either of you individually you can call staff and say I'd like to and then they can bring that information up for the next meeting and then meeting like you get some information ahead of time um you'll get the photograph and some from one of the members who proposed so and if you obviously talking in the community someone else wants to use you as a conduit it's all right as long as it's just you do that make sense oh yes what am I missing well but we can call a special meeting if it's a special issue but we have one guys meet every corter so or it'll just go to the next meeting okay but if we want it resolved you you got a timeline on putting this all together my understanding is just said it's a living breathing website right even six months or a year from now you still still be adding adding on to it correct not we need a deadline 30 days and it's done we're not going to tou I think you haveed some additional photos historical information I think the question Mr Harvey's asking is does the board have the ability to call a special meeting if it wants to and the answer is yes yes thank you understand now we we yeah I just w walked in just a few minutes ago and I shared something with the uh with the committee here uh a uh directory of 1941 oh that's great and uh it lists of the East Dart community and I shared it with them so now moving forward I'm sorry for the record City as Mr F was commenting about the sunshine obviously your intention is to provide as much information as possible for your community and for the public to understand but Mr Harvey is describing that he had presented some information about a directory from 1941 to the committee but when the meeting wasn't called to order that presentation of that information to the committee would have actually been would be considered a violation of the Sunshine Law because the meeting wasn't taking place it was not therefore you guys were communicating about a subject matter that would be something that would go before this board when there was not an active meeting attending and that's a perfect example of what he's trying to prevent but obviously the attention is not harmful it's just that the way that Sunshine laws are written is that the public doesn't even want to miss out on casual conversation they want to know anything the board discusses so what we need to do is in the future just hold that back until they the beginning of the meeting as James pointed out there was a comment perod for board members and that be a per okay I thank you sir thank you better understanding thank you and I'd like to for the record um reply that uh we didn't discuss this I didn't even know what it was Mr Harvey came in a little late and you know he just came up and we're still learning protocol I'm still learning the Robert Rules of Order and I need help each time we have a meeting because we don't meet that often for me to be very you know fluent with it but I'm learning and I thank you uh um city manager and attorney for helping us along our journey because we don't mean to step out of the guidelines which I believe you all understand that so just to make sure that it's noted that we did not have a meeting we he just came in about 10 minutes late and just passed it out real quick so we hadn't even really started and I had I just kind of looked at it real quick but we haven't talked about it but thank you Mr Harvey for taking time to collect this information and bring it to us as a committee and it looks very interesting I wasn't born in 1941 so I have yet to look at it and I'm ready to see what's in there and I think it would be a great addition to our um committee and to our website so whatever we need to do to go back and make sure that it's Incorporated properly according to procedures I would like to be able to do that um right now so that there's no misunderstanding okay yeah I mean that document is exactly the type of thing that we're looking for and um so if for some reason you don't have any supplemental information for maybe a name or something like that um like with what like um the city manager had mentioned for the next meeting you can always have a list made and say I I have significant importance I think these people need to be you know brought to light and listed on the website does anyone here in sunshine you know have any have any information to help with that and then staff can take it from there but staff is always available you can always call us you can always let us know I mean we can keep a standing list of people you're interested in as well um I just in order to physically put it on the website I would obvious I would need some information behind it that's all of course oh I think you I learned the lesson so now we know the direction to go and there's more information to come yes more a lot more okay yes and thank you Mr Harvey um for kind of you know spearheading that and I say that in a a loose term that you're willing to orchestrate and gather this information along with all of us you know and our own individual spaces as well hopefully as a meetings call for us to be Collective on the information and to pass it on even if we haven't called the special meeting just to make sure that we're getting it to you know Miss Jordan and whomever else needs to have it before we have our next quarterly meeting would be nice and I'd like to ask if this uh section of the color directory for 1941 if this can be something that we bring for our meeting in the next is it in October the next the next meeting is July 2nd oh July okay so to our next meeting or do we need to as uh committee uh asked for a special meeting prior to that and I'm asking the board members for their input on what you would like to see before our next meeting well my intentions were to uh share this with the group to to to today but I did a little bit too early before the meeting started but uh take a look at it uh gather all the information because there's some it's it's in B print you know from it's years old I got it from the Stewart Heritage uh Museum years ago and uh just take a look at it and you'll you'll see some