if I can have your attention please i' like to welcome you to our February the 22nd 2024 council meeting in the interest of time efficiency and ensuring that everyone who wishes to address the council is given the opportunity to do so the following will apply to all comments made by the public if you desire to be recognized by the chair please fill out a request form and present it to the city clerk present here in council chambers each speaker shall be allowed 3 minutes to address the council unless such time is extended by the mayor or by questions from Council group shall designate a spokesperson to avoid repetition of comments every effort will be made to avoid interrupting speakers we thank you for participating in your city government and we ask that you please silence all electronic devices with that I call this council meeting to order and could we all please stand together for the invocation like to invite Pastor David NY from Christ Our Savior Fellowship to come and lead us our invocation please remain standing for the pledge of allegiance to follow let us pray Father in heaven we come before you this evening to ask your blessing upon this city council meeting your holy word tells us that there is no Authority except from God and the authority days that exist are appointed by God and so father we ask that you would give your wisdom your guidance and your direction to these council members whom you have appointed to their positions May the decisions they make be fair Equitable and pleasing to you we thank you and ask your blessing upon our city in Jesus name amen amen please join me in the fledge I pledge alce to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with libery and justice for all thank you may seated yeah that was awesome M of clerk please call the role mayor Blackwell here Deputy Mayor maeni here council member Urban here council member Gilbert here council member here like to ask our city manager Miller are there any agenda updates no sir there are not all right thank you very much at this time we have a proclamation and recognition of the Boys and Girls Club Youth of the year and the St Cloud Branch so we'd like to recognize those members that are here Mr Alex Lindsay and Asia Adel a Emily and Caitlyn could you please come forward come on up come on down you guys come right over here where right since 1947 Youth of the year has been Boys and Girls Clubs of America's Premier leadership program celebrating the extraordinary achievements of club members and whereas each year one team from a Boys and Girls Club Rises to the role of national Youth Of The Year becoming an ambassador who elevates the voice of Club youth everywhere and represents all of our nation's young people and whereas through the Youth of the Year program young people showcase their talents and achievements share their hopes and dreams and work toward a bright and positive future and whereas Youth Of The Year honores from the Florida Southeast region are shining examples and living proof that great Futures start at Boys and Girls Clubs and whereas each of these youth with the help of their Club has achieved great success in school have Superior leadership skills and serve as ambassadors for their community and whereas participation in the Boys and Girls Club National Youth Of The Year program is the highest honor A club member can achieve now therefore I Nathan Blackwell do hereby issue this Proclamation recognizing these outstanding local young people in our community and saluting their success St Cloud is proud of our participant ipants Asia adise Amy or Emy and Caitlyn we congratulate you on your achievements and we look forward to all the great ways you will contribute to our community and we give an extra congratulations to Caitlyn who was selected uh our 2023 to 24 Youth Of The Year from the St Cloud branch and we recognize Mr Alex Lindsay who's done an incredible job uh helping to lead that program here in St Cloud and congratulations to you guys I'm just going to be brief it's not about me it's about them and when you look at them remember it's not about you it's about the future and behind me is the great future of some young ladies that represent the city of St Cloud and I just like to say I love you guys and continued success for [Applause] them hold these up just hold them like that before I leave I'm going to JP congratulations let's give them one more round of applause and thank you Mr Alex for your incredible leadership at this time I have of a proclamation and presentation to Leanne Tano in recognition of flood Awareness [Music] Week whereas the city of St Cloud has experienced severe weather in the past in the form of extreme rainfall or tropical system events resulting in flooding that has caused damage and flood losses to homes and buildings in all areas whether they are highrisk special flood Hazard areas or low to moderate risk flood zones and whereas the city of St Cloud is a voluntary participant in the National flood insurance program that provides residents with the opportunity to protect themselves against flood loss through the purchase of flood insurance at reduced insurance premium rates as well as setting higher regulatory standards to reduce the flood risk and potential flood damage to their property and whereas through active participation in the National flood insurance program the city of St Cloud saves flood insurance policy holders just over $78,000 per year and whereas the reduction of loss of life and property damage can be achieved when appropriate flood preparedness control and mitigation measures are taken before a flood and whereas residents may contact the city's flood plane manager at 407- 957-7239 2024 as as flood Awareness Week to promote awareness and increase knowledge of flood risk the availability of flood insurance flood protection methods and how to prepare for emergencies now therefore I Nathan Blackwell mayor of the city of St Cloud Florida in coordination with oo County do hereby Proclaim March 4th through 8 2024 as flood awareness week in the city of St Cloud and further encourage the citizens of St Cloud to increase their knowledge of how to protect themselves and their property from flooding and we certainly are indebted to our staff and our city flood planes manager and thank you for your leadership and the difference that you make and would you like to say something okay that's [Applause] it presentation and I think next we'll have a presentation in just a second when they turn the podium around good evening lean Tomo flood plane manager with the city of St Cloud and since we are approaching National flood awareness week March 4th through the 8th I thought it would be appropriate to go ahead and give you a brief update on the city's flood plane Management program this image before you is the FEMA's flood insurance rate map within the city limits the pink and the orange areas identify are the high-risk areas zones a and AE approximately uh 4,800 Acres or 25% of the city's land area in addition to ensuring that development within the city is constructed according to the National flood insurance program standards the state building code standards and our higher standards outlined in our local flood plane ordinance we voluntarily participate in FEMA's Community rating system or the CRS program since 1990 this program recognizes communities with flood plane management practices that exceed the minimum requirements of the national flood insurance program of the 245 communities that participate in the CRS program within the State of Florida only 25% hold a class 5 rating are higher the city of St Cloud has a class 5 CRS writing rating which provides the city property owners and renters a whopping 25% discount on their flood insurance premiums regardless of what flood zone They are in high risk or low risk excellent and I am estatic to announce that just last year we were able to bring on board our first CRS coordinator Michelle aosta is a certified flood plane manager with the association of State flood plane managers having her on board has allowed us to bring more Outreach and education to our community as well as improve our processes reporting and increase our level of customer service one of our more recent efforts you may have seen this before is providing the public with an online mapping tool that provides flood zone and design elevation requirements for specific properties they can um Property Owners can get copies of final surveys of their property elevation certificates are also available on this platform to anyone all you do is search an address or a parcel number internally we do Continue to update this map regularly to include the most recent information for our community there are a number of activities that we conduct for the national flood insurance program and also for our community rating system that I don't have time to get into this evening but I do appreciate the time to share our brief update with you and our audience this evening thank you so much and we certainly thank you once again for the difference that you've made uh in our whole city by all of your work thank you so much for your faithfulness thank you before we go to our citizens Forum I'd like to recognize some very special guests are here tonight Girl Scouts troop 2204 and would you ladies mine please standing we'd like to welcome you to our council meeting tonight uh they have also brought some Girl Scout cookies as a thank you for allowing them to attend this meeting and uh this was their last step in their inside government badge [Applause] wow thank you so much how was the Girl Scout too and these are my favorites thank you I'm sorry you guys didn't get it if you guys are real nice at the end of the meeting I might give youall one or two thank you ladies thank you very very kind bu the next item our agenda is our citizens Forum any person who desires to comment on any item not on this agenda is provided this OPP to address the city council each person is