there we go welcome to the meeting for the township of Springfield County of union state of New Jersey for February 27th 2024 regular session this meeting is being held in accordance with the public laws of 1975 chapter 231 and adequate notice is being of this meeting has been provided by a notice sent to the Star Ledger the local source and posted at the main lobby of the municipal building and on the township website please join us for the Pledge of Allegiance led by American Legion Post 228 Vice Commander David Penna un States Indy and jusice for all please remain standing for a moment of silence for our soldiers overseas and at home thank you roll call Mayor Weber here Deputy Mayor laer present committee man capodice here committee men Huber committee man Kaiser here okay thank you we're going to start with proclamations and announcements um February 28th from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at Halo roosters at 2:28 Mountain Avenue we have coffee with a cop sponsored by the Springfield Police Department fantastic event if you can get there um you can get some questions answered about how uh how the department in the township of Springfield operates maybe have some questions about you know what they can do uh differently that you'd like done and um look forward to seeing you there on March 23rd Saturday we have the egg hunt and and kite Fest from 2:00 to 4: at Chisum Park the rain date for that is March 24th registered for the event at Community pass the yeah the website is register. Springfield it is on the township website and uh you can find that there again it's register. Springfield uh the township expend extends their condolences to fire department clerk Maria Forte and her family on the recent passing of her mother Amalia guino we're sorry to hear that she's um Maria's been a part of our department and uh we sad to hear that uh let's see any other proclamations and announcements I don't have any anything anybody have any proclamations and announcements that I'm missing nothing all right let's move on to public comment for agenda items only anybody have any public comment on agenda items only and I don't think we had anything emailed either no I didn't I checked this afternoon all right so we had nothing emailed and we have no one here uh with any public comment on agenda only move on to next do not have a administrator's report to today um let me see something I'm just going to go over just a handful of things on the engineering report that might give you guys uh something on the administrative report Henshaw Park Tennis Court Recreation secur a trust fund Grant of $440,000 to perform repaving and resurfacing of the Henshaw Park Tennis Court um bids were received on November 28th work will commence spring of 2024 that's really it not there's there's nothing else that I'd want to cover on here right now with with uh with that all right need a motion for minutes please Mr Mayor I move the regular and executive minutes of December 12th 2023 as emailed second all in favor I I thank you move on to new business ordinances second reading ordinance 20243 this Bond ordinance is to authorize the making of various public improvements and the acquisition of new additional or replacement equipment and machinery and a new Automotive vehicle including original apparatus and equipment in by and for the township to appro to apprciate the son of 2, 384,000 to pay the cost thereof to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such Bond motion I will make a motion to adopt ordinance 2024 d03 Ed read by Madam clerk with a publication in the local Source on February 29th 2024 I second that motion anyone uh from the public care to comment on that I'm seeing none uh any discussion up here I I think we went through it at length last time but if anybody else wants to run through it again you know it it it's it's taking care of uh some of our safety uh apparatuses in town providing needed funding for our our fire uh to purchase certain equipment that would keep them safe in a in a uh in an emergency situation it's updating some of our police equipment making sure that they continue to function and putting money towards that it's it's making Necessary uh putting money for necessary improvements that's part of a schedule of our ongoing uh maintenance of our current buildings so they don't fall into disrepair and making sure that it's kept on a a nice order schedule so we're not falling behind it's purchasing needed equipment uh after the useful life of certain equipment in our DPW uh has expired so it's it's a I wouldn't say it's an extravagant Bond ordinance I'd say it's meeting our uh our our goals of what we've set out over the last few years yeah I agree this this uh unfortunately just happens to be uh out of necessity um roll call vote committee man Kaiser yes Deputy Mayor laer yes committee Min capes yes committee Min Huber mayor Weber yes first readings there are none uh Mr R can I make a motion to uh uh add a resolution to the agenda yes please which is it uh I will make a motion to add resolution number 204-7135 uh which uh uh is making certain changes uh to our shared service agreement with the county of Union in regards to our 911 uh call processing and radio dispatch Services okay noted second we committee man Kaiser uh yes Deputy Mayor laer yes committee man cides yes committee man Huber yes mayor Weber yes that's just adding it correct yep that's just adding it um all right Mr I'll move the Motions yeah Mr Mayor I would like to move motions uh resolutions 202468 202 2469 20247 and 202 2471 pull um 71 pulling 71 so resolutions 202468 through 70 second okay Deputy Mayor ler yes committee M Kaiser yes committee capes yesman Huber yes mayor Weber yes resolution all right so we pulled 20247 1 um I just wanted to go into this a little bit to explain to the public um