e e e e e e e e e e e do that this this don't know all right good evening everybody Welcome to the township of Springfield County of union state of New Jersey meeting for March TW March 12th 20124 this meeting is being held in accordance with the public laws of 1975 chapter 231 and adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a notice to The Star Ledger the local source and post in the main lobby of the municipal building and on the township website please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance joined by American Legion Post 228 Vice Commander David Penna Al to the flag of the United States of America to the stands na God indivisible with liy and justice for all please remain stand for a moment of silence for our soldiers overseas and at home thank you roll call Mayor Weber here Deputy Mayor laer present committee man capis is absent committee man Huber he's here committee man Kaiser here no okay proclamations and announcements uh Springfield residents ages 55 and plus the March calendar is out I have it in my hands right now it is full of everything from pickle ball to bingo movie day it is it is full pick up a calendar and uh enjoy some stuff great programs at at the rec center we have the egg hunt and kite Fest Saturday March 23rd with a rain date of March 24th 2: to 4: p.m. at Chism Park register for the event announcements on community pass at register. communitypass.net Springfield that will be on the website that is for the Easter egg hunt and kite Fest Saturday March 23rd petition filing deadline is Monday March 25th before 4 pm for the June primary election um all municipal offices are closed on Good Friday which is March 29th and we're going to go straight into a presentation right now no no public comment okay we're going to go to public comment on agenda items only if anybody has any public comment on agenda items only step forward and I don't think we got any emails on anything we didn't what's on agenda on the agenda what all right I'm seeing no comments and we received no oh okay yes sorry we have one New Jersey um very brief I just wanted to mention that my understanding that you're going tonight to discuss possibly the Redevelopment study that was done and I just wanted to make a few comments regarding that I commend the township committee for asking for the study to be done recognizing that there is an area in Springfield that is in need of Redevelopment and allowing a professional planner to determine whether that is in fact there was a study done and that professional planner did determine that this is an area of Redevelopment there were two properties identified um one being SC the other being Bank um then it went forward the planning board which was also very much appreciated the expeditious way that it was handled and the planning board and I was at that meeting of the planning board when in fact the presentation was made by the planner as to everything that was done in the study and uh the planning board at that meeting voted in favor of what the plan showed which was that these two properties are in fact areas of Redevelopment so I'm just here tonight to say I am requesting that the township committee take the next steps with regard to this area of Redevelopment for the two properties and that it not be something that gets kind of pushed on the back burner but that it be done in an expeditious way because to my knowledge there are people out there that want to develop these properties and as such we could beautify the downtown even more so in a more rapid fashion if this was all looked at in a timely fashion so that's all I'm asking I do understand you're going into executive and obviously I'm not privy to that but please consider both properties to be something that you want to move forward with um expeditiously and then I would only ask the township committee can answer now not but what would be your next steps after you discuss this in the nature of the first of all the nature of the executive session which which does involve Redevelopment that the township committee can't confirm or deny which is not going to provide further detail into what what discussions are going on just I just wanted to start with with that uh in terms of how the township committee wants to respond I wasn't referring to specifically what you would do there I'm just saying for the sake of argument let's just say that it's determined that yes you want to move forward what is your procedural Next Step what happens next what public hearings or what do you do next is my question so that's something maybe that's something that Mike Musta if Mike's prepared to to respond to that we we have our is that something that we want to respond to at this time or want to give Mike a chance to give his presentation coordinate with everybody before we we can yeah I mean that that that that as well just I mean if we were just talking straight straight procedure you know we have I was only discussing State procedure procedurally there's a process that all happens you have public hearings you have no that was what I was just asking again if that's up to the township committee if they want to have further consultation with you know with their Consultants again I thank you for doing the study thank you for recognizing it I I you thanks Clara thank you former mayor Springfield CL heric thank you any other public comment on agenda items only all right seeing none we're going to go into a presentation Mr Mayor nope if you want to see if Chief cook if do you have does any Chief do you have anything for us or does does anybody have anything for the chief he has another meeting he's on a time crunch he's got another meeting to attend nope nothing uh just the the the subcommittee's meeting right to discuss uh yes the parking they're going to work it out at some point and yeah get back to everybody yep yep we're just waiting on word for them there's a little bit of a uh speed bump in the um in in the department now we just got to wait until they get everything organized and we'll have the meeting no I don't think there's any