##VIDEO ID:z4AEe9GxLQ4## uh hello everyone hello everyone uh this is a uh a working session of the Agricultural commission it is August 14 2024 W this a regular meeting oh I'm sorry you're right Zach this is a regular meeting of the Agriculture Commission um4 we do we do have a quorum uh with myself Bert Hansen on Zoom Jessica Whitmore Parker on zoom and in the room we have a whole bunch of people um Angie Simone Tom Jades Jen dietro Dan Cook Zack Barnett and Sage Fury and it looks like on Zoom we have one one guest Sharon scera so anyway we can um get going um the the mail lately has mostly been about volunteers for open Farm day which has been good and lots of activity on Facebook also for open Farm day so in fact little little tangent so we my wife Julia and I were driving by Gris Mill Plaza today and she looks at the sign and it says open Farm day and she goes geez you guys are everywhere I said I said darn right anyway I think Angie has um public comment information should we doing we should wait for Farm day we're gonna we're gonna table that for now and we'll bring it up um during open Farm day oh okay okay well that's next thing on our agenda um just to work up the final details um I wonder do do we want to do the public comment part through the volunteer list first start with positives all right both down negative we'll start with the we'll do the volunteer list first okay that's good so it's the one dated 813 24 right and Jen Jen was our volunteer is our coordinator but I've gotten all the Big Y volunteer information so I've been kind of youing Jen here um sorry yeah we're we're bringing up oh sorry the edcom file oh Cruiser I think the open up that it opened itself it opened yeah just click on Adcom yep and and then the 8813 sorry I'm not a mouse person oh the most so um updated this one the most the most updated thank you for doing that b oh sure of course very helpful yes very yeah there we go so uh blossoming Acres we have lenita of course um extra some copies here if anyone wants paper Cofe looks like we have a lot of people in the morning we do and I I wanted to move Sean and Tammy to the afternoon but they they will do it but they'd rather not so maybe we can move a couple of the Big Y people yeah were all the big white people were they flexible uh Mo like most of the volunteers they want the morning but some some are flexible I was thinking because you put me with three other volunteers I can do an afternoon instead of the morning because I think Mason Lucas and Gina at the Grandville scoop will be all all set for the morning shift oh that mean you're gonna do both no I could just do the afternoon somewhere like I'll go and drop off the bag to them make sure they're all set but I'll go wherever is needed in the afternoon because that seems where we need more people right so you want to do to 12:30 to 4:30 4 at Granville scoop either Granville scoop or wherever wherever needed Firefly Fields actually would be a good one yeah Firefly feeli is going to need definitely somebody I would I would do the afternoon but I when it comes to uh the kids right now that I think it's going to be like they're G to sleep in and then be afternoon so then I won't be able to spend time with them okay yeah okay does that sound okay to you Angie um yeah that's good okay yep um I'll make that change on here yep and then I'll just you know contact the Big Y folks and see if we can move some of them to to the afternoon um I know you have lenita listed as a volunteer but is she going to be able to be active much she was last year so she was she was running the um wagon rides okay so she'll be there all day and Sean and Tammy will be there right that should be I'll see if I can juggle him around yep yep and then Cali Jen and a lot of her family are coming apparently yes um they also mentioned when we were there right that there's also people that are going to be there that the family and she mentioned so um if my my half of the family gets tired I think it'll be okay for them to you know they said that they'd have plenty of people around so right um I will be there all day no problems so okay but they they plan on being here all day but yeah okay well that's good yeah Howards uh Greg dialy from EDC will be there in the morning um with two Big Y people um and then these are actually friends of mine Sandy and Pete he be there in the afternoon that's a relatively busy location I think um but two people probably could handle it because the cowards are the cowards themselves are there you know they have staff there so I mean Firefly Fields honestly too it was able to handle it last time so if we do two and two that'd be even fine five is a little overkill for the morning did you need people for a parking situation in the parking lot to help I still know what the parking situation is to be honest but we get yeah it should be it's it should be okay it's a a little bit up in the air um the person who owns Brass Rail bought the piece of property that was uh in in question or contentious last year so there's going to be parking there um and and Lindsay has space for a or 10 cars know on her on her next to her driveway and on her lawn yes she has an interesting parking situation so you probably need two parking people yeah let's keep the list I guess where it is for I just kind of wish we had more than just one theend well I'm gonna be there missed that part y okay and again we can see um I we got a few volunteers today so uh oh that's good yeah I noticed that in the mail yeah yeah um soik doesn't have anyone for the afternoon I'll be there all day oh you're gonna be there all day okay how many and I think do they live across the street okay uh two of the volunteers that came in today um these are people Inga knows Jean qby I think you say k Ube and Martha Casey and and linga suggested putting them at solx in the afternoon well Dan just said that yeah that those people are gonna be there all day yeah well I you want company I will Dan's goingon to be there all day back up but I I would think that the priy they live across the street they would be there all day too I don't know yeah we can confirm that yeah they were there all day last year right well of course only four hour yes yes