so uh for the board we need a motion to uh come out of a second session and resume the open meeting don't move second is there any discussion all those in favor any opposed any extensions and we are back in at 658 all right now I'll turn it over to uh superintendent Huff thank you for our main event welcome everyone I am Scott Huff superintendent of schools it is so nice to see you all coming out here this evening and enjoying in our reception enjoying with each other we're here for a very special night the board always loves this night it's our opportunity to recognize our National Merit Scholars and the wonderful Summit Educators who helped them along the way and had a major impact what does it mean to be a National Merit scholar I think we all know it's the top of the top it's high academic performance achievement dedication commitment and pride and the the reflective of how many we have in this room right here for our community and Summit it says a lot so thank you for all that you do teachers and students alike and upholding the standard at Summit public schools with that I'll turn it over to Brian MTO we're stand over here oh la was supposed to cue me because she knew I was going to forget instructions when your name is called teacher and student you're going to come up you're going to take a picture with Mr Cho and I and then you're going to go up to the stage and we're going to line up here for a group photo at the end okay thanks Mr Huff good evening everybody it is my pleasure to be here tonight to honor our Summit High School seniors who have received the distinction of being named a scholar student by the 2024 National Merit Scholarship program in most Years miss galdi would be up here taking on this honor but she along with several of our staff and students are watching internationally right now from Spain so congratulations to all of our Hill Toppers that are National Merit Scholars abroad inorder in order to be recognized by the National Merit Scholarship program students need to receive a qualifying score in the PSATs that are taken during their junior year this is an amazing accomplishment that students can include in their applications for colleges and that qualifies them to receive some Scholarships in addition a portion of these students will also go on to receive recognition as National Merit Scholars semi-finalists and finalists these students will pay tribute to a current or former District staff member who has had a profound impact on them during their time at Summit the students will be presenting their honored guest with a special book and an accompanying inscription congratulations again to all these students and their families for receiving this honor and congratulations to our staff members on their impact of supporting our students and our first National Merit scholar is Scott oou young recognizing Miss nean boic next is Mia Aila recognizing Mr Alex bino thank you next is Ella Callahan recognizing Miss Kate paus congratulations oh um the invention of wings yeah next is Miriam Chone recognizing Miss Jennifer martyr congratulations next is Andrew Chung recognizing Miss Christine stach congratulations next is Kate Cooper recognizing Miss Moore conat next is Olivia qu recognizing Miss Andrea Lair congratulations Vincent def FAO recognizing Miss Elizabeth congratulations Bridget deaney recognizing Miss Ashley fukes the title of the book too so people know congratulations next is Isabella estupinan recognizing miss Monica Bartlett who is watching currently in Spain Isabella is presenting her with the ultimate Travel list next is Molly Fagan recognizing Mr Brian Erikson with the book life is yours to win Maggie Franco recognizing Miss Kate Galloway with the math of life and death congratulations Alicia gagos is recognizing Miss Rose mccauly who couldn't be here tonight with Crime and Punishment Samuel Gonzalez Alberto is recognizing Miss Martha Seer with mad honey congratulations Emma gumy recognizing Mr Jeremy morbin with white holes conratulations Ka Jane is recognizing Miss Jodie Freedman with Genesis the story of how everything began conat Sarah Kelly is recognizing Mr Damen Banis with lovely War congratulations Tyler kessle is recognizing Mr John Ross with the Martian congrats Matt lamio is recognizing Mr Dan Duffy with underdogs the Philadelphia Eagles emotional role to the super hat you come on congratulations Khloe Lee is recognizing Mr magdalinski with short the the best American short stories of 2023 congratulations Jonah Malik is recognizing Miss Joan Lou with the art of of writing congratulations Sophia menal is recognizing Miss Wendy donat with an American history of Cuba congratulations you just can't wait huh Shannon palman is recognizing Miss Christine Ryle with the Great Gatsby this is a great Randy Rodriguez is recognizing Miss Lindsay Morse with In Cold Blood conratulations Julia spear is recognizing Miss Elizabeth berberick with oil and marble congatulations Martin toban is recognizing Miss Blanton with a nice gift bag that includes Haitian Creole dictionary and a phrasebook congratulations congratulations Kayla torillo is recognizing Miss Angelique Bender with banana heart summer congratulations Cammy Valdez is recognizing Mr Neil Sharma with My Sister's Keeper congratulations and Jay wus is recognizing Mr baragona with