dear Lord I Thank you for this college this community we thank you for the leaders in this community and this college we ask your continued blessings upon our leadership and we ask your continued blessings upon this college we ask that you lead our Nation our state our counties and our cities into a better place we ask blessings over each and one of us as we continue to try to lead throughout the county and our communities in the name of Jesus and whom I pray and in whose name you may pray amen United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you again we're going to start off this morning uh Dr Williams to uh to read a retirement resolution all righto and family and friends here come on up how are you doing good are you back yourself where's the res got my department come on come on come on come on yes come oh okay that's okay your family how about that all right Mary bomo known as Mary to her friends and colleagues began her St Petersburg College college career in 1993 as a curriculum designer with the Emergency Medical Services continuing ed medical education program at the health education center providing quality design and development training materials for pelis County paramedics and emergency medical technicians and Mary transferred to the multi-jurisdictional counter drug task force training program now expanded to the Center for Public Safety Innovation at the state center in 1995 where she provided exceptional training materials for law enforcement and military personnel both nationally and internationally an organized and systematic curriculum designer she maintained the time timelines and deliverables for traditional face-to-face conferences and online self-study training in addition she was instrumental in the design and development of online e- drug courses using webc and migrating to Angel and desire to learn Learning Management systems for over 25 years and Mary is known to her colleagues as a dedicated curriculum designer with a warm and generous spirit always willing to give her best to college leadership coordinators and support staff to make sure the product being produced was focused on the needs of the training participant and Mary retires after after 31 years of dedicated service to St Petersburg College as senior instructional technology analyst and we hope she enjoys her family future travels hobbies and volunteer efforts for local veterans now therefore be it resolved that the St Petersburg College Board of Trustees and the total College Community hereby recognize and appreciate the outstanding contributions to the college by Miss Mary Mar bomo and extend to her best wishes for enjoyment throughout the years ahead said resolution being adopted and approved by the Board of Trustees St Petersburg College this 20th day of February 2024 ladies and gentlemen Mary [Applause] bomo thank you thank you I just want to say how grateful I am to have had had the opportunity to fulfill my career here at St Petersburg [Applause] College thank you Mary Dr Mark Strickland morning Mr CH guest this morning that I'd love for you to introduce thank you so much good morning Mr chair Dr Williams members of the board uh here with me this morning are two principles which is the equivalency of college presidents from the UK Mr Tony medhurst from Hartford Regional college and Miss Jillian Morgan from West HST College they spent the day with me yesterday in Tallahassee having visited uh with a few of our elected officials and they also met with the chance they will spend this week with us here at St Pete College fully immersed in the activities and meeting with so many different folks and they're here to say a few words if you don't mind I would love it good morning good morning thank you Mark good morning everyone uh just to say what a privilege it is to be here um seeing your beautiful college I mean it's a wonderful campus we've only just arrived haven't we Tony but we can already tell it's beautiful and it was lovely to hear the testimony of to Mary um what that reminded me is that it doesn't matter where you are in the world when you work in education there's wonderful people who dedicate their lives to help transform the life chances of others so from me congratulations to Mary um really looking forward to spending some time here this week um we had a great day yesterday up in Tallahassee understanding more about your VI education system there's lots of similarities to ours but some fundamental differences and I already know that we're going to go back to the UK um with lots of food for thought and things that we can think about how we can work differently and perhaps more effectively from what we've already seen here so thank you very very much for your hospitality and for the opportunity to spend a few days with you thank you very [Applause] much good morning everybody um I also think it's quite interesting when you're introduced uh because the second you start speaking you kind of give yourself away uh in terms of accents and the rest of it um thank you so much for making us a part of your your meeting part of your week Mark has been an exceptional host um I think for me this is is coming back because I was here some years ago uh when Jim Oliver was Pro prois and we did we did a project together and I'd never been to Florida at that point in time it's the first time I'd ever been and I've actually returned so many times with my family uh particular around the clear water area and the rest of it to get the benefits of the wonderful things that you guys just might take for granted Ed but for us are quite unique uh you know we think this is a Beautiful Day by the way this is glorious you know weatherwise it's not gray there's something called the Sun and we saw that probably last October um you know so it for us it's it's quite transformative but to Echo exactly what what Jill said I mean it's quite often when when you come away we speak the same language but there are different connotations and different meanings but the fundamental principles of what we're all trying to achieve is exactly the same and to Echo what Jill said you know it's all about what we do in our sphere of Education to transform the life chances of of others and to enhance their opportunities in life to enhance their economic activity to give back to society and all the good things that we believe in fundamentally as educationalist but it's also too I think what's really coming through very very strongly is that great strength uh in terms of community in terms of local and place and about that contribution to the Statewide agendas as well as the local agendas which is is a really powerful thing and it's slightly different to what we have at home so it's already got hasn't it the two of us really thinking deeply about what we can bring back not just to our own organizations but also to to policy makers and officials as well so that depth of insight is absolutely fascinating but thank you for taking us to taking us in as you would say uh thank you for as ever taking us to your hearts which is a real gift that American people have because I think it's that wonderful dispora you've got uh and we're we're just ever so excited to be here uh and uh we're looking forward to the day so thank you [Applause] all yeah are [Music] [Laughter] you right there we go thank you let me see how we got there just one more okay thank [Music] you thank you all so much for coming hope you have a great week and the weather continues to be like this so thank you uh we'll move on just uh a few comments um I missed the 5K but I heard it was a tremendous success so next year um certainly plan on being there and then also very excited for uh following this meeting to move over to the bacus building where uh a new space will be dedicated to uh Chris sprows um have heard it's amazing so really excited to uh to see the inside of that building and all the hard work again um that the team has put into that um I know uh Dr Davis has you know really really spent a lot of time and and the folks on this campus so very excited to see that thank you all for your work so any comments from trustees I apologize for being a few minutes late I was on the other side of Campus so excited for the workforce opening so as Joe can attest I am usually in the parking lot working from about 8: to 9: as I was this morning just in the wrong parking lot so I apologize but yes trusty given real quick I um I also missed the Titan Trot but I heard it went very very well um this is why we need thrusty stolen Cipher so he could go run in the race Dr Williams they said did really get in the race like she walk ran walk Ran So it it went well I got a full report but I will tell you um I'm very disappointed that I couldn't be there this morning because we were dedicating the building to such a transformative leader a person who took the college very seriously helped the college but also helped the State of Florida so if you would please pass on to um speaker Sprout that um I'm I'm very hurt and remiss that I couldn't be there today um had to be in the Northeast for something and um but but I really just want the college and everybody to know how much he really helped yeah not just St Pete college but college is Statewide and also um one thing that I've learned about leaders um they know when to lead and they know when to follow but more importantly they know when to listen and he uh he was in he is and was an excellent listener when he was in the legislature and gave us what we needed to be successful and so just want to say thank you to him and his family because they give up a lot by allowing him to serve so thank you for allow me to give those comments and please pass those on I will trusty given thank you for the comments all right president wam thank you so much well I want to thank the faculty who um LED in the Titan Trot um um I did not Trot um I got there right when they were starting the race so I took a lot of pictures and rooted people on and it was amazing how quickly people ran that race I mean it was like it started and all of a sudden here they come in and they took it seriously you had Parents with their children and strollers running you had people walking but the camaraderie there um we had Dunkin Donuts I mean you run and then you eat something sweet but um there and it was very good well ran and and congratulations to the faculty and the administrators who um LED that our I