e e e e e e e e e e okay Pledge of Allegiance it is pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stand one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay roll call Mrs Harold here Mr Pico Mr Valley here Mr vardo Mr yagnam here Mr muscatello here Mrs shars here we have a Sunshine Law this is to advise that the general public this is to advise the general public and to instruct that it be recorded in the minutes that in compliance with chapter 231 of the public laws of 1975 entitled the open public meetings act Stan hope Board of Education located at 24 Valley Road Stan Hope New Jersey has caused this notice to be posted at the office of the Stan hope Board of Education mailed to the New Jersey Herald the municipal clerk of the Bureau of Stan hope the Stan hope post office and posted at the Valley Road school and on the Stan hope Public Schools website setting forth the time date and location of the meeting the mission statement the Stan Hope School District in partnership with the community commits to provide a quality comprehensive education for all Learners with equal emphasis on academic excellence and citizenship through values respect and service our vision is to inspire and cultivate a community of innovative curious compassionate globally minded Learners equipped with knowledge problemsolving skills and the ability to persevere to make a positive impact on society and shape and shape a better future okay presentations okay we have two pretty brief presentations uh feel free to stop me uh ask questions if you uh you know just need clarification for most of you you've heard this every year at least once or twice a year uh the first is the HIV self assessment um this is a self assessment that we need to do as a district at the end of a school year um where we measure eight core elements um that measure programs approaches training training on policy and procedure curriculum and instruction personnel and Reporting uh for this year um based on all the evidence that we collected we scored a 77 out of 78 possible points uh and this is something that was submitted via um the NJ doe Home Room in June uh the second is the student safety data system uh most notably known as the ssds formerly evv RS um this reports is incident of violence vandalism weapons restraint and seclusion alleged hivs confirmed hivs HIV trainings and programs um for this uh past year this is something that's reported at midyear and at the conclusion of the school year um for the total year we had six incidents of violence vandalism substances weapons and HIV confirmed um we had two incidents of restraint zero seclusion um and we had 12 HIV trainings and 19 HIV programs that were reported um and that's all the data that I have does anybody have any questions on either of those two no questions just would you happen to know year-over-year um how we what they were last year and what they are this year year-over year for the uh for ssds or for the self assessment SS the one with the actual incident not off the top of my head it's definitely something that I can compile okay um and it should be pretty easy because it's all within the same system so yeah that's something that I can put together for you guys I'll put I'll go back as many years as I can all right next section on here is correspondence uh Department of Education qack placement you want to briefly touch on that um we did a few times but yeah we've gone over this quite a few times but it's now now official because we got the letter that uh we did pass our qac monitoring um the only indic Ator in question was instruction and programming you need an 80 to pass we scored exactly 80 uh and the reason for that is it measures it give certain amount of points for test scores um all of the others three of the others we scored 100 I believe we got a 96 in governance uh which were all tremendous scores um and as I've uh stated a couple times we were only one of two districts in the county that actually passed qac uh and we were able to we are able to avoid having a corrective action plan for this the next uh couple years so that's uh that's pretty exciting questions or comments the other two items in correspondents were thank you notes from uh Dominic and Charlie uh as part of our student corresponding committee I I I always think that's for well appreciated when you look at those and it just shows a sign of respect by young people we received at least we received at least one more that didn't make this agenda we'll have some for August okay back to you superintendent report all right so um we have zero HIV investigations and zero suspensions since our last meeting um however I do have a couple updates uh in terms of of HIV uh we miss dealo and I participated in a demo uh demonstration today for a program called hipster uh hipster is more commonly used in some larger districts um it it provides in reporting um incidents U of of HIV or suspected incidents of HIV um most notably something that we were looking for something that came through with our student Advocates last year uh a level of comfort when reporting anonymously um so it's I don't it's not an app but it's an online portal where where students parents staff can report using the same 338 form that's required um that was the main thing that we asked them to do the demonstration on but they also showed us um uh all of the other I I guess um abilities that the program has in terms of through the investigation it allows you to track everything that you've done and timestamp it so that if it's ever questioned you know when did right now our reports are self-created uh and our only timestamps are our handwritten uh dates that we put next to our signatures which can be questioned and you know understandably uh this does timestamp everything it ties in with our Genesis student information system so even when we we pull up a specific student uh that student information the demographics are preloaded and I think what uh is another great benefit is it allows us to track the history of that student not just as um an aggressor but also as a victim right it'll pop up they showed an example and they Ed the same person as their demonstration right they put the person in as a victim it says alert this person has been involved as a victim in 67 HIV investigations just because they use that same one over and over um but it's just that that next level right of of of making sure that you're not missing something you're not missing a trend you're not missing a a repeat victim or a repeat aggressor um so at the end I said all right this is all wonderful what's it going to cost us we're a small District he said it's it's based on student enrollment I asked how many students I said 310 he chuckled and said it's $500 for the year which to to us was a no-brainer uh so that is something that we're going to move forward with um and uh you know we'll get the necessary training uh get the information out to the community and at the very very least I think just uh the ease in reporting and the ability for students staff well not staff staff cannot report anonymously for students and parents to report anonymously I think is is worth at least the one-year trial with no commitment moving forward um the other thing that I wanted to to just mention um I anticipate which is related to HIV but more globally School climate and culture uh to participate in a school climate survey uh this fall which will include uh students staff and parents um it's through the school climate uh initiative njsi uh and I believe Ruckers is um is the organization The Institute that's um facilitating this climate survey uh I'll have more information to come definitely at our August meeting uh but it's it's free it is um I don't want to say sponsored but it's uh recommended by the Department of Education and it looks like a really good um opportunity for us questions on climate HIV anything in general before I move on uh just one or two quickly on the program itself that we're using do you know if you can track and record not just HIV but code of conduct we we can okay good yes okay um code of conduct uh it's escaping me there was four items that you can actually track okay and again it ties into our stent and you can upload our policies and tie them directly to policy violation it's it's customizable yeah that's that makes sense Miss I'm assuming assuming you assign who has access of course to okay all right no yeah that was my question um all right my second item summer programs despite the heat are going well uh couple of our classrooms because of the HVAC program uh the HVAC construction right now don't have air conditioning um it's warm but they're battling through they've got fans they've got uh cold towels that they're using um I'm not really not hearing student complaints I can tell you that um couple staff here and there um but overall it's very well participated in uh we've got our esy four esy programs including PT OT and speech uh we have art which is a five-week program Miss her's been doing some some individual language art support our halfblood uh Camp was a hit that was one week we had at least I think 12 kids in there they had a lot of fun um and we've got stem Camp which is also running this week in our Innovation lab um for we just talk about NJ qac uh about how we passed our construction update all of the univ events in the building have now been in