rush I just no no nothing new has transpired we we just uh trying to cover it all that's all y all right um now can we go sorry to Township planner Mike you've been trying to get to this I want to hear what Mike's got to say so this is going to be a presentation by Township um planner Mike mrea on the master plan and Redevelopment that Springfield is going through right now Mike I got to ask you a favor though can you keep the mic to you as close as possible because it seems like if you're even an inch away from it it doesn't work for the township we switch mics here we're trying mic I hope still got to talk close I yeah not used to it okay thank you uh Mayor Michael Musta from Harbor consultant and the township planner also the township planning board planner um in that capacity um I'm here to just give a very quick update on three particular items one is we have kicked off at the township planning board level we have recently kicked off creating a master plan subcommittee and now we are kicking off the process of preparing a new master plan for Springfield Township we have a great group of Representatives on our committee two from our governing body two from our planning board two from our zoning board as well as myself Mr basico and Mike disco um we've met twice already we are scheduled to meet each Friday for the next through August on a monthly basis on a monthly basis and it's it's exciting from my perspective because this document is going to basically reset the vision for Springfield Township for at least the next 10 years there will be three comp components of the master plan at a minimum one is our land use plan element our housing plan element and our resiliency plan and very shortly you will see um the mayor will release instructions at a future meeting and there's going to be a web page a link on our web page with all of the data that everybody from our community needs to find will be located on our web page they we're going to upload surveys for our residents for our small business own owners for our various groups committees organizations throughout the town everything is going to be online everything is going to be through the township uh web page um with a brand new page that'll be up shortly once we get it formalized so we're really looking forward to the Public's participation the more people who get involved the better um and and it just becomes a better and stronger plan one component I mentioned the housing plan very briefly some of you may have heard there's a new affordable housing legislation that is currently moving forward through the state legislature yesterday it passed through a committee and there's a possibility I'm hearing that it may or may not go up for a vote as early as this month what that does is it's the early stages of the fourth round of our affordable housing obligation and as that new legislation comes online this sub uh master plan subcommittee will be addressing it head-on we'll be getting out in advance of it and start preparing our housing plan and fair uh housing element and fair share plan that will come up with a plan for how the town's going to address its fourth round constitutional obligation on affordable housing that's what's going on on the planning board level um the third item on I was here to talk to you briefly about tonight is Redevelopment um we recently adopted a Redevelopment study for 597 Morris Avenue I have a handout for the mayor and the township committee members I have a larger version that could be viewed by the public um and I'd like to just take a minute in handies out thank you thanks it's not done I have a fullsize version all the mayor and nanta committee members received an eight and a half uh set of plans but I do have a one set of full size that are a little bit easier for everybody to take a look at this we recently the planning board uh recently prepared had a public hearing we found the property located at 597 Morris Avenue satisfies as an area need of Redevelopment so before the question was the process and the procedure on any particular Redevelopment project after the design area need of Redevelopment designation everything moves back to the township committee the township committee if it when it when it's ready to do so and the project is developed in a to a standard that they feel comfortable with would prepare a Redevelopment plan that Redevelopment plan would ultimately be introduced at the township committee level as an ordinance it would be referred to the planning board for a hearing for consistency then it comes back to the township committee for a second hearing and a public hearing and a second reading the adop option of that Redevelopment plan would put the zoning in place for that Redevelopment plan so that's the process for any Redevelopment plan tonight I'm just briefly touching upon 597 Morris Avenue you can see from the drawings it's a this is the former Scotty's part property well not technically not former the Scotty's property and um on 597 moris Avenue intersection of moris Avenue and Balter way we have a three-story building proposed with 30 units they are all age restricted all 30 units are age restricted it is fully parked we have it satisfies the residential site Improvement standards we have 59 off street parking spaces um there are 25 market rate units and there are five affordable housing units mixed within the inclusionary development we've had a couple of meetings with the design team and they have prepared a set of drawings that you have in front of you this evening three stories again and we have had some back and forth with the developer the developer has agreed to redesign and enhance the building elevations so that we're going to bring back to you what we think is an enhanced project a little bit more sophisticated something that we think is better for a quote unquote Gateway project as you enter Morris Avenue and we're very excited about this design the design team has done an excellent job taking direction from us and listening to you know the concerns that we have so we're not ready to accept this exact