every time I think it's going to be the shortest tonight going to be the longest meeting yeah my wife do expect me until midnight e e clean shav ever see it we're ready when you are mayor you let Clark is out welcome everyone welcome we're going to to start our meeting now mayor roll call Mayor Bruner here vice mayor Rich here commissioner Clark here commissioner Collins here commissioner McDonald here and um our chaplain um skeba he's going to give the uh invocation and then we're going to go right into the Pledge of Allegiance thank you sir you know we don't realize how blessed we are to be in a nation where we as the citizens can sit here and hear what's going on and have our voices heard there's so many countries that can't do that this is really a blessing Madame mayor city council and especially citizens thank you for having us here and for allowing us to invite the presence of the almighty let's go before the Lord Our God and our father great creator of the universe we thank you for the freedoms that we enjoy in this great nation we thank you for the blessings the prosperity that you've round bring down on the city of Stewart Lord as my brothers and sisters debate on issues that are important to the citizens of this city we ask for your presence your guidance and your direction send your Holy Spirit to be with us and show us exactly what your will is for this wonderful community that we live in bless us in all that we do in your precious name and For Your Glory do we pray amen please join me now in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all thank you all right we have Arts moment mayor I'd like to introduce Jeffrey Smith I'm sure everyone is probably aware of Mr Smith however in case you aren't he's an international Ally known sculptor that lives here in Martin County thank you Mr Mr Smith feel free to take the stage okay welcome on dece or on December 31st 2002 at 9:00 am history was made in Stuart Florida that's when we unveiled but installed the Stuart Sailfish my goodness at Joan Jefferson rounded about steuart Main Street had contacted me prior to that and they said they had this Great Commission for me the only problem was they had no funding so I was all excited a young artist you know I've been in town of five six years and and uh I got got to work I made a Marette and I went around everybody I knew begging for money and uh Ed the late ed selan u he uh came to our rescue and funded the project and the rest is history in 2014 Stuart own Jim Carl she came to me with an idea to put art in Stuart and his idea was the birds on Colorado project and again same thing we were going to put sculptures of uh water foul Birds uh water Birds up and down Colorado Avenue but again there was no funding so we just had to find people to donate and and that all worked out well that project took about two years uh on February 25th in 2015 we created a little traffic jam in downtown Stewart when Philip Bush of Eagle Distributing U arranged to have the Clydesdale horses here to help us unveil the big uh bald eagle sculpture that was that was quite a day in downtown Stewart except for the there's our you recognize a few of the faces there so over the next few months we installed a a flying Pelican a rosette spoon Bill a Dancing sandill Crane a pair of ospray and the the three great blue herand in the fountain that's my art has always been about beauty and the natural world the first step as an artist is to slow down and observe your subject though through enough observation you know the truth will emerge last weekend we were down at the um friends of the Everglades um event and Betty Oola one of the mupi uh tribal Elders put it another way she said we must listen to the water so when you view my art think about the river think about the ocean what is it telling us are the fish and the birds saying in preparation for this talk I looked at some uh old newspaper clippings of the installation of the steuart sailfish I was actually looking for the exact date because I wasn't on the top of my head and I saw on these front pages of the newspaper um various articles on the lake of Kobe discharges and I thought that was um and the kind of disturbing and then I thought about it and the problem of our water quality has been around for before I was born in fact 90 years ago we we were concerned about the water um so I know Art's not the solution to fixing our problems but the art can motivate us to look for Solutions in 2017 the president of the United States presented one of my sculptures to the Pope that was a big deal do it so Eve Eve samples wrote a beautiful article in the Treasure Coast Palm um about the unifying power of art as everybody celebrated uh my sculpture in the Vatican um she wrote in this article that that art had transcended politics and there was no no bashing going on no no no bad things happening and that was very profound and I think with art art can transcend um our environment we have to you know think of you know Stewart's a beautiful town I love it here uh I've raised my family here and um it's a beautiful Community full of wonderful people and I'm grateful to have my sculptures around town so thank you for your time and I ask that we all listen to the water Mr Smith I just wanted to say i' I've known Jeffrey for going on 25 years 26 years now and and I'm fortunate enough to own a couple small pieces of art that he has he he used to give me payment plans on them uh so but uh uh Jeffrey if you look around not only has Jeffrey created many of the sculptures that we found private donors but Jeffrey has donated his own art himself without a donor the uh the three herrings in the uh Circle Jeffrey donated those but also one of the ones that sculptures that wasn't on the the list um it was kind of going a different direction but we have a 9911 Memorial it's a sculpture in the uh public safety building of the firefighters raising the flag bag after 911 and Jeffrey did that and he donated that to the city and and it's an incredibly powerful sculpture I think it's probably out of your normal comfort zone of of uh wildlife art but because I've had so much time pleasure spending time speaking with Jeffrey the the when you go and you look especially when you look at the uh the the clay uh sculptures when he's do them in clay and it's the the feathers on the birds you you you it's hard to to believe that they're either clay or bronze or some case stainless steel I think he's done some stainless steel now I mean it's it's unbelievable we've nominated Jeffrey for the uh Florida artist Hall of Fame a few times uh got traveled I've traveled around the state working on that and I eventually we're going to get him inside the Florida Hall of Fame because artist Hall of Fame because he absolutely deserves to be there so thank you Jeffrey and thank you for the art that you brought to Stuart thank you m madame mayor can I say a few words m mayor thank you so thank you so much everything do you have a way where young people can come in and tour or give Workshop so that you can pass on those ideas that maybe people want to develop those skills and get into that type of a work in the future we do and we've had um we've had all the teachers in the Martin County School System come through the studio uh but uh anybody that's ever asked to bring a class in on I usually run over to steart Art Supply and we we load up with acrylic paints and and paper plates and all kinds of fun things and you know I I give them a little training on something and and yes we're always encouraging people to to uh get into the Arts thank you Jeffrey Jeffrey we typically have uh Performing Arts as opposed to visual arts so if you'd like to tap dance or sing a song right we'll clear the room thank you we don't have enough security thank you