##VIDEO ID:h7-5Uxy0ND8## good evening everyone today is uh August 26th and it's 7 pm and it's time to call to order the meeting of the Southwick board of appeals uh in attendance tonight we have Dan Tobias uh William Liss Chris mastriani and Wendy cordiero this meeting is hybrid it's being recorded on Zoom available on the town website let me review some paperwork there any bills or anything to sign no all right we're going to take time to uh read the minutes to ourselves and then we can discuss uh if we have any comments on e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e back okay we address the concerns we can make those updates right money yeah that's sound good to you yeah a motion to accept With The Changes discussed second second motion uh all in favor I unanimous vote to you accept the meeting minutes from July 22nd the dangers anybody U contribute it to your business on the horizon nothing far okay yeah um yeah I just I just wanted to talk about this this hearing a little bit kind of like a I don't debriefing want to call and I like to just to kind of yeah uh close the close the chapter on it as it I thought about it you quite a few times after that that evening and I still I think we did feel like we did the right the right thing yeah um it was getting far too uh complicated with you know Board of Health the decorum of what you were after is going to stick to the why they're there dimensional dimensional were fighting in different disputing the distance from the house to the street you know that the DPW saying they they saying that the DPW didn't measure right disputing that that the Google satellite image was Val like there was you know some conspiracy that Google has against U yeah against the accuracy of of their things um the the Board of Health business the planning board business um and it it was just I got a question if in saying that scenario we run into the combativeness right we as a board have a couple options I think you could stop the meeting just do an automatic continuance on our own because it's kind of out of control like y right but I don't know is there such thing as this board when do you ever going into executive session is usually Personnel issues usually only go into a p like if you're so HR issue or something or not a complaint on the you know I mean I'll double check yeah because I'm just curious uh protecting the client yeah the the the the claimants are in there I me they're getting beat up like like on video me they held their cool pretty well like you said I give them credit but it's like you got me right here in the background screaming down my neck and put correcting it it's like the the the property's been sold they're coming to it with a with a a request and we're voting on that request and the story set down you had your comment section or do we have an ability to have a time for questions and comments like a public comment like CL board then we're going to hear the I mean we could say Okay CL comment's over we've heard your concerns we're moving to deal with the situation and no more buing in and coming up 10 times I I I just think that's the way we got to control it I agree with that maybe a Time Li saying well no if if you have no new information to present then thank you for your we we've noted your input it's in the notes and we need to deal with what is on our climates you know a lot comp right just trying to change your mind that's what they're trying to do is change your mind if if they start yelling at you you're going to change your mind more or or almost like threatening body Lang standing up coming up to the table coming up coming around to your you know what I mean that that should be no you it's just like you on that side that's why like say we sit over here and here you don't come around and like unless I ask a question I turn it and you can show me but that's kind of threatening to me when you come around and you're like uh because you're sitting You're vulnerable you know I just I thought about it after that going wow if I would have started to get a little bit more I think combative because then that's like I got to be careful of that but it's like okay public comment unless you said there's no new evidence or new right we've heard you we're dealing with what's in front of us that's what our job is and it's land variances dimensional it's nothing to do with any other topic that may be part of this project down the road it just it just kind of came it's just I know it's like a storm storm yeah until you roll it over in your mind a few times I I considered it threatening to throw possible H Hazard I get you onto the onto the conference you should have but I could have stopped the meeting so I want I want the police here because this is this is like somebody spitting in your face all those things crossed my mind but I'm just wondering you know not at the time my deal with the I like to say with Ben Coy and say what what are our rights to do in a situation like that with a closed meeting can we stop the meeting and do it on continuous to kind of control the situation it's hard for the people that are there trying to get things done but it's like we don't need to be subjected to that nor does the the applicant because they're just they bought the land they're trying to do something whatever is happening in the background none of their business um I get the concern you want to have an open form it's part of open meeting law they have a chance the butters to come in and voice but consistent professional it's got to be at theorum I guess where I'm getting to and if you step outside the decorum you can say that we're not we're not taking your comment anymore yeah you know that's that's what I'm