this government meeting is brought to you by eastworks and our local cable subscribers all right the time is 604 call the regular meeting of the Southampton select board to order April 23rd three out of five members are present we'll start with the Pledge of Allegiance pledge pledge of allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God invisible liy and justice for anybody here for citizen speak [Music] Tammy wonis College Highway um on behalf of the Historical Society um I'd like to let people know that we have our April program meeting happening this Thursday April 25th um 7:00 at the Southampton congregation church and it's about the World War II Victory Gardens and kitchens um there's some posters out around hopefully it's open to all it's a free event um and uh so we've got two people coming in to speak and there's somebody else coming in to talk about the greenway um the other thing is that I am very happy to inform the town that um Clark Chapman house has started doing School tours again on Friday May 3rd um we have two three third grade classrooms coming in so they'll be broken into six groups going around and we will even have the one room Schoolhouse open for them so if you have a third grader please ask them on Friday how their day went and um again celebrate Southampton is August 9th and 10th so be on the way for that thank you whs hi Bruce Bowman pomoy Meadow Road uh just an observation and I'm new to town but um just um seeing how the town communicates with the residents uh there seems and I prefer not to use social media the town has a Pity of formal communication with the residents the website is not active at all and there seems to be more formal Town communication of activities through social media than formal communication through the town uh the town website everybody has access to it I have privacy concerns about social media I prefer not to use social media um I would I know there's been a lot of transition and uh there may have been historically uh workarounds that people need to engage in but it strikes me that formal Communications of activities from Chief of Police Highway Department other locations should reside within the town website and other parties go to that um uh and I did have another point but it's alluding me but um just an observation as a new resident the town who uh looks to the town website for information oh the the calendar has a function where all past events disappear so if you want to see what it happened and what day it happened there's no immediate way to do that I think that's probably an easy onoff switch on the calendar function to leave all past calendar events up and running and available for perusal um thank you very much thank you I think that's one of the attemp of the new website is to get there on that and then as far as um historical pieces underline that it's a new website that we invested a lot in right um but theor you know wiping out the the uh the meeting as soon as it's done I think you're right but maybe only going back like maybe 6 months or one year in rear cuz one of the things we ran into on the old website is we ran on space I'm trying to keep up but there can be a happy medium there I find that the website became like the 37 volume encyclopedia and if you wander down to the committee whose jurisdiction or issue you're interested in I think you may find more history than in the calendar because in the interest of currency and shared calendars that's a separate appliation the feedback is very welcome and if you have any talent in this area that's even more welcome I I I don't have uh specific talent in this uh area it's um to find events squirreled away within boards and commissions that are not easily accessible on a single page is counterintuitive to me as as I try to stay current on on the internet um and um again method of communication even though it may be redundant may be storage issues it strikes me that it would make sense to have a single location where and I don't know whether it's a Manpower issue to upload and maintain the town website but um uh you have to know of an event happening and know that there's information to be found on that subcommittee to go there to look for it and that's not an efficient way to communicate with new residents coming into town and to set a format of standard communication across town um but and I apologize for engaging in back and forth thank you yes we agree anybody else for public comment okay all right uh next reports Town Administrator sure question sorry the camera's on but the TV's not sorry just having one technical difficulty here poke the TV yeah I tried that Dan I'm assuming it's just we can't see it since the camera is [Music] responding do you want us to take up selectboard reports you find your you good um so with the the VoIP update I was able to do a recording just to send it off to our provider to see if it works so I do have to fill out the Excel sheet that kind of directs everything but um I think I think it'll be working soon um so we did do that um thank you for the Canabis other duties as assigned M so I don't I don't know how good it sounds or anything like that but it sounds beautiful we need some voicey acur in a resume but 35 we should we should use AI though that might be an idea for the future um for the canab fee I do want to um for next session just call a uh executive session uh with the select board just because a lot of stuff has happened in the last two years uh with the new legislation a lot of court cases um so I think it's it would be a good time for the select board to um to review everything and and figure out a strategy moving forward um for Grants like the Green community Grant a few other grants that we're re getting extensions so we're in the middle of doing that um our FY 2022 audit should be this week um hopefully by tomorrow we should be receiving it um we started having regular uh our first Finance team meetings which we hope to have um bi-weekly uh and this year this last week's was the implementation of the new Vadar system so uh Jen Bradley myself uh we're looking to do some professional development for uh all the the administrative assistance on how to use it uh reaching out to department heads have a department head meeting uh just for that to see what their concerns are and then uh we're looking to do a field trip to uh a municipality or two just to see how they've implemented it and um you know how they're actually using it in in the real world um so the first department head meeting is going to be this Thursday and we're going to have them um I believe bi-weekly and 10:00 and um I realized um working with Chris on on her email but um so the pyboard doesn't have full access to uh Microsoft 365 so I'm going to talk to noce about uh getting an upgrade everyone so you so you actually don't you're not able to use the SharePoint of the teams application um which I thought you had the full version uh but you don't so I'm going to talk to nois about getting that updated for everybody so it's a little bit a little bit of a price difference but it's a yearly yearly um fee so um and then I did send out one recent thing today about a cyber security issue that we're currently working on so okay questions oh straightforward I'm good call the finance order 6 thanks um select board reports Dan uh yeah I think firstly is the technology committee met last night and I would like to get on to the agenda for for the select board from the technology committee meeting is um talking about Fiverr so we have we have the quotes in from three vendors for for Fiverr so um we will the technology committee will give a technical uh review of those and and pass that along to this this board at which point it will be the responsibility of this board to to move that forward and determine which which path we want to go down and what other um investigations we may need to make to make a fully informed decision as a town but um yeah I guess I'm asking to put get that on the agenda for discussion okay um anything else for that committee um we said that we would review on the town warrant is something about getting the improving the Wi-Fi in the in the in the town hall and um we're going to be we're going to review that one more time uh make sure the technology makes the most sense uh from what we could see in the quote it wasn't exactly it wasn't obvious we want to talk with the vendor to make sure that we're getting exactly what we need um in that solution um yeah Conservation Commission is moving along as planned nothing really to discuss they've had a couple um Conservation area cleanups which is good but nothing nothing the board the select Board needs to be aware of so planning board oh CU I missed the meeting yeah uh I I don't think there's anything particular to bring up to the planning board except for looking at the bylaws for the scenic byways Scenic roadways and also the um the historic districts in town those are two topics that have come on lately that we want to as a planning board look at the the bylaws around those to ensure that we are serving the town in the best way possible so those will be new addressed and updated great any uh