##VIDEO ID:eohF6R_znQM## on behalf of the members of the planning board and our professionals would like to welcome everyone to tonight's meeting of the sparta Township planning board this meeting is now called to order for the record this meeting is being held on September 4th 2024 at the sparta Township Municipal Building located at 65 Main Street spart New Jersey the time is now 7:03 the live stream for this meeting may be viewed at YouTube at www.youtube.com for/ at Sparta Township with Township being TWP please note that adequate public meeting public notice with meeting was provided in accordance with the open public meetings act so I ask everyone please stand and join our board not professionals as you proudly begin this meeting want a salute to our nation's flag flag the United States of America to the repblic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right thank you everybody and Miss Fox could you call the role please Justin Canalis here Ernie rad here Christine Dunbar here Mike Sylvester Vice chairman bill enr here chairman Ronde here Deputy Mayor Dean blumetti here Joan Ferman here Janette Burke here Celeste Luciano here and Brian Zimmerman here right thank you um as with every meeting is always a little change in the uh agenda so what I'd like to do if if everyone's okay with is move the approval of resolution 24717 lakel Bank up front Mr Brady our conflict attorney has agreed to be here for this specific item and I know he has another appointment tonight that he has to get to so thank you for being here sure thank you Mr chairman um Tom has accused himself proper Optics of stepping down you yourself so perhaps you should step out um I think the resolution was circulated around everybody Dave can use a mic please thank you I think the resolution was circulated around to everybody um if anybody has any questions about it I'll be happy to answer them or make some small modifications I don't remember who was here and voted I think it was unanimous but this is a product for people who voted yes on the approval to comment on uh and if there's no uh changes or questions uh then a motion to approve in a second and a vote on U the resolution is in order see as though I was chair at the time I think I'll take a point anyone have any questions comments regarding resolution 24- 717 we have a motion for acceptance of 247 D sorry 24- 717 as uh as written I'll move to approve second I'll second do we have a call a roll call please Deputy Mayor Dean blumetti yes Janette Burke yes Joan Ferman yes Justin caneles yes celest Luciano yes Ernie ragad yes Brian Zimmerman yes okay thank you everybody thank youor and all right that that was quick that was great thank you um so you may have noticed that we changed the order on the agenda slightly I I think we've been doing a better job of trying to wrap up by by 10:00 but we're not quite there so one of the things you'll see on the revised agenda is that we've moved the hearings up front to try to um allow the applicants um and everyone to hear that first and we'll have those hearings until 9:30 and then we'll hold all the other business between 9:30 and 10: hopefully to get to get us out here by out here by 10: so hopefully that helps everybody so fingers crossed and let's hope it works all right so for tonight for public hearing we have three applications uh the first is 24719 Willer tree Therapy Services LLC the second will be application 24720 Admiral uh medals and the third is uh application 24721 brandstone of New Jersey so with the folks from will tree services please come forward and I'm ask that everyone speak in you know please talk into the microphone so the discussion can be heard by every one either in attendance here tonight or anyone that's listening to the live stream at home it's all good thank you for the consideration all right sorry about that good evening ladies and gentlemen Daniel Bor from Askin and hooker representing the applicants Willow Tree Therapy Services LLC here this evening uh is Edward blevens uh Edward if you please rise Edward please raise your right hand pleas where firm to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you God I do thank you and please state your name and address it business address is sufficient uh Edward bevens 25 Main Street Sparta New Jersey 07871 thank you okay and also here on behalf of willow tree is Gia uh Gia hi hi G uh please raise your right hand do you swear airm to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you God I do and please state your name spell your last name and give us an address Gia Leo and the address is 25 Main Street rear entrance Sparta New Jersey 07871 and also here on behalf of the applicant is our architect uh Matthew Samantha Matt Matthew uh please raise your right hand do you swear firm to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God I do and Matthew please uh state your name spell your last name and give us an address sure Matthew smatana s m t na 64 Sunset Lake Road Sparta New Jersey thank you and the board recognize and accepts the qualifications of Matthews Matana as a registered architect please go ahead everybody thank you very much Tom all right uh so the property we're here to discuss this evening is 50 Wilson Drive block 12008 lot 14 um it's a fully developed lot uh it's 1.86 Acres uh in the e dzone um the this is a very unique application because the use that currently existed at the property is nearly identical to the use that we're now proposing uh to be used at the site um so originally it was a children's occupational therapy facility um we're here this evening because applicant is seeking to um do an uh an amended site plan application for a change in the actual tency But ultimately it's for General mental health and wellness Therapy Center um so that's what we'll be doing um in as in opposition to what we were doing um so to start us off um the the business operates Monday and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 900 p.m. it operates on Sunday from 12:00 p.m. to 900 p.m. um the lights are on at dusk and they're off at 10:00 p.m. um the sign is lit from the ground up and nothing is changing with respect to the sign there are 15 employees that work at the facility but they are not all there at the same time I'm going to break it down so that you have an it on the busiest day exactly how many employees are there throughout the day so between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 2: p.m. there are two business employees between the hours of 10 a.m. and 300 p.m. there are two clinicians okay between the hours of 300 p.m. and 700 p.m. there are five clinicians no business employees between the hours of 700 p.m. and 900 p.m. it goes back down to three clinicians now when there are five clinicians in the office 20% of those clinicians essentially one to two of the clinicians will only have virtual sessions with their patients okay so at most we're looking at a need for approximately five spaces just for the employe throughout the employees throughout the day no more than that there are 20 parking spots total um and it's very rare that there will be two vehicles per um uh per client um But ultimately we have 20 parking spots uh the applicant has made a promise that if there are any issues with parking uh that they will address them and come back to the board if they have to seek any additional approvals or changes or anything as it stands right now they're not making any changes to the landscape to the sign to um any of the equipment that's outside the facility uh or to the impervious coverage all right now uh Mr blevens um you've heard my summarization of both uh the uh application and the business practices is that an accurate representation and would you consider that to be your testimony this evening yes it's accurate and yes I would okay thank you so without further Ado if there's no questions for the applicant at this time I'll go right into the architect to provide information regarding the changes to the inside of the building okay that's fine so we're going to start with a quick update to the drawings because uh since when we originally submitted um we've scaled back a couple things because of budget so the updated plans I have three copies for the professionals as well as another 14 copies here that I can pass around Bas why don't we we'll call it A1 because it probably is I was going to say new new set of plans call ITT are these going to be the same plans up there yes okay all right so then what I'm going to do is I'm just going to label those and you can pass these out so are we seeing these revised plans for the first time right now uh this evening yes relatively and some of the changes came uh once we received uh requests by the engineer so that that's part of the reason that you're just getting them now so we apologize while Matt's doing I'll uh note that there was a a request for a nox box on the side of the building it's a box that essentially houses a key to access the building for purposes of uh emergency Personnel um and you'll notice that's that's in fact one of the changes on the plans um and uh Matt can go over that thank you okay so I'll briefly just explain what's changed from the original drawings um first in the bathroom area we had originally proposed having a staff bathroom um we've eliminated that to basically just keep the men's room and wom's room exactly as they are um at the rear of the building we had proposed expanding the break room to include this um back area I've kind of marked it on the drawing here basically but um we've now eliminated that as well so it's basically just open Corridor to the exit door there um as Dan mentioned we added the knockbox on the front underneath the covered entryway um and in the break room as well we also eliminated the range and hood that were proposed there and brought back the washer and dryer that were originally in the building or or in the existing building currently right now um so that summarizes the plan changes um now I can kind of go through what we've done in the building to basically make it more suitable for um uh willry and uh how they uh operate um um basically I'm G I did include in this package a original footprint as well so the on the second page there is a layout basally showing the uh existing conditions as they are currently um so since the type of therapy that they do require or requires basically a more of a private setting um we've basically taken open office areas that were um you know much larger spaces and broken them down into more uh personal office spaces so at the back here to the left of the break room we broke that down into two smaller offices there in the center of the building one larger office was B broken down into two separate offices as well and then along the left corner of the building where it used to be a open gym um it's it's broken down into three smaller offices as well as a uh staff type room basically for uh um or group room basically for uh for small group sessions or for the uh office staff meetings things like that to occur in that space um and we did add one addition additional office in the front near the entrance way um that uh uh took away more less from open Lobby space um the way their operation Works they don't need a receptionist so basically we just have seating along that entry space um for clients and basically any the clinician who is uh going to be seeing the client would basically just come out bring that to the appropriate office um other than that uh We've on the exteriors everything is basically staying the same except for the addition of several openings so that all the offices on the exterior of the building have ample windows so it's a more uh pleasing environment basically um and uh think that uh with the exception of removing some closets basically in the uh um group room we we've elongated the group room to basically include a little bit more of what was closet space before the mic first and you're probably asking yourselves why are there so many offices right if there's only going to be so many um if there's only going to be so many people there at at one time four of the offices specifically are going to be for play therapy so they're going to be specifically designed for that type of therapy so they're not going to necessarily be offices they're going to be designed for that use um Matt there's also been some uh condensers uh for duckass mini slit systems can you explain where those are going to be placed um so at the left end of the building is where current condensers exist right now they're going to be revamping the mechanical system basically to uh better accommodate this you know the breaking down of all the different offices but um uh and Matt this is primarily a a technical facility so so essentially when someone comes there in their vehicle they let the clinician know that uh they're they're ready to be seen and then the clinician responds to them by phone and then they come in that's why we really don't need a reception area is that correct that's correct so if there are any questions for our architect that's the majority of his testimony um now would be a good time uh Mr Simmons how about we start with you sure Mr chairman uh for the record referring to the report I prepared dated July 2nd 2024 um the applicant did address several of the items because there isn't that much going on as far as the site work itself is concerned but just highlighting a couple additional items if I may uh I want to make sure I understand this on the lighting that the hours of operation are basically going to be the same as the previous tenant that's right okay and with regards to I did also State uh that uh in my client's testimony uh they will be off at 10 p.m. every evening and they will come on at dusk okay on the architectural plan I know Mr smantana just mentioned I believe the HVAC units the existing ones are on the left hand side of the building are there going to be I'm not quite clear are there going to be additional units because of the breakup of the rooms I don't believe so I mean I we haven't fully assessed the the system to to say with 100% accuracy but it's basically uh same square footage um the newer units are usually more efficient so it should basically be able to uh so if there were more units they'd be on the left side of the building correct yeah okay okay and as far as any sprinkler system there's no sprinkling in the building right now is there no there's not and uh based on the change of use um section of the uh uccc code uh there's no requirement to if you're not changing the use group there's no requirement to upgrade to having sprinkler system okay and the last thing I had from an environmental impact statement Viewpoint uh this is in the Wellhead protection area my assumption is but if you could confirm there's not going to be any floor drains or discharge of any hazardous waste correct yes nothing okay and Mr chairman my usual comments as far as an as built be prepared just so there's a record of what the board may consider approving and also what's constructed and also the various improvements of the health department the fire department which with the knockbox I believe has already been taken care of and with the construction official reviewing Mr span's plans just to make sure everything's in conformance and that's all I have on this