##VIDEO ID:mTJGmJy5w0U## I want to promote you tonight twice now twice no problem Mr chairman of board members um I did receive a photograph of the house looking at it from dandelion way and the question I had just to get some direction because I wasn't here at the meeting when you decided this uh on this particular view that I'm showing you right now uh the applicant did add some shutters to the existing Windows which I believe is my understanding is what the board uh intended uh and there was also discussion about a what I call a faux door uh realizing that on the dandelion side the doorway wasn't functional because of the Interior layout of the house and what have you but as far as a faux door what I see on this Photograph that they've actually done is basically just taken some trim work and outlined a door if you will and put some different type of siding there my understanding and belief and that's what I want to clarify with the board is that the board's intent was to take a physical real door splice it into the siding if you will have Hardware on it so that it looked functional from the street but it wouldn't be functional it'd be F door uh but it would look like a real door from dandelion way the other thing that I think was the intent uh on this particular picture and also the second one that I'm going to show you uh uh there's no Landscaping along the foundation of the building and based on my discussion with Landscape Architects in our office they recommended Landscaping along the foundation to help soften and buffer the foundation of the house uh and make it blend in better with the neighborhood so that was my understanding and I just wanted to make sure I was on the same page as the board and they're rendering of their decision and it was correct that that certainly was my understanding you wanted to have that facade along dandel line look like it should be the board the board didn't say it had to be a real door but it had to actually have the appearance of it uh the resolution is pretty uh straightforward in in saying that so the idea is to give the facade if you read the resolution to give the facade a treatment so that it looks like other front doors again Glenn was sorry it's for legal purposes it's only we we're doing the as of courtesy to move this along just for the board there's no yeah we we have it we we have it too not going to get in discussion with the public like I said it's not open to the public please please just understand I appreciate it what was that what I'm not or I'm not going to get into discussion here the board the board knows what action it took so the board can certainly discuss anything it wants amongst itself it's not open to the public but what your Recollections are and you all voted on it uh and we're here David was not here so I think I think the chairman has set it down appropriately and the chairman can certainly uh and the board members can certainly say anything that you all want and discuss it and decide what could be done all right we'll go to each board member John we'll start with you you can't Glen I was told this is a public testimony for me by MCA farvo last Friday you want talk proper notice this morning got resol please I don't want to do this I don't want to do this no hold it hold it wa no wait wait a minute let me finish the police have been notified downstairs so I don't want to have to call them and have them come in here so please just remain calm let us do our job and if anything at the end of this it doesn't sit with anyone or you Glenn you can always sue the board and go to court that's the next step all right and if you want to do that that's another whole area and you're Justified to do that but let us do our job here and you don't agree with it and again I can't I'm not going to speak to anyone else or yourself until we decide here and we're done please just have some patience and I know if you don't agree with it the next step is a lawsuit and that's your prerogative with that but let us do what we're going to do here please I don't want to have to call the police on this too it's not necessary you're all adults we all have our viewpoints and so forth but just try to bear with it until we're done we'll go to the board Glenn yes sir now what do you want to do now in terms of uh of speaking with each uh member of the board with their comments let the board members just give comments and yeah say go ahead John what what's your comment I have no comment I mean no comment about so nothing no questions or anything with the uh number three condition here in the resolution so actually I was not here that's yeah Rich what about yourself okay I I agree with what Dave said in terms that we we said there should be an appearance of a front door on the street and that appearance uh to the Builder perspective he originally from the plans we saw originally he had pipes coming out the end from the air conditioning units or something like that that have been removed and and they've done some work to that effect but what is what have shown on these photographs is not the appearance of a front door so I I think I agree with what DAV has said that something has to be done to give it more of an appearance of a front door including landscaping or you got the walkway going up to Nowhere right now and it should be it should be shown to either go to a shrubbed area and then diverted off to the side or have a front door put in a fake either full front door or an entance type of appearance to it hidden behind shrubs as best you can okay but I I leave that up to Dave's discretion as to what what constitutes the appearance that this is the front of the house right thank you Rich I agree with you 100% on that uh you were uh Mike you were you were here and now what's your comments on it I think as the photo shows now doesn't look like a door um more needs to be done to make it look like a door um you know I would even say as far as steps I mean it needs to look like somebody that's passing the house needs to make it look like there's a a front facade here right now looks like a back of a house though that's all my comments thank you Mike Richard um I'm going to I don't want to repeat uh additional pre previous comments but I am going to agree with Mr lafera that uh there needs to be something there that looks more like a door it and there should be some sort of landscaping in the front of the house uh obviously to inform anyone who comes to the house that this is not a real door that it's just there for the appearance and to go from there that the actual door follow the walkway around to the actual entrance of the house but it should at least appear to be a door and this does not look like a door in a residential area by any means I'm not trying to be difficult I'm not trying to be a hard ass but it doesn't look right that's all I have thank you Richard Landon no yeah I basically concur with what the board members are saying here it simply doesn't look like a front door um and there's there is work to do and I don't believe that that's was the intention with the what we what we voted on about what when was this originally done on uh July 10th soting I don't think that this this wasn't what our attention was I believe as board members all right thank you Landon so David Glenn what's the next step in terms of what the suggestions were and what the board commented on here tonight I guess I would ask a simple question of Dave does that give you sufficient guidance based on those comments and and the feel for what's going on looking at condition three and looking at the entire resolution you read these all the time Dave I I think the applicant has to submit a plan that shows what he's talking about doing both with the landscaping and with the front door the faux door uh before he actually does it so that we can review it and make sure we're all on the same page before they expend funds to do it that's I think the next St one of the suggestions one of the board members made I'm not sure which one fellas but one of the board members said well maybe even some kind of not only the shubing Shrubbery but maybe some kind of like Steps walkway oh absolutely otherwi look doors floating in thin air so basically as I'm looking at the photographs first step that's all there's a set steps coming off a Dand First Step there's a set of steps coming off a dandelion going to a walkway basically they've got to continue the walkway up to where the faux door would be with a landing so it looks like it's functional now with that concluding our discussion I guess then the zoning office will send notes of this to the to the applicant Etc well the applicant is certainly here and they certainly yeah but again we we haven't had it open to the public you're going to do that now then Glenn open it to the public I'd rather not no you could what I would suggest is just what you said Mr chairman at the end of the evening you could open to the public wanted to open it up in between one of the applications as a break that's that's up to you you're in charge you're in charge of the calendar and the schedule here no but I mean with what's discussed here tonight uh the zoning office can put this all together and then send it to the uh to the party and if they have any questions they would contact David Simmons right exactly so that's that concludes it uh I think so just find out any other questions that discussion have to take everyone in favor of what was just I'm not going to do a resolution or anything no no just a notification yeah and and David correct yes terms of notification everyone's in agreeance with that yes all right that's done so Glennon please you cannot Marissa the zoning office will be contacting you with the notification of what we discussed jge they they'll be notifying what again I can't discuss it because I said we were not open to the public I don't know how many times open to me it can't it's not this was this was just this was just a discussion of the framework on the board and its members of the resolution and that condition three resolution I'm not going to discuss it anymore Glen number one and two where his were boy and he still worked onits even after they were I can address that and and this will be it this GL excuse me this is going to be it after he's done addressing this it's over resol Glenn uh excuse me Glenn you want to I'm just getting something so it's in front of me before I speak Mr chairman again