Sho dog congratulations congrats I do want to take a second to recognize a couple of our staff members that are here tonight their students were unable to make it but our staff members were able to come out to be recognized uh Mr Gary Burns Miss Missy Brian and Mr John cratch congratulations thank you yeah okay there are a couple students that also were not able to be in attendance tonight but we do want to recognize them for their Great accomplishments if you could just hold your applause to theend please Chelsea aimbe Isabella Diaz ma Keegan Mia alape Olivia canavio Evan Gunter Eduardo asorio Mitchell Pariah avani trre Diane St Louie and Evans U ladies and gentlemen your 2024 National Merit SCH congratulations to to all how many in total Mr Mara 40 I should know that's 40 flashes in about 5 minutes I can't see a thing um we're going to take a little bit of recess so if the board can come out from behind the de um Loren's going to take a picture uh from up top in the balcony and then from there we're going to take a couple minute recess for everyone who wants to leave may leave you do we need another if you're on the and you want to get the photo if you don't if you can't see her she can't see you ah says the yearbook person you know are are well start after this help get that much yeah I think thank of course I not you CS again absolutely absolutely look nope I'm all good St on the way okay see you congratulations I did I did I know they not multiple so I know it was the same conratulations I feel like saying that loud all right we're closing the doors in 15 seconds you have to stay for the rest of the meeting tra great to see you take care oh did you see my response to yes I got new showed up yeah I all right now we will continue with our February school board meeting and I would also like to congratulate our 2024 National Mar Scholars for their achievements and of course their respective teachers for their role in inspiring our students for my comments this month we'll highlight a program at our primary centers related to one of our first our goal number one the summit Public Schools will continue to Foster an inclusive School community that values diversity promotes equity and supports mental health wellness and social emotional learning SE within this climate operations curricula and programs in the spring of 2023 Grand cycle four teachers at Wilson and Jefferson primary centers apply applied for and received a $30,000 Grant from the summit Educational Foundation to celebrate and value the diversity in their schools the grant for welcoming all constructing culturally responsive learning environments allows for all students in the primary centers to see their cultures ethnicities and self-representation reflected and embraced in their learning environment the goals of this grant were to expand the school environment to become multilingual friendly learning spaces where all can see reflections of themselves and their work in curriculum teachers aim to incorporate the students cultures and languages into the daily School experience in more consistent and intentional ways such as specific classroom labels written in the language of our families greater access to Multicultural books and toys and building key vocabulary in multiple languages teachers will invite parent Partnerships by providing activities at home and having them visit as guests for family events at the school and they will collect feedback as they grow through the initiative the four teachers Suzanne shy and Christopher Wilson from Wilson Primary Center and Victoria Jordan and Cara s from Jefferson Primary Center were all enrolled in an intensive mentorship program mentorship program last year for cultural inclusive inclusivity through Kean University this program included in-person training and Mentor observations of each teacher the mentors gave feedback seven times during the school year they were evaluated on teaching stule relationship with students and the cultural inclusiveness of their classrooms and buildings while these teachers have engaged in inclusive practices for many years they developed the idea and inspiration for a grand scale focus on inclusivity through the SCF during their time in the Keen University program and I'll conclude my comments with a quote that embodies the work the primary centers and our entire School District believes in and promotes diversity is the fact but inclusion is a choice we make every day as leader As Leaders we have to put out the message that we Embrace and not just tolerate diversity that's a quote from Nelly barrero a managing director senior strategic adviser Global inclusion and diversity at centure and now turn over to you for your comments thank you President Joe as we all know February is Black History Month and I'm going to share some really exciting activities and events that have occurred throughout all of our schools this past month at the middle school the student council has been starting an ending each week this month with morning announcements highlighting African-Americans who have made a difference in science the Arts history and sports each person profiled has a picture of book biography in the Middle School library and students are encouraged to check them out if they want to learn more for their first Black History Month profile