##VIDEO ID:dlPwByjvE2I## okay so a lot a lot of M verse nope that's okay go ahead no a lot of them are what not making crash s single single single finger I see that's what I thought don't say anything that can be used against you in a quot a log is live yeah anyway uh good evening everyone this is it is uh Wednesday August 28th 2024 this is the uh a working session of the Agricultural commission uh this our regular meeting wait a minute yeah this is our regular meeting isn't it no 28th the second Wednesday is regular yes yes no this is not the regular fourth Wednesday is working session my time is not I don't even know what day it is yeah well there we go GL you all showed up all right anyway anyway we do have a we do have a quorum with myself Bert Hansen Sage Fury Zack Barnett Dan Cook Jessica Whitmore Parker Jen uh D petro and Tom Jos on Zoom so there we go is no one else in Zoom no one else in zo no one else is online and I know the D on um so anyway welcome everyone um uh our main thing is to review the open Farm day which was I still can't get over it uh what a success that was um and as Jen knows I went to the select board meeting on Monday and I took an open Farm day sign with me and when they said uh any you know public comments I went you yeah with the sign you know okay Mr Hansen that great there so I just gave him a you know a quick overview of what success it was uh there were uh extended hours um more volunteers 48 volunteers not including Adcom members uh five National Honor Society kids nine people from the Big Y y was big that was good uh there were 171 people at Klein view they took some bookings for lessons there were 142 of blasing Acres doing hay rides in the rain I mean people were like Hey where's the hay rides I you know wow they were dedicated people here they even said a lot of them pulled me aside and we're like yo you know what we're here because we're here to support our Farmers I was like that's awesome thank you very excellent yeah um second Eden a newest Farm 108 people there and we kind of put them on the map um they got 12 orders for Thanksgiving turkeys including myself there are 99 people at Arnold's uh tobacco which was and the people are just fascinated by tobacco you know um and 68 at the scoop and we I think Sage you said there were at least three groups that heard of open Farm dayv through Granville so um would have been more if it was darn inconvenience but yeah and then um you know the the collaboration with calibri and malicious that really worked out great how many do they have well they went through 160 years of oh my God so 85 people on my list so 85 people actually checked in when you know they they came to actually see us you know which is awesome I mean there was people that was curious and and there was like regular customers too right uh yeah yep yeah so same thing at blossoming Acres yep yeah so they were busy all day that's cool all people actually from um blossoming Acres came to Firefly because they didn't know the event even was happening how PL of makers was actually a big promot during the event oh that's awesome okay yeah so some people came from them directly saying that they saw that day lost nice hub for advertising yeah that's excellent that sort of cross domination that's really that's so sweet uh and then I had to add this little fun fact that you know when the day started I was I was getting text messages hey we've got somebody at Firefly field so hey we're up to 25 fck hey volunteer X you where where are they well and so we switch people around so I got 80 text messages 80 text messages about Farm Day stuff thing charge for text messages so so just just really really great um and definitely want to hear from all you guys and I think we should actually interview the farm each Farm say how what' you think how it go would you do something different next year or would you like something different next year and so we can do that I there's there's 11 Farms there's 10 of us probably not too bad yeah we can each take a farm yeah uh there are some talk about and tell me if you heard any of this about you know 10 o starting at 10 o'clock and that's kind of church time for people to go to church it's Sunday morning and or kind of Sunday morning kind of mindset we had people show up right at the beginning all the way through yeah right at 10 never stop not everyone goes to church anymore so well that's for sure yeah definitely not for us um the main items like the corn and the ice cream didn't start until 12 so but she said I was welcome to set up and and I did get some people in I would say probably about 10 people came in before okay um I did have a lot of Rush during the you know that time to yeah yeah so but we had kids going through the maze that early on you know things like that which was awesome so a lot of people brought their brought their M you know their their with them was awesome so they're into it which is great you know and putting stickers on and stuff like that stickers didn't stick that well in the rain oh oops kids were sticking them to themselves everything's curling up and I actually looked before I left cuz I was only at DS until like like half the day and before I left there was like we were at like 69 or 70 and so really we had all of that before before one there was only like 30 30 more from from there so okay yeah we say morning well 10 10 o'clock it is yeah it worked well it's not too early it's not too late yeah and other than um other than the like I think there's five people who came from last year everyone was New Again the Firefly everyone was read got first time wow yeah so they're they're really getting nice advertising out of this it's helped them a lot getting the word out goat Yoo is apparently very big because every time I mentioned popular every time I mention they're like oh I got sign up for this I didn't even know this existed in our town like yep so I was talking to shaa Sherry at um second Eden about that and she goes what if the goat poops on you people don't tend to ask questions like that here I guess that's not really an issue I think I might win the furthest somebody came from Nebraska Nice oh yeah so they they like from and um they said they they saw it on Facebook but I don't know if they came obviously for that but I mean I'll take it New York and New Jersey and stuff like this I think people were here visiting family oh Farm day oh sure do I think even out of the country we had visitors that just to be in the vicinity when they came I think the furthest we had was bis's in-laws from Westwood M I didn't know that was a town interesting I don't have the paper um I did have a lot of people visiting Southwick from other towns like um Palmer Springfield um they saw the sign and they stopped so signs on the road because I was on the main road so like people coming in to town they're like oh we're going to visit family get some things for them you know and they they took advantage of the Maze and things like that yeah and again Westfield Fair same weekend so we're we're doing well oh that's Queens New York I think was the farthest we had not the best weekend for a fair either so I mean that weather was wild and for the bear kind worse for them who wants to go on a a ride you know right what I'm saying it was funny cuz Zach and I are both looking at our radar and he's like there's like no rain over us and I'm looking at mine like my radar was not working I'm like it's not going away anytime soon I think it's just gonna get worse we like attracted it and what's funny is right after that day it was just nice weather whole week the sun came out I'm like sure the one day it's like it gave us the perfect day last year so I just knew something was G to happen you can't get that twice that's true I probably i' be pushing it um I mean I I think if with the come turn out what we had in that weather which even um fire even Firefly Lindsay was like yeah you know if this was any other day and it was not Farm day I would had all cancellations nobody would have came and I'm like that that's good to know because that means that at least we're helping yeah you know we're shedding light and all the people that we did have attend was just amazing because Without Rain easily would have tripled quadruple crazy I don't know that we prepared how would they do it well no one would have cancel us first off yeah Rin scared some people away yeah I had five people in the morning I was like holy why do I have five people in the morning that's great um so I'm wondering so we had 11 locations this year and I don't no I don't think we can really add I if somebody else wants to join next year I'm not sure Howa we're going to handle that you know volunteers volunteers we're gonna have to start early on volunteers and actually get a roster we should really try to actually get a legit list that people are like we we want to help because uh the people that did come a lot of them were that type of people that would have probably just said you know sign me up right there unfortunately with the rain and everything I didn't want to distract them from all the rest there just came at that point we have a good list of everyone who was here Jen and I have emails for everybody that would be big and sign ups in the school I want to see if we can get us a list in there so they can just they know about it tell their families maybe even maybe Big Y will help us out I don't know I mean we could start talking to people just saying can you put our uh our signup sheet or at least some kind of notice in your shops just so people are aware there is we're looking for this for next year yeah is that Southwick and Westfield or just Westfield what uh for the volunteers that we oh we're discriminate I want anybody that will I mean this year the big white people were all which looks bad on oh well we could advertise too in big white put up a sign do that try put it outside put on a car put it on your car that's too bad but anyway yeah it was great I haven't kept my name tag because my my stepson's girlfriend made it for me well there you go I forgot don't worry it didn't stick oh yeah mine stucks at the table literally we put ours on and it just was immediately done oh I was soaked so I mean yeah even my kids we put ours on the table ask Tom he watched my kids just get soaked and soaked because he helped make it happen and what' you say Dan it wasn't me it was everyone else with the tents and Dan I think you said in a text wet socks for everyone yeah not my youngest he had the proper insert Farm too I was like wow it was great he was on the front page of westfi news and that he deserved that ask you if youer I couldn't get one so um from like multiples now oh okay because people keep giving them TW us that wet suits from Washington wife was saying yeah her cousins live out there