I hereby call the order this regularly scheduled meeting of the sundland select board and also the finance committee do we have quum for the finance committee I don't think so justce Sun all right our first order of business will be to approve the minutes of our last meeting April 1st a motion we approve the minutes from April 1st seconded if we have a motion made and seconded all those in favor I I do nothing all right our order of new business today is to app Point Donald Patterson as Reg for the any history on that Jeff you want us to vote move on information I was given I would entertain a motion to appoint Donald patteron Ed sh all right I motion we appoint Donald Patterson is I second that um we have a motion being seconded to appoint Donald Patterson as V all in favor I I than first up under old business would be budget review I'm sorry you want to re thing I don't know who's here for what yeah if we could do the planning board articles and that gives the finance committee couple so there are two planning board articles um one about Standalone battery storage facilities and the second one is um about structure conversions is that right yes that's correct sorry I'm just uh I have both proposed uh revisions on my laptop and my understanding was that battery storage unless we did something with zoning if they could sort of put a battery storage facility anywhere uh solar was allowed is that that's that's the worry um there has been um this has come up with a number of other towns um and there have been some towns I'm not I'm not fully up on the latest doings with the Attorney General's office but my understanding is that there have been a couple places that have either ignored it or tried to Outlaw completely and that's not been not been okay um I think uh I want to say I don't remember if it was where or or somewhere in the sort quaven area that um that tried to Outlaw completely these battery storage facilities and the AG um AG's office essentially struck that down um but we wanted to take action because there have been inquiries about um you know from at least one company that has wanted to put a storage facility um in Sunderland and so we felt it was in the town's best interest to uh to address that with a specific amendments of the zonings so what's the cut off between a customer having like a Tesla power wall in their basement and a sword facility is there a like a kilowatt yes so the the way that we've structured the amendment is that um that there is um sorry if you'll just give me one second um so there's sort of accessory battery storage that you know would be somebody has their own array and they want to have essentially backup y batteries that that is dealt with and that is essentially allowed anywhere um that you know you can have essentially a solar array on either residential or commercial property okay what we were what we then specifically defined was this um sort of a standalone battery storage facility that's not necessarily connected to uh solar generation because the some of these larger battery storage facilities at our understanding is that they're not necessarily directly tied to solar I don't have have to be um they're essentially just these big essentially battery Farms whether they're pulled they're pulling energy straight from the Grid or whether it's you know tied to solar um and essentially it's just these big you know facilities that are just just battery storage and essentially they're doing um uh you know buying and selling so they buy at night when it's cheap and exactly it's you know uh energy Arbitrage basically trying to make money on the fluctuation price that was one of my questions is if it's Justified to solar that's sort of one one whole bucket of wax but no we wanted to address that sorry we wanted to address that Amendment but what we specifically wanted to um wanted to deal with was were these Standalone uh facilities that can take up large amounts of space and have that have concerns for us that were did unconnected to you know people having batteries for their own solar arrays to uh essentially it's like a generator s backup generator okay great I don't questions on that Crystal do you have anything you want to ask about that I'm I guess I'm just not totally understanding what the what's your amendment to this so the the amendment to um and and I think we provided essentially a uh you know a red line showing the changes that we would make to uh the different zoning articles to address this Stalone battery facility um so what what we've learned from other towns that try to do this is that we can't Outlaw it completely um we can't essentially not allow it under under the zoning what we tried to do is limit it to certain areas essentially I think it's the C2 um uh for C2 zoning and that is primarily along um uh 63 um by the Cory there by the Cory yeah so Northeast do that also include the section of or is it just the 62 I don't recall exactly it's if you look at the zone map it's whatever that stretch C2 is literally next yeah yeah okay just a little p Corner up there on3 um and it is limited and I don't recall I have to look at my um at the actual Amendment um so the way that we have it structured is that any sort of so large scale ground mounted solar electric installations with accessory battery storage so that's up to four acres um would need it is allowable in C2 with