it was important for students and staff to know the history of lton C Johnson the man whose name was added to the Summit Middle School in 2004 Mr Johnson was born and raised in Summit he worked at the middle school for more than 50 years starting from the time he was a junior high school student one of his first jobs was to arrive early and unlocked the classroom doors for substitutes he continued working in the office while attending High School in the same building after graduation he worked in the office full-time Mr Johnson stayed for more than 50 years and rarely took a sick day laon Johnson was also devoted to his church Wallace Chapel am where he was the minister of Music organist and director of The Male Chorus the mayor of summit recognized his service to the community by proclaiming Lon C Johnson Appreciation Day on October 2nd 2007 he was a gifted Storyteller especially about our school and the history of summit Mr Johnson worked until his retirement in 2007 and passed away in 2009 the school culture and climate team worked on developing lessons and activities to be completed by each content level during February excuse me at Franklin Black History Month laser tribute show assembly they had that laser show assembly and they had daily announcements highlighting prominent black figures in science music politics Sports and Etc not particularly this month but we did grade level presentations on Dr Luton Marthur King in January at Washington Elementary School they also conducted read alouds about prominent figures in black history some classes were encouraged to do research about prominent F uh figures throughout the time in black history at Brighton Elementary School Mrs Hadley Mor Morano created a Black History Month daily inspiration slideshow for her students and also created a Black History Month reading room Miss Esposito read our neighbors to first and second graders about diversity in the community and our elll students read about Stevie Wonder and his many accomplishments students listened to the music watched a video about his life and read an article the school library has displayed celebrating notable America black Americans and read aloud books in their classes at the primary Center students are learning about prominent figures in black history through read alouds interactive videos non-fiction texts students are recognizing each individual's impact on our country's history at the high school black history month was kicked off with an announcement to the entire student body about the origins of Black History Month in America and the significance in our culture and history during the Weekly shs News students highlighted their favorite part of Black History Month also the Student Union sponsored several events such as movie night and Jamaican beef patty sale and finally at Jefferson Elementary School students are learning about historical figures and creating presentations for Black History Month class teachers are collaborating with our media Specialists on research and books that highlight historical figures from the past and present our media specialist is educating students during Library periods on the importance of on the importance of Black History Month and why we don't wait all year to talk about notable Black authors artists astronauts and politicians and that concludes my report thank you thank you superintendent we have a new H we do not do not okay so uh next item on the agenda we do need a motion to approve the HIV and uh disciplinary actions is note on the agenda approve on we still approve a second please thank you so we're going to make a motion to approve the new high any discussion not here approve Miss Stanton yes Miss Kelly Miss ER yes Mr cologne yes Miss con yes vice president Justice yes president show yes motion carries now we'll turn it over to our student board representative report Grace at 5:00 pm the boys varsity basketball team won against New Providence last Friday and started their state tournament in round one today against Milbourne High School the boys varsity ice hockey team won their semi-final round of the MC inis Cup and the boys won against Governor Livingston the boys and girls indoor track team competed the njsiaa sectional championships in which there were many amazing performances and PRS the wrestling team has made great achievements this season with multiple wrestlers advancing to the regional tournament next weekend including Sam Henry Tyler Sebastian and Sam Goa the summit boy swim team had an amazing performance at the Union County championships with them coming in second place at the meet overall all relays in this meet made it to the meat of Champions and will Moon broke two school records including the 500 free and the 200 free spring sports are assumed to start on March 14th many athletes have been training for their upcoming season either through preseason with coaches or in the wait room with their teammates recently happening inside the school there was a multicultural Ro parade in which during the first and second lunch blocks students from all languages participated in a parade showing off their cultural diversity and pieces of art that represented their area of language studies as well as the class Council recently holding a sale of candy GRS during Valentine's Day to support the Summit