getting at like what's our power yeah I think very few had to do that but there's a few instances we should I think and we didn't but I think we need to enact that until somebody slaps and says no you can't do that but like if you're getting of and threatening have to be more aware it's when it starts to escalate if the information has been presented and nothing new is there to be presented and we say okay here here are your concerns a b CDE e yes is that you griev those are your concerned yes okay then then that and that was continued because the claim went back and made some changes on our request right so there's no new evidence to what's going on it's just he's making changes regardless of what the plot plan is or whatever you know that that was the third was that the third third meeting and none of this the first two meetings were were not like this at all just seemed to because it was starting to get real was escalating because somebody other people got involved right yeah so I mean I just trying to pretend whether it's Wendy or I mean she's not she's innocent on this we're doing a service as a volunteer to the town don't need to be hearing you know be you know it's almost bur and threatening at times they were getting a little like come on get sit down you made a good comment of wonder if Tom was still on the you said shame on you are you an adult or are you a child but I don't want no it's true of the this I think think it's a deor I'm just chasing what what is our ability to say think we should whoa okay get the meeting back under control it's not your meeting it's ours right you know what I mean yeah so and I would support that 100% as a backup to that if we had like okay what is our what is our goal and no goal we can do this this and this we can't do this so I guess that's explore with town as long as you don't tell someone that they they can't speak stood you right but you going to speak in a professional decor uh pragmatic and and systematic like just all over the they were all over the place yeah get your points through get clear I mean we need to understand if you got an issue those points and if there's nothing new and we've documented that and we agree with it we got your notes okay we're all and in most cases you know brief back and forth with the applicant and sure it it usually settles itself Oh I thought you were going to do this but if that's what you're going to do then then then you know I don't really about it right it it doesn't look good for the board doesn't look good for the town and obviously the two gentlemen are trying to do something or three at that I think there was three at that meeting um all they're trying to do is is move to the next step this was their first step right and they got a long way to go and unfortunately I think they're starting to get into some more stuff with that it's it's it's going to be problematic okay but anyway that's kind of my opinion and I just want to know what our boundaries are I guess what we can do stop as long as we as long as we hear the input from from the abuts and just got to put a cap on it and say all right we heard what you you're not saying anything different just saying it differently you know I think I'd like to think that that would have worked but like I said it just I think D yeah that was that was spun up so much that nothing was going to try to appease them other than no we're not going to v on it I want I just wanted to have that discussion just to make clear that uh that you know we will more aware of that in the future and and uh and try to keep keep control on things so yeah well we could put that into the agenda too we could put yep you know this is what the 15 minutes that we usually allow and right you know at the end of the discussion we could put you know 7:30 public comment 7:35 you know yeah decision or yeah know or discussion yeah and then move whatever so it be turns back to us they can't keep popping in but I don't know if an open meeting is that allow right yeah that's that's how that's my questions like even from Ben or legal like what is the what is our our rights to say you've spoken and you've had your peace but is it open mean they can do it 10 times or you know what I mean so you can't like you say not gonna stifle somebody but they keep coming up with the same thing it's like all right we've heard that yeah if you're hearing four or five different abutters want to that's different that's that's different they're right but the same guy saying it 10 times different ways it is the same thing you know so and when consun in more aggressive manner I mean I'm not going to sit there and take verbal abuse from somebody I'm doing I mean I I probably excuse myself and say I'm you know been meeing and then that you don't have a quorum anymore whatever I mean you can it's a lot of things we can do probably okay but I think that's it anyway worthwhile it opens up another discuss that we probably should have down the road we're all in agreement that they just I mean this is that's the first time that I'd seen it happen so uh you know there's been some I don't even say contentious meetings but there's been I like passion somebody's got a passion on it's okay to be complicated if you're if you're dealing with with facts and everybody agrees on the same I guess the last one that came to my mind was the the Shar driveway one that got a little bit yeah scky for a little bit too but again you kind of like this is it's black and white yeah there don't really no more discussion okay so that's that's the only only business I have somebody wants to make a motion I'll make a motion to adjourn have motion to adjourn second second we have second all in favor I I we are adjourned