##VIDEO ID:7CEFD-8XZJ4## B of Health meeting August 29th 2024 L use room present at the meeting is subasa G putam Linc Tom hbert and welcome our new secretary Samantha very happy to have and I think do you want to say anything about yourself or I wasn't prepared for that that's fine right um and we don't have Trish isn't joining us but we do have her report so um public comment Erica hi there hi my name is Erica um I live in Southwick Side Road area um been here for a little over two years grew up from feeding hilles but I'm here today because I'm interested in learning more um I've actually spoken with Jo who told me to come be present and just kind of see what it's all about um because I am looking to be involved I'm a pharmacist practitioner at B State Medical Center so you're just here to observe to observe yeah okay welcome to meet you it's nice to have yeah um and Trish I didn't realize you were on welcome yes I was able to come on time today thought it was Trisha so got to keep the two separate right good um the minutes from our last meeting from August 1 does anyone have any comments or additions or anything thought they were good if they're okay does someone want to make a motion I will move that we accept the minutes as written I'll second that all in favor roll call there put putam yes Trish Trish Linc yes subasa yes okay um the nursing report we don't have Trisha so we're just going to file the nursing report um did you email this to yes everybody okay that's all right um did you get a copy of it Trisha yes I have it on my computer now Trish not Trish Trish that's it's okay um the food RS yes so food RS so that has been a uh work in progress I did finally talk to the Town Council today and to um Nicole Parker the town um manager Chief uh chief administrative officer I always struggle with that title for some reason um so I I went through our existing Rag and I know we have have had kind of a couple drafts going around but um I think the the majority of this regulation is either redundant with the food code um and then we've at our last meeting we discussed the the the permitting timeline and the way that's written out um as being in in direct contradiction with the Food Co um so I've talked to a lot of other towns and a lot of towns do not have a a separate local food right um because everything's in the food code um and I kind of our our main issue the original reason we started talking about this was the you know the people who don't Renew on time um and basically what what most towns that I talk to do is um and this is what we used to do when I was in Westfield um if someone hasn't renewed by the January 1st your permits expired um and you cannot operate without a food permit how are you going to enforce that um anyone who has renewed I you know the first the first Monday after after the new year I would go around and say hey you're operating without a food permit you need to close until you have a permit but you can't make them close unless you get an order right no because they don't have a permit don't have license do it if they were if we wanted to make someone Clos because of violations or something along those lines then we would need a hearing and all of that um but but if they're operating without a permit it's just a simple cease and assist it's like driving without a license and then and then if they if they refuse to close on that point and continue to operate without a permit um then then we could have a hearing and we could actually okay we could vote to say you know what we're not even going to give you your permit you're you're done okay and by that time one week two weeks three weeks goes by I don't think it would I don't think it would take that long I well I talked to um Meadow yesterday and he said that they they'll go out and they'll say you know you're closed right now follow me back to the office and come come do your permit and they you close for the rest of the day you can if you as long as you turn everything in you can open tomorrow um can we put a big red a yeah on the doors yeah okay so this regulation came about because of that yeah and also because of restaurants where you have to keep reinspect them yeah and we needed to have something in written to show that this is what we do if you're a repeated problems violations yeah then this is the protocol that we're going to follow yeah so that's why we have this part of it also right so I think I think the the fining is allowed by the food code um requiring them to get an addition like to redo their Sur sa for get additional training that's in the food code I don't think that was necessarily in the food code at the time because they updated the food code in 2018 um so so based on the on the late phas oh one other town I talked to was um West Springfield and with the the the application is due 30 days before the permit expires um so they enforce that um the other thing how do they enforce that well I'll tell you um the other thing she said they do is they do a like multiple multiple reminders um so they'll do you they have a e- permiting system like similar to what we're switching to um so they will you know get the initial notice and you know starting in like October and then anyone that hasn't done it will get another one and then once kind of late November December hits they'll get a phone call maybe a visit um so but what they do is they they enforce the 30 days before opening rule so if someone doesn't put in their application until say December 15 they can't open until 30 days after that so they would they would require them to stay closed until January 14th I guess would be so they're holding to a 30 they're they're holding strictly holding to the 30 days which I don't I think in a city where they have a lot more establishments than us and a lot more going on and think that maybe that's that works for them I'm not necessarily proposing we do that um but I think that and and this year's we're switching to the E permitting so this year I think we're gonna kind of have to do a a grace period um and because it it's going to be a new system for everyone so um but I I think that you know when we send the renewal notice just make it very clear if you don't if you don't have your license before December 31st you should not be operating and if you are operating you will come and we give you a cease and assist um and I think I think that's enough I mean I think everything's in the food Poe so I um I had talked to Nicole and then um Ben coil the Town Council he reviewed it and um his his recommendation was which I agree with um just we can scrap the regulation entirely we don't need it um and then we're we've got a lot of change I've got the e- permitting system coming online um I'm doing the inspections on the tablet now um so we can you know give it a year give it a couple cycles and see what our we might have new different problems than we did whenever this regulation was passed and we there's nothing that would stop us from doing another regulation um but I think given all the kind of redundancies and contradictions in this I think that's that's kind of the right move would be to just scrap this regulation and then um and then see see how it goes and we can start fresh if we need to are we prepared if if if they ex if they don't have their permit on the 31st are we prepared to do inspections on January 1st yeah I mean you in the past years there's there's a handful of um usually by January 31st by the way happy birthday um usually by by late December there's you know three four five stragglers um in Westfield we were a little more lenient than some of the other towns I've talked to in Westfield and we would um we would send like an email like that or email or a phone call depending on you know whatever whatever we how we communicated with that establishment in the past weever worked um and just say hey it's you know January 3rd usually it's a long weekend so it's January 3rd you know you don't your license isn't renewed yet if you if you don't renew it by Friday we'll come shut you down so we kind of gave them a couple extra days um so really the first B business day they get reminded right and some some towns get the you know get the police involved even um and you know if it's over a weekend and they know you know this this person doesn't have a permit um you know that that and that that might be overkill for us I I but it it is usually a very small um group of of people that that don't renew um and then but once again as long as the communication is is Right leading up to January 1st you know we can let them know hey if you're you know we've if we've told them and documented that we've told them five times if you have it renewed by January 1 you can't operate so you know then that's that's on them so the issue that we're that we're really talking about right now is whether we need our separate regulations right I think so and the the issue with keeping them up to dat against the state food code is that what we're what we're talking about Prett much yeah well we're not against the state food code if we said was less than at least 30 days before they had a renew feeling that's really different is the penalties right right and I I reached out Ben didn't have as much of an answer on this but I reached out to the um m Association of Health boards they have a legal staff and they provide legal advice to all of the who're actually a member of their organization and um they provide legal advice to all of the boards of Health in the state um and I've I've also heard varying varying different opinions on the late fees um some some health directors and agents have said that they're you know they've been told they're illegal and you can't charge fees um some do it anyway so I I haven't got I haven't heard back from mahb yet um so I'm what whatever we change it to whatever we pass I would like it to be to have it been reviewed by mass Association Health boards and for them to say yes this is the legal way to do it I think there's a lot of towns that have different um late fees or even the sir charges when you know if someone has a bad inspection um they you know pay pay an extra an extra search charge on their permit um and I I'm honestly just not sure what what is and isn't legal I think a lot of towns have them um and they