got a chance to spend time with our Cadets um from All State they were there and they ran and and kind of challenged each other so good job there um the Titans took over you know Tallahassee uh a week or so ago and we um had leadership SPC and our sgaa government um they were there in Tallahassee together and um Melissa thank you for for your good work there and um those who went I know a lot of the cabinet members were there as well we have a student here who will give us a little bit more information on their experience in Tallahassee our very own Dr Jackie scrid um is one of the finalists for the women who win um award at Tampa Bay business uh Journal magazine and it's for individuals whose dedic ation to their Industries and communities deserve um recognition so congratulations to Dr [Applause] scri SPC was ranked among the best online programs by US News and World Report um the study was released earlier this month and we're the first in the Tampa Bay Region in two categories best online um bachelors and best online for veterans this is our fourth year that we've received top rankings from the US News and World Report yep I'm happy about that um among the El um eligible participating colleges in the Florida college system SPC ranked second for the best online bachelor's programs for veterans and third um for bachelor um in 2024 study we also ranked seventh for best online bachelor's program among um all the other participating institutions in the state of Florida Florida um want to give a shout out to our Grants Department um recently we were awarded $116,000 for equipment and upgrade um modernization to our architectural design and construction Technology Program we're able to buy some more surveying equipment and some things that we need for that program they also brought in $100,000 for entrepreneur Education and Training grant that was awarded from the Florida Department of Education um which is going to to help us with the College of business's xlp for business incubation program with Gibbs High School and then another 2,000 um for nuts and bolts and thing ofama jigs Foundation um and it's to offer a summer manufacturing camp for 12 to 16 year old students it's going to be for middle school and high school students in U manufacturing careers um they'll have a lot of good Hands-On activities um moving forward and so that's my report Until the End we'll talk legislative stuff great thanks Dr Williams and with that we will open up for public comments um anybody who wanted to make a public comment should have turned in a blue card we do have a few this morning so i' would like to call up uh to start Jennifer Haber um you have three minutes oh you can handle it you can do it good morning okay good is it the good morning or after the good morning that I get to start good morning for those of you who don't know me my name is Dr Jennifer Haber a Communications Professor here for 25 years and former QEP director as I was redesigning my composition 2 class this winter I stumbled upon an article on empathy with that in mind I thought about how I would create that a course my composition two course with that theme in mind I started thinking about my College Community and I became sadden to realize that as a college some people lack this skill I thought about two years that faculty memb have been fighting for wage increase watching staff and administrators get 20 30 and in some case 65% raises yes 65% I have heard comments by administrators that faculty members are lazy and don't want to work I have heard faculty members have so much time off I want you to know those are myths so let me paint a picture for you and have you put yourself in our shoes for a minute my week starts on Monday most of the day is emailing students grading papers and preparing for my Tuesday's class if you don't know teaching is not like it was 10 years ago or even 5 years ago so my prep is time consuming I am sure that all of you know when you present to a group it takes time and practice in addition last Monday I encountered three students who had plagiarism and because they work they could not meet with me until 8:00 at night Tuesday I teach two classes I get over 5,000 steps as I work to keep the students engaged and this semester I have many students who have learning and physical challenge actually I have 10 different students who I am working with extra time because they need my extra help Wednesdays look much like days and sometimes I'm still working at 8:00 p.m. unlike administrators who may have 24 to 48 hours to respond to something we do not have that luxury students need answers and quickly Thursdays I'm back in the classroom and doing more grading Fridays I do Zoom meeting with students Fridays I also do AQ classes trying to become better at my craft in addition I'm attending present presentations on AI how to figure out that world Saturdays and Sundays are normally for grading although sometimes I meet with students because they don't have time during the week when I do have weeks off I'm red designing classes for no extra money looking for cheap conferences and prepping my students in 10 years I have had a 3% pay increase yes a onetime 3% pay increase and we know what inflation has done actually my health insur has gone up Way Beyond that which means that I'm actually making less than I was 10 years ago I also get $600 a year to attend conferences yes $600 to be honest it really stinks seeing administrators and others selected flying across the country we have 10 right now in Seattle for a conference so I ask you how would you feel if you were me would you feel valued would you feel deflated I want you to sit here and think about what we look like in the future I hope that SPC is willing to give fa faculty members raises good raises retroactive raises I would love to hear more money given to professional development I would love to hear that SPC is proud of their faculty respects what we do and supports our endeavors I hope that you think about what empathy means as we navigate our future we all need it in our workplaces and life lives thank you thank you Dr and actually a number of faculty member could not be here today because they're teaching a class so we have some postcards from them as well though great thank you uh Robin Joe bow Miller thank you good morning good morning my name is Robin Joe B Miller from Clearwater Florida and I've been teaching full-time for nearly 37 years fulltime at SPC my take-home pay in August of 2013 was $1,000 $1,829 67 my net pay for my last paycheck in February 2024 was $1,914 that means that I'm making $845 more than I was in 2013 yes $845 more than 11 years ago and in 2013 I was paying into my retirement fund $846 3 and I had a cancer insurance policy for an additional $15.80 which I no longer carry and I certainly could have used during my husband's cancer now if I still paid into that retirement fund and had cancer insurance my take-home pay would be less than what I took home in 2013 let me repeat that again less than what I made in 2013 11 years ago needless to say my current pay doesn't even begin to cover the rate of inflation or the cost of living in panel's County I don't want to work two or three jobs and I don't want to teach at another College I love SPC and I don't want to sell blood plasma and I really don't want to teach seven or eight classes a semester but I do what I need to do for my family and to survive and I'm just one story there are a lot of people that would have loved to been here today but they're doing their Duty they're teaching right now what I really want is to have the respect and pay that I deserve after dedicating 37 years of loyal service to St Petersburg College which is a lot more than what I've been offered at the bargain table and speaking of the bargaining table I would also like to see a lot more respect at that bargaining table which one of my colleagues is going to discuss I don't bargain to win or to lose this is not a game to me I bargain to survive and I bargain for the respect of all who teach at SPC thank you for your [Applause] time thank you uh amaz uel Gus jerus thank you for the correction I went to Tarpon high but I'm still not as good on the Greek names I apologize great thank you sir all right honored trustees uh Dr Williams Dr leot and our our honored guests from the UK we appreciate you being here uh my name is uh associate well my rank is associate professor uh Emanuel deracos uh I will be concluding my 20th year in August of uh teaching math for SBC uh 16 of which 17 of which are full-time uh a colleague from a different University asked me recently why does sbc's leadership hate faculty so much and I said well you know Hate's kind of a strong word and the the conversation continued and really the essence of my response to him was uh you know we we unionized recently and I think that caused the climate change between Administration you know upper Administration and faculty uh and I said really all we wanted was a cost of living adjustment more frequently than once every 10 years and I recall to him um Dr Cutler gave us enough enough frequent cost of living adjustments where we didn't want to unionize we were happy Dr law his successor um he agreed to a matrix of scheduled increases and compensation adjustment based on our years of teaching and other factors this Administration we felt that we weren't being heard I appreciate you know Dr um excuse me Mr Gibbons uh in his invocation talked about listening I mean we we've been talking several of us met in a room I remember meeting with when um Miss Cole was uh chair Dr Williams and others and uh we've been trying to talk and communicate our needs so I guess where it leads to for me is a return to Civility and respect because um recently at the bargaining table we've seen bashing uh of faculty uh offensive statements being uh made asking someone if they're being uh married or pregnant happened last week at a bargaining session it was very offensive to ask a woman that uh during a public meeting my comments is to return to Civility and respect for faculty I think we give it to Administration but we also expect it back and part of that is fair wage and compens ation in a pleasant civil and respectful workplace thank you for listening thank you thank you for com Roxanna Luan or Lev good morning good morning one of the yes my name is roxan LaVine I'm a Spanish faculty here full-time for the