welcome everyone we have the uh Conservation Commission meeting Monday March 18th little after 7 o'clock we're in hybrid uh we're gonna introduce ourselves to go around the table uh Lucas K Lucas Andy re Dennis Clark Norm sh Chris Pratt Jerry Patria P all right welcome everyone we will take some public comments anybody have any public comments anyone online have public comments I'm just letting two people in right now I'll ask again for people who just joined uh Angelina I see you have your hand up hi Angelina Simone 10 Cedar Street um I Heard earlier in the in the fall about the open space subcommittee and I was just wondering if that's still going to happen and what's going on with that I am not exactly sure uh we do have a member of the audience that might know more Diane do you have any information on the open space subcommittee I you guys have to come to us all right it's our action okay I heard call out there for do you have the average probably have to advertise it anybody want well I think it would think it would be posted on that website where all the other committees are posted right okay so we will be uh looking into that Angelina and I think that is something that's important that we do have in town so I definitely promote having an open space subcommittee thank you y sure hey Cliff you may I'll also record sure um I don't think we vot before you can just okay allowing okay all right any more public comment there's more people there any more public comments okay seeing then we'll continue oh your wife yeah forget all right we'll go on to some new business we have some public hearings tonight partial request for certificate of compliance of lat 17 The Greens East subdivision is anybody here for that Pi come on up we should have a chair for people intern chair chair is the other one still broken chair right up on thank you Lucas you're welcome thank you also Brian is here on Zoom for that as well okay super hi Brian okay Brian's was blacked out can you just your first and last name Lei 250 Hing pot Road Westfield thank you from pressue construction just here for the partial release okay um yeah we're just looking for a partial release request for the lot 17 subdiv okay what rounds are the we asking for what I think Brian can answer better on that okay he is on he Brian you're muted right now I don't know if ran is here he said well yeah he's there but I don't know if he's actually there there um maybe he stepped away for a second okay sorry he couldn't be here in person I'm kind of filling in so that's okay yeah I'm just I could I could speak right now I'm just pausing to let you guys have a chance to talk well I think yeah Brian should have his chance first and then okay give him give him a second to come on we can't get it to work oh does he want me to ask an unmute I'll try that you can try maybe ask to start video I can't I technology you want me to okay Sabrina Sabrina go ahead yes and let me just um and Brian feel free to text during this to give us any communication that you feel you need to do you can you have a translator at the table so I'm going to share my screen and I'm going to attempt to put pictures where' that picture go okay Norm can you see this in your yes okay so we got um a request for partial partial certificate of compliance for lot number 17 Lot number 17 is down here to the left um the lot itself is high and dry there are no resources on it I have some photos of so so this is what you're seeing right here this is lot 16 I think we approved that um late last year along with lot 13 which is over here where my cursor is um let's see there were a couple things that I did notice uh last year when we uh issued the partial partial certificate of compliance for lot 13 16 um 13 being over here 16 way over here I had noticed that that this area was being used as an access point and it didn't have a trackpad nor was the curbing um protected from the the weight of the Machinery as well as this uh drain right here I have another picture of the drain um is not being maintain maintained um so Ryan Nelson from Arc he met up with me on site we talked about these things um as well as the infiltration basins which are acting as bio infiltration basins right now they're filled with cat Cattails which is not what they're designed to do um so I did mention that to him um and he said I think he said he was going to look into that but as far as the tracking pad and okay Brian is trying to get back in um are those functioning catch basins or those morfi and there is we since the pictures were taken and we were notified of this we realized the contractor on the lot was driving in and out all the mud so we swept the road cleaned everything up put so functioning catch Bas they don't have morfi they do have a minute now they didn't at the time of those photos um can you explain what morathi is well they just to stop them from that for that Silk going compromise that they put under the okay at this point the system's compromised because of all that Silk going in there system isn't going to work correctly now you're supposed to have that blocked up until it's stabilized correct correct yeah we C we're certainly going to suck all those out when time comes to clean everything up when the construction's over there hadn't been much activity on that road that section road until this point I'd just like to hear suggestion what would you suggest I mean it's up to you guys the lot 17 itself is high and dry but you could use it as an opportunity to sort of get everything else get everything else in compliance all a quick suggestion because we asked them to do this before yeah so I was telling them to do it correct kind of right i' make a motion we didn't look for a motion we well I'll take a motion if somebody has a motion I make a motion to table this until it is correct corrected until acceptable stabilized there's no until the issues are taken care of ISS we just disc so um SBR can put that in writing for you so that you'll know like a punch list of what needs to get taken care of okay and we can continue this instead of having to resubmit that way it can come back okay for the partial release normal second that motion okay all in favor I and I can we set up so once we get the list we'll set up a site visit to say they're done okay um the let's continue with our vote oh yeah oh sorry so have Den I Norm I Chris I Jerry I I I do you want something in right saying that is the situation has been corrected that would be great including the uh infiltration Basin yeah yeah okay that would be great I don't know all right yeah we need suggestions on what to do for those okay we get that too appreciate it yeah okay thank you thank you sure do the minutes first sooner or later I I think well we don't have a time constraint here right now we could do the minutes I like way want to get them out of the way or anything it sounds like you do get it may we will uh take a look at the minutes from March 4th didn't we say we're gonna talk the Brian Gren about the panels for the you may have I I don't remember off the top of my head oh it's I distinctly remember that but it's not in the minutes so okay and what page is that on what what page is that on so Jean AG three AG three Grandpa gge Grandpa gge we said that okay about asking Brian drenan for the uh roof panels or to install them I don't know where we got them where we got no yeah we wanted to make them consistent that was it with the ones that are at the North Pond property you'll send him a text right Andy's got a typo yeah good eyes Andy where you got it recycle update second the Commissioners are ready that the Girl Scout commission the Commissioners agreed that the girl C make the decision he decided that they'll dig in a picture box are you looking at me or jeene yes well you're looking at me so I was looking back oh I'm just trying hear you you the questioning looked on your face I just change already to agreed that makes more sense all right on on on my property um I thought it was agreed that Sil Benson would not install on the upgradient probably one I don't know what it says I didn't have time to read them apparently it says it will be we did wave that yeah I remember talking about that yep that's the third line okay I'll take a motion when anybody's ready move to accepted minutes as amended no second in favor start on your side I I hi BR I Norm i v i unanimous signature paper you got coming around [Music] there's two sides for okay popular tonight we'll move on to the next we'll give uh Karen some time going move on a mort Vining Road 46 Mort Ving Road subvision possible storm water issues all right in your folders you have um probably the third third one in it's called Flooding at 46 Mort Vining um so the owner at 46 biting was describing flooding in his backyard let me get a map of where 46 Mar Vining [Music] is the nice and big okay and let me share this one more time sharing Norm can you see this yeah yeah I can okay there it is so 46 smt Vining is towards the bottom left where my cursor cursor is um it's next to where the future access way um is as well as as there is a documented Wetland um in the back portion of their lot so the owner was describing some new flooding and he said that it happened um ever since Val cleared the area of the trees um there is a site visit that happened between myself um Scott Patton from tiic Landscaping Chris Pratt and John Goddard um representing essentially storm water and um we had a look at the lot I do have some photos so over back here where my pointer is is where the upgradient Wetland is essentially it fills up with water and pours into the backyard of the this is a relic this is a new building a new lot um with a house so it floods down here and it's making its way you can already see the erosion Happening Here let me see continues to go down this way there's this little I don't know rock outcrop area there was some outfall I think they have their down spouts leading to that spot um sorry this is a little out of whack this is back here is where the Wetland is you can see the clearing through the trees this is another view of the erosion happening in his yard and so the the water would flow down in his yard and then down over here and right