don't necessarily get used a lot so they don't it's not worth it whoever receives the fine it's probably not big enough that it's worth it for them to challenge find in court um so there's I think that's why there's so so much variation is you know some people say it's legal some say it's not but it's never actually made it to court to be tested so um but if we were to do you know if if we keep a regulation I I think it would be a lot more um and Ben said this as well you know you could come up with something but it's it's going to be a lot of work to go through and make sure everything matches is legal and updated appropriately so um so that's kind of why I I was thinking we can we can scrap it all together and then and then if we are if we do run into problems and you know this kind of the same repeated problems we can we can come up with a new regulation to uh to address that so how do you want to address they pay for their permit yeah but they don't give us the certifications um and Clos out for that yeah yeah it would be a a completed they have to turn it I think it's it's in here it's one of the one of the conditions so it's actually a packet they have to complete so they are we talking safe Ser they have to have that yeah so the process would be holiday January for January 2nd you're going to visit these establishments you're going to bring the sign and say you're closed yep yeah and then I I would also even before that you know it would be because we would know whatever few haven't renewed so the week between Christmas and New Year's it'd be maybe even a visit then and and a phone call and say I don't want to shut you down you don't want to be shut down come do your and it's going to we're going to KN on wood the online permitting should be up and running by then so um so they won't even necessarily have to um come into the office but just get everything get everything submitted um and and then you can open but and so we're telling them with enough time that they've got to have X number of people or or some and I don't remember what we had what we said earlier that at least one person is is save serve every shift right we're g to give them they know that ahead of time every shift or just person for the is it every shift for as far as the permit we only require one um one person um but they can have like an alternate um there is some language in the code for say the say the surf safe manager is out uh they can have like an alternate who they've trained isn't necessarily Ser safe certifi job yeah but it they're in most cases they're they're gen like for chain places they should have someone on it's a little harder in some of the mom and pop places like yeah you know if the the owner is the one with the surf safe and they have to take the day off but they've got a worker they've trained and that that's okay but okay so therefore whenever the restaurant is open there always has to be a Serve Safe person or an alternate Y no matter what the shifts not just yeah yeah and and do we check that training is that part of it so there'll be a checklist that would have some of the key things for for surf y yeah so I when I do inspections I always check their certifications um and when when they renew they always submit submit their certification so historically there had to been something that that kind of necessitated this how often do we have and I know we talked about one business that had not gotten maybe it was just ice cream permit or Frozen whatever have we have we had people that have not submitted their their certifications or or um yeah there there's been in the two years that I've been here there's there's been one or two um but not everybody not no not it's not large widespread thing and um before that there was right the same businesses right and then before that too there were we had two restaurants that would closed down yeah they had to get a food consultant yeah and another another point to bring up too is when this when you guys pass this regulation um you have Tom who was only three days a week so so that's a difference as well as I'm I'm full-time so it you know it would have been would have been harder for Tom to kind of run around and make the time to do some of these things but um but I have I have a little more time available to to put to put the attention on it when it when it needs it and when we make sure they know the due date is December 1st that really gives us the probably the vast majority will have their everything done by by December 1st or maybe you know a week into December um and then then we have the next 28 days to kind of focus on those straggles gonna get the word out December 1st um so this year is it gonna be on me are we gonna have e permitting this year are we still gonna have the paper and and if we have e- permitting how they going to know how to use right so um so I haven't got an up recent update um I know they're working on it but I don't know what they're we haven't received like their schedule for when everything's going online but um we're told they are working on everything and we were told that I told them you know we need it by October November um in order to to get renewals out to everyone so once I have some more concrete information from them um and kind of knowing what the specifics are um I think we'll probably work with full circle the the eitting company to prepare a letter that we would mail to everyone um and just say you know we're moving to e permitting and depending on how late in the year it is when it actually goes online maybe we'll tell people you this year you can do either yeah um or or we'll just you know I I don't think it's fair if if we get rid of this regulation I don't think it would necessarily be fair to uh to say oh it's it to do like what West Springfield does and say it's due December 1st if if you don't do it you can't open until 30 days after your application is submitted um so I I think there you know this year people might struggle with um you know the change they've been doing it this way a long time so um so I think this year would be kind of give a little extra Grace with everyone um you know they might need need a little extra handholding so do we have the the wherewithal that you know if you wanted everything in e- permitting but somebody has a physical they're going to do your application would that be something that we would offer is we could input the data into the E per I mean that might help it kind of or or have a help desk for of a better term like we when we change computers in the hospital there's always there's always a core team who sits there right beside them and works them through yeah so building um building has they're on the E pering already um and they they charge I think it's a $5 fee to do a paper permit and Karen will enter it they also have a computer in like like the lobby part of the office that anyone can log in and do their like sometimes people who aren't very computer savvy they'll they'll sit there and do their permit and then if they have questions Karen is there to say oh you know do this do that um so we can you know we can walk people through it if um if they really need to and the the towns that I've talked to that have switched to this system as well as some of the other e- permitting systems um they all they all say the the first year is is kind of rough um the change for everyone there but I think even about they said at least half of the restaurants from from day one they love it the other the other half complain a little bit but then by year two everyone Everyone likes it so um so hopefully that's the case for us and it could be that we you know if we do away with this we reserve the for The stragglers Who The habitual stragglers okay well if your permit if you don't have your permit in by X then you you are going to have to close for the next 30 days right I mean that that would be enough to scare me yeah yeah I like that yeah and then one thing one thing I thought of too for a you know a future if we do ever do another food regulation um would be that we could say it's due December 1st if you pay or if you if you turn it in you know December 14th then there's a late fee for that because then that only gives the health department 14 days to review it but we'll still issue it on time so there's there's something we could do there um but like I said I don't know the right legal way and if we actually even could do that um so so that's kind of my my stance but it's it's um you know your your decision ultimately so what do you want to do about the choking because we were going to have it yeah so the the choking one I think that I think we hold off I think we might have said that at the last meeting we hold off on that because there's that there's that discrepancy so the the food code well no no not yeah choking training yeah for no matter how many seats you have right not just 25 right the food the manual not right I bought one of those and I don't think they work well we got one too yeah I don't think they're gonna same oh really yeah not kind of would never actually needed it so that's better I got it for you know when I travel I got it so you know gyms there by himself oh yeah yeah looks like a plunger yeah it does got you got to get a really good seal yeah yeah works good on a table but space right um so yeah with the the kind of so do about that I think we just wait on that and we can always we can always pass it at another time um but the the food code and I'm surprised I haven't heard about anyone talking about this in any of our like trainings or anything but the food code says they need to be trained in the um you know choke procedures in the um and but it references the state the Mass General law the Mass General law says all restaurants with 25 seats or more need the training or the device the food code doesn't mention the device it only mentions the training but it references the law and then if you look at the FDA the FDA is saying oh those devices aren't any good so I would not want to put our name on buy I think if we're if we're going to do anything with choking we should kind of see where they fall on that on the devices I would feel more comfortable if in our communication when we you know should we decide to do away with this that we have communication when we're