last 27 years at the Caron campus and what I'm going to say today to all of you I feel like I'm going to talk about my experience here but I feel that I will talk about most of our full-timers that have been here working for more than 20 years I believe that probably half of the county speak Spanish because of me I speak Spanish in class probably 90% of the time I probably have some students here I my classes open I teach six classes this semester as soon as I open the classes open and didn't uh didn't my be around here and my class is full fill after three days I'm teaching six classes this semester there's three spots in one of my classes that's about it my SSI are flawless my evaluations are flawless people are coming to my classes because of me they want to go to the class of Senora that's how they calling me they don't senine I go all over the county and people recog Iz me after 27 years my husband is a physician in pal Harbor for 30 years when they go to Dr LaVine they ask him are you related to Senora LaVine it's nobody nowhere the other way around always Senora LaVine I've been taking students abroad for the last 17 years the only faculty in the college that been taking students abroad for since 20 2002 I took I make people's changed life for the last 17 years students because of me have moved abroad I'm so sorry they uh speak Spanish they marry people that speak Spanish uh and make a huge difference in people's lives I have an experience that happened to me very recently Spanish one is called the lesson is called LA univers and you can guess what it is of course and we talk about classes and professors and what do you like etc etc I ask students to fill out a chart let me know what's the name of your professors all in Spanish La professora the schedule the time pretty much 90% of the students knew the faculty's name last name and then I graduated and I tell them do you know the name of any administrators do you even know the name of the mascot of the college and I don't want to disrespect any administrators but they did not very few students knew the name of their administrators people come to St Petersburg College because they want to follow Follow The Faculty they hear our names they want to come to the class of Senora LaVine they want to come to the class of professor H Dr H they want to come to the class of people that they recognize people come to S pburg College because we change the community and people's lives so let's not forget that this is a teaching institution faculty is what makes a difference in this college thank you so much gracias Senor LaVine it's all I got uh Christian Mora marotti marotti I'm messing them all up this morning I'm sorry no worries so morning good morning good morning good morning members Board of Trustees president and community members and guests here in attendance with us today I am Christian morard and I'm speaking today in my personal capacity as an advocate for respect equality and professionalism that our institution is pledged to uphold last week during a formal public and recorded bargaining session an incident occurred that starkly contrasts with the values that we cherish and promote the union president who is a distinguished and respected member of her community should that said that she had an announcement to make the college's lawyer Mark levit responded by asking are you getting married are you pregnant these remarks are obviously inappropriate but they are not just personal affronts these comments are symbols of an outdated and unacceptable mindset that undermines the dignity and professionalism of our colleagues and the foundational principles of belonging and respect that our institution stands for regretfully this is the latest and most egregious episode that has created a pattern of behavior I am here to call Upon Our esteemed board and president to condemn these remarks in the strongest terms to take this opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to a workplace free of discrimination and harassment this is a moment for reflection and action to ensure that our policies and our daily practices reflect the values of dignity respect and equality for all members of our community we must also consider this incident as a cat for positive change prompting us to review and strengthen our commitment and awareness on gender sensitivity and professional conduct it is an opportunity to set a precedent not just for our institution but for the broader Community demonstrating that such Behavior will not be tolerated I urge the Board of Trustees and the president to issue a formal condemnation of the remarks made and to take tangible steps towards fostering an environment enironment where every member of our community regardless of identity is treated with the respect and dignity that they deserve let us lead by example showing that respect professionalism and equality are not just ideals but the very Foundation of our institution thank you for your attention and your commitment to making our College a place where everyone can truly feel that they belong thank you for your comments appreciate it thank you yes sir uh is is that all the remarks by the faculty and stff GI I would like to respond to a couple things if you don't mind uh let's I I think we'll move on uh trustee Gibbons and uh H have a you can have a followup and and address it with with me or Dr Williams if that's okay that's per that's fine thank you very much um at this point public comment is closed and we'll refer refer to the uh the minutes and we'll seek a motion to accept the uh minutes from the last meeting thank you very much uh all in favor I uh let pass um and with that we'll move on to monthly reports uh conza good morning ches Dr Williams the college continues to meet with the full-time faculty to work towards a collective bargaining agreement we're currently discussing compensation faculty duties and benefits and our next session is on March 8th um we currently have 10 out of 17 articles tempor temporarily agreed to thank you great thank you uh with that we'll move on to our strategic Focus we have a couple presentations this morning and Dr Rod Davis us start us off good morning sir all right good morning let me get my my team here all right good morning board chair Madame President board members my name is Dr Rod Davis I am the Provost here at the beautiful tarpons C campus on the hill uh and today I have the pleasure of talking to you about a leadership uh trip that we were taken by students uh in our leadership SPC folks uh we had around two buses of uh people up there we had a great trip uh these are some of the photos that um that we took while we were there uh students had a good time uh these are some highlights from our trip um representative of the students were students from all different campuses uh most of them was the first time they've ever taken a trip to Tallahassee a lot of these students uh you know had a great great time talked with folks uh we had a uh event that took place one of the firsttime students that ever attended there uh her father was actually the bus driver um and it wasn't something that was planned uh it just happened uh and it was a really good experience to have a daughter and dad uh experience in that trip we took a group photo uh the Capitol Building uh the students experienced a Capital Tour uh we also went out to the senate floor and received recognition thank you to Senator Nick nigle for setting that up uh they were instrumental at uh getting us recognition on the floor uh and the students went up to the 22nd floor where they uh looked at the observatory and got to see some of the other colleges and and things up there uh and that was a a fantastic trip we also had some legislative meetings and I do want to thank um Mel green who who um who I didn't know was also a gold medalist uh which thought was kind of neat uh she sort of uh spearheaded uh a lot of uh getting coring folks together uh for us to talk to Senator rousan Senator deigle uh Representatives uh Cheney and cross uh where the students answered a lot of questions after the meeting uh one of our students um uh colle Kai stem student from downtown uh also met with uh Senator deigle Dominic dos Santos and they were featured him in uh the Hope Villages board meeting uh which was a fantastic thing to to happen there so thank you to Senator the sigle for for making that happen uh right now I'm going to allow our crew here to introduce themselves uh and talk a little bit about their experience and then we'll open it up to some board questions if you guys would like to to ask them good morning to the board good morning to all our guests uh my name is Angel Torres I am a veteran I am a student I'm a disabled veteran and I'm a part of your community I want to say thank you for this experience to be allowed to go to Tallahassee and experience all the students that went with us because they were all from all campuses one thing in the military is that we're all you know brothers and sisters We are family and I feel like with this trip we were able to do that with all our communities getting together every single campus it was just an amazing experience to have that um I do want to say uh I basically just graduated with my associates in 2017 I had a bad accident in the military and I've had 18 surgeries and um she basically told me take a chance and go to school and I took that chance so with that I'm going to leave you with a quote that Professor K gave to me professor crossable it's by Lis Caroll and he said in the end we only regret the chances we didn't take last week I got a call from commissioner Mariano and Pasco and I went back again to uh Tallahasse and I was on the senate floor on my own chair and I had my name tag so that was actually really interesting that it came from the first experience so I want to say thank you to the community for putting that together I truly appreciate that thank you good job good morning my name is Gabriel Munoz um I'm from the Clear Water campus as you can see uh this is my third semester and I'm a finance major um this trip was pretty great I got to meet a lot of people I'm really appreciated for it um but one of the main takeaways that I had was a different point of view on the legislative side of things for our state I feel like the media tries to portray politic itions as like these monsters but like when you go and meet them in person you just realize