High School junior class the candy grams had messages along with candy to any of the students who bought them choosing as well as something happening in the student council the student council plans on selling tickets for the 9 and 10 dance this Thursday and Friday there will also be another pep rally held in the in the Summit High School gym for students to get involved in the date is now to be determined but it will include Games Team captains and many prizes to win as well there will be a spirit week next week for students to get involved in including camo day pajama day and Ugg day thank you board members for listening and I look forward to upcoming meetings thank you thank you Grace So Mr Jess uh as we move on to our agenda do we do we have any additions or revisions for uh yes president Cho we do uh so the first item is I have a point of information for everyone uh please be advised that the public hearing on the fiscal year 25 budget will be held on Friday March 22nd at 1 p.m in the Board of Education Administration conference room the meeting is being held on this date and at this time because the Department of Education has set the dates for public hearings to be held between March 22nd and March 28th these are also the dates for our spring break and the board will not have a quarum on any other date except the 22nd uh with regards to evision additions and revisions the first thing is uh the new staff member who was not present this evening we need to remember to vote on that during the Personnel section of this evening uh also under Personnel item F1 the date uh the end date for this staff member needs to be changed from February 29th to March 1st and then there are some additions uh under let's see school board operation item D approval of the uniform State memorandum of agreement between education and law enforcement officials for the 2324 school year and item e approval of Care Station Medical Group to provide student drug alcohol testing services for the 2324 school year under Personnel item a approval to point point the following leave replacement teacher Miss Carolyn Moses at the high school a long-term art teacher substitute effective March 21st or sooner item B8 approval of change of assignment for Paul English from lunch Aid at lton C Johnson Summit Middle School to part-time security guard at lton C Johnson Summit Middle School effective February 22nd item f8 approval of maternity leave family leave for Kelly Wright art teacher at Summit High School paid leave effective March 21st through June 14th and unpaid leave effective August 28th through November 22nd item U approval to appoint Victoria carod Kaya as a clerical substitute at $18 an hour effective February 26th 2024 and also item C under superintendent report approval to review the following reports of harassment intimidation and bullying item 7 20624 number 661 and item 8 2824 number 977 thank you Mr Jess uh we will now proceed to our committee reports and we'll start with the education and Student Activities and services committee m co thank you um the education and Student Activities SLS Services committee met on February 15th from 4: to about 5:00 p.m. a total of about 60 minutes in attend in attendance was myself um president show Joseph Cordo director of curriculum and instruction superintendent Huff Crystal Mah director of student Personnel Services Doren babis director of special services Stacy Grimaldi principal of Summit High School John cery principal of lton C Johnson Middle School Jenna ciner assistant principal at the middle school Laura Mohler assistant principal at the middle school and Brian MOG assistant principal at the high school um discussion items we began with uh dorine babus giving a presentation on the 3:1 Service delivery model which provides three weeks of direct service monthly as per the students IEP and one week of indirect service this model provides the therapist with more opportunities to support students in the least restrictive environment as well as time to consult with teachers and other staff members the 3:1 model also allows for more flexibility with making up sessions that are missed due to student staff absences and school activities or holidays this model will allow for more opportunities for collaboration and consultation to support overall Student Success having more time to reschedule sessions push into classrooms and observe how students are General um generalizing skills with while ultimately providing will ultimately provide more effective targeted therapy many districts are using this model because of these SP benefits the pilot program that will happen in the dist district will include speech occupational and physical therapy related services at Jefferson Elementary School Jefferson Primary Center and Wilson Primary Center beginning in the 2024 2025 school year during this pilot program data and information will be collected to evaluate the benefits and to prepare for expansion in the following year um after that uh principal Grimaldi shared about AP Physics um she noted that the college boards have changed AP Physics C currently there are two 2hour tests um and now this will be changing to two three-hour tests with an increasing number of class periods um given the new time requirements for next year Summit High School will make the AP