with planning board a special permit from planing board and then um the Standalone facilities of up to 4 Acres would also be permitted in C2 with a special permit from planning board so they would have to go through all the the special permit requirements like any other special permit work this year um and then uh a facility greater than 4 Acres would be not allowed anywhere and you think that that's something that past the attorney general based on our on our research and and our Consulting with the uh with Franklin County Regional Council govern we believe that that would stand up to Small Town there's not a lot of space to be to put anyway think the whole C2 is like but yeah it's yeah okay I just wanted to make sure we weren't sh ourselves up for something being challenged yeah I mean this this is an area that is getting a lot of right now sort of everything is a bit in the state of of flux but we believe based on you know what has been happening the last couple years that we on on the perm round here great is there even three-phase power up there that would make that uh a place to do something like that if you're talking pulling it Off the Grid you they wouldn't be pulling it off single phase I mean that's something that we would need to address as part of the any sort of um you know special permit process and you know there there have been concerns raised that um and I think that we if I recall we added um some language to to make sure that you know any concerns about fire suppression those sorts of things would be would be addressed during that process okay okay cool all right and then other one which one uh the other um amendment that we are proposing is um an amendment to the structural conversion Provisions in the in the zoning code um and we were approached by um a uh um developer that wanted to re purpose the uh the the Cozy Corner property on Old am Road um to convert that to I believe uh a six unit uh residential conversion using the existing structure that would not be permitted under the current zoning um nor would you know based on the U the particularities of that that property they would be able to do um you know what a flexible flexible development and we we wouldn't want uh to end up in a situation where somebody would come in and try to you know build a large residential development there essentially te it down and try to try to put up something a larger you know subdivision or uh or larger um multif Family unit um so the amendment that we're proposing here would allow um an amendment to the structural conversion that would allow you know any I can I have it right here any dwelling in existence as of 1978 which is how a structural conversion provision is already um already written of at least 10,000 gross square feet of building area um could get a special permit for conversion to multi family up to eight units provided they all the existing criteria for for structural conversion that are in already in that prision um and they also need a special permit from the from the planning board um and based on our our review of you know the existing uh properties and structures in town that would you know that that predate 1978 um we believe that there are very few if not none other than than this particular yeah we got a list I think is other than the actual Department complex already exist it was like Co Corners one this building and like one or two other ones in town that already used right and um you know we did hold a public hearing on this there were some um some comments and some worries about the way it was originally we' originally drafted the amendment um that it could allow um you know for people to convert say like agricultural structures or something like that that it might be more plentiful um you know and you end up with a lot of multi family housing developments in town that we as sort of an unending consequence of this amendment um we have reworked the proposed amendment a little bit to confine the structural conversion to dwellings um that would allow multi family up toate units so it would need to be a dwelling that was in existence because of 197 and count the dwelling we believe that under the based on the definition of dwelling in the code that it okay cool can you give me your definition of unit are you talking because you're saying up to eight units right are you talking full kitchen full bathroom well a full apartment versus turning into something like a rooming house with a Community Kitchen Community bathrooms our understanding of unit would that it would be um you know family unit would include uh you know bedrooms since dwelling is is defined to include some sort of kitchen area um the plan that we have seen the preliminary plan that we've seen for corn property is separate um essentially Apartments I think they're like three or four bedroom apartments that they're planning for that space could we ask a question of the planning board person is that possible um we were we went to the hearing we were the people at the hearing who were concerned and um unless you've changed any um unless you've changed it drastically the um definition of a structure is still not really really clear um the other thing we talked about was to make sure that it was that this was only on not on Rural residential that doesn't have septic the current the current laws that would be changed have Provisions