apologies for missing the planning board but that was a tough day for me uh Board of assessors met today and um they were pleased to hear Scott that we have the goal of facilitating a in Communications and recordkeeping across the land use committees uh had some questions about the capabilities of Vadar for tracking things like chapter 61 enrollment and I suggested to them that that might be a different application but um it begs the question sitting down and exploring how those puzzle pieces fit together or don't but um I want to renew my commitment to you since I haven't done anything since one email all right uh Board of assessors um yeah the rest was technical stuff open space committee meets Thursday um they are um up to their next implementing with kestral land trust the mountain Waters project I thought that uh it was this issue from Cal that featured Mountain Waters but if you go to their website you can read a lot about this really important conservation project that's going on primarily in Southampton but with many partners um open space committee continues to track sales and changes in people's circumstances so um it's as ambitious as this th acre project is with cro um there are other issues that are pressing on the on the plate that's the only or uh I haven't met with them right um you guys have all been here for all the finance committee so I can skip over those updates uh PPP is meeting Thursday night and there is a collective all districts all School committees meeting tomorrow night um or Thursday night in hopes to appoint a interum superintendent of schools uh for the next school year more to come on that no no and I forget who the vice chair is not me um uh Chris isn't here so we'll we'll skip over ad hoc committee um next we have appointments and [Music] resignations uh do we want to take them all up together yes unless there's an objection um you want a motion uh under appointments and resignation I move that we approve the following three issues um first person Sally bastian's resignation as assistant treasur effective April 18th 2024 uh the second person is Lexi Richard two items resignation as Treasurer or Collector Office clerk effective April 25th 2024 and Lexi is also resigning from the Conservation Commission effective immediately there's your motion a motion is there a second second discussion hear none all in favor I I so moved new business fiscal year 2025 budget discussion um I have one question well I'll start with one question if I look at the document titled Revenue estimates fiscal year 25 draft 0401 2024 which I think is the last version that I have it shows on line 34 a negative re seip for $266,200 and it's titled less State assessments so I believe that that is where the state back charges us on our Cherry sheets at line 34 and I think historically this this is how we put it in there right I know if you want to make that a little bigger for those at home but then if I take that same if I go and look and see what makes up that number and I pull up the preliminary Municipal Cherry sheets for Southampton the cumulative as of the governor's budget was a - 26624 right so corresponds to that number it's now3 331 but that's a separate point but of that 266 one of those line items which is $24,000 $2 4,553 is Charter School sending tuition and if I go look at our expenses we're also accounting for it there so I believe we are taking a NE a double hit because if you go onto our expense budget workbook that we're working on and you go down to Line 120 is that not the same line item and the and the reason it jumps out right right there it jumps out at me because historically we haven't included those two lines school choice tuition and Charter School tuition because they're intercepted from the cherry sheet money so I think if we're going to have it there as a negative we we have to show it as a positive on the other side we're showing it as two negatives yeah in fiscal year 24 we didn't have a budget for school choice nor did we have one for Charter School tuition so that's why it looks weird on the right but if if Charter School tuition is 204 and that is collected from our cherry sheet under our state assessments yeah then we shouldn't be deducting it off our revenue or we shouldn't have it on the expense report correct one one or the other needs to go suppose we can match what we did last year and didn't have we didn't have it there right so if we don't have the 204 and we don't have $2 249 and all of a sudden we just added $263,000 to the bottom line that makes tonight's conversation a lot easier doesn't it I like your math if you don't have it budgeted um as an expense then what do you charge it to when you we never we never see it right no but when you enter receipts so it Nets off the Chapter 70 money have to enter the full 70 money and then break out all the individual like as a journalist all the individual expenses those Cher sheet charges so we don't have it I think we need to have so we should include a positive Revenue number which still cancels it out right it needs to be the chapter S those were your notes no keep on going thanks everybody for your Indulgence and thanks John for starting okay so I mean I do like the idea of leaving it on there as an expense I just think on on the revenue side um we don't need to take that the deduction because we're showing it in our expenses need let me just put up the uh most recent [Music] revenues line was Revenue booked 34 uh that's expensive it's the April it's the last one Bradley sent was around April 1st April 2nd the only adjustment to there is the vote we took on ambulance receipts chair did we mention that we're accepting donations of chairs sorry you don't like your chair well some yes they're not the most comfortable has sudden movements yes okay yeah because it looks like 2024 we used an estimated - 315 which again if you go back and look at historical it's there in 23 we used the negative on the revenue sides so historically it's always been a negative on the less State assessment piece I guess I just told them how you account for it in your if you don't have it budgeted do you know what to me I do from the accounting point of view but okay guys so Chris where to get you up to speed had a I think that um I think we're double counting a negative we have a negative in here twice when the cumulative value is about $266,000 for revenue or well we're showing it so it's less the state aid which is line 34 on the revenue sheet we have right now a negative - 266 which matches the governor's proposed budget of Assessments to us so that's the school tuition that's the mosquito Pro or the air pollution program and the uh Franklin Regional Transportation assessment that we get right that they they charge us we never actually see the money they take it at the state level but then when I look on expenses and I go to the school section we're including um Charter School tuition and school choice tuition which the state pays that on our behalf and then yeah right they you know they deduct our Chapter 70 money to offset that but from what I can see it's in here twice M and I think if if I'm right that makes our bottom line 253,000 better which means we don't need to touch stabilization operation money and we have a surplus that would be nice for those chairs among other things yeah uh yeah I don't know but I'm I'm given Bradley and Scott time to confirm it yeah on the revenue side we're accounting for it there saying that's a negative amount for our revenues so I'm saying yeah I agree with John okay and and so we were then Finance mentioned that or commented rightfully so that if you don't have a budget line item how can you charge expenses to it um so the question is should we show it in expenses and not in revenue and if we don't show in Revenue we'd have to gross it up in in in the revenue number um or vice versa so do we do what we historically have done where we show it as the negative here to match that sheet and then we just zero it out on the expense line or I guess I can use the revenue negative amount as the budget for the expense side so every month I do go to the State website and I find the state assessment and I input journal entries to spend that out there's no physical checks or anything going out as a wire transfer type of Entry so you're with it hitting the revenue line item mhm okay so the so again I'm looking so that um so I would say school choice sending tuition and Charter School sending tuition that we have on the expense line items those two line items can be zeroed out oh really let's go got easy that's a little scary and then right so now what's that do the bottom line because and you know just for the right so the other assessments that are in there is Regional Transit which I don't see anywhere around our expenses uh RMV non-renewal search charges which would come back to us later on and receipts the tax collector so that's not there and then the air pollution District search charge of $1900 that we pay for our bad air for Boston so right that makes us what we're our Revenue estimates 21, 2600 and so we've got an extra $2,000 got 48 right well how does if if the sum of all the