Physics C mechanics exam mandat and give the students the option of taking the electricity and magnetism exam this would be the only AP exam that would be would that would be would have an optional test instead of required tests um then we turned to um teacher professional development superintendent Huff reported that a teacher who is also an advisor for the Jewish Heritage Club will be taking a trip to Israel um the itinerary meets professional development criteria as it includes guest speakers meeting dignitaries and learning through firsthand experience she would be out on conference for 5 days and with no expense to the school district the program will provide value to students through the Jewish Heritage Club um we went on to have a wonderful presentation on clubs um at lotony Johnson Middle School and at Summit High School Laura Müller and Jenna culiner gave a presentation on the clubs being offered to Summit Middle School students the middle school offers 26 clubs that fall into the area of fine practical and Performing Arts student affairs curricular interest enrichment and um statistics on participa participation among the clubs were shared the clubs are staff-led but students can help start a club um there is a club and Comm community service fair at the beginning of each school year the students can check out different community service opportunities during PE hours with local nonprofit organizations during this Fair um Brian MOG then presented on the high school he noted that Su High School currently has 85 clubs with three more coming so for a total of 88 clubs at the high school um these clubs are broken down into community service academic achievement Visual and Performing Arts journalism writing culture and Community Building debate discussion and wellness leadership oh and Leisure Recreation a lot of clubs um Brian shared statistics on who is involved in the programs um and the D diversity of the students involved really shines um at the high school um every Friday at the high school at the end of first block the Summit High School news program is presented to students and um anyone can see the news feature on the district's YouTube page and I highly recommend it actually the current the one for the last week featured the Multicultural uh parade that um that our representative our student representative was telling us about um they're very professionally done they're fabulous to watch and you really get a sense of what's going on at the high school the students are going to start having a PSA as part of this news program called now you know to share things happening at Summit High School other ways that news is shared is through Verve and social media channels like Instagram um Brian mtug noted that information on clubs is also shared with all incoming ninth grade families um and Summit High School is really proud to have a club for almost any student interest at our school so um moving on to um the next thing that was covered was an update on the planned course revision for sixth grade um Middle School offerings the committee discussed grade five students participating in the ideas program as they move into Middle School the district is in the planning stages with principal safer's team and exploring different ideas currently students leaving the ideas program in elementary school enter into independent study in Middle School beginning in the 7th grade however other enr other enrichment opportunities are being examined at the six th grade level so more to come on that as it develops um and finally we took a look at the IR midyear results um uh Joseph Cordo reviewed the data from the I midyear diagnostic tests the data was compared to the results from the beginning of the year he noted that when the students take the test at the beginning of the year they are testing for that grade year so they are seeing material before they've been exposed to it in the classroom um the data teams from each school look at all of the data um they look for Trends and they look at it to identify students um who scored lower in order to offer additional support for those students um so that is the report um is there anything from the committee in addition that I missed okay are there any questions from the rest of the from the rest of the board all right thank you thank you Miss con Now we move on to the operations committee Mr colog thank you president show uh the operations committee met on February 12th for 50 minutes the uh members board members in attendance myself uh Kelly Stanton and Yan Cho as as an alternate for the meeting uh Administration in attendance uh superintendent Huff Derek Jess and Kathy Sarno discussion item uh we uh covered facilities first the business office confirmed to our committee that the major facilities projects of the district remain on schedule and on budget plans for the tatlock Fieldhouse renovation are also moving forward with bid documents currently being prepared the targeted project start date for tatlock will be immediately after the fall Sports season which concludes in November of this calendar year one construction project change order item that that was presented to the committee uh was for two additional HVAC condensing units for Summit High School carrying a total cost of $3,479 the committee also discussed four rods