yeah [Music] well maybe what we could do on this document is if a commissioner whoever is going to be there all day just to make it more clear put put their name in both columns just so then you get a better view of the yeah because right now we just think everyone's there yeah tobacco and sunflower I think myself and my two friends are going to be there all day to okay so the people that came in today in the mail um are we putting them in the afternoon as solar yeah that's yeah that Cali doesn't need anyone in the afternoon um no one listed here but that's not yeah they they will if we can that's great um it's just going to be a table and the the crew there is going to be running the the haym and things like that does second Eden need another person because they only have Juliet in the afternoon right now unless Andrea and Jim are doing whole day or did they just sign up for one they signed up they signed up for the morning um oh and then oh actually I probably they probably would be willing to do the whole day if needed uh but also another uh person from EDC Serena Fuller oh yeah and uh Inga suggested putting her there with Juliet I just saw Ser oh yeah that's insurance company so did you did you ever get a hold of Lucas uh Bert yes I did and he's um you look at Granville scoop he's there with um uh he uh at the volunteer meeting the other day he brought a friend Gina Wilson There another student Mason graia who who was with us last year and he's coming back okay I see I didn't know who's on the back yeah yeah no worries so we have H we have two we have they're students but they're you know 18 19 years old now and they both did last year so that should be you know pretty good in that's Lucas's birthday on that day so I'm pretty sure he wants to leave when his shift is up yeah that's right he's already got ice cream yeah got yeah we got to get him a a candle the petting zoo zoo ice cream what more does he need kid dream only young once he's he's about to leave that yep he's close Okay I played Serena with Juliet in the afternoon at second yep and then um y that little little tangent I think that could be our sleeper farm so to speak this year I mean they've it's a brand new Farm they wanted to do it last year they weren't ready they've got it together this year um they've got a great story to tell um and they have some apparently some very friendly turkeys and they've got some horses and some chickens and uh you know I think I think that could could turn out to be an interesting site if [Music] you're did we say CL you I think you or all set know Ina I believe Inga is gonna be kind of a floater um because Klein view is is pretty much covered with people who have either done it before yeah mostly people who have done it before okay that's good now at bsid I guess the entire um jados family the entire family is coming we're all set and then we have like four other volunteers like Andrew's friends and some other they're all either incoming pop freshman or Andrew soccer teammates they have a they have a volunte tier time requirement there for 25 hours a year freshman sophomore and 50 junior senior do we need to like sign off on that yeah we it will be an email they have a actually a whole system they have to go through and they'll send an email to whoever we decided last year Roger did it for Andrew um so we can decide how we want to handle that I was thinking too we have like certificates or something for like volunteers at the end thank for participating yeah yeah physical note that they can use we can do that certainly um so Tom so Tom those four extra I think you said could could we put them someplace else no no okay no we're we're actually count we're actually counting on them to do parking and the passport stuff that's why we got four because we used our whole family last year with the milkshakes the butter the yeah you know the the the hay rides which again we have some concerns given the weather forecast currently we don't have a covered wagon you know so easy up in the back I said everyone better have umbrellas right so they can ride with umbrellas but you can sell ponchos there you go side business we're trying not to sell anything bu okay yeah well we just gota what can we do you know the forecast has changed as it always does over the past few days and now it's looks like it's going to be rainy you know during the day so hey maybe I'll change your mind 9:30 right through 4 it looks right now perfect good place to be I can't do anything at home oh well there you go Dan that's a good that's a good uh yeah right you guys all show up because you got nothing to do at home you know Angie maybe we could put that on Facebook well the other thought we had was maybe fewer people unfortunately may they may be deterred from going to maybe Farms that they're not familiar with yeah you know if they know like caliber and blossoming acres and scoop and everywhere have cover areas where they canu or browse well technically every table's supposed to at least have a tent but that's only for people doing the for like six people Max I would think so we were already talking about that this afternoon like how do we reposition tents and equipment to you know I'll just stand in the barn at solx that's what we were talking about the long Shone welcome to the bar so be interesting to see though and then it will give us some thoughts and ideas for future years where there may be inclement weather you know it's GNA be kind of a learning experience here don't slip on the mud so did we place the two volunteers that signed up today yes y they at on afternoon at solex oh okay solex and then one at um Eden um I have their emails yeah and I was thinking I do have a lot of emails I can send out a blast email to everybody okay good just kind give information as where they might be and if they have any [Music] questions you have like a master list of every volunteer with all the contact from Pro um I will and I can because it's been coming in in pieces um I do have provide any contact info with my volunteers so you need it great and Jen I can give you the Big Y people um and and others that I have list that would be great can you know reach out to next year hey you want to volunteer again