installed uh that actually happened within a week which is pretty impressive um the gas line has been run to the building you can see the we now have the matching stripe in our parking lot to the rest of uh Stan hope and VM um it's almost like a Scarlet Letter I feel like but uh you know we um we're going to see how that that um how that develops throughout the summer uh we're going to have to have uh work done where the oil tank is the existing oil tank is and I know that Frank's gotten some quotes uh to patch up as needed uh some of the asphalt in our parking lot so I'm not super concerned about that um all that's really left in terms of the hvct is the duct work uh and a lot of the finishing uh the cabinets on the left and right of the univ vents in most of the classrooms need to be installed and uh in the newer section where we had the units in the classroom there's now rooftop units there's a like a big gaping empty space uh that it's either going to be turned into closet space or the the the one wall will be removed will just kind of add some some space in the classroom teachers are pretty excited about that um questions on construction to this point it's looking good for everything closed up for September yep yep making great progress and our facilities team is making Pro great progress working around um you know the construction uh the rooms are going to be we anticipate the rooms will be cleaned and the Flor SC is Polished by the end of this month um knowing that there's still going to be some finishing work in there there'll be some dusting maybe some touching up but we want to get that at least the bulk of it done um so that we weren't up against uh our late August deadline um the ice cream social the annual ice cream social is going to be held on Thursday August 29th at 4 o'clock that is the the second of our two staff in service days it's sponsored by the HSA um and I uh I would encourage all of our families to come out it's an opportunity to um walk through the building see where your classes are especially students who are new to The District kindergarten coming in even our new preschool coming in um and middle school students sixth seventh and eighth grade will have an opportunity to get in the classrooms and try out their uh Locker combinations which is always a source of Stress and Anxiety at the beginning of the year um I did not quite make it uh to to my report but I wanted to also mention that we're going to be hosting a preschool orientation on August 22nd it's a Thursday morning uh that information and and a letter to the parents of incoming preschool kids will be going out tomorrow uh via Genesis um I know Mrs sharpstein reached out to most of the board uh about a change in time for our August 28th board meeting uh we're going to change from 7 o'clock to 5 o'clock um Kathy Kelly Mitchell Kelly Kelly Mitchell uh will be coming in from uh New Jersey school boards to work with the board through uh ethics training and hopefully some goal setting um I uh recommend that if you have ideas for district goals uh that maybe that haven't been communicated uh be a good idea to maybe get them to Mata get them to myself just so that we have a good idea so we can start the discussion with um I I guess uh an end sight in mind rather than starting from scratch um the only thing I'll add to that if you don't mind is she also sent out a link for the board self evaluation I told her I didn't think we had time to do enough of everything but she said if we can participate if we're able you know to review those results she might be able to summarize it for us so you did see a link in your emails for it so take a look I saw it okay that's all I have any questions just do you have a date for that to be done by well the meeting is the 28th but the self board same thing same meeting you don't need it beforehand to have data by the meeting she she's said if you get it in the portal anytime up until that week she could probably put something together the week before we so no words if we got it in the portal we would have data for the meeting yeah but I said that was while a priority we want to get through ethics and goal setting so and with only two hours I don't know how quick we move we'll see not a question just a comment just thanks to everybody for imagining and implementing the summer programs I I think kids are being offered a lot of wonderful opportunities here and uh it's been nice to see a lot of smiling faces it's nice to not have an empty building in July um oh curriculum update that's me still sorry um keep going we had uh our our math consultant Jacqueline ciner who we've now used for several years uh coming at the end of the month um she spent three days with uh most of our teachers who teach math um as most of you know I've shared the doe put out that there would be be a required math standards revision which would result in a math curriculum revision that was to be done by this fall um once we organized our consultant and organized our time and budgeted uh for them to come in they had changed that to the following year we we learned during this work why they changed it to the following year and it's because they don't have any of the actual learning goals that they're supposed to share with districts uh readily available for us to work off of so with the exception of of not having those learning goals um uh the standards are updated in the curriculum um language is all updated um we are going to wait on those learning goals because although we could have created them ourselves uh it's it's honestly best to use what the department of Ed is giving you right that's that's the target they want you to aim for uh on these standardized test so we might as well use what they give us and then at the end of this year we anticipate some language changes to our K3 report cards um just because there's some separation one large cluster in the standards is becoming two clusters um so it's just some minor tweaks there uh I do have a language arts curriculum update that Miss patalo drafted for me that I'm just going to briefly read for you and please stop me if you have questions it's pretty robust um she wrote that the 2425 New Jersey student learning standards for language art uh revisions have been completed in grades kindergarten through 8 the revisions reflect the skills and knowledge students need to be successful in college career and life the 2023 NJ uh learning standards prioritize the language domain to emphasize the critical importance of developing foundational reading and writing skills specifically in grades kindergarten through five these foundational reading skills include decoding and encoding words analyzing word Parts reinforcing awareness of sound segments in speech and how they link letters and developing reading accuracy fluency and comprehens comprehension while highlighting broad oral language skills the foundational writing skills included our sound letter Basics advancing letter formation skills stamina building developing encoding and spelling skills using elements of grammar syntax and punctuation in senten composition and facilitating the development of writing skills and habits edits to ensure the fluency of the standards for the user have also been updated delineating skills and knowledge related to both literacy text literary text and information text including features and structures and types of writing recognition of the significant digital and virtual shifts in communication is also addressed the newly revised curriculum looks to integrate companion standards for reading and writing in history social studies science and Technical subjects uh meaningfully for grades 6 through eight so I know that was a lot to chew on and the language arts curriculum definitely had way more changes to it than the math curriculum uh several of our teachers spent at least three or four days in working with M Mrs d catalo uh and uh I think that you'll be happy with the results um so I anticipate the culum revisions will be available at our August meeting for the board to review uh and hopefully vote so that we can then get that onto our uh online portal for parents to review questions will that go through committee first um I will get it to the board as a whole since we don't have committees in August it needs to be approved before September um I'll make sure that you all have at least a couple weeks to review any uh curriculum revisions that we have I do not anticipate moving the math the revised math curriculum forward um for adoption because it's in complete uh the the teachers will use the re will review and use the revisions that we've made but I'd rather wait for it to be complete before the board um you know adopts that and we move that into our um General curriculum you did bring up one good question though and I forgot in my report there is a chance that we will schedule a policy um committee meeting in August because I did get a a policy alert just a week or two ago from stress smay and rather than waiting a whole another month I'd like to at least get a first reading in the books thank you good any other questions all right that brings us to negotiations yes I am happy to say that on tonight T's agenda we have a contract in place for you to vote on tonight it's been approved by the uh njaa it's been approved by the local Association uh the committee approves it looked at it we're in