##VIDEO ID:G6i6-h9Drls## good evening everybody and welcome to the select board meeting for Monday August 26th we're being the meeting being held here in the land use room um and being held in the hybrid fashion um in attendance tonight is myself Jason perone chairman Vice chairman Diane gaale Clark Doug moglin chief administrative officer Nicole Park Parker assistant CAO naen snon and SEC Anderson is down in office um start the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance Mr Anderson as you lead plge the flag the United States of America and to the repblic it stands nation under God indivisible liy and Justice if we could we'd like to start the meeting with a moment of s for from Irene jimy she worked in the town's clerk's office she was passed away so if we could start with a moment of silence thank you all next we are going to open the meeting for public comments is there anyone in the audience Mr Hansen sorry I um b h North mining Road chair of the South agricultural commission I just want to take a quick minute to give you some highlights about our open Farm day a week ago which spite the rain was a phenomenal success I us I just can't open um we had longer hours this year so we had to have more volunteers so we had a total of 48 volunteers this year uh five National Honor Society kids and nine big live employees and if you went around you saw the big wlo with r t-shirts and big logo and you know volunteer um the most visitors was 171 at C view Stables they have an indoor track that's a good thing um but they were doing pony rides in the rain and they did they got some bookings for lessons and people coming up so that's good 142 of bling Acres doing again ha rides in the rain but people were people wanted to do so uh there was 108 at second Eden which is the newest Farm in town uh they we kind of put them on the map they haven't they didn't they didn't even have a sign until until bar and they got 12 orders for Thanksgiving turkeys um there were 99 at Arnolds and people are actually fascinated by to back there some conversations you it's Delight just you know just talks talk talk he Lov um and now 68 at Brand scoop which was new this year um many of you know we had a little you know question about whether tocl somebody but um uh there's 68 there and three groups that we know of heard of farm day at the Grand scho and came to South so one special success is collaboration with Cali and malicious malicious truck was over there handing out ice cream Diane was the scooper that was the hander they were and they giving away ice cream and grilled corn and they went through 160 ear of corn at least at least and the peach ice cream was phenomenal peach ice cream I I thought there were chocolate chips in there but it turned out to be frozen blueberries blueberries and then um just a a quick uh note for myself so that morning know it's raining and we're all checking our phones you know seeing if the rain's kind to let up and we're trying to see is anybody showing up in any of the farms and so I personally got 80 text messages updates and with questions and you know who which volunteers are where and which site of seeing any any visitor so um again just we're just so pleased and so pleased on behalf of the fers and we will see you August 17 2025 thank you thank you Mr there anyone else in the audience that would like to make a public comment all right anybody on Zoom that would be interested in making a public comment seeing no takers we are going to move on to the next item on our agenda which is going to be a public dog hearing for Miss Lori FAL of 24 Birchwood Ro sou Mass be opening the public hearing a motion to open the hearing oh I'm sorry I'll is there hearing notice to read mrman or there uh there's the dog hearing notice but so okay this was regarding a dog complaint concerning the dogs owned by Miss lorri FAL and how at 24 Birchwood word Birchwood Road nature of complaint the alleged violation is of Mass General Law chapter 140 section 157 concerning nuisance or dangerous dogs with an order for remedial action appeal or violation of order and town of cic chapter 69 sections including but not limited to 9 11 and 12 and 16 Animal Control bylaws concerning dangerous and potentially dangerous dogs please see the attached laws complaintant is the ACO town of Southwick um any is dated for for to be occurring today at 6:05 pm and at that point I would entertain a motion to open the public hearing motion to open the public Second Jason i dou m i ready all right come on up ma'am Animal control officer Bennett Southwick of Southwick Massachusetts thank you okay this has been an ongoing issue um just to briefly go over uh March 4th we had a anyone who's GNA testify at a public hearing or a dog hearing very good um raise your hand swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you Mr so mark my first one it's okay walk you through it in this chair all right March 4th we had a dog versus dog wherein um Miss Whitehead was walking her dog by Miss fal's house and the dog from there came out and attacked her dog causing injury um I have just little tidbits from the reports that that I did um Miss F stated that she knew her dog jumped the fence and that she spoke with Miss Whitehead after the incident FAL stated that the dog has never done had gone after another dog before she stated that her dog is not current on rabes vaccination that is also not licensed uh F was advised that apparently this is not the first time the dog has gone after anyone and she admitted that this has in fact happened before um at that one she was issued a verbal warning for unlicensed unvaccinated and roaming she was told to license her dog before the end of that quarantine period that didn't happen um she called me later the day on 36 and said she didn't believe this has happened she said she didn't believe it was actually it it actually happened and she's leery of people making complaints I said I do have pictures of the injuries she said that Whitehead could have a vet friend that will make up a bill of all kinds of charges and I advis her this that would be a civil issue um I got statement from his Whitehead who said what had happened um that was included in the report now I told her Miss FAL to quarantine her dog for the 10-day period I gave her a quarantine form as well as an actual um conditions of quarantine okay that is this part this is conditions of quarantine this tells you exactly why your dog is being quarantine it tells you exactly what you are to do under a quarantine which includes your pet is not to leave your property your pet is to be on a leash for bathroom breaks no one who does not reside at your house is allowed to have access with your pet should your pet become very become ill for any reason you have to notify me it goes on and on and on I then get a call on the 13th um on 312 sorry um that from Miss Whitehead she said that she and her son were driving down the road and that Miss Whitehead knew the dog was under quarantine and yet the dog was out and about um so she asked I guess her son had asked the neighbor who was on the property the dog was currently located if they were watching the dog they said no um his whitee head's son was yelling for fugel to come out of the house knock knock knock nobody's answering she had absolutely nothing no knowledge their dogs without without um uh she stated that she was doing quote everything I can to keep the dog under control but that it got out I advise Fel that the quarantine order she was sent specifically states that the dog is to be on a leash when out for bathroom base P completely disregarded this and was reported that the dog had been roaming at least twice in two days she said well then I never got the quarantine order and I said at that time she was given the oral instructions on the quarantine and I asked asked do you understand and she said yes um I she said well I I never got the quarantine order I said well if you think somebody's stealing your mail you can certainly file a complaint and we will certainly investigate that but the post office has not returned the letter that had the quarantine order in it so I have no idea what to tell you um I told her that further violations would be met with enforcement and that her neighbors were advised that they were entitled to request a hearing with the town select board should they feel the need to regarding the dog's aggressive behavior towards other dogs so at that point she said at the end of the quarantine period She said well I'm training the dogs on a new electric fence okay that's fabulous so she was issued a on 514 she was is okay so for that one on 313 she was issued a ticket for $75 never paid on 514 she was getting a written warning for unlicensed because because she still had not licensed to dogs back from March 4th on 5117 two dogs were impounded her two dogs were impounded still not licensed so she at that point was given um a ticket for $200 one count of roaming each she was advised that before she got the dogs out they were to be licensed so she was forced to license these dogs okay fine um on 7:24 dogs versus dogs again we had this one however this time we had children involved we had these dogs one of the dogs came out dog versus dog Miss Whitehead was with three and four year old children walking down the street with her dog on a leash when this dog came out attacked her dog she's screaming the kids are screaming ing Miss FAL is doing nothing just kind of standing there she finally does get the dog Miss Whitehead is screaming because the dog's attacking her dog so the dog jumps back out of her arms and now she's going to attack the dog again she's screaming to a neighbor please take my dog please take my dog it's a good dog but it's being attacked please take my dog so the woman across the street grabs the dog puts it in the house to save it so now we have Miss Whitehead screaming at three and four year olds run run get out because these kids are now experiencing this trauma at watching their caretaker fending off this dog that's going after her dog and now she's got a call for the father of one of the people father of one of the kids come here help me she's screaming help me he comes down she's got now so now the woman across the street has the dog his wife had now is trying to get the kids out trying to get them back to the house now here comes a doberman that Miss f j has now I will tell you I'm an animal control officer I've been a behaviorist I've dealt with Wildlife I've dealt with animals I have my own animal rescue for over 25 years I can tell you one dog will copy another dog so now the little dog is out there okay running around again now here comes the Doberman now the Doberman is showing aggression the Doberman will follow what this little dog is doing because it's in the nature of hey my buddy's doing this I might as well do this too so now the father of this child also has to while miss Whitehead is running back to the house with the kids he's got to deal with this Doberman so now I'm sorry it sent me all the way to the other side of town the address I thank you m Jo um so now we have the Doberman who is now being aggressive so that the whole situation is now at an extreme level of anxiety for everyone involved ending stories that everything was split up they got the the dog back to miss Whitehead's house um Miss F got her dogs back and was issued at that point $400 F not PID um she said that she told me at one point that oh I've got the electric fence we're being trained in the new electric fence and then she says well the dogs are always tied out the dogs are tied out why what what happened you just told me you're going to do an electric fence and now you're telling me the doct are tied out so there shouldn't be an issue when I went to deliver the notice for tonight she said well the doct tied out and she seemed very annoyed and I said well what happened to the electric fence I okay we had an electric fence she said the doctor being trained on the fence no apparently not so now we have the dogs tied out so she was failed to license the dogs when she was told to license him she failed to follow the quarantine orders twice not once twice when she was advised detail by detail because I do this specifically because it's a stressful situation and I want you to have in hand a copy of what you were supposed to be responsible for when I say to you you have to quarantine your dog so she has in hand it's right there um first she said a new electric fence then she said no that she ties them out she can't understand and when the second incident happened she told the officer why should I do this why should I have to um I've got to find that one too she said why should I have to um quarantine the dog we already did this they're already licensed they're already vaccinated no this is a case of the dog went after another dog um I was when the officer was there I was able to advise fugel that her dog was in to into be quarantined for the incident for a period of 10 days she questioned why I advised her that the quarantine was because of the attack on the other dog she again questioned why stating that her dog's now vaccinated so she didn't think the quarantine was needed um and I advised her again that this needs to be done and again she was handed in in hand in person the quarantine order and the instructions the then stated that she would just put the dog on a tie out I said no I'm telling you the dog has to be on Le you have to be present when the animal is out to go to the bathroom and the reason that this is because of we need to know what the dog is exposed to from the date of the incident through the next 10 days so we know that if the dog gets sick within that 10day period it's because of an exposure prior to the incident so that in essence the other dog has been exposed to whatever it was and this is again this is all explained um she said she was just going to tie the dog out like I always do and she was advised no that she's not to tie the dog out she was advised her dog to be on the end of a leash um she said she understood the conditions of the quarantine um I asked Miss Whitehead she said that these dogs are habitually roaming Boston Terrier has attacked other dogs many of the Neighbors in the area run when they see this dog climbing the fence I have a third statement well I have a statement from M Whitehead I have a statement from Mr buuy and I have a third statement from a woman who did not really wish to be identified because she was afraid of retaliation she said that yes there this dog is always out and about she said that a woman was walking a golden retriever by and was also attacked this was back in I believe July but I'm not 100% I have to hang on let me reference that one the white dog at 24 birwood Road has jumped the fence and come across at us a couple of times extremely frustrating I work from home early July I saw a woman walking by my house walking a golden retriever looking dog she was halfway past my house when she looked scared and started to run I saw a little white dog chasing them by the time I got to the window the white dog had already run back to its yard and was jumping the fans back into the yard there are a lot of children and walkers in our neighborhoods I just want this to be a safe place for all I want this to be a safe place girl and the woman that she was referencing I actually found out who it was she said yeah she was watching walking her daughter's dog by the house and then Here Comes this little guy starts attacking him she starts running and she's got to get away um I spoke to Mr barui I hope that's how you pronounce your name yeah okay thank you on a couple of days after this and he said his daughter was having a nightmare about being attacked by a dog so here we are I'm asking the board we've got an owner who appears to have no regard for keeping her dogs under control we have dogs now two dogs who are showing aggressive behavior we have kids in the neighborhood three and four year-old kids who are told to go run home because this whole melee is going on we have now we have a child who's had nightmares about being attacked by a dog we have again we have an owner who up hears that unless she's forced to license her dog she's forced to get her dog vaccinated she's forced to quarantine her dog which apparently didn't matter she's still not doing now she tells me dogs are always hied out or somebody opened the gate someone left the gate open there's always a reason why her dogs are running around the neighborhood and now I understand too that this is more than what has been documented here so I'm asking the board for the sake of the neighborhood for the sake of these kids in in that are running around the neighborhood who can no longer run around the neighborhood and for the sake of the safety of these animals because I had one cwork I almost hit them um that we do something and my idea is to do the um and I know we've done it before the actual physical enclosure with a solid bottom wire you know the the caging 10 by 10 however we we need to do this with a chop so that the dog cannot climb over cannot dig out and the neighborhood can have some peace and quiet again I don't know any other way because the dog apparently climbs a fence or somebody lets it out or somebody does this somebody does that and we have these incidents and I don't know about you but I had my when my kids were little that was not a good not a good deal so um I have Miss Whitehead here Mr um Ruby here I don't know if you need to hear their statements or not I would like to say something excuse me ma'am okay I'm G to hear from the other party before I ask for other statements okay um okay are you that with me I am Miss I appreciate your attention M could you come on up late it took me way down the side the understandable did you say your name and address for the record sure Lori Fel 24 Birchwood Road sorry and could you raise your right hand please you swear to tell the truth the truth or nothing about the truth I you thank you recurred Miss Bennett's side um could you explain to us what's been going on well I did hear so I the I'm going to speak on the two in that I know of because the the last part of this that I heard I had no idea I didn't know anything about a German shepher or a golden retriever I didn't know kids were running away from my dog um I want to speak on the Doberman the Doberman is a puppy has never been aggressive towards anybody nobody she might chase after the little one because the little one is the lead she's correct but she hasn't shown any aggression to anybody she might bark a little bit but there is dogs all over that neighborhood everywhere so as far as my little dog is concerned he likes to hop the fence and she's correct I did tell her that I got a wired fence which I did I tried to install it it's over my scale of knowledge so I went back I ordered a wireless I also got two behavioral callers for both of them um when I was talking to her I never said that I tied the dogs out I tied them I asked them if I could tie the dog out when they put it in quarantine and they told me no it had to be on a lead like on a leash so I never said I tied the dog out all the time the dog was in his yard and I was trying to do things to deter him from jumping the fence so I I have my laptop here I can show purchases I've spent over $ thousand dollars trying to keep him in the yard I bought a blockage for the fence I bought another blockage for the fence fence I bought the electric wired fence that I couldn't get it was just splitting wires and this that next thing I can't do that um spoke to my neighbor he has the wireless so I purchased the wireless unfortunately his Wireless and my wirers are knocking each other out so we've been playing tag on trying to move it so that it was away from the front fence away from his fence um I think we've got it down when she came to my home and I said that I was working on training I was with the corrective callers I would go out there with him if he was near the fence I try to hit him unfortunately and when I I don't know if he's getting it you know I I think he's deterred because he doesn't like it and then you know there's a situation I I love animals I love dogs I'm not trying to put anybody in any kind of danger here he's a little Boston Terrier he was a surrender before I moved to Southwick I never had an issue with him he didn't do anything like that I don't know if he's overprotective of the home um he seems to not like big fluffy maale dogs is what I'm gathering he gets along r with my doberman I have two other dogs that my ex-husband has he gets to go along great with them I I don't know what the problem is but I can show you proof that I'm trying to do something to keep him contained I feel really bad I'm I'm really sorry I mean I I I I'm not throwing my dog out there I'm I'm doing my best I'm a single mom I have a certain amount of income that I have I'm spending a lot of money here I'm getting fine getting fine left and right and I'm just trying to do right I don't want anybody to get hurt and I don't want anybody to be afraid of my dog I'm not making excuses I'm trying to make it work and I'm trying not to take all of his freedom away from him because that's what he's used to so I mean I can I don't I don't know if you want I have I can show you proof of purchases what I'm trying to do I just like I said I put another block around the fence hoping that if you can't see and there's also something on the outside of it because he puts his paw up and that's how he gets over um what kind of fence is it it's a chain link like a three- foot chain link so he goes up and he puts one paw up and then he gets up and then over so I put something kind of over the front I wanted to see if it would work it wasn't super expensive expensive so now I can order it for the rest of the fence just to make sure and like I said I have the electric fence I've been listening to him for the last week and a half yipping every time he gets hit by it you know I have on like level four because I'm trying to keep him in the yard I didn't bring this dog into this town knowing he was going to do stuff like this so we've heard Miss Bennett's recommendations is that something you'd be able to do I mean a three-foot fence that you know Miss scale asked the question I was going to ask how big is this fence are you able to maybe put up a taller fence if that I was looking into at least I mean financially I don't have money to fence my whole yard in but at least to keep them away from the front maybe I can put a you know a six foot up along the front at least my neighbor has two male dogs and they go at it in between the fence all the time they're just but the minute you know if I open my gate they won't go into each other's yard and fight with each other they want to do it between the fence so financially I I'm I'm I don't have the money to I would love to have a six foot stock Cade fence and not have to worry about this I financially cannot afford that I just can't um I can look into at least blocking off the front keeping the electric fence I mean that'll do it or I just keep him tied up I've been keeping him on a a not a leash but a a lead not all the time because I'm trying to train him on the fence at the same time so I gotta show him the barriers