yeah definely I mean that is the point of the sheet too they can also fill that box I was gonna actually use this to this was also helpful um this was from the about the orientation day just perfect you know so um I could just continue this with everybody and then just put it on an Excel stretchy and have it for maybe next year too you can even add it to this workbook and just make it another page or cell or something I've been send so it was originally on here and then it's the emails are not on there and I don't know if it's because it's getting blasted out to everybody I didn't know of the the email yeah we don't want to share all yeah so I will probably make a separate thing have it for the commission I don't know that's okay but that's that's you know I just didn't know if it was okay to share all those is there a common place like storage self provide store the files on if not we can make the website do it yeah yeah I mean there there are file cabinets in the land use room that are ours I'm talking about digital storage digital storage you're right of course um well we have the database that we have currently and we can add a separate section to the database like a separate tab to add the volunteers for future use oh file cam is definitely paper is also good we should do both oh definely y no problem all get on it so I will put something together okay yep uh hang on a sec while we're going through the list of locations I wonder if we let's review like who has a tent and tables and chairs and who needs it boming acres is all set why we say who does do we know who doesn't versus everyone who does you know right Jess were you going to bring a tent or you want me to do one yeah I have a tent I can bring all right you know do we have cones again like we had cones in the road for last year at supposed to get them yes yes we will yeah okay cool y um I have three tables um one I'm using I'm having Angie use one um and I have an extra one if anyone needs one it's the long average size like that over there I know Firefly is good she she already has everything she's probably going to be pre set up when I get there for all I know wow she was last time yeah oh she she does this yeah she she's always on ball with this because she does the uh yeah she go to library and do a petting zoo and and she's done it with malicious even I believe yeah so she's on the power with that okay and um so for for Arnold's Jess you have a tent I mean do you have uh do they have chairs and a table or do we need to think um I don't believe that they have chairs um I was gonna bring my own camping chair but I didn't really sit last year yeah I think that's what we did last year I think you and I just brought like camp chairs and that's that was pretty much it um I can bring I can bring a folding table if you don't have one or yeah I don't I don't think I have one now yeah I can grab one I have one ailable Jen when you send the email to the volunteers maybe we could ask them to bring a camping chair if they have one oh good good point yeah idea great idea and then across the street I think um they have a I think they were sat at the picnic table or like Under the Tent yep they all set across the street okay uh hours I believe is all that Firefly we said is all set Klein view Ina is picking a table in a tent and table and chairs solex who who had the tent there last year Dan do you know they did the priy oh okay so I I pretty sure they would have one I'll put one in my truck on so when I get up there if they don't I have one I think you said second Eden needed one yes and I'm gonna get one they have one but they want two just way the way they're set up the you know lay of the land so to speak um so I'm gonna get one from lenita lenita has a ton of tents okay or um you know the the uh Farm Market yeah the Easy Ups then uh bide Tom you're all set I'm assuming with we're all all set tables chairs tents we're good y uh History Museum I'm I have a tent that I'm going to take there um and a table and some chairs so so they're good uh hcil is going to be there they bring in their own or they need to well they're gonna I think they're going to be under the one t we're gonna have one tent okay which you um you know for double duty um so I I'll work that out because I'm I'm taking the rest of the stuff so okay yeah Granda when we visited yesterday she mentioned she has a tent to she has a tent she just needed the table we'll bring the table day so she's providing the tent for Angie okay and Jen did you say you have a table uh we have a table we don't need a tent because we're inside we're going to be inside um where the ice right right right are they doing the ice cream wait a minute I want that dy I thought he was bringing his truck over now he's bringing it over yeah so she has it set up particularly where it's everything's it's going to be going into where the hey mes so it's kind of like she has it all we don't people crossing streets yeah I think Diane Gil's gonna be there standing out the samples yeah yeah she's going to be she's she calls it she's going to be the scooper yeah oh we were there Angie Angie and Jen and I were over there yesterday and we're talking about the start time and okay we you know can you guys be sure to be here at 9:30 and one of the calibri has said uh we're here at [Laughter] 6 and a lot of farms are well the what I'm hearing is a lot of them won't be really starting up their stuff until like right noon like late later on so I think most of their you know like grandv these you know ice creams kind of because they usually don't open till I think 11 or 12 they said but they're opening early for this day which is for breakfast yeah you got the dairy you know yeah they have plenty of things there that you can get well they got the milk too they have cereal it'll be interesting ask the volunteers when people are signing up like to write AM or PM it would be interesting to see if opening starting it at 10: makes a difference verus oh yeah maybe just switch off the sheets or yeah or just you have another thing Circle many boxes I think that's like again rer Roger would have preferred to have just 12 to four again yeah you know because typically on a Sunday you have church grocery