about septic and this does and and your yours did not is it still confined to only um uh C C1 and C2 was that it um the village Village Residential is it is it confined to Village or is this still open to all of Sunderland it's open to any so this is this is open to any zoning classification that also would be able to would be able to take advantage of the current structural conversion provision so you know it still it would still require special permit but it's uh um village residence Village Center Royal residence and C1 um now I I I recall your comments at the uh at the public meeting and what we did to address the concern about structure and the the sort of loose definition of structure that exists in the in the zoning pons was to not refer to structures at all um in the the new part of the provision but can find it to a dwelling in existence as of April 29th 1978 so then it wouldn't include like town hall and stuff like that right it they just said you know that this building was it wouldn't include you know the various you know tobacco Barns and and other sort of agricultural buildings that I know you would Express con or other businesses or um warehouses and and that kind of thing so um yeah I mean dwelling is defined in the in the zoning code I can put that definition on the record if you if you'd like um so dwelling is is there is there any reason that it has to um include rural residential that doesn't have septic so the uh our our feeling about the the rural residential was that the Ral structures in the rural residential zones um have you know for the the entire time that the structural conversion Provisions have been on the books have been open to structural conversions and to my knowledge and to the other members of the board knowledge who many of who have served much longer than I have uh there haven't been any conversions of any structures in rural residential districts um we also felt that that it it didn't we we didn't feel it necessary to make the provision more restrictive none of otherwise than it was going in um as far as as septic I mean there is a requirement in the special permit um or in the structural conversion provision one of the um one of the things that they need to uh to to show in order to be eligible is that um let see sorry I'm I'm trying to find this on my requirements of the State Building Code in article two the state sanit yes yeah so they they have to they have to demonstrate that you know what they're what they're building is uh um you know complies with with state regulations as it as it pertains to sewer and and the L what um one of the things and thank you appreciate that one of the things we talked about at the hearing was the fact that many home structures in rural residential that have state approved private septic systems that were up to code when they were built and scientifically approved and all that are failing miserably and that the state-of-the-art of private septic is not something that should be relied on anymore in the future people are are uh when they buying or Selling Houses now are F running into costs of over $30,000 to bring their stuff up to code uh all we're saying is that anything in the future should not unless it really has to rely on private septic which has not proven Rel reliable to this point and there are new systems out there but they haven't been proven reliable over time um the guidance on septic doesn't go by units it goes by bedrooms so um according it's a quarter acre per bedroom so like a four bedroom house or a four bedroom unit is supposed to have an acre of land for good septic and I don't see why you'd even include it in that in the the the the nursing home is on septic isn't it public it's on public sep it's on public um sewer right I believe unless I'm mistaken all the properties that would fall under this are all on the sewer system I don't what we're saying is it doesn't include it and he just said it it includes every place in Sunderland and we're looking to make sure that what we're saying that there are the only count properties are before 1978 Wellings before 1978 that are in excess of 10,000 square and what we're saying is there don't exist any structures in the town of Sunderland outside of the sewer areas that qualify for that and so it's really a non-starter I mean yes I get that we want to prevent that but it doesn't actually matter in this case because we're not talking about instructors that are within those yeah and and I mean I I think getting into the weeds of you know the effectiveness of the state sanitary uh you know scheme is sort of beyond our I guess my big question for you is why do you need this is it because closing Corners wants to develop and the town wants to support that and doesn't currently have the infrastructure is it because closing Corners brought up something that we go oh this isn't covered we want to make sure that it is covered in the way that the town's happy with but what's theti yeah what I what we wanted to address was I mean specifically what we thought was a um you know beneficial adapter reuse of this property that um that is better than the Alternatives of either it being torn down and and you know going through a process of you know having less control over what might go in um and also or just continuing to sit um as it is right now which is you know empty and and not productive yeah