I will hereby call the order this regularly scheduled meeting of the Sunderland select board the time is 6:32 p.m. our first order business will be to approve the minutes of our last meeting which was June 3rd 2024 at this time I've entertain a motion to that effect I motion we approve the minutes from June 4th third third sorry second motion made any second second all right we have a motion made and seconded all those in favor hi Crystal hi hi Nathaniel wearing all right three nothing Jeff thank you okay all right our first order of business will be to appoint a new highway laborer je you want to introduce George in the new labor please Yep this is George and Daniel chinski but I Boon is how he prefers be called so so this this is our new a new employee hopefully and uh he's got many years of experience truck driving plowing sanding equipment repair so I think he was going to be a great candidate for us excellent wonder and he already know Sunderland right hear his whole life so wonderful uh any questions from the board uh to either of the gentlemen no I'm de all right as always George we put our faith in your expertise and your opinion so we will take your word that he is the wonderful employee uh so thank you very much for that um at the time I entertain a motion to appoint uh our new highway labor all right I motion we appoint Daniel Boone Chim sininsky as the new highway laborer second all right we have a motion made and seconded all those in favor hi Crystal Drake hi I Nathaniel wearing nothing Jeff congratulations and welcome aboard we are very excited to have you thank you thank you very much thanks see you tomorrow we be there all righty uh moving along next order of business is the sun element School roof discussion you want to give everyone a little bit of background Jeff yeah so uh about 21 years ago the school roof collapsed and it was replaced uh it it's a shingled roof um there was a report done in April um that outlined some of the issues and I think the the overall feeling is that the roof is beginning to um not function as roof starting to leak and and it's only going to get worse um it's not going to get better so we can continue repairing it or we can um bite the bullet and replace the the roof um so the discussion is we're starting a discussion about funding um a discussion about whether and how to incorporate solar if that's something we want to do um and so with that I will hand it over to school committee superintendent sure hello everyone Darius we see your superintendent um so basically um we did have uh you know we've had a lot of uh shingles popping up because the nails are pushing them up and there's been some other cracks and some minor leaking that have been fixed we recently Frontier right now is having a roof project being done by Titan roofers and um we asked if they would come over and give us their U give us an assessment of the roof they are the ones who did the repair of the roof not the repair of the re the second time the roof was done in one the one that held up um in 2003 um and they so Jeff that that document I created was that was not shared it was shared late and I brought physical copy so Dan may be the only who share screen uh want me do that or I can do that just open it just will give them something to follow on yeah there it is so in that that hyperlink right there the roof assessment report um was the you know Titan uh assessment of the roof it's not in dire dire streets right now it's starting to show its age and we can anticipate more leaking as the years come on um so below that as I said the the roof is 21 years old which um you know was kind of if you figure you get a few more years out of the roof but it's kind of really weathered um I don't know if it was the quality of the shingle or um just it cats a lot of sun I don't know um but anyway um moving on the at the last school committee meeting um which was actually a month ago not last month month prior um I did a quick report on the Massachusetts building authority as a funding source um and currently the if you want to scroll down yeah you did thank you um you in order to qualify to apply the way that it works there's roofs um uh the roof has to be 25 years old and so we couldn't even begin to apply for the roof until 2028 um and then the timeline application can be can be up to 2 years and other area schools have been in the queue for up to four to 6 years before being awarded the projects or doing other ways of funding them um we kind of made the recommendation I kind of we made the recommendation not to go and wait on this um also there the Massachusetts building authority um you have to go through their process of redoing a roof and when we did Deerfield there was a lot of controver that was a lot of wasted spending and that the actual savings that the town received was debatable um debate was a big it was a fiery debate amongst contractors in town and whatnot that you had to use um you had to follow the uh msba rules for you know who could do the bidding and who could do the work and um and all the Stu you have the project managers and all the other kind of things all the steps they have in place um for that size project and so you know sundland being a similar size project um you can look at the uh Titan also gave us a estimate for now this is a planning estimate it's not a estimate that we can take to Market but um you know basically um as you can see we had one in 2022 when we started talking about this um it's gone up you know just short of $100,000 and the June estimate there that's another hyperlink too you can click on if you need to um so with engineering and probably going to have to throw um some money as for if there's any leakage and plywood replacement and that kind of stuff you know we're looking around $680,000 um and then comes the conversation that um should we put solar on the building it does have a great facing roof um but that really expands the project in multiple ways it expands it in costs expands it in the amount of planning and that kind of stuff um and so so my opinion I would say the school opinion but the administrator's opinion of um is that we should break in two separate projects have it to be looked at by the engineering as they look at it can they support um that kind of thing but um I don't know what the town of Sunderland is be part of the conversation either tonight or to talk about in the future if you have an energy committee that's active who put it in the field next to the school is that you know um do the expertise of who put that in still exists in town um those are just my ideas but um you know obviously we go and do it all as one it's more money it's going to probably take a little bit longer um and I'm going to need support doing that I can't take on a full solar project and root project along with all the other responsibilities um and then obviously what the funding would look like there are funding things out there for green communities and and other things for solar um I imagine there might be new stuff coming up every year that we should keep an eye on um yeah um I did put in if you scroll back up a generic timeline but just for you know we've gone through some roof projects we just did Frontiers roof projects and a lot of other capital projects throughout the district so you know basically just looking through you know before we can