oh wow send it to us they live on a farm actually it's poetic so at solx we had over a 100 people not much maybe like 101 two yeah okay we had three people come say they learned learned from um the ice cream place up in Granville okay that would be their first stop and people that came were like from simsberry they went up to get an ice cream and they're like oh there's a farm day and they came down that was the the point we were trying to do is so they come back yeah Boomerang effect yeah and some people I know of you kind of planned their route and they made the scoop the last side so either way figure it out yeah so so I don't know so should we try to solicit more Farms or if somebody kind of raises their hands I mean how many more can we solicit well that's what I'm wondering how more are there I know I mean there's Rays Farms there Ray our army yeah we tried the first year and they didn't want anything to do with it well it's we just got a second one and we just had a lot of people Rave about it so he might change his mind this time around doesn't hurt to try or ask we should try to get him to come to the farmers for first there's no commitment required I don't think we've ever seen him here most of his farmlands in Westfield yeah but his farm stands and no no no I get I totally get it but I'm just saying he deals with but he's got the green houses people could go through I love going through those green houses I mean I had a lot of people on my list from Westfield yeah we had a lot of West people but this is the the point I make people have land outside of our town it's not fair to discriminate it's not fair to hold against them I think all farm should be allowed if they're interested as long as we can make it work yeah yeah it's gotta be in the general it's got be obviously possible for a root as long as it's within the roote that we can make work something like Regional like I don't Jen when you're done Jen when you're done yeah s I'm done I was going to say I think like I I agree within a general vicinity but I think our primary obligation is to the town to at least solicit them consistently whether they've said no in the past or not I think we have to ask them and then as they say no and we get no additional like even if it's staggered by a week or whatever you know then we we expand out I'm I'm fully supportive of Lo local near us within you know Westfield yeah within reason um or there's some connection some unique connection yeah yeah that we can emphasize but I think we have an obligation to the Farms that have said no in the past we can't just give up on either oh no no no never I'm not suggesting anyone saying that I'm just we need to ask them every single year and and get no response or a no yeah yeah that's good point Tom I agree and we also have new farmers who are probably now going to be established for the next upcoming on so we definitely have to reach out to them too right what what might be interesting is if we could inquire when they say no if there's anything we could do to help them change their mind to a yes if they would consider it is it volunteers is it money is it like what is it just just more for information right because there could be other there could be Farms that we could maybe talk to and convinced to participate if we said oh do you need help with volunteers oh well we have this slate of volunteers that are willing to come help more than just the day of the day day before the week before whatever you need to feel comfortable um you know just it just may be something that may help increase the particip local participation you know versus just a hard no yeah what about the case SP right on Rising Corner oh I don't know knew them she put a sign up at their house oh and they have the cows and stuff she put a sign up Zach for what no no not open one of the big farm farm Day signs up so right when you come up to Rising corner at the stop sign rain yeah oh that's so if you're coming from from like awam or S you go up the little Hill that farm that you're looking at okay okay that's case Farm okay I don't I think it's Al it is it defin it definitely is yeah yeah I think the it's like 100 feet down the road is the proper yeah I feel bad for that because everybody all those headlights at night you know right into the house right well they got blackout C old farmhouse I was probably pretty loud oh yeah even mind I hear Cars one side of the house in yeah I'm sure very PR so used to it though yeah no no because it's every now and then you get the 90 mile per hour driver on a 35 person with no exhaust pipes yeah well that's that's funny three houses down is where they live it's where anyway so anything oh go B sorry just I'm just thinking out loud here is there any way I mean it may be too much but if Suffield has an open Farm day we know gramby does is there any way we co could coordinate the weekend with them so if people really wanted to explore instead of dedicating two weekends to go to farm days it could be one I'm just thinking out loud it's not a bad idea like a regional Farm day think September 18th or something I just saw posted yeah I I doubt we could sway them to change their date it's been that date forever I think which I think I'm just saying like try like a try town like try Town Farm day or something you know no I agree that's that'd be great to have because or I haven't heard that they do but we can also maybe play a the of let's see what everyone's Farm days are in around us and then make like a a map road map for Farm days and this is our farm day circuit we fall on this day they fall on or that this weekend they fall this weekend they fall on this weekend and you can get all your farming knowledge and needs cross like yeah yeah Farm day I had them they posted on the hilltop Farm do they have an Adcom ours yeah they posted ours okay Hilltop Hilltop do they have an agricultural commissioner I'm sure they do but I don't think they're as Lively as us they don't have the Farms they used to but they got yeah a lot of tobacco yeah yeah yeah there's no more Dairy fins but s Field's got a huge FFA part of their school they've got that alpaca form that's like really have you guys heard that roaring it's roaring AC in subfield and they do a ton of events for like kids so like I've gone a couple times they do a huge Easter egg hunt with the Easter money they do like a trick-or treat Halloween and they've got like they've got a ton of like woods and everything so they've been bringing a lot of people in um on Facebook but yeah it's like and then after that you can go in like the go in with the alpacas and you can like Fe them and that whatever but yeah so that's like been pretty been pretty it's been very popular the only thing I'll say is Suffield is huge it is you know and they're Farms I mean they do have Farms everywhere um even I mean if you think about it near in Suffield right near Six Flags there's horse farms and all of that stuff we just I think we just got to be cautious on that because Zach even like you're pointing out right in your Rising corner just down the hill from that there's a whole another farm right there you got the CSA farm and then right like literally in Suffield like instead of going up the hill if you took uh if right at the corner yeah they have a ton of stuff going on there tons of farm equipment everything so we just got to be cautious because if we engage with with safield yeah it's just so big it could be all the way to you know almost East Windsor you know right it's so big with the 11 locations we have people are saying well gee I can't we don't necessarily need more well I mean remember now the point isn't to get to all of them in one shot that's why we do this for you know every year it's the fact is you're supposed to stay with a couple get to know your farmers get to know what they're doing learn something we had a couple people yeah you can't stay very long if you do that yeah you're missing the year perfect time to do it oh yes it's raining all right next place yes rain days are perfect for that you check them all out then you know which one you really want to focus on next year yeah I like how it's in August because it's right before it's still summer yeah kids are not in school yet it may be a hot day but the farmers picked this it's the best day for them that's great yeah and rainy it was still comfortable yeah yeah yeah oh Billy sees but he doesn't do anything on Sunday he right there's additional there's more horse farms in South too yeah there are like there's Vining Hill there's the coill one there's there's name of the other one but there's at least really Farms are just a place to board horses view the one yeah I mean there's not many horse farms it's placed aboard know people always out they do like L and used to be Farm I'm just saying that's no I know well we want history want education Hill more if they have it and they're willing to offer it then that's that but I also think it ties into because like K view has like a 4 Club oh speaking of Cl there was a small issue when that place opened oh yeah my wife went there first okay and they couldn't do the rides because there were still riding blessings going on yeah so to double check on the timing or at least I think at least if we had advertised it like we had known you know like the corn was from 12 to 3 yeah if we started but we need to know that ahead of time yeah and Granville scop made made theirs um more appliable to um this is our soft 12 to three but if we if we get people enough to demand we'll do it earlier or later you know but gave me hard days doal with the corn how come they couldn't have corn till 12 that's it doesn't grow until I think the person who was doing it arrived at a certain time then they just coordinated the ice cream with the corn and they had a video set up though about that was pretty cool so it was good you know that was new I think this year for them now was that where Cali maybe if it was such they would be willing to expand their hours for next year maybe maybe starts corn at 11 and I think it might have to do with how many people they had available right no one really wants porn for breakfast but I know but I pick it the night before I don't I don't Thinking Out of the Box well had 160 years you know some some I'm just happy they did more than they did last year oh yeah like they they had a spot for us I was lucky I was under cover but yeah it last year we were a nuisance to yeah well that's the thing maybe when it comes to all this I noticed that not one person ever had a complaint that came to my farm on anything they I was having complaints like crazy La the first year because of a couple Farms oh and this time there was no complaint a lot of people that are just having a great time we also have to when on the ring yes parking was easy by the way