that they took the job because they want to help people um and I think I learned that a lot more just by going and talking to them and and seeing how passionate they were for their respective like categories I I don't remember exactly what they're called but um and also had it was also really good to be surrounded with a lot of people that have that success mindset because I feel like that's a really good thing for a young person to have is to step out of where they're from and go to a new place where everybody is thinking when instead of survive you know so thank you thank [Applause] [Music] you this is a photo that we took with the entire group as you can see it was a pretty pretty big group uh big logistical challenge but we made it happen and uh we had a lot of fun um if you guys don't have any questions we do have a couple goodie bags for the leaders to stepping up and speaking to the board uh from student life and Leadership thank you and uh I will end with that unless you guys have any questions thank you excellent I thank you both for your comments Dr Davis for uh for leading the trip um I know that our penel County delegation especially are very engaged um Dr Williams has spent a tremendous amount of time in Tallahassee the last few years um to form those relationships uh this board visited Tallahassee and again tried meeting with as many of those folks as possible but they know what's going on in St PE College we appreciate you guys going up there and taking that time to meet with them and it it is great I and I agree with you that um you know that they're there to uh to serve at the end of the day and they don't get it always right uh just like all leaders um but I think you know their hearts always in the best place to uh to try to move it forward so thank you guys very much for going thank you glad you enjoy the trip good job with that I think uh Dr Connor and Dr Matthew Leo trro good morning good morning chair buts trustees president Williams uh Dr Connor and I are here to give you an update of uh the successes of the fall and winter terms and our hopes and for the spring terms as a summary for the last two strategic plans we've been looking hard at making sure that our students are successful at least 80% of the time uh and closing gaps between different groups of students to make sure that we are serving all of them well over the last two strategic plans we've been focusing on African-American students we'll continue to look at students who are have opportunities for improvement for how we serve them but going forward we may be looking more at pal eligible students or students from targeted zip codes or from students who are FR generation to to look at different demographic groups of the students we serve we've been focusing for the last six years of getting to 80% uh success rate for the whole year last year was the first year where we did it intentionally we did have kind of a a little blip during the pandemic times where we were successful maybe unintentionally but we but we met made that metric but last year through planning activities uh our our teaching our student support support our wraparound Services we ensured that overall for the the full Academic Year we had an 80% success rate and success rated is a student getting an a b or c in a class not withdrawing the class or getting a D in an F this past fall we actually exceeded that 80% rate this is the first time we've ever exceeded the 80% rate for the fall fall is generally the our lowest success rate of the year because we have a lot of students who are trying out college for the first time and so sometimes it's a little different than they were expecting so generally students who are with us in spring or summer have already been successful in Prior terms so for fall uh 2023 very happy to share that our students were successful more than 80% of that time the breakdown on the 20 the less than 20% who were not successful was kind of half and half half withdrawals students who withdrew from the class after the second week of the term or students who earned a DN or an F in the class so they were pursuing the class but got a D or an F that D and F rate is actually comparable to a lot of major universities in United States our challenge is really helping our students manage the withdrawal process taking the right number of classes and having the right support to be successful so we continue to focus on that we've changed policies we've given faculty additional tools and additional leeway for doing in completes so we've done a lot of different things and so we definitely feel that while this seems like a slow and steady wins the race approach it is a slow and steady wins the race approach because these are permanent changes that we are making we also looking overall our goal was to close the gap of focusing on African-American students to less than 10% we are at 10.3% for the fall so it appears we are on track to be less than a 10% gap for the full year for African-American students looking overall in some of our highlights uh one of our classes you know we always look at our Jed classes to see which are most successful so I do want to spotlight our world religions class where we've had some of the highest successes we've ever had this past fall our 8we one term which is the first half of the semester compressed classes continues to be very successful um we had a little bit of a slippage on our online math classes both live online and asynchronous online so continue to look on how we could better support our students in the online environment and the 12-week term what we call the Express term continues to be one of our challenges this is the term that starts 4 weeks later so it's 12 uh it's four weeks into the 16we semester and students enroll in this for a variety of reasons uh sometimes they they didn't get registered in time to start the fall on time sometimes it's we didn't have enough students to for a class to make and so we've adjusted a class to make sure that we have a class for students who need the class to keep it on time but we continue to um and sometimes the 12we classes are going to be more likely to be online than face to face so we're again doing some really deep dives into the data to look at the causality so we know it's a challenge but we want to make sure that we know why it's a challenge uh the other the other thing that we do track uh oh sorry next thing we we track is the number of student completions so we had just shy of 2,000 students complete more than 2,000 degrees and certificates uh we were a little less in most of our areas because during the pandemic we had fewer students start but we actually were up in completions for our as degrees and our c certificates year-over-year but overall we were down about 200 completions but a lot of it has to do with just fewer students starting during the pandemic so there's few students to finish right now and right now our new new and college student enrollment is much higher as a percentage of our enrollment the other thing we look at is when students finish are they getting jobs or they continuing on to school so our official state data uh is delayed by about 2 years so we won't actually know the actual data for that to we get it from the state but as an institu we've been improving our processes so as we've shared before from our Workforce and and corporate relations that we we are able to document 1,600 placements last year so we're continuing to look at that internship and career placements so we could get better real-time data for that type of information some of the things we're looking at to ensure Student Success going forward um we're looking at some technology to better support our live online classes so there's data showing that there's a um when you do a live online class it's kind of a broadcast class so a lot of times people use a whiteboard or a chalkboard and so there's some uh more uh high tech interactive light boards for doing teaching on live online uh that there's a lot of data showing that these are helpful tools so we're investing in some of those as I mentioned we're really deeping uh diving deep into the data to look at the causality of our challenges in 12we classes to figure out if students the same student successful in other modalities or other term lengths but just in the 12we classes or is it students who are taking only 12we classes or it's the online portion of that so we're continuing to look at that we've been pilot testing a peer mentoring program where students who are successful Mentor other students new students so that they can be successful as well so we're looking so we've been expanding that and building that into our base operations rather than some experimental approaches to doing peer mentoring and then for as part of our better jobs Better Lives initiative we're strengthening our partnership with pelis County Schools uh we are redesigning some of our dual enrollment uh courses and one of the ones we're going to be focusing on is a career expl exploration class so that students get that earlier to help them figure out what path they pathway they want to be on because we do know the sooner the student knows what pathway they're on the more successful they're going to be in that pathway I also wanted to share a little bit about our winter term our winter term is a four-week session that is technically part of the spring term so it gives us an early start to the spring term our winter term was up we had 850 students uh taking classes during uh during winter term uh we had an increase in student semester hours as well roughly onethird men two-thirds women the big big bragging point I want everyone to know is that African-American men kicked it and winter term with a success rate of over 95% so focusing on just academics and providing those supports we can do that and we need to continue to look at how we can do that and do that successfully we also uh Hispanic men also did very well uh year-over-year in in Winter term uh again we've been historically over the last six years looking at overall and then African-American we did have a a close during the pandemic I would say it's probably a pandemic effect where we got close a gap really tight we still have a gap it's less than um it's roughly 8% I think when we get to the final resolution of all the incompletes and such which is below the 10% but again we once we make the 10% we want to