it couldn't be it couldn't be an office building we we haven't there's not been anybody that's come forward that's been interested in purchasing this purchasing the property and turning it into an office building I mean you know old ammer road is not exactly a commercial Corridor there so I I don't you know I I I don't know if if there's anybody in the future who might turn it into an office building uh as far as I know there hasn't been in the path and there is an now so okay that's all my question did you have anything no okay it's it's adding on more units to Sunderland without adding any 40b it it says you're not saying anything about affordable housing so you're adding units without adding the 10% affordable I have a question yes please um I just want to clarify that the structure conversion is literally a structure it's not saying this property can have more units it's a you if you can fit this number of units within the footprint of this building yeah and this building is over 10,000 square ft and was a dwelling prior to 1978 then you can do that but you can't expand it to fit the extra units you can't no there there's no you're not permitted to expand the building footprint nor are you allowed to add you know new entrances or exit I mean there's it's fairly um it's fairly strict in the nursing home and dwelling How Could You Poss so I'm sorry I spoke you can't no additional exterior instances shall be creative it visible from a street so you can if it's not visible from the street you can add you know because you have to make it with fire code and things like that um but they're not to essentially take that building footprint and turn it into something larger you're turning you're talking about converting an existing structure as it currently exists I have a quick question how many um people were living in that building when it was still Cozy Corner I want to say about 60 patients right so 60 patients is a lot more people and a lot more responsibility for someone than 10 units even if it maxed out right that's yeah yeah and um yeah but it's kind of a different strain it is a different group of people but no but it's a different strain on the sewer and everything else right it wasn't six or eight kitchens in washing you know it was that many toilets no there were 60 toilet that many people having problem or having sharing with the sewer I I wouldn't even call I wouldn't have even called a nursing home a dwelling I mean they didn't they didn't it it was a ha facility so are you are if it if it was a care facility are you by your definition of a dwelling are you excluding it based on our reading of the definition of dwelling in the zoning code we believe that this structure qual were were that units in Sunderland for dwelling you sorry you didn't call it 60 you didn't add it to your total of dwellings in Sunderland did you you didn't say 60 dwellings 60 units it wasn't 60 units I don't I I don't I don't know how it was classified when it was you know actively used as a as a care facility that I don't know I I still don't understand why you don't just put down take out rural residential and then you don't have to worry about people coming up with any reasons to find a loophole somewhere and put it on a land where the septic is not good because to our knowledge there are no properties exist that would make that the thing we need to wor didn't feel it necessary to make the provision more restrictive answer if that's going to be a answer but yeah we are we' say we're gonna move on with our meeting now could I ask one more question how come this wasn't posted the uh the agenda wasn't posted today it's not on channel 15 um the agenda was selman's agenda it was on the calendar only and we had a search for it the minutes from last um selectman's meeting were not posted so that's something abely talk with Jeff about but we're not going to do that during a public meeting thank you okay all right um very much yep I would entertain a motion to we' added the or just we've not added either we didn't add okay so at the time I entertain a motion to add which article 12 is the um the Sol or the okay no no no sorry not 12 nine okay at this time I've entertain a motion to add article nine the B Storage article I'm I motion we add article 9 seconded we have a motion beinged all those in favor I I nothing at this time ient motion to add article which one hand which is the Zoning for converion is today the last day to add that um no I'm just ask yeah yeah I mean I don't know that um yeah I I think that as long as we have the warrant finalized 7even days before okay I motion we add article 10 second days we motion being second all in favor I I and do you want us to recommend anything or we those one recomendation I'm not you can vote on you better or not you want to recommend I don't know about you Crystal but I'm fine with not recommending these and just leaving them as they're added and the town can discuss them at the town meeting if they want to or whatever but yeah I mean I'm fine with article 9 but article 10 and we can wait until the third member is let's wait on the recommending because they're added they're added you know we're good there if we end up not recommending deci that's fine okay that should be all no actually we had one more article which was the citizen article on um 16 and 17 want to wait till we have all three of