requested to complete a signing form to be provided to the presiding officer prior to or as as soon as this practical there after the personal address is the council when you come forward please St your name and address for the record and we will ask that you limit your comments to three minutes M Darlene morasco would you please s forward share your name and address good evening I'm Darlene Moresco for 430 Oregon Avenue St Cloud Florida since 1980 I've lived in that home moved to St Cloud 1971 been here a long time Monday we came to my husband and I came to the um meeting regarding fist Street expansion and our concerns are great the gentleman who presented the plan said that it takes 9.5 minutes to drive from that end of town to Mrs uh I'm sorry I'm not a great speaker here um 9.5 minutes and to put in the the fist Street it would only take 5.5 minutes so we're gaining four minutes to drive and then they're going to put turnarounds and so forth so basically when you put it all together you're not gaining a whole lot in my personal opinion um it's a narrow Street it would have to be widened there's so so many driveways and elderly people that live on there so where they going to park their cars and then not to mention the fact when you go from Brown Chapel thank you darling and you go all the way down to Mississippi where are you going to dump it to Mississippi it doesn't go through to nari road unless you go to Eastern which is a one-way street that you go all the way down or go down down fifth over to to Grape or or and then to Orange and whatever I'm asking you to consider what you're truly doing spending all of this money for possibly 4 minutes how many lives or would you interrupt and change in an area that when we purchased our homes me 1980 and live two houses from fist Street um what are you going to gain we when we purchased our home we didn't expect to be at a thorough fair and it should not be CU who's coming into the grid area the people who live in the grid are grid area or visiting the grid area they know how to get around there so I know that there's Lakes Shore 10th Street 13th Street 17th Street NTI Road all I'm asking you to do is really truly think about the taxpayer dollars that you're considering spending on something that really is only for possibly but not really four minutes thank you for your time thank you very much uh we' like to ask our city manager to please uh speak to this issue at this point yes thank you mayor So based on the feedback that we received at the public meeting on Monday um staff discussed the concerns that we heard from the residents and at this point we are not recommending moving forward with that plan therefore um it it won't be on a future agenda we did put notification out uh yesterday on social media that we are recommend that we're not recommending the plan and I'm not bringing it to the city council and additionally we sent out an email late this afternoon to the people who attended whose Who provided their emails um explaining that we're not going to proceed with uh that plan right now except we are going to proceed with installing the components of the plan around Lakeshore Elementary that included flashing school zone line nights and some other safety improvements right around the school so so those um improvements we're going to move forward on and instead staff is going to work on the things that we heard there's a lot of Maintenance concerns and other safety concerns regarding the entire grid um so we're going to look at that as a whole instead of the Fifth Street Corridor thank you that's why they call it a study um Mr councilman irvan uh thank you I just wanted to say I fully support report uh what the city manager just said her statement there um I I wanted to I was going to address this at the end of my time but since this uh came up um you know residents uh concerns are are very important uh to to all of us up here and and it's um you know I I I definitely am sorry at the way that the meeting on Monday went but it um that's why we we have these studies and and we want to hear resident input and trust me we we heard everybody loud and clear and uh and that's why we we're changing course on this but um to to to say that um we as Council uh members don't don't care about input we absolutely do and uh my number I think all of our phone numbers are are available on on the city website my phone is available seven days a week I want to hear from the residents especially if you disagree with something something we do I want to hear from you so we available we heard you and uh we we thank the residents for staying engaged and and giving their input on this uh comments were also made that you know City Council Members didn't show up and there were un concerned Mr mener could you explain why City Council Members can't come to a meeting like that well for the way this meeting was set up this meeting was set up as a community informational meeting that involved issues that would come in front of the city council at a future meeting for a vote so under Florida Sunshine Law uh you couldn't attended that meeting unless it was set up as a meeting where the city council would participate it wasn't it wasn't set up like that it wasn't noticed appropriately for that uh because again it was a community interest it was a community information meeting it wasn't intended for an information for Council and we love the Florida Sunshine Law it just really yes we do it really challenges us sometimes especially when it's a little chillier yes um Corey row do you wish to speak good evening state your name and address for yes it's uh Cory row I live at 2012 10th Street I was waiting for my timer um you know I uh I've lived in this city for since I was in diapers and I've had this opportunity one other time to do this and things have changed pretty significantly there's new faces um some of you have been around for a while and um couple of things I know perception is people's reality and so when I came Monday and had the opportunity to get involved in that that was mess I mean for lack of a better term it was a mess um I've spent 20 years of my career in management managing hundreds of people and I know that not a lot of people have bad intentions including the people up here but I know one thing sitting in the seat that I've been in for a long time and it's been this one thing I've learned is that sometimes things fall in deaf ears and I would say looking at the turnout tonight probably there's some citizens that have not done well including myself to show up and let you know hey these are the things that are going on I live on 10th Street right so I have a vested interest in what traffic right so clearly when I hear about fist stre I'm like let me show up right my concerns are many for traffic and you have a lot of adversities with a growing city a growing County I believe it's the fistler sixth fastest growing County in the nation so because of that you have an uphill battle you have grid streets that have been there for as long as I can remember and there's challenges I would ask that we would look at how we appropriate funding I looked at recent uh things that have come up on in the council and taken time to look and I see a lot of appropriated funding going towards uh the the idea of doing research and studies which makes sense but also where are we appropriating funding from traffic control from the basics right officers things of that nature so I would ask that we would look at that type of funding and start adding those type of things on a more consistent basis because I believe citizens are concerned especially on this side of of uh our beautiful city uh I do appreciate each and every one of you this is a hard job um to stand in front of you and and tell you uh that you're doing a bad job is not the right thing to do okay and I understand it cuz I've been in a position where I've had a lot of people look at me but I would ask that you would think about the decisions that you're making not just from people that are putting things on Facebook here in town but that also you would think about the people that live in those particular streets and what's going on I appreciate and I he my time thank you thank you much council member Fletcher um I just wanted to Echo the same comments um as the city manager and uh council member um Urban um nothing is more important to me than the citizens um input I grew up um on the grid um I've lived here um practically my entire life um I know some of you in the audience this evening um it you know when when I heard heard about the meeting I I was shocked um but also I only received one phone call this week regarding Fifth Street and I would say my I carry my phone everywhere I go you can text the number you can call the number um you can get a hold of me um and we can sit down we can go and have coffee and discuss those items um I heard you know everything from we were going to take people's property and all of this stuff and we're just going to put this huge Highway through when in reality it's really not the case we we identified that there was pedestrian um concerns and we were looking at different options we we sent it out um to have the study done and they brought us back a menu of options for things that we we could pick and choose from theoretically in a couple of the items we looked at and we say you know what we've been working with folks over at Lakeview and we need to go through and we're going to the city manager did a great job of of finding the funding so that we can get those Flash and lights up there and we're we're going to move forward so I would encourage enourage the public to continue to to reach out reach out to your to your council members we really are here to listen um that's what you put us here to do and I think I think this board um and this Council does a really good job of that so so please do reach out we're here for you guys thank you you may have to forgive me if I pronounce this