what our cost was going to be had we uh not did a shared service with the county um we were with Mountain Valley dispatch and they are a uh fantastic situation um but unfortunately the bill was going to be almost 600,000 I think for the year for everybody more more than 600,000 um through a lot of hard work through everybody um not only the the few sitting up here John um um Chief cook Captain mron Scott Sidell Bo mullik um who else am I missing Craig we were able to come up with a Greg Diane John Diane yeah we we were able to come up with a really fantastic deal with the county um that right now seems to suit our needs very well at an amount of $178,300 th000 savings over where we were going to be had we not made the move so I just wanted to give an explanation to that anybody else have anything on that one or I would like to move resolution 2024 71 one secondy mayor ler yeser yes committee capes yes Huber yes mayor yes discussion and action items um Mr Mayor I would like to approve a request from the New York Blood Center New Jersey Blood Services for the use of Chisum Community Center gymnasium on Friday May 17th from 12: to 9:30 p.m. for the blood drive home harmless hold harmless and COI attached second all in favor I I thank you uh Finance let's pay some bills um I'll make a motion to it I'll pay roll invoices for the period of February 14 2024 through February 27 2024 in the amount ount of 8,868 5379 second committee M Kaiser yes Deputy Mayor laer yes commit man capes yes commit man Huber mayor Weber and everybody has received and will file accordingly the January budget the pool the January pool budget the January revenue report and the January pool uh uh uh budget I said pool some of the our town the town revenue report and the town uh uh budget for January okay correspondence uh New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection fiscal year 2024 annual fee report public hearing March uh Thursday March 24th uh 21st sorry at 10: a.m. visit the website for the link for uh Environmental Protection annual fee we're going to move on now to public com comment on any governmental issue um Step On Up don't have anybody out there yet to step on up but there are some things I want to talk about up here first thing uh this is not this is probably the the shortest thing but not so easy right now um last June or July so so one of the the big questions on a lot of social media forums is will the pool be done in time for spring will it be resurfaced and um give you a little glimpse of of of what happens up here because uh I I've kind of decided that it's just best at this point to to hammer things out somewhat in public before it you know you know other ways um when we got a quote last year to resurface the pool the quote was was roughly uh $230,000 am I correct on that Diane somewhere in that area don't okay it it was about 230 is what is what we were anticipating and and we sent everything out anticipating a $230,000 return again when it's time to do it this year only one um company has responded to it and their quote is $100,000 on top of that I think it's at 330 or 350 now um now interestingly enough with the timing of it that was a big question on social media uh the other about a week ago and and my response was at the time yeah pool's going to be resurfaced um I don't know what to think of $330,000 at this point now it's $100,000 plus we don't have the money it's a lot of money it is a lot of money but I think it's needed I compl think we made a commitment I I concur with with with commit M Kaiser I think we owe it to the residents to resurface that pool I think we uh I mean they numerous commitments yeah the option was you know other option is is drain it paint it again you know scrape it down paint it again and and keep it moving and try to do it again next year um just gonna go I don't I and anyone let you please there's an open discussion yeah yeah that's why I want to do this in public um I would I don't know for a fact but I would bet that cost is not coming down next year so John our our business administrator has tried to make several calls to you know um see if there is any interest in other companies in putting in a bid for this I don't think he's been successful so right now as as I'm talking to you right now the only price we have is 330 plus, to resurface this this is I I believe this is something we absolutely need to do um we spoke about this we started this conversation several summers ago um we have a a p an established pattern where it's every other year we resurface the pool um people were looking for last year and the one thing that we cannot control is cost I believe we also did our due diligence and trying to find a quote unfortunately it's $100,000 more than we anticipated but I believe this is something that we need to do because our residents are looking for this to be done for the enjoyment of the pool and I think is you know unfortunately we have been subject to this for now the past couple of years prices have gone up for everything and unfortunately this is another thing that has been a rising cost that we're going to have to navigate but I don't think we cannot do it at this juncture uh was was this put out to public bid the resurfacing of the pool yes it was only one company only one company came in okay um yeah I think there other just uh uh and through the mayor and you'll handle through the administration uh I don't know when the drop dead date is and I don't know if you know like when when Hey when's the final decision we have to make um have it it's going to be within uh I March very soon right has be within march to commit to them doing it at their their price for a Memorial Day at their price I'm I'm wondering if we can hey go out one more time for for the bid uh and maybe that's a question for Craig at least put it out there or at least