that was awesome we only needed her initial parking spot that's it they were just coming in nice flow the entire time oh and I forgot they they brought out a huge tractor too for everybody to see on the outside so they actually parked one right so everybody could actually go and they had yes so they had some stuff for the kids you know they couldn't climb up in it but they could look at them you know which is good but anyways I couldn't bring my kids they had been in there driving in yeah I mean every to your point stage every everybody was in such good spirits I I don't think you could have gotten a better turnout in any other event this one literally the people were just coming period they were determined I haven't seen that ever especially because they know there's no shelter they're gonna be out in the drenching rain they know it and they still came yeah and the funny thing is there only one person asked about the whole the the the competition one that you had you know the prizes yeah they didn't they were like oh okay you know but they still had their whole thing filled up with stickers so they were still they're like oh yeah that's fine this is still so it was great should I mean no one goes for the advises that was that actually hurted a little bit that was that was the other complaint that we had people like I wish you guys didn't do this because there were people just running and junning through the farm and just kinding of collect the yeah that's what that's what Donna said last year were just like jumping out of the car sticker name on the thing in the Bott your next place yeah that hurted a lot yeah so I think that we did you know maybe we drew a little bit different Crowd by doing that as well yes true true we didn't have the guy in the bike though this year no about no I know he made it to solax remember him telling me he's going I got one more farm he had to go down yeah yeah that would have been he probably saw that and was [Laughter] like that yeah oh man oh there see there is one one thing I would like to add to um one of our meetings is um figuring out a requirement sheet because we haven't done that yet and I think that that's necessary to control also what people actually do with this event just to make sure it doesn't get to where it was the first year yeah because um it should be have an education component yeah it should have an interactive something and just history yeah I think those three should be a requirement even if you can't allow um you know people on your land and everything um like they did that you know my my area they had something for everybody to say up front you know and it was great display and you know so I mean just history and lessons you know I think maybe as what we could do we could make like a poster for each farm with their history tent I would love to do that we you know we should waterpr absolutely oh yeah so I didn't hear one thing on Penny saber oh I did Facebook led the that is true for me live actually too yes I thought for sure we something out we're gonna save money next year definitely Facebook at at the beai farm not Southwoods since uh they weren't on the Southwoods one the brochures got a bunch of those and a lot of word of mouth too oh yeah Southwoods did help a lot on the that magazine yeah yeah that one right there yeah that helped a lot too yep and brochures was on the multiple people said they got the brochures the funny part is our Facebook our new atcom Facebook not a lot of people are on it but they a lot of people see it they're always liking up 500,000 Andie was awesome sh oh that was great that was great yeah and about each Farm every thing on my timeline was yes and did you see the amount of people that were like had marked like interested in coming I mean it was like over 400 or something I mean that's never and the website also got a lot of traction it was to th viewers every day wow were we getting hits during Farm day did you notice on our website from the QR code or anything oh I I can't track that unfortunately I can only track visitors the visitor comes up there doesn't right date though time it does date stamp I'll look into the date stamp and see what I can get for a number interesting if people actually clicked on it yeah that's a good point also told me that they preserved all their be built on they sold all their building rights what's that called was it like a APR or okay which I was I was like that's great yeah that is good they want to keep it in the family and do whatever yeah the kids are all y the boys are in their late 20s perfect well Bey has the same thing going on their kids want to take over the farm too so we're going to definitely see some generations in these Farms so Andrew the one that had the Spees he ran into trouble this year because it was so hot in July I guess they didn't have honey right he didn't have enough yeah it evaporates all the uh nectar that they gather so there's a little window for them to go out in the morning and collect it and then the rest of the day it's dried up really that's why you you were saying that you didn't see them well well I was there he said he called Billy C oh really yeah what's going on Billy said same thing I'm I no production B and I went to the B thing at the library did they talk about that they didn't say that we could have I could have stayed there for hours every time he talked about something I just came up with like more and more questions yeah it was good it was interesting he no no no I'm kiding first thing he says like a b guy the B guys will just talk forever yeah like we got kicked out of the library cuz close their main audience just buzzes so I mean I'm sure they love English where did he where's this guy from Billy C no it wasn't Billy C Nate sper from the where is he from hon County but they have a be school in subfield yeah Andrew said he's really knows his stuff yeah this guy that did the class definitely does they do it um be school is um it's a SAT three Saturdays like 90 bucks January February March something like that it's full day Saturdays teaches how to collect the honey and all wow and you can buy like 3D through them for like 40 bucks which is cheaper than anywhere else if you're part of the club or whatever yeah one of these days maybe I want to just I don't know when I have the time for it that's a promised time yeah got to start managing these things you might as well become a big fun right if I can get the land I would I I don't have enough I wish I I just need an acre and a half more and I can blast as one all I need what do you four or something four and a half six well you only need half an acre then why is it I think I think five acres just thought it was six is it unless they changed it i' have find out again but I I know that I just need a little more land and then I can be classed a farm I'm starting with chickens go say prove that you sold much money two years I mean there's a couple other things you got to do too if that's become 61a is six AES okay I mean you can Farm we have a right to farm yeah but but the thing is you have to be a certain amount to actually be able to establish with like Brands and stuff I you big tax bre to make that qualification I think so I'll look into it see if that's possibility because I'd love to be classed as one and I'm GNA be having more than that I'm have goats and donkey and stuff goat yoga I might you never know that thing's popular Money Money Maker what is it oh my God Co I know me they love stepping on people them doing it to them just give them a little bit of feed human I don't know if we're on this yet but I had some ideas um that came up during the event um I know for new ideas for 2025 okay yeah sure um so uh one of the thing I was thinking of was having like a senior center bus for them to we have talked about that and I asked them and I possibly you know they just you know Cara cartell whatever was the interim director now Lisa Anderson is the director and have like a tour for them or something that they can brought up the van idea because they they have two Vans I believe okay that's and then or or maybe a shuttle if it gets so big that people can take the shuttle instead of and that would save gas people you know emissions I should say or if people have like mobility issues too yeah yeah yeah so that's one of the things another thing um it could be great you know if it just had a like a rout every you know hour you know if it gets so big where we can do that that might be a thing or yeah um the other thing was um so don was saying that um she was thinking that it would be kind of good to have uh maybe a a donation thing for the food bank and she actually just did it she actually just put something together with a it was very professional looking on the table and she got donations for the food sou while I was there she was talking about that and how they she'd like to do it yeah at more Farms but she didn't want to overstep right yeah it was just uh she asked me to bring it up as an idea food donations or monetary or both mon well what's that I'm sorry monetary or food donations they both even if it's perishable we can bring it down because they have refrigerators right I mean well I mean like people who have farm eggs those last outside of a fridge for like if you don't wash them yeah if you don't wash them for like days and days and days weeks oh that's true yeah so I mean you always eggs you don't was soon as you wash them you ruin it yeah there's a coating on them naturally and if you wash them you wash the coating out that protects them from bacter United States is like one of the only countries that actually ref I've heard just keep on the camer y yeah oh I went to Germany you should have saw they have a bowl like this big from a small farm three Ball's this High I was like please eat I'm like I can't eat all like my one of my daughters has chickens and she has a thing in her kitchen it's kind of a spiral so you know you take a couple eggs out they roll down I like that idea yeah Wonka eggs some of them might get really filthy though you have to wash them yeah yeah a lot of them come out clean and then some of them they just like I think they actually break the break an egg and it gets on everything so then everything sticks to it I saw a trick where if you have a second a little hole and a secondary PTO about two inches offset it'll actually drop nicely and separate from everything and be on all my chickens lay in one spot they take turns that's I mean that's that's easy it's weird for the kids collecting or something if they step on an EG and it breaks and everything gets all yucky yeah yeah yeah that's good and they had uh actually at the history museum uh they had a donation jar you know for the History Museum oh nice okay yeah that's that's okay how was the hamton county Improvement