grants available to the district these grants would subsidize 40% of several roof repair and replacement projects the grants are available for a period of 18 months and as such the business office will conduct additional due diligence on the status of of each roof to determine how best to proceed with those projects the committee then moved on to discuss the 2425 budget uh and the process uh to develop that budget uh the the business office has been working diligently during the past two months to tighten this 2425 budget there are two material items uh that remain outstanding within the budget which are Health premium benefits and state aid Clarity on the items is forthcoming with a comprehensive budget to be prepared for the Board of Ed and the board of school estimate to review on Thursday March 7th the uh Food Services we concluded uh with a a brief update on Food Services p&l uh which was up $1 19,4 in December bringing the year-to-date p&l to 149,90 uh which as uh folks may recall most of that $93,600 derived from federal SCA grants the uh committee recommends for uh board approval the uh $3,479 mentioned previously for the HVAC project change order at the high school our next meeting will be March 5th uh at 4 pm. and committee members in attendance did I miss anything no committee or board members any questions okay thank you Mr clone uh policy committee vice president Justice uh thank you president CH the policy committee met on February 20th for 11 minutes um committee members and attendance uh myself uh let's see Eileen Kelly and um from the board and then administrative team members that were in attendance were superintendent Huff Robert Gardella and Kathleen Murphy discussion items um the policies uh that we discussed this month were part of a self-initiated audit to ensure that we are meeting all current statutes and standards policy and regulation 1240 evaluation of superintendent revised the recommended revision to this policy is the removal of the word written from annual written performance report annual performance report is the language of the Department of Education recognizes this does not prohibit the board from using a written evaluation for the super superintendent but allows flexibility to evaluate as they see fit policy and regulation 2418 Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 students new policy and regulation guide 2481 reflects the current standards practices procedures and interpretations of the law on Section 504 policy 8600 student transportation revised revisions to this mandated policy provide expanded land language that has been added to make board has that has been added to make the board's options more clear committee recommendations first reading of policies and regulations 1240 and 2418 and policy 8600 second reading of policies 1522 3221 3222 and 2244 abolishment of regulations 32 23.1 and 32 23.2 the next meeting of the policy committee will be Wednesday March 13th at 3:30 any of the committee members have anything to add any board members have any questions thank you thank you vice president Justice uh Communications committee Miss andon thank you president Cho the communications committee met on February 21st at 12:00 for 23 minutes committee members and attendant were myself Eileen Kelly Michael cologne as alternate superintendent Scott Huff and cabinet members Doug or and Loren Dickinson we first discussed the coffee with the Boe and January president Yan Cho and vice president walita Justice hosted a 9:00 a.m. coffee at Washington Elementary School to provide stakeholders the opportunity to have an informal friendly discussion with board members it had a decent turnout with positive feedback from attendees about District goals communication efforts where the district is currently and where the district is moving forward in the future president Cho plans on having one more coffee during uh coffee with the Boe prior to his presidential term ending additional information regarding that will become available or be provided when it's available then we discussed some ongoing projects in the district the staff Circle based on feedback from a districtwide staff poll the staff Circle which goes out on the first Wednesday of every month will strive to include more staff profile pieces one of the first staff profile pieces was in the February staff newsletter which highlighted lcj SMS assistant principal Jenna kiner Jenna was asked a variety of questions like can you speak to the transition from teaching to Administration what are some challenges you faced what are some positive experiences you've had and do you have any recommendations for teachers who are considering making a similar transition the second thing discussed as ongoing projects was us Wellness in January the district had its first health and wellness webinar for staff members through its partnership with us Wellness the topic being stop burnout before it even starts these webinars are recorded in case staff are unable to tune in live and the district will be sending them electronically through the staff newsletter as well as principal Communications to ensure they're readily available for all in March the second webinar will cover building team resil resiliency the district will be monitoring participation on the webinars as well as requesting staff