I hereby call the order this regular scheduled meeting of the sundland select board the time is 6:30 p.m. our first order of business will be to approve the minutes of our last meeting March 18th and motion we approve the minutes of March 18th second yeah motion made seconded all those in favor I I I three nothing all right our first order new business is the Bartlet tree donation yeah we have Colin Berke from Bartlet trees do you want to talk you want me to I I can talk I can do whatever um basically um you know what what we were wanted wanted to do was um we have some services that we offer that uh would benefit the the button ball tree here at the sore um and we're willing to donate um those Services um and so I had reached out to Jeff last week and and he had asked me to uh to mention it to the select board um those services that we are um you know offering would be a program called root invigoration um it's a process where we um air mix compost biochar um other soil amendments into the uh critical root Zone U of the tree which is about 10 ft from the base of the tree um and then we apply a layer of mulch um that helps helps trees kind of cope with the different environmental stresses that we've been dealing with um I know there's just Construction done around the tree a couple years ago um so that would also help in that situation the second thing would be soil care um we would want to um do some soil samples and put together a prescription fertilizer for that tree um which we would apply once a year um and again this is all all donation just so those are what we're we're hoping to do for the tree uh we've done these you know we've done this quite a bit um there's research behind it saying that it helps trees um and that's just something that we're kind of hoping to do and get your permission to W so has that tree ever been mulched around it I don't believe so um you know there's there's a kind of a a leaf layer behind it but I I've never seen a mul ring on it so is that what you're talking about when you say mulch like putting so yeah basically it' be we extend about 10 ft out from the base of the tree in a circle around the base of the tree and mulch would be the final product we would put down we would air mix some some products into the and then mulch it yeah so I'm just curious and again because you do mulch way more than I do there's not going to be problems with like that mulch washing onto the sidewalk and creating um I I don't think so um you know if it was an issue um you know you'd have to maybe put some you know edging to help hold it in place yeah generally when we when we U put a moling on a tree we do um we do put an edge sometimes that edge you know gets gets washed out and things like that but um usually on a flat surface we don't really have too much of an issue with yeah no I'm just you know curious you know cuz trying to think of potential issues from you know cuz I think it's great that you're willing to do this and you know it's it's a wonderful donation I'm just you know trying to think about what the nearby people you know or the people walking on that sidewalk and stuff if they'll have debris on the sidewalk that's all yeah I mean it it is pretty close to the sidewalk be yeah so that that was my only thought on on the mulch but again I don't think that stops us from doing it I think it just do we know how far we are from the sidewalk on the front is it 10 more than 10 or 12 or I don't the sidewalk would kind of compete be the have to do a little bit it wouldn't be a full circle okay so it's closer than that okay oh yeah yeah there there spots where it's under 8 I would yeah the majority of the work it would kind of be um behind the tree in on yeah sure sure okay um so col did you have any conversations with the property owner nearby or you want us to cuz I I I did not have any conversation this all started with just contacting George Emory um and then he had um you know told me to contact you guys and so I I haven't had any conversation we could have a side conversation about who if you want me to do that um but for the select board as a donation the select Board needs to accept the donation so you have to vote to accept it if you want it so that's why I I motion we accept the donation from partlet tree for work on the buttonball tree second all right we have a motion made and seconded all those in favor I I I three nothing thank you very much thank you appreciate it it's it's a wonderful thing we really appreciate it have some hand here about thank you so much it is an absolute landmark in town and we are very fond of it so we all want to see it last many many more years all right thank you thanks thank you very much wonderful all right uh that is that next up we have the uh 375 Hadley Road AP our project yes so 375 Hadley Road the property is currently in APR the property owner has requested to put some green houses on um the they are within the requirements of the state the State signed off on adding the structures um concom reviewed the location at their last meeting didn't find any Wetland resources within 100 ft um and said way outside the 200t riverfront area so um as part of the APR process when there's a change to the property the select board uh would need to vote so I do you have any questions about the project or so the um APR folder on our SharePoint M has the button ball tree stuff in it and then the button ball one is sorry no but was this on I thought it was on we had it last month last week APR yeah no I think so all right I don't know I in my head I'm we had a couple APR a few week like January maybe when we had the Cal trust come in I just thought I had seen plans with the green houses and stuff I emailed them a couple weeks ago so maybe that's what it was so that's what okay I was just looking for them in the folder again but they're going kind of behind the house yeah like where those couple barns are going down Hadley Road or going down the the um right away to cross the river where the power