us here on that one too since we're did we add that one I don't think so I think we I thought we added it but we didn't recommended last plan go oh yes you did okay so in that case yes let's wait on recommending until the end around um and again we may not decide the board is going to recommend that one but whole day okay um and I believe that's all the warrant article we need to discuss well um you did not vote to recommend um the budget or the capital budget or some of the Articles because I think you were waiting for the finance committee so I didn't know if you wanted to go through allow the finance committee to vote is that other do you have a quum now I do believe Linda joined Linda is that you Linda can you hear us emailing you want to start getting us some a rund down what we have to approve and then we wait for her to sure um article a microphone or anything next to that phone I know she usually calls in obvious that's how yeah that's how I know and it's I feel CL but I don't remember clearly can't it's by I remember well 413 is a really unique area um well we're waiting to see if Linda is jumping on um article two is compensations for elected officials which is just the finance committee so article three is the operating budget article four is the capital budget article five is um prior year bills article six is CPA um for the Sunland public or for the ra Memorial Library article s is CPA for the multiuse path article 8 is the CPA administrative article talk about n and 10 planning board article 11 uh you already did finance committee um would vote on the Revol in fund limits article 12 we talked about and then Article 13 through 18 consent articles Linda yeah hi I'm sorry my I couldn't unmute a minute ago it my phone went to somewhere else all right Forum yes let's start at the top and work our way down so we have article two compensation for elected officials um assessors $2,994 21 each three each of the three Board of Health members 1,500 for the chair 1,200 for the other two members uh $200 stien for the town meeting moderator planning board um $1,000 for the chair and Clerk and um $550 for the rest of the members um the town clerk's salary uh the select board um salaries 3,275 um Vice Jer 2850 clerk 2850 so and just so those are yearly annual annual salary just you know so people listening can understand they're not a monthly or weekly Sal than possibly the per which is a whole separate thing the rest of these are all stagnant and have been probably as long as I've been alive so I was going to ask um what was the last time they changed um in the last four years the assessors and I believe the planning board have changed okay and maybe the I Board of Health the Board of Health at one point I remember seeing the select board for at least the last 10 hasn't changed that's not true they they took no salary in 2020 let me gone I have a point of um a question um I know when there's conflict of interest you're not you're supposed to abstain from voting right so I know as the um on the finance committee when I'm also on the library Board of trusties I don't vote on those things is that true or is that just true of the Personnel committee when I'm on the like I get little confused on one I'm supposed to abstain and one I'm not supposed to abstain and in the same interest I'm wondering if one of these planning board $550 is my husband am I supposed to abstain because of that like I just I just want is not changing I'm not sure I would call a conflict of interest personally I just know that when I first joined this committ there was all this like we all had to figure out like how you know what hat I had on so I just was curious if there's times that I'm supposed to be a staining you don't know I can call the ethics commission I know in regards to uh when you first joined we had it we needed a unanimous vote to right because you hold other positions right okay more like getting me on it was exactly it wasn't necessarily like procedural issues so my understanding Jeff is that if there was a conflict of interest well say I had a conflict of interest it' be my choice what to do about that as long as what I do about that is ethical basically and so you could say I have an interest that could be considered a conflict but I'm choosing to go ahead with the vote because I don't think it's going to be an issue so as long asled I can still vote as long you didn't say anything and went ahead to the vote that might be something some like open about it yeah I think that's ass should just that's good yeah well and you know on the same token the select board chose not to not to recommend that one because it has to do with RK directly you know our our choice not to do that was because that's more of a direct that's more of a direct conflic just in our eyes than than otherwise yeah yeah I take all his money so it's kind of the same again it was like we were going from $500 to $1,500 that might be a different situation but this is yeah I should have taken better notes on that uh that compl interest yeah I them every year all right do we do do we want to have the finance committee alone vote on that one then if they want to yeah I mean we have for right so um we yeah what's the procedure here do we have to make a motion y okay motion to support article one by the finance committee article two article two article two by the finance