go out the bid we have to secure the funding um if it goes through the town meeting order um you know get next April and we have the contract with the engineer project design bidding you want to get doing you know in the middle of the winter when um all the companies are setting up their sleep for the following uh summer um as you can just kind of basically see this is so this is shooting for a 2026 um summer work Time Project time again that time is just to give folks an idea who haven't been part of projects like this how it works you know and you guys obviously do a lot select word is a lot with this but anybody else watching um you could move that up if you did winter you know put on your win agenda depending on how you're funding it and that kind of stuff um so the main you know one of the reasons we want to bring it here is because um you we're talking about you guys created a capital stabilization account it's in the a queue on that list um kind of want to talk to you about where we're at and how do we save for it for the next few years and no I think just full transparency on the project it's need questions thank you did so I would say that I don't want to speak the rest of the board certainly they can speak for themselves in a minute but for me the concerns are one we don't do anything with the roof project that's going to make putting solar on it in the future harder choosing a roof type that doesn't work with solar or that you know has to be torn back up to put something on um and or doing prep work knowing that a solar project is potentially in the future like having the the framework for the solar built into the roof or at least designed in in a way where it's going to reduce cost um I also would hope that in the engineering part of that we can get some sort of number as it's going to cost x amount of money to do the roof by itself it's going to cost why amount of money to do the the r the solar by itself and this is what it would cost to do them together um my my question is does it save money in the long run over both projects to do them together I.E are we are we doing certain work that has to be done twice when through separate projects um if that's the case and it still makes sense to them separately great I just that's the whole point of this conversation is it's starting the we get the ball rolling on what are our options how much will it cost um in my head the way I'm imagining this is based on your timeline we do the roof project in the 2025 2026 year with the you know metal bases for the solar already built into it or otherwise having the engineering for that in mind um and then have a phase two project maybe a year or two later that puts the solar up on top of that um and to your point about not wanting to have to try to as the superintendent to run both of them um I agree that I think that the energy committee would likely be running the solar project um and that way if we did it in two phases we'd be able to separate that out um and also in terms of funding and other other concerns um but again really my big concern here is just not putting up a roof that makes the solar impossible or harder or prohib more cost you know not main cost wise um Crystal Dan do you want to layer anything onto that I think that sounds right I mean just want to make sure we do it right and if if there was savings that we had or if there's a grant program that helped with doing the two together or something like that we should look at it but otherwise I think I think they normally go you do the roof and then the solar comes but I'm not 100% certain I mean one you know you're going to if you put that out the bid it's going to be somebody who's going to own the project and have to sub bid the the solar there's not many I don't know what roofing companies that do Roofing and solar together it's usually a specialty so you know there was going to be subcontractors on that kind of thing um I absolutely agree we can have engineer ing include solar feasibility and the biggest thing you're going to have to look at is you know weight of the solar panels and such um I imagine they're getting lighter every year now too but um that was a concern that we had in your neighboring Town up in Deerfield that there that roof couldn't support the amount of solar that if you cover the whole thing so um you know that's one of those things that you know it would be a cost I think we would add to the engineering um to get that part of that part done and there is a lot of incentive programs out there now there might even be more up and coming I don't know anything about that that's outside my wheelhouse but you know you know I had talk with our state legislators about um you know you know as we're looking at Frontier as well was is there any state monies coming after municipal buildings to redo the roof and do the solar at the same time you do both together I mean it makes complete sense to all the um taxpayers out there that you know why are we not throwing slower on every Municipal Building just to lower the taxpayer costs and use some of that rainy day fund money know billions of dollars the state has to offset that but um that's me wishing but you would think that there may be programs coming out and I don't know where those are announced because I don't probably get those emails um I mean I'll look through my Association and such but I don't know if the energy committee gets um you know those kind of what's new or what's coming down the pipe for um in the next few years M yeah well of course I am I mean we're kind of in a good position when we're start talking about the solar too because we've got a brand new boiler we got brand new oil tank there so we could potentially you know do solar also in phasing you know what I mean first get up enough solar to you know run AC and hot water and you know gradually increase the amount of solar there too and being able to take advantage of you know multiple projects over multiple years to get that solar up and running there I I think we have to move towards solar work I'm sorry I didn't hear that that was me my phone sorry I would think that would be something we look at when the engineering talks about I mean there's a lot of roof there those hav Dr by the elementary school it's a lot of roof that's a lot of sore so if if you're going to do full maximum coverage it's going to be expensive um so doing in phases might be the way to go and I mean we can we start looking at costs and what the building can support I think that will dictate that yeah I think that that doing that first phase of of doing the roof with the infrastructure needed and the engineering needed to support the weight and support the the structures for the solar and then being able to ask Crystal say says due phases going forward maybe it takes us 10 years oh you know every two years doing a fifth of the school to get there um but I just want to make sure that we take that consideration when we're doing the roof so that we have that infrastructure set up um and not to change subjects but back to your one of the other points on your slide about the grant system um my experience in the past has been a lot of times that you end up spending the same amount of money the state puts a whole bunch of more money because that's how much more the project costs and it takes 10 times as long and you don't have as much