here where my cursor is is where the um access road is and you can see you can see there's a pretty heavy sheet flow across the whole line it's not just after that heavy rainfall uh it was very wet mon we had to it looks pretty much like my backyard or most of the backyards in town so as I can see yeah coming from a wetland not going into the Wetland correct correct well it's also going into another Wetland it's with silk or just with water possibly possibly I mean it is running fairly heavy that it could carry it's been torrential everything's been soaked it's anything very heavy that's washed out you might get some like discolored water which is still not good it's got still in it but it's not like you got like it's filling in washing any terrible you said it looks like 90% of backyards right now them on bad all over can't really judge on that one brainstorm it looks like he's already pouring water out there from his drains anyway so that was below he's got those rocks yeah yeah well it's filtered out so it's right whatever it's getting into the wetlands I don't I don't see a violation there no this wasn't a violation so this was request to do work in the backyard to create a sale to take all the extra water and let it flow essentially down into what looks like a newly created like are and so the question was are there newly created resource areas out there because of construction or are there resource areas that weren't actually documented this was what was the enrad I think was in 2021 a dry year I don't know if that matters that much but um that Jeff did those yes it was Smith would you like to yeah je did an exceptional job with that just state your name Jeff come on up if you want it would be helpful yeah out there that didn't even look like Wetland je found Wetland places out there that you would have never known was a wetland actually did a they did a perk test in one of the places that end up being in Wetland and it pass yeah it's a tricky site and there's some areas that are wet and they don't meet the criteria to be a wetland they don't have hydric soils or the the dominant vegetation is is not facultative or what um I did go out and look at this and it's a really wet period right now it's also even for what really wet it's the worst time of year trees aren't taking any water up yet the ground is either Frozen or saturated um you know I understand that I you know his lawn is also young it hasn't really good sad layer and I think this problem's going to going to go away a number of things one things are going to Green up and it's going to start to take the water out of the soil his lawn's going to get greener and thicker and Lusher and take up more water and Val will be working on that access road and that will facilitate drainage better right that's here thank once they get the road infrastructure set that gradient it would take care of some of that water that comes from there I think so but um but I went out there has La there wasn't any sheet flow but I wasn't out there during rain but the woods beyond the limit of the Wetland did have standing water at the time but yeah when you go there during the growing SE it's not wet the soils aren't hydric in there it's all that burning bush is BL that area so yeah anyway so that's voted on that okay so um what should I tell Scott then well he's looking you know I mean as far as the delineation goes um they they just want to stay within the lawn area anyway to do their work so I think they want to come in to show us a plan of where they're going to be what they want to do to mitigate any wire that does come off of there in the future not that they maybe don't have to do that anyway but I think he wants to go along with the project that's up to them to decide so I can tell him these points that you had mentioned and say submit an RDA the work is in a buffer zone so and it may be in the outer 50 feet of the buffer zone even though it seems like it's pretty wet right but it's probably in the outer 50 right and he's in his limit of lawn as well so I think right the flags are still intact still up yeah I ref flagged it um earlier got to do then yeah very good thank you the buffer zone is flagged well it's not flagged out into his yard but it's flagged in the rooted area right those yeah okay thank you Jeffrey [Music] Welcome All right we have a discussion of a member having uh a South Conservation Commission being a liaison the Suffield Conservation Commission yes my uh my thought um there are a number of issues that we've had in the past with Suffield and this would help generate a an open dialogue with them number one number two uh we've got the upcoming lpp discussion with select over there but it would be good to commun for communication purposes to work with the ffield Conservation Commission in addition the future planning that we're all working on involves the town of Southfield particularly the Conservation Commission so this would help work that are you talking about the town plan the yeah future plan okay now I brought this up at the like management committee meeting on last Thursday and they like the idea and they made me the leaon to the from LMC to the South Southfield Conservation Commission so if you're willing to designate this liaison position I'd be willing accepted from the conation commission you get two bir of it's a great idea yeah I meide a little bit have or should it be just a little discussion I mean Norms are already going to be taking part should we have more than one person I'd like to see it defined a little bit better maybe the I mean I really like the idea of the different roles you know as far as roles Go I mean you definitely done your diligence on PL stuff just so we don't step on each other's toes to have it right defined what that would consist of yeah I know we have done some work with uh the Southfield Conservation Commission before we've seen some potential violations occurring and we've gotten in touch with them informally informal I'd like there to be that open dialogue where oh we're having a project that is happening on the lake and they get in touch with us to let us know ahead of time little more little more proactive instead of reactive um would be great we could have that happen question would they be reciprocating any talk on that well I will tell you this I've looked at some of their agendas and their agendas are very very short uh I think because they were developed long before Shield was totally develop for southw was developed that they've had all there what lands issues right their meetings are very short yeah so I'm not so sure they volunteer reoc our meetings go on for an hour to two hours but I think it would would would solidify a bond that that we need to have and if you want me to put something in writing and discuss that be great yeah be fantastic that sounds like a grand idea yes it's specific to the Lakes right so I mean it's mostly about the lake well our the Lakes would be from us right and the canal maybe too you know the drainage in the canal um so maybe a definition of what areas in particular would help so that you kind of refine it in that way okay I'll put something in writing and we'll discuss it at the next meeting sounds super thank all right next we have in our agenda 5:30 Griffin Road lpp application variant review are you going to go back to social media first or oh yes sorry I skipped over just before what's that nothing I circled it first I didn't mean to skip over you it happens so I started developing the post since we got proved at the last select board meeting and this is just kind of a trial here this is definitely far from all the ones I would rame from but you'll see in bold are the actual the category of the post and then the text underneath it is the post itself I also left some links in here where where I got the information I figured the when we go about posting these we could put those there as well so there's more accuracy absolutely besides that I mean I'll let you read it over um only thing is the one that I said why are wetlands important that's going to be like three Bs out because it's so much information want to read that all in one shot correx there going to be doublesided like this just one page double sided well he's going to put the post on oh like on like Facebook so like each post is a complet yeah these are just different posts that he's going to post on to those social media platforms you're going to have these available for like at the downstairs so people can when they come in they why not not everybody not everybody has a computer that's the great idea yeah yeah we had discussed just did that they they put it out and it's put in all different departments yeah you discussed pamphlets before didn't we Sabrina about putting a lot of this information on pamphlets maybe put a little color on it so people see it you know and maybe maybe a link to the social media platform definitely con people a little bit better just to make it a lot prettier and also we have that you know QR code for the open space areas in town usage and things like that that you could maybe incorporate somewhere must be nice work thank you yeah um so with the social media um we are able to pre-schedule up to a decade of post so each one of these would be a post oh so when he leaves that would continue to post after lcas we could he so this is the beginning I asked him to work on something so you guys can read it approve it and then it would go to select board I right is it to select word after that so just read it and approve it yeah so read it and approve it so he can get it in motion so these are these are the beginning post this isn't just it yeah because I also down here I left a couple more titles that I didn't get a chance to do before the meeting and there will be a lot more yeah you schedule these to repeat come out every January that yeah an annual yeah I think that yeah things are very important during the Spring some more important in the fall and recycling isn't bad you know new people tune in various times I think we could add a little section about what jurisdictional areas are far as the 200 foot buffer 100 foot buffer yeah absolutely confused about that if the riv you know is the lake 200 foot