committee can't yeah I'll second say all in favor I I hi all right thank you article three is the operating budget um so it has not changed from last week um so I will respond if any questions but nothing to say so the one thing I just want to just to bring up is that there will likely be a small adjustment based on the police contract um but it's going to be not um I mean I'm comfortable me and Crystal voting on that one if you want so and I just want to make sure we get this perceived really right if there are small decreases here and there small that's not a problem right um I think that you would probably it it's probably best to hold off on that as as long as possible just because when I put it into the motion language that's going to be the final and you'll see the final numbers and I think it's better to um to vote on that but yeah I mean occasionally like nothing's going to change by more than a couple thousand right like less than 10,000 yeah yeah no I'm just thinking there's probably still you know like all use South County EMS is an example they're trying to renegotiate their internet which could drop it down I mean we're talking internet um you know we're not talking right we're not talking huge amounts of money but you know there might still be some of those little things rolling in that are you know kind of on people's yeah I mean you could also take a a preliminary vote and we can hold you know we typically schedule a meeting for first thing before you know I'm meeting although that would be too late to print there trying to think of um realistically so the yeah I if you want to wait another week I think that's fine um I don't know that we're going to have resolution in a week but right exactly so that's the think some of these things I don't know when we actually have resolution on you know feel more comfortable voting now so you know we're good and if nothing changes woohoo if does change we can then amend our our vote down the line but if we don't vote today then we have to come next meeting and do that if even if we have nothing else in the agenda you know so all right Peter do you have any thoughts I think that it used to be always if you you could always come in the lower number that part of you know issuing to the through the warrant and motion proess would alerting people you know sort of uper limit so that you know you you want to be more cautious if you thought there was a number might end up going off yeah all right thank you so this is three yes okay I motion um we approve article three second all right motion second all in favor I I thank you find as the same thing yep yeah motion that the finance committee approves article three I will second that all in favor I I all right article four is the capital budget um and I did not bring my capital budget sheet so I'll try trying do a loader a truck Y and a third vehicle a loader a truck um a steel structure a repairs to the repairs to the public safety complex a new um Cruiser hbac for the library uh for elementary school and the first part of the the splits for school for 80,000 and upgrade to the power and also the office repair office repairs uh so totaling about um 4 6,000 um we had uh we have 49,000 ring Revenue this year from taxes plus 202,000 that we put in last year so um our balance in capital stabilization will go up after spend it go up a little bit and even more when we get the rebate on the mini splits so we are spending most of the of the in the new Revenue yeah but with the understanding that about 25 to 30,000 that's going to come back as a rebate at some point um and just also for visibility or durability you want but it um the capital planning committee does also recommend that the town keep track of all the capital money that's not spent so that when when it comes back into free cash or otherwise re absorbed to the town it gets earmarked to go back into Capital stabilization so that if we don't spend it on this project it doesn't just disappear back into the budget it it continues to be ear Mark M yeah like the liors want to know about with that with the H right like we budget for two every year but this year none went out just because we got lucky but that does that mean four go out next year like the do we need to you know whatever R TR to get the stuff we did spend or so that's how it's yeah and that's that's the goal is is to where that money is if it's the PO Capital Money eventually that money should be spent on some Capital project and we want to just make sure we know where it is at all times and you know move it back either close accounts out to the cash but then move the same amount of money from pre cash stabilization or close them out directly to stabilization through a warrant article or whatever we want to do um but just in general we want to keep that accounted for all right I would a motion I motion the select board recommends article four seconded motion being seconded all those in favor I I nothing I recommend the finance committee recommend that article four and second all in favor I hi I great um Article Five is prior year bills I think we have one prior year bill for about $1,200 any motion the select board recommends Article 5 Second all those in hi hi you actually already recommended that 3 nothing last we okay perfect double five nothing or three and half nothing I recommend the finance committee um Pro f