accounts of your expenses is $2,641 and you have reeven oh that's updated Revenue estiment okay the 21049 is the one that ties out to the sheet excuse me yeah yeah and and that one there that you have up there Bradley you that does show the vote we took on ambulance receipts right yes it has 250,000 for the ambulance receipts and it has the updated State assessments right so we're under budget by $48,000 that's a a surplus right yeah got a surplus of 48,000 yeah see you should be late a few more times you know that's good for me hey that's fine yeah well see so my issue was that when I was looking at this earlier today before I came in at 4:00 I couldn't fathom how we got rid of $138,000 worth of debt but yet we somehow it got absorbed all the way in the budget and really we didn't add anything if anything there's a cut from the police department mhm yeah um so this now makes more sense to me can can I restore some of those cuts we can certainly talk about it yeah well my first question is is $115,000 for wage adjustments are you comfortable with that number starting at the top is that going to be sufficient that would be one question or knowing that we're 40 and I'm happy for anybody the weigh in if we're 48,000 to the good you know do we make that 20 I don't know but yeah I mean we initially came up with 25,000 and we reduced that 10,000 yeah Scott what was the approach calculating that was it a certain percentage based on existing salaries uh yeah it was um I did the calculation of like how much each percentage cost um I'd have to look at that up though and it just kind of rounded it wasn't one of those things that we were going to plan all in one year that's true I mean we could go back to to the 25 if you wanted to just to have it so my so just a question on that wage adjustments right so that's a very broad term and in in my mind it's specifically put in there because we wanted it for the Collins Institute and we put it under the select board area so only the select board could portion that money out right but I also did notice that we're in active negotiations with the highway department both the union and the non-union Personnel over there and we didn't budget for any increase now I know by default the Department's only 50% staffed but if our goal is is to make that contract attractive to neighboring communities you know we might need some money and I'm perfectly happy and content to put it in that line and say yeah make that 25,000 if we know that that's a potential available spot I did put in the initially I did have a um placeholder of a 3% increase for those two line items so I can put that back in let's at least put that back in that may or may not be what we end up with but at least something more than just flat flat line for sure I think our Highway wages flat I think they're up 13,000 over the uh special town meeting budget uh oh we we re yeah yeah we readjusted something didn't we with so it's not flat to and well General Highway wages would be um oh it's got to be increase there well 230 to 24 yeah great further down yeah that moving of the unfill positions to line yeah they're right there yeah um no that's not the I'll just do the calculation really quick yeah so another again we we can certainly go through the exercise and look at everybody and see what we want to put in what we don't want to put in but what is what is the is there an impact one way or the other if we don't utilize the full Levy amount for example say we left 10,000 does next year is that 10,000 available on top of the 2 and a half or is it gone forever no I think it's available it's it's excess capacity I believe or would we increase when of the transfers to stabilization or what have you you no you you'd have to use free cash for that I think I don't think you can budget a stabilization out of the general fund can you put it in your budget um I thought you could it'd be a first kind of sounds like a good practice to we could add it to our Reserve fund Reserve fund which I you're chuckling so you're talking about Fin the fine con Reserve F right well I do like that idea too because it's you fund it once and then when it's not use it just it replenishes itself by going back to free cash but like I'm I believe that number should be whatever our minimum deductible for an insurance cost is cuz that's that's the account we're going to go to and my guess is it's $50,000 5,000 isn't going to do much when the roof caves in no mhm you know and we were fairly lucky we haven't spent it this year at all but well and also consider most of our municipal buildings are over 100 years old quite true yeah so so okay does that um so including the just a Dr rough estimate 3% you know obviously it's just a placeholder for the negotiations but and on the General Highway wages as well yep okay all right so had you had a chance I mean that's at least a start I I don't know if that's going to be sufficient but at least we need to be budgeting certainly for that and with the hopes of recruiting people to fill those positions I mean definitely yeah um we that's if I understand that that's not extra wages on top of open positions that's what you expect for the current employees no for three for all authorized positions whether filled or not thank you yeah so if it was fully staffed for example right now that proposition would be about 251 right which we know we're not staffed right now but maybe we can be um while we're in that category um had you had a chance to talk to the tree warding at all is that a not yet no realistic thing to cut that I don't know um it had always been at 8,000 then we bumped it up to whatever it was 15 M yeah cuz that we've always had to come back and do it we happen to have a light winter and we didn't need it so much this year but I don't know if we should necessarily chop it back um it's one of those that we've shifted at special town meeting in the past but um just a thought I don't know what he spent this year so far probably 4, 10,000,000 or uh 29% so only 4,300 oh wow only 4,000 oh my yeah okay well okay I'm not going to argue too hard on that one then okay yeah can we can we make the uh the wage placement line can we bump it to 20,000 meet in the middle I was completely sold on 25 but there's some other things in so let's scroll down to the next cut that was in there so right there with the yellow one why why are those consultants for the assessors cut back what what was the real the yellow highlight for I think it was because it had 4500 in that budget line which was the same as the one above it and I checked it and it was actually 13,570 so I updated it and I highlighted just to show it was a new update okay so 1357 their original ask yes y so that's in their budget narrative for this year yes so less than last year's though interesting okay radio so is there a way to keep the excess the extra money as little as it may be set aside such that there's always things there's always this expenses that come off through the year can we set the money aside for to account for those things that do come along that's what the Reserve fund is let's do that so if you do it but here's the catch Y and it's not really a catch cuz we have an active finance committee now the first 10 months of the year only only under joint vote select board and finance can you use that money if one votes and the other doesn't you can't do it May and June the select board can do it right without Finance the last two months transfer something there's a catch okay after first let's just assume we both have to agree to it yeah let's just which is still a good practice why not but all right so yeah treasur collector or assessor clal that one is okay that cylic I checked with Darcy on that they did not have much of a um justification for that um they originally had gone up much higher it was like 75 or something it's like how are you getting there from the 22 and sorry which lineal inspections where we took took back 2100 so it's at um it's at 36 now so it was at 22 last year so um she said we could meet in the middle and and take part of that back she didn't have a good solid justification to uh to understand it might have been a typo in the original request I'm not sure or it may be money that's needed for some reason FY 26 rather than 25 could be in terms of whatever they're doing for inspect then the next one next cut was $100 yeah and we cut 15,000 out of what uh conservation wages because we still have money in arpa okay we haven't used I think Bradley you've checked those figures a couple times over um our first conservation agent didn't work as frequently and and um didn't draw down as much as we expected so we're still going to be able to maintain the same level of service that we have this year next year based on that number utilizing also arpa funds mhm okay yeah the challenge is going to be in 26 is how do we make that a real position that doesn't depend on arpa but right that's another story yep so well all right can we where are we showing the arpa receipt uh I don't know unless it's unless the is Bradley are you encumbering those for previous years for authorized expenses or no the arpa expenses uh revolving fund so