application thank you I I also like to note if the board does look kindly upon this application this evening we we would like to request that a waiver of a reading of the resolution be granted as well um and the purpose for that is because we're hoping to close tomorrow if we do get the approval uh and we'd like to be able to begin working on it right away if we can so that that's something that we would be requesting as well as part of the application thank you yes much thank you uh I only have a handful of questions I think Mr Simmons touched on most of them I do agree that the as belt will be helpful especially in addressing some of the comments in my memo as far as the zoning standards again it's a tenant change they're not changing anything exteror at the site but just to have it um kind of formalized onto some sort of as built with a zoning table I think that'd be really helpful moving forward um my only question to Mr spana is did you look at the Landscaping at all I know a question I'd raised in my memo was um essentially you know what exists are on the site we really looking at the interior but um I I only had a chance to drive by and look at Aerials some of the trees weren't very mature in the front I think that they were probably they probably meet a lot of the standards but the ordinance had been changed in the last year and a half um which did require some additional Landscaping measures um and I don't necessarily um know if it's something that the board has to look at tonight it wasn't prepared as a landscape exhibit anything like that um but if they would be you know amendable to as part of resolution compliance as part of that as built looking at some of the additional Landscaping requirements under the Ed Zone um I'm sure Mr Simmons and I could could look at those any objection to that none whatsoever we'd be happy to do any Landscaping that was required thank you I have nothing further okay Brian I'm all set okay blessed I'm good for the moment thank you good the quick question you mentioned um you would need about five parking spaces and that was mostly for the business employees and clinicians about what about clients about how many do you expect to be coming uh it's approximately maybe four to five uh in addition to the clinicians so it's a one to one it's actually less than one to one yeah because some of those clinicians are actually going to be doing it virtually so at most you got five clinicians there so maybe four extra parking spots so maybe nine total and and we have 20 so we didn't find it a need for concern um but again the client is open uh if there is a problem to come back to the board and you know seek some form of approval if necessary um and the uh the the dumpster enclosure is completed and it is fenced in and and shielded so we didn't have any problems with that either all right thank you and just out of curiosity what do you use a washer and dryer for was an occupational therapy um need to wash The Hammocks that they use um the bedding and so you're just retaining it it's not we're going to any further improvements we don't want to make right thank you that's all hi thanks for your testimony so far couple quick questions the lighting and the timing of the lighting are there any you mentioned Dusk to 10 p.m. uh which lights are those and are there any lights that are excluded from that any lighting excluded from that like yeah I I spoke with the current owner today to confirm uh I didn't want to make assumptions all of the parking lot lights and the lighting for the sign are on a timer so that can be adjusted seasonally as we go for the dust to 10 p.m. the building lights are manually turned off uh upon exiting and nobody's working past 10 p.m. so they'll be turned off as well okay okay so there's no additional building lights or security lights or anything okay the uh the sign so uh design love the design you said the size just if you can confirm the size is staying the same the lighting mechanism on the sign is staying the same is that correct that is correct okay and there's no additional signs being added the setback from Wilson Drive is still I mean the previous variance was like five a little over five feet and that's still where the sign is going to be okay because the required is I think 25 ft but okay but it's staying where it is yep at your no ch at all okay and you mentioned the condensers and the new condensers or the replacement condensers uh how will those be screened from the road and neighboring will they be screened from from site can yeah uh no they will not be screened okay I'll ask our our professionals maybe is that something that we typically ask for or require I I'd suggest uh once Mr Miss spana has the number of units and the locations designated that we look at the Landscaping plan in conjunction with that to see um adhering to any offset requirements that the manufacturer recommends then maybe some Landscaping be added to buffer that area and we can talk about it with respect to the landscape plan okay okay that's all I have thank you yeah thank you for spending time with us tonight um can you can you just confirm it's it's children's only outp it is not children's only it's uh uh we see clients from ages four through adulthood the clients that are non-driving age where did their drivers stay um honestly most of those parents are probably going to go across the street to Starbucks and Jersey mics most of them are drop off now we have three locations other locations parents drop off typically and leave if not they can wait in the waiting room if they'd like to okay but they don't have to stay in the parking lot and idle their cars we would discourage that how long are typical sessions uh 53 to 60 minutes and are any drugs administered or stored on site uh no I have no questions thank you no questions I'm good and I have no questions either so um let me open it up for public for any questions or comments that uh anyone from the public may have okay so seeing nobody um I guess we could bring it back and um so Tom are there any conditions or any recommendations you have for how we craft the resolution so we'll try to craft a motion and the board could consider it and add to it if it wants to it's a it's a motion the microphone I'm sorry sure it's a motion to approve the the preliminary amended preliminary and final site plan as described this evening um subject to the uh conditions um of C Dave and Katherine's reports uh it's subject to the requirement that it is effective tonight uh with provided the the applicant May proceed effective immediately provided all other uh compliance uh requirements are met uh they will prepare an an additional Landscaping plan for some additional Landscaping to be reviewed and approved by the to board planner and the board engineer and that shall include the Landscaping of the HVAC uh condenser area uh any dispute about the Landscaping shall be returned to the board for final determination uh they'll uh the lights will be um the parking lot lights are will be from dawn to I'm sorry from dust to 10 p.m. and the building mounted lights will be turned off at the close of business um and that's all I had Mr chairman but board members may have something anybody else have any that you like to recommend or yeah I just would just clarify the lighting the lighting Clause includes the signage too not just the park okay lighting includes the Senate as well Mr Collins could could you just the waiver of what was it reading the resolu I never heard actually what it means is the applicant is waving their right to receive a written resolution before they proceed the board and you have historically approved s in situations that are simple like this you've historically allowed people to proceed effective immediately but they're at their own risk and they're subject to complying with all the requirements of their approval and they're familiar with that so do you have a recommendation on that I think it makes a lot of sense in this particular case since there really is no change to the s okay so based on that um would anybody like to make a motion to accept it I'll make a I'll make a motion I'll second second okay roll call Deputy Mayor Dean blumetti yes Janette Burke yes Christine Dunbar yes Vice chairman Bill enr yes Joan Ferman yes Justin Canalis yes Celeste Luciano yes Ernie ragad yes and chairman Ronde yes all right the motion is passed thank you and thank you very much Ladi and gentl I have another application so you get to see me again tonight thank you all right so the SEC second application we'll be hearing tonight is uh plany board application 24720 Admiral medals uh please come forward welcome and if you could just give us a minute to reset some of our paperwork up here good evening Mr chairman members of the board professionals and staff my name is Robert mcbrier on attorney with the law fir skank price Smith and King we represent uh the applicant owner 6 Aaron Way LLC in tonight's application uh this application involves property identified as block 16003 lot three also known as 6 Aaron way uh in the township property is located in the Township's Economic Development Zone by way of brief introduction the applicant seeks uh minor site plan approval for a change and tency uh in the existing building and site uh the site is fully developed and the applicant proposes no site plan changes or site grading to alter existing topographic conditions uh in fact uh no exterior changes are proposed except for an exterior facade sign the new tenant Admiral metal walki p High approximately 12,920 ft of the existing 27,000 ft building uh the new tenant will utilize space for warehousing metal stock uh which includes aluminum brass bronze and copper uh here with me uh this evening are Jason dun professional planner and licensed landscape architect uh at digra Associates as well as Alex perardi authorized representative of the owner applicant 6 Aaron Way LLC at this time Mr Collins I'd ask that Mr d and Alex barardi be sworn in yes a gentleman who will be testifying for the applicant please raise your right hands do you swear firm uh you can both stand yes do you swear firm to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God yes I do I do thank you and please State your names by your last name and give us an address Jason Dunn DN 11 Lawrence Road Newton New Jersey Alex barardi One Main Street sweet 9 Spartan New Jersey uh b r a r d i thank you gentlemen and the board the board recognizes and accepts the qualifications of Jason Dunn as a professional planner please go ahead uh thank you Mr Collins uh Mr dun you're familiar with this subject site correct oh you know what yeah does this pick up good so yeah uh yes I am uh 6 Aaron way uh lot 3 block 163 um our our firm did the original site plan for this site uh before this site plan um there was a subdivision on this uh uh commercial development uh that allowed uh uh certain impervious cover variances uh that was all approved uh in the first round and then there was an amended site plan that we also um helped with that was a change in tenant um to to include a glass floor manufacturer um so yes I am familiar with the site in fact I was at the meeting uh providing testimony back in 2022 I think it was 2020 and uh Mr dun are the existing conditions uh changing as a result of the proposed new teny uh there's no site changes as a as a result of this new tenant um all the parking is staying in place there's going to be no added impervious uh no no grading or drainage required um and no changes to the parking uh except overnight there will be uh some parking for uh delivery trucks and no new variances are required for this application correct that's correct um the application is is essentially just a change in tenant it's it's not changing any part of the building at all and you you've had an opportunity to review uh Mr Simmons's uh engineering report dated August 5th 2024 correct uh yes I did um there were some some minor questions or clarifications um I can just kind of go over that the the applicant has done the due diligence of making sure the septic is appropriate for the new tenant and the existing tenant which it certainly is it's designed for 2,000 gallons per day um and the uh the new flow or proposed flow would be just under 500 gallons per day um we're going to hear from Alex uh shortly who will explain uh the number of employees and uh parking requirements but uh there are 90 97 parking spaces on this site and uh the current tenant uses I think only about 20 is that right uh very few so there's a lot of empty space out there which which is good um there will be uh no outdoor storage with this tenant so there won't be any requirements in my opinion for additional Landscaping um as part of the previous approval of course uh there was Landscaping required uh we our office oversaw the resolution compliance Alex personally I think planted trees I I don't know but um but they're they're out there and uh they're in good shape uh that that part of the that part of the site plan final site plan has passed um lighting is not proposed to change there is one sign a facade sign being being proposed uh that will meet the ordinance standards I think the maximum height is 2T the maximum length is 12 ft it won't be any larger than that it won't be illuminated um and there is no freestanding sign there no Monument sign and there is not going to be proposed one either um so it's it's a pretty di Minimus site plan in my in my opinion there's no more no need for more trash storage or anything like that either uh Mr Don are you aware if the building is sprinkler um yes I was told that it is sprinkler um at this time if there are any questions from Mr Dunn we will uh proceed with testimony about the actual business operations uh some of the particulars uh in that regard from Mr barardi but while Jason has the mic if there are any questions about uh this site uh now would be the opportunity to uh to explore that okay anybody have any objection or just go Ahad keep going keep going great thank you uh Mr barardi uh can you describe your relationship with the owner uh applicant 6 Aon way LLC I am the owner and the oper I oversee it operationally um as well as all the other real estate that we own uh in that area so I'm very familiar with the building itself and the operations and the tenants of it and uh you're familiar with the current floor plan is that correct correct can you provide a brief uh description of the floor plan to the board of members yes show the the proposed or the existing floor plan which the new tenant is proposing to occupy is approximately 12,920 Square fet about 3 I think 80 square feet of it three excuse me 338 square feet of it could be called office um it's a very small office with two bathrooms the rest of it is warehouse and storage and uh can you describe uh the status of existing tencies or vacancies the current building is 100% occupied the tenant is looking to vate because of a change in their business model um they are still currently operational and they plan to vacate as soon as a new tenant can be found or a new tenant was found as soon as potentially this is uh approved the current tenant in the space is almost an identical use to the proposed and it is a food packaging food repackaging uh facility that distributes their product you know throughout does uh the floor