i second all in favor I I I you um article six uh 177,000 of CPA funds for the grav Memorial Library select board has already added and voted to recommend um that's another one where I have a conflict of interest because I was part of the library trustees who proposed that to the CPA so I'm going to vote for it but I want to be able to know that I also propos it motion the finance comme approve article six second can we can we hang on a second what are what is the graves that's for the Historic Society right it's for the building what are they going to do um make sure it doesn't fall down in short terms it's um outside outside Shore up you know water masonry like not have it fall apart yeah historic preservation foundation and site of the graves Memorial Library for the purpose of exterior they got sounds good they got a chunk last year to do part of it and they bid it out and nobody would take it because it was such a small job so the hope is that by adding it turning into a bigger job someone will actually do it and so it can be preserved okay thank you um I second it so we will vote all in favor I hi thank you um article 7 25,000 of CPA fund um to match that provide a match for a mass Trails grant that the town applied for for a feasibility study um basically connecting uh weightly park and ride to UMass via sort of hopefully a multi-use path along one 16 is the idea like already voted um motion that the finance committee recommend article 7 I second all in favor I I thank you uh the last article is the CPA administrative article putting 8,945 um of 24 estimated revenues in historic resources reserve the same amount in community housing reserve the same amount in open space Reserve um paying $2,419 for Debt Service on 120 North Main Street and uh 6,000 for administrative cost for the CPA select board's already voted I move the plan Comm support arle eight I second all in favor I I that was the last one right um I believe the consent uh no article 11 um is revolving funds uh no changes to the revolving fund limits from last year so no changes but we have to recommend every year yeah okay I I a motion that Finance Comm approve article 11 I second all those in favor hi hi all right doesn't do that one we already did that one uh and then the consent articles um authorizing the treasure collector um compensating balance agreements uh accepting Brands um chapter 90 work intermunicipal agreements um goods and services Contracting and borrowing voted can we do them all together do we have yeah we can do all I recommend that we um support I recommend articles finance committee recommends articles 13 through 18 I second all those in favor say I I I all right thank you guys very much that's everything we need to do for the war it is we I I'll talk to Dan um we may want to revote them just so that there aren't questions of why some are two Z and some are three Z okay just to avoid that right and we already decided we're going to do 910 right when here I feel like just having it on the record that we have and then because i' go with vot next time meeting or not and then obviously we can next time he's around and do that all right beautiful next up is the ditch discussion are we good we find us we can talk about ditches or we is that what you're saying yeah I mean I know how I know it sounds super exciting might a you motioning to adour I will make a motion to ad the finance committee second all those in favor I I good thank you all right thank you you probably curious about the other same stuff yeah we do appreciate you coming in you have you know great thank you it's lovely when local politics works you all right ditch discussion ditch discussion anything changes from last week uh I've started drafting a letter um and just wanted to think through or get feedback from the select board about how to I think the point of the letter was to see if there was anybody who was like well absolutely not Don down um how do we phrase it so that we get responses I guess um I'm trying to think of so if you put it as the town is planning on on on pursuing or plan on pursuing these easements if you feel strongly against that please let us know now so that we the consider because that way they go oh they're going to do it I better tell them now I don't want to do it rather than hey you want to do this they won't answer us if we say you know if you don't tell us no we're going to assume that everyone's cool with it we're going to start going ahead with it and then you're going to find yourself arguing with us over something tell us now if you have a problem with it I think that's going to get a more likely response um so my experience has been when when the town comes and starts talking about easements people think eminent domain and you're going to take our property and so again it's a start to the conversation and it's a good conversation to have but um I think we want to be clear that we're not trying to take their Pro and I can corre correct and you know and again just for the purpose of clearing and cleaning out the ditch that runs through your property we would you know need to have access to it and in order to maintain that legal access you know we would need an easement I would put something in said something along Lin but you know easement in order to access the dishes in order to prevent property damage for yourself and other people along