##VIDEO ID:BWRRe2vilZ0## so we're all set open the Southwick Park and wreck uh meeting for August 14th 2024 U pres myself David day delori Dan Welsh John Wall's on Zoom okay um I'm going to start off with public comment if anybody's here for public comment come forward if you'd like and if we get your name and address Greg DIY P Salem Road chair of EDC ecomic development commission and just take a few minutes I sent an email asking for a few minutes so I hope I I can have a quick sure we've got an expanded EDC in this past year because now that we have a master plan there's a lot more T our started out by doing a survey of the business find out what things they wanted us to do and the first priority was to do a shop local campaign and we proposed doing a business directory and we we've done that we got a business directory with7 businesses 30 restaurants you can put it on your phone in a few TAPS in 20 seconds you can find any business call them directly go to their website get their address uh get their hours and how many have gone to shops south.net not yet I'll there but here's a reminder you'd like put it on your phone it's very convenient if you want one to uh and their second priority was to promote sou Southwick as a recreational destination and that's one we're focused on now and we've got a a couple ideas in the works and I wanted to share one of them in the very early stage before we' made any kind of formal promo proposal but like to let people know early get a chance for input you know build support before we we go and formally propos it maybe the next couple months and that is to uh well I'll back up and say I like to go out to other towns and see who's doing it really well and I think one town of similar to us that's doing a really good job with this is Adams and if you could share the the word file on the screen just hit share down in the the green button in the bottom and then just select that in the bottom left share hit the share again share button again here's an example of some signage that they have here's one that's on one of their Trail heads because they have some Trails down below gy loock and it's a bolts right on to the the side of 4x4 post in in a kiosk Adams explorers is welcome after your adventure on G Trail explore the attractions culture and dining events in downtown Adams use this QR code explore Hike It bike it see it ski it uh and they have this scroll down on that word file if you can they have it in other places like along their Trail even have a little map and downtown ahead shopping dining Arts uh and the idea of a QR code that then takes them to a website that shows all of their things of interest to visitors and you know that made me think we've got the website we've got all the places on it we can do anything we want on the webos on the rail trail yeah there's four on the rail trail and that's my interest in this committee is particularly the rail tril uh so there's potential points and scroll up because I found a bunch of potential points scroll up well down on the word file to the page below scroll down I guess you know we have several that are are done by the uh Conservation Commission which I've met with the conservation explain this to them we've got a couple at the boat ramps North and South I've met with Lake management committee we've got one at the Wildlife Management Area scroll a little further and as you mentioned here a couple of them on the bike trail uh you know and I I know that we have four of them there and then North and South by ramps and New England trail too which I don't know who manages that kiosk is it AMC or somebody in town um not us I'm not not we'll track it down so I thought we could do something like Adams is doing scroll a little further and this will get an artist to do it I threw this together in 10 minutes but just an idea a little bit further little little further there higher put that right in the middle of the scroll you can so I have some kind of model I suggested go up a little bit higher I suggest just to say Enjoy southw Bike and Hike golf shop wine and dine we have all of this here put it all in one place and QR hit the QR code and it takes you instantly to the the trail maps the bike map and we've got some good resources online already but this will be a central point where we can promote it to visitors and build traffic so far to our business directory we have I think about 600 unique users so far about 3,000 page views about close to 10,000 actions events I want to have 10 times that made how long has it been active so far just since May but we're we're a good start we need to promote it and this is one way to promote it so the idea is to you know coordinate it with the other commissions and committees to you know these could hook on to existing kiosks that we have without interfering with anything that's existing on it and some of them don't have much on it either but uh maybe this will be a motivation to fill them out uh I I noticed on the bike trail we have at least one that's sponsored by a local business might BT that's a nice idea they're maintaining it and put a little yeah the one of beating Hills I believe um yeah I'm feeding Hills Road on7 that's you know well maintained there's anyway this would also get attention you can walk right up to it and and in a in a second you can be on the site with any phone and find any business and every detail and scoll one more time I will haven't come up with the landing page we would have flexibility on the landing page and the idea here is we could send them to a little further we could send them to a recreation guide that would give all of our Golf and boat and Pike and and bike we can send them to dining Maps one or too we could send them to our full shop Southwick site which has 157 businesses or anything else we want to send them to once they get to the center we'll also