one more time if we have enough time uh for that what's the typical bid process like how long does it take because I understand we would need a resolution to authorize it uh like we would like we would need to go through all of those motions again yeah so the first thing would be for the for this body to and I don't know I haven't seen the recommendation yet from our engineer on this bid opening yet I haven't seen it may it already but I haven't seen it yet so depend on what his recommendations are there would have to be reason have to be a basis to reject the bids which could be that they were out of line yeah I mean the basis is what the mayor said it was $100,000 more than it was last year assum assuming you know if that's true and we have that's we have a reasonable Bas to do would have to reject the bids and authorize going back out and take have to go back out for minimum would be for 10 days but it might might practical to go out longer than that I mean but but practically speaking you know we need to get this done by I imagine our first meeting in March uh we have to authorize this so we're already 10 days is you know yeah there are right so I can I can certainly touch base with the tomorrow find out where we are and if a special meeting is necessary for thatp you that's another option kind of expedite process of going back out to bid if that's even if not can we get the recommendation from our engineer I haven't seen that you know if he opened it up yeah I I don't know either I mean I imagine when we're ready to vote on it we would see it were the bids open they receive was it that would explain so it was today um yeah I mean we we made we made a commitment to the residents I think this was priority number one of several of us up here and I think we we pushed it off as many years as we possibly could have uh in anticipation of of ultimately eventually doing it so I I I I we have a I don't don't hold me what would how many millions of dollars 20 plus million dollar budget $100,000 I think we can find Rich what are you thinking I to John today John said we we don't have the extra number it was very H me today we we got a long conversation about it and you yes think we can you up to 100 sure but I mean it's I think it needs to be done but all right at what cost um $33,000 all right so that's to the to the public to the residents that's what's happening with the pool situation um so that is the fact right there somehow the the the the estimate went up a $100,000 in a few months time and you know I don't know if this just one of the things where you know they got you because it's like find another one um so I can't imagine there's that many companies no no and and that's I I think what he was going to do was he was going to like go really out of the box and try to call companies and see if they would be interested a bid uh if we were able to Craig says we're able to go out again I mean I think he was calling pretty far away to see if this is something that we can do but we'll keep you updated on that the second thing I want to talk about is something that has been kicked around for a while um I'm glad you're here Chief cook overnight parking permits we what are people's thoughts what what is what is the the TC's thoughts on um developing some kind of overnight parking permit for the streets now I I just before we we talk about it I I just want to give you two thoughts um my first thought is for police patrolling it is absolutely fantastic for a police car to be able to to drive down um a cross street that intersects with just let's say three four five blocks at a time and be able to drive down and see no vehicles on the street which means that there are no people here who are parking or trying to hide out or maybe trying to steal a car or anything like that it it it makes patrolling an absolute um it makes it much quicker and they can cover a lot more streets without that overnight parking happening but on the same token there are a lot of houses that I can I can think of in these blocks that um this is a different time families don't have one car anymore families have four cars five cars three cars you know I mean everybody uh is driving now and a lot of these driveways don't have the room for it what are your thoughts on overnight parking I think if we're going to give overnight parking permits give it for the lot out here by DPW you park in there and they have to get to ride home I don't want cars parked on the street the chief knows that I I've called them told them told Rachel I've told everybody are you I leave every early in the morning 5:00 in the morning I'm driving and there are cars on the street all over we have to start buckling down I understand people have more cars than I mean I've had two and my kids were home I had five yep we fit them in the driveway one way or another but we have a whole lot over there by the library you can permits you can send uh sell a permit and that's where you have to park and you can even give them I think their number if I'm not mistaken you number 71 you know Alex has number 71 I got number 78 you know and that's your car so I no no no you go I I'll I'll happily wrap it up we'll just down line we'll just down the line I I I do believe that some sort of parking permit system needs to be implemented um just off the top of my head I'm not a fan of the lot idea I don't think it's practical or sustainable depending on where you live in town I think there should be a some sort of application process that does not allow any Resident cart launch access to these passes I believe that there should some be some sort of application process where there is a definite need need to have a pass because it is not practical to fit all cars in the driveway you made it work but in other driveways they have a lot of smaller driveways different driveways that