no it's 100 foot you know but they a lot of people think it's 200t because the rivers are and the flood plane too they have to be careful as well yeah you add a little definition there so technically technically it's not a 200 foot buffer it's protected under the Wetland protection act like the other resource areas right right sorry I just learned that so that's why it's like my pet peeve now because I've been saying buffer as well okay all right looks good Lucas thank you um what redoing their buffer area because before it was restricted couldn't do anything in the 50 Foot buffer as a resource area yeah now they're proposing to have just proposing I don't think I don't think it's going to happen they have three different areas a would be nothing could happen to 50 foot B some things could happen in the 50 Foot area and C uh if it's to enhance the buff if it's to enhance it's okay MH you might want to think about something and do some peer poaching so do we need to approve these specific ones so he can start rolling with what he wants to do is that I think that's what we're looking for yeah so we'll read it through right now like we do our minutes and if you have okay see then we can vote I mean i' I read it I'm good with it but if any you know I think people might want to i' make a motion okay do I have a second I'll second it this is hurry tonight I don't mind it who was the second Andy or Kevin okay so Den ey Norm I chis ey Jerry ey when is it gonna start honestly as soon as you give me approval I'll start putting things in finding some nice pictures pictures are the most important part right okay we good to go thank you Lucas of course good all righty then and now we'll move on 5:30 Griffin Road lpp application variant review this one that was just added to the agenda today correct I have a problem I have a fundamental problem with things going on the agenda the day before or the day of the meeting I don't think it's good politics I don't think it's good policy I don't think it's fair um and I I really don't think it's fair to throw a bunch of paperwork at commissioners several hours before the meeting and the review for the meeting this is I fairly comprehensive I don't think there's a reason for that to happen and uh I'm just I'm just against it Mr chairman I have a point of order to make here okay which I believe takes presidential the other every other motion or anything on the table I uh I reviewed what had happened today uh I went back to look at the open meeting law and make sure that we're in compliance with it and I my definition of what I believe is we're not in compliance with it but I believe I have a solution okay okay all meeting notices must be posted 48 hours ahead of the meeting not including Saturday and Sunday and they must must be timestamped when they get posted okay and then it goes on and I'm going to read a little bit here if a notice is revised which ours was the revised notice must be conspicuously Rec record both the date and time of the original notice was posted as well as the date and time of the last revision was posted reporting the date and the time enables the public to observe public bodies are complying with the open meeting laws notice requirements without requiring constant vigilance additionally if the event of a in the event of a complaint it provides the Attorney General with the evidence of compliance with those requirements I checked the revisions that were posted after lunch today okay so that's how late it was they were not timestamped the original time stamp was there but the revisions were not so there's an error we got in the clerk's office that that has to be fixed I'm sorry what was not time stamped the revision revisions need to be time stamp they were no they weren't not the ones that were posted I I stamped them they stamped the original post when they just revised it has to have stamp they were this has been done before Norm a few times and I just don't consider a good Poli let me read on okay if a discussion toet is proposed after a meeting notice is posted and it was not reasonably anticipated by the chair more than 48 hours before the meeting the public body should update its posting to provide the public with as much notice as possible of what subjects will be discussed during the meeting although a public body may consider a topic that was not listed in the meeting notice if it was not anticipated the Attorney General strongly encourages public bodies to postpone discussion and action on topics that are controversial or may be of particular interest to the public if a topic was not listed in the meeting notes okay now we know that I don't believe the neighbors were notified of this a change but here's what I recommend and the reason why we're doing this tonight is two two people that are supporting this can't be at the next meeting so I think we can get by the open meeting law if we allow those people to speak tonight we can ask questions but no discussion no debate at the next meeting we can replay the tape after it's po after all the neighbors are properly notified we can replay the tape to hear what the those people had comments they can't make the meeting and then we can finish the discussion at the next meeting and then secondarily I also agree to getting a 40 page report in the afternoon of a of an evening meeting was unfair to the commission to properly digest I agree with that that's a big pile of paper I think if we decide to take action on this tonight we are in violation and I think the Attorney General will have to be notified you're familiar with the local permitting process right I mean we been around for a while if a person doesn't agree with the uh commission's decision the select board are the arbitrators and I believe this has been taken to the select board from what I read so wouldn't that mean they are the arbitrators now and it's out of the conservation commission's hands they can make suggestions but I believe that it's gone to arbitration now that you know if you take it to the next step it's out of our hands basically I'm not sure if that means exactly what's happening here as far as a variance is concerned I think if they're denied access to the L or Deni Den variance Deni a variance so you're appealing it so you appealed it to the select board if you read the local permitting read the the paperwork that says the SLB are would be the deciding party at that point I think if they're denied permit Al together we did deny the permit Deni well we didn't deny a permit we denied the variance the variance is a permit well yeah it's still it still allows them to get to do something that they no what we did is we we told the applicant to move their do to get it in compliance correct in the 20s they were with they were within the 25 and then we told them to get into compliance that's cor right that's what I remember we didn't have a variance with food we just told them to move the do so the variance was never denied there was never a variance Bas told to get into compliance yeah see this is we got all these questions and it's just too much for us to digest before meeting this yeah I agree with Norm if they want to make some statements and I don't have a problem with that but I don't want to have discussion about that's my we need a motion um this application that you have today is a new application for 2024 it is not about the old application this is an application with a request for an exception due to hand that part has nothing to do with reir so we have seen this application until tonight I don't believe you're in violation of meeting law this is not a public hearing that requires notification of neighbors this is a single applicant requesting her situational exception still doesn't change the fact that it's not properly proceeded I mean it's whether it's legal or not it's not a good way to do business to come at the last minute and have have a meeting was that was as you said that was a timing issue it just can't happen I think the norm is offered a solution or compromise well what I'll listen to what other people have to say as well I mean I feel there's a lot of information here to digest and make a decision tonight there's a packet of paper um that we haven't been able to really review and I've seen some of it before from last year's discussion we could hear it tonight and then got vote on it tonight got to hear it again bring it up think it's important that we do no here but no discussion here no discussion I don't want to put a motion out until anyone else wants to speak anybody else want to comment I think it's a good idea because I think this is take up some time so comment tonight good evening everybody I'm here the AR Master this evening and I was asked couple months ago so I agree with Mr Clark I wouldn't anticipate the decision um there is a lot here and there are Butters that uh have to take some of this into context so I just want to share with the board the group what that I've gathered from some background and and by all means I don't know that there is a lot but I just I think I might have something that would like all parties that have an interest in in this can kind of digest and again it's a negotiation that gets at you they want so you're G have to decide what just that there all right thank you har after Landis um so I was able to contact two of The Association members that I see I think both of them are tonight just just letting you know that some people were notified but we don't have a they didn't have time for discussion or anything about what they thought as their board maybe two of might be a good thing right everything was last minute right so I think you know Norm has an idea I think a lot of us have the same feeling there's a lot of information here tonight and Norm was thinking of making a motion um you're ready for the motion if you would like to make okay I move that we open the hearing to hear the comments from the people that cannot attend the next meeting and we will take no action and no discussion except for asking a question for further information okay we have a second I'll second okay all in favor we start now here with a that hi hi Sor okay that's unanimous I suppose we should probably ask the people that are not