this government meeting is brought to you by eastworks and our local cable subscribers all right I'm going to call to order the meeting of the Southampton select board for June 4th 2024 at 601 M if we could start by standing and saying the Pledge of Allegiance please Pledge of Allegiance flag flag United States America the for it stands one nation under God indivisible with lice for all all right do we have any open speak people that are here for other than something that's on the agenda not seeing anyone for that reason all right technically we're supposed to open this hearing at 6:05 do I really need to wait for 4 minutes um adjust the time frame it's within the window let's make sure we close it after 605 there we go I think we can manage that all right okay um I would like to uh open up a public hearing for eversource for a poll hearing could we have a motion to open up the public public hearing so moved second all those in favor I I okay so we are here tonight um for a public hearing and I'll read the notice that was posted here the Southampton select board will hold a hearing at 6:05 p.m. on June 4th 2024 in the town hall first floor meeting room located at 210 College Highway on the petition by instar Electric Company doing business as eversource energy requesting permission to install poles wires cables and fixtures in including the necessary sustaining and protecting features along and across the following public way location install one jointly owned pole east of existing pole 14/50 in town taking reason to install a new pole clear of a new driveway with newly installed overhead wire to another new Pole to be set on customer property at 120 East Street wherefore it prays that after due notice and hearing as provided by law let it be granted that a Loc for and permission to construct and maintain a pole wires and cables together with such sustaining and protecting features as they may find necessary said poll to be erected substantially in accordance with the field plan herewith and made a part here of marked 81131 916 also for permission to lay and maintain underground laterals cables and wires in the above or intersecting public ways for the purpose of making connections with such poles and buildings as each of said petitioners may desire for distribut ing purposes your petitioners agree to reserve space for one crossarm at a suitable point on each of said polls for the fire and police telephone signal wires belonging to the municipality and used by it exclusively for municipal purposes in Star Electric Company DBA eversource okay all right so with that do we have someone from eversource here that would like to address us please come on up to the mic introduce yourself and good evening everyone evening I'm Brandon representing eversource tonight for 120 East Street M uh from my end this is pretty straightforward it there's already existing infrastructure on the street to accommodate uh new customers that are building on those Lots at 120 um to avoid aerial trespass on the other lots that are there we I'm petitioning to add a poll basically in the in between the two existing polls so that we can come off of the existing infrastructure and service the the new house that's there and then have the ability to come off of the new pole that we've already placed on that customer's property to feed the other two lots when they become construction ready mhm okay so this is adding a poll not taking down the two existing poles whatsoever those were just just right in the middle kind of on that corner of the street okay everybody see the map that was in your yeah I'd like to take a look thank you y and I don't think we're dealing with anything out of the ordinary here in terms of uh nice nice photograph there we go nice visual wow so looking at that picture there you're talking about the current development on the right hand side will that also take care of the development that's going to be behind those houses I I believe it's down the cor on the corner yeah a little bit more think that's house is already yeah there's like two to space for a road to go back I believe it might be the next the next span so is that the the the new pole that's been another pole that's been put in there or that's an existing Pole so yeah that that one right where the person's walking or bicycling uhuh in between those two is where the Pole's going and then there's there's three building lots that be drive down there on the right hand side there's already a house that's ready to go and adding this single pole will take care of the power for all three of those yes how is that going to take sure sure how will Kevin Canton yeah come on to the up to the mic yeah um first lot coming down how will we how will we reach the first lot from a pole further up the street where would the power come down that direction no this direction you're saying between these two poles that we because yes the the new driveway is right on this side of the pole correct so you guys own the the front one that's right there we're on the front one to the right of the driveway so we can come off at any point from that pole there or the one that's or the new one or the one that's over there the new one is for that's going to be further up and that for the house that's already already built so that we didn't aerial trespass the driveway because when the builders were there they said that that was a shared common it's a common driveway ACC it's in between the driveway is actually owned by a third party not us or that house so we would want to have power coming from down the street and across yeah and when you guys are ready and your electrician PS a work order with me I can meet you guys out there and figure out the best way to Electrify your new house so what could it be okay sir can you come on up to the mic you need to be goe people are people are over watching at home wanting to know what's going on yeah so this is the cantons I'm sure that must be at 120 EAS live yeah you're um no I just wanted to be sure if the owner of the lot that we own now wanted to go underground cable they could do that even though there's a a pool they can go from the pool and put their wires under the new pole that we set you can if you get permission from whoever the third lot I believe to go underneath the driveway yeah then that's something we could do or we could come right off the street and do kind of the same thing we're doing here for you is set a pole that's within the town taking that abuts your lot or even come into your lot privately so we can we wouldn't have to petition the town at that point but okay that's something that we can discuss you know when you're construction ready M okay thank you okay does anybody have any other questions about this it's pretty uh clear to me okay all right could we take a vote please take a motion to close the public hearing yes second all right all in favor I I make a motion to approve the request second okay second by Dan all right all those in favor I I I okay thank you it's approved thank you enjoy your night thank you very much you guys don't want to stay was going to be cookies have a good night thank you okay thanks folks um we haven't done a poll Hearing in a while that was a relatively easy one comparatively to some that we've had in the past all right so we have uh an agenda night with a few uh just to say that we have several appointments to various committees uh where people have been appointed and will be expiring at the end of June and and so this will be a first batch of uh some appointments uh reappointments and then there'll be at our next meeting or two uh we'll probably have some more and try to catch everybody who is due to expire whose terms are due to expire and who wants to continue to be of service on the committee that they are currently with so with that could we start off uh John you want to take off a few if there's no objection can I can I lump them together by groups sure sure sorry so the first one motion to accept the resignation of Dork dods Greenway Community effective immediately okay motion by John second by Dan all those in favor I I all right uh the building department motion to approve Ron Lauren building commissioner term to expire June 30th 2025 Thomas quinland Jr Building Commissioner alternate term to expire June 30th 2025 Walter Merrick Building Commissioner alternate term to expire June 30th 2025 Thomas Sears inspector plumbing and gas term to expire June 30th 2025 Anthony lren inspector plumbing and gas alternate term to expire June 30th 2025 James fiser inspector electrical term to expire June 30th 2025 and Dan uh Melo Macks inspector electrical alternate term to expire June 30th 2025 okay we have a motion for all the building department related ones could we have a second please was that a second no I have a question oh second second second second Dan okay for discussion I I have a question um so are generally these all fairly a atic unless one of the incumbents decides to leave their position or how are they reviewed um in terms of performance and other factors are they ever red the first part of your question is uh for example Ron Lauren he's he's our permanent commissioner the other two are merely appointed in the event Ron is unavailable or on vacation they're sitting Commissioners in other towns and the same would apply for you know uh Mr Sears is our primary inspector but Anthony who sits in another Community we have to name him so that when Thomas is on vacation Anthony come in and perform the work um I would I would think the the named employee supervises and recommends to the Town Administrator to reappoint their alternates through them I don't know about annual evaluations the main person that would report to the Town Administrator is Ron Lauren okay this is process question only so I know Ron is brand new and I mean not Ron but Scott is brand new so um at some point did is Scott asked to review anything regarding in well specifically the one person is Ron um or what what what's the process there those that are direct reports to the Town Administrator will have perform performance standards and a performance evaluation done by the Town Administrator so that would be Ron not any of these others yeah so only Ron yeah so that's been done since he's been here or traditionally to ask him to have done it since he's no I would not say that it's been done I would not guarantee that it was done under the previous administrator okay okay that's the answer thank you can't can't tell you that it was done I don't know I've never never seen it uh There are rules and regulations in our Personnel handbook about how Personnel evaluations are to be done and when they're supposed to be done sure so that's something I'm sure Scott will be getting on top of and and recognizing who he's got to have uh evaluations done for I know some were done probably