e e e e e e e e e e e e e welcome to the township of Springfield County of union state of New Jersey meeting for July 17th 2024 this meeting is being held in accordance with the public laws of 1975 chapter 231 and adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a notice sent to the Star Ledger the local source and posted in the main lobby of the muda building and the township website please join Carl ostergard who is the vice commander of the Union County American Legion Post 228 in our pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America for it stands Nation please stay standing for a moment of silence for our soldiers overseas and at home thank you roll call Mayor Weber here Deputy Mayor laer present committee man capes here committee man Uber is absent committee man Kaiser here okay I am going to request that um going forward I'm going to try to remember this every meeting but I'm going to request every meeting that we all be very mindful of speaking into the microphones um I know human habit is to look at the person you're talking to and address them which T might take us away from the mics let's just be mindful of it cuz I have to say I'm actually pretty happy if if one of the only complaints we have online right now is that the microphones are not loud enough I think we're doing well so please talk into the microphones we're going to go on to proclamations and announcements Springfield residen age 55 and plus the calendar is out for August 2024 I am looking at it it is completely full every day of the week numerous pickle ball Bingo um exercise bus trips volleyball lot of stuff happening um pick one up at the Chism Rec Center or you can find it online the next committee meeting is Tuesday August 13th 202 4 at 7:00 p.m. National Night Out Tuesday August 6th at the Jonathan Dayton high school parking lot from 5: to 8: come out and meet your First Responders have fun on the inflatable obstacle course bounce house and police Fire EMS OEM and DPW Vehicles enjoy various food trucks the rain date would be the next clear night so it will you know be the 7th 8th 9th whichever is the next clear night a lot of fun with that New Jersey senior Olympic Games on September 6th 7th and 8th hosted by Woodbridge Township visit njso which is New Jersey Senior Olympics web page for details New Jersey senior olympics.com the cousin main lobster and food truck and the hitting your belly food truck will be at the farmers light uh Market this coming Monday July 22nd Fourth of July fireworks went over spectacular there are a lot of people involved we do the normal thank yous to Scott and the team um that that help run these fireworks and keep everything running smoothly sometimes uh the non-uniform Personnel actually get overlooked J law J law you did a fantastic job on the 4th of July thank you could not have been done without you and uh we look forward to a another one spectacular one next year Township extended its condolence to OEM coordinator Scott Sidell and his family on the past of his mother lorine sidel who was 95 and A2 years old on July 11th Lorraine was very involved in Springfield events and was an active member of the Springfield haetta and moderated the candidates form sponsored by the adasa we are very sorry to hear that Scot and the whole SEL family anybody got anything with that that one she was an absolute institution in this town and we remember her fondly yeah Al Alex and I had a very interesting encounter when we first met her for the first time yeah uh uh we we met her six years ago and still very active and up up until recently yeah and and and still very active so certainly uh uh uh we'll be Miss in our community and and and somebody who gave you know a lot of a lot of time over the years that you know might not be remembered by all but certainly her her acts and her volunteerism will be have been felt so special person and lived a long life and and probably very proud of her her son and and grandchildren yeah um my sincere condolences to Scott and the entire family and certainly may God be with you during this most difficult time you know what's funny I'm doing the math right now so that means when we met her she was almost 90 still giving us the business like it was it was an interview and a half meeting her and and the crew that she was with she was not given us a pass just because uh Scott said we were nice guys so all right we're going to go on to public comment agenda items only public comment on agenda items only if anybody has anything we have no emails that were sent in um seeing none I'm going to close the public comment on agenda items only and just move straight to our administrator Report with Mr John baso thank you Mr Mayor uh just want to touch on a couple things I got an email today from New Jersey DOT they're going to be doing work on Mars Avenue from about Short Hills Avenue down to myel Mike disco and I are going to arrange a conference call with them because the email was very vague we don't have a starting date it looks like it's going to be curb work and milling and Paving but we do want to get some more details I will report back to you when we get the rest of the details on that um I wanted to touch on we had a couple of meetings recently this week um the grusin group over on Mars avue right before the Bridge they're looking to do their building over they want to paint it add some awnings dress it up so I think that's going to be a nice Plus for us the building's in nice shape