e e e e e e e e e e e e all right we're on all right Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Mrs heral here Mr Pico here Mr Valley here Mr vardo here Mr yagnam here Mr muscatello here Mrs sharpstein here we have a qu Sunshine Law this is to advise the general public and to instruct that it be recorded in the minutes that in compliance with chapter 231 of the public laws of 1975 entitled the open public meetings Act Stan hope Board of Education located at 24 Valley Road Stan Hope New Jersey has caused this notice to be posted at the office of the Stan hope Board of Education mailed to the New Jersey Herald the municipal clerk of the burough of Stan hope the Stan hope post office and posted at the Valley Road school and on the Stan hope Public Schools website setting forth the time date and location of the meeting our mission statement the Stan hope school district will provide a diverse and challenging educational environment that encourages individual initiatives Foster success through teamwork promotes accountability demonstrates a passion for educational excellence and ensures student achievement related to the New Jersey student learning standards the Stan hope school district is committed to the development of our students and staff so that individual aspirations can be achieved through their lifelong learning um this evening we will have an executive session for the purpose of student confidentiality formal action may be taken and that brings us right up to our first presentation scottp for his EOS Scot project all right so I want to welcome Scott Scott is a former student uh at Valley Road school he is currently a sophomore right Scott yes that yeah I'm a sophomore right sophomore straight A just doing everything you can to be awesome up there right um yeah I guess Before I Let You Go I also want to uh welcome Mrs proc Carpio formerly of our board welcome back she um so Scott is here to present uh his ideas on his Eagle Scout project um and I won't give too many details because I know he's capable here um so go for it big guy all right so as as you know my name is Scott per Carpio um I'm uh I'm working on my Eagle Scout project now as you know I was a student here and I thought it would be a I thought it would be a good idea if I were to make a butterfly garden because I I like plants you know know I like like gardening and plants and you know I thought it would be nice if I gave back to the school you know you know know it's been you know yeah and and um [Music] yeah yeah so this is my this title slide um y for [Music] so um my my it's a pollinator Garden for one thing which attracts like pollinators such as hummingbirds and butterflies and you know other pollinators you know you know like cling yeah and it's going to be in a raised bed it's going to be on school property you know it's it's going to be on that one area you'll see a picture of it uh soon and yeah it's it's going to be raised bed which means it's going to be like sort of it's going to have like these stones that will sort of um like that the dirt will contain that be contained inside the dirt the stones will never mind the stones the stones would contain the dirt and yeah um yeah so so it's it's going to be a it's going to be there for educational purposes purpose purchases is never mind going great Scott it's gonna be there for educational value let's just put it like that and it's gonna have like these signs which are going to explain everything it's going to have plants that are all native plants like milkweed and other uh butterfly lead and others and like B bomb which is another one um yeah it's going to it's going to it's it's also going to be very beautiful I think I think it should look very beautiful they're going to be all um what are they uh wait no perennials yeah which are plants that do not die over the winter they come back every year so yeah they they come back every year and um that's we're going to have this Mulch on the top it's going to have the signs I said um it's it's going to need dirt but you know yeah yeah so you get it examples of the examples of but pollinated Gardens these are some examples kind of like what I want to do and as you can see in the one picture to the um right it has these rocks it's kind of similar to what I wanted to do except I'm going to have them a bit higher it's going to be like a foot tall mine and it's going to kind of kind of look something like that is and here's the location I drew a sketch on the left it it's not the it's it's basically what I want to it's What I want to do it's going to have curve with that sidewalk as you can see in the pictures to the in the middle and to the right as you can see it's that spot near the parking lot you know the one you know on the side you know on on the the right side if you're looking out from the school across the parking lot yeah yeah it's a you know it's where on there's crosswalk near it you know it's it's it's going to be very visible so you know it's going to look very nice and it'll look cool you know beautiful here's some of the paving stones or whatever the the stones I want to use the paving stones there that's uh some pictures of them that's the type or something like that oh wait one minute there's some more pictures of you know how they work there's like a picture of the example of what they kind of look like on on the left side left bottom you know you can see how they would fit together and then there's the stones up top or to the to the to the left or to the right you know left the bottom left and um yeah it's the one with the the example of what they'll how they work here is some of the examples of the plants we have milkweed and B bomb they they they're B bomb little tracks hummingbirds it's you know it's red hummingbirds like red so you know milk weeds are all famous for being the plant monarch butterflies love which are need PL need as much M we as they can because you know monarchs are like in trouble as they're not doing too good or monarchs and we have butterfly weed which attracts a a wider range of butterflies of cone flour which is um which attracts like other pollinators mostly like butterflies um humming bugs which are that they're named um well I don't I'm not going to explain I would but you know they're they're they're a type of uh moth I think humming bugs they're they're like they look kind of like hummingbirds but they're but like insects here's some more examples we have the the oh my goodness the oh no baptisia and the and which is the one on the left and then there's the um however however you pron oh oh no I forgot um how do you pronounce that again leat I'm sorry but yeah that's the elatus that one's also very beautiful all the as I said all these plants are native both of these are native we have coreopsis and trumpet vine which this trumpet honey Circle which is native as well and yeah coreopsis is native and next let's see what's next what what okay the so I plan the work on this project um weekends and maybe after school during April and you know it's going to be work I'm working I'm going to be working on it from from I don't know from April I guess until um June yeah of 20 or 2024 if not and that's when I hope to finish it it by June that's when we that's when we're going to finish it I am going to finish it um so here's the timeline we have March which is cure funds and donations which we sewing we're going to sew some seeds which plant some seeds the the not in the garden but like in in advance so we can plant them when they're sprouting at into the garden they're also going we're going to get like other plants as well fully grown plants you know so we're not growing just all seedlings that would be silly April we're going to start H uh we're going to have um supplies delivered begins building the wall um yeah and um yeah um and place this cardboard inside so so the grass underneath won't grow up into the garden so yeah it's going to cardboards the more more um well it's less expensive and and probably it's better than the like the normal like whatever they use I I don't know like that material they use to stop weeds from getting in underneath it's it's better cardboard it's more biogradable and it won't and um it's you know and and it's less expensive we're going to deposit the soil and um an organic fertilizer plant the plants put the signs in you know and may and like put the mulch in complete the yeah complete much we yeah we'll do the signs in June like we'll have that by then we should have the signs getting put in and the mul will be put in [Music] and yeah what's the yeah and yeah and yeah yeah so what materials are needed so we have paving stones or retaining wall blocks what you want to call whatever you want to call them we have the soil The Mulch the cardboard over the grass yeah the cardboard and the native plants as I've mentioned them quite a bit have the trellis the trellis for the trumpet vine and you know the signs oh and also the gravel which will go help support the the um um paving stones when they're put in we also need some tools not sure they let's see yeah here it is tools end supplies okay yeah basically so we have garbage bags trip yeah so we're going to some sort of this wheelbarrow um yeah yeah and and um yeah we'll need people to do TR like we'll need some sort of