Le thing well we had a little miscommunication um they didn't realize they were supposed to be there oh show up right I mean I I you know shortly before the day I okay you know Mike petrusa said okay Mike you who's coming and he goes what farm day what have volunteers for that stand though that we're part of well they did bring a a display thing a trifold thing some brochures and stuff like that and mening it the people who were there gave a little crash course and what hcil is and actually one of the one of the big people was kind of took it over they also have a farm too I mean there's not a lot going on there but yeah that's true hey if they have history that's good enough people love learning they got a beautiful view maybe they got like you photos up there photo moments Family yeah I don't know if they would open it up to anyone but well mik were there like every day working on it yeah I mean if they have a great view like that could always asked Angie if her husband Jason would be interested in taking photos there for people for that event yeah yeah good any other things Jennifer we talked about see um I think um Tom mentioned last time wondering about times like he was mentioning 12 to 4 or 10 but we I think we decided to keep it I think I think it was really good seems like that down for something and then um when um my idea I think I said it um last time was when sponsors they they donate and they sponsor us maybe they can have a banner for their window like you know instead of like some of the people business yeah like for their business if they they decide to sponsor us then we can um give them a banner sponsor yeah last year um Ina did kind of thank you like um thank you signs oh you know we supported Farm day oh that's the other yeah yeah yeah oh that's great but I think that's a good idea Jen maybe before the fact they're a sponsor yeah and then they could just say more advertising too sure one thing I'm I'm wondering if we can possibly pull off I don't know if we can do it this upcoming Farm day because it might be a lot to do but I'm wondering if we can pull our resources if we have extra to actually make custom farm Day signs for those who are actually participating like literally give each Farm a a decent Siz sign and says I'm a farm come see me in you know Farm Cali you know open Farm day blah blah blah but the farm day I'd want detached because what I'd like is the farmers to actually have this sign for their business as well so this way they actually get some on Farm day on that level too I think that' kind of be nice because there's i' seen a lot of farmers don't have fancy signs or big signs or anything I mean Firefly this is why it's Miss so much it's a sign firly it's all say Firefly like that's why I couldn't find the first time I was over there yeah tricky to and there a lot of farms like this I've seen only small signs on doesn't have a farm or a sign yeah there's Farmers don't have signs at all second have like a handmaid sign right yeah something that we can visit on a daily basis do they have open hours and things like that not really no it's probably like my appointment only I see that's a good question I could ask do they have a website or Facebook page or something I don't know and I kind of don't think how are they getting orders for turkeys and stuff like that yeah uh It's gotta be a website still work in progress oh very much um yeah hope they in sell turke they don't have Tom Tom do you have something yeah yeah yeah yeah so Sage I'll agree with you I think it's important because the signs are so similar to just an advertising open Farm day that it's not clear that the location is actually a participating Farm like Bai farm for example right we had the sign that said Southwick open Farm day but they have no idea that we're a participant or if we're just advertising good that's why I want make it so the farm Day part is removable right so I was thinking we could like along those lines we could just make a sign with the name of each farm and say like South like open Farm day participant Bai farm calib farm and you have it like next to or with the sign that we already have okay so we don't have to like double print that you know what I mean that's a good idea and and have it be double like double sided so you could see it from both directions because we were thinking about about that a little bit that's one comment and then Jen on your comment on the times I mean honestly I I know the weather was adverse this year but we didn't have more than two or three sets of people probably six to eight people Max before noon we had no one for an hour and a half so Roger you know gave me the feedback that he wants to be 12 to four period yeah I mean we can do that we can do that so so what so so the and my mother-in-law had a great idea like maybe on the actual passport we could put the hours of participation for the various form hours of corn and ice cream yeah right right so again just want to provide that feedback from Roger that it's 12 like Bai wants to be 12 to four obviously obviously we're going to be ready but if people come at 11:30 like are we is he going to grd his teeth yes but we're still going to do it um you know but you know we we still had a great time it was a wonderful day that volunteers you know we offered to let some of them leave but they wanted to stay the entire time so your setup was awesome yeah Sage we had special guest appearances you know where which was awesome and you guys saw it in the TCH string and yeah you had you had Marissa and Greg and Elliot too right yeah and we found out Marissa's mom is an NPR nepm celebrity uh radio host on yeah Sunday nights she doesa no so it was F no it was overall a great day just some feedback on I think it would be helpful like everyone's already said that name of the farm and a participant emphasizing that for the yards or the entrances and um you know if we could differentiate times on the passport to you know for Farms that may not be open from or want to be open or can afford to be open 10 to4 um if it's 12 to four if we could just highlight that and emphasize that on Facebook and how we're marketing I think that that would be a nice little addition as I'm remembering actually that Roger said that last year he said well 12 to4 is going to be it for us yeah and it went with 10 to4 I remember the big downside of this this event was that it rained like crazy so I mean this really sucks for when people would actually come because honestly I think that if it didn't rain we would have all just we wouldn't know what to do it ourselves we would have had too many people I agree with sage it was very hard to tell like what would have happened on a a day like last year between 10 10 and 12 for like where we are you know we're a little off the beaten path because we're closer on the Westfield side but you know we only had a couple people before 12 and and I mean that's fine because if you know next Farm day be open at that time and if people arrive early at least you know hey maybe we should change our time back I mean whatever happens with all the people you know I think we should emphasize rain or shine too yes yes because people were confused I know on Facebook they were saying is it still going is it was like commenting on multiple being like yeah were saying are we have we have a rain date nope no rain dates in farming did said make or break this is all our availability was we get everyone to agree one thing no one understood is every farmer had to be available and it's hard yeah you're synchronizing 11 Fally no way now you got to do two days yeah case it's not gonna happen I think the only thing it would really shut us down is like a hurricane or yeah this point yeah it's gonna be something hard there was some thunder in light a little bit ther later on we had Thunder and it didn't scare anyone away everyone coming yeah because I had a lightning bolt overhead of firefly and the people that parked still got out they still can't do I'm going I'm here I'm here we're doing it that's great yeah when it was raining when it was raining I said to my brother law like how much worse could it get in like literally 10 minutes later Thunder yeah we're definitely tough hey you saw my kids they were getting drenched left and right and they didn't care Dan and I were saying the only thing would have been worse was if it was windy blowing rain blowing them tense around I'm out yeah we're going to do a rain day all well I would have gone in the barn well this is the thing was going yeah we're going to have everyone back here for a farmer Forum again we're going to ask them what they think about a rain day just to make it clear just to see what happens because maybe this this will change your mind about it or they'll say you know what we did good let's just keep it this way sure I mean let's just ask question I think our farm was very happy yeah yeah I know Firefly was I mean there SE I heard several people you Arnolds yeah yeah you should have stuck around the G out t-shirts at the end but sunflow ones really it's okay I have a connection I think I I had a couple notes just from our so um last year we had two bags for like two separate Farms this year we only had the one so we were like scram I was like scrambling to put that together so I just want to make sure that we get two bags um for D's question that night the the meeting before were bags there was one or two Miss saying when were you were handing so in used one of the bags at our demonstration at the fire station so she still had it oh that's fny right okay yeah so that um that we could really definitely use the lanyard since the name tags didn't stick in the range uh that we needed extra pens because we only have like two pens oh that same yeah actually so just like a little housekeeping stuff but I was like let me take notes because they won't remember and then the last thing so we had um a woman that came and when we asked her how she heard about it she said from um a school was like a school or a daycare it's on the list I think I put it on the list it was in subfield yeah somewhere in safield so I was in their like yeah they Top Farm maybe so we were saying like oh maybe that's another place to get some more brochures to like dayc carees or people looking for stuff to do with their you know their kids amount day think sum schooling about the schol you know just put something up in you know like to your point I think it's a regional school there was no school so I was thinking when she said it it was like a want to do it like a library we did have at the libr at the library someone subfield libraryi library is huge when I go there to put up our baseball posters because our home field seld go in there there's all sorts of stuff put up I think we need at least twice as many Flyers next year