before Ed left but I don't know that Ron was done I have no idea I I need to go on record because it's the public meeting that I don't have any specific issue this is just a process question M understood all right so I think we have a motion and a second could we have an uh vote please all those in favor I I I any oppos okay Veterans office motion to approve Michelle Murdoch veteran service officer turned to expire June June 30th 2025 and William Wells veterans grave officer term to expire June 30th 2025 okay second second by Dan okay all those in favor I I I okay uh stand alone uh motion to approve Sierra Simmons Community preservation committee Housing Authority representative term to expire June 30th 2025 second okay other than favor I I Public Safety group motion to approve illing public safety building committee term to expire June 30th 2027 Richard foli public safety building committee term to expire June 30th 2027 Charles Kiki public safety building committee term to expire June 30th 2026 okay I have a second second by Dan okay all those in favor I I and um there's a um correction on this next one motion to approve Charles kenii associate zoning board of appeals member term to expire 30th 2026 okay second all right all those in favor what's the what's the associate part about there there's five permanent members and then two Associates that can fill in in the event of a members there the Conservation Commission that're allowed to have associate members is that the idea somewhat I mean this would be you know somebody either had to recuse themselves or was not able to be there then the associate member can step is that Accord from our bylaws or where does the associate member uh it's from the state bylaws or state law appeals have and Charlie has been the associate member cool cool currently he's currently serving as the associate member yeah I just wanted to educate myself as I know some boards can have Associates some can correct yeah K is one of the ones that has that in statute uh as well as uh zba most others would have alternates not associate members thank you and so just to clarify it's specific as Chris just said too in this case zoning board of appeals or in the other case conservation commiss doesn't apply because I know this was looked at by planning board at some point speak don't forget your mic oh I I was looking yeah I don't yeah without looking at planning boards background I don't know that off hand we'll just leave it with these thanks okay so all those in favor I I all right motions approved for all of these appointments thank you very much okay let's jump to some uh report Scott your uh your report if you'd like to share some things with us here uh just a few things um so next week we're going to be meeting with the do to um do site visits for the uh Greenway and the Safe Streets out of nor school this will be the fifth time that we've scheduled it so um I'm not sure if it'll actually go through because of weather um so it's it's been months in the making at this point yeah they keep scheduling it on the day that it chooses to rain yeah um and then we should be having um picking up the new van tomorrow finally after a few months from markot Ford um principal pluta and her van driver are going to be specking it out so we're going to move forward with that uh I met with the Water Commission last week to talk about their uh Recruitment and Retention of employees and compensation um we're planning our first Hazard mitigation plan meeting uh probably the week of the 21st so we're going to get that going and the uh College Highway purchase and sale that's been forwarded to the seller's attorney uh we hope to have a closing date by the 30th but that can be moved up 30th of September uh 30th but that can be moved up once all the assuming it's passed the 25th and the title work and all that stuff's done sooner so we just want to give ourselves enough time for um all that to be done okay and any other thoughts and comments questions for Scott I know we were also busy chasing down some other other Grant related efforts and that's taking up a bit of time uh just making sure we have all the work in the right direction for various reports and contracts and so forth so okay all right if nothing else for Scott we we know he's going to be back on the agenda shortly so we'll have further notification on things here but let's go to any select board reports anybody Dan have anything in particular yeah I think the the the most important one is talk about the Housing Authority having the the chance to walk the property uh across from Cumberland Farms with wayfinders to talk about possibilities for affordable housing in town so that was a fruitful and productive time so I want to make sure I mention that uh planning board is meetings canceled this week and I don't think we had a meeting since the last time we spoke um Conservation Commission has met I wonder if there's anything to note for this board nothing comes to my mind uh technology committee hasn't met since the last time we we met and those are the ones that I see for now mhm okay and where are you with the tech survey that was from the tech committee is that good point yeah that's still going on thank you um so there was a on the town website there was posted a a survey about um about learning a little bit more about the fiber that we're trying to get in town and what people currently have for internet service providers and understanding more about what the options may be and what what people would would anticipate for pricing uh for any fiber options that we're we're looking to get implemented okay good all right I'm going to hop to this side John anything on your side yep uh we're very active with the schools um we have a a public hearing tomorrow night public interviews for two candidates both of which hold doctorates and education both have experience um recent experience as a sitting superintendent um as well as I believe both of them have a minimum of 15 years of experience in the education system that'll happen tomorrow night at 6:00 at the auditorium in Hampshire Regional uh with any luck we can get four out of the five communities to agree on a single candidate and name the superintendent that night um and then get things going I don't have any update on the business administrator up there nor any update on uh the closing of the books um we've been I've been focused on the superintendent search local school committee's next week PPP is tomorrow night special emergency meeting to address a highway issue and I don't think I've been to any other meetings okay and just on the superintendent is that an interim superintendent or no this will be a permanent superintendent so they've changed from weren't they going to go with an interim superintendent or so we we engaged the services of the massachusett association of school committees and we did an initial search and that resulted in seven applicants of which 5 did not meet the minimum requirement that we posted we we we used a lot of require uh requirements instead of preferred that got to St two candidates at that time we are advised to switch to an interum restart the search in September both candidates uh would hold on and the reason being is you cannot take two candidates into executive session screen and Report one out in essence you've done the search so you had to have minimum of three people we didn't have that so we switched over the interm we tried to go down that route we had a qualified candidate come forward um but um after several weeks we were unable to uh reach a compromise on uh the overall contractual obligations so the school committee uh voted to cease that pick up the two candidates after confirming they were both interested and just move straight into a public hearing they both had to agree to be named normally that wouldn't happen um so now everything we're were going to do in executive session is now going to be done in the open oh okay which I would argue is going to be more transparent it's going to be live streamed yeah so and that is tomorrow tomorrow night 6 o'cl okay all right for those who are interested follow along all right good Cindy anything from your committee uh actually not uh the board of assessors has not met again since the last time I reported the open space committee has not met again since the last time I reported nor has the public safety building committee which I realize you're the on four but I'm also on it um so I really don't have anything new to say to you okay we don't need to belabor that and I'll just um make a motion to um mention rather of the um the grants committee um we're still working on the um grant for the Brun historical grant for the repointing of the mortar at the Old Town Hall and that one is due on June 14th uh and one of the things that will be required if everybody would approve me doing that is a letter of support from the select board for the grant um we've asked the historical commission and the police chief to put in a letter of support but it would be good to have one um from the select board as well just to authorize us to or support for the grant which is essentially about a $90,000 Grant to keep doing historical preservation and we have to be very careful of the standards that are required by the department of um Department of the Interior as well as the National Park Service so it requires special um matching of the mortar that was there and all sorts of things and how it's applied etc etc um but we've got some technical people helping us out with that and hopefully we can make a good case for it we're one of 16 that has been invited to put in for the application uh and I think they will probably end up giving about six maybe seven grants total so our chances are 5050 is maybe but um I would like it if anybody would be so willing to authorize me to write a letter of support what youant this this again it's called Brun historical Burns Brun b r u hn and it's going to be managed by Pioneer Valley Planning Commission but it's actually a grant through the National Park Service so pvpc is actually the local manager of it so can I make a motion then to support that to ask this select board to support via a letter that could be signed by our chairperson uh in for for this $90,000 Grant as described by Chris okay second all right second any discussion if not all those in favor I I I all right thank you okay and then yeah um other other committees so the uh Council and aging board will meet this week the public safety building committee will meet next week on the 10th um and the um the um Senior Center building committee met yesterday and and um after their deliberations I think we can share that they have uh decided that their new preferred site given that Clark Street has fallen through their uh they also had a walk through with uh Steven's guidance and apparently