throw in some nice photos and make it attractive and make it compelling but the idea is to just start promoting and I just wanted to share that and and so that you have it in mind when the proposal comes up or if you have any thoughts in the meantime or any other locations you should think it should be I'm to okay we oversee the the town beach and Wall-E Park also so maybe somewhere there it's not my call to make I mean that's something we'd have to discuss all right and and again we'll we'll not necessarily put it every Poss we have to get the cost of these and put it at the highest traffic place is the place we would get the most response and we could make less expensive signs to put in posst in other places as well as businesses just thinking off hand rather than your picture looked like you were looking for something mounted on the side of the kiosk it might be something better to put under the glass on the kiosk and that would be an option far as vandalism wise and well these these signs that they have in atoms are weatherproof and and very solid and they're in a very solid frame and metallic not not really easy toze with with spray paints and yeah other things and we'd have to play around with it I didn't I've not noticed over the last six months that any of the atom signs have been vandalized but you know might be different here it might depend on location where they are and putting them under glass they might not stand out as much and also I didn't want to interfere with other displays you might want to have there but we could put in some locations where we didn't want to put a sign there weion of glass okay sounds like a good idea thank you okay thank you for your time have the minutes from June any other comments any other public comments thank you Dan you can unshare it now gu not any anybody online with public comment no okay have the the agend or the minutes from June 14th 2024 I know they were sent out I'm not sure if anybody's had a chance to look at them a motion to approve I'll second it all in favor David D Lor ey and well try John L ey we have any bills from maintenance or anything else no bills okay move on to Wally Park Jason I think you had something we'll get you going first good evening everyone thank you Mr P can you he's my uh he's our Wi-Fi guy so um so as you guys know I've been playing around with this Hometown grant for quite some time we finally narrowed down what we wanted um I spoke with Mike sheel Mike she'll put me in contact with Dean L Clerk and Dean L clerk has put me in contact with Mr quall um what's interesting is um the he came forward with the prop proposal for the uh the WiFi for the park it's a new technology I guess um Rob could you unmute if you can hear us sorry hello everyone can you hear me okay yes Rob can you just introduce yourself please sure my name is Rob Cuomo uh my company's called Fast links based on the Southshore been in business since 1999 we focus solely in Wireless Communications both Point too and point to multi-point uh we have designed installed and support networks all over the country but quite a few uh in New England as well uh I was referred to you guys uh Jason and I spoke he shared uh some information with me and that's where I came up with this this design uh needs to be tweaked based on an on-site visit but this unique product that I'm suggesting number one can be solar power so we don't need to run power everywhere you want to put an access point number two is since he was talking about a possible Grant from T-Mobile that could actually run off of a T-Mobile cell signal if we wanted to or at least have the T-Mobile as a backup so that would be I'm sure attractive to them um and it could be done quite reasonably and provide you with the Wi-Fi coverage for the park at least the one the wall park that we look yeah thank you Rob so that's basically I'm here tonight because I would really like to get this application out but I would also like to get Rob I was really kind of want to get with you Dave era and anybody anybody else from the the committee and commission that come on out so Ro we can schedule a site visit have and take a look at it Rob question for you is the you I mentioned it that you were exclusive are you proprietary or exclusive distributor uh I have a partnership with with the distributor for New England so is he the only one that makes this technology this specific technology yes I mean access wireless access points are are everywhere what's unique about this is in particular the so solar powered aspect of it uh and I think that would come in quite handy here otherwise you're gonna have to run power to every location where you want to put up an access point yeah that's when you and I talked that's what was great about this so and what's the reason I asked that is because with you know public bid laws depending on and we were all over the threshold with this um the the estimate for the uh build out we would have if it wasn't proprietary we would have had to go out that's why I wanted to ask that okay I remember you saying that so um so really that's what I'm here for today is just to get a site visit set up um so he can tweak this and then I can get the specifics into that um I do have a copy of the app I don't know if you guys have even seen the Grant application my copy is at home but I printed off the blank copy just this is for all this stuff is for you guys that have have he um and here's a few spare ones if any of the other members want down the road so I just you know like I said I can meet you out there someday as long as I get a day or two notice oh yeah absolutely um Rob why don't you send me some dates that work for you I will right now my uh next week for me is pretty wide open uh so if you guys want to pick a date for next week I'm fine other other than that uh I'll have to take a look at my schedule then we're