sending out the the the the Rel Li your stuff that we as a board strongly encourage um at least at least you know uh that that every restaurant that serves food regardless I don't care if you have 10 people right one of those 10 can choke that they have the the the choke save education some sort of education and just not say anything about the device yeah because I you know I think we can be more we can be more uh uh stringent than the St law we just can't be less absolutely yeah I think that's what the regulation that Westfield had forever it did didn't have any reference to the devices um and it was just that any establishment with is if there with any even if there's one seat if there's any onsite dining should have the training kids yeah people what G to resend their Andy CH I'm not I'm not sure I'm not sure um so so they they changed Theirs to they said you can do the the training or the device and they they got rid of the zero seat requirement they went to the 25 so from from a healthc care provider standpoint I I I I I think limiting it's like when you're on the road and the deer are here for the next two miles what keeps them within that two mile radi you know you you you never know who you have in that 10 or two or whatever right um I I just that would be my my my vote is that we we encourage we we we put strongly worded language that we encourage that you get you know for the safety of our community I'd be glad to help that if you but but I I think that you know we we're we're supposed to be concerned about the health of our community and I think that is that's the way to live right yeah and I I think we could easily do that especially on the e- permitting because there's going to be a box where it says you know choke saving training is required for 25 seats and we could just put you know although not required board strongly encourages and then and then um I I did look it up the town of Norwood had a reg similar to what Westfield used to have of you know just not nothing about the devices just the training um and any on-site seating they have it so they've theirs has been in place since I think like 94 um so that would be something too that we could do I I think if we did even if we passed that in October I don't think it would be fair to enforce it until next renewal cycle anyway um so that could be something maybe maybe we'll I'll find out some more information about the devices and we can see how we want to play that and early next year we could pass that and give all the establishments would have you know six months plus to to get to get it and also I'd be CU I haven't looked at like the seating of all of our restaurants um and like looked at it that way but it would be interesting to see how many how many restaurants it would actually affect that have less than 25 seats so I'll look at that the permits that come in this year I'll keep that in mind that many I don't think so either I think most of them probably have have more than 25 so yeah um what would be even you know as we're looking to helping our nursing staff have projects and things that would and I don't know what it would take to be an instructor for I mean imagine telling our businesses you got to do this and then we're offering on that to be choke sa right yeah pardon yeah yeah fire department and even um i' I've seen for choke saving and for um for sur sa I've seen Boards of Health like post a class so we we could you know if we did pass that and said everyone needs this um we could we wouldn't necessarily have to pay with the establishments would have to pay whatever the fee is but we could find a trainer and host a class here get the information out to everyone and say you know you have to do this there's these other trainings available but we're going to there's going to be a class at Town Hall it costs this much and you know that way you know they that way they can't say oh I can't I can't find one yeah even though there is one that's that's online and it only costs $20 and takes an hour um so even even that I I don't see a lot of excuses for not being able to get that completed because it's not not overly expensive not a huge time commitment so but I I think a lot of people like the inperson and I think the inperson is more effective than you know watching a video you do return demonstrations right that's how it's going so how would um the e- permitting things still you don't know the time frame yet right yeah so we would have to send a notice out to all the restaurants yeah if the permitting is up and running you would have directions on how to do the E permitting that yep and you'd have paperwork if they wanted to do it by paper correct I think so um and then we should put something in as Terry suggested to strongly suggest about the chuny training yeah and also are they aware that a Ser save person has to be for alternate has to be present at all times yeah they should be and if like if I do an inspection and no one like that's a violation I would I would document that and educate them during during an inspection if that was the case if we resend or do away with these regulations how's that going to work because it's already in the um B I think they would just the clerk would be able to just take it out I can check with it because we I think we would still um I think we would do we we we're still doing the tobacco regulation um and our Fe schedule um so we'll still be doing a public hearing anyway so I think might as well include include even if the vote is just to resend this I think we can still include that in the public hearing just to cover ourselves and um and then I'll I'll talk to Christie and see if we would need to do anything special on on her end but I think the the the ecode book I think they could just update it do they have hard copies I used to have hard copies yeah I think so yeah and they even quick question oh go ahead sorry um with that anti-choke is that also going to be similar to the Serve Safe where that person has to be on site as well yes yeah they at any time um that's even more there's there's less leeway with the choke saving than there is with the surf save so the way it's worded I think um I might misquote it a little bit but at at anytime food is being served there needs to be someone on the premise that is is trained in in choke saving okay check the certification yeah they should be on file there yeah and one would hope if there's a physical copy of this they just put expired or or no longer and and then may a statement that says we're now foll you know this is replaced by the F yeah we put that on our site site take it off yeah have Jim j take you can put something yeah so um and then also I've been doing you know looking at all this stuff and looking at other Town websites um at at some point um hopefully sooner than later i' I've seen a like a lot of towns have a lot of good helpful links and information for the for the restaurants and sort of guides um so so I'll that's kind of one of my long-term goals is to get get some more yeah get some more helpful information on the on the website um because it's nice you know if I'm doing an inspection and someone is missing you know a a poster um the the allergen awareness poster or something like that um you know I can I can send them to the State website but it's also allow you go you know s.org for of health and everything you need is right there that's a great idea so um so I'll I'll work on that in my spare time you know is that something that your deputy and I forget what her name is your Deputy coordinator is that something that she can help with as well or is that her her job dictated by yeah hers is more for the the for the for the six towns so okay but but Samantha can help me with it we love you Samantha yeah so yeah do the nurses have any do they have a site do they have a a because some of the things that when you were saying that you know I might not know the symptoms of Co or I might not know you know now Triple E is like yeah big times what do I need to look for things like that yeah helpful as well they had they have a um a Facebook page that they created for the the Western Hamond County Public Health District um and then they have a a sub a sub page within the Board of Health page on the southw website Trish you have anything you want to add or ask no I think it all sounds good um someone who's an expert in Airway management I love the choking thing however I just don't know how realistic it is and how many people would be willing to participate in that but I I do think it's a great idea great yeah I agree I think it only takes one one person yeah it don't yep know then everybody's on board yeah have you have have you seen anything about the like the life back or the choke saving devices we were talking about I don't think I don't think you were on the board yet when we were at talked about at that meeting it was a few months ago so I do own a bunch of the de chokers myself have I ever used one no um you're you're right in the sense that you have to have a good seal because you're creating this suction vacuum to you know initiate getting that whatever stuck out but um I don't know I think you're going to have a lot of people who have never seen it they're going to try to use it and it's going to become a bigger debacle than just going the oldfashioned way with the high so I think um oh sorry no I was saying that for to give you a little history as we were looking at this um we discovered that they're not FDA approved so we we just don't want to put our name on the town yeah could be yeah suggested have we ever thought about maybe surveying the businesses to see their thoughts on it just to get kind of input to see like what the perceptions out there are and willingness yeah yeah that's a good idea yeah is that something when you go do an inspection you can ask supposed to sending out a survey or yeah yeah yeah as I as I see I'll try to find out what the um what those because Mo most of our restaurants have over 25 seats and they've got to do it anyway um but those I'll try to identify the the ones that would be would be affected and um you know I can ask them you know if they that would be there'd be a you know a burden for them that we're not thinking of that maybe it'd be you know I don't know what their Staffing is like