already but Ken come in with a real nice design so they're going to be going before planning board in order to get that done in August uh I met with Sophia they want to do their building over so again I we're starting to see some activity in the downtown which is great because I think that's really going to help us Mike Musta and myself met with Scotties uh last week we are just waiting for final drawings we asked him to make some further changes we should have those shortly we also met on the Bank of America and we have asked them to get us new drawings because we didn't like the density we got that the offer that we made to him is he's got to cut it down to no more than 30 units so when that gets done we will bring that to you to look at should be within the next week or so uh I'm sure everybody was aware we had a driver at an accident and took out the Chism light control um about a week ago the problem there was he took out both boxes luckily he didn't get hurt and no uh pedestrians were hurt but the problem was the one box that he took out was not a standard item on the shelf and it had to actually be manufactured and that's why that light was down for a while the light is up we're still adjusting the timing but in the meantime I think PD did a great job of setting up the intersection so that we can continue to function uh also our site up at the pool which is called the temporary debris management area we have to go through and get that approved it's certified now and that's that is good until June of 2029 what we use that for is if we have a storm or disaster that's where we take all of our brush debris and that kind of thing up there without the D approving that we weren't able to do it so uh hats off to DPW for getting that done our waterways and streams were just cleaned of all wood and brush and other debris that impede the flow of water most of the work was performed inside with the exception of a few areas that needed the assistance of a private contractor we just couldn't reach it uh the county recently removed an entire tree from the rway river by the bridge off of miltown so they they did help us out on that also couple other things I wanted to touch on Center Street DPW we upgraded all the lighting in the first Bay in the garage to LED we're trying to we're trying to keep that building alive I mean it's it's older it's got some issues garage roof is is separating from at a point that we need to address that at some point we're moving the over if you walked over into the building department we've moved the wall around we've tried to open up that office to get us some more space in there we installed a new air conditioning unit in the party room up at the pool Veterans Park we upgraded all the electric throughout the entire park including the bus stop we had met on Johanna way on the pumping station and we had an objection on the person that was the winning bid uh Craig took care of that for us and I think that's on for tonight and we'll be awarded ing that to the low bidder with Sovereign Consulting for $844,000 so that gets our pumping station going and it's going to take a while all the pumps have to be ordered we're probably looking at a year but we got to we got to get that moving also you'll see on tonight there's a shared service agreement with Milburn we're splitting some cost and use of equipment with them which has worked out very well for us um it's it's really a it helps us tremendously we don't have to lay out all the money for items that we don't use every day this way we share it it makes perfect sense for both sides and and we've had extremely Milburn has been extremely helpful anytime that our DPW calls them or needs them we had a blockage excuse me we had a blockage this past weekend over by Walgreens and we couldn't get it freed MB bur came down with a couple of guys with their truck and between them and us we were able to break it and we got the taken care of Ruby tree removal you know we got those bunch of ass trees in the back of the lot that have to go we actually had six bids on it but the lowest bidder um has not come back to us we've tried to contact him in order to give him the order I think he's realized I think he was a little too low so we're going to have to go up to probably the next guy um that's in discussions right now actually with Craig we'll get that straightened out hopefully very shortly if anybody's passed by the hen Shaw tennis courts those are now finished I just want I like to touch on this because again I think you know we sometimes I don't want to say we live in a bubble but you know we're very fortunate that this town generally is very safe and it's it's pretty quiet but you know there's a lot that does go on in the background that people just don't know and I just like to point out our fire department last month responded to 319 calls in one month so they're busy every month our PD responded to 1,031 calls just gives you a little idea what goes on a day-to-day basis so and chief if you want to add anything to that you're welcome to if I didn't point out something you would like to um no I mean other than you know the proactive patrols and the uh specialized details we have going on in you know traffic concerns I know we've had the some serious accidents uh the past few weeks and it's been a it's been a bit crazy yeah uh I just wanted to touch briefly on Patriot Way they're putting in right now the gas line the water line was done they're putting the gas line