make the 8% we want to make the 5% we want to get the 0% and that's what we're working towards so with that I will pass it over to Dr Connor to talk about our spring students good morning good morning chair buts members of the board and Dr Williams I wanted to talk a little bit this morning about the students that we have on campus for the spring as well well as a update on our enrollment and recruiting initiatives the two big numbers to focus on on this slide is first of all you can see smack in the middle of the page that for spring this year on our budgeted tuition goal for enrollment we are as of yesterday at 103.1 per of our budget goal so huge shout out to everyone that worked to make that happen and the other is in the bottom left corner you can see the 4.2% increase so that's the increase in enrollment that we had spring over spring of last year a lot of the other numbers are pretty consistent as far as the mix of what types of students that we have the degree that they're going for the average age when I spoke in Fall we talked about the age decreasing from 27 to 26 what we did see for spring is I think in line with that we're seeing a slight decrease in the number of students that work and also who have children so that decreased from 67 to 66% and from 26 to 25% and you can see down in the bottom right corner that 56% of our students are taking face to-face Blended and online classes and 44% are taking online only the other increase that we had full-time is at 6% in the fall I spoke about a 5% increase from Fall to fall in our full-time students in Spring we're up 6% spring over spring so there's an increase there so now our full-time students make up 31% of our total student population so talking about enrollment management and recruiting on the left hand side I just wanted to detail out the communication plans that we have going on all year long and recruiting we're kind of working to a calendar versus a fiscal year because we're recruiting for multiple terms at any given time based on when that prospective student wants to start with us and I wanted to showcase the work of recruiting enrollment and our advising teams on campuses to really reach out to these students as they're on all these different parts of the funnel and being ready to start classes and so all those listed those students that have inquired but haven't applied that applied but haven't enrolled yet that attended our Titan live webinars our previous dual enrollment students students that attend events that we have they fish they finished their admissions checklist but they didn't enroll or they completed it but they haven't paid the application fee they've put courses in the shopping cart but then they haven't actually enrolled we have our stop-out students um these are all students and processes and procedures that we have and schedules in place with dedicated resources think about the the files that we pull the details so that we can make these one-on-one phone calls and connections to get these students enrolled last on that section I talk about the fasta students that have completed it and noted SPC but haven't enrolled and I wanted to give a slight update as it relates to FASA from when Mike Bennett came and spoke to you last month and we talked about the implementation of the new Fast for form that's out for students to complete but we've been made aware now by the government that we're not going to be actually getting the data the different colleges until the March time frame so that's a little harder too both for our teams that are really stacked and they're ready to go as soon as they can get it but also for those prospective students that are looking to see what they may be packaged with in the middle of the screen we launched our new firsttime Titan orientation in the fall and I wanted to highlight as we're looking at the outcomes and how impactful that is or hasn't been that we're seeing that students who took that orientation 79% of them had a success rate compared to 64% that didn't take that orientation and then also for spring 89% of the students that took our orientation enrolled for spring compared to only 75% who didn't take the orientation on the right hand side you can see some of the numbers that we have and I can't see that real top one when you look at the calendar year for 2023 our recruiting team attended over 400 events and interacted with 38,000 people within the community we had an increased year-over-year of 7% in applications 12% in applications in those poverty zip code areas that was a strategic focus of ours this year 86% of our promised students persisted in Spring 2024 so we're working with those students that have not for various reasons to find out why and how we can help them along but one of the things that we did find if you look at going back to the middle of the screen we're seeing a correlation related to those that did not take that new first-time Titan orientation so we're continuing to work through that at the first day of spring our new students were up 9% first time in college 7% and our readmit students so that's when we called those stop out students and worked with them they're up 9% some Signature Events that we had for spring which means they happened in the fall we launched our SPC spectacular event and that was a familyfriendly event it was very popular we had over 500 attend and our spring into en rollment event for fall enrollment because we're working now right to get our students in Fall some of our signature events coming up is our next stop SPC explore SPC and then get it done in July and that's really popular that's when students can come virtually or on campus and those checklist items that they just need to get done we're all there and ready to help them one last lasting that we just launched two weeks ago in line with our better jobs Better Lives work is we launch new webinars that are career-based so we're getting with employers and we're launching webinars where they talk about their businesses what careers are an opportunities are coming up um tuition reimbursement opportunities and what types of jobs they can have in that field and then our SPC folks come along in that webinar and say if you want that career these are the certifications and degrees that you can come and get with us to get that high wage job and so we're really excited about that work finally some next steps as it relates to some broader strategies um to increase the student experience as well as enrollment so first is the new SP SPC application huge thanks to the board for approving the contract that we have now we have seven different applications um which don't give the best experience for perspective students or some of our current students any of you that have experienced a dual enrollment student trying to transition to be a degree seeking student um we already have a cross functional team that's working together we're using design thinking methodology CU sometimes we move so quick but we want to step back and think this through and Implement a fantastic one application for SPC right phase two of our student communication plan so phase one it's a cross functional project where we said we need to see all the different departments that are sending all the communications to students right because they get inundated with this let's find out what they get to give them the best experience when they get it how they get it we've compiled all that so now Phase 2 is really looking at all of that to develop a plan and decide when is the best time to reach out to students on what Communications how what's the best modality and so then phase phase three will be actually implementing that and recreating all of those Communications reducing the number of students in AA General programs Again part of our better jobs Better Lives work that we're doing so that's advising work and having these intentional conversations with students not just about hey I want to get my AA and transfer but let's make sure that for the institution you want to transfer to and the major that you want to transfer into that you're taking the right classes and we get you coded correctly so we can support you in that holistic supports we know that for students to be ready to learn in the classroom everything that we need to do to try to support them outside of the classroom and so we're always looking to find out what students need and how better we can support them one of the highlights I just gave on the slide was for our Mental Health Counselors on campus we have a new contract for mental health with uh directions for Living and they've been fantastic in allowing us to Pilot actually having counselors on campus to serve our students and then finally our adviser Titan Hub Pages those are very much like Facebook if you think of that where people can comment our advisers have started implementing that for their case loads what's so great about that is students love it because it's very social media feel like but then we're a student may email an advisor and then the adviser responds back and answers the question to that student now that happens in this Hub and so not just that student gets the answer but all the students get the answer and then they start interacting and engaging with each other it's also fantastic when you think of the case loads that our advisers manage and this way of communicating with their case load helps to empower them a little bit more for how their day goes and helps them have more intentional conversations with the students that they're meeting with and with that we're happy to answer any questions you may have that's good questions was great my only question looking at it and it's great to see some of these numbers but what's happening with our uh men you know and with men you know both you know at our universities and it and it seems like our you know state colleges that they're not there they're not showing up no just remember winter term African-American men [Laughter] yeah but but it is it's a national um concern um that fewer men are coming to college and so that's something that we continue to do even with some of our grants we're focusing on men just trying to get them in and keep them in and I know for some of the research that I've been doing some of the institutions that have a higher rate of male students um that's those they like to see those internship apprenticeship opportunities the short-term