something some sort of vehicle to get the soil and mulch when we put that in um shovels and spad the garden gloves um rakes um it'll need uh car gas you know gas cars like people the for dropping off people and also probably bringing in some of the materials and um yeah we'll need volunteers and refreshments of some kind yeah yeah oh that's yeah so we need food and refreshments okay how will we how how will you you get supplies and tools ask for as many donations as possible from like local businesses like Lowe's um Donson Sunnyside Gardens ask um community members if they if they if they have plants that are grow if they have a surplus of a certain plant that we that that we need we could we we would get we can ask them for that we can go to websites like monarch watch and yeah and we and yeah we'll May Supply our own plants Supply El we can um I can get plants from my garden costs yeah so the cost for the school is nothing this all you guys have to do is basically watch as the progress gets along you don't have to pay anything yeah we would um so we're hoping as I said we're hoping to get donations to local businesses we're hoping to get free milkweed from like monarch w watch or um you know um what else so we're hoping to get like discounted stuff as well if we can't get donations like you know that's something we hope to do and we're going to get free native plants from like Master Gardeners and um yeah yeah and there's um large yeah yeah we're hoping to get um large Don like like free stuff from like uh donations from Eagle Scout business owners and um um roal tools from like uh trip uh my trip 151 and 91 um um I'm hoping yeah uh look yeah yeah yeah we're going to get um 're we have like we're hoping is get some money from the fun fundraiser right we do like I do actually it's kind of my own personal teeny business which um is Scott succulence and War which was um inspired by traps from here yeah yeah I I I continued it basically um um at trip yeah plant Cale at the trip 151 91 plant Cale um um yeah the firehouse May 11th yep yeah so that that's that uh that's a very interesting thing uh yeah so we have we we volunteers you we have like Nicole member she's she's the um um president of the environmental commission Stan hope um Stan hope um you know area yeah you know you know she she's kind of she's kind of important and uh yeah I've met her there's also my the Scout Troop my Scout Troop like um you know like the members from my troop like you know and the leaders friends adults um volunteers like like adults invited like you know who have landscaping and building experience you know we have like you know um a few members The Troop who like leaders who know about that and the scouts themselves um have some experience with that you know and um yeah we have our we have our new uh have other people like the butterfly and new plants expert experts and yeah that's that's some the volunteers and yeah and thank you does uh does anyone have any question and and yes yeah um I can yeah first off thank you this is awesome it's G to add to the school glad you remembered your roots that's a plant joke by the way how how can we donate directly to you if you want to share with the PE uh the viewing public myself is there a way we can just donate money oh um H I'd be glad to donate if you guys just you know whether if it's zel PayPal if you guys share that information be glad to this going to make the school great so my name yes because the the donations that that's uh that's actually a pretty strict guidelines how we have to deal with it yeah um what you can do is you could actually earmark it towards troop 151 uh that'll go into an account specific for Scott's project yeah and then he draws the money out from there yes perfect okay okay that's that's thank and if anybody needs help getting in touch with Scott or the troops feel free to reach out to me and I'll I'll get you whatever info you need yes if you any other questions can you can you give cash if you want to um can you give cash if you want to uh you can we just have to make sure that our treasur gives you a receipt for it here's my donation now thank you Scott oh thank you thank you that's that's very kind of you you're welcome you're doing a great job thank you I might hire you to do my yard next I can try thank you you're welc than you Scott thank you Scott all right so yeah yeah if you want to Vol oh yeah what kind of Maintenance will it need every year anything um we're hoping we're we're hoping it'll be minimal we're we're trying to make it sure it's minimal maintenance you know we want to make sure we we we did it in an area where it's not going to get damaged we did this raised bed so you know no one's going to like trample it or it won't get like lawn mowed by accident so yeah that yeah that's that's that's Scott was very proactive in having that discussion with me we walked the grounds uh his initial primary spot he and I talked about was where a lot of our kids play football and we were concerned that the football might damage his plants um he also talked about you know some routine maintenance once he goes on to bigger and better things whether that's College work whatever that is uh and and I feel pretty confident that our facility staff at the school could help and we also have programming within our school with students who have an interest in in gardening that I think would also be able to help too yeah I know yeah that would it's go as I said it's going to have like these signs going well I know I'm going over that again aren't I um but yeah yeah so so oh yes uh the location that you guys revised to has adequate sunlight for the ne yes yes I believe it it will it it will be fine it'll be fine SC did you have a you have a size that you're thinking about how big this is oh yes um I would uh I probably should go back to that one photo if you that we have we think we we're I have it right here actually oh okay slide I can't should I head back slide so it's 18t wide 17 18 ft wide and about s feet deep okay like you know it's it's it's it's it's this it's it's a bit it's a yeah exactly it's it's like you you know you have the the back and then the you know the S like the sides go up and yeah and it's going to be like a foot tall okay as well that's like the dimensions hman said it's like seven feet on the sides it's going to have the back like I think 17 feet and of course there's also the the the like front which is more curved which does uh like which which you know is get confuses the measurements a bit but you know I think it should be good you know real quick Scott one more uh just from experience building with some of those smaller retaining wall block when you're going up four or five courses it's going to be very unstable I'm sure you're going to have access to a lot of professionals that can help you but I would maybe just make sure that you know the proper glue is used or you go to a heavier block so that if kids decide they're playing over there and they crawl into it true those pretty easily so maybe just go with the heavier um retaining wall block like an 18 by8 they're but yeah we for safety uh of course you know that's that's an important thing that's very important like uh you know that's something you know that's something very important so you know we we we'll need to figure it out I think I think we we've we we did we've figured you know I think it's pretty good but we'll we'll we'll be we'll be careful great job great job proud you thank you thank you so much oh um and go back here so so if you want to volunteer you can know it's uh you know you could contact mom or all right you can contact me or Mom I I'll re I would recommend that if you want you can go through Mr Eggman you know he he knows he knows okay if I actually share your slides with the board sure sure okay I'll I'll create a PDF and I'll just share all the slides with the board that's fine with me I don't mind okay you know all right thank you should I turn this off I'm going to turn this off thank you I was wrecking Gardens in the 10th grade not making them you know it's awesome [Music] there we go all right so um very quickly we had one correspondence in the folder this was about the uh preschool Aid um I don't know if anybody had any questions about that we'll go over it a little bit more when we talk about the budget but if there's any questions now happy to answer anything related to the preschool education Aid no all right that will move us to the executive session can I have a motion please so moved second okay um so a motion was presented by Carmen seconded by Gil to accept the following Declaration of the executive session at I don't know what time it is thanks have my watch on be resolved that Stan hope Board of Education adopts the following resolution whereas the open public meeting act chapter 23 1 uh part of of 1975 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas the Stan hope board of education is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist now therefore be it resolved by the Stan hope Board of Education County of Sussex and the state of New Jersey that a closed session of this board of education where the public shall be excluded will be held at this time for the purpose of student confidentiality be it further resolved that the action of the