lines go it's all far enough I can't button ball right oh I didn't put anything in sorry no that's all right the button ball stuff's in the APR one okay there's nothing that's why I was um yeah I can yeah no that's okay okay the Electric's on the other side of that dirt road right not not the okay yeah so I don't I'm having a hard time picturing where this is okay um Hadley Road yep what used to be to like a farm and that dirt road that we just recently had um the electric company to put the manhole that dirt road going out there so there's the house that's kind of on um 47 in the corner of that dirt that access road there's The Farmhouse there there's a barn behind it and then there's another barn is yes no I do know that that one okay that's better that house yeah okay um and it's going to be be you this behind the build the current buildings right yeah okay I mean I don't have any problem I have zero problems with that building yeah it's fine and as long as you're saying that everyone else you've asked to sign off on it and no one's raised any concerns yeah okay um at this time I would entertain a motion to approve the requests to put in the green houses for 375 highy road so so moved second all right we have a motion made and seconded all those in favor I I three nothing thank you thank you up next is our bonfire permit request for the Sunland Fire Department uh they had a bonfire last year for the anniversary and it was very well received and they'd like to do it again this year uh they're asking for basically our permission for the chief to give himself a permit which always sounds fun um any discussion on this I'm fine I'm F I'm fine with that beautiful um in that case I will entertain a motion to approve the chief's request for permission to give himself a permit I motion that we allow a permit for the bonfire for the fire department second all right we have a motion made and seconded all those in favor I I I three nothing je you beautiful all right up to the fun part annual town meeting warrant First Look yes so um just going to go through each article if you have questions stop me um first article standard uh reports of the select board boards committees article two is compensation for elected officials yep article three is the operating budget article four is the capital budget Article 5 is prior year bills article six is if we're making any transfers to Capital stabilization uh article 7 is if we're making any transfers to General stabilization uh article 8 is the accumulated second vacation buyback for um sundland elementary teachers and staff um nine and 10 are CPA articles 11 is sorry quick question before we um six and seven were for moving money to Capital civilization and general civilization I don't believe we're doing that this year does that mean that those articles just don't exist or they exist but they're going to have a Zer doll amount on them no we can remove them there's yeah I just I put them in as placeholders in case that was something we were going to be doing but if you want me to remove them now or when we vote to add things we can just not not add that um and just for my own brain if we do that does all the rest of the Articles move up with two numbers or do okay yeah I assume so but I figured out all right sorry go ahead um so one of the CPA articles is for multi-use path and the other one is for um for Graves Memorial Library uh preservation uh article 11 is the administrative article uh for CPA um article 9 is the zoning bylaw change um for energy storage facilities nine nine is that not right all no I'm just we w we did okay yeah I went 10 11 n huh 10 11 so 12 and then the next one is 13 which is structure conversion another zoning bylaw change okay uh and then yeah I'm going to have to reum 14 is the revolving fund limits um 15 is the citizen petition to allow 16 and 17 year olds to vote in local elections and then the rest are the consent articles all right um I we can either go through and vote to add some now I can redo take out General and capital stabilization transfers and then we can vote next week um we could do the takeouts later if we wanted to right yeah yeah yeah we can do I can leave them in for now so I think almost everything that you said in there is what we do every year it's all normal stuff the only thing that's different this year is the citizens petition right yeah zoning articles aren't every year but yeah okay fair enough um do we want to just handle those couple of ones talk about those quickly and then if we're all the same page on those two or three articles I think the rest of it's just what we going to talk about no I don't want to have the general you know budget in the the in the compan or something like that um does everyone feel comfortable with with that mhm okay um so let's start with the CI petition thank you for being here J so if you have questions we can ask you um I'm all for it in fact I think I was probably the first name on that list when you came around with the thing um I think it's a great idea I have two 15-year-olds who will be 16 soon and will be 17 soon thereafter um who I would love to see be more involved in local politics um the part of the idea behind this is also to encourage U participation from like Frontier students and that I believe just said that she had talked to a teacher at Frontier who was interested in sort of wrapping this into part of a civics lesson and encouraging students to go vote and whatnot so um if we want to have well engaged 18 year-olds voting in elections in the future the place to start is with 15 16 year olds being involved in or 16 and 20y olds being involved in this kind of thing so I'm all for it that's my two cents do we know of any other areas any other towns that allow 16 and 17y olds Cambridge and I think Brooklyn also already has it right now there so when we vote this in locally what we're actually voting to do is town meeting is going to be voting to instruct all of you to send a letter to Natalie and Joe to then