but I mean if this means just leaving him on his leash on the lead in the yard then the Doberman I'm not worried about first of all she's too big she can't jump the fence second of all she has no aggression when she did get loose that day because when I went out to go grab him because of the humidity my front door didn't shut all the way so I was kind of panick running to grab him and I shut the door behind me and she pushed open the door and I'm sure you were there when I hit the I went out with the remote called her name and hit the Coller and she came right back she was running down the street and she came right back as far as I know she has there has been no aggression with her she's just a big doofy super energized doberman puppy you would think it'd be the opposite I got a Boston that's a maniac and a doberman that's sweet as can be I'm not an expert but I do have three dogs they do learn from each other and if it's a puppy it's going to learn that behavior she also said you had issues with the gate being left open my daughter's 15 she mowed the front lawn for me she left the open and that can happen again I mean we had a discussion about it she knew what happened I was a mess when the dogs were in doggy jail for the weekend and you know I had a long talk with her that you had to be really careful about closing the gate I mean these are things that can happen to anybody I get it I know it sounds really bad but it it's just it's it's it happen and I'm like I said I can show you proof that I'm trying everything possible to like deter him from doing this in my means that I have right now I spent over $ thousand dollar trying to keep him contained so far like I said you heard Miss Bennett's recommendation Miss Bennett I'm gonna what does a closure like that cost I'm just curious it depends depends on how sturdy you get you can go from $1,000 $10,000 but a 10 by10 enclosure with a floor and a top um I would imagine probably $1 to $2,000 depending again how you how you do that who does it um you can either buy it free you know where you just put the gates together or you can have it customing so I would guess around $3,000 thank you was that would that be something you could do at I understand that I work to jobs I have my own business I just lost a client I'm trying to recover from that and I work 12 hour days I mean and the the directions that Miss Bennett gave you about I mean she said that she explained that don't put them out on the lead by your by themselves to to maintain you know and I did after yes when the when the police came the second time and talked to me I did ask if I could because my in my mind the quarantine was for because they weren't up to date on the rabies you know so that was why I was questioning that and then again it was the well is it okay if I just put him on the lead because we know he's all you know vaccinated and I didn't understand and you know and I did after they explained it he was on a leash every time I took him out until he was off quarantine and now I've been doing a mix of either putting him on the lead or trying to train him in the yard with the fence and so far that's going good because he doesn't even want to go off the deck he's scared my only issue is that right now I'm trying to get the electric fence to come in before the fence in the front yard but because my neighbor and I are on the same frequency are when it crosses it blocks each other out so I have to try to maneuver it where it's enough far enough away from the front fence right now it goes to the middle of the front yard and My worry is if he's flying in the air it's going to be too late although it'll keep hitting him well beyond the point he would just keep getting Zapped and I saw I hate to say that it's a horrible way to say it but I watched it the other day he got on the other side of it and just didn't know what to do he was just yipping and crying and I had to call him back so I'm still trying to like we're still trying to finagle it where he has enough room for his dogs to be able to you know do their thing and enough room for mine and at least keeping it away from the front fence so um is your backyard fenced in or the whole yard the whole yard is fenced in one fenced area the whole front and the back or the back and the front that goes from the sides on each side of the house and then around the whole back and that's why I had an issue with the wired one because I was trying to wire it along the fence but I have a gate on one side and a gate on another and I would have had to dig and then there was talking about splicing and all this stuff and I just couldn't figure out how to get it like around the house and then back over I mean not an expert at electric fences is there enough room for the dog to be on a run where he's he's anchored to the to a lead I have him on a I have a lead out there now it's not a run I have him anchored to near the deck which is right outside my slider when I I work from home so when it's nice I'll leave the slider open I'm right on my couch right there and I let them go outside you know and then when this started happening it was like I could hear I mean she knows as soon as I heard the commotion I'm out there and obvious VI L that that's not going to work so now I've been trying to keep them in more and go out with them when I go out with them or put him in the lead or you know at the same time I'm trying to train them on this fence and with the corrective callar I think you said these are always never s so we listen to the recommendations you know I'm going to actually listen to your neighbors now and see what they have to say um I I know everybody here wants to work the situation out so um that's it's all going to be taken into consideration so and I can only speak on the instances that I know as far as the other dogs I have not heard that as far as I know my dogs are not constantly running the neighborhood I I do not think that's the case I know when my dogs are not in the yard um there was the one instant where like the gate got left open I probably figured it out within minutes and my neighbor told me that he saw them taken off and I went right to the police station to try to find them so you know I mean things happen I I have a teenage daughter that was trying to do me a favor in M on and okay I get it but I'm I'm trying and I apologize I don't want anybody to be afraid of my dogs certainly not a little child I have kid myself thank you missel thanks I like to speak sir your name and um Drive mous y that give me to it you tell swear to tell the truth tell truth I know you meant the truth I do thank you um I did not witness what happened with the terrier when I got on location Lisa was calling for distress several hundred feet up the road I ran to the location at that point the was taking in the carrier and Lisa was fleeing with the children but at that same time then the Doberman came on scene that doberman was wild it charged the group it was barking I had to Puff myself up in probably 20 or 30 seconds yell at the dog to go home before it finally turned tail and went home at that point I got the I got Lisa's dog and brought it back to the daycare so that dog was not this sweet gentle innocent thing it was wild and it was I didn't know I was going to be attacked to be honest with you but thankfully you know it I think in its youth I think it was trying to defend the house but it was probably 250 feet so about a football field away from its residence did not belong there we've heard the testimony that the dogs routinely roam around the neighborhood have you witnessed any of that I don't live in the neighborhood I just my daughter was being with uh in Lisa's daycare for the day my wife and I both work so but I happened to be there and I'm glad I was there at the time because had that dog's instinct to hunt kicked in you've got children running down the road you know it wouldn't take much for that dog to get triggered and pursue after them that's all I had all you had thank you Mr all right thank you all thank you yeah name and address for the record Lisa whitee heads six birwood Road South and there your what did you expect to tell the truth tell the truth nothing but the truth thank you um I just wanted to say that I don't want anything bad to happen to your dogs but you have to realize that's my business I had 10 kids the first time it happened I know you want to add her but yeah and then I had five I had four I think four children the second time I had threeyear olds that I'm yelling to run down the road that's my liability and if when the dog her dog is attacking my dog Kinsley one of the little kids wouldn't leave she was threee and she's crying trying to get it she's like it's my liability if one of my children get bit so I think it's more that when the first time and I brought her to the vet and it was an over $200 bill Liz says will you give her the bill and I said no I said all of our dogs get out of our house it happens there's been plenty of times I've opened my gate and put somebody's dog that's been running the neighborhood in my gate and waited for somebody to walk by I'm all right with that my dog has gotten out my dog doesn't leave my yard she's very well trained but I said to Liz I'm not going to give her the bill I have to live next to her and we all live in a neighborhood that we all need to live work together and Liz is like well she supposed to pay the bill I said no I'm not doing that because I assumed it was a one-time thing but it's not in June one of the officers the neighbor the new neighbor called called me and said Lisa she had just moved in there's an officer out here with two dogs in the car I don't know any of the dogs in the neighborhood can you meet them outside and I was working so I went out front and I looked in the back seat and I said you need to call Liz those dogs have been on quarantine they the dogs have gone after my dog and they're not supposed to be out of the yard I said she live four houses down and that's where the dogs go I said please call Liz before you bring them back he didn't he he brought him back which I didn't make a stin about our dogs get out but this is assessive and you know I do understand she that you know she's trying to work on it but it's my liability of my business I don't usually walk that way anymore I totally forgot about it that day when the kids wanted to go for a walk because it was so close to the parents picking up I they can see me if I'm walking down the street and I totally forgot I had been V avoiding going down that road that side the end of the road since the first um attack I did not bring her to the vet the second time I called the vet there was just minor scratches on her neck and stuff and the vet says would you want her to be seen and I said well they're not bite marks like last time I said can I just treat her with the cream that you had given me from the first time I didn't want to have to go after her for another B you know to say now you're gonna pay the bills you know I just I wanted Liz just to handle it and my own and I don't want nothing bad to happen to her dogs I'm not like I said take I don't know how many dogs I put in my backyard if they've escaped it's not an issue in my neighborhood but it's happened we all our dogs get out once in a while but when it becomes a liability in my daycare kids too and my dog walks by she don't even look at the yard my dog doesn't even have how to bark my dog doesn't even bark so we walk by she doesn't look at that she just walks straight on her leash she's very well Tred and I didn't even know the second time the dog had gone out we I didn't even look in the yart we just the dog came out from up behind us we had already W pretty much walked you know to the end of her house before the um the dogs the second time started attacking my dog you know the liability is sending three children down the street a three-year-old on their own with traffic because I don't want them to get built bit you know I have I have written permission from the parents and you know my licens are to be able to walk these kids in the neighborhood but I don't you know I don't want two incidents having a kid by accident a bit too the time that you were talking about just now do you know was the was that one of the times the gate was left or the fence was left open or did we know if the dog went over the fence I don't know because I never looked I never even thought I totally forgot about it I never even looked at a yard to be honest with you but I have seen that dog driving by and in a nice way it is kind of cute the way he goes up the fence he crawls up the fence and he hops out I mean I've been in my car and he'll run around the front yard and then he'll run crawl back over the fence and it is cute but he I guess he just picks on certain dogs because there are other do people say they in the neighborhood when I ask that they haven't had problems but there have been a few other people that said they have had problems and they don't walk by that house anymore so my issue is obviously I'm G to stay away from the end of the yard you know I don't want to terrorize her dogs but my dog is not reactive and I don't want that to happen and then what am I going to do when my dog with the daycare kids if my dog starts to become anxiety or reactive to other dogs she literally will my dog will walk by another dog and not just keep walking and focus she's very well trained and tell me how to do that I got a chocolate lab though she doesn't want to by anybody my son who's in the Navy is the one who trained it was his dog and then gave it to me because he got sent to Japan that's it that's it thank you very much is there anyone else in the audience that would like to speak public motion um yeah I guess so if there's no other testimonies at this point since there is no other testimony we're going to close the public portion of the meeting and discuss what's going to go on here so I leave the motion to close the public Eric motion make second roll call vote I I Doug M thank you well I think we can have discussion right yeah we're gonna have some discussion yeah um I know we all will saying we don't want no one wants to take Miss J dogs away and but it there does seem to be a little bit of a problem and I understand the financial aspects of it um Miss Bennett I'm gonna ask you do you think if a a larger fence in the front of stock aade would that do you think that would have any effect no no um again my concern is that there seems to be a lack of concern that this has happened G left open no my concern is that based on how much I'm hearing at this point about how many times these guys get out um and knowing that the Doberman is now going to mirror the box I don't see I don't see a stockade being a solution I do think it's got to be there's got to be a forcing of recognition that this is an issue and there's got to be some sort of enclosure built that's the only and I and I get it it's an expense um but when you have a situation like this and a liability like this I tend to go for you know the biggest plan ever versus you know just let's see how the electric F does let's see how you know P it out let's see if we can G close because I just don't see that happen I don't see and again we go back to had to be forced to uh get the dogs Liv had to be forced to get dogs vaccinated had to be forced to do it's like all after the fact so I don't see um I just I think we need to go as strong as possible and then hopefully we'll but leading the dogs to an enclosure making sure the enclosure is secured locked whatever with the top so I can't run out or up um can't dig out we can do we can do stone with forem if you want we can do but there has to be a top over it there has to be security there has to be something that prevents these dogs from that yard because we already know the dogs are not happy with certain dogs are pass by so my you know I can foro the cement base if we do stone and and you know hems or something like that but it has to be secur it has to be I have a question I guess we we've seen this type of thing before yes and I'll I'll spare everyone my point about dog hearings by the way still the worst thing about being on this fort um I think is it we've done in the past where we've just required the dog to be either tied or on lead like there's no let it run to the front door to the car to get in they got to be on a lead right and if they're in the backyard I don't see why as a on a trial basis that the dog has to be tied so if you have to tie it up from the from the backs slider and he can stay in the backyard on a 40 foot radius thing in the backyard or 30 foot however big is the backyard and that's it but the dog's not allowed loose in the yard period because obviously if he's a climber and an escape artist and a digger or whatever over under whatever but why can't he just be on a you know it has and we we can render a decision that you know short of declaring a dog dangerous because that has he ramifications right to the homeowner and their insurance and and everything else and just insist that the dog be tied at all times there's only one problem with that that's why I'm asking huh then both of them I have no objection both without them getting tangled up and into an issue that and that was something that I thought about you know all up to this you tipe both dogs up awesome but they're gonna tle they're gonna get hurt they're gonna get hurt but the big guy can't climb the fence right right let's have a discussion for a minute and I I I don't have any objection but let me let me just I just want to ask Miss Bennett just from where we're coming from open uhhuh there you go I'm sorry if the gate left gets left open there you go I have I have a daughter when she was a teenager I couldn't rely on her to you know bring her dishes him I find him in the closet you know what I mean we have kids we can't we can't rely on the kids being so thoughtful and you know foresight to to to remember to shut the gate or lock the gate or whatever but again if we hang out I I would love to do that with one of them but you got two dogs that are that are going to be issuing so it's gonna be very hard to do it would be very hard to do that and she's already had the dogs tied out and we've already had the issues happen so I mean I really would love to do this with like the least amount of expense and the least amount of stuff but I've not gotten cooperated I've not seen any cooperation one dog has climbed the fence the other has not right right so one dog is to be oh definitely but again you've got the do who's going to follow the Boston attitude L correct okay correct but the if the Boston is tied doberman's going to hang out with the with the we can try that I can I can see your point um they don't both need to be tied and then endangered yeah the dogs need to be contained right no doubt about it right the fence is 3 feet all the way around I don't think putting a taller one in the front is going to keep them in they'll go out the side what about an automatic locking gate so if the gate gets open by the daughter leaves it open automatically shuts the off I hard I have one of those on my closure let's get the B talk you actually have to you can't there's no way for it to open you actually have to actually good so I mean I'm willing to to to see that um my concern is again what if this happens again I mean we're not going to so it's like training your dog that it bites okay if your dog bites and you're training it um oh we've got the dog train it's not going to bite anymore we won't know that for sure until the dog either dies or bites somebody again you're just not going to be guaranteed to have that 100% guarantee this is going to work so this is why I'm leaving up to you guys better than this even if it's a kennel if it's a totally enclosed kennel right no matter what the solution is it relies on the dog's humans it does to do the thing put the dog in or to tie the dog up or to close the gate or to even put the electric foller on it's the people exactly not the dog right I don't know that we can count on the people to be that diligent exactly that's my issue and now when we have little kids running around and I'm worried about a little kid getting bit or this is whitee anybody getting bit right and if I if my dog went out and and was attacking somebody else's do B I'd be on it I would probably get bitten myself but I would be on it pulling that do that's not fair are you also Miss like I said if we can do that you know comfortable I'm great miss F go ahead so my dog the little one when he's on the he's fine he doesn't try to get off it he's not fighting I mean I have a video I took of them last night that a dog behind us was barking like crazy they just sat on the deck and was looking at him like so if he's on the lead and I still keep the electric fence up the doberman's not going to go through I mean it's it's making it seem like I'm always leaving the gate open it happened one time it only takes I understand that I understand that but and you're also all assuming that my doberman is vicious which she's not I I get it a big 80 pound vman running down the street probably looks scary she got floppy ears and a big tail she's not yes I understand what you're saying but she hasn't got like nothing's happened with her so just assume that she's going to be aggressive like he is it's not fair it's not fair she's sweetest can be is he neutered what's that is is he neutered he is but I got him when he was five like I said he was a surrender so and up until I'm not even when I I've been there maybe three years it's been the last year and a half whenever the first incident was um that this started so I don't know where this is coming from it was never told to me if he did that before I don't know didn't have any issues with him prior to this so like I think me personally and I'm not just like trying to get out of money I don't money's tight I'm sorry I don't have even put I'd love to like I said I'd love to have a great beautiful fence yard but him on the lead and both of them with the collar and her with the electric fence even if she got out of the gate even if the gate was open she's going to get hit with that fence it's before the gate in the middle of my front y so at least I mean I know what she's saying and I I I get it but I'm not even getting it like I don't know if it's even going to work look from what I see right now from working with them they don't like that fence they don't want to go near it um I understand what she's saying about the two needs and I agree with her that would be a nightmare and I have a deck that's high up it's on a second floor so I don't need any dogs hanging themselves themselves or anything like that but so far with him on the Le and her you know with the fence the electric fence is working um I can't guarantee that the gate is not going to accidentally be open I don't go out that way very often it's not a gate that we use commonly normally we use the other side and that's where my cars park so it's fully visible when it's open it's not something that's going to accidentally get open it's the other side that's not used a lot she happened to use it that day Mo on and didn't shut it can you excuses and I really don't want kids scared and I really don't want her lose her