yeah oh yeah they're good that cost I know Granville was very more and I'm thinking close to a third of the people at solx Farm subfield simsberry wow yeah we had lot of a lot ofield people that's PR we can do more flyers and after I said this is getting a little bit in the weeds I think but I don't know do we need you we had flyers and brochures I think we ran out of the brochures but this is a cheaper item right here for sure well can't we just print that at Town Hall yeah we did we did print it so that's free right yeah yeah who do we get this printed from who who Madea doesn't with it online yeah I think it's America's printer oh it's America they're actually pretty cheap you know for the amount we get they're they're pretty cheap um little tricky they're in California I think and it's little oh yeah it took time to get them I that this the print usually ships like the day after order be doing that at Southwoods though shouldn't we be given our money to them yeah well I mean we to do a lot with them we do do a lot with them like as you saw so you're going to go buy corn in Westfield or you gonna buy corn in South because of the price Sage don't try I know I know I yes we'll get from they don't have to be cheaper but no right if it's close yeah yeah I'm okay with that sure we're just gonna have to put in more effort for um trying to acquire or accumulate money because we already know we're not going one route anymore for the event they didn't cut our budget did they oh they actually threatened it and they threatened it but they didn't actually do it yeah next they they questioned question using yeah using the money and having a Grandville business but I think that's all but that's all worked out I I think it's okay and I think what we got from donations covers pretty much all of our expenses within a few most of the advertising is covered by the sponsors but if we're talking about more media then we have to make sure that we definitely get that plus maybe a little more for that extra media that we're going to be advertising well maybe we can find a better way to solicit more donations next year too right right I mean you know Ina is pretty much a Onan band yeah yeah she's very helpful I love her for helping us so much I said would they'll do gift certificates or gift cards I get I get but just saying like you know they don't a couple hundred dollarars or sad I can look into it but it's hard to get money out of them don't they support locals can I ask a quick question on uh brochures versus Flyers like what's the benefit of a brochure more expensive versus like a onepage piece of paper yeah that's a good question I mean you printed in color at the town hall right right yep so why could we just make that a triy or print this on regular paper or we can even get some thicker paper or or just have it be a one pager like is it like someone not gonna say oh I'm not gonna grab it because it's noted it's true does the one town all do I don't know but you can always put them back in true yeah I mean we could do something like or we could make bigger 11 by 14 or something I do know that we're in a digital age now and this is more of I than yeah just saying I get it but what if you put that on a poster yeah it up oh yeah no I mean but it's got to sit on like people's and stuff but where are we putting it at a checkout at a checkout line somewhere pretty yeah I know all the ones that tractor sply and IBS they vanished quickly like does it does it can't like does it really need to be even that big right I mean if you look at some of the things like you see see at the stores and all that they're not big they're not laminated you know but oh wow what is this oh that's something I'm interested in and and you just grab it it doesn't have to be big and elaborate necessarily I'm saying some places maybe yesy yeah yeah Zach is saying the brochure is glossy now this you know speaking of digital age I mean there's a lot of words on this there is yeah I think we could we could take some of some of that out I get more eye catching and it could be printed on this kind of paper you so we'll have to look into that next year and see how we how did how did we do with these guys do we have leftovers or did we get rid of all of them no we've got leftovers okay which one is that that's the passport the passport we got lots of those okay no that's fine because but we also have less people yes we had a lot less people again lot lot of words on here it would be good if we could reuse them like maybe standardize that yeah instead of having a date on it doesn't need to have the date on it it doesn't because if the Farms change or like hours change you probably update some sort of update every year right unless we just say it's kind of a Keepsake yeah has dat on it but isn't that the passport intent yeah passport intent has to be keep away well hold on maybe could we do something that maybe is as small as like a business card size and then you have a QR code that's larger because if people are up there they may be like oh cool snap the QR code you know like in the digital age and then something small that they just put in their pocket you know talking about replacing the passport no I'm just saying the brochure pamphlet at the point of sale stuff that were dropping off if it had a QR code in a a business card someone could grab that we providing you know to that location I know my kid my kids like to grab every piece of literature every time we go to traffic spot yeah so the smaller the better right I mean and the cheaper could even like be a double-sided postcard or something I don't know like they were doing something for the um Southwick dine or D Southwick they were gonna put a I don't know if they got them in time because I was expecting them to be in the yeah I think they weren't able to do them yeah but they were thinking of just like a postcard or something QR code but yeah if you un that um for sure it's just eight and a half by 11 I believe yeah that's right so actually I be smaller I mean same yeah same sizeer I mean we could just print that on you know thicker computer paper yeah y okay [Laughter] the one the one thing that I I did uh make sure I adjust on the website and everything but I definitely want to thank all our sponsors they they were amazing we had got so much from them y working on ads right now the same Publications where we advertise it was coming some thank you ads sponsors yes too so big why was a definit big help with volunteers too that that was great place this and to get all this in westfi Big Y yes so my wife can to work I me like South color yes yep yes thank you very much westfi Big W love app that really attracts your eye absolutely you hang these at all the libraries and the town halls around right that's very yeah it definitely centers you on Sage have you seen it what it's just one of our baseball make our farm Day poster colorful where did you put that we put them at the Saia Library that's great oh yeah all the different you know the restaurants around here and stuff that's NE another place we can attack as restaurants hanging up posters and I'm talking about for this Sage maybe we could put logos from all the organizations that participated you know Big Y Pope Francis Southwick High School National Honor Society you know and and amongst others you gotta have permission to use them as logo right but we could yeah yeah but that's good one you do need to ask um are we sending thank yous to the I know we put emails out but are we sending thank you certificates volunteers as well or we did thank you note cards last year but I'm kind of wondering if if we can just email everybody yeah say thank you and give some highlights of uh the good results we got I know what do you think should we do the print thing or email I I would do email I would do probably do email if we have yeah we don't I don't well last year I didn't have everybody's addresses so what I would say is this though if we do do an email let's include pictures that we took of everyone volunteering and also even a couple pictures of the farm they were participating with helping this way they got something also extra to take yeah show people or can we link it to the website yeah that's what I was gonna say should we Link Link the picture Sage that you're GNA have on the website to the volunteers I agree with Zach it should be one email hey thank you for your volunteer here's a link to open Farm day which would include the volunteer pictures but some of the stats like Bert said I think would be great in the in the thank you note like how many volunteers and you know how much time they put in from the various place you know we don't have to specifically say but mult like five six different organizations I think that would be great yeah my is there anyone who has the the one file for all the pictures is there one person that's doing all pictures I know Marissa Wasa has a bunch it yeah did she upload them anywhere yet nothing I know of yet um as far as the volunteer pictures go I need those for the website so if anyone has any please send them my way you just send them to me on the phone or my email whichever works better Lissa her husband and mother are all taking pictures I know I had to take the Firefly ones okay I'll send you what I have and then Sage I'm pretty sure like U my wife submitted something to Pope Frank and like a bunch of the volunteers got submitted like so there might be a picture I'll talk to her and see if we can find that perfect thank you very much for that okay J say I oh I really Dan the other thing I um Sage did a nice thing and we put uh the tribute to Doug wooder on the homepage of the website oh ni yeah that's good that was really nice on Sunday and Monday with the the combine and the tractor out in front of the funeral home oh yeah I saw that that was awesome yeah really wonderful service just again to emphasize how important they are to our community and the Granville Community yeah yeah 12 hour difference right oh so it's morning it's almost 8 the morning 8 just getting up going to work she's on her way to school okay this is great um we should move on to our next event Farm parade it's coming up isn't it but I was I was telling you you know before the meeting officially began um uh in today's Westfield news uh there was a discussion on Monday at the select board about the re restarting the open space committee and um to be a um like the man Land Management tool in town Chris Pratt said and then uh so here's Doug mgin says if the Conservation Commission needs volunteers to help it manage the town's conservation properties Molin said its members should look to the recent success of the Agriculture Commission had with its open Farm day it was nice huh mgan said the agricult Agriculture Commission had at least 50 volunteers signed up to