exciting things that are in there because it's a unique directory uh uh it uh represented whole Martin County and it uh shared a lot of information and it Shar and it makes you understand that well makes you aware uh living in Martin County the information that's in here is not any any telephone director you will never see this any place else and uh it shares a lot of information about the families and the home and how people communicated within Martin County Stewart Florida it was unique and different and you won't find another directory like this it's just totally unusual and uh we'll be able to share this with more I'll be able to share more more information over the years of my life with the history of East Stewart um board member Mr Harvey um my question is after we have a chance to look at this would this be under any specific title would this be under Lincoln Park history or is this uh East Stewart historical they have little tabs and labels Lincoln Park and East Stewart are the same entity are the same yeah it's just the the people who lived in lincol park territory during that time okay and it became Lincoln Park became East Stewart that's you'll find out the reason why they changed the name why they why it's called East Stewart now okay um the year on here is 1941 yes ma'am in the Lincoln Park history district is there a date or year that it starts out with um the Lincoln Park was founded in 1891 according to the survey wow yeah see that's what you're going to learn okay that was the original name it was based on territories to cut out in the map that's interesting and it was and you're going to Bogan you're going to find it that's another word that you're going to be introduced to uh certain areas land territories and it had each group of properties had different names yeah cuz in my area you have McDonald's yes name McDonald's in my area MH well thank you oh I'm sorry Mr Harvey go ahead no I I just that's how the Lincoln Park start that that was the first name ver okay yeah 18 well that's interesting thank you the website um I'm excited as a board member and chairperson and a stakeholder here in East Stewart in our city of Stewart Florida to see that we have this available and it's U thank you for putting that together whomever all of the city officials that found this to be important part of the city of Stewart uh website so I'm excited that it's going to be there for all of us and anyone that wants to you know find out and of course um as the attorney said we as individuals can share with our a community that this is available uh and direct them to you all for any input or any type of um sections that they would like to see add it uh have another question um as it's being created under the East Stewart could you click on that please please so I can see what under the eastart neighborhood yeah is that on there okay so right now only on the East Stewart neighborhood is just a map there's no summary or introduction to like Mr Harvey was saying when was that transition made from being called Lincoln um part because see I don't even I don't know all I know it's East Stewart sure so I can try to explain the route we took so there's the East Stewart neighborhood and this is how it was explained to me so there's the eastw neighborhood but now we're going for the designation which is only a historic boundary within the East Stewart neighborhood so it's not every single parcel it's a majority but that's why we subbed it out and named it the Lincoln Park historic district and that's the purpose for the actual website because this is the first time we're going to be deemed a historic district So within the Lincoln Park historic district sub page that is where you'll find the historic information which coincides with the whole eor neighborhood but the information is for the district designation so that's where it would be found okay um and I'd like to just say thank you um to Mr Paul Weaver um please extend our gratitude for him you know sharing this information and submitting the the work so as I think I remember you saying that it's still yet to be going before the State of Florida we're still in that process of transitioning to make it historic for the state and then for the um would it be United States registry the National Registry National reg so we are reviewing staff is reviewing the survey itself as we speak so um that is happening and then it's going to Washington DC after that to be deemed historic designation on their registry okay on there will it be um you know legally and however it's going to be found would it be under Lincoln Park or how is that do you know maybe by any chance how that will look on that registry when we maybe go to look for it we have to look for linkoln park or do we have to look for E store so we are submitting the designation under Lincoln Park historic district so we would have to make sure that people are aware that that's where that is housed on the registry that's how it looks yes but we will have it you know right there on the website Bing and bold too like once the designation is deemed that and then you can also find it on the you know primary East Stewart neighborhood it's a subtab over here oh is it so I know it's hard for hard to see but it is Lincoln Park historic district is right there under the East Stewart neighborhood main page so all right well thank you for sharing that because I couldn't see that there thank you very much um on there was one page on there um that showed uh pictures of maybe some of our um ancestors and I guess for the future and I think that question was brought up when we submit uh pictures will like yeah East Stewart historic figures do we need to have names if we know their names that can be submitted in a brief caption or should will it be just trying to figure out who's who I mean with this particular photo I I pulled it from some of the other elements that we had had working I I didn't have any names below these but if you have you know specific details like for a picture I would need like if I go to a name that's where you would find a picture I can't make anything I