shopping you have whatever your normal process problem is I see is if we have signs up all over town saying Farm day people aren't going to know which ones to go to or not no no no I I'm not saying that I'm saying we either do one or the other you can't you can't buy be interesting to know is it worth it to ask everyone to be open early or open early and pay people if they're getting a minimal number of people at least related to open Farm day is the six hour people say it but then if it's on the early side maybe they're like oh well I don't care about that I'd rather be Ford six than that's tobacco farm which you wouldn't really think would matter I people showed up right when Farm day opened they were but it's still noon not 10: a.m like that involves motivating kids and families and things like that I'm just talking out loud here for maybe the two hours would be preferred on the back end when we people were saying I want it open longer it might have been intending in the afternoon because it's still light out and whatnot versus sure Church conflicts Sunday school getting ready for school like school year or whatever just sort of uh Sunday morning you know mindset do I have to get up and go someplace and Sunday morning uh did you I think you guys saw that Marissa sent uh an email along these saying that he was taking photos last year as she will this year and she said you know seemed like most of the Farms got busier at 12 or one last year so we'll see you know we're learning I I feel like our farm I feel like it was a steady stream yeah I don't all day but it was 12 yeah no for sure I just I don't feel like there was even like an uptick at like you know one even I just felt like it was pretty much want to be open till 6 if I was F I'm just trying to narrow is The Sweet Spot 12 to 4 you know versus is it is it worth it to the Farms especially who are compensating people to come in you know and work it's costing them at at a minimum $15 an hour per person that they're paying there's one thing that I always wanted to uh really test the waters with Farm day was that basically I never saw as something you try to go to Every Farm within the same event because we made it clear this annual so what I was hoping to instill was that you go to three four Farms that you really wanted to go to or that you were interested in go to those Farms spend as much time as you want within the time period or even later race to the yeah and then the next year you go to the ones you haven't seen yet and then you learn more cuz this way a focused education focused relationship with the farmer and their family and learning about so much why rush it because this is what actually kind of irked me about Doug's statement was that he said oh I tried to go to every single farm and now they added more Farms now Me Harder and I'm like that's not even the point of farm day you're supposed to be learning you're supposed to be getting all the Intel you can because the opportunity to talk to your farmers and say I mean I'm personally am going to be building a chicken coop I'd love to ask them Hey how did you start this how is the process because I really want to know you look up YouTube Just a million different things what did you do to start this and how simple is it is Affordable is it g to cost me anything it's something I could do for free I mean it's an information gathering of all types and what I love about having Granville scoop is that they are a dairy farm of 100y year generation they have 100 years behind this information we have no more dairy farms that's a perfect opportunity to get someone to start one here gold information right there to get someone to maybe you know get that information start something here soac too probably 100 years there too yeah I mean we have all this information and all these opportunities Y and calibri is from the from 1950 I believe well that's 75 years you know so yeah um uh one just one of quick detail um some few weeks ago Dan uh texted me about hey could we have some you know some sort of special uh name tags like the lanyard type I'm thinking the lanyard type for the Commissioners to to identify us and Dan I haven't forgotten about that um I'm gonna do it I'll get them to you it'd be cool to see commissioner cook exactly exactly doesn't have to say Ad commissioner just commissioner cook just commissioner like that dirty Harry good morning commissioner yeah we have your your Dan commissioner Dan and you maybe could get into a police event or a fire i s the B signal that reminds me um I thought we were gonna get the bags today yes they're outside oh they're in the cars okay so we're as we leave when everyone leaves stop at my van perfect oh so one other thing one thing I wanted to mention is we talked about it a few maybe a month ago or less about asking people where they heard about this so we can maybe save some money next year on advertisement yeah we're asking them that okay asking all right good and where they're from know where they're from there's like a whole sign when they come Legend they heard about us like Facebook [Music] right little sort of a legend at top of each sheet you know f for faceb save money for sure you know we don't have um how are we gonna get those sheets are they updated I think they're in the back are they in the bags upds yeah okay I didn't look in the bags I got it off yeah good speaking of that we had a a hand out at the the volunteer meeting last Saturday oh another little tangent we were in the fire department training room it was beautiful great did you go yeah yeah they were seal coding the driveway here which we found out last minute so we had to go over to the fire department a beautiful training room a beautiful projection system yeah bathrooms right outside the door so I'm gonna see if we have more meetings over there snacks snacks y I hope you left some for them you know we should have didn't should okay so we need to give a gift basket thank you for the use of your awesome place slide down the pole a place where you slide Jen's husband wanted to but we never found we never looked we never looked the yeah and they said uh they had to ask the um the chief and I think it was the chief that was talking to him but he