you're welcome now we have the proclamations Irish American Heritage Month March 2024 do you do thank you madam mayor whereas by 1776 nearly 300,000 Irish Nationals had immigrated to the American colonies and placed and played a crucial role in America's war for independence five signers of the Declaration of Independence were of Irish descent and three signers were Irish born Irish Americans helped to Fashion a system of government for our Young Nation 22 presidents have proudly proclaimed their Irish American Heritage and whereas the Irish first came to Spanish um La florid in the the 1500s first as missionaries and mercenary soldiers and then as planters Traders businessmen doctors and administrators three of the Spanish governors of La florita were actually uh Irish Military Officers additionally Fri Richard Arthur an Irish born priest from uh limmerick who was appointed a appointed Parish priest for St Augustine in 1597 and ecclesiastical judge of La florita established the first public school in America and opened it to both boys and girls of all Races and whereas Irish Americans since America's Inception have provided and continue to provide leadership and service to this nation's political business and religious establishments so it is fitting and proper to celebrate the rich cultural heritage and the many valuable contributions of Irish Americans now therefore I Rebecca s Bruner mayor of the city of Stewart Florida to hereby proclaim the month of March 2024 in the city of Stewart Florida as Irish American heritage month thank you our recipient is Ray Lynch National Security a secretary and past for State president of the Ancient Order of hurn Mion I don't believe he's here mayor I'm sorry I'm Irish me too okay Lee we have another one recipient uh procurement which one is this procurement oh the procurement month sorry about that whereas March is procurement month celebrated by The Institute for public procurement and public purchasing departments across the country it is commendable that the procurement division of the finance department values accountability ethics impartiality professionalism service and transparency these values are essential for creating a strong foundation for Effective and ethical procurement practices and whereas procurement is responsible for sourcing negotiating and purchasing goods and services for the city of Stewart procurement plays a vital role in ensuring that the city receives the best value products and services needed in a timely manner procurement provides additional value by carrying out tasks such as contract Administration and implementation strategic procurement Str strategy development and building relationships with suppliers and fellow City departments and whereas in the government sector procurement professionals are responsible for ensuring that public funds are spent responsibly and effectively strict regulations and guidelines lines are followed to ensure transparency and fairness by leveraging their procurement and negotiation expertise procurement professionals can help governments save money and provide better services to their citizens and whereas procurement plays a crucial role in Risk Management within the City by integrating risk management practices into the procurement processes and collaborating with departments these practices enhance the city's resilience optimizes decision making and safeguards against potential threats to the supply chain and business operations now therefore I Rebecca s Bruner mayor of the city of Stewart Florida do hereby proclaim the month of March 2024 in the city of Stuart Florida as procurement procurement month our recipient is Elena nler okay move you over this way speech speech oh she does good afternoon I am deeply honored and grateful to accept this procurement Proclamation today it is with great pride that I stand before you and express my heartfelt gratitude for this recognition procurement plays a vital role in the success and efficiency of any organization it enables us to acquire the necessary the necess the necessary resources goods and services to fulfill our mission and serve our citizens I am truly grateful for the opportunity to lead and contribute to our procurement efforts I want to express my appreciation to all the individuals and departments who have worked tirelessly to ensure the success of our procurement processes I am also grateful for our suppliers and vendors who have supported us throughout our procurement activities I accept this procurement Proclamation with deep gratitude and A Renewed commitment to uphold the standards and excellence in our procurement practices together we will continue to drive Innovation efficiency and success in our procurement Department thank you once again I am truly grateful and humbled by this recognition thank you thank you now we're going to go into our Service Awards our recipient is David during 20 years of service police Lieutenant he was here his little boys are out there there they are there he is years are we supposed to come down for 20 years no 25 25 okay so long we about 25 I've forgotten oh come on David [Applause] speech 20 years speak for itself another service award recipient Rachel Miner 10 years of service with the police department [Applause] awesome not even about the [Applause] dogs thank you we have two more um they're not attending is Adam Baker five years of service with the fire medic and Scott Stewart five years of service with the police office thank you okay now we're going to go into comments from my City commissioners anyone want to speak first no com for me today since I'm on the I'll speak since it's supposed to be a short medum I'll take a long time CLK I don't really have any anything one thing I had but I'm going to bring it at the next meeting when I can get the video working I hear that the system is not working to transmit the video so that's um of concern but I hope that we'll get it work I just wanted to say that I've had um people calling me and especially one person who called that they had a near miss with a train arm and I did talk to Milton I don't think there's anything that we can do but I um apparently a car may go through and then the arm comes right down again in certain locations so we just have to people have to be very careful when they're driving the other thing is that sheriff Snider is not going to be running for office anymore and and I'm not sure if there's going to be any time when the county or anybody's going to have anything but I think that we do need to recognize Sheriff Snyder and all the joint things that we've done together and so I don't know if that's a proclamation or something but I'm sure that Mr Mortel can find out and we can figure out what we need to do to make sure the city appreciates um Sheriff [Applause] Snider commissioner Collins just just one comment I was happy to see that number seven on the consent calendar I'm not going to pull it but I just wanted to say in light of the previous meeting and the discussions around affordable housing one of the points that came up was that when people find out the settlement that the city got with regard to the posos um you know there's going to be potentially an oll and that we should be doing everything we can in terms of potentially using that settlement money uh towards one of these kinds of projects and having this on our consent again I won't pull it but when you look into the details you know that settlement revolved around being able to afford to replace these um resin these filters for the posos uh for a 40-year period and when we're talking about the settlement it will look like a big number but again if we dig into this agenda a little bit you're looking at about $1.6 million these are about 800 um, a piece for the two um between