agreement with it and we are recommending that it be approved at tonight's board meeting uh some highlights F first of all I like to thank the committee Matia yakub Steve myself and uh Dan or ba couldn't have done it without any of those people the uh teachers group had representatives from all their different groups and uh it was quite a crowd I guess there was what 11 or 12 of them when they were all there it was quite a crowd um I have to say our discussions work Lively at times and always good always positive uh listening coming back both sides uh in any negotiations there are times it seems to go smooth and it seems at times it gets a little tight but through all of that we made it through um they I believe are happy with the settlement we are happy with the settlement I'm sure they would have wanted a little bit more we would have been happy with giving a little bit less but the way it worked out both both groups left happy um an important thing is that we got it completed before the end of July which makes the opening of September possible for the all staff to start on a new salary guides which is a uh a burden off of the uh business office some some highlights of the settlement uh it's a three-year contract uh the teacher salaries were 3.5% for each of the years the power professionals their salaries were or that their salary increase is 12% over three years it's not over it's not 44 it's a little bit more in year one because they were so low just to get them moving but it's 12% % over 3 years the custodians were 3.75 for each year uh some other things that to in the teachers uh package which was part of that 3.5 uh they got some additional monies for their graduate work reimbursement there was some changes to longevity uh the Paris uh were able to go up uh 12 or 15% in their starting salary over the three-year period so that was a nice jump for their starting salary and that they added a longevity step in that salary guide there were many changes to the schedule C which is uh all of the stiens and uh payments hourly payments that are made and there's there there's headings uh flat stiens all went up which include coaching positions overnight trips student Club advisors uh coordinators uh anything to do with enrichments uh math clubs Lego clubs chess clubs uh and then there's the hourly stiens that's class coverage detention monitoring homework uh lunch detention curriculum and I believe that those were the areas that uh funds were added to yes and training staff CST meetings uh so we covered all of that uh there were language changes and the majority of the language changes came from when our attorney reviewed the contract at the very beginning to update everything that changed legally over the last three years there were legal components that had changed and needed to be put in the contract and the biggest area was in the uh was in uh SI time personal leave time how that's treated and used now that was a big change uh a year ago eight months ago that change came through but now it's in it's um it's now part of our contract uh we did uh ask for and get even though our teachers do come to uh events uh at night you know the majority do uh we do have we were able to add a requirement that every teacher must attend one during the year at some point teacher has to come back and attend some after school or evening event um as it's happening which which we included as an HSA event also yes yes just you know the committee felt that seeing staff at events uh kids likes uh parents like and it just just helps build a little bit more Community spirit with that in place um MAA your cob any highlights you would like me to include that I left out no I don't think so anybody from the board have any questions I have a question yes sir on the stens U is it required that the custodian has to have a black seal license to run the boiler in the school I believe so no no not anymore oh no no not anymore because starting with we just had the new boilers um installed and they put a a cap on the number of BTUs that they can generate which is under the requirement for our school to have somebody with a boiler's license here I was just wonder because yours Pastor you had to have a one person in the building not all times right what we did that but with the change in the boilers just a question that's that was actually a staffing I want to say nightmare it was a it was a challenge uh having the building staff Whenever there was anybody in the building with somebody with that boiler CT um which is why working with Iron Mountain the HVAC company that's that's doing the project uh we're able to come up with a solution so that at no point I think it's 39 million BTUs is what it's set for and you can't go over 40 million um with without somebody here that has uh the boiler Ser okay yeah I have my black steel lightning that's why I asked that question the parent increase the 12% how much of that not like broad figure is due to minimum wage increases not it's actually not so we we brought them into compliance with minimum wage increases because that was effective already in the last contract the goal of this contract was to bring them to a competitive level with surrounding districts and more of a minimum standard of living and then to increase the bottom over three years to a minimum of $17 an hour fantastic so we can be competitive in hiring it also secures Us in case if any does happen in terms of minimum wage going beyond what we would expect should it change anyone else with questions it was uh I think it was a very very good contract for all question oh just one comment one of the things that we were pleased at was that when the salary guides came back from njaa we had asked them to consider improving our starting salary and they did and our starting salary got it right here WR it down this year our starting salary this past September of 23 for the 23 24 school year was 57,4 55 in the last year of the contract in 2627 it'll be 64,0 735 which is a great increase their top of the guide did not move at anywhere near that percentage their current top of the guide and that's ba only this year is $ 82,2 in the last year of the contract it's $84,500 so the the bottom where we get most of our newer people coming in it gave us a little bit of help in the hiring Russians I I commented a couple months ago it was a great learning experience for me I appreciate the board for allowing me on the committee uh Guild's experience will be missed but Matia we're in good hands with her bang up job by the board yeah good job guys any other questions no Gil we're still with you Ed Services susex uh Sussex ed Service is in the middle of their esy program which is uh very well attended very busy um we we had a uh our business administrator resigned in May leaving July 1st so she left and as you know with us trying to hire a VA it's there's like no applications out there uh we had we had like one application that was viable and that person was asking for like 160 to start and that's just out of our total price range so we ended up hiring a young man who has a master's in accounting and he's going to take the course there's courses that you can take over the summer if you have an accounting degree that you'll be able to get the certificate for the ba so he's in the he's in the process of doing that um he's very knowledgeable things are going working well there uh the school next to us where our school is Loc at right next to us is a mirror image of our building broad step uh they just went out of business and now they're the kids that are there are scrambling for places to go so last week we picked up four or five students from there um I'm I told the superintendent today for her to inquire I'm interested about purchasing the building it's right next to us we would we're we're overcrowded where we are we can contined to grow if we had the room we're just tied up in the building we just can't grow anymore so I I have no idea what that kind of real estate cost it's beyond guessing what the wonderful idea about that other building because you know the problems that we had during buses with the buses yep because of that building yep but I hope you guys buy it because it' be better for everybody involved well it'll it'll help a lot of kids our our you know our objective really is to make sure we're we're providing services for kids who need it for the whole County the busing will make it work we we can add a driveway you know there's things in workarounds we can do but um other than that we're we're doing well at Sussex said Services all right so uh board president's report so uh two things I've worked on over the last month we had a New Jersey school boards Association Sussex County planning committee for the new year coming in um which is basically planning the meetings what we're going to talk about what topics we think Sussex County board members are interested in hearing about um so again I encourage all of you if you have any ideas send them through to us um but this is basically putting together all the programming over the course of the year and I know uh when Kelly comes in she'll talk about their creating a little friendly competition between all the boards up here to see who has the most attendees and which boards get the most certifications and you know getting to 100% and going to um the school boards in October so they're just really trying to