didn't realized it was funny so he's like well maybe next time one of those PS appear from the ground and just all of a sudden rise as soon as yeah that was uh the guy in the shorts walking around helping us that was Chief stefanowitz yeah oh okay so you have to ask Chief and it was chap this um one thing I had a question about um did we do anything for the volunteers after last year after the that we do it like a little I think we tried to do something we were gonna do a we were gonna do kind of a pizza party but it it kind of fell through oh okay it might be hard to get everyone back to well that's that was problem we couldn't get everybody I think we C little thank you certificate or something from yeah actually we did send thank you notes last year I'm thinking um we didn't have we didn't have some folks addresses but we should do that I love the the certificate idea yeah we can do that pretty easily okay that was just in my head earlier today get 100 of them certificates we just had on hand for weint them out here it wouldn't cost us anything too we can mail from here right a tricolored something red and black or what you know comes out of our budget thought some of stuff coming from here didn't come out of our budget I don't know thought the printer I don't know about mailing let's just print them something so yeah we can make copies at um Town Hall you know depending what the thing is anyway so I'll look I'll look into that on there it's a laser jet right do we know I don't know if it's color or don't there is a color printer there in town hall I'm not not sure exactly where it is but there is a color printer it's okay we can ask for directions yeah I love it C probably yeah or or Lisa you know obviously or Lisa would would certainly know yeah um okay so I think that's it okay so should we get to our public comments um one one second I just wanted to ask are you going to bring the bag to the history museum uh yes okay I just wanted to let Debbie and Al know because they were asking if everything was going to already be there or okay if do you already have it or do you want me to drop it off yeah want to drop it off Zack if you don't mind and then I can get it over and give it to Debbie and Al I mean they're good friends of of ours of mine so um and they're both uh retired teachers from grandby so I thought putting them at the Historical Society would be good and put a couple of NHS kids there with them it'll be familiar everybody you know I'm just thinking who else isn't here tonight that I have to get bags to uh second Eden I was just looking at Juliet is gonna be there BL Acres too right BL Acres yeah so Zach if you can give me um two bags I'll I'll take one to history to the historical society and one to Second Eden okay what about blossoming Acres I me drop one off there yeah I think yeah if you don't mind um while you're going by or when you're going in for cider donuts uh whatever I should I should have took more after the uh event we had because everyone wanted them and I'm assuming Greg will have a a bag for c um angga kept three bags oh okay okay okay yep okay or her email is it email or text uh I saw it in an email okay I think Ina mentioned that she was going to be at Klein view all day she lives right next to it so oh she gonna be there part of the day that has all the bags except solac second Eden and Klein okay okay so Ang already has second Emil has second Eden oh okay the other one oh no she's gonna bring it to you so you don't need to take one today okay okay good uh as always good team effort now where is my hang on check on the top B looking for my emails what did you check on the topk oh here it is hello hi um if you guys could just hang on one second I oh no no no I've got them sorry sorry so um Angie told me today that at the selectboard meeting on Monday uh Doug was um Doug moglin was not happy that he had sent us an email about open Farm day on 723 but we hadn't read it uh to a meeting and you know I guess I should say that's that's that's my bad I mean if get an email from a select board member to the commission and it came to me and Sage you know we should that certainly should be you know part of our communication in whatever the next meeting is so that was a the regular meeting or work session because that was a work session okay this is our first regular meeting since you got that letter right and we also didn't have we had like four participants so it's like we'd be telling only half the commission yeah we wanted everyone pretty much here so yeah so anyway so I will now um read it uh to you guys and Angie I can um in terms of minutes you know I can email it to you so I don't you don't have to try to write all that down all this down so subject was open Farm day Bert I read the news article and watched the last Adcom meeting regarding the exciting upcoming open Farm day this is such a great event and I'm very much looking forward to attending this year's event as well well last year I struggled to attend even half of the venues that were open because I spent so much time at each one becoming informed about what each property had to offer as well as meeting all the people that own and operate these beautiful and productive properties I was however dismayed to hear that Adcom is actively promoting a location outside of Southwick as part of this event in my opinion actively promoting a business that is in direct competition with businesses in our town while at the same time promoting the idea of having visitors leave Southwick in order to visit one of these sites is counterproductive to the idea of having people visit Southwick egg focused businesses and drive economic opportunities for this for same I spoke to this briefly during old business during the select board meeting last night uh and I wanted to share my thoughts with you and the commission thank you Doug bin um so uh I didn't read that into the minutes until now um I did as you guys know on August 11th I sent an email to all the Farms who are participating uh and copied all you guys um and that this is a long one so I don't want to read the whole thing but um some highlights are uh we're running the event I said you know greetings farmers and all the southcom is so looking