or you know if they're you know a lot of businesses now are saying you know their help is like a revolving door so if you know say the owner had it and they're there 75% of the time but all their other staff is constantly changing and I don't know so but yeah I'll try I'll try to find out who would be affected and see if I can get get their their take on it maybe ask them what they would do if somebody choking yeah and you know it takes X number of minutes so do you think if you call the EMS are they going to get there in time right and do they see a need in getting educated right yeah and know a lot of people too have you know first aid in CPR is above and beyond the ch saving training so a lot of times like people will come in and they're like choke saving what's that you have CPR oh yeah I have that for my other job you're good know so so sometimes people kind of see that it's required and they Panic a little bit and then they're like oh that's not so bad so well that's probably that that's a good point we could offer you know we could say either choke saving or or someone with CPR right um because people done that for years not quite a spirit right the other thing that might be some because people you know go to websites and Facebook pages and whatnot but maybe South we could create um a little emblem just to say hey we're choke safe and now they can put that on their website and people see that then they feel a little more comfortable entering their establishment so that could be like a perk if you do this we give you a little you know this goes on your website to say you've done this training yeah yeah no that's a good idea maybe even a scker for door yeah yeah that's that's great okay um if you want to keep it regulations or get rid of the regulations just some you want make a motion I move that we uh uh do away with the with with our particular Town regulation and follow the food code in addition to the language about um either either U the anti-choke or CPR does Co mention CPR they just mentioned they uh they it just mentions choke saving but it but it's CPR is is includes yeah do you want to second that Trish sure I can second that motion um all in favor Terry putam sorry ter Linc all opposed subasa so for clarification purposes um does this mean that we are going to formally get rid of this regulation after the public hearing or did we just get rid of it we just we just got rid of it okay perfect and the um then the language so the recommendation for the choke saving and then we can we can look at doing the choke saving regulation at another at a later point right because we can always fine-tune that regulation correct that's the way I'm understanding it if we had to yeah correct okay so yeah I can I can send out um I'll make a note now then so I'll I'll send the regulation I found I think it was from Norwood Mass um I'll send that out to all three of you tomorrow um just so you can you can read it and we can um kind of put that on our on our radar if we want to put something like that in place but but it it would be nice to get if the FDA gets more research on the the de chokers or if if the state clears up their kind of contradiction within the two State codes uh that I think I think if those were like approved by the FDA I think that would be a great thing to say you can do the training or have device but we can always next year when you send this whenever whenever when or if you you're real optimistic I think the FDA is going to move that quickly right um right uh we can always add that but I think strongly encouraging the the choke safe training or or an equivalent it's say or equivalent IE CPR or whatever okay perfect okay so we all done with that y next is uh B schedule yeah so I'm not sure if Trish got a copy of this I had a copy it one time we can actually go [Music] down the list sure I didn't I I wasn't prepared I probably should have put this one on Old business but um you can look at this yeah so it we're keeping all the food permits the same without increasing any we added the cottage y for $25 composed and then everything else um body art practitioner establishment everything else is going up $25 except for Disposal system construction repair permit we're going to keep that at 75 but for a new one goes up to 170 yeah um then Tom had mentioned the emergency repair permit where they just have to replace a tank or a debox that just charge $50 for that um I thought we were going to keep that as the 75 and because the the repair so the the repair permit that we have would become the emergency repair just a tank or a dbox and then any other system so basically if they're putting in a new leech field regardless of it's if it's a repair or not we would call it um a Disposal system construction permit and then the repair permit would be just the emergency repair which is a tank or a debox because even if it's a a repair system but they're putting in a whole new leech field it's the same amount of work on our end um you know it's still reviewing the full plans all everything involved um and then the only the only thing that's really different is sometimes the perk tests for new construction take longer um but we do have the the um thing in the perk the perk fee that if it goes over a certain amount of time and I don't remember what it is off the top of my head um then we would we could charge Char charge them um an hourly rate if it goes over the three hours so so the increased time for a new construction would be covered by that by that the way I look at it is you have the new construction for Disposal system when brand new yeah then you have a repair I need a new le field a repair I'm not doing new construction it's not a new house it's just a repair in my system yeah and then I and then further is the emergency repair which you said it's just a small thing they can just send you a picture right that's the way I interpreted it okay yeah in my my in my opinion I think the new construction and the repair are are pretty much the same amount of work um so I would I would say those those should be the same and then the emergency repair can be can be cheaper that was my that was my initial proposal but that's up obviously up for discussion and it's you all's decision and we're I don't have the expertise the other the other thing for the fee schedule is this um should go to public hearing um so we're not going to be voting on The we're just discussing it right now and then when we do our Hearing in October for the tobacco um and was that again Sor we I think we had said we'll have a regular meeting on the 3 and our hearing would be on the 10th is what we we but we can move it around obviously okay um because I think part part of the reason we were wanted to do it at that time I guess we'd still want to do the fee schedule before renewals go out um when renewals go out October October November would wouldn't affect the food right yeah we wer if we weren't going to change we have to discuss that percolation tests used to be 150 to 175 and each additional for three hours and each additional hour was 35 which I had done up to 50 okay so now it's gonna be 175 the first three hours and then 50 for every hour afterwards however if it's a repair percolation test I only have 150 okay period yeah I just I mean if somebody once repairs their system I mean they're helping out the environment they're getting their system repaired and let that have been blowing all over the ground and I really hate to charge them a lot of money is there at one time we didn't charge at all are there times when we make them rep Sy um not often that we're the ones saying You must do this but you know a lot of times when people are selling their house U you know they get it inspected and it fails so yeah yeah yeah so I've had one actually that's the only time I've ever had to um really Force someone to to do it um but but yeah I mean our even after we incre if we increase them our fees are are still very cheap for the septic stuff some of the towns are charging three four 500 for the the town permits um so not that that not that I think we should do that but um but relatively say $25 is cheap so okay funeral director permit we don't really do anything with the we don't do anything with them but we do we do permit then we don't do the inspections or anything no there's no there's no um so was aund it's up to 125 yeah holler hollers permit what what likeing thing okay trash trash Southern I thought you said holler and we're charging that okay we have the seage permit and we have the solid waste yeah which are both 125 and then the installer is 150 um pool permit 75 up to 100 Camp permit 100 up to 125 um what would you consider a recreational camp a kids camp in the summertime yeah okay that was 50 went up to 75 rendering permit we don't inspect the rendering do we no at one time back years and years ago there was a lot of problems with the rendering smell in the neighbors comp oh really that's that one place that's on the way to Feeding Hills yeah on Foster Road and so so what do we Char that's going to go up to 125 tanning salon up to 125 to permit and sales up to 175 well permit up to 125 and let me get the tobacco th000 for three days suspension 2,000 for five days suspension and 5,000 for 10 days suspension is that we did 3 10 or I think thought we did was 35 and 10 okay um well finds oh well yeah we don't have a yeah oh no well permit once 25 okay well fines a second offense what I don't know what that's I don't know what that's referring to I don't either I I uped up to 100 and then subsequent offenses 200 would be um yeah that they out of compliance will yeah I'm not sure what that would they have to have the well to show this poble water before they can get a building yeah before we give us something right right so I don't know why that came back yeah or is that an existing well but I mean have you know if an existing well right yeah maybe if someone drilled a well without a without a permit something like that yeah the second fence what about the First Fence yeah I'm not I'm not sure maybe the first one's a warning I'll look I'll look at our well rag that's another one that we should update at some point our well rag def to we've been talking about that years yeah yeah the the the tough thing with that is the state the