I I imagine they still have it don't they do do you have any yeah it's it's an annual my turn to do what it's an annual Trail grant program that they have and I know like buy and borrow takes really good advantage of it and they've kind of maximized their trails in a lot of their properties so it's definitely something Sparta should look into and see what we can do because it's you know essentially it's free money for for whatever Trail Pro projects that has and I know there's a lot of different properties in Sparta that could be beneficial for that so but take that down one level what what should Sparta do to take advantage of this I mean we can reach out to the the trail grant program so that would be the planning department over at susus County and kind of inquire I'm not sure exactly when the deadline is for 2024 and if we've missed it and if we need to look forward for 2025 um but I can look into that for us we can all look into that see more information on that so um chairwoman n um how does that how does this uh in play with our grant our open space plan is that can can this be folded into that or yes it could um one of the things that they said they will look at is the trails and where there might be opportunity for that so if that's one of the goals that we want to give them as part of the open space planning they could do that are they going to be able to almost look at what parallel grants for example like that trail Grant when we do make our open space plan and we can see oh well these are resources that we can acquire to yeah I don't know that they will go as far as to say here reach out to this organization or here is grant money that's available I think it's um they didn't mention that as one of the things that's included in it when we're done but good to look at I think do you know more I I think that um what I gained we had a informal meeting um just the other day is is that our basis is try to find properties that we can set aside and utilize the Green Acres and what I've seen in the past with lafay at township is they combine this with the susex county grants so it's a it's a package that comes from the county from the state and from Sparta a Cooperative deal at that point yeah but do we have to communicate to that to the people writing the open space plan yes we're going to have the opportunity to share what goals we have okay for this planning process so if one of our goals is to also make sure that we identify all of the trails along with opportunities for developing new trails that would be part of it thank you and there will be two um mandatory public sessions also so um we're talking about scheduling that we don't have them scheduled at this moment all right um we don't have any applications tonight so moving on to public comment hi hi did you want were you here to make any comments or ask any questions or anything um so far my is my first meeting so I'm here to really to okay great welcome um there's an agenda here um if you want to take that you can follow along so you'll know where we are thank you should I yeah if you would sign in that'd be great too and if you're interested we have a green team that we can um make sure you're included if you put an email there and then you'll be able to get emails um regarding the green team information okay thank you should I just put it here yeah okay yeah even right there if you're interested in the green team just make a note yeah if you are we're not pressuring yeah you don't have to be and I would like to especially welcome John because he's one of our road salt monitors he does two locations over in the the pollen skill in the Pope John area oh welcome John at Pop John Wetlands behind the school and Upper Lake Mohawk towards the dock and I think so far they stayed pretty consistent there's been one instance where um upper L was at a little bit of a higher reading but so far it's been fairly consistent at both locations oh good that's good to know we need that Baseline data going forward thank you so much all right um reports who wants to go Dan you want to go first sure um so our last council meeting was kind of thin there weren't U any ordinances to discuss um I discussed a couple things at our last meeting were some of the other um the other um activities uh I think I talked a lot about the revolution NJ committee last meeting um I think I'll mention two things um the next big thing that the council is going to tackle are short-term rentals uh we had I think a third public uh session about that um having could call it we had we had two formal public sessions there was some discussion on it at the last council meeting as well and um we are at the point of gathering and consolidating feedback and I believe at the next council meeting we will introduce an ordinance to address short-term rentals in our town and um I think the next uh thing after that or one of the next things after that we're going to tackle oh I should also mention that um it's the start of budget season so our uh I I we might have a budget meeting as early as next week our budget meetings are off cycle so they're they're special meetings and um they they don't they don't occur on the regular 2 and fourth Tuesday um so when that meeting is scheduled it'll be uh posted publicly um I don't think uh we have a proposed date but I won't mention it until we have it finalized uh but that budget cycle is coming up soon and the next thing we're going to tackle is um or start to address I think early this year is is cannabis um starting with a public session so we'll um uh you may or may not know I think it was 2020 it was a number of years ago where um um after the um the state constitution was amended to permit uh recreational use of cannabis that Sparta uh took the step of opting out of um of everything that we could you know the distribution sale packaging there was a number of activities uh people could legally possess it and use it but um all of the commercial businesses were were opted out um or were um prohibited in Sparta uh the council did that at the time because the state regulations were not yet public so we didn't know what