plan need to be changed to accommodate the new tency there are no physical changes proposed to either the the internal floor plan or the external floor plan of the building with the exception of a non-illuminated sign on the facade and can you briefly uh describe the nature of the proposed use Admiral Metals is uh they provide wholesale storage of I would call it somewhat specialty Metal Products um aluminum brass copper stainless steel they have various different shapes and sizes of that product round hexagon squares um so you can call it metal stock U this is not an iron shop there is no fabrication proposed they simply receive you know an occasional shipment um which then they distribute to their clients this is not a retail operation you cannot go into this uh facility and buy things personally um some of their their large clients in the area are Thor labs and pitini Arsenal and and GE um so it's a sort of a direct to producer I guess you could call it sales model where uh you know they can't we can't go in there and buy things so are you aware of the number of employees that will be on on on site yeah so they're going to start with four employees and eventually hope to add two more to six employees the majority of those employees are going to be delivery drivers so I believe three of the four initial employees are going to be delivery drivers and one is going to be a warehouse manager and can you uh briefly describe the types or sizes of vehicles expected uh to be received by way of deliveries or distribution by the new tency yep so in addition to the three to four employ or the four employees that they're initially going to have they're going to have three flatbed delivery trucks um which are going to be loaded in the morning um do their deliveries throughout the entire day and then come back and either reload at night for the next stage delivery or park and get reloaded in the morning they are not trucks they these trucks go leave once at the beginning of the day and come back once at the end um in addition to that they receive three to five tractor trailer loads per week so either one every other day or maybe if it's a busy week one every day uh and again this is a single tractor sh load per day it is not multiples um and they come in they unload they store everything inside and then they uh you know load up their trucks and and get them ready to their get them to their clients based on your observations and experience at the site uh do you believe that the parking will be adequate for the two existing tenants more than adequate um the there's 97 total spaces the existing tenant has 50 or there's two tenants in the building one of them is approximately 14,000 square F feet 14,080 square feet this one is 12,920 the existing tenant on the other side uh they have about 15 tenants excuse me 15 employees they probably have a total of less than 20 cars there at any given time one or two um work trucks that stay on site and then you know 15 employees um with the proposed use you'd have four to six employees three delivery trucks um and there's 97 spaces so there's a plethora of parking uh will any hazardous materials be stored on the premises there is no fabrication there are no storage or use of any anything that can be even vaguely considered hazardous there is no cutting there is no um again no fabrication this is merely metal stock that has come in uh most of its specialty order for their clients and then it is given you know it is stored and and distributed to them when uh the time permits can you comment on the uh proposed hours of operation yeah so they start at 5: and they're usually back excuse me 5:00 am. and they're usually back by 3 o' I think that um hit all the points that uh were inquired in the uh in your board professional reports if there are any questions from board members uh as to the business operations um Mr BR can certainly speak to that okay will there be any other testimony tonight or is is that everything that's it that's it right all right so Mr Mard why don't we talk start with you sure thank you um as far as the thank you for your testimony thank you for your helping some of that information um as far as the the flatbed delivery trucks that you discussed most of the parking on the site appears to be just traditional passenger vehicle size parking where are those um they're parked overnight when they're not being utilized so where are those generally going to be directly behind the the tenants occupied space so if you're looking at the site plan where's a I guess that would be the southwesterly corner okay of the parking lot so they'll take up probably more than one normal space or they'll be sticking they be sticking out a little bit but okay but that that'll just be for after hours generally okay um as far as um the the use um you'd mention that the um the tenant basically gets material stores it and they're not they're not getting orders from online that they're fulfilling right they are fulfilling they're Distributing directly direct sales to a large manufacturer or something like that just like Thor Labs so Thor Labs everyone knows who Thor Labs is around here um they use their products for Thor Mak lasers or something so they use their you know again Specialty Metals this is not you're not buying their stuff on Amazon um this is not a high velocity you know distribution center by any stretch of the imagin um three to five tractor trailers in per week three trucks out per day um so they're just a wholesaler they're not a retailer they're a wholesaler they're not a distribution center for any other online entities they're not storing materials to be put out you know by any online orders they're specialty orders with direct customers that buy from a wholesaler correct thank you um and I only bring that up as a matter of the use in the zone um specifically distribution centers are not permitted I don't think by any stretch that this is probably would ever be considered distri Distribution Center based on the scale of it a distribution center just for clarity is something that's 50 to 100 times bigger this at a minimum and would be utilizing basically stock of inventory from many many many retailers and then Distributing it out because it's a closer location than those retailers are so um rather than them store their inventory in a lot of different places they keep it in one place like a distribution center and then it goes out whereas this is a Wholesale Distributor mostly distinguishing the fact that it's not a retail distributor it's not someone they're not going to have walk-in customers they're not going to be selling something like a normal retail store um so I just wanted to distinguish that put that on the record and just um appreciate the testimony to clear that up um as far as the other questions I had um similar question to the um to the last because it is in the same Zone The Zone was changed about 18 months ago 2 years ago almost and um has require certain requirements for uh Landscaping um and I just want to make sure that they're captured uh I think Mr Simmons may require some sort of as built or something like that if anything's changed I think that would be helpful to one clarify any of that zoning table um information that was more just like a housekeeping thing to make sure that the zoning is all uh all good with the Ed Zone especially because it has has changed and some of the requirements that weren't there on that bulk table as well as um the Landscaping which I think can be handled again as part of resolution compliance the site was only recently approved and built so so we we will happily submit or res you know the the the as built is going to be essentially what you is going to be what was submitted with the application as there's been no changes to it whatsoever um the Landscaping was approved and installed I this building went into service in 2022 I want to say late 21 early 22 um I would prefer not to do additional Landscaping to the site uh unless there is some legal impetus to do so um again there's no changes to the outside and agreed I think one of the major um things that will come up is basically just compliance conformance with the landscape air ratio I believe that the site is probably in compliance with that based on the impervious coverage but again it's just kind of showing those things up in part of the as belt having that zoning table show those requirements um and making that they're all a good standing that's all I had thank you uh quick question so you discussing flatbeds are you considering a flatbed a 53 foot trailer I believe that they had multiple 26 foot would be 26 foot okay okay just because I'm looking at it and that's tight turn for 53 although this this is all engineered for tractor trailer traffic they can handle that um yeah yeah they would not the their delivery trucks are not um tractor trailers okay all right that's all the only question I had thank you I'm good for the moment thank you I just have one quick question with regards to the um to the trucks that are coming in you said three max drink three to five per week yeah three to five per week and um what times do you anticipate them coming I I within their business hours I you know um between 9 and 5 well between 5 and three most likely yeah between that their business hours okay so five to three all right thank you right be I just want to run to Dave Dave if you could run through your questions any concerns yes Mr chairman uh just again referring to the report I prepared dated August 5th 2024 uh the applicant basically addressed all the items the only other item I have is on page six item e excuse me c I recommend that a do not ENT sign be installed at the easterly end of the oneway driveway where it intersects the oneway driveway leading to Aon way yeah this was installed already um so I can enter that as a uh exhibit or don't go out to visit the site you'll see it there okay and that's all I have Mr chairman thank you well we'll take that as an exhibit A1 and that way you've addressed it don't I apologize okay I don't have any questions thank you yeah thank you for your testimony a couple questions what is the I'm going to miss this what is the other current use when the other current use is light manufacturing they um how do you describe what they do they make very high-end glass floors staircases and railings so they essentially they order specialty glass from Spain and they assemble it on site um and these are they're pretty crazy what they do but these highend car dealerships you'll see It'll be like a completely suspended glass floor with Ferraris and stuff like that on top they're the people who make these structural glass floors um and they've been there and operational for about 2 years okay and you talked about the number of employees they have 15 how many trucks per day come in and out for that business not many so they have their own again they probably they get even less tractor trailer deliveries than the proposed use you know frankly I I'd be making up a number but I haven't even seen one there in a very long time so if I'm going to yes I would say two probably two three per week they get okay so you mentioned talking about Trucking still you mentioned overnight truck parking being proposed for the new business new tenant uh what is the quantity again you expect they have three delivery trucks okay will all trucks that will be there and registered all trucks that'll be parking there be registered to Admiral medals correct yep okay so there be no they're all street legal uh these are not these are not site trucks or anything like that these are uh Road road going Vehicles okay so no additional trucks will be parked there or registered to Admiral that aren't part of the business no is that correct okay um the Landscaping note that that is a high priority for me too uh planner comments about being compliant with the 2022 Zone requirement so uh I would ask that you when you submit I guess the landscape plan or just make sure that we are consistent with 2022 that'd be my preference as well the sign signage so I couldn't tell from the documents you distributed or uh electronically earlier is there an existing sign that this is replacing there is not an existing sign uh I think the the photo that I had I thought might have I don't have it with me um the there's no existing sign where the proposed sign is going it would be on the far right um call it parit of the building and it would be code compliant 24 s feet or 12 2 x 12 okay do you have that we I I haven't seen that I'm not sure if others have but I haven't seen we haven't seen design of that so either we'll have to take a look at it tonight in terms of the color font Etc or we'll have to have you come back to the site plan waiver subcommittee yeah so this is uh the propos sign I'm pretty sure that was submitted with the application can make that A2 and then I don't Robert you could mark it as A2 and then pass it up at that end then we can pass yeah not yeah the the the application that I have it was Exhibit C um that was submitted on my behalf but I don't know what you guys are looking at and that's a that's a picture of the facade of the building this is what we have for Exhibit C yeah exib one building yeah a long distance view of the building with the yeah okay looks like an old cowboy okay so we we'll we'll take a look at that this evening is that the plan yeah yeah correct I'd like to potentially uh if the board sees favorable upon it get their sign approved as well so they don't have to come back this is the other exhibit just keep them together that's the uh the lighting plan can you talk about that uh not specifically it was what was approved in 2022 or you know 21 there was no changes to it uh there is parking lot lights you know as per code Jason might be able to make a couple comments about it and then there are some wall grazers on the building for uh accent okay the um I've SE I've seen somewhere in the paperwork that currently all parking parking lot lights are on all parking lot lights are on From Dusk to Dawn correct they operate on a photo eye so when the when it gets dark out they go on and when it gets light out they go off okay would you consider slimming that down it's always a balance between you know human safety and uh you know having dark if there's uh people operating on the site I do not want it dark that's uh dangerous to people that are there um if there are some you know if there's after hours call it 10 at night time Dusk till 5:00 a.m. 4:00 a.m. when you know 5 a.m. when these people get here that'd be fine but uh I wouldn't make any other concessions on that so can you explain us what your proposing then yeah I mean is there a specific time that you you want them off as much as possible at night or yeah yeah and I mean at night I would say just minimally necessary security lighting but the whole part it's a h large parking lot and if there's you know if hours end at 5:00 p.m. or 300 p.m. even give or take maybe it's 7 8 8 to 5 would that be acceptable 8 800 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. they have them off between 8 and 5 correct cuz the the operation starts at 5 and you know there might be some stragglers the other people don't they might work a little later uh the other tenants so yeah that would be good off from 800 