forward to open Farms next Sunday and we are ready almost smile um made some changes it's going 10 to 4 because several Farmers requested this and we want and the volunteers wanted to divide day um last year we announced open Farm day and nine Farms plus the Historical Society raised their hands and said we're in um and as we approach our second open Farm day I need to say we are learning what works at each Farm arm how to prepare the volunteers how to best handle promotion we did a lot of advertising and online posting to promote this year's event uh this year three new participants raised their hands hamen County Improvement league granell and second Eden uh we want to give a shout out to calib farm and malicious farm for collaborating to have the malicious truck at calib serving ice cream made with calib fruit collaboration is absolutely the best way to get things done uh we're collaborating with the economic development commission um we're looking forward to a fun educational and successful event thank you all for participating so some of the um and Douglas was was copied on this um and a couple of points I I didn't want to put in caps or anything but things that I wanted to bring out uh people raise their hands I mean if a farm or a buiness business in town doesn't raise their hand you know we we can't really chase them you know um the other thing signs so I thought I put something in here about to to um Sage's point about bring people into Southwick from Grandville oh yeah we've had some push back about adding a farm outside Southwick but we think this will draw more visitors into Southwick farms and in in addition they are part of the regional Farm economy which your Adcom wants to support so I that wasn't a direct response to Doug um and we have now you know read his email into our uh our minutes um so b um I just have a question when sure because Doug did mention that he got a response so was that the response that you had sent him or did you send a separate response after the 723 email no no I did not send this everyone to dub okay so it was just the group message that you would sent to him right that he he was copied on um so I probably should respond to him directly and let him well he's going to listen to these this recording but let him know that we've read his email into the minutes let them know what our thinking is on this um and I want to emphasize you know that we're we're learning okay we did it once now we're doing it twice next year we'll do some different stuff I'm sure you know based on you know based on on information we gathered this year so um I mean I think it's I don't want to get in trouble here but I think it's a little shortsighted to say oh boy nobody outside South Southwick um I mean I'd like to discuss this further oh yeah definitely yeah yeah we'd all we all like to iome [Laughter] okay Z yeah Zach you want to start oh sorry go ahead I would say you just because of the situation but Bert just so you know because I don't think you're aware I did send my piece Monday as an individual not on behalf of anybody but as as a private citizen I did make a speech okay I'm not gonna read it again that was so long-winded and I used still have a headache from saying it the first time okay but it's recorded it's on it's on select meeting so I mean yes it's on YouTube yeah it's on YouTube okay oh to the select word meeting okay good y good um so Zach did you have um some comments um I just have a few few things to say I mean branville it's kind of a part of South like all their kids go to our schools we received tax money from them um sending Farmers out of town to a local farm that you know my kids go to school with their kids it's not really that far-fetched it's not like we're sending them to Westfield or agwan where we don't really have any relationship with them yeah um um I did watch the select board meeting where Doug originally brought this up um he exaggerated some things about saying that they're going to drive 20 25 minutes out of town and then 20 25 minutes back well if you Google Map it from the solx far it's only eight minutes away from the center of town is only 11 minutes away and I drove the 11 minutes so I know it's 11 minutes me and Jen drove it yesterday was about to the was about 11 minutes yeah and you drove Angie you drove all the way and Jen you drove all the way from calies right so a lot of gr Granville Farms too they they use our land for hay the hay goes up to Granville from Southway the cows eat it turn it into milk that milk gets turned into Granville scoop ice cream I mean it's all connected we share up the same land which is a point I made in my comments I mean literally you have a community with other neighboring communities if you don't have a good relationship they find ways to use their land and your land against itself I've been with all my traveling and all I've seen because I've seen a lot of farms in my time of these two years I actually got to witness a mutiny between two Farms or two farming towns and one of them was so they were just so angry at each other they actually put a landfill literally on just there's I online and seriously you can smell it everywhere and I was like oh my God why am I here what cruel cruelity this is for anybody that visits these this town and unfortunately I was stuck there for a week so I had to smell it for a week and I oh my gosh but they said that yeah they have a rivalry it was more or less over disputes of uh product and how they were getting stuff in and out it's something about families and yeah that's what they did I was like um yeah I don't want that for any body and Granville doesn't even have an agricultural commission no they don't they're not an active one active one no they they follow what we do apparently I I would just like to say that um our budget was brought up um I think in this week's um meeting this past select board meeting and I'd just like to for the record you know state that we also get a lot of our money from um sponsors I think most of the money for open Farm day comes from spons in town that have donated money and a lot of our budget actually goes to the community garden and other things that are in town so I think we are using the budget