it's going to be no more discussion Glenn and they'll notify you the office of what has to be done and Mr Simmons Etc and it'll all work that way we to be honest with you we didn't even have to do this tonight it's all it's been Memorial I'm not going to discuss it I'm trying two glener exis MP Mr Simmons will Mr Simmons will be taking care of that that's the answer that's the answer because the that's the answer because the board was not going to have the kitchen ripped out so it was going to be a f door for hold on hold on Mr chairman this is the last thing this board is not just listen to me I'm not gonna talk if you're not GNA listen where gentlemen this isn't your meeting this isn't your meeting here's the answer it was supposed to be fa doors if you can't keep talking like that that's out of order that's out of order whether I'm right wrong or something in between it doesn't give you the right to interrupt someone so listen and listen care carefully if in fact the board did vote on a faor and you heard the members folks stop and listen you can't listen when you're shaking and doing everything the board voted on the faux doors however if there's an Enforcement issue because he operated in violation of construction codes and other things then you can ask for actions to be taken and deal with the construction Department this board has absolutely no jur dition over that this board only has jurisdiction to deal with what was before it I think the resolution reflected what the discussions were I certainly was here in all fairness to stop in all fair please have some courtesy and listen please um I know the other people in the audience I know it's controversial just please listen to them in all fair in all fairness to Dave Dave did the right thing it came back before the board the board discussed it you heard the comments from all the members that were present and if you're not happy with that you can appeal that decision you you can absolutely do that the board has put their opinions on the record and as far as I can tell you all agreed on everything that each one of you said yes sir except you because you were quiet because you weren't here so that's that's what it is but they're going to have to fix it up and they're going to have to do what David Simmons ultimately says is appropriate David will be the point man correct yes thank you David okay Mr CH all right that's it completed thank you for coming appreciate it next you're welcome thank you again for your patience well I bet that makes it really a perfect time for Main Street to come on up yes Main Street application 524 Mr ashin if you can come forward it was carried from July 10 24 agenda oh and was this stuff while you're setting up buddy is this stuff stuff that was submitted or you just prepared it for the hearing tonight all right so we'll we'll mark it as uh I'm not even sure exactly where we are but since this is a the market is A1 tonight I don't know that you submitted anything at the hearing anyway A1A yeah that's right A1A okay A1A is plan page two what submitted hey Bill would you put a mic a little closer to O So we can pick them up please just make sure everything is uh loud enough gentlemen since it's requirement for the state as you all know1 81a it's a highway too yeah do you have to qualify them again Glenn or not no I'm going to remind everybody that they're still under oath and they have Council here and let's go to it there were only a few issues I think that you had to address in um in in kind of putting our arms around everything on this application oh we did a couple of revisions to the plan based on the last time we were here um number one was there was concern with the propane tanks that where they would be locate located we located from adjacent to the building to the west of the building they did not affect the location of the building they meet all the setback requirements for propan Texs those will be located there second question that you had was with regard to the capacity of the septic if they had a number of people over in the event we're doing something that more people showed up and needed to take showers we double the capacity that would allow for GU to take a shower if that would occur at some point time and then the next uh item was for the vents on the adjoining property that went across the property line we've shown that to be relocated along the property line and then we made a couple of uh revisions to the house in order to make it more um residential uh on the plot plan nothing changed other than we added a deck to the rear the property so it has a deck coming up the off of the interior and I will move over to the architectural plans are they revised oh they were revised and all right so that's going to be a a1b very good unfortunately the architect would make it tonight so I'm going to cover the changes that he made to the uh interior of the facility um number one on the plans he did put all the code requirements in order to have a list of exactly what codes will be followed in order to permit this structure on the lowest level we added a a bathroom along with some storage for uh to utilize that area in a washer and dryer on the second floor we added a laundry room recomend Excuse Me Owen a1b is going to consist of how many sheets three four Flor come off the rear of the building to provide that and we also added closets to the two bedrooms primarily that was the open items I there was some internal concerns with those items so we've addressed the exterior address the issues there as well outer room oh and what's the date on the revisions on these pages but are they all the same same 81 you don't have these oh we don't yeah here's why here's what I need Owen we're gonna Mark a August 1st on the architecturals bill and and what about the what about A1A bud A1A was August 1st were the architecturals in August 1st too I had noted in my report there was no revision data on the architectural plans but they were received August 2nd just for reference thanks a here's the reason I'm asking uh should the board take action tonight I just want to amend the resolution but we'll I just want to make sure it's the right set of plans so that there's no confusion or anything else that's all I can write August on these so at least we have perfect all right for the railroad oh you have any more bill or Owen or anybody testimony yeah we'll finish with the Tony Miss ashy I'll cover it better than you ever could so so you're finished with your testimony for the time being um David if you're so kind sure Mr chairman just referring to the report I prepared dated is August 12th 2024 uh most of the items were carry over because of the discussions and plans you had at previous hearings um I did have a couple points to bring up I did notice that on on the first sheet of the architectural plans they did revise the garage area to show five vehicles being in their uh the capacity the the one question that I had that I think the applicant should just explain to the board there was some information in the transmitt letter um with regards to possible reference to 20 guas and I didn't know where the additional parking was going to take place or how that was going to be handled yeah that 20 guest were referred to I scaled the septic up and that the capacity of the additional to provide showers for up to that number it was just in response to the board's concern about the septic had nothing to do with the actual number but if you were going to get 20 guests where would they all Park um they would park bus we have six parking stalls between the garage and the driveway and then the driveway on site is fairly short but to the street about probably a half mile so they could park on the side of the driveway that that's the intent yes okay uh the other thing I just want to point out to the board uh there was a deed overlap and they have put notes on the plans where they're going to quit claim deed that overlap area to address that issue the storm drainage basically was taken care of uh I think this was discussed before but I didn't recall if there was any change because of the architectural changes uh was there a generator for this site no no generator and the hbac units were going to be located ated in the back in the rear roof right in the at okay and well septic and I had pointed out before that the applicant was responsible for bringing the utilities up to the site Electric telephone what have you because of the distance from 517 and the last item that we talked about was the maintenance agreement that'll have to be prepared because they've got to someone's got to be responsible for maintaining that for emergency vehicles from 517 all the way to the facility and Mr hin can correct me but I think that was going to be one of the conditions to take care of if the board granted an approval correct okay and other than that everything else was basically the same as my previous reports Mr chairman thank you David yes sir any uh questions or comments from the board DAV David you had a question about a retaining wall and I that's the retaining wall in the front by the where the propane tanks are going to be located yes those tanks going to be underground underr they're going to be under yeah did you I don't know the retaining wall detail they just showed that for some grading purposes and we just requested that they provide a construction detail of the exact wall that they're going to use it's not a tremendously large wall but when the construction official goes up there to inspect the site we just want to make sure we know what we're supposed to be inspecting whether it's going to be a segmented block wall a poor concrete wall whatever it's it's going to be so we can look at it appropriately and they can get the necessary permit for it okay what size are the propane tanks 1,000 gallon you have two 1,000 gallon tanks does that require any other special approval other than no State approval or anything okay Rich yep anyone else on the board any other questions before we get to the resolution I think this the revisions on the plans covered everything that we were questioning to begin with um so I don't think I have anything at this time all right thank you anyone else I don't no oh anyone in the public all right close so anything else Miss asking you finished was to a all right all right thank you Glenn anything else uh the only thing I would say is that the board you did have a copy of the