##VIDEO ID:Kjvv1gRyQUs## good evening everyone everyone today is Monday August 19th 7 o'clock we are at the South Conservation Commission meeting hi bre at Southwick town hall and we're gonna go around the table and introduce ourselves Dennis Clark Andy R Norm Cher Chris Pratt Jerry Patria all right welcome everyone else as we can start off with public comment if anybody has public comment can raise your hand he Cliff he's requesting to recort yes you may all right anybody else okay no all right I guess we've got a little bit of time we can look over our minutes from last meeting of August 5th per Miss from the state to those trees you did few days after our meeting sent us a letter I'll take a motion anybody has one or anybody has any comments questions page 3 113 13 birer stated survey on the property has begun and is waiting the account our waiting the uhuh are waiting for what it is waiting then on page four the lp amendments I thought um we were going to not allow Lake Front owners to space on their not you are corre we got to add not and where is that it's on page PP announcement amendments missed that one a very important kind of the any other Corrections or amendments looks okay to me good catch you nice that was a big one I'll take a motion on the minutes I'll move to move the minutes as amended I'll second that all in favor Dennis I Andy I Norm I Chris I Jerry I all right Chris resident asked me to check on the there was some tree cutting at 19 Foster and as to whether or not it was in or out of anybody else aware of that detected it yeah that's where the um mobile home was that you put a house was recently okay actually I saw that today I was wondering about that there was a pile I think in a resource area of debris and I did see I thought a nudely cut fresh tree on the other side of the backyard yeah there's like a Hemlock on the back right a couple I think I saw some dead brown leaves that's we just issued the certificate of compliance for probably yes yes indeed I guess they uh looked that the car well he sold the property so it wasn't new owner did the certificate of app new owner came in a couple weeks ago and he knows to submit an RDA so I don't know why those trees are down you can go give that a look and see what's going on there yes okay hold that on the list okay any more talk of our new meeting room not going to happen I haven't heard anymore but should know yeah I don't know it looks like the select board is working on opposite schedule as us so they come so for examp they'll come next week oh I don't know if that's set in stone but um I'm sure they'll let me know if yeah we have to move that did we find out if the appointments happened yet for the task force no for conservation for all that I think it's on the 26 so next Monday go because I want to do told you I want to start the open space thing be very valuable to have that conversation with them that mean it doesn't have any do plus you have to be anyway because you're being reappointed so oh a a doesn't have any doesn't docs or books right minute in the house yeah uh next meeting is September 16th because the first Monday of September is a holiday so we will be meeting for about a month [Music] public hearing next yeah we have to wait minute okay if this continues remind me to put it for seven to five that well we can put it for 7:05 and then it's anytime after 705 it doesn't yeah I know we can just do I copied it from last meeting right because this was published at 710 so it had to be at 710 okay we can change it afterwards of the Town access are just residence of my neighborhood well say Bo the assessor is confused about those PCC property too when I first went other week SCH until oober oh they're still in their summer schedule's office so looks like end of October we might beeds moved about oh then they go back weekly thanks Dan only a right away for people in the area all right we can move on we have an noi uh this continuation of 55 Foster Road proposed construction of a single family home within the riverfront of buffer and bordering Riverfront area and border of Bing and buffer of boring vegetated okay good evening everybody um I'm Steve rty sen your B scientist at fog Hunter ecological um again we're we're back in front of you after the continuance at the last hearing um at the last meeting it was I think it was left at we needed to formally respond to D's comments which I wrote up some responses and and submitted to Anatoli to submit to you guys which I believe he did um and there was also I believe some revisions to the WPA form 3 which he also had taken care of and submitted to to you guys um I don't believe there were any plan changes an a toi please correct me if there were minor tweaks to the plan if they were I haven't seen them um but if they are we can talk about them so that's where we're at and I have you know I can go over the the responses to D's comments and um you know any further questions the commission has but and then then we'll see where we're at okay so let's go over the uh comments yeah I I can share the screen or I can just um read them I just pulled up my letter that's all that we could do this share thing yeah sure let me just try she's giving you access shortly should have access now okay it um let's see if this works let me see I think that you should be seeing it yep yes all right yeah so dp's comment number one um was the alternative assessment was not adequate and I'll also state that these DP comments were received before um I think we formally responded to anything and the plan was updated um based on the the date on the DP comments of July 9th um the last hearing was you know early August so I don't think what what Mark Stinson had seen wasn't um I think the current version of the plan and so the comment things had changed before you know this comment letter was was written so um so the alternative assessment was an adquate you know that was based on the original Alternatives assessment I updated the Alternatives assessment um in the notice of intent submitt um I wrote The Narrative was updated after receive of the comment the alternative analysis details that the proposed alteration of ref front area as is the minimum amount needed to construct the home in the septic system um you know the home is very reduced as you know we can kind of see on the plan it's the 25 by 25 you know aerial square footage of the home um and just the minimum amount of grading around the house um you know the house is set because we had the denial of the variants for the frontage setback you know the house is you know set back at the minimum distance required um we tried to get a waiver obviously