in as we speak we were over there this morning they're going to be starting a foundation fairly soon on that so that'll you're going to see that go up pretty quick we've met obviously as you can imagine multiple times with Gomes in the past couple of weeks uh the sidewalk on Caldwell is now fully open so if anybody's been over there it only took years but yes win is a win yep exactly thank you but actually it really it's a it turned out very nice if you look at it because that sidewalk is very wide and I I think it's going to benefit us in the long run when everything is done and again we're on him we've had a meeting with him last week or so and we have another one scheduled for next month once a month we meet with the independent construction manager and make sure that we're on schedule and we're continuing to move forward so he is making progress um and I think eventually again I think the thing that's very encouraging and I know it takes a lot of time but I really believe you're going to see the downtown and not too distant future is going to become busy I think we're going to get life down there and you're you guys are going to be happy I really think we're going to have a an active downtown some some landlords are really are really taking uh uh uh Pride would you say that are starting to work and starting to to want to to uh uh make a change so I think we've seen some good progress and and from the likes of now the Sophia uh building owner uh uh uh that wants to do work on it I think we're we're moving in the right direction and that's what I wanted to say you know I think sometimes you know you look at some of these developments that are going up and maybe everybody's not wild about them but I think what it does do it makes the other buildings they realize that they have to do something to keep up because people aren't going to rent when the building's in disrepair so I think eventually you're going to see a domino effect I think you're going see some of the other buildings will do the same so I'm optimistic I think we're moving in the right direction we just have to stay the course anybody has any questions or comments I'd be happy to answer uh yeah yes sir no um so Scotty and B OFA is going to come back to us yes when when they've satisfied you you'll have Scotty's will be first boa is somewhere down the road we're we're we're in the very early stages with that Scotty is pretty pretty close to being ready to come back to you guys okay um Chief uh there have been there have been a couple uh pretty bad traffic accidents on that um On That Mountain Avenue stretch of road uh is there any way we could pay some special attention there I mean recently uh there have been a few um and mors are obviously the two most uh problematic so thank you if you keep it right um I know my officers are targeting the the mors Avenue uh section that goes through the center of town we've had um some pedestrians hit um so they've been they've been hitting that pretty hard as far as the other accents we're referring to unfortunately I mean there was no speed involved with that it was not sure exactly what yet but it wasn't it wasn't a matter of a traffic violation okay so to say I mean I know what the speed the speed is actually under the speed limit that at that so okay it was just unfortunately uh what it was okay but yeah but the guys are out there on details um at least I expect them to be they've been told to be so cool we we are asking uh PD to get some quotes for some mechanical traffic devices uh crosswalk lighted crosswalk signs uh radar signs stuff like that so that that that is actually that's in and and we're you know they're doing homework on that one to see what uh the prices come in at also Chief throwing on your radar a proposal for overnight parking again buzzing you on that yeah I mean my guys are waiting to speak to the the subcommittee I mean we have the ideas out there we just need to so now it's the be okay finalize with you guys you know what you want to agree to yep got it also want to thank Adam Le on Fourth of July he was uh I think this is the first one that he uh kind of got in with and more the marrier excellent good all right that's it we're going to move on to minutes which are none and we're going to go straight to new business okay ordinance for second reading 202 2410 this ordinance authorizes the sale of undersized Remnant lot not needed for public use to the highest bitter amount contiguous Property Owners uh motion it's it's I'm trying to speak into the microphone I'm going to make a motion to adopt ordinance 2024 d10 as read by Madame clerk with publication in the local Source on July 25th 2020 for I will second that motion okay any public comment on that at all um seeing none any comment up here any questions anything nothing committee man Kaiser yes Deputy Mayor laer yes capes yes mayor Weber yes and for first reading ordinance 20244 this ordinance amends provisions of the township code to create the position of public information officer I will uh make a motion to adopt ordinance 2024-the 25th 2024 with a final hearing on August 13th 2024 second okay any discussion of up here at all on this right now it's about time it's about okay seeing uh no uh discussion up here roll callman Kaiser yesy mayor laer yesman capes yes mayor Weber yes uh ordinance 20245 this ordinance amends existing ordinances governing certain employment positions and establishes compensation levels for the position position of