Fe feedback on the initiative to provide and plan for staff support and services for the 2425 school year we then discussed the support staff of the year which I'm really excited about a new addition to Teacher of the Year this year and moving forward each building will nominate and recognize a support staff of the year to qualify for support staff of the year you are a noncertified certificated staff member who's ineligible for Teacher of the Year very soon recipients will be notified that they're being recognized as either teacher or support staff of the Year teacher of the year will be celebrated with a breakfast at ke University for all Union County recipients in May both teacher and staff support of the Year recipients will be recognized and celebrated at our April Board of Education meeting we have no recommendations are there any questions or additions from the board okay and our next meeting is Tuesday March 12th at 12: p.m thank you Miss santon next is negotiations and Personnel committee the negotiations and personel committee did meet twice in the past month uh January 29th at 3 p.m. and February 12th at 3 p.m. committee members Michael cologne uh jener and myself staff member superintendent Huff Derek Jess and Robert Cardella along with board Council uh met twice to discuss confidential personnel and labor contract negotiation matters any liaison reports from the board Kelly thank you I attended the SCF board meeting on February 13th at 800m Via Zoom the main focus of this month's meeting was scf's upcoming annual event spring for excellence which is one week from this Saturday it will take place on March 2nd at the Elks Lodge here in Summit from 7 to 11:00 p.m. the theme is Havana Nights I did ask you don't have to dress for that that but maybe you want to uh tickets are on sale currently as well as yard signs which are a great way to show your support for SCF whether or not you're able to attend spring for excellence currently they only have 52 yard signs left so if you want one you should grab it quick additionally people are able to support by bidding on auction items and the auction will go live on Wednesday February 28th through the event and close at the end at 11:00 p.m. on March 2nd um as of the meeting on February 13th SCF had sold 99 tickets to spring for excellence but tickets do tend to sell out um they have informed me that the last week they tend to go quickly so if you are interested definitely go to their website and they just wanted to remind everyone that the spring Grant cycle will end on March 15th thank you m now it's time for public comment Mr Jess if you could U tell us uh guidelines for public Comet I will thank you president uh anyone wishing to speak shall first seek recognition by the presiding officer please come to the microphone and state your name and and address in a clear audible tone for the record please direct all comments to the board president and not an individual member of the board and please remember to conduct yourself with theorum and respect when speaking and addressing the board unless additional time is granted by the board president please keep your comments to 3 minutes or less in addition please note that this portion of the meeting is for public comment and not meant to be a back and forth board members and administration will not respond the questions or comments at this time however information will be presided by the appropriate individual as soon as possible thank you so first will be public comment for items on the agenda are seeing none next will be public comment for items not on the agenda please step forward littleon there's a button somewhere D that's better hi um my name is Jonna Lee my address you asked for my address right 64 Druid Hill Road Summit New Jersey okay this was so I'm a former a summon Alum student so to be here and see some familiar faces was really beautiful um so thank you for that okay so good evening all my name is jna Lee I am a summit Alum I went to Jefferson Elementary School and Middle School High School uh my mom was a teacher in the summit public schools for many many years I am now a mother of three uh one of whom is currently a kindergartner at Jefferson Primary Center so I come before you today as a former Hill topper a woman a female athlete I hold many High School athletic records to this day and as someone whose professional and personal values and Mission aligns with advocating for female empowerment and advancement so with that it was very disheart threatening to be part of such a blatant inequitable experience for the high school girls basketball team back in January connected to sports night that the Jefferson primary PTO held for context the Jefferson primary PTO teamed up with the High School athletic director to bring a special night to Jefferson families they called it Sports night and it was supposed to Showcase both girls and boys varsity basketball teams tickets for the event would be donated to the primary Center unfortunately the original date got snowed out and a secondary date was put on the calendar this second date only included the boys varsity team and did not include the girls varsity team upon seeing this I quickly emailed spur the moment came in met with the athletic director in his office we both agreed that we could make make this happen