replacing and disposing uh so I hope that all of us are on the same page you know maybe these were just talking points and it was a charged up meeting but that none none of us have any intention on trying to get into that money for anything other than making sure that our public our residents are able to have these filters that may over time become more and more expensive you know ideally that settlement with 3m would have included filters over a 40-year period but you can't get a third of that I'm sure Bob would know right but um you would know a third no but um you know that long term we're thinking about the health of the people that live here and what that money is intended to be used for not any pet projects that any of us might get invested in so that was all thank you commissioner Rich I'll start with the good news which was the we finally got the legislature to ratify the new stormw water bill this is something that we had fought for and requested and uh Treasure Coast region Florida League of cities I know Gil smart and Eve samples this was just an essential step we needed to take um as I explained to the leg as I explained to the legislators when I spoke with them uh you know who uses the latest data in the latest modeling is the insurance companies and if they don't see the state as a partner in trying to uh REM mediate some of the damage that we're suffering from these uh precipitation events it's just going to make it more difficult to get our insurance under control and I'm happy to give credit where credit is due one of the introducers was our own Senator Gail Herold so good for her and thank thanks Senator Herold for doing that um I don't like to say this but I tuned in to the crb meeting last Tuesday this is really more to my fellow commissioner than anyone and there were only three people in attendance and I will not embarrass those who did not but I will tell I will just name who was there and that was board member Bonnie Moser was there board member Mark breckell was there and chair Tom Camp Penney was there they failed to have a quorum and so they could not conduct their business so you know our appointees who failed to attend certainly rude to their fellow members and it's a waste of their time I spoke to the city manager about this and he reminded me that last year half of their meetings were cancelled and so are we just doing the same thing and hoping for a different result I personally think there's a huge opportunity here with these people I know my appointee is uh very qualified very interested did in what can be done I certainly value would value their input and their considerations on the matter um I we need to do something to try to get better participation obviously Commissioners need to talk to their appointees and I'm not saying this should be the case but now the rule is if you miss you're you're only off if you miss three meetings correct three in a row three in a row okay maybe should we make it two um they started four I know four is difficult for some people should we change that to five um I just think we should try to solve the problem just LLY endure uh you know the difficulty we're having um having this board be effective you know there's so much is going to be happening in the City we've got the train station obviously bright line and there's so many there's so many opportunities we have I I hate to see us wasted and waste those people's efforts so I'm really asking for input I I don't have a solution I I uh I feel the same way maybe it should be uh after three doesn't matter how you get it just three and you're out so commissioner Collins all I wanted to say is with regard to tonight with what we approving at the end with the the wording that Lee has been working on is instead of us having to as a board decide um you know taking somebody off the board or appointing somebody new you as a commissioner will have the ability to remove or add somebody at will so more than trying to maybe change a number three in a row or three at law if you feel like that that your person is not you know if any of us feel like their person's not cutting the mustard we can remove them with what we're approving tonight Madam mayor yes I say actually I worked very hard to make sure I had a point to for the crb would show up and unfortunately he did miss the meeting but he called me that evening because he had an emergency one of his employees down south was assaulted and had to have police come and some other things so um so anyway so needless to say but yeah it is a real issue and um and uh that's why and I made my appointee promise that he would not miss any meeting so when an emergency came up uh he called me that evening to let me know what had happened so sometimes sometimes things can't be avoided but when you run into the chronic um people that just over and over and over hence by my last year's appointe didn't get reappointed so right Madam mayor I I'm I'm aware of the issue and I've been trying since December even though the my current person's name went in to get a new person and I'm getting a new person I think that we should be ready to get their things sent in I I've been working with the clerk but I'm hoping my person will send the information the clerk is requesting from them Comm I just yes yes commissioner Rich yeah I think commissioner McDonald makes a good point at least if we hold our OES accountable and say I noticed you weren't there is there a problem I mean that's I mean we're that inquiry reveals that we see that board is important and we value their participation so you know at the very least let's not be indifferent to the failure of that board to be able to vote on the matter that was before them so I think if we all make an effort here that board can be more effective and that would be a great contribution thank you m no comments comments from our manager our city manager um first let me just comment briefly about the uh board membership I I think that um your all consensus is is correct and uh commissioner Collins uh made a good point that the uh Clerk and the City attorney have been working on updating our bylaws and part of it is because the bylaws were in both chapter 8 and chapter 2 and secondly the bylaws paragraphs weren't all aligned so the way that the intention was to make it that if paragraph three in the bylaws was the paragraph about attendance then whatever board's bylaws kind of line them up so they can be read more easily and one of the things that was discovered while going through it was that the when the charter board had U made its recommendations and the primary recommendation being that the Commissioners appoint their direct respon respondents or uh Representatives they each got appointed for onee term and there was really nothing in between the term other than if you missed three meetings in a row for the basis to remove a board member so as it's being revised it's going to include that language that the board appointee is serving at the will of the commissioner that appoints that appointee just like in the county and as a result as commissioner Collins points out if if your board member is not doing whatever it is you understand them to be uh commitments they made and you know what they're what they've agreed on with you then you have the right to put somebody else on the board and and address it so you'll be able to address that tonight and I think that that um going hand inand with commissioner Campbell Rich's comments about the idea that the um each commissioner needs to communicate with their board member to make all the boards feel that they are important and I know that all the Commissioners um greatly appreciate the board members and their advice and whatever we feedback we get from each board because it makes it um easier to