set of drawings but I could tell you as far as layout is concerned density parking and so forth we support the layout of the project we just think we could do better for our community as far as the architectural look the design and the use of the building materials and that's what we're working on right now what I'm really looking for as far as direction from the township committee is if they're comfortable we could start preparing the Redevelopment plan at this stage for this project and nothing will be finalized until the township committee is fully com uh fully comfortable with those drawings as we work together with the app design team and the only thing we're looking to change is the facade basically we just think again this is a you know it's a very prominent Corner we just wanted something that when we're telling people as you're entering Springfield if you're coming east you'll see this building that you you can't miss it we wanted something that's really going to catch your eye so we've got him looking at this a little bit more a age restricted is that 62 55 and older 55 and older and all of the units are a restricted the affordable units and the market rate units 10% affordable 15% I just hate the fact that we're possibly losing a bar in town well the bar is going one way or the other so yeah correct that's 15 15% yeah yeah that's that's the law this is 40t high I read it right yeah three stories yeah three stories you're 40 fo and then the roof we we're a little bit we're still working on the roof design can't bump that up to 20% we're still working on the roof design we're still working on the building elevations and and the ultimate height of this because we quite frankly we think we can do better and we're going to if you look at all of the other pages of the of the concept plans I'm very comfortable with them we have very minor comments that still work out regarding a loading space and and a pickup drop off area handicap parking and some of those items but we could all dimensionally make it work on a revised set of drawings we're working on right now I do believe we'll be able to deliver a more enhanced building elevation which will alter the building uh the roof design a little bit too everything will be hidden right everything is wrapped all of the park air conditioning units and everything El all of not all of the parking spaces are going to be wrapped it's going to the first floor is going to be parking but it's going to look as if it was commercial residential same level building materials and on the side the same thing as far as water meters gas meters electrical meters all wrapped have a loading space off Street inside the project for pickups and drop offs and and the move in and the move out of each one of the units uh EV for Ev it'll be fully compliant with the EV requirements the first FL got one to three yeah you have a couple apartments on the first floor yeah but four there's four stores or everyone right there's four there's no no retail on this is 100% residential that's not a mixed use project because there's nowhere there's nowh to park Rich that that would just cause us a nightmare trying to get in somewhere to park how far back off the sidewalk is this is this uh building I'm sorry I can't see you might have to look at that big I don't know if you can see the I can't I can't read that it doesn't seem as if there's any common space any what space common gy yeah there's a gym in there and if you notice the lobby we made we asked them to make the lobby very prominent on the first on the first floor on the corner and you'll see it on the revised set of drawings because we really want them to enhance that corner feature of the project at the Street intersection we think that they can do a lot better we had a call with them yesterday on that between that corner feature there's an oversized Lobby there's a multi-purpose room and then there's a gym and if they combine those areas and enhance those a little bit you're going to have a much grander entryway into into the building at the ground level and we really wanted that Gateway feeling at that corner so we could set it off and make it extremely attractive um as far as the building setbacks it's there's a front yard setback of 5 feet which is conforming with the underlying zoning requirements you have a total of 30 Apartments of 30 total yes and they've done if you take a look at one feature I think is worth calling out if you go to the second floor plan there are you have to go all the way to the last plan I should say The Loft plan which feeds off of the second floor plan there are two story units built into the attic on the upper level of the building which I think is really exciting it's going to give you an excellent space up there it's just adding a little extra space and usable area so you can have an office some type of Loft kind of thing y they haven't asked for a pilot agreement or anything like that they have not at this point it has not been brought up we're focused strictly on the Redevelopment plan at this time excellent so we're figuring probably in two weeks for the next meeting we're hoping to be able to have the new drawings done for you with the facade to take a look at everything on this this this proposed bill building is all ground level for um entrance ways and everything else yes yeah with elevators no stairs no any with elevators yes and we will have rich just for your notification we will have uh all samples of all Building Material yep so you'll be able to touch feel and see exactly what it looks like and also we'll have no matter what we do I will long of I'm sitting up here I will demand schedule absolutely we've already discussed that with them and told them we want a very tight time frame from I'm say I understand constru it could vary you know weather and things like that but the thing is I want them in a contract when I don't know if we could do this to be fine can we find can we find them if they go over that would be a great question yeah and we we'll discuss that with our Redevelopment Council if if we get to