public information officer within the township I'll make a motion to adopt ordinance 2024-the 25th 2024 with a final hearing on August 13 2024 second okay um discussion I'm just going to say that please remember these are ranges that we are doing so we do not have to do ordinances again it is only a range we Mr Mayor I could just clarify if I could just clarify with the clerk for this ordinance we're published the publish publication is July 25th correct yes sorry okay and that's for both ordinance 20244 and 20245 totally my fault thank you any discussion up here on this at all nope okay roll call committee man Kaiser yes Deputy Mayor laer Yes committe Man capes yes mayor Weber yes and we will move on to resolutions I will ask for approval of resolutions I consent agenda starting with resolution 2024 Das 178 2024-25 202 24-180 2024 d181 2024 d182 2024 d183 2024 D 1884 20 24- 1885 2024 d186 2024 d187 2024 d120 I'm sorry- 1888 2024 d189 Mr Mayor I would like to make a motion to approve resolutions 20241 178 through 2024 1889 second okay committee M cities yes Deputy Mayor la Yes Man Kaiser some people don't follow this script but yes mayor Weber yeah uh [Laughter] yes I uh can't read discussion action items I would like to move to approve the request by burn boot camp to hold an hour work workout starting at 10:30 on the town hall lawn on Saturday August 3rd and or Saturday September 7th if approved hold harmless and Certificate of Insurance to follow I second all in favor I I would like to uh make a motion to approve the New York blood center uh services to request to hold a blood drive at the trm community center on Thursday August 29th 20 24 signed hold harmless agreement is attached insurance certificate is already on file second and sorry went out of order yeah I'm sorry it's the script it's tough I uh ple please real quick before we go further we ask every time blood drive if you can show up please we still have a major shortage across the country um they are having hours does it say their hours at this time no but their hours are normally um almost up until 10:00 at night all the time so uh please if you can go uh I would like to move the appointment of Peter schtz to the board of adjustment to fill a vacancy expiring on December 31 20126 a second all in favor I I I all right let's move on to finance and pay some bills all right I will make a motion to adopt payroll invoices for the period of June 26 2024 through July 17 2024 in the amount of 7,458 34776 second committee M Kaiser yes Deputy Mayor laer yes Mapes yes mayor Weber yes and everybody has received the junee budget uh the June pool budget report uh the June revenue and the June pool revenue report um and file that away accordingly okay correspondence notice of public hearing regarding jcpnl 2022 2023 SBC filing July 18 2024 4:30 and 530 visit website for details and virtual meeting link notice of public hearing for the board of adjustment B of Mountainside variant for 1354 Wood Valley Road Tuesday July 23rd 7:30 p.m. at Mountainside Municipal Building we're going to move on now to public comment on any governmental issue we have public comment on any governmental issue come on up speak your name and address into the mic and let us know what's happening good evening my name is Abbott gorin I reside at 611 Forest Drive in Short Hills Club Village uh I'm here because the group of tenants that I was with many of them couldn't make it today because it's summertime uh after two sessions before the rent leveling board were told to come here to clarify something at the 5600 buildings at Short Hills Club Village each uh apartment has its own AC and heating unit there's no central heating unit and we've always paid for our own Heating units our own AC that's provided for in our leases uh usually the past I've been a resident for 10 years and up until last year and this year it was around May 1st to May 5th that the transition was made from heating to cooling this year as well as last year or they said it was mechanical problem management did this did not happen until May 14 now we've met with management and that occurred after a lot of Demands it occurred last week Wednesday from today July 10th where they agreed uh at least um Veronica Carr who's the manager for the building premises said yeah we usually did the turnover on May by May 5th and of the 40 units in uh the 500 and 600 buildings 19 don't have an automatic interface between the thermostat in the apartments and the condenser that services that particular apartment of those 19 units we got p a petition signed by 13 of the tenants uh that was delivered to management on June 10th saying that we want a meeting among the things we want to talk about reduction of rent and we also made a grievance before the rent leveling board and they were unclear whether they could take a grievance such as this the thing is our main thing is math our main thing is Computing whether a correct rent was obtained we need clarification from the township committee and we did argue before the rent leveling board that just as rent can be computed as a service if there's a service provided for in the least in this case it was not given to 13 out of 19 apartments that we know of that was subject to this provision that should be the proper domain of the rent leveling board as well there's also an element of bad faith here last year when the amendment was made to the New Jersey admin Administrative Code section 5 colon 10-1 14.4 where the