state's been talking about passing a um a reg Statewide regulation similar to Title Five for septics but for wealth um so so it's it's kind of like we're at that weird point where we know we need to update ours but if the state is going to do this in a year then why do we want to put all of our well drillers through that and then the state come in and change it the well drillers are licensed by the state yeah so they're state state licensed and they there's State guidelines that they have to follow um so so that one that one's a little definitely definitely ours is out of date for sure um but so is the well Rags referring to Residents as well as businesses or is that something that's more specific well well drilling so um okay any drinking drinking well and like our that's one of the problems with it our reg is currently only for um private water drinking Wells but the the state the state has model rags and guidelines and they they would the state regs and or the models would require a permit for any well so if someone is putting in a irrigation well um a monitoring well even the the geothermal Wells um okay they would require a permit for those so but right now someone calls and they're you know putting in a irrigation well um I have to tell them you don't you don't need a permit they still have to file state paperwork we still get notified of it so it's not like uh it's it's like under the cover of darkness and no one finds out but um but it's still it would probably be good to get to have them do those permits okay so it says here for penalties if you violate any of these regulations says in here the first offense is 25 the second is 50 okay so we have to keep that but it would would be a first offense second okay if more than one each condition violated so constitute a separate okay but yeah so we can keep that on the fee schedule and if we ever change the well rag we would just have to update that and we wouldn't put it in here the amount right so okay going back to then the construction permit questions comments what do you think I me you could have a repair permit which is just a Lee field and not a tank that wouldn't be an emergency if we met though because you're doing the Lee field extensive right yeah I think that that's my my opinion is the whether it's new construction or a repair if they're doing a leech field that's what makes it be all the extra work um of the plan review and all that um and then also if we if we keep new construction and a repair leech field as two separate rates it also brings up the awkward not awkward but sometimes when someone puts in a system it's an existing house um but they're go say they're going from a three-bedroom system but they want to do an addition uh and they're going to a four-bedroom system the title 5 would call that new construction um and they have to do the kind of do the reserve area and um meet all the code requirements for new construction but what would that be permit wise is that a would we charge them the new construction rate or would we charge them the repair rate so I think if they're if they're putting in a leech field it should be one rate and then when it's just a tank or a debox emergency repair that would could be the the other rate but and what are those rates again if you if you propose do currently it's 75 for the repair which includes just a tank or a debox and a repair um leech field uh and the new construction is 150 should go to 175 yeah don't you say this is a wide range under rep it could be a 15 minute thing versus several days yeah that's see yeah well the emergency would be the 15 minute right right well take a little longer yeah takes them longer but the amount of time that right you want to stratify or or or of narrow that class the amount of time it takes us in the office is you know they they make the phone call and say hey I've got to do a tank over here um then they'll let me know it's ready for inspection sometimes if I have time I go out sometimes they'll say oh you're good just send me a picture um and then then they have to get in the paperwork and then it's just signing off on them certificate and that's it so so for that you want to charge 75 yeah I think so so that would be the simple that would be the simple okay um called an emergency repair and is limited to replacing a dbox uh replacing the tank or sometimes if there's like a a pipe got crushed um like the pipe from the house to the tank or tank to the debox but anything that involves a Le anything that involves yeah then on the disposal permit application is there a place to indicate repair on new construction yeah there is so therefore you want to just get rid of repair permit and just have construction permit I think so I think that simplifies things and and it's it's a Rel relatively equal amount of work I would say when either way if it's new new construction or or repair and with this be you know the changes that that that we're proposing that's part of the hearing we make sure that they know yeah the schedule is yep and we would vote on this we set up we set it up that we have a hearing and we come out of the hearing for a regular meeting and then we would vote on it in a regular meeting yeah okay um so what are your thoughts um do we do we vote now to take to remove construction repair permit or I don't think necessarily need to vote but I think we can if you if you guys want to discuss and kind of come to a consensus and then we can have a kind of a final a final draft but we also have the meeting on the on the third yeah so we can we have some time to tweak it and then and maybe send it back out then we can all look at it yeah and you know I'm certainly fine with what we've discussed okay any other permits I think we cover a moment so yeah and then the one other thing with the fee schedule that could come into play is the um the e permitting like I'm not 100% certain how they they have the permit structured so um I think that would probably come into play with like the rest we have the restaurants different classes by the number of seats um or the number of square footage so I think that's pretty standard so I don't think that would be an issue with the e permiting but depending on how they do how they are set up it it could um kind of Identify some other um other things that we might want to tweak just to make it work a little better with the with the system but um we should definitely have an update by our next meeting um so we can if I get anything sooner I'll get kind of a draft out and um we can go from there and are food trucks included in that as well that um food display under 25 Square fet non-refrigerated Food only what's an example of that for food establishment well retail food establishment if they have non-refrigerated food only they don't need a permit by the food code so that we should change but I I think um so when they Chang the food code like when I was in Westfield Like Home Depot used to get a food permit for soda and candy um then the food Tractor Supply yep Tractor Supply the uh the food code changed and they said if if all you sell is um non temperature control for safety Foods um then you don't need a permit so if you're selling all prepackaged chips and soda and candy then you don't need a permit um so that eliminated a a lot but not a ton because most of the gas stations sell milk and eggs those hot dogs that go around forever yep the hot dogs so so a lot of the a lot of the smaller stores still still need a permit um I think for that that get the $25 permit I think that the few that have that would be I think like the couple of the liquor stores um where they might have a gher with with milk um and very kind of very limited things that need that need to be under temperature control this says non-refrigerated so yeah so I I think we should take that non refrigerated under 25,000 square feet what do you think mobile is I don't know I'm bad with I'm bad with square footage I think we can keep that permanent but I think just just have it be uh food display and just just take out the the parentheses where it says non-refrigerated food only so keeps you display everybody yeah and that that way the the liquor store that has one cooler and you know maybe they have milk or I don't know if they any of them sell eggs but um whatever whatever small amount of of temperature control Foods um well why don't we just say under 25 square feet yeah said food just food just one yeah and then this one would be 25 to 2500 yeah ask yeah um I was actually looking for eggs um last year I went into one of small or whatever um their egg in there were like three or four months expired oh how can like someone like myself not to yeah that would um if you ever saw that again I would say call call me call the health department and uh and then I would go out and and check it out and see what's whether they were getting you know getting eggs from a a farm and using old boxes technically the the people that like the people that sell eggs on their front lawn if they have chickens that that's legal and it's it's exempt from the it's like protected under agriculture but there are some guidelines like they aren't they aren't supposed to use other people's egg crates and you know there's some labeling requirements for that so um so in like a gas station it could be something like that where they're reusing reusing the packages and yeah they look like all you know when you go to the store you can tell which right yeah yeah thanks okay mobile food units are 75 caterings 100 I think mobile should go up Mobile's a lot of work and that actually the the mobile is cheaper than do we have the seasonal yeah the mobile is cheaper than the seasonal which I no mobile should because they're not they can come in from other towns right and just have mobile food and not pay taxes in town or anything like and when you look they're taking some of the business away from Tino so so I would 100 or even 150 because I I do an inspect I do an inspection with Brian and it's always coordinating they have having to get them to come to town hall um or sometimes having to do an inspection on a weekend depending on what they're going to be so so I I think even 150 would be fair for that okay um do we want the seasonal to be $100 for all the six less than six months where it's $100 for