I hereby call to order this meeting of the sun board it is 6:31 p.m. our first order of business will be approved the minutes from our last meeting on May 21st 2024 I would entertain motion a motion we approve the minutes for May 21st second all right we have a motion made in second to approve the minutes for M 20one first all those in favor I I I nothing yet all right we have one order of the business today and I to appoint a iway seasonal laborer is George here today or no uh he sent me the information he's recommending um Holden Woodward um he's uh UMass student um former Dearfield Academy George said I think she interviewed two or three folks um and this person was the most qualified license what are the dates for the seasonal laborer um he would like the person to start as as soon as possible after appointment um and I would imagine that the person is going to be going through August or when school starts maybe a few weeks before yeah well and high decisions for the for his Department I trust GE so I assume he the most qualified candidate all right um I'm assuming you just need simple holded what Woodward wward okay all right at the time I would entertain a motion to appoint Holden Woodward as the seasonal labor a motion re appoint Holden Woodward as seasonal labor for the highway department second all right we have motion made and seconded to appoint the highway seasonal labor all those in favor hi all all right that's all for today we good all right so next up is all business um and as I'm sure most of you are here for um let's talk about theck b session Jeff you want to get us up to date of where we are and then you can go in there yeah so um we have designs for two pickle ball court at Riverside Park um I've been doing research on the noise levels and the decel levels and distance from houses and potential mitigation um and I you know I there are some possible solutions um moving the court is one of them um there are sound barriers that can be placed um which are basically fenes with some sort of padding to absorb the sound there's also different equipment that can be used um paddles you have a a butter that's inting room please um paddles and balls that that um are quieter than typical pickle ball paddles and balls we could also regulate the hours that the courts were in use um that being said uh I think the you know the other thing that I found out is typically when design firms are asked about pickle ball cours and not given a location they like to place them at least 500 feet from Residential Properties um there was also mention about the newly painted at Frontier and um anecdotes that that Avid pickle ball players are bringing in their own lights and extending hours past um light light time so I think that there it it's I think that it's attractive to people and it's also a nuisance to people nearby who aren't using it questions one how far to 500 ft is the if they had their weight that it would be about 200t 200t okay um so to address the first option there which is moving it do we have other options in town that would work for this um we could explore other options the way the CPA article was written um we would have to go back to the CPA uh and count meeting to change the location look like that's possible do we have an estimate on sound barrier [Music] um I my understanding is that there are sound barriers they don't always work as great as they should yeah um so there I tens of thousands of dollars over 10,000 for a sound barrier um I don't have an exact figure so the sound barrier again just to be very clear on this goes between the pickle ball Court in the residential area versus just around the pickle ball court is that correct it could be where wherever we decide it's needed um one of the things that I saw is that because of the way sound waves travel it's better to put it closer to the pickle ball court so it doesn't have to be as high the further away it is it has to be higher so there's more visual impact um but I think that that would be the main purpose I don't think we there there's nothing at least to the West that that would cause issues um I don't believe there there are no properties directly north within 500 ft and this is this building is South so and if we did decide we wanted to add sound proofing measures um that we to go back to the CPA for additional funding for that something that we would short otherwise um we would probably probably need to go back we probably want to talk to the architect about whether or not the fences that he designed could handle those sound proofing and what what they recommended um I don't know that we would have to go back to CPA for more money at this point but potentially when we go out to bid for construction depending on what those bids come back okay then we could do we could do a um estimate of probable cost before we go out to bid so we should have some idea whether or not it makes sense to even go out to B in terms of how binding the the uh town meeting a year and a half or a year and a little bit ago that vote was the select board had a certain amount of discretion in terms of whether we carry that out or or be bound by that because the town decided um town meeting appropriates month and the select board actually spends so yes it is up to you to spend up to the amount appropriated County okay good so what do we know about the quieter equipment is that an expense how do you enforce that um I don't know if it's an additional expense uh what I again a lot of this is anecdotal is that people don't like the quieter balls but the quieter paddles are more expensive than the standard paddles um yeah how we go about enforcing Ian so it's easy to put together a bylaw that says you can play during these hours here's approved equipment but like you said who's going to be out there saying oh that sounds like it's a little too loud and then well I'm not so worried about enforcing the hours because if there's you know if there's people people playing after hours there's a means to address that I don't think we could expect a police department or anyone to determine whether someone's using correct equipment regardless of whether that's in a bylaw or not okay are there any I mean I'd be curious are there any examples would they've done s you know done something saluation could you visit um I don't know about in public places I I know that often in private residential developments they they do it and those courts are often closer to residences um but they all sign HOAs that say we accept it um I could look into it I don't know yeah these good to this one yeah um I going to bear um what have the board want to proceed do we want to a comment you [Music] want okay yeah so they're here the board has has talked much himself enough um at this time we will open the FL to public comment um I ask that everyone do two things one raise your hand and be called on and two once called on state your name for the record uh because you are having to do public meetings whatnot and you do that so at the time are there any questions comments anything like that yes in back even so my name is John Carney um I'm from Deerfield so I'm kind of a carpet bagger here but um I'm the founder a founder of Dearfield pickle ball along with Kevin Brennan here and uh we have done some things to accommodate our neighbors um for example we limit our our morning hours we don't start till 9:00 a.m. we don't own the course of course that's a front gear high school so uh we're just a an organization uh kind of a large organization that uses courts and we uh recommend to all of our our members that there's no play before before 9:00 a.m. and that's to accommodate the neighbors again now we have people would like to play at 700 a.m. but it's not one of our bylaws or rules uh we also have a our ports are encompassed by a large Fest and we have a matting that we didn't put in but the school put in that runs all the way along the sides of the courts it helps us in the sense that it's a wind barrier but it also helps the neighbors because it's a sound Barry so I think that um between limiting the hours and having this matting it's like a you can see through it but it does provide some sound barrier um I think that basically keeps the neighbors more or less happy with the situation you're never going to get 100% of agreement on any one thing but think the real neighbors realize that we have football socer we have a lot of sports going on in the same area and cookle ball is just one more sport um and to address the commentary about lighting at night we're not doing that um it had been tried I think one point it was it was a one one one and done um so we're not doing that um we don't play Loud Music um we're very uh interested in being good neighbors so I think up to this point I think we've accomplished that and we only started in August of 2022 and I remember Kevin and I were taping off the courts after we get permission to do so and we did I think we started off with maybe two courts and I said to Kevin do you think we going to get maybe 20 people to come out and play we have only 600 plus now members not all the play every every day but on this past Sunday we had 3540 so as a growing sport I think every town will eventually have their own courts and as you know Frontier is not available um during school days you can't play during tennis season we can't play um so it's just some weekends um so any we are restricted it would be nice to have a couple of additional options if you want ahead with your the process but um it would always be good to have that extra for