when the year closes the balance will carry over into the next year okay for the projects file okay right yeah it's per project so it's invoice directly stays for the life it doesn't end on June 30th like the general fund does no no yeah it's being directly invoiced from the ARA money so is that the same with planning board is is that their revolving account yeah that's their revolving yep [Music] yep okay shall we and custodial wages at Town Hall besides the increase that's got to be an increase in hours yes okay yes mostly hours yep okay all right and uh technology Services should we uh add $1,000 to cover non-covered laptops right now yeah right I did ask for an updated quote on that so they're getting it together for me but it's I mean I don't expect it to be a huge number because it's you know only six or seven realistically people you know two or three workstations in the fire um maybe a couple in police and a couple in librar so so it's not like a huge amount well and then the laptops concom too right would they be well they're covered under the contract they are okay yeah oh because they're in town hall okay got it um yeah I mean if if if you think that's the current amount that's needed without adding on the laptops to to uh do some more technology but um we can certainly use it mhm that's there's no question about that well cuz last your expiring is 29 and you're you're just resetting to 31 and that 31 is going to cover 100% of the current novas contract plus whatever else is charged to that line item mhm um so the I believe the adjusted because um at the time we were paying hourly for each call for Novas so it's cheaper to do the the service contract which is which is 21 and going to 31 leaves you an extra 10,000 throughout the year no the service contract is about 31 total oh okay so um let me see if I can unhide these I mean is it worth putting in another whatever 3 or 4,000 or something toward out of contract service costs or given what we've just yeah where's the if we if we assign the the those extra funds to one of these coln now to get it back to say we wanted to reallocate it where we have a need in the future do we have to take it out of that line is it more of an effort to to pull it back out and then put it back in you have to go special town meeting special town meeting so wouldn't it make sense just to put into like whatever the term is for our Reserve Reser money such that say we get along in a couple months and we realize oh we need we have more it expenses than we wanted to then we could we could allocate those funds at that point with having to go to a one way if the 31,000 covers the current Novis contract all right any thoughts on that no I agree with Dan so maybe take a few few thousand and see what you can put in the reserve fund I don't know where we are with the bottom line there at the moment so yeah but I think what Dan was saying leave it leave it as is yeah and then put put whatever Surplus there is in the reserve fund mhm and so so once we continue scrolling down if we agree that there's no more mhm restoration cuts that we want to put in that's it right can we restore the police department you know that's the one budget that I have the most confidence in so if he says he needs $84,200 [Music] that one matches the contract building inspector okay spoke about all that and we that that first adjustment 4900 is just to have same level service year-over-year with the 3% increase that that everybody else has mhm right you uh the requests are 59 which would have included in additional hours so reducing that the general fund will just pay for the um 54191 okay Y and then we we still continued with the um revolving fund so at leaves 10,000 uh seed money for that right which is an Essence is a quarter it's 3 months of what historically has been charged okay and then what did we end up this this then fully funds the COA director at the next step is that what that is or right so there was some I did meet with Jen and uh there's some misunderstanding on the Council on Aging submitting their final budget and what it should have reflected so um the 52 299 is accurate to is accurate to put 100% of the COA director's salary into the general fund okay you know request was uh for 54 something so there was a little bit of uh miscalculation on the amount of pay periods so we fixed that and and just again just so we're being fair to everybody else on here that does not that's the same number of hours in the previous budget that's correct yeah okay it's 32 hours something yep increas the um expenses and the veterans Agent salary so my question on the veteran agent is i that's more than just the rate so what how many hours are we getting now and what is this pushing us to um I think I calculated an additional three hours a week uh I did talk to Michelle and um so if she needs them they they'll be available to her a lot of times there's a specific situation that might come up with veterans like there might be an event or a veteran in prices so she would not be limited to just that 6 hours a week so she could use up to that amount yeah no I'm I'm not opposed I just think somebody yeah you know two years ago when we added hours right that was one of the big talking points so yeah we just need to be able to articulate why that particular line it is going up in hours right now she's working how many hours so is it four six six hours a week okay so this would take her up to 9 yeah right about yeah and that's not I mean considering a veteran coffee right you know an hour or two so sure um to actually do you know reach out and uh do services for the veterans it might it does require a few more hours okay so she might from what you're saying she might not work the nine hours every week but she's she's got it to do if she needs it kind of thing yeah okay I think that's kind of how we worked on what we were talking about with Judy right as well a your assistant to get from 16 up to 19 on occasion so it's all still got to go through PQ but I think from what you said it's been budgeted that way y so so those are the two positions set of extra hours right from year was um actually up updated last year so we're using the additional hours this year uhhuh currently okay yeah so again not not a full 19 every every pay period but up to 19 as needed depending on the workload in the office yep okay all right and did we I don't know did we double check with on our library we had a question last week do we are we sure that we've satisfied all the the mar whatever state formula craziness that we need to do with the library we I think we're okay I thought we may be short on the books and materials I thought it was supposed to be a minimum funding level of 90% of the overall Library budget I think it's at 17% I'm just double checking the rules on that I think the number that Johanna had in her um prescription is closer to like 37 4 something like that for the books and materials yeah so it has to be 19% of the of the sum of the library um yes do you have that narrative by any chance budget uh that was the discussion when she yeah she was going to fund raise to cover the shortfall which we weren't comfortable at the time put the state gr address and I think the like the library yeah interchange [Music] yeah 6 like 37 something like that 691 can't quite see it from here sorry sorry there we go it's not yeah yeah may look bigger to you but doesn't down here oh so 32 yeah if you look at her description in the budget narrative so in the narrative itself though the cuz we're the total for her category is 20 202 202 minus the park and historical so's going to pull it up send it to you might have a here handy I believe an increase around $3,700 would increase to 19% put the materials at 39,4 35 yeah so right there somewhere in there 37 and 222 yeah we need to spend 37 and 222 just the but so if I look on the current budget book that we have and I go to library and I look under wish list 2 she's updated someone's updated that number to 37693 53 look to see if here's another one I just checked the State website this is 19% yeah 19% is what it should be population yeah so I'd say we need to at least put in the 37 that she's asked for but we might still be short of percentage no actually we have Park commission wages in that total envelope off slight green yes so make it 37500 round number yeah just make it a round number worry about all the pennies in the end there you go okay St with the total um Library only at just the library only just scroll down and just highlight that what is the well it's not that so you got you got to select Library director down to the library main2 take out of there 17 2 713 that look like the formula supposed to be so are we close enough or do we need yeah 38 it needs to be at 38 like 400 so again the the books and materials have to be 19% of the total Library budget is that right 27647 27647 2600 27 6.47 just yeah that works so then if you just highlight the highlight the 50 down to the six and how what is that total what's that sub total committee work okay it's easier just to do it that way just sub total that Library yeah right 2011 61310 2011 what 2011 2,631 delete this 