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. yeah thank you okay the uh last point I want to make is maybe more of a discussion um so as you're aware the impervious coverage is it was approved last time as an it's an existing variance it is significantly over the allowable um which is 40% and currently it's almost 50% 49.7 uh Additionally the the parking coverage as you recall I'm sure you know well is over the maximum allowed right it was 25% and last time 31% was granted given the scope of the operations given the expected number of employees expected number of trucks hours of operation um are there ways to help reduce those or get more in line with the impervious coverage or the the parking lot coverage no overages no these these are all existing I'm not going to be modifying the site plan uh which I'll then have to come back and modify again if we get you know different tenants that require more parking or less parking uh again the intent here is there's nothing physical changing on the building this is merely a change of tenant I wouldn't even call it a different use it's a pretty similar use um so it's like kind to me and we're not going to be making any changes to the site especially impervious or anything like that okay there previously approved um and the applicant is not doing anything to uh to increase or change those as they've been previously approved so is this considered a change in use do we know that ask our professionals is this considered a change in use at all or CH change in tency okay um I think that we heard testimony that the use prior to this was similar in function maybe not in the materials because Other Woman was a food um business but essentially it's the same function I think it would be under the same category in the Ed Zone warehousing and and wholesaling okay but I believe they're here tonight because of the provision in the Ed Zone that requires the change in tenant to come back before the board which is what we're seeing in actually all three applications tonight yeah yeah again there are no changes proposed to the site uh to the the the Landscaping the functionality the topography uh there are no changes to the existing conditions uh as uh just explained this is merely a change of tendency and um and that's why we're here okay I I would like to see the Landscaping addressed though that's my that's my preference um if it's if it's not in compliance with the 2022 uh updated regulations uh we would like to see something some some effort made if we need more Landscaping in terms of the ratio or in terms of you know the amount of landscaping okay that's all I have for now can I ask some questions to Tom and to Dave um is this going to be first of all is there like is there any impetus for us to change this um landscaping and number two is it the intent to have every new application be brought to current standards even for minor site plans like this going forward and I know that's partially a question that maybe you guys can answer and also that the the board can answer but um the attempt to you know enforce more current standard on an existing site plan seems somewhat [Music] arbitrary um it's not arbitrary you're here because you need site plan approval for a new tenant and that's what the ordinance says so uh use the microphone please Tom uh sure it's it's not arbitrary because you're here for a new tenant and that's the ordinance requires all new tenants to come back to the board and on the subject of landscaping the request in the review reports which is reasonable is for you to have your asilt plan confirm that you comply with the ordinance yeah that's fine and you said you would so um that's I don't know what the board's going to do on every application but each application rests on its own merits so each time an applicant comes uh they have to address all issues of the review and all issues of the ordinance I think each case rests on its own facts and in this particular one you made a good argument that you're not changing any of the exterior or the interior except the additional sign so I don't it's up to the board to decide what they're going to require as conditions even on your applications okay fa enough and I would just like to clarify we're not I don't think we're trying to impose anything that that's un undo I think all that I'm asking for is the information essentially to show compliance because I I think from eyeballing I think you're very close if not fully compliant we just want to make sure um so it's just basically that the standards are being complied with I don't think there's going to be an issue and I think um if anything if there was any kind of Hiccup along the way that Dave and I are here to you know handle anything and we can work with you you mentioned you were going to um turn off the lights at at 8: Park lot you don't expect the trucks to return after that time no they're this tenant is done it by 3:00 so they're in they they load up their trucks for the next day probably within an hour or two and then their 10 their drivers come in at approximately 5:00 a.m. um and they leave for the day and they're gone for the rest of the day no questions uh yes thank you um I'm uh representing the interests of the environmental commission and I don't think think it's arbitrary when um we're concerned about pavement that's not being used in an area that's up against a a a white Lake Wildlife Area okay so I really appreciate the fact that you're you're not going to have the lights on you know all night that that's that's great because that harms the wildlife but I do think going forward you know when we ask these questions the fact that that this is a natural resource of Wildlife and the Aaron Way itself is up against that in that area okay this is this in order to protect natural resources and our water okay which is underneath where your your building is you know we we want to to see this protected and this is why we you know we we ask these questions is is because again it doesn't seem like it but we're all dependent on natural resources and keeping them clean so um so that's I just wanted to make that that comment and this this area that you're occupying with your Warehouse is is very close to a sensitive area also and uh on top of the the aquafer area that's all thank you okay just just one question the um tractor trailer deliveries when when do they generally occur and during their business hours they don't have spe specific times that they would show up but I would I would anytime during their their business hours all right I specifically ask because you know sometimes you have tractor trailer loads that come from a a distance away they could get there 3:00 in the morning 2:00 in the morning I mean are you going to how are you going to control not having them idle in your in your lot you know if they come during the winter you know what I mean you g to prohibit them from being there before 5:00 a.m. I I could if that's you know if that's if the board would find it more agreeable um you know I can't be I I'm not respons or I can't I don't know exactly when every truck is going to show up um and I I don't know what they're when they would leave or anything like that but I'd be happy to you know say it have a no idling sign on the property if that's you know beneficial or anything like that I think a no idling between that 8:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. yeah or or or even parking on the property other than your own Vehicles would be uh would be appropriate just to keep them from from doing that idling yeah fair enough thank you good um the only question that I have and again thank you uh for your testimony tonight um is relative to the sign so so the sign um I believe you're saying it's going to be 2 by 12 yeah correct I'm having a hard time seeing how this goes on a 2X 12 um is that is that really what 2 X12 you're looking for with this design that that's just their standard sign uh I don't know the exact orientation they might put the logo to the left of it and then admal Metals but that's going to be the colors those are going to be definitely going to be the colors uh if you guys aren't comfortable um you know approving the those colors with that logo and maybe uh some change in the orientation of the logo next to the lettering uh then obviously we could come back for a a sign for site plan waiver for a sign um or at least uh send it back as you know some resolution compliance item and and that's kind that's kind of where I was going says you know I understand the colors and everything but I just like would like to see it in the final design configuration the 2 x 12 and that could be done by site plan the the minus Cy plan subcommittee s plan waiver so if you're agreeable to that then that that works okay and and the other you mentioned the other uh tenants do not have signs uh they have a sign on their building they do correct okay and um or it's on the building and it's on the far left parit okay okay and that's the two by 2 x 12 too or I don't I don't know I didn't place it there and it was it was them them they to it all right thank you Mr chairman there were just one comment I want to review privately with my client if I could just indulge a board for one minute to speak with uh our client about one of the comments that came up okay um I I truly appreciate that thank you and then we'll open up to the public for any questions and comments we should happen for we G take this and over here oh I did something separate these two lines nice sure that's okay with everybody sure sure sounds good ide e e e e e e e e e e e e the previous application we will also uh wave uh or requ wave reading of the resolution to expedite the new tency uh should uh uh the application be approved uh tonight um we want an opportunity to consult um to provide a little bit uh more clarification on a couple of the comments that were received so I'll pass a mic down the line and hopefully we can uh achieve that thank you I spoke with the operations manager uh the tenant they can schedule their tractor trailer deliveries so um they don't schedule anything for um before or after hours they receive their trucks um during their business hours they're unloaded on on site you know promptly and then the trucks move off so there's not going to be anyone arriving in the middle of the night and idling for a couple hours so thank you um I just wanted to revisit the landscape ordinance in the 2022 um edzone ordinance D 22-21 um I'm looking at section 22 um amended to add the following section J and the number seven lands AP area ratio because um I do agree that we should we should do a a plan that that shows uh how compliant uh the the land the existing Landscaping plan is to this ordinance um but I think what our findings are going to be it doesn't it doesn't suit every point of this um the landscape area ratio is 40% of undeveloped or non uh perious areas sh be planting areas or existing uh PR cover exists is fine too okay so grass cover would would count as any yeah it's not it's not all plantings like also grass coverage basically anything that's not impervious so not building not pavement all right so we would be able to reach that but um the next one is about uh along the property boundaries evergreen trees shall be planted at 15t intervals in a minimum of two offset rows um and I think it means staggered uh linear rows of evergreen trees shall be avoided um that that there are some evergreen trees behind the building um I think they're probably 20 feet apart but it's a single row and I just would ask the board to consider uh a waiver if that's what what it would be a a design exception from the the strict compliance with that because that that would really kind of go against the character of that neighborhood if you will I know that there's some uh pretty dense plantings between the back of uh the other the buildings on the other side of Aaron way and the the White Lake uh Park um but in this case the property lines are bordered by just another commercial industrial building so I don't think that I don't see that as being uh as being necessary um I everything else I think we can meet I I would just ask the board to uh consider that and then we'll work with your professionals to upgrade where we need to Mr dun I believe there are plantings around the perimeter of the entire site maybe not Evergreens everywhere but I think on your eastern boundary that there are some trees there yes I do remember um and looking at the aerial photo that's it's on page two of your report Katherine um I I do see there are some plantings on the Eastern side and also behind the building um so we do have some plantings there yes yeah and those were probably just planted maybe two years ago so they're not even near full maturity I only mention that because as far as the intent and purpose of the ordinance it's not like like the site is bare they do have Landscaping as I mentioned earlier I really just want to make sure that because the ordance has been changed that there was conformance with those Zone regulations including the new ones that were added but I didn't mean to say that there was no landing on the side you're going to have to do supplemental like okay serious amount of plannings I think they meet the intent and purpose of the ordinance I don't think what they're asking for as far as a waiver um is is a a big ask I think it's more of a protection in the case that if it came to reso compliance time they didn't have to come back before the board to do something that they that they noted as a non-compliant issue I think the waiver would just be so that they could see it as either pre existing non-conformity or as a waiver moving forward because they do have a significant amount of plantings and I do think we could rely upon that if you were to Grant the waiver to say that they do have significant planting I don't know the maturity level of it yet I actually don't know the species either because we don't have a landscape plan and I don't the aial is not very good um in that in that whole section we'll provide a new plan that shows all that yeah I think that would be helpful just as far as the as belt to show that but I think as far as the ordinance purposes the site's not bare it's not a bare industrial site it's not you know it has Nice Landscaping that has just hasn't been mature yet and I'm afraid that if we do impose a requirement like rose of Evergreens when they already have trees there they're going have to pull out existing pretty new trees or mess up basically the aesthetic of what the original Landscaping plan was so like I said it's not their site it has a lot of landscape Landings for an industrial site um and I really just meant to bring up the Landscaping to make sure that everything is in line with what we've basically set up for the Ed Zone thank just wanted to be transparent with what what what everybody was talking about yeah thank you Katherine how do we handle that procedurally then um I mean we don't have a plan in front of us but I think what we can hear from them is that they're requesting the waiver from I think at a at a minimum um I think number three which is at property boundaries evergreen tree shall we planted 15ot interal offset um to obscure from over floors and nearby buildings shall supplement other Landscaping lineary rows of evergreen trees shall