the point no matter what we develop from now on I want to I want to long as I'm here and I want to make sure that we're going to if you go over a couple months I understand nothing you can do about that well just the one over here waiting for the water pipe I mean it's not his fault but the other one you want an enforceable schedule that has some teeth schedule but also we we can bend on a little bit got you with that that's what I want to is is the bus stop in front of this building is it I think it's further down I'm going for memory I'm not sure to be honest with you yeah I think it's further down the street no before also when you get a plan you like I like to get in touch with the school there's no kids this is age restricted we're 55 and older right you're right I'm sorry yeah all right so we'll be back to you guys in a couple of weeks yeah I think it was a good first crack y thanks Mike thank you it doesn't change the floor so it's not going to get any bigger or anything much different that's all I have that's good questions thank you Michael questions thank you so much have a good night all right then we are going to go right into our administrative Report with our ba John baslo thank you Mr Mayor I want to touch on a few things um the pool we've signed a contract with the gentleman to do the work and also we applied for a grant this week uh for the Union County for the renovation of the pool um we asked for much many more dollars than I think we're probably going to get but in the past we've gotten about 63,000 Plus minus so that money will be used towards the resurfacing of the pool when we get it we're just kind of going to get stuck a little bit waiting for it uh the polls on Mars Avenue by TD Bank jcpnl will be out on Friday to replace those polls so if you're on Mars Avenue in the morning you may have a little bit of a holdup on the westbound side because we're going to have to block off one lane um we are probably going to end up in court with Gomes they appealed the fine that was ruled against them in our court here and they've taken it to Superior Court so we are probably going to end up there uh speaking of goms we had another meeting again uh with Gomes and the independent contract manager construction manager and we've got the next one is set up for 4 two we're making progress he's getting his feet under himself he's figuring out what's going on we've got questions to answer and I've got some other things that are brewing in the background I want to speak to you guys on later uh on Redevelopment there but we are making good progress I don't know if anybody has been passed it jcpnl move the wiring out on the corner so that they can finish the calwell side of the building on the stone they're on Mars Avenue right now bricking that they were here on the weekend working on the roof and they've started on Center Street side they've done a lot of framing on that so we are moving along a decent clip finally so luckily I think we're we're much further along than we were a short time ago yeah it's starting to look like an actual facade exactly so we're not there yet but we will uh cane Street storm drainage project was completed we replaced 480 linear feet of 36 in pipe uh followed by full restoration with new tree plantings cane street is scheduled to be repaved in the coming months through our roadside assistance program Colonial terrist sanitary a reoccurring sinkhole which was being caused by the separation in the sanitary line was actually pulling apart washing the dirt out and the road was sinking so we're scheduled to sleeve 280 linear feet of sewer pipe on Colonial in the coming weeks so that should be done sometime in the next two three weeks Johan away to storm station I think as everybody knows we've had problems there the components in that station are all 50 years older older the pumps we can't even get parts for them anymore so luckily Diane we received money from the American Recovery Fund we're going to use that money because it's it's actually earmarked for this it works out perfectly and that will cover our repair of the Maran station we're probably looking at 1.1 1.2 by the time we do all the electrical the pumps and everything that's that's 1.1 in arpa money that's 1.1 in yes wow is that a repair or is that equipment well it's all new it's infrastructure but I mean we're not we're not building a new pumping station the pumping station is there it's infrastructure we're not piecing together old items no we're taking everything we we don't have a choice we can't fix the pumps any longer so they got to go and they're extremely expensive and extremely long lead time so we're going to we're doing that on Friday we've got a meeting there and we will keep you apprised of when that's going to start and what we're what we're looking at calwell Bridge we got a note the other day out of the clear blue that calwell bridge will being replaced by the county and this is the one that's closest to Mountain this is the 16th time that they're this is the what 16th time that they're supposed to no this is different this is C it's not okay so the workers schedule begin in the near future we have no other details at this time we've contacted and said we need a preconstruction meeting we need to know when why what's going to happen so far we don't have that yet that we'll keep you posted as soon as we have a meeting and we find out you know I think fortunately we're we're trying to get them to do that when school is is off right here you're talking about the bridge right here the bridge right over here not the one not the the second one more towards Mountain there's two Bridges there so one by Mountain now fortunately I think there's enough room there for detours so traffic-wise I think we'll be okay but again we would we would certainly encourage them to do it when school's off yes so that's the game plan I will again as soon as we get more detail more news at 11 Ruby scoreboard our our um gentleman is returning Thursday to energize the scoreboard he's testing the two controllers and paint the post and that should