I'm not I don't want to just have like a picture with no description of it because I feel like it would be lost and there's no way to search for it um those are some of the things that we're going to verify exactly the names of individuals and who they were and what they did in the community okay so on that so they can build up profile of that particular picture cuz there's a lot of in information like the lady that's all the top lady on the top picture over to the right uh that was our librarian yes and uh she has a lot of history yes behind her uh so that's what we're going to do uh am I correct those are some of the things that we're going to do fill in the profile of all some and more individuals that they're going to be included in our committee okay great thank you Mr Harvey and thank you on the bottom right there to the bottom left I can't see it what is that what does that say are those pict numbers no the wording yeah down there oh that okay oh those are specific names of um some people that we found of importance within the survey and again this is a working living document there is no way I could have touched every name that needs to be touched yet but um like for example Larry Wright if you click on him that's what that's what brings you to some information um about about that person so okay so when you click on a name down there it does pull up something about that person even if that picture's not up there is that what I'm understand yeah this picture is simply a picture at this point it's not clickable or or anything like that it's just a little image to draw attention to the page it's more so once you click on all of these hyperlinks that will bring you to an actual like it would be great if we had a photo of this person for example but yeah so that's great if you could provide me with that um but it would be all of these hyperlinks oh that's down here M thank you for explaining that because that's that's great so that's that's ongoing so I'm going to stop with all my questions but I'm excited about the website and I think it's wonderful so thank you again for having us um be part of that and know that that's available for us and that is a living breathing item and we'll keep engaging in that process thank you uh board members do you have any other um questions or comments at this time uh yes uh I did a presentation for the steart Heritage uh uh Museum and uh that Al that video is now corrected and and we're going to share it with uh the committee thank you thank you for doing that okay so it's a video so I'll share it and then I guess you'll share that with the committee did you want us to play that at the next meeting just share no you're not prepared for it's more than an hour long but uh so but that's some information I'll be sharing more information that I will be sharing so you will get a better the community and uh the committee will get a better understanding what E Stewart was all about thank you Mr and the famous steuart training school that made a difference in this community yes okay thank you Mr you're doing good thank you any other board members uh comments or questions at this time I had comments uh but I I I you just opened the floor to the board for staff also before we go into the next part of Staff update or should I wait for staff update do you want me to go ahead and oh um so uh in February we had a a developer that came to the city commission to present uh a project on the city's garage site it was for affordable housing uh it's in the East Stewart neighborhood here's a location map uh and and I don't know if some of you were pre present at that meeting that presentation is available uh online if you want to see the presentation but today we just wanted to get your feedback and how you feel about affordable housing project um on this site which is a garage City's garage site uh on MLK and U you know this project is not going to move forward until it's very preliminary uh they're going to come out to the community to get your feedback before it even goes back to the city commission but today I just wanted to kind of um get your feedback your your input on how you feel about having this site as affordable housing project board members question to uh where is it located it's the city's garage site right City Garage site right ontin right Georgia Corner exactly what sure um the city manager would like to say something um better the city received what's called an unsolicited offer and that is where a public private partnership can be developed by a corporate entity reaching out and sending a letter to the city and requesting a joint venture of sorts and it wasn't a commission action to do it in that location or to do anything rather it was that we received this letter from this entity um and said to the city Commission this property we see that you're moving the garage site over to the water treatment plant we really think this would be an ideal location for this program The City commissioners in turn I put the letter on the next agenda the City commissioners did not vote on the project by any means all they said was we're open to discussion let's hear what they have to say affordable housing is important to us but we don't have all the details yet so rather than saying yes or simply want to open it up and put it on the table and let this presentation take place I asked Miss uh joh this to bring this to your attention tonight but this afternoon not in expectation that you actually make a determination or that you adamantly take a position one way or the other as much as obviously you guys are a very specific representation of that neighborhood community and it would be impactful so it was just important to me to be able to relay back to the city commission what you guys think about it you know what what are your feelings are you in favor generally generally against yes or no Too Much Too Little Too Much Too Fast whatever or go ahead and keep our eyes and ears open and let's listen to what they say just so that I can give that feedback to the Commissioners and let the process go forward obviously if the project were