Miss app we are live streaming but it's only 159 so we're um a little bit early so okay good afternoon thank you for joining us today for The District library book objection committee meeting the purpose of today's meeting is to review an objection to the book titled 19 minutes by Jody Pico I'm Don Sapp associate superintendent for curriculum and instruction Mr foron has designated me as chair of the committee and I'll be facilitating today's meeting school-based and District staff as well as parents and community volunteers are invited to participate on each committee today's meeting will result in a recommendation that will be forwarded to Mr forsen St John's County School District superintendent this committee meeting is public record and therefore subject to Sunshine Law it is being live streamed for public viewing committee members are not required to have their camera on during the meeting we are committed to Civility and decorum please assist us in maintaining a constructive meeting environment by remaining respectful of each participant during the meeting and afterwards additional discussion of the objecting party or committee members outside of the meeting is discouraged disparaging comments are contrary to District expectations regarding character and civility committee members received several resources in advance of the meeting the resources included the objecting party's request for reconsideration a copy of the book Flor of statutes FL Department of Education guidance for library media Services professional Source reviews St John's County School school board rules the library Bill of Rights and a copy of the school library media material evaluation checklist the process for today is as follows first the objecting party will have the opportunity to address the committee they will provide any information they deem compelling or new regarding their request next the committee will have a discussion utilizing the school library media material evaluation checklist finally the decision by majority vote vote will determine a recommendation for superintendent forson there are two options retain the book for a designated level or remove the book from St John's County School District Libraries for our meeting today both agreeable and app opposing viewpoints are welcome are there any questions so far okay let's begin Jee Moore is the objecting party for 19 minutes Miss Moore this is your time to address the committee you have up to five minutes to share your objection good afternoon and thanks for the opportunity for me to share my thoughts my objection to this book are that it contains sexual activities sexual nudity profanity derogatory terms violence hate abortion and suicide commentary this was a tragic and disturbing story of a boy that was bullied and bullied to the extent that it drove him to bring weapons to school and take out the bullies and it was an interesting story but the sex scenes between Matt and Jose were completely unnecessary and those SE scenes by themselves make the book inappropriate for school it should be noted that this title was removed from clay and Martin County Schools last year indicating that committees and superintendents in those counties agreed that the content was not appropriate for school libraries as examples Matt had already peeled off her clothes and now he was leaning over her like a tidal wave pulling down his boxers he sprang free and settled between Josie's legs he kissed so hard that it hurt she said pushing at him relax Matt murmured and then he sank his teeth into her shoulder he pinned her hands over her head and ground his hips against her she could feel his erection hard and hard and hot against her stomach it wasn't that way normally but Josie had to admit it was exciting she couldn't remember ever feeling so heavy as if her heart were beating between her legs she clawed at Matt's back to bring him closer yeah he groaned and he pushed her thighs apart and then suddenly what Matt was inside her pumping so hard that she scooted backward on the carpet burning the backs of her legs wait Josie said she tried to roll away beneath him but he clamped his hand over her mouth and drove harder and harder until Josie felt him come seen St sticky and hot pulled on the carpet beneath her parents have almost no ability to monitor or protect their child from what lies in the media center the fet system does not provide enough information for parents to compile lists to opt out the dropped out list does not stop a child from pulling a book from the Shelf without checking it out it's an ineffective way for parents to protect their child from graphic sex violence rape pedophilia profanity etc etc parents alone determine if they want their child to have access to adult materials not the child and certainly not the school district to solely focus on the obscenity laws related to sexual content is a fla flawed methodology although books are not rated like movies are it would make sense for a committee to use the same sort of logic when determining a appropriate content for students our movies contain strong and graphic violent content disturbing content sexual content graphic nudity drug use and strong language an our rated movie is not appropriate for school so why would the same content in a book be okay for school thank you for your time thank you Miss Moore Committee members we will refer to the school live media material evaluation form for our discussion as a reminder Florida statute states that any materials used in a classroom made available in a school or classroom library or included on a reading list may be objected to for four specific reasons reason number one material is pornographic or prohibited under section 847.011 of FL statute the material um must be removed if the majority of the commit agrees with the objecting party that the material is pornographic or prohibited and uh Mr foron agrees with the recommendation for the remaining three reasons the committee will determine if there is an appropriate grade level or if the material should be Reed the material depicts or describes sexual conduct as defined in 8471 for in19 or the material is not suited to student needs and their ability to comprehend the material or or the material is inappropriate