file a bill the state legislature has to approve it before we can actually put it into action locally um there are several other municipalities that have filed their own legislation and the subcommittee is just not acting on them so the people in those other towns that includes Northampton um I've been working with them locally um Boston I think Lexington has just passed it Southborough there's these other towns around the state um they're excited about the Optics of because we're trying to do this with all four Union 38 towns right now all in parallel in in one spring so they're excited about the idea of having additional towns piling in to create to increase the pressure on the legislature to actually act on it okay and you said that that Cambridge and Brooklyn you said already have it in place has had it for a long time and I recently heard but didn't verify that it so we know at least one town that has successfully implemented it plus a bunch of that are waiting and rattle Vermont and New York New Jersey yeah okay and there's a wonderful National Organization vote 16 USA that um is a national campaign that's got lots of materials at think he and everything if you'd like to look at their stuff online wonderful book 16 USA USA or V usa.com or something like that I think it's.org vote vote 16 as a number usa.org beautiful thank you uh I will be bringing a resolution to the Joint School committees on April 9th um asking the school committees to weigh in as a piece of evidence we can present at town meeting that people focused on education and on young people in our town think this is a good idea great danan any questions yeah no I I think it's it's I think it's a good idea Crystal anything else you want to do no okay Jeff any uh questions on that nope okay do we want to vote on that or you want to go through a couple more and then vote as a I would like to not vote on this I want some time to um look up that website and you know just do some research on my own before and we don't need to vote on it tonight anyway so that's probably fine um all right so let's go to the two zoning ones then those are the other sort of odd man out ones you want to give us any context on this Jeff not I have not looked at these yet so one of them this the library right and we have talked about that in the past right the library that's that's CPA talking wrong um so one is uh creating Zoning for Standalone battery energy storage facilities um my understanding is that case law has said that if you allow solar and you don't have Zoning for Standalone battery energy storage facilities then they can be put anywhere you have solar is sort of what the state said so the planning board um is amending the the zoning bylaw to add the definitions and um I'll I'll send you the uh all the changes I have that from um I didn't realize that this wasn't like the second one and didn't actually explain everything that was going on so I'll get you that information okay General IDE is that that they're limit you're saying they're limiting it so that Anyone who puts solar in can't turn their backyard into a battery storage facility right okay that that makes sense um well I I I don't to be fair I don't think that it was a back it was more of a commercial solar issue but you know like near the school like the solar field type thing versus yeah your backyard solar um and then the next article which I think should be 13 um is a change to the structure conversion bylaw um basically allowing more units for older buildings and we have some older housing stock in town that is hard to redevelop um because there's lots of property um but developing a single family home or less than four units just isn't profit Prof itable um for developers and so the planning board wanted to try and find a way to allow some Redevelopment of these properties so they're limiting it to um buildings of at least 10,000 gross square feet um so it's not just any property but um and you that they're they're reducing the size of each unit a little bit is that what you're saying no what's the so the existing building that's 10,000 square ft it allows so so right now the zoning bylaw doesn't allow us to have more than four units on a lot okay so that's the okay this increasing the number of units yeah for these and how does that work with like Department complexes I'm assuming there's different regulations that way is it so I think it at least I I don't know I believe I believe Cliffside and um sh were built before zoning or before there was local zoning at least so um I'm just thinking we have the new one down there by the ammer border I have to assume that they had to they had a they had a comprehensive permit that was a 40b that that wasn't allowed by zoning but we didn't have 10% they were allowed to do it okay that's the thing for okay um do are they saying a new limit six or something like that or just taking the limit away uh eight to eight so could you think of any place in town that's an example of where this could happen how many buildings actually apply so the assessors uh put together a list uh for the planning board don't know how many um are of 10,000 square fet but the apartment buildings would be one example um believe Cozy Corner would be another example um it's hard to know what was built before 1978 and 10,000 sare ft but is that the way the it's written has to be built before 78 yep and have 10,000 square ft yeah so technically they could take like where the laundromat is next to the old 7-Eleven that building's probably 10,000 just as an example they could take that building and turn it into eight Apartments I don't if that's right that's probably not it's commercials on I don't they let them do it there would they well they could do hold I'm just trying to think of you know yeah in districts where allowed yeah um so I think you can maybe you can do that in a commercial I don't yeah or maybe a mixed use but no this is for this is not mixed use this is structure conversion for multif family yeah I'm having