get us up and running and everything should be ready to go we're done so that project is finished uh other than that I think that's all that I had at the moment unless somebody has any questions or comments um I actually have some questions uh the bridge on Morris Avenue yeah Battle Hill area Washington um it is I guess we know it's backed up we have notified the county again multiple times in fact I believe Mr beter notified them might have even been today and still just resistance or apathy what would happen if we said the hell with you a we don't have the equipment that's the biggest problem see so what we have to do right now rich is that we have to actually get on Mars Avenue stop the traffic and we can't we don't have a way to scoop it out we're using tongs so we're hanging over the bridge it's like the it's like the crane in the penny arcade and we're trying to grab the trees and lift them up and get them out of the way it's it's totally inefficient and it's not safe we can't go in the river because we don't have the proper equipment a and we're not allowed to go in there by D standards we can't go in that River so we it's just beyond what we're capable of doing the thing that gets me I'll say seven years ago and that's being 10 years ago they were coming in to do it yeah and and they said it's going to be done on August 1st start August 1 whatever and then they just keep on yeah I mean but I mean think about that for a moment I mean I know it's got to get done but the nightmare the traffic that we're going to cause there because you got to close down all four lanes they had Roots if I'm wrong tell me remember they had roots that they were going tover traffic and all they had everything done on a on paper and all that now it's I mean if the rain season starts coming we could be in trouble but you know what part of the problem is also the woods that aren't ours are loaded with the Brae so every time we get the heavy rain all of that washes down into that that River and because we've got three openings there it gets blocked and it doesn't it doesn't flow through ultimately need is the bridge to be replaced so that well the bridge the one that they're talking about has one opening would have one opening and that will allow the debris at least to get through I think it would certainly help us but again that's the state and we have gotten nothing further we had multiple meetings with them I mean we've we've we've cleaned it once this year and it and it probably needs it again and it definitely needs it again but I mean we have we have managed to get it done once in advance of a really bad rainstorm so unfortunate but I think you know the thing that I want to stress is that that our residents understand it's not that we don't want to do it we we're not capable of doing we don't have the equipment and it's also a multi- agency process it's County it's town it's do it's State Police yes it's it's a multi-agent process and yeah but let's be clear we're not the hold up on this no we're not the hold up by no means we we'd be there tomorrow we're not the hold up at all what's irritating is that DPW goes around and and they monitor that area repeatedly and it unfortunately during the rain it flows down from other towns or you know other outlets and it gathers at that bridge now you know if you call them and said tomorrow morning be there at 8:00 we're there at 8:00 and I will say that that DPW does try to clean out what they can get to unfortunately we just can't reach everything we we asked them to build a ramp to supply us a ramp for there all they have to do is Rock the road right down to there so we could actually go in there and clean it up to to what we could do still not done so you know no we're we're not we're not the roadblock no absolutely not any further questions or comments from anyone seeing no one no thank you guys thank you we'll move on to minutes and reports please uh Mr Mayor I make a motion to approve the regular and executive minutes of December 26th 2023 as emailed second all in favor I you next up is new business ordinances for second reading ordinance 20242 this ordinance amends chapter 2 administration of the township code to add Provisions related to the property tax exemption available to qualifying disabled veterans and eligible surviving spouses I'll make a motion to adopt ordinance 2024 dh02 as read by Madam clerk uh with publication in the local Source on March 21st 2024 I second that motion okay uh any public comment from anyone in the audience on 20242 and while we're waiting for that if anybody anybody up here have anything on it much needed about time all right I don't see anything coming up uh roll call please committee man Kaiser yes Deputy Mayor laer yes minman Huber yes mayor Weber yes uh also o for second reading ordinance 20244 this ordinance amends Provisions in chapter 4 the township code to modify the regulations applicable to the Springfield Farmers Market I would like to move uh resolution 20244 uh with publication in the local Source on March 21 2024 second okay any public comment from anybody in the audience and while I don't see any from in the audience anybody up here have anything on this just does what we already do it makes the date earlier we can start earlier okay since it's not at the school anymore we're still going to be on Mountain Avenue yeah Library yeah yeah all right so we'll still be at the library it's just going to allow us to start a little bit earlier uh I see no public comments roll call please Deputy Mayor laer yes committee men Kaiser committee man Huber mayor Weber yes thank you okay first reading showing none um we're going to go through resolutions and approve them by consent agenda and I will start with resolution 2024759147 79 2024 d80 2024 d81 uh 2024 d82 2024 d83 20 24- 84 82 I'm sorry just take 82 out okay we're going to p 82 yes that's okay we're going to pull 82 for a second 2024 d84 20 24-85 20 24- 86 202 24-87 and that's it Mr Mayor um resolutions 2024 79 70 7 start 79 75 75 to 20 2481 and 20 248 three 83 to 87 second committee man Huber committee