these tours are are quite good because everybody comes back enthused but uh the Senior Center building committee was very um very amenable and very impressed with what could be uh a potential for a senior center on that site on on College Highway so they have voted to um to make that their their new Preferred Choice okay other than that I don't think I have any other reports from committees so let's move on to new business uh Scott so we have to sign the warrant for the special Town vote on June 25th you want to want to read the actual um ballot question on that so that everybody can hear about it we do have just a note we've got the small sandwich Board sign out in front of town hall we will have the mother's club sign up at the corner on pal Meadow thank you Cindy for arranging that we'll have that as of the 16th I believe or I think it's the 16th of 14th or the 16th one or the other of of June and then if we could probably at some point um John if you could make a note for the Lions Club if they would not mind updating their sign out front as well just to have the election on the 25th but Scott why don't you read the balot question so everybody's aware 16th um shall the town of South Anthony be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition 2 and one2 so-called the amounts required to pay for the bond or notes issued in order to acquire the property located off College Highway containing 52 Acres more or less identified as assessors Parcels map 19-14 map 19-14 and map 24-15 being the property described in a deed recorded with the Hampshire registry of deeds in book 14641 page 304 for General Municipal purposes including all costs incidental and related theto yes or no okay thank you and the election will be June 25th here at Town Hall from noon until 8:00 p.m. I believe there will be uh mailin ballots as well as iners voting there's no early voting but mailin or iners um will be happening uh and we have a bit of information up on the town website already and we'll be working on a few things tonight Scott will discuss a little bit later on the agenda that will'll get some um further information out that will answer some of the questions that people may have so that they've got correct information and don't um make assumptions about things that may not be quite true so bear with us as we pull that together but that's our our goal for the next few days to get that out so we will have to sign that tonight before we leave okay could we have a motion to um approve signing the town warant for the special Town election ction so moved second second all right all those in favor I I all right so we will be sure to sign that before we go uh the next item is the signing and notarization of the castl CR if you remember last week uh last time we met rather we had approved um the conservation restriction on the Cal property for property up on pom Meadow um sorry up on pomy Mountain um and that just requires our signature um and so we'll just do that while we're circulating around a couple of us is already is that for palr mountain or palay Mountain it's the one that was the CR that we did last last week okay I I thought that was CD it's a CR from last time is it something new it's not the purchase and sale no I just didn't know it was Palm Roy Mountain well whatever it's the I'm calling it Palm Roy M you're it's the it's the one on Fulmer Road that's why I'm questioning okay I'm sorry there's a difference between palay Mountain and former road is it it's gingle property is that yes Road that's why I think got be correct because I know there was a delay on the I'm sorry you're correct it's the garingo property up on Fulmer Road okay very good thank you very much so we had actually approved that last week we just need to sign that paperwork for them all right easy enough now comes the hard part election of the board for the select board board of officers uh we at this point in time after the town elections we usually uh take a look at reorganization and put forth our slate of who we would like to serve in whatever position here on the select board so I move the name Chris Falls continues as chair for one more year second well that was quick I I move we close debate on this issue and clerk cast one ballot second all in favor I you may continue chair thank you Mr Vice chair well okay well uh I appreciate the level confidence in you but in rather but are we doing this as a Full Slate I've moved now she can do the rest now she's empowered yeah okay well I was going to move to have John lumber be the vice chairperson all right we have okay second motion for John as the vice chair then all those in favor would you accept that John okay all those in favor I I all right next up we have the warrant clerk which currently is Steven uh signing all the payroll and vendor warrants and since he's not here here I haven't heard that he objected to to being nominated again so he seems to have done a good job about doing that so uh I would nominate Stephen to continue being the warrant clerk unless he decides not to be when he returns to us okay second by Dan all those in favor hi hi all right then our last one is the actual clerk which which is Curr it currently Dan and basically this is for executive committee meeting minutes only not the main meeting minutes for our select board so that leaves one person Cindy how would you like to be the clerk for basically signing off and wri not to take on some of this stuff Dan right thank you all right so Dan you want to make a nomination yeah can I please nominate Cindy Falmer to be the clerk uh for the select board okay second please second all right John all right all those in favor I um mam chair I wonder if it'd be prudent for us to since there are five of us y to take the unnamed one so far and to try and avoid any summer issues go ahead and name him as an alternate warrant signer yep MH y That's good in the event that Steven's not available that's probably a good idea yeah just in case and just make it part of the record right that would be a good idea so we don't have to do it at the last minute when somebody's out of town or whatever well if you want to nominate me that's fine I already live here at the Town Hall so consequently right Scott or well I mean it usually requires somebody who's around during the day to sign payroll warrants and whatever so Dan if you would like to do it otherwise we might not I don't want to take it away no no the only one that doesn't have a role if you're oh roll well if you're that your motion make it Dan I'm happy either one of you just I think we should name somebody okay I'll do that that way I feel like I'm doing something to help you just told me you don't have to it would be in in case Stephen is out of town or something it happens to be a payroll week or a or a warrant vendor warrant week and you can work it out of time with with uh Jen Brad I nominate Dan LA valy to be the alternate warrant clerk second second by um John okay all those in favor I I all right good idea John thank you very much we've run into that problem in the past where somebody's out of town and all of a sudden we got to get things signed so thank you and I don't know with the new um with the new Vadar if this is going to be a similar kind of Warrant process as we go forward I mean I I'm hoping it's going to be a little bit more streamlined yeah cuz this is the uh yeah exactly yeah would be if we get to the part where we we uh Implement docu sign with it like they do at the school so so the signer gets the whole packet can review it electronically sign it back it goes yeah possibility once we okay so thank you for that and thank you for your confidence in me continuing on as chair of course and we'll try to keep things rolling this year um so next up uh select board lead on discussion and assignments so I handed out the current list of assignments that we have and we had talked a little bit about you know is there any committee on here that um doesn't really need a liais on is there some other committee that should have a leas on well I think we need to mix it up because we got like a lot of places where Stephen and I are on the same stuff corre so we're not going to we don't have coverage for other things like Jo's name against them now right um overlap on other ones exactly yeah so I think I think the challenge is what we tried to do last year in order to streamline this and again you know I think way back when it might have been a liais on to actual departments but then that left out anything that was happening at the committee level so by instituting this um it at least allows people to hear firsthand what's going on in the various committees and report back to us um two things that have come to mind I think we've all been very diligent about trying to attend every meeting that we've been assigned to do um and maybe we could make that a little bit less um strict if you will and just say maybe you know 75% of the meetings at least 75% of the meetings I mean I think it's really important to have that that voice back from the committee level I mean try to attend them if you can but if if you have to miss one at least follow up and read them in you know read the minutes and and know what's going on so that you can report back on it even if you weren't um at that meeting in particular so with that let's just take them one by one by one so John I'm going to go to my right here so right now I'm going to group these the way we have them and then we can talk about what you'd like to do so we have you right now on Capital Finance Hampshire Regional uh Norris and ppb and zba yeah and zba I mean zba honestly does not meet I I don't know if if there's one that I would probably take off as a Le on personally would be that one that that's a that's an associate position because when we ran into the issue two years ago yeah we we named a select board member as an associate as one of the two Associates that's correct that is correct so that's a vot that's right now that's a voting seat I think it's okay yeah well it was only because we couldn't find somebody in the community to fill the role and we had to have a vote so we need to check on when that you're actually the associate member to zba as well we need to check on when that expires June 30th probably so we might have to check on that so if if you were the you know if you were to be reappointed then that would you know sort of solve that liaison role grouping kind of it my grouping makes sense it's all it's all the financial issues and then the schools but you know we do need later on we're going to talk about we need to find two people to do a one-year term in Hampshire Regional MH so we'll talk about that as we go forward yeah if it happens to be somebody sending to my left they could take over that committee okay yeah okay so but these would be the liais on assignments so