you may have to pronounce tuce could you forgive me please come up just share your name and address for the record hi there my name is Tua fak and I live on 501 Ohio thank you it's nice to see you guys here tonight um I was wondering what is a publicly noticed meeting how is it publicly noticed can you answer that question do you have any other questions finish up your um no coms I'm asking a question is that it are you finished no I'm not finished finish finish please I would like to finish when I get my question we will as soon as you finish your comments go ahead I what else you to say I I'm curious about how is a meeting publicly noticed I would like to find that out Mr manzer meanings of different meanings of publish div if if your question is related to the Sunshine Law a Sunshine Law meeting requires reasonable notice as to a meeting it usually publish meeting notice in the on on the city's website or in the city's board where it publishes notices that's to comply with the Cal other meetings like L use meetings zoning meetings they require advertisements and Publications so depending on the meaning there's different different means to publish it so how is this against Sunshine Law if it was on your calendar it was uh I believe on the news right uh it was on your Facebook page I mean you guys finish go ahead and finish you you guys are kind of ridiculous and I had to call you to even get the citizens informed of this meeting you said it was it was properly noticed by posting it on Facebook that is ridiculous we need to keep these people informed because you guys are absolutely doing a horrible job at keeping us safe we shouldn't have to worry about cars doing circles in front of our houses we live on that street sir and we don't want that why don't you look into the flooding issues on the state streets why don't you look into I don't know 10 Street you know how many pedestrian crosswalks are there on 10th Street how many lights are there on 10th Street think about it thank you thank you councilman uran I had a a good conversation with our City attorney before the meeting about um sort of um having having a better uh defining better what types of meetings that we have where whether it's a community input meeting which is what Monday was intended to be or whether it's a workshop where city council should be present so hopefully we can work on a policy that better defines that for the public and uh again just wanted to reiterate um the the um Fifth Street uh ideas now it's uh being tabled and and uh hopefully we can uh learn from this and and move forward Miss Miller thank you mayor I just wanted to um tell you the many ways that we advertise this for the public we use the city's variable message signs to put the meeting information on lak shore on Fifth Street and 192 we have two message boards then we move them around to different locations we posted it to the city's event and meeting calendar portion of our website we mailed 1,000 postcards to people on Fifth Street in North two blocks south two blocks with in the project Corridor we sent a news release on February 2nd we posted it to social media the city sites and St Cloud rans and Raves multiple times per week on various days of the week and times of day starting February 2nd we leveraged our contract with positively Oola to help us promote the meeting through their channels we created a web page on the Public Works website containing information and a full copy of the study report we posted the link to um with the we posted the link to that that created web page with the PDF of the study to social media um we spoke to the news media about the study and the workshop and we spoke to many callers so I just wanted to to say we did a great job letting people know and that's why there were so many people here thank you would anyone else like to speak during the citizens Forum please come forward state your name and address for the record and please fill out a form before you leave thank you ma'am hi my name is Kathleen Curts uh I live at 702 Minnesota so I wasn't one of the streets involved in the fist Street study but I do ride bikes scooters and skateboards to kids with school down that street so we were quite concerned about what we saw was going ask has to be looked at um one of the things I read there was a newspaper article and it said this was something that was brought up several years ago not by the present Council on to look at Fifth Street is that true where use the one that asked for the Fifth Street because I want you to own it if that's what you did or was it somebody years ago and you just kind of picked it up I the other thing is um I guess I don't even understand why the study was done when you look at that's the middle of the heart of your city the heart of your city we're being torn apart by rentals now neighborhoods within the city of stcloud are becoming mostly rentals everywhere you go you see a rental sign so then you take and you want to look at sending people from Brown Chapel Walmart all the way through to Mississippi and then like the lady said where do they go from there down Mississippi both ways I mean that then affects them so I really don't understand when you looked at what it was going to do why you even spent the money um the other thing is my husband and I do not believe in social media we don't do r and Raves we believe that my life isn't that interesting and I don't want to see everybody else's so we have a real problem with St Cloud um knowing what he is even going on like the things that you have going on because we don't see it anywhere because we don't do social media we go past and there's a bunch of cars and we go H wonder what's going on tonight so I mean it it might be our age you know we just don't we just don't believe in that so C communication um the way we saw we saw the sign down at Lake View Elementary and it was basically mostly Word of Mouth it you how people even found out about it I asked if I could take a p petition around and was told absolutely not but you let Spectrum come and knock on your door you let you know all these other places come and knock on your door but when I called to ask whether we could take and start at Mississippi and work our way down and for people who could not attend I was told that's not permitted in the city of St Cloud so I have several problems and that meeting was horrible the way it was conducted and I felt sorry for the gentleman you know once they said you couldn't speak they were just underwater so that's it all right thank you thank you very much I assume this is uh during the CTI Josh fdick how you doing set your name and address please Josh fdick uh acquiring about 10:15 Tennessee Avenue good to see you Mr Blackwell been a long time good see you man um thank you for all you guys uh for what you do up here I know it's not an easy job sit up here basically uh be a sounding board and you know um you know we do the best we can and obviously looking out for the community and sometimes the decisions aren't always the best for everybody involved but um I just wanted to thank you um one of the things that a little bit on the traffic side is not so much the traffic flow except on Tennessee Avenue when they hit that corner over there I own that child care center I they think it's biffalo they get on it and I'm telling you something bad's going to happen eventually I'm going to propose to you guys about putting in speed bumps over there so I'm doing a complete overhaul but what I do love seeing is that sometimes I go to the gym late at night and I come back and as a youngster we didn't like to see the blue lights lit up you know cuz we we just got to start driving and we want to see how fast we could go um as you get older you you realize that's not always the case and um so it's nice coming back sometimes late at night and you see people pulled over and I would just say whatever appropriation of funds that we're looking at you know we talk about celebrating the First Responders and being in the childcare industry for the last owner is a 10 years almost 20 years I say there's two professions that I feel like are underpaid it's the First Responders and teachers right we're all going to get old at some point in time and need to be pushed around in a wheelchair and my goodness we we need all those things and and at the end of the day we we need to celebrate the young ones so they become good men and women and uh either can protect us or take care of us and um I think if if it's not already a focal point as a first council member meeting I've been to in a while cuz I just moved back recently from Atlanta um but um I I would highly suggest if it hasn't already been the topic um you know in increasing First Responders pay right um they put their lives on the line I think that we'll track better Talent you know just like in the school system um and if we could put more more more police officers on the road I think people will be less inclined to make unfavorable decisions um I was not a big fan of Florida Avenue over there and putting that uh um uh bike path in at first uh it's turned out to look pretty beautiful but I'll tell you there's a ton of transient people that are just up and I'm out cleaning my car and i' in the middle of the day and I've got a lady with a wheel you know a grocery cart and a bag full of laundry asking me for money in the middle of the day and she's camping out two houses down that had just sold so I would be cognizant of that moving forward and you know the city council just you know I I think putting more First Responders on the road increasing the pay um will help you know eliminate a lot of the issues that we have with traffic we got a lot of idiots out there driving I can't think of a better term to describe some of them because my goodness I almost opened my car door up cuz a seat belt got caught and a motorcycle came through then I could knocked him right off his bike right here in St Cloud because he was impatient you know