board with regard to the above entitled matter shall be disclosed to the public at a later date and to the extent that the same is not prejudicial to the interests of the parties involved and would not result in a possible invasion of their right to privacy Voice vote please all in favor I any anybody no abstain okay we are e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] okay so that brings us uh back into public session um superintendence report please right thank you so uh we had uh three HIV in investigations uh since our last meeting all three of which uh were confirmed as Hib uh and in terms of suspensions I had that here just a second ago um I lost it hold on one second I believe we had two instances of in school suspension just confirming uh yes one in school suspension lasting one day another one lasting two days to separate students uh I'm very excited to announce that we our school met the 100 day challenge and we able to collect 100 of the um items that Mrs Henry's class was looking to uh mostly personal hygiene items um thank you to everybody who donated thank you to our students who participated uh but a very very special thank you to Mrs Henry uh who continues to do this every single year um when um when the company comes in to collect the donations they're always very very excited I think that we are by far their their greatest contributor uh to this cause uh and it really just you know adds to the the respect and the service components of our school and and what we believe in uh and I couldn't be more proud of them with that initiative um next item is uh our qack review was held on February 22nd um thanks to those of you who were able to attend County Office came in uh we're very complimentary of our building facilities just the the overall culture and climate as they walked into the building um three of the four uh County Office uh officials were here maybe an hour a little bit more uh and then Mr Slattery was here for the majority of the day working with uh Mrs dealo on instruction and programming and and Personnel uh we do not have scores um back from that yet uh in follow-up conversations with the county office right because they they don't leave with everything they tell you all right these are some things that we need this uh you know please get it to us um we've sent them a lot of additional um artifacts uh I feel pretty confident that we're in a good spot they've told me that we're in a good spot without actually telling us that we've passed um but again we needed a perfect score for imp uh you know for all the non- testing items so um we're waiting uh we're excited about finally getting those results uh and I wanted to thank our entire team for all the work um that they put forward on a side note uh Dr Carrick the the county superintendent pulled me aside at my County Roundtable meeting on uh Friday and was just gushing about how wonderful of a school we have uh and how clean and welcoming it was um you know when she said it initially you know principal dealo and I were just kind of like yeah she kind of says that I'm sure to every school that she walks into uh but when she pulled me aside after the meeting on Friday it was very sincere and she asked that I um you know pass that along to the community uh very happy with the things that we're doing here so that was really exciting um we held parent teacher conferences last week on Wednesday and Thursday uh continuing our hybrid model giving teach uh teachers and parents the opportunity to either meet in person or to meet virtually uh which I think is has been well received by the parents makes it a little bit more convenient for some uh kindergart registration to took place at the same time or at least the initial push uh we have a relatively low number so far at 18 kids um but that doesn't mean that that number can't jump up we accept kindergarten registration all the way through the summer uh so if you know of anybody who has kindergarten eligible students uh please make sure that they reach out and get registered um although you can register late it's always helpful to know ahead of time because it helps us uh get you scheduled in uh there's an orientation that we can get information about uh we also do a screening the lollipop test where kids come in we measure their you know height weight Vision uh hearing um you know ability to recognize numbers and letters and all that stuff and it just kind of helps balance the class out uh we also had read Across America last week uh we had several guests in for uh mystery reader I was excited to be able to read to uh second grade in preschool uh we did our reading train we did lots of other activities um George Washington our very first president of the United States uh made an appearance in all of the classes if you saw on Instagram you can see my face of embarrassment but it was a lot of fun um and the kids got a kick out of especially the older ones the older ones probably liked it more than the younger ones um items seven and eight uh are uh it's the required information to report on for our bus evacuation drills uh so this is one of those few items through the qac review that we realized we haven't been doing we have to report out on uh our bus evacuation drills every time we have them which is funny cuz we don't transport our kids we don't have buses uh lenpy Valley is excellent they let us borrow a bus they don't charge us uh Mr Neil our our facilities coordinator has his CDL he goes up he grabs the bus he brings it down 60 to 90 minutes our kids go on we show them where the exits are we explain the process to evacuate a bus we have them hop out the back we then completed our drill so Dr kendler at the County office said hey you know get last year approved have all the information that we need reflected in the minutes get this year's done and approved have all the information reflected in the minutes and we should be awarded the points uh even though we hadn't done it previously so if you click on the link uh in my report you'll see the six areas that we needed to report on some schools do it like in the beginning of the school year like in October yeah we do one we did one in the beginning of the school year we do every year uh and we had our second one scheduled for May I think May or early June us wait we wait till it's nice we want to do it in nice weather um but wanting to get the points for qack I called up Mr nusom at the high school I said hey can you get us a bus next week he said yes we got it done so it's one less thing that we have to worry about moving forward but yeah it's always nice to do during nice weather I think actually the day we did it it was pretty nice it yeah it was very nice to day um and then the last piece uh I'm excited that we were awarded preschool expansion um Aid uh the the the money that we received will be a tremendous help in balancing our budget and making sure that we can maintain Staffing and programs um we also have the added benefit of offering free preschool registration to age eligible Stan hope resident children the one piece that did not come through and I don't understand yet why and we're trying to and nobody's been able to tell us our application included a partnership with a private service provider we were um attempting to partner with First Impressions preschool who owns two buildings one of which is the old lyen Avenue School here in our town that would have provided for an additional 15 Slots of free preschool for Stan hope eligible students unfortunately we were not awarded that uh so we'll have 10 uh 10 general education non-s special education seats here in our school for next year um we will likely be opening it for this year although we have lots of details that we need to work out um knowing that there's only 10 I believe there's likely going to have to be a lottery system um there's going to have to be um you know a lot of uh criteria that we determine before we move forward with that so I would say within the next three to four weeks you'll have a little bit more information parents of current kindergarten I'm sorry preschool students and future preschool students um will also be given some information and we go from there all right um so good news and bad news associated with that the great news is that now that we have it it's not a grant it's here every year and we should be able we are expected within 5 years to grow the program to support 45 kids um so that's it's a good thing long term um that's all I have for my report all right thank you any any questions question on the expansion so when they award the money for the 10 seats we're not allowed I assume to be creative and say okay if we have 20 preschoolers instead of doing 10 free we can do reduced rate for the 20 no if we charge tuition uh we have to so what we currently charge is a heck of a lot less than what we we will be required to charge we have to charge the per pupil rate which is about $15,000 um so the other issue is that it would be unfunded so then we'd have to bring in another teacher another classroom right you could have a a maximum of 15 kids in a class and we have to leave space for our special education students as well I was just trying to find a creative way creative way to accommodate everybody anything else all right we're going to move on we're