be avoided I think maybe we we the board should consider a waiver of that and in that consideration basically the reasoning being that they have Landscaping already on site pretty recent landscaping that's been added um um and that with that waiver you would say that we also basically need a landscape plan that confirms the other requirements of the Ed Zone that can be checked for reso compliance but that's I don't think what they're asking is significant the waiver would be for that the one element of that Landscaping plan the Evergreens we're saying right yep and the rest of it you would determine later you and Mr Simmons basically going to confirm compliance with them yeah okay okay so the waiver is not for the whole concept for the whole again if their site was Bare I think it'd be a different conversation I think we probably want to bring it up to the standards of the E Zone again they did a pretty good job two years ago to landcape the site to beautify the site um so I just from looking at Aerials and from seeing what they have um I I don't I think they're in a pretty good strong position that they meet most of the ordinance requirements okay and uh just one more comment I wanted us go back to the impervious uh coverage question um I just wanted to make sure the board is aware that uh nearly every uh site in this development was given a variance for up to 50% of uh impervious coverage and that is because the uh detention it go everything goes to one single detention pond in the in the back of the site beyond that culdesac and that was designed not by us but designed and approved by the town um to withhold the 50% impervious for the entire subdivision um I I just want to put that on the record so the board is aware of that too just one correction on that if I may it was designed by Alan Campbell uh PE of Robert Campbell Associates and the town reviewed it okay thank you I I couldn't think of the engineer who did it sorry okay does anybody have any questions relative to the testimony we just heard the supplemental testimony okay uh so again uh let's uh open up for the public if anyone's here has any questions or comments relative to this application okay so seeing no one I guess we bring it back so uh Tom if if maybe if you could help us crap this and Katherine Dave if you could give Tom any con make sure you da he's got all your concerns addressed as well so the board could consider a motion to approve the amended preliminary and final site plan as discussed this evening with the standard conditions with the uh understanding and approve effectiveness of the approval this evening provide the applicant complies with all requirements for compliance uh they'll also um submit the applicant will submit a revised uh Landscaping plan updated to reflect the existing conditions uh and to demonstrate compliance with the ordinance except that ordinances including the 2022 revision except that the U waiver is granted from the requirements of the ordinance the updated ordinance to uh provide a staggered row of Evergreens uh because the applicant has already planted the areas and we do not require the applicant to remove existing plantings um those those plans the landscape plan will be subject to review and approval of the board engineer um they will um submit a revised um tenant sign for the facade with the maximum size of 2T by 12T as allowed in the or ordinance um with the details of the signed configuration to be subject to the review and approval of the minor site plan subcommittee uh the lights uh except minimal security lighting shall be off between the hours of U 8:00 pm. and 500 a.m. and uh there'll be no truck idling and no parking of others other uh other companies trucks on the property the landlord will install a sign on the property of no truck idling or no idling uh there will be the tractor trailer Delivery will be conducted during regular business hours and that's all I had Mr chairman we have of course it's the standard conditions include the review reports of the board engineer and the board planner is there anybody like to make a motion I'll make a motion okay thank you s anybody like to second I'll second thank you any discussion Okay so would that Dory can have a roll call please Deputy Mayor Dean blumetti yes Janette Burke yes Christine Dunbar yes Vice chairman Bill enry yes Joan Ferman yes Justin caneles yes celest Luciano yes Ernie rad yes chairman Ronde yes thank you gentlemen good luck thank Youk very much appreciate it have a good night okay that brings us now to the third and final application tonight which is uh 24721 brandstone of New Jersey Inc and folks please come forward welcome likeing this what we weren't up on a day like it was Voting middle final away from slipping on yeah good evening again ladies and gentlemen Daniel Bor from ask and hooker representing the applicant this evening branstone NJ Inc um here on their behalf is Juan palasio uh Juan if you would please stand and be sworn in Juan um please raise your right hand do you swear firm to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God I do thank you and please state your name spell your last name and give us a business address at least ju palasio p a l a CIO this this address 26 scale Court Sparta New Jersey and you're an agent of a branstone of NJ Inc yes is that correct all right uh good evening ladies and gentlemen again um we're here to discuss a fully developed 5unit building it's located at 26 Gale Court uh specifically we're referencing unit a uh it's block 12008 lot 11 it's a Halfacre lot in the Ed Zone uh currently skark occupies three of the five units um and a daycare occupies one of the units specifically with reference to the unit uh that we're discussing today uh 1,200 square fet of it is office space and 3,000 ft of it is industrial space um this evening we're here to amend a site plan application for unit a for a change in tency from a vinyl printing facility to porcelain fabrication which is what the applicant does um to be clear the applicant has four employees only needs four parking spots there is no client interaction on the site um if there is a dumpster needed it will be maintained in the unit and not outside of the unit um and uh there's no sign that's going to be placed on the building or in the sign that exists there now so he doesn't he's not asking for any changes or anything with respect to that um and uh and there were some questions regarding um a firewall from Mr Simmons uh some parking questions for Mr Simmons um and I I will be honest with you this specific building uh is managed by an association the association is made up of the unit owners um I have been in contact with Scar's a chief executive officer and she has made it clear that the previous owner of the building was essentially the chairman of the association um and he was very LAX in his job and the last unit that he owned was the unit that my client purchased and since then no one has really taken any steps to um uh reassociate the association so what what's going to happen is after hearing testimony tonight and it's clear you guys want this to be taken care of you want this property probably cleaned up after seeing it so I can't make any promises for the association and I also can't provid any testimony with respect to uh the the current occupants of those units the only thing I have for you is a letter from skark and I haven't even gotten in touch with the people from the daycare yet they haven't called me back Additionally the previous owner is non-existent now so I have not been able to get in touch with him either um so with that said um Juan uh you've heard my summarization of your application this evening um do you accept that as your testimony this evening yes um and so if there are any specific questions with respect to the business that my client has at the site uh we'll we'll take those questions now we can go over exactly what type of business he's operating on site but again I can't make any promises for the association because they're just not here and we're going to have to meet and discuss so Mr beckendorf if I could so we just got handed this letter so I guess I don't know if Tom this needs to be uh logged in as an exhibit or and and uh also I I think at least me personally I'd like to take a few minutes just to read through it absolutely before we we go any further so I understand what what it what it says yep okay thanks for e e good everybody good everybody need I I just want to State for the record A1 is the uh September 3rd 2024 correspondence um from Miss McMillan uh the Chief Executive Officer of skark um there's a A2 that is a uh uh September 4th 2024 a Google image of the property as it currently looks um and uh A3 uh September 4th 2024 uh there's an image of it it's it's actually the um amended site plan from March 16th 2005 it was last revised March 21st 2006 uh if you if you saw an in an original site plan of the property you would notice that those parking uh spaces in the back of the property didn't exist until this amended site plan um but I wanted to make sure that you saw how those uh parking space came into existence so um it's easier to see it rather than just read it in the resolution so I thought that make it easier for you so you mentioned so we have A1 you mentioned an A2 and A3 do we have those or you have all of them yes I they were just submitted this evening I just handed you all three everybody all three okay gotcha okay and so um so the a18 2 A3 were the letter Y from start A2 was the aerial photo or the M everybody good that that's correct okay and if if you're to look at A2 which is the Google photo um the unit that the tenant occupies is all the way to the left of the building um and there is a large garage door that exists on the back side of that building and the client uh the applicant will occupy those first four parking spots um in the parking area there that's all he actually needs there's no client interaction on site so I think what I'd like to do now is just get some testimony from my client about exactly what porcelain fabrication is how it works um so uh one take micop one you'll be uh you will be fabricating uh porcelain what on site they are porcelain countertops and also um porcelain panels for like bathroom walls and um how do you fabricate them it's just some light cutting and then they get um put on the truck and taken to the job site okay and how do you cut porcelain lightly um there's a bridge saw for the/ in and then for the quter inch it's a rail saw but we also use the bridge saw all right and when you're cutting with either one of those saws do you use water yes okay and when you use water in those saws um what happens to the water after it's used to cut the porcelain it just goes into like a drainage system into a dehydrator and it sends the clean water back into the machine and then the dehydrator compacts it like a small block which then gets dumped into the garbage and it essentially collects the porcelain sediment in bags is that yes and then those bags are just disposed of as you dispose of a of a sandwich that you didn't finish for lunch uh yes typically um basically there's the dumpster that uh that's specific to it then we will get the dumpster put it inside of the actual um facility and then that's where we dispose of it okay and so none of the porcelain leaves the saw area no okay and if it does what do you do with it it's just cleaned up with a broom dust pan yeah you could just it's very minimal the the amount that comes off of it a vacuum yeah okay all right um and uh if if you're running low on water in the saw do you put more water in the saw um yes but typically the saw just kind of runs in about 30 seconds and then it just stops cuz that's about what it takes from side to side for the saw to come through so the water once you start it once you start the saw turns it on water activates automatically then it shuts off and then water shuts off okay all right and is that uh fed by a a faucet from the facility will there be a water line run how does that work just a waterline run okay and that's really the only change that you really need to make to the facility is that correct yes okay right uh there any questions regarding that yes I I just want to make sure I understand you Juan you said that it goes to a drainage system that's really not a good phrase if it's if it's uh enclosed I just want to make sure you don't dispose you don't that water that is used in The Cutting does not go to the septic system does it no it does not it doesn't go to the bathroom it doesn't it doesn't go to any drain to the septic no it just recirculates it recirculates and so and then it gets reused yes the C just gets reused and when it and and the solids that are cut and and set and fall out or screened out that's what you dispose of as ordinary waste is that what you're saying or yes so typically the way we do it like currently usually they'll have like a dumpster that's just for like let's say a solid waste um but then I'll just find a dumpster that just does Solid Waste but typically now we're at my current location we just dump it in the regular dumpster CU it just compacts into a bag and it's not in any way a hazardous M material no it's not and um there are no uh petroleum solvents used in The Cutting no there's no non nonwater solvents so you don't add anything to the water no it's just water just to like a dust control basically the water is dust control okay and you understand that there can be no use of ha materials in your shop you understand that yes and you understand that there can be no disposal of hazardous materials into the septic system yes I and you also understand that there would be no disposal of any liquid or Hazard materials onto the ground or outside the property that is correct nothing goes on there okay and this is very important because you're actually relatively close to the township Wells that are are used for water supply for 20,000 people so be very careful about that so that's one of the requirements of why you're here too is to let you know that that ordinance applies to all users in the Ed Zone not just you but no one is allowed to be uh disposing of Hazard materials so thank you sir please go ahead thank you um and again uh as I stated earlier I mean if if the board did look kindly upon the application this evening um it would it would definitely be conditioned upon and subject to um um a maintenance plan agreement and a landscape plan um because I believe the property does need some work but there are things on the property that we couldn't explain so I would I was concerned that we might get questions this evening that specifically relate to the site that my client just doesn't have the information for right now okay Dan well I guess what you're trying to say is that and I think it's clear according to this letter um I take it that branstone is already the owner of one of the condominium units in this building is that correct and so there are four other kind of many unit so there's five units total but there's only going to be three tenants one tenant is scar they have three units one tenant is the daycare they have one unit and my client has the final fifth unit okay but are the other does skark own own the three units yes they do and the daycare facility owns one of the units I can't tell you that and yep I