unless you have any particular objection these seem to be a good fit for you John in terms of both your skills and interest and yep if that would be okay so capital Finance Hampshire Regional Norris and pqb uh remain with with John all right Dan how would you like to we've got you down right now for planning and Technology I'm on Housing Authority yep and Conservation Commission right now so you're actually a member right now on concom yep and I'm also a member on planning board that's where I'm saying like Steven's also on the the planning board so I'm like do we want trade things and mix things up I I I mean yep well how about long as I'm doing my fair share yeah no I think well ad hoc ad hoc Tech obviously makes makes sense um and we'll keep that as a leaz on one too I mean what we tried to do again was to minimize the number of extra meetings people had to go to if you were already a member of the committee we tried to make you the liaison it made the most sense absolutely um if you were ad hoc Tech concom instead of Joy okay yep um and then WR there it is um housing instead of Joy because you're already a member y right MH um those are three so I guess another Choice might be to pick up whether you community preservation perhaps uh would be one Community where's that one um yeah never never done that before that'd be interesting it's not they don't meet all the time at a at a yeah on a monthly basis but not every month necessarily it depends on I guess that's the question is that something you're already on or like okay I just don't you'd be you'd actually be a leaz onto that one you wouldn't be a voting member on that one yeah whereas the other ones you're actually a member on that so for now let's see how this shakes out but that put you question whether or not it's a lison or a voting member I've been to a few meetings where I think they voted but that's the reason I raised that even aison are not a voting okay position if they had been nominated as a um as a person from select board to be on the committee then they would be a a voting member but leaz is usually not let the chairs know that then yeah usually not um a voting member so Dan we'll have you on concom community preservation housing and pl uh no uh what did I miss technology top oh technology there we go yeah okay all right so then Cindy you and stepen can fight a couple things out so let's let's assume Ste will be on planning board because he's already we we'll swap him out for Dan okay so Stephen does that make sense he's on planning board already all right he he is a voting member of the open space can also be the liaison yep no anybody who who's a member can also be the be the liaison too yeah sure that makes sense so open space and planning um I'm going to throw up maybe unless you're well unless you're interested a Greenway committee only because it's tying in with our potential land acquisition area that might be a good one for Steph to follow through on I know he's been of following that so that right now that's gives him three four Board of Health assessors uh okay then up top so that's that's the question for Cindy so I'm just trying to figure out what we can how we can split up well I am on the board of assessors you're on the board of assessors so why don't we make that you and then you have a choice there other choices so you got Board of Health you've got um what else was there I'm missing something got and not with Steven but I I'm agreeing to if he wishes to relinquish it to be the Board of Health Lis on okay I don't think he'll fight you on that one okay so Cindy Board of assess and Board of Health um and I'm already on the open space committee right but we'll make and step the actual liais on on that one though okay that be fine um so that leaves us with master plan Public Safety or grants committee which doesn't really I guess I would stick with the grants committee yes um maybe it's just those two for right now Cindy unless we're seeing something else here I'm trying to get some some level of equity here um okay something it uh public safety building committee Le well I think you're valuable Chris I think you need to be on that right now okay um in that and I to be honest with you I was actually thinking of well not for I'm thinking about what to do with that well let's let's get through this for right now so let's we'll have you for assessors and and Board of Health that would leave me with the grant committee which obviously makes sense um and master plan which is obviously you don't have where I've been um and then both on the COA board and the public safety building committee would be I could I will stick with those if you you want to keep with okay I was going to say I've been attending the board meetings of the COA but you can I'm on the friends of the COA so yeah no that's fine I think I'll it's fine I'll I can manage those they aren't very U timec consuming in that regard um there's two that I don't see on this list unless I've missed it you've mentioned them and one's the cost efficiency Comm and the other's the Senior Center building committee yeah it it kind of ties in with the we didn't have a leaz on for every committee but we end up reporting to it anyway because again I'm on the Senior Center building committee and the cost efficiency so if there's I just tend to report on it but we we weren't trying to have a Lee eyes on for every committee we seem to have grown over time I see that that wasn't the original intent but so let's start with this for now and then when Stephen comes back we can double check and make sure that he's okay with that so that if I've got my numbers right um Stephen's got open space planning and Greenway Dan would have it or Tech committee conservation Community preservation and housing okay John's got the the five Finance related ones okay and then uh Cindy Board of assessors Board of Health MH okay and I'll pick up the the building committies COA board uh the grant committee and master plan um so I think we're pretty much there so I think we'll we'll have to just double check on John on that appointment on the zba one just to be sure on that okay is that okay with everybody for now give it all right we'll see if we can make that yes it's okay but for future thought there may there may come a time depending on how it shakes up that we we may want to um make the Town Administrator R Lea is on the PPP I mean all the other almost all the other members work here in town hall during the day anyways MH so necessarily have to be night meetings and I would say that he's more of the expert in HR maybe maybe after year one you know when some of these other projects get done but that could be a way to work into do we do that and modify the uh bylaw that makes the Town Administrator the chair right okay just something to think about it's an idea okay y yep okay yeah and I think I mean I you feel okay with the ones that you've got I know Capital doesn't meet very often so that's not well capital I really I really want to get that Statewide plan into capital this year okay um and try and drag everybody along with me okay all right okay well let's give this a whir can I just am I missing Parks there's no leaz on to park commission oh yeah so like I said we we we pick certain committees to be leaz on to Parks just the troublemakers yeah well that's an important committee that's why I asked you I mean we could have one to park we don't have one um Park commission Parks um I dropped it because I have other Town commitment so it's a question we could we could come back and take a look at that are you saying that you wouldn't mind being I would I think I got to accept my fair share of the committee assignments so it's if if that's where you go yeah I'll do it okay well let's let's pull back around and think about that one on the next meeting if if we need we haven't had anybody be is on dep Park but um we shall see okay all right let's keep on rolling here um thank you very much for all that so I'm going to pick back up on the um just a issue that we brought up at the last or I brought up at the last meeting about the arpa application for the proposed sewer study trunk study um that we had a proposal on from Ty and bond um and the arpa application that came in which was up to $33,000 the actual amount needed is $30,000 $700 uh and based on the last meeting uh we went back and did some double checking and you have a most recent financial report from Bradley in your emails it's not one that gets printed out because it's got multiple tabs but if you've uh had a chance to look at that um Bradley did um make a correction he had um had there was a missing link basically uh when you when he was tying up his spreadsheets together uh and so the water department has indeed paid out their two amounts on the um on the water main so that has been um fully fully used so there is no money left in the um water water project um Whatchamacallit um arper arper report um arper application um and then what else did we have for a question I think that was the main thing if I'm not mistaken we're still trying to figure out the school um money on that as well and that has been asked for again through the um through the school um and it looks like there there's there's like one issue there mhm because I would expect a quarter of the salaries to be reserved because it's yeah July 1st to December of coming up but there's that one line item where one teacher's position almost the full amount has been expensed yeah it's a little yeah that's why I end up giv giving them a list of all the actual award amounts and I figured you know they know who their people are cuz they've had a few swap outs of teachers in those positions so somebody ought to be able to just pull a payroll for person X and add it all up and figure out how much that person has been paid um but we'll we'll double check in terms of where those where those really are and I think if you recall though let's be clear they had put in a request for FY or for school year 25 John and we did not act on it we only acted through 24 I thought we well maybe so I remember I just to go back yeah yeah so we they had put in for another two year Well a half a year and a half request and we had pulled back on 25 and did not make any decision on that at that point in time so this this may get them through December possibly but maybe not beyond that I don't know offand okay so anyway I have um a proposal here to possibly use the balance that we have identified which Bradley has identified around 33,000 currently available uh for reprogramming uh and to be able to use 30,700 of it for this new request um for the sewer study along the rail trail uh to see whether anything is feasible to do this so it's really just a feasibility study at this point in time uh if anybody has any questions I'll try to answer them but you have a fairly