going to skip the business administrators report because Mr Borgo couldn't join us tonight uh so quick curriculum update yeah real quick uh I do anticipate very soon that we're going to get our full curriculum up on the website uh I'm I'm anxiously waiting for the feedback through the qack review because if there are areas that they recommend that we make changes to I'd like to be able to make those changes before we PDF everything and get it up on the website um at the very latest I'd say by the end of spring break uh we'll have it up at that point I'll stop waiting and and just make a decision to get it up so that we can make uh that available to our community um and to that note uh for those of you who follow along in education uh now that we have all of our curriculum updated and ready to go the state is requiring um that we adopt new language arts math standards for next school year which means a full rewriting of our language arts Reading Writing and math curriculum uh so that's something that we are actively looking for support in we have some some Esser funds which are the covid monies that that we were awarded that we need to spend down we have a good amount of that that we could use towards a consultant to help us through this process so it doesn't all land on us uh but that's something that needs to be done before the start of next school year is that is that a summer summer project curriculum writing I'm hoping we have it done before summer um one less thing for summer plus the funds that are available to us through the Esser funds need to be spent down by the end of June so it could be started primarily now and then possibly finished by our staff in the summertime that will take us to uh Personnel curriculum School climate and culture committee update Jen all right you will see some exciting things happening on tonight's agenda assuming that we approve them I'm excited to say there's going to be a Lego Club I know there's going to be a lot of happy kids about that building their all sorts of things and I just feel bad for whoever has to step on the Legos when they fall to the ground but there's that there is a Centenary University student who's coming to do their clinical experience here um with in first grade with Mrs Melly so that'll go for starting in August through December of the upcoming year and then they'll do their second half with Miss Waldren from January through May I am more excited to say that we are entering into a shared services contract if the board approves with Byam for Mr Frank copich to be full-time supervisor of buildings he'll be 40% here 60 % at bym because they have more buildings to take care of um Frank lives in Stan hope his kids have gone through he's familiar with the school he comes with a wealth of experience I think it's going to benefit all of us um but like I said excited for shared services because it means we can get full-time people who are more invested but only for the part that we need but not at the full-time price so that's a win all the way around we we talked about changing the calendar um to move up oh I I really hate to say this because then it's going to snow assum assuming that everything stays lovely and we don't use any snow days moving graduation up to Friday June the 14th would be the last day of school um so I I am team no snow days if it snows everybody's still coming to school or power outages no there's going to be nothing I said that when you said it during committee we're going to have all good things we're ending school on a Friday nobody has to come back that Monday we didn't get any power out ofes at that last storm that we had with all that we're not getting any power outages yeah Mr Hegman already talked about preschool expansion in his report and then the only other thing that we discussed of significance is summer programs are being worked on um there will be more information to come on how those will work but they should include art stem or Gillingham a half Bloods club and fitness clubs so lots of great offerings for the kids in the community so look for more information on that they're actually all on the agenda tonight excellent and once approved if approved uh we are days away from finishing the registration process that we can get out to parents so at the very latest parents will have that information and the ability to register by Monday of next week that's a that's all I have all right any questions for Jen okay Business Services Gil uh pretty light uh agenda uh the top first topic was a discussion of everybody getting in getting in their ethics disclosure forms second they talked about there's an RFP going out for uh for the Food Services um there's an increase in lunch price from up 15 cents to a cost of 3 75 per student and the new breakfast program is that starting this year or proposed for next year it'll start next year it's something that has that's required in policy and and code right and that that will be a grab and go option and it'll be a cost of $250 cents per student um every so often uh this the district we have a board attorney every so often we go out and try and get an RFP on on on see what's out there so that's a possibility to go out and uh and get an RFP on on a board attorney uh State a notices and numbers uh you heard Steve talk about them I know ukab has a uh uh the budget and I think he'll go into greater detail same thing with the preschool expansion um we did talk about the shared services that was just covered with uh uh for uh facilities manager I think it's a great move on our part to get somebody here with the experience that this gentleman has and uh being able to do a shared services with it and the last one was it was brought up at one of the board meetings that we are changing to gas and we have an underground oil tank and was that part of the bid and it was not so there is it seems to me uh from what conversation Steve had that there is money in the referendum dollars that should be able to cover the cost of of removing that tank um I don't know when to select their best time would be but that would uh come out with bids and whatever we need to do to get the tank out of ground while you're on facilities I don't know if anybody noticed the buzzing that was going off during Scott's presentation that's our HVAC people that already started in the building so they're already prepping drilling holes running lines so that as soon as um we turn the boilers off for good they're coming and they're disassembling uh and they're looking to hit the ground running as soon as the summer starts they know that I'm willing to to be as flexible as needed to make sure that this project is completed without any issues before the start of next school year have you heard anything from the gas company as to are they still on target for April May I haven't heard anything which tells me that they're still they're still on Target and ready to go okay anybody with questions can I ask a question about the oil tank I apologize that I could somebody off um it's inground I'm assuming it's what inground the oil underground storage tank um is it the most efficient way you running a lot of risks trying to remove a tank like that uh has the idea of keeping it down there throwing some cement in have you spoken to anybody on what we can do we haven't spoken at length to anybody but I know that there's several risks that are also associated with with doing that too um so we before we do any we can't take it out until the whole project is finished right because God forbid nothing gets done and we still need oil um but we will go through the entire process of of speaking with environmental Specialists uh tank Specialists to make sure that that we make the best decision for the district moving forward hey I stick right out of my mouth it is risky but if you do it the right way it should be easy thank you the the home if a homeowner has to take they have to take the tank out you can't you can't fill it with sand you can't put nothing in it has to come physically out of the ground my neighbor got a price for his and it's going to cost him $10,000 to get the tank removed and I he has a 275 galon tank it's it's a cost that we anticipated it's just not an expense that's in the bid for the HVAC project right so it's not like we said oh we completely forgot to to budget to have the tank removed the people that are doing the HVAC the rooftop units and the boiler just didn't include that in their vid so it's something we'll be able to do in due time who's going to who's going to do the change over from oil to gas CU you have to like change the nozzles and stuff on get new boilers all it's all brand new going to be a brand new that's good that's good just curious where is the tank and then also is there a certain time frame we have once we disconnect that it has to be removed by the tank is outside the gym doors okay uh so if you walk out this hallway down here uh you'll see the the the storage tank right there um and I'm not aware of any time frame that we need to follow but once we're pretty much hooked up and and good to go with the gas uh we're going to act move on it as quickly as we can so we'll have quotes we'll talk to environmental Specialists before the project is even completed just to make sure that we're ready to go with the next steps