going to be able to make the next hearing if they would like to come up and talk at this time can I ask one question sure it's I realize this is a brand new thing as compared to last year well every year is a new thing is it basically the same gist as it was last year basically the same kind of discussion the problems that were here last year are the problems that are being presented to us now in this 40 page thing has nothing to do with the neighbors no my question is is it basically about where the dock needs to be located exactly and that's my question is it exactly like it was the last time it was presented because we remember what it was and that would give us a better understanding of what we're looking at now would her boat still be on the Connecticut side because that was the problem not where the dock was but where the boat was right the boat will be on the Connecticut side right on somebody else's front of somebody else's property that's her that's property the Connecticut side is the Connecticut side is the Connecticut the homeowners association that's CH correct I have pictures that that show that that's not a true space just be before we start that can I just clarify on the agenda this is not listed as a public hearing can I ask if we can name participants and add their addresses be made public uh n Dr 530 Griffin Road Dale 5 Road that's where we put our in we under new back in the wrong spot what's the story I just did the same thing I did that I over the agenda that's usually where we have our nois or rdas public hearings but it's under new business so Jerry your question was is this application the same as the application last is it the same basic discussion we had last year same same configuration Mrs jury is asking for no question the shortest possible distance across yes or no question is it the same she was asked to file her application demonstrating her hardship to not have the boat 25 ft over she's asking it for to be at eight so this is the same as last year's application in the same rough location she already moved it over 10 it's not eight it's at 10 I pictur see so it's two feet further than the one it was last year and it was last year not the same as it was it was 10 feet last year thanks it was 10 feet last year it was 10 feet last year so it is the same what I'm getting at is was there a compromise we're not here about that we're here today as we were asked to demonstrate the hardship she continues to have due to her disability and where the dock all right needs to be to accommodate that hardship who asks for that Sayan your chairperson you asked for the her to prove it yeah I mean I don't see where the hardship and that's I don't see where it's she's been able to do that I mean walk a couple more feet on the same kind of surface I don't see she has demonstrated the docks maximum location in depth in the water stability of the shoreline she has demonstrate she's got documentation she has provided you documentation about walking handicaps across the Sands the dock has to be stable it can't move over any farther without being an unstable dock surface for her to get to her boat on I never had a question about her handicap well that wasn't brought up before that was the that was another question I had is why wasn't that brought up before it was you know something new where didn't make sense that should have been the first my only question is why why could it not be moved into clients you know and if they have documentation why you can't move into the CLI we'll look at that you know and see right we have that in here there is an issue with the docility believe there's an issue with the dock Mobility itself it is not a folding dock I understand a lot of them fold up and P it and you can rotate them in and out this one is not if she has to she can't move it over there are physical terrain barriers she has a retaining wall she had a retaining wall put in it wasn't satisfactory to someone someone told her to put in a lower retaining wall which ate up her land surface that dock cannot go in and out there is no room to pull it out there's about this much depth to the water it doesn't it can't maneuver there chapter 91 if I forgot for that area I think we mentioned it last year $75 application for Sen this board has the authority to make a handicap accessible exception two sections or one one solid thing it's one solid two they're joined and they're secured together they don't it's it's a roller right so it just rolls out as one pce and then the handicap Branch thing holds up onto the dog and I can unfold that and put that in the sand but as it rolls it rolls all Contin all in one piece right and you have to connect so the application says two docks and morning flatform SP flatform oh sorry the it's only one do sorry I think you have an email from the dot company in your package as well that indicates that it cannot be moved any deeper it won't touch time so here's my question is last year you had said it was 4T depth that's on the other side where it's not stable bank that's on the top that's over here and again that is where there is no land area to do it I thought last year wasn't there discussion about getting extensions saying can't be that's the doc company that says it's is the m I already bought the do already she did that to move it to the [Music] 10 yep and when you park them you got to pull them out and have them on land they not very they don't bend they don't turn yeah you need one I have some photos I these you want to see them on if I think you can still I think you can still share if not I'll change the settings is this the um the association for you yeah I read that all right for her particular location you can't do you know what year that was but anyway this last year I believe this is a picture from yeah last year yeah that's why I brought it up you can see this Monument right here that was the state line can I go up to that and sure this pile of rocks right here there is a town of Suffield state of Connecticut pipeline under there that one straight up the hill to the state line markers up the hill and to the next state line marker further up the hill in a straight line subfield did not put their pipes in South this is the state line then we need then we need a Ser that because this is a state Market you need seld to tell you that they put their pipeline in Southwick or that that and that they're paying taxes to S is what you need did you sorry did you say that your property some of it was on Southwick it's all in southi house directly behind me it's all okay and if I would pay taxes to to S with the marker and I know you've all seen the Southwick Town property maps that show that straight line in southw but those are coincidentally just the Connecticut shows that same line as their state lines they would not put their pipeline in southw without Southwick knowing that any idea when that was done 20 really that recent oh yeah Master zenos want to come up and join us 18 18 or 19 I at this chair recent so I have a calling for the first selectman um because I did some digging on that project because my same question is when you look at it you'll see the drainage that leads down to the lake to that rock pile and my question has been why would Suffield have done this project if it was in Massachusetts so they've had a change in DPW directors over the last couple years this was done probably with the last four years or so maybe a little longer but um um I called the first selectman this morning try to get supposedly he got some backround them so I'm waiting to hear on that what I've looked at the pictures ones that you've been showing and some of the pictures that when the application for the association Beach was put in and it was showing the boat offset onto the Massachusetts line which is what your pictures are showing and they're saying here they're showing at about a two feet two foot offset into Massachusetts what I'm asking the board to consider and the association and everybody here at the table is that if this set of rocks which in it is definitely some mechanic from this drainage system that Saia put in if this isn't accurate or somewhat accurate which it does line up with the survey marker that's still and everybody can live with that because that thing's not going away right that marker is going to be there that utility is going to be there I believe Miss Dr is of the opinion that she will be able if we're calling that the the boundary line my my idea is I do not doubt her disability nor do I think anybody here does it so my if we could come to terms that this is a good boundary marker without having to make because if we're going to make her do a survey then it's going to affect potentially the beach on the other side of so my thought is if we can go use this as a marker to accommodate what she's asking for for her disability shortest access point to her dock that it can be positioned in a way with the boat in the dock do not encroach on that boundary line but run parallel to it it doesn't affect the swimming area of the you know we've done this in other areas around the town for various reasons water deps a lot of different reasons so this is just again something I'm giving to you guys to think if the jewes are in favor of it if the association isn't favor it because it does pull the bring the boat back on to the Connecticut side right but it gives her the shortest amount of travel um then hopefully this is something that we can live with that's where I'm at I an area view here from last here's the area right here Mrs fur's doc this is the association dock they have two boats and then there's Mrs fur it's very P up the one I gave you s just relative uh distances this dock is a foot dock so you can see between these two boats is probably 18 in that's tight that's a navigational yeah you can't haard yeah you can't get so if we keep it the way it was have a problem so oh sorry one person at a time so if you want to be recognized just put your hand up sure okay Sabrina uh do you know exactly when that picture was taken okay you have one I I it's in the packet I think I don't know okay so you all have the one in your packet yeah it's in black and white this is another aerial view of the same