probably looking into September something okay I know you want to get this bid out for your your BR Grant is September 30th so yes I definitely want to get it out there well I will do my best to accommodate you guys uh but like I said next week's pretty wide open for me so you want to let me know by tomorrow any of the dates next week work Che your I just want to yeah yeah I know Wednesday is the only day that definitively doesn't work for me so just let me know and I can go okay you let me know by Friday absolutely make it work I'll let you know before the end of the week yeah definitely all right Jason I'll I'll verify with my schedule and I'll get back to you via email tomorrow just to give you a couple dates awesome thank you rob thank you for do it on if you could do it on Thursday or Friday I'll be around Thursday next th work yeah David can you are you good yeah make that ER I'm assuming you'll be around uh so that's the 22nd so I'll looks it's fine for me right now so and this we could tweak this and even add on in the future correct is this something we could add on down the road you're talking about add to this wi-fi network yeah down is is something you can tweak on ADD sure oh by all means I mean spots on your map and I mean and I know the way you would set it up you know you wouldn't know till you really got got there but right you know that would be something I you know that's this is up to the park and wreck as far as how they want it covered right I just wanted to make see if it was it looked like obviously based on the technology it was something that you could grow up yes it's a mesh Tech technology so that means that all the radios talk to one another they'll talk to the closest one so you know in particular gives you redundancy but also gives you the ability to continue to add and expand as needed to cover additional areas and this was a very conservative one those circles indicate kind of the radius of the signal the signal goes much further than that but that's way I like to do it I like to be very conservative so that way we have a good meshing we you know high capacity now the one key that we'll have to figure out is where are we getting the internet from do we pull the internet off a sell Tower do you have internet at the property or do we need to bring it there or and if we need to bring it how do we bring it in do we bring it in from another location nearby or do we uh the same company that has a relationship with this manufacturer also has a relationship with Skylink we could bring it in through satellite and there's you know very strong and robust uh internet connections through the skylinke connection as well we can talk about that next week okay yeah that's that sounds great do you have a time uh I'm coming off from the Southshore so it takes me about two hours so how's uh anytime between let's say nine and 10 okay let's shoot for 9:00 am right now oh if that works for you guys I can do nine I can do 10 I was I said 10 because it would give you a little bit of flexibility like I said my ex-wife live down over there bare Haven so I know where you're coming from all right well I'll put it in as 10 10 o'clock on my schedule so next Thursday unless something comes up all right and that is all I have guys if anybody has any other questions uh you can direct them to me and I'll get their up yeah once I look through everything yeah any questions Dave just get them to me and I Jason you got the spec sheet I sent you correct yep y I gave a lot of lot of good details in there might be a little foreign to some of us but like I said the key is it's it's solar powered it's got great range and even you know even if you go for days without you know a lot of sun uh you know it it'll it goes for like four or five days without any so that was one of my that was one of my questions I was going to ask you down the road so that's that's that's very interesting W 4 five days all right excellent thank you for having me thank you rob have a good night everyone you too by and that is it okay at 10 o' we'll see anything changes just let me know we'll do thank you all Jason take John um next thing on the agenda is the spray part guess Nicole how you guys doing today good you can come up if you'd like yes introduce yourself yeah so we know you are hi Nicole Parker the chief administrative um officer hi Mr Wally I was really looking forward to meeting you in person at some point um so here we are I'll be back in town Tuesday night great um love oh great so um you know it was brought to my attention a few weeks ago that there was nobody to oversee the construction of the scrape Ark so we couldn't allow the construction to start and the people that that were recommended to me to ask to to oversee it um either couldn't or the conflict of schedule or whatever so I was coming here tonight to tell you that I don't have anybody and does anybody have anybody but luckily for us Joe D this morning um you know he asked me about um you know about what's happening with this Great Park and I said unfortunately nothing I'm not an engineer I can't oversee it I don't so he went around and and take it from there yeah so we read the paper a week ago or so and said that it wasn't going to happen and I know John wanted it done by this year uh I got a call this morning from Crest stre asking where where it really does stand because they were hoping to get some stuff in the ground this year just to make sure they had all the pieces not so much getting it done and turning it on because we're running out of time as we all know and see um but I went and saw her and really she wants someone in charge of it I can't imagine why but uh she doesn't want to get away from us like usual um actually I went home from an hour and you know how I am can't put anything to rest so I reached out to um John G so John did a lot of the work at the greens