so I don't know the science behind fixing everything but I what I do know is if you put enough police officers on the road increasing the pay you'll track better Talent hold them better accountable and I think it'll make for a safer town thank you Mr appreciate you would anyone else like to speak dur the citizens Forum you all right you didn't answer my first question when I was up there was this Council responsible for putting the F Street project it it was directed in 2021 for us to look at additional East East West corridors and stop signs uh because there were pedestrian concerns in that area so I don't know that the direction was specifically look at Fifth Street but it was to look in this area for at the stop signs and for an additional East West Corridor in 2021 and no not all of the council members were on the on the board then thank you if not we'll move on to our next item the next item on our agenda is our consent agenda this contains items that have been determined to be routine and non-controversial if anyone in the audience wishes to address a particular item on the consent agenda now is the opportunity for you to do so additionally staff or members of the city council wish to speak on a consent item they have the same opportunity council member mathi um could I pull item C for a separate vote our city manager thank you I would like to request that item b um that we change the date of the April meeting instead of April 11th if we could please choose April 25th um because I I know that we um will have a full Council on the 25th and we would not on the 11th okay has everyone taken note of that that uh changing the April 11 meting meeting to April the 25th so noted at this time we would anyone in the audience like to speak to any item on the consent agenda um I don't see any yes ma'am please hello my name is Lisa klepper and I'm at 1752 up the road um I would like to talk about consent item C I don't know if this is the time to talk about it or right before you vote on it but well we'll jump right onto that now go ahead okay thanks um the item C what I'd like to have it is postponed we have a meeting already set up for next Wednesday um with some people from the city and with the developer um and with us and the other neighbors that are in that area so I kind of would like to have it just pushed back let's have the meeting let's see if we can't iron out some of the issues and then bring it back and hopefully at that point it'll just be an easy little consent item so all right anything else um thank you okay thanks thank you since we're on item C Miss Mai Oh I thought you hit your do you have any other oh um yeah I just want to have a separate vote for it okay would anyone else like to speak to any other item on the consent agenda please step forward state your name and address for the record please fill out a form before you leave I did fill out a form I believe you have't um my name is Nicole Brett I'm at 805 New York Avenue um I believe it's either item one or two I could be mistaken but I just wanted to comment on the resoning of the space of the St Cloud community garden we're not there yet not there we're not there ma'am I'll call you up sure when we get to that we're not at public hearings thank you very much thank you for your understanding yes I promise state your name and address please and what no problem Cory Road 2012 10th Street uh I noed be setting for council meeting dates uh I'm coming so what is there any um changes as far as those dates regarding uh day of week or time at this point no the time will be a normal meeting time okay when Council meetings normally meet 6:30 okay thank you just confirming thank you we can get you a copy if if you provide your email address we can send you a copy okay councilman Urban I'll see your light uh yes I just wanted to speak uh to item C I also received an email from a resident on I know they there're supposed to be meeting with the applicant to work out some of the issues they had and I would be okay continuing it to the next meeting if if possible um do you need a motion for that or would need a motion you would need a motion for continuance motion to continue item C second do you have a date to the next meeting by the March March 28 March 28th 28 March 28th March the 28th we have a motion for continuance from item C to March the 28th a motion from council member Irving we have a second from council member Fletcher Madame clerk will you please call the role on continuance council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor mathi hi council member Urban I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z that brings us to the remaining items on our consent agenda do I have any other discussion from Council and or a motion motion to approve we have a motion from council member do I have a second have a second council member Gilbert for the approval of the remaining items on the consent agenda Madam clerk you please call the RO council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor maeni I council member Urban I council member Gilbert I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z thank you brings us to public hearings the next portion of this meeting is our public hearing uh items and Madam clerk you please read item number one final public hearing for ordinance number 202 24-1 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida assigning a future land use designation of approximately 2.36 Acres identified as downtown site one from pu public institutional and MDR medium density residential future land use designation to coom commercial future land use designation generally located north of 10th Street East of Massachusetts Avenue and south of 8th Street providing for amending the official future land use map of the comprehensive plan filing of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication applicability and effects suburb ility and copies on file and effective date thank you Melissa dunan community development director this item is the final public hearing for the request for the amendment of The Future land use and Zoning for the partiel known as downtown site number one the existing future land use is medium density residential and public institutional the proposed future land use is commercial the existing zoning is R3 multif family and the proposed zoning is CBD 1 Central Business District 1 the development is compatible with the surrounding area and will have no adverse impacts on City facilities the graphics before you depict the existing and proposed future land use map changes and these Graphics depict the existing and proposed zoning map changes the development Review Committee and sorry the development Review Committee and the Planning Commission recommended approval likewise it is requested that city council approve ordinance number 224-1 for the comp plan Amendment and ordinance number 2024 -02 for the zoning map Amendment staff is available if you have any questions as this is a city initiated project all right since you're making a recommendation on item number two also Madam CL would you please read item number two into the record final public hearing for ordinance number 202 24-02 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida providing for the Sony Amendment of the Sony map of the land development codee of the city of St Cloud Florida specifically changing the the zoning designation of approximately 1.56 Acres identified as downtown site one from R-3 multif family dwelling residential soning district to cbd-1 Central Business District 1 soning designation generally located west of New York Avenue East of Massachusetts Avenue and south of 8 Street providing for the entering the designation of the official Sony map following of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication applicability and effect cability copies on files and effective date thank you we will have public comment at this point Nicole berett is that correct you please your state your name and address for the record uh Nicole berett 805 New York Avenue I'm back at the right time thank you um so I just wanted to come here and discuss the importance of this space for the community a lot of my neighbors and I have chosen our home specifically because of its location community garden we used to live on Seventh in P Pennsylvania and decided to move to eth in New York because it's such a beautiful community space um I see people all day enjoying the space walking around sitting down to grab some lunch fresh air we have seven um homeschool families right now that have separate plots and we're doing an organic gardening class um I think the space is has so much potential to bring the community together and have more events and um especially Community that's so rich in agriculture and we have so many resources and so much knowledge um I I know that at some points maybe the garden may have been neglected um and it's definitely I think both on the city and the community to work together to to improve that space um so my hope is just that there would be a plan to certainly keep that space um and I would think that not zoning commercial use would be the logical step in that direction um but I haven't heard I guess this is just the zoning portion and I'm not sure what any plans are or if there are any plans I I just got that notice in front of our home we use the space a lot or the community uses the space a lot I think it could be used more absolutely um and we're working towards that um we even have a young I think 8-year-old who has a YouTube channel and all his gardening is done in that Garden as well um so it's just a space that I think that we should work very hard to protect so that is why I'm here thank you very much thank you Melissa do you want to speak to any of that if you have the information from parks on that that'd be great that we had discussed last meeting before the last meeting no if you have anything else to address please sorry I wasn't prepared to speak about