detailed proposal that had been handed out last week or last meeting rather and and my question is just to restate what I already asked is there is a significant High um interpretation that this will be sufficient funds to get to the point that we want to with this study for the study yeah in terms of all the area that has been mapped out that would be covered and the kinds of work that they're going to do um from what Stephen had said and and working with the tiin bond folks they're they're clear with the scope of work of what they will be able to do within that that envelope of 30,700 um it may end up that it shows us that it's not feasible to connect but at least we will have explored that option um cuz I'm sure if it were feasible then we've got another whole cost factor that I can't even imagine what it might be to to try and do that I know many years ago there had been studies done about laying sewer line um Down College Highway itself which I think was both not terribly feasible but also cost prohibitive and I can't imagine this is going to be you know this is not going to be chump change if if it's even dual but but I think the idea was to take advantage of tyan bond doing the design work right now on the greenway and um making this a joint uh I'll make a moot motion to approve arpa request number 53 not to exceed $31,000 okay second all right any further discussion on that okay all those in favor I all right thank you we will make that known uh all right uh let's see these are coming up later okay so Scott I think we're going to come back to you on the special Town election and communication efforts that we would like to maybe undertake here I know you've uh started some work on this we do have to get as I mentioned before some correct information out and help help people understand because the actual ballot question itself is is kind of generic right it doesn't give us a whole lot of real detail so as it's very important I think to have something that will explain it a lot better so take it away uh so that's really because of Master General law and debt exclusions they prohibit putting the amount in the question I'm not sure I'm sure there's some logic behind it but um just working with Town Council that's what they uh they pointed out because that was my first question is why isn't the amount actually in there in there yeah um so for getting out the information is always a little bit of a balance because we have to we can't take one side or the other as as a as a town um so we have to make sure our any language that we use is very very neutral not persuasive um has to be factual um so the way that I was wanted to get out some information was um putting up a special Town page or town website which would be able to link to a lot of different information uh some of the stuff that we did at town meeting um the assessor Maps the uh purchase and sale once it's completed um also put in the um the flyer that that I did um a link to the DLS calculator so with instructions on how people can actually calculate uh their specific impact um as well as any other type of like Geographic Maps or GIS things um as well as linking any videos uh from the M Senior Center and the public building committee as well U possibly talking about the land so open yeah public meeting um the other couple options that we had was to do a you know a generic flyer that we could post somewhere post on the website but um at least give people some basic information on how much it is um what the terms are uh what land we're actually looking at purchasing um and then maybe even doing you know some Facebook post but you know I would even suggest maybe doing like a Facebook live or um where people can submit their questions online as we're at the property and we can take that and then give it to eastan Media to post on YouTube and the website and things like that so there's a there's a couple easy ways that we can get the the word out no that all sounds good I think you know doing a mailer of some sort would be pretty cost prohibitive and so forth but uh you know these sound like some some good ideas and you know having things posted around certainly around town hall at the library various other public places businesses um would be would be good for people to to take a look at I think do you want to go through the um the draft of what you've started here and I know it's it's still a work in progress but thank you for taking the lead on on this so just taking it from really other municipalities um this is like usually the format or FAQs is what they mostly use for explaining their Public Safety complexes and they've had it actually posted on their website as well um if I've also looked at you know different ways that they've gotten out information for uh Charter changes or Charter reviews as well um so this is just a basic FAQ um just gives you the numbers the 56 Acres the amount uh there's a few question marks that we still have uh I'm working with Jen just to get uh her interpretation what the impact will be on the average single family home in Southampton and we wouldn't be borrowing over 99 years so no so the figures that's where all my markups of math are was right in that paragraph so these are just just just some initial initial thoughts but we got to goad and correct all the figures right yeah one one question you're just taking questions as if you're taking questions as we go one question is um so in in the section is how much will the land cost you say negotiated the price of 2.2 million uh but I read the the second bullet in the by the numbers and it says up to 2.2 million so my mathematical brain gets confused there is it up to is it 2.2 what so the price of the land is going to be 2.2 million but for example if we had like some extra money that we could put towards it we wouldn't need to borrow the whole amount okay so is do we kind of tell people that somewhere you make that clear is that something we should make clear um well let's go through paragraph by paragraph yeah so I think that's what the borrow up to yeah shows the maximum potential impact but then to your point to your point Dan if that's the price then why why aren't you going to do that so maybe yeah borrow up to 2.2 million financed over X years um potential offsets to be applied first something along those lines yeah because I know that came up in the friends of the op I mean Friends of the council and aging today because they were prepared to spend money to acquire property and unless I misunderstood the the idea was they may be applying that money towards this acquisition if in fact they're building on that same large parcel so maybe up to or something let's go ahead Scott why don't you just go through each paragraph on so um so the special election is just for the the 56 plus or minus um and explains what that exclusion is um I I really wanted to keep everything to like one page not yeah not too much we can add on the website we can add more sure more information um I think it's important to have that definition of the the debt exclusion versus what an override is uh I think that's a question that people always need to have heard again it's one that they ask a lot yeah can we open the polls for the people that work it can be hard to go to during the middle of the day and 8:00 or going late in night can not be possible but can we open them earlier in the day before work uh we open them at noon it's the only we can check I don't know our town election usually is the noon to 8:00 p.m. and that's what we just did just now I I don't know if there's something that governs that time frame well I think Lucy yeah I think noon to 8 the state reimburses us on those elections so if we we'd have to be out of pocket 100% yeah those additional hours but that being said Chris maybe I know you said it I just was zoning out on something else are there going to be availability for for uh mail in ballots and or early voting mail in ballots yes not early voting at this point bot so you could potentially come down apply for a mail and ballot correct and then y so mail and ballots to my knowledge are going to be happening um but not early voting right okay thank you yep good good question though Dan yeah it's a tough one I know it's um it would it would mean that people would have to come after right after work and yep vote yeah it is y okay got M so trying to explain just the need for the land obviously the public safety complex and the senior center um those are usually the top priorities and the uh senior cior building committee voted uh Tuesday to yeah move forward with that so that was important just to put in that um I know it's kind of a blank canvas right now so we're there's a lot of different options um but I think it's also important to talk about some potential uses just so that people don't get the misinformation that's just going to sit there vacant for 100 years so are you on the what is the special election four um why does the town need the land bottom of the first paragra oh I'm still up on that one because it says 56 acres and then down in the ballot question it says 52 Acres so I'm confus want to make sure we have the same number so the assessors has it as 52 and all the surveys recorded in the registry have it as 56 uh which one is it cler is four acres yeah and oddly enough the four Aker donation um is part of the 56 right so it could be although that wouldn't have affected anything at the assessor level they wouldn't have even known anything about that I mean that just happens to be an even mathematical solution but it it doesn't really answer the question as to who which one is right I would think wouldn't the deed have to be the I would lean towards the registered plans and the Deeds yeah and that was how much again sorry uh 56 56 so does that mean our ballot question should be correct Ed uh well Council uses the what we have on file with the assessors okay so it should match the Assessors for that we could Council yes yeah I see that's why I guess we have the plus or minus wiggle room in there I guess should should we do 56 or 52 is the but the ballots are already out at you know they've already been sent for printing right so that's that can't be changed at this point in time maybe we say 52 in the other part too cuz it's just that's confusing to me it is confusing so maybe highlight those couple things that we might need to just yeah yeah that one there too yeah right good point then just note your 99 and the up even if you put 52 plus I mean you've got plus or minus you never know what the next survey is going to bring exactly we'll know what we've got to go back and just double check on things yeah so good okay yeah yeah and then the the property tax question which I think is the the biggest so so might input on that according to the do websites and the calculation tools out there 2024 the average