drum up um people attending and coming to these events they're both virtual end in person so uh hoping to put together some good meetings for the year but anything you can think of that you want to know more about send it on to me and I'll make sure the committee that's doing the work gets it uh and then the second thing is we did have our first regionalization feasibility meeting on Monday night um it was in bym school uh there were two members MERS from bym Len Stan hope and net Kong from each of the boards there all four superintendents from all four schools were there and three of the four Bas ours just wasn't there because he's the in ba the other Bas were all in attendance uh we also had Mark magar and Donna Schneider who are part of you'll see a packet in front of you the uh Rowan in the Rowan School regionalization Institute uh Mark magar was the same gentleman who was here back in 2019 last time we talked about this he is was part of Steve sween's policy committee um directly for Senator Sweeney at the time so um when school regionalization discussions began and there were all the major impediments we've talked about um they they set forth through this Rowan School regionalization Institute to start to change the laws and so this meeting last on Monday was really about hey what's changed and what can we do for you now for anybody interested in exploring regionalization so what I want to share and a lot of it is in this presentation that was back in February which is why we gave it to everybody in hard copy but the the high level takeaways are this one it is at no cost to any board okay the grants pick up all of the costs for the feasibility study in the past you had a demographic study a feasibility study possibly a financial study you had all this work to do all the boards for the burden of that cost now it is a singular study with four sections there's a governance section A Finance section the the uh actual feasibility which talks about structure and all the different options and the demographics so the demographic study we did five years ago is essentially expired they'll redo it as part of this process um and the process of the study itself can take anywhere from about 6 to 10 months to actually have somebody do the study there are options in who does the study um the highlights of that are if you use an Institute of Higher Learning such as or Keen University there's no need to go for RFP if you want to use a private Law Firm or some other firm then you have to go out to RFP the way the laws are written um so there's a lot of the impediments that were removed to make this feasible um some of the other things that I want to share so in addition to everybody coming together and everybody being excited kind of what what does this look like and what happens next so now we know we know how to get it done there's a very brief application which is essentially three paragraphs about the districts themselves and you know uh that they're interested in studying regionalization again there's no commitment to regionalize out of this whatsoever at the end of the day that's actually not up to any of the boards of educations whether or not we regionalize all of that goes to vote it's up to the towns completely right now uh the boards all agree you know our job is gathering the information bringing it back to our boards for discussion so the key next steps that would happen here and all four boards at the moment are aligned on these next steps one is is this discussion about it and two is the next step is a resolution that'll be on our agenda in August which says we want to go forward with the application and the feasibility study itself in order for that resolution to pass there's two two parameters one at least two of the four districts must be a part of the application all four districts are not required to be a part of the application but all four districts will be studied regarding of whether or not they choose to be a part of the application process one of the key delimiters though is the if if the schools that choose not to be part of the application um they can still participate in the whole process they may not be eligible for any incentives that come back so the prior incentive was schools could receive back part of their S2 funding right S2 funding has basically Sunset so there's new legislation being drafted up about what some other incentives may look like so they really want want you know full participation and again even if boards choose not to participate they still can join the committee it's called the steering committee that directs and works with the folks who are doing the study to provide information they can still participate in the whole thing the other piece of this that I think is really important especially given our discussions is all of that work can be done in public sessions the public can be invited and it can be a very open and public process the whole study so the very next step for this board would be that resolution that says we this board want to continue with the study and go ahead with the application and the Fe getting the feasibility study done itself um the other key takeaway that really hit home for me that I want to share outside of this being a study about regionalization and all the parts of a regionalization which are in this packet is even if we never regionalized all the towns wrote it down the study will tell us what our strengths and our opportunities are just as an independent school because it will evaluate every facet of our school and our education which I think is really valuable information right that Kong will get that information lenp will get that information Barum will get that information just by doing the study it'll examine which what every school is doing differently what's working and what isn't um at every single grade level which is fantastic um so the other part of the next step is to actually put together that steering committee right so the committee we approved last time was for Gil and I and Steve and our ba to go and have the conversation that we had the next part is if we pass the resolution to be a part of the application process is to actually develop the steering committee itself the steering committee itself does not have to be limited to only members of the board they Shar the examples that in some places there's a me a Community member at large who's part of that as well or some other folks because it can be an open and public process so we can talk about that more and what we think that might look like you know if we agree as a board to move forward to participate the other thing I will share is um it is most likely right now that Netcong will be the lead on the application and their ba will be responsible for the pass through of the grants and the funding and everything that pays for this they are open to having their ba do that work we're just waiting for confirmation back from lenpy um that they are comfortable with with that particular position because that has to be stated in the resolution we need to know that information in order to move forward um so I I want to have a discussion I want to answer questions I did take you know four pages of notes five pages during that meeting there was a lot of information that came out a lot of it is in this packet as well so I do encourage everybody to take it and read it and understand what it works and what type of information that they gather but the the process of just the study itself is anywhere from 6 to 10 months so it's not a tomorrow process right um and then we can talk about you know what happens after the study or during the study if we move that far down the line to be clear a um I think I probably missed it I don't know Byam did decide to partake okay and then given the gravity of what we're doing I just want to make it very clear even in terms of the steering committee it's strictly for the feasibility study that's correct like I said the the steering committee and the boards can't actually vote to regionalize yeah there's only two votes through this whole process that a board does one is the one we're going to put on resolution for next week which is to go forward with the study itself and the second one is the vote for the referendum to bring it to the town down the line when you're on the other side of the study if every board agrees to do that only two votes and you mentioned that earlier uh what if one of the three does not agree so we had a lot of conversations about that right so two of the four have to agree to the application okay if all three town either don't go to the vote or even if a town turns it down they are still gathering information about that because we have a little bit of a unique situation in that the largest District here is actually viral in many cases it's actually the high school because you have a bunch of send receives we don't have that so bym is actually the largest District so the question is if stanh hope passes it and Netcong passes it we're still not a majority but the way the law is written it's unclear is if two out of three pass is still considered a majority or not so they owee us answers on What that vote looks like but none of that precludes the study that's all about the vote can I ask you clarifying question on that so and I may not have the answer but I'll do my best so I understand ultimately it's going to go to any