requirement for landlords to provide heat was extended from May 1st to May 17th that's the first paragraph paragraph three specifically says where tenants are paying for their own heat and hot water and they designate a different date the landlord must honor that date and at the May at I'm sorry at the June 10th meeting last week there was a acknowledgement from Andrew Weissman who's the regional director of Jersey Central management jcm is not the owner but they the contracted manager for the complex that yeah you're right we didn't do that correctly at least so far we sent the minutes to them sent the minutes to them last Friday I've had no comments conflicting with that assessment I think that just as you talk about rent levels rent amounts that this is probably the domain of the rent leveling board as well and should be considered that and clarification should be considered by the township committee so that the rent leveling board can determine these matters and and I mean I have a hard point uh Mr Weissman said his operation covers 4,000 Apartments they have an in-house legal unit I'm sure they have councel just like I read the paragraph the three paragraphs for the amendment extending the Heat season to May 15th but with tenants are paying for their own heat it doesn't apply I found it incredulous that they didn't do this and this properly should be the grievance a grievance that can be considered by the rent leveling board because otherwise you're dependent upon each tenant bringing their own accident small claims court there could be different uh outcomes which that shouldn't be there should be a uniform decision here and it's probably within the domain of the rent leveling board there's also a qu is people want to ask me questions about that but there's also another thing we wanted that okay uh the the other thing was that we wanted the township to con consider that ever since the co out uh outbreak uh our recycling bins get overflowing uh and we were wondering we used to have a four bin recycling uh container in the 500 and 600 uh Forest uh Drive uh buildings we now only have a two two siiz unit uh is there any way to increase the volume to four size is there any way and and we realized management would have to be part of this but this was something we also uh would hope that the township committee would consider if you want to have a copy of the uh the Amendments for the heat and hot water I also have the NOAA weather charts you're 500 600 units the those those units over there the pay their own heat and that's right so there's 40 units all together in the 500 that pay their own yes absolutely right um that is considered into the lease and and that's actually not in question at this point right now you the that amount is the correct amount right yes okay so that's not an issue no it's for the units and in the discussion with the managing agent last week last Wednesday July 10th she said there were 19 units which don't have the interface between the thermostats and the apartments and the condenser D so you have no control over how high this thing how low goes you just got to pay a Bild no matter how it comes no we do have control mayor but what happens is there has to be a cooling element there has to be Freon or some sort of cooling element uh in in uh implanted in the condenser come May 1st and they said they were confused by May 15th have my doubts about that but it was always done before May uh 15th and I was going to say the other thing just just let me have one more minute on this counselor uh if you look at the NOAA charts for last year and this year in the time period between May 1st and May 15th there were three days in each year where the temperature was 80 or above now we now have in our community at 500 and 600 we have some senior senior citizens seniors that are above 75 years of age and we were scrambling management didn't do this the residents themselves were finding fans for older residents who were suffering uh the lack of a changeover the changeover should have been done on time Mr Mr Mayor if I may um Mr Goran has reached out to me on a pretty regular basis since this was going on I have shared emails with Mr bico um he appears to be well versed in the situation and and and appears to have some valid points and and the last thing I think any of us want was him to be caught between the rent leveling board and us going back and forth between those two entities may I suggest that uh Mr Dow look over this information and and and be in contact with the red level board or any steps that he may see fit to try to get this resolution see to get this resolved if I might suggest that counselor do you want the documents sure you can certainly hand those up yeah you can just put them over there and we'll get them um I didn't want to approach directly I used to be a member of the bar so uh uh so thank you mayor and committee man capes um we are aware and and we know that you've approached the township about these issues um repeatedly um it sounds it's happy to hear I'm happy to hear that you've made some some what looks like some progress yes there has yes Council there has been some progress it was disappointing in the beginning uh but as of July 10th they promised to give us an answer within 3 weeks as to when the systems would be made self- operative for the entire units I mean initially what was annunciated to us well we're going to do 12 units uh and by next summer uh maybe we'll have all of them done so