um the rentals um for the plots um however this is only the land use and Zoning change we don't have any active application to do anything more than just change the colors on the map and allow for the highest and best uses for those Parcels yes um Kirsten storm is that correct please St your name and address kirston sterm 337 Florida Avenue St Claus Florida um hello um so um first off you weren't prepared to discuss the rental of the plots but oh just change the land use um clearly it's because you want to pave it over and put in a parking lot um okay anyway um I'm here for the second time I came to the initial meeting um planning meeting about this um I promised my daughter I'd come and speak again um because this matters to her um when I got a garden plot for my family in 2023 I was told that the garden was going to be improved improved with picnic tables and more plots built that hasn't happened instead in the summer of 2023 the property was maintained the grass was allowed to grow taller than my toddler there were Rusty Nails sticking out of the raised beds these conditions made it unsafe to take my kids to the Garden I've spoken to other people that rented plots at the Garden and several said that the reason they weren't renewing their plots was because the space wasn't being maintained there's a lot of potential for a downtown community garden to benefit our town and our families learning opport unities for kids raised beds that even the elderly or disabled can access and the former Parks and Recreations manager Gabriel told me that they were even growing food and donating it to a local food pantry the property also has several beautiful mature mango and low quat trees which would take years to grow again from seeds I understand that the city needs parking but I don't think neglecting and Paving over our green spaces is the way to do it when making plans for our town please consider um please consider the importance of these green spaces um and don't pave parking uh don't pave paradise and put up a parking lot and I understand it's just changing the zoning but even people who don't care about a little kid's community garden should be here and they should be speaking out about what's going to happen to our downtown what's going to if maybe the highest bidder when that gets changed to commercial is a pawn shop maybe it's a vape shop God knows what what else and I feel like a community garden is a safe bet for this is something that shows we care about our community and our families I don't know what kind of commercial thing you're going to put over there that's going to show that thank you Mr our city manager thank you yes I did I did find uh some of the information that I was asking about so just to provide you with some of the rental information for that Garden between May 2023 to January 2024 we had one garden plot rented um January to present we do have eight um Revenue $175 since October 2023 but we spend $200 a month um maintaining that property we need to make about $500 worth of improvements to it um and we don't have Revenue in order to do that so at this point we're not we're not planning on making improvements but we're not planning on on stopping the use of the garden although you know as the city has been looking at how to improve this the city master plan in the CRA and trying to bring additional use to this property mixed use to the city property um that is one of the parcels that we've been anticipating incorporating into it thank you very much but anyone else in the Audi want speak to items one or two if not we'll have discussion and or motion by Council Council maeni uh thank you Melissa could you put the map up that shows the 2.26 Acres um so what I was asking the city manager was um is there a possibility to leave out this 0.172 Acres which is what the the um little garden plot is um out of this change to the um future land use designation I mean personally I don't think um I know there's some conversation about expanding the storm water Pond into this tract for the for the downtown changes that potentially are coming but I don't think 172 is going to make a difference in the in the pond you know and I would support removing this parcel parcel One and Two from from this motion just to see um kind of what the rest of the council feel like with that and I understand changing the and the other thing I was asking her is if we change the the future land use does that prohibit this use you know cuz it's saying we're just changing it but know want to change it to something that prohibits the use you know like oh a garden isn't allowed but I would be personally I would be okay with removing this 0.172 Acres from this um this Council action thank you Council M Fletcher I was just going to say the same thing I actually follow the YouTube channel um I don't remember who said that you know with the the child that that that uses the garden um I would be in favor of of what you you were recommending my my questions were going to be whether we changed it or not we still have to to maintain it and I I believe you know we could find you know some money to to to maintain a city piece of property we'd have to maintain it anyways um and then the community's effort and and uh the public garden it's it's always you know more on the community and a public garden right they have the plot um and they're going to care for for their plot and then the the overall um um maintenance of it um is more of of the city's um responsibility um I love open space that you know Florida Avenue is beautiful lakefront and all that stuff um and by by US changing the zoning and and the land use I don't think it's something that's you know you said you know uh build over Paradise per se um that's not something that's going to happen tomorrow this just if that did happen it'd be years and years and years from now um so with that I I would agree agree with you um on that Council M Gilbert uh thank you uh yeah we all enjoy uh Green Space how many plots are open that are available for rent and and you mentioned that there's one that's rented and the cost to to produce this is uh exceeding the rental how do we uh get more citizens involved to to to do this and make it you know a great place to go which I've seen it I've passed by it when I ride my bike and I drive up here but I understand you got one plot rented out of how many available and the cost to maintain it is x amount of dollars so I look at every Citizen's rights and every Citizen's needs that they have uh is this a lost leader is this something we do because one family rents it and I understand it's a great thing but how do we make it work economically for all the citizens of St Cloud I I yield back Mr mes I just had a question maybe Melissa so the two lots are talking about are those the ones that have the public institutional flight future lus and c and cbd1 Zoning it's the parcel right behind city council oh I'm sorry city hall right the it's not right behind it is it this parcel there's a pond parcel and then it's that one that one it's the one right next to uh E Street yep so what is your question I'm sorry so I know that two of the parcels that are involved in this of all the acres are currently zoned with future land use of public institution on cbd1 is that correct so we're talking about the garden and it's currently medium density residential I just want to make sure because if they were already Zone the public institution and the cbd2 cbd1 it wouldn't matter what really what you did with regard to the G those partials because they'd already would be available for the city basically to use for just about any purpose the city wanted to use it for so you're saying changing the zoning is not going to change what we want to do with the property well it it would if you have if they are medium density residential future lanus and the and the and the R1 residential okay zoning R3 I'm sorry I'm still not clear so it is or I don't know they appear to be medium density residential I just don't want to get everybody confused and then have it come back a couple of years from now and someone say well wait you changed the zoning no we didn't it was always yeah okay right and something else we've been discussing with staff if I may um um when we've had um input from the citizens is um as we move forward we can always request a rooftop garden with whatever we do so there there are options available um if we want to explore other options instead of carving out Parcels that could prohibit a nice product in the future council member Urban I I I love uh these ideas I definitely want to preserve the the garden I I know uh my my two-year-old daughter has just gotten into to planting flowers in our backyard and and I'm sure her and I would love to come out and and uh and and help uh help stay involved with it so uh anything we could do to to preserve that Garden uh regardless of how our downtown evolves I think we we need to continue to have green space and space that keeps the community and our our kids engaged so uh I'd agree with all the comments tonight Council Fletcher um I just want to apologize mayor for turning my light on and off I know it's driving me crazy um I I think this is great and then I don't know if um parks and rack can put a flyer together to see if we can run it I that was a great idea to see if we we can um rent it more um and then the feedback um the the citizen engagement which you heard or Community engagement which you guys heard earlier in the comments this is great this is great so when we look you know at the plans for the for the development now we know hey this is something that's very important to the community so we need to take it into consideration um in some shape or form so that we can keep a community garden on the grid or some type of pocket park where where folks can come come and play um so I think it's great so thank you do we have any other discussion from Council my question is if we approve the recommendation from staff