business or anything like that I just financially I don't know how I'm a cou of money to build this encloser and put up fences and um can you enclose underneath your deck but there's no way to get them under there it's like a addition and the basement's under there but just window there's no it's not a walk out basement not an elevated deck it's an elevated deck but underneath it it's just two fulls size windows to the basement it's not a full walkout basement it's kind of OD you can't walk under the no you can walk under the deck but there's Windows there's no door it's it's it's probably about a I could walk under the deck let just stay on 4.9 so it's probably about a 4ot space under there I mean it would it would work you have you could walk outside yes i' have to walk them down around to get them in there if that's the most economical solution are you willing to do that I and and then you have to do that when the dogs go out I have to see if it's possible I don't know if it's something build I don't know I was going to ask it goes on an angle so it's like part the deck there's a hill in the backyard I I have a video I think I there's a there's a hill in the backyard and it comes up to the deck so it's like the deck kind of goes you know it goes out this way and there's a lot of space here but from here down it slopes down so it's not not the same amount of space under the deck if that makes sense I mean I'll do what I tell me to do if I have to do do I'll figure it out but I just financially just I don't know run from the door to the is I think the second well first of all well if there's been any miscommunication between anyone here and anyone else uh clearly it's not acceptable to have these Dogs R around clearly 100% n of heads right okay so my my take on it is and I I think I agree with you in that the second dog is doing what the first dog is telling it to do so I I'm of the impression that I think and I and I and I understand the financial argument but understand the ramifications is if your dog injures another dog or God forbid a person okay that's a whole another circle of financial help for anyone um who owns a dog that does that and if we get to the point that this board has to declare a dog dangerous uh you'll be uninsurable from your homeowner's insurance as long as those dogs reside with you so nobody wants to get to that step Mrs Whitehead I'm sure that you want to be able to walk on your street and I and I and and um you know again I'm not gonna belabor it but I mean every single time I've been in front of one of these things it's kind of a violation of a Good Neighbor policy and and well frankly a lot of stuff whether it's dogs or zoning it's Good Neighbor policy tends to run run the show so I would be amenable on a very short leash no pun intended that the little guy gets tied up whenever he is outside of the house if you're walking him out the front door to put him in the car to take him to the rail trail or some other place he's on a leash if he's in the backyard even though it's fenced in he's on a run and the other dog with the electric fence thing if you can res you need to resolve that and get that working and then if we have any report of that dog loose he doesn't have to chase anybody he doesn't have to go after anybody but a phone call to the ACO or the police department that the dogs are running around we'll be right back in front of here okay to to this and this is my suggestion I am but one member of a board of three but I'm just throwing this out here we'll be right back here on short notice to take further more drastic action with these dogs because I don't everyone who lives on that street and the adjoining streets and abing streets have the right to the quiet enjoyment of their own property and be able to walk on the sidewalker in the street with their dogs with their kids with their parakeet right and that's it so that's my suggestion taking into account I understand some of the financial side of it I and and I think if we can control the little guy and then electric fence the big guy we have a chance but you as the owner have to step up and commit to agree that if this dog is either of these dogs are are loose or roaming around the neighborhood our our our deal would be off and we'd have to figure out some other way and it would either be dramatically more expensive or dramatically more Draconian for you as to where we go from here because I hate these things we spent over an hour on it I don't want to do it again and you know and drag your neighbors down here and and the ACO and this board on what should be something that you know Liz I agree with you 100% if my dog went after or bit another dog I you know it would be over very very quickly and and and done and I and I get it out as soon 100% so we just need to stop it I I get it so we just need to make sure it doesn't happen again so that's my suggestion to this board for further discussion prior to you bringing up the lead aspect of it that was something I was going to ask about um you know I know there's three foot is does the fence go around and then to that front of the house where does the dog get up by the road that's what I'm curious could could the fence be segmented could the yard another partial fence keeping the dogs even farther back be put up a taller piece probably you could you put a piece of stockade there is that would block the dog from seeing the other dogs right so we did something similar at my previous well that's what I was saying I was looking into putting at least the six foot Stockade where the in the front where he's getting out that's where he's getting to the street is that on my left the left hand side of my house that we don't really that part of the yard it's kind of up and back and but that's where and that's where I the side you park your car on or no no we've brought it up on satellite so just the side that I parked my car and he's never tried to get over that fence it's what I'm basically asking is I see your house is it in l-shape or I can't quite yeah it's like from going from one corner of the that house blocking off the front access with a piece of stockade as well as the the addressing the issue with the lead and I strongly I would ask that the auto walk be put in mandatory um that way there's no you know they there's still a chance the dog can sneak out at at some point you know well it's closing but I mean have you been do you just have the one daughter one child I mean I'm not have you really stressed to her the importance after everything yes you know I would be in she and has nothing to do with it are you suggesting the stock the higher stockade fence for visual blocking only no no not for just visual blocking but I'm just going to say what at my previous residence when I lived in Westfield we had a very similar yard set up what we did to is put a stockade fence at the corner of the home an 8 foot or it was eight or six you couldn't see the front yard from in the backyard yep and that obviously six foot also caused SEC because it seems like she's got an additional fence that goes all the way in front that would be an additional layer I'm just worried it's still three feet on the sides and if the dog wants to get out it's going to jump over the to do a fence there I would do a six foot like a stockade there's no way he's over that but the only over the front in the front and you're right where the side chain link in the front he can still and he can still jump out climb out that was just an additional option that would help I mean it may help block because it seems that it's when the other dogs are out there that I mean he's doing really really well with the electric fence and like I said I mean I have it on like level fouring the other day he he is afraid to that deck so I'm not saying that's the solution but I think that with the lead which is he's been getting put on when I'm not training him and her they both have the collar about an extra collar for her plus they have if two collars they have that and the behavior cter um I think that'll work I mean I think take the extra step and see what else I every every layer of security you add add something but um what is the lead attached to um I have the screw that through and then right he can go from right outside the slider to probably maybe Midway through the yard so the but not near the fence that not not near the fence on any even see the front there on either side I have a big big big deck on one side and then there's a step up and there a wrap around deck he can even go down the wrap around go a little bit into the yard or a little bit over to the right Cann get over to as far as so we're saying a gate lock an auto lock has to be that's a mandatory got to be on the Run got to be on the Run got to have the cers on do they have the auto lock for the chain link fence they have there's different it's different styles but yes they have different styles of Auto locks not s not necessarily like the one I explained but they they yeah and you have to design it so the gate has to have a slight angle to it so it shuts itself just like a spring I yeah I can put a chain in there and just well the autolock is a mandatory you know find that um my recommendation personally would be I know I'm not going to tell you how to spend your money or how to sell it I would eventually work up towards fencing that yard in with a higher fence obviously um and Ken will be cheaper that's I was wondering I said let's I was gonna say price the two and see which one works out better and you know I know you're single mom I know you've got you know whatever your limited income is I don't want to make any assumptions but you know I would lean probably to seem to be less stress for every everybody and end this would you know I would lean towards definitely trying to get a some sort of enclosure as well but you know the autolock the lead um you said you've got the collars those are mandatory as of right now as the way I'm I got my dog kennel used on frgs list and then I got another one used on frig's list and made it bigger cheap and I have favers that was a recommendation I was going to say check out Marketplace that's where I go so again we're saying the auto gate lock has to be on the lead both dogs have to have those cers on is that going to work for you I I'm concerned because if it doesn't work it's because there was an issue and it's because we didn't order that dog to be contained it's again relying on the the humans now I heard you say you you work from home so the dog is never obviously left out with no one home you know another thing I would recommend is you know not in the r you know I know they got to go out and use the facilities and whatever but somebody keep an eye I mean you know keep you can even put an alarm on your gate that Chimes when it's open I do have um it's just that was another recommendation but but again you know those cameras are there you see the dog going you got the cameras aren't going to really works but not for but you got the dog on the lead all the time so won't be a problem right so gonna satisfy new so just make sure I would have both gates trying lot both gates any T any Eis from the backyard needs to be firmly in place um yes on the on the lead making sure that the dog has food water or has water protection from weather that kind of thing so just don't tie the dog out middle of the yard and make sure that you know he's got some sort of protection from the we water call um Doberman then going to mimic this other one both have to have the collar both have to have that electric collar on have to Prof professionally train on the college I would like to see somebody come in and train them on the college and make sure that we have the correct make sure we have somebody doing this so that we know it's not correctly we just don't want to but that even you know that has been ordered before and of course the fines need to be paid right yes the fines all need to be paid that's um probably 750 or so understand decision what's that ex decision being written end up in criminal charges yeah that was I was going to mention that that City or well bylaws ordinance if you continue to not pay them they become a criminal criminal think I I think I I I don't want to overthink it and I don't know I don't know the auto locks and I have a question for Miss Bennett only because it's been a while since I had a dog and we used to have one of those invisible fencing and it was great until the dog left no and then they don't want to come back because they get banged on the way back as hard as on the way out this one gets them all the like as soon as he's over it'll keep going it keeps right the problem is is that when when a dog gets Zapped if it goes through the fencing and then it stops it doesn't stop that's why I'm asking because I come back been a decade or more since I had a dog all right expensive expens when the dog comes back okay fine but I my experience with electric fencing is the dog will get zapped if he goes through it and the dog has no idea how to go back into the yard because he just got set it's I'm not gonna going back through there but I think these newer I think what you're alluding to is that once they exceed the perimeter it goes off and it won't stop going off until they get back within the perimeter or the the radius just put is that how it worked yep it and so she can come back and it stop it'll stop training isn't so I just think like the I'm sorry I'm sorry training is very very crucial I get it but I think I think we have to recognize the the fact that well just leave it I think what you can do is is the the return on the fence is a matter of a spring type hinge these are it's not a brutal expense it's not you know it's not pull it up a old fence so I wasn't sure that will close when it you know and then and relatch when when uh it's left open by error or just you know it'll do that and then I I really do think keeping the little guy in the yard will'll keep the big guy in the yard and we can go from there and we can uh I I think you know there there's a u there's a financial aspect to this if we pile on it's going to be insurmountable for everybody and we're gonna end up in a worse spot so that's again where I'm coming from we could say that we we strongly suggest that you know the dog be train I've already made it very clear that you know I will have zero tolerance for either of these dogs from here out so it's it's going to be worse worse so yes but it's going to have to be in steps and if we say you have to do this this this this this this and this and it's it really isn't financially feasible then we might as well you know it's not going to be beneficial for anyone so I'm more of a you know we should take a progressive discipline kind of Step here and if we can contain the dogs so that folks can enjoy the walking in the neighborhood and then the dogs stay in their own yard because it seems like they're okay when they're not around other people great and then and so they got to be on you know again Mr chairman on a leash when they're not uh tied off you know when the little guy's not tied off in the backyard and the big guy needs that zapper collar and then the Returns on the gates and then we strongly suggest that the dogs go to some kind of training or counseling whatever you want to call it so that hopefully you know especially if it's that kind of system established learn Behavior so that you know we don't end up back here and then and that's where we go from here and like I said out and to be very clear um you know we don't want to be back here again you want to do a two we period has to be all done by two weeks the Gat two weeks I would say 30 days and um I don't know how the other board members feel about some sort of Grace period on paying back the fines until this is determined whether or not um this situation is going to work because if we have to go to the next step and Miss Fel has to buy a enclosure and she I don't want to make her have to make a choice between an enclosure or keep my dogs or you know because we all know financially things cost are expensive again but Miss Gail did say you can find them online you know that might be something to look for regardless of what we've put in place then that eliminates everything and and Miss Bennett That's what she's looking for um but um I don't know how the other board members feel on some sort of grace period on the payback I don't know if it goes right to Criminal Court automatically you have you have a period of time when you're issued a ticket that you it actually the department would actually have to file the complaint so we have to let them know okay this is in violation please file the criminal complaint ask to go to the court show cause hearing all that type of stuff so um the dogs are licensed and up to speed on shots and everything now no I I think I got the so when you said quarantine I know a lot of people they think one thing you didn't realize is that I think Mr Mogan alluded to that a little bit of a confusion there I did see that the way you explained it but I'm I'm just going to make that based on what saw um that assumption but you need to anything Miss Bennett says regarding dogs just to be clear I just think if there was a difference of of what one was aware of factually happened well we've aired it all out here so it I don't doubt that any of what was said happened and you were here to hear most if not all of that testimony so I don't see you disagreeing that it did or didn't happen so my I have no issue with with putting some of the fines uh in abeyance you know subject that we you know that the things that we're recommending are done and that um the dogs to add of trouble for a year or something like that and you know to prove that what we're doing is working and then we can we can you know reduce the U the amount of the f I wouldn't eliminate it because that takes away all of the Rolling part the written warning was for the failure to quarantine state was to charge $500 a day for any violations but I decided to vote a written warning because I have the $400 okay so we can I think we can we can put this together for our next meeting but you I think because we have to write a written decision but in the meantime because we're not I don't know we're not meeting next week because it's a holiday I would strongly suggest that I well subject to a vote of this board but uh I would guarantee you that the springs on the gate or the closure on the gate and the that the the dogs don't go out off leash ever and the little guys got to be tied up and the big guys got to be on the the collar both dogs have to be on the collar both okay both dogs on the collar that will be in our decision how do I show you Pro that I purp the spr once they're installed I was going to suggest she go inspect them right does that seem reasonable I mean again I'm but one member up here but think found some common space BR here but miss SC yeah Miss Bennett ma'am no and I I was coming to that next I mean I I just want her dogs to be safe and we heard you and that's I'm kind of taking that into account was your testimony as as well so I one of them get out never thank you right make a motion on the this is my first like to make a motion now on what we've agreed to well he might he might know better but I mean I plan writing a decision for you guys and then we'll just we create it orledge it I think we T however you want we just typically would vote our next meeting but we given the guidelines so in two weeks if Miss Bennett back with the pictures and it just would affirm our decision making process that we'd impose the conditions that we already told you we're going to impose but I don't want I don't want you to have to have to wait or wait two weeks for us to render a decision we because in those two weeks something worse could happen to the dogs or someone else so let's start getting this 30 days starts now sure okay that all right Miss Parker y got it all right okay thank you thank you everyone R next item on the agenda is um going to be discussing the reinstatement of the open space committee with Mr Pratt this will be much quicker I hope we don't for this thank God thank God is right okay so basically but still tell the truth okay I just like to get the open space committee back together reestablish it um I'd like it to fall under conservation I know it had been taken over at one point by the select board was taken from concom went under selectboard then dismantled again I'm not sure why basically that's our Land Management tool that we use in town and part of North Pond would be you know manage a little bit better if we did have our open space committee back together you know other places in town also were managed well by that as far as getting people to take care of trails maintain uh the parking areas things like that is that what the subcommittee did before yes was all Land Management mostly Land Management and also they we're also responsible for getting together the open space plan which is responsible for seed money that we get uh through town grants I mean through state grants actually through DCR that has to be in place or else they won't fund uh grants through DCR are called osrs open space and Rec PL so does Recreation have anything to do with this that I think that was how we ended up where we ended up but predates myself but I think that the osrp is I think there's a a diff a difference between an open space subcommittee as recommending and and the a committee that would develop the osrp because there's there's well they actually were part of it I was on the first one in town and it was developed basically for that reason and then it evolved from there to do more Land Management stuff but it was also in place for that purpose that was the original purpose for the open space Recreation plan so don't you just need a pool of volunteers I need a pool of volunteers I need permission from you guys apparently to have some kind of work group not necessarily it's not really another committee it is a it would be a committee that would sit together and decide what needs to happen they would go out to different sites and discuss what there would be needed to be done you know what's happening at those places what needs to occur out there as far as Trail maintenance as far as okay yeah do that don't do that and we use utilize money out of our budget to uh fund certain projects um that would happen like just you know for trail maintenance and things like that cleanups when did the previous open space committee when was the last time it was in place was it two years ago maybe when it was dissolved now you mentioned North Pond and the conservation aspect of it um I'm assuming conservation is not going to try and give some of that management to open space committee I guess um so the management of the conservation restriction she no we can't do anything with the conservation restriction that is through the state so nothing would change with the conservation restriction it has to go through the legislative body at the state level in order to be changed nothing can happen really I know we got the task force starting to work on that so you know just but you might have people in there to clean up absolutely fing absolutely y you just we had know we came together we made