resolution for this there would only be two or three small amendments to it just to reflect I tried to reflect what was going to go on tonight but I didn't have uh I didn't know when this was drafted that Davey was doing another report so I just added on page four Mr Simmons also prepared an additional report dated August 12 204 2024 and applicant agreed to address all items contained in his report which I think I think that covers that and then I was just concerned as I indicated that we make sure we get the right set of plans so in the conditions on condition number one I added consisting of two sheets and supplemented by uh exhibits prepared presented at the August 14 hearing so U meliss knows what that is and it's same as prepared by the architect as uh as submitted as amended by revised architectural submitted at the August 14 hearing so it they're the only changes that would need to be made as far as I'm concerned to the resolution unless you know it's your resolution so no you covered it all Glen so I guess Marissa has all those notes and then testimony is over so we can memorialize the resolution well you ought to vote first to approve the application and then vote on the resolution as a second action Mr chairman I do have a motion to approve the application I make the motion have a second please second any discussion Marissa please call the rooll John pinky yes Richard larua yes Richard robacker yes Lon teneri yes chairman Kenneth Larry yes it's been approved gentlemen and now we'll memorialize the resolution now we take a vote on the resolution as amended I have a motion for the memorialization of the resolution motion second please second second any comments Marissa please call the rooll John picky yes Richard lofa yes Richard robacker yes lanon tener yes chairman Kenneth Larry yes congratulations gentlemen you're welcome and I'm going to State on the record so there can't be any confusion as Mr dyra is quickly doing keep going oh uh we're going to retain the what was it seven sheets five yeah seven sheets those are going to be kept and they are the plan set where is for anybody looking at this for the construction department or whatever all my guess is as the building process goes on you'll be having additional things but this is the Baseline one this is the set that the board took action on tonight all right thank you Glenn it's always nice to have an engineer on the other side because they know how to fold [Laughter] these least if you f on them wrong it was a different issue oh right he can leave now right thanks thanks for coming thank you this punishment is over uh next application is 624 Jason Golder for C variant 12 Stacy court please come forward have a seat there Jason want towear in GL if you Jason move that mic more in front of you so it picked you up buddy Jason would you raise your right hand please you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth the proceedings before the board tonight's help you got yes what is your name Jason Golder Jason you got to talk a little louder because we got to be able to hear you and the board will not be offended nor will they think that you're yelling at them got it and how can we help you uh we're applying for a variance because uh we hired a company to do work in our backyard to put a pool in and some landscaping and some pavers and things uh the first person we hired uh we hired them in January of 2022 the project was still not done by 2023 so then we let him go and one of the subcontractors that were working on the project took over the project for him finished the project in both uh applications that that are before you tonight he finished the project and then after the project was done we got notice from the township that he never pulled out permits or have or basically did anything then you know uh once we found that out and we contacted him he said he's going to call you guys up call up the township figure out his end of the deal get the permits or sort out whatever paperwork he needed to sort out and then he kind of just disappeared and we haven't had any contact with him since well can you explain then what's actually going on what you what you want to do Etc at the so uh I'm sorry can you just let me know if this is for 12 Stacy or 14 12 Stacy so 12 Stacy was a INR pool some pavers around it there was a kitchen area to the right side and uh there was a retaining wall and pathway built from the like the the backyard fence going in from from like the driveway down to the backyard uh we found out that part of the kitchen was on the septic and the variants that we want to do is we want to take the kitchen and move it to the other side and and then cut out a good amount of the pavers to lower the how much it covers up so that way we could retain functionality of what we originally wanted but you know try to be in compliance with the with the board and the township as much as we possibly can or anything right yeah that's oh you look them all over now David with your report would you like to uh cover that with Jason if you're mind right now sure I can do that Mr chairman uh for the record I'm referring to the report I prepared dated July 2nd 2024 and as Mr goer had mentioned the primary uh task involved in the scope of work for this application is to relocate the exis outdoor kitchen remove slate walks leading to the fire pit area and remove portions of the existing paer patio that are encroaching onto the septic bed um this work involves some variances I'll just go through them so that's on the record uh and for the record the subject property is located in the RR residential Zone and is a property that was platted prior to August 11th 1998 which is important for the code and the following variances are requ are being requested from section 18- 4.13 E9 the total of both sidey yards is supposed to be at least 100 ft and 82.4 ft is provided this is an existing condition the maximum impervious areial out is 18% the proposed condition is 23.3% but I note that there's a net reduction in impervious coverage of 2.5% based on the proposed work that the applicant is undertaking wants to under take per section 18- 4.3 A3 it requires a minimum rear yard setback of 15 ft to an assessory structure and the rear yard set back to the existing five fire pit is 13.7 ft and section 18- 4.13 e9c requires a minimum side yard of 30 ft for a principal structure and total side yard of 100t minimum the existing left yard side yard is 23.4 4 ft and the existing total sidey yards is 70.5 Ft so those are the conditions or the variances rather that the applicants requesting for that that one D and and the the total Bo side yards their existing conditions both of them correct yes okay thank you yep then with regards to storm drainage uh again I usually put this comment in so the board's aware of it that the township uh did pass an ordinance that mitigation for storm water runoff has to be provided when the impervious surface area is greater than 500 squ ft added but in this particular plan they decrease the overall net impervious coverage so storm water mitigation is not required for this application um the applicant did mention about the chain link fence that encroaches over the property line in certain areas by about 7.1 ft my understanding is that's going to be relocated yes okay and removal portions of the paver patio will eliminate the encroachment onto the exiting septic field which is a good thing um as part of the application if the board wants to Grant approval they're going to have to get approval from the construction official for the paver work and also get a letter of compliance from the Sussex County Health Department when the work is done that they have satisfied the requirement of getting the pavers off of the septic disposal bed and that's my complete report plus I would suggest a condition be added Mr chairman if the board wants to act favorably then an as Bill plan be prepared all right thank you David Jason if we do approve the application it'll be with the adherence of all David Simmons points that he mentioned in his report too okay yes Marissa do you want to call on the board members for their comments or questions John FY I have no comment Michael jic no comment Richard larua no questions Richard robacker I have one question I believe just for my own edification if nothing else um it's noted that the fence exceeds the property line by 7 ft at its Max is that fence being moved back yes to be within okay that's all I that was my only question I'm fine thank you L taner I have no comment chairman Kenneth Larry uh no questions Mercy thank you I'll open it to the public now for any comments or questions they have in regards to this application being no one in the public it's now closed and back to the board for a vote we covered everything Glenn so far I think you're doing wonderfully thank you now can the chair have a motion to approve this application I make the motion we have to get a little bit more detailed than that John we can guide you through it me and Glenn so guide me through it I didn't write everything down but uh yeah the fence is going to be moved we're going to reduce the impervious areas um if I could amend your uh motion Rich no no no go ahead we'll have our board attorney prepare the resolution approving application 624 block 61 lot five for Jason Golder for C variance relief for impervious coverage I believe it's 5.3% then David and rear yard variance of 1.3 ft yes thank you Accord to all plans and testimonies submitted and of course with the conditions applicant would ad adhere to our board Engineers report and all his points in in that and also that you have the sporta township construction official approval for the pavers and the susus county health department for this septic system compliance okay yes and and also the asbill plan Mr yes as Bill PL and also they will relocate the fence within the property correct thank you takes a village I I second it any any discussion thank you Marissa please call the role John py yes Michael jic Yes Richard Lupa yes Richard robacker yes L tener yes chairman Kenneth Lowry yes well congratulations on the first one now 724 Jason Golder for 14 Forest Hill C variant relief you know what this is going to sound silly but I got to swear you in again you got it sir do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth in the proceedings before the board tonight's help you God yes and on this application what would your name