understand how the public feels if there's more people communicating so hopefully that will take place I also wanted to mention speaking of board members and board meetings next week or this week's was last week and I made this comment but this week's LPA meeting had a project called edar that was the property between Lowe's and the Audi dealership kind of adjacent to Willoughby um we received a letter last week from them asking if they could be continued from this LPA meeting until the April LPA meeting and as a result it will not be heard at the um March uh LPA meeting um since our last meeting bright line announced that the steuart Martin County submitt has been selected um I know that there's some tweaking of some final details between the county in the city and and uh the bright line and the Florida East Coast Railway and we had a phone conference as recently as today um soon between now and the end of April I will be returning to the board with hopefully a final um agreement for you to ratify also since the last meeting there was a uh 5K run and a quanas breakfast that uh at the quanas breakfast we also had the grand opening of the quanis playground facility that the um City commission voted to match the funds with with guanas which was actually very successful the kids loved it um and also um on March 6th a milestone in the city of Stewart occurred and there's there's a limited few people who actually complete the demanding educational requirements and then pass the peer review based upon their significant contributions to local government and to their community and to their state and in the instance uh that I'm referring to right now our own clerk was designated as Master municipal clerk based upon 5 years of education and community service so we should congratulate [Applause] her and and and I want to say over the course of the five years there's been adjustments to bylaws to public records to Sunshine presentations to procedures and meetings to the processing of Elections to almost every aspect of how we uh keep records in the city and um function at our meetings and you can uh blame Mary for those but uh it really has been a tribute to Mary at how how hard she's worked on it and I congratulate her on that and that's all I have thank you Mary than you thank you very much okay can I get a motion approval of the agenda to approve the agenda second have a motion we have a second do we have any uh comments from the public would like to speak on this I see none um you can do an all in favor all in favor I I thank you now we have comments from the public let me go through these Sally Rose miss Sally Rose thank you for coming Sally Rose 1101 Southeast Riverside Drive in Stewart Madame mayor Commissioners last week as I attempted to drive downtown on East Ocean Boulevard the traffic was backed up from hospital street by the Cleveland Clinic to confusion Corner nearly half a mile back up this is no longer a rare occurrence happening only when a freight train passes it has become a daily nightmare now your Commissioners propose to allow city land to be used for 130 more apartments that could easily add 200 to 260 more vehicles to our gridlocked overburdened downtown is that what you want is that what your constituents want the answer is no taxpayer owned land which is our land belongs to our citizens not to the Commissioners this crazy proposal to use our land on which to build government funded Apartments which is more of our tax dollars is outrageous our Steward citizens would be expected to to pay $400,000 to have this building erected we want our tax dollars going into Green Space an enhancement of the city for the enjoyment of all like we just with the sculptures we were just talking about that's where our tax dollar should be going not into subsidizing a love them and leave them developer from Fort Lauderdale if we have vacant land you are Commissioners should be considering a parking garage that will pay for itself not more Apartments cars and trucks thank you thank you thank you [Applause] m Mr Brinkley Albert Brinkley welcome Mr Brinkley good to see you same here and thank you for having this opportunity to speak to you all um before I say anything else I'd like to thank you all for the opportunity and listen to me about the right away but I really don't think you all have the full scope the full understanding of that and ID like for you all one day to sit with me and understand what I'm trying to tell you all cuz I'm different from the other people that ask for right away I had my property taken from me so understand that part I would like to sit down with each and everyone you as a group to really get you all to understand the situation that I am in now I heard some comments from you all at the last meeting which rubbed me the wrong way the statement was we are not in the housing business well so is pal be county is not in the housing business but they're building low-income housing down there St lucd county is not in the housing business but they're building L income housing down there matter of fact I've passed by a project about a month ago that is being built so that type of comment I do not like because let me let me tell you something understand you all everyone up there to understand one thing you have a responsibility from God to carry out the law of the land and I ask you to read Romans chapter 13 read that you have a responsibility to car out the law land we have a responsibility to obey the law of the land you have a job to do and that responsibility come comes from God nobody can do what they want to do so I just want you to know read Romans chapter 13 and understand your responsibility our responsibility as a government you have the responsibility to carry the law out we have a responsibility to obey the law now I heard another comment about this project that the lady just spoke about and then the comment was isn't that what the f based code was for well Mr Rich the E St Community every meeting that we had with the city we specifically said that we did not want the form based code and you all implemented anyway that's why I may mention about the government Romans read that you have a responsibility we did not want that we said it over and over again we didn't want the form based Cod why justification see eventually with that code we'll be pricop we'll be on the outside looking in our community will be taken from us we ask you all time and time again we didn't want that matter of fact when I was in that meeting when Jessica spoke to you all about the farm base code you all sit up there and say well what is the farm based code and I'm sitting back there I'm like how you all going to put something on us and you all don't know what it is and Mr and M Pete wson sitting right there where M McDonald is sitting you know what he said please just let me finish this this is important this is important more couple more s you all sit there when Jessica was presenting that to you all and the comment was combining the creek district and each through it together Pete wson said sitting right there and his comment was you all need to understand what e is a residential community and I came behind him and said the white the same thing he said you all overlooking us on what we are we a residential Community Mr Brinkley I know you are I know you're resident of this community and we said to y'all over and over again in those meeting we didn't want the form base code thank you sir but you all doing what you want to do God not pleased with that he not pleased with it thank you sir Helen Helen McBride welcome this is my bride thank you Helo McBride from Flamingo Avenue at the last meeting I was talking about uh parking and the city admin administrator said at this meeting you were going to talk about it and you