single home in Southampton is $2,828 I would assume that you're only going to borrow over a 20-year period that means that the annual number is 110,000 right 2 if it's the full 2.2 divided by 20 comes out the 1.1 that makes the average impact on a home in Southampton $428 or otherwise put $10 and 52 a quarter sounds better than 90 a year yeah yeah we had we had talked about it at one point at at um at some point about also uh doing it like you know the amount per thousand as well that comes out even more you know it's we're talking the number of cents per thousand kind of thing I think it's it'll be a challenge when we get to borrowing whether 10 or 20 years honestly I mean 20 may be long for we've got to go long term for the Real Construction money in the future so the smaller amount here may not need to go a full 20 years I would okay so I would suggest um if I'm still sitting here when we go out to finance this thing is you get this at 20 years after the first five you're you can't do anything the first 5 years year 6 through 20 you can do an accelerated payout so when it's time and it's going to take at least 3 years to build the mhm the whole thing you got to wait till all your receipts are in to to go through and do it at that point in time we're 5 years through the land you'll wrap it all together and then issue One debt for the whole thing yeah it makes it smaller payments while we're working things out that's true yeah good idea CU we still got to buy a street sweeper yeah exactly so all those kinds of things as we get to you know the borrowing part of it once we get you the exis because I have the microphone for a second this is exactly why the capital committee needs to adopt the state program because it lays out the 5year every year Rolling 5year capital projects and plans so you can layer in your debt you can strategize and figure out so when we're working on our budgets two years down the road we already know what our debt number is going to be to start plugging those in you know that would be great we got to start looking beyond the bend don't disagree at all yep I'm off my box yeah very good okay go ahead Scott um so the next one is just addressing the senior center with the original Clark Street parcel um just in case I know there was some publicity around that just in case anyone may have a question about why they originally original land wasn't really workable um and then will the question on that y um I think this is the first part you're place where you're mentioning oh no I guess you say down why does the town need this land that's where you say for the purpos of the Public Safety Center Senior Center I found my answer thank you um and then the next one is the 2.2 million so just to make sure that people are aware that it's the land it's not the public safety complex and uh the senior center so we're just buying the land um there's going to be future votes on the cost for the senior center or Public Safety or any major projects that go forward onto that so um and then just a quick what happens if it's approved or not approved if it is approved um you know there's going to be a lot more homework that we're going to have to do in the future there's going to be you know potentially a lot more cost with the actual building of the the complexes and then if it isn't approved um I I think everyone's pretty pretty aware that there's a need for updated Public Safety complexes so you know we just essentially have to go back out and find but I I I think we have to be clear on that there is no other land to look for they have researched this both committees have researched this for two years they have looked at private and town-owned properties and this is the only thing that meets the needs for location topography Etc I I I think we shouldn't give the impression that we're going to go still keep on searching I mean if we if we I mean I know we're trying to be somewhat neutral but that's the reality there's there's nothing else that makes sense and and it's not just research it's lots and lot thousands of dollars spent on feasibility studies with experts as to to prove that what you said is true so I think I think we might want to tweak that answer A Little Bit Stronger more but and also you know what if it is approved I mean because we're talking about potential uses of it from certainly the public safety complex now the senior center would like to go there we've talked about senior affordable housing maybe some spillover for the parks Fields all of that would have to be part of an overall um Community engagement site planning land use planning process and all of that is kind of something that we might want to just clarify a little bit more in there that you know the lengthy planning process will ensue you know invol ining the community to you know whatever and and a land use planner or whatever we call the the person firm uh to do that so I I think that all has to be just a little bit um more explanatory but I I really am cautious about saying if it isn't approved yeah we'll go keep on looking for more land I there isn't any no I don't believe either committee would have the energy to go look anywhere else because they have exhausted it over yeah it might just be currently there there are no identifi there are no other identifiable Parcels within the boundaries of Southampton quite true that would be suitable for reasonable because we would we wouldn't want to put a police station at the edge of the town because geographically it doesn't make sense so I think we just have to modify that a little bit could find it we couldn't find okay and then will the land interact with the future Greenway mhm yeah so on that question there I like the question I like the answer and all that I just when um if you want skip ahead just just a little bit to the picture of the map mhm on there right there where you see I mean I know that's the railroad The Greenway but like you did Cumberland Farms without the star if you could type in mhm the word proposed Greenway yeah you know so again somebody looking at they see it it's coming right through mhm y I can I can make that I can put the Cumberland Farms logo and highlight things and um do all that yeah absolutely but to identify the that the greenway is where it is cuz people don't really realize maybe right you know that that is the railroad rail trail right now um mhm so I have three things to suggest um one is a specific question that came to me I asked got earlier today why isn't the amount of money he's already answered it why isn't the amount of money actually put in the ballot and it's because you can't and I think that has to be in the frequently asked questions cuz people are saying what am I voting for if I don't have the actual money in the ballot question that's one thing MH secondly I do think it would be helpful if on your lovely banner across the top special election information you somehow insert the date of the special election granted it's you know three or four lines down on the left but I think this that's the banner um and the third question I brought up because I've been on the public safety building committee for the beginning of this phase of it we've never referred to it as a public safety complex and I don't know why and I don't know what people think here we've been calling it a public safety building so unless there's some reason why it shouldn't be called a public safety complex I would recommend we call it a public safety building it may be confusing I a complex seem to imply something more grandiose than well we are avoiding that top that no but that's what comp failed I mean the idea is obviously it's going to house both fire and police not just one or the other so yeah I I guess I don't know that I mean they'll be meeting on the on the 10th but we want to get this done before then but that I just know I've been admonished can not use the word complex so well probably on that question you just ask the two chairs yeah you know if they've been working on a messaging already yeah that's a good idea Christina M and yeah just double check on that language sure Dan question I think I asked all my questions I'm good you yeah and so then just go down to your your um pictures there Scott that was just showing where it is on the road yeah is this uh actually I thought of another question actually I'm wondering just got I'm a so the left one is coming across from from down Insurance there basically where the se's the crosswalk yep the one on the right I'm I guess I'm wondering would it be better to be have one like out in the middle of the field rather than just I'm not sure what we see in in that photo uh just because the the picture the continuation where that big tree is right here yeah just a little bit to show that I probably should go a little further down to get that in there yeah okay okay just to show the the bend so people know oh I see okay um you brought up earlier about ways of getting this out and you said something about an interactive uh Facebook thing who's going to answer those questions um I could probably get myself I'm probably one of the Chiefs or the chair or if any select board members would like to volunteer as well um so if you some towns do Facebook live which or YouTube live or uh it's really just um you know holding your camera up uh but I mean it's a good way especially a lot of interactions on online about where the conversations are so I kind kind of encourage people that may not be able to um that you know we had that meeting uh last month about the public safety comple uh building um but a lot of people may be working or they may I just have one quick question to help kind of dispel a lot of the myths as well I think it's a great idea I just hope they're answered I people that know me know I don't do Facebook but um I do believe there's a lot of sort of negativity that comes out of these things the U is would this be an acceptable is this neutral enough that we can utilize the code red for the email distribution that's a good idea code r that I don't know um you cuz we can use we can use it for it's for General yeah public updates and all that so I mean I you know I don't know who we do use it usually to announce um elections election time so they definitely a code R can go out on the and if we if we can't send the document via email could we mention in the voicemail the automated phone call for information go to the website for a PDF doc the trouble is that code R usually goes out kind of late I mean it goes out right you pick the time yeah that's that was but it goes out yeah usually we do it like 2 or 3 days before an event but okay maybe there's some thoughts there I mean I think you know doing something like Cindy said not everybody too is on Facebook I mean there's those that are not even on the internet then there's those that are not on Facebook but at