couple of Courts to use I mean I play every single day I don't miss a day so um if I could if I couldn't play a frontier I would go somewhere else I go to Greenfield finally if they ever do their thing up there but I said come here as well so thank you ask a question I'm Judy Gat um how do you force the before 9:00 a.m. rule as I say we don't own courts the Frontier High School they they own the courts we use the courts we're the main users of the course we have posted on the on the entry date um the rules that we recommend we cannot we can't run down there if someone's there 8:30 for example but our rules one of them for example we we don't allow glass inside the and this is all um to keep the school satisfied or safety but there's no glass allowed plastic is fine no glass um no food we try to keep our food I have a table outside and Mark food if somebody wants to bring food to share they can do that but put it outside and people are asked to consume outside and on the on the rules of Entry um we State 9:00 a.m. start time so those are recommendations or rulle but Kevin hit a couple things um um it's it's the only adult program there is the PO town make Point here um and uh say about the sound um um I I apologize for that but you know you know we we came for the coming and going but Poli you know should we do that I do want now my thought uh when I was talking to Mr vesco about some issues I talked about how we remember the neighbors and we going to move our time a certain time and uh he said to me your complaints or all sports they was they didn't sing a little pick a ball they sing a love Friday Night Football Friday night soccer girls uh softball girls Bill lightning so we're just we were just part of the equation we weren't s up yes good evening my name is Happy p and I am an ambassador for usapa which is the governing body of P par uh I want to address your question first if there's a rule we the pickle balls and enforce it that's how it gets enforced people who come to play if we have rules that are establ and they are breing them we the players address that's how it gets enforced how you do that you're not there all the time well we are we are I can just respond to that we did as as Founders uh we we were Kevin and I were notified that some people had come down from another town earlier than our established policy um once and and it was they were unaware apparently have a policy once we found out that there was a rule violation we did address with those people and told them that's not going to happen again they were members of our organization but what about people who aren't members like if I want to go play I don't want to join a pickle ball Association I just want to go play just go play it doesn't matter but you can't enforce me you still have to enforce the laws when the laws the laws right but you couldn't enforce me if I'm not a member of your organization correct well yeah you you'd be black ball pretty fast well but black balled by so that that's I think one of the big issues is blackballed by who if I'm not a member of your organization there will be people in town here who want to come play who will not be members of your organization we're not going to tell them they can't play there well if there if the time has been established then like I would say reference to the police corre that would be that would be a law that you people would set up that police would enforce right our police would enforce but it wouldn't be the pickle ball asso ation or anyone like that enforcing it and I guess I I personally have a concern is how often would you would this pickle ball Association be monopolizing those courts versus those courts being open maybe for Jessica to go play or other people to play so in my group I have several leaders amongst my group and we split out the week by you're the leader on Tuesday you're the leader on Thursday yada yada y so when and all of the everybody on the court comes on my court by the way I'm from anfield Connecticut and anybody who comes on to our court you know knows the rules to play amongst what our rules are and if they're not being enforced then then yes they're going to be tased by the group or if you actually make it a lot then you know your police are going to be no to refor it but just to later on on was saying if the if all the arguments for location that exists currently and whatnot are coming from people who are outside of Sunderland who are part of this organization who are saying that why I live in Deer I live in I want to come to your town to use your new facility and that being stacked up against neighbors concerns about noise and whatnot telling you right now the people outside of town are not going to have consideration when it comes down to decision- making than people who are in town and so not going to lie it doesn't help your case a whole lot to come here without people from town who are saying hey I'm a come Absolutely I'll get you do I can just saying your argument that like I want come from nfield suland to come play or I want to come from Deerfield come play I want to come from Green Field to come play is a concern of ours in terms of how much time will Sunland residents actually get to play and does this end up becoming the town subsid in other residents of other towns because their towns don't have the pickall courts if I'm playing there at 10:00 and you guys your pickleball Association thinks that they want to play at 10 o'cl well I don't want to speak for your group but I know how my group is my courts are reserved open for open CL and if you come to my courts cour in nfield it's posted right on the sign that it's open play that you won't get a price for it that you're welcome to play in that's how we all do it everybody is invited to play in with us and that they don't get so we would so you're saying the town of that's what we preer would have to set up something where you guys could sign up for them in advance for oh sorry you had your hand up the do you want to say anything or I just I just wanted to say us APA has done extensive studies because you are guid so not the only ones having a issue with this so I implore you to either reach out to myself or to them to get some information that you might be looking at so I'm Susan Buckland and I am a Sunderland resident and I wrote a letter um and was um encouraged to write a letter originally and last year was very happy that we were going to have a court in our own town there's not a lot for people of my age or my ability pickle ball is perfect and it's wonderful it's social Gathering I currently have to go up to and I've been embraced by uh sorry j thank you very much and uh and and other places I and most pickle ball that I know and I know a lot of them they you know there's Hatfield there's ammer there's Greenfield I play all over and I'm welcomed all over and the part about policing ourselves or black balling or whatever you want to call it when people come in and they're not following the established rules of the Court they're kindly reminded what the rules are and rules are posted and and it's our job responsible adults it's our job to make sure that everyone's playing well and playing Fair following the rules and I am you know I have to say I'm really disappointed it's taken a year to get to this point where I thought that we' already agreed that we were going to have a pickle ball court um and then if we have to wait another year to move it someplace else I'm I'm stmed I'm not quite sure how to even go forth with that I on second put one behind you hi I'm Lis Kelly and I'm from Sunderland and I'm probably the hial traveler of Western Mass yes because I play in Deerfield I play con my I I started in Shel and they welcomed me I'm not a Hilltown resident they let me stay there it was a new establishment in October of 2022 they keep me this show Susan was one of the ones that got grandfathered and Joan plays in Shel she's from Asheville and we do we do do signups they do have specific times they play Monday Wednesday nights um right now it's like quarter 6 to quarter depending on the light of the light in in the summer um they play Tuesday Mornings Thursday morning Saturday morning and sunny right now they're playing went 8 to 10 and if you've ever been up to South Maple Street the cow gym the residents are about this close to the cors and they do use a little sof ball I did bring samples of different balls um they don't enforce um green paddles everybody has their own paddle some of them quite expensive if you go and try if you play a lot you end up with an expensive paddle but um we do they do use what's called Sign Up Genius Conway does it you sign up you have once it's full it's full um shels always used a sign up they use 17 because they have the College gym in in the winter time you go inside 17 people only in the summer time they'll have up to 30 on the board once the sign is full you go on a waiting list um and it works well if you don't buy by because it's run by the recreation that's my other question who's going to run this is it going to be the recreation all these programs with with the exception of Greenfield and Deerfield are wreck so they have a box outside with a lock on it and there there's members that have the combination like myself I can set up the Nets balls are in there the paddles that are supplied by the rec department there's balls and the rec department supplies paddles because there's people that come and say I never want I've never played I want to play but I don't want to buy a paddle because I don't like it so they