were going to have the owner of the restaurant here well this Saturday I came down 31 cones are in the parking spot at the end of flag and there are four loading zones again this is a freedom City I mean how can you five say certain businesses have rights over the other business I'm from a business family I I love Lunas you don't have any cones out there so she could put valet parking something is radically radically wrong in this city I agree with this the young lady the first speaker and I agree with Mr Brinkley but and when she was saying guys ladies and gentlemen you've got to wake up and listen to We the People now as I say and I told the city administrator I come to all these meetings and I when he said oh you said this that you at meetings this was approved well I'm sitting here and I'm thinking well where was it approved that 31 cones and then he did say Mike did say oh it's free parking well how do who knows that you come down valet parking you don't know it's free now uh people who are talking to me sent me over to the triangle with the doctor's office when you pull in there it's complimentary Valley parking big sign not down there you get a look from these young men but you've got to do something we're your taxpayers we chose to live in this city we didn't come in here and demand uh as a business oh uh we we want free parking we want to put out uh cones stop when people come to the city of Steward all right if maybe they'll have to park down uh by Wells Fargo that but to come down and see all these empty parking spots with cones it's not a parade it's not the President coming into town or that please please each one of you start to think of We the People the hardworking people we're not rich we're not developers we're just common Ordinary People and I know when I first came here and I'm I know because I know a lot of you you all work just as hard as I did we all volunteered our services we all donate it because we love this city please give us back our city stop taking it away thank you I would like to say 31 cones is just ridiculous um and what Helen just said I want to say to to our commissioners is I've been going over there over three months and it does say complimentary and I always use it because the person I've been taking care of is in a wheelchair um and I wish that we could do that could we some way if they're going to do this complimentary uh parking 31 cones is just um is can we do that I'm not sure what you're asking to do well I'm just can it is it is complimentary since the last meeting I called the owner of the property and I did I didn't know that we were setting it on this meeting I thought it was going to be after we were able to address it it was my intention to come back with the issue but if does the commission want to change the resolution that it originally P because I've already told the people at Hudsons that we need to put signs up to say complimentary because the representation needs to be that it is in fact open to the public because right now it doesn't say free or anything like that the commission passed a resolution when uh David dis was the city manager authorizing them to put the valet parking everything's south of where the thing widens and does the thing so that resolution I'm not at Liberty to come back and change without the commission actually having a motion and a second to rehear it and come back and change the uh process of it because the commission voted on it and under parliamentary procedure you don't every time somebody comes up with an issue I you don't bring back an issue that's already been voted on but you're going to bring it back discussion bring back and tell you that there's uh signs that say complimentary if the if the board votes right now that you want me to bring back a a a motion or a resolution to revoke the valet parking I can do so um but you're under contract with the with the tenant there and there's some representations I don't have any idea what the impact would be but what I what I would like is to be able to see the terms and you know maybe have a discussion item we could talk about what what's in that contract because that was before me so I would like to see is there a number of spaces you know what are all the it's from like where the Flagler Center you know where the road goes down where it opens up and goes wide to to the end that's where it was was there a number of spaces asso it was from that point south even the flag Center yeah like north of the Flagler Center where it goes into two roads like where it has a median in between it and it goes to the left and the right like under the bridge all of that area under there and he also offered to actually build parking um under the bridge in that grass area as well at one point and I know remember they it is our they do have a you know we do have a lease with them as well and I think that it was very my recollection of the discussion of the valet parking was taking into consideration the lease uh he invested millions of dollars on City property and there was trying to kind all this parking and compromise because obviously we don't we don't want him to fail he doesn't want to fail let me let me um um interrupt and uh I think we all up here have a concern so and Mike is supposed to bring it it back to us I'm not you didn't motion for me to bring it back I'm just planning to bring back and Report the signs are up and show you a picture of the sign that says free because at the time don't forget the Green Market used to be in the parking lot out here so one of the complaints that in the time that the owner of Hudson built Hudsons the Green Market also got moved into the Flagler Park and so there were some changes that occurred if you guys want to reset the the the marker back to zero and move the Green Market back to this parking lot and remove the cones and reset it we can we can start over but one of the reasons that we don't generally re hear items is exactly that that once that's been publicly heard and voted on and addressed there's you know there's always somebody that that in every decision that isn't happy with the decision and if the only requirement is that you come back and express that you're not happy with the decision and therefore we hear it again then you never actually get get finality to a decision but I'm happy to bring it back am I hearing any of the Commissioners that wants to I would like to revisit it all right if you so we have are you making a motion so I'm not exactly sure what what the motion would be except to be able to at least have a discussion item d m May yeah I think I think if I may um I think what we would be useful is ask Mike to come back with showing us pictures of and uh evidence about what the signs say uh the signage and also providing the Commissioners with the details of the resolution um because um because there was a there was a fair amount of discussion about this when we did this prior and uh and a lot of it had to do with uh and as Mike pointed out the uh Green Market being moved down there and then causing uh other tra parking issues it's it's a it's a pretty congested part you know we've you know between the Flagler Center the Green Market and Hudson and everybody wants the park close to the restaurant right uh but as I often Park if I go to Hudson I'm used unless it's an off day I'm parking down here not down there so I just that's just the way it seems to go uh but uh I think that bringing it back and I also think that we should probably invite Mr manius because it directly affects his investment of course so I agree and I think a discussion I think then if we want to after discussion motion to move forward with a change then we motion to have them bring it back a new resol R Mike do you feel like you have enough Direction sure okay