the state would would require us to do so without that information the council um decided that it would better off to play it safe now that Direct ation are out there the businesses is more mature you I'm sorry you can't hear so now that the state is this better Ted yeah sorry about that I should be talking into the microphone um so now that these state regulations are clear and the businesses are mature um we have a much better uh view of what we were getting into so um we're going to schedule a probably schedule up in the next couple of meetings a public comment period so the public can give us their feedback uh and then consolidate that and work with our planning board to determine you know if if this if what businesses might make sense and in what locations they might make sense um but all those discussions are are haven't started yet and they will start I'm guessing in the next couple of months I think that's all I can offer from them Council CHR yes um from the planning board um I would like uh the environmental commission to know that our U master plan committee has begun meetings and this is important for us to keep in mind of course because um what comes of our open space planning committee will need to be incorporated into the master plan so um we need to kind of move together on this and make sure that we communicate well with one another and we've been just spending a lot of time in executive session lately okay and Neil um okay the uh Pak process presentation uh meeting sorry the PX subcommittee will be presenting our process presentation to the planning board on April third um so if you're interested in seeing what's that's about you can tune in tune in great all right I didn't miss anybody right no okay open space planning we did have our first um meeting with um the land conservation of New Jersey organization who's helping us do the um planning for this and um most folks were able to attend who's on the committee so Linda Corey was there Corey Stoner who's our engineer Christine Dunbar and myself were there um um we will be having another meeting to kind of just make sure that we're getting ourselves organized they've requested a series of documents that they need to start doing some of the planning so Corey is working on getting those together um we will be definitely be having at least two public meetings um the first one we're um talking through now whether or not it's going to be a bus tour is one of the proposals or if it would more of a public um meeting that we would have in this kind of setting um there's some Logistics that we'd have to work out with the bus tour um they prefer during the day which I don't know if that works for a bunch of our constituents you know folks are working so can't really take a week day and go on a bus tour um so we need to weigh that against the other option of having you know an evening type of um meeting like we normally do here and see what what would work best um trying to think what else we're thinking of definitely scheduling that pretty soon so like we don't want to get all the way to the summer because I'm we're worried we're going to miss folks because they'll be on vacation um and they also need time to put all the information together as they're preparing the open space plan you want to do like two meetings kind of spaced out um so get the first one done sometime in the May or June time frame before school ends um any any thoughts after our meeting because um I know that she had offered you know she had thought that the bus tour would be good and so I was thinking about that and then I was thinking about how she had the idea for to to advertise to the community to be a member of workshops where we have really a visioning process I was thinking that that might be a better thing first to announce that and have that and then after we kind of have things rolling along and know some possibilities then we go on the bus tour to look at those properties together I don't know if you guys have any thoughts about that a clarifying question so I know they say in the contract that they're coming twice but for public meetings but in the conversation I really thought she was saying that regardless of those two meetings she had to come for the tour and if we wanted to add people to that that would be great oh but I I think you had a different impression Kim yeah I didn't she said that she needed to come and view the properties like view Sparta get it get like a feel for the area but I thought that was happening regardless of the public meetings yes yeah that's what she did say she said irregardless she would have to go on inter Sparta which makes a lot of sense yeah I mean my impression was you know if we're not doing the bus tour right then she would come to Sparta for the public meeting and maybe in combination with that go with like Corey Stoner and see what Sparta is like you're you're just thinking she has to come two days no matter what we do on those two days yes that's what it says in the contract two on-site visits well for not having a formal bus tour would some of us like you were would company okay yeah and I'd be happy to yeah oh great yeah because we were thinking of who could lead the you know lead the tour you know for us and point out certain things and your name I think I did bring your name up Dan and Corey's name and um maybe Jim Zep would be another good one since he's um you know had so much experience and now is the town manager I think it would would be a good opportunity to get you know interested parties from the council or the planning board into the process on the on the on the her personal tour not necessarily making it open to the public still doing this two public meetings that was my only point I and I was wondering since it's called the open space and Recreation plan why we aren't don't have a liazon from the recreation committee to be joining us on our next um you know informal meeting on zoom and going forward so she mentioned she will do um interview with the Parks and Recreation folks oh I just don't think it's in person like I don't think she she's doing it on Virtual okay I don't