to get it closer to the road and that was unsuccessful um and we also situated the house in the location on the site that had the Le least amount of Riverfront impact on that you know south southern property line um to try to get it as far away from Riverfront as as possible and minimize to the maximum extent feasible um you know other than that there's really no you can't put the house anywhere else on the lot without having more River Front impact so that's the minimum area that we're trying to claim and you know the best location of Ty that has a minimal amount of impact um dp's comment number two was alternative on parcel due to the zoning and Wetland should be shown on the plans those are shown on the plans you know the zoning setback as well as 100 200 foot buffers are depicted on the current plan set I believe when DP issued the comments that was on a previous plan set that didn't have those elements on it um comment number three why are we proposing Riverfront area enhancements that was based on a comment from you guys I think at the last version of the notice of intent that was submitted um some it it's just a a small give back to improve the riverfront area slightly you know in and around the the area where the hous is going to be constructed essentially to give more of a buffer zone you know a vegetated buffer in the under story just to provide more shading and more Violet habitat features you know than what's in the riverfront area now and maybe a limited amount of invasive species removal by hand but there's not much invasives in there but if there are some you know we can identify them and have them you know hand pulled to get them out of there um comment number four was about the waiver of the frontage setback and again this was the comment from DP was made I think before the official denial of the of that um request so we now have you know the the denial from planning or zoning I forgot which one it was that um won't let us you know have that have that reduced Frontage setback so that's been you know resubmitted you know with that official denial um and the commission had a comment on the incorrect checkboxes on form three and I you know gave Anatoli some instructions on how to clean up the form three and there was a couple other minor scribers errors on the form three as well with some boxes not checked that should have been and you know another I think there was a double box checked on another one of the items so um I believe he took care of that on the resubmittal of the form three so it should be you know should be not it should not be a buffer zone only project because we do have Riverfront effects um and you know that was it and at the last meeting I believe you guys had a comment about potentially adding additional Noti dist DB markers there already some shown out there but if we want to stipulate that in a condition um and it totally is fine with adding additional thus stir markers around the limits of work you know we can set them at 50ft intervals or you know whatever we think is appropriate and I think write that into write that into a condition um but though that's the response to comments I don't believe the plan chain plan has changed um I can pull up the old plan if we want to see it I don't have anything newer than what I showed um at the last hearing Steve does the uh new does the drawing reflect the monuments that we talked about that you just mentioned has the original monuments on it it doesn't have additional monuments on it I didn't know if that could be something that could just be to have additional monuments you know like I said at certain intervals so if we show up nine you know could say that there's going to be 18 or something of that nature I think we were talking like 50 foot intervals or something yeah I think that's what we said last time I think that's that's fine we could have them at every inflection point and then you know at 50 foot intervals outside of that so everything on the drawing that's there now nothing was impacted by reviewing the D comments no nope nothing's Chang essentially D commented on an earlier version of the plan so a lot of things that are on this plan addressed the D comments so I do have a question about that in particular Steve um so these are the the comments from the old plan do we have comments from the new plan was it submitted to Deb and we have I I don't know if anat if they were submitted to DP or not or if we have comments and marks in or not I don't have an answer to that and it's I don't know if you have any inight for that I'm confused myself I don't uh I don't understand that these aren't the comments pertaining to the plans that we have currently this these are the comments to the original notice of intent this is how I'm best reconstructing it the notice of intent was submitted deep Mark Stenson commented on it and I think the plans were changed you know a couple iterations with some back and forth between believe resubmitted Steve a it's a new it's a new project we restarted the project it it wasn't a continuation originally so there should have been a new noi filed I believe there was but I'm I'm I'm I'm not the one that submitted it so I don't want to say that that is what happened I'm here yes I submit the new new plan but after after uh we received the comments uh from from d uh I updated I updated we updated the plan so the comments is this is this a new file number I mean I think that would be that would answer the question there so this this I have on my screen now these are the comments from Mark Stenson on July 9th this those comments are dated what's the date on those comments July 9th and what's a date on the plan that was the newest plan that was submitted July 1 July that doesn't tell when was submitted no the DP comments say 292 0421 and that's the new the newly submitted noi but so they have the dat of these plans on his comments because it appears as though the comments were made before this plan that we're looking at right now was submitted no I think I think there there were some additions to the plans like Mark show the buffer zones and all those things and those are taken care of and added to plans nothing was changed limit of workwise so Mark's comments were to this plan set showing these impacts and to address these comments and a toi had his engineer at you know some of these elements onto the plans like the buffer zone and the no disturb um I mean the um the setback limits that's my best recollection of reconstructing some of this stuff correct uh yeah that's that's what I said last time uh like we um we address the comments on the plan but not on like written forms which are still