regionalization a final vote would be in the hands of the town's people but am I hearing correctly that if it got to that point and in a hypothetical situation that Byam and Netcong vote to regionalize and Stan hope did not we would then be forced to regionalize not necessarily forced to regionalize and that some of the clarification they have to give us but what it could do is create a situation where we become a sin received with the high school yes I just want to say that alarming that we don't have that answer at this point and we're at we're one meeting away from voting on this we're only one meeting away from voting on getting a study not on that at all not on that at all not we're nowhere near that at all before it goes to the town it will go through the board yes and that's going to be a very important question to answerers well the thing there is if I may say that whatever is decided on has to be passed by all boards because we're all voting on the same regionalization it can't be something for staying hope and not the same for Byron you know what I mean doesn't even vote to go to a vote it's it's dead that that parts right there there are there are districts that put writers in there um I'll give an example I the one he used was um little district there in one yeah there there's a there are actually several of these going on right now there are seven regionalization studies being done right now um just I mean I I'm hearing like you know it's six eight months it's a long time but it seems very realistic that a year from now we would be at a point as a as an entity determining whether or not we're going to a public public vote which seems like an extremely short amount of time given the amount of conversation that we've had as a board leading up to this that we're saying foreseeably in a year's time we would be at a point of voting whether or not to put this in the hands of taxpayers and knowing that even if the Stan Hope taxpayers come back with an answer that we don't want to regionalize if the Byam and the Netcong taxpayers say that they do we would be out of luck there or or or as Mark had said you may have to wait a year and you can go out and revote but there's a lot of options there's a lot of options and and we had a lot of discussion about that and that's why I said these are very good questions so other examples included there was writers in the agreements with all four boards that all four go or they don't go so it doesn't even get to the point that you're talking about if all four don't agree to go for because none of us want to put any of us in that situation right we don't want that to happen so that is an option in going forward in the agreement between the boards of educations right the only thing we are going to ask for the resolution on next month the end of next month August 28th is to go forward to get the study because again remember that study is going to tell us a lot about not just our district and what we're doing in the neighboring districts but as a whole and again that's why I encourage everybody to read this governance and structure Finance educational opportunities costs taxpayer dollars is a huge one there was one example he gave where um in the past you had this you know assessment and enrollment abortion and that is all out the window now the boards can decide what looks best through the financial piece of the feasibility study they will structure that any way that you want it to see how the taxpayer may or may not be affected some of them that they did had zero effect on any Town involved right so all of that is part of how this study needs to be done these are we don't have all these answers without doing the study can I give a hypothetical scenario and do do the best that you can to answer and I would understand if you're not able to um steering committee will ultimately be once again in terms of the feasibility study right if we want to make it well known and make it part of I don't want to use the term stipulations um like an All or Nothing vote like all parties need to agree and this is that next step that Tom is discussing right um all parties need to agree to regionalization or none what leverage do we have to make that a point present present the thing that the thing that's hard to visualize is there's not there's not stopped de time so when you get the feasibility study back there's no time limit that says you have one month to come up with your plan you could have a year you could have 18 months right the idea is that you now have data to look at all the communities get together and you look at the data and it's like any anytime you work with a group like that it's like a salary contract the first time you get it the first thing you do is you take it and you look at your salary right that's that's the first thing you look at it's the same thing here when you get the feasibility study back you look at your finan look how everything is and then you sit down and you start looking at what do we want educational what's our objectives how do we want to organize it what's the financials the part that Matia just said some of you may not fully understand it is right now you can base to financing on assess evaluation or number of students years ago it was either or either you did the assessed evaluation and that's how you got the money or you did the number of students state after a while said okay we're going to make that you can do it where you can go 5050 well now you can put that on a sliding scale we did it the first time we did this we went and we did a trial run with our financials and this is going back six years ago and we were able to bring out a regionalization because it it ended up being like 22% of enrollment and and the rest was assess the evaluation that was the one that brought it to almost no change in your taxes at all for any time because you can do that and the thing that people have to understand is that you just can't look at your tax bill today you have to add it together because there's no more Regional bill so when you look at your taxes you got to add the regional district to the Local District and that's your tax bill for a regionalized district all of that plays out at a table with people talking about set goals that the steering committee had education Finance structure are we going to end up with a middle school no middle school you know H how are you going to do this how are we going to do busing how are you going to do the uh the board setup all right how is that going to work there's there's many many things that go into it but it's not that we got the feasibility study and next week we're going to go to vote there's no time limit there I understand that but hypothetically we could be looking at a year from now each respective Board of Education taking a vote to then go to a public vote I mean that seems very reasonable which is in my opinion a very quick time frame that hypothetically that can happen especially as if you're talking about a 6 to8 month time frame for a feasibility study only for the study not for all the discussions that come after you have the data that's just for whatever entity you hire to produce a studies that's it we we have to wait till August to get our resolution in we are on a rolling acceptance you still to get the grant till we get the grant so we may turn it in in August we may not get the grant till October or November right to do the feasibility study then November starts that clock for 6 8 10 months and they said some have been 12 or 18 months depending on how much information also depends upon the the steering committee has input into things you once studied so you may want to have something special studied so you put you put that in there that takes time of financing you may want to look at regionalizing busing that may be something people want to look at that goes in that's that's a plan all those take time to do that because you have outside experts in all of these areas then you get it back so say you got it back in six or eight months it has to take another six or seven months for that committee to all sit down and get four districts to agree to a plan and public input on and public input at the same time it's a long process it's not not a tomorrow I appreciate and seem it's an involved process a lot of time attention and effort and all involving particulars of a discussion that are further down the road from the basic discussion of are we so unhappy with what we have and I don't think this board has really had a strong conversation about that I think we have a a really nice balance of of localized schools for our prek to8 population and a regionalized model and all the benefits of in in a high school building um there's a a lot to be said for that transition that occurs from an eighth grade year to a nth grade year where suddenly your world is opened and you have new classes mates to start your high school years there's a lot to be said for being a municipality that has its own small municipality with its own small little school that by and large I think we're really proud of I I I just don't think we've had those hard conversations like do we really want to go down this road I just I I stand by my my thoughts that our community really likes our school and we have a really good thing going and we're really running a risk of messing with with the happiness of this town and the district and taking