are not going to be able to fit cars all the cars that they need there should be an application process there should be a fee to do this and to be quite honest with you I also think it should be a substantial fee again to not hand these passes out out to everybody um I think it should also involve some type of decal to put maybe a reflective decal to put in the window so as police are patrolling and they look look down those streets in the scenario they can see right away if they see a car and they see that decal that's reflective they know it's supposed to be there but you know I also think and finally just to wrap up that maybe perhaps a subcommittee could be formed to discuss this more in detail with with our traffic Bureau with with um whomever Chief cook sees is uh applicable to be in that conversation to really come up with a process that is um very collaborative because I do think there is a need because quite frankly there's just driveways in town that are not going to be able to fit the cars that they're going to need as they're just go over know thing I want to add to that is the last snowstorm Neighbor Next to Me parked out overnight I don't know if call they didn't get a ticket it wasn't that much snow but if it was a lot of snow my from my driveway wasn't even it wouldn't have been plowed and I think that's one that's you cannot do it during this s because these guys are ice PL s you're exhaust it at 3:00 in the morning you go to plow who's going to oh I hit that car Excuse me yes I hit the car and it's going to happen it's not and I'm not putting anything anybody down but go through a union when it snows Liberty Avenue one of the main streets there I mean that's what I have against the I'm sorry I to um so I my first for my first thing would be before I come to any decision I'd like to see what the data is I mean there's got to be data that's out there there's a there's a cost Associated or a benefit frankly a benefit to the town that these tickets are so I'd like to ask Chief cook for that data uh secondly I I agree that we can't or we shouldn't allow for cart blanch to park overnight I mean right now the system is pretty easy you call up the desk you give them the the car the license plate your name and and sometimes they ask for a reason some times they don't you're off the phone in 3 minutes uh I happen to know that because I did it over the weekend it was 3 minutes um so I I I do think there needs to be some control um I certainly agree with commit and capes that uh you know maybe this is a great job for the Public Safety Committee I think these discussions out in the open are really good um and I think this is a great topic for it uh but I think yeah I I I I don't think we should be allowing for cart blanch and frankly uh Chief if people aren't people aren't calling in they should be ticketed you got to call in and I mean we have an ordinance for a reason we paid we paid for this ordinance this ordinance is supposed to benefit the town if they don't call they should be ticketed uh and that should be a blanket policy uh but um those are really my thoughts I it's something we absolutely need to study but I would I would I would ask you for the data so we see the full picture instead of shooting from the hip okay uh I I know I come out with strong on certain things a lot of the times and say yes or no from the start in my opinion I'm not going to do that this time uh I would say that I I'm pretty close to rich in saying no on this I I think a I think in in in what we're seeing uh Statewide with with break-ins uh in in in kind of checking handles on cars right I think that in my view that would lend to maybe even making it easier for said uh uh Bad actors to go down a straight line being even further away from ring doorbells making it harder for police to patrol and I would be really hesitant to making it any easier than it already is uh for those Bad actors that's where I'm coming from um and and and and and it's also a crowding thing the some of our streets aren't necessarily the widest uh Avenues uh uh if people are going to be parking on both sides then you're turning into a one lane and trust me if you're going down in Union sometimes you got to pull over you got to let people pass I'm just that's that's another area where I'd come from where I wouldn't feel comfortable I think having two cars parked on either side that's going to pose uh difficulty during snowstorms uh during just regular business uh uh hours um uh uh uh the the other Avenue to this too is I think we already have if I'm not mistaken and and chief correct me if I'm wrong I think people can already apply to park overnight in in that lot I think there is an application period And I think there there might be a a couple people that already take yeah there are people that in the general green so so so some people already do take advantage of that um I'm in agreement with committed M cities yeah let's not make this take freefor all if we if we definitely do go down this line I wouldn't and I would not go freefor all it should be a only for the hardest hit I don't know maybe if there's also I don't know if we can tailor it I think some towns maybe there's certain areas of the town that can Park uh uh on Street maybe not opening it up right if you're if you're looking over some of the side streets off of uh Mountain Avenue those side streets there by the the uh uh I'm I'm drawing a blank on the nursery those are wide open streets with large driveways I don't think you'd want people necessarily parking there but some places near you near the the border of Union are are uh those are tinier streets maybe they're tinier homes they have tinier driveways and they in this this economy where kids are staying longer maybe commuting to school they might need that so maybe we can tailor it if if if we give it to the