some had some ideas about as far as how to restrict people from certain sensitive areas you know they would be in helping out with those aspects uh plantings fencing signage um is very helpful I I was kind of hoping that this would also be the seed pot for conservation Commissioners you know people who would like to be on conservation could start there see what Land Management is about see what we are all about as Conservation Commission members maybe go even to some um fundamentals trainings for Conservation Commission members to see if that's really what they want to do because sometimes people get on committees they think they know what it's about but some of them have never been to a meeting I just heard through the gra V oh yeah that's a and they really don't know that training have a cost the training does have a cost which we do usually fund through our our Conservation Commission that's so the funding would come through conservation is that correct you know we would have to figure out the budget I'm not sure what interest there would be how many would go um that there are usually two trainings one in the fall one in the spring uh that are pretty popular state RS I think I I talked to the previous chair about this a little bit and I think um I think the theory is great I just think that the to do to have a group of volunteers to to work as a as a working group reporting back into the um the Conservation Commission doesn't I don't know that we when you start creating a subcommittee they have to have agenda you have to have a quorum to have a meeting you have to have minutes you've got to do hybrid meetings we did have a successful open space committee for many years like I said I was on the first one maybe 2001 right we started and then it was taken away maybe 2017 or 2018 and and by select board started to run it and then dissolved again I'm not sure why it I thought that was for the purpose was to develop the osrp the other open space committee was doing that task before then I I wanted I'm not trying to be argumentative I trying to 100% support your idea because I we watched what happened with the AG bom this past week with their open F day they managed to put together 50 60 people to help out with that right and God bless right I'm but this is what another way of getting those volunteers to come in is to have this committee you know right now it's hard to organize that kind of a thing you know we we do cleanup days at North Pond we do cleanup days at soap you know there are things that do happen yeah but it's not an organized group that's always on that task of walking the land seeing what needs to happen bringing back recommendations of what needs to be improved out there as far as Trails trash um you know just maybe events that might take place out there there are different in open space areas it seems it would be more flexible and Nimble I think those were your words at once could be if it were a working group of some kind versus a subcommittee but you don't think you'd get the commitment it would be you would have to reorganize for every single task that you want to do around town to get a a new group or a different group of people or the same group of people even you'd have to reorganize that whole process this would keep that process in place would keep that those people involved on an ongoing basis commission management skills what's that depends on your commission management skills keeping them involved because I'm a strong believer in the PCH I 100% agree with you you're right that people get get involved with the commission because they were either a ag grieved at one point and now they want to U you know be on that commission or there a single purpose you know I call it a one trick pony I think you know I've seen it when project to come through or you know I'm I'm focused on this thing so I'm going to get on the planning board to make sure that everything is this and then they realize that holy cow the job is this and I really don't like it and you know they're there for a cup of coffee so I think and but and then to get folks you know kind of be I don't I don't know what what the right term is but to get someone that wants to go and sign up for the course and get educated and eventually you know become on to the Conservation Commission as a full member or what have you and so I think um I I I just I just want to make sure that we're do and if if that's what you think is the best way to do it is to form a subcommittee of the Conservation Commission I just think you don't want to hamstring yourself at the same time because then if you call a meeting and two people show up and and a a commission member you don't have enough to have the meeting and you and want to have maybe 15 people I mean they don't have formal hearings about different things they would come together to meet about areas of town my point is but once you call it a subcommittee they're subject to everything else right so yeah you're I was thinking maybe seven people yeah just like our board like that's pretty much what we had before for 16 years or whatever um and it was a pretty active board you know they did manage different areas some places allow Farmers to go in and do hanging and things like that so they were uh getting those people to come in and take care of the properties and those seven people are not members of the Conservation Commission one of them is now well I mean I used to be Dennis used to be be overlapping I wasn't planning on that although I would I wouldn't mind if one of them was um that's I mean that is the way it started Conservation Commission members were also that board it was kind of a double board yeah a double yeah um almost like like management and can yeah right that's the same group I don't know why we we still have the two groups and they they kind of meet together yeah it's not but I would like to develop a new group of people I want a bigger well to draw from then oh this guy came in because he he wrote on a piece of paper that he likes to go hunting you know it's like okay I'm glad you like the outdoors I'm glad that you have some interest in preserving the outdoors but that's not all that we do you know I mean that I that's how I got involved so I know that's sometimes where it starts you know but there's way more to it than that but sometimes it's the perspective too is I get it like if you have someone who's got a particular interest but they're interested in the whole ball of wax that's fine because then you can turn to that person like you know we had that hunting bylaw thing and you know in front of us I'm like look that's not my thing so you tell me so if you have something that comes in front of you you can look to that person and go okay y this is in this is your ballpark exactly please help me right there needs to be that training in place but right now it's a little bit lacking I'd like to think about it I I I like the idea I really do I just think it's I want to make I just a good idea I think you know the bench part is great I just think the mechanics of it how you do it whether you officially call it a subcommittee or it's a working group and whether it's informal and I you know there's again no opposition if you have an interested member or you call it an associate what if it was an ad hoc committee does that run the same way do they need to have yeah yeah how many Associates can they have well like that's the thing like if you and I you can't have Associates on the conservation if if I recall I think we went to Council on this with Mr MC Williams right we didn't have Associates you can't I think the statute of how conservation is comprised you can't so it was like kind of we use we have other ad hoc committees like Lake Management's one highe internet is one there's a bunch that are just ad hoc committees right but when they meet they have to have and we have like you know you can have three members and you know a bunch of Associates and then you can make up your own rules for what a quorum looks like too to to Aid in in meeting because the intent is you get together you discuss certain things and you report back to conservation which is the policymaking board of the for all things conserv and you have open space lands that are under your jurisdiction and then there's other things where it becomes cross functional like the osrp has the r part of the osrp so advisory would fall under the same thing writing open space advis and and you know and to for someone that wanted to be involved with conservation whether they're you know however they want to do it even if they weren't a full member of conservation or any of this but you you wanted to send someone to go and take the training because you think that they're going to apply next year to be appointed when someone's term is up and someone's leaving or whatever well puts him in a great spot I don't I personally would not be opposed to that one iota nice had a nice interview with a young man who was interested in conservation you know doesn't quite understand all about it but he would be very amenable to being part of that open space going to those trainings and you know and he would love to become you know educated in what conservation does so so we could authorize such a subcommittee for an 18mon period see how they pull it together that be agree fine want to dig a little bit deeper yeah we can come back this is a good discussion I mean this is just an initial conversation anyway there are many different things that you know they might have different responsibilities and things for that I would yeah and if you could if you wouldn't mind to just send like what you think the mission and and goal of this is we explained it some of it here but I think just all of it just right I mean this was just to get the ball rolling pretty much um you know we're going to be needing to get an open space committee together fairly shortly anyway to get the new plan uh rev osrp right right yeah so might be good they just get people interested in 100% as absolutely I mean planning board's lucky right because they have the associate role it's a joint appointment but that you know that that's the bench for that board right you know and um I think it's a good idea we just got to figure out the right mechanics to make it work and and be beneficial but like you said if you have someone that or others that as party of your you know recruiting Because anybody who wants to become involved and get appointed to a board you know right we should encourage that to serve the town but if we have to make a you know the Minimus investment in them to to go to that training or whatever you know we've done that with other boards or even paid positions right so they make the commitment to want to go to those things it's a two-way street right they got to show up right right exactly 100% the open space report was like 2018 is the last time it wasn't last time the plan was I was maybe 2019 and yes five years five so it's coming up y yeah we're getting there was called an advisory that's what I don't know the answer we did the the highp speeded we had so many people that want to be on it but I'm like guys if we have 18 people meet you know 10 have to show up to have a meeting so we did members and Associates so that we could always get together have a meet and that's an ad hoc advisory subcommittee of you know to advise I don't want to get into that either you're right I mean so what is it that we want the to investigate yeah and we have you we have agendas and minutes and and and everything else so so what is it we want Nicole to investigate I I have to figure out what exactly I want to investigate and I want to kind of hear back I I I agree with the principle of this I think I just want to hear what's the you know the over overarching goal and and then and then we can talk about um you know I can talk to Nicole or we can all talk to Nicole about what's the best you know what's the best way to achieve that yeah and and get what they want done because I I think that the premise is good it's just the mechanics of it yeah we can do a little peer poaching too I'll look around on the internet and see what other towns might doing that' be good all right thank you very much for your time appreciate it next item on the agenda is going to be interview with all new board members forly the attached list was not attached to the agenda that was posted um so we cannot appoint tonight but we can interview unfortunately my computer CED out so I don't know actually who's highlighted hang on a second Miss while you're doing that let take a quick recess yeah yeah can if you want to use this is what was supposed to be attached so these so applying for cable advisory but I don't have people hanging I'm sitting here like well this has expired this is this we just have to e e e e e e e e e e we're going to call call the meeting back to order thank um and we are going to go on as I stated our next item agenda item is going to be speaking with all the new board members um turn this new applicants we're gonna turn this over to miss Gil just because I have the list um and in no order it's just by border commission um we have Chris Boyd is he here or on he was he left oh he left okay Chris Boyd was seeking a position on the cable advisory committee and as we know we have to um revive that with negotiations coming up in a year so um we can hold on his and we're not going to appoint anybody today we're just going to hear from these people uh next we have Connor flurry and here he is I saw him he's looking for a position on conservation sure and or the open space committee that you just heard us talking about could you just state your name and address for the record honor flurry 32 s road so why do you want to be a member of the conservation Committee just have interest in getting involved in town I uh own an excavation company I think I have a lot to oper as far as that whole set of things goes yeah just interesting kind of right of my knowledge of conservation and think I own I think I offer a young point of view as far as ideas and new technology and stuff out there kind of you know involve a lot of the social media kind of the new stuff technology and you met with Chris crat right I talked okay all right and um are you willing to work on the open space committee if that yeah yeah that's kind of I'm kind of actually more geared towards that now than I am uh conservation good that's just more to get you yeah I think it's like like Chris is saying like you don't want to Rob someone of a seat when you know someone's not going to be serious about I think what he was saying like the open space would be a good introduction to it to see how serious people are to bump up the conservation um and I think it it offers a good foundation to of like just kind of like getting the training and the knowledge and the experience of like kind of that you you can apply it into conservation if some you feel to make that move as your advertising your social media I say I've seen his stuff online oh you guys I have all that's that's good yeah I've seen you do your work you did some for a relative of mine oh really that's good yeah who's your relative Boyd on bugby road oh oh is your brother or and my brother was out there telling you how to do it oh yeah yeah yeah I found that septic line H yeah but that's what I told Chris was that you actually listened and you learned so it's good yeah yeah yeah that's good so you have potential thank you no I'm glad to see a new face in front of us it's always good thank you yeah and I know Chris was saying like when he was up here saying like how it's be tough to get volunteers and stuff I think with what I do I can offer a lot like I can offer my equipment for free for you know as a as a write off whatever not even a write off but just as you know good Fai at town I think with a lot of the projects going on if it's mowing or moving stuff around I think I have I think I can got some friends would be good careful who you tell about that no I I think it's just good to see you know young folks that want to come out and help their their town no absolutely I love Sal I want to you know I want to help preserve it and then you know the uh hope brow good good thank you very much you're welcome sorry we make you sit here all night they're short usually people sitting there all night changes their mind about thanks so much and then we have for uh conserv open space committee Bill Terry uh you were on both you want to wait until EDC okay we're getting there open space we had Jen Depetro okay you are on open space as well as as an option okay okay but you're more I think conservation as well yes yep are you still interested in the conservation Andor open space y because you're already you're but I am part of the Agricultural just for uh renewal correct yeah for I'm associate I wanted to try to see if I can that's my main my first post yep okay all right and then um then we have Sabrina puler interested in the cultural Council here she is come on sure hello you know the r you for seeing me you are Sabrina Pooler 123d Street okay so tell us what you want to do with yeah I'm interested in being on the cultural Council I've gone to a couple of their meetings now um I know that they have essentially two big tasks one is to review um applications for Grants um that's through the Massachusetts cultural Council and then they also have um an art show in April that they host here at the Town Hall down in the auditorium um yeah I mentioned I I've got G to a couple meetings of of theirs they seem like a great group to work with I do have an Associates in visual art so this is also kind of like in my realm the other side um so I do have a little bit of a creativity aspect of me um and I have some ideas of my own that I want to ask the the cultural Council to see if they're interested in doing um but first I'd just like to get on and get to learn ropes before stomping through and saying I want to do this okay did not know that about your Visual Arts yeah I studied um black and white photography back in the day when it was a thing now it's I well this is like real like with with a black and white or a black room and you'd have to people yeah okay aging myself a little bit over no questions all right Sabrina thank you very much you okay Economic Development Bill Terry everybody would you just state your name Terry 228 South L street so why do you want to be part of the Economic Development Council lived in towns 30 something years um self-employed own my own business for 20-some years um eyeballing retirement in a couple years down the road I GNA have a lot more time on my hands and I'd like to figure out another way to give back to my community and I think my talents and expertise would be an asset to the EDC I know you went to a meeting or two yeah been to a couple meetings um then Byron interesting yeah yeah I'm interest I'm eager to learn more about what the board can and cannot do and how the state interacts with the town and all that kind of stuff so it's pretty interesting okay I've GN bille for the better part of 30 years I don't have a lot of questions you any questions no and I I had the pleasure of serving with I won say your better half Mrs Terry on the planning board for well I wouldn't say better because you know it's a 50-50 deal come on now I've served with Mrs Terry on on the planning board and and I've known you about as long and uh I think you'd be an asset for the DC else NOP I actually thank you Mr Cherry meeting that so thank you and then also for economic development Stephen roach is he here or online online anybody online Stephen wrot I know that he was traveling last week he was still um I know he did go to a couple of meetings as well I chatted with him at the land trust launch um he's very interested in younger person as well been here a number of years really wants to dig into the community he did go to a couple of meetings and participated and chatt there as well and I thinkk you well you can tell me us whether you endorse them or not yes endorse both candidates hold on well looks like we're getting another crack at this so we could always invite him for our next meeting yep yep and then we have four historical Commission aaronville andoa not in the room or online apparently not but she I know she has also participated in some of their meetings and met with the chair there he endorsed her I think you were there one of you was there when he came in talk raving about wanting to add her but he had to wait until we got to appointments so we can uh see if we can invite her again next meeting and then we have um jenta Petro again on Lake management were you also interested in Lake management this was the um application I think you put in late last year that we carry forward so yes Lake management come on up until tell have like a top five Jen or well yeah well so I'll explain thank you for the opportunity um so I'm currently working on my bachelor's degree in environmental science and all of are Jennifer Depetro UH 60 lak view Street Southwick um So currently working on my bachelor's degree on environmental science and all of those commissions would be um very um um you know something that I can give towards you know once I finish my degree I'm already learning so much in the agricultural commission um I enjoy it so much with the teamwork that we have um I've been on the agricultural commission as an associate for uh a year now and I've learned so much even just in the last six months with open Farm day planning you know um so I am interested in um you know my first choice was to stay on the agricultural commission with everyone um but to try to become a member rather than Associates I mean at this point not sure exactly the difference I think I believe that you can vote more things in and be more part of the commission um but just to be a member rather associate um although I am interested in you know Lake management I'm conservation all of the above I've learned so much just with talking to Donna at the Cali just what they have to do to even sell produce to a a grocery store all the testing that they have to do they have to bring in companies you know things like that I just learned so much and I've like to you know give as much as I can um with my knowledge that I'm learning and just time that I have um with going to school and working I work with the um Dino Nobel explosives and I work with Waste Management as well um you know hazardous waste so it's just all encompassing um so just being able to help the town in that way I'm um you know I'm in I'm on lake view my husband is selling his house in Enfield and moving to Southwick so now I'm more in Southwick rather than going back and forth um but yeah I'm just um I love volunteering for the town I love being a part of it and I like to learn more and give as much as I can um I know with the cultural commission we're working on like newer ideas possibly having programs for the children in the schools for agricultural somehow some way we're kind of new ideas for you know the New Year things like that so we're trying to you know make it uh you know so that children can be aware of the Agricultural um in the town too you know um somehow getting a program for that too as well so little things like that but so they know hard work is yeah