into consideration that we know that there are Board elections occurring between now and net and and the time frame after that so a vote to start a regionalization study now could have implications that none of us are at the table for when a decision is now is now at a point where we have to act upon the regionalization study that we voted for I just don't think we're having enough conversations and I don't think we're anywhere close to starting this process at our next board meeting can I comment on that as well first I apologize yeah go ahead Jen okay so none of us have a crystal ball so to Gil's point on we're voting tonight to sign a three-year contract if I looked back three years at where our funding was through the various S2 Cuts none of us knew when we've done anything what our financial situation looks like year to year you can only go with the information you have I love our school I love what we do I love our town but for me the piece that I can look at is say Okay I want to gather the information the piece down the road you're right none of us might be sitting on this board it could have all new members but that to me is why it goes to the town for the vote so it's not the people at the table expressing their personal opinion everybody that lives in this town has the ability to go on voting day and say I want to move forward I don't because the process is public every member of this town should be encouraged and I highly hope they do come out and participate and gather the knowledge firsthand yeah and and what I would add very quickly and yil you want to say something we had the town involved in the Strategic plan we heard a lot of feedback about things about educational opportunities for our children that we do want to change this may provide opportunity to understand whether or not we have that capability that's what we're looking for here and now I don't think anybody is saying we're unhappy as a board or happy as a board or unhappy or happy as a town what we're saying is the obligation is to gather information to answer some of the questions that have even already been posed to us they were posed in that strategic plan right there were elements of that that we said here and now today we don't have capability for that right so this will help us with some of that and board members change every single year every year there are two seats up on this board so you're never going to be in a position where the same people who start a process are the people who are here to finish it ever right and so that's just a fact some we don't know what we don't know what don't we know we don't know what we're offering our kids is the best we can offer our kids don't you think we can have a good conversation about that like I mean you think we can have a general conversation about what what we can't afford our kids right now versus what we can I'll go back to a point I made in our one of our last discussions on this I let you talk so let me finish you don't know what you don't know you're right we can have that conversation but in order to make improvements you need a couple of things you need money and you need kids if you want to run sustainable programs you need kids one of the advantages of region alizing it adds sustainability to programs that we currently can't offer because we don't have kids number two they're redoing the school funding formula now do you think they're going to add more money to school districts that are under 400 if you're if you're thinking that you're dreaming my estimation is when that funding formula comes out it's going to be S to all over they don't want to have school districts under 500 they have all the statistics out there right now schools under 500 cost between 17 and 20% more to operate than schools over 500 and they don't want to waste taxpayer money on that we think our little place is nice I agree with you but sustainable I don't see that lasting over a long period of time we We join forces We join e our our joining of our three towns isn't the third the size of some districts that are right they're not a onethird the size of a Roxberry or a Mount Olive we're still a tiny District it's only 2100 I think it is is the total 2100 kids is the total it's 850 300300 right at the three schools combined something like that something like that it's under 2,000 it's still tiny District in a tiny small area of Sussex and part of Morris County we we're not we're not like came out years ago let's regionalize all of Sussex County okay I I I taught I taught in the countywide district when I first thought it was wonderful I'll tell you what you had resources you had money you had stuff that nobody else around had it was wonderful but it wasn't for me Yak let me give you a chance to speak and I would like to use comments I've heard um that I've heard both of you use we don't know what we don't know we don't know if it's trending that way the San hope is a gem right but this information because I'm not seeing past this that's what we've agreed upon right gather the information might very well support your your case we don't know and I'm not saying you have a Firm Stance on it and I'm not trying to assume anything right but this information might very well make the cage regionalizations not in our best interest because there's going to come down to two things there's going to be raw data that could be objective at times and then public opinion and as long as we're giving the public ample time to have meaningful conversations I more than comfortable with moving forward and that's why unfortunately I wasn't at the vote I didn't make it clear last time I was here the way I would have voted right but this information might very well support one or the other but I'm not I would never walk into an regionalization conversation assuming what the state's going to do as they've proven to us curveball you they don't even know what they're doing yeah and I will say the key is its objective information this is an outside entity it's an outside entity who comes in and does the study for us we may tell them the things we think we want to understand about our communities but all of the information is objective and the show you my fairness in it and I I I very rarely interject personal opinion while I'm up here since I've been on the board I haven't right my wife's opinion on this don't even get me started she'd be one of the first people here screaming at the top of her lungs but as a board member I need to do what's best for all students and get the information and then she can yell at me if I feel differently than her right but she also voted for me and we're going to have to come down to that and I believe this is going to take enough time where it's going to overlap at least one of our elections it's going to take time um but it's we we're at that first baby step and I don't want to say like kill each other just yet no and we have an unknown piece and and in my mind I can't not think about it the state for a long time politically has pushed for regionalization and it's gotten voted down more than once at the state and they still they're political people still voting to push it back what I like about getting the information is I feel like that give I'm armed with something I'm not showing up to what whatever fight the state is throwing my way with zero information I don't know in the end I can't honestly say whether I am for or against I mean I have my personal opinions based on what I've seen over the years but until I have the actual facts on what it looks like to combine all the towns I don't know but I rather know and then make an informed decision on the next step after that than than not because Nothing Stops the state at any point from coming to all of us and saying politicians voted oh sorry you don't want us to do this well we voted in the positive now you're stuck with it and maybe we're going to ship your kids up to Vernon and ship the Vernon kids down to Stan hope every state outside of New Jersey is regionalized well they're all count most of them are countywi and you can correct me if I'm wrong but I believe we're like the Lone State we look we have we have 586 school districts in the state we always in the top three we're always we're always number one or number two not even top it's why I to St defense local control I wouldn't want I wouldn't want to the defense of our localad a couple points turn you mentioned a couple of the important factors one being money and I I think that's a huge factor and I I think it's important to kind of reflect upon the fact that we passed a referendum when we went to our our tax base and on our population and they supported our schools with the funds we said we needed to run them that hasn't been the case in all districts and that's an important consideration so to to have an assertion that regionalization would automatically result in a a more secure financial future and better opportunities for our kids I I don't think that that's necessarily true um in terms of having a you know an outside party I'd like to learn a little bit more about what was stated about our options with who does the study it was stated that that uh there have been some political aspects to these regionalization studies and and even funding you know replenishment based upon if you do a regionalization study and you regionalize you may have certain funds restored incentives