think she was planning on like because we're limited on the amount of times that she's coming to Sparta sure do we still have so in total we have four meetings still or did we use one of the four so that was the clarifying thing is it's coming to Sparta we can have as many not as many meetings as we want but we can have plenty of meetings if they're virtual I see it's a limited amount of times that she'll come to Sparta okay because I wasn't I did not know that we had an in an informal meeting already maybe I missed the email so unfortunately L we can't have everyone on the committe because of sunshine rules so Linda had originally spoken up so you're not on the subcommittee unfortunately for this piece okay yeah what about sharing the documents that she sends us like on a Google shared Drive can we share that with the entire committee I don't see why not if the documents were presented in public the answer is yes um you can share an email with with uh with the committee um you can't have an email discussion of policy but actually I think that let me take that back this this governing board doesn't set any policies so I think um we can um but I'm not a lawyer and I don't play one on TV so I can't tell you that but because actually so now that I'm thinking about out loud I think since we don't set policy I think we can do these things by email I remember in one of the um an I could be wrong in one of the an trainings you're right there is we were told not to you're right yeah I did read that in the anj manual that it is subject to the you know open public meetings act and okay so let me reverse myself again um you cannot discuss policy and aquarum on this committee um so you can distribute things but you can't say hey I think we should do this what do you guys think I think we should do this that's for boten okay so we follow the Sunshine Law pretty much on that but in terms of the three documents that were just shared by the New Jersey Land Conservancy to us um we can share those with the rest of the environmental committee is that what I'm understanding you can share them you can't engage in a discussion you can't start forwarding comments around to each other so the comments no discussion no but the public files basically because these are public files that we're talking about um we can forward to everyone here um if they'd like to take a a look at those and I think you'd find them very interesting because last time we got a we got a uh Baseline land use map right and we got a um if you haven't read through the Green Acres Program document it's very interesting I've tried to read through it several times I'm going to keep trying and then um we also had forwarded to us the um most current open space plan that was prepared by um our town engineer company Cory let me just clarify they weren't sent to us they were put on a SharePoint site so that we could all access it so we can certainly share the SharePoint site and if you have access to it then you can look at the documents she also cautioned us to make sure that um the drafts of the maps um aren't shared soon because they are just drafts and they're not even proposals or there could be mistakes at this point so it would be um um difficult if there was there was a mistake that then we were having to um explain and and backtrack and something we might not even know there's a mistake on it yet so so it's a matter of caution we will not be sharing the land use map at this point however the the Green Acres Program is is to read through is very interesting um and um kind of explains how I think different funding sources can be combined so that would be cool and certainly the um the CP Professional Services Cory book um Stoners a document would be okay to share that's a public I think it's a public document yeah yeah okay it's already public yeah Corey is not CP CP Engineers was um was um the former engineer Cory's with a different law form Cory Stoner is a different Law Firm I'm I'm engineering firm an engineering firm he's the town engineer correct correct I think you mentioned CP and CP Engineers is a different firm oh really yeah that was that was the previous engineer this one right here yeah that's the old one Cory put it on the SharePoint site but it wasn't material that he created gotcha okay thank you um there are a series of questions kind of our homework that we do have to work through um but before we start talking about that um I'd like the subcommittee to just talk through those questions and the best form to of talk through those um and that's the open space planning update we have We're Off to the Races so exciting nice okay road salt testing Christine Dunbar you want to talk about that anything new to share um I just really feel like um the site was so challenging this year to really put in your data and for our sites to be posted for the sparta EC I want to make sure that everybody here who is taken the time to order their strips and who has done sampling is shown on the sparta EC site so um I would just like to know who has done the sampling and has tried to sub Adit to the site the sparta EC site um because what is I'm finding is happening is that sometimes it's going directly to the Salt watch which is the bigger map but doesn't get connected to the sparta EC all of mine are both salt watch and Sparta awesome so and so if if you don't see it please let me know cuz um they're really trying to help us you know with this and and get through this so that we have have all of our sites and the readings documented I have asked the question why when I download the um Excel sheet of all of our sites and information it does not include the parts per million so why they're holding back on that I'm not really sure because um because that um when I set up the site I indicated that all the information should be shared that this is public information for everybody to use in terms of guidance and planning and and concern in in different areas so I'm still working working on that but we should be ready actually with what we have to go ahead and to um copy that link to First Sparta EC and we should be able to post