be Jason golden oh good okay so it didn't change um Mr chairman Jason is this essentially the same same thing this this is just at my parents house not my house and I we hired the same contractor to do the same kind of job they got a pool the only addition was they also had a a driveway uh they reworked their driveway and added like cobblestones kind of and a and a loop the problem is now on their property is that the loop is on their septic and we need to according to the plans move the loop over and shrink the the width of it so that way it fits a car if possible if they're allowed to keep it according to the board so all of the testimony that you previously gave about the 2022 and 2023 and people becoming ghosts of Christmas Past and stuff that that that's all still true is that right on this application and and you're not you're not living in two different houses one one is for Mom and Dad and one is for you yes okay thank you Glenn for that I I don't want to make a big deal out of it we got Dave's report and I think that'll probably cover yeah just gonna say that yes David if you're so kind with your report yes sir Mr chairman again for the record referring to the report I prepared dated June 3rd 2024 uh with regards to the variances that are required the properties in the RR residential Zone and was platted prior to August 11th 1998 and based on my review I see the following variances from section 18- 4.13 E9 the total of both yards is supposed to be at least both side yards excuse me is supposed to be at least 100 ft and 82.4 ft is provided but this is an existing condition the maximum impervious area allowed is 18% the proposed condition is 22.6% but note from the plans that this involves a net reduction in impervious coverage of 525 Square ft based on that uh again referring to the storm drainage ordinance as part of past uh years ago if there's an increase greater than 500 square ft storm water mitigation is supposed to be provided but since there's an overall net impervious coverage reduction of approximately 525 Square ft uh storm water mitigation is not required required in this particular application under miscellaneous I note three things of encroachments the existing chain link fence along the Westerly side of the subject lot is over the property line by about 1.2 ft can correct yes the existing wall and adjacent lot 20 encroaches onto the subject property by approximately 1.2 ft near the front corner of the lot canex yes and there's an existing shed on the easterly side of the subject lot that encroaches onto the the subject property by approximately 1.1 ft fix yes okay and then finally I recommended for approvals the township construction official as far as the lighting that they're proposing and the pavers the County Health Department once again to issue a letter of compliance to show that they're satisfied with the removal of the pavers over the uh disposal bed area and I didn't have it on this report either but I'd like to add that they prepare an as built plan so the township has it for their files thank you David that's my report David I had just one question on the maximum imperious coverage the proposed condition is 22.6% but I notice on his application he had 21.8% for the proposed condition I don't know if it's an error on our end or his where did you see 21.8% Mr chairman I'm sorry on um on the applicant's application oh which which is correct or not I think I would go with the 22.6% that was probably on the plans sometimes there's an inadvertent discrepancy between the information on the application what's on the plans so I would use the 22.6% all right thank you yes sir uh any uh questions now from the board members on this application I'll save you the time mariss instead of going down each one of us so no oh nothing question nothing no apparently the applicant has trouble locating fences I'm I'm kidding I'm kidding good it's just it's just odd that you have two houses and you had basically the same issues all the time you know I think it was the contractor who decided to be the Ghost of Christmas pass he couldn't measured very well apparently it's true sorry then that's it Jason any other testimony or you finished that's it sir I'll open it to the public now with anyone has any comments on this application please come forward seeing no one in the public is now close to the public and back to the board for a vote the chair will entertain a motion or if I don't have a motion I'll make the motion myself make the motion John you wanted a short circuit you got it I make a motion to have a board attorney prepare resolution approving application 724 block 102 Lot 21 for J Jon Golder rece variant for Lea impious coverage of 4.6% uh according to all uh plans and testimony submitted here tonight and also adhering to our board Engineers report and also SP of construction offishal you said David right with the pavers and the susus county yes and yes and also with regards to the lighting they're proposing and the lighting and plus uh providing asbill plants yes sir Marissa please call the roll I mean excuse me motion I was waiting for that right in there you second it John I did any discussion Dave do we have to include the combined side yards being less than 100 feet I would yes yeah it's all it's all per David's report I'll make sure they're yeah that's in his report right Mr please call a r John py yes Michael jpic yes Richie Lupa yes Richard Rob backer yes lenon tener yes chairman Kenneth Larry yes I guess what about the written resolution um Glenn yeah I'm thinking Dave is there a problem with him just waving receipt on both of these I I wouldn't think so he knows the conditions of what's got to get corrected and he can correct it and take care of and get on working on the AIL well he's going to have trouble finding a contractor apparently good contractor so you want what we just talked about was if you want to get started immediately on both of these you got to make the revisions and and stuff that we talked about but you could wave receipt of the resolution and go and get building permits or whatever else you need to complete projects do you want to do that yes you're proceeding at your own risk but there's no objectors out here so I if I were counseling you I would say do it I'm okay and that's for both applications of course yes sir the chair uh so moved second please Marissa call the roll John FY yes Michael jic Yes Richard Lupa yes Richard robacker yes Lon tener yes chairman kenth Larry yes congratulations and good luck thank you guys so much appreciate you before we start the next application I notice our police officers here what's your name you can leave now it was the first application where we needed presence here oh he was here for that oh so he was here for the started I didn't even notice all right thank him too okay all right appreciate it thank you good night all right the last application is 1024 Michael De Roes for C Varian relief please come forward then I'm going to sit out this one all right so you got to I got to leave you got to leave the table stay in the room up here huh yeah I know what it's all about it's [Music] okay actually is there any other business on gu this no no done so then M you know the way it is you present your testimony and after you're finished we'll open it up to our professionals and then the public all right I think what we should do Mr chairman is just note that rich is leaving the board and are you going to stay for the rest of the meeting you're going to call a night okay bring the police back in yeah you want all right if it please the board William Askin on behalf of the applicant Michael D roers uh property in question is block 4002 lot 62 in the the township that's 21 go U Terrace the board is probably aware that there was a catastrophic fire on the property about 8 years ago in the house burned to the ground um the application tonight is to complete the Reconstruction you might also be aware that a lot of the Reconstruction the property has already begun and towards the end of the construction is determinant that the project to complete the project we're going to need a couple of variances uh the variance relief requested tonight is for front and side yard setbacks and a a height variance for a wall a retaining wall um the uh the applicant is here tonight to testify to my right is Mr de roers and our civil engineer Mr glassen is to his right as well the front yard setback uh requirement is 35 ft bill you don't have to read all that in do you agree with David's report David's going to do that anyway absolutely we agree with the three things in David's report then and uh we'll proceed I guess have Mr glassen present his variance plan and then we'll go to Mr D if you're so kind absolutely gentle let's SAR you're both in so would you stand up too sir you both swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth and the proceedings before the board tonight's help you God we'll start here what's your name Sir Michael De Roch the and Michael you're the applicant on this one is that correct okay now you can sit Mike and who are you J civil engineer and your licenses have been valid for many many years right Jim Jim keep your voice up and make pick you up they are and just keep your voice up so we get you on the tape okay it's all yours Bill thank you Glenn okay you go through the variance plan and start with the um overall site uh improvements proposed and then just highlight the the three variances we need this is I mark this because it's a colorized version of my it's a variance plan rendering dated 81224 it's the same thing you have but just a colorized version A1 yes sir y all right this property um lot 62 block 4022 21 GF View Terrace this being GF you Terrace the top up here it's a 27750 foot lot in the R3 Zone um as was mentioned by Mr Askin there was a twostory three-bedroom home that had a fire it was torn down to the foundation a number of years ago and the footprint you see on the left side is a home that's currently under construction it's a one-story bedroom dwelling um it has a footprint of 3327 where your R3 allows for 18% it's at 11.63 so the footprint of the house is well below your allowable building coverage in the zone as was stated our front setback that currently exists from the foundation of the home that is out there right now is 31.1 Ft where 35 ft is the requirement our left side setback is 10 or is uh 10.3 our right side is 9.8 so we comply