201613 y we didn't think that ReStore in a second we're okay okay 1940 four ready getting down to the bottom now we're okay with all of our our debts and our interest that was our hope so our issue from before pull in the bridge yeah the bridge kind of went went South a little bit there yes that made a big difference all right so Surplus 2,658 so make make the finance Reserve uh 30,000 and leave 658 28 in there and we're done great we ratify the budget tonight we're okay with school and everything hang on hang on we're okay with the school nothing else happening here with the school right we're we got those figures based on the latest information we have which is 30 days old yes yeah 19 so pry good talent on [Music] this okay let us see where we are magic and we're not using St chairs you can we can maybe we can buy a chair for one chair for the town administrator's office before he charges us for all his Chiropractic visits okay are we think we're yeah we're okay are you guys good with it what is this little what's this difference right up there right above you there and above the box that says 31544 before we started or any adjustments to the budget I don't need extra information that's where we started that was our point a okay good that's fine start to feel better about this budget all right so shall we take a vote that we think we have this our budget do we need to vote it I'm comforable you just laughed at me I make I make a motion to approve the fiscal year as he takes the numbers away from me the fiscal year 25 budget save it with uh yeah be sure you save that uh I think it was revenues of 21 Mill 21 million 487372 no sorry yeah you're right I re the motion is to approve the fiscal year 25 budget with a final expense of 21 million 487372 with offset revenues of 2,49 362 even second all right motion by John second by Dan any further discussion anybody Finance wise no okay all those in favor I all right a way to celebrate it all right well all right that's that's good okay all righty so that takes care of that part um let's see next up uh want to take a quick run through the draft warrant for any couple issues there maybe and then there's been a a few changes um just to update everyone um so Article 1 2 and three those are placeholders we're expecting to amend that on the floor once we get that uh in um the operating budget sorry can you back up one more where's the Hampshire Regional Capital that one right there to staish it oh Article Five y right so that doesn't have any any funding in it it's just setting up the parameters of the um the fund at this point all right well I I just want to make sure that last sentence stays in there so that's fine because says it can't exceed 5% the language that they sent us said they can't charge us more than 5% but they can continue to build upon it afterwards this is saying it's capped at 5% at least from our Town's point of view we can always negotiate later but I think that safe guard needs to be there that Line's just from Mass law are we any closer to free cash so what are we any closer to free cash well we've been talking to the school I think they're working on it I don't know that we've gotten anything yet have we today I've got uh not today but I've gotten emails from the principal and the superintendent so everybody and yeah and the business administrator in an email said we'd have it by end of business tomorrow yeah I asked for Wednesday as the deadline so yeah see what happens so we've had Communications with the superintendent and everybody and his brother but haven't seen the final figures and it's still going to take cuz a lot of this is still grant money that has to be reconciled and so it's still going to take Bradley a day or so to figure out whatever they're sending him to make sure it reconciles right Bradley a day or two howly to turn around and get that in but yes we're bumping up against deadlines uh but I think we've made it pretty clear that you know you know our our extension was granted for our our close out was until uh April 30th and we've both made it clear that we're not going beyond that we're not going to go back and beg for more extensions so they need to get their act together said on article six that 109 was the total amount of all the projects however in that 109 was the internet enhancement I think you took it out but did we take it out of the total I agree it's not in the verbage I don't know let me check good [Music] point cuz that was like 10 or 11,000 if I recall mhm uh no you did take it out because the total was 12914 so okay I'm good with that yeah nice okay good I'm going to insert the updated amount for the annual budget y um the water Enterprise fund has been updated um same thing with the transfer station and next year we're going to work on just a pet peeve of mine I be can we can we can we get the numbers to line up the right way right so it's at a decimal point you know com right here so you know you numbers line up on the right going to the right might be a lot of fix we'd be here all night I mean you made huge improvements we don't want more right we'll fix it for next year broke the whole thing space for the 50 Capital outlay put a space before the five so that it aligns maybe is that part of it like in front of the yeah between no between the dollar and the five between the dollar sign so it doesn't all look like it's oh okay like it's part of the number so then it aligns over there you go yeah one more yeah one just don't know oh yeah okay see one more one more a space one more space there you go perfect all right thank you goodness all right those of us with the ADHD that's just later let's let's we'll let you do that one at home okay we won't we won't take all these little spaces tonight regarding the budget M just question or comment I looked quickly and at the right I'm in the right spot of the Mass general laws but on extraordinary Reserve funds for Extraordinary expenditures and it has to be established at annual or special town meeting question is can it be established as part of the budget or does it have to be a separate warant how have we always added funds to this I don't think we may want to just double check that I don't think we have one though well we can do that that was the that was the residual oh we can always we can find the reserve right you can we can do the We the finance committee can have a reserve fund up to x amount which is probably 5% of the total budget yeah section six this is let me um the town May at annual special town meeting appropriate or transfer a some not exceeding the aggregate 5% L fiscal year for the preceding fiscal year for which the fund uh no direct drafts okay so as long as we can appropriate that amount and transfer it in at the meeting as part of the overall budget that's fine as long as it doesn't have to be its own separate form cool okay all right transfer station we that's where we are okay next year we'll put the monitoring fees into two that'll be a separate account for next year to do that we just need some time to arrange that M but it's in this year's it's in this year's budget is a separate line out expense I think it's the Environmental Compliance we we didn't take it out yet well we did we did take 32,000 out for the for the capping and monitoring of the landfill where do we put it it's in the expenses otherwise there's a new line item somebody stuck into the highway department it's at the bottom of um bottom of Highway no no it's it's somewhere right in that right there transfer I'm assuming that's what that transfer to the Enterprise fund is line 208 cuz I mean who else are we giving $31,000 to not the wire department and we only have two Enterprise accounts it's I think it's because the the Enterprise fund for the will be running in the red so they be running a deficit correct so we agreed to take the monitoring fees which I thought was about 32,000 and put that into the general fund the other 115 I think is part of the regular storm water and just the current operations of the um landfill but it doesn't look like you're double counting it so 31920 to be transferred from the general fund yeah there you go yep so they're they're short about 30 a little over 30,000 but that 30,000 does include the monitoring fees which I think was around 14,000 this year Randall said so that line just doesn't look like it's a separate line within those breakdowns right now the 31 is folded in the 165 or somewhere right so we'll have the 209 from transfer expenses the 31 from the general fund and the 19975 from the indirect cost and that get to the 237 845 cool so our article is is correct though well no 209 209 + 31 is 240 + 19 is 2 $259,000 yeah indirect cost is going to the general fund the 31920 is coming from the general fund to the transfer station so I just copied what we usually put for this article so usually we stay this is how much revenue they're getting this is how much they're using for retain earnings and this is how much their indirect costs are right this year they're not using retained earnings at all because they don't have any really so we're I got the impression that we're using the 31920 from the general fund to help