appropriately yeah good good point Angie thank you and one thing I do not like our hidden agendas for the money that we get if there's a string attached they need to announce it they didn't tell us there were guidelines and exactly what we can do with the money if we take it so if if this is how it's going to be done we for Farm day we should just figure out way to where's all the money oh I think we could yeah yeah easily everyone wants it the entire that's what's funny the entire town demanded another Farm day and the tax dollars that they're using is being used for what they want but we're being told we can't use it because we're misappropriating money I'm sorry but that's kind of stupid and how much money did we send up to Granville yeah and you know what's funny is we didn't even use most of the budget it was only like what $500 or something it's like if that wey because we raised it was sponsors I think we got about $1,500 right and don't we want Granville people to come to our farm According to some don't Farm day well when we were up there yesterday she had our farm advertised everywhere inside she was very grateful for being included she's such a sweet lady went to school with her so I mean it's it's all around good things you know oh yeah I mean like our player was everywhere was fun it was great but nice oh that's awesome yeah she was very grateful and it just it upsets me a little bit because as a member of this commission for almost two years or more um that uh we're doing so much work we all put in so many hours so many we all volunteer so much of our time and so much effort into this event and that um the select board had mentioned negatives of this event and it would be nice to be recognized for all the time that we put into this event and it is a a Time costing event we put in a whole year between last and now yeah I mean that's all we've been doing is trying to make sure that this is like memorable because we had to top the last one what we gonna do the same stuff I mean seriously we have work sessions every every week yeah the board right nowes with her and she's not a commissioner I mean she puts in lots of time Marissa put in lots of time with her fly you know we have a lot of people that put in a lot of time into this event and to be only looked at for Granville it's just and might I add we're volunteers right we're not getting paid for this yeah all the hours we slaved away all the hard work we did and it's for nothing it feels like sometimes I mean I love the farmers and I love that we help them it's great but what sucks is that we get a sour note at the end of all that hard work just because of some you know bad fruit in the damn Community well we decided on adding we actually as a commission decided to add somebody outside a long time ago when we first started like I think we started originally they were supposed to come into South but their their food truck broke down yes right so yeah they were going to be at the Historical Society so not not near other ice cream locations so okay well good discussion you guys anybody else any other any other comments before we move on is it the last oh yeah we got two arets did you want to bring up the oh and let's have a moment of silence in Doug wooder honor he passed away a few days ago he was 51 years old oh man thank you thank you for being that he cut all the hay around my land he cut the hay on my land and behind me and yeah D yeah and uh when we were at calib the other day I kind of broke off from the tour a couple of times because Tommy calibri was kind of chatting away and um and he said he thought that this could be a catastrophic event for the wooder operation he wasn't sure where it would go you know who who would take over no which is so common with so many farms as we've learned in our workshops and other places you know there's uh so guess head of the dairy there yeah so that's sad that's unfortunate but thanks Dan again for for bringing that up you're welcome thanks everybody for thinking of them okay couple other things um uh when I was down at the Historical Society they I went there they were open this past Sunday and so I went down there and you know dro dropped off some brochures and stuff and Marcus STS was there and um he's talking about how the Historical Society wants to buy that 10 acres uh behind the moous more or less um oh man yeah it's known as um 74 College Highway uh 10.8 and that was going to be a marijuana row operation I believe but that fell through for whatever reason what they what would Historical Society do yeah yeah they want to preserve it they want to um it's um it's it's zoned industrial restricted so they want to preserve it before somebody puts a gas station or who knows what there um back there sometimes or am I think of a different area um they do the controlled burns down at the land on the other okay sou and I thought maybe it just caught on fire one year thought it control burn but it could have been control burn farmers do that too right yeah yeah sometimes oh yeah the soil soil so they want to they're I can send this to you guys he's got a two-page plan here uh they have not yet applied to CPC for the funds which is what their intention is uh their objectives are conservation preservation interpretation of this land would be um implemented by having the Historical Society purchase the land have an appropriate restriction Covenant contract placed on the deed uh have the perimeter of the prop as best as best as wetlands and topography allow mode to create a trail around the parcel uh install signage to talk about the history of the um Moore Nicholson water Farm map of the parcel uh identifying known flora and fauna um visitor signin um and they said uh consider having the non-wetland portion of the and leased or hay by an Area farmer so I was wondering about that yeah it's all obviously it's all overgrown but I think there's something I heard this some years ago there's something called Timothy grass I think that if you plant it it will sort of overtake some of the other uh things that are growing there so it can become a Hayfield again I mean that there's a lot to that I'm sure but um and it's uh their plan from when they when they when and if they get