control over it and things kind of get out of hand in that way um my understanding was that from a capital capital stabilization standpoint we had budgeted for being able to pay for this roof over the next 10 years in our Capital stabilization calculations and override and whatnot um and given the cost and whatnot I I I would my vote would be to doing it as an in-house project um over spending the next to 10 years trying to get a grant to pay for it and still having that a pocket for the town be substantial um my opinion but that that's the way I would Le on that any oh sorry the only other curveball through throughout regarding that timeline is that you if you have a funding source to have the engineering do that first prior to getting the full I don't know you know we've done that in other projects where you get the engineering done first and then you go after the money so you have an idea of a because you know everybody the solar question is going to be where the Public's going to come in on this project great you're new roof you're putting solar on that oh we don't know we're you know that we're going to wait and find out you could say you know we want to pay for the engineering up front it's going to have to be done either way um so you know I say it's up to $30,000 that's just unlike projects um but if you I don't know what this like I don't I know your politics of how you what control monies you have but if you want to do that prior to taking you to the town so you have the engineering done you're going to have at that point a real cost estimate and what the solar impact on ahead of time I'm just looking at looking at the Timeline thinking that's something that could be changed um and provide you more you know and that is go that is something can discuss is is using some of the remainder of the arer money that we have to appropriate for the engineering part of this so that we can get that engineering at least started or hopefully completed by the time we get around to you know um 2025 anual town meeting so that we we as you said we have a better idea going into that town meeting of what the cost of town is and then we're appropriating money for the project at that point and and mo forward with it um yeah okay any uh any public comment from any of the people on Zoom or otherwise we also have the energy committee and I know that they've been talking about potentially um solar canopies over the uh parking lot at the school too and they also investigate you know we I bro this with Aon and David and so I think they did some initial investigation maybe or talked to some people so I didn't know if they wanted to speak y both of them look like they wanted to um I'm going to start with Aon and then we'll go to David afterwards if you don't mind thank you um prior to this meeting I had a conversation with Beth greenblat of Beacon Integrated Solutions you might be aware that Beth was our consultant and sort of prime mover behind the solar array that's outside the elementary school now the town has a choice with regard to solar it can purchase the equipment the solar equipment outright which is very expensive or we can do what we did with the solar array which is invite a third party to um it's their equipment they draw up a power purchase agreement with the town so the town has use of the solar power and without having to pay for all the equipment but we do have an option to buy the equipment after 20 years which is the same arrangement we have with the array that's outside so that's certainly a cheaper way of going about it um however because we already have the array there we cannot broker with a separate um company we would have to go through the same company which is TI charge energy in order to to um put additional solar there from a third party so we're Limited in that respect um you're absolutely right that a structural engineering study needs to be done to make sure that the roof can bear not only the snow loads but the additional weight of the solar panels um Beth mentioned that if part of the roof covers an Atrium that is probably no good for solar it cannot bear the weight um back when we installed the the solar project at the school they did look into the possibility of car ports or solar canopies and at that time it was cost prohibitive it was just way too expensive um such projects are more expensive than roof mounted systems because of all the infrastructure needed to create the canopy itself and um there also economies of scale as you've seen at UMass they have large parking lots covered with these solar canopies uh for smaller areas it's less attractive to companies because they have to put in all the cost of building the foundation and the steel and structure to hold the solar array and uh that won't be offset by a large solar dividend if it's just a small area it's not out of the question but it's it's probably less attractive to companies to do that um there are also utility uh connection costs to bear in mind it's not just a matter of of buying the panels but it's also hooking them up to the grid and those can be substantial as we found out last time um so Beth greenblat said she would be happy to talk with or meet with the select board she's far more knowledgeable about these matters than I am and she was very helpful to the to the board in the town last time around so she said she is available and willing to talk through the various options that the town has and recommend perhaps what she thinks the best way to proceed might be yeah that sounds like a great idea always good to go to the source for that kind of stuff um Jeff is that something that you can facilitate reaching out to her about having her come in and meet with us at a future date yep absolutely wonderful thank you thank you Erin do you have anything else do is that good um that's pretty much it um she said that if we do go through a a third party like your Serge we would have to pay for the engineering study they would not do that they would want that to be done before they even consider the project so that's definitely in our ballpark okay great thank you very much David you wanted to say something yeah I just wanted to add that uh am I unmuted yes I am uh just that of course the energy committee 100% support solar uh Power development within Sunderland we think it's a great thing where we've been working uh it's something that we would like to put this kind of energy to into the the elementary school represents I think a really fantastic opportunity uh especially if it can be a roof mounted system rather than a a freestanding system like we currently have out there because the expense is so much greater obviously when you're putting solar panels on a roof you want to make sure that the roof is as new as possible so generally uh solar companies will will make sure that your roof is in good shape and uh the best time to do it obviously is right when the new roof has been installed so you're talking about that anyway so this this would be a great opportunity um to dovetail these two projects together uh the other thing um I think we should talk about at some point maybe not this evening but somewhere down the line is what the electrical needs are of the school uh you know currently we have fossil fuels heating um the space and uh performing a whole variety of different functions but I think as we move forward into