certifications so I think as we continue to grow and broaden that I think we're going to see um that adjust some more there trusty I did have a question about um the spring 24 student profile and the modality of uh online versus online only or the live and live teaching versus online only how does how do those percentages compare to the past few years are we shifting which dire ction if at all so pre pre pandemic we were 50% online asynchronous okay so that has stayed the same what what we have adjusted out of the um out of the pandemic is we have a couple more Blended where it's face Toof face and more Hands-On outside of the classroom or live online where which is more U some of our evening classes or weekend classes where uh students it's it's harder after work or after uh picking up kids to come back to campus and so we're reaching him that way instead I was curious though the percentages so we're 56% now with the on campus or live online or Blended that number is higher and going up or because we were about 5050 before but we didn't judge it so it's right so it's it's still about 50/50 so with it's 50% with a time you know structured time class and 50% asynchronous online thank you I I would say we we are focusing on increasing our on campus presence because the success of on Campus Learning is much higher than online so we're we're looking at how do we strengthen that on campus experience um and on campus classes that that was the point of my question I mean I know we've been working toward that oncampus experience over the past up in on campus and Blended um um I think the last data was it like we were 46% fully online um that's what this shows that's why the other half is the Blended and and on campus face to face yeah that that was I mean I was thinking it was shifting over it's shifting that is definitely my goal because when we look at the success rates while the enrollment may be great in online but the success is not um the same so you thank you all so much and thanks for the team for the 439 events and uh moving the application up so I know that that's a lot of work all right with that I know we've got the the full team so I'm not sure who's coming up first all right good morning chair buts board uh trustees and Dr Williams I'm proud to uh present our annual Financial Health of the college um it is a positive uh financial report I know that everyone is excited to hear presentation on accounting jargon and financial ratios so um I will be presenting today with um the team leads but I first want to say um this positive report is not an act of one person or one division so one I just want to thank you the board for your guidance over the last several years also Dr Williams for her leadership um my colleagues and leaders that I work with every day and the college family because this type of out come does not come um with one person it takes a lot of individuals to move the needle from where we were 6 years to where we are today also you will have at your uh table you should have the financial perspective brochure that gives some highlights of our financials and first I want to introduce Mike Megs the associate Vice President of Finance accounting and business services thank you Janet good morning chair buuts where did you go Board of Trustees Dr Williams uh before I get started um I also want to thank all of the business services team from Janet to Hector to our entire accounting and finance team who make the day-to-day operations look nice and smooth um unfortunately we do not have financial statement audit results uh we are expecting them to come in by next month and we will gladly report those results to the board when they come in we spoke of a post pandemic soft Landing over the last couple of years and I'm pleased to report that SPC uh has come in with very strong financial results despite enrollment challenges uh SBC has continued to meet its strategic initiatives with impressive Financial vitality and has built a foundation uh going forward so we have a lot of data to share so let's Jump Right In we're going to start out with net position our total net position increased by $ 66.7 million and that was primarily due to the receipt of state recovery funding for deferred maintenance and changes to our net pension liability next we have net capital assets which uh decreased by $6.1 million and that was attributable to depreciation expense of 11.9 million and that was offset by additions and next we have our debt Administration uh our overall debt decreased by $3.9 million or a massive 28.5% to 9.7 million continuing the college's commitment to reducing our overall debt next we're going to take a look at some key performance indicators and how SBC compares to higher education industry benchmarks the first indicator is the primary Reserve ratio and The Benchmark for this ratio is greater than 40% this ratio demonstrates Financial strength and flexibility by indicating how long the institution could function use it using its Expendable reserves the college has made significant changes over the past several years to right siiz out Reserve providing stability and flexibility to move forward with institutional strategies and initiatives spc's primary Reserve ratio for fiscal year 2023 came in at 70.9% and for comparative purposes last year it was 64.6% and four years ago it was 33.8% so the goal will obviously continue to be uh to meet or exceed that 40% ratio next we have the current ratio this ratio measures liquidity and is calculated by taking total current assets divided by total current liabilities spc's current ratio at June 3023 came in at 7.32 uh which simply means for every dollar of liability there is $7 32 cents to pay for it and the education Target rate is at least 2.0 so SPC exceeds The Benchmark and affirms the strength of our balance sheet next let's take a look at our debt ratio so this ratio measures leverage and is defined as the ratio of total debt to total assets which equates to the proportion of the institu institutions assets that are financed by debt sbc's debt ratio at June 3023 came in at 0.24 or 2.4% comparatively to last year's 3.8% and 7.7% six years ago which is well within industry standards and lastly we have the capitalization ratio this ratio measures Financial flexibility by not only looking at the current periods return on assets but also the accumulated return from previous years spc's Capital capitalization ratio at June 3023 came in at 62.7% and the higher education Target rate is actually less than 50% uh a high capitalization ratio implies that the institution is invested too heavily in physical assets and with the real estate analysis and a focus on optimizing asset and space utilization to better serve our academic mission I'm pretty confident confident that over the next three years we will fall within that uh Benchmark any questions on the kpis okay all right next we're going to take a look at cash flow this is the college's operating cash and cash equivalents at June 3023 sbc's operating cash and cash equivalence total 58.9 million and as you can see we're trending in the right direction there uh the 58.9 million is comprised of 19.5 million in Florida Prime investment pool administered by the State Board of administration 19.1 million in the St State Treasury special purpose investment fund 10.5 million in the certificates of deposit and 9.8 million in cash to support operations total cash and cash equivalents and Investments for all of our funds total $98.3 million compared to 83.4 m Million last year by right sizing our budget additional State funding and herf revenue recovery the college has an exceptionally healthy cash flow and is very well positioned going forward up next we wanted to share uh fund balances to some of our other key funds um our Capital outlay fund balance is sitting at a little over 75 million and that is made up of the following deferred maintenance of 47.6 million Workforce incubator of 6.7 million master plan transfer of 7.6 million and Epi district office sale proceeds of 6.9 million next we have our Student Activity fund balance and that sits at 3.7 million that is a portion of our tuition that we charge students specifically for Student Activities it goes into a reserve restricted account um to support student activities such as like Athletics um and like I said this is a uh $3.7 million fund balance and that's a 48% increase over 5 years ago and lastly we have our auxiliary Services fund balance of 5.7 million and that is an 84% increase from 5 years ago so that's a very healthy fund balance any questions have a comment on the Student Activities fund balance we use that to support our students in different events initiatives travel Etc um and we do ask our students to put a budget together by Campus of how they want to use their funds um and so I'm real proud of of that that fund um also um supports some of the support services as well so I just wanted to make sure we were clear on what that money is used for right thank you I'm going to turn this over to Dr Hector Laura who is our AVP over budgeting and strategic execution thank you more numbers good morning expecting something different not today not today we got more numbers so got more I I saw you I quit two years ago drinking coffee sorry that's all right good morning chair Bor truste Dr Williams and as always I would like to thanks the Lord for the opportunity to be here today uh the following Financial describe our operating budget as of December 31st in revenue for this t for State funding we reive $ 39.3 million starting this month month we're going to receive our allocation of Lottery which total about 3.3 million per month for the continuing of the fiscal year we brought 38.0652 we express section and we still have enrollment for the second week 8 section the Summer full term and another 8we section as well we have 4.5 million for other Revenue which include interest dividend indirect cost and use of facilities F transfering we have about $525,000 our total revenue of this term is 82.5 million or 4.96% year today the bottom pie chart to you left the not the covering percentage of active Revenue by category and the one to the r the budget allocation next is going to be our expenditures following the county manual as of December 31st we have 81.5 million in expenses on the donut chart to the right you can see that for the instructional function account for $50 million or 61% administrative function in green is 32 million or 38.9% on the bar graph to your right you can see that 5454 million is associated with salaries and benefits representing 46% of the total budget personal expenses for expenses in capital we have 27.06 million representing 44% of the total budget of curring capital expenses it's going to move into instructional expenditure which consists of the college expenditure related to instructional activities total instruction expenses as of December 31st total 49.8 million or 45.1 5% of the budget allocated on the bar graph to your left you can see that 42.6 million correspond to salaries and benefit representing 47.7% of the total budget for instructional functional salaries for current expenses and capital expenditures we have about 7.2 million representing 36.5% of the total budget on the other hands let's look at administrative administrative function consists of the activity undertaken to provide the necess services on a college-wide basis as of December 31st we incur 31.7 million in expenses of 45.8 6% of the budget allocated the bar graph the note that 11.9 million is related to salaries at benefits representing 41% of the total administrative functional salaries for current expenses in capital expenditure we incur about 19.8 million of 49% corresponding to the budget which includes the spending plan approval to transfer to the capital outlay and also the transfer to the scholarship for the pr scholarship as of December 31st our total revenue is 82.5 2 million representing 45. 