it somewhere on our environmental commission website as Comm Under The Heading perhaps of community science or Green Team Community science so um we start getting um that data out there and that awareness out there a little bit more um are we still supposed to be testing until you said April 30th they said April 30th okay yeah so um right now what I'm doing I've had a couple of inquiries lately and I'm taking people out to locations I haven't been in Sparta but there's been one in Newton and one in Hampton and um we just say we're getting Baseline data right now you know um which is you know really important going forward also so we can do that if anybody hasn't had Baseline their Baseline data yet we can we can certainly do that you know at this point and then uh if you have leftover strips you just keep them in the dark and in the refrigerator hopefully um you know next year um early winter late fall um you know you'll be able to use them if you if you see that that top bar has gone from a yellow to a a purple black then they're no good anymore okay so that's a good indication of that should we be redoing sites that we've already done before at this point too is there any reason unless there's a storm well there is a good reason for that but usually what I'd like to do is um set up an event and we can host this and it's called a salt ass salt salt something anyway so you take a community and you look at Key spots during a summer preferably when there's been a drought because then you can see what the salinity is coming out of the aquifers you know and so that's very valuable um because you know like I mentioned before the salt doesn't dis disappear just like throwing garbage in the ocean it doesn't disappear it is still there and it accumulates in our soils and in our aquifers and then thus in our drinking water and then degrades The Aquatic Life in in our streams so as you know we christe knows better than I do we want to try to understand um the salt concentration in All Seasons you know in all weather scenarios in climate through climate changes going forward if we don't have a storm between now and April 30th just hold off on doing anymore I would unless you have a ton of strips okay yeah thank you very much right thank you all right um Sparta Glenn Arbor Day event any updates um yeah so I guess just for to make everyone aware this is an event that we're doing on April 26 at the sparta Glenn and it's in celebration of Arbor Day um we're going to have Sparta High School ecology club members and also Sparta Middle School environmental club members coming to the park uh they're going to be participating in a series of different educational stations and helping us to plant trees in the sparta Glenn to replace those that have been lost to the emerald ashb U which is an invasive insect that has killed a lot of ash trees in the area so right now uh the schools are set the stations are set so it's coming along um I told you at the last meeting that Kim and I had met with the director of Parks and Recreation to G to go over the general plan um for the day and now we're kind of at the point that we have to do a walkthrough of the Glenn to determine where the trees specifically they would like planted um and get the species list approved um we are going to plant a number of different Native varieties to really create that diversity so that if any infestation or pest comes in it won't wipe out all of the trees that were planted um we're hoping to have like some environmental commission member participation in the event so if anyone is around I understand that it's a weekday but if anyone is around to stop by for a portion of the day um the events running from 9 o'clock to 2 PM on Friday April 26th and really we would like help I think it would be good if we took had EC members either help with some of the planting um and making sure that the kids are doing everything right and that the trees are properly fully in the ground but also to help with um photos of the day and going to the different stations because I think I'm going to be kind of occupied in the the tree section um for a good chunk of the day but I would like to have a whole host of pictures of the day so we have good documentation and then typically what I do is kind of sort through which pictures look good and then go back to the school to just make sure that the students have permission to be photographed before it would be sent out either put on the website or sent to um an Jack as part of our reporting for the grant so um yeah I feel really good about it's going to be a fun day one thing that was mentioned in the original proposal um was the idea of having an Arbor Day Proclamation that would be read prior to um Arbor Day so I just wanted a little more information about that I know we did it last year with Earth Day so is there like a template that I can look at and update for our event um I'm sure Chris you'll be able to get a template for an arbor day um Proclamation yeah okay perfect Michelle could help you if you if you need help yeah okay are you talking about the one where all the participants in Earth Day signed that big board or no the formal one yeah the formal one that we did at the Town Council I wasn't able to go that day but I think there was approx of the mayor usually okay okay so that's one thing um that I would like to see move forward and then I guess I just had a question about the purchasing of trees so so I looked into what's available and I have a list that can be run past um the director of Parks and Recreation to make sure every all the species on the list she's okay with but how does the purchasing actually work like if I get an invoice this grant was already awarded they did like a I think half um was sent to the township and then the we get the second half of the grant when um we're done with all the deliverables but if we have an invoice like if she approves of the list and then I reserve the trees do I just get a quote um kind of made up that would go to someone in the township you need to go through the town manager there's a there's there's a purchasing process that is very