they he was actually hired to come in to maintain that project and almost like a construction supervisor would probably be the best way to say it not an engineer so after a lengthy talk with John today and would be a little bit too much hugging um he he agreed to be the construction con construction supervisor on the project okay as long as I would help him with all the small stuff and between the both of us we could he would do it what do you mean by small stuff I have to get the cof I believe I think I have to get coffees muffins I believe that's the small stuff okay all right no I just once we get it rolling I'd like to get it rolling and our task is to get it up and running our task isn't to to run it that's good luck with all that you know what I mean yeah okay so the theory is and prew is out about six weeks right now anyway John is out about six weeks before he can even get this on his plate so we're hope six to eight weeks they would start it's GNA be fall I'm just y yeah understood that would give us enough time if it's been October yeah he give them enough time to get he figures most of it in but at least enough in to make sure we have all the pieces so if something has to be ordered that's ordered over the winter and it gets finished in the spring if Bush comes to shove and we get the ball rolling so that's our proposal you guys don't want our help that's fine too I'm good there's no issue with safety around the restruction site as a no I don't think it will be no different than if they started it today and ran into an issue you know that that's all part of it and that'll be taken care of it's just I'm sure whenever they open they would close right we would never leave fed in before they ABS yeah they'll have a construction I'm sure around it so so we can either kill it till spring if that's you guys feel comfortable about but if you want to at least get something in the ground this year and get the process moving forward we're here to help John you've been dealing with a majority of this what are your feelings on it if they're willing to oversee it I'd say let's go with it it's okay with the cold I think it's a great idea yeah and it's not I don't want to say that that it's all me it's really you know the town and in a town-owned project really needs some peer review um regardless but it's a relatively small project I think that John can completely handle it um and is willing so yeah and has the expertise to be able to do that I mean he'll have some time at home and you we'll we'll figure out how we take care of him on on any Financial end but um overall he's on board and that's what matters yeah and this is something press view is definitely going to be doing the job I know there had been a little talk about maybe putting it out to bid it's definitely Something's Gonna well that's the the unique thing with the de W is that they put they they go out to bid for small equipment operators so they actually which I've never seen before but they actually go out and bid for these um these types of machinery and and and operators so they he's he's already he is good with so FR through through dpw's hourly rate program that they have for any equipment which is prevailing wage they W they're all they're all set hon I just want to make sure all that start I think it would be a good idea myself John just to get this going I mean if we had them start in the springtime I mean depending what they have in the spring we're looking at April at the soonest to get going on something like that and then another month before it's Joe has a great point that uh we think we have everything that goes in the ground um but uh I'll make a motion that we go ahead with John G to oversee it with Joe's help and get the project rolling one second all in favor David D Lori I John L I okay well need any help or get anything before then or donut money let me know you can get a list that would be great okay if I notice you still have one of your things at the Motocross maybe you can just follow it across the parking lot thank you appreciate you helping us out on this yeah um go Tock ball the other things about I had with the the lights and does that come under old I put that under okay um next item is pickle ball if we have any updates on that I I know John you said you had a little discussion with that yeah we had a meeting of the uh uh subcommittee and um Randy White was there and um Richard was there and we thought that the best thing to do is start over again and get uh three bids for six uh pickle ball Courts at the park with lighting and fencing and everything goes along with it um we think if we do that we might require some more money so we're uh we thought we should go back to the CPC after we get three bids and and ask for um whatever additional money we need this may there's a problem because we apparently we can't spend it's it's got to go through town meeting again because nobody thinks that the four and two are a good idea we talked to a lot of people involved in pickle ball and they all say the same thing all six courts should be in one spot okay whatever we do we we should uh go out to bid again and uh then go to the CPC and request whatever extra funds we may need but it's got to go to town meeting anyway because they voted for four and two and they there's specific monies for the four and the two we can't combine them so we got to go back to town meeting it's B line okay did Randy give you ideas of vendors that could Supply us with bids he has uh several vendors including in including Crestview but uh I think it's up to us to go out and Rand our subcommittee can meet again and come up with uh a request for proposal and then bring it to the whole committee and vote on that then get the proposals in and then go to the CPC with those uh three or four quotes and then the town meeting to say yeah okay build all six courts