subcommittee to look at uh maybe not opening it up townwide um but my initial reaction I'm just I would be a little I'm a little hesitant in making it anything any easier for people who are already going around patrolling giving them areas to hide right especially if a police cars patrolling something's on the car they can hide behind the car there's it provides more opportunity for people to sneak around um and and and per my understanding and you know it could be all wife's tale you know the the towns that did this right back in the day you know to to to prohibit it it was always my understanding it was policing issues but it was also I I I think maybe insurance issues I think the insurance companies back in the day push that narrative to try to get people to park in their in their car you leave a car overnight on a street hey side swipes stuff like that so I would be I'm not too thrilled but I do understand that certain residences may need have a need and I would also like to hear from them so maybe the subcommittee can put together a townwide survey and get data like Caris said on how many people ask actually would use this uh or would be inclined because let's face it if it's five people I don't know if we need to open it up townwide and a question to the chief the ordinance does the ordinance per if you if I decided to I know my house could I call the police department every single day and get an exemption or is there a max amount of days in a row that I can call and get an exemption under the current ordinance I don't believe the Ordinance specifies one way or the other but we do look for patterns and we don't allow a continuous okay thing we tell them they need to make some sort of an arrangement okay ask a neighbor maybe doesn't have a car um whatever we do pay attention to you do okay well I'd be curious to you know if you had data uh uh uh to to notice if you if you you've kept track of that um and and and to that I think we did we I know the administration was looking into a a a a a easier even easier than than calling I think they were you guys were contemplating there's a company out there that that you could just do it on your phone or go on yeah when it's when I have the chance I'll comment on yeah a few guys to finish no no no hey so that's just my throwing that out there I'd like to see some comments on that and your general thoughts also just real quick and you reminded me about data collection not only do we want to know I would think about who uh is interested in getting these permits but I also if we're talking about offsite parking I would also like to know how many people have permits currently for for for instance General green we we may not have uh the ability to provide spaces depending on how many people have said permits for those designated spaces so that's also a data set we may want to look at as well if anybody from the public wants to come up this is wer in an open meeting what Alex said about the paring on both sides if my thoughts are if we're going to give you permits you can park one car in front of your house period because if you go down my street Rose Avenue and you're parked on both sides I just about get through I can't I I I will not give your house to and his house to and let me let me say this here's kind of what I had in mind and I'm going to give you two examples of two blocks real quick Tucker Tucker has real long driveways tuer driveways in general are 100 plus feet overall when you go up there some of hena's driveways are maybe 20 ft at the most some of some of hen Shaw two cars are parked and they're almost covering the sidewalks when they're parked side by sides but then again someone living on Henshaw some of those driveways are shared that's what I'm saying so some of them are shared so they're condensed already what I had in my head was uh zoning goes by police goes you know what I had was uh what I was thinking was each driveway is assessed by the police zoning whoever and if you I have a 100 plus foot driveway I know I can fit five cars in there I should not be entitled to a parking permit at that point I agree with you yeah yeah but meanwhile and I'm going to I hate to single you out you're a great example because you share a driveway you and your wife's cars are side by side there right and you don't have any other room your only other choice is to pave your front lawn but the but the other side I'm going to the other side there are and maybe you don't know this which you would need a variant there are there are driveways on on Henshaw that are shared meaning access you only have one access but there is space behind the houses for two or three cars so I mean that's not my particular house but there are on Hena car driveways and houses that will not be eligible if we set this up the right way to get yeah most of the driveways that I have seen driving around this town for all of these years the majority of them do not fit what I would determine a criteria for needing a parking permit you I keep singling you out you happen to be one of of those people who I look at and say you know you fit it perfectly because you can't fit any more cars than your you have but for me speaking for me personally I would probably not get a permit right away because in my trying not to get personal in my circumstance I'm not going to need space for a third car right in the near future or for the next couple of years but there yes there will become a time where I'm going to need space for that third car so even though I might be under my driveway space might be underutilized I I may not apply for a permit right away because they W wouldn't be a need to Bob Bob two-way street that's right Mr is a per this is as it already this is and and if we do that and forgive me but I I do want to reiterate that this process if we do this this needs to be per approval