the future more and more systems are going to be getting away from the fossil fu fuel regime and more into an electrification system so I don't know what the current electrical needs of the elementary school are but those will only increase as we integrate things like heat pumps uh get away from the fossil fuel boilers and hot water heaters and uh space heaters Etc so it's just something to think about for future planning all all residences and uh and industrialized and municipal buildings I think will be moving in that direction so it's this is a great opportunity for Sunderland to generate a lot of its own electricity if we make some of the right decisions at this point in time completely agree and we're actually in the process of putting uh Min splits in at school as we that's definitely a big a big deal for us um and yeah as time goes on that's going to be more more more the case my hope is this is the last time we put a boiler a fuel boiler or tank or anything like that in this in this building or in any school in sundland that by the time we we this system is ready to be replaced it's because we have fully pumped everything else out andbe even before it gets end of life we end up talking about being a backup system and having fully transitioned over um that's not happening the next two years but you know in the next decade or so that was something that would like to to have us moving towards um I'm really yeah I'm really happy to hear you say that that's very encouraging Y and then I'll Goot to C C yes I just wanted to add one comment about um since it was brought up about green communities funding now typically green communities funding is only available for Energy savings in other words if you're if the system you're installing uses less energy than the system that's being replaced that can be funded by Green communities simply changing the mode of electricity or energy generation without Energy savings is not funded by Green communities however there is one exception and that was what Tris was mentioned that if solar arrays are used to replace fossil fuel generated systems through electrification that can be funded to Green communities so they don't just fund solar but they will fund solar if it replaces fossil fuel generation yeah which is obviously the goal of course all right um cind you have your hand up yes I do um I just wanted to reiterate because I keep hearing different information to remind everybody that the school and all the town buildings except for the town park and grav Memorial Library are directly benefiting from the solar at the school and it's directly connected to the metor at the school so and it's evenly or not evenly distrib it's distributed proportionately to all the other Town buildings so we are benefiting from solar at the school right now and a good point it doesn't just have to be talking about the school's energy needs in terms of solar it can also be talking about the town's needs in general because just because it's at this location of the school doesn't mean it it can't be being allocated or otherwise accounted for for use in other Town buildings um and there's plenty of them and there's plenty of electricity being used um and as the library is also a good example of another town building that we're in the process of putting means puts in so there's more energy need and more you know reification that we can can point to I think Beth would be a great um great idea to have her come in or speak however moment like she is a guru on this subject um I've been working with her for years since that solar field went in we had a conversation recently about all this stuff knowing this was coming up so I think she would be perfect to get involved at this point in the planning part so everybody understands everything that's involved yep completely agree wonderful that's thank you thank you c um anyone else from the energy committee or I see your hand up go ahead yeah um I had a couple questions uh Aaron you said we'd have to work with karge is that be is that true if we installed a completely separate system and didn't expand the existing system because it's the same parcel or no it's it's because it would be behind the meter and we can't have two different systems there's no way of separating them out [Music] it's the V behind the meter okay um and then so from oh sorry go Crystal no go ahead finish your I have these are these are totally different thoughts so with the system that's there at the school now couldn't you again from an engineering perspective take the meter off the school put it closer to the existing panels there and start building a system on the school for only the school freeing up more of that electricity from that solar field to be distributed through the town and keep the school the panels and stuff on the school for sizewise to start with for just the school I think that's probably something we could ask Beth about yeah um unless Aon you know off I I have a feeling they would violate our contract with karge if we did that but that's no for sure and my only other question on that and that's not something that I think anyone have an answer for me today is just what does that mean in terms of the way the town has to appropriate things and bidding and whatnot or is the town even able to say well we only have one choice in this case because of this contract or does that contract enable that to happen that's kind of question for for you and legal council Jeff um because I I don't want to find ourselves in a position where other other contractors saying well it's not fair that that you get this this this bid this non- bid contract um I would just want to be very careful about that and figure out how we want to do that um any that's a that's aside um and and who knows what we decide whether or not that's the the right path for this particular set of solar panels or whether the town wants to look towards getting a de exclusion to do it ourselves and reap the benefits of doing that ourselves um I mean I know these companies have be making a profit somehow so there is definitely you know an upside for them in terms of the initial investment and the long-term you know money that they get from the town um I'm not necessarily saying that that isn't also beneficial for the town but I do want us to be do our dual diligence and see whether it makes more sense for us to do it as a you know we we put the money up front but but collect all the benefit um or you know as the as eny committee has said with the way we've done it in the past um i' certainly want to look at numbers and whatnot before we made a decision in that respect um but I do want Jeff if you don't mind asking legal council about that because I do want to know whether that's going to cause us trouble or not that may help inform our decision about which way to go in terms of funding sources in that in that regard okay um questions for the school um there the the elementary school is getting electrical upgrades and a building management system in the next couple years will those I don't know anything about either of those but we're talking about solar and electricity so I figured I would sure make sure that there that that whatever sobody up to speed who was in the room um on the meeting so we did get um a power upgrade currently our electrical needs can't be handled by the panels that are in the