permanent under 25 seats and it's $100 for 25 to 25,000 squ feet well the the seasonal the seasonal would be for like a temporary I think those kind of go together no you have a temporary one to five yeah for nonprofit okay those are um but the only people that get the seasonal permit are like temporary food establishments so um the for example the north side creary um they were they did all the ice cream at the um car Monday night car shows at the church there um at The Daily Grind that's what it's called um so they they Pro I don't know the exact number but they probably did six or eight weeks that they were there so instead of paying $25 six or eight times they did the seasonal and they they paid the $100 so they it does kind of save them some money but um but do we want the seasonal to be 100 should we drop that to 75 when you look at what we're charging for other 25 seats that's up to you guys I don't no one's complained about it I think that's a good I think it's all right as you know if you're if you're doing more than four events it makes sense for him to do it when you've got at the um oh gosh what's the name the the Christmas tree spot they have that cinnamon cinnamon whatever come in during and they're there're quite a bit the cinnamon roll person that in there so they they would fall under the season is right right yeah probably cowards like cowards yeah so you know probably I don't know I'll have to keep an eye out for that this year because I don't recall yeah they're they I don't think they were here last year okay um but they've been They al during Christmas tree season okay and that's yeah yeah I actually got my tree last year and I don't think they I don't remember seeing any I don't think they were here last year but they yeah I'll keep an eye out for that check them out because you know give them their bill and get a big I think cinnamon roll you know yeah so do you want to keep it at 100 or you want to drop to 75 I'm good put that with Trish what do you think um I actually sorry I stepped away for a minute so I missed the last part of that so the seasonal food permit we charge 100 $100 seasonal food permit is less than six months we charge $100 where a food service establishment under 25 seats we charge $100 and for a food retail establishment for under 2500 seats we charge $100 so the question is should the seasonal food permit stay $100 or should we be drop it 75 that's $16 a month if if it's six months or less and yeah and there's not a lot of people that I think we do like one or two of those a year it's not not a not a popular option and what's the thought process behind dropping it why well because because we have the food service and you have under 25 seats and you're here all year long and that's 100 and for under 25,000 Square fet fot establishment you're here all year round and that's 100 oh so I see what you're saying so it's it's the same cost for different I would go from the same same standpoint if you're only here seasonally they could be taking some of the money away from away from the town restaurants I I you know and maybe I'm not seeing maybe I'm not seeing the right you know from the right perspective so I I don't I don't I don't see the need to to save them because they're going some other place they're not vested in the town but that that's my thinking but that's just me what's your thinking Trish yeah I don't know if I would reduce it I think I would leave it the same as well all right is there anything else you wanna sounds like we cover reps 1506 all right right so I'll retype this sub and send it out okay so while we're on this for the um okay what's next Toco South Board of Health representatives for Western hampen County Public Health so then let's go back to um the hearing uh we're going to have the hearing so we're going to post it we're going to post it going to post it seven days and 14 days or I think so um so yeah we'll post it on um post it on the website and then post it in the paper I got I don't haven't reviewed the requirements today but um just be a summary like a RIS Fe schedule yeah and the other would be adopt adopt new tobacco regulation based on the state yeah yeah so so we'll sure yeah so I'll I'll put I'll review that in the next week or so and set a timeline just so I don't forget when to have anything done and then um so we'll say we'll say October with October 10th yeah the third was our next meeting and I think uh this would be good person have October 10th are you talking about legal RS yeah okay I did one of those for oh perfect I don't know the exact timeline yeah I can figure that out yeah perfect um another thing I go back to the food Rags um do we have that registered with the state you know the oh yeah probably I will I'll find out what they if we need to tell them that we got rid of them or not but I'll I'll take care of that yeah and see what they have I think we should be up to date I think Alex yes I do I do remember seeing that when I started is that Tom's gonna work on the whale Rags right after we have our hearing yeah good L Cal yeah okay and got a long to-do list or find out a state I mean I know that would be that's been coming they've been talking about that when Alex was yeah for for a few years they've been they've been seriously talking about it but uh that would be nice that'd be a lot less work for us but do you talk about that in any of your meetings that you go to um nothing I haven't heard anything recently other than um I think there was I think there was some Bill to fund a fund a study for it that passed or something like that but I think if it even if if it does happen it it'll probably be a couple couple years so might it might be worth just doing ours beforehand because who knows who knows how long the state takes it took them for updating the food code it was the 99 food code and they didn't update it until 20 17 but in 2017 they adopted the 2013 food code so um sometimes they take their they take their sweet time so so it might I'd like I'd like to wait for them but it might be worth it to do the wells the well Rags ourselves hug yeah yeah all right you want to discuss yeah what that is so uh the Board of Health representatives for the Western hen County Public Health District so that is our shared Service Group um and we finally have adopted everyone signed the IMA uh the intermunicipal agreement so um so we are official and our next Halen will be sending out the agenda for that meeting I think tentatively it's going to be September 12 or 12th second I think was the date um so we have to uh the IMA details that each town has two Representatives um one primary and then one backup so each Town gets one vote um I think we had preliminarily discussed this Sue's been all the meetings so I think Sue would be our our primary and I think Terry you'd said you'd be I think you went to one or two of the meetings too before um you'd be willing to be the back up um and then that way those on Zoom as well y they're on Zoom we usually do them at 2:30 um we've discussed a few times changing the time but we get uh limited participation from the other towns so it's uh you know kayen or I will send out an email to everyone and you can get crickets so it's uh it's been difficult to try I don't think we've ever had everybody no and usually we're short and you have to email or call somebody to get somebody on yeah we're we're lucky to get four so oh wow um and we have to get four right we need four yeah we could we couldn't reduce the size of the Quorum it was illegal unfortunately and can you represent um Montgomery did Mo into that I looked I can't represent Montgomery um and I was trying to find out if I um Can represent Southwick or not because of my kind of dual affiliations but um but they they actually for Montgomery they actually said um you can't you can't represent them on the board and you also can't be the Montgomery Health agent unless they designate you as a special Municipal Employee so I'm now a special Municipal buloy and monem or that the health agent position goes by the position not the person so but to me it doesn't make sense why you can't represent them then right I I think because um I I receive Montgomery pays me for the work I do there Southwick pays me for the work and Montgomery benefits from the money from the contract that I oversee as part of my role in Southwick okay so so it's like what about Crystal Crystal and she I'll tell her that she should reach out but I think she's good because she's not like my my confict was because I'm the health director and Southwick is the lead agency of the of the grant um so for crystal crystal doesn't work for Southwick so I think she's she's okay but but she works for she works for Two Towns but I don't think she's the um that everybody gave us their their names um and I don't think Granville listed her as their representative so she's only she's only the backup for one of her two talents so I think I think she's good but I'll I'll let her know the reminder to toble check that so um okay so if um you know that's the the IMA says the Board of Health appoints whoever they want to be their representative so um so should we vote on that yeah I think vote on it and um so the representative would be I would be the primary secondary second back up or what so do you want make a motion or Trish make a motion Trish make a motion us okay Trish you want to make a motion or you don't know sure I'm making a [Laughter] motion Sue Brasa would be primary representative for the West Western hampen County Public Health District and Terry putam would be the alternate well stated so yes okay you seconded it I second so all in favor subasa yes Terry putam yes Trisha Trisha B yes okay right thank you okay fog Rags are still yeah I haven't done anything on that and to Tobacco the only update on Tobacco when I talked to Ben Coy today um he said he reviewed it he thought it looked really good he had a couple questions about some um some upcoming legislation or something like that so um I I think um the the people who wrote the regulations for US definitely know everything about all the upcoming legislation so I'll coordinate with him and um and with mhoa just to straighten anything out answer any of his questions but um I think ultimately I he didn't think there was going to be any