in both the side yard setbacks because the combination is 20 side yard single and the R3 is 8 ft and the rear setback is 197 ft or 35 ft is the requirement this property has an area for the first I'm going to say 120 to 130 feet that ranges in slopes from 0 to 15% this property has a walk out basement facing the road walk out basement in the rear that overlooks the uh Lake Mohawk golf um so it's naturally built for a walk out right now there's a home that's under construction and there's patio areas from the previous house in the back there's a Circ can I interrupt you one second if this is in Lake Mohawk do you have a process p no uh Mark isn't here uh Glenn so no one else is uh so we don't have to wor about that's why I didn't mention it yeah thanks for catching it though want to we have appeared already before like mohawk for this well we'll get to that we just wanted to make sure that we're properly constituted so again the first 120 fet it ranges from 0 to 15% then after the after the improvements that currently exist on the property is about another 140 ft of property property's 90 foot wide by about I'm going to say 270 276 deep that last 140t severe drop off almost 60% slopes in some areas with the rock outcrop so it drops pretty much right off towards the golf course um right now out there is a new septic system that's been installed on the downhill side of the home there's Public Water Public gas or gas line coming in from G field um very simply what the applicant wants to do and they're they're colored in purple over here on the right side is to add a front porch over the front door front porch is 16t wide by 6.3 Fe wide and it basically connects to the existing driveway the top of that front porch the ridge on that sits at 21 ft the home is 32 F feet high as and in your building height calculation but the home from the front property line when you're looking at is about 27 feet it's a single story with basically a high roof but it's uh 27 feet from the appearance at the road looking straight at um the difference is when you put this front porch on we do now reduce our front setback from the 31.1 that exist to 25.4 so that's one of the variances that we're here for is for that front porch area it's an open porch basically it's an overhang for the front door um the second item we're here for is a shed that we're proposing on I'll call it the right side of the house left side if you're facing it from golf it's a very small 21q foot shed 3 foot by 7 foot we're proposing it at 9 ft off the property line where 10 foot is the requirement the interesting thing here is that zone R3 allows a principal structure at 8 feet but the accessory structure requirement is 10 so the principal structure is actually a lot closer than the accessory structure but we do need a setback relief of one foot on that um the only other item we're asking for um relief on is right now we have a retaining wall that's been approved along the the side of the driveway um we've lessened the wall on our revised plan but the retaining wall had a Timber guard rail on the top of it the wall was about three feet high with a Timber guard rail your your wall ordinance States three and A2 fet so what we've done on this wall and that why we need a variance is the retained height of the wall is still about 3 F feet but we've added an 18inch knee wall and taken off the guard rail on the top of the wall instead of the Timber guard rail we've continued the wall so the wall is basically a knee wall freestanding area for 18 inches and because that 18 inches brings us above the three and A2 fet we're required to come for a variance it's not retained soil 3 feet is the maximum retained on that side but the wall uh does require EV the wall has been reduced in size from like 40t long to 28 ft long the only other item I'll mention is we're we're compliant with with impervious coverage and we have installed a drainage system out there right now um which was not needed but we wanted to do it anyway to be compliant with our downhill neighbors we installed a drainage system that takes 995 sare ft of the roof and it takes about 1300 ft of the driveway infiltrates it through an inlet and a drivew system in the driveway so if you were to take that out of our impervious coverage we'd be at about 16% we didn't do that but I'm just telling you what the difference would be the amount that we're infiltrating um other than that on this plan we've shown some air conditioning units these are not variances we've shown a generator um nothing else that we're proposing requir we have a small fence that's connected to the neighbor fence on this side left side looking at it for the road right side of my drawing and that's it but the three variances are for that front setback for the porch the shed being 90 ft versus 10 ft off the sideline and the retaining wall height going to retained height is 4 point or 3.1 and the retained wall now with this 18 in is at 4.6 so that kicks us into a variance for the wall we didn't like the Aesthetics of the Timber guard rail on top of the wall we wanted to continue the wall up and use that as knee wall and I believe there were structure calculations that were done and that is kind of a summary I haven't been there is the wall a safety measure too so you can't the wall hasn't been built yet but the wall is for yes the wall is also for to act as the Guard the guard yeah it just looked better to continue the wall up with a cap block on top of it than it did with the timber Jim the pre-existing impervious coverage according to what I have here was 27.7 which prior to us of the right so that was prior to us doing prior to getting building permits for this house so this has been approved right now for a grading plan it's under construction we had reduced the coverage to be compliant when we came in with that grading plan we're we're we're slightly less even now under this but we're still compliant so when we did this originally we reduced that coverage we also need a total side yard think so mention one side no no you don't the to the total side yard requirement is 20 we're at 20.1 or 20.2 because it's an eight and a 12 and we're complying on both sides we're more than eight that might I just was making a point to say that the shed is allow at 10 foot off but the house is allowed at eight that that just is on excuse me on your application you have what you just said sir so hi Mr Simmons agrees I think he AG other testimony from your gentlemen I'll have a couple of questions after the board gets done after Mr Simmons of course yeah but I want Mr glass to stay there okay right at this time we'll go to our board engineer Mr Simmons yes sir Mr chairman again referring to the report I prepared dated July 17 2024 uh Mr glassen has basically covered uh most of the items in the report just a couple questions I'd like to get on the record uh on page three of the report item 4C on the top excuse me specifications for the proposed generator to be provided did to show all sound levels limits are met at the Westerly property line I'm not necessarily looking for the specifications now but it will meet that we I did submit the specifications from sound data so to your office and I believe we did receive them I'll have to double check that it is in you know outo sound and if for some reason I'm not saying it does it if the the generator doesn't meet the limit you'll do whatever is necessary to meet the limits correct okay and the other question I had was uh plans to know any new HVAC systems that are proposed exterior to the building yes I I mentioned over here on the on the left side we do have two condensers outside okay so they're shown variances but I wanted to show okay and then the last item that I just bring up is uh again the approvals the county health department for the septic system which I saw the permit number and I believe Mr glasson said it's installed already it's installed I can't get the final CFC till the house is built understood and for the construction official to issue the necessary permits and reviews for the house and the retaining wall that they're proposing and then finally uh upon completion of the whole project for Mr glass's office to provide an as built plan the project that's my report Mr chairman thank you uh David and now Glenn you had a few questions before we get to the board are you also a licensed planner no all right I'm going to ask you some planning questions but you're allowed to testify to them as the engineer and you're the best one I think for this so would you say that this is a unique lot in that it's got some severe topographic constraints yes it is and and those type of gri constraints get much worse after you're past that first 120 so that the construction really needs to take place in that first 120 ft so this is about the only place it is the only and with the size of the house is this consistent with houses in the neighborhood it's only 11% or 18% is allowed and there's a lot of houses around the lake and that are at the 18% it's not it's it's a one-story dwelling too so the the previous house that was there was a two-story dwelling much higher roof so everything about it is smaller than what previously existed and you wanted one story sir so that you could motor around better as you age in place is that correct absolutely correct I'm not calling you old I just asked just getting ahead um and so it's topography and there are unique and practical difficulties in complying with the ordinance is that correct Mr glasson and what about the negative impact does this negatively impact the public good in any way is it going to impact any of the neighbors or anything like that what we're asking variances for is an overhang for the front door which our roof is currently higher than so that you know the roof the overhang is much lower than our current roof that's out there right now in frame um the shed the 9ot setback is the Minimus at one foot difference from the requirement and it's all internal to the lot too is that correct and is this consistent with the Zone plan and Zone scheme meaning is is this similar to the development pattern that you see on in this section of Sparta yes it and generally speaking you're complying with most of the uh requirements of the ordinance as best as is humanly possible correct original grading plan complied with everything there was just a couple things is through construction that we decided we wanted to come to