does that mean that that cannot continue to be used as a garden is that what we're saying well again the city owns all this property right so whatever happens with this property either now or in the future is going to be determined by whatever council is sitting here at the time that that the proposal is done and so if you were to approve this the garden can remain until such time as if you approve it as recommended the garden can remain until such time as the council this Council or future Council decides what they're going to do with the entire acreage of the property I would also point out it's fair to say that a future council could simply come back in and say we want these Parcels to be part of this project because we this is what we want to do and go through this exercise again at that point uh to do it so it's not a guarantee that the garden either way either exactly well I I just think it's wise to go ahead with the recommendation from our staff and you know we we've heard from the community if we want to continue using it as a garden you continue using that and that's not going to change the ability to do that and and and like you said mayor so if if the council direction is to continue you we we're doing a rate study right now so we can continue ensuring that we come up with a rate that will cover our costs for us to continue to maintain and a garden and continue that use regardless of what the land use and Zoning is Council M Gilbert yeah I am sorry to interrupt mayor in Council but is there a stipulation we can put in this agreement that allows it to go forward uh noting that we will make sure that a community guard is encompassed in all future developments past our Council P I don't have that answer you can't do that you can't basically bind the future council with regard to something like that thank thank you it's just just trying to look at the push pull on it thank you sir well we can certainly approve this and the gardens are going to continue to function I don't understand why we would not support the recommendation from the council at this point so I'd like to make a motion that we adopt approved item number 20 24-1 do I have a second second I have a second council member Gilbert Madam clerk please call the r Deputy Mayor maeni no council member Urban no council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher no mayor Blackwell I motion denied Mission failed motion fails 32 thank you counc you have a motion so I'll make a motion to approve um eliminating the 0.172 acre parcel that's known as the community garden that's south of 8 Street second make sure I understand that what's what's the motion again that you eliminate I'm eliminating the community garden parcel it's I was just giving that for direct you know it's 0.172 Acres it's at the corner of New York in eth it's parcel number one it's the Northeast the Northeast parcel yeah so is that so basically you're approving staff's recommendation with with but removing those Parcels from it okay one parcel one par I'll second that we have a motion from Council mthi and a second from council member Urban and I'm what are we voting on which one of these you're voting on The or as was presented to you however amended amended to basically remove that one part and so that will not apply to both of these items one and two okay so you and you do need to take two votes on it though please all right item number 20 24-1 with the 1.72 Acres amended 17272 I'm [Music] sorry we have a motion in a second madam cler please call the RO council member Urban hi council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni I mayor Blackwell I motion passes 5 Z can you give us a motion on the second one sure I'll give a motion on uh 202 24-02 removing the. 172 acre parcel at the corner of New York and 8th Street second we have a motion from council member do I have a second second second council member Urban M clerk please call the RO council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor maeni I council member Urban hi mayor Blackwell hi motion carries 5 Z thank you brings us to item number three Madam clerk please read that into the record final public hearing for ordinance number 202 24-14 and ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida closing vacating and abandoning the platted ride of way located on Florida drain Land Company subdiv division number one as recorded in plat book b Pages 65 and 66 of the public records of Oola County Florida specifically described in the body of this Ordnance providing for subil conflicts and an effective date go ahead good evening Melissa dunan community development director this is the final public hearing for the requested vacation of ride of way adjacent to Macy Island Road and the K8 School site in the development known as to Hoka the rights of way run through the proposed K8 School site and they are not required for the construction of the school site here's a graphic representation for context depicting the two rights of way the graphic on the left is a snip from the approved concept plan um the K8 School site is circled there in red um and is the red blob that you see to the uh bottom left hand corner and the graphic on the right shows the locations of the two areas where the rights of way will be vacated the request was routed for review and no objections were received therefore staff is recommending approval and requests that Council approve ordinance number 2024 D14 and we are available if you have any questions thank you would anyone the AUD like speak to item number three 202 24-14 if not we'll have discussion and our motion by Council motion to approve we have motion council member maeni do I have a second second second council member Gilbert Madam clerk council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi mayor Blackwell all motion carries 5 Z brings us to Council action items and Madam clerk please read item number one discussion of possible action regarding appointments to boards and committees with vacancies for the community redevelopment agency historic preservation board Planning Commission Recreation advisory committee teen Recreation advisory committee tree advisory and soning board of adjustments thank you if we could please make make all of the nominations and then one Mo motion at the end for all the nominations that would be great okay thank you and we have also when we get to it I have a uh an amendment for the teen advisory committee all right is there a slide for this thank you is there a slide for this yes she just put it up okay I'm sorry so the first recommendation is for the CRA agency yes and that's an atlarge deportment for seat 7even a motion to reappoint Adam Wagner second do we have any other um I'd like to recommend for seat number one uh Miriam trace on which one for seat number one she um she's not on she hasn't requested for this board do what now she has not requested for this board okay I thought that was one she had requested to okay Richard Estelle I'll recommend him then because he is on the list right yes do I have a second I think there was only one one opening on need a second yeah on C there's only one open spot and the only the only application is reappointment of Mr Wagner yeah seat number one it's fake it yeah and then you already have a motion to fill seat s all right and so you want to do them all at the same time you want to do board by board yes if we just so we can have a vote on the CRA board we can move on to the next could I have a motion for the approval of the recommendations for the CRA board you already have it we have a mo who made the who made the motion mayor made the motion made the motion I'm sorry Mr Gilbert second Mr Gilbert has second Madam cler please call the RO Deputy Mayor maeni hi council member UR hi council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi mayor Blackwell hi motion carries 5 Z the next the next board is historic preservation board and is an alternate to and it's an out out llarge appointment and that is currently a bacon do we have any recommendation for alternate seat number two we have one applicant um can I ask a question to the to the council a lot of times when we put people in that it's their second third choices they don't stay um since it's an alternate to I would recommend we leave it vacant I agree with just because invariably we're going to get a letter next week no thanks the any any other objections in it requires no acent okay bring this to the Planning Commission yes and these are all at large appointments and we have have available 1 two 3 alternate one one and Alternate two my motion for Philip Landry for seat one to be U reappointed second okay not not the mayor's oop no these are all at large but large all the recommendations and then one motion I was reading it at large thing I would personally like to move up um the alternates yeah so um Philip lantry seat one and then move nette and Russell up to two and three just you know I always like to move the alternates up and they're requesting reappointment the only two left on this board is Don gz gridsby and Carmelo Endo the all all the highlighted ones are for reappointment yeah but they're requesting reappointment the alternates moving to the permanent voting seats number two and three and three okay so is that your motion yeah all right so you state again what you're recommending so um fil up lantry for one and then move up uh alternate one and two and de seat two and three two and three so so nette Douglas would be moved to seat two and Russell Alexander would be moved to seat three correct a motion for approval second okay we still need alternates we have another we need to fill in the alternates do we not we have to fill okay before we do that please we're doing fine so we just so now you have two alternate positions available I'd like to recommend Dawn streer for one of the alternate alternate number one and I'd recommend Daisy Snider perfect okay perfect perfect perfect all right thank you