and there's a program they do new new person they do um beginner lessons that's what I was hoping to Envision by having ports here is have a program or have a committee established which I would be willing to be on start a program for adults kids new proam you know get people interested in it not just that's what I was hoping for because I travel everywhere they I just walk around with a bag and and I play with John John plays six hours a day every day week and that's true so we I was hoping to get like a committee and have something organized where and it is kind of an unspoken rule especially in children you know it When J and Mar they're volunteers for the ref department and if you're not abiding by the rule it's go find another Community to take you in some it works very well and those communities you should probably check and they're very um well organiz they're very well um educated they came from Colorado they're in their 70s but they've been um they've been involved with sound mitigation they've been involved with court setups out and those and those are big areas where there's a lot of problems where you get 50 courts going at once so they're they're very well educated on that that that's a good spot Ashfield went down there because they were having a problem to check the area because it's so residential even of residents that actually play and their their houses are like right there but I do have some samples of different balls that the rec department in Shel you use a soccer ball um in Green in some of the places you don't great all right you want to go go for it first have a couple comments yeah um one that I I went out and measured this afternoon from that what they say is the standard wave that cor lot to what the picture you had sent me it's obviously not Mar but I was oh there were Flags out there they're not there anymore for that yeah oh probably when they mow but um I measured somewhere between 75 and 100 ft from the corner of my lot I suppose and um just when Jeff it says that you said that um you contacted people of the project and no one had expressed concerns or because when we you sent me an email I don't remember if I respond email or person but definitely had concerns about the noise um I think I was referring to at the time that that this was being considered by the CPC and meeting but yes I I that wasn't clear John J's husband a direct to the project um I don't know if I'm Pro pickle ball or I guess I like the what I'm hearing about South darks um s mediation I'm curious about what we have set up there how tall is it is it the black views of the mountain um you said it's transparent but ACD it's a metal fence behind it say say about C feet yeah the other landscape all way around as well so so we have the school lot the south of neighbors West there's neighbors but there and of course the north is all pling F so that's how screen also provides some no yeah they actually have I have a stud um you're comparing it to other users like the prary football game baseball and some of these communities it's constant like the play is constant 600 members in this area seems a huge so your cour how how um of the time available play how how used are they is it honor Sunday Saturday Sunday say two speaking uh up open time will show us I would say Tuesday Thursday say 5:30 till 7 or 8 the discussion has been start is the end time DUS is that can't see we when we have a start time people come and start as everybody knows that people will be on the course at that time uh our busiest day that we've had recently was this past Sunday um by 11 A.M I don't think anybody was there and somebody came later in the day I don't know about that but I was there with a big group 9 to maybe 11:00 and then well yeah it it gets hot it's definitely not in use um I don't think I don't think even Ed today for example a lot of days after school right now no one's there [Music] say Okay um you want yes yeah yes good evening everyone yeah I'm jisy I'm a director butter I live at 123 North Main Street I have a brief presentation with some materials to uh Garner this discussion if I'm allowed to sign in Jeff uh try to remote or I can send you the hour Point presentation I also have hard copy Sports s board it's considerations for the locating of new pickleball courts Our Town own property and it will also give some examples um photos of what proofing acal fence looks like for everyone else I pull it up in a minute [Music] I'm gonna attempt to share my screen let me know if it's not working see so pg3 in real life all right um so wanted to begin this presentation considerations for the locing of new pitball courts on Town owned property I just want to preface this by saying I understand the importance of physical activity I work in healthcare I fully believe that um movement is medicine motion is lotion I have an 82y old father that recently started pickle ball by playing at the Greenfield WIC so I definitely see the health benefits of it um however that is an indor facility and being a direct with butter to the proposed location of this pickle ball site I do have some concerns all right the outline of this today we're talking about pickle ball why the community benefits the push back want to examine the conflict a little bit and then talk about best practices emerging for locating a pickle ball in communi so when you think about pickle ball it was created in 1965 in Seattle Washington by a family that I heard got born with golf and they wanted something to do before dinner so they decided like hey let's s over our bad mitton court and try to use pickle ball um and so they tweaked around some things they called it pickle ball there's remember that was named after their family dog or that the wife of the family decided um there was called theball they were kind of cobbling together some equipment uh that know the news for to a sport and pickle ball is the name of for pickles or what they call in crew for lowing of kind of the rejects that get the second boat that's not as fast but it's hanging together there's a large pickle ball community in the United States and from what I'm hearing too locally around here regionally it is the fasting growing sport in the United States currently here's some statistics U from the Sports and Fitness industry Association currently United States we have 36.5 million in growing rapidly pickle ball players you can see the intense growth of pickle ball and why it's wanted you can see there's a limited number even though it's about 14,000 places to play pickle ball um and the age bracket it was geared originally towards seniors that it was something that was a little less low impact than tennis so um older people like my 8sy old father could play now it's everyone it's for everyone the highest demographic this past year I think was around um mid-30s people to it they're also making a lot of money off of pickle ball and with it comes the challenges of these materials finding these nors absorbing rackets or um using different balls they're finding out the more and more people that play pickle ball because it is growing so rapidly the more problems is causing incommunities all right and the push back uh We've alluded to a little bit of that tonight through some of the discussion but basically the rapid growth and construction of new pickleball courts in the United States it has these consequences that we're only learning now through mass media and newspaper articles um you'll see in the S board package you'll see a couple articles about the uh Professor papa pickable how it's causing people um health conditions and causing conflict with towns of the location of these courts that seemed like a good idea at the time then it was actually built or was converted from tennis courts causing problems um specifically pickleball courts that were built in residential areas have created conflict Within These communities um and again kind of our area most communities and individuals didn't realize beforehand that there were negative impacts to building f ball courts in residential areas um I think this pertains to the town conservation and preservation act and discussing we' love to have pickle ball the tow um definitely let's get seniors and other people active oh we've got this lovely Riverside Park um handicap accessible walkways we got the little Outlook seems like a great area but is that the best place for it it's one of the last Dre spaces it's located right next to the souland toown library it design any quiet Zone and then looking at where it is as my neighbor Judy just alluded to it is less than um you know 100 feet away from residential property lines we don't again people all a lot of these towns don't want the complex to happen they do they pop up because they're the first to have it and then you get a lot of outside traffic coming in and no Poli and regulations for it so we've got some instate conflicts that are currently happening in Massachusetts you see some examples here um it's just multitude of issues happening specifically State related to Massachusetts you can see the mass that they've started prohibiting some pickle ball on courts due to the noise concerns um you can see also in the town of Amis they recently Haled all their plans and they had about a quarter million dollar funding ports because it was um getting used neighbors pause cusing massive issues in discussions and then you've got uh you know that are developing because of this that it's a rushan hurry to BU these courts and you can see in West B Mass courts um will allow pick ball for one more