in one spot I think that's the way we have to proceed sounds like it yeah Diane do you have any input on that did you hear me whisper I HTE the pick on you or anything I believe that they were two separate votes they think you can undo both votes you can maybe renegotiate the park one and Joe will know better yeah so so John you're right you can't do six courts where you guys have Four Courts so you got to basically I think you have to have Arc and Rec not want their monies for that for that right you guys have to have your meeting vote on that not going through the money money stays with on the floor right so then when he stays with CPC you guys will get three new quotes with John's committee go back to CPC through the process start all over again start which is mean the groundworks laid right it's not science get what you guys really want back to CPC they'll vote on It Go in front of town meeting in the spring the bigger problem is you have two cour for the senior center at Town Hall and the senior center and I don't I'm um they believe they want that that's what they voted for so you either someone somebody in this room needs to go back to this the senior center board okay and find out what they really want and I understand John may maybe they're not the court we all thought they were I get that but in their eyes they're getting a get their agenda so need to get that voard down or I long talk F so I WR the senior center meeting but do they have the funds it was a lot less expensive um I I don't think they haveing yeah there's about $35,000 each and on at well for like $70,000 each and I don't remember what amount of M say that inv yeah yeah I think we were a little short but we'll get the new bids on that CPC funding request was for the two at pickle ball at C somewhere I should keep those numbers on my speed dial because I ask them all the time uh 115 for the ones at the town hall for it was 207 for um The W Park and 115 for the other fours here so here or two here sorry would the 115 cover two ports here would it um does John know that I don't have that answer I don't well you have a quote so it covers that right but is that what you want is the bigger question that money was funded on quotes not just out of the air so you have a quote and you have a dollar value that goes with that quot that get to job up I think the bigger issue now is maybe it's not what everyone thinks it is not so much the seniors but as Mr W and investigated works yeah and I was I was part of that crew right so that's where I think the problem is there's money and you can build it I'm not sure exactly what thinking they want well I'll I'll meet with them the agenda sometime is there the ones to talk to or is there different group they that's why there was two applications I believe one was really the senior center application one really was I knew I don't blame yes anything else to add on that John or think that sound like a plan moving forward anything else from you Rick let me understand what the car is the senior center really interested in pickle ball courts that uh the need them at the town hall or they can they travel what is it less than a mile to the uh Park I can answer that it's Jason phone so John I was at the COA meeting uh this week with Nicole and they clearly said that we were the ones that brought this forward we're the ones that really got this started the reason we wanted the pickle ball courts to here was for the seniors they're very adamant about wanting those two courts here uh because they don't really know how they would structure it were they are we going to bust people over or people going to have to walk and you know and they're senior citizens and they don't want to walk any more than they have to and I don't blame them but uh they were very adamant about that that hey we were the ones that brought this forward and you know we want our two bigle ball cours and Nicole was 32 so yes Dian I have seen in other towns where they have combined Courts at their parks for seniors and they desate they Reserve those at certain days and times before seniors so they could have that and my mind is they're driving to the senior center to physically exert themselves to play pickle ball walking from their car to the pickle ball court should not be an issue my thoughts exactly but yeah I've seen that also I I figured that was probably going to be part of our ground rules once we get that going absolutely and if that's the most effective way to build Premier style Courts for everybody's enjoyment I would think they could be convinced given reservations just giving you okay that's another discussion with them I'll meet with them also anybody else have anything just for the town to say it's more efficient to build six yeah especially in front of the town meeting doing that I think that would go across a little easier but we can't weend there too to get our six that's going be difficult to argue with them to I I don't know if that's what's in play I I know I miss part of this but what we had talked John myself and Randy White have talked about as subcommittee is that we believe that the one um I know there two uh bids out for the two places but the one bid we got for Wall-E for the four we believe we can turn into six regardless without asking for more is that right John that was ry's contention if we uh used Crest View like we are for the spray par that uh we believe we have a way to get there and so we were thinking we would do the six instead of the four moving the two down there and give that money back but we know couldn't do that in a vacuum just so you guys know that was the discussion we had a subit maybe once we get our bids we'll see where we are and go there so maybe it's the next thing we should doco can put six in well we're we're going back to the town meeting either way so right fair enough okay we back we can go