it was disappointing uh the other thing and uh uh I've met with the uh Township administrator on this is that often times people get confused when they come to the 500 and 600 buildings because the apartments are not numerical sequence and I remember several years ago when an infant stopped brething and First Responders are running around in the middle of the night because they couldn't find the proper apartment in other words it doesn't go 601 602 603 they get spread out between two sides of the 500 building two sides of the 600 building we were able to find out I was happy to hear that the uh First Responders in the township know where to go I remember living through an incident where they didn't and I'm hoping things got a little bit better but there there's a lot of bad faith counselor if you look at that Amendment paragraph C clearly indicates that May 15th is not an operating date for the change over for apartments paying for their own heat and hot uh heat and air conditioning so I think as the Committee Member indicated we don't want to see you getting ping ponged around between entities um this isn't something that's within the jurisdiction I think as you already know of the township committee itself but we'll do what we can and I'll do what I can to to chat with chat with the rent leveling board on the with respect to your indication that they were going to contact the township about clarification uh they're a statutory B statutory body they should have you know a handle um if not now soon on whatever their responsibilities are and and as you I think already also know the department of Comm Community Affairs oversees homeowners associations and complaints both internal complaints within the homeowners association and also complaints um between a homeowner between a member of a homeowner association and the owners so just just to kind of yeah I know you I know that's something that you already know but um we'll we will I I will um reach out to council for the um the rent leveling board to see if there's any you know clarification that they need about what you know about what they can or cannot do that clarification really should come from their Council um but I certainly have no problem you know attempting to um you know interface with them to help okay I hope some point somebody can get back to us about the recycling bins the recycling bins that's a new item we'll call J tomorrow and get back to you okay thank you taking care of thank you all thank you thank you any other comment on any governmental issue um not I just wanted to add something yes if I may go ahead Chief um see I just wanted to add on to I didn't get an opportunity um previously just to add on to discussing uh the rain Sidell um I've I've known her a long time as well and I just wanted to read something really quick if that's okay yeah of course um so the rain is a beloved mother grandmother and a great grandmother and as was noted you know 95 plus years old uh the rain passed away peacefully in her sleep on the evening of July 11th of this year after a long struggle with skin Cancers and dementia she was born in nor New Jersey in 1929 grew up in Maplewood and was the daughter of Charles and Francis Stewart the owners of Stewart's lunchonette which was in norc she attended Columbia High School and graduated Douglas college now Ruckers in new brunck with honors she moved to Springfield 1954 with her husband Joseph who was an attorney and is now deceased where she raised her two sons Scott who we all know and Mitchell she worked as an executive director for a number of organizations including the national Multiple Sclerosis Society cerebral py society and finishing her her career as executive director for the northern New Jersey chapter of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society she excelled at running telethons marathons walks dinners and many events to raise millions of dollars for Research into curing those illnesses after retiring from the leukemia and liyoma Society she continued her vocation by volunteering and helping the Springfield Patriot Chamber of Commerce by conducting fundraising award dinners for the organization the clock located in Springfield at Patriots Park was purchased by the chamber with funds that she helped to raise at those award dinners she was a member of the League of Women Voters in Springfield and ran uh many local Township committee candidates night debates and I've witnessed her at at some of those and uh and I'm sure any of the candidates are now they can rest easy that you know she doesn't attend those anymore um yeah she's a firecracker uh she served on a number of committees for the township as well she also volunteered at nor International Airport for many years for travel as a traveler's Aid welcoming visitors to the United States um um I used to see her do this all the time at I mean I'm not sure how old she was but she would drive 78 to norc airport without anybody no assistance just to get to airport to volunteer her time uh which I always told her she's a little crazy for doing that but she always laughed when I told her that nonetheless uh she was an Avid Reader and enjoyed traveling worldwide with her friends and family she especially enjoyed her many trips to London line led her vigorous and productive life and is survived by her brother Dr Richard Stewart who lives in Edmonds Washington Sons Scott and Mitchell daughter-in-law Diane grandchildren Adam sidel and wife Jenny Alexa Sidell