strict that we have to follow so okay the manager can walk you through the process okay do you want to now just get like a quick anybody know they're available on the 20 April 26th I'd like to stop by in the morning just to kick a part of the kick off okay um I can join for some time likewise I just got to confirm SCH okay perfect I just on my calendar in front of are you gonna be there yeah I'll be there I'm part of the ecology Club so y good great take pictures I will and I'll be there like just 9 to 9:30 that's okay yeah perfect I have a piece of new business related to this um I didn't I should have meent I'm sorry you done that's okay yep no that's good um from the council um I did make a motion uh Tuesday to put on the agenda for the next meeting that we fly the Earth Day flag for the week of April 20th to 27th whatever the Earth Day week is um so um and I'll donate the flag um there isn't an official Earth Day flag but there's one that's traditionally used um was flowing at the first Earth Day celebration in San Francisco so look forward to that oh great do we also do a proclamation for Earth Day we we do every year um and I'm sure we'll do one this year do we have any Earth Day events planned no just just the Arbor Day event Arbor Day is still in Earth week that's the same week right exactly yeah so that's good yeah all right um rain barrel event I heard that we only had one position open left so if you haven't signed up and you still want to make a rain barrel might be too late um and also that the rain barrels were ordered so this is moving forward um again this is an event that we're going to be building each group gets to build a single rain barrel um either a family or a couple folks and it's going to be held at the mun here at the municipal building but in the parking lot and part of it's in here too we have the room reserved already right yeah is uh the tap in uh spart independent aware of that event the rain barrel event I think it went out on our website and I think um she did carry it Jenny did carry it too Jenny carried it uh at the end of February I believe it was February 23rd or February 27th so she's aware of it in case she wants to show up and this I know there's a spot independent as well I probably see if they send them an email just to say in case they want to take some pictures okay thanks we didn't send it again because we don't have any more space left so well I'm I'm referring more in case she wants to cover it and take some pictures yeah the um the barrels so they're going to be dropped off next week prior to the event so is there a set location that they need to go and is anyone in the this building like need to beware made aware of it um on what day they're coming and what time and again probably best if we're made aware of when the day and time that it's coming okay so I can either have the you know one of the grounds guy uh Jean or somebody you know available to put it where we need to you know to store it and I'll find out what location to if they haven't determined that already okay and then um I guess Christine just also I know you were looking into the computer setup but if if Ethan needs to come ahead of time even like the day prior or whatever to do like a full tick walk through I can let him know yes I have um an email into Mike Our IT guy so I I probably will hear from him tomorrow and then I'll email you and let you know what how he wants it set up all right thank you and also um in regards to the business cards uh I did speak to Mike about that as well and is working on them he said probably next week he'll have them uh I know one or two of you had U wanted your personal email on there he is not recommending that because if something gets um opra uh an Oprah request then your personal email will be on that so um you know just let me know if that's the the email that we had recommended that generic email um it's probably the best bet to go good see tip than of that all right next item sorry anything else on R next item is Sparta day we did have a couple folks who said they were able to help out with that so I have Landon Neil Barbara Linda and Ted and Christine Christine Rogers not Christine Dunbar are able to help out with that so we we do need to sign up for that if we feel like that's enough F if somebody's willing to take the lead getting there early and getting everything set up um I cannot be there so I you're going to need to think about a tent um because I'm going to be using my tent for something else and then who's going to who's willing to get there early and get everything set up and get everything back out we do have the banner um that we put up there and we also have all the um brochures to hand out I I do have those in my office yep and then the sorry the third thing you can do is get like um anj has different displays that you can get and then that kind of attracts people over to the booth right um we had the one on water conservation last year I I could do it I have a tent and a table and I guess then I would have to reach out to n Jack and see what they have yep see what they have is there anyone in particular the games came from anjac and that Watershed model that you were talking about came from um my organization so I could bring that awes great awesome and do I have to contact the organizers or I will take care of filling out the paperwork because we got to submit for payment and stuff like that so I'll handle that Linda if you need an extra table folding table I have one okay thanks right should be a great day uh oh and the third thing the fourth thing on that is we usually also have a clipboard out there so that additional folks can sign up for Green Team if they're interested all right that is all the unfinished business is there any new business um when I first joined the environmental commission I was given an aard with Township of spa I had to go down to the uh police station and they took my they took my fingerprints and they they gave me this card I love that Ted can I get a picture of you holding your card that's when I had brown hair I love that you saying we should get one like that again