a hard time thinking of any other property other than Co Corners in town that this would apply to and if this is just trying to get Co Corners this building if we moved and wanted to sell this for Revel is all we keep doing here is you say um right but it that doubles it right because right now could only do four without doing but we also have the the new CH in place which again there there's a mechanism for larger scale projects yeah I'm not entirely sure we want to take away the requirement of them doing that kind of a thing when we're talking about a large scale project like this do we want to make it CU what it sounds like is there's already a way of doing this we're just making it easier to do it well the comprehensive plans I mean we did a friendly 40b for that one and we did a forced 40b for the other one so it's basically say 40b is the only way you can do it so this is saying at Le you get some more flexibility for buildings that have footprint already right that's really what it says yeah my concern I guess is that four units in a building is already starting to get to be a big project it's already starting to become a large development thing and if we're talking about more than that do we really want to make that not have to go through the steps that need to go through in order to I I'm saying this from a position of somebody who does not actually understand how it currently works I'm just asking like is this something that we want to make it easier for them I'll see if the somebody from the planning board can come to the next meeting and talk about it that would be helpful and I'll get as much information as I can before that excellent I'm sure there's a there's a legitimate reason for why I just I'd like to know that before I say yes let's go ahead and do that um especially if it is that there's only one building in town cozy corners and this was brought to To Us by the people trying to develop cozy corners or something like that I'm not saying that's the case but like you know I have questions and I'd like to answer them before I sign off on that okay um so those are the those were the three that we had that were sort of off the beaten path um Dan cryst there anything from the rest of the articles that you wanted to go over as far as I'm concerned the rest of them are the same they were last year and every year before then yeah no I'm okay okay um so sounds like Jeff we have a couple of ones that we want to wait till next week to you know think about and or have planning come in or something like that um so if you guys are okay with that let's just wait until then get our answered question or our questions answered and then we can vote on the the whole slate you have to do each one separately right well okay but we can go through the process and vote on them I mean if you guys want to start going through and can no I mean obviously you know one and the you know there's a lot of these articles we can you know kind of just move right through real quick you know the salaries and all that stuff um but yeah we can wait I don't doesn't matter to me do you have a preference yeah I can I can go either way for me frankly but yeah then then we'll wait okay yeah if you're comfortable with it we'll wait until next week to vote on them um and by then we will had a chance to check out the vote 16 USA website and also um maybe get some answers from the plan plan to vote your recommendations or to vote to add them to the warrant both can we do both at the same time or um you can yeah do you need two separate you need two separate I moveed to add article one to and recommend you probably want two separate motions article one motion motion article two motion motion article three motion motion that kind of thing okay um all right so yeah let's plan on having that be next week um and that'll give us a chance to look at the couple of ones that we want to look at okay beautiful that is it for our new business first piece of old business is going to be our operating budget review so our operating budget is in better shape this week wor five questions he managed to get the gap down to about 87,000 which is not what you have because I realized that um it was I still had some of the libraries expanded budget numbers in there so I changed I mean that was $3,000 in savings but um okay what this result this change is a result of um adding about 45,000 in local receipt estimated local receipts um we also reduced the grant writing Consulting um line item 2000 the professional development line item um about 1,00 and uh Town Administrator expense by about 600 cuz we've not fully expended those in in recent memory um reduce the energy contingency 2500 so that went from 10,000 to 7,500 um we' have not touched the energy contingency yet this year uh I mentioned the library uh and then cut the reserve Fund in half from 50,000 to 25,00 ,000 um haven't touched that so far either so with that we have a a gap of about 87,000 and that's with using how much free cash that's with using 14155 which leaves us how much in rollover so if we use that we are also planning on using 50,000 in free of free cash to opab and 55,000 for the retirement um that would leave us 225,000 you know we we can't do opab from arpa but we could do the retirement from arpa and then that puts 55,000 back in the free cash okay um so there we don't have to use free cash I guess for for those things I know that retirement thing eventually will no longer be through attrition right as people you know it's kind grandfather's probably not the right word but yeah I think um this current contract is the first one that doesn't have it right right so anybody who was hired a year and a half ago does not have this entitlement okay so it's a long time then before 30 years for it to completely it's been decreasing right the people who are retiring now are not getting the same benefits as the people who retire in 20 years I believe it's been consistent up until hiring a year and a half ago all right so do we