all right we'll proceed and when we get to uh yeah I think we need to make sure he's consistently in compliance with the agreement I think MC M McBride is implying that perhaps he's exceeding as allocated amount so we need to determine if that is in fact correct so that could be part of that discussion yes we're on yeah just a minute um Mr morchel I don't know if this is important if it's viable or not but since it's city property do we have the ability to maybe put a drone or something and keep check on what's Happening down there so we can just get a picture of of how parking happens for Main Street or whatever just for staff to some way for staff have to know how things are happening or just walking we we know what's happening down there there's no doubt in my mind that what Miss McBride is describing is happening down there that's not I don't think that's an issue I mean there's no reason not to think it is what's happening is the operator of Hudson's is putting out cones and reserving the parking spaces for valet in 2021 the city of Stewart terminated the Green Market contct contract and reissued a new contract with um the uh uh Stuart Main Street to operate the Green Market and moved into the Flagler Park and the um parking down there and I think it was the same year that Hudson opened they may have been 22 that they opened but as a result Hudson's came back before the commission and the commission had a public hearing on it the commission voted voted to um give the valet parking but just like in Sunset Bay and I don't know if you guys are asking me to bring that back too um well it's the same thing you can't I mean what's the difference because it's parking that's being valeted by the operator something else over there besides we hear complaints about the parking all the time sure so it's I mean what the only thing we're hearing different today is that someone's here complaining in but when people contact us regarding Sunset Bay it's the same thing they say they can't park because when they get there there's cones and what was decided in that case and in this case was that the um operator had to provide valet parking for free and wasn't allowed to charge for any of the spaces and it was intended to provide additional parking by allowing more cars to park than spaces because they were managing it as a valet what happens is when they're just like when we had the valet and Stewart Downtown in the city of Stewart and City Hall in 20189 and uh right before covid started in 20 every day at 3:00 the valet guy would start putting cones out here in the parking lot out front and all of the parking lot out front would end up with orange cones in it so that it could be used for valet I mean it was it's it was the same procedure okay but we I'm not sure if you want me to bring back the picture of the sign first now or if you'd rather just not put in the signs because if it's going to be revoked I don't want to put signs in that say you know free valet I mean it's no sense in doing it for me I'd like to see the nature of the original agreement so that we have some sense of if there honoring it or not if there's some breach from that it's resolution 36-22 so that we can look at if that needs to be amended slightly to potentially include less spaces instead of maybe 31 is exactly what they're entitled to maybe we need to revisit that I know there was some uh change up in the parking for the bridge attendance and also for the fishermen that's been a little bit of a change too so just kind of looking at everything that's going on down there just revisiting it and if it makes sense it makes sense if we need to amend it then let's amend it nothing drastic you know in my mind but now therefore for good and valuable consideration receipt of which is hereby acknowledged the city does hereby Grant this exclusive license to Hudson on the river to use the city's designated parking area as defined an attachment a in accordance with the conditions set forth below the license he agrees to provide Valley service Monday through Saturday from 5:00 p.m. to 10: p.m. the lense e shall be allowed to extend Valley Beyond 10 p.m. at its discretion but shall not be allowed to reserve spaces prior to 4 p.m. Hudsons on the river shall be allowed to begin reserving Spaces by placing cones at 4M as each car vacates the lot Hudson on the river agrees to provide free valet service to any citizen regardless of their patronage at Hudson's Restaurant the term of this license agreement uh should be at the time and at the discretion of the city manager this agreement shall continue to renew on the first day of each month until uh the execution of this agreement sign by both parties at the discretion of Hudson on the river the service may be eliminated during any month of the off seon which is June to November City shall have the right to terminate the license agreement at any time with 7 days written notice without demonstrating cause the lenses valet May stack vehicles but shall at all times leave the drivability roadway open and then talks about cancelling additional authorizations indemnification insurance and things of that nature and then it shows the um public park lot like I said it goes up to that curved area and underneath you can't really see it from this picture because it's in the road well you might be right that to use it's actually rough I think it's more than 31 SP probably more than 31 spes based on the the idea that you were going to mention complimentary that should really help I would think a lot compliment well I'm not I'm not going to I'm not going to put those signs up I had moved forward to doing that but I think what I'm hearing is you guys would rather address the issue first so I'm going to bring it back I don't think anybody up here wants to radically transform what's going on we just want to look at it so the sign would be good he's putting those cones out before 4 o' on the weekends I'll tell you that I don't I don't know he's they're out there at they're out there and so we can address that for sure yeah okay we have an idea what so it's worth revisiting are we going I understand the attent I have asked 40 people who live in the city nobody knows it's complimentary it's simply not working they think you have to go to the restaurant to take advantage of the valet it's a natural error I mean I didn't know it to like that up here all right we're so we we're not being effective in getting that information out we're going to work on that let's go forward let's so um move to approve the cazette agenda yes yes yes the second consent calendar we got a motion uh by commissioner McDonald second by commissioner Collins do we have any uh anyone from the public that would like to speak on consent calendar I see none this is great Mary Roo commissioner Collins yes commissioner Clark yes vice mayor Rich yes mayor Bruner yes commissioner McDonald yes okay all right uh commission action number 10 support of Southwest Palm City Road US1 the intersection there Lee if you could read that for me the resolution this we're pass that number 10 resolution number 26224 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Stewart Florida authorizing support of the Florida Department of Transportation funding for roadway reconstruction and the construction of pedestrian facilities in the city's RightWay at the Southwest Palm City Road uh SL US1 intersection providing an effective date and for other purposes move to approve second I I just wanted to say before we do that just so the public understands what this is this is the uh Palm City Road and us one intersection uh Beth Beltran from The Martin um MO is present here um I don't know Beth if you had anything to comment further but it was a uh five different proposals for modifications to What's