for the grade level and age group for which the material is used keep in mind that our final task on the form is to make a recommendation to superintendent forson there are two options retain the book for a designated level or remove the book from St John's County School District Libraries again statute is clear that we must recommend to remove the title if the majority of the committee determines a violation of question four on the checklist the will be open to discussion and each Committee Member will have the opportunity to share comments will be summarized to provide an overall committee response for each question please remember to raise your hand to provide a comment for our meeting today both agreeable and opposing viewpoints are welcome let's begin we will go through the checklist together I will read each question I will ask if any if there are any comments if there are hands raised we'll acknowledge those comments and then we'll move on to a vote let's begin on the material um evaluation checklist the first question is the objecting party's challenge of the material sites that and we will take um we will place into this answer exactly what was provided on Miss Moore's objection sheet and she did um indicate three of the four reasons um so we will include those and she also had um an attachment so we'll take care of question number one question number two specific pages in the material cited by the injecting party were reviewed uh for this question this is just to verify from Mr forson um that the members of the committee had a chance to review the specific material rejecting party so if you did review those pages please vote Yes at this time if you did not please vote no could have everyone vote at this time if you had a chance to review the pages you'll say yes if not you'll say no Miss sap we have eight yes votes you may now remove your vote thank you question number two is similar in that for this one um you are voting to verify that you had a chance to review the professional Andor crowdsource reviews that were provided so if you did look at those reviews and consider them please vote Yes if you did not consider those reviews please vote no Miss sap we have eight yes votes for question three you may now remove your vote question number four um now that we're we are starting to um go through the reasons for objections I will read the question I'll give a chance to see if anyone has any comments we'll wait and see if there are any hands and then I'll call for a vote so for question number four is the material pornographic or prohibited under Florida statute 847.011 are there any comments don't see any hands up so we'll go ahead and vote is the material pornographic or prohibited under Florida statute 847.011 we do miss SEF we do have a hand up um Caroline I'm going to lower your hand so that we can see your vote um and then we'll call on you if you can go ahead and and put your vote up again Caroline thank you appreciate that we just have to make sure that they have a chance to capture a screenshot from Mr porson Miss we have um one yes vote and seven no votes for question four and then Carol you may now remove your vote and Caroline go ahead Caroline um yeah so I find this um statute confusing because it kind of circularly refers back to a different uh statute so like I the way I read it was that it didn't need to have pictures like this isn't a graphic novel um but it refers to let me think uh says any Book pamphlet magazine Printed Matter however reproduced that contains any matter defined in and some people might be thinking that the scenes like what the the lady read out loud that that's supposed to indicate like a a you know unwelcome sexual experience because she's clearly saying that she's you know got a problem with it to some degree um but I don't I think it's pretty explicit so I'm confused how we can have that read aloud but it not be pornographic or prohibited thank you is there anyone who would like to respond go ahead Daren hi um yeah I think the the difference here is that the end of that Clause was and it's harmful to students so I don't believe that scene is harmful to students I think especially since the one that she was referencing um was um an assault I think that if anything it could be helpful to other students who have experienced something like that and I know that's a high number of students and um perhaps that could even be a help to them and lead them into um seeing that they're not alone and they could have a conversation with a trusted adult and I think that's the part that's missing this isn't a harmful scene um it is a depiction of a reality that a lot of people face unfortunately Dr Lawson can you tell me whose hand was up next yes Miss milon was up was uh had her hand up next okay go ahead Caroline good afternoon um yes I'd like to clarify a few things um had the book been read in its entirety and not taken out of context it would have been noted that it was not an assault it was more a conflict of a condom issue and just to clarify with the harmful to minors there has to be three criteria that need to be met in order for something to be deemed harmful to minors it has to appeal to it has to be puent shameful morbid interest patently offensive um with you know like adults would think that this is all adults will think this is pornographic and it needs to be taken as a whole that the material is without serious literary artistic political or scientific value for Miners and none of the it has to meet all three of those criteria for it to be deemed harmful to minors so I just want to make sure that everybody understands that go ahead Caroline uh so so I agree that it was an inappropriate sexual experience and that you I did read the whole book to clarify I didn't just take that section out of context um but I don't feel that the book made it patently clear to any young reader that the relationship between Matt and joosie Crosses a line I think there's a lot of the time that Josie is indicating that she is totally madly in love with Matt and that she doesn't have any real problem she indicates herself that she's excited by the experience and so I found it could fall into the category of harmful to minors because it was not clarified to be completely