really want to be taken that from ARA because in the future we're not going to have arpa to be taking this from I think we need to I think it yes figure out how to pay for it well and really from my perspective it's the question of do we leave $50,000 in arpa and then by the end of the year have to figure out how to spend it or do we spend it on something we know we have that needs to be spent and save free cash which then rolls over year to year to year to year and doesn't expire that's sort of where I'm at at this point if if we had two three more years of arpa before we had to spend the money I'd be much less apt to want to do that but at this point I'd rather see the arpa money get spent and have free cash going into next year's on something we know we need to spend it on yeah um and yes I totally am on the same page in general I don't like to to to pay for revolving things with non-revolving money um but this is a situation where the revolving money is going to go away in December if we haven't spent it by then and as much as I'd love to be able to tell all the departments in town hey we Gott extra money in arpa come ask for your wildest dreams I'd much rather spend on things we really need and have more money for next year in the free cash you know but I we don't have any choice on that cost right I mean correct it's fixed corre small enough and young enough this is not an annual occurrence okay it's likely that it'll be another two three four years before this happens again okay that is good contact thank you um and yeah and and I would feel worse about it if this was a contractual like or not it is contractual but I mean if this was a every year for the next 10 years we're paying $50,000 every single year for this that would be different this is it just depends on who retires basically yeah so I think the only other thing that I would point out on that is that I believe that and Peter and Jessica correct me if I'm getting this wrong but I believe that that there was a the selecto wanted it as a warrant article not just because it wasn't in the school's budget I don't I forget there was another reason not I think um I think I think the reasoning always was that I mean it came up sort of because they didn't really trust the school committee to be honest about the year-to-year sort of budget change and so if there was a if it was part of the school budget and you had a year like this where the number was unusually high then that would be the starting point for the overall budget next year when it really shouldn't be because this is a number that has got a huge amount of fluctuation in it some years the number zero okay and um so that the idea of pulling it out and doing it separately really was just a way of of having a little more control over um this not sort of Disappearing into the school budget and then you you know you sort of forget about it and then you know they're getting an increase over an inflated number it's not a recurring number so that's where got started and then people and that's been a number of years uh and then it's been like yeah you know this we yeah we we have to give it some visibility but the real I think the real motivation was no just so we make sure we're getting honest year-by-year comparisons on the school budget without these yes youve got it some years and other years you don't which well and the the inverse of this year you don't have any money there the budget's this much and next year you come in and it's in there and were asking you why did your budget go up $100,000 when nothing changed it it it's on for both ends it's I mean there's lots of things that are you know not exactly even year to year but they're not of this magnitude yeah and so it it from a budgeting point of view it it gives Clarity and that's not a bad thing M yeah you pay it's got to be paid one way or another but it's a question of how do we do it so that we all understand it without having to sort of you know go through a bunch of sort of mathematical stuff each year to try to figure out what the increase really is because we've got the one time things coming in and out well no and and it's certainly from a flex board perspective when we're looking at budget stuff we're looking at 5 years 10 years of budget information and if we see it going up and down like that it makes it a l harder for us to figure out what's actually going on so I I certainly appre keeping it like that um one more piece of context um this is a particularly High year for this type of item we've got two teachers retiring who are both not only very long serving but very dedicated and don't take lots of sick time so usually this benefit maxes out around $30,000 per person so for this to be 55 this year is probably I would hope the highest we're going to see for a while yeah okay it would be much more common for it to be more like $15,000 in one year now in a perfect world the money for this would already be stashed away somewhere it would be accounted for in budgeting it' be oh well we didn't this this teacher didn't spend this this year so we're going to put that money in the side in this account somewhere so when they retire it's already sit there waiting for them that'd be a perfect world we don't live in that world here we are um but yeah no I I I would love to see this be something where we are building up towards it for each person as we get closer to it and so this isn't a thing where we hit one year and cuz really this 55,000 isn't 55,000 for 40 or 25 it's 55,000 for the last 30 years that we've been slowly accumulating a debt and then paying it off all at once um so that's a whole other conversation about how we do things but um in terms of this year given that it's an unusual year given that not just in terms of this but our whole budget is having an unusual year I would push to use arpa funds for this but again that's me any thoughts Crystal so if we use arpa funds it's not a warrant like right they want it to be or you know that the request has been y in