Mr chairman I think I think that's all we need for the resolution all right thank you uh thank you Glenn I'll open it to our board members now M if you can call upon each one John finky I have no questions Michael doic no questions Richard Rober no question questions ler I have no questions chairman Kenneth Larry just wanted to what type of fuel will be use for the generator natural gas natural gas what type of construction is a shed going to be um non it's wood we actually submitted a picture yeah I saw the picture it looks like wood to me wooded that's what it is all right just wanted to make sure True Wood True Wood AKA Isa um okay I had no other uh questions I'll now open the uh hearing to the public if anyone has any questions or comments please come forward you can come forward sir do you have a micro phone over over there please state your name and address to the secretary yes good evening my name is John Chapman I live at 169 Alpine Trail in Sparta and if want want to raise your right hand do you swear to tell the whole truth nothing but the truth in in regards to your questions in this application yes I do go ahead thank you um my questions are mostly around the due process that sparting the sparta building permit approval requires the reason for that is that my property faces a house that's just gone on the market that will be possibly subject to the same kind of expansion as is proposed for this building here um I have a background in this kind of thing from technical compliance and I have some questions to the board and to the owners first of all isn't it somewhat unusual for a variance to be asked after the actual construction has been completed I thought the purpose of a variance was to agree that it was possible we got the question M Jim let Jim have a crack at it and then we'll see if we answer itru that's the construction Mr roers approached me about putting an overhang over the front door and we determined that he needed to go for a par but you have constructed the overhang yeah I can address that so so uh for the board knowledge the actual existing house that is still under construction my Builder unbeknownst to me actually extended the porch and and constructed it so when I showed up on site maybe six weeks ago or so I said what is that that has to be approved by Sparta and what he described to me was because there's a barrel Vault ceiling with long members he couldn't build structurally and then attach or glue the extension onto it so what he said was he had to build out the actual full extent of the porch that requires the variance and if it came to this day and the variance was not approved he understands that he would have to cut it back so was a constructibility issue not an attempt in any way to undermine the the a process that's what happened okay I want to make it clear I'm not trying to be difficult to you I'm trying to understand the process by which we got into this position because I have exactly the same situation with the same overhangs with the property in front of me so I'm in the 200 foot notification Zone but I didn't get the request to be consulted or have any input on the original plans why is that because that's not how it works in New Jersey uh I'm sorry the the legal I'll let you finish sir thank you sir you get notice so you got a notice from them that their application was on for tonight yes that notice tells you a story about what they are applying for and in the notice that was done by Council that notice says that you have the right to go and review the plans that must be on file with Sparta Township at least 10 days prior to tonight you have no there's no sit sitting down with the folks and talking to them about it you have a right to review that and then you come to this hearing and you have a right to ask questions or make statements under oath okay thank you for the clarification I'm talking about the original permitting process and I I believe what you're asking why we got the original building permit weren weer we weren you notified yeah because it was no VAR we were compliant with all the requirements so it was no variances were required okay so that's the only reason we're here tonight is because now during construction we've decided we wanted to do two things three things that required VAR okay variances result okay so again I stress I'm not trying to be difficult on understanding the process sir we get it you're doing wonderful okay all right okay so I understand that the building has been extended to the maximum permitted by the uh to the adjacent building property lines both by lmcc and Sparta regulations there are a few things though which I would say aren't quite neigh and that may not be regulatory word first why is the generator now built onto the smallest zone adjacent to the opposite side property when viewed from GF view the generator was on the right hand side of the property it's now on the left hand side of the property away from all of your bedrooms but not away from other people's bedrooms okay would you like to answer you could answer that please sure so okay so it's true that the generator was on the other side of the house and so what happened is the house the site is very steeply sloped and because we have a walk out basement there was no place to put a window on the below grade level other than where the generator was and actually there was a framed opening there because the previous owners had their master bathroom there so there was a glass block opening so what our contractor did was reuse that opening for a actual Vision window and we didn't want to look out onto a generator the other reason was from a practical standpoint the electrical service comes in to the other side of the house and we have to have normal service a transfer switch and a generator and so from a practical standpoint it was there and I did approach the nextd door neighbors who were directly affected by it and they're right adjacent and their house it is their garage it is not their bedroom and they I sat in their living room before we even finalized the plan and said are you okay with this I want to make sure because we're trying to be very neighborly and they said we understand we have no problem it is not a um a full occurrence if you need the generator to be on we understand it it's not like we're going to be testing the generator at 10:00 at night when people are trying to sleep so that's the reason why the generator is where it is okay thank you I'll come back to that one if I may um which way is the exhaust pointing on the cola it is a cola generator it's 40 Kow according to your plans does it face the lake or does it face to golf you the radiator exhaust on the generator fa the lake good thank you that's neighly okay um the knee wall I'm a little bit confused and you'll see that I have a number of confusions the knee wall is shown as 1.5 ft sorry 1.5 in above your uh paved area down the bottom it says a maximum of 4.75 ft as he's pointed out is that a full Hazard for anyone that may be standing on that capping Stone because it's quite a full distance to the other side or is that fence that you show on the plot on top of the capping Stone so the the purpose of the capping stone is just to finish the retaining wall and just so everybody understands we have a driveway going from the street up slightly to the garage level because we wanted the drainage not to drain down into the garage into the house but to drain away from the house and so you have a driveway and you want to make sure you don't all over the driveway so there's a retaining wall below the elevation of the driveway that is actually retaining soil under the driveway it's doing its job as a retaining wall we had two options one option was to put a Timber guard rail up so that you wouldn't trip over and it had to be 18 inches high and so what we decided when we were looking at the elevation we thought it would be actually a much more aesthetically appealing solution to have that retaining wall extend up 1 and 1/2 ft so that you're instead of having a wood guard rail if you will to prevent you from tipping over or falling over you just have the um actual stone wall and so the stone is not retaining any soil it's just it's the driveway that you're walking on so from a structural standpoint and we submitted structural calculations um it's showing that um we've got a det tell that is compliant um and so the answer is that's why we have the stone retaining wall not a Timber guard rail it's much an aesthetic decision no problems at all about the material I was just trying I'm just concerned that a 1 146 as it says here uh guard is a tripping Hazard as much as anything else but if if it's zoning wise acceptable that's fine now let me come on to what I really feel is a point of confusion on my part first of all it wasn't 8 years ago it burned down it was less than five because I moved into my house less than five years ago and I was one of many people that called the fiber gate when we saw it burning it was very unfortunate um but there you go so according to this it's a one story three-bedroom dwelling to be rebuilt on the existing foundation with additions as shown okay um you've clarified that you have a full basement and you have a walk out from that full basement I don't know what the walk out from the basement on the road side was because you've only got a front door there's no walk out from the basement at the front is what you said rear on the rear there's no road down there okay okay it has a back so the it's not showing on the plan but it is a walk out and it is shown on the elevation it is gives you the it says proposed Edition and there's two little lines that come out there's no there's no actual doorway shown down there on the okay on the I can only talk to the documents that I was allowed to see by by Sparta okay actually I did try to see them I was told I had to um make an opera um application to to see the plans how do wa let's let's get that straightened out first off that's very very European of you to call Oprah Opera I like that a lot um but mariss if you're an adjoining property owner you're allowed to come in and review the plans without an Oprah request I did give them to them I gave him the plan did I came into the office I asked to see the plans of the development not these plans not the on for the three variances for the original construction or architectural plans and I was told I could not see them unless