inappropriate um I think an adult can see that I'm not certain that a teenager has the maturity to understand the difference Thank You Caroline Abigail you may need to unmute your mic abig yes I do thank you sorry um I think Caroline clarified what she was saying but for me I drew a distinction between the first objection and the second objection where the second one is does it describe sexual conduct and the first is like is it pornographic such that all adults would think it was offensive and so that is why I voted no I don't think all adults would think this is offensive and then you know there's the different question the second one thank you Abigail okay we appreciate the discussion on that we're going to move forward to question number five does the material depict or describe sexual conduct defined in Florida statute 8471 for n19 are there any comments before we vote for question five Abigail go head I remembered to unmute this time so this is the one where I would say I I plan to vote Yes which you will see um that it is a sexual conduct but then it falls under the um the rest of the description which is it harmful is it um puant I think was the word so anyway that's how I draw the distinction any other comments before we vote okay we'll call for the vote does the material depict or describe sexual conduct defined in Florida statute 8471 for 19 SO waiting on a couple more votes does the material depict or describe sexual conduct defined in Florida statute 8471 kin9 Miss Sapp for question five we have eight yes votes you may now remove your vote thank you waiting on one there we go okay question number six is the material unsuited to student needs and their ability to comprehend the material presented are there any comments before we vote I don't see any hands for this one so we'll go ahead and vote is the material unsuited to student needs and their ability to comprehend the material presented Miss sap for questions six we have one yes vote and seven no votes you may now remove your vote thank you for question number seven is the material inappropriate for the grade level and age group for which the material is used um Dr Lawson can you tell us I'm sorry there's ailia Amilia Bowski can you tell us where it's currently located yes ma'am it is currently located in grades 9 through 12 which is high school our high school library collections thank you so this material is currently available for grades 9 through 12 the question that we're addressing is the material inappropriate for the grade level and age group for which the material is used are there any comments go ahead Abigail I would that forth on this a lot actually because I um I agreed with Caroline that I I wasn't sure if every kid would realize that it's supposed to be that Matt is doing things that are inappropriate that he is coercing Josie in a way that is inappropriate um but where I eventually landed is that hopefully they do figure out that Matt is the antagonist of the book that he was bullying um Peter and that they would draw the connection between his behavior with Peter being very inappropriate and his behavior with Josie being inappropriate um and I also you know sometimes a kid can read a book and get ideas in their head that they wouldn't have otherwise had but I don't think that any of the things that happen in the book are ideas that kids haven't had already and being able to really empathize with the character and see what Matt's Behavior looked like from Peter's and Josie's point of view I think is a valuable a valuable way for students to see what bad behavior looks like thank you Abigail go ahead Caroline um so I think so far we've focused exclusively on the sex scenes between Matt and Josie there were several other topics that were discussed that I I thought were you know not really age appropriate um for example on page 322 uh she Googles how to induce her own abortion um and settles on uh I think she believes that the least barbaric option is taking vitamin C to excess um she then like seven pages later she suffers a miscarriage in her bed um it's unclear whether it's a miscarriage or actually an abortion um but there's no discussion of like hey I'm actually having a medical emergency that would require me to notify my parents or a physician um I think that this sexual abuse stuff is presented as a gray area which maybe if you read this book with your child or in context you could guide them through their thoughts about um where their sexual boundaries are um obviously there's the school shooting issue um there's drug use uh inhaling vials of unknown substances at nightclubs uh I just think these are a lot of adult topics that we're just hoping that the kids will understand if they happen upon this book in the school library whereas to me it makes more sense that if parents want their kids exposed to those topics that they could bring those child to the public library or buy them the book or have those convers ations on their own Thank You Caroline go ahead darianne hi um yeah I think that um having access to books in schools rather just than just the public library is important um I do hear what you're saying about having a parent to guide you through this novel I also think there is a consideration of children that um don't have parents to guide them through this who um maybe look to the school librarian and um need access to books in schools if they're not being taken other places um I also do think that especially in this day and age um access to the internet every single child has access to the internet and even in this book which was written years ago the first thing she does is Google it and look it up on the internet she doesn't go to the school library and search through books to find out how how to have an abortion so I think if our concern is that they're going to find out certain things like this that conversation is for boundaries around the internet and not about um novels that they might find at the school library thank you Daran Abigail go ahead uh and I had a question for you guys um I if I recall correctly we can also vote that it should only be for 11th and 12th graders or only 12th graders like was there another category Beyond just all of high school there is not another category