building so um we did get $14,000 address that and um 81,000 to do nine rooms of um um heat pump and heat pump AC um and starting that project as well so that's that's what's going on in the building and then going on what you were saying before regarding eventually that does not include a a a building management system to run all the to get the different components talking to each other so our um you know our oil heater is not talking to our electric cooler okay and so technically you could have both on at the same time I mean we'll have we'll have Management systems that are manual to take that on but eventually we want to put in a BMS system for Energy savings that is something I want to get on the energy committees I'm right now working with um in other towns as well to try to see if there is because there's Energy savings there if that can be applied to either um green communities or any other Grant that's out out there um and so I want to you know tap that resource in the town as well so we some was just a few half a year behind the other schools within that um um but that's kind of the plan is we're putting the system we're getting the AC in first and then buying the business building management system in afterwards and whether or not you agree with the logic my logic is get the cooling air in there make those classrooms comfortable first and then buy the money to save the energy on top of that um so so yeah so that's the next one the cost of a ability management system right now our um professional quot is $140,000 and so that includes you know that would include you know lighting heating cooling um and so that you know all classrooms can be can be you know energy managed new you know from sensor lights to all the other kind of things that you would have as part of that system for Energy savings the only other question I had is um is the school looking at replacing the shingled roof with shingles um considering metal roof considering solar shingle the Tesla so like I I don't know what else is out there um or if you have a preference and you know what you want no we went with the asphalt shingle roofs that's on there now well no we went with a 30-year roof instead of I think it's on there 25 let's hope it's 25 year roof it's failing that early um is what on there a metal roof would you know that would be an investment the town want have to decide um but I'm sure that would be three times the cost so you're talking about a million and a half probably do a metal roof on that and I don't know how that affects solar I imagine I'm going to guess putting solar on a metal roof is punching holes in a roof is probably not a good thing but I don't you know i' let the experts talk about that um the Tesla Ro I don't know anything I mean I know what you're talking about but I haven't seen it in application yet well I think that's sort of the point of why we want to make sure that the engineering includes the solar is because if the engineer report oh yeah met great idea not thinking about solar and then we get a couple years down the line they say oh yeah it's going to completely destroy the roof and can't put up there you know that's of the whole point is that we want to choose a roof material that is in line with the eventual goal of putting solar on that roof so that we do that in a way that makes sense for everybody involved um so great thank you very much Darius I think that's that's good um do we have anyone else on the school committee or on the ND committee that wanted to say anything I don't see any hands up but I also can't see everybody so I will take that silence as a no um thank you everybody I really appreciate everyone coming together to talk about this um we felt like a good opportunity to bring the committee together and the school together to talk about something that's uh great for the future of the Town um and for the future of our planet so thank you very much everybody um we will schedule a meeting with the uh consultant and um be in touch with all you all about next steps and whatnot sounds great thank you all right thank you very much um next up on our on our agenda is the disposal of a surplus police equipment the Chevy Tahoe so for context every now and then the town ends up with a piece of equipment often old police cruiser or something like that that we uh no longer have use for I believe the limit is under 5,000 or maybe they just up it to under 10,000 something like that um items like that the town's able to send to auction and and use that money for whatever I don't know that how it works but maybe just way better um so we have a chy Tahoe that the police is no longer using um and they would like to put that up on the uh auction site is that correct Jee yes yep and the the letter that I sent included um some bicycles and metal filing cabinets it's anything under $1,000 as the chief procurement officer I can um help the Departments dispose of that so you know we're just talking about the Tahoe right now um it is valued at over $1,000 it was the one that we replaced with the hybrid Cruiser um a couple years ago and so at this point um I think the the traded value or the offer was like $200 or 250 and the chief thought we could get at least 500 if we put it out for auction so um he's recommending we use municibid basically that I I believe they do all of it from coming out and taking pictures of the vehicle to you know placing it um and it all complies with State procurement laws so um I you know he he's recommending we as well that correct we ediz that service for other surpluses in the past remembering not that I can recall um I don't believe I've used municibid but it doesn't mean that we haven't as a town great um all right wonderful any questions from the board on that just on the what bicycles can we give those away we can actually get money for them or how's that work yeah so that um I will talk to the chief about what he wants to do um I think that we can donate them um I was I don't know what shape the bikes are in but I know that we have a business in town that does bike tours maybe you know rather than sitting and rotting behind the police station um but yeah we would certainly try to give them away or maybe offer them if they're in useable shape to to school children or something okay so yeah maybe the bike the library can lend bikes this this kayak doesn't seem to be holding water very well um wonderful so at the time you just need a uh a motion to approve selling the the Tahoe yeah uh declaring the Tahoe Surplus property yep okay at this time I would entertain a motion to declare the Chevy Tahoe as Surplus property I motion we declare the Chevy Tahoe from the police department as Surplus property second all right we have a motion made and seconded to declare the sh Tahoe as Surplus property all those in favor I Crystal D TR I I Nathaniel wearing 3 nothing thank you you righty uh next up we have board and committee appointments yes um Sor I'm just going okay um I'm going to read through the board and committee appointments sorry I have employees far so I just want to make sure I didn't miss anybody um and then Cindy since you're still on feel free to hop in when I get something wrong um people that we are reappointing burial agent Wendy hul um Capital Improvement planning committee Nathaniel wearing Mike scbis Peter Gagarin Dana Ross Rock Warner and Lauren star