fund the transfer station for the year so that's why I included it in that description right so so 209 is is coming from their their Enterprise receipt right cor and then 31 is coming over from the general fund mhm so that's 209 plus 31 getes you the 240 minus the 19 they owe us back gives you a total of 221 155 so maybe I mean maybe maybe just validate it offline but yeah it looks like yeah let's just highlight that Scott and then know that you got to come back to because this is also the first time we're giving them money yeah just to be sure that we've got it worded correctly I mean we've got a budget line for it in the expense budget but just where I'm wondering if that needs to be more obvious that 31920 needs its own special line in that and the two oh hold up see the en is the 19975 Bradley what other departments are paying the transfer station and is that why it says 19975 do be appropriate from the general fund to go to them I was just copying what the article said the previous years we always had indect costs stated there right and I know it's always been in the little chart above it and then it explains at the bottom yeah right so that's other that's like the fire department paying the the police department well we pay for the trash pick up here at Town Hall that's that's what that is that's what that 19975 so yeah that's part of that right but then so those two numbers match the question is the 41 165 and 11 balance of that should be between the 209 and so I think the 209 is overstated so 41 and 165 is 206 then you add the 11 it's 2 217 Brown numbers 217 and you've got the credit of 31 coming in from us so from their General receipts or Enterprise receipts they need the difference of those three lines minus the 31920 mhm which would change the 209 210 number right anybody else agree all right I'm happy to be the Lone Ranger over here I think we can leave this for the staff to make sure that the numbers and the text reconcile in a way that's easily understood that's more important that it be easily understood than it conformed P practice right yeah well especially since we're doing something a little bit different this year too so indeed you know that we haven't done that um yeah okay so let's we'll let you do that offline Scott and we'll just keep on going here okay thank you um for 89 Clark Street um oh I know sounds like he's teing you up for a response gr yeah I think we've concluded negotiations okay so that's going to stay on the the warrant mhm um then we have a there's a typo though uh estate of David parsons's S Parson right there persons mhm yep there you go yeah so I think that one we're I think we're done we got to do a couple tiny things but I think we're there uh for article 11 we're having a executive session later tonight that one so we should be able to fill that in or maybe I don't I know um Financial transfers were double checked say yeah uh you expected costs okay right okay y um so for the general bylaws we did delete the taag sale and that's because the bylaw committee met and decided also that we have not heard anything back from the lawyers on that one so if we haven't gotten feedback from the lawyers it shouldn't go on the warrant anyway so right now it's pulled what we'll end up doing is wait for the lawyers and then depending on that um Francine was planning on organizing a public information session which we've done for some of the others and see if anybody attends have available online for people to write in with questions and comments as well and then depending on those results decide whether we bring it back at a special town meeting or not I mean it's basically you know should be up to the voters to figure out whether they want to by law or they don't want to by law that's the whole purpose of having these these things right so you know we may have our own feelings about them but it should be something that gets before the voters to say yay or nay not rip if our paid attorney did not reply well and they haven't yeah they haven't gotten to us whatever I mean we've gotten all the three others so I think we're comfortable going ahead with the three but can the deficit column for me well I don't know I'm not worried about it that much but so but I you know I I don't want to because it has to still go through whenever the bylaws are approved at town meeting it still goes through the Attorney General so you know we want to be sure that our lawyers put in any language that we need to have so that it can pass the Attorney General too so yes um for the zoning articles just added the um additional language which I I hope somebody's going to understand what all that's all about but yeah it's going to be in the uh explanation narrative thing here yes it sounds like it's a table of contents issue is it there's a lot of alphabet sup alphabet soup with all these so well the existing uh bylaw was confusing about who granted a special permit okay and this is our best attempt to clarify got it y okay um Community preservation so that was um updated with the CPA so their budget is now the first article as Robert had suggested right okay and then we still have the revolving [Music] fundsy we're getting pretty close so hopefully within the next day or two we can actually sign off on this and I think how how do we want to how do we want to do this I don't necessarily want to have another meeting could we have a zoom call or something what what would be appropriate to sign off on could you approve it with just filling in those pending those those changes I mean the clerical items well we we've got a big one to fill in you know we won't have an answer tonight we'll have maybe something on on that landed acquisition one hopefully hopefully tomorrow is or by Thursday so that's a you know that's an unknown at this point um what's anybody think I mean we've all got a sign only unnown huh that's the only unknown that's the only real unknown y so well today's the 23rd yep when does the warrant need to be signed well we were aiming to sign it no later than the 25th and get it posted on the 29th it's got to be posted I think on the 29th Thursday wait which is Monday when are you saying we'll have this in needed information what day approximately tomorrow well hopefully yeah I see we'll we'll talk about that yeah yeah okay I'm sorry I'm I'm lost um article 11 right right um what is highlighted is the dollar amount that we're going to ask the there's no dollar amount in there we won't it's for the it's for the that's highlighted not the price no we have to goll I understand I understand but would would the discussion make more sense if we were to return from public meeting after our executive session oh um it's not totally the words got scrambled it's the meaning got flipped that that's a that's a text edit that can be done I understand that what you mean is missing is the acquisition price right and that's subject to special our executive session MH Madam chair yes oh I'm sorry moderator sorry Sage advice Robert Floyd College how are we speaking as Town moderator are you holding up an article because of the dollar amount or because of wording we haven't finished negotiating yet okay dollar am the dollar amount doesn't really need to be put in the article it needs to be put in the motion so you can sign the warrant and then make that motion whatever the dollar amount is even if this is a debt exclusion I don't know I'd have to research I'm just using the language from KP law they provided and the uh the ballot question just pull that yeah yeah I'm not sure about a Deb exclusion right now positive on okay okay yeah I would just say if we're going to do a meeting on Thursday I have that internal superintendent appointment so I mean depend on what time you thinking I may not be available MH M and yeah well I M PPP I mean yeah get three zooms going um yeah that's a good one definitely want to post it on Monday at the latest here so hang on um yeah this has to go back to the attorney and no extra charge they've scrambled the meaning uh the purpose if I mean if we want to put something in that highlighted block uh General Municipal purposes including without limitation for a public safety building and other uses there's no sense in that sentence of inserting a dollar amount it's it's uh not anticipating it may just be yeah something might have gotten slipped in a a sentence or something out of say again it goes to the question whe whether we're trying to identify a use which I think is really important in both the warrant article and the motion or whether we also need to identify a dollar amount in which case we have to find the right place to insert it not there m it's just that simple Y and I think it's important to say including but not limited to uh Public Safety I think that is a very important uh and the attorneys may have deferred to us to get the name of the building in the right format what we've been it's not the fire station it's public safety building or they may decide that it you know maybe does for some reason it might as Robert was just saying on something else maybe it doesn't it's in the article but it doesn't sorry it's not in the article but you you put it in the