the past so so yeah so we can't make it a warrant we it doesn't make sense we don't need as a warrant if we use arer basically I mean there's no reason that you you can't do a warrant article for Aro and make people vote on it don't so the in my mind the risk is that somebody says why is there a Warren article for 55,000 for retirement but you gave the school 100,000 for Windows without a warrant article like the that is the risk but you could do a warrant article or also that it gets voted down and then we're in a trouble I mean that that that's the risk of any warrant article for this but um I personally I I would lean towards if we're going to use arpa for it we just do that outside of town meeting because that's our prerogative and that's how we've been doing all along and we're not trying to set a precedent otherwise that would be my my position I just just con Conway had a they're actually in a worst situation I think it was last year when they had I think four teachers retire and they had a this item the bill was in the vicinity of 100 Grand and they basically just went straight to ARA and took it out of that because that was and they just and as far as I know they just did they didn't put it yeah no if it's oura I don't think that we want to but also from a moral standpoint the arpa money is here to help lessen the blow of the pandemic to the towns and I'm not going to pretend like teachers retiring is not related to the pandemic I'm not saying these particular teachers are retiring because of the pandemic but that the argument could very likely very easily be made that we are seeing higher retirement than we would necessarily have seen without a pandemic and so using some arpa money to pay for Fallout of the pandemic would be a justifiable argument to make just in terms of arpa in general we've had people come to us with requests so if we do decide that we want to go that direction that would be asking Darius to come to us to ask for that right or would be banned no I mean I think that this is a the the school committee came to us and said this is an expense the select board in the past has said please don't put it in your budget so I think you can make we can choose you're choosing not to do a Warren article and doing arpa instead they asked for a Warren article I just want to make sure we're doing it right because last thing I want to do is have someone say hey the rest of us had to ask for that why are you giving it without having asked I just want to make sure we're recovered there um so okay in that case if you guys are in agreement I would entertain a motion to spend $55,000 in arpa money to pay for the teacher retirement make a motion to spend 55,000 pay for the teacher two teachers retirement a second all right we have a motion made and seconded all those in favor I I I three nothing gu all right all right so that takes care of that that's 55,000 that closes the Gap to more like 27 or something like that 25 30ish no it no this is not it increases free cash inre increases our free cash yeah free cash to about 275 280 so in effect it does give us more ability to pay for the operating budget okay um so I guess from where I'm at the operating budget at this point unless Jeff thinks there's more that we can trim out of it without starting to have real effects um is about as trim as it's going to get and I would be comfortable with making up the difference set of free cash um yes we're going heavier free cash into the operating budget than we have in the years past but as Peter brought up last time we don't have a huge $200,000 chunk going out into Capital expenses um so we're likely going to end up with a similar amount of free cash left over but it's just all going into operating rather than going into operating and capital okay any thoughts so that would leave us with about 193,000 free cash which is about what we ended up last year after we put money into stabilization stabilization and budget so yeah I mean would I like to see more of course but this is not that year um yeah I mean I think we'd still have total cash Reserves about 8% yeah because we we still have the general stabilization fund which we haven't touched in quite a while and we did put money in last year into that um so uh do you need any kind of vote on on that or just if we kind of direct you in that direction you'll I'll come back uh with a balanced budget and I'll send it out to you and the finance committee and what feedback we got you all right I know I'm still new at this but both last year and this year I started the year being like there's no way we're going to be a balance this budget and then we always end doing it so I should probably next year just assume that we will figure out how to do that we have to no choice choice oh we can go we can file chapter 9 or chapter yeah um all right sounds like we are on good shape on the budget thank you very much for all the hard work on that Jee we really appreciate it um next up is selectboard updates um I don't have anything myself Crystal I don't have anything either no I don't have anything it's three wonderful and that case we are moving on to Town Administrator updates Jeff yeah um just clarifying that if I do find savings elsewhere in the budget you want me to oh yes absolutely um free cash is going to be the last resort okay uh and then the only other thing I had is a we're getting ready to send out the town meeting postcard so I just wanted to confirm April 26th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the Sunderland Elementary School everybody's good with that okay excellent beautiful that's all I got all righty any public comment while we're here beautiful thank you both for showing up we appreciate having you here to to bring context to all our discussions um in that case seeing nothing else on the agenda at this time I would entertain a motion to adjourn a motion second all right we have a motion made and seconded to adjourn all those in favor I I I three nothing it is 713 you can take us out