issues but he had a couple more questions so um so I think you know before definitely before our October meeting I'll have plenty of time to sort that out with him um and I don't foresee any um any changes but we will uh we will find out okay so let's go through your report um my report so some septics um some perk tests 11 silvergrass 24 Fred Jackson and 147 Mort Vining um 157 Vining Hill that I think that was our last meeting that we talked about that there was some older perks there um it's a big a big long lot and uh there was two sets that were done at different times and um we had said we would allow the use of the perks but um I would go out and and verify it so one of the sets of perks in the back of the property was you couldn't tell where it was so um so I already sent sent the owner an email I said you know those ones wouldn't be valid um but the ones in front um would be valid um and depending on how he wants to do it they might end up doing another perk anyway um just because the locations everything so I but I kind of so this is new construction yeah it's a so they'd have to do have to your reserve or there's two perks already in front yeah there's two two perks in the front but one of one of them was questionable so I told him get get an engineer and you know talk to me you might be able to use you can definitely use one of them the other one is a maybe um so talk to an engineer see what you want to do um it's gonna be one lot two one one lot yeah so um so I I think you know if they might end up doing another perk they also might be good with what they have so um but I I spelled that all out for him and let him know but um just wanted to update you on that because we had talked about that to the last meeting um 23 Noble Steve Crossing that one I finally approved um that was the one that had the they had to rep perk it um so they actually they actually did a um did a trench system they only did one per it's new construction they only did one perk but the they put the reserve between the trenches which is legal um first time I've ever actually seen anyone do it but um but it is legal and uh so that they put in their well as well um so that one's that one's coming along final inspections at uh 186 Mort Vining Road was a repair 50 Mort Vining Road um was new construction that oh yeah that's why I got confused that was previously 72a but it now got a number and it's 50 um 72a yeah so does Samantha know how to match up you're G have to match up lot numbers with the actual house numbers because they get a lot number 20 but then it could be house number 57 yeah so you gota yeah match hasn't she hasn't done too much septic stuff yet but start starting to dabble right so um three stere at drive with a repair two s Mountain Road a new construction install 10 Davis Road or how far up is that that is um at like at the end of the dirt road on the left yeah still southw um and 10 Davis Road was a repair and 83 Powder Mill Road was a um emergency repair a tank and a dbox and not actually the line between the tank and the dbox as well um housing I have had two I think one of them I might have already told you about last meeting but two in the uh Southwick Villages um as I've talked to the management and both have been rectified I just have to schedule an inspection with a tenant um and one of the tenants has uh was leaving anyway so what are the two in South Villages you got 25 South Village East s 32 Sawmill Park okay that's right saying yeah um 80 Bungalow Street minor right yeah one of them was um the lady had a handful of complaints but most of them weren't actually violations and yeah South Village East and um uh the only thing that was a violation was the the ceiling fan like the the junction box was exposed um that's Village East or uh don't quote me on it I think it was Village East Village East um 32 Sawmill Park uh there was a tenant that had complained about um moths getting into the the porch last yeah and um so we I went out with Kyle and the um the moths were you know the porch isn't your living space it's outdoor space um so that he had showed me a report from the Exterminator that said something about the moths being inside and they were treated and then the management provided me with a a follow-up inspection from the Exterminator which said that there weren't any inside and it was just on the on the porch which that's on outdoor porch there's only so much you can do so um 80 Bungalow Street uh so both of those I just have to do a f like a final walkr before I officially sign off and give them a COC um B Bungalow is the one that's been going on yes that's the one that's been going on forever um I did I do have a um tenative next week I'm I'm going to meet um the owner and then also the um the person from Highland Valley Elder Services that's been um kind of help helping her out um I'm going to meet them there next week to see what the status is um the big things left as the outside is is uh overgrown uh there's a lot of trash um there was a pool um So the plan was to remove the above ground pool that's very very bad shape So the plan was to get rid of the pool uh get a landscaping company to come you know rip out any of the overgrown bushes and then continue to mow regularly so it doesn't get out of hand again um and get uh someone to take all the trash and junk out of there um and Highland Valley had a hard time finding a vendor um to to do all that work for them so um um so I think they I talked to him a week or two ago and they had um you know kind they have one vendor who kind of takes all of their their problem problem cases so uh so they were they were supposedly getting him on that so um hopefully I'll have good news that that case kind of seems to make it kind of plateaus and then they quickly make a lot of improvements and then I'm hopeful oh finally it's going to be done and it then it plateaus again so um so hopefully that one will be they'll they'll actually be able to get it done if not um then maybe we'll want to bring them in bring the owner in for a hearing and kind of see what what what's the the the hold up um and then the they had the hot water fixed and then the hot water wasn't wasn't getting hot enough so um when I talked to them the plumber was coming out um that week so it's never one step forward and two steps back or at least one step back I thought they were um looking for maybe um housing for this person hopefully housing or something yeah if that was on the table I don't I don't know what the status of that is um and then these other three 128 North Lake six eagle and six those were water shut offs um so I send them a letter um because not having water is a violation of uh the housing code uh 128 and six Eagle are not currently occupied so you know technically still a violation but no harm no fouls no one's living there um and they've water departments talked to both of them and they're um I think both of them are kind of being the houses are being kind of fixed up so I think they'll they'll pay those and and get that turned back on um and then Summer Drive I always want to say Summer Street for some reason um summer drive there is someone living there uh family and they actually um after the water was shut off they actually uh dug tampered with it and turn the water back on um and it's been shut off again and the water the shut off is in the right away so the water department actually put a big round concrete block structure over the where the shut off is so they can't tamper with it again so um the the owner I had given them a deadline of um I want to say it was early this week or maybe even over last weekend um on my letter and they the owner called the clerk's or the treasure collector on Monday to ask the payoff amount and I said oh great I don't have to condemn the house they are going to pay it up and they haven't paid it up yet so um I'm gonna pay a visit there tomorrow and see if they're going to pay it or if we need to make us make some kind of arrangements yeah yeah so because we you can dim it do we have to find them housing how's that going to work yeah uh technically it's on the owner um to find the housing and they they own the house they own the house so it's not on us if we condemn it with them living there's it depends on what the court says there's some there has been cases where the court does put it on the um put it on the board of health to pay for it um but but I think technically it's the the owner owner responsibility so um so we'll see we'll hope hopefully they've got a plan and it's just taken them a little time to to put everything in action but um and what if they have some type of water supply that I'm not sure yeah no big right right so um so I'll pay a visit there tomorrow um might have the police come with me just to make sure if you know if someone's someone's willing to dig up the water connection and illegally turn it back on it's a little unpredictable so um so I'll bring the police with me and uh kind of just see see what the deal is and if if we if you know maybe a little a gentle push will be enough or if we if we do need to um in that because I I as far as I know there are there are kids there as well so right yeah right right but um so so that's that's that so I will um I'll be there I'll be there tomorrow and you know maybe I'll talk if we have to do further enforcement I'll talk to Town Council and if we uh if we need to do any sort of emergency hearing or anything and we'll we'll sort that out next week and see when we're all available but um but hopefully we don't need to go there what is going on with that house of cross sort of the Cross Tractor Supply IBS oh that's um are they GNA renovated it or are they gonna rebuild it or looks like they took like part of the S yeah yeah I know this such dispensaries yeah it was it was one of the dispensaries um they choose the dispensaries yet they did the two sides they did what are they the uhop pen Church the log cabin and the Dollar General Family Dollar Family Dollar so pretty close yeah y yes the Episcopalian Church is that the the L cab that used to be kitchen or something kitchen supply or something and where's the episcop palean church from well that's under discussion they really say yeah their sign says uh it says we're moving uh more details to come soon or something