called the hot right on that intersection have been presented uh to I guess it's an fdot program and they've got the mo selected item number five which includes some green space behind Publix and will alleviate the speed at which cars are um leaving US1 and heading on to Palm City Road hopefully and it will also do some traffic calming because of the way that the median is created with the green space Beth did you want to say a couple words before they vote I think you just to follow up on this Beth Bel n administrator of the Martin NPO um what you're saying is correct um I will let you know that um fot will be managing this project because it is on us one at the Palm City Road intersection the second part of that motion was the traffic calming along Palm City Road that has been broken up into two different priorities on the Mo's list you all as part of your motion when you approve the feasibility study asked that the project be part of the M priority list um as part of that list we um or the local government has to submit a scoping form to the state we've been working with Peter the um cunan the uh the um city engineer on um putting together that scoping information for the state and part of that is a acknowledgement of local support for this project which is what this resolution is yeah' been working on this a long time this would be great thank you thank you very much um we have a first I mean we have a motion in a second do we have any any comments any right U I believe uh um could I make an inquiry of the two Commissioners who sit on this commission uh do they agree with the this Choice yes yes okay we we have actually already approved it at the mo good all right question so approved by uh commissioner McDonald I have that right and and commissioner Rich motions motion I mean and and uh second by commissioner Rich do we have any comment from from the public like to speak on this all right Mary roll call Mayor Bruner yes vice mayor Rich yes commissioner McDonald yes commissioner Clark yes commissioner Collins yes all right okay Second Amendment to the uh uh interlocal agreement for creation of the Martin County mol and planning organization do read resolution of course uh resolution number 29- 2024 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Stewart authorizing the mayor to sign a Second Amendment of the interlocal agreement for creation of the Martin County Metropolitan planning organization also known as uh m adding a fifth Martin County Commissioner to the no board providing an effective date and for other purposes move to approve all right we have a motion for approve second second by commissioner Collins are there any comments from do beth to uh Beth excuse me Beth could you come up and just tell us everybody what what we're doing I mean me and Chris know because sure sure um the as you all know the N is the transportation planning agency in this area um it is was formed in 1993 um through an interlocal agreement with the inter with the local governments it has the board has four County Commissioners on it two City commissioners as you mentioned during this time it's commissioner McDonald and Chris commissioner Collins um we have a a member a commissioner from Souls point on the board as well as a member from the village of Indian Town the First Amendment to the interlocal was to make the village of Indiantown representative a voting member once the village became incorporated as a city and this is the second amendment and it's to add the fifth commissioner on the board from from the county the county commissioner on the board because at this time the District 5 County Commissioner is not on the board and right now there has been some discussions with the county north of us that there's a lot of development north of the County Line and there's going to be there could potentially be significant impact of the road U of traffic on the roadways of alapata and Martin Highway way right now the district commissioner is not on the board so he cannot speak on behalf of his district and I think this will be a subject that will come up in the next few years at no board me meetings um we have worked with the state on this and the um consensus was to add the fifth commissioner would be the um would be the a good solution to have you know all the planning area representative on the represented on the no board moving forward okay thank you thank you Beth I just want to say Beth we we have one of the best performing mpos in the state and it's all because of uh Beth so she does an amazing job she she makes sure I don't get in trouble up on the Das over at the county building so thank you Beth so so let's make sure I I've got this right we have approval by uh commissioner McDonald second by Collins um know that com any uh anyone from the public would like to comment on this this is going out along vice mayor rich yes commissioner Clark yes commissioner McDonald yes commissioner Collins yes mayor Bruner yes okay this is The Binding letter of determination for 23 Southeast Alama way Stuart Florida resolution number 32-22 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Stewart authorizing the mayor to execute a binding letter of determination for 213 Southeast Al Manda way in Stuart Florida declaring that lot three will be treated as a legal buildable lot in the r1a zoning District providing for an effective date and for other purposes move to approve Madam okay second okay we have a um uh approval we have a a second comment I'll I'll give a brief description of what's happened the city's comprehensive plan as well as the Land Development regulations uh encourage promote and further actually provide tools to the commission to preserve historic properties within our community in this particular instance a uh family that has a long history of preserving historic properties uh the vitales have asked um for a binding letter that would essentially state that a 1920s house that was built on lot 3 at 223 Alamanda would be deemed as a legal lot even though it's in the r1a zoning District well in the r1a zoning District a legal lot has to be um 100t wide and up to 10,000 square feet um of uh space but if you look at a map or in this particular instance if you look in that area the houses directly to the south of it are 50 foot wide Lots right around the corner is 50 foot wide Lots across the street are 50 foot wide light wide lots and in this particular instance if the vacant portion of this is required to um be participating in the sale and you can't carve this lot three off then what's going to happen is the uh potential Builder is going to literally knock down the historic home to build on the totality of the lot um in this particular instance Mr vitali's son is going to be moving into it with his wife and they will plan on on uh maintaining it and restoring it as a historic home the resolution that the commission is being asked to vote for would authorize the City attorney to draft an agreement with Mr Reigns on their behalf that would set forth the parameters under which they would have to follow in order to maintain this as a legal lot part of that is you know if a storm blew down a portion of the house if it wasn't a legal lot they couldn't go back and fix it and things like that and it they don't want to take it on on and 20 years from now if it were to get destroyed by fire or by Hurricane not have anything for the for the aggravation of it so the the the intention here was to use the tools in the comprehensive plan that authorizes you to do this binding letter and I also know that we did this on halapa way several years ago where it was a 40 foot wide lot that didn't even meet our Cottage code that the commission deemed was a legal lot because the house from the 1920s was on it and had been and in this