done already for this meeting okay so you you received these comments from DP you address them on the plans but we didn't provide written commentary which I just did for you you know couple last week week before I think we just want to be able to look at the plan in the future and make sure that all the latest changes are in there and included and there's no you know misunderstanding that's all I believe it is I I from looking at it now this is there's been no changes to the plan since I've re-engaged on this project for this new notice of intent filing this is the only set of plans I've seen yeah so we're really not sure exactly then what was done because you're just addressing it as it's been taken care of because it was an old plan but now we have a new plan and we're not really sure if they have been taken care of um no I I think this this plan was submitted to d as far as far as I can tell and this is what Mark Stinson commented on so the July 1 is the latest dra so he made comment before before there were other things done to the plan so how do we know if he's commenting before the plan was submitted how would he know what's on the new plan how do he know what to comment about he comment that anic answer yes I think you you can go through through each comment and and show it on the plan well it said that alternative assessment is not adequate how did you address that that's in my narrative so that's it said it was updated this was updated I was assuming Mark and this is me maybe making assumptions that I shouldn't make that Mark Mark might have been looking at an older version of the plan or sorry not the plan the notice of intent sub mle because there was there was an I believe anat probably just resubmitted the alternative assessment from the first noi so this is the revised seems like there's a communication between your client and yourself it doesn't seem clear that you have a clear line of communications that you can relay to us either one of you well I guess what what are you looking for Mark stenson's sign off on this response because sometimes he doesn't do that he'll we're looking for his comments on the new plan I guess right now I would be looking for I would say get a third- party consultant on this to take a look at it because I'm confused I can't make a decision or judgment on it but it stands I received I received his Mark Stinson's D comments July 9th yeah that's this one here yeah does it seem reasonable if a plan is drawn on the 1 that it got there got backed by the 9th isn't that a very finished drawing it on the first and that is that seemed very I've never seen it happen that quick before right if I'm drawing this on the first and then Mark responded on the ninth seems awful quick what do you mean this was drawn on the first uhuh and it was responded to on the ninth it just seems like a very short period of time I don't know Mark can respond relatively quickly I've seen Mar respond within a couple days so I don't know the actual submitt you know I don't the transmitt of when things were submitted to D well that should be somewhere in the files right in Mark's files because he receives his I think anat sent it via mail when you send something off you usually have proof of when you send it I mean that's part of the part of the deal yeah I don't know if anat did a certified letter with the certified so he probably has that information when Mark received it but Steve was anything changed on the on the paper plan at all I know the N nothing I know of everything the plan for this new this current noi sub mittle the only plans I saw are the plans that are here now I wasn't involved when he re originally resubmitted this to D on July whatever 1 or ninth or whatever Mark just before Mark commented so I didn't see that earlier iteration of the plan all I see is the plan as it stands now and I feel like it you know as I responded in my comments I feel like it address Mark's comments I know the plans have changed the original house was was on a slab this one has a seller the house was moved back so we we know if the plan has changed right the the house with that was on the slab and that was closer to the road was a different notice of intent a different file number so this is they submitted the new file number okay this is a new fi yeah new file number new notice of intent I don't think that actual plan the paper plan right there changed the narrative changed because we the house moved no this is a whole different plan Norm this this plan now is different because we started over from scratch so we would have it wouldn't be so it wouldn't be confusing Mark Mark has seen this plan I believe his comments are on this plan there may have been some changes to some Line work where the buffer Z are shown but I don't think there's any changes to the layout comment number two alternatives on subject parcel udoni and Wetland should be shown on plans and they're shown on this plan but they weren't shown on the plan that he looked at correct I believe so and sometimes Mark misses things too it could have been on there he just notice them as well so I don't know about that um this is the the same plan which I submit to the Mark only what was missing the engineer stamp so he reviewed a plan that didn't have an engineer stamp on it yeah yes yeah so it's not this plan because this one has an Eng stamp on it the one that the peview did not have an engineer stamp so that answers the question it's not the same plan I did um then ask Anatoli to make sure that the plan was stamped and then he did he did stamp the plan yeah actually the same plan um and I I I see seed Mark Stinson on that so I think I actually got that before he did I'm not quite sure on the time frame but surprised he didn't make a comment about that stand plan I think you did say nice catch Mark doesn't always respond to like resubmittal of things if there's minor tweaks on things just from my experience doing this for throughout the valley expects the commission to take care of that don't get me wrong it looks much better than the first submitt the first noi was uh nowhere near as detailed as this one this one is much better I am just not confident I don't feel comfortable with the information as presented to make a decision I would like to get a another professional to take a look and give me hisin opion or her opinion that's reasonable I'll leave it up to you guys or would you would you be more comfortable if if Mark just confirmed that you know this is the plan and these comments addresses concerns I don't know I don't know I don't know which ones I think we we could save some time if we just skipped and got some advice some