dot which shows Harmony in the harbor and Harbor Master agrees and based on I guess our discussion it still would go over a little further we've been going under the assumption that we knew we're the boundary and I'm saying this would be our boundary line if everybody would agree try to get it surveyed seems comprom a solution up the smaller position and this is the position I believe Mr Gren requested that through the photos we've been seeing on the screen is the original position I have no idea of the date of that one or this one we know but we can see that we have har I would assume that would be the difference this this dock is saying completely different I'm in the photo that was just up there before that dock was angled like this looks like both of them are different this is her and that's that it looks like in that one both of them are kind of like this and the other one they're kind of like that that photo there I don't know what happened to the wind like blown so this one's juries and then this one's the association right and so they're both like this isn't even from it's before um 20 at 1920 but the the reason when that photo was taken their dock didn't have the legs even he had floaters on the end of his duck which kept floating over because it wasn't anchored so his do the Dock of the association do the legs of even though they're The Identical docks because the deep water kit is not on that dock so the legs didn't go all the way down to the bottom so he had two blue barrels on the end of the dock so the dock was floating boting and it wasn't anchored so as depending on when that picture was taken is if it's windy it was closer to our boat and if it was not windy it wasn't so the doth needs to be permanently like have longer legs and sit on the bottom of the of the the bottom of whatever it is the bottom of the lake having the barrels floating without an anchor is you know the wind over there is incredible so is you Mr chairman yes is there any way you could park your boat on the east side of the dock I can't park the boat on the east side of the dock because the door is not on the right side and I don't have that right and backing it in is a safety hazard for the swimmers and my grandchildren that I don't think we want them playing with propella we actually had a precedent with that on North Pond where we just asked the gentleman not to park on a certain side of the dock to solve the problem that was going on as a compromise and I was just wondering if that might be I think that was something we did discuss last year well unfortunately there's that that would open the clearance up looks like less than 10t between boats and Open Water here you know little wind storm crash crash well if it's anchored if the dock itself is anchored it doesn't tend to float anywhere true and he has a Hu dock which we have a Hu Dock and you buy the the deep water kit which allows the leg to go they're both on stanions yeah they're huge and there's a a v like um would it be possible to angle your dock another thing we talked this is time happened this is this is the picture of with the with my doc having the you notice this when he came to the committee he said I didn't leave my doc at all and the right there underneath the dock is the drain thing and then you can see old oh your Strat and then here you can see that we're on the rock is there and the over here so okay so I did previous and this is now correct and I did move it over as requested and at the meeting that I had with you um he he said I did not and that's been very concerning that it's actually I did move it so it's already what that well that's pulled out of the water now that's the problem so when it goes back in it'll it'll my boat and the dock will not be on the math side at all and I am a member of this Association just so you know um I mean this this picture shows me that the both is in Massachusetts well that was prior to the years ago years ago that prior to moving it where's the new picture with the vat on we have it there something that it's still to me to V need to come over a little further but that's a little closer I'm just using that as a reference you bring it over to you know a little thing like over and call that your marker if if that's again what everybody could agree on I think you'd have in full room the other thing we have to be aware of is where the boundary goes out into the water so it's a straight line from the boundary on land into the water right directs on the other side of the lake and it falls straight across the lake so it doesn't go an angle it goes straight from that point straight across so because all those homes are suffing so and my total house is in Suffield and no I I we understand that you also have in your packet some photos of the limited land mass that she has to maneuver herself so I I guess that's something that I'm not aware of or had a hard time with so can I just get a look at that picture you have your pack okay that so you know I turned it in on Monday of last week look at it no but I can see what's going on right here I'd like to go out take a look at it we do that that might be a good idea yeah I mean it would be definitely helpful to be able to understand it more thoroughly um I did think there was more beach front here in front I didn't know there was a second wall we had to put it in we were required so just so let you know the association property is only 60 feet wide 50 50 feet wide you would like to see the deed well I have the deed anyway 50 50 or either way they don't have a lot of flexibility where they can move their B well there yeah they're the 20 foot marker yeah they should be somewhere in the middle you know and they and we approved them just last fall right well fall fall two you think so I'll she was the first time they had we're not asking them to move their boats this is her no no we just yeah just throwing out that there aren't a lot of options we can use working with the association to help solve this problem right okay I like the chief's idea where if the boat and everything can be on the Connecticut side it should be a good enough compromise if if we can make that happen that would be yeah I think you know it' be nice to go out away understand that but what he suggested it might be sure are well informed if like we we want to make sure that the ABS are informed we're having the next meeting that would be is there one person that's in charge of the association is there president or somebody we should just deal with the president not have a whole Committee of people right she's on Zoom Sandra sand just send you're not gonna discuss it tonight next meeting right now we're just asking questions and stuff and trying to get a feel for Betty aat should also be invited she's the neighbor on the other side of the association she's not in a butter I don't know but she could be part of the solution oh if the association was able to move closer to her side that's correct is what he's saying if she would allow that problem want roll over so I think it's important for them for everybody to know the the the applicant and the abutters um I know with another parel we dealt with the state has said and call back from them too though is any unresolved issues with regard to if we're saying we don't know where this boundary you know we have an argument on boundary lines they when going through their you know going to the state they will not approve anything until it's resolved in land this can affect both dos so like that's why I'm trying to let's figure out a way we can all live with this and seems like we should be able to come to some kind of reasonable I think it would be good put eyes on the train and the amount of Frontage there the way that it's set up right because this picture is a little bit of an eye opener to make Harbor Masters objective about this and absolutely we've resolved quite a few different disputes through the Harbor Master previously getting little situations like this to move over a couple feet this way right so this is this is another photo okay this is nany's house Nancy dory's house this is the association property here and this is Betty's house in Betty's doc system okay so she should be invited because perhaps we can shift this further to the right and then that the doct that comes in here could be shifted to the right and might satisfy everybody's needs but they but they all have to be in yeah right it's it's a matter of com a lot situation y um is she the last one before the canal there's no more one more do they have a dog yeah but this is her dog pretty this is BET yeah I understand that but next door like if she moves that over I think it's away but they have a lot of lily pads front yeah yeah she welcome she could be part of the you can invite her not formally as an but but has a possible solution other questions that's I think we should set up a visit don't know and get some better clarifying I think we will be able to see even better when we get over there okay we is in you guys this to be on the next agenda or the following agenda well we'll find out when people can make the site visit and one one other point of order didn't we already approved their Association setup last year yes so wasn't last year how do we undo that well they have to app nothing undo every year you apply for a new every year it's new okay yeah every year it's new yeah they just had to do the for the initial yeah so we need should not delay too long because both the docks are going to be starting to go in water so we want to resolve this before docs go in the L so it should be on the next meeting time that's good we'll go out and visit um anybody have the time recommended your boat in the water yet no drive there we're walking we're walking drive there the other piece of information that would be very helpful is to know what the the actual depth of the water is in front of ny's house out so many feet you know I have I have the maps that say it's five to 10 feet but be nice to know how much leeway we have hu do came out and actually went down and that's why I said on my first thing to the Conservation Commission that I'd have to do $3,300 for LEC to get the permit for the tial 91 doc right and I would have to have a