I made an Oprah very good that's the lady as far as I'm concerned so if she can give approval that's fine but that's what I was told by your office I had to make an Oprah uh application yes I guess I you know I still don't understand I I know Oprah I teach it but I don't understand why municipalities if a citizen wants to see something and not take it that was my position as well I I I have the package I was allowed to see is very detailed it Dr this strange question because I see two bedrooms on the first floor I don't see that you can go around on a on a with without any Interruption because you got stairs all over the place Mr chairman you lost me are you referring now to the original plan or the plans that are before the board tonight the plans before the board tonight I have no access to to anything else can can you guys answer that the only there are three bedrooms on the main level you go down the stairs and at the bottom of the stairs there's an open foyer you look out onto like I'll call it a family room with the walk out basement and there is another room that is not a bedroom it is an exercise room it do not have a closet in it um and the main level has three bedrooms so there's two bedrooms on flanking the front door and then the primary bedroom is in the back uh that's not shown that way on the plans that were in the package J is given there's a bed you go in through your front door there's a bedroom on the left there's a bedroom on the right there I think I understand theion the full architectural drawings were not submitted because in the end there's nothing in inside the house that we're requesting a variant for what I think you're referring to is the architect submitted the plans for the porch extension and he sort of just cut off the floor plan in the middle so you're only seeing the two front bedrooms but if you saw the rest of the plan you'd see the bedroom in the back I was trying to understand the average grade elevation issue of the property that might be constructed opposite me and using yours as the example okay because there's a staircase that goes down to that bottom level you have a full basement and your back is totally exposed okay so I was just I'm just questioning how it can be one story if you've got a staircase that you have to circumnavigate to go up or go down what are you going up to you're going starting no that's the second Story the first floor is the is the floor even in America what you're saying is there's a split saying there's a split elevation in your FL yes so you go downstairs to your kitchen and living room and at that point you then are presented with a staircase which goes up to a lovely bathroom complex there's four stairs so the the house is built on a steep slope so rather than have the house from the front front door project straight out so that at the back you're way up in the air we introduce four steps to sort of um step it down so that you're not so high up in unfortunately the package that I got doesn't show all of this so I'm sorry to be appearing to be difficult I'm trying to understand what a single story building is in the township of Sparta okay let me let me help you s story is defined in the ordinance which I don't have in front of me right now I however that doesn't trigger anything that this board would have to worry about because they're allowed to do at least two stories in all residential zones they elected to go to one story my uh David certainly took a look at it but the construction department has had this set of plans probably for longer than they have most sets of plans and that's why they're here tonight so whether it's a one or two story really has no bearing on the application tonight that doesn't help you with understanding that and I apologize no I was told it's a very complex calculation to understand and it truly is so my only closing comment then is generators make noise I have one installed in my house as well so you by the time we've all done our our Monday morning uh or Monday lunchtime or whatever the time is tests it gets quite noisy but you could have had it on the proposed lawn area at the back it would have been not convenient to your electrical layout but it could have been put completely away from any of your neighbors which would have been a nice thing to have done we felt by going to our neighbors and asking if it was okay for them if they had a concern um and they had indicated no we're within the setback requirements we've we specified I'll say a state-of-the-art generator we're not trying to do this on the chap our entire Philosophy from the beginning was to hire a local architect who does a lot of work in Sparta um to be very sensitive to the aesthetic and architecture and higher design professionals that are local so we are trying very much to be good neighbors and good uh uh one one final and I promise is the last question the front elevation shows windows in the attic and the side elevation shows Windows above the room that is this exercise SAA room whatever it is can you assure that there is no intention to populate that additional roof space that has at least three sets of Windows in it I don't know what's on the back of it because I don't have any information actually was visited the site today and if other people have visited the site they would know that those two Dormers are fake Dormers there's a unfinished Attic So if you go to the other side of the Dormer it's a unfinished attic with an unfinished floor with insulations going um there's no intention to occupy that at all there is a stair up to the attic which is a I'll call it a finished stair which is shown on the drawing and the reason for that quite frankly is we had proposed a pull down attic to access the attic with a bunch of storage and our architect said I can't in good conscience at your age recommend a pull down attic and so he designed a stair so we do have a nice stair up to uh an attic and at the attic there is a closet that will be stored there's no windows there you know it's it's not going to be an occupied space at all it is going to be storage um it's it's essentially an excess closet for non-seasonal storage so if it's winter time the summer stuff is up there if it's summertime the winter stuff storage is always an issue in the houses that's the idea okay okay sir thank you very much for inding me thank you sir anyone else in the public with any comments or questions please come forward hello hello we'll just take the first one uh uh please give your name and address to the secretary Tara Hagen Carl Hagen 179 Alpine Trail we are the home just above the this home and please raise your right hands you swear to tell a whole through nothing but the truth in regards to your questions in this application yes yes yes J GN a n a n m Tyra you could go first I guess or so let me start from the beginning because I have a lot of questions um my family purchased the home that is above this home in 1976 for the you okay we've been there paid taxes in this town for many many many years um the property burned down unfortunately the couple that did live there prior sold the property to this lovely couple um I want to address the first part of what you asked if it has affected any of their neighbors it has affected us dramatically um they did not come to us at any point and ask us any questions in fact we met the couple and asked them what they would be proposing and I made a mention please change the roof line we're going to have no view anymore we had a beautiful view it's completely taken away it is a black wall in front of us so the fact that it's an empty attic at this point is devastating um I realized that this has nothing to do with your plans and anything to do with the paper and the documents and the measurements and all those things it is as Mr Chapman said not very neighborly nobody has come to us about nobody came to us about the lake the the Lake Mohawk U meeting nobody informed us about that we had no idea that was happening um so I'm not quite sure what what what we're missing here um so so that's all I have to say and as you can see I'm very emotional about this because it is traumatizing um I'm sure they're very lovely people but all I do now is look at a black wall which is their empty attic that is very painful so that's all I have to say and I don't understand how it's reduced coverage on the property this house is higher and wider than it was ever before so I'm very confused about that so we need to understand that everything I need to be shown where is the height measur taken why why were we not considered whatsoever that generator and those uh air conditioning units are right next to The Neighbor Next Door but everything Echoes up to our house everything and it's right below my bedroom so I'm I'm not quite sure if I have any rights or anything really to say here Tyra let's get Mr glacon and um Mr do Roa to respond to her concerns if you're so kind gentlemen um I'll I'll talk there's a couple of different things going on the way the impervious coverage works is you have a maximum impervious coverage for your primary structure which has to be less than 18% we are 11% so we're way under um the other um requirement is that the site is a 25% maximum coverage as Mr Asin already mentioned when we purchased the property it was 27% so it was already over um in order to comply with the um Town ordinances we I don't want to say elected but we realized that we had uh an issue of being over and so we designed the house so that we had including all of the um property to have a maximum of you know just under 25% so that's what it means from an impervious coverage standpoint um as far as your I'm I have to say I'm I'm a little bit surprised because you absolutely came over and introduced yourself while we were talking you very much made it clear that this house was very um important to you is your father's house we completely understand that um and what we did if you remember we pulled out the plans and we started walking you through it and said here this is here this is and what you had said was the most important thing to me is the height what is the height I pointed to the elevation on the architectural drawings those drawings have not changed we told you point blank that as as a matter of fact what happened just I'm under oath is when we when we met with the architect and had a plan we we went to the neighbor on the left and the neighbor on the right and we said we