96% of the total budget and total expenses is 81.5 6 representing 4542 per of the total budget expenses resulting in a positive variance of about $964 th000 the bottom chart to your left they not the actual two budget for instructional and the other one they not the budget two actuals of the administrative and if you look to your far right you can see our budget since Dr William came here back in 201718 all the way to where we are at 2023 24 do you have any question about the revenue and expenses all right now let's take a look at the preliminary year end projection number as of December 31st the donor CH Den not the revenue allocation for the fiscal year 2023 2024 for which 96 million of 53.57% of the revenue correspond to State funding following by 54 million or 30.25% for the student tuition and fee 8 million for other revenue of 4.63% 19 million to be used for an our reserve of 10.66% which include the spending plan and the fund to transfer to the capital outlay budget as well as you just saw the revenue and expense chart as of December 31st we have 45. 96% of our total income and 4542 per of our total expenses in the following scenarios we took the Assumption of the prior years numbers and also the correlated increases and this particular scenario our projected Revenue a year end is about 15995 million and this is scenario that is an approximately 5% decrease on the non-credit side of Workforce to issu revenue fee from the current budget I would like to remind you that on the credit side we be forecasted and not increase in SSH or credit hours in comparison to last year for the state funding that is about $2 million that correspond to the pipeline that was granted to us as a part of the operating but is actually treated as a grant for accounting purposes the reserve fund include the already approved by the board spending plan of about $5 million the capital Outlet transfer and other restricted fund to use to expense to upset some of the expenses currently we're expecting to use less reserve of what we budget for it our other revenue is no longer accounting for the loss of Revenue if you remember last year was the last year that we were able to claim the loss of Revenue for our fund transfering auxiliary fund is funded by booster commission bending commission and royalty and we expected to transfer the full 1.6 million do you have any question about the revenue projection all right let's move to dispenses in our personnel and benefits we budget 118.1 million and we currently expect them to use about $112 million and that's due to bacancy position that we have for our current expenses we budget 6.56 million we expecting to use about 46.0 n million we will have some savings and materials and Supply repair and maintenance and other current expenses however as you're probably aware there are some Supply change challenges that we are facing so some of the funding that we have this year as they going through the process they probably going to be encumbering this year but we won't be able to upset or account for it so more than they like that they're going to transfer next year as a p a purchase other rollover we allocating funding that was initially a current expense because it was granted to us that way by the legislation but they have to be distributed and we have to follow the accounting principle so you will see some of the changes from the from the current expenses to the capital outlay lastly for our capital expenditure we budget $100,000 and we expect them to spend about 1.5 million as I I just mention it to you some of the changes in the capital expenditure correlate to the current expenses and some additional payments for example uh the Sim City some of the funding for the Sim City was sent to us as a current expense for the actual the actual Capital expenditures overall our total revenue projection is 159.000 per for our budgeted goal on the other hand our spens a total about 159 million or 89.1% projecting a balance variance you can see on the right side the reserve utilization projection that we were already approved to spend up to 19.14% college-wide for the collaboration that they provide to us and our budgeting Department next is going to be vice president hun thank you a break from numbers so to put a little context to what you just heard and just to talk about what we've done over the last 12 to 18 months um there's been lots of discussion and activity regarding our facilities master plan and our real estate um strategy so over the last 18 months we have six properties underway for disposal we have our vettech property where we are currently redlining and negotiating the con theou we had one property the Coliseum lot which is next to Epi Center that closed we have two properties that are under contract which is our HC South Annex and our Wellness Center near the Gibbs Campus and two properties that are have open itbs which is all state and HC Maine also included in that is deferred maintenance projects up to $52.5 million that we are currently planning for we've started roof projects um Etc across the campuses and in addition to that we are also renovating um space and program moves next our EPM system which is our budget development and Reporting System um last year was implemented we used it for the approval process for the budget development this year all of the budget managers are using it now to develop their budgets and so we'll continue to enhance that um system so we could use it more for forecasting we also had our second vendor supplier development event with a we doubled our attendance and had over 40 participants and last fall and so we continue to develop that program and then I want to talk about our cash on hand um you saw the ratios earlier a few minutes ago about 6 years ago we were barely at 20 days of onand cash and currently today we are over 120 days of cash on hand and then lastly we just continue to look at our F our financial Vitality uh indicators we keep those in front of us on a regular basis in order to make um business is decisions and um make sure that they are aligned with our strategic priorities in addition to this I want to introduce our executive director uh Dr gretan Mullen SII sui and she's going to talk about um our her funding which is the grant funding that we received $96 million have moved through the hands of the college to students and other um critical projects and initiatives over the last few years and she'll talk a little bit about that thank you all right chair buts thank you thank you trustees uh Dr Williams Greta melan savitski I'm the executive director of Grants very pleased to be here to present on the higher education emergency funds more easily known as HF um but just some brief background uh during the pandemic the her funding provided over 138 billion in emergency aid to colleges and University AC universities across three funding rounds so this was between March 2020 and may 2021 with September 2023 as the deadline for most institutions to spend all those funds and I have the wonderful news to share that we spend every cent of our $96 million so we can be happy about that and we did it by the deadline yes I think we need some Applause we need some Applause okay you're not allowed to hang out with my wife so we had quite the committee uh with such a large Grant the executive leadership realized that they had to put together a committee uh who would oversee the use of these funds ensuring that the fund allocation aligned both with the legislative uh allowability um as well as sbc's covid-19 mitigation needs and of course the new learning environment priorities so you can see on the left hand side all the Committees we had representation from provos faculty Dean Workforce facilities accounting compliance it um all chaired by the wonderful Melanie kelik who's right here in the green um so yes I think she she absolutely needs that Applause too uh this committee developed a process in order to vet proposals uh whereby 280 were received and 165 were approved and on the right hand side of the screen you can see there this we did this together as a college this was a college Endeavor to be able to successfully spend all those funds and we list all these people here so it wasn't just the committee it was everybody who did this so thank you thank you thank you okay so let's get into some of the specifics there we go okay so in the first funding cycle uh the Corona virus Aid relief and economic sec security all also more easily known as cares uh we received 13.5 million and half of this went directly to the students uh through the wonderful work of our financial aid office uh you can see the institution funds uh title 3 sip uh we are a title 3 College designated College institution uh which means that we have a high percentage of uh students that are needy um and also minority students so we got a little bit of extra money from the he