I think it would be incentives those were incentives to to study regionalization not sure political biases right I I didn't the word political was used and I think use political as in what they vote on in Trenton to say whether or not the people we have put into office whether or not they make the decision there versus towns that's the only time put that word out there so but certainly that this point has been made that New Jersey's governmental entities have shown interest in regionalization I would say whoever if we're going forward with a study the board should should choose to go with an individ a group completing a study that's far removed from the state and not one that's identified uh by the state as a primary supplier of those studies I really do think that's critical um if we're looking for for just the facts and I think that would be an important step for the board to take is to seek a study provider that is truly an independent entity so I just want to make sure I'm understanding what you're saying you're saying for example if we went with Rowan University that your I don't know whether I want to say opinion or view or whatever your standpoint is that they have some kind of political bias to do the in doing the study or political bias I'm saying that that the state has I'm not trying to use political in that sense but that as far as like this I'm trying to understand the state as has been relay has has shown interest in having districts regionalized and the state has identified a group or two to do these studies to me there's a little bit of a conflict there where the state has shown an identified to do the studies the state has not identified them anybody some clarification then on the different types of groups because I thought you said that instit ofer learning Institutes of Higher Learning Kean University has an Institute that does this Rowan has an Institute that does this if you go from a purchase strictly purchasing perspective with an Institute of Higher Learning you don't have to go to RSP if you want to use a private entity not an Institute of Higher Learning you have to go out for RFP because those are purchasing laws doesn't have to do with anything with political input into the process and there are a couple of law firms out there I guess that do this study what I will tell you is most of them have for example at least two have a former Commissioner of Education in their in their groups because it attracts people because you want people who know education and know education in New Jersey so former commissioner hesp is on one and former commissioner Davies is in another one one happens to be in one of the Institutes of Higher Learning one happens to be in a law firm right so I you'll absolutely the able to that that steering committee talks about who they select and why and whether or not they go to RFP and again all of that can be part of a public process yeah I and I agree with what Tom said we can't be naive to the reality of how politics work right and I have Solace knowing that at the end of the day it will come down to a community not even just the board right it's going to come down to what community feels best as a whole but the information we're going to get cannot be skewed or biased and I think that's not what you're alluding to but that that's the reality of what happens sometimes when you do studies in general so who's doing the study will be important absolutely learning institution okay great you know what I mean um yeah thank you like I'm I'm I'm cool with that just I just want to clarify the money piece because you threw that back at me a couple times let's be honest you passed a $6 million referendum by 75 or 100 votes in this town with no tax increase remember that they came out and voted didn't cost them a dime I'm not sure what happens if you go out there and say we're going to vote and this is going to cost you $500 a year I'm not sure how the town votes by that so saying this town supported that there's a reason why because we were smart and we didn't want to double Banks or taxpayers but if you went out with a $6 million budget and it raised their taxes $5 to $700 a year you're going to get a different turnout and a different vote and that's I'm not I've been in this town when that when we didn't pass a school budget for five years when you could vote for a budget and that's when busing went out I was here I was at the meeting busing went out because it added $50 a year to your tax and it went out I'm not saying anything about the voters but you can't say that this town will support any referendum you put out there because they're so willing to spend their tax dollars I don't think that's a fair uh vision of our people I think you're going to have to work it I think you're going to have to work this as a regionalization process I I don't see I'm going to go out on a limb I don't see a regionalization costing less I don't my concerns aren't financially based first and foremost of course that's a consideration but you know I'm not I'm not stating anything about our Our Town Base in our population other than the fact that they passed a referendum and that isn't the case everywhere I I do look at that step lab and I do believe if we were regionalized we wouldn't have it I truly believe that that's where we disagree we would had it long though here's the great thing Jen said it before the whole purpose of this so we don't have to deal on hypotheticals I would like to know what I'm what I'm going into and that's why I think this this study is a great idea my personal beliefs I haven't formed the opinion yet because I want this information for that but hypotheticals will kill us if we keep doing that between now and the next and it's hard 10 Mons personal beliefs we're all here for a reason and because we have beliefs right care about the township I'm in a different situation because I've had two kids through here and I still have one here than somebody who has their kids just started here we all have different opinions about what their experiences were here based on our role as parents this isn't about that this is about our role as board members and getting information that we believe could produce better educational opportunities for our kids it could if it doesn't it's dead in the water one way or the other it's going to show us something it's completely free information there's no obligation to act and I guess that's why I'm struggling with the the the hesitancy to move right the other three boards as of Monday are still on board they're all having these discussions n uh Netcong had it at an open working meeting last night bym is supposed to be having it tonight they have their board meeting tonight I'm not sure when lenes is right but they're all okay they're all having this exact discussion and having these difficult conversations which are really good and healthy right so when when you want to say we haven't had time to talk we we're talking now we talked last time we put something on right I'm not I I want to produce as many forums to talk as possible but still keep in step with getting things out there so we get the information out there and get the information to the public so that we're not dealing in hypotheticals because and and Gil goes back way more than I do but as far as I know we've been dealing in these hypotheticals since the 90s because we never got to the next step right I wasn't here in the 90s I was still in West Orange it's not even approve one one of the things that Mata brought up when we had the meetings before regionalization and the community came out and talked about what we do well here and what we don't a big factor that kept coming up that even with our referendum we can't solve because we're tiny is our inability to have certain program choices our inability to have teacher changes I love our Middle School okay love all sorts of things about it but I've seen over the years the downside of that too if you have a child for example that doesn't mesh well with the history teacher or the science teacher because we have one they now have three years of one and that goes for the teacher too like I see downsides there but that said for me I want to gather the information to see what the pluses are if we were bigger what the what what are the cons if we're bigger I'm sure there's columns on both sides I just want to get the information I don't know where it's going to shake out but not having the information makes me feel like there's this unknown and as a board when we make decisions every month with future unknowns and there's always going to be an unknown but we have an opportunity here to me to just gather information sure I appreciate that and I certainly appreciate everybody's opinion it certainly seems like like everybody wants to move forward I have concerns and I appreciate you taking the time to listen just my final thought my contribution my final contribution would just be that you know looking at at districts that are bigger uh that may be prek-12 districts and the opportunities that can be afforded there's four of them within five miles of here you know people choose to live in Stan hope knowing that it's a tiny little District that has a Regional High School are happy may not know that you young families moving in who don't have kids they may not know thator I think the majority of people who move into Stan hope understand