opinion from doesn't have to be laac it could be Katie or anybody that yeah yeah that's fine to do that make a make a motion make a motion per continuing until we find out about the um make a whole motion tennis so you're asking for like a peer revie make with Mark this is L c44 section 53g to get sufficient expertise available to address specific issues put I'm making a motion for y okay all second all in favor I and ey Norm I Chris ey Jer I Okay so we will do a continuation I suppose until put around for the 26th because hopefully by then there's no meeting on the 27th I mean the 16th 16th of September and you guys were continuing it for the peer review is that what third party peer review is that we talking about yeah do we have to ask for continuation well if they want one toally needs to you you have to um authorize that totally generated with a new date after the peer review reflecting all the potential changes well we'll double we'll double check the mark to make sure he's seen this plan the updated plan right as well in the meantime because that was the biggest thing that was confusing to me yeah having another drawing is going to help in couple years when you try to decipher it so it's always difficult when it doesn't come in clean the first time and we we know that U Down the Line you're not going to be building this and uh somebody else will be taking care of it so we want to make sure that they have the clear marching orders when we get out of here right okay so you're in favor of uh continuance Anatoli yes yes let's do it okay I'll take a motion on the continuance d i and Norm I Chris I Jerry I all right I Aiden seconded the motion by the way sure why not nor I'm seconded it nor I'm seconded okay we all about it a anyway I didn't even notice said I'll take a motion we all just voted oh that's how you did it that's never happened before okay guys thanks guys thank you for coming by thanks all right as just seen it before where the client in the when the person they hire don't actually be on the same page and it comes back to bite us at the end so right we want to make sure that they're agreement what's going on and that's clear no ambiguity right it's good Dennis thank you okay new business we got a request for certificate of compliance three Luma Street which I think they did ask for continuance um I went and I did a site visit on Friday and um you have your in your folders a packet of the before and after photos as well as the plan and the as built um it does not look like the restoration has been completed the only thing that I saw was that some material had been removed in planting to put in the um according to the detail there are supposed to be 12 in of wetland soils um put into this replic not replication restoration area as well as Wetland seed mix um and this and according to the the D excuse me the details it's monitoring for two seasons um and this is not yet been one season and a report from LEC and a report which we've never gotten a report report in two seasons before we were supposed to get a report when it's been completed pretty sandy soil in this picture it's very Sandy and Rocky it's not Wetland soils at all and the seems like it's different than the preconstruction preconstruction got a lot of stone in it yeah they removed the stone so they they redid their U driveway and they they weren't aware that there was a wetland there and they pushed back a lot of the material into the Wetland So the plan was to remove the material import Wetland uh soil material put it to grade uh do those three plantings two of the plantings are actually in the wetlands the Red Maple and one of the winter winter greens I think is the name of the Bush the shrub okay but yeah so we'll see them in a while yeah all right next up we have discussion of possible doc or boat violations Connecticut violations nor yes Norm okay as I stated at the last meeting one of the Side Learning events of taking the photos of every Doc and hold in Connecticut realizing we had done Massachusetts two years ago uh is that you what you have to do is tie every every dock to a landowner so I found several cases where it appears that's not the case okay and I've given case study one case study two and case study three we have people in the audience from case study three which is on uh that discussion is on page three and it evolves the right of way onto private clock and back when the Sunset Drive was put in all of the properties on the opposite side of the waterfront properties were granted an easement or right of way to a 25 foot strip of land uh to the lake at the end of the last house which is 100 Sunset trive I have seen the the deeds and they're all a little bit different um one DED says says it's got pedestrian across and use of the beach another one says the easement of the pedestrian traffic to South Pond of conoman Lake another one says access to use the beach and another one says avoid away for the purpose of ESS and Ingress over Sunset dve and probably the strongest one is and I'll read this that is number three under case study here's the definition of reparan Rights because this theed says it has it has reparan rights okay the doctrine of reparan rights claims that the legal water rights belong to the land order if the water flows within the land order of the land order and landowner and the landowner use the water for reasonable and beneficial use so that's probably the strongest case uh okay now if you go to page 20 you see the map and you can actually see the two docks on the subfield map okay and lot 54b is the owner and that's Mr Butler Mr Butler does not have a residence on 54 B okay so uh the next the next page is a p is the picture I took you can see that one dock is in two boats are on it and the other dock is on Shore I think since said that the other dock is partially in the water okay then the next page is the letter that I wrote to D asking all scenarios for the case one case two and case three to to say would you be allowed would you allow a chapter 91 doc license uh she is not respons it now the lppp program was built off of the chapter 91 program okay so anything that applies to chapter 91 probably applies to lpp okay so if she gets back and says we would never issue a doc then that's that's Poli strong statement then third other things around the lake where homeowners do not own the property they have Association around the lake things like that which maybe they could have an association share and share sure well I mean they have more than one dock a lot of Associates depending on how much Frontage you have you know so is it 20 25 ft no no it's more like 50 the 25 is just the access to