the property uh a two 270 day plan to put up the signage do the mowing you know do all the contracts and conservation restrictions and so that's nine months they've got it mapped out in in some detail here that's Prett oh yeah so how much is um $250,000 it was 275 um that's actually pretty cheap for 10 acres although some of it some of it is wetland but um so what Mar said was um do we have like a write of first refusal on that to make sure no one else buys it up quickly um that is good good question Dian says no not that okay good yeah he he Marcus and others in the historical side are going to talk to the current owner you know see if see how we can work this out how they can work this out so what he would like is for the Agriculture Commission you know to write a letter in support of this project um uh the um he's asking the same thing of the Southwick Land Trust um so does anybody have any I'm going to make a motion here but does anybody have any other comments or questions this would be this would be the first time the Historical Society ever actually purchased a property big moment making history yeah so I wrote this out ahead of time so um I'm making a motion to write a letter of support for the Historical Society purchase and preservation of 10.8 Acres known as 74 College Highway I second the motion okay and we got to do roll calls so let's see Bert Hansen I um Jessica Parker hi I don't think anybody else is online so Sage Fury hi Angie Simone hi Tom jados hi Jen dietro hi Dan Clark H Dan Clark Dan Dan Cook sorry hi okay Zack Barnett and Sage Fury me again oh you get you get you get two votes tonight Sage okay all right thank you so much for that I I will put that letter together and I'll send you all this um outline of this project cool so you see they they' really thought it through pretty well yes is that something we all sign or just one person from yeah I just send it as the chair I I send it but I will in the letter I will say that we voted unanimously you know to support project um let's see just a couple of quick things uh again uh since I saw Diane Gail at the um calibri the other day uh she mentioned it in the room she's here say anything bad she's right here she mentioned and Diane checked me on this uh that appointments appointments may be made by the select board in uh two weeks which I think that might be the August 26th uh meeting so just that's heads up that if that gets to be on the the agenda you know we should plan to be there um can I say something there yes I don't know if you can hear you you might have to come up here hiber if I may say something on that of course I just want to apologize to everybody who is up for um a reappointment for the delay in time I find it unacceptable myself and I vow that it will not happen again that's all can question go so all those things where we're doing roll call votes and everything I mean if I count there's six expired one vacant position so there's only technically five active members no they're actually six you have to count the vacancy as well that's fine but it's not a person that can say I correct so how does that work if there's like if most of us are expired like operating it does it just grandfather in you are still appointed until you are not yeah you you haven't been kicked off so no I'm just making sure like voting on stuff roll call that it's Y and chair if your chair is up he remains your chair until the next cycle and you at your next meeting then you do your nominations for positions again thank you good question thank you Diane that's good um I did read it just forget everything I read yeah my memory sucks yeah yeah so the other other thing uh on the agenda would be um how about our next meeting uh I know we've talked about doing a kind of a debrief about open Farm day and we certainly want to do that uh as we're learning how to best manage it um uh we would have a our next working session would be Wednesday August 28th that's two weeks uh there's a not a work session it be a work session s because this is second four Wednesday yeah no no once a month there's a the first two weeks is always G be a regular meeting anything after that will be the because the last one was just an extra thrown meeting laid out on the town calendar it doesn't differentiate work session or meeting it does on the agenda yeah agenda Lo States it so you'll see everyone exit the agenda well that's their [Laughter] problem um so I don't know uh I personally would like to go to the beekeeping session next Wednesday at a library I think Zach you had some interest as well yeah I I gotta sign up for it I think I should I should be able to make it yeah good when is it next Wednesday next W next Wednesday the 21st 6:30 6:30 oh I might be able to go I got sign up for I mean I don't need any more hocks but you need to keep them alive man that's your next journey I let I let a lot of clover grow this year yeah what are you doing the winter question oh yeah yeah so uh do we want to wait till the 28th for our next meeting is that okay think that should be yeah wait when's the appointments when's the reappointment Monday the Monday the 26th potentially maybe we should do it before the appointments just to save base that we know that everyone's going to be here to discuss it oh okay because we don't know how that's gonna pan out so I want to I mean you can still show up as a public meeting that's true okay scratch what I said keep it 28 best make it complicated okay we don't usually have public have plenty of chairs for them get 100 ghosts so um yeah and if we wanted to meet sooner obviously it would not be on a Wednesday um don't worry about it B we'll do 28th yeah okay all right sounds good uh thanks for that input and we can just do that on a consensus basis um so I think that's it for tonight only 8 811 lot of stuff here that's not bad we can stretch it out another 50 [Laughter] minutes and uh as always I so appreciate all you guys and your good ideas and your good input and your many many hours on behalf of the Adcom and our Farmers very much appreciate that you too thank you thank you make sure you rest up I thank you thank you uh so with that let's I'll make a motion to adjourn all those in favor say I I hi okay