motion as you read the motion I I think that that's so that maybe the quite an important question to look at in terms of the dollar amount but not in terms of editing the paragraph that was just up there that would make no sense well we'll go back and take a look at that um so back I'm trying to approve this so John your meeting is when on Thursday yeah what's anybody else's timing on Thursday that line I agree with you that line doesn't it's about us it's not about compensation so what do we need to fill in public safety building yeah or Public Safety yeah is that the question yeah that's a piece of the question yeah cool yeah we can go back and check and see if that had a different wording when that came into US original we're going to leave it blank for the amount so yeah the blank is just in the wrong place I think you're right it's at 6:30 at 6:30 but there needs to be something there or else it's screwed up yes no not disagree the the line for the whatever the words is it just also in the wrong place though yes so we need to say for the public safety complex and other uses um what's anybody else's schedule on Thursday should we try could we try a I don't know should we try a zoom meeting we um the paper while we ponder that thought Finance would like to adjourn their portion okay just like hanging out you guys are just getting on a roll here I don't know can IV all right we are meeting on Monday the 20 at 6:30 to vote on the war articles okay so we will then let Scott know okay but we wanted to include regie in sure okay great so you're meeting Monday the 29th yes okay so we Scot will email you yep and so that you can put our you know Finance commend okay perfect that's great thank you for that and thanks for coming tonight this is really helpful soate it I think in article 11 if the Highlight is is if it's sufficient to say Public Safety complex and other uses M and then it goes on it it doesn't call for the number amount provided that we get clarification that the number can just be in the summary yeah then I don't see why we can't vote on this St I'm not sure if it does or because we have to do a debt exclusion for that if that well that's saying we could take take a vote pending confirmation yeah separately right and then if the lawyer say yeah you're good the vote stands back on Thursday then then we still have to be able to come in everybody to sign the warrant on Thursday we all need to sign this we can't sign it tonight it's not ready even though we're voting on it okay that's Bridge Too Far Man all right fine I tried no so I'm I'm fine if we want to take a vote that this is basically our warrant with the couple changes that we know we've got to verify um subject to verification that the dollar amount does not have to be in the article itself for number 11 or that it could be that it's sufficient or if it does to include it I mean sure well yeah but then we need to at at that point we would not have publicly disclose that number because I I feeling that's what we're going to talk about in executive session so unless we come out of executive session and take a public vote it's not public information right why can't we just the sign good point I don't know I asked I don't know can we just sign the signature page I'm just asking that's what attorneys do they have them just sign the signature page and then make the changes after I will run around to each of your houses if that will make you happy to sign it I don't care I can stop my trying to make it easier for every it's clerical things second great oh Lord Len second to approve the warrant with the editorial uh issues noted after consultation with the Oracle m in for discussion I think the line that's highlighted should say Public Safety or Public Safety yeah with that yes that's my vote but I don't have a JD after my name yeah all right no I think Public Safety complex or whatever should be I heard joy in fav of it yeah that was good yeah so I think okay so we I think we had Sten made a motion and somebody second that uh Dan second second second I seconded oh somebody second who made the motion so that we get our not right I I motion Sten second okay John motion Steven seconded all right all those in favor all right so should be ready to post by Thursday morning all right and then yeah I I'm not in of signing a blank page tonight myself no I say we get the final form th I think we have to have our discussion tonight intive session and figure out what we all think about I'm not going far there you go we will figure it out um but if we can do a zoom meeting that would be one way to do it and then just stop by and put in signatures as long as it's before Monday so either stop by on Friday Scott's here on Friday if that works for people or I'm afraid Robert so I'll do anything so that he all right are we done with a warrant for now yes all right let's move on okay want me to read the warrants my dramatic reading long numbers Robert does that no no he the he's on payroll vend we're not there good Lord we're not even there come on we got a whole agenda here guys all right so the arpa financials Bradley thank you for sending those around um I think in the arpa financial quarterly reports so we still got some people that are not turning in their quarterly reports cut off their funding some people are not taking into account that they have turned in invoices had have actually spent money from arpa because it says budgeted and how much is left and it's still the same amount so I'm going to sit down with Judy tomorrow and we'll kind of go through these reports and see who's got some errors that we need to correct and send it back to them or send them an email to correct it cuz the whole point of this tracker was for Judy to track that quarterly reports were being turned in as we had established and that people are also putting down real figures in terms of what they've been able to spend from what we gave them and those figures should match Bradley's report some of them do and and some of them don't so I'd rather not Bel labor a discussion tonight until we get that cleaner because something is not um sinking so people are just they're not spending a lot of time writing a quarterly report I'll to say that much and so therefore when you get a one sentence quarterly report you know and they're not really telling us much about what's happened I think that's not the point of the quarterly report and when we get audited we will be told that I'm sure so people should really reflect on the progress or the lack thereof in their project that they have been funded for I'm asking a question of someone who's never looked at this form but would would it help to like maybe spell out some of the questions or things that we're looking form the form is I mean no I mean the form is there it's pretty it's not it's like things to fill out it's not it's not much you know it's just people just taking the time to do it and you know so ourly reports is there any other business that can't wait until the next May 7th meeting and we will have excuse me a meeting as usual before the town meeting um up at the school any other businesses coming up here right now so no but just um in your absence the it committee would like us at one of our next available meetings to take up uh to hear their report out on fiber and they believe next STS are ours okay and I thought there was something else but I guess not we can get that scheduled after town meeting oh um the the town administ wants to have an executive session with the slight board uh he indicated our next meeting but I would suggest May 7th is not the night to have that executive session not yeah not the night of town meeting Scott if we need a separate executive meeting we can do that in between just not on the sth something yeah yeah not that night for sure um do we need to meet on the 14th we can either do it on the regular meeting we can add an exact or we've been trying to do depending on the agendas we've you know been trying to split it up so we don't have long meetings and have an exact you know just a short one on inter week but it depends on what the topic is I guess the other thing when we're talking about things to be looked at we do need to get back to the Housing Trust and establish the membership of the Housing Trust we need to be recruiting people to be on that housing trust there's only one select board person but we need four people from the public so that we really need to get back and and uh get on top of our agenda to find people for yes indeed all right what else um storm calendar item Saturday I'm going to attend um Scott may remember the title it was just fishing oh here he is yes the Western Massachusetts Municipal conference I'm going with you I'll be there too oh very good I'll see you there whatever yeah with Ann goby y yeah and western Mass yeah R and western Mass development seminar whatever it is okay um storm waterer utility study I think that's where had we gotten a new quote on that for the um did we hear back from our our counter offer the tie and bond yeah was our TI and bond were going to give us a new quote on the storm water utility study because they had come in too high