the beach it opens up to more like 50 once you get to the walk um coments need to be recognized okay sorry let meish and then we'll let you speak okay yeah identify yourself in your address before you speak it's just the rules of the no penalties Okay then if you go to page 22 and I highlighted uh this is part of the lp contract 4.10 no structure May interfere with public rights associated with a common public common Landing public easement or other historical legal form of Public Access that may exist on an adjacent to the project site and I raised this as a question because with the two docs I didn't know it opens up to 50 okay the two docks and two boats is over 25 ft and could block potential potentially block use of the other owners that have it on their date just for discussion M Okay then if you go to the last page you would ask that LMC give their opinion okay and if you go to uh number three apply three and four apply to this okay non-property owners D docks and boats on private land without owner's consent no known examples no dock no bools allowed is what the recommendation then four non-property owners with box and dots on private land with owners consent example Lot 4 54b Mr Mr Butler has no problem at all with docks and boats on the land however he does not want to fill out the lpp form he prefer that these people fill out the lpp form that's that's fine me okay so LMC is saying IND bols allowed only if the property owner submits the lpp form because that's the recommendation on this specific case yeah from LMC right we could In The Same Spirit as having an association could be an association fills out of form for those um the association is responsible to submit the lpp form for all its all its members corre okay but but associations um have to be a nonprofit organized business okay can a homeowner do it the homeowner can do it yeah yeah he's got total rights to that okay all right sounds like a fairly clear path here right with all the the approval and question yes you Mays um so I've spoken most of the homeowners on across the street from the lake does it make sense to establish like a Sunset Drive Association and name a president who becomes the recipient of this application every year then that would solve a lot of problems would be our recommendation and if that's I'm Ray Baldi I live at 35 Sunset Drive and we've spoken to I think everybody but uh one of the seven homes owners and they're all in agreement that they will do that and I nominated Eric be President congratulations ER the pap it's not that difficult we have started that process and that is what we would like to do yeah that makes the most sense to me neighbors are get along yeah it's a rare it's a rare thing it's a good thing so on water that's rare yeah there's an unregistered vote at the association doc who we get the find Eric yes no you want to ask that question you ask presidency say that again if there's an unregistered won't let it happen register yeah he won't let that happen one thing I I failed to mention is is I believe there's been a docking boats on there since the 8S been there a lot of time if and if I can comment on that I am original home owner um I am the one that installed the the do that's furthest to the east um and um I just friends neighbors with the individual who start who installed the other doc that was 1987 both boxs have been used I have pictures here September 92 I may yeah your that be yeah like pictures yeah that's a wow I'm just going to refer to it as Eric and John's dock for now those ones with the two boats okay this other one it's not my doc these are Association docs uh I've been here for again 37 years everybody on the street used um this this dock okay one time or another trampoline too out there no paron me is that your trampoline out there no that's our NE something we how clear-cut at all is something like that now is it no no I can attest to that I live across the lake from them and I see that so yeah and the dates on the yeah good aerial photography is nice drones right the original homeowners that we have them on our wall that's that's been for the past Pi up a plane or something back then yeah plan back then now it's stron yeah thank you for bringing it you can take it back we don't need to keep it just go back on the wall right a lot but that's the okay okay air pick 92 nice yeah air ack yeah that's cool 92 than K so I I think all the other associations are fire 501 503 C's 503 c 502 C's 501 C3 you register that with was is that with the IRS or state well to prove it's a nonprofit I think it's and I don't know the process not really you might it should be online somewhere start with that established that Association establish how to establish Association what's unique about that is you're in Connecticut but Massachusetts owns the water so you may have to go to your town and then come here I think that's kind of up to us too if we need to require that or not if they're an association registered an association yeah I think we don't need to have them that's all well the only thing would be where their dock is over the water I'm just thinking it's reciprocal as far as the the permit goes it's because we're already doing not exactly sure of all the details yeah we I mean we already have that agreement with Suffield so I don't think we need to do a new one there's a yeah comment from Diane Gail I think she's familiar there we go this process she said they start with registering their organization with Connecticut then follow form 1023 ez with the IRS Diane should know thank you Diane it sounds easy yeah okay that's one of our select board members she yeah she has experience she has experience in that Fields sure it's Eric E r i.g PP n gmail.com I 45 um I'll send you an lppp application and an application for each o owner of the association to give you an idea of what you're looking for okay that'd be great thank you in the end is this application filled out for the entire property though like if we have two docks three boats there would be one app just listing out all the items yeah there's you would be filling out a sketch yeah to show where your docks would be you know distances from the property lines we did that already okay take a look and make sure it meet your approval sure a crack trying to map out what the property looks like you know with the docks on it um actually better to look at it this way this is looking from the water okay you know with 100 Sunset here the wetlands over here sometimes it's a matter of how many boats you can fit too and navigational ability in and out for everybody yeah we've had discussions about that well it's not wide enough for my boat