can't okay say that and what is there anything that your client that that brandstone is buying or is owning as its interest that requires the clearing clearing up of the parking spaces that have the dumpsters on them are are you responsible in any way for those dumpsters that are in the parking lot based on my conversation with um m McMillan uh the Blue Ridge uh or excuse me Blue Diamond dumpsters are theirs um there's also a Waste Management dumpster that's the daycares um and my client would need to get his own dumpster uh she she also reference that the dumpsters can be moved to the dumpster enclosure area uh if required but again I didn't I don't want to make any promises about that because it's I I you know I think I need to speak with her about that uh similar to the previous application it was actually the property owner that came and made the application for the tenants I I think we need I think we need them to be here or I need more of an understanding of how the building itself operates and nobody could provide that for me looking at the picture is there a dumpster enclosure area it's it it it um it's the remnants of a dumpster enclosure area uh to say the least uh it it clearly has a pad it clearly has a back wall and maybe half of a side wall um but uh Blue Diamond didn't like the dumpsters in the dumpster enclosure because the trucks that they used the height at which the um T the the handles go down uh it was off by like a foot so they would have to like angle them in order to hook the dumpsters so they moved them down themselves but this is the type of thing I just can't answer for you my client doesn't intend on using any of those dumpsters they're going to keep the dumpsters in the building um in their unit out of the public eye okay all right well let's let's finish up your testimony and any questions from the public thanks are there any questions from the board for my client regarding the porcelain fabrication Mr Simmons or his operations Mr Simmons why don't we start with you please sure Mr chairman just referring to my report I did dated August 5th 2024 it's an existing existing site um I'll just highlight some of the things just for the record on page four item number or B and C uh I noted on the day of my inspection there were several dumpsters located in the rear area of the existing building they were not in the screen dumpster pad area in the rear of the building as uh the applicat attorney mentioned already uh my recollection I'd have to double check it but I think the existing enclosure is only large enough for one dumpster uh there were several dumpsters there so screening of the dumpsters is an issue U then I noted item 4 C stop signs must be replaced in the two locations where the access drives intersect with Gale Court uh they were on the original site plan and they weren't present uh when I got there and did my inspection um again when we talked about the parking applicant indicates there at least I thought there were three employees but I understand tonight there's four okay uh data to be provided to show the total number of parking spaces and how many are available for this unit after the parking requirements for the other existing tenants are satisfied when I did my inspection the front parking lot was fairly full um and as Mr bador and I discussed earlier on this application I believe scar May Park some Vans there uh so I think that has to be squared away as far as who's who's who if you will in the parking areas um there's no new impervious coverage being proposed so there's no change in the storm drainage um I do note that the applicant should at the hours of lighting on the site and again that may be a an a matter of touching base with the other tenants to make sure everybody's covered for safety so everybody knows what's going on uh with regards to utilities uh again they're connected to the Township's water system but as far as the size of the existing service line and who's in there right now uh that should really be verified with the utility department from the township just to make sure they're satisfied and by the same token in the capacity of the existing septic system uh with regards to uh the tenants that are in there now uh they have not proposed any new Landscaping at the site I don't know how it does or does not comply uh with the latest ordinance so that would have to be checked um architectural plans of the existing building weren't necessarily provided there was a schematic layout the applicant provided showing what he's proposing to do um I don't know is the applicant proposing any facade sign or just a panel on the existing freestanding sign uh no no signs just on the actual door nothing on the freestanding sign no not on the freestanding sign either no no signage at all no signage I don't I don't take any walk-in customers or anything like that I just fabricate and install okay and on item number 13 we I'm sorry on item number 13 we did talk about the the uh polishing and the and the Machinery that he's using and how it's basically a closed system so that doesn't go into the septic system or cause any problems and uh those are my main comments Mr chairman thank you Mr Mar I think Dave took most of the the comments I was going to have and uh additionally I think some of the other questions that I asked have been indicated by Council for the applicant that they just don't have that because of the condominium isation of the building um so I think there there probably are some un answer questions um that we just might not get answers to from from the applicant that's all I have okay Justin why we start your R tonight um sure um I'm definitely a little little concerned with you know the dumpsters and I I also see some pallets and stuff looking at gole Earth kind of in the in the back parking area um in some of the parking lots but I'm not sure that's your guys' issue um but the other question I had was um with the other units being kind of like day habilitation programs um and preschoolers is like is the noise from the saw or any of that stuff going to be an issue with those types of of people are they aware that that is going to be the noise is uh there's not a lot of noise like I said it goes into like 30 second intervals it's just like a it's a motor it's a 20 horsepower motor it turns on turns off and then that's it then you just have the air compressors which are like literally the polishing machines and they're on for just a little bit so we've never had any they like loud can you hear them from the other side of the building no you can't you can't really hear any of that stuff from what I've seen with the actual building there's we always keep our doors closed and everything happens right in there there's no doors open there's nothing happening outside okay all right that's all for me I have the same concern with the dumpster but I mean there's nothing that you guys can do about it um as far as the as far as the Landscaping plan I know the other scar facilities that they run um have some pretty good Landscaping so hopefully you can come uh get the association come together with some kind of a a good Landscaping plan and clean up the property so I think that would be great thank you same concerns about noise um next to the pre preschool if the preschool in fact is still there because you're not really sure who all the tenants are you know that skark has three un to so I think the preschool is still operating but it operates on the far end oh okay so gark is essentially next to uh the tenant my applicant um and and then at the other side of the building is where the preschool is located so I don't think the preschool would be affected by any noise just as a comment okay and um just the um the whole area just looks like disheveled you know really needs to no disagreement here it's kind of a kind of a mess um and um and yeah um the noise and just the general lack of a parklike environment which is what the I believe the Ed Zone was was originally imaged um to be is deteriorated yeah thank you thank you Mr palasio thanks for uh expressing interest in doing uh business in Sparta certainly appreciate that just a couple questions about your operation so the loading and unloading of the countertops or the cabinet walls how does that take place so we have a forklift and you just unload the sheet bring it in into the shop so the um pickup truck Ford F250 8f footer just backs in we unload the slabs we put them on the rack and that's it but we typically we don't use it's like a as per go so I work for uh porcelanosa and this the product is called XOne so basically they just have in sheets and it's they send me customers from their showrooms um and I just quote out the project and then typically takes a while for the project to get approved and it's typically two three sheets and then basically I go pick them up at their distribution and I bring them to the job site unload I bring them to my warehouse and I just unload it and that's it where does the unloading and loading take place in terms of the parking lot it could be inside it doesn't necessarily have to be outside well because you're back up a truck somewhere right are you backing up a truck somewhere yeah so it would be you can't see it on the uh overview but there is a very very large garage door on the back of the building and the applicant would absolutely be willing to back the truck into the garage door and do the unloading and loading from inside the building no forklifts in the parking lot no kids backing up in the trucks and no there's plenty of room it's a very large unit 3,000 square feet it's big got it um I understand the water saws or used for like dust mitigation is there any concerns about when you're cutting porcelain in the dust in the air at all not really it just it cuts it with the water right so basically if the machine stops it'll just stop the blade stops so it doesn't cut so if the water is not getting fed in the machine turns off got it cuz it needs the actual water no Sil mask or anything when you when you're operating the Machinery yes just a regular n95 and that porcelain when it's can can you explain how it's it's when it's dehydrated and it's contained in a bag and then disposed of can you just run through that process again yes so basically the water turns into like the mud so it's water mixed with the actual what the porcelain gives off which is very minimal um it hits the ground right and then it just goes into a little like bin with a pump and that pump sucks up that like mud water and then it sends through like a filtering system of like three bags so all of the actual um dust gets thrown into the actual bags and then the clean water goes right back to the machine and then the bags start to fill up so it's kind of like separating water from so it becomes like a solid Mass inside of the bag and then the bags get taken off and just dumped I believe there's there there might have been a picture uh with the uh application too showing the bags um and the process if not one one can be provided and it's just standard operating procedure to just dispose of that in the regular garbage yeah yes typically at this moment we just dump it into regular garbage it's not we've never had an issue with the with the garbage disposal company I'm saying you can't thank you thanks I know I hav just oh I'll keep looking for okay can you uh want to go back to the question around unloading and loading and you mentioned I guess I'm curious about the circulation within the parking lot especially with different businesses different people coming and going perhaps Vans perhaps handicap people kids so you mentioned about the rear of the building having a garage but your unit would be in the very front of the building closest to Gil court so how would the unloaded material or material to be loaded get from your unit all the way to the far end of the building um I think they mean a different rear and front so yeah so this is if you're coming off a Wilson Drive MH on to Gail Court he would enter all any of his four employees would enter the second uh parking or the second driveway Park here and the truck would back directly into the building and they would unload and load in the building when you say the front when you were talking about the front and rear as it relates to this yeah there there's a there's a front entrance but there would be no parking up there he wouldn't even be using the front entrance okay it would be locked front by by looking really looking at it from Gail Court the way you were talking about front and rear was the right side of the building is the front and the left side of the building is the rear and you were also I AP trying to make a point that this unit is closer to Gail Court than the any of the other units right that's basic concept yes okay I think we get it okay uh and you so the truck can actually enter the building yes okay and be covered in the building so the the circulation would still be intact right yes there's an emergency at the same time the truck's going to be out of the way yes okay okay arguably this is required by the ordinance because you're not allowed to have outdoor operations you can't can't be doing fork lifting and things in the parking lot you're supposed to load your trucks at the loading dock or inside the building okay and it count what you're proposing is complying with that ordinance reort yes okay my uh so I I have five questions concerns and they've been addressed or discussed and brought up already I don't know that we're going to get the resolution tonight though so I don't know we in a few minutes I'd like to know how we're going to get somewhere definitive tonight if we are because it's the dumpsters and the screening a lot of things that need the owner right or need you need more information to to provide answers Landscaping dumpsters uh parking spaces so you know the total but what's the breakdown of the businesses that are there how many are they using and what's left for you to use the lighting and Landscaping well F about Landscaping so there's really four so those are priorities concerns I don't know if you have answers tonight we're gonna have to come back with future answ we're gonna have to come back I I I understand your prerogative you guys are you know very thorough and I want to make sure that we get that information and I just can't provide I can't say my client's going to pay for the landscape it's it's a big lot so you know just I want to I and I I did speak with the CEO and she did explain that she wants to all meet not just that but I think there might be some opportunity here with the original owner pay for some of this so I want to talk to them and all together and see what we can do because I think that there's a lot of things that need to happen here okay okay with that being said I've no no new questions then it's just curious we're talking about this condo association when it became in are is it incorporated or you know are there Provisions for what it is supposed to do president and roles and responsibilities I can't answer any of that because I just don't have that information yet and that's why I you know I really did try to communicate with these people and uh uh Miss McMillan was awesome but she's very busy woman uh so it was just hard to get her on the phone to to talk to her about all of these things but