beyond all of high school um uh the monitoring of the checkout system at the high school level is 9 through 12 um we do have some breakdowns in our elementary and middle schools where they're separate areas so um for high school we maintain 9 through 12 go ahead Darian um I just wanted to add one more thing um I know we're talking about this book specifically but I would also um say if we're focusing on well okay so she you know looked up how to have an abortion and then it wasn't handled perfectly and it didn't come with a tailored um chapter afterwards to say hey this is a medical emergency I think if we start to look at books like they have to be perfect and teach a lesson we're going to be missing out on a lot I also think that if we okay let's Romeo and yet um I know when I was in school I read that in the sixth grade and that is about children um who I think they're like 13 in Romeo and Juliet that um commit suicide over love and that's that's um presented as a romantic story there isn't an additional chapter afterwards as to why that was a bad decision and um I think that that's just what literature is and if we expect it to be perfect and to be doing out lessons uh no one's even going to want to read anything and there's going to be nothing left to read thank you Darion okay I don't see any additional hands so it looks like we're ready to vote so for question number seven is the material inappropriate for the grade level and age group for which the material is used Miss sap for question seven we have one yes vote and seven no votes you may now remove your vote okay at this time we will vote on our recommendation for superintendent forson um because the material is currently available in grades nine and up we will start there if you want it to be maintained its status for grades nine and up you'll vote Yes if you want any other um level to be considered then you would vote no and we'll go on to the next step first one on the table will be the material is appropriate for grades nine and up if you agree vote Yes if you prefer something different vote no Miss sap for the recom recommendation to keep this book in grades nine and up we have seven yes votes and one no vote you may now remove your vote okay the majority of the committee has voted that the material is appropriate for grades nine and up so that will be our recommendation are there any closing comments from anyone that you'd like included in the recommendation to Mr foron go ahead Carolyn um I would just like to for this to be documented that um for question number three where it says looking at professional and crowdsource reviews I'd just like to reiterate that crowdsource reviews are very subject to personal bias prejudices and interpretations um the the challenge on this book was literally taken from a specific website that we all know about and PDFs are downloaded and um that is how all of these challenges have been based so um I just I think as professionals we need to allow the media Specialists to be the professional and search those professional reviews and make professional judgments based on their experience and reading the book um uh this was a very long long book to read um so it's hard for me to imagine that other many other people took the time not I'm not saying anybody on this committee I'm talking about other people took the time to really read the book with care and realize what an important read it is because jod wrote this book right after Coline and in light of of what is going on in our country right now I think this is a very relevant book and I think it teaches a lot of lessons that any students might come upon there was one um sexual scene from the entire book it was over 20 hours long to read so for one particular scene I think it was just taken way out of context thank you Carolyn Abigail go ahead My Hope Is that kids who find this book will talk to adults about it um I know that not every kid will and not every adult can be talked to about it um but I do not think that just because a few parents would object to their kid reading it which is fine um that it therefore should not be uh accessible by any child in high school um and I did agree with Miss Moore's point that there is not necessarily enough information on fet for parents to figure out if they want to ban the if they want if they don't want their kids to read the book but there are websites like we just mentioned where they can go and find that information and decide from there I don't think it's a problem that that information isn't displayed in the media center thank thank you abil go ahead Daren hey uh yeah I also agree I also wanted to just mention um the uh the objection that was brought forward um so my daughter is in elementary school and she has been learning a lot um about fact versus opinion and I couldn't help but thinking about that when I was listening to the objection and I was hearing words like not appropriate unnecessary and those are all absolutely valid opinions but they are opinions nonetheless and I have a different opinion and one person's opinion shouldn't dictate whether or not my child and other children have access to the literature that they are more than free to tell their child they are not allowed to read and I think that um this is actually the second time I've read this book because I read it when it did come out and um I think this book is important and does handle things well and and it deserves to stay on the shelves thank you Daren okay I have a few closing um things a closing statement a few items for us to take care of thank you to all of our committee members for your participation today we have two final action steps to conclude our work first your acknowledgement as a participant on the committee is needed on the recommendation to Mr forson the recommendation which will include notes from today's discussion will be emailed to you you may acknowledge participation by responding with an email or you may review and sign the document at our Media Services office at 10 hrth in St Augustine second thing we need to do is to return your book and any notes from your work in preparation for today's meeting to the location where you picked up your book and we'd like everyone to try to get both of those things done