if nobody else wants it okay I'll make a motion I nominate myself and that Margaret will be my alternate should my business interest prohibit me from attending a meeting I will second that all in favor I opposed I abstain okay um thanks John no problem any any other business business I can't wait until our next meeting I believe Alisa you have something yeah so we have a field trip that we are going hopefully going on on June 11th for 6th grade to go to High Meadow and it's in grvy Connecticut so I'm looking for permission to travel outside the state is there a motion to authorize the principal to relocate our children outside the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on said date so moved there's a motion made by Margaret is there a second second seconded by Dylan all in favor I opposed very good um yeah you have more article 16 in that bus contract talks about the provision has applied for up to 10 days during any one school year I don't know if you want and and if you didn't want to wait till the next meeting I found it do you want to read do you want to read read the paragraph well it says if one school covered on a combination does not hold classes while the other school of that route combination holds classes the contractor agrees to provide transportation for the school in session at the usual proportionately daily rate for that half of the combination rout there shall be no Transportation charge for the school that is not in session this provision is applied for up to 10 days during any one school year even better that means we got no that means we have to pay that means we pay we pay proportionate our so wondering if that's we're still only using 180 days of service it's just 3 days we're using Hampshire isn't it and at the end so we pay half half the cost and the other half Hampshire Regional would pay when they use it for the 3 days if we need to clarify with I want clarification you're the lawyer I don't want and you know Mary Jane was just busy negotiating the bus contract for Worthington so she might be someone who could call the bus company and ask the question I like clarification yeah I don't want to decide this right now based on a quick read like that cuz if it ends up costing us money okay let's stay on course for Wednesday but yeah so so we want Mary Jane's opinion no we want Mary Jane talk to the bus company I want someone to propos to bus company we're looking at doing this thing we're going to start we would start 3 days prior to the high school and we would end 3 days prior we would start 3 days prior to everybody else and we would end 3 days prior to everybody else yeah are we going to encourage additional charges under the contract so de I'll I'll draft an email that I'll send to you and Mary Jane for one of you to send to our contact at the bus company yeah it would be really good to get that in writing so that we we are all clear and then here's the email so then when the bill comes in we can say no you said more no but so we all feel comfortable with what we're doing no that's what I'm saying so that if I just say we do this we do this thing and then all a sudden the bus company sends us a bill for 3 Days right additional yeah we we're good no yeah wouldn't be us cuz we started first our 180 got used in Hampshire kept going the bills going up there okay any other business that can't wait perfect uh discussion on the construction of New School uh update there a full appraisal has been ordered for the property we are waiting that to come back the select board is mixed but there is there is at least one member that is heavily driving the bus to get a question on the May 7th ballot on the on the town meeting one of the article to whether to move forward and acquire the entire parcel or not how we develop it and what goes there to be determined at a future point in time so that's where that is um security enhancements work school safety Grant so the security enhancements and the van are on hold until I can meet with the New Town Administrator uh we're playing phone tag at the moment he only one weekend that he's only one weekend yeah okay all right so we'll work on that um are we I mean it's it's it's March do you know do you know offand if the safety Grant goes away on June 30th if we haven't spent it I have no idea that might be a Mary Jane question right on the Grant I can I'll shoot her an email just so we can talk and when is Lauren going to want her van back as saap possessions 19 there are two days in April that she's going to need the van and after that I don't know exactly when she needs it back but there are two days in April so we're trying to figure that [Music] out we trust you we set the policy you make it happen Okay anything else there be nothing else to come before this body is there a motion to adjourn so moved second motion made and seconded at 7:29 p.m. all in favor I oppose so move thank you all see you next see you next week e e