instance the house is in existence it's on it and has been for as long as I can remember and um they would still have to meet all the setbacks and all the other stuff of the uh building code if they were to add on or do anything to it it just would make lot three a standalone lot yeah it is 100 years yeah it's kind of amazing commissioner cin all I was going to say is if there is ever um a time to make an exception this is pretty much it I mean this is about as good as it gets for what would come in front of us so and I also appreciate seeing Bob you know working for the good guys of course all right well that was we have a got vote Madame mayor I just like to thank uh Mr Vitali for taking the time yesterday to meet with me at the lot and explain to me what his plans were and one of the appeals of the job is this is such a small City we always have the opportunity to go and you know we look at and walk on the pieces of property that we're talking about and uh I literally have run by this lot hundreds of times because it's on my running route and yet uh for him to take the time and explain to me what he wanted to do he and his family wanted to do I agree with the comments by commissioner Collins uh there's no better Steward of our historical buildings than someone who understands how important these buildings are to maintaining the charm and character of our city than Mr Vitali so I'm happy to cast my vote in favor of this and his son Chris is going to be able to uh follow the lead with this because we're going to hold him to it as well and he lives in Palm City right now so now can ra their see yes that's right he can ride his bike work new new candidate for commissioner yes um well we we I believe we have a u approval by we have a vote you need to call vote you have a motion a second and any comments from the public regarding this you have to come up here ma'am yes ma'am we just want you to fill out a green card give us your name and address and fill out one of these before you leave thank you I don't have yes I yes I do yes I do you have aank okay fill it out after thank you you can fill it out when you're done okay you Miss Rose no I'm Mrs Shane Linda Shane and I live across the street from the beautiful house that was built what 1925 and I'm just so thrilled they're going to be restoring it because we were so afraid they would tear it down and um we need more young couples in the neighborhood you do and so I'm so happy y'all are getting it so I support you 100% so and I know they'll do a wonderful job like they've done the little houses on seminal Street okay thank you okay enjo we really do have a special little city people no planning a cocktail parties let's move on with the agenda okay got neighbor that's right any any other public comments okay now Mary roll call commissioner McDonald yes commissioner Collins yes vice mayor Rich yes commissioner Clark yes mayor Bruner yes thank you thank you very much thank you guys for doing what you do okay now um amendments to the city of Stewarts Land Development code and code of ordinances Lee knows this one well Lee all right thank you Madame mayor uh ordinance number 2525 d224 that the right number uh an ordinance of the city of Stewart Florida amending chapter 8 of the city of Stewart's Land Development code um Administration and enforcement and amending part two chapters 2 and 32 of the city of Stewart Stewart's code of ordinances providing for the repeal of Prior ordinances and resolutions incorporation into the code severability effective date and for other purposes um since I was the one who worked on this one I can kind of discuss it I um thank you city manager Morell talked about this earlier in tonight's meeting and I think I alluded to it last meeting um but we had some confusion on some of the advisory boards as to what their duties and responsibilities were um and I I kind of took a look at them we had some duties and responsibilities uh in our code um in chapter two of the code of ordinances we also and they dealt with the advisory boards at that in that in that chapter we also had similar duties and responsibilities for the same advisory boards listed in chapter eight of the Land Development code and then we also had bylaws which were adopted by the commission at various times um via resolution and they had like a a drafted bylaws and it was a two or three pages of bylaws and there were a lot of similarities there were some differences so what we wanted to do is um we we Consolidated all of those one of the problems too with the adoption by resolution of the bylaws is the bylaws weren't anywhere online so the members of the board and the public couldn't find those bylaws unless they did a public records request from the city um clerk so by incorporating all this we we took the similarities of all of these and put them in chapter two of the code code of ordinances so in code of ordinances you're going to see that there are the first few sections are are boilerplate for all the advisory boards so they're the common rules and regulations for all of them and then we break them down into each Advisory Board you know some of them have specific details that the others don't like some boards have seven members some have five so there are some differences among the boards um and and what um commissioner Collins brought up one of the things that we uh talked about I guess earlier was it's it's an automatic um resignation of any of the Advisory board members if they fail to attend three success essive boards uh meetings so it's an automatic um but we've added some language and kind of clarified it that um each of these uh Advisory board members they they'll serve at the pleasure of their respective um um um uh appointing uh commissioner so it also we put some language in here that you will be able to remove them with or without cause at any time so if they don't meet the three me three successive meetings um let's say they too it's in within your discretion you would be able to have a conversation at least with them and um but you could remove them um and it would be a little bit easier before it required us to bring to the board and the board had the vote on it so we kind of clarified it where you'll have your own individual power on your appointing advisory member so um you know we cleaned up typos you know the codes changed so many times that when these originally were written it would site to a certain section number that that section number meant something else so I cleaned it up where it was referencing to the correct section in the code elsewhere we had some typos and capitalization so we just cleaned up some certain things so hopefully it'll be easier for everybody to find too if you guys need an opinion or anything we also have a Consulting from a master municipal clerk we have a commissioner McDonald sure once these are done that all these bylaws everything will be available since in the code and M code yeah it'll be in chapter two everything will be in chapter two now and under Administration yeah no but that I mean that just will make it so much easier for that'll make it so much easier for anybody that wants to find out what public can search it very easily online I go to mun code all the time so and the board members they they were having trouble finding what their duties and responsibilities were but now it'll all be in one place be do we have a a motion for approval move to approve second we have a motion by commissioner McDonald second by commissioner Clark um any any other comments from Comm any comments from the public okay Mary roll call Mayor Bruner yes commissioner McDonald yes vice mayor Rich yes commissioner Collins yes commissioner Clark yes okay can I get a motion to adjourn adjourned 620 520 oh five is that five or six five really