um by the end of the week we' appreciate your help with that are there any questions before we close the meeting okay thank you this concludes the meeting e e e for --------- Miss appap we are now live streaming but we did um one of our members um left I'm not sure if they got kicked out or their signal went or what but um just want to let you know um hopefully they're going to rejoin momentarily hi we will contact that M so if you'll just give us just a couple of minutes to double check and make sure here they are they're back they're coming back in now okay fantastic okay great just keep keep me up to date if we need to pause okay currently um they are connecting to audio so I think we're good to go good afternoon thank you for joining us today for the District library book objection committee meeting the purpose of today's meeting is to review an objection to the book titled normal people by Sally Rooney I'm Don Sapp associate superintendent for curriculum and instruction our superintendent Mr forson has designated me as chair of the committee and I'll be facilitating today's meeting school-based and District staff as well as parent and Community me volunteers are invited to participate on each committee today's meeting will result in a recommendation that will be forwarded to our superintendent this committee meeting is public record and therefore subject to Sunshine Law it is being live streamed for public viewing committee members are not required to have their camera on during the meeting we are committed committed to Civility and decorum please assist us in maintaining a constructive meeting environment by remaining respectful of each participant during the meeting and afterwards additional discussion of the objecting party or committee members outside the meeting is discouraged disparaging comments are contrary to District expectations regarding character and civility committee members received several resources in advance of the meeting the resources included the objecting party's request for reconsideration a copy of the book Florida Statutes Florida Department of Education guidance for library media Services professional Source reviews St John's County school board rules the library Bill of Rights and a copy of the school library media material evaluation checklist the process for today is as follows first the objecting party will have the opportunity to address the committee they will provide any information they deem compelling or new regarding their request next the committee will have a discussion utilizing the school library media material evaluation checklist finally the decision by a majority vote will determine a recommendation for superintendent porson there are two options retain the book for a designated level or remove the book from St John's County School District Libraries for our meeting today both agreeable and opposing viewpoints are welcome are there any questions before we continue okay Gan Moore is the objecting party for normal people um Miss Moore this is your time to address the committee you have up to five minutes to share your objection good afternoon and thanks for the opportunity for me to share my thoughts my objections to this book are that it contains sexual activities including including SATA masochism profanity and alcohol use if there If This Were A Movie it would be rated R which is not for minors I personally found this to be a horrible read two love loss Perpetual teenagers who have sex constantly and the story was just repetitive that way they have sex a few months go by they get drunk and have sex again six weeks go by they get drunk and have sex again five months go by etc etc there is literally no sense of connection between the booze and sex obsessed main characters who are only in the pattern of having sex again when the other is in another relationship this is not appropriate for a school library parents parents have almost no visibility or the ability to monitor to protect their child from what lies in the media center the fet system does not provide enough information for parents to compile list to opt out the opt out list does not stop a child for pulling a book from the Shelf without checking it out it's an ineffective way to for parents to try to protect their child from graphic sex violence rape pedophilia profanity etc etc parents alone determine if they want their child to have access to adult materials not the child and certainly not the school dist District to solely focus on the obscenity laws related to sexual content is a flawed methodology although books are not rated like movies are it would make sense for our committee to use the same sort of logic when determining appropriate content for students our movies contain strong and graphic violent content disturbing content sexual content graphic nudity drug use and strong language in R-rated movie is not appropriate for school so why would the same content be okay for school thank you for your time thank you Miss Moore Committee members we will refer to the school library media material evaluation for for our discussion as a reminder Florida statute states that any materials used in a classroom made available in a school or classroom library or included on a reading list must be objected to for four specific reasons the first reason the material is pornographic or prohibited under section 847.011 of Florida statute in the case that the ma the majority of the committee finds that the material is pornographic our recommendation has to be that the material must be removed from all libraries for the remaining three reasons the committee will determine if there is an appropriate grade level or if the material should be removed completely those three reasons are the material depicts or describes sexual conduct as defined in 847.011 19 of Florida statute the material is not suited to student needs and their ability to comprehend the material or the material is inappropriate for the grade level and age group for which the material is used keep in mind that our final task on the form will be to make a recommendation to superintendent foron and there are two options retain the book for our designated level or remove the book from St s County School District Libraries again statute is