year we're closing that pickleball court permanently to open new courts that specifically had a setback um based on lesson learns of hey this did not work out for us we listen to town feedback we listen to pickle ball players this is what we can do we got to have it more than 500 feet from property lines uh currently in the state of Massachusetts municipalities and neighborhood groups of mass we 20 plus conflicts happening in Us in the court in Massachusetts and then across the country dozens of lawsuits now a national conflict level for my research that I've done this is fascinating in the um city of Sentinel Colorado which is a suburb of Denver so being colge Town kind of like us um they had to put in new P ball ordinances in more tarium because they discovered yes pickle ball is uh disruptive to directed Butters very loud and it's causing health concerns you can see in the highlighted yellow areas that based on what um the city of Sentinel Colorado learned outdoor pickall is known to create a notable not change in the acoustic environment of areas surrounding pickleball courts that is different in comparison to other forms of outd recreational activities I mentioned that because again fourth generation croud resident of Sunderland Mo up in that Sunderland Riverside Park playing soccer playing t-ball uh that was never a problem this is different how it's different you can see again on the next line in yellow it's an impulsive sound that the pickle ball paddle makes when it's impacted with the pickle ball itself it's very sensitive to the human frequency range of hearing and it's that continuous impulsive no cell that irritates people um it makes it difficult to relax it makes it difficult to concentrate and sleep um in the concentration key for me being a few hundred feet away from the courts potentially I work from home frequently I'm not going to be able to con on my work I need my work job to live I need that paycheck need to be able to focus um again some more things about sound greater annoyance in other forms of sound um I seen that in letters to the select board and thank you for putting us on the agenda this uh evening where it's 70 decel Le uh levels and moving on let's talk about St blacks Jeff had spoken about this a little bit earlier Judy had spoken about it earlier as well you've got sigs for example from 121 North Main Street approximately 70 ft you've just got over that 40 foot um volleyball court and then you've got this pedestrian walking sidewalk through Rivers side park and then right after the benches right there on that sidewalk you're going to have a pick ball court you're going to put two of them in there approximately 75 feet away from the property line on the plans that were sent from the town of souville into a Butters um it doesn't list that actual uh foot amount but it's approximately 70 ft it's very very very close the from a research I've done and I think J probably SE too they're talking about required setbacks from property lines should it be 500 should it be 600 what are the ramifications if you go closer than 500 feet um Again The Sentinel Colorado they had talked about New Ports and their legislation decided need to Ste over 600 ft resid J zil and we are in the Village Center um right to live right to work want people to enjoy it but also want that greaten space and also would want to be respectful of neighbors that have been in this community for years of there and then another example in Park City Utah also requires minimum 600 foot stepb back these towns are being being very brave putting their foot down but they've also listened to their residents in the area to make these decisions best practices how to measure distance um the distance really Jeff I'd be curious of the 200 feet it should be from the edge of the pickle ball court to the property lines of the residential area so when you say 200 I'm just curious that that was from the closest point of the residence that I found to the approximate location because even that fence that goes by John Judy Mike and Emily's there's still a boundary Stone but there's a little cut through so in case a volleyball went over the lawn um or that fence that you're able to walk through there so it's still off that set from that fence even a little bit more um but when just when you're measuring distance things to consider as we're looking at Riverside Park location and if you want to put it directly in that area that goes to five residential households in North Main Street there it's going to be less than 100 feet um if you're measuring that it there's ramifications of what happens when you're that close in the noise reverberations so going on to noise and sound abatement when building new Pall courts within 600 ft residential uh recommended 600 ft from residential it's not it is often not required to have a noise study or sound if it's over 600 feet however if it's less than 600 feet I'm going to go back to my previous appearances at the select board meeting back in March and then again with my email in April um let's do a sound study if we really want that close to a Butters let's have acoustical sound Engineers come out here and measure that and get the proof um if you're trying to do sound batement and I know there's a proposed plan preliminary PL 8ft fence around it that's just an 8ot fence there was no plans for acoustical fencing or sound abatement but let me show you what that could look like for the ball courts now if you're depending on if you do 600 or 500 feet if you're doing level one um this is what it can look like for the sound of eight if there's acoustic fence there's um some other brands there's one locally in Connecticut it runs about 240 $280 a square foot could be more sure it's going up it's pickall becomes more and more popular or you could do sound absorbing panels and that's what it looks like but again you might need a higher fence because if you're talking about containing that noise it's the only way you're going to contain pickall noise is if you do a YMCA Greenfield when you have an endurance or if you do a senior center bu you in Sunland build Endo or if you're going to rent out some ports at Maple Bridge Court and Sunland you know like um give a discount to or passes to Sunland residents do indoors try it in there see how popular it is see how many actual residents to suland use it um but really you can't contain the noise it's just going to buffer it maybe 10 deel levels it's not going to completely eliminate it it will never eliminate it all right so level one if you were doing that it would be cheaper it's about 1/8 of an inch thick comes in standard sizes of 6 by um 30 fet not a Miracle Solution again not going to entirely rid the noise neighbors are still going to hear it anyone walking on that pedestrian path still going to hear it anyone Library Town Hall still going to hear it uh needs to be deployed correctly at further distances from residential it's not especially helpful when close to residential like ours would be less than 100 ft level two of batment U more expensive um absorb sound instead of reflecting sound comes in standard sizes of 6x4 uh necessary F when PS are closer to the residential hes looks a little more green space too but notice uh the plans they had from the architect they just had the fencing they did not have any panels attached to it that's where the cost is really going to creep up if you put panels which is the right thing to do to buffer the sound you absolutely need it there not going to eliminate it going to cost more though and then um selection of best practices for these pickle ball courts if pickle ball court sites within 500 to 600 ft um should be reviewed by a qualified acoustical sound engineer in the site selection phase they will likely require some sound one abatement pickle ball courts that are less than 500 ft from residential will like require a level two noise of batement it's going to get more costly to buy those materials because you're that much closer to the homes that would be impacted and then other things to knowe on North Main Street here we are two story and multiple story homes uh located close to pickall Ports that can require additional sound abatement sound travels over fencing and this can impact upper level windows in rooms on the second Flor and above taller fencing with soundly baited house so you look at higher than 8ot fence with um sou pooping topography similar to housing with floors above ground weather home sitting at an elevation higher than the supposed pick wall courts can be difficult to shield in noise with a barrier and then also lastly um water if there is any water in the ground in close to residential property it impacts noise LS I do mention that because I'm concerned with the resurfacing that would be needed for that sloped area right by the library right by the town hall right by the res residentials we have had an issue massively with water the past couple years in particular senior housing across the street but in the back I can remember playing ball and having those drills flood when I was a kid so if you level that out it's it's funneling some surface water towards our Elms towards our bement an area of the backyards that we haven't had before that is a massive concern to our foundations of our homes and being so close it could count so that's it for the presentation I'll stop the sharing is there anything you wanted me to go back to or having additional questions I thank you for listening though and hopefully the visuals of what some of the Imp looks like helps yeah thank