Council so we add those two by to to the motion to move those two up to alternate one and two respectfully do I have a motion that we accept these nominations so moved I'll make the second Madam clerk please call the rooll council member Urban I council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z our Recreation advisory committee we have could you explain that these are two alternate positions and they're both at large alternates one and two okay and alternate number one has requested reappointment Christina Jones yeah I I'll make a a recommendation for Christina Jones to to remain alt one and then alternate number two any recommendations di I'll I'll make a recommendation for Diana Lamar it's her first choice and she's a city resident Diana Diana Lamar for alternate number two I'll second that all right so we'll entertain that as a motion from council member athia second from council member Gilbert Madam clerk please call the role council member Gilbert council member lecher hi Deputy Mayor maeni hi council member Urban hi mayor Blackwell hi motion carries 5 Z on the teen Recreation advising committee we have um seat number five is an appointment by council member Fletcher alternate one or two and vacant and in the applicants the Teen um Elias Taylor did not finish the paperwork appropriately so they cannot be considered for an appointment so we have two available teens um I'll make a motion for or appoint Autumn um for seat five and just a side comment it was really fun reading the essay submitted by the uh by the teens for this board so that was kind of exciting it was awesome councilman I I'll go with that Sienna also I think this is a great great thing that these uh teens are doing so I agree with you okay so alternate number one did I miss that Sienna Sienna yeah so we have Sienna for alternate number one and alternate number two is vacant right we have a motion from Mr Fletcher yes sir second from Mr Gilbert Madam clerk please call the RO council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor Mai hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi mayor Blackwell hi motion carries 5 Z and then on the tree advisory committee the next meeting we have two at large appointments and um Cheyenne um riorio has requested a reappointment for for alternate okay then I'd recommend her for alternate seat number two can she be one one one alternate one yeah okay and uh Terry concade for alt two Terry concade yes for alternate seat number two I'll make that a motion that we do we have a second second Madam clerk please call the rooll council member Deputy Mayor Mai I council member Urban I council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi mayor blackwall I motion carries 5 Z and then the last board that we have is the only Board of adjustments um seats one two three are available for reappointment at large alternate one or two and you have three um that are requesting reappointment at the bottom Courtney Gorno um Gary jandro and Julius um nares can we suggest Courtney to move up to seat one as alternate come again what' you just say uh move Courtney from uh alternate 2 to alternate seat one she's requested uh reappointment so you want to move for alternate number one from two yes sir okay well I would just just so it looks like for C2 Matthew bogs who was term expired is not seeking reappointment am I right about that seat number two yes right well I'd like to recommend for seat to um U Miriam Trace yes I would I would agree okay and seat three Gary jandra and for and for seat one Julian other they not asking oh yeah Julian cogis cow greedies H cow greedies that sounds way cooler than me all right so let's walk down Jill seat one Julian seat two M Trace seat three Gary alt one Courtney guno okay and I don't I don't know two vacant just leave it vacant I would agree has Christina was I agreed to leave it bacon I think just leave it BAC yeah I mean it's third Cho yeah all right make a motion so moved second got a motion from council member second council member Fletcher mam clerk council member Urban hi council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor ma hi mayor Blackwell hi motion carries 5 Z all right mam cler your light is on I okay the next items on the agenda under Council action are ordinances before the council for first reading and introduction for the sole purpose of the council to authorize the publication of the ordinance for a final hearing the council will not not take final action on the item tonight full presentations and public input on the ordinances will occur at the final hearing at which the council will consider final action and receive public input at that time mam cler you please read item number one first reading and introduction for ordinance number 2024-25 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida amending St Cloud city code chapter 2 Administration article 6 code enforcement Division 1 generally and add section 2- 262 Civic penalty and providing penalties for code violation shall not exceed $1,000 per day per violation for a first violation 5,000 per day per violation for a repeat violation and 15,000 for a violation that is irre irreparable and irreversible in nature providing for cability conflict codification administrative correction publication and an effective date thank you would uh anyone of the council like to make a motion for the adoption approval of this first reading motion to approved we have a motion from council member Urban do I have a second second second council member Fletcher Madam clerk please call the role council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor mareni I council member Urban I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z please read item number three into the record first in an introduction for ordinance number 202 24-4 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida to Annex into the city of St Cloud approximately 91. 8115 Acres identified as Amelia grov located east and south of Nova Road West of Pine Grove Road and North of Lake lissy Drive in accordance with the voluntary annexation provision of chapter 171.000 44 Florida Statutes do I have a motion that we adopt this into the record for first reading motion to approve motion from Council M urin second from the mayor Madam clerk council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi mayor Blackwell hi motion carries 5 Z could you read item number four into the record first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24- 07 in ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida to Annex into the city of St Cloud approximately 7229 Acres identified as Trinity Place located east and south of Nova Road West of Pine Grove Road and North of Lake lissy Drive in accordance with the voluntary annexation provision of chapter 171.000 44 fla statutes do I have a motion for the adoption of this first reading motion to approve motion from council member Gilbert second from the mayor Madame Clerk Deputy Mayor maeni hi I council member Urban I council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi mayor Blackwell hi motion carries 5 Z could you please read item number five into the record first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24-11 and ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida for the amendment of chapter 1 General Provisions Administration and boards and commissions by adding a new fee to article 1.2.8 C Title 31 h CMP and chapter 3 Performance and sitting standards by adding a new section to article 10 mixed use District 3.10.49 motion of council member Urban do I have second second council member matini do I have Madame clerk please call the r council member Urban I council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor mathi hi mayor Blackwell hi motion carries 5 z uh could you read items six seven and eight into the record first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24-16 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida to Annex into the city of St Cloud approximately 1.6 acres identified as Alpha Neptune and Sunnyside Avenue located north of Sunnyside Avenue south of Neptune Road and West of Breeze Wood Street in accordance with the voluntary annexation provision of chapter 171.000 44 Florida Statutes first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24-17 and Ordnance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida assigning a future land use designation of mixed use to approximately 1.6 acres identified ified as Alpha Neptune and Sunnyside located north of Sunnyside Avenue North South of Neptune Road and West of breezwood Street providing for amending the official future land use map of the comprehensive comprehensive plan filing of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication applicability and effect cability copies on files and effective date first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24-18 in Ordnance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida providing for the soning m of the Sony map of the Land Development code of the city of St Cloud Florida specifically changing the Sony designation of approximately 1.6 acres identified as Alpha Neptune and Sunnys side from mixed use soning designation County to a mixed use soning designation city with a mixed use future land use designation adopted by Ordnance number 2024-the Avenue south of Neptune Road and West of brewood Street providing for enterance the designation of the official Sony map following of the Planning Commission recommendation improve of publication suburb ility and effective date thank you do I have a motion for the adoption of the first reading of ordinance number 202 24-16 so moved a motion for Council memberi you I have a second second second council member Urban Madam clerk council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor mathi hi council member Urban hi mayor Blackwell all right motion carries 5 Z could I have a motion for the adoption of the first reading of ordinance