and great grandchildren Benjamin and Audrey SEL uh again I knew Lorraine personally um always a trip to be around her uh always SM and always had good things to say about people and uh she was a great a great uh part of his uh spring Field's history and obviously I'm sure everyone said you know she'll be missed thank you for the time thank you thank you thank you Chief you're welcome um fantastic when somebody like does everything like squeezes every possible second into something uh couple SEC points yeah I got one thing too so you go you want to go first or you want to go yeah Mine mine's kind of nothing big I have as well so you want to finish it no I'll finish then I will finish so um what I'd like all of us to look into and and I don't want any groups out there to think any more of it than it is or whatever but I'd like to look at our traffic boxes I'd like to look at wrapping them or having a a Jonathan Dayton uh high school art projects for these boxes again I I know these boxes had uh a lot of flyers on them and everything going on for the past year they've all there's nothing but tape on at this point and and I I I don't want anybody look into this but you know they they need they need to be refreshed and redone so okay if you go to neighboring Milburn they have them wrapped and they Warren's done it also there's a company that comes out and either wrap them in just a solid color you can get flowers on them whatever so I'll do that tomorrow and you know even if if Jonathan dayon uh has a a project maybe they want to do and do boxes our class would do a few boxes on Mountain Avenue we'd be you know I just don't know as far as attaching it and how permanent would be right you know that's the only Stu like that yeah I mean these are these are actually just a wrap they're not painted okay it's like shrink wrap like they do sometimes on the cars maybe they can take the design we can see we I'll get you I'll get investigate I think that's a great idea nobody has a problem with that all right I got nothing else oh yeah I got nothing else that's it think you're right Alex you wanted to wrap cuz I had one thing I'm going to wrap I'm always the anchor we'll stick with the program Mighty anchor um uh we are seeking an alternate to the zoning board so any interested parties please email uh Linda Donnelly our Township Clerk so I said I'd make the announcement the announcement has been made uh two two points one I guess both on somber notes uh just want to acknowledge an another uh type of the community and while not a Springfield resident uh was closely attached to us uh Bill suis uh passed away uh uh I believe last week uh from his battle with pancreatic cancer so uh everyone who doesn't know Bill suis he was the chairman of the village shop right and owned not only Milburn but Springfield shoppr right and Livingston shop right uh and uh always like to introduce himself to every uh every incoming mayor but uh I I uh maybe through work or I don't know what he uh uh uh why he attached but I I uh I was able to talk to him quite frequently and not just about Springfield shopright issues although they come up but just about uh life and politics in general he was certainly clued in all the time and and and I will miss his just sometimes friendly phone call to say hello um um so uh uh condolences to the sumis family uh uh an institution uh uh the other point and maybe a larger point you know uh uh over the weekend we saw I think something that doesn't ne ne we we don't see frequently in our country with uh uh uh and something that never happens or at least we hope never happens uh uh with political violence and it doesn't necessarily it doesn't matter what party you're on you never want to see that uh uh uh thankfully I think president Trump you know wasn't uh uh terribly injured but unfortunately even sat was two individuals were Gravely injured and and and one who was attending the rally ultimately died and whether I probably didn't agree with a single thing uh of those people attending that rally but nonetheless didn't deserve that and and and and never something that we want to see and and I think unfortunately over the last it hasn't been just the last year it hasn't been the last four years it's been escalating for some time uh uh since you know the early 2000s the the the way people deal with politics and the the rhetoric that is used is not something that we see in America and it's something that's quite troubling and I just hope that uh uh as we get closer to another election consequential election we do remember that ultimately we all are all are Americans we do still all have to live here at the end of the day when the election's over there's not going to be a civil war it's just not possible anymore so we all have to realize that hey maybe in the words of Bernie Sanders politics got to get a little boring again and and calm down the rhetoric and and and make sure that we're doing it all for the right reason and when you are elected up here it's an honor and a privilege and I'm privileged to be elected up here and sometimes it's troubling when you see then another member who ultimately was convicted this this week our senator who I've called on to resign many months ago and still hasn't even though he got a conviction so uh uh uh just a couple stains on our institutions but we will survive [Music] nonetheless thank you anybody else okay with that said I going to go for a motion to adjourn so moved second meeting adour