if it's Incorporated wouldn't it be filed with the state I don't know that it's Incorporated I I don't think that's how it's set up I don't think that's how it's I think it's just essentially an association um it's and and each one of the Association members is a unit owner i i i a cond it's not a true Association no no no no no no not like not like a Lake Association might be a nonprofit or something like that no okay um another question um M Mrs M Miss McMillan raised was that um she didn't want anything in the back that would maybe interfere with the larger buses and vans that she has for the children what are the size of your um trucks that are going to be parking there are they going to fit in regular spots will they be larger um yes they're basically it's a if you guys know what a a pickup truck is so it's 8ot bed and it's a standard 250 it's not like a d where it's like two tires it's just like a little bit bigger than a passenger car so basically it's probably the same size as her Vans probably slightly smaller and that's never outside that's either out on the job site and the only um reason it would be coming into the warehouse is just to load and then to leave or to unload any material we picked up and then that just Le goes into the warehouse and then it just leaves right back out all right but your delivery when you have the delivery trucks they're going to be the size of it's just one truck it's the same truck that actually picks up the materials the same truck that's used to actually deliver the actual all right I just want to clarify then I had one other question I wanted to pick up on um what Mr Enright was asking you about collecting all of this sediment and they go into different bags now they get thrown in a garbage the garbage company comes and takes them puts them in a dump the bag bag breaks and now all of this is coming into the air which is what you really wanted to prevent in the first place when you were doing the collection um or gets into the ground I don't know about where the recycling company or the like I said typically they have so they'll either have like regular garbage or they'll have like a specific like let's say stone dust or porcelain residue which is a separate type of I guess recycling um system that they that they that they use cuz that's basically like when we had another shop where we were throwing out pieces of stone pieces of porcelain that was a completely separate type of dumpster that the recycling company offers so they would just pick up that type of dumpster and then the regular garbage would be something else but currently um the actual company that we use at my location they don't require like um it could be dumped into regular garbage but if it's some I'm willing to put the bags in the truck and then just take them to a recycling facility that accepts that type of dust and they dispose of it accordingly how it'll end up in The Spar to dump somewhere and then we have the the pollution that we're trying to prevent um and can the materials be recycled into porcelain again if you've um broken them up into so porcelain I don't think porcelain is in any way um you know a hazardous material it's a stone it's it's just essentially like breaking a stone in your backyard I think I don't I don't think it's made of any bad material what is what is porcelain basically it's just like a ceramic clay yeah but you wear a mask for a reason you don't want to be breathing this and it just for for safety reasons you kind of have to actually want to see it in the air but can it be recycled somehow I think it it could be um maybe can make some money selling it back I I I know specifically that um those certain uh dumpsters that they dump all the stone and all that stuff in I think that they actually kind of recycle that I don't know exactly for what it is that they recycle it for it could be they break it down and use as a flat base for something or it could even be something called stone dust which is was used in uh Landscaping where where they're laying out concrete or putting down paper stones or stuff like that gets crushed and then basically to kind of to kind of add that question yeah I think I think what we can do is we can contact the the companies the waste management companies and find out exactly what they would like us to do and then NE when I come back I will absolutely tell you exactly how they're going to dispose of it if they have a separate dumpster he's going to have a separate dumpster if they don't mind it in their dumpster then he's not going to actually get a separate dumpster but I think we need to just talk to the waste management companies but we we weren't at that point yet we just wanted to make sure that he could operate before we went through that whole process sounds like a plan thank you I don't have anything um I only have one concern and that's predicated around the fact that we've got um individuals with developmental disabilities that are potentially in and around the area and I just want to ensure that what you're doing is going to be completely enclosed and that they're not going to have any potential access where they can any potential accidents because you are dealing with people who have de developmental disability that you know um what kind of security do you have how do you lock your doors how do you know what kind of personnel I mean you're only talking about four employees can four employees manage that entire space and make sure that you know one or two individuals don't accidentally make it into spaces where they shouldn't be um yeah so the I was almost dead oh d That's I yeah Tom would you mind doesn't work we're we're ordering more by the [Laughter] way um so yeah so I'm in the business all the time so I'm the owner but I'm in the business all the time I operate the machine um so basically I control my staff and we always keep the doors closed even at our current location we always keep our doors closed we never and like I said there's no Walkin so front door is always going to be um closed the back it's a large bay door and then there's a side door next to it and those things are always going to be closed from what I saw from Scar the times that I've been there most of the operation is through the front and then they might have someone probably going out the back but they are actually um being escorted out and placed into one of their Vans and then they leave um but other than that I haven't seen any type of activity in the backside where we are most of it happens in the front and by the front we're talking about the first where all the parking where most of the parking is that that was it that was my only concern thank you um the only thing I'm just going to maybe elaborate a little more I I think I fully understand the operation it's almost carbon copy of like a quartz or a granite uh countertop you're getting a template you're making your Cuts you're delivering it and installing it on a job site um are you storing slabs in the facility um no no we don't it's like I said it's more of like a it's not like if you go to you know North berg and you have all the courts and they have you know hundreds of slab no we're not that that's like a showroom walk-in operation where they have a customer walk in and select your slab we're not we're specifically commcial based yeah we're based off of like gc's and most of my work I was in that business mostly the quartz and the granite and all of that but that's that's that went out the okay it's too competitive so we're in the porcelain business which is way more high-end probably five times as much money that it cost and it's less um it's less material that cuz they're only half inch okay half inch and quarter inch so you put three slabs of granite and yeah it's this big I could do 20 in the same space okay and that just gets picked up because that's um through their orders so I don't stock it to show it basically okay yep that's answers everything thank you right I I've uh again appreciate the the information and the testimony I've got uh two questions I'm just trying to figure out how to how to wrestle it a little bit so when I look at the the new aial versus the um the I call it the survey that was provided with the application the survey showed 45 parking spaces but there's I guess there's 52 parking spaces so my question is when you come back can you provide the site plan or the or the resolution that approv those additional spaces that's exactly what I did this even why that's why I brought it because I had the same survey as you and I was like where are these faces CU she um uh Miss McMillan showed me the where the spaces were I was like the site this this survey doesn't show that so we provided that this evening this is the revised amended site plan um and it's dated and that's exhibit A3 yes A3 yep that shows how they amended the parking lot to a uh I think it equates to 52 parking spaces yep and we can validate the approval of that and that kind of stuff so we submitted the resolution but at that time Dexter Associates it's always J's fault did not provide us with the site plan for the uh resolution okay so we didn't have it at the time when we submitted our application okay all right thank you but I knew that was going to be a question because I too had that question okay thanks so the second question is and it may have been answer I apologize if I if I missed it um in terms of the amount of trucks that you expect to see per day when you look at deliveries uh the product coming to and from uh what would that be there is no delivery trucks I pick up my own material I bring it in and it's not on everyday it's not every day that we actually go pick up material um typically two three times a week we go for install so we'll be like fabricating one day um and then two or three days we're we're gone so I have contracts in PA basically and most of the work is out in PA so so typically it's it's it's one one or two at most per day yeah but it's leaves in the morning comes back in the afternoon and then whenever I have to pick up more material I just go pick up material in Ramsey and then I bring it back it's something it's uh very in-house okay great that's all the questions I have Dave I I do have just few questions U while the applicant is discussing for the next meeting the logistics of the site I'm just looking at the aerial photograph on 82 do you mind if we pass the microphone back I'm just looking at the aial photograph in A2 and also the survey and I just noticed that there is an existing on-site detention Basin and my concern is with the latest storm water regulations and what have you uh excuse me that any kind of agreement that you develop between all the different unit owners include who's responsible for that maintenance and a regular maintenance plan there may be one on file I don't know but I think that's an important aspect because if the DP ever audited the township uh I think it's important for us to make sure that that's on file and taken care of and the second question I just had was with the uh with the cutting do you just cut specific sizes or do you camper edges or do any other kind of finishing work or polishing on the oh it's it's basically a cut and a Polish so no cering or mitering of the edges or anything yeah you miter it but um the machine goes on a 45 degree angle and cuts it so it's the same thing as making a straight cut same thing you cut ad miter okay that's all I have Mr chairman right anybody else have any last minute questions all right so um I guess at this point we we're going to need to uh set a date to go forward and perap you guys come back and provide testimony um any date that that you'd like to recommend the sooner the better um I I've already talked to uh Miss McMillan and we're going to try to schedule a meeting within the next two weeks so maybe the first meeting in October would be appropriate that would be the second October 2 October 2nd so let's plan for October 2D if I can't get everybody together and in agreement by that date then I'll I'll let Dory know thank you Dan and Dan would you confirm that you extend the time frame for action until October 3rd yes please 2024 thank you thank you thank you gentlemen thank you very much everyone have a good evening thank you all right let me just run through this real quick agenda okay s to October 2nd 2024 at 700 p.m. at this meeting room okay thank you okay so that brings us to Other Board business does anybody have any other board business that you'd like to bring up and I'll just throw it out there okay um I I do have two things that uh I'd like to to just bring up what one thing Tom this is I guess maybe Tom Tom and Dory if I can get your thoughts on this it it seems more and more we're getting a lot of last minute data at these hearings some it's significant some not um how is there a way to say if you want us to consider something you really have to happen to us by a certain point of time or is that is that just because these are responses to your review reports you actually want to get data I I agree with that as opposed to old data so generally speaking you know it is very very common to have exhibits come in the hearing like tonight so I would there's one exception and that's when someone is actually seeking a approval of a totally revised plan that those should be in 10 days before the other thing that they try to do is we try to say to people if you're submitting something try to get it in 21 days before so that the U Katherine and Dave can review it but you're under time clock where you have to decide application these particular cases these minor site plans are 45 days from the date they're deemed complete so it's is important to move them along um and that's why you receive data the same night so so and what you do is you have to ask questions of the applicant to call out the answers but you know we get we've had a couple cases recently where um we've had actually updated site plans and they'll put a a poster up there that we can't see and they don't bring enough copies for everybody but we yet we're approving it how we we've got to find a way to bring they should bring more copies and you know I would we got to get to the point where you're more digitized there's no doubt about it yeah and I want to make sure that that everyone has a chance to reviewer before they come to the meeting to the greatest extent possible otherwise you know like the letter tonight that that was easy that was an easy thing to do because they they brought copies but again when site plan drawings you know where fonts are like this big from up here you know we we yeah you we're being asked to approve it but we can't really see it and I I just have a concern there maybe maybe think about it I can't I I wouldn't say wait I would say don't don't bother don't bother just hear the testimony no hear the testimony see you can you can say I'm not going to take it but then you're going to hear testimony about it right so you're better off getting the detail in writing and getting plans that show what you have asked for because that's what's happening is you're people are complying with your review reports yeah that's a good thing that's actually better than the alternative which is I'm not going to do it so it sounds like the answer is there's really nothing we can do there's not that much you can do I mean if