to go forward there would be many you guys would probably involved as well related to aesthe aspects of it and make of those natur for today's purposes I just asked her she would just mention it to you because I want to make sure you were aware of it if you had any questions give you guys an opportunity to ask so speak thank you city manager uh board members Mr Harvey you were going to interject or say something I'm looking well I would like to know more information I'm I would like to hear more I don't have a comment right now but I more information would would make me say something I mean personally I spoke with the gentleman the day of the presentation because I was here and um me personally and well there's others in the community too doesn't doesn't at that point in time didn't see where that benefit the community because when you look at the word affordable that's a broad word there when it come using that word there and me personally I'm I'm not on board with that with that there I'm really not in it's not just me it's others and I have spoken with others in the communion about that and I haven't found nobody that's on board with with with that and I can say spoke with the gentleman the day of the presentation here and I just it just didn't incite me with that and like I say that that word affordable is it's out there and I just don't see something being in the community and it wouldn't benefit no one in the community um I I heard a brief Swift of information which was I don't pay much attention to if it's not coming directly from sources of um officials so thank you for bringing this up first of all and thank you um City officials for actually thinking of us in that aspect of affordable housing I've heard that over and over and over and over again every time we have a meeting coming before the commission ERS and it's just been an ongoing work that we need affordable housing we need affordable housing well we have an opportunity now to see what that looks like and how does that look I don't know I haven't met with anyone so I don't know what that looks like what that entitles I don't know all of the details of how you determine what's affordable what's the threshold I'm sure there's much information that is yet to be shared I appreciate the opportunity that has been brought before our board our committee I don't speak for East Steward I'm just a stakeholder I just believe that if you all are addressing when people come before you and City Hall of our needs in our community that we do need the workforce housing affordable housing and that is being brought to our community on MLK which is reachable um um along with other um events that are taking place here with the train and all of that I'd like to see more i' like to hear more i' like to be involved in more of the decision making process and bringing it to the community of course and getting their feedback as as the uh city manager said that that is something that is part of the process and I just have to extend my gratitude from being here all my life I am a state holder born here raised here worked here raised my children here and still here and I than this um city of Commissioners and officials for their due diligent in including us and being inclusive to the black community and I say that wholeheartedly now everyone may not feel that way but I do know that there are other communities that things happen and some people never get to the board or get chance to speak or get chance to see anything or be part of discussion process so I am extending gratitude on my behalf as a stakeholder and that's an individual opinion so I would like to say for me i' like to see more presented and I'd like to hear more about the process I mean I can't even tell what that is right now just a location I don't I can't even comment on where it is but I I I believe if it's on the corner of the Georgia and right across from salale fish Park okay that that whole area of up to the uh Stuart Middle School exactly yeah in the boys and girls club right all of that little section right okay and I think for the city of Stewart to offer their properties to consider what we've been asking for I thank you and I'd just like to see more that's my comment thank you any other comments questions as far as um affordable housing is concerned I there's a great need for it even as a um teacher I know teachers who cannot afford to live in store so I think I'm open personally to seeing um affordable housing the term affordable I think a lot of people um equate to public housing this I think depending upon how it's structured would cater to um professionals within a certain bracket income bracket so there's a there's a huge need for it um because some of my colleagues travel from Port St Lucy or other different places because they cannot afford to live within the city so I would be open to seeing what this entails thank you all very good feedback I appreciate it and we'll bring it back to the commission okay thank you any other um comments uh from the board members any other updates um staff updates to continue um no uh before the next meeting we'll send a reminder um for you to do a little bit of homework get some names and some information to us so that we can make that as part of our discussion for the next meeting okay and that'll just be a reminder email maybe a month before so that way um you can gather the information any interviews anything else that you would like to discuss um please let me or Jordan know and we'll we'll put that on the agenda all yes come on from the uh commissioner Clark hi good afternoon good afternoon thank you so much for your service yes ma'am um I just want to go back to the um the historic figures uh it's going to be our creation our city of Steward so please I know that you're working magic and um all the people are helping with the suring but we really need people especially on the committee and in the um Community to put things together and I know Mr Harvey has been working hard and he has his video we're going to be using his video for emancipation day and for other things and he has other