I'm trying you know I just I love anything that has to do with the environment and trying to help keep it you know just what he was talking about the open space and trying to keep it clean you know I've done audits on the land I live on North Lake so you know with all the things that are going on over there and I've I've gone kaying and you know done Audits and you know submitted them to the town you know how we can try to get and keep it clean how we can you know come together as you know a community and you know try to keep our town you know clean that's just an awesome uh way to have some kind of committee for that too you know but like I said I'm available to volunteer I've been to probably I'd say 90% of the meetings last year some of them were Zoom but you know do as much as I can to be a active participant and so that's basically it so are you also interested in the open space yes subcommittee okay I could give them by choices I guess I suppose um conservation so yep so we have the agricultural commission full member um conservation open space uh Lake management uh what was the other one there's another one yeah um I think that's it actually so that's your order prence whenever there's an opening because I don't know uh when I seen online there's only one opening for the member um and then of course our associate members positions are open as well too so okay mine is ex expired so let me just see if you're on the list anywhere else well thank you for I know you're when did you come on a last year it was just a year ago it was exactly a year ago yeah I couldn't do the open Farm Day last year because I had to work overtime but this year not I saw you there and I've seen you at almost every meeting that I've watched on on zoom and you know you've been a very active participant and you know thank you foring back to your to I think it's great yeah I appreciate that thank you yeah I'm learning a lot and I want to give back as much as I can and be there and once you know I get my official degree as I as I go through I've done you know different um uh papers in my studies regarding Southwick you know I mapped it out I used the geographical information system which i' love to try to use in the future with you know we've been talking about that yeah so you know things like that I want to get back and and what I learn you know and I'm learning a lot in process so good awesome so thank you thank you very much appreciate your time okay then we have master plan implementation committee do we have Rachel Dunham here or online no so we're gonna have to invite that I don't know anything about that person do we have Karen Bashaw here or online Jessica Taylor okay you had to be one of these how are you how are you good thank you for waiting uh Jessica Taylor 31 kangan Road um so I applied for the master plan implementation committee I saw Diane's post on Facebook so thank you Diane um I've lived in town for a long time I grew up here about 20 years moved out in my 20s and just bought a house here about four years ago um my family's been in town since the mid-40s um had different businesses in town and at this point you know I have some time um spare time I would say outside my regular full-time job that I would like to just get back to the town you know I love the town I love the people here I love the community um the I know the plan the master plan um is very extensive um and I think it's going to take a lot to implement so I'd like to help contribute to that is there any particular part of the master plan that is of keen interest to you um I didn't read through the entire plan yet um you know the 140 Pages um I did go through you know some of the sections and I you know I do um think that it encompasses a lot of um you know keeping the rural field to the community which I like I mean that's what I liked in growing up here um you know being able to explore in the woods but then we have all the conveniences here that are that are good so I didn't see a spot in there that like I would say oh yeah definitely you know for that part of it um all of it seems good to me um you know just keeping the natural resources that we have here um but it's also important that we grow the town and um make sure that it's sustainable for other Generations too so I think that's you know important as well what is your professional background um right now I work in the Aerospace industry so I manage a Trade Organization for Aerospace manufacturing companies um two of Our member companies are actually um manufacturers here in town so WGI and uh Bean tool Dian pretty much covered everything so that's quite all right you have any other question you asked the question I was gonna ask so no again I don't think you've been on a border commission for ever or a long time no not in town um and when I saw it I figured it I thought it would be a good way to start and get more involved um you know like I said my family's been here for a long time I have as well um you know we enjoy the town and um I felt like I wanted to give back um my father years ago was on one of the um boards he's on the planning board um but that was when I was a kid so um so no I you know would like this would be my first opportunity for that great yeah excited that you um replied thank you yes than are posting it I thought a good opportunity thank you thank you thank you okay and then we have Marissa cook oon applying for master plan implementation there is she is hi good evening everybody Marisa Gober on 126 South Lumis Street okay tell us what you want to do sure so um I was on impacct the advisory committee for the master plan and uh I was a very Hands-On member helped organize uh the public Outreach events that in turn helped us develop the data that uh we implemented in devel Ving the plan um so I'm really proud about doing that with the rest of the committee members some of which are sitting there at that table and in the audience as well um so that was really rewarding But ultimately it does come down to implementing it this isn't a binding document and I do feel very invested in this plan um I heavily edited five out of the eight chapters of the plan uh working with each of the different teams that were assigned to that and just plugging in you know important data points that hadn't been added yet but represented majority views that we had heard from people from the surveys other Outreach events that we did at Town Hall at The Brass Rail um so I just feel that between having that hands-on experience understanding the process that led to this plan being developed and the spirit in which it was developed the scope that we aimed to have um and the guidance that the uh pvpc group gave us as well as consultants I feel very comfortable with helping implement this plan my professional experience is also in project management I work in the product development field so um in terms of working on a committee like this I feel really confident about leveraging the passion and enthusiasm of new people who you know may not be aware of the plan or have read the whole plan but they're still very passionate and care about the community in town and onboarding them I have experience with onboarding people through work and I do feel that I could really give this um committee some guidance in its first year of operating just to make sure that there is an understanding to um the plan's scope um I also have a background in finding grants so I feel like setting the committee up in that first year to also leverage all of the different grants and funding that there is out there would take the burden off of the town of Southwick in terms of funding all these different initiatives and action items that the plan has so um would love the opportunity to help see this plan off the ground and then um you know build a good team and hand the reins off because I do think it's important for this plan in terms of its implementation it's going to be long term it's not going to be a one-year thing a two-year thing it's going to be much longer term that we give it a good foundation and then have new folks come in and continue building up on what's uh been previously uh made no I'm good I'm I'm very familiar with yes very with Marissa on the I was the honorary member of that committee so very very well in tune to what she did on it thank you Marissa thank you thank you thanks for considering me okay then we have Pam sfani here she is how are you you great having good coffee lately yeah yes could use matter of fact I have I'm pamani 5 Alco Road in Southwick okay so uh I came before you last fall because I was interested in sitting in the OR in on the EDC and I I did um and I stepped down from that recently because they really already had a wonderful marketer who was already who was here today okay um and I felt like my efforts there were just duplicated so I thought maybe I could do something else another committee another board something like that uh within the town so when I saw your post I thought well this might be the the thing so um you want to hear a little bit about my background I'm I I currently own conoman coffee um I am also a part-time marketing director for Coldwell Banker in Hampshire and Franklin County I only do like five hours a week for them um um and uh before moving to Southwick about eight and a half years ago I lived in lllo for like 20s something years and was very very involved in their Community there I was on the board of directors for um the Affiliated Chambers of Commerce of Greater Springfield I was the president of the lllo chamber I was on the lllo Boys and Girls Club board uh I was a founding member of the lllo rotary big sister for Big Brothers Big Sisters and I haven't really done a lot in Southwick and I really want to get back into doing more as a volunteer so I really want to find out more about this committee but the thing that interests me the most um about this is working with the various committees and helping them to set um like a strategic plan to implement their strategies and tasks that have been assigned to them that's the thing that interests me the most okay that was my other question that was my question what would you like to pinpoint in the process so that's really what interests me a lot is working with the different boards and I remember when you interviewed for EDC and we're very impressed then and still very impressed now thank you good very good thank you for coming thank you very much interest all right then we have Gabriela Peterson not in the room not online I guess ym Cher here I see how are you Norm I'm just fine thank you Norm CH 100 burshire Avenue uh I also served on the master plan implementation committee I want to give you my view of committees as I've served in several communities in New England and membership is usually made up of either active members or passive members the active members roll up their sleeves they dig in they do research we constantly want to prove the process of reorganization passive members really don't get involved in the research they let other people do the research and then they'll give them their expertise opinion when it comes time and U I think you all know that mine my role is active and I'm concerned that some of our committees have a lot of passive members and that the choice of the people you choose for this committee must be active because they got coer the other community other boards to become more active we're unleashing 135 action items on multiple boards and I'm concerned that some of the boards going to have a little difficulty signing up to do the work so as you probably know my skills are in research and data packaging and if you feel that those skills are IR ired for this committee I'd be more than happy and honored to S answer any questions you have well we had a chapter together and he was the much more active participant I'm not going to lie on that chapter we have the advantage of knowing what he did and in like management as well and in conservation you have a a history of yes action we have the advantage of I do agree with the philosophy of New Blood I also believe that you need at least one person from the original committee to bring continuity but that's your decision and tough one that will be thank you no okay okay thank you sir you're welcome okay then we also had Corey Roland but she withdrew from uh the implementation committee and then um before you go on I want to just thank Cory Roland because I think she was very instrumental in in the M impact itself and sometimes keeping us going on the right track and kind of steering us she had a lot to do with the SWAT analysis and some of the other um technical aspects of of the process of gathering data and presenting some of the data so and keeping track of it yeah so yeah thank you Corey for that I'm sorry she she withdrew from this but um she has Our advice okay another new applicant was Connor flurry again for the planning board um but we didn't talk about that um and we do have an expiration on that so if you have anything else you want to add to to push that okay that's a joint appointment of the two boards correct and that is all we have for and and it's five on three so it's not really a joint appointment at all that's all we have for new applicants to consider for new positions okay yes as we have to be next will be meeting we will discuss discuss all everybody so we will have the people we didn't see tonight invited back in interview them first and then we will do the appointments just are there any from that list I was looking at some of it today from that list that we've just gone through and the folks who we interviewed tonight are there any other reappointments that would not be made in favor of anyone we interviewed tonight or these would be incremental to those boards or or filling vacancies on boards obviously but uh um the EDC those are vacancies correct and cultural councils a vacancy open space is new um conservation there are three renewals if we choose um reappointment cor correct and then the capable advisory we need to reate I think we should talk about that L under new business because I think we just we need to reconstitute that so that should come up under new business but okay the um so my question is is it is any have we interviewed anyone tonight and then if there was someone that's term is expiring that would not that a new person would be appointed to take a seat that of an expiring term uh possibly on Lake management if we so choose and did the other one was historical which is a vacancy and no and that's it very very good pretty much new to fill spots right so there's not anyone that would be agreed that they Wen that they were not appointed to a new term their term expired and we interviewed a new person tonight that we just met tonight and they get put on a board correct that and then someone would obviously not be appointed to a successive successor term on two yes there are two but conservation and and LMC and LMC yeah okay I would strongly suggest then that if those folks that whose term is expiring have the opportunity to come in front of this board as well at our next meeting to okay to tell us y why they should be reappointed or or ask for a new appointment in lie of us just appointing someone else I mean it's it's a fairness issue Y and just so you all know considering the planning board in this conversation no I think we got to carry that to a future meeting because we have to invite you guys in and have and we had we had one person indicate interest in the role correct and you have someone in that role today I don't know if uh she wants to continue to serve she did reapply okay she did so we'll have to have that discussion okay so the reason we can't do these tonight is because the names were not listed on the agenda for the public to know so we have to interview tonight but we can do the appointments the next time we meet so and I think you should list that I can work with um Lisa and Nicole on the agenda but we can you should list the particular seats that are yes are are open for discussion here you want to do that yes Mr Mr go ahead I I think it's going to be a thing I just don't know what the thing is going to look like what's going to be called yeah and how it's going to f oh I guarantee that forget about it no definitely not it's just a matter of how like we talked about with uh oh chairman the chairman tonight is the mechanics of it when you start calling something a subcommittee it there there's certain things you have to do versus if you want a working group to support certain activities at at an open space and have a group for so foun he's in a group for this and I don't want to speak for the chair and especially since he's not here um and then you know have the the the appointed Conservation Commission actually make those policy decisions or if there's rules or something to be in to to be uh put in place that's what your Conservation Commission would do so do you need to have the formality of an official subcommittee right versus having someone just be you know and I don't want to call it associate because you can't but you know a working group that supports the efforts of the Conservation Commission and no one's opposed to that and there's you know there's no no one has any objection to that at all it's just a matter of you know how you go about to doing this no I think it's going to be soon we're going to talk about it at our next meeting I'm sure under old business and figure out what's the proper direction no we've left certain things hanging there's no reason to leave it hanging just make a decision and open space was your first choice on that sure okay thank you okay everyone set thank you everybody thank you all our next item on the agenda is to acknowledge payroll and payables warrant we going to acknowledge payroll warrant number 254 dated 8324 in the amount of 279,000 $19 we're going to acknowledge payable warrants number 2505b dated 820 20124 in the amount of $847,500 to Second roll call vote Jason Fon I I Doug M yes next we will make an approved to uh make to open session meeting minutes from 8812 2024 motion to approve minutes from 81224 is that the last meeting 812 I had sent changes back to we said subject to those changes I think they were the same as mine as amended second roll call vote Jason Peron I thank Doug Mogan yes next act action items um I saw Mr Anderson here early you need to review the letter to the select board regarding the old Association building from acting facilities director Russ Anderson I think we lost them the letters of not packet yeah you want to fix it you want to demolish it those are the two options yeah I think take it to the slab yeah possibly find a preab later on at a less expensive price than was originally ploted that a motion I would make a motion to go with his recommendation to demolish the building to the slab at an estimated $10,000 and to explore a pre garage for dry storage later at an estimated cost of40 to $60,000 Miss G suggest those are two separate actions they subject to budget appropriation at town meeting we have the 10 grand to take the building to the slab so if you'd amend your motion to take the building to the to the slab I will amend that to take the building down to the slab at an estimated $10,000 second roll call vote Jason f i than I Doug M yes could you this point forward could you address these items I my computer has I don't have the information in front of me right now sh yeah yeah yeah yeah that's fine that's fine all right so you want to make so uh also make a motion to have to have him explore a prefab building for 4 to $60,000 for future storage hold storage dry storage I'll second it that's got to go in front of the budget of course so but it's got to get the Y roll call vote Jason FL I thank Doug yes next we need to approve the invoice number 22 from Pioneer Valley Planning Commission for fiscal year 21 southw community Assistance Program for $59.7 motion to approve invoice number 22 second roll call vote Jason for I I Doug yes next we need to approve the donation of $100 to the fire department from Patricia B I'm gonna say baseski of tand mass into the gift account motion to approve the donation of $100 thank you Patricia second roll call vote Jason Peron I I Doug m i next we need to accept the donations to the Animal Control shelter for $43 in 50 state 50 cents from Interstate Building Supply and $173 Interstate was 173 except 4 okay I'm sorry for that's a $43.50 total Interstate Building Supply is $173 I I'm sorry you were correct it's 40350 Interstate Building Supply it's the way it's written I get it yeah and um $173 doesn't appear to have uh mentioned uh so that'll be an anonymous donor it looks like and $75 from C Lei I'll make a motion to accept those donations Doug M second roll call vote Jason Peron I next we need to expect the FEMA assistance to Firefighters brand for the striker power load and power lift stretcher for the new ambulance did Chief was there anything you wanted to bring up on that while you're here just to make the board aware initially we had submitted the V application for $73,000 um it was lower to 63,000 from Bea with no explanation why but it still helps us cover make motion to accept that Grant second roll call vote Jason Peron I I Doug movan yes next we need to review and approve the plan for an additional storage container to be installed and connected to the training building um what training building one in the yeah I apologize um I put it on the agenda because it was a last minute decision of and verification that the container was still available so I have just a very crude colored drawing of what it would look like as well as a photograph to give you some perspective of where things are um and again I apologize because it wasn't sure if the container was still available you didn't want to waste the time oh again this is just another met metal conx box um same shape as the larger ones that are already there so there are three large boxes one smaller box um the blue represents the the ground level the green is where there's actually two stories the red represents the location where we'd like to put the new box the new box is actually a donation from the rec center here in town they have a box to look going to get rid of so they made it free of charge it's just on us to get it up and out of there and get it positioned in place which we can do with Interstate Towing we've done that used them before when we place the second story box so because it's Town property just want to make sure the board's okay with this presentation and with the addition as as proposed are those right on the asphalt it does it sits right in the asphalt yeah so there's no no disturbing the ground or anything like that there's already a whole Stone bed area out there um with the intention of you know there could be additions that we put on to this so that's the plan I the that any other questions I no so then I would be looking for a motion to approve the plan for the additional storage container to be installed and connected to the training building that move second roll call vote Jason I I dou yes thank you Chief next we need to review the requests from conservation coordinator Sabrina perer to host a star party at sanowski preserve want to come up or um write a letter to you guys I can summarize