thanks and because of where it is located we'll need that blacktop back to run a school so it'll be done fast yeah any other questions okay all right moving on policy and Communications Tom all right we have a long list of policies and regulations uh that we have a first reading of this evening uh 16 policies six regulations and one uh abolishment uh you'll find when you look at the listing that you'll you'll see phrases such as Equity affirmative action equal employment frequently listed in those policies the vast majority of updates to these policies were changes in language whereas previously policies and regulations would have phrasing like uh you may not discriminate based on this category and this category and this category the new language references the law directly so that when laws are Chang our policies are automatically up to date um so it just says you know you may not discriminate based upon any of these categories listed in the law um which is a you know I think a smart change uh for us so we don't have to worry about having outdated policy that's not consistent with law going forward in addition there policies uh specific to prevention of of concussions uh dealing with head injuries um sportsmanship uh honoring student achievement uh many of those updates even included some changes to language along those lines so I would encourage you to you know take a look at the policies that are available to you uh the one abolishment does not reflect any abolishment of equity and educational programs uh it's just a reflection of the fact that that policy all of the information contained in it is included in other policies being adopted so there was no need for a redundant policy but certainly if you have any any specific questions let me know but uh I didn't think you'd want to go through all 20 plus of those items thank you any questions okay next up back to you Gil negotiations um we had two meetings uh we just finished one up just prior to this meeting um we have we had our meet and greet with the association and at that meeting we were able to establish three negotiation dates going forward our first meeting with them for actual negotiations is March 27th and then from there there's two more days there's a two days in April that will be meet one in April one in May they're all organized um needless to say uh the excessive not excessive the extra state aid that we received and some extra dollars that came across with the preschool kind of loosened us up a little bit so we had a list of possible termin ations that came off we didn't have to go through that and we are now at a point where um we have some flexibility and money we don't have enough to give away the store but we have enough we feel we can go into negotiations and and and be able to put some a reasonable offer on the table as as we go forward uh we had some language discussion not a lot of language changes or we're asking for uh we don't know what the association is asking for at this time so um we're I feel we're 90% prepared for our first meeting we got a few eyes to Dot and T's to cross so we know where we are and then we'll have our first meeting and then we'll let you know uh where we are how we're doing uh I take questions I can answer some but I can't answer all all [Music] right all right we don't have any questions we'll move on to budget y cp I'm going to repeat some things you've heard um earlier this evening um but we're very delighted to share some exciting news with everybody uh the school district received an extra unexpected increase in state aid uh thanks to the increase the Board of Education thror announced that all Staffing levels and programs be retain without any Cuts uh for the upcoming Academic Year uh this financial stability ensures that continued commitment to providing quality education to our students is very exciting news for us um furthermore we're pleased to inform everybody uh about what Steve was discussing regards to preschool um this enables The Establishment free preschool program starting next year um and we just want to extend our gratit gratitude to the community and uh the administration and all the hard work put into it thus far and just a you know a little warning uh as a reminded this budget is still work in progress but we're we're very happy where we're at right now I'll just add what we'll vote on tonight is a tentative budget it's not a final budget we will vote again next month on the final budget um and the the aid that we got the increase is a reflection of the funding formula being fully funded for the first time so that's why we're seeing the increase in Aid that we got um so like you said that enables us to uh continue operating at the level we've been operating at which is great questions on budget is the budget is the budget High higher this year than it was last year or is itev mean higher other words more money so we received um about $300,000 more in state aid than what we received last year that's what I that's what I'm trying to get now so understand though too that doesn't necessarily mean we have $300,000 more to spend because Health Care went up 15% uh staff salaries all increased right right Healthcare and salaries make up almost 90% of your budget so um what it did allow though is so the Esser funds the federally funded grants that we were given through the covid pandemic to help offset the issues that we were struggling with are now gone they've now fallen off of our books this has essentially come in and allowed us to continue what we're doing without having to make Cuts because as Gil mentioned without this if we received a flat or maybe just a spite increase we were likely cutting staff and programming which is which is not anything that we've done in the 10 years that I've been here that I was trying to what I was trying to get to is that we're in better shape now than we were before yes we're yes we're in better shape than what we are anticipating and I think that we're in this as good a shape now as we were before okay good thank you but the one unfortunate thing is with the funding formula we have no idea what that's going to be next year yeah that's true right I mean every year we anticipate something and we end up surprised in one way or another um so it's you know it's important to consider that we might be celebrating this year but we may be at that bottom of the list next year because nobody knows how they're determining these numbers okay good thank you quick question um you know so where would the biggest weaknesses be in our current budget and you know obviously we got this huge lump of state aid we don't know about next year is there any protection we could put in place for next year or like what what looking at this it can't all be hunky dory so we're our biggest holes well you know what we were facing two weeks ago versus now um I wouldn't really call them holes as much as and you know please be mindful like I kept saying it was like a work in progress not having to cut is allowing us to start focusing on better areas of improvement um I I don't want to give specific examples as I don't feel would be appropriate right now um but in saying that not having to cut was was the the real win here because we were that was a real thing we were facing so the next two to three years hopefully as Steve says we don't really know what changes will come about but we were facing that and you know we were just happy for the news I know it's not really answering your question it's just as you'll see in the tenative budget by next month I think we'll be able to do a much better job of answering that um and if you guys would like to touch upon that I I think the way I would like to answer it is just focusing on on a few of the strengths that will help us long term in that our capital reserve is healthy our maintenance Reserve is healthy and through the projects that we've been able to do and are are embarking on right now you know we're not going to have a lot of Maintenance needs right we don't have as much of a concern that we're going to have to replace a boiler or that we're going to have you know cons right now we've had consistent repairs of our heating system our cooling system right with everything new we're not going to have that so I think those are things that will allow us to be sustainable over time um with the volatility of state A numbers so I feel really confident and comfortable knowing that reserves are healthy and the building is in really good shape cool thank you anybody else with questions on the budget no all right back to you Gil Sussex said Services um things at Sussex said services are going well uh we're you know we finished up our budget uh enrollment is strong uh as a matter of fact we do have an issue with like most other schools with Paris and where we are every student has an IEP so Paris are uh are almost mandatory for our kids to have every day and right now we have four or five kids on a waiting list that we can't bring in because we can't hire a par so the unfortunate part is we have five kids who have needs in our County that we can't address because we can't hire a par so we had two meetings one this week and one week before about looking at changing the salary structure for our um Paris we have to attract we just have to attract applications I mean