like again this is not I wouldn't see this as a situation where you know Mr groer needs a parking permit so we're going to give him one there needs to right right but I'm saying there would be a process zoning officer would go out there perhaps someone from the police department would go out there look at your driveway and and they would be the determination of whether they need correct need a little space when to start cars space that Lu yep than you thank you Chief oh one more oh one more one more hold on chief chief you get you get another couple minutes to collect your thoughts making a list is a very sensitive subject that go ahead this is my problem supposed to sear I think I think probably speak I don't know when you have so the cards are prot and high taking we already have there we have it's there there I believe I believe we rent those spots though that's a good idea I forgot about we do right we do interesting yep stop how hard would be to find a 12 a. to 8 am. Jitney driver Rich Huber thank you for volunte would be impossible yeah or sounds like sounds like we sounds like sounds like you're volunteering for the subcommittee it's Public Safety already on it chief chief what do you got two minutes first I'd like to to thank the two commenters on on their ideas uh and I appreciate understanding of what we're going through um so Captain Rachel Lieutenant West over and myself have been discussing this for several weeks now brainstorming on ideas which some of you guys were bringing up tonight um again we have this new Park parking app uh how we can utilize that to um assist us with permit parking but we've been working on criteria a lot of it you guys had mentioned already um the need is a big thing and we do understand times have changed the the way the economy is a lot of kids are staying home uh Redevelopment going on not that's has been an issue yet but we we do notice there's a lot of issues where we have um condo live Lake on Troy drive and and Victory Road uh we get a lot of issues because they'll rent apartments with very limited parking available orbino is another one so we see a majority of requests in those areas um and we do understand and we're trying to help them out so what I what I'm thinking is we finish our compilation of ideas that we have and then meet with whatever sub committee um whoever it's going to be we can present because we know it's going to require an ordinance change nonetheless um so we wanted to get everything together I'll pull up the ordinance and whatever revisions would need to be made then we can sit with the subcommittee to discuss it come up with the ideas fine-tune it and then present it to the entire committee um if you want to put it out to the town for a vote I don't know if that's I don't know what you're going to get from that but um I we need to explore all options before that happen there there's yeah there's a lot to look at and again we've been chiseling away at it uh for a while now um so and it's as far as us working and writing summonses if you if you looked at my report under the summons is issued under Town ordinance Town ordinances majority of that is going to be the 2 to six parking it could be other parking violations as well majority of it's two to six parking so for January of last year we had 97 January of this year we had 228 so we have been in inreasing what the officers are out there doing um last month your numbers were fantastic too last month yeah I've I've made it known I've made it known numbers were Mr Hubert and I have discussed this at length ande no I I agree with you no I got no problem with what you're saying I've I've been in this town for a long time and I've been through Union for a long time too and it's if anybody wants to complain about it then they should drive through Union no offense to Union grew up there but um I hear it's it's huge it's a huge difference and she I'm from Union too that's um how far do you have to be from a stop sign you know par from a stop sign the stop sign I believe is 50 feet 50 feet because if you go and I'm just using Rose Avenue because I'm down here all every day if I park in front of my house first house um said even second house it doesn't seem like it's 50 feet I'm not saying you should give him a but it's so tight it's it's unbelievable I mean it's all right I could pay attention like I always invite the the community to let me know if there's something I you should pay attention to I just I looked at that and I said when I parked on east side of the street and the guy's parked in front of his own house which he should you just together yeah I mean it's a matter of perception with not everybody's has a good depth perception to know what 50 ft would be um I don't want to start painting curbs yellow because then I'm just saying but I don't want that either oh no not doing that again we don't want with guys that took out tape all right thanks um yeah am I done discussing that so you whatever data that you you want me to try to compile if you just want to send me an email give me a list of what you're looking for um the permits and general green that's easy enough but any else you want to just send me a list so I can uh whatever is is I'm able to get we will get together for you and um you know and we'll put a rush on getting to sit just let me know who the subcommittee is going to be if it's the Public Safety Committee or whoever um many people park at the pool during the day par there I don't know at the school the oh at the pool uh not I'm not sure I couldn't give you an answer but I can certainly find out I I just just wonder oh okay good okay um I got one I got one more thing I want to recognize tonight was the first meeting of the finance resident Review Committee I want to give Diane Sherry our CFO props thank you for thank you for answering every question I