um as the civil defense Emergency Management director Lorie Smith for the community preservation committee Megan arquin Stuart Beckley Ellie Kurth Jennifer unes Helen Clark is I have to look into this sorry um those people and potentially one other um it wasn't Mike sorry Cindy was Mike Wiman was on right yeah he's the other one yeah okay yes and Mike W sorry um and then conservation committee um Mark Zen uh Ellie Kur Jennifer uncles Nancy pick um constables Fred laurenitis Allan Richards Mike wasnik kevitz Council on Aging Lonna alanic and MaryAnn kowalik Economic Development Committee Jim bernotus Nathaniel wearing Fred laurenitis and rock Warner Jr Emergency Management director Lorie Smith um energy committee Aaron falbel David Goodwin Laura Williams Meg fiser Krugman uh Dan did we appoint you as the Franklin County Solid Waste Management rep not sure if you did all right I'm getting email okay well if we want to I think Dan asked about that and I don't know that we have um I thought we did I you might have you might have um so I'm going to I'm going to say that reappointing Daniel Murphy to the Franklin County Solid Waste Management um the Franklin County Regional planning board I think was David Dean Cindy did we not get a response from him do you know I don't think so okay all right um so we'll I always sorry I always send it to the chairs of some of these committees um to reach out to their folks okay because that's a committee appointment right to the planning board okay thank you um Jim bernotus as the Franklin Tech rep um historical commission Helen Clark Steven Schneider Jessica scisky Craig Felton Maryann Gunderson and Margaret orelup I'm gonna apologize if I mess up anybody's names um housing committee Stuart Beckley uh and Crystal Drake trom blé and Peter Jessup uh Parking Clerk Heather Davis Personnel committee George Emery Valerie Vorhees Crystal Drake tromble and Mike wasnik Kitz registers Ed Kelly and Richards all right select board appointments and feel free to we'll do it like town meeting call a hold if you want to change one of these uh housing crystal is housing committee Community preservation committee Personnel committee um everybody's on uh the emergency preparedness team and Crystal is also on South County EMS Dan is on the ditch committee ah there we go Franklin County Solid Waste Management District rep furog rep Senior Center uh emergency preparedness and Village Center committee and Nathaniel is capital planning committee Economic Development Committee emergency preparedness um in the union 38 and instructional assistant representative for negotiations um uh South County EMS board of oversight Community rep uh Tom Fen kevitz so we're back to committees now um Sunderland ditch committee Gerald Bach um James James perau moved out of town he's not uh Gerald Bach um Mark Benjamin and Dan Murphy the emergency preparedness team in addition to the select board Steven ball Ben barvi George Emory Fred lorius myself uh the police chief and the fire chief um I am the network and electronic resources agent the procurement officer the Ada coordinator pvta representative ethics Municipal liaison Community Economic Development strategy rep and super records something officer records accountability officer I think um Town Council KP law um Veterans Memorial oversight committee uh Michael aarn for two-year appointment um and Tom Fen kevitz for a three-year appointment Village Center committee Kyle snow Dan Murphy Rock Warner Doug fton Jessica scobis Lauren star Elizabeth sillen and benth Phelps and that is it for boards and committees all right crystal or Dan anything that you wanted to add change move around anything like that I'm good if everyone else's I'm happy with mine Dan are you good with yours I can roll all right um do you want us to just uh do the motion to approve that list or is that just more informational or yeah they approve the list and then I'll include it with the minutes right um at this time I would entertain a motion to approve the list of appointments as read by Jeff motion to approve go ahead no you motion to approve the list as read by Jeff second all right we have a motion made and seconded to approve the appointment list as read by Jeff all those in favor I Crystal I I Nathaniel W 3 nothing y thank you okay um employee appointments the accountant uh contracted with Aon and aanti uh select board Administrative Assistant Cynthia Bennett um we are working on hiring a new assessor's office Administrative Assistant um the Board of Health is reappointing uh Steven ball and Cynthia Bennett um reappointing Building Commissioner Tom quinland Thomas quinland Jr assistant building inspector Mark snow assistant building inspector Ronald Lauren and assistant building inspector Louie Hasbrook treasur collector Heather Davis pay parking clerk Heather Davis payroll clerk Joan beagle assistant cure Treasurer collector me uh Town Administrator me uh Chief procurement officer me Jeff graits um Point Steve Benjamin as the fire chief Highway superintendent George Emory Highway Department Labor John scrabis um Highway Department Labor as of July 1st Daniel chiminski uh Highway Department temper laborers Fred laurenitis Holden Woodward and Emory pton highway department secretary April Griffin and tree Warden George Emery uh plumbing and gas inspector Anthony logran uh plumbing and gas inspector alternate Luke Felton police chief Eric D Metropolis police Sergeant Brendon Lions full-time police officers Peter scobble Brenda tolosi Benjamin Peters and Kevin Banis part-time officers Zoe Smith Vincent Fabi Dale Brown Jordan Zukowski Taylor bury Alysa farum uh police department clerk April Griffin and the Animal control officer and animal inspector Emmy Martin um all I'll go through them again alcohol enforcement officers Eric D Metropolis Brendan Lions Peter scoel Brenda tasi Benjamin Peters Kevin Banis Zoe Smith Vincent Fabi Dale Brown zakowski Taylor B Alysa farum and then pole workers Eric D Metropolis Brendan Lions Peter scoel Brenda tolosi Benjamin Peters Kevin Banis Zoe Smith Vincent Fabe Dale Brown Jordan Zukowski Taylor bury and Alissa farum payroll we did that uh Recreation coordinat uh James Yuan wiring inspector Bill man uh wiring inspector alternate Paul Miller agriculture commission um Jennifer uncles Bob Williams and Megan Arin anti-harassment officer is Elizabeth San the burial agent is Wendy hul any questions about those not for me crystal I'm also thank you yeah NOP all right at this time I would entertain a motion to appoint make the uh employee appointment appointments as read by Jeff a motion to make the employee appointments as read by Jeff second all right at this time we have a motion made and seconded to make the employee appointments as read by Jeff all those in favor hi hi hiel weing nothing je thank you all right next up on our agenda is the marijuana host agreement uh discussion sorry marijuana host Community remix discussion um just for everyone who's listening is aware um the the state requires us to have an agreement um and Jeff can give us more context about that um but it's agreement between the town and uh the marijuana that was plenty on going in take there yeah so since we signed the host Community agreement with the marijuana company that didn't open um the law has changed changed and the regulations have changed um I talked to council last week