we've gone to job fairs colleges newspapers star ledgers online Link it you know we just can't generate applications so by changing some of the salary structure we feel maybe we can get more applications in and uh for us to bring in five students who are in need that's our our our uh objective of our school is to provide services for those type of kids in our County and we're not able to do it because we can't hire the power professionals it's it's it's very it's a very frustrating situation but we're we're trying our best to address it and hopefully we'll take care of it in the next month or two um other than that it's it's school you know everybody's glad it's getting warm out the kids are outside a little bit there's uh there's no snow coming have hopefully so we're good questions I'm just curious Gil in your experience with that struggle with hiring is that significantly worse than you've ever seen or is that something you've ever experienced before yes and and you know what we get people and we can't I'm embarrassed to say we can't keep them they leave us to go work at tractor store you know what I mean you know they start for us at $16 right and tractor store is paying 1750 sure you know what I mean I you know shop right's paying seven we're starting at 16 or 15 here and and sharpr is paying ,750 if you you know the people walk around with the carts and fill up the carts the for uh shop at home the people who bag them are making 1750 an hour you know it's just they're not then it's just hard to keep them you know bus drivers have to we have the same trouble we we start bus drivers off at $21 an hour and we need five more five bus drivers people quit they don't they go to a school where they get benefits and more and more money school so we're at bus drivers are having the same problem getting people because of the salary and and you know we see sometimes the same things here you get a really good power in you you know they come with your experience and you know our salary goes up to $23 so you might hire them at 22 and they're great they got a nice they got a teaching degree and then they're gone they're they're teaching you know they made great Paris but you were you going to say stay here and work for 23 or you're going to be a salaried employee with Benefits you know we even tried given them a medical card all of our Paris get a $300 Flex medical card that they can spend on anything on medical that they want you know what I mean we thought we could keep and attract and it's worked a little bit but it's not significant enough to change a person's life so thank you right so uh on the board president's report you've heard from everybody right we've been here we've been meeting on negotiations we've been meeting on committees we've been meeting on budget um the only thing that um is different is um the president of the board of net Kong did reach out to me wanting to further discussions and talks on regionalization uh both Netcong and lenpy have agreed to move forward with discussions so far on regionalization because there have been changes in the laws that allow us to get a feasibility St feasibility study done at no cost and so um the purpose of my bringing that up here and now one obviously to be transparent that the discussion happen that bernardet contacted me and two to um gain a consensus from the board as to whether or not we want to move forward and engage in those discussions and what has happened before and what we would ask would happen again was it would essentially be a committee of the board presidents and vice presidents who would go forward and meet with the other districts and talk about engaging into some agreement to do the feasibility study um so that's that's the ask from neong um like I said l has committed to at least go that far um if you're familiar with regionalization though it's really bym Stan hope and Netcong in our particular District that would need to move forward um and agree to move forward with the feasibility study at least two of the three districts would need to agree to move forward so um I know we've talked about it a little bit in committee here and there but I didn't know if there were any questions about that or people had thoughts or feelings they'd like to share about moving forward and creating a committee to explore a feasibility study I don't think it could hurt um have we thought about who wouldd be best to reach out to bym and when so I as far as I know um Byam got contacted by net Kong as well already they should be having the same discussion but from what I understand because they are looking to move to an April voting cycle they may not have the discussion this month it may take them a little bit longer to have the discussion at their board meeting it's at no cost to the taxpayer correct information can't hurt and we don't if byon decides they don't want to move forward though assuming we have n Kong and lenp and us we can at least forward with the feasibility study that is correct the rules have been significantly changed and for the better and the one thing as mtia just said is the paying for the feasibility study and it will pay for the uh election process also and there's no obligation to go with it if you go I'm sorry if you go to the vote whatever the vote comes out you're you're bound to do but there's there's a lot of so many changes uh there's if you go to Rowan State College and there's um uh Sweeny set up a political science political social justice if you go to that school there I guess three weeks ago or four weeks ago they had a whole seminar a three-hour seminar on regionalization the process and stuff it's online if you get a chance to look at it it's very very informative and and it'll it'll help you understand the process a little bit it's great prior to these Law changes it was very it still is difficult but it was almost impossible to have the discussions because the districts bore the burden of all of the costs associated with them and nobody had the funds to do that so one of the barriers at least has been removed can you can you explain what the benefit is to do that sure the number one benefit of regionalization is opportunities for children right when you have have more kids you can offer more programs more classes more levels the the number and the only reason really to go forward is to benefit kids okay and and the and the big a major educational benefit is everybody goes to the high school with the same curriculum two questions one would so the study would be involving basically the merger of four districts the high school and then the three others and then the other one just prior to being on the board I know it was a discussion can you just bring bring us up to speed I'm just curious like bring me up to speed on what transpired previously and where that left off and where we'd be picking up with a new study so so I can certainly speak to when you know in the last five years what has happened but that's actually the third or fourth time this this these particular towns have talked about regionalization it seems to come up every 10 15 20 years so I know the conversations happened in the 90s they happened in the early 2000s um but since I was on the board uh Gil led the discussions and we did get agreement to do a demographic study and we did pay for that and the and all of the boards agreed to do that and the demographic study detailed what the projected essentially growth of the districts look like what the schools could house um you know especially with some of the development going on so that was actually done completed it's available where is it sitting do we know where that is if people wanted to read it the demographic study uh it's in my inbox somewhere yes so we can share that out but after that essentially conversations fell apart that was when S2 was was here andol all the districts were losing money hand over fist um we couldn't move forward with the feasibility study at that point because of cost and it was just things just fell apart because it was primarily cost prohibitive um I actually believe that our region and and specifically our uh District help laid the ground lay the groundwork for what is actually being proposed now um our districts in this region um drafted the the board presidents and vice presidents drafted what was referred to as the impediments to regionalization and most of the items that were included in that document um have since been changed uh Senator Sweeney here sat here in our in our library with his right-hand Man Mark magar who's you know leading this initiative uh sat in our building and had the conversation with us and they seemed astonished at the time at all of the impediments that they didn't even know about and and you know it was to them it was why why is nobody moving forward with this and we sat and said here's why get it changed and they've since changed a lot of it yeah and they've tried to to talk about legislative Solutions such as mandating countywide or mandating at least K to 12 districts those conversations always fall apart um when they when they get they don't even get out of committee down in Trenton um but they have tried to push both of those agendas they were talking about a pilot program down in South Jersey and swees County about a countywide district as well so and and