want to give our chairman Alex Kaiser some props thank you chairman I want to give Mr moriello props thank you for volunteering for the town and uh it was a very good conversation uh and I look forward to uh many I look forward to many more and thank everybody for going out of the way to make this town better yeah that that is I I am so happy to hear that that it went well um you had a full attendance we were we were missing one member uh I don't remember his name off the top of my head because I'm in overnight parking mode but but uh it was a it was a very good convers and just to pigy back off of that we've had several volunteers for our rec committee and that will be uh meeting our first meeting will be in March I missed that I missed that announcement Rec oh the rec March um all right that's wonderful uh that makes you know that that makes us all very happy to hear that that went up uh I move to a Jour one second Chief I just want to acknowledge your guys and girls men and men and women sorry women and men in the police department people people officers the stats have been fantastic the last few months they they really they they you know we've always sat here and said up up here that um you know we would take whatever heat came our way or whatever and and that overnight parking thing is is is is a great example I'm going to tell you something I got a I called I just want to tell you tell a story real quick I was still working in the norc police department and I would come home from work and I did not really know the rules here and I parked my car on the street like two or three days in a row you learned and I got I did learn I got three tickets in a row I called the chief who you know I don't know what I was looking for but he was just like I can't help you you got to pay the tickets so I paid the tickets $210 and I learned my lesson and I I I got to tell you something I I um I appreciate that that was done whether I had a you know who they knew who I was or not it didn't matter um and we always sat here and said that we would always you know take the heat for them for them doing their job as long as that job was proper so you know we're prepared to do that so their numbers have been fantastic calls for service have even been up over the last from this year to last next year so they they're even busier and still producing better so that is fantastic so to the police department thank you that's appreciated um can I take this opportunity to make one other public service announcement yes being at whoever's listening um I just as I want to say fair warning but I have uh my officers um targeting Morris Avenue to Center of town more so we've had some bad accidents um with pedestrians getting hit Etc um so we're getting you're going to see increased uh enforcement in the the area with the 30 mph speed zone so we're going to be enforcing speeding there um pretty strict enforcement uh as well as the the right lane coming down for for Coldwell those who try to shoot straight through that um the way I put it to my guys is kward B Ard it's a great example I mean as wide as that road is it's a 25 mph speed zone and 85% of the people doing 25 um or your car neutral that's we we need to have that in our center of town um people that are just using us as as a means to get from point A to point B seem to not care about Springfield well that's that's who's going to learn the lesson I suppose so we're going to be out there and just anybody who lives in Springfield is watching or listening um just heads up to you guys the ones who were violating it are probably not listening not going to know but they'll learn the hard way so just wanted to get that out there nope we appreciate it the signs on there Chief the signs on more but they have a sign under the bridge saying right lane for turn [Music] right but people don't notice that and who's does the state put those signs up or are we responsible excuse me well it's a state highway so I'm not sure I think the state may have cuz they have to give us the okay to do the lane configurations um but Mr betterer and I we drove up there because that was a point of contention um amongst a few things the visibility of signage now that that lane is clearly I mean there's signs that go 500 ft back so there's no way if you're paying attention and granted some of them were covered by tree Etc uh or they were dirty like the one under the bridge may have had Road Grime on it um Mr betra you went out there would a one of his guys with a brush and cleaned the sign off so now it's nice and bright you can't miss it cut away the tree limbs so that everything is visible um so that had been an excuse in the past it really shouldn't be now uh unless stuff grew real fast I'll go check again but there there's more than fair notice as that lane is for uh right turns only but people coming down if you if you see that left lane you're coming down a hill you're like um the line is tremendous it is what it is don't don't try to cut in on anybody the lane markings uh I'll check it out and see what they look like up fur the marane yeah I I'll have to check that out yeah I know I know when the state reconfigured Mars for turning onto Mountain RS left that left lane is for left turns only um we had some input with that and we told them to make those arrows go back far enough where there's plenty of plenty of notice um cuz you're in the left lane there's really no place to put a street sign that you're going to be paying attention to it so those those arrows are pretty prominent there but um I'll take a look at that right lane too I'm probably so used to yeah when you know it you don't need to pay attention to it even you see it but you sublimely don't really see it but thank you fantastic meeting I'm glad we got this about all this stuff in in public motion to adjourn all in favor [Music] I