least if there was both Facebook and maybe YouTube um I think people if they weren't on Facebook they could probably find YouTube or something pretty easily to do that we can ED it in the website as well yeah or something um so I think that looks good good idea yeah so I think it's a good good start so we can get this um kind of tweaked out and um I just want to know how you're going to print it in color well have a color printer certain people apparently have color printers around here they're hiding them yeah there's uh one or two among certain dep departments apparently that have a a color PR that's a lot but we can we can I'm sure we can you know if we need to print out you know 20 copies to post around town somewhere we can certainly afford managing that up at Paradise cop somewhere else the other option when the PD PDF is ready if you s if um if you send it send it to me I can send it out through the um the par the parental email blast through Norris as a communication on behalf of the Town MH and I think the greenway committee has a pretty big uh email Network and and human beings like myself if if we can just forward these out yeah I think once we get it done so in addition to you know sending it out or posting it however we can but rely on all of us with our various networks to get it out as an email attachment to to various people because I think if nothing else people will take a look at their emails perhaps and uh that would be great okay any further thoughts or is there another kind of so Cindy mentioned a question or two that might be added to this if we can all squeeze it in and not make it um make it look too busy um is there anything else that you think would be a I know there's been a couple of comments back and forth on on um Town media do we need to clarify anything I mean we tried to clarify the the issue of the donation that had been a confusing point and I think I had tried to clarify that at the town meeting that yes indeed we do have a donation of 4 Acres from the laze but that by itself was not going to be a feasible um option because it was going to be landlocked and there's no way that we as a town could accept a landlocked parcel which is why we had to go for the idea of buying an acre access to the to the donation so I don't know if there's a way to we might need to say something more about no that but I don't know I think it just makes it more confusing I mean to me that's why I thought it was 52 and 56 because I thought they were still donating the four and we were purchasing the remaining 52 basically that is how we get to the 56 number that is true I mean that is basically what's happening yeah there's still 4 Acres being donated out of this entire entire paral so our purchase actually is basically 52 but we will own all 56 if that makes any sense whatsoever goad Dan um so I assume we have a a select board meeting between now and this and this vote would it make sense to for us to put out to the town any uh the requests for any questions they have and we could have as our agenda for the next meeting sometime to to address the town people for those questions and anything anybody wants to come here to talk about that specifically we could use that as a time we can do that and and I think we can also do it um we can make a um either the um whichever the Town Administrator U page or the current select board page we can have that people can write into those addresses and make that a question and answer or at least receive the questions uh we might have to I don't know if you can respond to them but you can at least receive questions um from the public on our on our town email addresses on those web pages so we can take a look at that option too I think that would be a good idea so so I asked a question and we're looking at getting a news article done in The Gazette which hopefully the reminder might pick up too um at some point but yeah I'm sorry so I asked a question at a previous last select board meeting uh about what constitutes passing it and you said a simple majority of the people that vote do you think it would be helpful to get that question and answer on this or is that kind of not necessary maybe not I I feel like this has a lot of stuff on here and people that doesn't S you know easily easily read and understood without you know making too many issues but um well so on Cindy's point though that if you want to do that that could be easily obtained just the same way we do our town meetings right you just add MH one line underneath go to the other side simple majority needed or 34 oh yeah that's a good idea yeah what folks are used to seeing yeah you'd have yeah you'd have room right above that line or something maybe to add that in there something like that sounds good all right thanks Scott for taking the lead on this and we'll um we'll work at getting it tidied up and I think you know today is already the uh what day fifth yikes fourth today's the fourth it's almost the fifth what shall we what shall we think about you think we can think we can try to get it out by Monday is Scott what 10 oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah probably next day or two yeah okay all right great see website everything we'll see what we can pull together yep good all right well thank you for that all right next up um any other business that can't wait until the next regular June well this not it's the wrong date not June 4th our next regular meeting which is actually June 18th but we've got a couple more things coming up here so we'll get back to those in a minute uh that was wrong on that agenda's that agenda um so we have uh before us we got a um a note from Jen our Treasurer about signing off on a h a loan renewal uh let's see hang on a minute just a second uh a municipal loan renewal um and Jen was going to make the documents of available we don't have them tonight but I'll just um my understanding is we could from what you've told me Scott we can discuss this vote on accepting the renewal or not and then um I think we all have to sign it it's not just me I think everybody has to sign up so so let me just give an idea so this is a loone renewal anticipation for let's see here um a, 970,000 $422 uh and it would be for um a loan on the Gara bridge on two Highway um pieces of equipment I believe one of the trucks and the loader the front end loader um that would be uh going out for uh renewal and the proposed um I guess the winning bidder so so to speak has been U Greenfield Cooperative Bank um with an interest rate of 4.55 perom um and this would be a a one oneyear renewal is that what I'm understanding right now yep okay and John pointed out we do have one thing that's wrong on the renewal anticipation serial loan document that we have to sign Scott um if you look at here it says votes of the town that passed on October 22 2019 June 722 and December 14 2024 I would the reference December 2024 hasn't happened yet EI that or I'm very late for my Christmas shopping so so I don't know if that's supposed to be referencing approval at town meeting I would assume it's supposed to be the 23rd so whoever is going to make the motion I would suggest they amend the motion right to First correct all those dates because it repeats all the way through Y and then once those proper documents are presented we could release our signatures all so I don't know much more than that does anybody have any questions and we'll um have to take a vote so it is on the the third or fourth page of the documents that you got in your package I can just get that more clearly so the uh the amount authorized yeah the amount authorized for East Street Bridge borrowing apparently was a million6 the loader was $231,000 and the dump truck was $294,000 um and that had been the previous uh previous issues some pay Downs have happened so now what we need to do for the renewal you know getting rid of some of the the total amount had been borrowing at 2 2.125 2,125 and now we've paid off some of that so now we're down to the 1 1970 422 but again the dates on that dump truck one are wrong at 12424 uh so we need to be sure that all these get corrected before we sign off on this but I'll make a motion to accept the lowest offer of the offering of 1,974 22 that took place on May 29th 2024 and acknowledged the low bidder being Greenfield Cooperative Bank at 4.55% and that the body is authorized to sign off on that uh once the dates and all the legal documents relating to the dump truck have been corrected as they currently State through the entire document 1214 2024 right now and I assume that really means 23 MH okay all right we have a motion could I have a second on that second Dan okay any further discussion on that okay so all that we will take a vote all those in favor hi hi hi okay so then what we will do um is have these documents ready and I believe they have to be into the state by I think the 10th by 10th she's got Jun 10th I believe so um once they're ready um Scott you just send a note out to all of us that the correction Corrections have happened and people can pop down over the next couple of days and Y and sign and I think um does this this one does not need a notorized Town seal yeah just a town seal on it which sabana can do that's my understanding right okay I think we're squared away with that and hopefully that will help Jen get that one taken care of on time Perfect all right next couple things up um anything update on Old business um maybe a little bit on the Green community do we still have other business we do on the back page Y no no things I can't wait oh I'm sorry more more things I can't wait I'm sorry yes yes I just want to bring up one item yep thank you thank you um soon as I find it here that make uh the other members of the board aware that um we've the um we've been notified by the chair of the Hampshire Regional school committee that there's been a failure to elect two posts at Hampshire Regional and that under the 1966 agreement in order to fill the vacancy it requires the work of this body and of those elected Southampton Town residents on Hampshire Regional plus the one appointed from nor Hampshire Regional to name two individuals to finish and there's there's a clock running MH so this would be two individuals from Southampton to fill out a one-year position until the next election and that I would suggest tonight maybe we place a call for volunteers to fill out the applications through the Town Administrator has traditionally done okay if anybody interested and I cannot stress enough that the Hampshire region the Southampton bodies on the Hampshire Regional collectively as a whole have a 55% vote nothing can happen if the if the if the group of Voters from Southampton are united in what they're doing so those two seats being open causes an issue for us to fall below the 55 and this is not a time with the way Central offices