you the the C it's great to through you're going through your presentation you have any questions about the presentation oh that's good thank you thank you I appreciate you of course we not have outdoor concerts at the library if it's a quiet Zone got your start with gentleman 113 North M also out back just building off of uh Jessica's presentation here and I I've heard the comments about the people that play all the time and they're going to police the rules and regulations and I I believe that I think they will they play and they they're there all the time my concern of course along with is the location of this and Jessica brought up some very good points about the potential flooding and wire went off the fence thing is really a big issue and I went out and I looked at some other locations in town I was around when we built the elementary school and we a lotted more than enough land down here for expansion and there's some ball fields and uh softball field and soccer field there I looked at two different locations down there which would be ideal or two pickleball cords the first thing is there's no resonance right around it so the noise uh pollution issue I don't think it would be even a factor down there okay which immediately you know causes gives it an a rating for me to get down there the way the land has been developed down there around the school I think there's very little grading there's very little runoff you'd have to worry about of course you have to do some in the construction of it but the way it's set up I think the construction costs would probably be lower than putting it out here where you've got to really dig down level take care of drainage take care of R up so I believe the whole uh project to put it down there would be less money actually and now the money's been appropriated CPA you've got plans architect plans to build this you're really talking about changing the location and that's it the other factors can still be emplo down there so I would suggest that the board and and uh whatnot really look in to a location down there put the put the courts down there there's minimum impact on residential noise issues there's parking uh rules and regulations you establish them and I totally agree with these players they'll they'll police it I don't think there'd be any problem with that um you know the people that play all the time they know that what goes on and if there's somebody in there abusing it I think they'll take care of them so I don't really think that's an issue with that location definitely this would have a tremendous impact on a Butters here on North Main and maybe even on School Street I don't know but by going down to the school there's a perfect spot down there there's actually two but the first one I would choose there's there's an area there with no residences and I don't think there'd be any uh issue with uh noise impact on any residences at all the big problem with the school was the same problem that exists at the high school is just that during school hours you can't use it well and in terms of bay if your buck kind of a consideration for this the town doesn't really want to spend a whole pile of money to have all of the hours that they're saying is the prime hour people are using this have it be unavailable so totally get your your point of it's a good location for all the other reasons but in terms of the actual usability of it the point of this is not to just put it in the place that's the most that's the most out of the way because we could find some in the middle of nowhere where it could be it's but both considering that and also having to be a place that's couldn't get the use it's going to be able to be used during those hours and so the school was actually one of the things that I had thought of when we started talking about this a year and a half ago and that was a big concern was the time we don't we don't want to a have ball court that people can only use from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to to dark nor do we want to end up having random people showing up on school grounds during school hours when there's kids there because then it starts getting hard to be like is that person there pickle ball or is that person something that the principal should be concerned there's someone on the the school grounds that's sort of a whole ball of wax that we're trying real hard to avoid um the whole question of other locations in town is something that believe me even talked about quite a bit um we haven't come up with a location outside of this one that the town has access to that is zoned for you know all the things and whatnot um and that doesn't raise up other butter questions or other issues with with things like Watershed and that kind of stuff um I mean I would love to build with it oh yeah we have this whole whole other you know field right over here that we we didn't even think about um and that's of that was the first question I asked dat is has there been any new developments in good locations for this um beyond that and this is something that I believe you brought up if we do change location that is in effect starting from stretch we have to get brand new study we have to get brand new plans we have to get reapproved through through the um through the town meeting it's basically saying yeah we're strapping this whole plan and sarting pressure and I saying that isn't necessarily one of the paths that we might take but just that just to for for clarity that is not a small deal it would be pushing the project off probably a year or more it would be going back to the from going back to the design firm and asking to them to call the new design because you can't just say we'll pick this design up and plop it over there they have to do their whole process um things like water shed again you're talking about runoff you can't just plop this design over here and make it work um it nice be could but that's that's unfortunately sort of not does it have to go back it doesn't have to go back the time meeting does it oh it does yeah the article says pickle ball Courts at Riverside Park so that's what was voted um and yeah it would be we couldn't we couldn't pay for somebody to design pickle ball courts not at Riverside Park with the current bonding so we couldn't even start the redesign process until uh July 2025 so again just it's a question is that something that special town meeting that if we again I'm asking just so we know and the point if if CPA or or if the money through special town meeting got appropriated saying something like at a mutually agreed upon location between the town and you know can you have a special town meeting vote on that and move this along without a location but saying I'm town-owned property agreed upon between you know CPAs we we'd have to talk to CPA because I don't know how flexible their processes are um but yeah we could certainly do a special town meeting and actually what I said was wrong um CPA funds are available immediately so they'd be available right after time um I just don't want to prolong all of this for another year from now if there's a way not to if we have a means not to and this is my understanding I assume because it says in Riverside Park I'm happy to reach out to council and if they say oh the select board says it's fine to look at other locations um and you're comfortable doing that I I could certainly ask counsel for that and then you can move it doesn't hurt ask I don't know the ins and out of the rules but I would think the money's and I agree you got to go to another town meeting but I think they have a special town meeting and you come out with and even though they might have to redo the design this basic design and say okay here it is we're really going the same show except we need a special town meeting and reappropriate I don't know why you couldn't move that along even in less than years right and I'm just and my whole thing is even if we don't have an exact location but if we can have you know to a mutual agreed upon location between R and CPA and select board something like that again I don't know if that's possible and you know I'm sure follow was the plan to have Recreation sort of in charge of this or not it was just it cour it was to install courts and so that's where some of this in my opinion becomes a little concerning because my understanding was these were being installed for the town of Sunderland not for the pickle ball Association or a group right so that if on a Tuesday afternoon I want to bring my grandkids over there and just let him try playing pickle ball I wouldn't want to go there and find out that this is already reserved by a group every Tuesday afternoon till the end of time honestly I think it might be good for us to maybe project specifically to have a conversation with Jim from the rec department about is this something that the rec department has the capacity and the desire to take over in terms of you know being in charge of it from whatever level um it does sound like other communities in the area largely have there Town direct Department be in charge of that with the exceptions being schools that those are outside I think it definitely should be some Authority either slight board or or rep committee or you know jimen whatever in charge of it I mean yeah at least have a say in it so um policing of the rules yeah and and largely that that's what what this is is the town said yes we want this but no specifics and so that's what we spent the last year and a half doing is is us saying well we aren't design people we aren't you