##VIDEO ID:1dXacfYoKPE## e e e e e e e e welcome to the township of Springfield County of union state of New Jersey meeting special meeting for August 22nd 2024 this meeting is being held in accordance with the public laws of 1975 chapter 231 an adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a notice sent to the Star Ledger the local source and posted in the main lobby of the municipal building and on the township website please uh rise and join us with committee man Kaiser leading Us in the Pledge of Allegiance ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the repu for which it stands one nation God indiv jusice for all please remain standing for a moment of silence for our soldiers overseas and at home thank you roll call Mayor Weber here Deputy Mayor laer here committee men capes absent committee men Huber here committee men Kaiser yes okay we have no new announcements we will go on to new business ordinances on the first reading ordinance 202 24-16 this ordinance authorizes the Township's acquisition by gift of certain real property from outfront media LLC as memorialized in a property donation agreement uh I'll make a motion to adopt ordinance Madam clerk second any discussion uh from anybody up here or anybody in the audience so okay seeing none roll call vote Comm man Kaiser yes Comm man Huber yes Deputy Mayor laer yes mayor Weber yes and now we're going to go on to resolutions we will read resolutions uh 208 209 okay individually we have resolution 2024 208 resolution authorizes an access agreement between the township and outfront media LLC relating to the real property anticipated to be donated to the township can I have a motion please make a mo no can go Rich all right motion second and roll call please uh committee man Huber yes committee Kaiser yes Deputy Mayor laer yes mayor Weber yes and then we're going to go straight into resolution 2024 209 resolution supports and approves a cannabis delivery service license application and express Township's preference at the the applicant receive a state issued license to operate a cannabis delivery system uh service within the township need a adoption a motion to adopt I'll make a motion to adopt resolution 2024-25 that's second I gu um before we vote uh the subcommittee did meet uh uh several weeks ago with uh uh with this delivery service I think myself uh uh uh our business administrator our Township attorney our police chief and and and and mayor uh Weber was a part of it we heard them out I think they were a fine uh establishment they've asked all our questions and uh and just so everybody's clear it's not that there's going to be any cannabis on the site that they are uh uh proposing literally it's just a headquarters for them and a dispatch unit because they're a delivery service they have drivers that go to each dispensary and drop it off uh uh with uh uh anyone who orders it through their app so might not be any cannabis in Springfield it depends where their clientele is and uh which uh dispensaries they hook up with in the uh uh in the area take more than one uh more than one stop just say like your house and then my house can they take more I'm not aware of any limits any limits on that but that would I'm not aware of any limits on that that would be that would be regulated by the state anyway all right I'm just worried about I can show proof of I should I just show proof of 18 when I was 16 I can show proof you know I'm worried about that is what I'm worried about they did explain during their presentation the sort of process they have a pretty um technical uh sophisticated process to confirm the identities and the ages of the people who who place the order and to whom they actually hand over the product they carry no money carry no money up any Mone wait I thought they couldn't use credit card it's through debit cards yeah a debit card yeah debit cards your own money not federally regulated cig I did abstain planning board so I can vote here no restrict there's yeah there's no restriction on how you on how you I should I went to with committee then can you can vote how how you please tonight committee man Kaiser yes committee man Huber yes Deputy Mayor laer yes mayor Weber yes and if there is any public comment on any governmental issue at all seeing none and I uh we received no emails on any public comment either um make a motion for adjournment just one thing what about one in Springfield you ever get a license the that applicant I had a recent discussion with that um that Story Dispensary that was the one that was approved that's the actual retail establishment that was approved for cannabis um according to their attorney they are still um awaiting confirmation from the state of their annual license once they receive that um and once they've received a um certificate of occupancy for the establishment then um then they'll be in a position most likely at that point they'll be in a position to receive the license that was approved already by the township committee so is there did they have any um did they have any clue of of how long this timeline was I think that they probably anti they probably I think they expected it to be a lot shorter and I it's really difficult to predict um how the CRC the Cannabis Regulatory Commission um is going to be is going to move with particular applications but um yeah so there there's no there's no they didn't give us give us a timeline because it's not within their control but they're hopeful that it would be by the end of the year wow wow wow wow motion to adjourn second all in favor I I