back and get six in for the cry for it should help get the groups they help we need the bids right go from there yeah uh Rick when when can we meet again uh tomorrow whatever you're I'll I'll I'll get with you I'm away until uh Tuesday okay so later the week after whatever yeah I go to Texas for a couple days next week so we'll we'll get together after I get back from that I'll be back Friday okay we can get together over the weekend too if you wants all right fair enough I know where you live yeah pick a time I I'll make time perfect so much for you that it John I'll set on pick them off um the only other thing I have for Wall-E Park I know our Pavilion lights have been on quite a bit when people should be using them like turn on after dark and being left on till the following morning at least a half a dozen times at the past month and a half um so I've been having Karen who's up there on Saturday nights locking the woman's room door which is where the electrical panel is um at dark on Saturday nights the electrical panel um it's locked but it's also bent and you can open it up even when it's locked now um so I wanted to revisit doing the automatic locks on the doors at least the the main building by The Pavilion again so we could at least set those at night there's also been like tons of beer cans um maintenance is also said there was three bags full a couple of weeks ago the night after all the lights were left on so I just would like to revisit the lock thing maybe just for that building anybody has any ideas on that um I think from the previous information that we had on that there were a couple of bids one was really high on doing like the hey you can do the locks from remote um that kind of thing and the other one was to set timers and I'm still would be opinion that um we don't need the you know the expensive one 4X times the amount to do things from our cell phones we can set them for a time limit if someone's getting after that we can put on there and open them if someone is locked in there and go cck because yeah they can it's problem yeah I think our the least expensive bid was 5900 for four doors I don't think we really have to do the the B BS that are set farthest away by the ball field yeah it's just the one by the Pavilion yeah cuz that controls all the lighting for the Pavilion and the panel is bent again and doesn't lock right and I think we're we're just getting too many people going up there after dark just drinking and leaving the lights on I mean if they left the lights on for an hour but nobody shuts them off and the maintenance has complained a few times about that so I I think the lock on those two would be definitely worthwhile Jason you side not I did ask when we were talking I was talking to Rob about the Wi-Fi mesh system that is something that that system is capable of for sure and that that was one of the things the expensive exactly because it basically it operates through the cloud the Wi-Fi would help right because without the Wi-Fi you're not getting it anyway even if you were standing next to it work yeah we we knew that was a condition of that but I still think it's just not necessary that's my perspective as a technologist I I don't think it's I'm I'm agreeing with you that I think we need to revisit it I just don't think we need to go that Direction that's what I'm thinking if I I really think we should have locks on that at least uh shut it down at night do do we have um budget for that I me we have money in AOL account you use yeah well we are yeah we still have they were they were from last year so should be somewhere somewhere close close and he the lower bid was 5900 for the four bathrooms but I think it we 3,000 for the two bathrooms I think and that'll cut down on the vandalism also yeah which has been relatively so far this year but not always the case I they were not anybody want to make a motion or uh maybe a lengthy motion just to sorry I'm in um legal mode here um I would make a motion that we um approve locks for those bathrooms as long as it doesn't like 3500 bucks that would be my mar I'll second all in favor David dat Lai John la think it the money well spent I think so we already have one we already we already have quot on too much door most well most of the I mean it's most of the expense was wiring and it's going to be the same thing in both buildings I mean the same it's not going to be a lot less time because is's only doing two or a lot more than half the amount of time for doing two I'm not I'm not I'm just not in favor of cutting up BL check for this right so get a record yeah I'll call I'll call tomorrow and get a record this will expedite that right we got to get the bid and it comes $3500 it's approved see what I'm saying no I mean I I appreciate comments but I mean we could wait till the next meeting to evaluate the quote or if we get the quote it's under $3500 it's done don't you manually manually lock them like you have been at night and then maintenance is unlocked on in the morning and so you yeah but it's it's kind of a pain for getting somebody Frid you guys settle yeah we'll keep doing that in the meantime the only other thing on the fields we had somebody using the softball field for a good amount this year from Westfield State and a travel Team without reserving the fields I spoke with about it and they said they would call but I just wanted to make a note about that because we do have people paying money to reserve the fields and they have basically been using those so I guess uh the question I guess is if if they're using it but not reserving it and they're not using it when someone else is reserving it is there an issue I'd say there's an issue because maintenance has complained to me a few times like when they are ahead of things and prepare the field on a Thursday s yeah and then they don't come in until Friday to use the field