to get around you might want to just consider that if we get more at some point we'll have to figure out how to navigate on either end to you guys that would be your one of your things I'm assuming that for now when we pull out the form we do the the map the first time and then we're just redoing the app every year You' only redo the map or you do the map we do the map you can just keep a copy of it if I mean as long as it doesn't change you can just res it if you're like adding a doc you'd have to put that in or the size or length or the sitting space at the end or you know whatever there's any alterations I believe need to submit and there's limitations to size so just be aware of that is that the 600 square feet something like that that's for personal yeah but I think it's a little bit different associations I think you can have um six or eight boats I'm not even if it fits if it fits up to 10 after 10 the Marina Marina right a little reading careful to stay under that that won't be the case okay so um and as far as so we'll go through the Association route do we get do we need to get this app filled up for this season at this point given that we're close to the end can we get this done and then that way think so I think we have a clear path to move forward here um want him sticker it's the boss she's the boss she's the boss she runs the program for us it's kind of like at home you know actually go ahead and fill out the form for this season two docks with the and and two boats yeah with the Reg ation numbers are on the form you that'll be good practice send it into Jean just fill it in in my name right now since I won't have the association Stu set at that point I'd like to get them registered do you have a what year is your application what year do you have one uh yes I started filling up 24 yeah okay so you got two decks yeah two your uh vessels will be deemed an association was it sure so it will go there okay the registration numbers and the names will go here yeah your contact so you'll get everything to you so is this basically it it's almost I mean not quite but it's very close this no this needs to go here yeah this wasn't pencil pencil okay okay and then can I bring this to the town hall can I come to right up yeah I'm going on vacation good for you you can't go she got a time off here you can submit it to the town clerk and they ask them to put it in the Conservation Commission mailbox or if you want you can visit me in the morning I'm here from 9 to 12 9 to 12 okay there's also like rafts and Louis and things like that that okay which right now yeah I think we're literally just the doc probably don't have that yet but for future okay all right I think we're good Sunset um should we actually buy a secondary as well just in case something may happen as a backup secondary what a secondary what like a secondary like a vice president or it it'll be one contact so if there's a change of contact I'll give you my email you let me know hey you know Eric Smo Florida now it's going to be John it yes yeah you just changed the contact information with the office and there's a contact contact hopefully not we're not scared you are we I've been here 20 years and okay I just want to ski all right very good have email communication okay regardless with my email address I will email you you will have my I think my email address is even on that okay this will come in physically though the chart yeah ma mail what address okay very good thank you guys for coming in appreciate that appreciate okay thank you very much you're welcome thanks guys thank you thank you glad we're come to a solution yes there's always a solution okay you want to go into case one and two cases one and two yes yeah case one is the most complex one I've been to the assessor office in Southfield three times on this one we got an A B C and D cord they're 20 foot wide rways we thought first they were public ways I don't know if it's a big differ between rway and public way uh there used to be in a Association years ago they haven't had a meeting in two decades so they're no longer a 501 Corporation if they were one before okay uh different scenarios uh docs have been on there for years same as the one we just had um the town does not do any service for these strips of land there are 200 fet long 20 ft wide okay now I highlighted earlier the on the lpp it says you can't interfere with access on decort there's a dock a boat a lift and a PWC so if another member wanted to launch a canoe or a kayak or go swimming swimming even they would have trouble okay uh so um I suppose a solution could be that they could reform as a 501 C3 C3 Corporation and solve this problem uh one the bourt one she's been good apparently at submitting her MPP form annually but nobody else has okay uh uh and I I think that might be the solution um some of you might know Jerry crane he's on SE court and he used to be an LMC member for years and he's on the board of CRC he's still active you still so again we would one thing is clear here if we want to remove docks and boats on this one I think we need to get concurrence from select board these people will go directly to their select board so I was going to ask who governs those courts right now kind of nobody or first come first served like you said say somebody else wants to put something in and this guy's got three slips going or something yeah how do they I don't know how they control that because the board doesn't meet anymore most of the board members the last elected board members or deceased or moved away so it's a matter of getting there first in the spring or yeah yeah if they could do that you know get back together and put together some kind of Association and figure out if they you know everybody agreed to keep all those out there then there would be a problem if nobody's losing access to it if one person says yeah I want access to it then somebody knew moves in and wants a slip because it's been like that for quite a while yes be Chang though a court does not have a dock on it B Court's got a dock in the boat C cours cut a dock and two boats I already described okay yeah another sample D that just basically says I got to right away to the passage you can we got a COR we got a drawing that the assessor gave so it's 20 ft wide and 200t long 150 ft long excuse me do you say aort does not have a dock on it right now nothing on aort and neighbors take care of the property acorts nicely mowed probably by the next door neighbor M decord is the worst it's very U is that Hill is that like a yes A dirt Hill like a yeah C and D of Ste but we want to offer that as a solution for that one for case one I I would