clear that we must recommend to remove the title if the majority of the committee determines a violation of question four on the checklist the floor will be open to discussion and each Committee Member will have the opportunity to share comments will be summarized to provide an overall committee response to each question please remember to raise your hand to provide a comment we look forward to hearing both agreeable and opposing viewpoints and I believe we are ready to begin we will now go through the checklist together I will read each question I will ask if there are any comments if you have a comment please raise your hand after we've completed any comments we'll call for a vote okay let's begin for question number one on the media material evaluation uh checklist um it states the objecting party's challenge of the material cites that um we will complete this with the information that was provided by Miss Moore on her objection form um we noted that she had she cited that she believes there are three reasons for this objection so we'll include all those and she had an attachment so that would be included as well so we'll move on to question number two for question number two this questions two and three are um just a way of verifying for Mr Mr forsen um that the committee was able to review um the objection so for question number two if you um reviewed the specific pages that were cited by the objecting party you'll vote Yes we'll go ahead and vote it this time specific pages in the materials cited by the objecting party were reviewed so yes if you had a chance to review and no if you did not Miss sa that was eight yes votes I'm sorry seven seven yes votes thank you you may now clear your votes for question number two we'll move on to question number three professional Andor crowdsource reviews were considered so if you did have a chance to review those professional Andor crowdsource R viws please indicate by voting yes if you did not please indicate by voting no Miss sap for question three we had ye seven yes votes you may now remove your vote thank you okay as we move on to question four just as a reminder I will read the question we'll pause for a moment to see if there are any hands raised to provide comments and then when we finish with any comments we'll call for a vote question number four is the material pornographic or prohibited under Florida statute 847.011 are there any comments don't see any hands so we'll go ahead and call for a vote is the material pornographic or prohibited under Florida statute 847 012 Miss saap for question number four we have seven no votes you may now remove your vote question number five does the material depict or describe sexual conduct defined in Florida statute 8471 for9 are there any comments I don't see any hands so we will go ahead and call for a vote does the material depict or describe sexual conduct defined in fora statute 8471 for in19 Miss sap for question number five we have two yes votes and five no votes you may now remove your vote question number six is the material unsuited to student needs and their ability to comprehend the material presented are there any comments okay seeing No Hands we'll go ahead and call for a vote is the material unsuited to student needs and their ability to comprehend the material presented Miss sap for question six we have seven no votes you may now remove your vote uh for question number seven first I'd like to call on uh Mrs zakowski could you please let us know where is this material currently available yes this material is currently available in grades 9 through 12 at one of our high schools in the library collection thank you so for question number seven just keeping in mind that it's currently available for grades 9 through 12 is the material inappropriate for the grade level and age group for which the material is used are there any comments okay I don't see any hands up so we'll go ahead and vote is the material inappropriate for the grade level and Aid fruit for which the material is used Miss sap for question number seven we have seven no votes you may now remove your vote thank you at this time we'll vote on our recommendation to the superintendent the book is currently available in grades nine and up so we will start there so if you um agree that the material should be available for grades nine and up you'll vote Yes if you have a preference that it should be something different than grades nine and up then you'll vote no so let's vote the material is appropriate for grades nine and up Miss sap for the recommendation of grades nine and up we have seven yes votes you may now remove your vote sorry that's okay thank you we have consensus um that our recommendation to the superintendent is that the material is appropriate for grades nine and up um so now I have a few closing comments for the committee thank you to all of you for your participation today there are two final action steps to conclude our work you know what I'm going to pause for a second here because I realized I didn't allow we always allow CL at the end of our voting is there anyone who made wants to make a comment be included in the recommendation to Mr foron if you would like to make any comment to be included this is your chance to raise your hand okay this is group this group has been quiet so maybe I wasn't off Bas with my assumption okay thank you to all of our committee members for your participation today there are two final action steps to conclude our work the first one your acknowledgement as a participant on the committee is needed on the recommendation to Mr forson the recommendation which will include notes from today's discussion will be emailed to you you may acknowledge participation by responding with an email or you may review and sign the documents in person at our Media Services office at 10 hrth in St Augustine second thing we need uh committee members do is to return your book and any notes from your work and preparation for today's meeting to the to the location where you picked up your book we ask that um everyone please complete both of these um by the end of the week that would help us out a lot and um at this time are there any questions before we close the meeting okay this concludes the meeting thank you