know Sports Experts we aren't no experts how can we take this very vague you want this you want location here the money and turn that into something that works for all parties and I hope that it it ches to to put both sides of this that we want what best for both the players and for the butters we want the best for the people in town the people out of town we want the best for everybody um and finding out where that what what compromise that's going to be is what this is all about and why we've been why we've been spending the last year and a half talking about this and going back and forth with people um so just want to get that you sure your hand up back there m 127 North Main initially I lived at 38 scho Street you have 150 y north of 38 School Street that's one rectangular piece of unused property we we looked at that it's a beautiful spot and it's far away from yeah my backyard which is 20 Steps From the corner of your proposed pickle ball court correct from wrong but that was too close to the river is that correct yeah that was actually one of our first thoughts that was one of our first thoughts we going over there and unfortunately there's regulations state regulations about how close to the river we can be and we can't actually be that close you only have to look 30 miles South and see what Springfield's done along the river I mean if they can do it why can't we yeah we can't un secondly I've been 20 years on the veterans committee and you have a beautiful veterans Mall here and it was set up to be a place of somber peace for people to sit at the benches and I I really I really have a question about the noise not only from my point of view of living 20 Steps From the corner of this thing but the veterans project out here I don't want that forgotten about good point if we made a articulation in the Bible on about um sound remediating equipment how much compliance do you predict people in you know would they be able to up I know $100 is that to expensive for a racket I don't know won't do that they won't if it's if it's on by the recreation if the Recreation Department like say shurn they have paddles and they have I I brought different balls if you want to see a different outside Vault one that's a little softer so it has a less of a pop they use those in Shel that's what they use in Shel specifically there's also like different padd they make different paddles but if the rec department bought some then they would be out for anybody to use but you're still going to have people come that have their own paddles and their own preference it's hard that's hard to enforce but if if the red reir was having a program and they had those kind of paddles that's what you'd be using never never having F I don't know you should try it it's if that was something that we would request as compromise a lot of people have them but to enforce it it would be very well enforcement is a whole question is own side you know screwed around saying it but the only reinforcement option we have other than counting on people being human beings is having the butters call the police when there's somebody there at 2:00 in the morning making noise or at 6:00 a.m. or outside of whatever the the state or local laws say for noise complaint issues just as a noise complaint issue um I I'm not saying necessarily that's going to be a huge rampid problem but it's something I want to consider consider about how much of our towns F resources we're using not necessarily for the members of the the organizations that do good job but so you Mass students who live in our apartment complexes get drun the side at 3:00 a.m. they want to go down there and hit them ball around I'm not saying that's necessarily a likely thing to happen but we have to consider a limited police budget time effort we almost always have one officer if not no officers on any given time and do we want to spend our resources answering noise complaints that is definitely one of the considerations that we have to to doation um I'm not saying necessarily that like the evidence shows that Shel bur's calling the cops every night or anything like that but just that you know this is one of those discussions we have to look at the totality of all different factors and that is unfortunately one of them yes that's why you need um a committee to work with the direct Department lock the gates lock the gates have someone open the gates when to go about quarts are open they're only going to get used half a year those quarts can't be those have to be locked in the winter those Nets have to come down the wind sock has to come down if anybody goes in there with a metal shovel and tries to um tries to shovel those they'll ruin the surface so those are only half your quarts anyways you can't play outside with the snow and you can't shovel those those have to be off so it's only like a half year use you probably probably like eight when Frontier April when Tenon starts it's typically in a March April March April and then by November once it snows no one's using those you can't you'll ruin the service and that's sort of why I think it's important that we at the very least include gym in the conversation is because if we are going to end up having a let's say we decide that we want to make that we have someone come out and lock them up at the end of Sunday and open them up on Tuesday or whatever because Mondays special day that or end the season closing down beginning next season opening up things like that someone has to do that and so you know I'd love to be able to say oh yeah the Pall Association will come and do that for us but I have no guarantee that's going to happen it's not an association you come we have we have our Facebook pages and everybody goes I'm coming down to play anybody so we need four people it's just like word of mouth so it's not like a and they have a paddle system so if you get six people you put your paddle down winners usually the winners stay losers come off and it just rotates in it's a very it's a very smooth process everybody's very polite and because it's such a social it's such a social thing people just enjoy there's like in a year and a half I've met people I've never met in my entire life and it does a lot of good for things we' raised money for hat Field Elementary we've raised um money for the food bank just recently that was in the that was in the paper I mean it does a lot of good for a community it could raise money for this Library when they need something so but I think that if you have if you're looking if you puts out there and looking for volunteers to be part of this I think you have no problem getting a volunteer to open the gates or lock the gates or there's a lot of people that play that are retired I don't know who plays from Su I I'm from s i play mostly people from Shel and everywhere else but s so I think there people if you put it out there and you ask for help I think you'll get volunteers to help that's what I think no and I do like the idea of they being a committee you know a volunteer comme I think he needs some help with it um yeah and and largely that would certainly go a long way in leting my concerns about if there is an official Committee in town about who has the responsibility but also the herview in because not saying the doesn't want to become the new M Runners of us of of course but we shouldn't be the ones who are doing day-to-day stuff there the question does become who is that person and if that's Jim again we should have a conversation with Jim about that but also that has to be consideration in terms of town funding is if we're asking Jim to pick up the thing that mean you have toate compy for the rec department to make it give the hours to do so um you know there's there's there bigger questions like that um right and it's same thing I mean we even talked at one point Library you know go in there to get the key to open it things like that um you know and then that kind of limits it down to the library hours but you know and bathrooms bathrooms are frequently locked so with they add additional parking that's going to be playing the parking lot area in Limited hours PO on Sunday that would be a prime Day Magic Pickle cours that would all have to be looked at in addition to the noise that we yes sir couple things I'd like to just add to it um first of all I have ask you a question please M KY sure what were the dates on those courts and the problems and all that mean have they been record by BR new one of in here I think 2022 which this a statistic yes and then if you're looking at the dates and fount and which in ammer that was just January um the other thing I'd like to know in all this conversation we're all having I think it's excellent but why wasn't it earlier than this why is it a year a year more than a year from when it was voted in right so I think part of it was the general statement of Riverside Park I think the thought was again behind the old Hearn house that that would be away from and that was determined not a suitable spot but you can't just stop the so we didn't stop it so this was actually staked out out there when you know the new location came there were purple Flags out there and I'm sure that's how Jessica and a lot of the neighbors were able to kind of see where it was going to be so that was before March 29th though the short answer to your question is is that nothing in government moves quickly and it's taken it's taken a year and three months just to get to get just to get through this conversation because first we had to go out to bid for or submit you know request