and we have three options and I'll lay them out and then I'll tell you what what I would recommend and why um the first option is to wave the host Community agreement just say we don't need one um we don't think that you know we don't have one for a package store so why would we have one for a dispensary um the second is to use a model host Community agreement that the Cannabis Control Commission provided um and it is so far the only thing that they have approved um they are supposed to review all host Community agreements and then provide feedback um about what is not okay if they are not okay my understanding is that they are not doing that they are just rejecting host Community agreements and saying this isn't good um but not telling anybody why and the only ones they are accepting are the models um the third option is we could write our own host Community agreement that is based on the model host Community agreement but includes Provisions that we think are important for example in the previous host Community agreement there was a traffic impact study before they moved in and then I think at 3 six and nine months or something like that um just to make sure that it didn't have a major impact on traffic patterns um and I will remind folks that when we were having this discussion a while ago it was still fairly early and there were still some some lines at at some of these places I think that um for the most part it's calmed down a lot but uh the traffic impact study there's a requirement that they review the security plan with our police chief and make sure that he was on board with all of that um we can reserve the right to collect Community impact fees if the regulations or the law change um so that there if there are impacts we can we can enforce that um and then there was also something that Council suggested the the way it's written now with the so previously tal just said hey here's what you know tell us what your grow sales are okay 3% of that cut us a check um now communities have to say here are bills for the impacts to our community and please give us this money reimburse us um one of the things that Council recommended is you know 6 months before they apply for um relicensing they give us a heads up hey we're applying for relensing so that we can put together our you know our of um impact and try to collect that because we have a certain time limit and they don't have to tell us when that time limit is so my recommendation is to do the uh amended host Community agreement um with the same Provisions or similar Provisions as were in the previous one and if the Cannabis Control Commission isn't happy with that then um they can tell us that so I guess my my only word of caution would be that you know if the select board's approach was hey we've been waiting for this business to open for two years we want it to open quickly you know that either a waiver or the model host Community agreement would have would be the quickest option to get them through licensing so my first feeling on this is I I don't like overreaching State governmental authorities um not playing by the rules and I don't love that they're not not letting they're not at least following their own recommendations or whatever for vetting these and giving cral feedback that would allow towns to work with them to come up with something that's that's not just their their cookie cutter thing so just from a sort of a social justice standpoint I kind of want to push back on that anyways um and I don't like not being able to include things that are important to the town in our own agreements doesn't sit right with me so I have them in the same you know place as you about wanting to put push for the third option there um don't love going ahead without any agreement at all um and I guess doing the modelos agreement is an option um but I would rather I'd rather at the very least give our our version have them tell us no and then go to plan b or something like that but have it beyond the books that we tried like other towns and worked giv a fair shake or whatnot um cuz you know in terms of changing the way the C Control Commission does business um isn't going to happen if only one or two towns complaining about it it's going to happen if you know 50 are so that's sort of where I'm on on that um Crystal do you have a a take on this so I like you just have a one question on our town stuff do we really think we're going to come up with the ability to present them with some type of Bill that this cost us 3% of your gross sales uh I don't think we'll get to 3% but I think that we can say hey Jeff spent 80 hours working on this this is his salary this is what you if you weren't here he wouldn't be working on it um you know Council we paid them this much amount to do this so I think that there are some costs that we could recover not but not not up to 3% no so then again I'm just thinking off the top of my head but could we change maybe like the traffic study thing instead of saying they do the initial traffic study and then reimburse us when we you know up to three times a year or up to quarterly CU you saying a 3 6 9 12 month mhm because do we you know what I mean that saying that someone's going to do a traffic study every 3 months kind of sounds like a lot right when you're going in as a business yeah but if we reserve the right to do a trap and again I'm just looking at you know is there a way to switch that wording around that if the founds additional traffic studies that would be a bill we present to them so that it doesn't sound like you know I don't know I'm looking at it it's I was a business owner and you're telling me I got to do a traffic study every three months I get the initial one yes but you know I kind of struggle with that a little bit I think you make a good point about that way they know that the most that they're being charged is at 3% right is that if the traffic stud is rolled into that 3% that we can ask them for we're not going to come to them some year in the first year with here's our 3% reimbursement plus you had to pay for four traffic studies it kind of makes it and also in terms of getting the the candidas Control Commission to accept our host agreement we're not asking for something that's outside of their standard thing what we're saying is hey we're going to use that 3% this is one of the things we're going to roll into that 3% that we can order the after reimbursement on right if we feel like it's necessary yeah and I think I think and also exactly if we feel necessary then it also leaves the control over whether we think it necessary to do it maybe we do one at the 3month Mark and six month Mark and go we don't need to keep doing these traffic hasn't changed at all at which point is you know if we have it built into the agreement we they have to do it because it's part of the agreement whereas if we leave that as a prerogative that we can roll into that 3% yeah I mean I want them to do the initial one yeah you know and you know and I I think it is reasonable that their security be reviewed with our police I I would struggle that the state doesn't think that's a reasonable request right yeah I mean I don't think we're asking for anything in excess except for like I said that that every you know 369 12 month profit study thing might might be a deterrent to somebody you know if I mean how much does a traffic