the you know make a reason to have an incentive again I don't know if we want to actually say prevent because if something happens yeah you know to help right potentially mitigate yeah because yeah we want to give them a reason to reply we want to give them an upside we saying yes and want you know so those are things that we want to you know be clear in that letter right and again you know obviously they'll get a phone number or some way to contact someone to ask questions and you know you know this isn't like it's going to be something that you know we're going to be driving through their property at you know midnight every other Tuesday you know this is something that you know once every couple years you know or every few years I can't imagine it would even need to be done on a yearly basis unless there is some type of yeah if the whole system is working well it should right okay I will continue that work on that hopefully draft yeah I mean you know you may again can't guarantee it cannot guarantee it at all but you may have somebody that has some fencing or landcaping or whatever and is going to say absolutely not um you know you just don't know and until you ask the question you know I know I wouldn't want to tear fencing and stuff to provide access to something you know possi was there anything else you need to discuss on that or just okay all righty uh next up is Select board updates uh don't believe I have anything I got nothing wonderful and I'm going assume Dan doesn't have anything we because he's not here all right uh time updates Jeff um just two things that uh came in um a little bit late uh last week so you can get to post it um the first is the early voting hours um so like 4 to vote on the approve the early voting hours in the clerk's office would be Monday April 29th from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tuesday the 30th and Wednesday the 1st from 9:00 a.m. to 300 p.m. and then Thursday the 2nd from 9:00 a.m. to noon okay I got you any discussion on that any discussion ient a motion to approve the hours as read by J oh I that we approve early voting on the 29th from 9 to5 on the 30th in the 1 from 9: to 3 on the second from 9: to noon second in all in favor hi all right looking good you and then the other one was um after the rain and ice and snow and sleep storm um we used a bunch of salt um and material so the highway superintendent uh sent some messages our snow and ice wages um is down to under three under 2500 um our snow and ice General expenses is um about 8,000 and second week in April now we don't expect more storms that being said um it you know better to be prepared than it be an emergency and we have to call a meeting to do this so he is requesting um an additional $8,000 um for the snow and ice expense and an additional $5,000 for snow and ice wages and just clarify This Is Us approving him spending into that deficit not actually coming up with the money right right correct okay so 5,000 for the wages and that would be if we need them this year if not they go back into or we just he just doesn't spend them and it's not deficit um and then for the um ground uh General expenses the The Ice um I am correct that he's planning on spending that on getting more salt yeah use it or not I think she said we used like four loads last week and um he anticipates that salt is going to be more expensive next year and so um just have it on hand y okay I got no follow that we we need to do um any questions anything at this time I would entertain a motion to allow George to deficit spend in the amount of 5,000 for wages and 8,000 for all right I'm motion we allow a total of 13,000 5,000 for wages 8,000 for expenses deficit spend for the highway department seconded all theor hi I thank you uh just the last thing we're going to push to next week the executive session yes we we have the session on here but uh due to school cancellations our last U meeting that's relevant to this uh we're putting that off until our next speaking of our next meeting that was the other thing uh next week is vacation week next Monday is Patriots Day um do you want to have a meeting Tuesday do you w to only have a meeting if necessary how do look let's plan for meeting Tuesday if necessary and by Thursday of this week when we had to post it we would know so let's let's do let's assume we don't need hold Tuesday in reserve if we need it but most likely we won't and if if something important comes up between now and Thursday I'm fine with us not meeting that week well we don't need it to V those next those recommend those yeah I I was just thinking that and we should probably at least do a short meeting okay to finalize that after I said it yeah cuz we still have some articles that we have the clock okay so let's plan on a meeting on Tuesday then 6:30 um hopefully be a short one where we just go over a couple of things and yeah um I'm G to have to do it remote okay um I also don't know if Dan's available too but schedu and we can okay so we will be in discussions via email about specifics on that and we will obviously post it as necessary all right is that everything from you for time updates yes all right any public comments before we move on all right thank you in that case at this time I would entertain a motion to motion return all right motion made I second it all those in paper I all two nothing 7:32 pick