for plans and then we had to get the plans and what not the the fact there was even a problem to discuss wasn't brought up to us until far after that town meeting happened and so it's not like we knew at town meeting a year and two months ago or whatever it was that this was going to be a problem nobody brought up any issues at that town meeting nobody brought up any issues to us before that town meeting that town meeting happened and it's only been after that that issues have been brought to our attention and we've had to go through the process of all the red sorry all the red tape that takes just to get the plan out there to bid is a year and that's that's really what our concern is that's why we're we're having this discussion is that if we do go a different direction if everything goes well it's like a year plus out because of takes this many months for this part to get gone this many months this part to get done you know it' be lovely if we were it would be lovely if we were like a private organization where we could just be like hey tomorrow I'm going to call a construction company and get them down there and they're start pouring concrete it doesn't work like that in in PIV in public realm unfort believe me um but no it's just you know and that's that's the thing we have talked about this probably 15 20 times in the last year um and we meet some at most once a week so you know we've talked about probably a third of our meetings over the course of the last um year as well as in numerous emails back and forth between Jeff and members of the board and between Jeff and members of buing properties um back and forth between the company we had the the man from the design company come in and asked a lot of these questions to him directly like hey what can we do about sound proofing what can we do about this how tall are those fenes going to be can we make those Fen taller point I think they had them at six feeter we also wanted to ask you know can we make defenses such that if the sounds not a problem they're good as they are if the sound is a problem can we then convert those fenes into sound proofing without having to RI them down and start from scratch these are all questions we've been asking and you know you know it's not that we just picked up after a year of not pi attention to it it's it's that it took us this long to get to a place where we could have this discussion and have the board know where we know what we know now in order to do that make sense no what I understand fair enough yes I just wanted to say to answer Tom's question a lot of these people that play all the time they know the game they know all about it a lot of us myself included didn't really know anything about course we heard of pickle ball but when we started researching some information on it uh just about every article I looked on in regard to pickle ball there's always a section about noise there's from the lawsuits to closing courts to there's even a gentleman that wrote a how to start pickle ball in your community how to set up courts and organizations and groups and all that teams and he does two and a half paragraphs about noise be aware the noise so a lot of us myself didn't really know how bad this was so that's reason you know to address some of the late comers into this and that's why oh absolutely and and to be clear I'm not saying that that that you know shame on you you didn't come to us before without meeting you know I guess what I'm saying more than anything else is that all this information has become emergent to all of us no one on this board nor did anyone nor did many of the people in the audience know know all the facts before we've gotten started in this and so you know sort by Design it's been a bumpy process because of that um I don't think that's bad thing I know that there's there's an appetite to have the courts be done faster than not and I totally understand why that would be because you want to be using them but we have to do this the right way which is obviously why we're here today we don't want caught up and then Clos down because of the loss exactly and then the absolute last thing that I think anyone in this room wants is for the town to throw a whole bunch of money in a hole on the ground that then gets shut down and we spend even more money to down next year that's the last thing that any of us want to do so we want to make really sure before we break round on anything that we're not setting ourselves up for issues that we've considered every possible contingency that we considered the the noise that we considered the thing but that we haven't just considered those we've also considered those and weighed those against the health and well-being of the members of our community you know this is a public health issue outside of all the other issues as well and so it's um yeah do you guys want to add anything on that no I just have a question for Mr Weston you had said you looked at a couple different locations in town did you look at where else did you look at well no two location okay yeah I wasn't sure if you yeah the out behind the U cafeteria there's that little Pavilion if you go out further going toward brick strong St shed there that was that's the most perfect spot it's level I doubt there'd be major drainage issues the other spot is when you drive in on the other side of the parking bot is would would be looking over toward um old d Road and there's a there's a nice spot there also so I mean those are two I looked at that I think were perfect locations um you'd accommodate parking you could add your higher fences I'm not sure 10 ft you said 12 well 12et in other words you you can have you could really put the whole thing together down there the whole package without any impact on a Butters due to noise yeah yeah no I I understand that and I don't know I mean you might have to work with Ben I'm getting some kind of a thing about people coming in during the day during the summer no problem because school's out now the rest of the time I don't know you could probably work out something you know getting people in there to play here again there's always issues that you got to work out but I think the the locations down here are perfect Mr Hern your hand yeah that uh piece my understanding goes all the way back to the back door Rock Warner's property and our present fire chief that whole lot was given by the family that that sold the fire chief his house they own own all the way to 116 so the farmers I think access off of 116 you may not even need a curve cup you could park as many cars as you want down there and put your pick ball court even in the middle of that field it's Town property and it was left for the town to use for any use they deem fit according to people that live on South MS street that I've talked to it's got to be uh more than 158 I don't know much about that um I said I thought the how was allowed to use the access but I didn't think it owned property but I could be wrong that funny to look into yes I just want I don't know where the exact boundaries are for the school property I'm sure Jeff can find it now Nikki's referring to that is a big field I mean that would accommodate you know football courts easily and parking which would keep people from not even having to go to the schoolyard and here again I don't know about what that lot that Mick's talking about I know I know the lot I don't know where the boundaries are but that's a good possibility to still I didn't even think of that part but yeah I'm sure Jeff can find where those bound sure if you can't fire there you go with stop every day just give their opinion any of The Advocates I can connect you do you personally does anybody but you do no but yes I know someone I'm Jo Jam I live in Ashfield but I play in shelder I have played in sou F whatever um and I would just like to invite anybody who wants to to come up to the shelter in FSE courts during the times when we're playing and see just how close the houses and the apartments are around us and listen to the noise um we had a fellow who work is in our group do a sound study and uh branded it was an informal sound study but you found the highest deciel levels coming out of our plank we supposed to laughter and whatever was louer than the balls plus it's not a constant noise there are breaks you know the ball only goes back and forth two or three times and you stop you have to re regroup you have to call on a score um but I think really just going to listen to a game might put some people's concerns at ease is there any abatement there in place no none none and the houses are within 100 feet trees it's it's right on the road so there's Saturday Sunday morning um Thursday morning so more information is there a opportunity such as I believe Conway of using the elementary school gym for pickle ball for sundland residents during summertime again this might be something the direct school but I know some other communities that it's been if there are issues with installing outdor courts that they were reverting to other spaces that were interior such as in schools um I'm not gonna say option because I don't know um we have to look into it um is that perhaps a way for town to ease into it and see the popularity and actual use of actual residents yeah if there's a more immediate need for pickle ball now uh we don't want to you know hurry up and make a mistake um I don't I honestly I don't know what what would even be involved in in that that would have be a then probably or Maple Bridge Church stri the de down I know that was a hot location