permanent dock because there's no docks legs that go long enough for the stability and I can't do a floating dock I believe I believe you said when they first came out they came out and they selected this was the spot and I misunderstood CAC of docks I have a they're great yeah so do I I'm a land lover so but mine I can pivot I don't have the wheels on the front we pick ours up and I can pivot mine whichever way say um and I know there was some question um which I found very hurtful about how disabled I am and I didn't know if you guys needed that information no I think it's I think so I believe we all believe you're disabled but as far as a legal back I was thinking that maybe we would need some documentation in case somebody came at us and said just believe anybody that says it and I me well I have it I would give it to you and you can keep it in confidence I don't think you should yeah we don't need we believe you're disabled there's no question that's show them your placard and your driver's license be my guest so do need a motion we're gonna continue it till next meeting but we need to set up also a site visit can you guys set it up now weekend or there any I mean that would be up any yeah okay just tell me what time morning what time Saturday morning final ma wait a secondy hold on I thought you guys were out of state that is when we have our budget hearing I'm out of stat this weekend budget hearing satday yes Saturday 8 AM let's go right after right after now you got we go to the budget hearing first then go to the go right after that wait are you gonna wait for me sure what time is budget hearing what time though um goes fast 12:30 1:00 1230 like that I mean if you make it 2 o'clock you should be safe I can sleep just in case like we want to make it two o'cl just in case conservation goes over me to check with my neighbors or do you just need to see my stuffel I don't think see I'm interested more in the Basin in front of your house is what I want to see that's and that one of those pictures shows me something that was more eye opening than and and just remember that it kind of Curves in so that we'll see it yeah we'll yeah due diligence so you're saying 2 o'clock Saturday 2 o'clock Satur Saturday 2 p.m. 2 o'clock yeah let's do 2 o' going right from the meeting well Dian would like to come I'm part of the meeting it have to be here so she has to stay for the whole thing Chief I figured we could go home for lunch first right now without Ming for sure but I would say yes from a safety point of view we get your input be good y possibly be I think we have enough us that can show up who can please come been there more than once yeah okay so just an idea here um because so often these things come and then eventually we do reach a compromise and everything goes well is there a way that's just assuming all the best you know um a way to Mark a permanent mark on the coast of where these things will go out of moving forward from here to forever gpsing something I mean because you know 10 years from now but next year also come and then they they decide to put it you know a foot over or two feet this way that should be like no you put your dock here from here on out it's BR a GPS yeah I mean I mean really that would well we have the rocks to Market and then we have the distance from there that it comes in every year on the application how far she's going to be from that borderline be there and not over here or it'll be on it'll be a rock on her rock wall we don't need that just to keep it simple for everybody like you know everybody else says you know hey you're you're a foot over you can say no I'm not because here's my permanent exception go with her not with the property so the point of reference could be that pile Ro yeah it's a huge pipe I don't think that's a problem it has a you know how to use a measure I believe on Google location reference point you know do on every dot you might want to for those that are right that normal issues fair enough and then so once it's decided then that will be the place that will go correct as you apply each year you will indicate and since we you know if we approve it this year then next year shouldn't be an issue there's really big yeah been going on for a very long time yeah there supposed to be a map on file of each dot okay and you have yours there I'm not sure if it's got all dimensions on it but you don't have to resubmit that every year unless it changes I since 2007 and but you've got a new map I've had a do with you guys since 2007 in that same location yes yeah and now we have a new location yeah and indicated the work that seld did with that pipe who is somebody reaching out are we still going to follow up to make sure that with whatever work was done there you really want to do that that's nothing to do with this I'm not worried about what I'm just saying how do we know that if we're calling that the line is to yeah we're agreeing we're just agreeing to but I alsoi we're agreeing on that I did ask Colin to check into it again so I will follow up with him and see if he's found anything you don't want to bring up the old jog Feud again right history somebody paid do it all right so 2 o'clock on Satur 2 o00 on Saturday on Saturday okay two on Saturday thank you so much thank you all for coming what's up you need a mo to continue it or you just uh it's not a public hearing so we don't need to but we will just invite everybody back I think yeah the other side I think I think the minut should just say that that uh discussion just discussion discuss no decision but there confused me because there like the header for what we're talking about here all right Noble speed uh subdivision 292-2854 keep it going keep it going all right welcome back s of nuts and Je whenever you're ready actually can reintroduce yourselves again Jeff Smith Sania Associates and Jesse salt Mar salm Construction thank you no Steve um so thanks for bird doging that which part well email just explaining that one or the other is needed so we have a dection for the open space and so took it he signed it today and got it memorized so it goes to Next Step would the page 18 I didn't have time to make copies I so I'm I'm so this you said zed restriction to the open space which is no work can be done within space plan showing the open space which that's the requirement that is for planning for the non-traditional subdivision not necessarily what we need for the fill yeah we're talking in L the 401 Water Quality certification you can do a deed restriction conation restriction right that's what opted to do at the time and we have a an updated version of that with current dates did you get that from you attorney yeah AB is this the same as the conservation restriction that was s to me and our Town Council still reviewing it to see if it's um acceptable so there was one thing and this was just uh John Goddard and I talking today because he's also curious about this um and he did a little digging and he just pulled up um I think it was Lot 21 um and and looked at their deed I think is what I'm looking at and in the deed it says subject to Noble steeve Crossing definitive subdivision Declaration of um covenants and restrictions dated August 16 2017 and recorded and said registry in book 21818 page 421 so I have the Covenant and it does talk about on number 16 on that page five number 16 it says Wetland areas any and all Wetland areas as determined by the town of South's Conservation Commission shall not be disturbed or altered in any way after construction of the subdivision roads and driveways so this is more along the lines of what we're looking for however this document I believe is only good for 26 years so that's that's where John and I kind of left off where we're not sure if this is acceptable for D and I haven't had a chance to ask Mark Stinson about this yet this is all new stuff open space or for the this is for the sub subdivision it says Wetland a so this is in the con uh Covenant for the whole subdivision right so that's what you're looking in 401 perhaps the hiccup is is that this is only good for a certain amount of time any any conservation incription is only good for certain amount of time unless it goes through the state and the state approves it then right and I think this it's a perpet that's what we want for the open space we want the open space to done a perpetuity that's what the conservation restrictions yeah so that's separate right so in order for him to do work in fill in the Wetland area he needed to have 401 or a deed restriction is what I think this is on the lines of however I'm concerned that it only lasts for about 26 years and they don't have to renew it after I think the association votes if they want to continue that well no what that does is allows us to do the work then the conservation restriction is in place forever but the conservation restrictions for the open space only not for the entire subdivis doing any more work there once it's done it's very possible for someone to do work down the lines and in different Lots but I think it's only required for the not required in perity just required for the 26 years whatever it is I'm not sure the D yeah and so this is all new stuff that I got today this afternoon John gave it to me so I'm gonna ask Mark Stinson if this is what he's actually looking for and if that's the case then that is all set but if it's not it's actually Federal not state for this one just conservation restriction I think it's Federal so it wouldn't go through the state for perpetuity correct Jeff is it's because it's isolated with ls that falls under the Army dep of Engineers right I don't see that this Crossing really meets the standard for an army Corp permit I mean it's a pretty small Wetland area that's being crossed and it's outside of the deed restriction the road crossing is outside the deed restriction um it's going to be a replicated Wetland built to take care of the crossing but I don't isn't it isolated Wetland house I it's I think it's a bvw although there are breaks in the Wetland in the delineation and I don't have the delineation report I only have copies of the original plan I it could be um and if in that case um it may meet the half acre or quarter acre foot but