for the girls team we came up with a few dates I called the principal at the primary centers shared with him my thoughts emailed the Jefferson Primary Center PTO pres president and tried to reschedule the date so that it could be both a boys and girls event when I was met with a no by the PTO president I asked if we could have the girls showcase on a separate night tried to come up with solutions that were low prep not very difficult all of which were turned down by the president president several School leaders were also CCD on those emails I'm not here to point fingers or to place blame on anyone I am here to bring awareness to the female inequity that sadly still exists as exemplified within Sports night this rescheduled Sports night date not including the girls was approved and passed whether it was through email blasts or being cced on emails it was approved and passed through the hands of too many people without anyone questioning the Jefferson Primary Center PTO president's decision I know that there are girls on that basketball team who were disappointed that they couldn't play in front of summit families I know that there are Summit families who have little girls who wanted to see the high school girls play I know that because I was that little girl I was that girl in high school it is 2024 we have got to do better at assuring that what we do for our boys we also do Under the same Equitable circumstances for our girls and that as leaders in this education industry no matter how busy or bogged down we are we are always keeping an equitable eye and steering things back to the right direction when others don't have a pulse on female advancement thank you thank you again for your comments or bringing the matter to the board's attention and the staff's attention thank you thank you any other comments for uh public comment for items not on the agenda all right so can I have a motion to close public comment please second all those in favor I any opposed any extenstion motion carries now I need a motion to approve the board minutes from the January 18th meeting any discussion all those in favor I I any opposed any extension motion carries all right now we'll sort proceed through the business part of the agenda first is the curriculum instruction of program Rams items a through e motion to approve please any discussion Miss Stanton yes Miss Kelly yes Miss erde yes Mr cologne yes Miss con yes vice president Justice yes president Cho yes motion carries finz items a through AA per the agenda motion to approve second any discussion Miss Stanton yes Miss Kelly Miss ER Mr cologne yes Miss Co yes vice president Justice president Cho yes motion carries moving on to school board operations uh inclusive of the addenda items items a through e motion to approve please motion second any discussion Miss Stanton yes Miss Kelly Miss ER Mr cologne yes Miss con yes vice president Justice president Cho yes motion carries Personnel um items a through b I believe and noted some of the changes on the agenda motion to approve a through U excuse me and also if I may I'm sorry president show inclusive of the item for the new hire as well thank you Mr Jess inclusive of the item listed in the new hire section under the president superintendent's comments correct motion to approve any discussion Miss Stanton yes Miss Kelly Miss ER Mr cologne yes Miss con yes vice president Justice president Cho yes motion carries okay now policy as noted the first and second readings as noted in the agenda motion to approve so moved second any discussion Miss Stanton yes Miss Kelly Miss ER Mr cologne Miss con vice president Justice president Cho yes motion carries this point we concluded the uh open public part of the meeting and we do need to have executive session yeah if I may I'm sorry president so prior to making a motion to go into executive session uh we have a resolution to vote on from the prior executive session so uh resolution that the Board of Education affirm the findings of Hib case number 3 42 as presented and discussed in executive session motion to approve yes please second is there any discussion Miss Stanton yes Miss Kelly Miss ER Mr cologne yes Miss con vice president Justice president Cho yes thank you motion carries and now the resolution for executive session uh whereas pursuant to njs a 10 col 412b the Board of Education May exclude the public from that portion of a public meeting wherein the board discusses any of the matter set forth at njsa 10 col 412b items 1-9 now therefore be it resolved that in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act the Board of Education shall conduct a closed session presant to the provisions of njsa 10 col 4-12 B for the purpose of discussing the following matters personnel and matters covered by the attorney client privilege it is anticipated the length of this executive session will be at least one hour and that no action will be taken and the board will not return so we have a motion please so move thank you Miss con thank you Miss Stanton is there any discussion all those in favor any opposed any exstension motion carries and now may we have a motion to adjourn please thank you Miss ER may have a second second thank you Miss Justice any discussion all those in favor any opposed any extenstions motion carries we adjourned at 8:00 p.m.