by senior housing in an apartment complex there and that already exists that was tennis for years y I think that we've largely covered all the questions of both sides um I'm sure that we could probably find more things to talk about board um as it stands right now the board has not made any decision on this the point of this meeting was for us to get information so we can M on it and think on it and get some feedback so that we can kind of get a am I have check on am I is my thinking on this right am I representing the people we're supposed to represent properly and what not um so the board sorry just want to make sure that nobody online oh thank you I always rip the people online um anyone online have any comments they wanted to throw in before public say all right um so the board will individually think this will be a subject of many future s board meetings discuss in public session um we encourage people to if you see that as a line item on our agenda to tune in either VI zoom in person if you want to come in everyone's always to come here l t here um we always prefer it was for Lous things but you that the way the world um or um via we also do um most of the time uh Broad C are be there um and as as always please continue to communicate via Jeff to the board if you have any further information any further comments anything follow from today any other suggested locations for the for the um Piccolo ports anything like that anything you can do to make our job easier um will help move everything along so not putting the responsibility on you but just saying if you have more information that helps along the way that would just one final request your backyard Tom in all du respect could you make sure on your agenda that it's listed as pickle ball not just a discussion about nothing or public comment or whatever you listed as um you're GNA talk about it discussion today it wasn't when excuse me it wasn't when she was on was under public comments so much was an individual meeting where I just showed up and it was comments and you brought up noise it was on the agenda com and so the short answer is if we're aware of ahead of time absolutely we cannot ever control someone coming in at one of our meetings we say any public comment they can start talking about literally anything they want what I'm saying talk about all right that being said I think we're gonna close the pick question for now as I said it will be an honorable instruction going forward um which bring up our next item of old business and that is another interesting one the marijuana social Equity policies all those hot button je um last discussed grafing up some that looked like thank you very thank you guys very much for showing up we always appreciate having the public involved um in terms of this question for today were we just do that want to um and it's essentially the same as gear Field's policy okay I'm sorry we still have to conduct some business could you step out into the Hall I'm sorry to be rude thank you off camera um yeah it's very similar to gear Fields um I think the the one change is that they said that they were going to have like some sort of raing rubric that counts how much Social Equity points they get and um honestly it's G to be more work than anybody who's going to apply to do it so I just said we're going to take it into consideration and we will yeah um so but yeah it's very similar and my thought is if you're okay with it um if you want to look at it again and not vote this time that's fine but we would submit it to the CCC and then if they had issues with it they would tell us what they are when does it have to be submitted by May 1 oh all um take a late one originally it was July 1 2023 it it kept getting pushed and eventually May 1 was the final deadline didn't push so go from my perspective I feel like this is a lot of work for a move point for a town of our size and our capacity for marijuana shops that being said if you draft letter that meets the minimum requirements the state has that you feel is going to match meet mustard on their end good enough for me we can always view down the line if for some reason something came up that was not thought of have comment any comments will kick it back yeah so from my perspective if if you're happy with it I'm happy with it um Dan and Crystal do you have any I was going to say motion submit with technical Corrections I so at the time I would entertain a motion to direct Jeff to submit the application with technical Corrections um on our behalf and then just copy us on it so we or put it in the folder so we can y so move second all right we have a motion made and seconded to instruct Jeff to submit the letter as written with technical cors sorry just to clarify the select board is voting to adopt these policies and then I should submit the policies that have been adopted correct okay so I just wanted to make let's amend the so I would motion to accept the policy as written by Jeff and forward said policy to the appropriate state government agency motion for us to adopt the policy and for Jeff to submit the submit it to the state and if we get com that's second all right we motion made seconded to adopt the policy as written with technical Corrections and submit it to the state all those in favor I I 3 nothing death all right next up is Select word updates um I don't think I have anything this week I got nothing happiness of Summer and everybody you know taking a breath after time Eventing lovely time of year all right um only thing is just that we did solidify or at least tempor solidify our schedule for the summer which is posted on the town website I saw it will be yeah I thought there this morning yes it's there than you cind thank you um so yeah so that's um that's all said it's basically an every other week schedule for the summer um which is of course subject to change uh based on the needs of the town and uh what's you know needing to be deal with all right 10 minutes for updates what you got for us Jeff um Wednesday National Grid is going to be at the library to discuss the transm line Improvement program that they were here to talk about months ago was a while ago um so uh yes it's gonna be 6: to 8: pm at the library on Wednesday um and there's translation services available so if anybody's interested and has questions contact me um you know that's going to be um recorded on Zoom or anything like that or is that is there F going to be there or anything like that are you not I'm aware so I don't at least I'm under the impression this isn't really a formal presentation by them is that it's someone there more to ask that you could ask questions of that's that was what I I didn't know if there was G to be a presentation but they said there were going to be people who could answer questions about vegetation management and chemicals they use and things like a list of different people and I'll try and get that up on the website too yeah I I'm not positive there really be anything to record I was just asking yeah yeah I'm not positive my guess is it's a come in talk to us ask us your questions and ask all your FS now that we don't have to hear about them when when our guys are out there doing work y okay um great thank you for that do anything else from you or no all right um next up we do have a piece of Correspondence and that is a request for special legislation uh be the legal voting age local voting age um for context for anyone listening at town meeting the town passes petion to instruct the select board petition the states to allow sundland to allow 16 and 17 year olds to vote only in town elections and town meeting um and so this letter is our letter per that petition to Joe comford and Nat BL asking them to submit legislation on our behalf to the states asking for special compensation from them to allow us do this that sound right yes beautiful all right got it all um and so this is just sort of a formality of the the board approving said letter and sitting at the door we've already discussed it we've already back it and all that kind of stuff um anything you want to go over about that Jeff or no all right any discussion on that before we send them off all right wonderful um One Last Thing Before we vote on that and that's just uh for context both Conway and weightly also passed the same legislation as well they're the same you know petition as well and so they will likely also be sending letters to the same or I think they're both are they both out these I think so iy has not meeting yet wait hasn't yet they have it there in a couple weeks on Tuesday and you guys didn't I know de anyways there's at least one of town I thought it was two but there least one of other town that did also pass it um and just again for context part of the point of this was that there have been a bunch of times whove already passed it but there has to be sort of a critical mass for the state to take it seriously and we're kind of signing on to a larger effort to get sa to actually get all right any other discussion before we all right at this time I would entertain a motion to uh send the letter um the local voting age to our representative and sender motion to send the letter to our two reps about the local voting age for 16 1 second we have motion made and seconded all in favor I nothing yes thank you very much for that um any final public comment while we're here all right beautiful anyone on the phone once we have a motion made toour all those in second second toour all those in favor I all nothing yes our next meeting will be Monday June 17 at 6:30 pm.