help during the dayong event and did it without starting a working group an ad hoc panel or a subcommittee then he goes on to say um he said to Pratt that restarting the committee was a good idea but mechanics matter uh he said referring to the logistics of operating a committee but anyway that was kind of cool they're not against it but they're they're willing to look at it see how it go is great G to make a proposal there was you know there was open space planned on 2020 and there was a committee at that time Dennis Clark was on I others um not a bad idea have that again if we can get people yeah speaking of that I wanted to make an on but I couldn't but did we um there's no appointment re appointed or there was no appointments done still just hanging in the wind out there y so I had a interview that day they called me in um so and they were like what are you I because they had my last year stuff so I was I at the time I was like just trying to get into a mission but then B reached out to me and it was awesome so they have you reinw for for the at yeah and then they were like are you in open space and so I was I was like I mean I think I there's some you want on two watch that they will do that Sabrina reached out to me which is great she gave me a lot of information just to even look at and just you know even if she has an event I can go to or whatever you know what I mean if but I'm agriculture so good good good to hear because I learn a lot with you guys too I mean you guys I mean it's environmental science everywhere I mean I'm learning so much in this past year I mean not not anything bad of any commission whatsoever everyone has their place everyone has their special keys they're they're great at what they do just like we have our good commission team everyone has a good great team you learn a lot in every single one so I would never say no one should ever try other commissions just to get your feet wet and then because you learn a lot no matter where you go abely so I mean never feel like you have to stay with us or remember this too you can always come to any commission as a I did two years I was I was we used to have quite a few people came to our meeting I don't know where they are so yeah so I'm I I love this teamwork that we have I mean I'm learning a lot in this last year and I hope to learn more in the future I was like well I guess if I got reappointed someone will let me [Laughter] know maybe so all of us need to be reappointed a lot of us you're three years yeah just did it like a year think I have to do it again next year alternates have to do it every year once a year oh I didn't realize we've been expired for a little bit but you know we're still super we we did ask that last time and she told us that we're good until they take up the vote the next time yeah yeah yeah and they also and we've had meetings just the alternate so I mean we do we do good yeah yeah the alternates alternates have made the quum several times and tell you right now I don't care what level someone is at if you're at this meeting whether you're a private citizen or a full commissioner you count in my opinion I never felt separation at all in this grou I never felt like I'm this and that whatever you're here for a purpose you're here for a reason and I appreciate everything everyone does now the only Annoying Thing is getting reappointed every year yeah age I mean they're very kind so I don't we'll be expired by the time I don't mind it at all I mean it's just you know so Bert can I ask two questions absolutely this is Tom so one is did we hear from the EDC how many people linked on the um QR code on on that Sunday yeah I'm also wondering that too um I don't think I saw anyone point the camera at it me neither I did uh I did see Greg dialy was at the um select board meeting Monday night and I was there for a little while I could stay of the whole thing and he said they did they did have a a pretty big bump in their traffic on their website but I don't know the actual numbers well the rain kind of prevented most people kep their phon in their pocket those signs are huge so if there's a smaller table maybe we could also consider putting a smaller sign yeah those signs were big I think we need to have even bigger signs than what they have that was the problem our sign was it was a little intimidating my sign actually cowed and hid and and then wait for me but one last just I'm thinking out loud for the whole committee here there are so many I I feel like there's so many committees within the town kind of working for the same thing open space Farm you know Farmers yeah is is there a way even if they don't sponsor like the Conservation Commission this open space commission whatever it is that we could provide each Farm something because who knows if there's a 61a person who's coming to open Farm day that's not particip ipating and maybe they don't know enough that we we can be also educational in that sense what resources is the town offering because they're coming to open Farm day and that would make them aware of all these other options that they have you know not only Adcom but the Conservation Commission the wetlands you know we're I mean we're really trying to actually promote the fact that our website exists in the main website exists and all this information about other commissions existing it's just it's really hard to unless you actually start collabing it's it's hard to really break that down into a uh like a a convenience convey you know a convenience to distribute all that information unless we really find a way to focus like maybe maybe added an addition to the website or something that will sayy thinking like a list hey other resources outside of Adcom yeah like say for whatever reason someone's not comfortable with Adcom and they want to talk to conservation and it doesn't have to have any names but just a a a QR code next to each commission that is potentially something that they may be I'm just thinking out loud here I'm website I mean Talon website is technically what that is that's why it's kind of hard to you now me making Adcom the official town website which would be awesome and everything well I'm not saying that either I'm just saying um the the problem is they have the station the CL the you know clerk's office and all of that stuff I'm just trying to think for Farmers spread awareness is what are other resources outside of Adcom that they may be able to from right adc's one I'm just thinking out loud we don't have to obviously address it tonight I'm just throwing it out there for us to consider as we go through the next 12 months yeah good idea Tom I that could I'm kind of wrestling as you're talking out loud I'm I'm wrestling you know that could get to that's could be overwhelming I mean there are as you said there are a lot of commissions Andes let me take that one on I'm going to look into all of our different commissions and see how relatable they are and the ones that I can relate enough information to we we'll see what I can do with it and even combined in our website even if I you like an offset page that says these are other alternatives and maybe it it's commissions groups whatever that are involved in land reservation you know so I mean because the one great thing and this is I I wish you got more credit for it was Marissa was great at being agcom and conservation she did such an awesome job she bridged all information we knew what everyone was doing and we were collabing like crazy I wish we still had that connection and uh and that's that's what separated us kind of when she end up getting pulled from one and then ended up having to step down from the other so I maybe like once or twice a year all the similar commissions have like one meeting one big meeting well does that so why can't we probably be like four hours long well it depends because if we're looking at subjects that we we all relate to then it really won't it'll file down to we know exactly what we're trying to Well yeah if we come up with like yeah game plan ahead of time yeah like an agenda like something you want to talk about while something they want to talk about and the other and even the mass I mean the master plan was supposed to remember because there was different lot a heavy hitter on EG yes but there was supposed to be you know like Broken Out by like okay this it's going to be respons this commission this commission this commission and that was supposed to kind of help group yeah like some of those joint meetings maybe to happen but I we saw have to wait for that to be officially formed don't we official yet not yet I know that 61a the the the big amount of work that Marissa did they actually just taed on her I did did that happened in that meeting that we just had Monday yeah they were like why are we why are we gonna double information people when we don't really have much control or time to actually do anything about it it kind of feels like unnecessary work is what I heard over in this meeting so I don't I don't know what's happening now with with all that work that she did huh well that's unfortunate you watch back on the video near the end that's why it was mentioned okay I was I was there for the whole meeting so I heard everything although I will say that Doug did uh uh tell everybody that that that they the select board was actually happy that it was such success Farm day they were happy to see the turnout the day was and everything that we had a good out and hats off to us about it so yeah at least positivity at the end good yeah good I tried to stay to the very end but like the whole beginning part was oh I feel bad well LLY was working on my cou while I was listening so I had something to do anyway so uh Farm Parade October 19th 2 p.m. uh we are signed up we're registered to be there and um Alex cfty has said that he'll bring his truck and his flatbed trailer again so once again will'll probably be the biggest float absolutely so um you know we need to kind of get working on that and what what's it going to look like um I am working with Southwoods on a couple of Big B 3 foot by six foot banners was it for every Farm no no no just for us okay just and not just for this we can use it in I'll show it to you I got a like you have aote yet uh yeah it's only um like $164 two banners we need to vote on that well I think once you actually have the official pricing yeah okay yeah we have the other meeting before enough time yeah right okay um we might have to decorate it a little different because his I don't think he's gonna have the tractor this year oh no his father his old tractor no that old John Deere they have was a Ford I think will they get rid of it no it's probably us somewhere it's using it somewhere I don't I I forget what the reason is maybe he did sell it I don't know where am I going to say boys and