agree with that absolutely so let's go to case two which is different case two involves not non-waterfront resident for a 241 holiday and it's not Waterfront but it AB buts a strip of land that AB buts the lake and if you go to the sketch on page page 14 you can see 241 was been in black marus and Chestnut scam or Whatever It Is by Chestnut Circle he probably was one time a a a on the property of the of the of that stream LMC believes because they've been around here for years that that stream over the years has shrunk y right and created this new land y right okay that stripple land all the way out to Haman Lake used to be a canal it used to be a canal I think when we first I first got on with you I think we took a ride out there and then I said that used to be navigable like homeowners on that Canal used to have docks and boats yep they did okay all right so 241 I don't know what his deed says he'd have to he'd have to tell us what he wants to do um but I I highlighted who he is and and that's on page 15 you can see it I got pointed where it's got one dock two boats and two pwcs and I believe two LTS as well okay uh then the other thing the next one is the picture it's actually there two pictures to show it all didn't get it on one goes the two lefts and the pwc's in the 12 and then the next one shows two boats in the do okay now if you notice on on picture number two the dock is crossing the stream okay so it is blocking access from chest okay so what LMC is recommending for this one if you go to the last page B do number two docon boast on untax land that's what they say say this new created land is untaxed okay now so she was actually surprised that existed and if it's D states that access is allow owed there is no allowance for dock or boat and C if D does not mention any access in no boat or dock to be allowed so this one of the three I don't know if there's a solution now wouldn't that apply for everybody not just 241 holiday but they're the only ones that have a dock there well right now they do but if we establish something and say it was written in their deed and it's contradictory to what we find we do we have a deed for this one we don't we contact him he lives in Northampton his address is on here and only send him a note and say please Supply the deed uh we could just apply it to this one instance or you know take it as it comes yeah go online the Fe can you cannot well you can if you have a license all right okay in Massachusetts are free and and look them up I don't have that LIC I don't know if the assessor in Suffield would give me another copy of a deed or not well maybe give it a [Laughter] we so why don't we contact him ask for a copy of the deed and way to do it so yeah okay sounds good Norm you need any motion for that or just do it oh we can just do it okay all righty moving on to some old business uh your back at with photo shoot of docks and boats yes can you share the screen or I believe it is enabled I got a little update here on uh I went back we had our LMC meeting and I went over the discrepancies and and they had to go back out and recount in one instance because I said it doesn't make sense and I Rec and they match my number okay and then I had to go back out because I had the wrong definition of what a swim flow was so I what is the definition of a swim float okay I thought it was you know you have a string of of of of of voice okay I thought each one of those was a float oh no but if you anchor it you got a tall thing at each end and that's the swim flow wait isn't the swim flow it's a boy those are the anchor boys it's a boy like we have two of them one on each end of the RO yeah and they're anchored and they stay there all winter yeah and we just connect to them in the spring well the ropes up I I enountered the wrong thing oh and there's a swim raft which is right that's what I was thinking of ASO that's my idea was just the way here okay so now the inventory from m c in mine is only eight eight difference W plus 430 so I'm happy with that yeah okay and we don't need to go through the South Pawn middle Pawn because it pretty much matches but here here are the key results total number of vessels and structures needed to be stickered 437 only9 of them were stickered percent accuracy 43.2% and here's an interesting one number of homes that required stickers 124 number of homes that had at least one sticker 63 51% that means 49% of the homeowners snub the program they're giving us the finger it's my view this is on Connecticut side only right this is Connecticut side only Connecticut so this is why we did the photo shoot conut wow 437 137 votes just in Connecticut bu and and structures oh structures everything okay everything it needs a the swim buy Soh this is why we did it and Gan is sending out letters she's got a few back but not too many uh we may have to take other means but U this is why we did this process okay any questions where do we go next from here um select board that Norm I think you're going to be addressing that with they yeah we'll use this data when we go to finally close the deal with subfield for the new lpp deal right [Music] and yeah good do we know when we're supposed to be getting a check from them we haven't got it yet it's supposed to be before July isn't it well I think it's July first it's du yeah and they were in August last year I know that has come in yet okay me that it hasn't come in yet alrighty so that's my I think all my presentations for tonight all right thank you Norm a lot of work okay temporary closing of northpond Conservation Area parking lot discussion approved Land Management plan um I I did try to write up something really quick it's in your packet of Land Management I'm not sure if you want to read through it now or read through it later but this we can read I think I'll make a motion to read through this before next meeting and then discuss at that meeting I think the some of the things we talked about these are exactly the things that we talked about second motion yeah all in favor and nor Chris I Jerry I yeah but I think like digest are all good yeah I'm not I'm not sure about the format I something that I quickly wrote up last week will'll give us more because it writes down everything everybody said in case we forgot something yeah and I think that's what I'm going to bring in a task force um next week I think is our first meeting yeah so we'll have something to give them and say hey this is what we're planning on I would say these are our thoughts yeah yeah for the yeah for the for the commission has doing you have that and then they're going to come up with some sort of determination or plan or is that