at Hampshire Regional to leave those seats empty mhm can you remind us who the who are on the committee do you know the names of who's on the committee not who's the Norris representative is that nor the Norris is Margaret Larson okay um and and also this also says that the the other four Norris people cannot hold both seats only one can um so there's only one from Norris I know Carol barkham is back on and actually I didn't look at the results if if if uh if Jerry Ian stayed I'd have to go back and look at it it was Kim shot and Margaret Larson that didn't get filled okay so we have so we have sorry we have five people on Hampshire Regional or there are five elected and one from nor there's six bodies yeah so and right now we only have probably four yeah okay okay do you happen to know anyone who has expressed interest or would who you believe we could approach I don't no I I tried before the election but mhm okay so especially anybody out there who's apparent of a of an H hrhs kiddo that would be really very um very helpful if you would decide to get involved and be part of this whole process I think it really is important as John says given the issues that we've had up at the regional this year in terms of the finances and the changes that are on ongoing with the business office the superintendent etc etc uh we need to keep our eyes on that ball very closely so can it be a teacher who happens to reside in this town or an employee of the system who happens to reside in this town do they I if they teach at Norris if they teach at Norris it would be all right but at Hampshire at Hampshire rid they have to recuse from a lot of things because they couldn't vote on their contracts or that's why I'm asking okay yeah okay so the call is out so please try and get that do we have a a time frame when we really need to have this filled um per what they were telling us here or no I I think I think all lies are in filling the superintendent's role right now so right okay so we'll keep a keep a call out on that so please uh just go to the town website go to the volunteer page there's a volunteer form uh fill it out uh attach a cover letter Andor your CV whichever is easier most likely a cover letter um and get it into uh Judy's Judy's thaton us at at Scott's office uh and then um we'll pick them up as appointments going forward and same thing I'll put out a call too it's on the on the website but we really do need to get it going is the actual Housing Trust that's one where we have really um dropped the ball in terms of establ establishing the Staffing there that is a five person uh trust with one person from select board and then four people from the community and we really need to have have we got anybody we have nobody right now so can I go back to the um one about Hampshire Regional and ask if somebody has specific questions about what's involved and frequency of meetings Etc is there a person they should be calling or I I can talk to them or I know Kim Kim shot or Margaret Larson would be available any of the any of the above and they're listed on the website right yeah Kim and Margaret both sit on the North school committee so there are people yeah so I think that would be good but just on the Housing Trust one um let me just pull that up for a second um let me find that a minute I had it for a second here I lost it now so this is one uh we started looking for this it probably back last fall and we haven't um haven't gotten very far on that but it's our fault that we've kind of let that drop um so we do need to do that and I'm trying to find the qualifications we had here hang on a minute of course I can't find it right now A there it is um so so we were basically uh the trust have a minimum of five trustees including one member of the select board and four qualified residents who bring to the trust relevant personal or professional experience knowledge or interest in real estate Finance affordable housing banking architecture social services or the like so that uh is also on our town website so please anybody who's got some interest there in terms of affordable SL senior housing depending on how that all gets defined um please reach out and if you've got questions just reach out first don't have to to worry about filling out your application we'll get you somebody to talk to um and um hopefully you can put on your volunteer shoes Okay so with that okay if nothing else on other items I can't wait let's keep on moving we had a couple more things under old business um I'm not sure um anything happening on the East Street update uh at this point in time where I think they're still working on their survey and doing all of that work the Green community Grant are we kind of moving along there now better yes um every every day I'm getting a new docu sign but uh I just got one today for transferring the funds to the energy resources and ever sour has approved it but all of them are now at the state level uh for approval Chris Mason I just have to give his final approval for it and then for all four of them all at once okay that would be great we definitely would like to get these underway because I don't know what it's going to take for the procurement to does is it ever it's it's not eversource who does the work would we have to contract out yeah it'll be uh the energy resour oh the ones that did the survey or whatever right the the initial proposal okay good how about the uh assistant accountant recruitment I think we're going to probably advertise one more week but we've got some really good candidates that have uh submitted their applications um some with Municipal experience some with accounting experience some with business experience right uh some retired some active so it's a it's a pretty good pool good very good okay and it's not on the agenda but do you know anything about the treasur office recruitment uh they are fully staffed as of yesterday oh really okay good to know it was Angie's first day I think Tuesday Monday or Tuesday was her first day okay all right we will get to meet them at some point in time um Hazard mitigation Plan update process this is something that's going to be starting I noticed in your report you said on June 21st thereabouts y I'm just uh I was just texting with the fire chief fire chief is going to take the lead on that but uh I talked to fire chief police chief uh we just got to find a chance to get together and talk to Mimi at the pvpc okay that sounds great needs to get going yep on that the uh the fire chief how how are we if we don't know the answer that's fine this can wait till another meeting but I'd be curious to know where we are where he is on um hiring those two permanent full-time paramedics M can find that out for the you know even if that's a written response just sure yeah what's it look like what's the timeline very good yeah no that's great um so pbpc will be helping us with the uh with the update and again that is usually there's several of the um department heads that are involved in that process so um I can forward you the actual um breakdown if I did know already Scott in terms of who's supposed to be involved in that I forget if I gave it to you or not okay uh next up I think we have licenses and permits motion to approve one day beer and malt for Cynthia Slattery June 30th 2024 conut Park 1: p.m. to 6: p.m for the Hoy post office picnic second all right all those in favor I I I motion to approve one day beer and malt for Susan Regal July 7th 2024 Conan Park noon to 8:00 p.m. family party second okay all those in favor I I okay both are approved very good not sure if we have any other documents right now that need signature Scot we've after the meeting just the paint uh oh yeah right the paint recycling one that we had last week uh we just need to sign off on that document um and then I guess there's um coming up on the calendar so we've got a couple of things that are not mentioned our regular select board meeting is June 18th however in the meantime Scott you've set up an audit meeting for the 17th for the 17th and that's going to be in person at 6:30 yes joint with the finance committee and we'll have the auditor come in and go through the 2022 audit report okay and then um I hate to tell us this but we do need a mini meeting on June 11th uh and we can figure out um how best to do that but there's two agenda items that I'm aware of now which is one is to sign off on the transfer station fees for fy2 we talked about them when Randall presented his budget but we didn't formally approve uh the fee changes for the transfer station and then uh we have to sign the purchase and sale agreement and the deed for the garfinkle property which we did the cons conservation restrictions on tonight so they will have that and that is again one of those things it's got It's a deadline by the state that they have to submit certain documents so those we could do if if we can do it in person if not we could probably arrange a zoom um for the 11th I don't know what anybody's pleasure is do you need the sign we need signature on um the um so I would say just have it on the 11 but make it a don't put anything else on that agenda no just those two things yep yeah I know you Chris I no no we've got many other appointments to do but we'll we'll push those off until the 18th I think or the 17th and 18th we'll have those we'll have some um departmental transfers we'll have other things to do but I would like to be able to sign off on the purchase and sale and the deed for that property on the 11th and so we can make a short meeting make it 6:00 and we're here 6:30 6:15 6 to 6:15 yeah well okay we'll try we'll try Cindy Yes actually scheduled an aler meeting for that evening we can't make it start at 6:15 can we or shall I just change the alers meeting for that night you we'll be done very quickly it's really just well the alers meeting is at 5:30 so that's all but if I'm fine with 6:15 6 is it possible get out at 6:30 sorry or else start the meeting without me and then I'll come in at 6:5 6 let's let's go 6:15 okay on the 11th okay all right 6:15 on the 11th 6:30 audit meeting on the 17th with finance committee and then our regular meeting on June 18th and then our special election on June 25th and Scott you're still working out with finance committee on the meeting to present the classification and Compensation Plan to finance committee so you still working at a um Mutual date with them right I I think a few people just thought it was the one meeting that I was referring to okay yeah we got two separate meetings for them well when we yeah okay we'll figure that out all right I think that's all we have for tonight guys motion to adjourn second I think we have a motion an adjournment any discussion no all those in favor Bye by all right we are adjourned at 7:35 thank you thank you very much people don't forget to sign things e for