Lincoln where's Lincoln and you gonna s well we could probably get somebody with it I mean I got a tractor down but be cool if we could find somebody with an old one yeah that's got that look I mean we have a lot of old farmalls in an old Oliver and an old some of them do some of them don't so want one run so we could just drive it right on right so I'd have to see if we have anything that would be able to I do I I went to bees and saw their lineup I always asked Tom if his family was willing to donate one for the moat for one day vent they were pretty nice looking talking to my father-in-law yeah we need a lot more candy no I mean hey you know if if um somehow we could get his his truck over here and just drive it up there it may be a possibility to put either the original 43 Farmall H or the 50 52 Super H but you know we definitely it would have the truck would have to come here first I would say I'm not going to commit to anything I'd have to talk to him first to see what his interest is in that is there a truck could back up and it could just drive on well even if it just stopped in the road in front of my house real quick you know how long does it take to really get it up there 5 10 minutes and it's a pretty long straightway right near my house so we could we could probably figure that out I mean we have had a 53 foot truck up here before but it had to back all the way across North longard ponus to head back toward the center of Southwick so uh M mildly inconvenient for some people but you know I I'll definitely mention it to them and if it's something we need to do let's just keep it as like maybe an option b if possible oh we appreciate you looking into it at all that's that's that's great I hope I heard right no no pressure at all ni oh so can we does anybody [Music] wanna we need like a I hate to say subcommittee but you know a few folks work on this and decide what the decorations should be and I just want to let you know I'm it's October 19th and I'm going to be away October 10th to 17th visiting my daughter in Tennessee well I'm in I'm decorate yeah I'm gonna be in Texas we're gonna wing it like we did last year well hope hopefully we can we decorated it the morning of yeah exactly yeah so may might have a bunch of pumpkins hopefully I got a bunch of pumpkins I brought a bunch of my pumkin can you find out bells of straw or hay yeah they had you know from the um the farm maze at Cali they had a lot of bailes of straw I don't know if they are going to use them for anything or oh right they don't have Liv stock so I don't know know I'll ask ask and we got it from uh Jack F last year can you reach out to him again sure I forgot how many we borrowed from him I think it was like 18 yeah yeah Bales or 12 Bales oh we using our open Farm Day signs for the ones yeah got it maybe even the little ones we got agricultural commission SS being made those banners we could probably do well banners yeah it's a long trailer so we could have have some put Farm days open Farm day open Farm day sou open Farm day third Sunday in August are there any of the Farms that participated in the parade are they going to be showing their animals and things like that like CL with Farmers attending that parade they they're busy doing farming yeah a lot of them have said that before that's why they don't have farmers in farm parade that's why we are doing it now because we're trying to represent they had like there was some oxin o yeah yeah that was pretty cool and they painted The Skeleton on you yeah that was so the place that I have my horse at they brought horses they have livestock but they're from technically they're right on the West Field South of Glen technically Westfield but they did they brought they had little too many versus like dress up as like bride and Grom okay so we need more can more candy so you think like twice as much candy I we were gone by the top of the hell I think I'm just GNA put a $20 donation and buy a big bag myself you know we got it through L then candy corn yeah y they were the supplier yeah did you end up bagging it how did you I missed I was yeah yeah my wife and I did it that was their project oh my good wicked good catches out I know bag candy guy like holy [ __ ] should do dog treats too there's a lot of dogs oh okay oh yeah dog treats that'll be easy to although you got to be careful with dog trees because some not all of them are cooked you know with healthy stuff you get the the corn stuff and some are allergic to that stuff be careful it treats that's why you just asked the person AE time can I give your dog a treat well you're you're on a float going forward very slowly they're gonna say yes or no and okay I wasn't there I was in the tri trunker tree so yeah my name is Sage that was my first event with theat are there people walking on the side with no most people say where they are okay yeah I was thinking during Farm day that we really should have some t-shirt I forgot that yes we definitely need sh time for the parade although we have out quick money in our budget for it uh we have some money we haven't spent yet yeah I think there's still money in the gift account too which is we didn't spend all the farm day money did we no I think we have there's some It's Tricky there's some bills kind of in the works so we need like more decorations or anything last year like what were we lacking on did you guys [Music] yeah oh yeah CLE hold on say that again remember you had all those letters that we strung up I I can I can make those again yeah cool scarecrow is it scarecrow like a a farmer scarecrow oh yeah good I think Spirit Halloween's open already it is in in Westfield yeah feels like we need a scarecrow sometime yeah what do you think Jess can you can you make one I think I can yeah cool you can figure something out and then do we need the Tin Man and um right to Toto that's right yeah we go and so um stage so are you doing Trunk or Treat again I can't not this year still was pretty hectic espec at the end of the parade trying to get everything hauled up yeah is it on the same day oh it is oh that's what makes it so hard basically unless we have enough well it's not even that it's just really um coming up with it gets like 500 to 800 people yeah that's a lot that's a hug so it's it's not really it's a question of you got to have time structure and a plan which we did have we actually did pretty good we made number two or tied for two for the firefighters but um it's just it's really hard to manage that and the farm parade and also get everyone synchronized yeah because that also took away from you guys with the float you had less people because they were coming I think it be cool if we had more people on the float this year like your kids and I think that's what we're gonna do is maybe start taking turns or something seems more like an event that we do yeah so too I mean it's more farmer well the thing is though the trunk retreat was exposure which was a big exposure the parade uh does take in a lot people too but I don't know what the head count is of the parade I just know that Junger treat was 800 people and they were kids you know you're getting kids now seeing this and being excited about possibly farming well that's the thing we're talking about possibly next year maybe having a program in the schools or something like that maybe then we can have some more exposure at the Trunk or Treat where there I know you maybe get the um Honor Society the Next Generation coming in and maybe they can actually help do it and then there just one person there to guide it yeah there were two two of the National Honor Society kid two two young girls uh they're sophomores so I said okay want to see you here next two years there you go that's great that's great k sorry hey guys it's Tom again um just along those lines do we know what local schools Connecticut Mass whatever have like FFA or farm programs mpol northamp Hampton and Southfield has it oh so I'm wondering if somehow we could communicate that we're hosting an open Farm day and there are we're looking for volunteers I'm sure th that that's a great pool of young people that would be great to participate or even ask their parents to bring them you know like even if you did it in a school letter or just in the FFA local like letter just focused on those kids right because clearly they're interested it's an opportunity for them to come and maybe establish Sage I know you'd like this like a relationship with a farmer or Farmers where they could get a job you know over a summer or Vol you know however it might work but and then it's a more limited scope but it is emphasizing hey look we're also reaching out to the these FFA programs that you know could be a conduit for people wanting to buy land and starting a farm and getting experience within our open Farm day I believe they also have ways of uh getting um just like kids get credit for participating in in that type of stuff as well so I mean we could also even use that edge but we got to get the word out before it's summer we should really be starting at yeah something right and we I mean we could ask our farmers who participate hey do you have any like internship opportunities or opportunities where kids who may be interested can come help on a weekend if if they have time if they're not playing sports or whatever I don't know just think it again thinking out loud here yeah I've I've actually talked to a couple of them and not a lot of people even know there are programs like that so I'm a farmer advise so I'm I'm trying to kind of dig more into that and seeing like how hard is it for a farm to actually have a program like that and if it would cost the farm anything because if I get all the information for them on this and it doesn't cost them anything but get them Free Labor they might be actually interested in actually start doing that so I kind of want to see if I research into that once I finally get my life back well High School pretty sure they still have it but when I was in high school they had like a school to work mentorship program I got paid to go to work during school hours same here I Trac there's no more Farms like that no no I mean they still need help in the spring planting go to Cali and sell corn from noon to four I think it's 12 three actually right I'm just saying there's no Farms like milk and cows or no you still got plant Fields spring time got harvesting too Ian there not going on during the winter but you know fall Harting most these Farms already hired migrant workers yeah yeah yeah but like talking to uh Dwight like I'll hire whereever we can get yeah he's still he's still employing some kids not as many as he used to but but my buddy Tom Tom M when I went to school he does tobacco he got like a band of guys coming from the Dominican or Dominican Jamaica all over the place yeah