like that I just drove by there today the plan for Roman restaurant have they the I think as as far as I know it's going to be another restaurant in there um I think I think the the the owners are going to run a restaurant there um but I'm not I haven't heard anything concrete on that so I kind of heard it was going to be abbreviated yeah yeah yeah they they we met them out there they were they were talking about um kind of right when you walk in putting up a wall so to have a smaller dining room and then that left side would be like a smaller event room um with then they have the big event room in the back so um but they were like we don't if we're running this we don't on a a dining room this big that was a huge yeah like they've got a good amount of people in there and you walk in and it looks dead because everyone's just so spread out so they were like no nice yeah um pepper Peppermill catering that um is a caterer who's been in Westfield um for probably 20 years um she always operated out of um the the had an agreement with one of the churches that had a a food license and she she outgrew that so she moved into delera um delera Clos um and she moved into there yeah so she I just did the inspection um last week I think so those lists that's something else Samantha has to keep updated yeah all the list per list permit catering permit all that stuff y all right so so catering so it's not like you can go in there and purchase something no no they're going to keep um you they didn't really have to change anything inside um they the only thing they changed is delera had like a walkup counter that when they were open people could get they didn't do they had kind of a limited menu so I um I don't think a lot of people went there because no one really knew what it was but um so they're not going to be open to the public it's just going to be um for their purposes and some of the um some of the mobile food places use that as their base of operation um so I think they are going to keep a couple of them um as long as scheduling works um so that's something I'll have to do as well as look at all the mobile foods that we're using that as their base of operation and say what what's your base of operation now because that's not uh not available to you anymore so so that's something else that comes with this um town beach they um they had a great great year up until the Thursday before they were going to close on the Sunday anyway and I tested so that it was the last three weeks so the all all summer it was less than 30 eoli per 100 milliliters and the the third for last week I got 210 and you the cut off is 235 the second to last week it went down and it was uh it was like 120 and the last week I sampled on a Tuesday got the results on Thursday morning and it was 2,400 something whoa yeah so I don't know what Goose there or I don't know it could have been a fluke and it I like a whole flock of yeah yeah and they actually the second to last week they get the comma wrong or added too many zeros I don't know the second to last week when um when I went and did the sample there was actually a lot of geese that as I was like walking up up to the beach they all flew away but there was a handful that were sitting on the beach some that were in the water um so I would have thought that would have been the week that it was that bad but um but yeah so I don't know if it was a fluke and I'm ultimately it's I think it's better that it was three days before they were closing anyway um so it wasn't the end of the world but but part of me wishes they were they had another week or two cuz then I would have gone out and resampled it to see if it was was a fluke but now now we'll we'll never know so how many weeks were they open Al together um let me just look at the calendar I think I sampled I think the the bad one was I think that was my 10th my 10th sample Prett so 10 yeah so they opened like mid June yeah and they must keep a record of how many people they visit how many people visit it right I think so yeah I think they have to pay yeah so so that was a unfortunate uh unfortunate ending to the to the season so um but it wasn't last year that it was like every other oh yeah yeah well before the year before it was because it last year when I did it they were only closed for like one or two weeks in the beginning of the summer um and then but the year before I think when Alex was here it was like all summer it was it was bad so um so yeah and and then kind of I I did reach out to the the state just to say like I've never had a test so high and they're they're closing anyway so there's if I resampled it on Thursday we wouldn't have even got the results in time for them to reopen if it was good so it wasn't it wasn't worth it to to try and and see but I was like is there any fall we need to do they're closed and they said no if they're closed then you know follow your normal procedures for opening next year but park and wck pay for that correct y the testing comes out of their budget all right do the testing lab bu park in that directly what Testing Lab do we use that we use um contest in East Long Meadow do you drive to East Long meow yeah get it okay yeah so um and then kind of in reviewing the the beach RS um and I talked to um I talked to Cara about this and I'll I'll probably um send them send them a letter you know just so they know for over the over the year um I it must have been between the transition from town to tamy and then Co and everything I don't I don't think in the past few years we've actually issued the Beach uh a permit um because they technically need a permit to operate the beach and and a permit to uh it's not on our the we wouldn't charge them anyway because it's the town but we should have it on here um right yeah um so I I told her you know next year you we won't charge you but um but I'll give you the application I don't know if that's one they're the only one so it might not even be worth putting it on the E um but um and what's it what's it actually called uh bathing Beach bathing Beach is what the RS call it um so I I talked to her about that I said you know next year we we'll I'll get you the application and we'll just make sure kind of cover cover everybody make sure we're doing it the right way even though everybody knows the town has the beach and you follow the requirements but we got to make sure our our paperwork is right too knows could be a private right yeah you never know so um so that and then they they um aren't doing Burgers anymore because they didn't have a they didn't have a Serve Safe so they're they're looking at maybe getting a Serve Safe um or maybe is it worth you know getting the Serve Safe and having all that or maybe they just want to do prepackaged stuff depending on how much they actually sell so so therefore they would get a seasonal correct yeah I think so would be no charge I think yeah yeah so the schools get no charge yeah so um so that's something on the on the horizon and I'll I'll work with uh the either either Cara or the board or whoever um but I'll send them a letter just to kind of say you know this is this is my recommendation and and we'll uh we'll go from there and see see what they're going to do but um yeah it'd be kind of a bummer if they didn't do the food but I don't know if it might not be worth it so um and they could still they could still do they could still do snacks and prepackage stuff and so they were doing hamburgs yeah wouldn't it be easy to do hot dogs put it on a roller yeah they still had hot dogs um they had some sandwiches that they did on a um panini press um they had chicken it was fully cooked frozen chicken that they did and air fryer wow um which you know for that for that stuff I did you know it was midseason already when I you know found all this out um so I I said I kind of gave them a little slack and said you know next season if you're going to be doing all this you you need a serf safe but um but without the surve safe I I drew the line with the hamburgers I don't everything else was fully cooked there but hamburgers you know cooking from raw that's not uh that's not especially if they have kids doing yeah yeah so um so they I still let them do some stuff but I said it you know if you're GNA if you're going to keep doing this expensive of a menu you definitely need a Serve Safe for next year so um so I'll I'll work with them and um that should be that should be good now they don't need to check they don't to check cic right well they have it because they're LIF guards oh okay that's right yeah so it doesn't necessarily need to be the the cook that has the choke some someone on premise right um okay any yes we have a meeting second Tuesday in September is it no I think we said we would no no no the H County oh for H County Health Coalition yes the uh the first no it's the first um first Tuesday after Labor first Thursday first Thursday I land oh that's that's the that's HCC um that's your health that's the health Coalition so yeah I've got that meeting coming up I don't think we had one I should have taken that off the agenda I don't think we had one in August okay um and anticipated I don't think so okay um going back to food Rags the food code so people for season off Mr de 30 days prior to when he's going to open according to the food concete yeah y yeah and the next meeting October 3D you're going to zoom in I'll Zoom it okay I'll be in person the next the one after that Trish um yes so the next meeting do you think you'll be able to be on it the hearing is going to be October 10th um I'm looking at my so yeah so I'm unfortunately going to be in the operating room till 7 both those days sometimes I get out early it all depends on this how the schedule's looking sometimes we end early so it's kind of a crapshoot okay all right well we're happy that you're here today um and Tom you get the direct questions about hearing yeah yep I'll do that all right um anything else I don't think so anything else Trish you have to any comments questions anything you want to say no today was actually um interesting so I learned a lot Erica you have anything you want to say questions okay so so I move that we the journ 751 751 I second that all in favor I Terry putam yes subasa yes Trish lanc okay see you later thank you thank you by thank you