and it's all tore up and the lines are all gone it becomes an issue at that point and this person who's known has had to reserve the field for years and and just did it by not reserving them and that's that's air going up there I I think I just wanted to get that into minutes so it doesn't happen again I mean I think that's fair I think like we've had people complain that they've showed up to like work out with their kid or something like that and then some other team is there and that team didn't reserve it now it's like well who got their first and you know what I mean yeah I'm withit well I think our policy has always been any teams special travel teams because there's no Southwick teams anymore that it's reserved and I think all the coaches that use it do know that policy but this one kind of skipped out on the whole thing and took advantage just yeah I was just ask I'm agreeing with you I was just oh that's okay not right all the time that's all I had for Wally Park if anybody else has anything on Wally Park um just a comment that the uh in town softball league is starting up I Got a notification they would like to start the week after Labor Day do they have their paperwork here um she she did the paper for the whole season full season so okay and she has her insurance okay so she just needs to sign a schedule okay all right I'll let her here's a comment from the the large Diamond wall Park maintenance this year has been exceptional compared to past Seasons I go they onire games regular basis he does a nice job so an excellent job that's it for Wally Park next we have the CPC plan open space and Recreation uh we were asked to um review a document from the CBC um for the open space and Recreation plan I don't know if you guys have had a chance to review it but they want us to review mark up any changes that we have and if we don't have any changes just to let them know and then um they their plan is to proceed with it if we have well whoever else is evaluating they're asking for us evalu our evaluation this s we get back we have if I was part of that to start with I'll go through it okay yeah I I also I did look through it before even before Senate to get it on the agenda and I really didn't see anything I find to be nothing has changed change yeah you want to say yeah you need see you saw got it okay okay all set on that next thing is the rail trail um Pioneer Valley Planning Commission is asking to do a count some time during August when they do westfields on our Trail um I gave them to go ahead on that so we get a count on how much use it's been getting um we have a where the town parking lot is there's a kind of a an access off of the rail trail ale housee that's enough to get bikes through that they ended up putting in I'd like to get s that up top to block it so it's just wide enough for bikes either Boulders brought in or a a gate just to eliminate the snowmobiles quads cars everything else off of it that could possibly fit down there that's a good idea so I'd like to beat with somebody and get some ideas on that this week if that's okay yeah I can give you all the Rocks you need if you want rocks sounds good your hay bales are working out well we're on the second round of those yours worked out good the first time Diane same spot but we had a ton of rain they held up they held up pretty good and kind of melted away so John donated the second round so those are holding good so doing the trick I have plenty more well keep that in mind um any anything else on the rail rail trail or um old business we had the dog park if anybody has any information little update on that okay we have this Dian gaale 5 this is me personally my personal position um we have Incorporated we have made all our applications for nonprofit status um we have selected the primary sites just I need to s a letter to the property owner with proposal and um then we need to get some site plan work done and can bring you forward some drawings relatively soon on that and uh just let you know put the layout look like where we're going to try to get that access to the bike trail as well okay you know get some input from you guys make sure that would work through okay what we're planning where we're planning to put that and whether we have designated or not are you getting numbers together kind of rough thing so we'll have that okay sounds good moving along the cost of this going to be covered through the fundraising that the nonprofit wants to do or additional budget up certainly hope it's going to be all through private Foundation plants related open space related Recreation related got be nice see your plans see where we are there is really good fuzz about this going around so oh good yeah I actually just heard uh something today on it like there oh there might be a dog park itself like event I just so we have one in is really really really all the time we're going to have teaches we're gon to be a SP out nice for others give away those yet but we're gonna to town this well that sounds good in a big way we're gonna save some Fone you looking for something in the fall to get something to us or not that we're in AUST now probably by the time the drawings together okay and I I am Consulting with PR but it sounds like they're going to be a little backed up here but but he's helping me put those costs here well that's good thank you um next thing is T-Mobile Grant I think Jason's covered everything already um new business anybody have anything they'd like to bring up I do not okay well that's that's not a bad thing I know I'm usually the one that brings a few things up sorry but I do not Dan anything John motion to adjourn second the motion all in favor hi David D Lori John I all right well thank you John appreciate all the updates d a little while thank you for all coming thank you yeah that's that's a great idea we'll definitely discuss that