funds because of the fact that we have that designation so you can see that in the second funding cycle the Corona virus response and relief supplemental appropriation which i' like to call Carissa it's easier to say uh we received 30 million um the highest percentage went to the institutional institutional needs and then the third funding cycle the American Rescue plan we received 52 million and once again half of it went directly to students uh it financial aid was was wonderful with that so overall you can you right at the very bottom there of the screen we distributed a 39.7 million for student aid 56.1 million for institutional support including those uh title $3 with almost $96 million that we spent and finally you'll see a little bit of how we broke that down with the projects uh student aid received 46% of the funds uh a lot of these were emergency funds for students with uh students averaging $1,000 per student we helped [Applause] 31,900 of the funds that ensured basically that we could keep our students learning and keep our employees working uh technology was 12% of the Total distribution and that we enhanced our remote learning programs by upgrading classrooms you heard about some of this already from our live online platforms and our hybrid instruction and finally uh the safety and personal protection equipment with 10% of the funding uh this covered training because we all had to learn how to operate effectively in a remote learning environment it helped us to Monitor and suppress the virus and including HVAC improvements our touchous campus system and enhanced equipment and practices do you have any questions perfect thank you very much so last where what's next um so we know that we are now in development of our strategic plan um our financial plan and our upcoming budget will support and be aligned with those strategic initiatives we'll continue with the implementation of the facilities master plan um we're currently looking into better estimates so we can very be able to project and Target our spend on that against the funding that we have also for our third our three-year financial plan um our current plan ends June of 2025 so we're currently now developing for the next 3 years um and having we'll be having conversations with a lot of our colleagues across the col to ensure that it is comprehensive and then lastly um this is a point that I've been saying for the last couple years is that we will continue to invest into SPC um you saw that over the last six years we've had a lot of movement and change we are financially stable but we're at a place to where we need to invest into the college um one of those ways that we do that and you've heard a lot this morning about the spending plan um you all are aware that that is a statute requirement that we need to submit a spending plan um for our reserves because we have to be at 7% which is not a lot of reserve and it's not a best practice but we are required that we have to submit a spending plan October 1 approved by the board um that looks at how we're going to spend and use that so we'll continue to be intentional about the spending plan request that looks at new innovation uh creativity and and new programs and with that any questions yes I just want to say um excellent job but with the spending plan that's typically one-time expenses and I know that sometimes when you look at that kind of money you're thinking hey do this buy this it can't be something that is recurring and I just want to make sure the whole College family knows that that that fund um is for one time and I think that's important because there's been been some misunderstandings of what can be that that money can be used for correct there's also a significant line item in the spending plan for an emergency because we are in Florida and we do have very large deductibles if we have a situation with a hurricane and so that is also um part of that spinning plan thank you um on behalf of the board I know that we have challenged you um me at times probably more so so thank you very much for your patience um but this uh you know the master facilities and the selling of these properties and everything else I know is um create a lot of questions um from everybody over the last couple years and you've done a great job of handling that so thank you and your team um for uh for moving us forward I'm excited to see the spending plan and um also our three-year financial plan so thank you very much so to all the presenters thank you with that we'll move on to uh to our agenda um would to entertain a motion from any trustee that would like to take up the agenda as a consent I would approval of our consent AG perfect thank you got a motion and a second all in favor say I I thank you with that we'll move on to any old business new business everybody was provided a informational report any questions in there should be an update from everything we'll move on to Dr Williams report all right perfect thank you so much um I want to thank my team for going to Tallahassee a couple of weeks back um received very positive reports from several people about how well we work how the questions that were asked the involvement um and I thought that as president I couldn't have been more proud and I want to publicly thank Chris schover as well as myself um for pulling us through um the capital and getting us uh recognized and answering all of our student and and employee questions um an update from Tallahassee um I'm going to start with the Florida college system one of the things that we're trying to do at SPC is increase our involvement in the the college system we have totally revamped that um Association to make sure that we reconnect um with the Florida College Association to not just advocate for us but to help with professional development so we're going to be doing some work to help um SPC re-engage um we're one of the few colleges well not one of the few there's several of us who need to get engaged again and so you'll be seeing some things about that in reference to the health insurance because I know all of y'all are waiting on that part um I'm proud to say that the um Council of presidents um last week all all confirmed their their agreement that all 28 will join if the state so approves us that all of us will be a part of it which is so important because the report and study that was done was based upon all 28 joining and at some point there was concern that not all 28 will join well we all signed on the dotted line um and I'm very very proud of that second right now the Senate has approved us 100% to be a part of the state health insurance plan I'm very proud of that the house has not and so I'm going to read where we are because I don't want to mess it up um well I thought I was going to read it basically right now um it's sort of a conforming Bill and that means the house and the Senate will have to come together the meeting is next week and talk about how they want to proceed um if the house does not agree then the Senate will go alone and um we are trying to get both to go together before it can be on the governor's desk for the governor to make the final decision he gets the final word so the Council of presidents we're focusing on the house right now and um working very diligently we have about a week and a half I think there's three weeks left in session there's been positive feedback of Interest we just got to get them to say yes and and come together and I know that there are some rumors that this has been done it is not done the meeting is not until next week um and it still has to go to the governor desk to be fully approved for the SPC legislative request it has been in both the house and the Senate and so hopefully it will make it to the Finish Line um again Melissa thank you for um your work and um Chris schoonover for his work and getting us into those doors um to move forward we are in a good position to receive what we've asked for I still think we're in a great position for the health insurance and we're going to keep keep fighting we're going to keep advocating and we're going to keep pushing the other thing that we have done um over the last year is we started looking federally and we now have a company we're working with for on the federal level um to bring those resources back to the college and to make sure that we are relevant not just um legislatively but with the Department of Labor and the national science department and and all over um who we need to go see the Board of Trustees um will be joining me along with um several of our president's cabinet going to Washington um to um Advocate um for the college and then lastly to our faculty I'm probably going to get in trouble for this but I can't let um today go what I heard today for the first time um is definitely not something that we practice here at St P college and not something that I believe in I believe in everyone belonging and everyone being respected everyone being faculty staff Career Service Board of Trustees Community everybody both ways the respect um has to come um and some of the passion that was shared today I heard it and I saw it um it is definitely not something that I condone of mistreating anyone in any way while this is not the bargaining table and I'm not defending I'm not saying yes or no what happened I wasn't there but respect is important to me I live it I breathe it and I want to know make sure that everybody understands that that is still a SPC motto that's that's how we work learn live and play is with respect and that goes both ways everyone not just one-sided and so I want to make sure as I walk out of here today I'm going to be looking for the respect because everyone deserves to be respected doesn't mean you'll like everything that happens but we have to respect each other we're human beings and we deserve to be respected and that's everyone I'm not saying yay or nay and what happened I wasn't there but I am saying that today publicly we stand for respect we always have and we will continue and it goes both ways that's my report hopefully I won't go to jail for saying that um but um I just needed the faculty to know that respect is important and it will remain important to me it's not something that I take lightly thank you Dr with that any other comments our next meeting is seminal campus March 19th and the Conference Center you will see everybody there meeting is adjourned all right good job