at one point in time compared to what we budgeted so they were going to come back and take a look at it again yeah let me uh email that around to everybody okay all right yep and then voice over IP I know you've got some of the uh the narrative to do we just have to get the the recording done and put in the the AUD good news the auto attendant stuff the Excel sheet for the sheets that go with it yeah the auto attendant okay right um think it's so it's further over okay uh delinquent cannabis payment we're starting to talk about that and I think what we will recommend I think we had talked about it briefly is that rather than going the legal route we will have um a meeting at least Scott or Scott and I um with the owner of dreamer and just talk about the benefit payments and what's in the current contract and you know what the future looks like Etc right hon honor what you already agreed to do and we'll look favorably onto the future yeah exactly so there's just a you know there's a lot of legal challenges to all these things by the Cannabis commission apparently so all those host country agreements that everybody host yeah host agreements whatever host Town agreements everybody did many of them are being challenged apparently so all right so licenses and permits who has the details to read those out I must have a different agenda because I didn't have cannabis but I had uh underground tank at the highway garage that's on pending still probably or no no uh well I'm on the 23rd agenda as us 23rd we did that last year I'm not seeing it on it's it's on there as a placeholder we haven't U I don't think we've done anything about it three licenses and permits we've got three licenses and permits all con Park yeah so I make a motion to approve the three as a package without objection one day wine and malt for David D Roes Ro conent Park May 5th 2024 10 a.m. to 6 P p.m. one day wine and malt for David capit Tre uh for eastampton Sams Bank conet Park May 18th 2024 11:00 a.m. to 600 p.m. for picnic and a one-day whne and malt for Karen Cabana conent Park May 19th 2024 noon to 5:00 p.m. graduation party second all right any discussion this I assume we verified that they've turned in all their paperwork all their money all their whatever they need to do yes their tip it looked like all the forms were in our pack stuff okay very good okay all those in favor I I all right Stephen yes you are oh no your CLA to fame for your your warrant reading yes oh my goodness thanks dou okay the following warrants have been processed since we last reported to the public treasury warrant W 24- 24a um and V uh offsetting each other in the amount of $355 no cense payroll deduction warrant PD 24-39 the amount of 50,7 19966 payroll treasury warrant PD 24-39 the amount is 39,19126 24-39 the amount is 50, 799 I think that might be a duplicate it could be a repeat sorry which one is we'll go on to the D9 is said PD 24-39 a which is the new item no payroll and then payroll deduction I think we just strike the second occurrence of PD 24-39 PD 24-39 a is in the amount of [Music] $73,345 in the amount of 662 69726 another payroll treasury payroll treasury warrant p2441 the amount is 340,000 27823 payroll deduction warrant PDD DD 24- 41 the amount is 56,3 5394 and finally a treasury warrant w2442 a the amount is 4,000 even mhm second okay all right all those don't usually V on those throw a second when keep things moving along you know yes usually all right we do have two sets of uh minutes to approve one is uh let's take these separately March 26 and this is approval of the minutes of March 26 2024 second Sten and second by John and just a note again for the public no for the public record just a note again that this is the one where had been asked to read out loud the whole issue from uh Mass Department of Agriculture resources on the acquisition of the APR from Hamill so I'm just reiterating that that this is this has been done in public session uh it's been approved it is in our minutes as they required uh this allows them to move forward with the APR acquisition for that property thank you okay all right so all those in favor of this one um please take a vote all those in favor all right and move approval of the minutes of April 3rd 2024 okay motion by Steven second by Joy any comments questions typos please do take a chance to read through of them this is one where we had Tom clear here and I think we spent a lot of time on the school budget here for Hampshire Regional so so I think we're we're getting pretty up to date here so okay we have a motion a second all those in favor I hi all right so I think we may be missing February is what I'm thinking and we'll have Judy track that down I think we we seem to have skipped one somewhere I haven't seen it anyway um okay pending items I don't know that there's anything on the East Street section anything more on the greenway tip on not really at this point in time the Italian Bond folks are working on their design still the do green communities Grant Scott and I have been going round on round on this one um if you recall we approved four projects here at select board uh to go to be applied finally to that $138,000 Grant well unbeknown to us all the paperwork had not been fully submitted and so there's got to be a couple of excel tables that have got to be done and we've asked that the energy folks from eversource actually do an updated Energy Efficiency amount so we can totally understand and um that but the the Green community people are more than excited waiting for us to get that little maskk done so I'm hoping within the next 10 days or so maybe after town meeting whenever we can get that done depending on how quickly ever Source reacts to us but yeah three out of the four should already be done this week they're just waiting for the last oil bill that we're trying to track down the upd 12 month okay good so that getting CL so they're they're more than happy to uh allocate that money out to us and then we can really get it finalized so that was one that we thought was further along in the process but it it hadn't been uh totally completed some of the paperwork was in but not all of it that needed to be in so that's working uh assistant accountant recruitment again we know that we need to keep on doing that um and maybe we find something else besides indeed and I know you're putting it out on the MMA website and various others I think you said Scott right so okay all right so for right now we have our select board meeting on May 7th prior to the annual town meeting and then we will have our other meeting on the 21st I believe of May does that give me the right math y somebody look at a gallender uh yes uh the 21st isn't that question so yeah so the 21st is a town election and I think we cannot do that's the question I don't think we can have a meeting on the same town election so unless we were to do something different with the town election which I don't think we decided to do at this point in time I'm still researching that part still researching whether yeah it looks like if we were to try to push the town election it looks like we need special that that ship has just cancel the select right we'll meet on the 20th instead well no we can we can do it the 22nd we can do it a Wednesday rather than a Tuesday or well I mean if we do it to the next week we we get ourselves off schedule that's the only thing um so that would be an option would be to have it on May 22nd rather than May 21st that would be one one way to do that but we can we can still discuss that if you want to we can come back and figure that out but I think we should we shouldn't go a whole three weeks without a meeting I don't think there's too much stuff that happens yeah to not so okay so tentatively Wednesday the 22nd unless we I won't be able to do that you won't be here no can't do it well or Thursday no I'll be in continuing ed classes May 20 every Monday and Wednesday in the month of May okay Thursday work any better anybody anybody me yeah I don't see in conflicts about a good old Saturday at noon that way we know it'll be quick congratulations well let's okay let's let's tentatively say that one I can do Thursday let's try Thursday the 20 uh 23rd okay May 23rd okay all right I think that's that so with that uh I think we are done with our regular business we'll be joining uh going into executive session in in a moment here and the reason we're going into executive session is per mgl chapter 30A section 21 A6 to consider the purchase exchange lease or value of re property if the chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body and this is regarding the public safety building site so with that can I motion to go into executive session all right all right um just for and just for the right we are not returning I don't think we will return tonight no um I don't think we will have any information to come back to at this point so um we have a motion in a second uh all those in favor roll call please lumbra I Johnson I Piper ey La Val ey Al ey okay we are adjourned at about 7:43 and we will to Media if you could just text me just to make sure y that we're off the air cuz the TV is not working e