videos that other other videos so please submit those uh with regard to names whether it's a Douglas mccardy or Alvin mcard or Felix Williams or we know all the people Gert Balden please let us get that together not because we don't have a strict deadline but that's for the website we really need to put things together as well as get the information from the survey to to get things together so that we can put this package for the historic preservation designation as well as the um the national um designation for the district so please let's do that I'm going to be arranging a a town hall meeting to introduce this committee to the community and um also use it as a time to have people to we've had tables before at different uh Community groups we're going to a time to let people know that you have a charge you're doing something it will be fully advertised fully done so that we can have you um people know that you have a a duty and that you're doing something and it's an important work that's been done for the community so that will be coming up and um you'll hear the date and time and work with you to get that done we'll do it at the East Stewart um uh 10 Street recation Center and it's going to be a great thing and we'll have a little roll out of this um website here so that we can get people and hopefully we'll get it done before the July meeting so that we can have people who will be giving you information and get excited and it will light a fire on the people to start doing something and I want to do it early because during the hurricane season we all get confused and whatever about hurricanes and different things so if people will spend some time working on stuff so we don't have to wait until the the fall for that so that's important get your names get all your research Dr Thompson all the things and I know Philip has a lot of things or Mr Harvey has a lot of things but if each of us could just do what we need to do and get that done or get additional interviews and get them um to staff that's the personal deadline and that's the things that that we we do need to get done with regard to our community and celebrating our community and starting to really celebrate and know that this is a place it's an old place that started way back before 1914 when the city of Stewart started but because of the subdivisions and I think you mentioned McDonald lgin all these other things that have happened there but one of the great persons that staff has pulled out and that is because we've had this as a part of the community for a long time is the guy Davis Mr guy Davis his shop his clothing his hat his community Gatherings his getting other people to come in for entertainment and other things in the community well tonight the city of Stewart and the North County Little League and all those who love sports and baseball um at the start of summer at about 6:00 well it's 6:30 exactly but if we can gather early because there's always parking issues but there'll be at the guide Davis Park we need the community to come out and celebrate this is going to be the first pitch night for baseball and it's going to be at guy Davis Park not at sailfish park at guy Davis Park so if you can get 10 people on your Twitter feed or whatever you have get them to come out even at guy Davis Park and that is a great thing we're working on the Park oh I'm thinking we're working on the park we have budgets to work through and the more input you give and the stronger you are the high that will go up in the budget limit for the city so that we can make sure that money is being set aside to continue finishing the design of the park and also the poal for future Redevelopment of the park and really having that guy Davis um Park in inol I don't think this committee was in in place when we had the presentation uh with Mr guy Davis and his hat and that kind of thing when the consultant was here and maybe that's something you also need to add to the list to um let this committee know about it it's even just to send them a link so that they know what's happening particular part and I was going to ask staff if staff could send this committee the link for the city commission meeting when we had the um the um Mills group come in and make the presentation so that you can review that actual presentation in person as well as see the um the data that was presented in the commission um item on that day that would make it much easier so that you can for that um thing so if you could send them the link so that they have that and it's really important to pass that message on to people that there's a consideration and Mr Mortel did explain to you how that process works so please review that so you'll hear it for yourself what happened at the city commission meeting and like I said there's a full package a Pap well it's not a paper package but it's there where you can see all the stuff and the Prototype of any po housing but it's something that's in progress but it will give you more information and I know Miss um James has thanked so many different ways different people but I really want to truly thank this committee for taking on the work and for what you're doing and what you'll do and the submitt that you'll be making to staff so that we can populate this and when we pull up a website wants to come to the city of Stewart they'll be able to see that on the city of Stewart website that is historic and that's why we have the committee thank you thank you commissioner Clark I think thank you all right in memory of him thank you uh commissioner um Clark for your comments and I appreciate and one more thing um Miss panel if you don't mind having it on our agenda uh again to review the website just so we can kind of continue to get familiar with it U since it's a new um tool for us I would greatly appreciate it any other board members uh comments um concerns before we adjourn no all right so that was our staff update and at this time 4 o'clock the E stward historical advisory committee get to join make motion for you don't need a motion you can just adjourn you just ad you did it I did okay thank you e e e e e e