anyway I think it was conditions anyway so really can't change that right now um this Covenant stuff is kind of outside of my knowled CH anything in conditions according to PP so when I talked to Mark sson his only concern was that the check the resource areas that they hadn't changed I've walked down along there there aren't many flags that flag and me I can ref flag it or whoever did it they flag it um but I think that this document is designed to protect the rest of the wetlands after the crossing is done that's what we're trying to move forward and get it done so you looking to after for an amendment so you can not have to do that not have to do conservation restrictions for the no we're trying to do the conservation that's what I think we're doing yeah trying to figure yeah trying to figure out what exactly we need and if this is sufficient did you say the town council's reviewing it I gave it to them okay so they have it um because the the legal language about covenants and everything is kind of beyond my knowledge pleas I'm not I'm not a attorney an attorney I'm not I'm not a surveyor [Music] M so I can tell you where the weap is process is our we wait till we have that before we make any decisions on I think that'll be well you just really need the order of conditions to continue we I don't see why we couldn't continue the order conditions we're not making us we also want we're talking about increasing the bond amount as well so and that would be they would need to request an amendment we can't tell them okay that's true we discuss that last time you need us to re is a bond what did we talk about 25 was the last time look it up reest can down the road here right that's why I'd like to actually work with joh Godard and because there's other people in on this now it's not just us planning board I've been reading about in the paper you know and we should all work together on it to make sure we're not acing on anybody each other's toes on it either play board says one thing we say another and you know want to make sure that we make sure we have our timelines we were here the exception of this whole project sitting at this table where they talked about so much is going to be open space and they're not going to touch this and and then there was that whole area that's by the road coming into it was going to be left wooded which it is now we just don't want Jesse going back to the SL boort yeah or the the planning board saying well they told me I can't do that now and you told me I can't I've seen that happen confusing it's good for him to have a Clear Vision right right well the problem is is that we gave them a schedule now we should sched well I know it's starting April 1 right and what's the schedule starting the Box C no we can't do anything without the conservation restrict our next meeting is April 1st so on that meeting we can uh hopefully have this all worked out with the planning board everybody well John Gard works in the same room as you we can work out M see what coincides you know we do cross over a lot of places can he be here we could ask him to be here yeah wouldn't that be the best way to go just get it in the meantime if we can come to some some kind of consensus so we can he April 1 we can say okay we're gonna sign off on it right is there anything a lot of time really a week yeah um all right all right so you need us put in a request for an amended order of conditions which that's the same form we already submitted but you need us to what do you any Chang on that right we're gonna look up the bond amount and I thought we're gonna have a Time timeline should coincide with that's what we want exactly we want to doel that's I've been meeting with Randy and John on a weekly basis for the last like five weeks yeah developing schedule and we've been working out there you know slowly but surely you know trying to get ahead of it so and you want to keep it realistic but again we might to keep going forward make sure we're all working together going in the same direction that's right that's right well I'm just saying like we've already like we're moving forward with the stuff like I well no there's a bigger problem if I don't follow that schedule than whether I follow your well that's why I said we want to make it realistic as well so when we help you to delineate that timeline it won't be interfering with what you've already got going on we don't have to schedule special meeting or anything so it's on the first and all in the timeline so why don't we just to be on the safe side as far as what Mark Stinson requested I'll go out and reflect wetland now in the next meeting do you I'll give you heads up when it's done if you guys want to go out and cut it afterwards okay that sound good y okay thank you and so I'm gonna ref flag um I'll do we on my head I'll do the downstream I'll ref flag the Upstream also so it's very clear where the resource area is um it's I mean it's basically it's it's a ditch but in this area where the crossing is it does open up Downstream um okay so so request bond amount change and we were going to double check that I thought we said it gonna be 25,000 but I'm not positive about I thought we 30 I think we did like 40 or 50,000 I didn't write it down maybe we did it I was 5,000 was another project I remember that sorry I mean that's if that's what they if that's what the commission wants okay we'll make sure before we put it um there is oh sorry go ahead timeline and we had talked about access for the replication and where you guys we wanted that identified right so I need to get a copy of the construction plans because replication plan wasn't in in this set that we have so I'll talk to you about that and get a copy of the replication so we can figure out access on that because I'm thinking that we're probably going to want to come in on the the West Side the Wetland it's kind of steep over here but I'm not postive with that yet um okay and then the other thing so he's been doing work there to get things leaned up and I just wanted to fix the slope on the east side coming down so that the drainage isn't going down the south side of the slope it's it's gonna it goes in across to the north now and into the Upland Woods where it can kind of infiltrate and percolate in better so I think that's a I'm G pass phone sorry and then also I um you noted that I accidentally gave you two of the same erosion okay all right here the moreing subdivisions possible I mean there's skip over to that there's no up there's no real update on that aside we wanted to schedule a site visit we could schedule a site visit now that the weather's better to have a look at the flagging good we could Scratch Out y I mean I would like to schedule a site visit with you guys because that was We were supposed to follow up with that once the weather got better well why we maybe make it on Saturday after we do the dock before or before we could do too before and then go to the dock and then get home I don't think I what time is it going to be on Saturday what were you thinking what time well how long do we need for the for this one it's a good walk it's a good walk yeah maybe half hour 45 hour say an hour hour hour do Saturday okay forget it then that makes it easier we got plans on Saturday evening already and uh okay so I'm sorry you guys are welcome to walk it if you want it's flag idea flag just go look at it yeah you can go look at it one at one okay then we go at two I can't go because I'm out of town okay one o'clock then make it Andy you busy 1:30 going once one we'll do one o'clock one that way make sure we get the the other one on time one now one you'll have to be our time keeper when over there my at all right you going to send a reminder now so that would be great one o00 pming not one o' at right if I can be there at one o'clock I'll be there at one o' app good effort no more Bing right we're gonna be at two at the other place more Bing oh okay Switching gears don't cop me the other student you told Place yeah we were we were gonna have Jeff talk on the mor Ving but we don't have any more information we're go out and do eyes on it first got it we're gonna do that now I got you that's why we switched and there was gonna be a reminder email with election just fa that's okay will be right you guys are all thank you very much thanks for coming all right all right okay we're going to move on to the request for permission access S Al open housi property after sunset for stargazing purposes no update okay scratch it Grandville Gord kiosk roof no update Brian didn't get back to me okay so we're we're looking for the same materials as the North Pond uh be ask North Pond conservation property recyclables update no update discussion on docks not completely removed from the lake there is an update so some some letters got uh sent out to those who we knew that their docs are still kind of like halfway in the water we got a response from uh yellow docks yellow docks um Conan Heights Association um and they apologized and they said that they removed that one that was partially in that's an update that okay question anything on Frank row we were gonna start finding him I don't know I haven't seen anything in my email but I have about 22 messages in my voicemail that I have not been able to listen to yet Saina sent a the ticket in it for and all the documentation saying that you guys voted and that the findings started will start seven days after receive the conservation um of the certified mail and will continue until such time as he submits his 2024 application it's a vers 2024 application okay Sabrina made that letter up and signed it yes and he may have called okay he may have called and I just haven't gotten to the voicemail yet okay that's a reason to up your hours it is please okay going insane you know as far as the importance of removing those docks completely is there are docks floating around oh yes so there's one at the North Pond property we should go pick that up there's one on my property sell it off property bers Keepers even though we didn't have a big ice season there's still some uh floating docks of course people yeah they do get let go sometimes yeah I don't need this anymore a bunch of stuff floats yeah let's let