um well last year I tried to do a star party with the Springfield um stars club and we got rained out we had three days two Cloud dates um rain the entire weekend uh I was contacted by the Springfield star club's um public relations public relations and they would like to try again and this would be October 11th which is a Friday with a with one Cloud date of October 12th um they'll bring the equipment drive it up to the back to the hill um and then and same as last year same as last year you volunteers to help Park and I'm hoping to get I'm hoping to get volunteers um I did ask the Commissioners in our last meeting and it looks like some of them may be busy but it's holiday weekend oh yeah October holiday it okay um yeah so I gotta I I I need to work on on the uh but this is essentially when the stars are there the star yeah the star the St yeah yeah STS be there the planets will be there nebuli you know they'll be there hopefully if there's no clouds um so I guess this essentially is permission to uh utilize the property after hours this is going to be dark time um I believe last year um I think we some kind of waiver right you have them sign a waiver or something last year not for stargazing not for the one event one night event that was wanted to go out there and do his own stuff yeah he wanted to go out by himself um at night for stargazing we didn't have a waiver for this event um from my understanding from my conversation with the Springfield Stars Cup last year is that they do bring like red lights to help illuminate the walkway the red light doesn't interrupt with with the star gazing through telescope um so I believe they're going to bring those so it should be safe to walk up and the access point I believe that we're going to walk along the road through um the back way in between well there is pond on the right but to the left of the of the main Pond and then up the hill um because the other walkway is a little treacherous at night it's Rocky so yeah question no we approved it last year yep rain would they subject to the same thing as last yeah to approve the request for the use of The sanowski Preserve for the star party second roll call vote Jason Peron I dou thank you sir good luck thank you next we need to we got two people that I put up for the whole meeting you want take them out I wouldn't have a problem with that Miss scale do you have a problem no before they quit and run out of here they look thrilled okay so we're going to thefor yes we're going to go to we're going to skip ahead to Old business in regards to the um call Force members uh Kristen nutting and Robert Baron to the Celtic fire department come on up guys how are you good sure you don't have to stand Mr M oh no I go I go last on so why do you want to be a call Force member um I want to uh help Southwick and continue my emsm fire career and that would consists of I we looked at your resume the other day but what's that we looked at your resume previously um what is your experience level I've been in EMS about 20 years and fire for about so little experience seven okay very good you live in town sir I live in chity that's right we had that in front of us last week and we're trying to remember where where you were in it yep ja what draws you here um actually some of you are some of the members artment very good recruiting they're good at recruiting yes indeed I have nothing do it no I don't have any other questions I'm not even gonna ask the usual Gateway question the iy sat through four hours of this meeting so far I'll second Diane's move I will make an appointment to appoint Robert Baron to the call Force roll call vote Jason Peron I Dan I Doug M yes thank you Robert thank you for sticking it out there thank you very much thank you Miss nutty could you come on up hello Hi how are you good how are you good did you learn a lot tonight I did actually this like the first thing for me ever sitting in one of these it's long you never do it again right never hearings you should attend a planning board meeting H she should attend a planning board meeting yeah this is just a warmup for a planning heing I might pass on that good idea so why do you want to be a call Force here in southware um honestly it's always been my dream so I'm 19 years old um it's always been my dream to be a firefighter I've always wanted to help people I think it's always been a calling of mine um yeah I just I I was either going to go into the service I was gonna go into the Air National Guard for firefighting at first I um was with a recruiter a good answer okay check Air National Guard or Air Force I was just waiting for that would have sufficed well yeah that's for the firefighting I was with the recruiter for a while um I ended up not going that rout CU I was like well I feel like it might be easier for me to join like a house like fire Tye thing instead of going overseas where it would be or I could have been at Barnes and I didn't really want that so um I TR W I guess I could have but um I'm just so past the post Buton um yeah and then I kind of was like I was scared at first to do it I'm G to be honest I was like there's no way like I'm so young I don't know how to do this it's just always been a dream of mine I uh threw an email out there someone got back to me and here we are so Mak some very motivated interested in that's a very good thing it's been my dream there's even an interview I went to the tech Academy if you look up the interview of it there's me stating that what's your other experience um with firefighting no no um so actually I went to the tech Academy and I was in collision and I worked at police Collision for a while um so cars I know about cars I know about working on vehicles putting them together taking them apart I uh one top of my class to me um yeah I worked at B um I worked in the shop I worked in the paint shop I worked honestly all over B I did um working in the office just working the front desk answering the phone to a CSR um moving to trying to learn to be like a GM like under a GM there actually um I kind of wanted to learn every aspect of it um just because a person who likes to be the best at what I do so I wanted to learn learn everything so yeah that's my past what are you doing now I'm a CSR at ad pile kind it was my stopping point before starting my life career which is this so and I'm sorry I don't have your resume in front of me you you live in town now I do yeah um 37 taning road sou I recognize the last name do you yes which which family member I don't know but I me too I just family member from from where anyway it's not a bad thing no absolutely could be me I played a lot of sports I was in the newspapers could be me I do proportion if she sat through the meeting so so what's standing between yourself and being a member of the course in the town of South what one thing is standing between me it's you being sitting there or being on the call course in the town of C I guess um being approved to okay so I will make a motion to to appoint Kristen nutting to the call Force for the southw fire department second roll call vote Jason Peron I I Doug muglin yes welcome aboard thank you for coming you must have watched some other meetings a good night thank you so much all right next we will go back to our item action items and we need to approve the Feeding Hills Road bid contract to Farmer pav it's an amendment right and then there was an amendment to it hold on yeah let's still heading here here was right here on no that's not it no there was a Ward and then he mentioned Al it's there right there August 21st so the bids there put in a bid of $296,000 380 300 296 to $ 38050 Andre material put in a bid for $318,500 nor East Paving put in a bid for $367,000 $367,450 and Warner Brothers put in a bid for $398,500 road paving project so we're looking to award that contract and I did also have a side note that the bids were pretty competitive uh they came in a little bit under our budget so what I'd like to do is extend the paving a little bit further down Feeding Hills Road if it's okay with the board and utilize a full amount of the budget that was allocated that's primary root and out of town and I've heard nothing but people want that paid and it's you know the this shape it's been in is is also a safety issue as well so Randy how far would you be going to a Red Oak Drive the original original so from Red Oak to the um just past calibri yeah I think that was the previous one right 268 it was going to be to crpes fres this comes a little fur a little bit further okay so I would be looking for a motion to make a motion to approve the Feeding Hills Road bid contract and to it is that two separate the award to Palmer Paving and then to extend it to a red o Drive in accordance with the original budgeted amend second roll call vote Jason Peron I Danang I Dougan I thank you r the next one street next we need to approve the Bungalow Street construction Amendment request with fuss and O'Neal so this was done in a couple phases um initially we're going to do just partion por a portion of bungalow Street uh we ended up uh combining two years of Grant funds into one project and we're going to do all of bungalow Street uh what we had did not do it was budgeted but uh we did not add all the construction phase services for the entire project [Music] okay so that's the amendment number 11 for $61,000 that we're talking about just looking for the amount and making sure that's correct right so so yep I would be looking for that motion approve the amendment request number 11 for 61,000 cor Bungalow Street R call vote Jason Peron I Danel I second and I all right thank you for paying attention we need to appoint an Advisory Board member and a designed to the Franklin Regional Transit Authority there was a question on that letter Y it was a typo okay so it is the current period it is yes July of 24 to June of 25 who was the previous Carl oh good I know where this is gonna go so did mine that's why where' you come from thanks Randy sry um yeah so we just you just you know kind of formality a point of somebody to fra um I will say that you know now that um Lisa's down there we you know she's getting familiarized with everything and they really do need more buses there's more programming that they'd like to do there aren't enough buses people sign up you know it's first come first serve so there's a whole slew of people that don't get to go these programs so I am going to work with her and with fra I've spoken with fra already and pioner I mean um pvta uh we don't have any transportation in town so they want to maybe work together on getting a couple of stops in town I had seen a few times as I'm driving up and they were driving up to Southwick and they take a right and go to agam so there's there's no public transportation here in town at all correct so they're going to do some background work and see where there might be um some needs um Lisa has you know seen some some needs in town where she is now and then also being at um you know a couple of the meetings that I've been to lately where I've given my number or please come and see me my doors open and that has been a concern of some of our residents in town too that it's you know not quite walkable not a lot of walkability um but there's also no public transportation so what is is the demand response writers for Southwick there's just the cover sheet that's in here do you know what that is you know so honestly this is out of Greenfield and they primarily um serve that area they don't come around here a lot I I I don't know that say for southw right it does say for Southwick and the reason I'm asking I went to a conference in late April and they mentioned that there was this pilot program in southw for on demand F yes but nobody knew about it here no and you know okay yeah so but there was somewhere else that I had seen um somewhere else I was looking where it shows that you know there's they serve Southwick but yet all of their their zones are not right so I I think that we need to do some Outreach to them to to fera you know and I'm like why are they why is it Franklin Franklin Regional and not P Valley which is town over just that so I I do know a a senior executive over at PB today ta that I reached out to who he then initiated the conversation with fera and I said you know they are our transportation company for a senior center I don't want to step on toes but I you know if they're that far away and all their zones show all up in the the Franklin region then maybe we could incorporate something in our region with PTA this is the answer to that question is the age-old question and I think it's probably worth the phone call is it has Carl because I'm certain I know or was told the reason but it escapes me at this moment as to why like we have a fer a vehicle out here and it's served by Franklin Regional Transit I don't remember the basis for it I'm certain it was under Carl's tenure and I'm sure he would give you the color as to why that it's been there since I got I think he had told me and I don't remember and it was and I'm sure yeah shame on us for I don't remember actually I just said I'm not gonna ask yeah well I'll certainly reach out to Carl and then I will also do you know some work with f and I have to reach Reon that was good maybe that is their pilot and they're looking for guidance from our local yeah no problem but I just wanted to mention that they did talk about a pilot the state announced it at that meeting so good could take three years for a pilot I know I still don't understand why they have a picture of our fire station on the back of their brochure oh yeah because it's Southwick because that's their Southwick guide South guide oh got it okay I wonder how many people there go why are we well and that was that was what stemmed it was that you know and Lisa just was like oh you know we have these great trips and if you don't if you you know the second it comes out if you don't call within 10 minutes it's l as full you can't go so you know we we should be able to accommodate more of our seniors fix this up yeah all right that puts us end of our action items so I'm sorry do you want to just appoint me to that advisory yes why don't we do that I'll make a motion to appoint Nicole Parker to be The Advisory Board member for FTA second roll call vote Jason Peron I I Doug sorry one more thing it says Anda design I don't know if it should be Lisa or if it should be na I I I just don't know that fer is always only going to serve Council on Aging so it would might be more appropriate to have a designate was it it was always just Carl or was Carl and uh the former occupier of the senior center Lisa director she might know see her what was Cindy on that F the advisory committee was who on there suan or was it just Carl I know you talked to Carl about it I think it was Carl okay so never mind we don't need if we have to come back to it next week we can make that sub sequent appointment okay sure I'll check and we we'll wait till Lisa's not paying attention again and we'll appoint her okay where are we going next basically we are on to we're done with all that and we are going on to new business um as far as new business um I I'm gonna bring it up we talked about it I think maybe before Miss Gale was on the board maybe not um employee Insurance costs I've started doing some digging into that um I've asked Nicole to see about it um I think it's an issue we need to address I think it's been brought up before um Nicole can you explain what we've been talking about um just the percentage I think um the percentage that employees pay versus with the town pays which is 5050 which is um on the low end probably the lowest that I've seen um and you know you talk about employee retention Etc um that especially in the public sector um you know we don't necessar we can't keep up with those competitive wages like the private sector can but what we do offer is you know a great benefit package so you know working for a municipality the state you know the the the public agencies can offer better um you know fringe benefits uh so I haven't necessarily delved into it I've done it a lot in my other jobs uh working with insurance um but I really feel like we could probably you know be um creative in this maybe the percentage then versus raising points for the town as far as structuring the um the um co-payments Etc that the employees pay so we could probably do a really good almost equal comparison if we look at that um you know that structure versus just the 50% and then keeping all of the co- payments down you know there's several different options that we really want to talk about with the insurance company and maybe even exploring other health insurance companies that provide um Insurance to Municipal agencies just to kind of look around and see that was something that Jason had um had had brought up pretty early on when I when I first started wasn't his goals to look at several by the employees for for taking for you know helping out the employees we've talked about it as well and um it's something I did a lot in my career and suggested even going outside the municipal insurance and seeing what the open market open market and there you can play a lot more with tear contribution rates um different levels of coverage based on risk on the individual's risk and give them some options right so you have a young person who's just starting out you know they they might have um a a high a high deductible deductible but you know they're not going to really go to the doctor you know you think so they'll choose that kind of plan but there's just options that really don't cost the town more it's just a way of manipulating the way that the plan works yeah actually when I was digging through some of my materials at home I came up with um former um town clerk Michelle Hill is the packet she gave us the last year the year before and she presented some numbers and um really like I said what brought this to my attention was obviously some of the employees have been asking you know and they've you know they've said no this is it hits you know I I I think I've mentioned before have a family member who works for the the town and I didn't believe him when he told me what he paid for a family plan if it compared to what I play uh pay in my professional capacity north of here when I looked at it I'm like oh my God it's like I was like wow um and I me and Nicole have talked about it um I think there's only two other towns that were on Michelle's list that are in the 50% range pretty much everybody else is 65 you know but it's something I you know I've heard from our employees and we talked about retention and keeping good people and you know when they brought it to my attention I said hey there's nothing wrong with talking about it and looking into it I said you know being creative you could even look at pulling other towns into it and making a bigger pool or the school right yeah the school towns lot of okay yeah just options to you know it wouldn't be until next year so got time lots of ways to be creative um yeah it was as recent as last year um we had done a little bit of flag work exactly along the lines of a uh HT uh I deductible health plan right and it really isn't offered by the is the Hampshire trust that we're with now um you know that's been going on in the private sector for a while and you alluded to the school so remember that whatever we do first of all you have to go to town meeting and you got to get it approved to to change that percentage um and and then the other side of that is the school because the schools will they are they mirror what we so well unfortunately we don't mirror what they have so uh there's a little bit of uh of a defense in the total benefits you in everything and all of the benefits right right what the schools what the schools getting they're completely separate separate separate separate but they're their 50 the 50/50 part is is the same and so if that were to change in town the schools will be but I I don't think 10 seconds would allow so you would have to and being you know almost 90 % of the school budget 80 something percent that would have dramatic impact on the overall budget and financial position so just keep that in mind as you go through the gation so we did we start lower premiums oh I hope so and you know had these with folks that stop being and you know said you know look you know I I just got you know we just got a new deal on this contract is this and then my insurance went up this so it chews up a good chunk of the of the increase right or more than the increase you you get your up 7% right but just also to be clear we have been and and I'm not opposed saying this please don't get me wrong I think if we can figure out a way to to do this better we should always be doing that this is why I brought it Forward we've also been successful and we have recruited folks from other towns to come here and some of the comp that we paid offset the delt with it's not in every case and there's other people that have been here a long time that are not as affected in that way but we've hired ired say department heads from neighboring towns brought them here and their pay in their MO MOA is reflective of the fact that they're going from an 80% town to 50% town and therefore their pay is elevated as a sign so I'm by no means saying our compensation is unfair it's not no no I get it I'm just saying and there's you know there's all kinds of advantages to working for the town of Southwick absolutely absolutely agreed other than those but police officers from other places the other thing that I've it's not really a new thing that I've come up with but I was doing some research and I remember this when um I lived in Westfield what they've started to do I'm this sewer thing is crazy I I've reached out to Randy I've asked Nicole to look into it you know that whole P Powder Mill project was designed with the sewer in place I I I don't want to mandate anything but I hate to say this but um I think it's comes to the point where I don't know whether it's a zoning thing a bylaw thing that we need to start really looking into the areas that can still be serviced by the sewer existing starting to for lack of a better term say you have to hook up or this you know title five fails and once if we can get this to go through and I think it was kind of the way I'm you know I've researched what you said about uh why it was shot down and I kind of think this was pres might have been presented the wrong way you know what a lot of people don't realize especially the folks that are on it you're already paying for it twice you know and you know that should be a motivation for these folks to say hey we need to get more people on here you know the only way this is ever going to work is if we have more people in the sewers I mean we I talked about it um I don't know if I brought it up in the meeting but the American in whatever agreement they've got that should go away you know I don't know how how it would go but you know it's it come it's time I I I don't know when that happened you've got chickens and eggs so here's the thing I I believe most of the areas that are sewered people are connected to it or and if they haven't then they're going to be connecting imminently in zoning actually in the residential uh