and they're they're allowing a lot of flexibility in what you come out with and what you before it was regionalize or don't regionalize now there's a lot of they're they've opened up the door on this stuff and and even even on the regionalizations one of the things we had to address was what do you do with debt you know schools have different amounts of debt how do you deal with that debt you know what I mean we came up with some ideas and what they came up with with was uh Revenue sharing they have one regionalization going on actively right now and it's Gloucester County and it's 13 districts well 13 districts in Gloucester County is really a County School District now that's what it is okay and what they did is they have a proposed budget and additional state aid and they're estimating they'll have $6 million above that and what happens you add up the number of kids in the total District you divide that into six million and that's how much each Town gets re reimbursed I mean they're they're looking for ways to make this happen and they've opened the door and go on for for on some of the things that that have changed that really really made a difference so it it's the number one thing is that we can provide a better education for the people in all four towns and go in a len it the one thing it can't do it can improve it cannot improve the enrollment at leny you know what I mean because it's still from the same three towns what it may it may attract more people to move in because people are more and that came out in that feasibility study people with children are more likely to move into towns that have a K12 District G were you on the board the last time this came about yes you know outside of personal interest and all the debt that sounds like the number one reason that people might have been turned off from it or was it just we didn't have the money to really dive into it never got out there you know there was there was you know the on the street sentiment about whether it was good or bad for any specific town but that never really was formalized into anything the other piece of it is like like y was talking about the towns will get reassessed when you move to a to 12 right and so the demographic study did have some of that Baseline information about what that impact really looked like and it was basically flat for almost all three of our districts within 1% uh it was the tax change it was almost nothing um you know and that's just off the top of my head there were specifics in there I think it was almost zero for Stan hope in particular they've made some they've they've really put some thinking into what happens with state aid because under the old formula if you took the state aid from all three towns and leny and put them together you could get less okay now they say that can never happen you're guaranteed to get at least that plus more you know what I mean so they're they're trying they want to get K to2 school districts and they're just not realizing that you got to put dollars behind it and they're starting to realize it and and that'll help the issue but the number one is is is the education for just look at a band right how many students do we have in in band here 25 30th 25 right so you multiply that times three imagine having a band of 75 kids you know what I mean to the triy to the all schools concert this was the first year and the band director and the coral director both stood up there um just over the moon they had almost a hundred students on stage for band in 70 for choir and they neither of them could recall the last time that that has happened and those kids only get to play together one time that one night every year and that just it's just it's just better a huge topic is there like a a separate conversation that we can have other than tonight on this I mean I don't have as much information as I personally like I don't have all my questions your permission I found the demographic study it's old it's outdated it's really not relevant anymore but I'd like to share it out to the to the board and I I also want to find the impediments document um to also share out just for background information yeah and we can certainly continue these conversations in committee as well but like I said because bernardet did contact me I wanted to make sure that that we had the discussion in public um about it what one of the things we did when we did this last time that took us months to get passed we were talking about do we do we move forward about regionalization and do the feasibility study and we found ourselves in all of our meetings trying to find the answers from the feasibility study before we did the feasibility study we were trying to answer those questions and it's the purpose of doing the study so you could find out all of those answers to all of the questions that are out there so uh to your point it's it's good to discuss it but you're not going to get answers till you do the feasibility study that's going to tell you how this is going to work what the finances are what this what the what what does the district look like when you're regionalized what are the options when you re do you have local schools do you have magnet schools what do you do you know it's it is the feasibility study is the key to this to this piece to get it done and there's no commitment to it there's no commitment the demographic study really focused on the number the population and the demographics of the population right and was it growing was it shrinking and what would impact that the feasibility study is the one that will tell you what the possibilities are for a singular district and what it looks like and you know if you need Transportation if you're going to have you know neighborhoods schools and middle schools and high school and and all of that right or banding K to2 3 to five it give it presents all those options that's the purpose of a feasibility study and to Gil's point where where all the groups kept getting hung up is we wanted those answers and we couldn't get them because you need to hire people in who have expertise in doing feasibility studies and part of the problem was those groups didn't exist before they exist now as part of the changes down in Trenton there are specific groups that have now been formed that that specialized in this and and one of the things in there I'm sorry one of the things that they have now if you move through with this they have leaders and one of the leaders that that you get assigned to that takes you through the whole process is Ken green I don't know if that name's familiar to you superintendent from I think it was kid atini it's the fact that he's a local guy is what's important you know what I mean at least he's familiar with Sussex County and he's approachable people I talk to said he's easy to work with so you know at least before there was there was Mark M was the only guy to talk to you know the advantage that I see to the feasibility study compared to before there was a cost before so it was having to lay out money that we didn't necessarily have on something we may or may not decide is worth it for the district this is a win-win we're not obligated if we don't find that we like the results of the feasibility study there's no cost to us to go forward and do it and and I'm I'm typically a okay let me find all the downsides to things kind of person and when I look at this I can't find a downside to doing the study it's just more information for us so we can make a more informed decision and I will say as far as timelines the initial deadline to apply to get a feasibility study done this year we won't make it's April 15th right we're not we're not saying we're going to do the feasibility study and the application for it this year so we have time to continue the discussions around what it means and what it looks like um because we'd be looking probably at next year's April 15th deadline to get the application done to be able to do a feasibility study um right especially because Byron probably won't even have the discussion until at least April um depending on how they choose to have it right they may choose committee we we don't know how or if or when they will choose to have the discussion um but because bernardet reached out I wanted to make sure to bring that to the board and say this is what's being discussed yeah I agree with Matt it's it's a big deal uh I know I personally going to start writing questions down for when the time comes I have faith he'll give us any updates as they come you know but it is a big deal it it it's exciting nervous anxious all at the same time so yeah absolutely and something to keep in mind too and I know it's on a minor level but in many ways we do it without being regionalized we've started sharing services for staff not just facilities but other whether it's R rpts so we've had to find Crea ways to solve District issues and we've done it successfully so now imagine if the feasibility study shows that it is beneficial again for student programming and all the other things it's only a win on the side of we already know how to share and we already know what that looks like and what works and what doesn't work so to me we're already One Step knowledge-wise at least going this is what we know works this is what we know doesn't work and we're