you really really need to get more time to review it you can just ask for like something like this tonight to carry it yeah okay but that backs up your schedule too yeah which we don't want to do yeah all right all right thanks all right so the other the other um issue uh that I wanted to bring up not issue but just you know when you go back to uh the beginning of the year we had a uh uh the minor site plan sub commmittee had been reviewing the pdrm 2 zone for the the ordinance the ordinance sub thank you the ordinance of and um we were we were getting ready to uh bring forward some recommendations and we just never you know we just got overcome with events so I want to get that back on on track um I I can tell you the two things that we're looking to do and Katherine I'll you for some help on this one it was when you look at what was was done under ordinance 22-21 the building Max size was limited to 175,000 feet we never did that in pdrm to there was a lot of discussions with other factors could we or could we not but that was I think that was the recommendation of the the Min of the of the subcommittee was to let's get that on the books of pum 2 if we could as well as um when you look at 22-21 there are some required impact statements um that aren't there for pdm2 they're there for pdrm 1 and for the economic development zone so all we're trying to do is make the three zones consistent and and I think that was the intent behind the master plan and everything else that they're very similar so um don't want to do anything here tonight other than to introduce the discussion and I'd like to maybe get something on our agenda to bring this forward and bring it to a conclusion one way or the other so and cther probably going to look to you probably there in terms of um what needs to get written up and how we present it so any any thoughts put me on the spot here Ron I'm joking um so if I recall correctly when we did 20201 for the Ed Zone and the pdrm 1 um the prm2 zone is significantly different in how it reads and its requirements which is partially why it wasn't included under that umbrella for there's various set of sides it has there's various roadway requirements there's various percentages as far as building coverage that limit it in different ways so it was separate can of worms i' say um with I think a lot more restrictions than the other two zones which is why we didn't touch it um you know just despite some of the future unknowns about the master plan I think that is probably something that would work perfectly under the master plan to get it done now if there's an immediate concern or need to want to change that zoning ordinance to bring it to conformance I'd say then let's put our efforts and resources towards that but as long as we're working towards the master plan and a land use element of that master plan I think that's probably a good place to do a lot of these things all at once so so so little different view here um and I I agree you know when you look at what the subcommittee has spoke about and you were in in those meetings we we met several times and we had all these different ideas and I think when you looked at all the ideas we said you know what most of these ideas are good for that for let the master plan address them but there was always the concern of the building size um that says you know that's something we probably want to address as soon as we can um so we don't end up with you know the question was how big of a building can you have there and I think you know there were some thoughts it could be as big as 300,000 Square ft so so you know how how do we how do we make that consistent with the other zones nearby just from a building size and the impact statements you know that's that's probably a simple thing you know it's the traffic it's the environmental and it's the community um I don't think that's that's a big asking I think those two things when you look at the the size and the impact statements to me that's the kind of things we should be addressing as part of of the planning board ordinance reviews as opposed to waiting for the uh master plan sub committee understood um so two things some of the other when we kind of revamped those requirements for impact statements a lot of them got captured into the general ordinance as well so the E already exists and we kind of ramped it up a little bit but we relied a lot upon what already exists because the Eis requirements are pretty substantial already in the ordinance but that's for every major site plan any major that's not just the Ed zone or the pdm1 zone so I just want to clarify that as far as I think traffic which was the one of the traffic impact statements and the specifics related to that particularly for warehouse use to basically prove that it's a warehouse and not a different kind of use and preparing that traffic impact statement that's particular basically to warehousing use which would probably be helpful I guess for the pdm1 pdm2 zone I'm sorry pdm2 we I I think we have to look at it I mean the standards in that zone are so significantly written differently than any other Zone in that there's require 55% open space set aside requirements 3% impervious total on the tract so 3% including roadways parking building all would be included under impervious up to 5% if they have an in if they go for an incentive basically they dedicate a lot of their track to open space that's dedicated to the township if the township accepts it so five% let say it's maxed out at that is far lower now I get the track size are very big in the M2 Zone but 5% is far far lower than any other building or impervious coverage in any other Zone in in just in relative to the Ed Zone and the pdm1 zone I'm just going off my memory that's closer to 40% 5% versus 40% and pdr1 and edzone still have very large tracks as well so the only reason I mean to say that maybe we there was a reason why we didn't include it before simply because it was a can of worms that was separate but also we felt that upon kind of looking it over in that subcommittee that it had enough protections within itself that it had contemplated a lot of open space dedication it had contemplated very very low impervious coverage and other things that's just the surface of what the petm 2 Zone includes and so um I'm not saying I'm against the idea I just simply think that we should relook at what exactly the peterm Zone has as far as what it needs to line up with with the Ed because I don't think it needs the full the same full monty that we did with the Ed Zone and P and I'm not suggesting it no I just want to make that clear that I don't think it's gonna it's going to take that but let me be clear that's not what I'm suggesting okay okay and um I think it it would it might be a lot simpler um but we need to kind of understand where the the holes are in the pdm2 zone because it is so different so it would take a little bit of kind of getting up to speed with that first all I mean to say is probably the professionals to guide that and then come to basically whether it be this sport or subcommittee of this board then basically say like let's address those concerns with X Y and Z and a draft ordinance and then basically move forward in that way so so everything you you say I thought we had done as part of the subcommittee discussions and really what stopped the discussions was budget right we said we're going to bring it back to the planning board and do more here so you know the the recommendation of the subcommittee and I and I thought you were in line with it back in in those days was you know we looked at the different sizes so 175,000 square feet was was a good number based on what exists today uh based on the the the other uh Max buildings around it and the zones around it um and that's that was the recommendation that came out of it so I I and I apolog I haven't been part of this in a long time so my memory is completely failing me on this so can we do that can can you take it take take some time go back and look and I'd like to continue the discussion at the next meeting because I think for next meeting we only have one application as of right now which is the where we're going to have the uh R Ras come back so I think that would be a good opportunity to to let's have the discussion again let's bring it out and and and the goal is and I understand everything you said is there's a lot it's not the same because there's a lot of open space things there's there's there's all kinds of different factors that come into it but the bottom line is when you go back to the highlands Council recommendations go back to the state recommendations we thought 175 was the right number that they all supported so we we kind of landed on 175 you know given all these things when when they're all considered no building should be bigger than 175,000 Square F feet and that that was the takeway As I understood it yes and that was that was for those zones at that time what this is just for p 2 in addition what I would say at this point in time is that that is something that's going to be reexamined as part of the master plan also so all of those decisions that were made even a year ago I think are going to be reanalyzed as part of the master plan so not only just the pdm2 Zone but all of the zones will be looked at and all of the guidance and all of the Highlands um information all the state uh office of planning advy information all the warehouse sighting documentation that's all going to be accounted for in this kind of review and so why I kind of say let's utilize the master plan is because there's I think there's going to be sweeping changes or sweeping recommendations about all of the zones based on a lot that information I think the may I just jump in for a minute I think uh Katherine that um what we want to weigh in is what are the disadvantages of waiting until the master plan if we don't address this right now you know could another application come in yeah and I absolutely think that that's something that can be done without jumping into the ordinance let's like I said before let's check out where we're where the holes are in that ordinance let's check out where any kind of vulnerabilities are in that ordinance same way we did with Ed Ed and pdr1 Zone and then let's make a decision do you know okay I and and that was kind of where I was going is can you go back take a look at it and you know knowing that what the recommendation was you know help us you know is this a good recommendation is a bad recommendation but what I don't want to do is not have a discussion understood I I to me it's important the master plan is going to do some great things it's probably a year off I don't know that we want to wait a year to to put this one protection in place okay because I think that's the last the last Zone where there potential to have a big bigger Warehouse than what what you know than what what is recommended by the state and by the um the highlands council's Rec Warehouse recommendations understood okay thank you I would just agree I think it's it's right now the first step is right to identify how big is the gap right and how how big of a lift is it to seal the holes if there's a gap right now so I think it's just an assessment phase up front um and if we could do it quickly and not doesn't cost a real lot then it's ideal probably to do we have to now instead of waiting the full year depends on what we find though I think it's just you know going back whether it was done last time whether it's new work you I think just just a little bit quick and dirty see where we are yep okay okay so U Can we is next meeting you want a little bit more time what's what's good for you when's the meeting after next one's what the 18th I think 18th the 18th uh probably okay okay and and again look we we don't have to close it there but let's at least continue the discussion okay thank you okay um then the last thing I have just in terms of other new business is just take a moment I just want to thank and congratulate everybody that's here tonight because you know we were faced with with a tremendous backlog of of applications I think as of tonight that backlog is gone um so and that took a lot of work from a lot of people extra meetings especially from the people that that sat in for both our special meetings and and and the uh the diamond chip meeting so congratulations everybody and uh I think we're back on track and hopefully we can uh really start Expediting some of these meetings and maybe you know getting out of here by 10 o'clock so good job everybody that's all I have okay so uh anybody else have anything otherwise we'll go into updates okay updates uh Deputy Mayor blumetti sure the uh Town Council update from the August 27th meeting again we only had one meeting in August um two items one is ordinance 2412 passed uh which creates a bond to for partial funding of a new playground at Station Park some of you or many of you might have seen it written up in some of the local news so this is uh associated with Jake's law so it's to uh create a fully ADA Compliant uh inclusive playground and it's going to replace the one at Station Park the uh you'll see that the bond itself was about 700 was $700,000 however around 500,000 of that is going to be covered by a grant so the township will be uh paying for about $200,000 worth of the project uh secondly resolution 98 passed uh after uh a lengthy discussion to pass 3 to two and this was the resolution to replace the artificial turf softball field at unerman Field unerman Park uh so that did pass three to two and that's going to uh uh be moving forward our our next meeting is Tuesday next Tuesday September 10th at 10:00 uh 7 o'clock W by 10 o'cl exactly that was it thank you okay Miss Dumar yes um Mr chairman I have no report for the EC okay thank you uh in terms of the master plan uh subcommittee meeting so our last meeting was August 12th uh we're scheduled to meet again next Monday uh on the 9th um where we're going to talk about um Katherine has done a great job with putting together a u Community Hub website and we're going to hopefully uh take a look at that and get that approved as well as um there's a survey that was attached to it so look forward to to that meeting and that's all I have on on that um minite plan subcommittee yeah we met earlier tonight we had one approval and we were waiting to hear back on a handful of our other um pending applications and and um moving toward a a final place for our minutes which should be prepared in time for July and August by the time we meet um on the 16th or 18th bill can I ask how many uh applications are we up to for the site plan waiver for the year yeah 37 okay thank you and that might might not include any that come in the last 48 hours okay uh anybody have any questions if not we can move on to resolutions so um the resolutions we did uh Lakeland Bank up front uh Dory I believe Behringer is being rescheduled for yes baringer we're going to carry until the 18th great thank you so that get us to open to the public and there seeing that there is no public here I think we can we can move to a German unless anybody has any other issues that you'd like to discuss or raise so would that we have all in favor of a journey please say I all opposed hearing none we are adjourned thank you everybody thank you oh this is a wa