but uh what was I just going to say well I mean give kids an actual shot at it and they can surprise a lot of people they have the energy and they have the know used to that's the problem it depends take the phones away from them when we all were working tobacco yes yeah we yeah we they used to have there was no migrant workers we did correct we all worked but there's a lot to farm besides just you know planting green houses that operate in the winter time and there's man nurseries management they got nurseries yeah and you got a they have a whole store they have a a bakery they have all that stuff retail also people have Farm stands well have you have you guys seen that Pride's Corner Farm in Suffield right on Mountain Road yes I mean like I grew up in Eastern Connecticut and one of my family friends fathers ran the Pride's Corners in Lebanon Connecticut that's how big they've expanded to that they're now over in subfield so I mean they are they are gigantic now I mean clear clearly they're they're huge so they must have programs when you're an organization that large there's programs to recruit people whether it's management or you know other Tech more technical fields that we may be able to somehow figure out how to leverage because obviously Pride corner is going to focus on subfield but if we make them aware hey Northampton Hampshire whoever there may be kids interested it's a whole another Avenue of potential recruits for them to intern or work there I'm yep I wanted to make a section on our website I Diane Gail even mentioned it too about getting it to the point where we can actually advertise local farms needing help or having a program or something which I do want to do it's just getting people to actually talk back and get me the information has been the problem I can't get people to put the history down of their Farm let alone get them to put like their business end down so it's one of those things where I need to start getting help from all the farmers or I can't do these things yeah I think you gota you gotta be in their face go there you got to be in person they don't want to do it oh no I've been that's the thing that I have done in person and even that they say okay I'm going to do this and then they don't do it and I'm not here in town I can't Badger them trust me if I was here they'd see me every day you got to do it while you're there that's the thing could it be another volunteer opportunity for National Honor Society or you know some other organization that they want to earn ours go talk to these farmers and one of us Commissioners can go with them to represent Adcom and we either record or document with their permission and you know get their approval once it's transcribed to see if that accurately represents their their Farm what's funny is it did that with graville scoop to the first Farm to actually give me all the information I needed maybe like an offseason they need workers yeah serve an ice cream it's basically their yes like the same three ladies always you know they raise they have beef cattle too they so miss I didn't I didn't know that in SL there the other day or for Farm day um okay well this all great great input a it's a lot um yeah it's a long list yeah we're gonna have to go to every week I was about to ask if we should reduce or not but now that we have this list like this I'm like oh my gosh this here for life I was gonna propose we take a couple Wednesdays off anyway the race you're creating a lot of work for our yeah well I I do think that we we've deserve to take some time off after Farm parade so I would like to reduce this to a week a month for for a little while yeah let's recharge a little right before like the farmers for yeah yeah I was going to suggest that we we have to have our regular meetings on the second Wednesday on the fourth Wednesday September 25th October 23rd but uh September 25th obviously is before the farm parade so maybe we need to meet oh no no after the farm parade I think yeah okay just so we don't you know we want to dedicate to time to that too otherwise we'll start falling behind sure okay we could like set a hard you know stop at one hour or something yeah yeah good luck with that we're as bad as select board come on then sometimes they go on for hours um so speaking about well anyway our next meeting is September 11th and that's a regular monthly meeting we got to do that one um and and just since we're throwing out ideas out there um the Adcom was created in 2006 2006 which means 2026 is our 20th anniversary oh good so nice I don't know what we're going to do but we should do something something do something big we held the biggest event last year and the second year if it had rain it probably been even bigger so think throw that out there I one question I don't want to I don't want to tie this up any longer either but um I know we had that involvement at the Big E last year with uh pman County Premier League is that I would like to do is anything like that happening I mean the bigie like right September 13th yeah I think coming up so today CU I haven't heard M yeah I was just thinking about itday too so I'll um I know they were thinking of ideas to do I don't know what they last year they yeah and at the Historical Society when we went there April and we did like past present future and Mike said oh he let's do that for you know from well we haven't far as I know nothing's happened yet but we can reach out just just make sure yeah make sure we're not missing anything like we did for far yeah that's interesting anyway I think that's it I speak somebody mentioned the Farm Forum uh if we follow our history it would be January 22nd that would be a the fourth Wednesday of of January so now and we reach out manually or did we advertise it like a like a pitch like the Flyers we did Flyers did we do Flyers yeah and are we trying to invite the public to that or just Farmers well more just Farmers because Farmers it's open to the public it's a public anybody can come but we pitch it hardly to we we want the farmers to come because they focus yeah and I have an email list of I think it's about 60 people that I don't even know who some them are I just had the remil I put it out that way that's one probably get suck second Ewing this year right sure yep yep and Lindsay from Firefly she she likes oh yes she definitely Trad to to raise yes yeah I agree say come to this see what we're about yeah I think the LA the last Farmers Forum we actually had a couple of the new Farms were attending we actually yeah second Eden was there last year seanan yeah yeah yeah we definitely advertise it out and get people to come I I do want to actually get Grandville scoopb there just because they have feedback that we could definitely use for what happened y um I just know they are burning through those freaking pamplets like no tomorrow I had to give them two stacks took him took them like literally two days wow that's that's good Al righty has this been great actually before we before we do it I I just gotta ask one I'm sorry I just gonna ask one thing because she emailed me and I want to bring it up before I responded to it at all um okay Diane Gail sent me a message um that apparently let me see what it says uh Roger cook who um was part of uh he's a landscape expert in forestry and conservationist who actually was on uh This Old House and um she was wondering if we could put him uh she gave me a whole Spiel on him if I could put it on the website to honor him okay since we've we just did to one of our townies that maybe we should include this as well if we can but I didn't want to just put up there randomly because technically I don't Roger long I don't remember of M is he really really no he might be he did get through forry which does count as farming so I mean technically oh no yeah here was a landscaper that's right yeah wasn't that old um it says here he was dies at 70 Uncle Rich Uncle I haven't heard yet what so what's um I guess my question would be what's what's our what is our connection with him what is um just that he was a Massachusetts resident and that he did uh he was a I guess a plant expert so you could ask him anything about plant he'd be able to tell you anything about it so I mean he had knowledge that he would willing to share all all around nice guy would always do everything to uh help spread information awareness I mean almost like a a fire activist well we were talking earlier about resources for Farmers you could be one not anymore on Sage could we put a hyperlink to the similar I mean to what we did for Doug just as obituary or the write up or whatever about it oh I'm definitely gotta be but no I just want to ask permission from everybody to make sure it's okay with everybody that I would put that on the website cuz the only thing I would say is that's I don't want to turn into a graveyard sou you don't want to anger oh I know right yeah that's right there you go Sage denied yeah it's not directly south I don't know what to do with this I have problem watching that show so family member right Dan right just he's adoped permission I denied it you know if if they're an advocate for the farms and agriculture I don't see why someone who right you know is is such a change agent why would we wouldn't recognize those people even briefly even if we put it up for a week and then take it down I know that's work on us AG but I I oh no it's no problem I'm a opponent for doing that yeah remember like I said I honestly I don't want to turn Farms away or knowledge away or any kind of farmer if something happens to somebody I think everyone should be recognized no matter what so I'm not against this I just want to make sure that I don't have opposition before I do it because we already got burnt on that one with with you know what happened not that long ago so I'm just covering my butt a little bit yeah yeah I think consensus is that yeah it's good agreed yep I Tom I time robot okay so I think we're I think we're good and it's shoot 8:48 motion to adjourn yes second second all in favor good night everyone thank you you had a lot of information we're happy about it you taking a bunch of stuff home with you yes I got sign andon for phones and yeah like turn this off you takeing all the bags yeah I'll get I'll give them to hey anyone want a donut before you go I might take coup couple if you don't mind free wife wants one exactly I got to stop how do I stop I don't see the stop button for Mee dismiss guys have a good week you too have a nice Labor Day weekend thank you you too dank you this is what I love about our commission we're so full of energy ideas and we try to do everything we can okay than right of my car and she has all the stuff we had for Firefly I wasn't there oh okay I don't know if the cones made it with her though I never got to check back with her