Min Kaiser Deputy Mayor laer yes mayor Weber yes resolution before we go on before we go on i' just like to wish Bob Brennan successful retirement and thank him for his service to the town well he's I think we got another few months for yeah but we're accepting his retirement so we should say thank you thank you when is his day dat John June uh end of June right end of June we got a while yeah we got a we got a while we'll get a thank you official date guarantee you nobody remembers it in June I will remember we will we put it on our calendar guaranteed all right let's move to uh resolution 22482 this resolution approves the street closing application by the township of Springfield for the Memorial Day Parade uh I will make a motion to adopt resolution 2024 82 as read by Madam CL second I just want this because I want the people to realize come out and support this parade I mean people put a lot of work into it uh the Elks usually getes you hot dog hot dog water I think soda I think we soda maybe I don't know but I mean it's good baseball teams do it Girl Scouts March senors March you have a thing from ke um we we March we March we March bus I'm just saying I mean it's I like to see more and more people we started very slowly and it's it's built up every year but I want to see people come out I think last year was a pretty busy parade last year was no last year was packed last year was last year was great hopefully you get a nice sunny day and Jerry I don't know I don't know her name Tar just runs it this year she's already got the cane buses and we've put in to well I'll put in tomorrow does a good job to the school in case it rains to use the auditorium and you see the bands from the town you know the kids from the high school they they show up yeah we're always looking for cars motorcycles to to to close the parade in the back so we're always if you got a car or you know a motorcycle you want to show off um bring it over and and and join the parade we be glad to have you in it I even walk it so yeah let's go everybody should go all right that's it um all in favor I thank you I guess I will uh request I move to approve the request by Troy Hills of Springfield Condo Association to hold a community meeting at Schism on a date changed to Tuesday April 9th from 5: to 10 p.m. second all in favor I I I also move to approve a request by the Edward Walton school PTA for a $50 program credit from the recreation department for their annual basket auction on Friday May 3rd than you okay Deputy Mayor laer yes committee man Huber committee Min Kaiser yep mayor Weber yes all right let's pay some bills uh with Biser uh I'll make a motion to adopt payroll and invoices for the period of February 28th 2024 in through March 12th 2024 in the amount of 1,739 9.95 second committee M Kaiser yes Deputy Mayor laer yes committee man Huber mayor Weber yes okay correspondence uh Westfield ordinance 202 24-5 and 06 Land Use introduction then we have jcpnl public hearing April 4th 4:30 and 5:30 BPU docket number e241 100054 for further info visit the jcpnl website on that and now we're going to move to public comment on any governmental issue before we go I forgot to ask you John I got a couple calls why are why are they digging around the poles to shore them up I figured something like that but yeah you know I you the guy's digging right in front of my sure you know just Tak care of so yep exactly all right thank you okay so public comment on any governmental issue uh no emails this week either right no emails anybody in the audience any public comment on governmental issue any governmental issue seeing none all right make a motion uh um I have the executive session resolution uh 31224 whereas article 6 of the open public meetings act provides that a public body May hold a closed session and whereas the township committee will during this meeting enter into discussion of the following matters attorney client privilege and potential contract negotiations Redevelopment and also attorney client privilege potential contract negotiations and litigation in reference to State versus Springfield Center urban renewal whereas the matters to be discussed in close session are to remain in the strictest of confidence by all Township committee members in furtherance of their fiduciary duties to the township now therefore be it resolved matters discussed at this meeting will be released to the public when the reasons for discussing and acting upon them in closed session no longer exist so moved all right we may or may we do we will be taking action or maybe we do yes okay we will be we will be we will be e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e are we back e we're ready ready Craig okay uh Mr Mr Mayor I move resolution uh 2024 88 second have to do we have to add this oh oh we're back 88 are we back yeah we are back I will make a motion to add resolution 2024 d88 to the agenda second in favor yeah I I okay I any oos no Mr Mayor I move 2024 88 and just so everybody is aware 2024 88 is authorizing our Redevelopment Council uh to enter into litigation to represent the Township in further litigation against uh the developer on moris sa motion yep Deputy Mayor laer yes think rich rich didit manber Kaiser yes mayor Weber yes okay I also make a motion to enter into executive session to discuss attorney client privilege and potential litigation second all in favor I yes whereas article six of the open public meetings act provides that a public body May hold a closed session and whereas the township committee will during this meeting enter into discussion of the following matters attorney client privilege and potential litigation whereas the matters to be discussed in Clos session are to remain in the strictest of confidence by all Township committee members and Fir of their fiduciary duties to the township now therefore bit resolve matters discussed at this meeting will be released to the public when the reasons for discussing and acting upon them in close session no longer exist [Music] motion yep hi e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for e