number 202 24-14 or 17 mayor makes a motion do I have a second second second council member Urban do I have a roll call please council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor mareni hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z could I entertain a motion for the adoption of the first reading of ordinance number 202 24-18 motion approve motion from council member Gilbert do I have a second second second council member Mai Madam clerk Deputy Mayor maeni hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z please read item number nine into the record first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24-22 an ordinance of the City Council of the of the city of St Cloud Florida amending chapter 2 development process procedures and permits article two site development plans adding sections 2.3.1 live local act project reviews procedures sections 2.1.10 a expedited review process and section 2.3.1 10B live local act monitoring program chapter 3 Performance and sitting standards article 6 commercial soning District sections 3.6.1 P professional District section 3.6.3 HB Highway dis business district 3.6.5 cdb Central Business District 1 and two chapter 4 site design and development standards article two off street parking bicycle parking and loading requirements amending table 4.2.1 and adding section 4.2.6 reduce parking requirements for live local act projects article 8 landscaping and tree protection amending table 4.8.4 a projects boundary buffer yard standards Article 15 supplemental regulations adding section 3.15.2 live local act projects chapter 8 terms definitions and word usage article two terms and definitions of the Land Development code providing for subrail conflicts and effective date do I have a motion for the adoption of the first read reading of ordinance number 202 24-22 so moved have motion from council member second from the mayor Madam clerk council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z and brings us to our final item number 10 first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24-23 in ordinance of the city council the city of St Cloud Florida prescribing the manner of holding the regular election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November each election year to Wi November 5th 2024 with a primary election on August 20th 2024 if required pursuant to chapter 20 Article 1 Section 20 of the code of ordinances of the city of St Cloud providing for an effective date I make a motion for the adoption of the first reading of ordinance number 2024-25 four do I have a second second second council member irvan Madam clerk council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni I council member Urban I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z brings us to our City attorney Mr reris uh just one reminder item uh as we've turned into a new year you have your annual four hours of Ethics that you're required to do we did it live last year's and it's so we updated it for you so we're happy to do it either way you want to do it you can either listen to the audio and video and tape at your own at your own speed or you can we can we can do it live for you whichever you want to do and if uh of course if you listen to it and and you need to have any other further tutoring sessions I'm happy to help but so jerk call I I just thought you did a great job and you answered all our questions and you did you did it phenomenally so well thanks I don't know the the question answer sessions got answered then if I was to review it uh online and I'd write down my questions to do it so I'm I'm good either way but I appreciate the first year that you were able to answer the questions that we have uh for all the sunshine state laws and things like that uh and I appreciate that so does that mean you you're you rather do it online audio audio video yeah I'm good with going to dzer University online Florida Leal City's also puts out um several classes throughout the years that that they email also so yeah if anybody wants to attend one of those we we can also seem like the majority wants to do the online deal okay that's right we're good with that though all right thanks that's all I had May thank you Mr maneras Miss Miller thank you I am passing out a packet right now um it's that time of year where we have to uhde on a short list of items that we would like to hopefully apply for federal funds and um all federal yes this is this would be the federal list so um looking for consensus uh as you know what we do is we meet with our federal lobbyists we meet with our congressman and we show him the list of projects or his staff and they guide us on what they think um we should submit the paperwork on um that he would be willing to support in the end so this is the the short list of projects that we think maybe he would be willing to support um and I just need consensus also with uh several council members going to Washington DC um this is an opportunity that that then you know you you can freely discuss that that we've had consensus on this Council Mar your Li as on yes I have something um so the timing was good I've been talking with the city manager about you know just brainstorming ways to find money to buy land for Parks right because I'm bummed we're not not able to afford the you know everything we want right and we have to make hard choices all the time and so um I asked her I said is it possible to ask in our federal list for money to purchase land for parks and not spe specify a piece of property right because that piece of property by the time this comes out could be gone but just say you know hey could we get $5 million to go towards acquiring Parklands she did reach out to Congressman soda's office they did say that this would be a qualifying um project so I'd like to add or give the city manager direction to work out the details and and that you know I was thinking like put five6 million in there because that's how much stuff costs these days and and use it um to acquire Parklands I think we can make a good argument you know we're one of the fastest growing um cities and one of the fastest growing counties and and so um we need some help securing land before it's all gone so I just wanted to see if um you know at least two other people supported that idea THS up that's certainly a good idea I don't think there's any objections to that great is there do you have enough no everybody everybody gave me a thumbs up I just wanted to clarify it was our federal lobbyist um through graay Robinson oh it said Congressman SoDo on the email anyway I I might have I might have copied a previous email and deleted everything it is it is an appropriate request yes so but I assume that would be a federal request would it not correct if if he's willing to to work with us on that okay do we have any other discussion at this point regarding her recommendations on the legislative ass list I certainly think it looks like all the things we've been discussing and uh I'm certainly supportive of this okay look like a well thought out list anyone else good job any objections see okay thank you go we will give um everyone copies of this do you have anything else no thank thank you Council mthi I don't have anything else council member Urban just wanted to thank all the residents who showed up tonight to uh speak it's not easy it's uh um we really appreciate the public input and um like I said at the beginning of the meeting my direct phone number is available on our website I would love to get together for a cup of coffee talk about any issues you're having with our city uh love hearing from directly from the residents and uh look forward to hearing from everyone but uh thank you council member Fletcher I have nothing this evening uh mayor council member Gilbert well you know I got something uh democracy at work was a perfect U it happened perfectly during the Fifth Street study although we were not invited we listened to the citizens and made a move per the citizens request we work for the citizens of St Cloud we answer to the citizens of St Cloud when they get involved in projects that makes my decision I can't speak for everybody on Council so much easier to make when they're concerned and they they show up and show out of what they're really concerns about uh as we grow and you're right I think we're the third largest city in in Florida and the sixth largest county in the United States in growth and anybody knows growth has pains but to see our citizens come together in meet like that although the meeting probably could have been structured better I'm so excited to serve in this seat right now to know we have citizens that are concerned and show us their concerns as as as as Kobe says that call us email us we're here we serve you we are elected by you we're here for you and that was a perfect example of democracy at work the study happened it wasn't accepted and we moved on so your participation as as city as the people I work for is so much much appreciated and I thank the fist Street I thank everybody here tonight and I just thank our citizens of St Cloud for just coming up showing up and in talking to us because we're humans just like you all and the more input we have the better decisions we can make with knowledge so I just like to thank thank you uh City Manager for for understanding that and taking the right direction and I'd like to thank the city council for understanding that we work for those citizens uh nothing more mayor thank you and uh I would say didto to that I don't have anything else it brings us to our information section and Report section Thursday March the 14th there will be a city council meeting that with normally schedule has been canceled Thursday March the 28th the city council meeting will meet at 6:30 here at City Hall council chambers warrant list number five is available for your review there are other items on our agenda thank you for participating in your city government we are adjourned I know those