not having to just be blind in it any more thoughts questions comments for now no okay so that would bring us to public session number one but seeing there is no public I think we can move forward from that um so that brings us travel and workshop reports there was one in the folder anybody have any questions comments no okay minutes for approval agenda items one and two I have a motion please motion second okay uh any discussion uh this is a voice vote changes no all right all in favor say I I anybody no extensions all right that carries next up the budget adoption agenda items 1 through four motion please motion second thank you and again this is the tenative budget and and you can see there just a summary uh of the tentative budget there under item number one so this will go to the executive County Superintendent for approval and then it will come back to us and we will move forward from there in our next meeting just for the purposes of our newer board members at our April meeting there will be a public hearing so this will be posted publicly and the community will be given the opportunity to come out and speak to the the budget and ask questions and there will be a presentation before asking the board to vote okay any other discussions preschool education Aid is on there as well okay goad Harold yes Mr Pico yes Mr Valley yes Mr vardo yes Mr yagnam yes Mr muscatello yes Mrs sharp yes motion is C thank you administrative action items motion please motion second second okay items one through three in front of you there memorandum of agreement is on there I don't know if we talked about that outside of committee um but that's just a an annual it's not annual when last time we did it uh last time it was updated was seven years ago uh it just updates it updates some language uh to some new laws that were drafted uh reviewed with the chief of police um not a whole lot of impact to our Ka [Music] District any discussion questions okay roll call vote Mrs Harold yes Mr Pico yes Mr Valley yes Mr Bardo yes Mr yagam yes Mr muscatello yes Mrs sharpstein yes motions carry policy action items motion please motion second okay this is all the policy that uh Tom brought us up to date on questions [Music] discussion okay Mrs Harold yes Mr Pico yes Mr Valley yes Mr vardo yes Mr yagam yes Mr muscatello yes Mrs sharpstein yes motions carry okay education action items can I have a motion please motion thanks okay we got items 1 through four um item three is what Jen spoke about the summer enrichment programs for 2024 um these are all running in the month of July correct stopping in August to allow for work to the building July 1st through August 1st not necessarily for all of those days some programs are one week some programs are several weeks any discussion questions okay Mrs heral yes Mr Pico yes Mr Valley yes Mr vardo yes Mr yagam yes Mr muscatello yes Mrs sharpin yes motions count okay Personnel action items motion please motion second uh line item four uh I do agree that the fulltime supervisor of buildings the shared services that's wonderful on paper I I think it's great that we have that opportunity I do also know that we're going to hit some sort of situation where there's going to be a situation there situation here and a guy needing to be in two spots at once we can't avoid it and we'll deal with it when it comes I guess but how much have we prepared to just be able to handle something in the event that he's overwhelmed in one place and we're playing tug of- War for the event that we need him is it just a simple call to another contractor to come and do that or so we're always gonna have a facilities person here right it may just not be the supervisor so at all times we'll have a custodian of some sort um you know there is almost never a time when either principle dealo or myself are here and then when that time comes where we then bring in a permanent business administrator they'll also be here regularly so you know in in the instance of an emergency or a crisis we're typically the ones who are then taking action and bringing in the people who need to be here um you know if you look at it from a large District perspective you know if we were regionalized there would probably only be one of this position anyway that would be spread between all of the buildings so it's not uncommon to have a supervisor like this that's not in the same building all the time um will there be Kinks that we have to work through probably um you know but again having such a really great working relationship with the other Regional districts who we've shared services with I feel pretty confident that it'll it'll be a pretty smooth transition did they ever hear back from Sunny Side about snow plowing there there a lot um I didn't necessarily uh get into any further discussion with bym on that um but I do know that the The Hope and intent is to have the new candidate come in in May um and really be the person to make recommendations to both districts and how we're going to handle those things moving forward thank you one of the things I asked that you must want to be aware of in terms of travel we don't anticipate any additional uh charges coming our way uh we have available vehicles at both schools and I didn't ask this in terms of on call since he's a salary employee he needs to come out on the evening it's all included is that correct he's supervisor y so with that being said you know I I look at myself and even principal dealo the same Dr ninski our previous superintendent one of his favorite sayings he'd smile every time he says it you know when you're a school administrator you you're a halftime position you either work the first half of the day or the second half of the day you're always on call um and I I think that that mentality is there and the fact that he could walk here is is also an added benefit any other discussion about items 1 through eight rooll call vote Mrs Harold yes Mr Pico yes Mr Valley yes Mr vardo yes Mr yagnam yes Mr muscatello yes Mrs sharine yes motion's Carri Business Services items 1 through 12 motion please motion second second okay any questions discussion about any items another minute I'll just say great to see all the activities this summer I know the kids love it and really has a nice Vibe even in the months so really nice up right because this is going to be very much driven by student enrollment um teachers are going to be compensated based on the number of kids who enroll which is unlike previous years uh I think that they're all very reasonably priced I think you have some really talented teachers that are bringing some of the most their greatest passion out um I'm hoping that it's it's something that we can continue moving forward um so I'm I'm excited for it I'm excited for them but honestly the programs are only going to run if people sign up so Mrs Harold yes Mr pic Mr valy yes Mr valard yes Mr Yan yes M Mr muscatello yes Mrs sharp yes motion is carry thank you all right that brings us to the new business section of the board anybody have any new business they'd like to bring up how about old business um I don't know uh and M pman do you want to just quickly talk about the unsung heroes event and the student we nominated uh so we I was able to attend unsung heroes event not this past Monday the Monday prior it was held at High Point High School which was fun to go back to because I used to live about a mile and a half from there um each uh susus County District nominated a student who uh isn't your typical Award winner right somebody who may be unrecognized that's uh given back to the community we nominated um Emily Bosch who's an eighth grade student she has spent a number of hours throughout the course of this school year as an assistant in our prek program so how she starts her day she goes in the kids love her she's great with them uh and she also works in Miss Mason's uh self-contained program again very similar working with students with with some needs uh you know I I was very transparent when I spoke about Emily for for my couple minutes uh when you meet her uh she comes across as rude and annoying uh because that's just who she is uh but she does have a really warm heart uh and she loves to help out um and it was H it was a nice event uh I hope school boards you so this is the first one that susex County School boards Association has put on for unsung heroes um you know a lot of times there's an eighth grade dialogue where all the eighth graders come up and you ask them questions about you know what their experiences have been through the schools and what they're doing next um but we switch to The Unsung her program this year uh a number of counties do it and Mars County does it to such an extent they actually award scholarships to seniors at that program to about three of the seniors uh every year that they get funded through donations so it'll be interesting to see how the program progresses and hopefully grows but I know that's the intent of the uh School boards Association is to continue with unsung heroes so it's a great event any other old business all right hearing none that would bring us to public public session number two but there is nobody here so we will move for a motion for adjournment motion second thank you all in favor say I I anybody know anybody abstain all right we are adjourned