this float away that's how we get our booies and stuff just give it a kick you know see you in the spring no suggestions guys okay 107 South Lumis uh no update okay we just did more Vining possible Wetland violation 31 Sam West Road there isn't an update but I think I should ask Ryan what's going on with that because this is around the time when they said that they would start working on it I think leaves AR here right and the frogs are going to start laying soon so um yeah I'm gonna try to remember to get back to him on that neers are out yeah um yes okay and update land owner wants to donate 13 bir app the commission um no update do you want me to just take that off until after until we get something yeah yeah it'sing today what benefit is it for the town to take that proess it cost a ton of money to take it and acquire it so it can off the tax rolls will it be better protected once the town owns it or is it already protected under all these laws anyways he can't do anything with it well that's a good question Andy but you know we've been through this we've had this discussion many times and you never know until somebody tries to develop property I've seen places you would bet your bottom dollar couldn't be developed and they've been developed right but on the other hand you know if you say what's in the town's benefit would talk about financi or anytime you buy land it cost it costs money you know it's to protect the environment you know that's the and I've heard this argument so many times saying well they can't build on that property anyways sanowski property that the town me if remember that people are yelling that's a bunch of swamp your can't build and right and look over on the Reservoir Road swampy Joe we built those you would have bet money nobody could have built on that property the neighbors are going how could you build there they said they couldn't build there for years um hge Highway the one for the storage facility up there how many years has that been saying that's that you know so you never know it's good question somebody come through with a plan that works saying we're just I mean what we're looking at buying here is just the water part not call house Serv I mean College Highway has the water also all you got to do is get all we're buying here is the water it's just like you could you could Poss potentially do something with that but I don't think we're looking you know making money in the town you know financially is the benefit get any land it cost money to do anything you know so that might provide access from the rail trail through the lake right you don't know I mean what happens if you get a grant one our Trail grants might be able to put a trail there huh it's only you guys give it approval right wants part yeah well we sometimes don't have a choice yeah no we can't just prohibit things that has to be done in the proper way people will fight you and you try to just stop people from doing on their property so arguments time so much arguing is just like what's the what's the huge G certain certainly houses soti someone could put a tiny house on that there you go I think it's also good because we're Conservation Commission we know how to care for the land and once we get that we'll have the ability to care for the land where as if it was in private hands you know it could it could someone could dump dump Something In The Water where at least we know that um to the best of our ability we're we're protecting it we go after Prime Building properties then we'd get an argument there too you know like the golf course when that was tax wanted us to preserve the golf course but can't preserve everything and that was yeah what benefit would that be to preserve I was just seeing this land is so very restricted already no it's a great question a great discussion you're buying a puddle yeah I mean and I get it love to put the trail across it all that yeah just like no but Andy we're not buying it it's being donated but we're spending $26,000 on an attorney fees or whatever you're spending we're not spend no no not 26,000 you guys approved like $9,000 that was to round up money that had sitting in the to yeah no it was an excellent question how do you support theum you hear meeting we're not leaving yet guys no we're not leaving it we still have executive actually oh goe um I I need some advice The Tea House I've seen today's paper they want to do outdoor cooking I heard earlier that they wanted to put a ramp from the building out towards the the Zeos now my question is that's a 200 foot buffer that correct and not buffer it's a river it's a river front which is more protect than the buffer actually 200 foot yes yeah okay yeah so pretty much that's anything from the building towards the brook essentially yep you can't do anything disturb anything on the ground without our permission is that correct also a flood plane so that be in the flood plane as well and I think we had a me on this Mr was going to do some calculations Facebook they do some compensatory storage somewhere or something for that to happen they're going to planing board first this time to make sure before they come ask us to do it they're able do it which is which is a pretty good idea yeah so so it hasn't come here yet they should have done that originally but yet again planning board knows they have to come back here if they know they have to come back here they do know that okay um that was really what I was getting at actually I'm glad you brought that up because in in the back there are now a bunch of posts in the ground to support grapes and I wasn't sure if that was allowable or not posts in the ground the posts in the ground and now he's he's planting grapes I don't know if he's going to be fertilizing them um are those in the riverfront area yeah some of it at least post are 4x4s there's a lot of there's a lot of post back there well out of when they did the gazebos the D says that you know when you do son tubes it's almost negligible okay you know it's it's not not a whole lot so that's why they were able to lift those out of the blood blood plane right that last that last big rainfall we got right yeah and it has come up he did have a pile of wood next to the garbage bin which is right next to the parking lot and some of that wood was floating down the river so I contacted him to remove it out of the flood plane and he did so relatively quickly so he lost some wood down the RO down down the water all right nice oh good notice um really quick sorry uh so our Board of Health Guy Mr Tom Hibbert is trying to organize purchasing caps with the town of cic on it he says he's estimating around $30 a piece would you guys be interested in getting in on that I believe we would we would have to pay it I could use somewhere in Westfield I like hats by Maybe by uh elm's Pizza is it by elm's Pizza By Design yeah I think that's where going no Clos you have to say but your black now yeah they they do a good job and it's a reasonable price over is any of the money going for charity or no this is just a purchase though this is what it cost to buy them yeah so the the hats themselves and then they're going to stitch in like the emblem of the town of South I believe so the stitching good old days SL board used to buy his jacket yeah I got one I still have mine I got one a long time ago oh that's a gooda ask Tom probably maybe so um and I forgot I didn't have enough time to get our what we have left over in our funds um if you guys are interested I don't know how many when does he need to know by soon very soon I told him I'd run it by you guys during this meeting so we would donate just buy them out buy buy them out right he just needs a number and we would would if you want one I would say you want one conservation would have to pay for it m for sure Andy for sure I'll buy one press will buy one so how many people then it's gonna have this one that's four I'll put five bucks in for Sabrina to get okay I think it's coming from one of our accounts oh why wouldn't you some conservation would have to buy it like you your phon enough for yeah yeah me call I assume it's green I I think he said green Jack I did jacket jacket but I think you know we discussed having something to wear when we go for site visit and things like that so that would be a indicator here as official business exactly so it's not like we used to have too back in the old days we could still probably get that I have my jacket I have a shirt I have an ID hat would be all I need is a hat really right we have all that stuff and you still don't wear them to the site visits yeah because it's raining help I would love to get a hat I think you should get a hat all right okay um sure I'll take a motion expend the funds to get the hats for those of us who would like one sure sure second that motion if everyone in the commission plus me and Lucas wants one it's going to be around around $27 I'll pay for mine pay for M it coming out of it would come out of a fund I don't know I mean I'll kick in a fund yeah because our supplies are is depleted that fund is depleted but we have other lines that we could probably take it out of you got money better spend it before take it away from it yeah it do look like that too may not get it next year because they'll say they bought hats for that back and put a freeze on our funds hry FR Dennis what's the I mean we can we can buy it our own or not um it would be under a PO that yeah I think to make it less complicated it so he would order them all he need them the money from us and he would them all through a PO or how is that going to work I think we would be buying it under each item so dep because he's asked the DPW as well and find out if they're fitted orable probably adjustable you know them sometimes for the guys head yes there's an update I've already asked but um so we are doing that as soon as our hat discussion's over we can do that okay we have an executive we have an executive session I make a motion to go an executive session puru to Mass General La chapter c3a exception number four move to go in executive section discuss deployment of security Personnel or devices or strategies respect there too not to convene an open session do I have a second all in favor who