study cost we're not talking a $25 bill here no I mean I I think the only the only push back is that with talking to council they said that that it's really the the the Cannabis Control Commission is really striking out any monetary things in the contract so if we say you have to do a traffic study that's non-monetary if we say you have to reimburse us for a traffic study then it is M like and I think the the Cannabis control commission's or what I would do if I were them is to say yeah and the town could have been pressuring you know the this company to sign a host Community agreement and it had to include these these financial terms where yeah they didn't really want to and the can you know what so yeah I'm not saying we can't do that if that's if that's what we think is best but I it may actually it may actually be um the the Cannabis Control Commission may not like it as much okay even though it it makes perfect sense yeah no like I said I just and again we were talking about at a different time right on this initial one and traffic was different and everything else um it just sounds like you're going to be you know as a business owner right I'm going to feel like I barely finished one traffic study and you want me to do another one what could have changed in 3 months I know we want to prove nothing changed in three months and that's the initial you know thought process behind it [Music] but yeah and I mean I I wonder if if to your point Crystal and I I'll raise this with Council and see what she thinks but you know maybe we don't put you know we keep the first one in there we get rid of the 369 months and then if if the select board in five months says Hey traffic seems to be a little different let's do a traffic study because we have a mer that's an impact on the community I think that I don't think we need it in the host Community agreement to ask for reimbursement is what I'm saying yeah yeah and I think that that's an easier way of getting that through the canas P information is not even spell out those supplemental studies but just plan on doing them if necessary and then rolling that into that 3% Dan did you have anything you want to add I just want so is the 3% built into the the regular host one or is it something we'd be doing in addition um the model one is is there a 3% in there I don't think so it um Community impact fee I don't I think they say it can't be more than more than okay but I don't think it says yeah so the things we're looking for in addition of the discuss on the police and the and the transportation yep and the traffic I think that's about it okay I don't think it's unreasonable um well and and the the requirement for security to be turn off by the the chief of police aside to potentially us building them in that 3% for the chief's time for that and rolling that into our account expenses that's not something where we unless I'm mistaken they're going to have to come up with money in order to do that so that's not going to be considered a monetary ask from the control commission's perspective that's just us asking them to make sure the security you know drives with our police's understanding of how that should work um okay so um do you need us to make a decision on that or or are you looking to get the information from us today and then talk to council and then come back in two weeks to decide um I think I think I I have the direction um I'll talk to council and ask her to draft something and then we can take a look at that at the next meeting okay great okay anything else Crystal or again before we move on I'm good good all right that is it for the marijuana post comme agreement discussion um and that is it for new business uh next up under old business is Select board updates um I don't have anything oh actually that's not true I do have one thing um just wanted to thank everybody who participated in Franklin County Pride this past Saturday up in Greenfield um it was very well attended it was um very wonderful event lots of people were very uh enthusiastic um didn't hear about any negatives or anything like that so just a big thank you to all the communities for participating in that and for making it um a success again Crystal do you have anything you want to bring up I'm all set thank you Dan just um I guess the only else say we did have Village Center committee last week we're still working our way through we're look kind of uh landing on calming the whole core door I mean all the way through kind of like from the bridge all the way up to the frosty um to kind of narrow things down but then at the intersection we we kind of looking at the two options kind of giving them a little more um definition and that's where we are we are the only other thing i' mentioned is um discussion to bring dot to the next meeting and get some discussions going uh with them about what's possible what they like you know where we could go funding sources that kind of thing great thank you Dan yep all right uh that should be it for us for SEL board updates Jeff to updates yep um it's hot so uh the senior center um is having cooling hours from 10: to 4:00 at 22 amest Road Tuesday Thursday and Friday um Wednesday is a holiday so I think all public buildings are going to be closed uh I will say that when the library is open or the town office building is open feel free to come in here and cool off as well um we can get you water so try and stay cool next couple days um and then next Wednesday at 11 a.m. at hurle heat Park is the senior center annual picnic um and you can purchase tickets and hopefully attend and it's a it's a good time so that's all I got are $10 um and I believe that information is is it on our town website Jeff uh if it is it we'll get it up there y great thank you very much je um I actually have a question about the coing centers Jeff yep do we know does Sanderson Place does that have air conditioning like in their common rooms and stuff like that for the residents there in I don't know if they have I'll check on the common rooms I know they have them in the rooms Cindy you don't okay cind IND it is air conditioned in there areas also yes yep the whole building is okay I'm just curious because you know that's a a population that would has the potential to be heat or full s on yeah I don't know if they allow that or if we have to go to life pack or something like that to consider that no no I'm not asking for us to make that a designated Center I'm I was just thinking would that potentially be a population that we have to find someplace for right for your ping yes yeah no I'm not looking to expand their common areas for the public govern okay all right and Je did mention something I just want to um make sure we touch on and that is that the uh Town Offices will be closed this Wednesday June 19th in observation of juneth um and we want to just uh you know mention that to everybody all right Jeff anything else no that's it for me all right um we have on our agenda an executive session we are not going to be meeting for executive session um that will be postponed to a future meeting our next meeting will be Monday July 1st uh which is in two weeks um at our normal 6:30 time at this time I would entertain a motion to adjourn a motion we adjourn second all right we have a motion made second to adjourn all those in favor I Crystal i iel w all right take us out Jeff at 7:44