want to make sure that you're okay with this porch variance because quite frankly the rest of the house is built as of right because we were trying to do the right thing I I didn't know you I didn't have your contact information I thought that it was most important that our two neighbors felt that we were doing the right thing I know that the one neighbor without my knowledge forwarded you those plans and that you've had them for months um you've never come to us and said uh I you know I I I really studied these plans or I I further now realize or I know you said what it was but whatever my point is that we have we have tried to be um upstanding and and do the right thing the whole way um I'm not sure what else to say um we we have um built we have designed and built the house that is as a bright and I'm sorry that it affects your view so but you know sorry I don't you know I disagree because when we came down to meet you I mentioned to you please change the roof line and you made a a joke and said oh yeah let me just go back to my Builder and have him change things in a in a pretty sarcastic way I did right so so that was before you started construction not once did you come knock on the door which is right above your home and say let's talk and it's fine and it is what it is I just want you to understand and I'm trying to understand how this is all within compliance because it's a very large home on what seems to be taking over the entire property up and wide so for me I'm I'm I'm a l i I don't know nothing about measurements construction engineering I know nothing about that all I wanted to do is make sure that everything is within compliance and let you know and let the sparta Township know that this hurts and I don't understand how the how I have no rights as a taxpayer for 50 years in this town I don't understand it so I'm coming from a totally different perspective I'm not like I said I'm not an engineer contractor a lawyer I we're we're regular people that have lived here for 50 years and it's just all been taken away and and we love our neighbors everybody's very friendly in the neighborhood and yes this is a humongous house in our neighborhood this is not equal to the houses our house is a Lake community that street is all Lake homes it's not the same and it's not a single floor that you have that huge attic that is blocking everything with nothing in it I may and I'll just say this and then it'll be it one of the Dynamics of this house is that it's exceedingly deep and it it's it's 50 feet deep and the reason why it's so deep is because of the um the the slope and what we did was we rebuilt the new house on the foundation so the existing Foundation was 50 feet deep we didn't make it any deeper and the architect was saying because it is so deep he it's just a a a a geometry issue of you have to have enough slope on the roof to be able to cover that 50 ft so that's the reason why the height of the house is what it is but the height of the house is within the zance we we've we've done the calculation and you know it's it is as of right we did go to Lake Mohawk it was um advertised on their website at their Board of Trustees meeting um it is notified every everybody in the community gets an email um it was notified that 21 Golf View terrorist was on the agenda I feel like we've we've followed every protocol that there is and um you know we're we're trying to do the right thing and build a house that we can be happy in and retire in in the neighborhood call uh you can go next please I just have I just have a couple of things um again I feel like if the roof isn't higher it's pretty damn close um the difference was the house that was in front of us was an a peak and this one is a flat wall and it spans the whole length of the property 10 ft from each side whatever it is um so it's a complete blockage of view where we could look past either side of the house before the other thing is is um why at this point now that the house is built why wouldn't the house be made 2 feet shorter why are we pushing it even further to the limit when you've already been to the Limit um that I don't understand you know uh again the generator thing to me why is it next to the neighbors why wouldn't it be in the back of the house I I don't understand I don't know how the house is set up in the back I don't have those things um but to me you have a whole backyard with with a lot that goes a long ways to the golf course there's nothing back there you know it's basically to the woods at that point why wouldn't a generator be back there um it's really all I got Mr D roas could you respond to uh the lot is very deep 200 and something feet deep but when you take the 50 ft of the house there's actually a very small um back porch area I'll call back uh patio area or it's it's going to be grass it's a lawn um that and there's a series of retaining walls so there's really not a place in the back of the house to put the generator and I don't understand um you know we're really trying to be very sensitive and a generator does not cause any noise 99% of the time other than when it's needed and I would like to think that most people when it's needed would agree that you know noise is a reasonable accommodation under the circumstances okay but a generator pad is only 2T wide our generator location meets Old Town ordinances and subs and the neighbors immediately next to it knew about it in advance and approved it and it's their garage we don't we don't need to be repeating stuff Mr chairman we've heard this so but um Glen and David it's everything's in conformance correct with what they're planning to do Etc with regards to the generator uh we did make a specific condition that they have to meet all the sound requirements from the state all right thank you come forward sir again Mr chairman excuse me wait gets one shot one shot is is it going to be a redundant of what you said before we don't even get to that oh we don't no it's one it's if you want to make an exception that's fine but usually it's only one chance because otherwise you could be here Sor how long is this going to be 30 seconds 30 seconds all right go make an exception tonight just so you understand gentleman did come to lmcc and asked for variance and he was granted a variance for the porch no other application was made to lmcc because there was no need and he was granted the variance on the basis that spart approved it because it was consider in your jurisdiction more than theirs all right thank you thank you sir anyone else in the public have any comments questions Etc seeing none it's now closed to the public any other comments from the board or questions no one no one the chairl entertain a motion all right I make a motion to have a board attorney prepare resolution approving application 1024 block 4002 lot 62 Michel de roers following variances front yard variance 9.6 feet side yard variance 1.8 ft and the Wall height variance of one two um 1.25 ft are they correct David Mr chairman I believe and Mr glassen can correct me if I'm wrong there were some slight Chang es from the date that I did my report so instead of the retaining wall height being 4.75 ft it's 4.6 so it would be 1.1 ft Mr chairman thank you David yep and also the side yard setback for the shed changed from 8.2 to 9 ft so that's a difference of 1 foot okay noted thank you mhm plus with the following conditions that the applicant adhere to All Points in our board Engineers report provide as Bill plans also susus County Health Department septic system permit approval and the sported Township construction official building permits and maintaining wall permit according to all plans and testimony submitted here tonight I have a a second second but one question of Dave do we bother having an running test or do we know what these generators generate in noise so we know that they're coming i' suggest that the uh the condition be that it meets All State requirements that's all okay and if they don't meet it when it's put in they have to do whatever mitigation is necessary to make it meet than thank you do I have a second second second any discussion please call the rooll uh Marissa John fley yes Michael jic Yes Richard robacker yes lanon tener yes chairman Kenneth Larry yes and do we have to uh cover waving of the written resolution or not on this you one question I have a motion to wave the resolution I make the motion second please second Marissa please call the roll John fley yes Michael jic Yes Richard robacker yes Lon tener yes chairman Kenneth Larry yes right your applications uh complete good luck thank you everyone apprciate time thank you very much e e Marissa and Glenn maybe you could comment on what she's mentioning well the the minutes are being worked on so we're just it's just been taking a little longer than normal but um we'll definitely move faster for that thank you I I the second part of it though I'm a little confused about the the planning board makes St the planning the planning board uh Dory she just she post the documents online on a Google they do like a Google Drive I believe so I mean I was since I've been working here the old Secretary never informed me doing that so I'll speak to Dory about it as well I would appreciate that thank you um can you just tell me where the dyra application was for what was that location on Main Street oh that was it is you want me to you have it John yeah I know off the top of my head for the um it it's down past the um Middle School correct me Dave if I'm wrong across there's a dirt road uh not a dirt road a paved Road you go up that paved Road you cross the railroad tracks I think there's a gate there and you go on top of the mountain and it's up there will it be effect is it a multif family dwelling it's a single family okay with 20 people no no not that's just that's an upgrade to and tell me if I'm speaking out it's just an upgrade to the wastewater treatment system thank you I appreci so like it it's kind of like your house you have a party would be nice if you had a bigger system when you have I'm just joking thank you I appreciate it you know P John thank you all right Jenny all right thank you the do having the documents cuts down on Oprah requests which I know that the staff really appreciates so thank you thank you again closing it to the public chairl entertain a motion to adjourn moved second all those in favor all right thank you thank you David for everything tonight appreciate