the goal the task force yeah well the goal is to open up the the property the the parking lot so we're hopefully going to come up with a plan to get to that goal um fire police DPW myself a citizen I think Dian Gale yep Diane gaale and then um Nicole Parker I believe also okay and we and put our heads together and and hopefully get the place the the folks from D know what's going on to they wanted feedback yeah yeah um I wanted I actually just sent Jen an email today asking her what where where do I officially WR Wildlife yes sorry yeah fish in Wildlife um because I don't really know who to address it to or the address I asked her for that because i' let her know that we do want to close down one of the trails and we want to put new signs up on the property so I wanted to at least run that by her and everything else um I don't really think we need permission um to do because it's just like a regular land team I think Land Management yeah can read through it but I think signage is okay and if we're saying we're M doing maintenance on the trail it to stabilize it right I I think that's um Absolut it'll be f be an issue I think we just need to let them know what's going on yeah I'm sure they would love to hear yeah they love emails from me yeah um are they both fishing in wild life or is one of them this or Elizabeth and Y they're both mass mass Fisheries in what yep yeah D was not part of this okay um and and in case you guys have not heard the trees have come down I went over and looked Read All About It saw the pictures they came down a few days after our meeting we had got the approval and I think the next day um they were taken down I went over there there are no new rope swings yet so that's good as well yeah yeah um and I did see uh check today to see how much like snow fencing and post and that little post mechanism to the post I don't know weight um is going to cost and I'm guesstimating like post every eight feet is that a good I've never put up a snow fence before that should be plenty yeah I mean most fences are eight foot and even in the there won't there won't really be a lot of places they're not going not that heavy so it's not need a lot of support we're talking the top of the hill where all the glasses and the erosion top of the top of the hill the other way to get to the Scenic Trail and then along the shoreline set back a bit because we don't want to impede on public access along the shoreline so okay um yeah so that quot was like $130 I think for supplies maybe a little more I'm just guesstimating um but yeah it's good hopefully that's a deterrent yeah hopefully doesn't get we saw motorcycle tracks remember there quads out there and I think the sheriff department actually takes quads out there as well so you can do that though right you can operate motor well not on on that area but they can they're authorized because Yep they're monitoring okay we can't no we're not auor hours so everything quiet out there recently yeah Norm got in trouble Norm got in trouble uh we got a police report and basically the only thing that happened with Norm got in trouble almost got toad yeah out to do my normal litter pickup that'll teach you I parked on off the road but and put a note in my dashboard that I was from the Conservation Commission and doing litter pickup didn't see the not and uh two cops were there when I came came out flashing lights oh gee and and one of the cops was the guy that I would goove the boat the police PO he knew me the other guy says if you if Mark wasn't here I probably your your truck would have probably Pi up oh so they said get get to the Chief and get something a little more official yeah yeah you can you can let Chief banish now ahead of time that' be helpful all right last week or last meeting we addressed the dead tree and North P conservation property we did the update on 13 Berkshire land donation yes yeah nothing has changed about if the other have approved that money yet no one's updated any me on anything okay propos amendments to the lpp um I think L Lucas is on board oh um does he have anything that he'd like to say since we just said his name are there any updates on the trail SS Lucas I I do yes um are you able to hear me yes very well y okay perfect so earlier I emailed Sabrina with the finished designs for the signs pretty much the same as what I showed you at the previous meeting but I figured one last look would be good before we go any further with production so I don't did you receive those Sabrina just so I can send them again no I I got them um I would like to make some changes so don't print them yet sure yeah I just I briefly went through them um but I can email you and let you know the changes or all righty who or or send me the contact because I know you're going off to college send me the contact of who you've been working with I will connect you um yeah I've been mainly working with Martin so I can send you his email and I'll can probably talk to him tomorrow too just to let him know that you'll be in contact soon okay thank you of of course and if you want him to like maybe come to the next meeting as well I can probably have him do that okay sounds good nice article in Southwoods yes oh thank you thank you Lucas who Karen Karen Lucas Karen did he say he was Lucas can you please say your name and address oh yeah um Lucas Kon 148 Hillside Road thank you Lucas everybody else wants to know who it is as well all right all right thank you very much Lucas good luck at school yes of thank you for everything the past few months just do you do you that's what you do okay we're going to move on propos amendments to local lpp request by selectboard and chief of police harbard master G to move this forward I think we talked about that as well do we have any updates on that nothing from me I don't think so and report from Southfield presentation on lpp following follow on contract no update no updates okay uh report from Southfield concom meetings Norm anything nothing okay Noble Steve subdivision extent uh extension of order conditions and project update I don't think we have anything on that right sorry I was writing something down Noble Ste subdivision request for extension of order okay and then we talked about uh possible Wetland violation last time had a chance to go out there and look okay no update all right anybody have any other matters they'd like to discuss that I didn't know anything about any secrets concern questions [Music] motions Ohan yay where are you gonna go just okay F sometimes at the best we need to hunt you down okay okay we have a motion to adjourn by Jerry I'll second that what time 8:20 8:20 all in favor nor i j very good