guidelines they have to put a dry sewer that's I did ask however those expire they they literally will rot in the ground if they're not wet so when a applicant applies to the planning board they ask for a waiver of installing the sewer lines because and there's plenty of subdivisions in town that have useless dry sewer lines if you ever came to them with the sewer they have to dig them up and put them back in again so that's so that's counter Ed so the chicken and egg is every development that's come in that could connect to the Sewer has absolutely connected Depot rails in the new place on Depot they're going to connect as soon as they can believe me if if we already had a sewer line at the American in we they would have connected a while ago Windfield instead of spending a million dollars they would have put it in problem is we have to get there with the sewers to get those connections in in the first place so like I said it's kind of a chicken and egg and then one thing I did forget to mention last our last meeting when we were talking and lamenting some of this you know the Powder Mill project was was turned down at town meeting right along the conoman project and a third project we then had to subsequently spend $1 million to connect the schools to the Sewer so there's a high pressure line that runs right across from the schools across the field um down to the rail trail to connect because we were under a consent order with d as part of the school construction project that a former superintendent signed us up for without us really knowing about it I didn't mention his name on purpose um that obligated the town to well town and the other two for our 87% of $1.2 million to connect those uh schools to that instead of and so we basically bypass Firwood Birchwood all the all the woods over there to get those connected so on top of the $600,000 we didn't SP you know that was already spent on the design over there I'm with you I think we need to get you need to bring the sewers to the people and then you can say you have to connect in a certain amount of time or you have to connect that's what some I get it and the other side of that and the I'm just looking at all the different ways 100% And the argument that's also made is once you there's a certain equivalence now of connecting to the sewer and reconstructing your system for title right there they used to be extremely was like but now they're not that far super far you're also signing yourself up and what we have to be careful here is you we're we were a little bit Draconian two weeks ago and said rates are going to double triple quadruple we don't know yet who would sign up for that without knowing the upside or downside you know pun intended to their rates on the sewer rates you're you are going to get a sewer bill for the rest of your natural life at that Point once you connect because it's you know flow in flow out y um so you have to be careful with your rates because if you make it like I said Draconian you you will not get the participation and we still have town meeting form of government you need to bring a sewer project in you need to get it past town meeting you need to and then you need to construct it and then get the rate payers on it to pay so there's a lot of hurdles to do it so we can't just threaten and I use the word mildly I don't intimate threaten you can't just say we're going to you know without some Assurance of what rates are going to look like out in the future hence why we have the subsidy that we are we're continuing to have to fund given the number of users you have to have some certainty in your rates on on a go forward basis with some reasonableness like we have with water rates rates water rates are going to go up but they're not going to double or triple in the in the near run so you can't do it I understand it but you have to be careful because you just you run the risk of jinxing any potential future sewer project for all the time if you if suddenly you know your household a large household expense could double or triple so we have to keep that in moderation as we go along we would have to illustrate well one of the things that I also spoke with M Mich Nicole about was you know with the different programs that are out there as far as conservation and whatnot if there were grants opportunities like ever source and stuff was does with their energy programs could we go out there and find something to help offset this I know it wasn't popular what I said and I don't like the fact of the way it's been paraphrased in social media I I I do care but it's just a problem that we need to address I mean I looked at those numbers that Randy gave us and if we don't hit certain parameters it's going to double it's I mean go up 33 40% subsidy again I'm going to say it and I know you don't agree with me Diane it is not fair to the rest of the town to continue to pay that type of subsidy you know I think we should still pay something but that that number has to go down in my opinion that's that's just my personal opinion so that does mean unfortunately the rates would have to go up but I'm trying also to find out different ways to hook up to the sewers to help bring those rates down you know and uh I'm hoping you know I've talked to Nicole about USDA you know there's with this push for conservation green efficiency okay federal government start ponying up some money because we're not going to be able to do this on our own in some cases and like you said one of the biggest drawbacks was it used to be five or $6,000 to do a hook up it's now 10 or 15 and like you said a new system's 25 so the I mean positives outweigh the negatives but are you ever going to see it depending on how and I think the town learned its lesson like and seen it a bunch of times every town learns their lesson in phase one right phase one we came through we we own the grinder prps forever we did all the on lot right and it was part of your betterment then we realized there was a huge disparity in the betterment some some houses are 20 feet from the street somewh 600 feet from the street and up and downhill or uphill and so now we come to your property line and stub and then you're responsible for the unlock that's part and partial usrda loans they were very you know a very good rate that we got um and a high subsidy those and those diminished from phase one into phase two now they're almost non-existent we'd have to you know we should probably you know we have a sewer implementation committee you know they've done yoman work and trying to put together some future thing we probably when we meet the finance committee we should prob bring the sewer implementation committee back in here and say hey guys you know let's put our heads together and then also you know some additional you're right about the grants I don't it going to be enough I don't know well but it's also um it's interesting the eversource everyone I saw a lot of people myself included eyes watered when they got their eversource bill right but if you take a look at that there's ginormous subsidy in your eversource bill right it says oh it's the tree cutting charge and then they there's public policy charge public policy there's a $50 energy conservation charge green energy charge and the energy conservation charge is the thing when you call to say to get your free insulation and light bulbs and extension cords and all that stuff that's the $50 on my bill and your bill and your bill it's not free obviously nothing's free so in the same thing with usrda or or any of the other government back it's not free money it's a subsidy it's just federal subsidy instead of a local subsidy because it's your own tax dollars coming back into your community or uh you know deficit spending by the federal government to to come back in near town but there is one other thing I wanted to address with you I I talked and I actually done some research there is a way to charge those sewer lines to maintain those seals you can actually charge them with whatever I don't know if it's a just plain water or some sort of combination of formula but there is a way to actually like like dead charge those things what the dve yes you just fill it basically with they they do it in other places I've done the research um they because that's what's going through it anyway so they charge it and it it maintains those seals I get it or or maintain their flex but I guess my question is is there's a new subdivision going on uh where's that Mr chairman Vining Mort Vining okay so go ahead put dry lines in there now I don't see we don't have water up there be have to be reasonably figured that's why you said the sewer impation committee probably needs to come back and so sewer implementation committee um Nicole was going to talk about this in her thing but we're on that topic since you brought it up the joint meeting with the finance committee Thursday 9:5 at 6: PM are you available th and then can we invite the sewer implementation Committee in time to join us sorry to take that off report please take all you take it all as of now yes 6m said yeah I don't see any sort of conflict so let's down on that and see if we can get the other guys in as well okay thank you for your flexibility and throwing that in and someone you guys yeah thank you I don't have anything else sometimes I know you said I don't know how you read it sometimes I so um we Insurance to sewer um that's about it for me on new business Miss scale something really quick um David D Lori wanted me to let you know Doug that there is six miles Doug yeah you had asked a question six miles of the linear Park and including the right of way it's a total of 40 acres of land mass dly noted thank you David thank you Miss Gale there you go that's all I think I have [Music] fors specifically uh I don't have any new business I would um I'll come to an under old business yeah I think so mine's coming up okay um Nicole yeah um thanks so uh typically I would have a report to you um within this packet but I was late and I apologize um and I and some of it is old so and I'm going to I'm I'm waiting for Jim to be putting a little tab up on my you know the page that goes to Administration and it goes to my information so anybody can look up Town Administrator reports I mean chief administrative officer reports anytime they want for every you know two weeks just to see what's going on in the in the so this will be up eventually as soon as Jim can get me that link um uh so I'll just go over really quick because it is getting late and I know we have a a lot more work to do um that we uh naen We've um uh she has uh done the interviews for assistant to the select board and the CAO and the DPW office manager that we've narrowed it down we think we um have got the candidates and can bring them to you as soon as they're ready through 19 um The Joint Committee with the finance joint meeting with finance committee um Doug and I attended the convocation convocation today at the south regional school it was really inspiring it was really uplifting I think Su superintendent um Willard did a great job she also had the Secretary of Education in for a um another uplifting message and just to the staff ready and and excited for the new school year and that was really really nice I really enjoyed it um I haven't been to a convocation like that so it was it was really more it was more toward the staff than it was just all of the information that you need and and you know the technical things that they bring in you know the first day of the year so that was really nice um I'm also going to be on this um special advisory committee to the school committee um and that you know just to try to assist in the municipal way to be a good partner with the schools um you know whatever whatever kind of help we can give to the children of the community for their Academic Year so I'll have I'll be a little bit involved in that certainly not policy or anything like that just being able to bring back the information things that they're doing throughout their school year um uh one Lieutenant tager brought me this memorandum of uh of agreement between the um between souck and the police through the second SRO they had to change the hours so in the second SRO is going to be 7 to 3:30 and currently in their contract they don't have those hours so this is just a very short memorandum to include those hours for the second SRO but it has to be approved by you and and then signed by you know approval to have Jason sign it early voting on Saturday sorry I haven't gotten there yet so all right um early voting started Saturday there were total of five votings from 9: to 5 and it's very unfortunate that they're making us do these you know these new voting laws but it it is what it is we have to keep the girl the people here and keep it open and and here you go sometimes some town she told me they had zero so they're just sitting there it's just what we have to do um and I think that's it other than uh the zba in need of some rules and regulations and Diane put a letter to together that's in here if you want to discuss that um I can also uh facilitate this and bring it back to you um there's just one more thing and we got to go back to the zba but the November 5th election day uh there was talk about closing town hall to the public that day because of the amount of Voters and I don't necessarily see a reason to close Town Hall I do feel like there's going to be a lot of traffic because it is going to going to be a big election but the you know our cars are here in the parking lot it's and they they're going to be they're going to be directed into the auditorium or wherever they are to go vote um so I don't see it NE necessarily messing up with their day-to-day other than the traffic and I don't know how we alleviate the traffic if all here anyway so I don't know uh this was Christie's recommendation was to close so staff always parks on the basketball court there's at least two police officers here on a detail in the street in out and uh you know sometimes the senior center if if the you know may elect to restrict their activities that day to limit the traffic yeah they won't have anything that day then I think then we as we should stay open I do too okay very we have mail and voting waiver that's that I'll I needed was your okay that's been like in past I was part of this board the last presidential election so it was busy and it's always busy on presidential and it's steady and it'll be crazy at 5 to 7 or you can come in and nobody's here with yeah yeah there's waves in the morning you know early early when they first open it's very busy people go to work and then people coming home from work and during the day it's kind of you know just and we close at 4:30 so they're coming in 5 to 7 the after no so we're going to go back to the memorandum of agreement for the between the town of souck and the police officers Coalition I would be looking for a motion to approve the memorandum of agreement that changes and the SRO hours and allows the chief the to shift base on operation needs of the department for the one not both it's for the one new there there are two separate shifts one of them exists 745 to 415 the other one does not exist currently okay are they both going to be able to be shift by the chief is that what you're saying is that no this is this is the change second s shift this is for the Second Officer not both will be on this new show that I'll make that motion second roll call vote Jason Peron I Doug mov yes oh you want me to sign anything yeah um and then and then the zba with the rules and rs um I'm sorry it was like see that you get to really read this we can come back to it they can read it absorb it we come back to it next time okay next meeting okay great it'll be all business on the next perfect that was it Nicole that's all thank you that's it naen anything uh the new um executive assistant to left starts on September 8 18 all goes well and the new assistant DPW no assistant DPW office manager not assistant DPW office manager there we go starts on the 16th excellent and subject to an interview an appointment by this board corre the department heads okay good point so we discussed this the only thing that I thought we would bring hiring someone under bringing them into formally introduce and have you give them their appointment but not I mean we wouldn't be bringing in a bunch of people for interviews is that what you mean normally in past practice I granted a lot of new moving Parts here so is the chair is granted the authority to hire and fill a role for anyone under a department department head would come in front of this board for this is what we discussed right I made that decision done this F 100% yeah I just I sorry I got out front and I'm it's 930 okay you're right you're 100% right you've already approved these yes fantastic and uh the the other position that I got kept getting mixed up the assistant DPW director and the manager of buildings and grounds are posted internally now until Tuesday of next week we'll see how we get any internal see so moving on to Old business we need to we already did that never mind we need to next we already did the first two that are on our list and we're going to go on to ratifying the library employee Union contract so so need to make motion uh motion to ratify the library employee contract as we negotiated it roll call vote Jason BR i b i Doug Mogan yeah next we need to ratify oh no never mind what was the status on that Nico I know when we talked earlier there was nothing okay just fire oh fire is not complete okay chapter 90 Road decision I believe we already did that did we not I thought we had I believe we can unless that discussion was the bond that Doug had asked for uh to be carried on here I'd like that's was I was going to bring it up under old business because we have not come back to it like to carry that as a separate separate item the chapter 90 for this year is done yes so we can take that off of this for next meeting what do you want to carry I'm sorry uh we don't want to carry the anything we just Mr M's gonna talk about the road Bond thing oh the road Bond what I want to do is take the chapter 90 Road decision off okay of old business because we already dealt with that yeah um hch that's what I thought but I was know if somebody changed a word HCA for can retailers Diane so I sent to theold the version with my suggested insertions and I think youve recorded it they had a copy of that it has not been reviewed by Town Council they haven't really reviewed anything I sent on this to date as far as I can tell they uh have a couple others that are in front of the commission now that were rejected for particular language that they put in which we're not inserting and you can see the the Reds that I inserted are basically just protections for the down or closing a gap in a few missing words um we can go with this I can send it to Town Council one more time say if you agree this is what we would like to give to our candidates for their attorneys to review and the worst that can happen is is a section gets rejected because they don't like that I said 90 days and they might want 180 it would mean it would come back to us to correct and go right back it might cause a small delay if they don't like it I believe that language allows it to fall back into was it not or it was it it gets answered the ones he gave us as examples um they'll respond it to right away so we can go with this I can send it to him if you agreed with it I have not had opportunity to review none of the insertions I have in here are the CCC niggly conditions no we talked about this you know it is their template yes just with our protections added correct um so I guess Mr M need to review it so we'll talk it next meeting car that one next meeting okay and if I I'll get it done and get it back so that if if there nothing Subs then can go to lawyer I'm not looking to hold this process yeah okay so if you if you don't have a problem with it yeah I'll just say and you don't have a problem with it you can give Nicole Authority you can send it then to Ben and tell them this is what we're looking at sure and uh we'll go that if you don't have any all right North Pond issue updates no other no updates other than the incidents seem to be you know getting smaller and smaller less and less and we have a taskwork meeting tomorrow all right appointments process and status as we know we got to carry the actual appointments to next meeting because it was arested Mr Mand highspeed internet I'm not even going to sell it so we met last week uh brief update is we did review some of the some of the assumptions we had made under our initial Financial modeling were somewhat erroneous some were very accurate so it was a mix but we had whip City come in with some uh firmer numbers around some of the actual costs and some of what they've experienced in other towns that are also mutually served there's some um additional there's concern around the the take rate or how many people will take it since we are you know served town already by an incumbent how many people will take it and you know you the rate you know price El elasticity of demand if you raise the rate less people will take it so you have to find that delicate balance of what's the rate that will cover the bond um and what's the rate that and also cover the expense um and get a decent take rate so um as I mentioned to this board at our last meeting um we need to take e i I don't know what information I need to bring back to this board in order for us to move forward and either commit or not commit we have not spent overly significant dollars but once we take the next step we're all in right it's going to be you know the the and I can I will have provided for you next week um a packet of information we've got the buildout costs we've got all the other filing costs and so on and so forth um and it's a lot of money and but once we start to spend even the arpa allocation we have right now um without and and or the bonding authorization we have we can't stop we have to go all in and finish the project or it'll look like the sewers um yep so no kidding right you you'll have very few people on a system that's going to cost you know6 to8 million for no matter what you do forget wiring the rest of the town and who's going to be responsible for that right difference but you know we the numbers we saw on subid that one well the number well you could GNA be on the rate payers correct correct and and you know you did look there was we even had there was a discussion about that at the end of the meeting and so if you watch the tape of that meeting it's it's worth it because they did they alluded to it in one other town they were looking at that they were we were plus or minus like $50,000 that's how close it is depending on what you do with the rates and then what you do with break down with a different number like literally of net income or a net loss of $50,000 um you know on a you know on a $20 million and that's estimating High $20 million project that's very small so you got to be very careful but if you take that net and then divide it across the town not that I'm proposing to do that it's seven or eight dollar right but like I said at town meeting you know everyone that falls for it's just a cup of