that they're St I was never going to have children it wasn't in our cards fast forward I have two so if I could finish the point I I think the majority of people who move into Stan hope with the intention of raising kids here or who move into Stan hope and later end up having kids here know that they're either moving to town or staying in town with an understanding that their kids are going to go to a small district with all of the pros and cons associated with it and then go to a Regional High School and they could move five miles in any other direction to have other options and it's a fair point from your perspective I personally wasn't mine I had no idea what a Regional High School was I didn't know that concept till I came to Sussex County and had children I grew up in West Orange there was no such thing in anywhere near me of a concept of regionalization right so you have both sides of that point there are there are people who also don't know that but again that that the public when hopefully when they come and they're involved all of those conversations and those votes are up to the public and and we're just this is simply to lay out possibility and get facts that's it that's what the ask will be in August the resolution to bring it back cirle Circle will be identical for all four Boards of Education right to the point we made earlier there was hesitancy before because we weren't sure if all four were in or were out right all four showed up at that table that means something to me that means we have the obligation to have this conversation and to proceeded in kind and in that's what we've agreed to prior to now they were all there all four superintendent sat in a hot gym for two hours on Monday night right that means something the only time I'll hit a panic button is if it's decided that if all the townships vote and one votes no and they'll be forced in I would like that to be well known and clear no not different okay the state will not and it's different their incentives that are okay fine yeah like I said only will person hit a panic button and say because that question was asked in that meeting and that answer that I gave you was given that situation is one that was examined right so we would know that and we just wouldn't go to the vote that would be part of this study if that situation could occur right now Wallkill Hamburg Franklin ogdenburg and hardyston are in the the same talks right they're going through it too our neighbors right here are all there seven districts in this state seven studies in this state at one time hasn't happened ever we've had one regionalization in this state in how many years yeah that's it one in that's five years ago because there were so many impediments now they've been removed and school boards and communities are saying let's understand what that looks like our neighbors right here are saying let's understand what that looks like is there something else right that's all Carmen you've been quiet anything you don't I'm not putting you on the spot no just making sure you have an opportunity uh M said about the people come to the to St hope to bring their kids to the school because of the high school I bet you if you take a survey the amount of people in the last year that has come to stanle mostly them most of them were seniors or people that don't have children because otherwise our district would be more than 3 have declining enrollment if they were actually coming to stold for the school that's the only thing I want to say I really I hope we're not making assumptions um agre because I'm prime example of exactly he of that demographic right and those are the people I see yeah those are the people I've been hanging out with Absolut and that makes sense but I'm not assuming my familial status is everybody's ultimately if it ever got to the town cited for that conversation yeah right that's why everybody gets the vote too right so everybody can vote own in our V you know what I mean they got to vote their situation yeah yeah all right are we okay to move on comfortable everybody good to go yes okay to move on top I just again I want to make sure we have ample time for conversation no I I appreciate the conversation I appreciate you know the opportunity to express we're in no hurry we got a fan I'm good and it's pouring out yeah and it's pouring we can talk okay that brings us to public session number one and we have no public so we will move past that travel and workshop reports there was one questions comments okay that brings us to minutes for approval agenda items one through three can I have a motion please motion okay uh this is a voice vote all in favor any NOS extensions carries administrative action items one through six motion please motion second okay give everybody a minute to go through it we talked about and number six is the big one that is approvement approving the contract so I just want to make sure everybody any more question on the negotiations contract on the labor contract none okay roll call vote please Mrs Harold yes Mr Pico yes Mr Valley yes Mr yam yes Mr muscatello Mrs sharpstein yes congrats guys yes that's that's a that's thank you for everybody's hard work that's a great thing there right there policy motion please motion second one item second reading questions roll call vote please Mrs Harold yes Mr Pico yes Mr Valley yes M um Mr yam yes Mr muscatello yes Mr sharpstein yes motion carries education one through four motion please move second please second questions comments hearing none call vote please Mrs Harold yes Mr Pico yes Mr Valley yes Mr yam yes Mr muscatello yes Mrs Shar yes MO is caring Personnel action items 1 through nine motion please motion second thank you need discussion give everyone a minute to finish reading okay go call vote please Mrs Harold yes Mr Pico yes Mr Valley yes Mr yam yes Mr muscatello yes Mr sh yes motion Business Services one through 18 can I have a motion please motion second thank you give everybody a minute to go through it um could I just speak to number nine real quick sure thing thank you um when you were originally sent the agenda uh the second part of number nine uh said that we were refusing title 3 funds however just yesterday to uh Mrs Walsh the neon superintendent reached out to me asking if we would consider joining a Consortium with them and Mount Arlington uh so just so you know if a a district is awarded funds less than $110,000 you are not able to accept them unless you're able to group together with other districts totaling an amount greater than $10,000 I can't explain the sense that it makes it's just the way that it is so between us Netcong in Mount Arlington our title three allocation is greater than $10,000 therefore we can form a Consortium um and work together so that we can receive that money so ultimately what that is it's just under $4,000 that we wouldn't have gotten 24 hours ago that we will now get EXC and that's and that's directed towards uh um students and families who are learning uh English as a second language yep right any other discussion okay roll call vote please Mrs Harold yes Mr pic yes Mr Valley yes Mr yam yes Mr muscatello yes Mr Sharp yes motions car all right new business anybody got new business before the board we can make some up all right old business yeah I just want to bring up what I brought up at new business last meeting in terms of some type of uh uh Placer or uh something to represent the board that was in place at the time when the referendum was passed um as you see when you enter our Halls now and uh if we decide to go forward with it I like to do it before Gil leaves us how long you been on the board gil on the board 15 years 15 years yeah I think you're ear it buddy so I just want to keep the conversation going I don't really know what the next step would be or what we'd want to do I know we mentioned something in terms of the stem lab or innovation lab um I think it's a good idea it's always good to have recognition for people that have put most of their their time into the school district yeah I agree I said last meeting too right I'm happy to take direction from the board um you know so I I don't have an opinion one way or the other um but if you guys come together and I whether you know stem lab whole referendum whatever you guys think uh we can certainly start looking into options and quotes and sign companies and all that kind of stuff you know has there been any thought there separate things and once again I think it's important the the people that were at the board at that time be on that Placer but have we ever thought about what we're going to name the Innovation lab Innovation lab is currently the name are you talking like name it after someone or something yeah maybe somebody who's been on the board for 15 years no no no no no it's an innovation la call the Gil room or innovation lab please I don't I don't need my name anymore I think 15 years isn't something we should B at well how don't we do this if anybody has ideas send them to me and to Steve and then we can talk about them at next meeting and bring them out for like a straw po or vote thank you yeah any other old business raining are we sure all right public session number two but we still have no public so uh motion for adjournment motion please motion second second all right everybody in favor say I I extensions those all right we are closed very thank you everyone