I that's what my suggestion is rather than business cards get an ID card signed by the chief of police once I was coming up 15 and I got stopped by a spotter policeman and I showed him this he said get out of here all right they fingerprinted you because they didn't trust you that's why they did that we can certainly look into that like if we can do this instead of business cards yeah yeah yeah I it might be up to the Town Council to recommended is it Dan um I don't know I don't know I I don't know how to it's like a Township tell how long ago I had brown hair have a let me see that picture I don't believe it let me see you look awesome oh I didn't show it this way yeah here's my official on the back it has my fingerprint my date of birth it doesn't have an issue date on it though like my weight since then I lost 30 lbs yeah so I I think we instead of going for business cards we should go to ID cards okay we'll look into that Ted we'll see what we can do okay any other new business um I was going to ask about the uh sustainable business grant did we get another business uh on board I not that I know of we still need more okay are there sorry finish uh I have a couple of other things so if you want to um I just want to let you know that if if you didn't notice the that uh uh the 33rd annual Sparta baggot day will be held on on Saturday March 23rd and Sunday March 24th so uh it's on the township website and if you uh if you're interested uh you can email Mitch Morrison about that he's the organizer who does this um another thing I wanted to bring up was um oh there's an an open space stewardship Grant um that don't know if we I don't believe we've applied for it it's a $1,500 Grand an is an is providing 15 of them and uh they can be used for pollinated Gardens Trail building printed material open space Trails assessment multitude of other things um and the deadline for submitting that for putting a plan together is um April 26th so that's the um same grant that we applied for and got for the for the Arbor Day one right okay so can can we get another one can we apply for another one probably for 20 24 you only give out 15 and that's no no this is a new year so there are 15 more we only want one um so yeah there's that do you have a suggestion of what to apply for I wish we could put a pollinator Garden or um a monarch Way Station in Station Park yeah the problem with those is you got to maintain them I I know I know it's really cool to dig and take a bunch of pictures and then but now such a huge green team was thinking maybe we could get more people involved it's a lot of work we had a pollinator Garden at the Holland Morgan school it was great for a year until nobody maintained it I remember he said that yeah but they have maintained the one at the at the uh community garden okay they have a monarch Way Station there so that's one thing what about doing this event again next year because I know we wanted to make our Earth Day event an annual thing and it would be I mean the Glenn still needs help right yeah it can be used for man management of invasive species habitat en enhancement those were some of the suggestions there also a lot of invasive species in in station park by the by the river it's oh gross there does anybody want to take a look at this grant Neil could send the the link out and see if they're interested in potentially writing a grant for this writing a submission all right well you said yes I I will look at it yes okay not necessarily volunteering to write a grant but I will yeah look at it and see if you have any thoughts and one last thing uh that and Jack just uh put out uh two two or three more uh new training sessions for Effective environmental commissions um they they started on Monday I believe but they're up there on the uh anj anj views YouTube channel so it's uh I know I'll be looking at that for a refresher and anybody else who's interested it's a it's a good thing there's a lot of good stuff on the and Jack views uh web page yeah especially our new folks if you haven't taken any of those anjac classes yet they're very helpful and also sustainable Jersey has a bunch of trainings on their sites too that's it for me great thank you I I had a question on the Green Team so is there or is there Green Team activity going on now like are they doing anything right now or like now so we were talking about signing people up for the Green Team and when somebody signs up what do we tell them that they're doing um we share different information about the various activities that we're doing like when we did in the fall the baggot day we invited the entire green team to that um the Arbor Day event is not something we could invite folks to it's not that type of event but when we have those type of activities we include them okay I was just wondering what the um because if we if we amass a a volunteer a force so to say um could we set them on I mean you mentioned a couple things we could set them on are there other things maybe related to knocking off some sustainable Jersey functions um might it might be a good idea to have a a and a commission member be like the liazon or the the captain of the of the Green Team to set them on different tasks or yeah just a suggestion I know that we've also talked about doing a newsletter too that would go out or maintaining a Facebook page information on Facebook page I think we should do social media commission a lot of other environmental commissions do a lot yeah do we have anybody who's interested in taking that on this I yeah you want to okay great I think if we can set them on to knocking off some St St Noble Jersey stuff that might be a good use absolutely wonderful also under new business I'd like to propose that we take a team picture on the way out so we can celebrate our new member and I know we're one person I forgot about that all right awesome all right um do we want to journ first and then take a picture yeah okay any other new business all right do I have a motion to adjourn I'll motion to adjourn any second in I'll second uh Neil all in favor I I thank you meeting adjourned I know we're missing ra but