coffee a day argument right we're all cup of coffee to death so we need to come back the highp speed internet needs to come back to this board with I think the Westfield whip City fiber numbers and a you know this and a recommendation from highspeed or even just a joint meeting of the the ad hoc your ad hoc subcommittee to give you that information for this board to vote and then if we decide to go ahead then we need to figure out the next step um to kind of formalize that subcommittee and basically with advice of council probably form a Municipal light board such as it is to administer the highspeed internet because right now we've got you know a few members and Associate members we talked about that chorum issue earlier right so that we could meet and advise the select board but once we get past this financial piece we've done all the work you know that subcomittee has done all the heavy lifting um of you know working with for the design the spec the money um and the budget and now that but it's really the select board who's the author you know the uh executive authority to decide whether we take that that leap into the chasm of and we start to spend and go do it we have the full applications are submitted we've submitted most of the insurance certificates and all this other stuff but once you start that process now you're in you're in for the big money to start wiring the P so you have a packet you're gonna we will put together that package yeah and we're gonna meet one more time and then we should you know I think we should bring that committee back in front to mentioned that and I was going to say we should have them come in front of us when we when do you think we'll have what you're going to provide I'll I'll forward you I I meant to bring it and I didn't I'll send you the Westfield the whip City numbers and by all means if you would please watch the last hsic meeting you were you were in present so which one was that was last week okay that one I didn't watch yet so it was very informative I you know much appreciate the whip city folks um you know they they've got numbers we also now have a non-disclosure in place so there's some additional numbers that can be shared that are not for public consumption because in in in first some internal costs that are competitive in nature that we don't have to share all the other documents that were submitted for budgetary planning are are very public and everyone's seen them um in daylight but to understand the basis of those numbers behind that there's some some proprietary stuff but um okay so we'll get that in a day or two we can absorb that yeah before we meet again okay but I would you know we're at that point where we you know it's either we we next meeting have yeah I think we should have it yeah and I think we you know I my gut tells me we're in good shape be 9 so we would have the can we put that down that we want the hsic committee in front of us to discuss this all right and you had Finance at that last one as well yes thank you for reminding we did have Finance there had the chair and the vice chair of the finance committee joined us for that meeting to kind of just have their take on it they're I mean I'm not going to speak for them I don't think they had a ton to to say other than you know what we've said before was we don't want this project to be a burden on the taxpayer it should be paid by the rate payer think selling points going to be competitive the rate that we're we're going to be able to depending on where we end up I think right the general consensus I've heard out in the public is they think it's a great idea but there's you know like you said I don't think too many people watch the meeting and you know because there people there are people that have come to me and said I just watched this and this is like what we're g to talk about so so old business uh 61 61a have we gotten anything back from town I spoke with Ben Coyle and he says and actually I spoke with an M attorney too who said I can't give you legal advice you have to talk to your own attorney and has never um had the situation come up for what I'm asking but what I was asking was the way that this 61a um is written is if you're if you're going to purchase it if it's going to purchase as a farm we can buy it as a farm we can also assign it if we want to if we if it's going to be a conversion and they're changing the use selling to Home Depot there we pay full market value and if we assign it they pay full market value um no towns towns typically don't do this Munson almost went through with it but they didn't in the end um you know with with what using your R Force refusal and taking taking and buying it you know the issue always comes up with municipalities as Ben said for the funding so you know you don't it's not something that municipalities put aside for uh you know just randomly buying land he did say that the statute provides exactly basically what the um the committee requested you to U adopt so you are completely covered by the statute and to add convoluted language and more um more policies and procedures you know the town can do what what they choose it's not necessary it's covered in a statute so we don't need to burden our elves with another policy and steps that's that's right it would be just appoint you to be the point person on any of that follow the statute and follow the statute so we don't we need to adopt no and mdar told me that he doesn't know of any other towns that have adopted something special or different because the it's literally covered under the statute the state statute so we cannot further complicate what already exists with a bunch of forms that's basically the recommendations I disagree I don't either after all that I don't either I went back through it all and it's it's like it just pulled a lot of that into another pile of paperwork I mean there's no sense having there I mean there is sense in having the flow I appreciated the the information we we already kind of had the process and it always wasn't always executed flawlessly and even under the policy as delineated would never be always executed flawlessly and a lot of times it's the land owner or the buyer that didn't follow and that was the the process says it exists and then over closing Tuesday you know how do I get the right of you know how do I get this done and you know we sometimes we would just say well wait that was the we talked about if it's not if it doesn't comply with it she sends it right back we don't try to make it fit right it didn't comply it's Hardy it didn't comply send it back I'm fine with it so I mean I'm just suggesting we just take it out and hold business and designate Point person it's already done by Statute I don't think you have to designate anyone only it doesn't come done by Statute who does well I would facilitate it says notify the town we want to designate her to be that you will always get the first right of first refusal in your packet though I won't sign a right of first correct correct just to make sure that it's complete and ready to like anything else I mean I'm sure that noticing compli noticing the town is a is a legal definition whether that has to get clocked in at the town clerk's office absolutely and you just send a memo that says hey anytime you see a WR of first refusal send a copy to the Cao yeah that's fine but it's not like it's a okay I'm not trying to you don't have to say that this is what you have to do because it's going to come almost all notices to the town come through the town club we get sued we get you know a letter we get this gets clocked in by the Town Club this because that's how that's so we've got counil input it alone take it off yes okay so the T-Mobile Hometown Grant unfortunately I printed everything off and ran out the door as far as what we were presented at the park and wreck um meeting um it's a the total amount of the setup for the projects minus the um the actual internet hookup and uh month service fee comes in at that number that the the grant would cover there is some requirement that there if there's a doesn't have to be completely it can be completely covered by the grant so I I I confirmed that um because I wasn't 100% sure on that no Sharon we don't have to share but they do want us to identify which we kind of already have in place with CPC in a way um an other a different source of funding if there's fost overruns yes so um he just like I said he just sent me the stuff today I printed it off and okay I ran out the door so it's ready to file I I have all the information I've got to get my two or three sharehold or stakeholders that okay I'm going to write their letters and then I just you know unfortunately it doesn't save online I actually have to save everything as similar as a Word document and then kind of plug it in but but it's basically minus my stakeholder letters it's just ready to go and then we're at the master plan and that's going to be next week anyway 99 any my about that oh aggregation update a we actually got something very positive um they the call and I got correspondents and both of us are like this sounds positive the way I'm reading it I said so Nicole sent an email out to Denise where we were talking and before we even got done with our conversation she confirmed it so you know they talked about there's these applications that have gone forward we got to take care of them first well they've been submitted and they're now letting us to submit ours as well so there's a I don't know what the time frame is going to be but it doesn't sound like we're going to have to wait 120 days to put ours forward and um I'm going to get some more positive information on that you know between me and Nicole talking Denise and dpu but dpu sent uh was it Colonial Powers was it their Council got it back to us and said that the dpu is now allowing and I'm hoping and if this is a result of you know uh representative baliga Senator Marx I even reached out to Senator vus and a few other people that I know uh and said hey this is what's going on you know I know you're with the senator V I said you're not our guy anymore but you know there's strength the numbers and they I I'd like to think that's what caused it but you know there was other several other municipalities that were very upset that were supposed to be reaching out so I'm hoping it was strengthen numbers or they just realized that they made a mistake in the way they set it up so hopefully this will go to if I forget the next step but it basically just has to go through process and then be approved and then Colonial can start shopping for a rate for everyone that's good and that's the update on that that was the only other old business I have I didn't have any of mine specifically but I was wondering if you had any news from s actually was just talking but Mr chever uh outside um they are still hung up on the voting member and as I said I don't even know if we can do that you are allowed to do it in same state I did the research it's based on what the Two Towns agree but um they have agreed to every other aspect of that agreement that we sent and they and we they we've talked about but they are hung up on a voting member because they feel it will give them a better voice I tried to explain to them you know why Mr because did they finally give you Mr chever since you're here did they give you an actual voice on their board yet are you just kind of there kind of there and occasionally can get a word so that's what I recommend I said if there's any chance of this working I still think it should be a liaison direct but with full debate full discussion and and it may you know an official like I don't agree with this type vote I said I we're still trying to determine the partially elected partially appointed aspect of this we're still waiting on all that and like I've said to him I said I don't know so I just spoke with Mr chever uh me and Mr Maul have a great working relationship back and forth I can call him he can call me I'm going to have him say hey can you sit with me and norm and you know have him fully explain what he runs into because that would be a you know a give and take you're going to allow Norm on your concom if we agree to this he now has a voice too I mean I understand where they're coming from where they feel that they're not you know the taxation without representation and they don't get enough for what they're getting but like I said to him I said we want to make this work otherwise it it's just going to turn into a nightmare like it was before there was an original lpp so I I still feel like they have it with their LMC members I am not opposed to recognize that they have those people there and they do contribute this is what they want I'm just telling you that I mean and I I I would not have a problem they they've let Norm be a liaison however small that may be to their concom and they actually have listened to because they have a person in mind no they said when what they said is well when you have an expiration you know you know just come to us and you know we'll put somebody I don't they didn't this is what their his select board is hung up on so um again I don't have problem with what they want as far as liaison and what we want you know but the voting member I don't think that's a possibility I've tried to explain that to them but I wantan to I'm going to continue to push on this because I don't think I can convince myself to vote yay for that where do use it the liaison it's just a liaison this is the way I look at it it's a liaison that's got a voice and that's what they want and I can understand that and this is a negotiation that we want want me to negotiate agreement but Tred to do this we have to get some give as well as them there it's a give and take process if we're not going to give them anything we're going to end this right now and we're going to let them deal with the chapter 91 process and we are done with it and then it's going to go back to the Harbor Master and the police trying to enforce tests where they're going to get criminal the fines and they're not going to pay them and there's nothing we can do about it that it'll be what becomes problematic is now after a certain amount of time you're going to have a criminal complaint you're going to start causing criminal cases if we decide to follow that up with the police and the Harbor Master that people are now going to if they don't show up for court cases they'll now have warrants so now we've caused a creation an even bigger problem tell to put exactly what he's looking for in writing and what he thinks that person is going to contribute what voice they're going to what matters they're going to voice an opinion or a vote if he thinks it's they bothe exactly what he thinks it's going to be don't they San I don't disagree I I I don't see how you can statutorily put someone from S field on I get but I'm not putting you in an awkward position be honest with you to be honest with you I that portion of it I agree I don't see a voting member ever but I don't I don't see any like it's no different than you know we have folks come here from Connecticut all the time and give us their opinion where they come to another meeting of another board and and you know they're they're allowed to you know other boards how they decide to run their meeting they can have public comment they can have public comment there's all types of you know I don't they can bring issues I'm not going to wait at this point I think that you know you've been designated to come up with the agreement and it's got to be worked out and subject to ratification of the agreement but I think there's a you know all the legal piece of having someone that's not a resident serve on a border Commission in a town that has jurisdiction in a much wider space is problematic at best um and and like I said the and the alternative the alternative you described sounds way worse for the subfield resident than not having representation on the Southway conservation Co going through the chapter 91 process even the smaller process but then facing the prospect of being they don't and then have it turned into a criminal complaint slash having a warrant which I mean that's that's a little far but okay well if you don't show for I get it but all of those things right and correct I is having you know formal representation on the Conservation Commission that has seemed to have wider impact on the sub Hill residence than this one one piece so I think that that's something to discuss but that's why I the hour is grown late I can't wait till we get back to meeting once a week so we get home before midnight um and that's where we are on that we've beaten this hor and I'm going to go with Mr Cher and I I'm going to make an appointment sit down and really you know stress this if you want you can reach out to Winchendon who is also Great Pond Massachusetts Great Pond they're on the border of New Hampshire yeah but you be in two different states that's exactly what we're talking about well know what I'm saying is you've got New Hampshire is in Connecticut and they're going to do things different that's what I'm saying it's still it's still the Massachusetts town here I don't disagree with the no voting M suggesting see what they do with their conflicts I will I'm glad you finally I will see how it goes so winon I believe it's wiing I will check it I believe it's I met her at MMA okay cool and that is that so now we have to do the other part we are going to be going in oh wait we have to oh I'm sorry got heavily into our debate I'm sorry I that was question so I see Sage is still on I just wanted to thank uh all the volunteers that came out in the rain for open Farm day it was a great great event um and you know looking forward to next year as well very well-run very well staffed did a great job and we I got to run into every just about everybody actually ran into I ran into Miss Gale serving ice cream I ran into course there was no ice cream when I got there you were there early before we even before anyway it was great and it was uh uh Nicole mentioned the convocation today which was great uh Jennifer Willer does a good job with that it's not like you know this is bring your lunch and it's a dollar for this or you know these are the books we're using this year it's kind of a a rally to start off the year and then they get into all the the stuff but to have um Patrick Tutwiler the Secretary of Education for the Commonwealth uh direct appointed by the governor um in attendance to to lead that um shows a lot of support from um from the Department of Ed to um the superintendent and our school district as we continue to move forward um I want to personally thank Kyle Scott I don't get a chance to thank him enough and he probably is a uh on the complaint side of more things but I've reached out to him a few times over the last couple of months with constituent type issues and he's been very very responsive and very very um prompt in his response to them um the next item is and I'm trying to be as brief as POS possible because the planning board chair has been very patient um I do want to carry on the agenda either as a direct appointment um with Finance um or for discussion at a future meeting as an agenda item um the concept of of having a significant Road Bond uh multi-year bond to uh play a little catch up on some of our Paving and Road Improvement projects that need to be attended to we are not covering the Gap right now with the the funding even borrowing you know a million or two here here and there um each year and I think we need to take a better look at that as a you know and look at the infrastructure as the asset that it is um and finance it over its life um in order to take a significant chunk out of the backlog of work that we have so Mr chair I'm requesting that we add that as a future um it's early October but it's probably got to if you are going to do it it has to go to The Ballot Box ahead of town meeting so we're not going to have a lot of opportunities for elections you know much before that you know to get on a ballot I don't want to do it with the presidential I don't know if that's the right time or whatever but we want to try to get all that figured out uh last two things um one it's an event that's near and dear to me I'm so glad to see this very well intended every year um is the 911 ceremony that's been being held at the fire department um in about 2 weeks obviously on 9:11 9:30 in the morning at the fire department um usually a great turnout by South lck residents and thank you for the fire department and police department for coordinating to put that on and then on a lighter note um the hose V badges uh celebrity fire department versus fire department softball charity game is September 21st at Wally Park um encourage everyone to come out and rooot on your favorite team or just root on both teams that no one gets seriously hurt it was great it was a great inaugural event last year a lot of businesses have stepped up to sponsor it's a CH it's a charity event for a great cause so I encourage everyone to come out sure they'll have Raffles and prizes and other ways to to support the charity so please come out and that's it for me thank you Nicole anything old business no May so being soy at these moov so we are now gonna go into executive session make a motion to go in executive session pursuant to Mass General Law chapter 30A section 212 and 3 chapter 214 section 1B labor Council litigation matters and strategy for collective bargaining with police Union Coalition High i f DPW staff and Clerk and Union upsu um Nicole we discussed this so again I spoke with Nicole you do not have to read all of this just the items that we are going to be going into so as the chair I must declare you have to make sure where's the the one I want the one you want is number three but you're gonna have to read the backside too so just I would just read the whole thing and and and we'll put the right statutes on from now on exactly what we're just those individual ones so we're not yeah so we're going to move to go into executive session to collect possibly collect the bargain bargaining sessions with nonunion personnel and to not reconvene an open session chair must move to go into executive session to conduct contract negotiations with non-un personnel and to not reconvene an open session declare that an open meeting may have a detrial effect on the bargain position of the body and to not reconvene an open session exception three move to go into executive session to discuss a strategy with respect to collective bargaining and the chair may move to go in executive session to conduct strategy from preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel and to not reconvene an open session and move to go to Executive session to discuss strategy with respect to litigation and that the chair declare that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the body to not reconvene an open session chapter 214 section 1B A person shall have a right against unreasonable substantial or serious interference with their privacy the supremor court shall have jurisdiction and Equity to enforce such right and in connection therewith to award damages Mo to go into executive session as declared I yeah vote I second the motion we call vote Jason I thank